/** * Options for compressing data into a DEFLATE format */ export interface DeflateOptions { /** * The level of compression to use, ranging from 0-9. * * 0 will store the data without compression. * 1 is fastest but compresses the worst, 9 is slowest but compresses the best. * The default level is 6. * * Typically, binary data benefits much more from higher values than text data. * In both cases, higher values usually take disproportionately longer than the reduction in final size that results. * * For example, a 1 MB text file could: * - become 1.01 MB with level 0 in 1ms * - become 400 kB with level 1 in 10ms * - become 320 kB with level 9 in 100ms */ level?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9; /** * The memory level to use, ranging from 0-12. Increasing this increases speed and compression ratio at the cost of memory. * * Note that this is exponential: while level 0 uses 4 kB, level 4 uses 64 kB, level 8 uses 1 MB, and level 12 uses 16 MB. * It is recommended not to lower the value below 4, since that tends to hurt performance. * In addition, values above 8 tend to help very little on most data and can even hurt performance. * * The default value is automatically determined based on the size of the input data. */ mem?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12; } /** * Options for compressing data into a GZIP format */ export interface GzipOptions extends DeflateOptions { /** * When the file was last modified. Defaults to the current time. * If you're using GZIP, set this to 0 to avoid revealing a modification date entirely. */ mtime?: Date | string | number; /** * The filename of the data. If the `gunzip` command is used to decompress the data, it will output a file * with this name instead of the name of the compressed file. */ filename?: string; } /** * Options for compressing data into a Zlib format */ export interface ZlibOptions extends DeflateOptions { } /** * Handler for data (de)compression streams * @param data The data output from the stream processor * @param final Whether this is the final block */ export declare type FlateStreamHandler = (data: Uint8Array, final: boolean) => void; /** * Handler for asynchronous data (de)compression streams * @param err Any error that occurred * @param data The data output from the stream processor * @param final Whether this is the final block */ export declare type AsyncFlateStreamHandler = (err: Error, data: Uint8Array, final: boolean) => void; /** * Callback for asynchronous (de)compression methods * @param err Any error that occurred * @param data The resulting data. Only present if `err` is null */ export declare type FlateCallback = (err: Error, data: Uint8Array) => void; interface AsyncOptions { /** * Whether or not to "consume" the source data. This will make the typed array/buffer you pass in * unusable but will increase performance and reduce memory usage. */ consume?: boolean; } /** * Options for compressing data asynchronously into a DEFLATE format */ export interface AsyncDeflateOptions extends DeflateOptions, AsyncOptions { } /** * Options for decompressing DEFLATE data asynchronously */ export interface AsyncInflateOptions extends AsyncOptions { /** * The original size of the data. Currently, the asynchronous API disallows * writing into a buffer you provide; the best you can do is provide the * size in bytes and be given back a new typed array. */ size?: number; } /** * Options for compressing data asynchronously into a GZIP format */ export interface AsyncGzipOptions extends GzipOptions, AsyncOptions { } /** * Options for decompressing GZIP data asynchronously */ export interface AsyncGunzipOptions extends AsyncOptions { } /** * Options for compressing data asynchronously into a Zlib format */ export interface AsyncZlibOptions extends ZlibOptions, AsyncOptions { } /** * Options for decompressing Zlib data asynchronously */ export interface AsyncUnzlibOptions extends AsyncInflateOptions { } /** * A terminable compression/decompression process */ export interface AsyncTerminable { /** * Terminates the worker thread immediately. The callback will not be called. */ (): void; } /** * Streaming DEFLATE compression */ export declare class Deflate { /** * Creates a DEFLATE stream * @param opts The compression options * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(opts: DeflateOptions, cb?: FlateStreamHandler); constructor(cb?: FlateStreamHandler); private o; private d; /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: FlateStreamHandler; private p; /** * Pushes a chunk to be deflated * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; } /** * Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE compression */ export declare class AsyncDeflate { /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: AsyncFlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates an asynchronous DEFLATE stream * @param opts The compression options * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(opts: DeflateOptions, cb?: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * Creates an asynchronous DEFLATE stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(cb?: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be deflated * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; /** * A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to * push() will silently fail. */ terminate: AsyncTerminable; } /** * Asynchronously compresses data with DEFLATE without any wrapper * @param data The data to compress * @param opts The compression options * @param cb The function to be called upon compression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the compression */ export declare function deflate(data: Uint8Array, opts: AsyncDeflateOptions, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Asynchronously compresses data with DEFLATE without any wrapper * @param data The data to compress * @param cb The function to be called upon compression completion */ export declare function deflate(data: Uint8Array, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Compresses data with DEFLATE without any wrapper * @param data The data to compress * @param opts The compression options * @returns The deflated version of the data */ export declare function deflateSync(data: Uint8Array, opts?: DeflateOptions): Uint8Array; /** * Streaming DEFLATE decompression */ export declare class Inflate { /** * Creates an inflation stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is inflated */ constructor(cb?: FlateStreamHandler); private s; private o; private p; private d; /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: FlateStreamHandler; private e; private c; /** * Pushes a chunk to be inflated * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the final chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; } /** * Asynchronous streaming DEFLATE decompression */ export declare class AsyncInflate { /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: AsyncFlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates an asynchronous inflation stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(cb?: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be inflated * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; /** * A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to * push() will silently fail. */ terminate: AsyncTerminable; } /** * Asynchronously expands DEFLATE data with no wrapper * @param data The data to decompress * @param opts The decompression options * @param cb The function to be called upon decompression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the decompression */ export declare function inflate(data: Uint8Array, opts: AsyncInflateOptions, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Asynchronously expands DEFLATE data with no wrapper * @param data The data to decompress * @param cb The function to be called upon decompression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the decompression */ export declare function inflate(data: Uint8Array, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Expands DEFLATE data with no wrapper * @param data The data to decompress * @param out Where to write the data. Saves memory if you know the decompressed size and provide an output buffer of that length. * @returns The decompressed version of the data */ export declare function inflateSync(data: Uint8Array, out?: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; /** * Streaming GZIP compression */ export declare class Gzip { private c; private l; private v; private o; /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: FlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates a GZIP stream * @param opts The compression options * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(opts: GzipOptions, cb?: FlateStreamHandler); /** * Creates a GZIP stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(cb?: FlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be GZIPped * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; private p; } /** * Asynchronous streaming GZIP compression */ export declare class AsyncGzip { /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: AsyncFlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates an asynchronous GZIP stream * @param opts The compression options * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(opts: GzipOptions, cb?: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * Creates an asynchronous GZIP stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(cb?: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be GZIPped * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; /** * A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to * push() will silently fail. */ terminate: AsyncTerminable; } /** * Asynchronously compresses data with GZIP * @param data The data to compress * @param opts The compression options * @param cb The function to be called upon compression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the compression */ export declare function gzip(data: Uint8Array, opts: AsyncGzipOptions, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Asynchronously compresses data with GZIP * @param data The data to compress * @param cb The function to be called upon compression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the decompression */ export declare function gzip(data: Uint8Array, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Compresses data with GZIP * @param data The data to compress * @param opts The compression options * @returns The gzipped version of the data */ export declare function gzipSync(data: Uint8Array, opts?: GzipOptions): Uint8Array; /** * Streaming GZIP decompression */ export declare class Gunzip { private v; private p; /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: FlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates a GUNZIP stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is inflated */ constructor(cb?: FlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be GUNZIPped * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; } /** * Asynchronous streaming GZIP decompression */ export declare class AsyncGunzip { /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: AsyncFlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates an asynchronous GUNZIP stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(cb: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be GUNZIPped * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; /** * A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to * push() will silently fail. */ terminate: AsyncTerminable; } /** * Asynchronously expands GZIP data * @param data The data to decompress * @param opts The decompression options * @param cb The function to be called upon decompression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the decompression */ export declare function gunzip(data: Uint8Array, opts: AsyncGunzipOptions, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Asynchronously expands GZIP data * @param data The data to decompress * @param cb The function to be called upon decompression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the decompression */ export declare function gunzip(data: Uint8Array, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Expands GZIP data * @param data The data to decompress * @param out Where to write the data. GZIP already encodes the output size, so providing this doesn't save memory. * @returns The decompressed version of the data */ export declare function gunzipSync(data: Uint8Array, out?: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; /** * Streaming Zlib compression */ export declare class Zlib { private c; private v; private o; /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: FlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates a Zlib stream * @param opts The compression options * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(opts: ZlibOptions, cb?: FlateStreamHandler); /** * Creates a Zlib stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(cb?: FlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be zlibbed * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; private p; } /** * Asynchronous streaming Zlib compression */ export declare class AsyncZlib { /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: AsyncFlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates an asynchronous DEFLATE stream * @param opts The compression options * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(opts: ZlibOptions, cb?: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * Creates an asynchronous DEFLATE stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(cb?: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be deflated * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; /** * A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to * push() will silently fail. */ terminate: AsyncTerminable; } /** * Asynchronously compresses data with Zlib * @param data The data to compress * @param opts The compression options * @param cb The function to be called upon compression completion */ export declare function zlib(data: Uint8Array, opts: AsyncZlibOptions, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Asynchronously compresses data with Zlib * @param data The data to compress * @param cb The function to be called upon compression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the compression */ export declare function zlib(data: Uint8Array, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Compress data with Zlib * @param data The data to compress * @param opts The compression options * @returns The zlib-compressed version of the data */ export declare function zlibSync(data: Uint8Array, opts?: ZlibOptions): Uint8Array; /** * Streaming Zlib decompression */ export declare class Unzlib { private v; private p; /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: FlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates a Zlib decompression stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is inflated */ constructor(cb?: FlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be unzlibbed * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; } /** * Asynchronous streaming Zlib decompression */ export declare class AsyncUnzlib { /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: AsyncFlateStreamHandler; /** * Creates an asynchronous Zlib decompression stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is deflated */ constructor(cb?: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * Pushes a chunk to be decompressed from Zlib * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; /** * A method to terminate the stream's internal worker. Subsequent calls to * push() will silently fail. */ terminate: AsyncTerminable; } /** * Asynchronously expands Zlib data * @param data The data to decompress * @param opts The decompression options * @param cb The function to be called upon decompression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the decompression */ export declare function unzlib(data: Uint8Array, opts: AsyncGunzipOptions, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Asynchronously expands Zlib data * @param data The data to decompress * @param cb The function to be called upon decompression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the decompression */ export declare function unzlib(data: Uint8Array, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Expands Zlib data * @param data The data to decompress * @param out Where to write the data. Saves memory if you know the decompressed size and provide an output buffer of that length. * @returns The decompressed version of the data */ export declare function unzlibSync(data: Uint8Array, out?: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; export { gzip as compress, AsyncGzip as AsyncCompress }; export { gzipSync as compressSync, Gzip as Compress }; /** * Streaming GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE decompression */ export declare class Decompress { private G; private I; private Z; /** * Creates a decompression stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is decompressed */ constructor(cb?: FlateStreamHandler); private s; /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: FlateStreamHandler; private p; /** * Pushes a chunk to be decompressed * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; } /** * Asynchronous streaming GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE decompression */ export declare class AsyncDecompress { private G; private I; private Z; /** * Creates an asynchronous decompression stream * @param cb The callback to call whenever data is decompressed */ constructor(cb?: AsyncFlateStreamHandler); /** * The handler to call whenever data is available */ ondata: AsyncFlateStreamHandler; /** * Pushes a chunk to be decompressed * @param chunk The chunk to push * @param final Whether this is the last chunk */ push(chunk: Uint8Array, final?: boolean): void; } /** * Asynchrononously expands compressed GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE data, automatically detecting the format * @param data The data to decompress * @param opts The decompression options * @param cb The function to be called upon decompression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the decompression */ export declare function decompress(data: Uint8Array, opts: AsyncInflateOptions, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Asynchrononously expands compressed GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE data, automatically detecting the format * @param data The data to decompress * @param cb The function to be called upon decompression completion * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the decompression */ export declare function decompress(data: Uint8Array, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Expands compressed GZIP, Zlib, or raw DEFLATE data, automatically detecting the format * @param data The data to decompress * @param out Where to write the data. Saves memory if you know the decompressed size and provide an output buffer of that length. * @returns The decompressed version of the data */ export declare function decompressSync(data: Uint8Array, out?: Uint8Array): Uint8Array; /** * Options for creating a ZIP archive */ export interface ZipOptions extends DeflateOptions, Pick { } /** * Options for asynchronously creating a ZIP archive */ export interface AsyncZipOptions extends AsyncDeflateOptions, Pick { } /** * Options for asynchronously expanding a ZIP archive */ export interface AsyncUnzipOptions extends AsyncOptions { } /** * A file that can be used to create a ZIP archive */ export declare type ZippableFile = Uint8Array | [Uint8Array, ZipOptions]; /** * A file that can be used to asynchronously create a ZIP archive */ export declare type AsyncZippableFile = Uint8Array | [Uint8Array, AsyncZipOptions]; /** * The complete directory structure of a ZIPpable archive */ export interface Zippable extends Record { } /** * The complete directory structure of an asynchronously ZIPpable archive */ export interface AsyncZippable extends Record { } /** * An unzipped archive. The full path of each file is used as the key, * and the file is the value */ export interface Unzipped extends Record { } /** * Callback for asynchronous ZIP decompression * @param err Any error that occurred * @param data The decompressed ZIP archive */ export declare type UnzipCallback = (err: Error, data: Unzipped) => void; /** * Converts a string into a Uint8Array for use with compression/decompression methods * @param str The string to encode * @param latin1 Whether or not to interpret the data as Latin-1. This should * not need to be true unless decoding a binary string. * @returns The string encoded in UTF-8/Latin-1 binary */ export declare function strToU8(str: string, latin1?: boolean): Uint8Array; /** * Converts a Uint8Array to a string * @param dat The data to decode to string * @param latin1 Whether or not to interpret the data as Latin-1. This should * not need to be true unless encoding to binary string. * @returns The original UTF-8/Latin-1 string */ export declare function strFromU8(dat: Uint8Array, latin1?: boolean): string; /** * Asynchronously creates a ZIP file * @param data The directory structure for the ZIP archive * @param opts The main options, merged with per-file options * @param cb The callback to call with the generated ZIP archive * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the compression */ export declare function zip(data: AsyncZippable, opts: AsyncZipOptions, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Asynchronously creates a ZIP file * @param data The directory structure for the ZIP archive * @param cb The callback to call with the generated ZIP archive * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the compression */ export declare function zip(data: AsyncZippable, cb: FlateCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Synchronously creates a ZIP file. Prefer using `zip` for better performance * with more than one file. * @param data The directory structure for the ZIP archive * @param opts The main options, merged with per-file options * @returns The generated ZIP archive */ export declare function zipSync(data: Zippable, opts?: ZipOptions): Uint8Array; /** * Asynchronously decompresses a ZIP archive * @param data The raw compressed ZIP file * @param cb The callback to call with the decompressed files * @returns A function that can be used to immediately terminate the unzipping */ export declare function unzip(data: Uint8Array, cb: UnzipCallback): AsyncTerminable; /** * Synchronously decompresses a ZIP archive. Prefer using `unzip` for better * performance with more than one file. * @param data The raw compressed ZIP file * @returns The decompressed files */ export declare function unzipSync(data: Uint8Array): Unzipped;