lhl 6ff0e96ad3 8-4-1 1 rok pred
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Require a single space or disallow whitespace on the inside of the parentheses within pseudo-class selectors.

input:not( [type="submit"] ) {}
/**      ↑                 ↑
 * The space inside these two parentheses */

The fix option can automatically fix most of the problems reported by this rule. It won't fix pseudo elements containing comments.


string: "always"|"never"


There must always be a single space inside the parentheses.

The following patterns are considered violations:

input:not([type="submit"]) {}
input:not([type="submit"] ) {}

The following patterns are not considered violations:

input:not( [type="submit"] ) {}


There must never be whitespace on the inside the parentheses.

The following patterns are considered violations:

input:not( [type="submit"] ) {}
input:not( [type="submit"]) {}

The following patterns are not considered violations:

input:not([type="submit"]) {}