en.js 4.0 KB

  1. module.exports = {
  2. top: {
  3. kc: 'Pool',
  4. LP: 'LP',
  5. dh: 'Conversion',
  6. nft: 'NFT',
  7. jd: 'Node',
  8. yq: 'Invite',
  9. gg: 'Announcement',
  10. dq: 'Sign',
  11. dz: 'Address',
  12. tb: 'Mention money',
  13. ylj: 'Connected',
  14. jjh: 'foundation',
  15. jjhfh: 'bonus'
  16. },
  17. index: {
  18. klq: 'Receive',
  19. tqsy: 'Extraction',
  20. grsl: 'People',
  21. ljjl: 'Accumulative',
  22. symx: 'Cumulative',
  23. kcxq: 'Details',
  24. jcsl: 'Base force',
  25. sjsl: 'Time force',
  26. qysl: 'Rights to calculate force',
  27. dtsl: 'Calculate dynamic force',
  28. stsl: 'zoology force',
  29. blz: 'Scale value',
  30. sqdbhydz: 'Community token contract address',
  31. ye: 'Balance',
  32. hdsl: 'For work force',
  33. slsl: 'Calculate number of force',
  34. sq: 'Authorization',
  35. xh: 'Destroy',
  36. dbhy: 'Tokens contracts',
  37. kczsl: 'Mine pool strength',
  38. zfxl: 'Total circulation',
  39. hddz: 'Address of a black hole',
  40. hccdz: 'Buffer pool address',
  41. hccye: 'Buffer pool balance',
  42. ldzjc: 'Liquidity pool',
  43. sdcx: 'Lock the query',
  44. jrck: 'Today',
  45. zcc: 'All',
  46. ltl: 'Turnover',
  47. xhsl: 'Destruction',
  48. },
  49. hea: {
  50. sljzgd: 'Drop down to load more',
  51. loading: 'loading',
  52. nomore: 'nomore'
  53. },
  54. aword: {
  55. zsy: 'Total revenue',
  56. ljsf: 'Cumulative release',
  57. dsf: 'Wait released',
  58. mrsyjl: 'Daily revenue',
  59. jsrq: 'Balance date',
  60. sylx: 'Revenue type',
  61. scsf: 'Frist release',
  62. jrsf: 'Today release',
  63. lpzy: 'Pledge earnings',
  64. tdsy: 'Team returns',
  65. bdsy: 'Sermon earnings',
  66. },
  67. money: {
  68. zsl: 'Managed',
  69. wddj: 'Grades',
  70. lpzsl: 'LP Managed to force',
  71. zc: 'Asset',
  72. kp: 'Card',
  73. td: 'Land',
  74. jm: 'Resident',
  75. jd: 'Node',
  76. ye: 'Balance(LC)',
  77. ckmx: 'Details',
  78. yjlq: 'Extraction',
  79. wdlp: 'My LP(Lp Token)',
  80. cskp: 'Genesis Card',
  81. sf: 'Identity',
  82. zwjd: 'No node',
  83. djd: 'Big node',
  84. zjd: 'Middle node',
  85. xjd: 'Small node',
  86. sj: 'Selling Price',
  87. g: 'All',
  88. z: '',
  89. ljrg: 'Subscription Immediately',
  90. zy: 'Pledge',
  91. sh: 'Redeem',
  92. hc: 'Compound',
  93. jrcb: 'Today earnings(LC)',
  94. jrfh: 'Today share out bonus(LC)',
  95. ljcb: 'The cumulative earnings(LC)',
  96. ljfh: 'The cumulative dividends(LC)',
  97. kt: 'Available(LC)',
  98. tbjl: 'Get the record',
  99. qsrzysl: 'Please enter the amount of pledge',
  100. stjj: 'Carry:'
  101. },
  102. share: {
  103. yqlj: 'Invite link',
  104. fzlj: 'Copy link',
  105. jslj: 'Accept link',
  106. wdtj: 'My Recommendation',
  107. qbdz: 'Address',
  108. tdzgdj: 'Highest team level',
  109. yyLP: 'Possess HZ',
  110. lcdjd: 'LCD Node ',
  111. zxzyj: 'Weekly new performance',
  112. jcdj: 'Poor grades',
  113. },
  114. card: {
  115. xxxx: 'Detailed',
  116. kpmc: 'Card name',
  117. kpjg: 'Card price',
  118. kpzl: 'Total CARDS',
  119. kpsl: 'CARDS work force',
  120. cbzq: 'Produce currency cycle',
  121. sffs: 'Release the way',
  122. syxx: 'Information',
  123. jhrq: 'The activation date',
  124. jscbrq: 'End date of coin production',
  125. mrcb: 'Every nissan COINS',
  126. jrsy: 'Today earnings',
  127. ljsy: 'Cumulative earnings',
  128. ljkt: 'Cumulative can carry(-10 per cent ecological fund)',
  129. jhsb: 'Activation failed',
  130. qx: 'Cancel',
  131. qd: 'Confirm',
  132. kzzkp: 'Castable cards',
  133. sl: 'Num',
  134. zz: 'Cast',
  135. qsrzzsl: 'Please enter casting quantity',
  136. zc: 'Property',
  137. gnkfz: 'Function development, please look forward to...',
  138. ljrg: 'Subscription',
  139. qsrkpsl: 'Please enter the number of cards',
  140. nftfhsy: 'NFT Dividends',
  141. tb: 'Mention money',
  142. },
  143. main: {
  144. dbzyl: 'One Pledge Num',
  145. sbzyl: 'Two Pledge Num',
  146. dbzy: 'One Pledge',
  147. sbzy: 'Two Pledge',
  148. shNLP: 'Gain LC',
  149. nhsy: 'Annualized',
  150. nhfl: 'Annual Interest',
  151. syed: 'Remaining Amount',
  152. qwzy: 'So the pledge',
  153. ylNLP: 'Received LC',
  154. ylLCD: 'Received LCD',
  155. wdzy: 'My pledge(LP)',
  156. wdzyLCD: 'My pledge(LCD)',
  157. klNLP: 'Brought LC',
  158. lq: 'Get',
  159. js: 'Unlock',
  160. tjldc: 'Add Liquidity',
  161. tc: 'Logout',
  162. ljqb: 'Login'
  163. },
  164. dq: {
  165. lcddqqbgl: 'LCD Multi-signature wallet management',
  166. czdz: 'Operation',
  167. spdz: 'Approve',
  168. zz: 'Transfer',
  169. zcye: 'Assets balance',
  170. sdje: 'Lock the amount',
  171. jd: 'Schedule',
  172. ytg: 'Passed',
  173. ysb: 'Failed',
  174. ysh: 'Checked',
  175. jj: 'Reject ',
  176. tg: 'Pass',
  177. srzzdz: 'Enter transfer address',
  178. srzzsl: 'Enter transfer num',
  179. ljzz: 'Transfer',
  180. qb: 'All',
  181. dqr: 'Confirmed',
  182. cg: 'Success',
  183. sb: 'Fail',
  184. }
  185. }