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Limit the number of adjacent empty lines.

a {}
     /* ← */
     /* ← */
a {} /* ↑ */
/**     ↑
 * These lines */

The fix option can automatically fix all of the problems reported by this rule.


int: Maximum number of adjacent empty lines allowed.

For example, with 2:

The following patterns are considered violations:

a {}

b {}

Comment strings are also checked -- so the following is a violation:

 Call me Ishmael.

 Some years ago--never mind how long precisely-—...

The following patterns are not considered violations:

a {}
b {}
a {}

b {}
a {}

b {}

Optional secondary options

ignore: ["comments"]

Only enforce the adjacent empty lines limit for lines that are not comments.

For example, with 2 adjacent empty lines:

The following patterns are considered violations:

/* horse */
a {}

b {}

The following patterns are not considered violations:

 Call me Ishmael.

 Some years ago -- never mind how long precisely -- ...
a {

     inside the declaration with a lot of empty lines...
     color: pink;