// @ts-nocheck 'use strict'; const _ = require('lodash'); const optionsMatches = require('../../utils/optionsMatches'); const report = require('../../utils/report'); const ruleMessages = require('../../utils/ruleMessages'); const styleSearch = require('style-search'); const validateOptions = require('../../utils/validateOptions'); const ruleName = 'max-empty-lines'; const messages = ruleMessages(ruleName, { expected: (max) => `Expected no more than ${max} empty ${max === 1 ? 'line' : 'lines'}`, }); function rule(max, options, context) { let emptyLines = 0; let lastIndex = -1; return (root, result) => { const validOptions = validateOptions( result, ruleName, { actual: max, possible: _.isNumber, }, { actual: options, possible: { ignore: ['comments'], }, optional: true, }, ); if (!validOptions) { return; } const ignoreComments = optionsMatches(options, 'ignore', 'comments'); const getChars = _.partial(replaceEmptyLines, max); /** * 1. walk nodes & replace enterchar * 2. deal with special case. */ if (context.fix) { root.walk((node) => { if (node.type === 'comment') { // for inline comments if (node.raws.inline) { node.raws.before = getChars(node.raws.before); } if (!ignoreComments) { node.raws.left = getChars(node.raws.left); node.raws.right = getChars(node.raws.right); } } else { if (node.raws.before) { node.raws.before = getChars(node.raws.before); } if (node.raws.after) { node.raws.after = getChars(node.raws.after); } } }); // first node const firstNodeRawsBefore = _.get(root, 'first.raws.before'); // root raws const rootRawsAfter = _.get(root, 'raws.after'); // not document node if (_.get(root, 'document.constructor.name') !== 'Document') { if (firstNodeRawsBefore) { _.set(root, 'first.raws.before', getChars(firstNodeRawsBefore, true)); } if (rootRawsAfter) { // when max setted 0, should be treated as 1 in this situation. _.set(root, 'raws.after', replaceEmptyLines(max === 0 ? 1 : max, rootRawsAfter, true)); } } else if (rootRawsAfter) { // `css in js` or `html` _.set(root, 'raws.after', replaceEmptyLines(max === 0 ? 1 : max, rootRawsAfter)); } return; } emptyLines = 0; lastIndex = -1; const rootString = root.toString(); styleSearch( { source: rootString, target: /\r\n/.test(rootString) ? '\r\n' : '\n', comments: ignoreComments ? 'skip' : 'check', }, (match) => { checkMatch(rootString, match.startIndex, match.endIndex, root); }, ); function checkMatch(source, matchStartIndex, matchEndIndex, node) { const eof = matchEndIndex === source.length; let violation = false; // Additional check for beginning of file if (!matchStartIndex || lastIndex === matchStartIndex) { emptyLines++; } else { emptyLines = 0; } lastIndex = matchEndIndex; if (emptyLines > max) violation = true; if (!eof && !violation) return; if (violation) { report({ message: messages.expected(max), node, index: matchStartIndex, result, ruleName, }); } // Additional check for end of file if (eof && max) { emptyLines++; if (emptyLines > max && isEofNode(result.root, node)) { report({ message: messages.expected(max), node, index: matchEndIndex, result, ruleName, }); } } } function replaceEmptyLines(max, str, isSpecialCase = false) { const repeatTimes = isSpecialCase ? max : max + 1; if (repeatTimes === 0 || typeof str !== 'string') { return ''; } const emptyLFLines = '\n'.repeat(repeatTimes); const emptyCRLFLines = '\r\n'.repeat(repeatTimes); let result; if (/(\r\n)+/g.test(str)) { result = str.replace(/(\r\n)+/g, ($1) => { if ($1.length / 2 > repeatTimes) { return emptyCRLFLines; } return $1; }); } else { result = str.replace(/(\n)+/g, ($1) => { if ($1.length > repeatTimes) { return emptyLFLines; } return $1; }); } return result; } }; } /** * Checks whether the given node is the last node of file. * @param {Document|null} document the document node with `postcss-html` and `postcss-jsx`. * @param {Root} root the root node of css */ function isEofNode(document, root) { if (!document || document.constructor.name !== 'Document') { return true; } // In the `postcss-html` and `postcss-jsx` syntax, checks that there is text after the given node. let after; if (root === document.last) { after = _.get(document, 'raws.afterEnd'); } else { const rootIndex = document.index(root); after = _.get(document.nodes[rootIndex + 1], 'raws.beforeStart'); } return !String(after).trim(); } rule.ruleName = ruleName; rule.messages = messages; module.exports = rule;