const qs = require('querystring') const loaderUtils = require('loader-utils') const { resolveCompiler } = require('../compiler') const { getDescriptor } = require('../descriptorCache') const { resolveScript } = require('../resolveScript') // Loader that compiles raw template into JavaScript functions. // This is injected by the global pitcher (../pitch) for template // selection requests initiated from vue files. module.exports = function (source) { const loaderContext = this const filename = this.resourcePath const ctx = this.rootContext const query = qs.parse(this.resourceQuery.slice(1)) // although this is not the main vue-loader, we can get access to the same // vue-loader options because we've set an ident in the plugin and used that // ident to create the request for this loader in the pitcher. const options = loaderUtils.getOptions(loaderContext) || {} const { id } = query const isServer = === 'node' const isProduction = options.productionMode || loaderContext.minimize || process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' const isFunctional = query.functional const compilerOptions = Object.assign( { outputSourceRange: true }, options.compilerOptions, { scopeId: query.scoped ? `data-v-${id}` : null, comments: query.comments } ) const { compiler, templateCompiler } = resolveCompiler(ctx, loaderContext) const descriptor = getDescriptor(filename, options, loaderContext) const script = resolveScript(descriptor, id, options, loaderContext) // for vue/compiler-sfc OR @vue/component-compiler-utils const finalOptions = { source, filename: this.resourcePath, compiler: options.compiler || templateCompiler, compilerOptions, // allow customizing behavior of vue-template-es2015-compiler transpileOptions: options.transpileOptions, transformAssetUrls: options.transformAssetUrls || true, isProduction, isFunctional, optimizeSSR: isServer && options.optimizeSSR !== false, prettify: options.prettify, bindings: script ? script.bindings : undefined } const compiled = compiler.compileTemplate(finalOptions) // tips if ( && { => { loaderContext.emitWarning(typeof tip === 'object' ? tip.msg : tip) }) } // errors if (compiled.errors && compiled.errors.length) { const generateCodeFrame = (templateCompiler && templateCompiler.generateCodeFrame) || compiler.generateCodeFrame // 2.6 compiler outputs errors as objects with range if (generateCodeFrame && finalOptions.compilerOptions.outputSourceRange) { // TODO account for line offset in case template isn't placed at top // of the file loaderContext.emitError( `\n\n Errors compiling template:\n\n` + compiled.errors .map(({ msg, start, end }) => { const frame = generateCodeFrame(source, start, end) return ` ${msg}\n\n${pad(frame)}` }) .join(`\n\n`) + '\n' ) } else { loaderContext.emitError( `\n Error compiling template:\n${pad(compiled.source)}\n` + => ` - ${e}`).join('\n') + '\n' ) } } const { code } = compiled // finish with ESM exports return code + `\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }` } function pad(source) { return source .split(/\r?\n/) .map((line) => ` ${line}`) .join('\n') }