123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113 |
- <template>
- <view class="container">
- <view class="storeClassContent">
- <view class="storeClassContent_item" v-for="(item, index) in storeClassList" :key="index">
- <view class="storeClassContent_item_father" @click.stop="selectStoreClass(item)" @longtap.stop="deleteItem(item,index)">
- <view class="storeClassContent_item_father_label">
- <button class="iconfont" :class="selectStoreClassId == item.store_category_id ? 'icon-jian' : 'icon-tianjia1'"></button>
- <span>{{ item.cate_name }}</span>
- </view>
- <view class="storeClassContent_item_father_right">
- <span class="iconfont icon-bianji" @click.stop="edit(item)"></span>
- </view>
- </view>
- <view class="storeClassContent_item_child" v-if="selectStoreClassId == item.store_category_id">
- <view class="storeClassContent_item_child_item" v-for="(val, i) in item.children" :key="i" @longtap="deleteItem(val,i)">
- <span>{{ val.cate_name }}</span>
- <span class="iconfont icon-bianji" @click.stop="edit(val)"></span>
- </view>
- </view>
- </view>
- <view class="storeClassContent_tip">
- <text class="iconfont icon-duoshanghupc-shuomingdanchuang"></text>
- <span>长按分类标题可删除</span>
- </view>
- </view>
- <view class="handle_bottom"><navigator :url="`/pages/product/storeClassification/addStoreClass?mer_id=${mer_id}`" class="handle_bottom_button">添加分类</navigator></view>
- </view>
- </template>
- <script>
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // | Copyright (c) 2016~2024 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
- // | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
- // +----------------------------------------------------------------------
- import { Modal, Toast } from '../../../libs/uniApi.js';
- import { storeClassifyLst, storeClassifyDel } from "@/api/product";
- export default {
- data() {
- return {
- selectStoreClassId: 1,
- mer_id: '',
- storeClassList: []
- };
- },
- onLoad(options) {
- this.mer_id = options.mer_id
- this.getStoreClassification()
- },
- onShow: function() {
- },
- methods: {
- deleteItem(item,index) {
- let that = this
- Modal('温馨提示', `"${item.cate_name}"将被删除,请问是否继续`).then(() => {
- storeClassifyDel(that.mer_id, item.store_category_id).then(res => {
- that.$util.Tips({
- title: res.message,
- icon: 'success'
- });
- that.getStoreClassification()
- }).catch(res => {
- return that.$util.Tips({
- title: res
- });
- });
- // Toast('删除成功');
- })
- },
- selectStoreClass(item) {
- if (item.store_category_id == this.selectStoreClassId) {
- this.selectStoreClassId = '';
- return;
- }
- this.selectStoreClassId = item.store_category_id;
- },
- /*获取店铺分类*/
- getStoreClassification(){
- var that = this;
- uni.showLoading({
- title: '加载中',
- mask: true
- });
- storeClassifyLst(this.mer_id).then(
- res => {
- uni.hideLoading();
- that.storeClassList = res.data;
- },
- error => {
- that.$util.Tips({
- title: error.msg
- })
- }
- );
- },
- /*编辑*/
- edit(item){
- uni.navigateTo({
- url: `/pages/product/storeClassification/addStoreClass?mer_id=${this.mer_id}&pid=${item.store_category_id}`
- })
- }
- }
- };
- </script>
- <style lang="scss" scoped>
- @import './scss/index.scss';
- </style>