123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125 |
- 'use strict';
- // TODO: Remove from `core-js@4` since it's moved to entry points
- require('../modules/es.regexp.exec');
- var redefine = require('../internals/redefine');
- var fails = require('../internals/fails');
- var wellKnownSymbol = require('../internals/well-known-symbol');
- var regexpExec = require('../internals/regexp-exec');
- var createNonEnumerableProperty = require('../internals/create-non-enumerable-property');
- var SPECIES = wellKnownSymbol('species');
- var REPLACE_SUPPORTS_NAMED_GROUPS = !fails(function () {
- // #replace needs built-in support for named groups.
- // #match works fine because it just return the exec results, even if it has
- // a "grops" property.
- var re = /./;
- re.exec = function () {
- var result = [];
- result.groups = { a: '7' };
- return result;
- };
- return ''.replace(re, '$<a>') !== '7';
- });
- // IE <= 11 replaces $0 with the whole match, as if it was $&
- // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6024666/getting-ie-to-replace-a-regex-with-the-literal-string-0
- var REPLACE_KEEPS_$0 = (function () {
- return 'a'.replace(/./, '$0') === '$0';
- })();
- var REPLACE = wellKnownSymbol('replace');
- // Safari <= 13.0.3(?) substitutes nth capture where n>m with an empty string
- if (/./[REPLACE]) {
- return /./[REPLACE]('a', '$0') === '';
- }
- return false;
- })();
- // Chrome 51 has a buggy "split" implementation when RegExp#exec !== nativeExec
- // Weex JS has frozen built-in prototypes, so use try / catch wrapper
- var SPLIT_WORKS_WITH_OVERWRITTEN_EXEC = !fails(function () {
- var re = /(?:)/;
- var originalExec = re.exec;
- re.exec = function () { return originalExec.apply(this, arguments); };
- var result = 'ab'.split(re);
- return result.length !== 2 || result[0] !== 'a' || result[1] !== 'b';
- });
- module.exports = function (KEY, length, exec, sham) {
- var SYMBOL = wellKnownSymbol(KEY);
- var DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL = !fails(function () {
- // String methods call symbol-named RegEp methods
- var O = {};
- O[SYMBOL] = function () { return 7; };
- return ''[KEY](O) != 7;
- });
- var DELEGATES_TO_EXEC = DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL && !fails(function () {
- // Symbol-named RegExp methods call .exec
- var execCalled = false;
- var re = /a/;
- if (KEY === 'split') {
- // We can't use real regex here since it causes deoptimization
- // and serious performance degradation in V8
- // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/306
- re = {};
- // RegExp[@@split] doesn't call the regex's exec method, but first creates
- // a new one. We need to return the patched regex when creating the new one.
- re.constructor = {};
- re.constructor[SPECIES] = function () { return re; };
- re.flags = '';
- re[SYMBOL] = /./[SYMBOL];
- }
- re.exec = function () { execCalled = true; return null; };
- re[SYMBOL]('');
- return !execCalled;
- });
- if (
- (KEY === 'replace' && !(
- )) ||
- ) {
- var nativeRegExpMethod = /./[SYMBOL];
- var methods = exec(SYMBOL, ''[KEY], function (nativeMethod, regexp, str, arg2, forceStringMethod) {
- if (regexp.exec === regexpExec) {
- if (DELEGATES_TO_SYMBOL && !forceStringMethod) {
- // The native String method already delegates to @@method (this
- // polyfilled function), leasing to infinite recursion.
- // We avoid it by directly calling the native @@method method.
- return { done: true, value: nativeRegExpMethod.call(regexp, str, arg2) };
- }
- return { done: true, value: nativeMethod.call(str, regexp, arg2) };
- }
- return { done: false };
- }, {
- });
- var stringMethod = methods[0];
- var regexMethod = methods[1];
- redefine(String.prototype, KEY, stringMethod);
- redefine(RegExp.prototype, SYMBOL, length == 2
- // RegExp.prototype[@@replace](string, replaceValue)
- // RegExp.prototype[@@split](string, limit)
- ? function (string, arg) { return regexMethod.call(string, this, arg); }
- // RegExp.prototype[@@match](string)
- // RegExp.prototype[@@search](string)
- : function (string) { return regexMethod.call(string, this); }
- );
- }
- if (sham) createNonEnumerableProperty(RegExp.prototype[SYMBOL], 'sham', true);
- };