# map-obj [](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/map-obj)
> Map object keys and values into a new object
## Install
$ npm install map-obj
## Usage
const mapObject = require('map-obj');
const newObject = mapObject({foo: 'bar'}, (key, value) => [value, key]);
//=> {bar: 'foo'}
## API
### mapObject(source, mapper, options?)
#### source
Type: `object`
Source object to copy properties from.
#### mapper
Type: `Function`
Mapping function.
- It has signature `mapper(sourceKey, sourceValue, source)`.
- It must return a two item array: `[targetKey, targetValue]`.
#### options
Type: `object`
##### deep
Type: `boolean`
Default: `false`
Recurse nested objects and objects in arrays.
##### target
Type: `object`
Default: `{}`
Target object to map properties on to.
## Related
- [filter-obj](https://github.com/sindresorhus/filter-obj) - Filter object keys and values into a new object