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Specify lowercase or uppercase for at-rules names.

   @media (min-width: 10px) {}
/** ↑
 * This at-rule name */

Only lowercase at-rule names are valid in SCSS.

The fix option can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.


string: "lower"|"upper"


The following patterns are considered violations:

@Charset 'UTF-8';
@cHarSeT 'UTF-8';
@Media (min-width: 50em) {}
@mEdIa (min-width: 50em) {}
@MEDIA (min-width: 50em) {}

The following patterns are not considered violations:

@charset 'UTF-8';
@media (min-width: 50em) {}


The following patterns are considered violations:

@Charset 'UTF-8';
@cHarSeT 'UTF-8';
@charset 'UTF-8';
@Media (min-width: 50em) {}
@mEdIa (min-width: 50em) {}
@media (min-width: 50em) {}

The following patterns are not considered violations:

@MEDIA (min-width: 50em) {}