4.1.0 * Fix the problem that `mergeOptions` didn't use the correct options if the instance is inited on-the-fly. * Expose ZRender events via `zr:` prefixed events. * Update to `echarts@4.5.0` (only affects the bundled version). 4.0.4 * Update to `echarts@4.3.0` (only affects the bundled version). 4.0.3 * Update to `resize-detector@0.1.10`. 4.0.2 * Make `manual-update` truely responsive. 4.0.1 * Fix `legendscroll` event. 4.0.0 * Release 4.0.0. 4.0.0-beta.1 * Fix autoresize. 4.0.0-beta.0 * Move `echarts` into `peerDependencies`. **BREAKING** * Rename `auto-resize` to `autoresize`. **BREAKING** * Point `module` entry to the source version. **BREAKING** * Switch to Vue CLI 3 for demo. 3.1.2 * Fix the problem that `setOption` is always called with `notMerge: true`. 3.1.1 * Fix the problem that `options` are not watched as expected. 3.1.0 * Add `manual-update` prop to handle performance critical scenarios. * Deprecate `watch-shallow` prop as it was actually not working as expected. * Fix the computed getters by using `Object.defineProperties` directly instead of Vue's `computed` as it no longer works as expected after Vue 2.0. * Remove `chart` from `data` to gain a performance boost. 3.0.9 * Update to `resize-detector@0.1.7` to better handle initial resize callback. 3.0.8 * Add new events and API to adapt the latest version of ECharts. 3.0.7 * Only apply optimization introduce in last version for charts resize from `0` area. 3.0.6 * Optimize `auto-resize` for initially hidden (`display: none`) charts. 3.0.5 * Update to `resize-detector@0.1.5`. 3.0.4 * Fix misused `MutationObserver` (#200). 3.0.3 * Update to `resize-detector@0.1.2`. 3.0.2 * Update ECharts to `4.0.2`. 3.0.1 * Fix npm distribution. 3.0.0 * Added support for ECharts 4. * `auto-resize` now listens to element size change instead of window. * Remove deprecated `chart` prefixed events. 2.6.0 * Added `watchShallow` prop to manually disable deep watch on `options` to optimize performance for charts with large amout of data. * Made all props reactive. * Updated ECharts dependency to `^3.8.5`. 2.5.1 * Updated ECharts dependency to `3.8.2`+ to fix module breaking change introduced in `3.8.0`. 2.5.0 * Fixed collision with Vue's internal methods by removing `_` prefix. * `mergeOptions` now accept same arguments as ECharts' `setOption` method. * Updated ECharts dependency to 3.7.2+. 2.4.1 * Made `theme` reactive. * Added `focusnodeadjacency` & `unfocusnodeadjacency` events. * Fixed the problem that charts won't refresh after `keep-alive` components are activated. 2.4.0 * Add `computedOptions`. 2.3.9 * Replace publish npm scripts with shell commands to prevent failure upon npm install. 2.3.8 * Fixed the problem that styles are missing for precompiled version. 2.3.7 * Switch back to `Vue.util.warn`. * Switch build tool to rollup. 2.3.6 * Hot fix for last version. Use `console.warn` temporarily. 2.3.5 * Mark Vue as an external dependency in webpack config. 2.3.4 * Use `Vue.util.warn` directly. 2.3.3 * Fix NPM package. 2.3.2 * Fix the implementation of `disconnect`. 2.3.1 * Correctly dispose ECharts instance before component is destroyed. * Fix the problem that `group` is not properly initialized. 2.3.0 * As native events are now not listened by `v-on` in Vue.js 2.0, change mouse events name to original ones (keeping emitting `chart*` events for now). * Fix getter for `width` / `height` / `isDisposed`. * `options` is now optional to initialize the component and the chart will be initialized automatically when `options` is set. 2.2.0 * Add `auto-resize`. * Refined demo. 2.1.0 * Fix `disconnect`. * When importing `ECharts.vue`, only ECharts core will be imported instead of the whole ECharts bundle. 2.0.0 * Update Vue dependency to `2.0.1`. * Add support for new methods & events for ECharts. * Fix missing arguments for some APIs. 0.1.2 * Update ECharts version. * Remove unnecessary files from NPM package. 0.1.1 * Fix usage in README. 0.1.0 * First version.