/** * @author Yosuke Ota * @fileoverview Rule to disalow whitespace that is not a tab or space, whitespace inside strings and comments are allowed */ 'use strict' // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const utils = require('../utils') // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Constants // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const ALL_IRREGULARS = /[\f\v\u0085\ufeff\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u200b\u202f\u205f\u3000\u2028\u2029]/u const IRREGULAR_WHITESPACE = /[\f\v\u0085\ufeff\u00a0\u1680\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u200b\u202f\u205f\u3000]+/mgu const IRREGULAR_LINE_TERMINATORS = /[\u2028\u2029]/mgu // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { meta: { type: 'problem', docs: { description: 'disallow irregular whitespace', category: undefined, url: 'https://eslint.vuejs.org/rules/no-irregular-whitespace.html' }, schema: [ { type: 'object', properties: { skipComments: { type: 'boolean', default: false }, skipStrings: { type: 'boolean', default: true }, skipTemplates: { type: 'boolean', default: false }, skipRegExps: { type: 'boolean', default: false }, skipHTMLAttributeValues: { type: 'boolean', default: false }, skipHTMLTextContents: { type: 'boolean', default: false } }, additionalProperties: false } ], messages: { disallow: 'Irregular whitespace not allowed.' } }, create (context) { // Module store of error indexes that we have found let errorIndexes = [] // Lookup the `skipComments` option, which defaults to `false`. const options = context.options[0] || {} const skipComments = !!options.skipComments const skipStrings = options.skipStrings !== false const skipRegExps = !!options.skipRegExps const skipTemplates = !!options.skipTemplates const skipHTMLAttributeValues = !!options.skipHTMLAttributeValues const skipHTMLTextContents = !!options.skipHTMLTextContents const sourceCode = context.getSourceCode() /** * Removes errors that occur inside a string node * @param {ASTNode} node to check for matching errors. * @returns {void} * @private */ function removeWhitespaceError (node) { const [startIndex, endIndex] = node.range errorIndexes = errorIndexes .filter(errorIndex => errorIndex < startIndex || endIndex <= errorIndex) } /** * Checks literal nodes for errors that we are choosing to ignore and calls the relevant methods to remove the errors * @param {ASTNode} node to check for matching errors. * @returns {void} * @private */ function removeInvalidNodeErrorsInLiteral (node) { const shouldCheckStrings = skipStrings && (typeof node.value === 'string') const shouldCheckRegExps = skipRegExps && Boolean(node.regex) if (shouldCheckStrings || shouldCheckRegExps) { // If we have irregular characters remove them from the errors list if (ALL_IRREGULARS.test(node.raw)) { removeWhitespaceError(node) } } } /** * Checks template string literal nodes for errors that we are choosing to ignore and calls the relevant methods to remove the errors * @param {ASTNode} node to check for matching errors. * @returns {void} * @private */ function removeInvalidNodeErrorsInTemplateLiteral (node) { if (ALL_IRREGULARS.test(node.value.raw)) { removeWhitespaceError(node) } } /** * Checks HTML attribute value nodes for errors that we are choosing to ignore and calls the relevant methods to remove the errors * @param {ASTNode} node to check for matching errors. * @returns {void} * @private */ function removeInvalidNodeErrorsInHTMLAttributeValue (node) { if (ALL_IRREGULARS.test(sourceCode.getText(node))) { removeWhitespaceError(node) } } /** * Checks HTML text content nodes for errors that we are choosing to ignore and calls the relevant methods to remove the errors * @param {ASTNode} node to check for matching errors. * @returns {void} * @private */ function removeInvalidNodeErrorsInHTMLTextContent (node) { if (ALL_IRREGULARS.test(sourceCode.getText(node))) { removeWhitespaceError(node) } } /** * Checks comment nodes for errors that we are choosing to ignore and calls the relevant methods to remove the errors * @param {ASTNode} node to check for matching errors. * @returns {void} * @private */ function removeInvalidNodeErrorsInComment (node) { if (ALL_IRREGULARS.test(node.value)) { removeWhitespaceError(node) } } /** * Checks the program source for irregular whitespaces and irregular line terminators * @returns {void} * @private */ function checkForIrregularWhitespace () { const source = sourceCode.getText() let match while ((match = IRREGULAR_WHITESPACE.exec(source)) !== null) { errorIndexes.push(match.index) } while ((match = IRREGULAR_LINE_TERMINATORS.exec(source)) !== null) { errorIndexes.push(match.index) } } checkForIrregularWhitespace() if (!errorIndexes.length) { return {} } const bodyVisitor = utils.defineTemplateBodyVisitor(context, { ...(skipHTMLAttributeValues ? { 'VAttribute[directive=false] > VLiteral': removeInvalidNodeErrorsInHTMLAttributeValue } : {}), ...(skipHTMLTextContents ? { VText: removeInvalidNodeErrorsInHTMLTextContent } : {}), // inline scripts Literal: removeInvalidNodeErrorsInLiteral, ...(skipTemplates ? { TemplateElement: removeInvalidNodeErrorsInTemplateLiteral } : {}) } ) return { ...bodyVisitor, Literal: removeInvalidNodeErrorsInLiteral, ...(skipTemplates ? { TemplateElement: removeInvalidNodeErrorsInTemplateLiteral } : {}), 'Program:exit' (node) { if (bodyVisitor['Program:exit']) { bodyVisitor['Program:exit'](node) } const templateBody = node.templateBody if (skipComments) { // First strip errors occurring in comment nodes. sourceCode.getAllComments().forEach(removeInvalidNodeErrorsInComment) if (templateBody) { templateBody.comments.forEach(removeInvalidNodeErrorsInComment) } } // Removes errors that occur outside script and template const [scriptStart, scriptEnd] = node.range const [templateStart, templateEnd] = templateBody ? templateBody.range : [0, 0] errorIndexes = errorIndexes .filter(errorIndex => (scriptStart <= errorIndex && errorIndex < scriptEnd) || (templateStart <= errorIndex && errorIndex < templateEnd) ) // If we have any errors remaining report on them errorIndexes.forEach(errorIndex => { context.report({ loc: sourceCode.getLocFromIndex(errorIndex), messageId: 'disallow' }) }) } } } }