@@ -1,724 +1,774 @@
<!-- 聊天 -->
- <view class="page page--divider">
- <headerline navstyle="left:18%;width:60%;" :reditem="unreadnum" issearch="true" :showsearch="showsearch" searchtips="请输入搜索内容" @clicksearch='clicksearch' :shownav="false" :title="navtitle" :menuitem="menuitem" :navselect="navselect" :statusbarheight='statusBarHeight' :islogo="false" @tapnav="tapnav" @tapmenu="tapmenu" rightmenu="true"></headerline>
- <view class="widget" v-if="navselect==0 && !showsearch">
- <scroll-view v-if="chats.length>0" refresher-enabled='true' refresher-threshold='60' :refresher-triggered="isfresh" :refresher-default-style='refreshstyle' @refresherpulling='refresherpulling' @refresherrefresh='refresherrefresh'>
- <view class="fresh" v-if="isfresh==true">
- {{fresh_tip}}
- </view>
- <view :class="{'item':true,'istop':item.istop}" v-for="(item, index) in chats" :key="item.key"
- @tap="handleClick(item)" @longtap="msgAction(item)">
- <image :src="image_cache(item.avatar)" class="leftImg" />
- <view class="rightContent">
- <view class="topCont">
- <view class="userName">{{item.nickname||'匿名'}}</view>
- <view class="time">{{ timestamp(item.timestamp) || '--:--' }}</view>
- </view>
- <view class="bottomCont">
- <view class="content" v-if="item.message.type!='tips'">
+ <view class="page page--divider">
+ <headerline navstyle="left:18%;width:60%;" :reditem="unreadnum" issearch="true" :showsearch="showsearch"
+ searchtips="请输入搜索内容" @clicksearch='clicksearch' :shownav="false" :title="navtitle" :menuitem="menuitem"
+ :navselect="navselect" :statusbarheight='statusBarHeight' :islogo="false" @tapnav="tapnav"
+ @tapmenu="tapmenu" rightmenu="true"></headerline>
+ <view class="widget" v-if="navselect==0 && !showsearch">
+ <scroll-view v-if="chats.length>0" refresher-enabled='true' refresher-threshold='60'
+ :refresher-triggered="isfresh" :refresher-default-style='refreshstyle'
+ @refresherpulling='refresherpulling' @refresherrefresh='refresherrefresh'>
+ <view class="fresh" v-if="isfresh==true">
+ {{fresh_tip}}
+ </view>
+ <view :class="{'item':true,'istop':item.istop}" v-for="(item, index) in chats" :key="item.key"
+ @tap="handleClick(item)" @longtap="msgAction(item)">
+ <image :src="image_cache(item.avatar)" class="leftImg" />
+ <view class="rightContent">
+ <view class="topCont">
+ <view class="userName">{{item.nickname||'匿名'}}</view>
+ <view class="time">{{ timestamp(item.timestamp) || '--:--' }}</view>
+ </view>
+ <view class="bottomCont">
+ <view class="content" v-if="item.message.type!='tips'">
<block v-if="item.self || item.sender.nickname!=undefined">
- {{item.self? '[我]': item.sender.nickname+':'}}
+ {{item.self? '[我]': item.sender.nickname+':'}}
- <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx' v-if="item.message.type=='voice'">[语音]</text>
- <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.type=='redpacket'">[红包]</text>
- <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.type=='image'">[图片]</text>
- <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.type=='vedio'">[视频]</text>
- <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.type=='emotion'">[表情]</text>
- <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.type=='apply'">{{item.message.content.text}}</text>
- <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.type=='tips'">
+ <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx'
+ v-if="item.message.type=='voice'">[语音]</text>
+ <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx'
+ v-else-if="item.message.type=='redpacket'">[红包]</text>
+ <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx'
+ v-else-if="item.message.type=='image'">[图片]</text>
+ <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx'
+ v-else-if="item.message.type=='vedio'">[视频]</text>
+ <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx'
+ v-else-if="item.message.type=='emotion'">[表情]</text>
+ <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx'
+ v-else-if="item.message.type=='apply'">{{item.message.content.text}}</text>
+ <text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.type=='tips'">
<block v-if="item.message.content.type=='time'">
- {{item.message.content.text}}
+ {{item.message.content.text}}
<block v-else>
- {{item.message.content}}
+ {{item.message.content}}
- </text>
+ </text>
<text style='color: #666666;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.type=='text'">
- <text v-if="item.message.content.type!='emotion' ">
- <block v-if="item.message.content.type=='remind' && toText(item.message.content.content).indexOf('@我')>-1 ">
- <text style="color:#1d830a"> {{item.message.content.type=="remind"?toText(item.message.content.content):toText(item.message.content) }}</text>
- </block>
- <block v-else>
- {{item.message.content.type=="remind"?toText(item.message.content.content):toText(item.message.content) }}
- </block>
- </text>
- <text v-if="item.message.content.type=='emotion' ">
- {{item.message.content.content}}
- </text>
- </text>
- <text style='color: #999999;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.msg_type=='show'">
- {{item.message.content.text}}
+ <text v-if="item.message.content.type!='emotion' ">
+ <block
+ v-if="item.message.content.type=='remind' && toText(item.message.content.content).indexOf('@我')>-1 ">
+ <text style="color:#1d830a">
+ {{item.message.content.type=="remind"?toText(item.message.content.content):toText(item.message.content) }}</text>
+ </block>
+ <block v-else>
+ {{item.message.content.type=="remind"?toText(item.message.content.content):toText(item.message.content) }}
+ </block>
+ </text>
+ <text v-if="item.message.content.type=='emotion' ">
+ {{item.message.content.content}}
+ </text>
+ </text>
+ <text style='color: #999999;font-size: 28upx' v-else-if="item.message.msg_type=='show'">
+ {{item.message.content.text}}
- </view>
+ </view>
<view class="content" v-else>
- <text style='color: #999999;font-size: 28upx' >
- <block v-if="item.message.content.type=='time'">
+ <text style='color: #999999;font-size: 28upx'>
+ <block v-if="item.message.content.type=='time'">
- </block>
- <block v-else>
- {{item.message.content}}
- </block>
+ </block>
+ <block v-else>
+ {{item.message.content}}
+ </block>
- <view class="badge" v-if="item.unread && item.unread>99" style="width: auto;padding: 0 5px;">99+</view>
- <view class="badge" v-if="item.unread && item.unread<=99">{{item.unread}}</view>
- </view>
- </view>
- </view>
- </scroll-view>
- <view v-else class="nodata" >
+ <view class="badge" v-if="item.unread && item.unread>99"
+ style="width: auto;padding: 0 5px;">99+</view>
+ <view class="badge" v-if="item.unread && item.unread<=99">{{item.unread}}</view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
+ </scroll-view>
+ <view v-else class="nodata">
- </view>
- </view>
+ </view>
+ </view>
- import scode from "../../library/scode.js"
- import api from "../../library/index.js"
+ import scode from "../../library/scode.js"
+ import api from "../../library/index.js"
import chat from "../../library/chat.js"
- import http from "../../library/http.js"
- import message from "../../library/message.js"
- import action from "../../library/action.js"
- import headerline from '../../components/header.vue'
- var windowHeight= uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight;
- var statusBarHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight ;
- var contenttop=statusBarHeight+45;
- var conentheight=windowHeight-contenttop;
- var lottHeight= conentheight-30;
- var lottTop= contenttop + 30;
- export default {
- components: {
+ import http from "../../library/http.js"
+ import message from "../../library/message.js"
+ import action from "../../library/action.js"
+ import headerline from '../../components/header.vue'
+ var windowHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().windowHeight;
+ var statusBarHeight = uni.getSystemInfoSync().statusBarHeight;
+ var contenttop = statusBarHeight + 45;
+ var conentheight = windowHeight - contenttop;
+ var lottHeight = conentheight - 30;
+ var lottTop = contenttop + 30;
+ export default {
+ components: {
- },
- data() {
- return {
- statusBarHeight: statusBarHeight+ 'px',
- contenttop:contenttop+'px',
- contentheight:conentheight+'px',
- lottHeight:lottHeight+'px',
- lottTop:lottTop+'px',
- shownav:false,
- // navtitle:'消息',
- navselect:0,
- menuitem:[],
- newfriendNotify: false,
- showMenu: false,
- newfriendnum:0,
- clickkey:false,
- reading_id:-1,
- actions: [],
- user:uni.getStorageSync('userInfo'),
- showsearch:false,
- friends:uni.getStorageSync(uni.getStorageSync('access_token')+'_frienddata'),
- pinyin:[],
- char_select:false,
- kefunum:0,
- unreadnum:[0,0,0],
- refreshstyle:'none',
- isfresh:false,
- fresh_tip:'下拉刷新'
- }
- },
- computed: {
- chats(){
- var res = this.$store.getters['chat/msglist'];
- return res;
- navtitle(){
- var num=0;
- var msg_list=this.$store.getters['chat/msglist'];
- msg_list.map(item=>{
- num+=parseInt(item.unread)
- })
- if(num==0) return '消息';else return '消息('+num+')'
- }
- },
- watch:{
- chats(val){
- var num=0;
- for(var i=0;i<val.length;i++){
- num+=val[i].unread;
- }
- this.unreadnum.splice(0,3);
- this.unreadnum.push(num);
- this.unreadnum.push(0);
+ data() {
+ return {
+ statusBarHeight: statusBarHeight + 'px',
+ contenttop: contenttop + 'px',
+ contentheight: conentheight + 'px',
+ lottHeight: lottHeight + 'px',
+ lottTop: lottTop + 'px',
+ shownav: false,
+ // navtitle:'消息',
+ navselect: 0,
+ menuitem: [],
+ newfriendNotify: false,
+ showMenu: false,
+ newfriendnum: 0,
+ clickkey: false,
+ reading_id: -1,
+ actions: [],
+ user: uni.getStorageSync('userInfo'),
+ showsearch: false,
+ friends: uni.getStorageSync(uni.getStorageSync('access_token') + '_frienddata'),
+ pinyin: [],
+ char_select: false,
+ kefunum: 0,
+ unreadnum: [0, 0, 0],
+ refreshstyle: 'none',
+ isfresh: false,
+ fresh_tip: '下拉刷新'
+ }
+ },
+ computed: {
+ chats() {
+ var res = this.$store.getters['chat/msglist'];
+ return res;
+ },
+ navtitle() {
+ var num = 0;
+ var msg_list = this.$store.getters['chat/msglist'];
+ msg_list.map(item => {
+ num += parseInt(item.unread)
+ })
+ if (num == 0) return '消息';
+ else return '消息(' + num + ')'
+ }
+ },
+ watch: {
+ chats(val) {
+ var num = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < val.length; i++) {
+ num += val[i].unread;
+ }
+ this.unreadnum.splice(0, 3);
+ this.unreadnum.push(num);
- this.$forceUpdate();
- }
+ this.unreadnum.push(0);
+ this.$forceUpdate();
+ }
- methods: {
- refresherpulling(){
- this.refreshstyle='none';
- this.isfresh=true;
- this.fresh_tip='下拉刷新...';
+ methods: {
+ refresherpulling() {
+ this.refreshstyle = 'none';
+ this.isfresh = true;
+ this.fresh_tip = '下拉刷新...';
- refresherrefresh(){
- this.refreshstyle='black';
- this.fresh_tip='正在刷新...';
- this.lastchat();
+ refresherrefresh() {
+ this.refreshstyle = 'black';
+ this.fresh_tip = '正在刷新...';
+ this.lastchat();
- href(path,opts){
- if(!opts || opts==undefined || opts == null) opts={};
- this.$jump(path,opts);
+ href(path, opts) {
+ if (!opts || opts == undefined || opts == null) opts = {};
+ this.$jump(path, opts);
- open_detail(item){
- this.$jump('friend.detail',{id:item.id});
+ open_detail(item) {
+ this.$jump('friend.detail', {
+ id: item.id
+ });
toText(str) {
- str=str.toString()
- str=str.replace(/ /g," ");
- str=str.replace(/<br>/g," ");
- str= str.replace(/<[^<>]+>/g,'')
- return str;
- },
- timestamp(time){
- // return action.timestampFormat(new Date(time.replace(/(-|年|月)/g, '/').replace('日', '')).getTime()/1000)
- return action.timestampFormat(time)
+ str = str.toString()
+ str = str.split('-qute-')[0]
+ str = str.replace(/ /g, " ");
+ str = str.replace(/<br>/g, " ");
+ str = str.replace(/<[^<>]+>/g, '')
+ return str;
- tapnav(num){
- this.navselect=num;
- if(num==1) this.friendlist();
- else this.lastchat();
+ timestamp(time) {
+ // return action.timestampFormat(new Date(time.replace(/(-|年|月)/g, '/').replace('日', '')).getTime()/1000)
+ return action.timestampFormat(time)
- clicksearch(e){
- this.showsearch=e;
+ tapnav(num) {
+ this.navselect = num;
+ if (num == 1) this.friendlist();
+ else this.lastchat();
- go_search(e){
- http.setWait(true).get('user.php?act=searchUser',{keywords:e}).then(res=>{
- if(res.data.length>0){
- var id=res.data[0].id;
- uni.navigateTo({
- url:'../friend/detail?id='+id+'&from='+res.data[0].from
- })
- }else{
- uni.showToast({
- icon:'none',
- title:'没有搜索到相关用户',
- duration:1500
- })
- }
+ clicksearch(e) {
+ this.showsearch = e;
+ },
+ go_search(e) {
+ http.setWait(true).get('user.php?act=searchUser', {
+ keywords: e
+ }).then(res => {
+ if (res.data.length > 0) {
+ var id = res.data[0].id;
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: '../friend/detail?id=' + id + '&from=' + res.data[0].from
+ })
+ } else {
+ uni.showToast({
+ icon: 'none',
+ title: '没有搜索到相关用户',
+ duration: 1500
+ })
+ }
- tapmenu(num){
- if(this.$action.loginTips('未登录用户,无法完成此操作','/pages/game/index') ==false) return false;
- if(this.$action.check_userlock()==false) return false;
- if(num==0){
- if(this.user.nickname=='' || this.user.nickname==this.user.name){
- this.$action.profileTips('未设置昵称,不能创建群','/pages/group/create') ;
- return false;
- }
- else
- this.$jump('group.create');
- }
- else if(num==1){
- this.$jump('group.list',{method:0});
- }
- else if(num==2){
- this.$jump('group.list',{method:1});
- }
- else if(num==3){
- this.$jump('mine.note');
- }
- else if(num==4){
- return uni.scanCode({
- success(res) {
- scode.getScode(res)
- },
- fail(e) {
- console.log(JSON.stringify(e));
- console.log('扫码失败')
- }
- });
- }
+ tapmenu(num) {
+ if (this.$action.loginTips('未登录用户,无法完成此操作', '/pages/game/index') == false) return false;
+ if (this.$action.check_userlock() == false) return false;
+ if (num == 0) {
+ if (this.user.nickname == '' || this.user.nickname == this.user.name) {
+ this.$action.profileTips('未设置昵称,不能创建群', '/pages/group/create');
+ return false;
+ } else
+ this.$jump('group.create');
+ } else if (num == 1) {
+ this.$jump('group.list', {
+ method: 0
+ });
+ } else if (num == 2) {
+ this.$jump('group.list', {
+ method: 1
+ });
+ } else if (num == 3) {
+ this.$jump('mine.note');
+ } else if (num == 4) {
+ return uni.scanCode({
+ success(res) {
+ scode.getScode(res)
+ },
+ fail(e) {
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(e));
+ console.log('扫码失败')
+ }
+ });
+ }
- group_read(group_id){
- http.setWait(false).post('group.php?act=setReadTime',{group_id:group_id,userid:this.user.id}).then(res=>{
- this.lastchat();
+ group_read(group_id) {
+ http.setWait(false).post('group.php?act=setReadTime', {
+ group_id: group_id,
+ userid: this.user.id
+ }).then(res => {
+ this.lastchat();
- user_read(userid){
- http.setWait(false).post('group.php?act=setReadTime',{group_id:0,userid:this.userid,sendid:this.user.id}).then(res=>{
- this.lastchat();
+ user_read(userid) {
+ http.setWait(false).post('group.php?act=setReadTime', {
+ group_id: 0,
+ userid: this.userid,
+ sendid: this.user.id
+ }).then(res => {
+ this.lastchat();
+ },
+ handleClick(info) {
+ if (info.unread > 0) this.$store.commit('chat/clearunread', info.cache_key);
+ if (this.clickkey == info.cache_key) return false;
+ this.clickkey = info.cache_key;
+ if (info.cache_key == "U1") {
+ return this.$jump('friend.request?type=' + info.sender.id);
+ } else {
+ if (info.cache_key.indexOf('U') > -1) {
+ let friend = {
+ id: info.id,
+ nickname: info.nickname
+ }
+ //this.user_read(info.id);
+ return this.$jump('friend.chat', friend);
+ } else {
+ if (info.message.content.type == 'remind' && this.toText(info.message.content.content).indexOf(
+ '@我') > -1)
+ var atme = 1;
+ else var atme = 0;
+ // this.group_read(info.id);
+ this.$jump('group.chat', {
+ id: info.id,
+ nickname: info.nickname,
+ atme: atme,
+ msg_id: info.msg_id
+ });
+ }
+ }
- handleClick(info) {
- if(info.unread>0) this.$store.commit('chat/clearunread', info.cache_key);
- if(this.clickkey==info.cache_key) return false;
- this.clickkey=info.cache_key;
- if(info.cache_key=="U1"){
- return this.$jump('friend.request?type='+info.sender.id);
- }
- else{
- if (info.cache_key.indexOf('U')>-1) {
- let friend = {
- id: info.id,
- nickname: info.nickname
- }
- //this.user_read(info.id);
- return this.$jump('friend.chat', friend);
- }
- else{
- if(info.message.content.type=='remind' && this.toText(info.message.content.content).indexOf('@我')>-1)
- var atme=1;
- else var atme=0;
- // this.group_read(info.id);
- this.$jump('group.chat', {
- id: info.id,
- nickname: info.nickname,
- atme:atme,
- msg_id:info.msg_id
- });
- }
- }
- },
- msgtopChanage(istop,cache_key){
- istop=!istop
- var msgtop = uni.getStorageSync('msgtop')?uni.getStorageSync('msgtop'):[];
- if(istop){
- msgtop.push(cache_key)
- }else{
- for (var i = 0; i < msgtop.length; i++) {
- if(msgtop[i]==cache_key) {
- msgtop.splice(i,1)
- }
- }
- }
- uni.setStorageSync('msgtop',msgtop);
- this.$store.commit('chat/set_istop');
- var data = {cache_key:cache_key,userid: this.user.id,istop:istop};
- http.setWait(false).get('group.php?act=set_msgtop',data).then(res=>{
- })
+ msgtopChanage(istop, cache_key) {
+ istop = !istop
+ var msgtop = uni.getStorageSync('msgtop') ? uni.getStorageSync('msgtop') : [];
+ if (istop) {
+ msgtop.push(cache_key)
+ } else {
+ for (var i = 0; i < msgtop.length; i++) {
+ if (msgtop[i] == cache_key) {
+ msgtop.splice(i, 1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uni.setStorageSync('msgtop', msgtop);
+ this.$store.commit('chat/set_istop');
+ var data = {
+ cache_key: cache_key,
+ userid: this.user.id,
+ istop: istop
+ };
+ http.setWait(false).get('group.php?act=set_msgtop', data).then(res => {
+ })
- msgAction(msg){
- var user_id=uni.getStorageSync('access_token');
- // console.log(msg);
- let that=this;
- var itemList=[];
- if(msg.istop<1) itemList.push('置顶');
- else itemList.push('取消置顶');
- if(msg.unread>0) itemList.push('标记已读');
- else itemList.push('标记未读');
- itemList.push('删除会话')
- uni.showActionSheet({
- itemList:itemList,
- success: function (res) {
- switch (res.tapIndex){
- case 2:
- that.delete_msg(msg.cache_key)
- break;
- case 0:
- that.msgtopChanage(msg.istop,msg.cache_key)
- // console.log(msg.cache_key)
- break;
- case 1:
- that.$store.commit('chat/set_read',msg);
+ msgAction(msg) {
+ var user_id = uni.getStorageSync('access_token');
+ // console.log(msg);
+ let that = this;
+ var itemList = [];
+ if (msg.istop < 1) itemList.push('置顶');
+ else itemList.push('取消置顶');
+ if (msg.unread > 0) itemList.push('标记已读');
+ else itemList.push('标记未读');
+ itemList.push('删除会话')
+ uni.showActionSheet({
+ itemList: itemList,
+ success: function(res) {
+ switch (res.tapIndex) {
+ case 2:
+ that.delete_msg(msg.cache_key)
- default:
- break;
- }
- },
- fail: function (res) {
- //console.log(res.errMsg);
- }
- });
+ case 0:
+ that.msgtopChanage(msg.istop, msg.cache_key)
+ // console.log(msg.cache_key)
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ that.$store.commit('chat/set_read', msg);
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ fail: function(res) {
+ //console.log(res.errMsg);
+ }
+ });
- lastchat(){
- var userid=parseInt(uni.getStorageSync('access_token'));
- var postdata={userid:userid,reading_id:this.reading_id};
- var msg_list_key=userid+'_chat_msglist';
- var temp1=[];
- var temp2=[];
- http.setWait(false).get('group.php?act=lastchat',postdata).then(res=>{
- var data=res.data;
- var msglist=[];
- for(var i=0;i<data.length;i++){
- var item=data[i];
- // console.log(item)
-// console.log(item.cache_key,item.unread,this.timestamp(item.readtime))
- var result={};
- result['key']=userid+'_chat_'+item['cache_key'];
- var msg={};
- msg['id']=item.group.id;
- msg['cache_key']=item['cache_key'];
- msg['group_id']=item.group.id;
- msg['nickname']=item.group['nickname'];
- // msg['kefu']=item.group.kefu
- msg['avatar']=item.group['avatar'];
- msg['isloading']=1;
- msg['istop']=item.istop;
- msg['msg_id']=item.id;
- msg['timestamp']=item.addtime;
- if(parseInt(item.userid)==userid) msg['self']=1;
- else msg['self']=0;
- msg['none']=false;
- msg['sender_id']=item.userid;
- msg['message']={'type':item.type,'content':item.content};
- msg['unread']=parseInt(item.unread);
- msg['readtime']=item.readtime;
- if(item.groupid==1){
- msg['sender']={'nickname':item.sender_name,id:item.reqtype}
- }
- else msg['sender']={'nickname':item.sender_name};
- result['msg']=msg;
- if(msg.istop)temp1.push(result)
- else temp2.push(result)
- }
- temp1.sort((a, b) =>b.timestamp - a.timestamp);
- temp2.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp - a.timestamp);
- msglist=temp1.concat(temp2);
- this.update_msglist(msglist);
- var that=this;
- this.fresh_tip='刷新成功'
- this.refreshstyle='none';
- setTimeout(function(){ that.isfresh=false;},500)
- })
+ lastchat() {
+ var userid = parseInt(uni.getStorageSync('access_token'));
+ var postdata = {
+ userid: userid,
+ reading_id: this.reading_id
+ };
+ var msg_list_key = userid + '_chat_msglist';
+ var temp1 = [];
+ var temp2 = [];
+ http.setWait(false).get('group.php?act=lastchat', postdata).then(res => {
+ var data = res.data;
+ var msglist = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ var item = data[i];
+ // console.log(item)
+ // console.log(item.cache_key,item.unread,this.timestamp(item.readtime))
+ var result = {};
+ result['key'] = userid + '_chat_' + item['cache_key'];
+ var msg = {};
+ msg['id'] = item.group.id;
+ msg['cache_key'] = item['cache_key'];
+ msg['group_id'] = item.group.id;
+ msg['nickname'] = item.group['nickname'];
+ // msg['kefu']=item.group.kefu
+ msg['avatar'] = item.group['avatar'];
+ msg['isloading'] = 1;
+ msg['istop'] = item.istop;
+ msg['msg_id'] = item.id;
+ msg['timestamp'] = item.addtime;
+ if (parseInt(item.userid) == userid) msg['self'] = 1;
+ else msg['self'] = 0;
+ msg['none'] = false;
+ msg['sender_id'] = item.userid;
+ msg['message'] = {
+ 'type': item.type,
+ 'content': item.content
+ };
+ msg['unread'] = parseInt(item.unread);
+ msg['readtime'] = item.readtime;
+ if (item.groupid == 1) {
+ msg['sender'] = {
+ 'nickname': item.sender_name,
+ id: item.reqtype
+ }
+ } else msg['sender'] = {
+ 'nickname': item.sender_name
+ };
+ result['msg'] = msg;
+ if (msg.istop) temp1.push(result)
+ else temp2.push(result)
+ }
+ temp1.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp - a.timestamp);
+ temp2.sort((a, b) => b.timestamp - a.timestamp);
+ msglist = temp1.concat(temp2);
+ this.update_msglist(msglist);
+ var that = this;
+ this.fresh_tip = '刷新成功'
+ this.refreshstyle = 'none';
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ that.isfresh = false;
+ }, 500)
+ })
- setrightmenu(){
- var action=[
+ setrightmenu() {
+ var action = [
- title: '新建群',
- icon: 'plus'
+ title: '新建群',
+ icon: 'plus'
- title: '我的创建',
- icon: 'personadd'
+ title: '我的创建',
+ icon: 'personadd'
- title: '加入的群',
- icon: 'person'
+ title: '加入的群',
+ icon: 'person'
+ },
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ {
+ title: '通知设置',
+ icon: 'gear'
- // #ifdef APP-PLUS
- {
- title: '通知设置',
- icon: 'gear'
- },
- title: '扫一扫',
- icon: 'scan'
+ title: '扫一扫',
+ icon: 'scan'
- // #endif
+ // #endif
- this.menuitem=action;
+ this.menuitem = action;
- fresh_msg(){
- var msglist=uni.getStorageSync(uni.getStorageSync('access_token') + '_chat_msglist');
+ fresh_msg() {
+ var msglist = uni.getStorageSync(uni.getStorageSync('access_token') + '_chat_msglist');
- },
+ },
created() {
- uni.$on('toChat',message=>{
+ uni.$on('toChat', message => {
- this.$action.toChat(message);
+ this.$action.toChat(message);
- onShow() {
- this.unreadnum[0]=this.$action.setStatusTips()
- this.clickkey=false
- uni.setStorageSync('cache_key','');
- uni.hideKeyboard();
- var userid=parseInt(uni.getStorageSync('access_token'));
- if(userid>0) {
- this.lastchat();
- this.$action.setStatusTips();
- if(uni.getStorageSync('ispush')==true){
- var message=uni.getStorageSync('pushmessage');
- this.$action.toChat(message);
- uni.setStorageSync('ispush',false)
- }
- }else{
- uni.setStorageSync('gourl','/pages/index/index');
- this.$jump('login.index');
- }
- },
- onLoad(){
- var userid=parseInt(uni.getStorageSync('access_token'));
- if(userid>0){
- var that=this;
- this.$socket.on('chat', (res) => {
- setTimeout(function(){
- that.fresh_msg();
- },100)
- })
- that.setrightmenu();
- setTimeout(function(){
- api.getMyGroup({userid:userid}).then(res => {
- // console.log(res.data)
- uni.setStorageSync(userid+'_groups',res.data)
- })
- api.getMyFriend({userid:userid}).then(resss => {
- uni.setStorageSync(userid+'_frienddata',resss.data);
- })
- },3000)
+ onShow() {
+ this.unreadnum[0] = this.$action.setStatusTips()
+ this.clickkey = false
+ uni.setStorageSync('cache_key', '');
+ uni.hideKeyboard();
+ var userid = parseInt(uni.getStorageSync('access_token'));
+ if (userid > 0) {
+ this.lastchat();
+ this.$action.setStatusTips();
+ if (uni.getStorageSync('ispush') == true) {
+ var message = uni.getStorageSync('pushmessage');
+ this.$action.toChat(message);
+ uni.setStorageSync('ispush', false)
+ } else {
+ uni.setStorageSync('gourl', '/pages/index/index');
+ this.$jump('login.index');
+ }
+ },
+ onLoad() {
+ var userid = parseInt(uni.getStorageSync('access_token'));
+ if (userid > 0) {
+ var that = this;
+ this.$socket.on('chat', (res) => {
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ that.fresh_msg();
+ }, 100)
+ })
+ that.setrightmenu();
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ api.getMyGroup({
+ userid: userid
+ }).then(res => {
+ // console.log(res.data)
+ uni.setStorageSync(userid + '_groups', res.data)
+ })
+ api.getMyFriend({
+ userid: userid
+ }).then(resss => {
+ uni.setStorageSync(userid + '_frienddata', resss.data);
+ })
+ }, 3000)
+ }
- }
+ }
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- .btn_blue{
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+ flex-flow: wrap;
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