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Specify the order of content within declaration blocks.

array: ["array", "of", "keywords", "or", "expanded", "at-rule", "or", "rule" "objects"]

Within an order array, you can include:

  • keywords:
    • custom-properties — Custom properties (e. g., --property: 10px;)
    • dollar-variables — Dollar variables (e. g., $variable)
    • at-variables — At-variables (e. g., @variable)
    • declarations — CSS declarations (e. g., display: block)
    • rules — Nested rules (e. g., span {} in a { span {} })
    • at-rules — Nested at-rules (e. g., @media () {} in div { @media () {} })
  • extended at-rule objects:

        type: 'at-rule',
        name: 'include',
        parameter: 'hello',
        hasBlock: true
    • extended rule objects:
        type: 'rule',
        selector: 'div'

Unlisted elements will be placed after all listed elements. So if you specify an array and do not include declarations, that means that all declarations will be placed after any other element.

Extended at-rule objects

Extended at-rule objects have different parameters and variations.

Object parameters:

  • type: always "at-rule"
  • name: string. E. g., name: "include" for @include
  • parameter: string|regex. A string will be translated into a RegExp — new RegExp(yourString) — so be sure to escape properly. E. g., parameter: "icon" for @include icon(20px);
  • hasBlock: boolean. E. g., hasBlock: true for @include icon { color: red; } and not for @include icon;

Always specify name if parameter is specified.

Matches all at-rules:

	type: 'at-rule'

Or keyword at-rules.

Matches all at-rules, which have nested elements:

	type: 'at-rule',
	hasBlock: true

Matches all at-rules with specific name:

	type: 'at-rule',
	name: 'media'

Matches all at-rules with specific name, which have nested elements:

	type: 'at-rule',
	name: 'media',
	hasBlock: true

Matches all at-rules with specific name and parameter:

	type: 'at-rule',
	name: 'include',
	parameter: 'icon'

Matches all at-rules with specific name and parameter, which have nested elements:

	type: 'at-rule',
	name: 'include',
	parameter: 'icon',
	hasBlock: true

Each described above variant has more priority than its previous variant. For example, { type: 'at-rule', name: 'media' } will be applied to an element if both { type: 'at-rule', name: 'media' } and { type: 'at-rule', hasBlock: true } can be applied to an element.

Extended rule objects

Object parameters:

  • type: always "rule"
  • selector: string|regex. Selector pattern. A string will be translated into a RegExp — new RegExp(yourString) — so be sure to escape properly. Examples:
    • selector: /^&:[\w-]+$/ matches simple pseudo-classes. E. g., &:hover, &:first-child. Doesn't match complex pseudo-classes, e. g. &:not(.is-visible).
    • selector: /^&::[\w-]+$/ matches pseudo-elements. E. g. &::before, &::placeholder.

Matches all rules:

	type: 'rule'

Or keyword rules.

Matches all rules with selector matching pattern:

	type: 'rule',
	selector: 'div'
	type: 'rule',
	selector: /^&:\w+$/

If more than one pattern can be applied to a node, and these patterns have equal “power” than the first matched pattern will be applied.



["custom-properties", "dollar-variables", "declarations", "rules", "at-rules"]


a {
	top: 0;
	--height: 10px;
	color: pink;
a {
	@media (min-width: 100px) {}
	display: none;
a {
	--width: 10px;
	@media (min-width: 100px) {}
	display: none;
	$height: 20px;
	span {}


a {
	--height: 10px;
	top: 0;
	color: pink;
a {
	display: none;
	@media (min-width: 100px) {}
a {
	--width: 10px;
	$height: 20px;
	display: none;
	span {}
	@media (min-width: 100px) {}


		type: 'at-rule',
		name: 'include',
		type: 'at-rule',
		name: 'include',
		hasBlock: true
		type: 'at-rule',
		hasBlock: true
		type: 'at-rule',


a {
	@include hello {
		display: block;
	@include hello;

a {
	@extend .something;
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;

a {
	@include hello {
		display: block;
	@include hello;
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;
	@extend .something;


a {
	@include hello;
	@include hello {
		display: block;

a {
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;
	@extend .something;

a {
	@include hello;
	@include hello {
		display: block;
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;
	@extend .something;


		type: 'at-rule',
		name: 'include',
		hasBlock: true
		type: 'at-rule',
		name: 'include',
		parameter: 'icon',
		hasBlock: true
		type: 'at-rule',
		name: 'include',
		parameter: 'icon'


a {
	@include icon {
		display: block;
	@include hello {
		display: none;
	@include icon;

a {
	@include icon;
	@include icon {
		display: block;


a {
	@include icon {
		display: block;
	@include hello {
		display: none;
	@include icon;

a {
	@include icon;
	@include icon {
		display: block;


		type: 'rule',
		selector: '^a'
		type: 'rule',
		selector: /^&/


a {
	a {}
	&:hover {}
	abbr {}
	span {}

a {
	span {}
	&:hover {}

a {
	span {}
	abbr {}


a {
	a {}
	abbr {}
	&:hover {}
	span {}

a {
	&:hover {}
	span {}

a {
	abbr {}
	span {}


		type: 'rule',
		selector: /^&/
		type: 'rule',
		selector: /^&:\w/

This code won't change, because selector patterns have equal “power” for &:hover selector, so the first matching is used (/^&/):

a {
	&:hover {}
	& b {}

a {
	& b {}
	&:hover {}


		type: 'rule',
		selector: /^&:\w/
		type: 'rule',
		selector: /^&/


a {
	& b {}
	&:hover {}


a {
	&:hover {}
	& b {}


		type: 'at-rule',
		hasBlock: true,


a {
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;
	--height: 10px;
	width: 20px;

a {
	width: 20px;
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;
	--height: 10px;

a {
	width: 20px;
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;


a {
	--height: 10px;
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;
	width: 20px;

a {
	--height: 10px;
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;
	width: 20px;

a {
	@media (min-width: 10px) {
		display: none;
	width: 20px;