var toXML = function(obj, config){ // include XML header config = config || {}; var out = ''; if(config.header) { if(typeof config.header == 'string') { out = config.header; } else { out = '\n'; } } var origIndent = config.indent || ''; var indent = ''; var filter = function customFilter(txt) { if(!config.filter) return txt; var mappings = config.filter; var replacements = []; for(var map in mappings) { if(!mappings.hasOwnProperty(map)) continue; replacements.push(map); } return String(txt).replace(new RegExp('(' + replacements.join('|') + ')', 'g'), function(str, entity) { return mappings[entity] || ''; }); }; // helper function to push a new line to the output var push = function(string){ out += string + (origIndent ? '\n' : ''); }; /* create a tag and add it to the output Example: outputTag({ name: 'myTag', // creates a tag indent: ' ', // indent string to prepend closeTag: true, // starts and closes a tag on the same line selfCloseTag: true, attrs: { // attributes foo: 'bar', // results in foo2: 'bar2' } }); */ var outputTag = function(tag){ var attrsString = ''; var outputString = ''; var attrs = tag.attrs || ''; // turn the attributes object into a string with key="value" pairs for(var attr in attrs){ if(attrs.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { attrsString += ' ' + attr + '="' + attrs[attr] + '"'; } } // assemble the tag outputString += (tag.indent || '') + '<' + (tag.closeTag ? '/' : '') + + (!tag.closeTag ? attrsString : '') + (tag.selfCloseTag ? '/' : '') + '>'; // if the tag only contains a text string, output it and close the tag if(tag.text || tag.text === ''){ outputString += filter(tag.text) + ''; } push(outputString); }; // custom-tailored iterator for input arrays/objects (NOT a general purpose iterator) var every = function(obj, fn, indent){ // array if(Array.isArray(obj)){ obj.every(function(elt){ // for each element in the array fn(elt, indent); return true; // continue to iterate }); return; } // object with tag name if(obj._name){ fn(obj, indent); return; } // iterable object for(var key in obj){ var type = typeof obj[key]; if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && (obj[key] || type === 'boolean' || type === 'number')){ fn({_name: key, _content: obj[key]}, indent); //} else if(!obj[key]) { // null value (foo:'') } else if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && obj[key] === null) { // null value (foo:null) fn(key, indent); // output the keyname as a string ('foo') } else if(obj.hasOwnProperty(key) && obj[key] === '') { // blank string outputTag({ name: key, text: '' }); } } }; var convert = function convert(input, indent){ var type = typeof input; if(!indent) indent = ''; if(Array.isArray(input)) type = 'array'; var path = { 'string': function(){ push(indent + filter(input)); }, 'boolean': function(){ push(indent + (input ? 'true' : 'false')); }, 'number': function(){ push(indent + input); }, 'array': function(){ every(input, convert, indent); }, 'function': function(){ push(indent + input()); }, 'object': function(){ if(!input._name){ every(input, convert, indent); return; } var outputTagObj = { name: input._name, indent: indent, attrs: input._attrs }; var type = typeof input._content; if(type === 'undefined' || input._content._selfCloseTag === true){ if (input._content && input._content._attrs) { outputTagObj.attrs = input._content._attrs; } outputTagObj.selfCloseTag = true; outputTag(outputTagObj); return; } var objContents = { 'string': function(){ outputTagObj.text = input._content; outputTag(outputTagObj); }, 'boolean': function(){ outputTagObj.text = (input._content ? 'true' : 'false'); outputTag(outputTagObj); }, 'number': function(){ outputTagObj.text = input._content.toString(); outputTag(outputTagObj); }, 'object': function(){ // or Array outputTag(outputTagObj); every(input._content, convert, indent + origIndent); outputTagObj.closeTag = true; outputTag(outputTagObj); }, 'function': function(){ outputTagObj.text = input._content(); // () to execute the fn outputTag(outputTagObj); } }; if(objContents[type]) objContents[type](); } }; if(path[type]) path[type](); }; convert(obj, indent); return out; }; exports.toXML = toXML;