import { Parser, NodeSet, NodeType, DefaultBufferLength, NodeProp, Tree, IterMode } from '@lezer/common'; /// A parse stack. These are used internally by the parser to track /// parsing progress. They also provide some properties and methods /// that external code such as a tokenizer can use to get information /// about the parse state. class Stack { /// @internal constructor( /// The parse that this stack is part of @internal p, /// Holds state, input pos, buffer index triplets for all but the /// top state @internal stack, /// The current parse state @internal state, // The position at which the next reduce should take place. This // can be less than `this.pos` when skipped expressions have been // added to the stack (which should be moved outside of the next // reduction) /// @internal reducePos, /// The input position up to which this stack has parsed. pos, /// The dynamic score of the stack, including dynamic precedence /// and error-recovery penalties /// @internal score, // The output buffer. Holds (type, start, end, size) quads // representing nodes created by the parser, where `size` is // amount of buffer array entries covered by this node. /// @internal buffer, // The base offset of the buffer. When stacks are split, the split // instance shared the buffer history with its parent up to // `bufferBase`, which is the absolute offset (including the // offset of previous splits) into the buffer at which this stack // starts writing. /// @internal bufferBase, /// @internal curContext, /// @internal lookAhead = 0, // A parent stack from which this was split off, if any. This is // set up so that it always points to a stack that has some // additional buffer content, never to a stack with an equal // `bufferBase`. /// @internal parent) { this.p = p; this.stack = stack; this.state = state; this.reducePos = reducePos; this.pos = pos; this.score = score; this.buffer = buffer; this.bufferBase = bufferBase; this.curContext = curContext; this.lookAhead = lookAhead; this.parent = parent; } /// @internal toString() { return `[${this.stack.filter((_, i) => i % 3 == 0).concat(this.state)}]@${this.pos}${this.score ? "!" + this.score : ""}`; } // Start an empty stack /// @internal static start(p, state, pos = 0) { let cx = p.parser.context; return new Stack(p, [], state, pos, pos, 0, [], 0, cx ? new StackContext(cx, cx.start) : null, 0, null); } /// The stack's current [context](#lr.ContextTracker) value, if /// any. Its type will depend on the context tracker's type /// parameter, or it will be `null` if there is no context /// tracker. get context() { return this.curContext ? this.curContext.context : null; } // Push a state onto the stack, tracking its start position as well // as the buffer base at that point. /// @internal pushState(state, start) { this.stack.push(this.state, start, this.bufferBase + this.buffer.length); this.state = state; } // Apply a reduce action /// @internal reduce(action) { let depth = action >> 19 /* ReduceDepthShift */, type = action & 65535 /* ValueMask */; let { parser } = this.p; let dPrec = parser.dynamicPrecedence(type); if (dPrec) this.score += dPrec; if (depth == 0) { this.pushState(parser.getGoto(this.state, type, true), this.reducePos); // Zero-depth reductions are a special case—they add stuff to // the stack without popping anything off. if (type < parser.minRepeatTerm) this.storeNode(type, this.reducePos, this.reducePos, 4, true); this.reduceContext(type, this.reducePos); return; } // Find the base index into `this.stack`, content after which will // be dropped. Note that with `StayFlag` reductions we need to // consume two extra frames (the dummy parent node for the skipped // expression and the state that we'll be staying in, which should // be moved to `this.state`). let base = this.stack.length - ((depth - 1) * 3) - (action & 262144 /* StayFlag */ ? 6 : 0); let start = this.stack[base - 2]; let bufferBase = this.stack[base - 1], count = this.bufferBase + this.buffer.length - bufferBase; // Store normal terms or `R -> R R` repeat reductions if (type < parser.minRepeatTerm || (action & 131072 /* RepeatFlag */)) { let pos = parser.stateFlag(this.state, 1 /* Skipped */) ? this.pos : this.reducePos; this.storeNode(type, start, pos, count + 4, true); } if (action & 262144 /* StayFlag */) { this.state = this.stack[base]; } else { let baseStateID = this.stack[base - 3]; this.state = parser.getGoto(baseStateID, type, true); } while (this.stack.length > base) this.stack.pop(); this.reduceContext(type, start); } // Shift a value into the buffer /// @internal storeNode(term, start, end, size = 4, isReduce = false) { if (term == 0 /* Err */ && (!this.stack.length || this.stack[this.stack.length - 1] < this.buffer.length + this.bufferBase)) { // Try to omit/merge adjacent error nodes let cur = this, top = this.buffer.length; if (top == 0 && cur.parent) { top = cur.bufferBase - cur.parent.bufferBase; cur = cur.parent; } if (top > 0 && cur.buffer[top - 4] == 0 /* Err */ && cur.buffer[top - 1] > -1) { if (start == end) return; if (cur.buffer[top - 2] >= start) { cur.buffer[top - 2] = end; return; } } } if (!isReduce || this.pos == end) { // Simple case, just append this.buffer.push(term, start, end, size); } else { // There may be skipped nodes that have to be moved forward let index = this.buffer.length; if (index > 0 && this.buffer[index - 4] != 0 /* Err */) while (index > 0 && this.buffer[index - 2] > end) { // Move this record forward this.buffer[index] = this.buffer[index - 4]; this.buffer[index + 1] = this.buffer[index - 3]; this.buffer[index + 2] = this.buffer[index - 2]; this.buffer[index + 3] = this.buffer[index - 1]; index -= 4; if (size > 4) size -= 4; } this.buffer[index] = term; this.buffer[index + 1] = start; this.buffer[index + 2] = end; this.buffer[index + 3] = size; } } // Apply a shift action /// @internal shift(action, next, nextEnd) { let start = this.pos; if (action & 131072 /* GotoFlag */) { this.pushState(action & 65535 /* ValueMask */, this.pos); } else if ((action & 262144 /* StayFlag */) == 0) { // Regular shift let nextState = action, { parser } = this.p; if (nextEnd > this.pos || next <= parser.maxNode) { this.pos = nextEnd; if (!parser.stateFlag(nextState, 1 /* Skipped */)) this.reducePos = nextEnd; } this.pushState(nextState, start); this.shiftContext(next, start); if (next <= parser.maxNode) this.buffer.push(next, start, nextEnd, 4); } else { // Shift-and-stay, which means this is a skipped token this.pos = nextEnd; this.shiftContext(next, start); if (next <= this.p.parser.maxNode) this.buffer.push(next, start, nextEnd, 4); } } // Apply an action /// @internal apply(action, next, nextEnd) { if (action & 65536 /* ReduceFlag */) this.reduce(action); else this.shift(action, next, nextEnd); } // Add a prebuilt (reused) node into the buffer. /// @internal useNode(value, next) { let index = this.p.reused.length - 1; if (index < 0 || this.p.reused[index] != value) { this.p.reused.push(value); index++; } let start = this.pos; this.reducePos = this.pos = start + value.length; this.pushState(next, start); this.buffer.push(index, start, this.reducePos, -1 /* size == -1 means this is a reused value */); if (this.curContext) this.updateContext(this.curContext.tracker.reuse(this.curContext.context, value, this, - value.length))); } // Split the stack. Due to the buffer sharing and the fact // that `this.stack` tends to stay quite shallow, this isn't very // expensive. /// @internal split() { let parent = this; let off = parent.buffer.length; // Because the top of the buffer (after this.pos) may be mutated // to reorder reductions and skipped tokens, and shared buffers // should be immutable, this copies any outstanding skipped tokens // to the new buffer, and puts the base pointer before them. while (off > 0 && parent.buffer[off - 2] > parent.reducePos) off -= 4; let buffer = parent.buffer.slice(off), base = parent.bufferBase + off; // Make sure parent points to an actual parent with content, if there is such a parent. while (parent && base == parent.bufferBase) parent = parent.parent; return new Stack(this.p, this.stack.slice(), this.state, this.reducePos, this.pos, this.score, buffer, base, this.curContext, this.lookAhead, parent); } // Try to recover from an error by 'deleting' (ignoring) one token. /// @internal recoverByDelete(next, nextEnd) { let isNode = next <= this.p.parser.maxNode; if (isNode) this.storeNode(next, this.pos, nextEnd, 4); this.storeNode(0 /* Err */, this.pos, nextEnd, isNode ? 8 : 4); this.pos = this.reducePos = nextEnd; this.score -= 190 /* Delete */; } /// Check if the given term would be able to be shifted (optionally /// after some reductions) on this stack. This can be useful for /// external tokenizers that want to make sure they only provide a /// given token when it applies. canShift(term) { for (let sim = new SimulatedStack(this);;) { let action = this.p.parser.stateSlot(sim.state, 4 /* DefaultReduce */) || this.p.parser.hasAction(sim.state, term); if ((action & 65536 /* ReduceFlag */) == 0) return true; if (action == 0) return false; sim.reduce(action); } } // Apply up to Recover.MaxNext recovery actions that conceptually // inserts some missing token or rule. /// @internal recoverByInsert(next) { if (this.stack.length >= 300 /* MaxInsertStackDepth */) return []; let nextStates = this.p.parser.nextStates(this.state); if (nextStates.length > 4 /* MaxNext */ << 1 || this.stack.length >= 120 /* DampenInsertStackDepth */) { let best = []; for (let i = 0, s; i < nextStates.length; i += 2) { if ((s = nextStates[i + 1]) != this.state && this.p.parser.hasAction(s, next)) best.push(nextStates[i], s); } if (this.stack.length < 120 /* DampenInsertStackDepth */) for (let i = 0; best.length < 4 /* MaxNext */ << 1 && i < nextStates.length; i += 2) { let s = nextStates[i + 1]; if (!best.some((v, i) => (i & 1) && v == s)) best.push(nextStates[i], s); } nextStates = best; } let result = []; for (let i = 0; i < nextStates.length && result.length < 4 /* MaxNext */; i += 2) { let s = nextStates[i + 1]; if (s == this.state) continue; let stack = this.split(); stack.pushState(s, this.pos); stack.storeNode(0 /* Err */, stack.pos, stack.pos, 4, true); stack.shiftContext(nextStates[i], this.pos); stack.score -= 200 /* Insert */; result.push(stack); } return result; } // Force a reduce, if possible. Return false if that can't // be done. /// @internal forceReduce() { let reduce = this.p.parser.stateSlot(this.state, 5 /* ForcedReduce */); if ((reduce & 65536 /* ReduceFlag */) == 0) return false; let { parser } = this.p; if (!parser.validAction(this.state, reduce)) { let depth = reduce >> 19 /* ReduceDepthShift */, term = reduce & 65535 /* ValueMask */; let target = this.stack.length - depth * 3; if (target < 0 || parser.getGoto(this.stack[target], term, false) < 0) return false; this.storeNode(0 /* Err */, this.reducePos, this.reducePos, 4, true); this.score -= 100 /* Reduce */; } this.reducePos = this.pos; this.reduce(reduce); return true; } /// @internal forceAll() { while (!this.p.parser.stateFlag(this.state, 2 /* Accepting */)) { if (!this.forceReduce()) { this.storeNode(0 /* Err */, this.pos, this.pos, 4, true); break; } } return this; } /// Check whether this state has no further actions (assumed to be a direct descendant of the /// top state, since any other states must be able to continue /// somehow). @internal get deadEnd() { if (this.stack.length != 3) return false; let { parser } = this.p; return[parser.stateSlot(this.state, 1 /* Actions */)] == 65535 /* End */ && !parser.stateSlot(this.state, 4 /* DefaultReduce */); } /// Restart the stack (put it back in its start state). Only safe /// when this.stack.length == 3 (state is directly below the top /// state). @internal restart() { this.state = this.stack[0]; this.stack.length = 0; } /// @internal sameState(other) { if (this.state != other.state || this.stack.length != other.stack.length) return false; for (let i = 0; i < this.stack.length; i += 3) if (this.stack[i] != other.stack[i]) return false; return true; } /// Get the parser used by this stack. get parser() { return this.p.parser; } /// Test whether a given dialect (by numeric ID, as exported from /// the terms file) is enabled. dialectEnabled(dialectID) { return this.p.parser.dialect.flags[dialectID]; } shiftContext(term, start) { if (this.curContext) this.updateContext(this.curContext.tracker.shift(this.curContext.context, term, this,; } reduceContext(term, start) { if (this.curContext) this.updateContext(this.curContext.tracker.reduce(this.curContext.context, term, this,; } /// @internal emitContext() { let last = this.buffer.length - 1; if (last < 0 || this.buffer[last] != -3) this.buffer.push(this.curContext.hash, this.reducePos, this.reducePos, -3); } /// @internal emitLookAhead() { let last = this.buffer.length - 1; if (last < 0 || this.buffer[last] != -4) this.buffer.push(this.lookAhead, this.reducePos, this.reducePos, -4); } updateContext(context) { if (context != this.curContext.context) { let newCx = new StackContext(this.curContext.tracker, context); if (newCx.hash != this.curContext.hash) this.emitContext(); this.curContext = newCx; } } /// @internal setLookAhead(lookAhead) { if (lookAhead > this.lookAhead) { this.emitLookAhead(); this.lookAhead = lookAhead; } } /// @internal close() { if (this.curContext && this.curContext.tracker.strict) this.emitContext(); if (this.lookAhead > 0) this.emitLookAhead(); } } class StackContext { constructor(tracker, context) { this.tracker = tracker; this.context = context; this.hash = tracker.strict ? tracker.hash(context) : 0; } } var Recover; (function (Recover) { Recover[Recover["Insert"] = 200] = "Insert"; Recover[Recover["Delete"] = 190] = "Delete"; Recover[Recover["Reduce"] = 100] = "Reduce"; Recover[Recover["MaxNext"] = 4] = "MaxNext"; Recover[Recover["MaxInsertStackDepth"] = 300] = "MaxInsertStackDepth"; Recover[Recover["DampenInsertStackDepth"] = 120] = "DampenInsertStackDepth"; })(Recover || (Recover = {})); // Used to cheaply run some reductions to scan ahead without mutating // an entire stack class SimulatedStack { constructor(start) { this.start = start; this.state = start.state; this.stack = start.stack; this.base = this.stack.length; } reduce(action) { let term = action & 65535 /* ValueMask */, depth = action >> 19 /* ReduceDepthShift */; if (depth == 0) { if (this.stack == this.start.stack) this.stack = this.stack.slice(); this.stack.push(this.state, 0, 0); this.base += 3; } else { this.base -= (depth - 1) * 3; } let goto = this.start.p.parser.getGoto(this.stack[this.base - 3], term, true); this.state = goto; } } // This is given to `` to build a buffer, and encapsulates // the parent-stack-walking necessary to read the nodes. class StackBufferCursor { constructor(stack, pos, index) { this.stack = stack; this.pos = pos; this.index = index; this.buffer = stack.buffer; if (this.index == 0) this.maybeNext(); } static create(stack, pos = stack.bufferBase + stack.buffer.length) { return new StackBufferCursor(stack, pos, pos - stack.bufferBase); } maybeNext() { let next = this.stack.parent; if (next != null) { this.index = this.stack.bufferBase - next.bufferBase; this.stack = next; this.buffer = next.buffer; } } get id() { return this.buffer[this.index - 4]; } get start() { return this.buffer[this.index - 3]; } get end() { return this.buffer[this.index - 2]; } get size() { return this.buffer[this.index - 1]; } next() { this.index -= 4; this.pos -= 4; if (this.index == 0) this.maybeNext(); } fork() { return new StackBufferCursor(this.stack, this.pos, this.index); } } class CachedToken { constructor() { this.start = -1; this.value = -1; this.end = -1; this.extended = -1; this.lookAhead = 0; this.mask = 0; this.context = 0; } } const nullToken = new CachedToken; /// [Tokenizers](#lr.ExternalTokenizer) interact with the input /// through this interface. It presents the input as a stream of /// characters, tracking lookahead and hiding the complexity of /// [ranges](#common.Parser.parse^ranges) from tokenizer code. class InputStream { /// @internal constructor( /// @internal input, /// @internal ranges) { this.input = input; this.ranges = ranges; /// @internal this.chunk = ""; /// @internal this.chunkOff = 0; /// Backup chunk this.chunk2 = ""; this.chunk2Pos = 0; /// The character code of the next code unit in the input, or -1 /// when the stream is at the end of the input. = -1; /// @internal this.token = nullToken; this.rangeIndex = 0; this.pos = this.chunkPos = ranges[0].from; this.range = ranges[0]; this.end = ranges[ranges.length - 1].to; this.readNext(); } resolveOffset(offset, assoc) { let range = this.range, index = this.rangeIndex; let pos = this.pos + offset; while (pos < range.from) { if (!index) return null; let next = this.ranges[--index]; pos -= range.from -; range = next; } while (assoc < 0 ? pos > : pos >= { if (index == this.ranges.length - 1) return null; let next = this.ranges[++index]; pos += next.from -; range = next; } return pos; } /// Look at a code unit near the stream position. `.peek(0)` equals /// `.next`, `.peek(-1)` gives you the previous character, and so /// on. /// /// Note that looking around during tokenizing creates dependencies /// on potentially far-away content, which may reduce the /// effectiveness incremental parsing—when looking forward—or even /// cause invalid reparses when looking backward more than 25 code /// units, since the library does not track lookbehind. peek(offset) { let idx = this.chunkOff + offset, pos, result; if (idx >= 0 && idx < this.chunk.length) { pos = this.pos + offset; result = this.chunk.charCodeAt(idx); } else { let resolved = this.resolveOffset(offset, 1); if (resolved == null) return -1; pos = resolved; if (pos >= this.chunk2Pos && pos < this.chunk2Pos + this.chunk2.length) { result = this.chunk2.charCodeAt(pos - this.chunk2Pos); } else { let i = this.rangeIndex, range = this.range; while ( <= pos) range = this.ranges[++i]; this.chunk2 = this.input.chunk(this.chunk2Pos = pos); if (pos + this.chunk2.length > this.chunk2 = this.chunk2.slice(0, - pos); result = this.chunk2.charCodeAt(0); } } if (pos >= this.token.lookAhead) this.token.lookAhead = pos + 1; return result; } /// Accept a token. By default, the end of the token is set to the /// current stream position, but you can pass an offset (relative to /// the stream position) to change that. acceptToken(token, endOffset = 0) { let end = endOffset ? this.resolveOffset(endOffset, -1) : this.pos; if (end == null || end < this.token.start) throw new RangeError("Token end out of bounds"); this.token.value = token; this.token.end = end; } getChunk() { if (this.pos >= this.chunk2Pos && this.pos < this.chunk2Pos + this.chunk2.length) { let { chunk, chunkPos } = this; this.chunk = this.chunk2; this.chunkPos = this.chunk2Pos; this.chunk2 = chunk; this.chunk2Pos = chunkPos; this.chunkOff = this.pos - this.chunkPos; } else { this.chunk2 = this.chunk; this.chunk2Pos = this.chunkPos; let nextChunk = this.input.chunk(this.pos); let end = this.pos + nextChunk.length; this.chunk = end > ? nextChunk.slice(0, - this.pos) : nextChunk; this.chunkPos = this.pos; this.chunkOff = 0; } } readNext() { if (this.chunkOff >= this.chunk.length) { this.getChunk(); if (this.chunkOff == this.chunk.length) return = -1; } return = this.chunk.charCodeAt(this.chunkOff); } /// Move the stream forward N (defaults to 1) code units. Returns /// the new value of [`next`]( advance(n = 1) { this.chunkOff += n; while (this.pos + n >= { if (this.rangeIndex == this.ranges.length - 1) return this.setDone(); n -= - this.pos; this.range = this.ranges[++this.rangeIndex]; this.pos = this.range.from; } this.pos += n; if (this.pos >= this.token.lookAhead) this.token.lookAhead = this.pos + 1; return this.readNext(); } setDone() { this.pos = this.chunkPos = this.end; this.range = this.ranges[this.rangeIndex = this.ranges.length - 1]; this.chunk = ""; return = -1; } /// @internal reset(pos, token) { if (token) { this.token = token; token.start = pos; token.lookAhead = pos + 1; token.value = token.extended = -1; } else { this.token = nullToken; } if (this.pos != pos) { this.pos = pos; if (pos == this.end) { this.setDone(); return this; } while (pos < this.range.from) this.range = this.ranges[--this.rangeIndex]; while (pos >= this.range = this.ranges[++this.rangeIndex]; if (pos >= this.chunkPos && pos < this.chunkPos + this.chunk.length) { this.chunkOff = pos - this.chunkPos; } else { this.chunk = ""; this.chunkOff = 0; } this.readNext(); } return this; } /// @internal read(from, to) { if (from >= this.chunkPos && to <= this.chunkPos + this.chunk.length) return this.chunk.slice(from - this.chunkPos, to - this.chunkPos); if (from >= this.chunk2Pos && to <= this.chunk2Pos + this.chunk2.length) return this.chunk2.slice(from - this.chunk2Pos, to - this.chunk2Pos); if (from >= this.range.from && to <= return, to); let result = ""; for (let r of this.ranges) { if (r.from >= to) break; if ( > from) result +=, from), Math.min(, to)); } return result; } } /// @internal class TokenGroup { constructor(data, id) { = data; = id; } token(input, stack) { readToken(, input, stack,; } } TokenGroup.prototype.contextual = TokenGroup.prototype.fallback = TokenGroup.prototype.extend = false; /// `@external tokens` declarations in the grammar should resolve to /// an instance of this class. class ExternalTokenizer { /// Create a tokenizer. The first argument is the function that, /// given an input stream, scans for the types of tokens it /// recognizes at the stream's position, and calls /// [`acceptToken`](#lr.InputStream.acceptToken) when it finds /// one. constructor( /// @internal token, options = {}) { this.token = token; this.contextual = !!options.contextual; this.fallback = !!options.fallback; this.extend = !!options.extend; } } // Tokenizer data is stored a big uint16 array containing, for each // state: // // - A group bitmask, indicating what token groups are reachable from // this state, so that paths that can only lead to tokens not in // any of the current groups can be cut off early. // // - The position of the end of the state's sequence of accepting // tokens // // - The number of outgoing edges for the state // // - The accepting tokens, as (token id, group mask) pairs // // - The outgoing edges, as (start character, end character, state // index) triples, with end character being exclusive // // This function interprets that data, running through a stream as // long as new states with the a matching group mask can be reached, // and updating `token` when it matches a token. function readToken(data, input, stack, group) { let state = 0, groupMask = 1 << group, { parser } = stack.p, { dialect } = parser; scan: for (;;) { if ((groupMask & data[state]) == 0) break; let accEnd = data[state + 1]; // Check whether this state can lead to a token in the current group // Accept tokens in this state, possibly overwriting // lower-precedence / shorter tokens for (let i = state + 3; i < accEnd; i += 2) if ((data[i + 1] & groupMask) > 0) { let term = data[i]; if (dialect.allows(term) && (input.token.value == -1 || input.token.value == term || parser.overrides(term, input.token.value))) { input.acceptToken(term); break; } } // Do a binary search on the state's edges for (let next =, low = 0, high = data[state + 2]; low < high;) { let mid = (low + high) >> 1; let index = accEnd + mid + (mid << 1); let from = data[index], to = data[index + 1]; if (next < from) high = mid; else if (next >= to) low = mid + 1; else { state = data[index + 2]; input.advance(); continue scan; } } break; } } // See lezer-generator/src/encode.ts for comments about the encoding // used here function decodeArray(input, Type = Uint16Array) { if (typeof input != "string") return input; let array = null; for (let pos = 0, out = 0; pos < input.length;) { let value = 0; for (;;) { let next = input.charCodeAt(pos++), stop = false; if (next == 126 /* BigValCode */) { value = 65535 /* BigVal */; break; } if (next >= 92 /* Gap2 */) next--; if (next >= 34 /* Gap1 */) next--; let digit = next - 32 /* Start */; if (digit >= 46 /* Base */) { digit -= 46 /* Base */; stop = true; } value += digit; if (stop) break; value *= 46 /* Base */; } if (array) array[out++] = value; else array = new Type(value); } return array; } // Environment variable used to control console output const verbose = typeof process != "undefined" && process.env && /\bparse\b/.test(process.env.LOG); let stackIDs = null; var Safety; (function (Safety) { Safety[Safety["Margin"] = 25] = "Margin"; })(Safety || (Safety = {})); function cutAt(tree, pos, side) { let cursor = tree.cursor(IterMode.IncludeAnonymous); cursor.moveTo(pos); for (;;) { if (!(side < 0 ? cursor.childBefore(pos) : cursor.childAfter(pos))) for (;;) { if ((side < 0 ? < pos : cursor.from > pos) && !cursor.type.isError) return side < 0 ? Math.max(0, Math.min( - 1, pos - 25 /* Margin */)) : Math.min(tree.length, Math.max(cursor.from + 1, pos + 25 /* Margin */)); if (side < 0 ? cursor.prevSibling() : cursor.nextSibling()) break; if (!cursor.parent()) return side < 0 ? 0 : tree.length; } } } class FragmentCursor { constructor(fragments, nodeSet) { this.fragments = fragments; this.nodeSet = nodeSet; this.i = 0; this.fragment = null; this.safeFrom = -1; this.safeTo = -1; this.trees = []; this.start = []; this.index = []; this.nextFragment(); } nextFragment() { let fr = this.fragment = this.i == this.fragments.length ? null : this.fragments[this.i++]; if (fr) { this.safeFrom = fr.openStart ? cutAt(fr.tree, fr.from + fr.offset, 1) - fr.offset : fr.from; this.safeTo = fr.openEnd ? cutAt(fr.tree, + fr.offset, -1) - fr.offset :; while (this.trees.length) { this.trees.pop(); this.start.pop(); this.index.pop(); } this.trees.push(fr.tree); this.start.push(-fr.offset); this.index.push(0); this.nextStart = this.safeFrom; } else { this.nextStart = 1e9; } } // `pos` must be >= any previously given `pos` for this cursor nodeAt(pos) { if (pos < this.nextStart) return null; while (this.fragment && this.safeTo <= pos) this.nextFragment(); if (!this.fragment) return null; for (;;) { let last = this.trees.length - 1; if (last < 0) { // End of tree this.nextFragment(); return null; } let top = this.trees[last], index = this.index[last]; if (index == top.children.length) { this.trees.pop(); this.start.pop(); this.index.pop(); continue; } let next = top.children[index]; let start = this.start[last] + top.positions[index]; if (start > pos) { this.nextStart = start; return null; } if (next instanceof Tree) { if (start == pos) { if (start < this.safeFrom) return null; let end = start + next.length; if (end <= this.safeTo) { let lookAhead = next.prop(NodeProp.lookAhead); if (!lookAhead || end + lookAhead < return next; } } this.index[last]++; if (start + next.length >= Math.max(this.safeFrom, pos)) { // Enter this node this.trees.push(next); this.start.push(start); this.index.push(0); } } else { this.index[last]++; this.nextStart = start + next.length; } } } } class TokenCache { constructor(parser, stream) { = stream; this.tokens = []; this.mainToken = null; this.actions = []; this.tokens = => new CachedToken); } getActions(stack) { let actionIndex = 0; let main = null; let { parser } = stack.p, { tokenizers } = parser; let mask = parser.stateSlot(stack.state, 3 /* TokenizerMask */); let context = stack.curContext ? stack.curContext.hash : 0; let lookAhead = 0; for (let i = 0; i < tokenizers.length; i++) { if (((1 << i) & mask) == 0) continue; let tokenizer = tokenizers[i], token = this.tokens[i]; if (main && !tokenizer.fallback) continue; if (tokenizer.contextual || token.start != stack.pos || token.mask != mask || token.context != context) { this.updateCachedToken(token, tokenizer, stack); token.mask = mask; token.context = context; } if (token.lookAhead > token.end + 25 /* Margin */) lookAhead = Math.max(token.lookAhead, lookAhead); if (token.value != 0 /* Err */) { let startIndex = actionIndex; if (token.extended > -1) actionIndex = this.addActions(stack, token.extended, token.end, actionIndex); actionIndex = this.addActions(stack, token.value, token.end, actionIndex); if (!tokenizer.extend) { main = token; if (actionIndex > startIndex) break; } } } while (this.actions.length > actionIndex) this.actions.pop(); if (lookAhead) stack.setLookAhead(lookAhead); if (!main && stack.pos == { main = new CachedToken; main.value = stack.p.parser.eofTerm; main.start = main.end = stack.pos; actionIndex = this.addActions(stack, main.value, main.end, actionIndex); } this.mainToken = main; return this.actions; } getMainToken(stack) { if (this.mainToken) return this.mainToken; let main = new CachedToken, { pos, p } = stack; main.start = pos; main.end = Math.min(pos + 1,; main.value = pos == ? p.parser.eofTerm : 0 /* Err */; return main; } updateCachedToken(token, tokenizer, stack) { tokenizer.token(, token), stack); if (token.value > -1) { let { parser } = stack.p; for (let i = 0; i < parser.specialized.length; i++) if (parser.specialized[i] == token.value) { let result = parser.specializers[i](, token.end), stack); if (result >= 0 && stack.p.parser.dialect.allows(result >> 1)) { if ((result & 1) == 0 /* Specialize */) token.value = result >> 1; else token.extended = result >> 1; break; } } } else { token.value = 0 /* Err */; token.end = Math.min(, stack.pos + 1); } } putAction(action, token, end, index) { // Don't add duplicate actions for (let i = 0; i < index; i += 3) if (this.actions[i] == action) return index; this.actions[index++] = action; this.actions[index++] = token; this.actions[index++] = end; return index; } addActions(stack, token, end, index) { let { state } = stack, { parser } = stack.p, { data } = parser; for (let set = 0; set < 2; set++) { for (let i = parser.stateSlot(state, set ? 2 /* Skip */ : 1 /* Actions */);; i += 3) { if (data[i] == 65535 /* End */) { if (data[i + 1] == 1 /* Next */) { i = pair(data, i + 2); } else { if (index == 0 && data[i + 1] == 2 /* Other */) index = this.putAction(pair(data, i + 2), token, end, index); break; } } if (data[i] == token) index = this.putAction(pair(data, i + 1), token, end, index); } } return index; } } var Rec; (function (Rec) { Rec[Rec["Distance"] = 5] = "Distance"; Rec[Rec["MaxRemainingPerStep"] = 3] = "MaxRemainingPerStep"; // When two stacks have been running independently long enough to // add this many elements to their buffers, prune one. Rec[Rec["MinBufferLengthPrune"] = 500] = "MinBufferLengthPrune"; Rec[Rec["ForceReduceLimit"] = 10] = "ForceReduceLimit"; // Once a stack reaches this depth (in .stack.length) force-reduce // it back to CutTo to avoid creating trees that overflow the stack // on recursive traversal. Rec[Rec["CutDepth"] = 15000] = "CutDepth"; Rec[Rec["CutTo"] = 9000] = "CutTo"; })(Rec || (Rec = {})); class Parse { constructor(parser, input, fragments, ranges) { this.parser = parser; this.input = input; this.ranges = ranges; this.recovering = 0; this.nextStackID = 0x2654; // ♔, ♕, ♖, ♗, ♘, ♙, ♠, ♡, ♢, ♣, ♤, ♥, ♦, ♧ this.minStackPos = 0; this.reused = []; this.stoppedAt = null; = new InputStream(input, ranges); this.tokens = new TokenCache(parser,; this.topTerm =[1]; let { from } = ranges[0]; this.stacks = [Stack.start(this,[0], from)]; this.fragments = fragments.length && - from > parser.bufferLength * 4 ? new FragmentCursor(fragments, parser.nodeSet) : null; } get parsedPos() { return this.minStackPos; } // Move the parser forward. This will process all parse stacks at // `this.pos` and try to advance them to a further position. If no // stack for such a position is found, it'll start error-recovery. // // When the parse is finished, this will return a syntax tree. When // not, it returns `null`. advance() { let stacks = this.stacks, pos = this.minStackPos; // This will hold stacks beyond `pos`. let newStacks = this.stacks = []; let stopped, stoppedTokens; // Keep advancing any stacks at `pos` until they either move // forward or can't be advanced. Gather stacks that can't be // advanced further in `stopped`. for (let i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++) { let stack = stacks[i]; for (;;) { this.tokens.mainToken = null; if (stack.pos > pos) { newStacks.push(stack); } else if (this.advanceStack(stack, newStacks, stacks)) { continue; } else { if (!stopped) { stopped = []; stoppedTokens = []; } stopped.push(stack); let tok = this.tokens.getMainToken(stack); stoppedTokens.push(tok.value, tok.end); } break; } } if (!newStacks.length) { let finished = stopped && findFinished(stopped); if (finished) return this.stackToTree(finished); if (this.parser.strict) { if (verbose && stopped) console.log("Stuck with token " + (this.tokens.mainToken ? this.parser.getName(this.tokens.mainToken.value) : "none")); throw new SyntaxError("No parse at " + pos); } if (!this.recovering) this.recovering = 5 /* Distance */; } if (this.recovering && stopped) { let finished = this.stoppedAt != null && stopped[0].pos > this.stoppedAt ? stopped[0] : this.runRecovery(stopped, stoppedTokens, newStacks); if (finished) return this.stackToTree(finished.forceAll()); } if (this.recovering) { let maxRemaining = this.recovering == 1 ? 1 : this.recovering * 3 /* MaxRemainingPerStep */; if (newStacks.length > maxRemaining) { newStacks.sort((a, b) => b.score - a.score); while (newStacks.length > maxRemaining) newStacks.pop(); } if (newStacks.some(s => s.reducePos > pos)) this.recovering--; } else if (newStacks.length > 1) { // Prune stacks that are in the same state, or that have been // running without splitting for a while, to avoid getting stuck // with multiple successful stacks running endlessly on. outer: for (let i = 0; i < newStacks.length - 1; i++) { let stack = newStacks[i]; for (let j = i + 1; j < newStacks.length; j++) { let other = newStacks[j]; if (stack.sameState(other) || stack.buffer.length > 500 /* MinBufferLengthPrune */ && other.buffer.length > 500 /* MinBufferLengthPrune */) { if (((stack.score - other.score) || (stack.buffer.length - other.buffer.length)) > 0) { newStacks.splice(j--, 1); } else { newStacks.splice(i--, 1); continue outer; } } } } } this.minStackPos = newStacks[0].pos; for (let i = 1; i < newStacks.length; i++) if (newStacks[i].pos < this.minStackPos) this.minStackPos = newStacks[i].pos; return null; } stopAt(pos) { if (this.stoppedAt != null && this.stoppedAt < pos) throw new RangeError("Can't move stoppedAt forward"); this.stoppedAt = pos; } // Returns an updated version of the given stack, or null if the // stack can't advance normally. When `split` and `stacks` are // given, stacks split off by ambiguous operations will be pushed to // `split`, or added to `stacks` if they move `pos` forward. advanceStack(stack, stacks, split) { let start = stack.pos, { parser } = this; let base = verbose ? this.stackID(stack) + " -> " : ""; if (this.stoppedAt != null && start > this.stoppedAt) return stack.forceReduce() ? stack : null; if (this.fragments) { let strictCx = stack.curContext && stack.curContext.tracker.strict, cxHash = strictCx ? stack.curContext.hash : 0; for (let cached = this.fragments.nodeAt(start); cached;) { let match = this.parser.nodeSet.types[] == cached.type ? parser.getGoto(stack.state, : -1; if (match > -1 && cached.length && (!strictCx || (cached.prop(NodeProp.contextHash) || 0) == cxHash)) { stack.useNode(cached, match); if (verbose) console.log(base + this.stackID(stack) + ` (via reuse of ${parser.getName(})`); return true; } if (!(cached instanceof Tree) || cached.children.length == 0 || cached.positions[0] > 0) break; let inner = cached.children[0]; if (inner instanceof Tree && cached.positions[0] == 0) cached = inner; else break; } } let defaultReduce = parser.stateSlot(stack.state, 4 /* DefaultReduce */); if (defaultReduce > 0) { stack.reduce(defaultReduce); if (verbose) console.log(base + this.stackID(stack) + ` (via always-reduce ${parser.getName(defaultReduce & 65535 /* ValueMask */)})`); return true; } if (stack.stack.length >= 15000 /* CutDepth */) { while (stack.stack.length > 9000 /* CutTo */ && stack.forceReduce()) { } } let actions = this.tokens.getActions(stack); for (let i = 0; i < actions.length;) { let action = actions[i++], term = actions[i++], end = actions[i++]; let last = i == actions.length || !split; let localStack = last ? stack : stack.split(); localStack.apply(action, term, end); if (verbose) console.log(base + this.stackID(localStack) + ` (via ${(action & 65536 /* ReduceFlag */) == 0 ? "shift" : `reduce of ${parser.getName(action & 65535 /* ValueMask */)}`} for ${parser.getName(term)} @ ${start}${localStack == stack ? "" : ", split"})`); if (last) return true; else if (localStack.pos > start) stacks.push(localStack); else split.push(localStack); } return false; } // Advance a given stack forward as far as it will go. Returns the // (possibly updated) stack if it got stuck, or null if it moved // forward and was given to `pushStackDedup`. advanceFully(stack, newStacks) { let pos = stack.pos; for (;;) { if (!this.advanceStack(stack, null, null)) return false; if (stack.pos > pos) { pushStackDedup(stack, newStacks); return true; } } } runRecovery(stacks, tokens, newStacks) { let finished = null, restarted = false; for (let i = 0; i < stacks.length; i++) { let stack = stacks[i], token = tokens[i << 1], tokenEnd = tokens[(i << 1) + 1]; let base = verbose ? this.stackID(stack) + " -> " : ""; if (stack.deadEnd) { if (restarted) continue; restarted = true; stack.restart(); if (verbose) console.log(base + this.stackID(stack) + " (restarted)"); let done = this.advanceFully(stack, newStacks); if (done) continue; } let force = stack.split(), forceBase = base; for (let j = 0; force.forceReduce() && j < 10 /* ForceReduceLimit */; j++) { if (verbose) console.log(forceBase + this.stackID(force) + " (via force-reduce)"); let done = this.advanceFully(force, newStacks); if (done) break; if (verbose) forceBase = this.stackID(force) + " -> "; } for (let insert of stack.recoverByInsert(token)) { if (verbose) console.log(base + this.stackID(insert) + " (via recover-insert)"); this.advanceFully(insert, newStacks); } if ( > stack.pos) { if (tokenEnd == stack.pos) { tokenEnd++; token = 0 /* Err */; } stack.recoverByDelete(token, tokenEnd); if (verbose) console.log(base + this.stackID(stack) + ` (via recover-delete ${this.parser.getName(token)})`); pushStackDedup(stack, newStacks); } else if (!finished || finished.score < stack.score) { finished = stack; } } return finished; } // Convert the stack's buffer to a syntax tree. stackToTree(stack) { stack.close(); return{ buffer: StackBufferCursor.create(stack), nodeSet: this.parser.nodeSet, topID: this.topTerm, maxBufferLength: this.parser.bufferLength, reused: this.reused, start: this.ranges[0].from, length: stack.pos - this.ranges[0].from, minRepeatType: this.parser.minRepeatTerm }); } stackID(stack) { let id = (stackIDs || (stackIDs = new WeakMap)).get(stack); if (!id) stackIDs.set(stack, id = String.fromCodePoint(this.nextStackID++)); return id + stack; } } function pushStackDedup(stack, newStacks) { for (let i = 0; i < newStacks.length; i++) { let other = newStacks[i]; if (other.pos == stack.pos && other.sameState(stack)) { if (newStacks[i].score < stack.score) newStacks[i] = stack; return; } } newStacks.push(stack); } class Dialect { constructor(source, flags, disabled) { this.source = source; this.flags = flags; this.disabled = disabled; } allows(term) { return !this.disabled || this.disabled[term] == 0; } } const id = x => x; /// Context trackers are used to track stateful context (such as /// indentation in the Python grammar, or parent elements in the XML /// grammar) needed by external tokenizers. You declare them in a /// grammar file as `@context exportName from "module"`. /// /// Context values should be immutable, and can be updated (replaced) /// on shift or reduce actions. /// /// The export used in a `@context` declaration should be of this /// type. class ContextTracker { /// Define a context tracker. constructor(spec) { this.start = spec.start; this.shift = spec.shift || id; this.reduce = spec.reduce || id; this.reuse = spec.reuse || id; this.hash = spec.hash || (() => 0); this.strict = spec.strict !== false; } } /// A parser holds the parse tables for a given grammar, as generated /// by `lezer-generator`. class LRParser extends Parser { /// @internal constructor(spec) { super(); /// @internal this.wrappers = []; if (spec.version != 14 /* Version */) throw new RangeError(`Parser version (${spec.version}) doesn't match runtime version (${14 /* Version */})`); let nodeNames = spec.nodeNames.split(" "); this.minRepeatTerm = nodeNames.length; for (let i = 0; i < spec.repeatNodeCount; i++) nodeNames.push(""); let topTerms = Object.keys(spec.topRules).map(r => spec.topRules[r][1]); let nodeProps = []; for (let i = 0; i < nodeNames.length; i++) nodeProps.push([]); function setProp(nodeID, prop, value) { nodeProps[nodeID].push([prop, prop.deserialize(String(value))]); } if (spec.nodeProps) for (let propSpec of spec.nodeProps) { let prop = propSpec[0]; if (typeof prop == "string") prop = NodeProp[prop]; for (let i = 1; i < propSpec.length;) { let next = propSpec[i++]; if (next >= 0) { setProp(next, prop, propSpec[i++]); } else { let value = propSpec[i + -next]; for (let j = -next; j > 0; j--) setProp(propSpec[i++], prop, value); i++; } } } this.nodeSet = new NodeSet(, i) => NodeType.define({ name: i >= this.minRepeatTerm ? undefined : name, id: i, props: nodeProps[i], top: topTerms.indexOf(i) > -1, error: i == 0, skipped: spec.skippedNodes && spec.skippedNodes.indexOf(i) > -1 }))); if (spec.propSources) this.nodeSet = this.nodeSet.extend(...spec.propSources); this.strict = false; this.bufferLength = DefaultBufferLength; let tokenArray = decodeArray(spec.tokenData); this.context = spec.context; this.specialized = new Uint16Array(spec.specialized ? spec.specialized.length : 0); this.specializers = []; if (spec.specialized) for (let i = 0; i < spec.specialized.length; i++) { this.specialized[i] = spec.specialized[i].term; this.specializers[i] = spec.specialized[i].get; } this.states = decodeArray(spec.states, Uint32Array); = decodeArray(spec.stateData); this.goto = decodeArray(spec.goto); this.maxTerm = spec.maxTerm; this.tokenizers = => typeof value == "number" ? new TokenGroup(tokenArray, value) : value); this.topRules = spec.topRules; this.dialects = spec.dialects || {}; this.dynamicPrecedences = spec.dynamicPrecedences || null; this.tokenPrecTable = spec.tokenPrec; this.termNames = spec.termNames || null; this.maxNode = this.nodeSet.types.length - 1; this.dialect = this.parseDialect(); = this.topRules[Object.keys(this.topRules)[0]]; } createParse(input, fragments, ranges) { let parse = new Parse(this, input, fragments, ranges); for (let w of this.wrappers) parse = w(parse, input, fragments, ranges); return parse; } /// Get a goto table entry @internal getGoto(state, term, loose = false) { let table = this.goto; if (term >= table[0]) return -1; for (let pos = table[term + 1];;) { let groupTag = table[pos++], last = groupTag & 1; let target = table[pos++]; if (last && loose) return target; for (let end = pos + (groupTag >> 1); pos < end; pos++) if (table[pos] == state) return target; if (last) return -1; } } /// Check if this state has an action for a given terminal @internal hasAction(state, terminal) { let data =; for (let set = 0; set < 2; set++) { for (let i = this.stateSlot(state, set ? 2 /* Skip */ : 1 /* Actions */), next;; i += 3) { if ((next = data[i]) == 65535 /* End */) { if (data[i + 1] == 1 /* Next */) next = data[i = pair(data, i + 2)]; else if (data[i + 1] == 2 /* Other */) return pair(data, i + 2); else break; } if (next == terminal || next == 0 /* Err */) return pair(data, i + 1); } } return 0; } /// @internal stateSlot(state, slot) { return this.states[(state * 6 /* Size */) + slot]; } /// @internal stateFlag(state, flag) { return (this.stateSlot(state, 0 /* Flags */) & flag) > 0; } /// @internal validAction(state, action) { if (action == this.stateSlot(state, 4 /* DefaultReduce */)) return true; for (let i = this.stateSlot(state, 1 /* Actions */);; i += 3) { if ([i] == 65535 /* End */) { if ([i + 1] == 1 /* Next */) i = pair(, i + 2); else return false; } if (action == pair(, i + 1)) return true; } } /// Get the states that can follow this one through shift actions or /// goto jumps. @internal nextStates(state) { let result = []; for (let i = this.stateSlot(state, 1 /* Actions */);; i += 3) { if ([i] == 65535 /* End */) { if ([i + 1] == 1 /* Next */) i = pair(, i + 2); else break; } if (([i + 2] & (65536 /* ReduceFlag */ >> 16)) == 0) { let value =[i + 1]; if (!result.some((v, i) => (i & 1) && v == value)) result.push([i], value); } } return result; } /// @internal overrides(token, prev) { let iPrev = findOffset(, this.tokenPrecTable, prev); return iPrev < 0 || findOffset(, this.tokenPrecTable, token) < iPrev; } /// Configure the parser. Returns a new parser instance that has the /// given settings modified. Settings not provided in `config` are /// kept from the original parser. configure(config) { // Hideous reflection-based kludge to make it easy to create a // slightly modified copy of a parser. let copy = Object.assign(Object.create(LRParser.prototype), this); if (config.props) copy.nodeSet = this.nodeSet.extend(...config.props); if ( { let info = this.topRules[]; if (!info) throw new RangeError(`Invalid top rule name ${}`); = info; } if (config.tokenizers) copy.tokenizers = => { let found = config.tokenizers.find(r => r.from == t); return found ? : t; }); if (config.contextTracker) copy.context = config.contextTracker; if (config.dialect) copy.dialect = this.parseDialect(config.dialect); if (config.strict != null) copy.strict = config.strict; if (config.wrap) copy.wrappers = copy.wrappers.concat(config.wrap); if (config.bufferLength != null) copy.bufferLength = config.bufferLength; return copy; } /// Tells you whether any [parse wrappers](#lr.ParserConfig.wrap) /// are registered for this parser. hasWrappers() { return this.wrappers.length > 0; } /// Returns the name associated with a given term. This will only /// work for all terms when the parser was generated with the /// `--names` option. By default, only the names of tagged terms are /// stored. getName(term) { return this.termNames ? this.termNames[term] : String(term <= this.maxNode && this.nodeSet.types[term].name || term); } /// The eof term id is always allocated directly after the node /// types. @internal get eofTerm() { return this.maxNode + 1; } /// The type of top node produced by the parser. get topNode() { return this.nodeSet.types[[1]]; } /// @internal dynamicPrecedence(term) { let prec = this.dynamicPrecedences; return prec == null ? 0 : prec[term] || 0; } /// @internal parseDialect(dialect) { let values = Object.keys(this.dialects), flags = => false); if (dialect) for (let part of dialect.split(" ")) { let id = values.indexOf(part); if (id >= 0) flags[id] = true; } let disabled = null; for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) if (!flags[i]) { for (let j = this.dialects[values[i]], id; (id =[j++]) != 65535 /* End */;) (disabled || (disabled = new Uint8Array(this.maxTerm + 1)))[id] = 1; } return new Dialect(dialect, flags, disabled); } /// (used by the output of the parser generator) @internal static deserialize(spec) { return new LRParser(spec); } } function pair(data, off) { return data[off] | (data[off + 1] << 16); } function findOffset(data, start, term) { for (let i = start, next; (next = data[i]) != 65535 /* End */; i++) if (next == term) return i - start; return -1; } function findFinished(stacks) { let best = null; for (let stack of stacks) { let stopped = stack.p.stoppedAt; if ((stack.pos == || stopped != null && stack.pos > stopped) && stack.p.parser.stateFlag(stack.state, 2 /* Accepting */) && (!best || best.score < stack.score)) best = stack; } return best; } export { ContextTracker, ExternalTokenizer, InputStream, LRParser, Stack };