Browse Source


cmy 3 months ago
5 changed files with 2403 additions and 2073 deletions
  1. 9 0
  2. 2108 2073
  3. 8 0
  4. 126 0
  5. 152 0

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import request from "@/utils/request.js";
+ * 绑定卡号
+ * 
+ */
+export function recharge(data) {
+	return'recharge/exchange',data);

+ 2108 - 2073

@@ -1,2104 +1,2139 @@
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-            "navigationBarTextStyle": "black",
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-            "navigationBarTitleText": "余额充值",
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-                "type": "default"
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-          "path": "user_pwd_edit/index",
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-              // 	,
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-            "navigationBarTextStyle": "black",
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-                "type": "default"
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-		        "type": "default"
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-		    "navigationBarTitleText": "申请状态",
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+					"path": "promoter-order/index",
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+						"navigationBarTextStyle": "black",
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+					"path": "group_cart/index",
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+						"navigationStyle": "custom"
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+					"path": "group_goods/index",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "商品列表",
+						"navigationStyle": "custom"
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+					"path": "table_confirm/index",
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+					"path": "distribution/orderDetail/index",
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+					"path": "order_pay_status/payLottery",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "物流信息",
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+					"style": {
+						"navigationBarTitleText": "门店列表",
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+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+							// #endif
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+					"path": "goods_return_list/index",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "退货列表",
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+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+							// #endif
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+					"path": "goods_return/index",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "申请退货",
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+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+							// #endif
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+					"path": "order_details/index",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "订单详情",
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+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+					"path": "order_list/index",
+					"style": {
+						"navigationBarTitleText": "我的订单",
+						"app-plus": {
+							// #ifdef APP-PLUS
+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
+							}
+							// #endif
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+					"path": "order_pay/index",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "订单支付",
+						"app-plus": {
+							// #ifdef APP-PLUS
+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+							// #endif
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+				},
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+					"path": "order_refund_goods/index",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "退回商品",
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+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+				},
+				{
+					"path": "admin_order_detail/index",
+					"style": {
+						"navigationBarTitleText": "订单详情",
+						"app-plus": {
+							// #ifdef APP-PLUS
+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+							// #endif
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+				},
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+					"path": "order_confirm/index",
+					"style": {
+						"navigationBarTitleText": "提交订单",
+						"app-plus": {
+							// #ifdef APP-PLUS
+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+							// #endif
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+				},
+				{
+					"path": "lottery/grids/index",
+					"style": {
+						"navigationBarTitleText": "抽奖活动",
+						"app-plus": {
+							// #ifdef APP-PLUS
+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+							// #endif
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+					"path": "lottery/grids/record",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "中奖记录",
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+							// #ifdef APP-PLUS
+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
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+				},
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+					"path": "lottery/grids/order",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "中奖商品",
+						"app-plus": {
+							// #ifdef APP-PLUS
+							"titleNView": {
+								"type": "default"
+							}
+							// #endif
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+					"path": "verify_record/index",
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+						"navigationBarTitleText": "核销记录",
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+ 8 - 0

@@ -15,6 +15,14 @@
 				<view class='list'>
+					<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
+						<view>退货条款</view>
+						<navigator url="/pages/new/outOrder">
+							<view class='num' style="color: cornflowerblue;">
+								查看详情
+							</view>
+						</navigator>
+					</view>
 					<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
 						<view class='num' v-if="refundCartInfo.length !== 1 || refund_total_num == 1">

+ 126 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+	<view class="pageBox">
+		<view>
+			<view class="title">《退换货规定》
+			</view>
+			<view class="item">目的
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">为了解决消费者关于商品和服务方面的投诉,明确产品退换的原则和范围,提高消费者的满意度,特制定本规定。
+			</view>
+			<view class="item">范围
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">消费者在商场内购买的各类商品,包括公司和部门在促销期间售出的各类商品,都在本规定范围之内。
+			</view>
+			<view class="item">商品维修、退还货的原则
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">1.商品在售出后出现质量问题,按
+				照消费者权益保护法、商品的三包期和商品质量问题的性质,可对商品进行维修或退换货处理。 </view>
+			<view class="line">2.有赠品的商品退换货时,消费者须将赠品保持原样返还后办理退换货;如赠品未能保持原样或无法返还的,则按赠品的最低成本收取现金后办理退换货。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">3.使用支票或信用卡购物,在货款到户后方可办理退换货。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">4.持购物卡购物,换货时可在等于或高于原购物价格基础上进行,退货时只可将货款重新存入购物卡内。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">5.商品价格发生变更时办理退货,如价格下降,应按原价给予退货;如遇价格上涨时,应按新价格给予退货。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">6.商品的三包期从售出商品(购买)之日期开始计算,三包期从售出开始计算。三包期包括节假日,双休日。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">7.有下列情况之一的,不在退还货范围内,可适当给予有偿维修。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">&nbsp;&nbsp;a.商品无信誉卡,发票,有效证件及对购物凭证私自进行涂改的;
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">&nbsp;&nbsp;b.商品超过退还货期限或超过三包期的;
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">&nbsp;&nbsp;c.商品未保持原样,又无质量问题的;
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">&nbsp;&nbsp;d.商品已标注无质量问题不可退换或一次性处理品;
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">&nbsp;&nbsp;e.商品未按说明使用,人为造成商品破损的;
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">&nbsp;&nbsp;f.非指定授权的维修者对商品进行拆动或维修造成损坏的。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">8.除本公司承诺高于法定之义务外,其他未尽事项按照国家法律法规的相关规定执行。
+			</view>
+			<view class="item">日用化妆品、美容美发用品类商品
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品售出无质量问题不予退换货。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品在售出30日内发生皮肤过敏现象,如消费者带症状且症状明显者可当日退换货;无明显症状,消费者必须通过市级以上医院进行诊断,凭证明过敏现象是
+				由于使用本产品引起的《诊断证明》方可退换货。</view>
+			<view class="item">服装类商品
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品售出15天内,在保持原样,不影
+				响再次销售的基础上,可按消费者的意见给予退换货(另有约定的除外)。</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品保持原样的条件需具备以下四点:
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">a.商品商标、吊牌未与服装脱离,无损坏、拆动现象的;
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">b.商品未经穿着,无人为损坏的;
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">c.商品外包装完好的;
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">d.商品无污渍的。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">
+				*&nbsp;内衣类及泳装类商品售出后,无质量问题,不予退换货(为了保证消费者的身体健康,内衣类及泳装类商品禁止二次销售)
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">
+				*&nbsp;皮衣、裘皮类商品按照(黑龙江省皮服商品修理更换、退货责任规定)的相关规定执行。
+			</view>
+			<view class="item">箱包、皮具类商品
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品售出15天内,在保持原样,不影
+				响再次销售的基础上,可按照消费者的意见给予退换货处理(另有约定除外)。</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品在售出30天内发生皮包表面、皮带皮子断裂、掉漆、掉色等现象,应按消费者意见给予退换货。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品在售出60天内发生质量问题,影响正常使用,可免费维修两次,每次维修期限不得超过20天(另有约定除外),如商品维修两次仍然不能正常使用,应
+				按消费者意见给予退换货。</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;箱包、皮具的装饰金属在使用中发生退色现象,不在退换货范围内。
+			</view>
+			<view class="item">钟表类商品
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品售出后无质量问题不予退换货。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品的三包期为一年(表镜、表带、表壳不在三包范围内)
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;经仪器鉴定,在国家质量检测部门认可钟表误差值内的产品不予退换货。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">&nbsp;&nbsp;a.石英表类:月误差±15秒。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">&nbsp;&nbsp;b.机械表类:日误差±45秒。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品在售出7天内发生质量问题,应按消费者意见给予维修或换货。</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品在售出15天内发生质量问题,应按消费者意见给予维修换货。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品在三包期内,属维修范围内的,维修期限不得超过30天;如因等待零配件进行修理,维修期限不得超过90天。否则应按消费者意见给予退换货。
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;商品在三包期内,发生质量问题,影响正常使用,可免费维修两次,如商品修理两次后仍然不能正常使用的,应按消费者意见给予换退货。如消费者选择退货,应按《消费者权益保护法》的相关规定收取折旧费。</view>
+			<view class="line">折旧费计算公式:天数×0.05%×购买价格
+			</view>
+			<view class="line">*&nbsp;属于下列情况之一的,不予退还货,可适当给予有偿维修;</view>
+		</view>
+	</view>
+	.line{
+		margin-top: 10rpx;
+		text-indent: 2em;
+	}
+	.pageBox{
+		padding: 30rpx;
+	}
+	.title{
+		font-size: 40rpx;
+		text-align: center;
+		font-weight: bold;
+	}
+	.item{
+		font-size: 32rpx;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		margin-top: 20rpx;
+	}

+ 152 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+	<view :style="colorStyle">
+		<form @submit="recharge">
+			<view class="ChangePassword">
+				<view class="list">
+					<view class="item">
+						<view class="name">
+							卡号:
+						</view>
+						<input class="inputItem" type='number' placeholder='填写卡号' placeholder-class='placeholder'
+							v-model="phone"></input>
+					</view>
+					<view class="item">
+						<view class="name">
+							卡密:
+						</view>
+						<input class="inputItem" type='number' placeholder='填写卡密' placeholder-class='placeholder'
+							v-model="pwd"></input>
+					</view>
+				</view>
+				<button form-type="submit" class="confirmBnt bg-color">确认激活</button>
+			</view>
+		</form>
+		<!-- #ifdef MP -->
+		<!-- <authorize v-if="isShowAuth" @authColse="authColse" @onLoadFun="onLoadFun"></authorize> -->
+		<!-- #endif -->
+	</view>
+	import {
+		recharge
+	} from '@/api/new.js';
+	import {
+		toLogin
+	} from '@/libs/login.js';
+	import {
+		mapGetters
+	} from "vuex";
+	import colors from '@/mixins/color.js';
+	export default {
+		mixins: [colors],
+		data() {
+			return {
+				phone: '',
+				pwd: '',
+			};
+		},
+		computed: mapGetters(['isLogin']),
+		onLoad(options) {
+			if (!this.isLogin) {
+				toLogin();
+			}
+		},
+		onShow() {},
+		methods: {
+			onLoadFun: function() {
+				this.isShowAuth = false
+			},
+			// 授权关闭
+			authColse: function(e) {
+				this.isShowAuth = e
+			},
+			recharge: function() {
+				let that = this;
+				if (! return that.$util.Tips({
+					title: '请填写卡号!'
+				});
+				if (!that.pwd) return that.$util.Tips({
+					title: '请填写卡密'
+				});
+				uni.showLoading({
+					title: '激活中',
+					mask: true
+				});
+				recharge({
+					no:,
+					pwd: that.pwd,
+				}).then(res => {
+					return that.$util.Tips({
+						title: res.msg,
+						icon: 'success'
+					}, {
+						tab: 4,
+						url: '/pages/user/user'
+					});
+				}).catch(error => {
+					return that.$util.Tips({
+						title: error,
+					});
+				})
+			},
+		}
+	}
+<style lang="scss">
+	page {
+		background-color: #fff !important;
+	}
+	.ChangePassword {
+		.confirmBnt {
+			font-size: 32rpx;
+			width: 580rpx;
+			height: 90rpx;
+			border-radius: 45rpx;
+			color: #fff;
+			margin: 92rpx auto 0 auto;
+			text-align: center;
+			line-height: 90rpx;
+		}
+		.phone {
+			font-size: 32rpx;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			text-align: center;
+			margin-top: 55rpx;
+		}
+		.list {
+			width: 580rpx;
+			margin: 53rpx auto 0 auto;
+			.item {
+				width: 100%;
+				height: 110rpx;
+				border-bottom: 2rpx solid #f0f0f0;
+				display: flex;
+				justify-content: flex-start;
+				.name{
+					flex-shrink: 0;
+					line-height: 110rpx;
+					padding-right: 20rpx;
+					font-size: 32rpx;
+					font-weight: bold;
+				}
+				input {
+					flex-grow: 1;
+					width: 100%;
+					height: 100%;
+					font-size: 32rpx;
+				}
+				.placeholder {
+					color: #b9b9bc;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}