package.json 3.9 KB

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  26. "author": {
  27. "name": "Roy Riojas",
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  46. "dependencies": {
  47. "flat-cache": "^2.0.1"
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  49. "deprecated": false,
  50. "description": "Super simple cache for file metadata, useful for process that work o a given series of files and that only need to repeat the job on the changed ones since the previous run of the process",
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  72. "files": [
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  74. ],
  75. "homepage": "",
  76. "keywords": [
  77. "file cache",
  78. "task cache files",
  79. "file cache",
  80. "key par",
  81. "key value",
  82. "cache"
  83. ],
  84. "license": "MIT",
  85. "main": "cache.js",
  86. "name": "file-entry-cache",
  87. "precommit": [
  88. "npm run verify"
  89. ],
  90. "prepush": [
  91. "npm run verify"
  92. ],
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  98. "beautify": "esbeautifier 'cache.js' 'test/**/*.js' 'perf.js'",
  99. "beautify-check": "npm run beautify -- -k",
  100. "bump-major": "npm run pre-v && npm version major -m 'BLD: Release v%s' && npm run post-v",
  101. "bump-minor": "npm run pre-v && npm version minor -m 'BLD: Release v%s' && npm run post-v",
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  106. "eslint": "eslinter 'cache.js' 'specs/**/*.js' 'perf.js'",
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  113. "verify": "npm run beautify-check && npm run eslint",
  114. "watch": "watch-run -i -p 'test/specs/**/*.js' istanbul cover test/runner.js html text-summary"
  115. },
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  117. }