	<view :style="viewColor">
		<view class='cash-withdrawal' :hidden='!loading'>
			<view class='nav acea-row  row-between-wrapper'>
				<view class='name'>提现至</view>
				<view class='input'>
					<view class="more-content" @click="goPay(currentTab)">
						<view class="more-content-left">
							<view class="type-icon" :style="[{backgroundColor: handlePayColor()}]">
								<view class="iconfont bankicon" :class="navList[currentTab]['icon']"></view>
						 <view class="moreicon">
							<view class='iconfont icon-jiantou'></view>
			<view class='wrapper'>
				<view :hidden='currentTab != 0' class='list'>
					<form @submit="subCash" report-submit='true'>
						<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
							<view class='name'>持卡人</view>
							<view class='input'><input placeholder='请输入持卡人姓名' placeholder-class='placeholder' name="real_name" v-model="real_name"></input></view>
						<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
							<view class='name'>卡号</view>
							<view class='input'><input type='number' placeholder='请填写卡号' placeholder-class='placeholder' name="bank_code" v-model="bank_code"></input></view>
						<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper' v-if="array.length>0">
							<view class='name'>银行</view>
							<view class='input'>
								<picker @change="bindPickerChange" :value="index" :range="array" range-key="name">
									<text class='Bank'>{{array[index]["name"]}}</text>
									<text class='iconfont icon-qiepian38'></text>
						<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
							<view class='name'>支行信息</view>
							<view class='input'><input placeholder='请输入支行信息' placeholder-class='placeholder' name="bank_address" v-model="bank_address"></input></view>
						<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
							<view class='name'>提现</view>
							<view class='input'><input :placeholder='"最低提现金额"+minPrice' placeholder-class='placeholder' name="extract_price"
								 type='digit' v-model="extract_price"></input></view>
						<view class='tip mt25'>
							当前可提现金额: <text class="price">¥{{userInfo.brokerage_price}},</text>冻结佣金:¥{{userInfo.lock_brokerage}}
						<view class='tip'>
							说明: 每笔佣金的冻结期为{{userInfo.broken_day}}天,到期后可提现
						<view class="btn-submit">
							<button formType="submit" :disabled="load" class='bnt b-color' :class="load ? 'disabled' : ''" >提现</button>
				<view :hidden='currentTab != 1' class='list'>
					<form @submit="subCash" report-submit='true'>
						<view v-if="!sys_extension_type" class="">
							<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
								<view class='name'>账号</view>
								<view class='input'><input placeholder='请填写您的微信账号' placeholder-class='placeholder' name="wechat"></input></view>
							<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
								<view class='name'>提现</view>
								<view class='input'><input :placeholder='"最低提现金额"+minPrice' placeholder-class='placeholder' name="extract_price"
									 type='digit' v-model="extract_price"></input></view>
							<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper uploadItem'>
								<view class='name'>收款码</view>
								<view class='input upload acea-row row-middle'>
									<view class='picture' v-for="(item,index) in pics" :key="index">
										<image :src='item'></image>
										<text class='iconfont icon-guanbi1' @click='DelPic(index)'></text>
									<view class='picture acea-row row-center-wrapper row-column' @click='uploadpic' v-if="pics.length < 1">
										<text class='iconfont icon-icon25201'></text>

							<view class='tip mt25'>
								当前可提现金额: <text class="price">¥{{userInfo.brokerage_price}},</text>冻结佣金:¥{{userInfo.lock_brokerage}}
							<view class='tip'>
								说明: 每笔佣金的冻结期为{{userInfo.broken_day}}天,到期后可提现
							<button formType="submit" :disabled="load" class='bnt b-color' :class="load ? 'disabled' : ''" >提现</button>
						<view v-else class="auto_arrival">
							<view class='tip'>当前可提现金额: <text class="price">¥{{userInfo.brokerage_price}}</text>
							<view class='input'><input placeholder-class='placeholder1' name="extract_price"
								 type='digit' :placeholder="placeholderValue" @focus="placeholderValue = ''" v-model="extract_price"></input>
							<view class="btn-submit">
							    <button formType="submit" :disabled="load" class='bnt b-color' :class="load ? 'disabled' : ''" >提现</button>
				<view :hidden='currentTab != 2' class='list'>
					<form @submit="subCash" report-submit='true'>
						<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
							<view class='name'>账号</view>
							<view class='input'><input placeholder='请填写您的支付宝账号' placeholder-class='placeholder' name="alipay_code"></input></view>
						<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper'>
							<view class='name'>提现</view>
							<view class='input'><input :placeholder='"最低提现金额"+minPrice' placeholder-class='placeholder' name="extract_price"
								 type='digit' v-model="extract_price"></input></view>
						<view class='item acea-row row-between-wrapper uploadItem'>
							<view class='name'>收款码</view>
							<view class='input upload acea-row row-middle'>
								<view class='picture' v-for="(item,index) in pics" :key="index">
									<image :src='item'></image>
									<text class='iconfont icon-guanbi1' @click='DelPic(index)'></text>
								<view class='picture acea-row row-center-wrapper row-column' @click='uploadpic' v-if="pics.length < 1">
									<text class='iconfont icon-icon25201'></text>
						<view class='tip mb25'>
							当前可提现金额: <text class="price">¥{{userInfo.brokerage_price}},</text>冻结佣金:¥{{userInfo.lock_brokerage}}
						<view class='tip' v-if="userInfo.broken_day>0">
							说明: 每笔佣金的冻结期为{{userInfo.broken_day}}天,到期后可提现
						<view class="btn-submit">
						  <button formType="submit" :disabled="load" class='bnt b-color' :class="load ? 'disabled' : ''" >提现</button>
		<cash :payMode='pay_type' :pay_close="pay_close" @payClose="payClose" @onChangeFun="onChangeFun" :order_id="currentTab"></cash>

	// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
	// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
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	// | Copyright (c) 2016~2024 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
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	// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
	// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
	import {
	} from '@/api/user.js';
	import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
	import cash from '@/components/cash';
	import { configMap } from '@/utils';
	import { toLogin } from '@/libs/login.js';
	export default {
		components: {
		data() {
			return {
				navList: [{
						'id': '0',
						'ids': 1,
						'name': '银行卡',
						'icon': 'icon-yinhangqia',
						'bg_color': '#FE960F'
						'id': '1',
						'ids': 2,
						'name': '微信',
						'icon': 'icon-weixin2',
						'bg_color': '#41B035'
						'id': '2',
						'ids': 3,
						'name': '支付宝',
						'icon': 'icon-icon34',
						'bg_color': '#00A9F2'
				currentTab: '0',
				extract_price: '',
				index: 0,
				array: [], //提现银行
				minPrice: 0.00, //最低提现金额
				userInfo: [],
				isClone: false,
				loading: true,
				load: false,
				pics: [], //收款码
				extract_pic: '',
				placeholderValue: '0.00',
				payColor: '',
				pay_close: false,
				real_name: '',
				bank_address: '',
				bank_code: '',
				pay_type: []
		computed: {
			... configMap(['sys_extension_type', 'withdraw_type'])
		watch: {
			withdraw_type: {
				immediate: true
		onLoad() {
			if (this.isLogin) {
			} else {
		methods: {
				this.pay_type = []
				let withdrawType = this.withdraw_type
				if (withdrawType.length > 0) {
					this.navList.map((value, index) => {
						withdrawType.map(val => {
							if (value.ids == val) {
				this.currentTab = this.pay_type[0].id
				let that = this;
				getBankInfo().then(res => {
					let info = res.data;
					that.real_name = info.real_name;
					that.bank_name = info.bank_name;
					that.bank_code = info.bank_code;
					that.bank_address = info.bank_address;		
			getUserExtractBank: function() {
				let that = this;
				extractBank().then(res => {
					let array = res.data;
					that.$set(that, 'array', array);
			 * 获取个人用户信息
			getUserInfo: function() {
				let that = this;
				spreadInfo().then(res => {
					that.userInfo = res.data;
					that.minPrice = res.data.user_extract_min;
			swichNav: function(current) {
				this.currentTab = current;
				this.load = false;
			bindPickerChange: function(e) {
				this.index = e.detail.value;
			handlePayColor: function() {
				let str = ''
				if (this.currentTab == 1) {
					str = '#41B035'
				} else if (this.currentTab == 2) {
					str = '#00A9F2'
				} else {
					str = '#FE960F '
				return str
			uploadpic: function() {
				let that = this;
				that.$util.uploadImageOne('upload/image', function(res) {
					that.$set(that, 'pics', that.pics);
					that.$set(that, 'extract_pic', that.pics[0])
			 * 删除图片
			DelPic: function(index) {
				let that = this,
				pic = this.pics[index];
				that.pics.splice(index, 1);
				that.$set(that, 'pics', that.pics);
			subCash: function(e) {
				let that = this,
				value = e.detail.value;
				if(that.load) return;
				if (that.currentTab == 0) { //银行卡
					if (value.real_name.length == 0) return this.$util.Tips({
						title: '请填写持卡人姓名'
					if (value.bank_code.length == 0) return this.$util.Tips({
						title: '请填写卡号'
					value.extract_type = 'bank';
					value.bank_name = (that.array && that.array.length) ? that.array[that.index].name : '';
				} else if (that.currentTab == 1) { //微信
					value.extract_type = 'weixin';
						value.extract_pic = that.extract_pic
						if (value.wechat.length == 0) return this.$util.Tips({
							title: '请填写微信号'
						if (value.extract_pic.length == 0) return this.$util.Tips({
							title: '请上传收款码'
				} else if (that.currentTab == 2) { //支付宝
					value.extract_type = 'alipay';
					value.extract_pic = that.extract_pic
					if (value.alipay_code.length == 0) return this.$util.Tips({
						title: '请填写账号'
					if (value.extract_pic.length == 0) return this.$util.Tips({
						title: '请上传收款码'
				if (value.extract_price.length == 0) return this.$util.Tips({
					title: '请填写提现金额'
				if (Number(value.extract_price) < that.minPrice) return this.$util.Tips({
					title: '提现金额不能低于' + that.minPrice
				value.extract_type = this.currentTab
				that.load = true;
				if(that.sys_extension_type && that.currentTab == 1)
				value = {extract_price: e.detail.value.extract_price, extract_type: 3}
				extractCash(value).then(res => {
					that.load = false;
						title: res.message,
						icon: 'success'
							url: '/pages/users/user_spread_user/index'
				}).catch(err => {
					that.load = false;
					return that.$util.Tips({
						title: err
			 * 打开支付组件
			goPay: function(pay_price) {
				this.$set(this, 'pay_close', true);
			 * 关闭支付组件
			payClose: function() {
				this.pay_close = false;
			onChangeFun: function(e) {
				let opt = e;
				let action = opt.action || null;
				let value = opt.value != undefined ? opt.value : null;
				(action && this[action]) && this[action](value);
				this.currentTab = opt.type

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