/* global console, require, chai, describe, before, it */ // 数据占位符定义(Data Placeholder Definition,DPD) var expect = chai.expect var Mock, $, _ describe('Request', function() { before(function(done) { require(['mock', 'underscore', 'jquery'], function() { Mock = arguments[0] _ = arguments[1] $ = arguments[2] expect(Mock).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(_).to.not.equal(undefined) expect($).to.not.equal(undefined) done() }) }) function stringify(json) { return JSON.stringify(json /*, null, 4*/ ) } describe('jQuery.ajax()', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = Math.random() $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json' }).done(function( /*data, textStatus, jqXHR*/ ) { // 不会进入 }).fail(function(jqXHR /*, textStatus, errorThrown*/ ) { // 浏览器 || PhantomJS expect([404, 0]).to.include(jqXHR.status) that.test.title += url + ' => ' + jqXHR.status }).always(function() { done() }) }) }) describe('jQuery.getScript()', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = './materiels/noop.js' $.getScript(url, function(script, textStatus, jqXHR) { expect(script).to.be.ok that.test.title += url + ' => ' + jqXHR.status + ' ' + textStatus done() }) }) }) describe('jQuery.load()', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = './materiels/noop.html' $('<div>').load(url, function(responseText /*, textStatus, jqXHR*/ ) { expect(responseText).to.be.ok that.test.title += url + ' => ' + responseText done() }) }) }) describe('jQuery.ajax() XHR Fields', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = Math.random() var xhr $.ajax({ xhr: function() { xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr() return xhr }, url: url, dataType: 'json', xhrFields: { timeout: 123, withCredentials: true } }).done(function( /*data, textStatus, jqXHR*/ ) { // 不会进入 }).fail(function(jqXHR /*, textStatus, errorThrown*/ ) { // 浏览器 || PhantomJS expect([404, 0]).to.include(jqXHR.status) that.test.title += url + ' => ' + jqXHR.status expect(xhr.timeout).to.be.equal(123) expect(xhr.withCredentials).to.be.equal(true) }).always(function() { done() }) }) }) describe('Mock.mock( rurl, template )', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = 'rurl_template.json' Mock.mock(/rurl_template.json/, { 'list|1-10': [{ 'id|+1': 1, 'email': '@EMAIL' }] }) Mock.setup({ // timeout: 100, timeout: '10-50', }) $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data /*, textStatus, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('list') .that.be.an('array').with.length.within(1, 10) _.each(data.list, function(item, index, list) { if (index > 0) expect(item.id).to.be.equal(list[index - 1].id + 1) }) }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) }).always(function() { done() }) }) }) describe('Mock.mock( rurl, function(options) )', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = 'rurl_function.json' Mock.mock(/rurl_function\.json/, function(options) { expect(options).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(options.url).to.be.equal(url) expect(options.type).to.be.equal('GET') expect(options.body).to.be.equal(null) return Mock.mock({ 'list|1-10': [{ 'id|+1': 1, 'email': '@EMAIL' }] }) }) $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('list') .that.be.an('array').with.length.within(1, 10) _.each(data.list, function(item, index, list) { if (index > 0) expect(item.id).to.be.equal(list[index - 1].id + 1) }) }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) }).always(function() { done() }) }) }) describe('Mock.mock( rurl, function(options) ) + GET + data', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = 'rurl_function.json' Mock.mock(/rurl_function\.json/, function(options) { expect(options).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(options.url).to.be.equal(url + '?foo=1') expect(options.type).to.be.equal('GET') expect(options.body).to.be.equal(null) return Mock.mock({ 'list|1-10': [{ 'id|+1': 1, 'email': '@EMAIL' }] }) }) $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'json', data: { foo: 1 } }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('list') .that.be.an('array').with.length.within(1, 10) _.each(data.list, function(item, index, list) { if (index > 0) expect(item.id).to.be.equal(list[index - 1].id + 1) }) }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) }).always(function() { done() }) }) }) describe('Mock.mock( rurl, function(options) ) + POST + data', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = 'rurl_function.json' Mock.mock(/rurl_function\.json/, function(options) { expect(options).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(options.url).to.be.equal(url) expect(options.type).to.be.equal('POST') expect(options.body).to.be.equal('foo=1') return Mock.mock({ 'list|1-10': [{ 'id|+1': 1, 'email': '@EMAIL' }] }) }) $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', data: { foo: 1 } }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('list') .that.be.an('array').with.length.within(1, 10) _.each(data.list, function(item, index, list) { if (index > 0) expect(item.id).to.be.equal(list[index - 1].id + 1) }) }).fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { console.log(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) }).always(function() { done() }) }) }) describe('Mock.mock( rurl, rtype, template )', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = 'rurl_rtype_template.json' var count = 0 Mock.mock(/rurl_rtype_template\.json/, 'get', { 'list|1-10': [{ 'id|+1': 1, 'email': '@EMAIL', type: 'get' }] }) Mock.mock(/rurl_rtype_template\.json/, 'post', { 'list|1-10': [{ 'id|+1': 1, 'email': '@EMAIL', type: 'post' }] }) $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'get', dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += 'GET ' + url + ' => ' + stringify(data) + ' ' expect(data).to.have.property('list') .that.be.an('array').with.length.within(1, 10) _.each(data.list, function(item, index, list) { if (index > 0) expect(item.id).to.be.equal(list[index - 1].id + 1) expect(item).to.have.property('type').equal('get') }) }).done(success).always(complete) $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'post', dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += 'POST ' + url + ' => ' + stringify(data) + ' ' expect(data).to.have.property('list') .that.be.an('array').with.length.within(1, 10) _.each(data.list, function(item, index, list) { if (index > 0) expect(item.id).to.be.equal(list[index - 1].id + 1) expect(item).to.have.property('type').equal('post') }) }).done(success).always(complete) function success( /*data*/ ) { count++ } function complete() { if (count === 2) done() } }) }) describe('Mock.mock( rurl, rtype, function(options) )', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = 'rurl_rtype_function.json' var count = 0 Mock.mock(/rurl_rtype_function\.json/, /get/, function(options) { expect(options).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(options.url).to.be.equal(url) expect(options.type).to.be.equal('GET') expect(options.body).to.be.equal(null) return { type: 'get' } }) Mock.mock(/rurl_rtype_function\.json/, /post|put/, function(options) { expect(options).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(options.url).to.be.equal(url) expect(['POST', 'PUT']).to.include(options.type) expect(options.body).to.be.equal(null) return { type: options.type.toLowerCase() } }) $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'get', dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += 'GET ' + url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('type', 'get') }).done(success).always(complete) $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'post', dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += 'POST ' + url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('type', 'post') }).done(success).always(complete) $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'put', dataType: 'json' }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += 'PUT ' + url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('type', 'put') }).done(success).always(complete) function success( /*data*/ ) { count++ } function complete() { if (count === 3) done() } }) }) describe('Mock.mock( rurl, rtype, function(options) ) + data', function() { it('', function(done) { var that = this var url = 'rurl_rtype_function.json' var count = 0 Mock.mock(/rurl_rtype_function\.json/, /get/, function(options) { expect(options).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(options.url).to.be.equal(url + '?foo=1') expect(options.type).to.be.equal('GET') expect(options.body).to.be.equal(null) return { type: 'get' } }) Mock.mock(/rurl_rtype_function\.json/, /post|put/, function(options) { expect(options).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(options.url).to.be.equal(url) expect(['POST', 'PUT']).to.include(options.type) expect(options.body).to.be.equal('foo=1') return { type: options.type.toLowerCase() } }) $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'get', dataType: 'json', data: { foo: 1 } }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += 'GET ' + url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('type', 'get') }).done(success).always(complete) $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'post', dataType: 'json', data: { foo: 1 } }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += 'POST ' + url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('type', 'post') }).done(success).always(complete) $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'put', dataType: 'json', data: { foo: 1 } }).done(function(data /*, status, jqXHR*/ ) { that.test.title += 'PUT ' + url + ' => ' + stringify(data) expect(data).to.have.property('type', 'put') }).done(success).always(complete) function success( /*data*/ ) { count++ } function complete() { if (count === 3) done() } }) }) describe('#105 addEventListener', function() { it('addEventListene => addEventListener', function(done) { var xhr = new Mock.XHR() expect(xhr.addEventListener).to.not.equal(undefined) expect(xhr.addEventListene).to.equal(undefined) done() }) }) })