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No Case

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Transform a string to lower space cased. Optional locale and replacement character supported.

Supports Unicode (non-ASCII characters) and non-string entities, such as objects with a toString property, numbers and booleans. Empty values (null and undefined) will result in an empty string.


npm install no-case --save


var noCase = require('no-case')

noCase(null)              //=> ""
noCase('string')          //=> "string"
noCase('dot.case')        //=> "dot case"
noCase('camelCase')       //=> "camel case"
noCase('Beyoncé Knowles') //=> "beyoncé knowles"

noCase('A STRING', 'tr') //=> "a strıng"

noCase('HELLO WORLD!', null, '_') //=> "hello_world"


Includes a TypeScript definition.
