format bug (#889) (058d624), closes #888.diff
API (#617) (f0f43d2).format
API returns UTC offset when value is 0 bug (b254964).add
day/week decimal rouding bug (800f6c9).diff
type definition error (#565) (c4921ae), closes #561add
(22a249c), closes #531For plugin developers: Please note, we have changed the name of some method in
in order to reduce the file size. (#517) (detail)
Get access to ESM code with
import dayjs from 'dayjs/esm'
Allow set start day of week in locale && Allow set week in weekOfYear plugin (1295591)
update all locale files with correct week start (5b03412)
update es es-do locale adding weekStart && update weekStart test (66e42ec)
Revert default export (b00da1b)
Add LocalizedFormat plugin supplying format like LTS, LT, LLLL
update declaration File with default export (#278)
From v1.8.1, in TypeScript Project, justimport from dayjs from 'dayjs'
add ES2015 module support (#451)
update isSame isBefore isAfter supports units (fd65464)
add greek lithuanian locales
to retrieve week of the year (e1c1b1c)