jstoxml ========= [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/davidcalhoun/jstoxml.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/davidcalhoun/jstoxml) ### Convert JavaScript objects (and JSON) to XML (for RSS, Podcasts, etc.) Everyone loves JSON, and more and more folks want to move that direction, but we still need things outputted in XML! Particularly for [RSS feeds](http://www.rssboard.org/rss-specification) and [Podcasts](http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html). This is inspired by [node-jsontoxml](https://github.com/soldair/node-jsontoxml), which was found to be a bit too rough around the edges. jstoxml attempts to fix that by being more flexible. ### Features * supports a variety of inputs: objects, arrays, strings, * tabbed output (optional) * custom filters (```&``` -> ```&```, etc) (optional) ### Installation * npm install jstoxml ### Version 0.2.1 * IMPORTANT: empty text strings will now output as empty XML tags (NOT text content), which makes more sense and is more intuitive (see issue #3). To output text content, set the value to null instead (see Example 5 below). For instance: ``` jstoxml.toXML({ a: '1', foo: '', b: '2' }); // Output: 12 ``` ``` jstoxml.toXML({ a: '1', foo: null, b: '2' }); // Output: 1foo2 ``` ### Version 0.1.0 * Added support for custom filters (for XML, UTF-8 entities, or whatever you need it for) * Changed to a single options object, passed as the second parameter. This will break older versions that use the XML header or indentation! They will need to be updated (see the examples below). ### Examples First you'll want to require jstoxml in your script, and assign the result to the namespace variable you want to use (in this case jstoxml): ```javascript var jstoxml = require('jstoxml'); ``` #### Interface jstoxml has a very simple interface: jstoxml.toXML(input, addHeader [Boolean], indent [String]); * input: accepts objects, arrays, strings, and even functions * addHeader (optional): pass in true to include the XML header (<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>) * indent (optional): string which is used as an indent (i.e. ' ') #### Example 1: Simple object ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ foo: 'bar', foo2: 'bar2' }); ``` Output: ``` barbar2 ``` #### Example 2: Simple array ```javascript jstoxml.toXML([ {foo: 'bar'}, {foo2: 'bar2'} ]); ``` Output: ``` barbar2 ``` #### Example 3: Duplicate tag names Because we can't have duplicate keys in objects, we have to take advantage of arrays to get duplicate tag names: ```javascript jstoxml.toXML([ {foo: 'bar'}, {foo: 'bar2'} ]); ``` Output: ``` barbar2 ``` #### Example 4: Attributes ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ _name: 'foo', _content: 'bar', _attrs: { a: 'b', c: 'd' } }); ``` Output: ``` bar ``` #### Example 5: Tags mixed with text content To output text content, set a key to null: ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ 'text1': null, foo: 'bar', 'text2': null }); ``` Output: ``` text1bartext2 ``` #### Example 6: Nested tags (with indenting) ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ a: { foo: 'bar', foo2: 'bar2' } }, {header: false, indent: ' '}); ``` Output: ``` bar bar2 ``` #### Example 7: Nested tags with attributes (with indenting) ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ ooo: { _name: 'foo', _attrs: { a: 'b' }, _content: { _name: 'bar', _attrs: { c: 'd' } } } }, {header: false, indent: ' '}); ``` Output: ``` ``` Note that cases like this might be especially hard to read because of the deep nesting, so it's recommend you use something like this pattern instead, which breaks it up into more readable pieces: ```javascript var bar = { _name: 'bar', _attrs: { c: 'd' } }; var foo = { _name: 'foo', _attrs: { a: 'b' }, _content: bar } return jstoxml.toXML({ ooo: foo }, {header: false, indent: ' '}) ``` #### Example 8: Functions ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ onePlusTwo: function(){ return 1 + 2; }, date: function(){ return new Date(); } }); ``` Output: ``` 3Sat Jul 30 2011 17:49:52 GMT+0900 (JST) ``` #### Example 9: RSS Feed ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ _name: 'rss', _attrs: { version: '2.0' }, _content: { channel: [ {title: 'RSS Example'}, {description: 'Description'}, {link: 'google.com'}, {lastBuildDate: function(){ return new Date(); }}, {pubDate: function(){ return new Date(); }}, {language: 'en'}, {item: { title: 'Item title', link: 'Item link', description: 'Item Description', pubDate: function(){ return new Date(); } }}, {item: { title: 'Item2 title', link: 'Item2 link', description: 'Item2 Description', pubDate: function(){ return new Date(); } }} ] } }, {header: true, indent: ' '}); ``` Output: ``` RSS Example Description google.com Sat Jul 30 2011 18:14:25 GMT+0900 (JST) Sat Jul 30 2011 18:14:25 GMT+0900 (JST) en Item title Item link Item Description Sat Jul 30 2011 18:33:47 GMT+0900 (JST) Item2 title Item2 link Item2 Description Sat Jul 30 2011 18:33:47 GMT+0900 (JST) ``` #### Example 10: Podcast RSS Feed (see the [Apple docs](http://www.apple.com/itunes/podcasts/specs.html) for more information) ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ _name: 'rss', _attrs: { 'xmlns:itunes': 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd', version: '2.0' }, _content: { channel: [ {title: 'Title'}, {link: 'google.com'}, {language: 'en-us'}, {copyright: 'Copyright 2011'}, {'itunes:subtitle': 'Subtitle'}, {'itunes:author': 'Author'}, {'itunes:summary': 'Summary'}, {description: 'Description'}, {'itunes:owner': { 'itunes:name': 'Name', 'itunes:email': 'Email' }}, { _name: 'itunes:image', _attrs: { href: 'image.jpg' } }, { _name: 'itunes:category', _attrs: { text: 'Technology' }, _content: { _name: 'itunes:category', _attrs: { text: 'Gadgets' } } }, { _name: 'itunes:category', _attrs: { text: 'TV & Film' } }, { item: [ {title: 'Podcast Title'}, {'itunes:author': 'Author'}, {'itunes:subtitle': 'Subtitle'}, {'itunes:summary': 'Summary'}, {'itunes:image': 'image.jpg'}, { _name: 'enclosure', _attrs: { url: 'http://example.com/podcast.m4a', length: '8727310', type: 'audio/x-m4a' } }, {guid: 'http://example.com/archive/aae20050615.m4a'}, {pubDate: 'Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:00:00 GMT'}, {'itunes:duration': '7:04'}, {'itunes:keywords': 'salt, pepper, shaker, exciting'} ] }, { item: [ {title: 'Podcast2 Title'}, {'itunes:author': 'Author2'}, {'itunes:subtitle': 'Subtitle2'}, {'itunes:summary': 'Summary2'}, {'itunes:image': 'image2.jpg'}, { _name: 'enclosure', _attrs: { url: 'http://example.com/podcast2.m4a', length: '655555', type: 'audio/x-m4a' } }, {guid: 'http://example.com/archive/aae2.m4a'}, {pubDate: 'Wed, 15 Jul 2011 19:00:00 GMT'}, {'itunes:duration': '11:20'}, {'itunes:keywords': 'foo, bar'} ] } ] } }, {header: true, indent: ' '}); ``` Output: ``` Title google.com en-us Copyright 2011 Subtitle Author Summary Description Name Email Podcast Title Author Subtitle Summary image.jpg http://example.com/archive/aae20050615.m4a Wed, 15 Jun 2011 19:00:00 GMT 7:04 salt, pepper, shaker, exciting Podcast2 Title Author2 Subtitle2 Summary2 image2.jpg http://example.com/archive/aae2.m4a Wed, 15 Jul 2011 19:00:00 GMT 11:20 foo, bar ``` #### Example 11: Custom filter for XML entities, or whatever ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ foo: '', bar: '"b"', baz: '\'&whee\'' }, { filter: { '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', '\'': ''', '&': '&' } }); ``` Output: ``` <a>"b"'&whee' ``` #### Example 12: Empty tags ```javascript jstoxml.toXML({ foo: '', bar: 'whee' }); ``` Output: ``` whee ```