<template> <!-- 首页 --> <view v-if="pageShow" class="page" :class="bgTabVal==2?'fullsize noRepeat':bgTabVal==1?'repeat ysize':'noRepeat ysize'" :style="'background-color:'+bgColor+';background-image: url('+bgPic+');min-height:'+windowHeight+'px;'"> <view v-if="!errorNetwork" :style="colorStyle"> <skeletons v-if="showSkeleton"></skeletons> <view class="index"> <!-- #ifdef H5 --> <view v-for="(item, index) in styleConfig" :key="index"> <component :is="item.name" :index="index" :dataConfig="item" @changeBarg="changeBarg" @detail="goDetail" :isSortType="isSortType" @bindSortId="bindSortId" @changeLogin="changeLogin" @bindHeight="bindHeight" :isFixed="isFixed"> </component> </view> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS --> <!-- 自定义样式 --> <block v-for="(item, index) in styleConfig" :key="index"> <shortVideo v-if="item.name == 'shortVideo'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"> </shortVideo> <userInfor v-if="item.name == 'userInfor'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType" @changeLogin="changeLogin"> </userInfor> <newVip v-if="item.name == 'newVip'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"> </newVip> <activeParty v-if="item.name == 'activeParty'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"> </activeParty> <!-- 文章列表 --> <articleList v-if="item.name == 'articleList'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"> </articleList> <bargain v-if="item.name == 'bargain'" :dataConfig="item" @changeBarg="changeBarg" :isSortType="isSortType"></bargain> <blankPage v-if="item.name == 'blankPage'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></blankPage> <combination v-if="item.name == 'combination'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"> </combination> <!-- 优惠券 --> <coupon v-if="item.name == 'coupon'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType" @changeLogin="changeLogin"></coupon> <!-- 客户服务 --> <customerService v-if="item.name == 'customerService'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"> </customerService> <!-- 商品列表 --> <goodList v-if="item.name == 'goodList'" :dataConfig="item" @detail="goDetail" :isSortType="isSortType"></goodList> <guide v-if="item.name == 'guide'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></guide> <!-- 顶部搜索框 --> <headerSerch v-if="item.name == 'headerSerch'" :dataConfig="item"></headerSerch> <!-- 直播模块 --> <liveBroadcast v-if="item.name == 'liveBroadcast'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"> </liveBroadcast> <menus v-if="item.name == 'menus'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></menus> <!-- 实时消息 --> <news v-if="item.name == 'news'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></news> <!-- 图片库 --> <pictureCube v-if="item.name == 'pictureCube'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"> </pictureCube> <!-- 促销列表 --> <promotionList v-if="item.name == 'promotionList'" :dataConfig="item" @detail="goDetail" :isSortType="isSortType"> </promotionList> <richText v-if="item.name == 'richText'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></richText> <seckill v-if="item.name == 'seckill'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></seckill> <!-- 轮播图--> <swiperBg v-if="item.name == 'swiperBg'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></swiperBg> <swipers v-if="item.name == 'swipers'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></swipers> <!-- 顶部选项卡 --> <tabNav v-if="item.name == 'tabNav'" :dataConfig="item" @bindHeight="bindHeighta" @bindSortId="bindSortId" :isFixed="isFixed"></tabNav> <!-- 标题 --> <titles v-if="item.name == 'titles'" :dataConfig="item" :isSortType="isSortType"></titles> </block> <!-- #endif --> <!-- 分类商品模块 --> <!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS --> <view class="sort-product" v-if="isSortType == 1" style="margin-top: 0;"> <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="sort-scroll"> <view class="sort-box" v-if="sortList.children && sortList.children.length"> <view class="sort-item" v-for="(item, index) in sortList.children" :key="index" @click="changeSort(item, index)" :class="{ on: curSort == index }"> <image :src="item.pic" mode="" v-if="item.pic"></image> <image src="/static/images/sort-img.png" mode="" v-else></image> <view class="txt">{{ item.cate_name }}</view> </view> </view> </scroll-view> <!-- 首页商品列表 --> <view class="product-list" v-if="goodList.length"> <view class="product-item" v-for="(item, index) in goodList" @click="goGoodsDetail(item)"> <image :src="item.image" mode="aspectFill"></image> <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '1'">秒杀</span> <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '2'">砍价</span> <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '3'">拼团</span> <view class="info"> <view class="title line1">{{ item.store_name }}</view> <view class="price-box"> <text>¥</text> {{ item.price }} </view> </view> </view> </view> <Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading> <view v-if="goodList.length == 0 && loaded" class="sort-scroll"> <view class="empty-box"> <image :src="imgHost + '/statics/images/no-thing.png'"></image> <view class="tips">暂无商品,去看点别的吧</view> </view> <recommend :hostProduct="hostProduct"></recommend> </view> </view> <!-- #endif --> <!-- #ifndef APP-PLUS --> <!-- 商品排序 --> <view class="sort-product" v-if="isSortType == 1" :style="{ marginTop: sortMpTop + 'px' }"> <scroll-view scroll-x="true" class="sort-scroll"> <view class="sort-box" v-if="sortList.children && sortList.children.length"> <view class="sort-item" v-for="(item, index) in sortList.children" :key="index" @click="changeSort(item, index)" :class="{ on: curSort == index }"> <image :src="item.pic" mode="" v-if="item.pic"></image> <image src="/static/images/sort-img.png" mode="" v-else></image> <view class="txt">{{ item.cate_name }}</view> </view> </view> </scroll-view> <!-- 首页底部商品列表 --> <view class="product-list" v-if="goodList.length"> <view class="product-item" v-for="(item, index) in goodList" @click="goGoodsDetail(item)"> <image :src="item.image" mode="aspectFill"></image> <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '1'">秒杀</span> <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '2'">砍价</span> <span class="pictrue_log_big pictrue_log_class" v-if="item.activity && item.activity.type === '3'">拼团</span> <view class="info"> <view class="title line1">{{ item.store_name }}</view> <view class="price-box"> <text>¥</text> {{ item.price }} </view> </view> </view> </view> <Loading :loaded="loaded" :loading="loading"></Loading> <view class="" v-if="goodList.length == 0 && loaded" class="sort-scroll"> <view class="empty-box"> <image :src="imgHost + '/statics/images/no-thing.png'"></image> <view class="tips">暂无商品,去看点别的吧</view> </view> <recommend :hostProduct="hostProduct"></recommend> </view> </view> <!-- #endif --> <couponWindow :window="isCouponShow" @onColse="couponClose" :couponImage="couponObj.image" :couponList="couponObj.list"></couponWindow> <view class="uni-p-b-98" v-if="footerStatus"></view> <view v-if="site_config" class="site-config" @click="goICP">{{ site_config }}</view> <pageFooter></pageFooter> <!-- #ifdef MP --> <authorize v-if="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse" @onLoadFun="onLoadFun"></authorize> <!-- #endif --> </view> </view> <view v-else> <view class="error-network"> <image :src="imgHost + '/statics/images/error-network.png'"></image> <view class="title">网络连接断开</view> <view class="con"> <view class="label">请检查情况:</view> <view class="item">· 在设置中是否已开启网络权限</view> <view class="item">· 当前是否处于弱网环境</view> <view class="item">· 版本是否过低,升级试试吧</view> </view> <view class="btn" @click="reconnect">重新连接</view> </view> </view> </view> </template> <script> const app = getApp(); import colors from "@/mixins/color"; import couponWindow from '@/components/couponWindow/index'; import permision from "@/js_sdk/wa-permission/permission.js"; import skeletons from './components/skeletons'; import { getCouponV2, getCouponNewUser, copyRight } from '@/api/api.js'; import { getShare } from '@/api/public.js'; // #ifdef H5 import mConfig from './components/index.js'; import { silenceAuth } from '@/api/public.js'; // #endif // #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS import userInfor from './components/userInfor'; import newVip from './components/newVip'; import shortVideo from './components/shortVideo'; import activeParty from './components/activeParty'; import headerSerch from './components/headerSerch'; import swipers from './components/swipers'; import coupon from './components/coupon'; import articleList from './components/articleList'; import bargain from './components/bargain'; import blankPage from './components/blankPage'; import combination from './components/combination'; import customerService from './components/customerService'; import goodList from './components/goodList'; import guide from './components/guide'; import liveBroadcast from './components/liveBroadcast'; import menus from './components/menus'; import news from './components/news'; import pictureCube from './components/pictureCube'; import promotionList from './components/promotionList'; import richText from './components/richText'; import seckill from './components/seckill'; import swiperBg from './components/swiperBg'; import tabNav from './components/tabNav'; import titles from './components/titles'; import { getTemlIds } from '@/api/api.js'; import { SUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE, TIPS_KEY } from '@/config/cache'; // #endif import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'; import { getDiy, getIndexData } from '@/api/api.js'; import { getCategoryList, getProductslist, getProductHot, diyProduct } from '@/api/store.js'; import { goShopDetail } from '@/libs/order.js'; import { toLogin } from '@/libs/login.js'; import {HTTP_REQUEST_URL} from '@/config/app'; import pageFooter from '@/components/pageFooter/index.vue'; import Loading from '@/components/Loading/index.vue'; import recommend from '@/components/recommend'; export default { computed: mapGetters(['isLogin', 'uid', 'cartNum']), mixins: [colors], components: { skeletons, recommend, Loading, pageFooter, couponWindow, // #ifdef H5 ...mConfig, // #endif // #ifdef MP || APP-PLUS newVip, userInfor, shortVideo, activeParty, headerSerch, swipers, coupon, articleList, bargain, blankPage, combination, customerService, goodList, guide, liveBroadcast, menus, pictureCube, news, promotionList, richText, seckill, swiperBg, tabNav, titles // #endif }, data() { return { showSkeleton: true, //骨架屏显示隐藏 styleConfig: [], loading: false, loadend: false, loadTitle: '下拉加载更多', //提示语 page: 1, limit: this.$config.LIMIT, numConfig: 0, code: '', isCouponShow: false, couponObj: {}, couponObjs: { show: false }, shareInfo: {}, footConfig: {}, isSortType: 0, sortList: '', sortAll: [], goodPage: 1, goodList: [], sid: 0, curSort: 0, sortMpTop: 0, loaded: false, loading: false, hostProduct: [], hotScroll: false, hotPage: 1, hotLimit: 10, domOffsetTop: 50, // #ifdef APP-PLUS || MP isFixed: true, // #endif // #ifdef H5 isFixed: false, // #endif site_config: '', errorNetwork: false, // 是否断网 footerStatus: false, isHeaderSerch: false, bgColor: '', bgPic: '', bgTabVal: '', pageShow: true, windowHeight: 0, imgHost:HTTP_REQUEST_URL, isShowAuth: false }; }, onLoad(options) { let that = this that.getOptions(options); this.$nextTick(function() { uni.getSystemInfo({ success: function(res) { that.windowHeight = res.windowHeight; } }); }) const { state, scope } = options; this.diyData(); this.getIndexData(); // #ifdef H5 this.setOpenShare(); // #endif // #ifdef MP this.getTemlIds(); // #endif getShare().then(res => { this.shareInfo = res.data; }); // #ifndef APP-PLUS this.getCopyRight(); // #endif }, watch: { isLogin: { deep: true, //深度监听设置为 true handler: function(newV, oldV) { // 优惠券弹窗 var newDates = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); if (newV) { try { var oldDate = uni.getStorageSync('oldDate') || ''; } catch {} if (oldDate != newDates) { this.getCoupon(); } } } } }, onShow() { if (this.cartNum > 0) { uni.setTabBarBadge({ index: 3, text: this.cartNum + '' }) } else { uni.hideTabBarRedDot({ index: 3 }) } uni.removeStorageSync('form_type_cart'); // 优惠券弹窗 if (this.isLogin) { this.getCoupon(); } this.getdiyProduct() }, onReady() {}, methods: { // 授权关闭 authColse: function(e) { this.isShowAuth = e }, // div商品详情 getdiyProduct() { diyProduct().then(res=>{ uni.setStorageSync('diyProduct',JSON.stringify(res.data.product_detail)) }) }, getCopyRight(){ copyRight().then(res => { let data = res.data; this.site_config = data.record_No; if(!data.copyrightContext){ // data.copyrightImage = '/static/images/support.png' } uni.setStorageSync('copyNameInfo', data.copyrightContext); uni.setStorageSync('copyImageInfo', data.copyrightImage); }).catch(err => { return this.$util.Tips({ title: err.msg }); }); }, getOptions(options){ let that = this; // #ifdef MP if (options.scene) { let value = that.$util.getUrlParams(decodeURIComponent(options.scene)); //记录推广人uid if (value.pid) app.globalData.spid = value.pid; } // #endif if (options.pid) app.globalData.spid = options.pid; }, // 重新链接 reconnect() { uni.showLoading({ title: '加载中' }) this.diyData(); this.getIndexData(); getShare().then(res => { this.shareInfo = res.data; }); }, goICP() { // #ifdef H5 window.open('http://beian.miit.gov.cn/'); // #endif // #ifdef MP uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/annex/web_view/index?url=https://beian.miit.gov.cn/` }); // #endif }, bindHeighta(data) { // #ifdef APP-PLUS this.sortMpTop = data.top + data.height; // #endif }, bindHeight(data) { uni.hideLoading(); this.domOffsetTop = data.top; }, // 去商品详情 goGoodsDetail(item) { goShopDetail(item, this.uid).then(res => { uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${item.id}` }); }); }, /** * 获取我的推荐 */ get_host_product: function() { let that = this; if (that.hotScroll) return; getProductHot(that.hotPage, that.hotLimit).then(res => { that.hotPage++; that.hotScroll = res.data.length < that.hotLimit; that.hostProduct = that.hostProduct.concat(res.data); // that.$set(that, 'hostProduct', res.data) }); }, // 分类点击 changeSort(item, index) { if (this.curSort == index) return; this.curSort = index; this.sid = item.id; this.goodList = []; this.goodPage = 1; this.loaded = false; this.getGoodsList(); }, // 获取分类id bindSortId(data) { this.isSortType = data == -99 ? 0 : 1; this.getProductList(data); if (this.hostProduct.length == 0) { this.get_host_product(); } }, getProductList(data) { let tempObj = ''; this.curSort = 0; this.loaded = false; if (this.sortAll.length > 0) { this.sortAll.forEach((el, index) => { if (el.id == data) { this.$set(this, 'sortList', el); this.sid = el.children.length ? el.children[0].id : ''; } }); this.goodList = []; this.goodPage = 1; this.$nextTick(() => { if (this.sortList != '') this.getGoodsList(); }); } else { getCategoryList().then(res => { this.sortAll = res.data; res.data.forEach((el, index) => { if (el.id == data) { this.sortList = el; this.sid = el.children.length ? el.children[0].id : ''; } }); this.goodList = []; this.goodPage = 1; this.$nextTick(() => { if (this.sortList != '') this.getGoodsList(); }); }); } }, // 商品列表 getGoodsList() { if (this.loading || this.loaded) return; this.loading = true; getProductslist({ sid: this.sid, keyword: '', priceOrder: '', salesOrder: '', news: 0, page: this.goodPage, limit: 10, cid: this.sortList.id }).then(res => { this.loading = false; this.loaded = res.data.length < 10; this.goodPage++; this.goodList = this.goodList.concat(res.data); }); }, // 新用户优惠券 getNewCoupon() { const oldUser = uni.getStorageSync('oldUser') || 0; if (!oldUser) { getCouponNewUser().then(res => { const { data } = res; if (data.show) { if (data.list.length) { this.isCouponShow = true; this.couponObj = data; uni.setStorageSync('oldUser', 1); } } else { uni.setStorageSync('oldUser', 1); } }); } }, // 优惠券弹窗 getCoupon() { const tagDate = uni.getStorageSync('tagDate') || '', nowDate = new Date().toLocaleDateString(); if (tagDate === nowDate) { this.getNewCoupon(); } else { getCouponV2().then(res => { const { data } = res; if (data.list.length) { this.isCouponShow = true; this.couponObj = data; uni.setStorageSync('tagDate', new Date().toLocaleDateString()); } else { this.getNewCoupon(); } }); } }, // 优惠券弹窗关闭 couponClose() { this.isCouponShow = false; if (!uni.getStorageSync('oldUser')) { this.getNewCoupon(); } }, onLoadFun() { this.isShowAuth = false }, // #ifdef H5 // 获取url后面的参数 getQueryString(name) { var reg = new RegExp('(^|&)' + name + '=([^&]*)(&|$)', 'i'); var reg_rewrite = new RegExp('(^|/)' + name + '/([^/]*)(/|$)', 'i'); var r = window.location.search.substr(1).match(reg); var q = window.location.pathname.substr(1).match(reg_rewrite); if (r != null) { return unescape(r[2]); } else if (q != null) { return unescape(q[2]); } else { return null; } }, // #endif // #ifdef MP getTemlIds() { let messageTmplIds = wx.getStorageSync(SUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE); if (!messageTmplIds) { getTemlIds().then(res => { if (res.data) wx.setStorageSync(SUBSCRIBE_MESSAGE, JSON.stringify(res.data)); }); } }, // #endif // 对象转数组 objToArr(data) { let obj = Object.keys(data); let m = obj.map(key => data[key]); return m; }, diyData() { let that = this; getDiy(0).then(res => { this.errorNetwork = false let data = res.data; if (data.is_bg_color) { this.bgColor = data.color_picker } if (data.is_bg_pic) { this.bgPic = data.bg_pic this.bgTabVal = data.bg_tab_val } this.pageShow = data.is_show uni.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: res.data.title }); let temp = []; let lastArr = that.objToArr(res.data.value); lastArr.forEach((item, index, arr) => { if (item.name == 'headerSerch') { this.isHeaderSerch = true } if (item.name == 'pageFoot') { arr.splice(index, 1); } if (item.name == 'tabNav') { // #ifndef APP-PLUS // uni.showLoading({ // title: '加载中', // mask: true, // }); // #endif // setTimeout(function() { // uni.hideLoading(); // }, 8000); } temp = arr; }); function sortNumber(a, b) { return a.timestamp - b.timestamp; } temp.sort(sortNumber) that.styleConfig = temp; this.showSkeleton = false }).catch(error => { // #ifdef APP-PLUS if (error.status) { uni.hideLoading() if (that.errorNetwork) { uni.showToast({ title: '连接失败', icon: 'none', duration: 2000 }) } this.errorNetwork = true this.showSkeleton = false; } // #endif }); }, getIndexData() {}, changeLogin(){ this.getIsLogin(); }, getIsLogin(){ // #ifndef MP toLogin() // #endif // #ifdef MP this.isShowAuth = true; // #endif }, changeBarg(item) { if (!this.isLogin) { this.getIsLogin(); } else { uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/activity/goods_bargain_details/index?id=${item.id}&bargain=${this.$store.state.app.uid}` }); } }, goDetail(item) { goShopDetail(item, this.$store.state.app.uid).then(res => { uni.navigateTo({ url: `/pages/goods_details/index?id=${item.id}` }); }); }, // #ifdef H5 // 微信分享; setOpenShare: function() { let that = this; let uid = this.uid?this.uid:0; if (that.$wechat.isWeixin()) { getShare().then(res => { let data = res.data; let configAppMessage = { desc: data.synopsis, title: data.title, link: location.href+'?pid='+uid, imgUrl: data.img }; that.$wechat.wechatEvevt(['updateAppMessageShareData', 'updateTimelineShareData', 'onMenuShareAppMessage', 'onMenuShareTimeline' ], configAppMessage); }); } } // #endif }, onReachBottom: function() { if (this.isSortType == 0) { } else { this.getGoodsList(); } }, onPageScroll(e) { // #ifdef H5 if (this.isHeaderSerch) { if (e.scrollTop > this.domOffsetTop) { this.isFixed = true; } if (e.scrollTop < this.domOffsetTop) { this.$nextTick(() => { this.isFixed = false; }); } } else { this.isFixed = false } // #endif }, //#ifdef MP onShareAppMessage() { let uid = this.uid?this.uid:0; return { title: this.shareInfo.title, path: '/pages/index/index?pid='+uid }; }, //分享到朋友圈 onShareTimeline: function() { return { title: this.shareInfo.title, path: '/pages/index/index' // imageUrl: this.shareInfo.img }; } //#endif }; </script> <style lang="scss"> // page { // padding-bottom: 50px; // } 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