'use strict'; const _ = require('lodash'); const ignoredOptions = ['severity', 'message', 'reportDisables']; /** @typedef {{possible: any, actual: any, optional: boolean}} Options */ /** * Validate a rule's options. * * See existing rules for examples. * * @param {import('stylelint').PostcssResult} result - postcss result * @param {string} ruleName * @param {...Options} optionDescriptions - Each optionDescription can * have the following properties: * - `actual` (required): the actual passed option value or object. * - `possible` (required): a schema representation of what values are * valid for those options. `possible` should be an object if the * options are an object, with corresponding keys; if the options are not an * object, `possible` isn't, either. All `possible` value representations * should be **arrays of either values or functions**. Values are === checked * against `actual`. Functions are fed `actual` as an argument and their * return value is interpreted: truthy = valid, falsy = invalid. * - `optional` (optional): If this is `true`, `actual` can be undefined. * @return {boolean} Whether or not the options are valid (true = valid) */ module.exports = function (result, ruleName, ...optionDescriptions) { let noErrors = true; optionDescriptions.forEach((optionDescription) => { validate(optionDescription, ruleName, complain); }); /** * @param {string} message */ function complain(message) { noErrors = false; result.warn(message, { stylelintType: 'invalidOption', }); _.set(result, 'stylelint.stylelintError', true); } return noErrors; }; /** * @param {Options} opts * @param {string} ruleName * @param {(s: string) => void} complain */ function validate(opts, ruleName, complain) { const possible = opts.possible; const actual = opts.actual; const optional = opts.optional; if (actual === null || _.isEqual(actual, [null])) { return; } const nothingPossible = possible === undefined || (Array.isArray(possible) && possible.length === 0); if (nothingPossible && actual === true) { return; } if (actual === undefined) { if (nothingPossible || optional) { return; } complain(`Expected option value for rule "${ruleName}"`); return; } if (nothingPossible) { if (optional) { complain( `Incorrect configuration for rule "${ruleName}". Rule should have "possible" values for options validation`, ); return; } complain(`Unexpected option value "${String(actual)}" for rule "${ruleName}"`); return; } // If `possible` is a function ... if (_.isFunction(possible)) { if (!possible(actual)) { complain(`Invalid option "${JSON.stringify(actual)}" for rule ${ruleName}`); } return; } // If `possible` is an array instead of an object ... if (!_.isPlainObject(possible)) { [].concat(actual).forEach((a) => { if (isValid(possible, a)) { return; } complain(`Invalid option value "${String(a)}" for rule "${ruleName}"`); }); return; } // If actual is NOT an object ... if (typeof actual !== 'object') { complain( `Invalid option value ${JSON.stringify(actual)} for rule "${ruleName}": should be an object`, ); return; } Object.keys(actual).forEach((optionName) => { if (ignoredOptions.includes(optionName)) { return; } if (!possible[optionName]) { complain(`Invalid option name "${optionName}" for rule "${ruleName}"`); return; } const actualOptionValue = actual[optionName]; [].concat(actualOptionValue).forEach((a) => { if (isValid(possible[optionName], a)) { return; } complain(`Invalid value "${a}" for option "${optionName}" of rule "${ruleName}"`); }); }); } /** * @param {any|Function} possible * @param {any} actual * @returns {boolean} */ function isValid(possible, actual) { const possibleList = /** @type {Array} */ ([]).concat(possible); for (let i = 0, l = possibleList.length; i < l; i++) { const possibility = possibleList[i]; if (typeof possibility === 'function' && possibility(actual)) { return true; } if (actual === possibility) { return true; } } return false; }