var Utils = require('./utils')
var ECCode = require('./error-correction-code')
var ECLevel = require('./error-correction-level')
var Mode = require('./mode')
var VersionCheck = require('./version-check')
var isArray = require('isarray')

// Generator polynomial used to encode version information
var G18 = (1 << 12) | (1 << 11) | (1 << 10) | (1 << 9) | (1 << 8) | (1 << 5) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 0)
var G18_BCH = Utils.getBCHDigit(G18)

function getBestVersionForDataLength (mode, length, errorCorrectionLevel) {
  for (var currentVersion = 1; currentVersion <= 40; currentVersion++) {
    if (length <= exports.getCapacity(currentVersion, errorCorrectionLevel, mode)) {
      return currentVersion

  return undefined

function getReservedBitsCount (mode, version) {
  // Character count indicator + mode indicator bits
  return Mode.getCharCountIndicator(mode, version) + 4

function getTotalBitsFromDataArray (segments, version) {
  var totalBits = 0

  segments.forEach(function (data) {
    var reservedBits = getReservedBitsCount(data.mode, version)
    totalBits += reservedBits + data.getBitsLength()

  return totalBits

function getBestVersionForMixedData (segments, errorCorrectionLevel) {
  for (var currentVersion = 1; currentVersion <= 40; currentVersion++) {
    var length = getTotalBitsFromDataArray(segments, currentVersion)
    if (length <= exports.getCapacity(currentVersion, errorCorrectionLevel, Mode.MIXED)) {
      return currentVersion

  return undefined

 * Returns version number from a value.
 * If value is not a valid version, returns defaultValue
 * @param  {Number|String} value        QR Code version
 * @param  {Number}        defaultValue Fallback value
 * @return {Number}                     QR Code version number
exports.from = function from (value, defaultValue) {
  if (VersionCheck.isValid(value)) {
    return parseInt(value, 10)

  return defaultValue

 * Returns how much data can be stored with the specified QR code version
 * and error correction level
 * @param  {Number} version              QR Code version (1-40)
 * @param  {Number} errorCorrectionLevel Error correction level
 * @param  {Mode}   mode                 Data mode
 * @return {Number}                      Quantity of storable data
exports.getCapacity = function getCapacity (version, errorCorrectionLevel, mode) {
  if (!VersionCheck.isValid(version)) {
    throw new Error('Invalid QR Code version')

  // Use Byte mode as default
  if (typeof mode === 'undefined') mode = Mode.BYTE

  // Total codewords for this QR code version (Data + Error correction)
  var totalCodewords = Utils.getSymbolTotalCodewords(version)

  // Total number of error correction codewords
  var ecTotalCodewords = ECCode.getTotalCodewordsCount(version, errorCorrectionLevel)

  // Total number of data codewords
  var dataTotalCodewordsBits = (totalCodewords - ecTotalCodewords) * 8

  if (mode === Mode.MIXED) return dataTotalCodewordsBits

  var usableBits = dataTotalCodewordsBits - getReservedBitsCount(mode, version)

  // Return max number of storable codewords
  switch (mode) {
    case Mode.NUMERIC:
      return Math.floor((usableBits / 10) * 3)

    case Mode.ALPHANUMERIC:
      return Math.floor((usableBits / 11) * 2)

    case Mode.KANJI:
      return Math.floor(usableBits / 13)

    case Mode.BYTE:
      return Math.floor(usableBits / 8)

 * Returns the minimum version needed to contain the amount of data
 * @param  {Segment} data                    Segment of data
 * @param  {Number} [errorCorrectionLevel=H] Error correction level
 * @param  {Mode} mode                       Data mode
 * @return {Number}                          QR Code version
exports.getBestVersionForData = function getBestVersionForData (data, errorCorrectionLevel) {
  var seg

  var ecl = ECLevel.from(errorCorrectionLevel, ECLevel.M)

  if (isArray(data)) {
    if (data.length > 1) {
      return getBestVersionForMixedData(data, ecl)

    if (data.length === 0) {
      return 1

    seg = data[0]
  } else {
    seg = data

  return getBestVersionForDataLength(seg.mode, seg.getLength(), ecl)

 * Returns version information with relative error correction bits
 * The version information is included in QR Code symbols of version 7 or larger.
 * It consists of an 18-bit sequence containing 6 data bits,
 * with 12 error correction bits calculated using the (18, 6) Golay code.
 * @param  {Number} version QR Code version
 * @return {Number}         Encoded version info bits
exports.getEncodedBits = function getEncodedBits (version) {
  if (!VersionCheck.isValid(version) || version < 7) {
    throw new Error('Invalid QR Code version')

  var d = version << 12

  while (Utils.getBCHDigit(d) - G18_BCH >= 0) {
    d ^= (G18 << (Utils.getBCHDigit(d) - G18_BCH))

  return (version << 12) | d