lhl 6ff0e96ad3 8-4-1 пре 1 година
README.md 6ff0e96ad3 8-4-1 пре 1 година
index.js 6ff0e96ad3 8-4-1 пре 1 година



Require or disallow an empty line before at-rules.

a {}
          /* ← */
@media {} /* ↑ */
/**          ↑
 *   This line */

This rule ignores:

  • at-rules that are the very first node in the source
  • @import in Less.

The fix option can automatically fix all of the problems reported by this rule. We recommend to enable indentation rule for better autofixing results with this rule.


string: "always"|"never"


There must always be an empty line before at-rules.

The following patterns are considered violations:

a {} @media {}
a {}
@media {}

The following patterns are not considered violations:

a {}

@media {}


There must never be an empty line before at-rules.

The following patterns are considered violations:

a {}

@media {}

The following patterns are not considered violations:

a {} @media {}
a {}
@media {}

Optional secondary options

except: ["after-same-name", "inside-block", "blockless-after-same-name-blockless", "blockless-after-blockless", "first-nested"]


Reverse the primary option for at-rules that follow another at-rule with the same name.

This means that you can group your at-rules by name.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered violations:

@charset "UTF-8";

@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);

@media (min-width: 100px) {}
@media (min-width: 200px) {}
a {

  @extends .foo;
  @extends .bar;

  @include x;
  @include y {}


Reverse the primary option for at-rules that are inside a block.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are considered violations:

a {

  @extend foo;
  color: pink;

b {
  color: pink;

  @extend foo;

The following patterns are not considered violations:

a {
  @extend foo;
  color: pink;

b {
  color: pink;
  @extend foo;


Reverse the primary option for blockless at-rules that follow another blockless at-rule with the same name.

This means that you can group your blockless at-rules by name.

Shared-line comments do not affect this option.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered violations:

@charset "UTF-8";

@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);
@charset "UTF-8";

@import url(x.css); /* comment */
@import url(y.css);
a {

  @extends .foo;
  @extends .bar;

  @include loop;
  @include doo;


Reverse the primary option for blockless at-rules that follow another blockless at-rule.

Shared-line comments do not affect this option.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are considered violations:

@import url(x.css);

@import url(y.css);

@media print {}

The following patterns are not considered violations:

@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);

@media print {}
@import url(x.css); /* comment */
@import url(y.css);

@media print {}


Reverse the primary option for at-rules that are nested and the first child of their parent node.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are considered violations:

a {

  @extend foo;
  color: pink;

b {
  color: pink;
  @extend foo;

The following patterns are not considered violations:

a {
  @extend foo;
  color: pink;

b {
  color: pink;

  @extend foo;

ignore: ["after-comment", "first-nested", "inside-block", "blockless-after-same-name-blockless", "blockless-after-blockless"]


Ignore at-rules that follow a comment.

Shared-line comments do not trigger this option.

The following patterns are not considered violations:

/* comment */
@media {}
/* comment */

@media {}
@media {} /* comment */

@media {}


Ignore at-rules that are nested and the first child of their parent node.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered violations:

@supports {
  @media {}

  @media {}


Ignore at-rules that are inside a block.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered violations:

a {
  @extend foo;
  color: pink;

a {

  @extend foo;
  color: pink;

b {
  color: pink;
  @extend foo;

b {
  color: pink;

  @extend foo;


Ignore blockless at-rules that follow another blockless at-rule with the same name.

This means that you can group your blockless at-rules by name.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered violations:

@charset "UTF-8";

@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);
a {

  @extends .foo;
  @extends .bar;

  @include loop;
  @include doo;


Ignore blockless at-rules that follow another blockless at-rule.

For example, with "always":

The following patterns are not considered violations:

@import url(x.css);

@import url(y.css);

@media print {}
@import url(x.css);
@import url(y.css);

@media print {}

ignoreAtRules: ["array", "of", "at-rules"]

Ignore specified at-rules.

For example, with "always".



The following patterns are not considered violations:

@charset "UTF-8";
@import {}