module.exports = { index: { rg: 'Buy', cb: 'Charge', tb: 'Mention', yy: 'Language', kf: 'Service', jyd: 'Trasaction', zxjg: 'Price', zd: '24h Fluctuation', sy: 'Index', }, menu: { yqm: 'Invite code', xgmm: 'Change password', smrz: 'Authentication', tc: 'Quit' }, rg: { rgbz: 'Currency of Type', kssj: 'Start', jssj: 'End', fxzl: 'All', rgdj: 'Price', scsj: 'Lock up time', cysl: 'Join num', rgsx: 'Subscription ceiling', dczd: 'Single order minimum', qsr: 'Please enter the subscription quantity', xyzf: 'Need to pay', ky: 'Usable', ljcy: 'Get involved', xmsm: 'Project Description', rgsl: 'The number of subscriptions is greater than 0', yebz: 'not sufficient funds', rgcg: 'Successful subscription', t: 'Day', qbrg: 'All', djz: 'Freeze', yjd: 'Thawed', xm: 'Project', rgsl: 'Number ', zfje: 'Price', jdrq: 'Date ', sfrq: 'Date ', wdrg: 'My Currency' }, cb: { cblb: 'Money charge list', cbxq: 'Charge Details', ssnxydbz: 'Search for the currency you need', bzlb: 'List of currencies', bzccb: 'Currency charging is not supported', cb: 'Charge money', bz: 'Currency', qx: 'Cancel', cbwl: 'Money filling network', cbdz: 'Currency charging address', fzdz: 'Copy', zxczje: 'Minimum top-up amount', xyzxje: 'Top-up amounts less than the minimum amount will not be charged and cannot be refunded', qxzzqd: 'Please select the correct recharge channel network; otherwise, the asset cannot be retrieved', ndczdz: 'Your recharge address will not often change, you can repeat recharge; If there is any change, we will try to notify you through the website announcement or email ', qwbqrdn: 'Make sure your computer and browser are secure to prevent information from being tampered with or leaked ', zzje: 'Transfer amount', qsrzzje: 'Please enter the transfer amount', xczzpz: 'Upload the transfer voucher', tj: 'Submit ', czjebnw: 'The top-up amount cannot be 0', qcszzpz: 'Please upload the transfer voucher', tjsqcg: 'The application has been successfully submitted, please wait patiently for review', sj: 'Time', sl: 'Number', sxf: 'Service charge', dsh: 'To be reviewed', wc: 'Success', sb: 'Fail', lx: 'Type', ptcb: 'Ordinary currency charge', zt: 'State', zzpz: 'Service charge' }, tb: { tblb: 'Coin withdrawal list', tbxq: 'Details of withdrawal', ktblb: 'List of coins available for withdrawal', tb: 'Mention money', bz: 'Currency', tbwl: 'Coin transfer network', tbdz: 'Coin withdrawal address', qsrtbdz: 'Please enter the deposit address', tbsl: 'Amount of withdrawal', ky: 'usable', qsrtbsl: 'Please enter the withdrawal amount', qb: 'All', tj: 'Submit', sjdz: 'Actual receipt of account', tbkc: 'Withdrawal deduction', sxfsxt: 'The number of handling charges', xyzxjed: 'Withdrawals less than the minimum amount will not be received and cannot be returned', wbzzjaq: 'In order to ensure the security of funds, when your account security policy is changed or your password is modified, we will manually review the withdrawal. Please patiently wait for the staff to contact us by phone or email. ', tbslbnw: 'The number of withdrawals cannot be 0', qsrscdz: 'Please enter the upload address', }, kf: { kf: 'Customer service', zx: 'on line', nh: 'Hello, may I help you?', qsrxxnr: 'Please enter the information content', fs: 'Send' }, mm: { mm: 'Password', wlnd: '*For the security of your funds, you are not allowed to withdraw money within 24 hours after your login password is changed 。', jmm: 'Old password ', qsrjmm: 'Please enter the old password', xmm: 'New password', qsrxmm: 'Please enter the new password', qrmm: 'Confirm password', qsrqrmm: 'Please enter the password for confirmation', tj: 'Submit', lcmmbyz: 'Two passwords are different', xgcg: 'Modify successfully' }, smrz: { smrz: 'Real name authentication', wcsmrz: 'After the completion of real-name authentication, the corresponding rights and interests can be obtained', gjsm: 'Advanced real name', xm: 'Name', qsrxm: 'Please enter your name', sfzhm: 'ID card', qsrsfzhm: 'Please enter your ID card number', scsfzzm: 'Upload front ID card', scsfzfm: 'Upload the back of your ID card', gjtj: 'Advanced submission', qsrsfz: 'Please enter your ID card', qscsfzzm: 'Please upload the front of your ID card', qscsfzfm: 'Please upload the reverse side of your ID card', tjcg: 'Submit successfully' }, user: { zc: 'Property', zhzzczh: 'Total account assets equivalent', zclb: 'List of Assets', cb: 'Charge money', tb: 'Mention money', ky: 'usable', dj: 'freeze', zh: 'convert', yyzjtjcz: 'Due to the delay of fund statistics, the account balance may not be the latest balance. If you need the accurate balance, please check the relevant account page', qd: 'Confirm', cwjl: 'Financial record ', sl: 'Number', zt: 'Type', zj: 'Increase', js: 'Reduce', sj: 'Time', hz: 'Transfer', hzlx: 'Type of swivel', zjhz: 'Transfer of funds', zjzhzhyzh: 'Fund to contract ', hyzhzzjzh: 'Contract to fund ', zjzh: 'Account', kyye: 'Balance', hyzh: 'Account of contract', qsrhzsl: 'Enter the number of transfers', tj: 'Submit', hzcg: 'Successful transfer' }, jy: { bbjysc: 'Coin exchange market', usdtsc: 'USDT market' }, login: { dl: 'Login', zc: 'Register', yx: 'Mail', qsryx: 'Please put it in the mailbox', mm: 'Password', qsrmm: 'Please enter the password', wjmm: 'Forget the password ', qsrzqdyx: 'Please enter the correct email address', dlcg: 'Login successfully', czmm: 'Reset passwords', xmm: 'New password', yxyzm: 'Email verification code', yzm: 'Code', qsryzm: 'Please enter the verification code', qsrxmm: 'Please enter a new password', qrmm: 'Confirm password', yqm: 'Invitation code', qsryqm: 'Please enter the invitation code', zcjbsty: 'Registration is consent', yhfwxy: 'User Service Agreement', zccg: 'Registered successfully' }, popup: { qrtcdl: 'Confirm Logout', qr: 'Confirm', qgxyy: 'Please update the application', ts: 'Hint', nwdl: 'You are not logged in. Do you want to log in now?', qx: 'Cancel' }, hy: { jg: 'price', sl: 'number', jyfx: 'Direction of trade', sz: 'rose', xd: 'fall', xjwt: 'limit order', sjwt: 'market order', jygs: 'lot size', ggbs: 'leverage multiple', zsj: 'stop loss price', zyj: 'stop profit price', bzj: 'Margin', kyhyye: 'free margin', sxf: 'Fees', zd: 'long', zk: 'long short', zc: 'position', kcdj: 'opening unit price', dqjg: 'current price', pcjg: 'settlement price', ykzt: 'break even status', ykje: 'profit and loss amount', wtsj: 'Commissioning time', kcsj: 'Time of opening', pcsj: 'Liquidation time', wtjg: 'Commission price', zydj: 'stop profit', zkdj: 'Stop loss', qr: 'confirm', qx: 'cancel', tjz: 'process', ts: 'prompt', gdcg: 'Successful order placement', jycg: 'Successful transaction', sjjzz: 'loading', pc: 'ring out', sfljpc: 'Whether to close the position immediately. After confirmation, it cannot be modified', pccg: 'Successful closing of positions', cx: 'repeal', sfljcx: 'Whether to cancel immediately. After confirmation, it cannot be modified', qqz: 'loading', cxcg: 'Succeeded in canceling', djhq: 'get', qbdd: 'all orders', cp: 'product', ssjg: 'real time price', jrdz: 'up and down today', wtss: 'hands', yl: 'profit', ks: 'losses', qbwt: 'entrusted', qbcc: 'position', cjmx: 'obviously', mr: 'buy', mc: 'sell', sjcj: 'actual', sj: 'time', wtj: 'commission price', jye: 'turnover', cjzj: 'total', cjjj: 'average', cjl: 'turnove', wc: 'complete', gm: 'buy', cs: 'sell', lsjl: 'history', qsrggbl: 'Please enter the lever multiplier', s: 'Yes', f: 'No', yx: 'Sustainability', ky:'available', qb: 'all' }, zxt: { mr: 'Buy', mc: 'Solve', jqqd: 'Coming soon' } }