lhl 1 year ago
100 changed files with 32310 additions and 96 deletions
  1. 1 1
  2. 14 0
  3. 3 3
  4. 3 3
  5. 31 0
  6. 10102 0
  7. 436 0
  8. 10102 0
  9. 436 0
  10. 83 0
  11. 137 0
  12. 10102 0
  13. 221 0
  14. 4 0
  15. 113 0
  16. 87 0
  17. 117 0
  18. 1 0
  19. BIN
  20. BIN
  21. BIN
  22. BIN
  23. BIN
  24. BIN
  25. 1 1
  26. 7 5
  27. 9 2
  28. 11 7
  29. 44 33
  30. 51 15
  31. 0 2
  32. 1 1
  33. 89 13
  34. 94 0
  35. BIN
  36. BIN
  37. 1 1
  38. 0 0
  39. 3 3
  40. 2 2
  41. 3 3
  42. BIN
  43. 0 0
  44. 0 0
  45. 0 0
  46. 0 1
  47. BIN
  48. 0 0
  49. 0 0
  50. 0 0
  51. 0 0
  52. 0 0
  53. 0 0
  54. 0 0
  55. 0 0
  56. 0 0
  57. 0 0
  58. 0 0
  59. 0 0
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  61. 0 0
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  64. 0 0
  65. 0 0
  66. 0 0
  67. 0 0
  68. 1 0
  69. 0 0
  70. 0 0
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  75. 0 0
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  81. 0 0
  82. 0 0
  83. 0 0
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  85. 0 0
  86. 0 0
  87. 0 0
  88. 0 0
  89. 0 0
  90. 0 0
  91. 0 0
  92. 0 0
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  94. 0 0
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  98. 0 0
  99. 0 0
  100. 0 0

+ 1 - 1

@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
-							},1000)
+							},500)
 						// if (res.status) {

+ 14 - 0

@@ -147,9 +147,23 @@ export default {
 		// /** 跳转到登陆界面 */
+		// #ifdef APP-PLUS
+		let pages = getCurrentPages();
+		let currentPage = pages[pages.length - 1];
+		let route =  currentPage.route;
+		console.log(route,'pages+++++');
+		if(route.indexOf('upApp') != -1 || route.indexOf('login') != -1) {
+		}else {
+			uni.reLaunch({
+			  url: '/pages/in/login'
+			});
+		}
 		// uni.reLaunch({
 		//   url: '/pages/in/login'
 		// });
+		// #endif
 	/** 更新未读消息为0 */
 	updataNoReader(list_id) {

+ 3 - 3

@@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ export default {
 		// 	},
 		// });
-		uni.navigateTo({
-			url:'/pages/in/login'
-		})
+		// uni.navigateTo({
+		// 	url:'/pages/in/login'
+		// })
 	/** 获得会话列表 */
 	getChatList() {

+ 3 - 3

@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ export default {
 		// 	},
 		// });
-		uni.navigateTo({
-			url:'/pages/in/login'
-		})
+		// uni.navigateTo({
+		// 	url:'/pages/in/login'
+		// })
 	/** 获得会话列表 */

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+## 1.3.0(2022-06-28)
+1. [修改] - 之前使用 canvas 在页面上展示画面,改为 video 标签在页面展示视频流画面。
+2. [增强] - 现在只获取扫描框中的画面进行二维码识别,这样可有效的节省资源与提高识别效率。
+3. [增强] - 提升调用摄像头的分辨率。
+4. [增强] - 提升识别大二维码的能力,之前在低端机上识别大二维码容易识别不到。
+5. [新增] - 新增错误事件返回,返回内部报错。错误说明请查看文档。
+## 1.2.1(2022-06-01)
+## 1.2.0(2022-06-01)
+## 1.1.0(2022-01-25)
+1.支持全屏 - 
+2.支持前置摄像头 - 
+3.支持高清调用摄像头 - 
+## 1.0.4(2021-12-24)
+## 1.0.3(2021-12-21)
+## 1.0.2(2021-12-21)
+## 1.0.1(2021-12-21)
+## 1.0.0(2021-12-21)

+ 10102 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10102 @@
+(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
+	if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
+		module.exports = factory();
+	else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
+		define([], factory);
+	else if(typeof exports === 'object')
+		exports["jsQR"] = factory();
+	else
+		root["jsQR"] = factory();
+})(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function() {
+return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
+/******/ 	// The module cache
+/******/ 	var installedModules = {};
+/******/ 	// The require function
+/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
+/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
+/******/ 		if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
+/******/ 			return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
+/******/ 		}
+/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
+/******/ 		var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
+/******/ 			i: moduleId,
+/******/ 			l: false,
+/******/ 			exports: {}
+/******/ 		};
+/******/ 		// Execute the module function
+/******/ 		modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
+/******/ 		// Flag the module as loaded
+/******/ 		module.l = true;
+/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
+/******/ 		return module.exports;
+/******/ 	}
+/******/ 	// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.m = modules;
+/******/ 	// expose the module cache
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
+/******/ 	// define getter function for harmony exports
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
+/******/ 		if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
+/******/ 			Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
+/******/ 				configurable: false,
+/******/ 				enumerable: true,
+/******/ 				get: getter
+/******/ 			});
+/******/ 		}
+/******/ 	};
+/******/ 	// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
+/******/ 		var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
+/******/ 			function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
+/******/ 			function getModuleExports() { return module; };
+/******/ 		__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
+/******/ 		return getter;
+/******/ 	};
+/******/ 	// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
+/******/ 	// __webpack_public_path__
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.p = "";
+/******/ 	// Load entry module and return exports
+/******/ 	return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 3);
+/******/ })
+/******/ ([
+/* 0 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function BitMatrix(data, width) {
+        this.width = width;
+        this.height = data.length / width;
+        this.data = data;
+    }
+    BitMatrix.createEmpty = function (width, height) {
+        return new BitMatrix(new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height), width);
+    };
+    BitMatrix.prototype.get = function (x, y) {
+        if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return !!this.data[y * this.width + x];
+    };
+    BitMatrix.prototype.set = function (x, y, v) {
+        this.data[y * this.width + x] = v ? 1 : 0;
+    };
+    BitMatrix.prototype.setRegion = function (left, top, width, height, v) {
+        for (var y = top; y < top + height; y++) {
+            for (var x = left; x < left + width; x++) {
+                this.set(x, y, !!v);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    return BitMatrix;
+exports.BitMatrix = BitMatrix;
+/***/ }),
+/* 1 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var GenericGFPoly_1 = __webpack_require__(2);
+function addOrSubtractGF(a, b) {
+    return a ^ b; // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
+exports.addOrSubtractGF = addOrSubtractGF;
+var GenericGF = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function GenericGF(primitive, size, genBase) {
+        this.primitive = primitive;
+        this.size = size;
+        this.generatorBase = genBase;
+        this.expTable = new Array(this.size);
+        this.logTable = new Array(this.size);
+        var x = 1;
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
+            this.expTable[i] = x;
+            x = x * 2;
+            if (x >= this.size) {
+                x = (x ^ this.primitive) & (this.size - 1); // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
+            }
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.size - 1; i++) {
+            this.logTable[this.expTable[i]] = i;
+        }
+        this.zero = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([0]));
+        this.one = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([1]));
+    }
+    GenericGF.prototype.multiply = function (a, b) {
+        if (a === 0 || b === 0) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return this.expTable[(this.logTable[a] + this.logTable[b]) % (this.size - 1)];
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.inverse = function (a) {
+        if (a === 0) {
+            throw new Error("Can't invert 0");
+        }
+        return this.expTable[this.size - this.logTable[a] - 1];
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.buildMonomial = function (degree, coefficient) {
+        if (degree < 0) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid monomial degree less than 0");
+        }
+        if (coefficient === 0) {
+            return this.zero;
+        }
+        var coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(degree + 1);
+        coefficients[0] = coefficient;
+        return new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, coefficients);
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.log = function (a) {
+        if (a === 0) {
+            throw new Error("Can't take log(0)");
+        }
+        return this.logTable[a];
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.exp = function (a) {
+        return this.expTable[a];
+    };
+    return GenericGF;
+exports.default = GenericGF;
+/***/ }),
+/* 2 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var GenericGF_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
+var GenericGFPoly = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function GenericGFPoly(field, coefficients) {
+        if (coefficients.length === 0) {
+            throw new Error("No coefficients.");
+        }
+        this.field = field;
+        var coefficientsLength = coefficients.length;
+        if (coefficientsLength > 1 && coefficients[0] === 0) {
+            // Leading term must be non-zero for anything except the constant polynomial "0"
+            var firstNonZero = 1;
+            while (firstNonZero < coefficientsLength && coefficients[firstNonZero] === 0) {
+                firstNonZero++;
+            }
+            if (firstNonZero === coefficientsLength) {
+                this.coefficients = field.zero.coefficients;
+            }
+            else {
+                this.coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(coefficientsLength - firstNonZero);
+                for (var i = 0; i < this.coefficients.length; i++) {
+                    this.coefficients[i] = coefficients[firstNonZero + i];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            this.coefficients = coefficients;
+        }
+    }
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.degree = function () {
+        return this.coefficients.length - 1;
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.isZero = function () {
+        return this.coefficients[0] === 0;
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.getCoefficient = function (degree) {
+        return this.coefficients[this.coefficients.length - 1 - degree];
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.addOrSubtract = function (other) {
+        var _a;
+        if (this.isZero()) {
+            return other;
+        }
+        if (other.isZero()) {
+            return this;
+        }
+        var smallerCoefficients = this.coefficients;
+        var largerCoefficients = other.coefficients;
+        if (smallerCoefficients.length > largerCoefficients.length) {
+            _a = [largerCoefficients, smallerCoefficients], smallerCoefficients = _a[0], largerCoefficients = _a[1];
+        }
+        var sumDiff = new Uint8ClampedArray(largerCoefficients.length);
+        var lengthDiff = largerCoefficients.length - smallerCoefficients.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < lengthDiff; i++) {
+            sumDiff[i] = largerCoefficients[i];
+        }
+        for (var i = lengthDiff; i < largerCoefficients.length; i++) {
+            sumDiff[i] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(smallerCoefficients[i - lengthDiff], largerCoefficients[i]);
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, sumDiff);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.multiply = function (scalar) {
+        if (scalar === 0) {
+            return this.field.zero;
+        }
+        if (scalar === 1) {
+            return this;
+        }
+        var size = this.coefficients.length;
+        var product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size);
+        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+            product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], scalar);
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.multiplyPoly = function (other) {
+        if (this.isZero() || other.isZero()) {
+            return this.field.zero;
+        }
+        var aCoefficients = this.coefficients;
+        var aLength = aCoefficients.length;
+        var bCoefficients = other.coefficients;
+        var bLength = bCoefficients.length;
+        var product = new Uint8ClampedArray(aLength + bLength - 1);
+        for (var i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {
+            var aCoeff = aCoefficients[i];
+            for (var j = 0; j < bLength; j++) {
+                product[i + j] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(product[i + j], this.field.multiply(aCoeff, bCoefficients[j]));
+            }
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.multiplyByMonomial = function (degree, coefficient) {
+        if (degree < 0) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid degree less than 0");
+        }
+        if (coefficient === 0) {
+            return this.field.zero;
+        }
+        var size = this.coefficients.length;
+        var product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size + degree);
+        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+            product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], coefficient);
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.evaluateAt = function (a) {
+        var result = 0;
+        if (a === 0) {
+            // Just return the x^0 coefficient
+            return this.getCoefficient(0);
+        }
+        var size = this.coefficients.length;
+        if (a === 1) {
+            // Just the sum of the coefficients
+            this.coefficients.forEach(function (coefficient) {
+                result = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(result, coefficient);
+            });
+            return result;
+        }
+        result = this.coefficients[0];
+        for (var i = 1; i < size; i++) {
+            result = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(this.field.multiply(a, result), this.coefficients[i]);
+        }
+        return result;
+    };
+    return GenericGFPoly;
+exports.default = GenericGFPoly;
+/***/ }),
+/* 3 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var binarizer_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
+var decoder_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
+var extractor_1 = __webpack_require__(11);
+var locator_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
+function scan(matrix) {
+    var locations = locator_1.locate(matrix);
+    if (!locations) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    for (var _i = 0, locations_1 = locations; _i < locations_1.length; _i++) {
+        var location_1 = locations_1[_i];
+        var extracted = extractor_1.extract(matrix, location_1);
+        var decoded = decoder_1.decode(extracted.matrix);
+        if (decoded) {
+            return {
+                binaryData: decoded.bytes,
+                data: decoded.text,
+                chunks: decoded.chunks,
+                version: decoded.version,
+                location: {
+                    topRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location_1.dimension, 0),
+                    topLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, 0),
+                    bottomRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location_1.dimension, location_1.dimension),
+                    bottomLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, location_1.dimension),
+                    topRightFinderPattern: location_1.topRight,
+                    topLeftFinderPattern: location_1.topLeft,
+                    bottomLeftFinderPattern: location_1.bottomLeft,
+                    bottomRightAlignmentPattern: location_1.alignmentPattern,
+                },
+            };
+        }
+    }
+    return null;
+var defaultOptions = {
+    inversionAttempts: "attemptBoth",
+function jsQR(data, width, height, providedOptions) {
+    if (providedOptions === void 0) { providedOptions = {}; }
+    var options = defaultOptions;
+    Object.keys(options || {}).forEach(function (opt) {
+        options[opt] = providedOptions[opt] || options[opt];
+    });
+    var shouldInvert = options.inversionAttempts === "attemptBoth" || options.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst";
+    var tryInvertedFirst = options.inversionAttempts === "onlyInvert" || options.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst";
+    var _a = binarizer_1.binarize(data, width, height, shouldInvert), binarized = _a.binarized, inverted = _a.inverted;
+    var result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? inverted : binarized);
+    if (!result && (options.inversionAttempts === "attemptBoth" || options.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst")) {
+        result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? binarized : inverted);
+    }
+    return result;
+jsQR.default = jsQR;
+exports.default = jsQR;
+/***/ }),
+/* 4 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
+var REGION_SIZE = 8;
+function numBetween(value, min, max) {
+    return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;
+// Like BitMatrix but accepts arbitry Uint8 values
+var Matrix = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function Matrix(width, height) {
+        this.width = width;
+        this.data = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height);
+    }
+    Matrix.prototype.get = function (x, y) {
+        return this.data[y * this.width + x];
+    };
+    Matrix.prototype.set = function (x, y, value) {
+        this.data[y * this.width + x] = value;
+    };
+    return Matrix;
+function binarize(data, width, height, returnInverted) {
+    if (data.length !== width * height * 4) {
+        throw new Error("Malformed data passed to binarizer.");
+    }
+    // Convert image to greyscale
+    var greyscalePixels = new Matrix(width, height);
+    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+            var r = data[((y * width + x) * 4) + 0];
+            var g = data[((y * width + x) * 4) + 1];
+            var b = data[((y * width + x) * 4) + 2];
+            greyscalePixels.set(x, y, 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b);
+        }
+    }
+    var horizontalRegionCount = Math.ceil(width / REGION_SIZE);
+    var verticalRegionCount = Math.ceil(height / REGION_SIZE);
+    var blackPoints = new Matrix(horizontalRegionCount, verticalRegionCount);
+    for (var verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++) {
+        for (var hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {
+            var sum = 0;
+            var min = Infinity;
+            var max = 0;
+            for (var y = 0; y < REGION_SIZE; y++) {
+                for (var x = 0; x < REGION_SIZE; x++) {
+                    var pixelLumosity = greyscalePixels.get(hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + x, verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + y);
+                    sum += pixelLumosity;
+                    min = Math.min(min, pixelLumosity);
+                    max = Math.max(max, pixelLumosity);
+                }
+            }
+            var average = sum / (Math.pow(REGION_SIZE, 2));
+            if (max - min <= MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE) {
+                // If variation within the block is low, assume this is a block with only light or only
+                // dark pixels. In that case we do not want to use the average, as it would divide this
+                // low contrast area into black and white pixels, essentially creating data out of noise.
+                //
+                // Default the blackpoint for these blocks to be half the min - effectively white them out
+                average = min / 2;
+                if (verticalRegion > 0 && hortizontalRegion > 0) {
+                    // Correct the "white background" assumption for blocks that have neighbors by comparing
+                    // the pixels in this block to the previously calculated black points. This is based on
+                    // the fact that dark barcode symbology is always surrounded by some amount of light
+                    // background for which reasonable black point estimates were made. The bp estimated at
+                    // the boundaries is used for the interior.
+                    // The (min < bp) is arbitrary but works better than other heuristics that were tried.
+                    var averageNeighborBlackPoint = (blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion - 1) +
+                        (2 * blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion)) +
+                        blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion - 1)) / 4;
+                    if (min < averageNeighborBlackPoint) {
+                        average = averageNeighborBlackPoint;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            blackPoints.set(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion, average);
+        }
+    }
+    var binarized = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height);
+    var inverted = null;
+    if (returnInverted) {
+        inverted = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height);
+    }
+    for (var verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++) {
+        for (var hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {
+            var left = numBetween(hortizontalRegion, 2, horizontalRegionCount - 3);
+            var top_1 = numBetween(verticalRegion, 2, verticalRegionCount - 3);
+            var sum = 0;
+            for (var xRegion = -2; xRegion <= 2; xRegion++) {
+                for (var yRegion = -2; yRegion <= 2; yRegion++) {
+                    sum += blackPoints.get(left + xRegion, top_1 + yRegion);
+                }
+            }
+            var threshold = sum / 25;
+            for (var xRegion = 0; xRegion < REGION_SIZE; xRegion++) {
+                for (var yRegion = 0; yRegion < REGION_SIZE; yRegion++) {
+                    var x = hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + xRegion;
+                    var y = verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + yRegion;
+                    var lum = greyscalePixels.get(x, y);
+                    binarized.set(x, y, lum <= threshold);
+                    if (returnInverted) {
+                        inverted.set(x, y, !(lum <= threshold));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (returnInverted) {
+        return { binarized: binarized, inverted: inverted };
+    }
+    return { binarized: binarized };
+exports.binarize = binarize;
+/***/ }),
+/* 5 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
+var decodeData_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
+var reedsolomon_1 = __webpack_require__(9);
+var version_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
+// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
+function numBitsDiffering(x, y) {
+    var z = x ^ y;
+    var bitCount = 0;
+    while (z) {
+        bitCount++;
+        z &= z - 1;
+    }
+    return bitCount;
+function pushBit(bit, byte) {
+    return (byte << 1) | bit;
+// tslint:enable:no-bitwise
+    { bits: 0x5412, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x5125, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x5E7C, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x5B4B, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x45F9, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x40CE, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x4F97, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x4AA0, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 7 } },
+    { bits: 0x77C4, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x72F3, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x7DAA, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x789D, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x662F, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x6318, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x6C41, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x6976, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 7 } },
+    { bits: 0x1689, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x13BE, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x1CE7, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x19D0, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x0762, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x0255, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x0D0C, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x083B, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 7 } },
+    { bits: 0x355F, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x3068, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x3F31, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x3A06, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x24B4, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x2183, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x2EDA, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x2BED, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 7 } },
+var DATA_MASKS = [
+    function (p) { return ((p.y + p.x) % 2) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return (p.y % 2) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return p.x % 3 === 0; },
+    function (p) { return (p.y + p.x) % 3 === 0; },
+    function (p) { return (Math.floor(p.y / 2) + Math.floor(p.x / 3)) % 2 === 0; },
+    function (p) { return ((p.x * p.y) % 2) + ((p.x * p.y) % 3) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return ((((p.y * p.x) % 2) + (p.y * p.x) % 3) % 2) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return ((((p.y + p.x) % 2) + (p.y * p.x) % 3) % 2) === 0; },
+function buildFunctionPatternMask(version) {
+    var dimension = 17 + 4 * version.versionNumber;
+    var matrix = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(dimension, dimension);
+    matrix.setRegion(0, 0, 9, 9, true); // Top left finder pattern + separator + format
+    matrix.setRegion(dimension - 8, 0, 8, 9, true); // Top right finder pattern + separator + format
+    matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 8, 9, 8, true); // Bottom left finder pattern + separator + format
+    // Alignment patterns
+    for (var _i = 0, _a = version.alignmentPatternCenters; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
+        var x = _a[_i];
+        for (var _b = 0, _c = version.alignmentPatternCenters; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
+            var y = _c[_b];
+            if (!(x === 6 && y === 6 || x === 6 && y === dimension - 7 || x === dimension - 7 && y === 6)) {
+                matrix.setRegion(x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5, true);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    matrix.setRegion(6, 9, 1, dimension - 17, true); // Vertical timing pattern
+    matrix.setRegion(9, 6, dimension - 17, 1, true); // Horizontal timing pattern
+    if (version.versionNumber > 6) {
+        matrix.setRegion(dimension - 11, 0, 3, 6, true); // Version info, top right
+        matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 11, 6, 3, true); // Version info, bottom left
+    }
+    return matrix;
+function readCodewords(matrix, version, formatInfo) {
+    var dataMask = DATA_MASKS[formatInfo.dataMask];
+    var dimension = matrix.height;
+    var functionPatternMask = buildFunctionPatternMask(version);
+    var codewords = [];
+    var currentByte = 0;
+    var bitsRead = 0;
+    // Read columns in pairs, from right to left
+    var readingUp = true;
+    for (var columnIndex = dimension - 1; columnIndex > 0; columnIndex -= 2) {
+        if (columnIndex === 6) { // Skip whole column with vertical alignment pattern;
+            columnIndex--;
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
+            var y = readingUp ? dimension - 1 - i : i;
+            for (var columnOffset = 0; columnOffset < 2; columnOffset++) {
+                var x = columnIndex - columnOffset;
+                if (!functionPatternMask.get(x, y)) {
+                    bitsRead++;
+                    var bit = matrix.get(x, y);
+                    if (dataMask({ y: y, x: x })) {
+                        bit = !bit;
+                    }
+                    currentByte = pushBit(bit, currentByte);
+                    if (bitsRead === 8) { // Whole bytes
+                        codewords.push(currentByte);
+                        bitsRead = 0;
+                        currentByte = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        readingUp = !readingUp;
+    }
+    return codewords;
+function readVersion(matrix) {
+    var dimension = matrix.height;
+    var provisionalVersion = Math.floor((dimension - 17) / 4);
+    if (provisionalVersion <= 6) { // 6 and under dont have version info in the QR code
+        return version_1.VERSIONS[provisionalVersion - 1];
+    }
+    var topRightVersionBits = 0;
+    for (var y = 5; y >= 0; y--) {
+        for (var x = dimension - 9; x >= dimension - 11; x--) {
+            topRightVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), topRightVersionBits);
+        }
+    }
+    var bottomLeftVersionBits = 0;
+    for (var x = 5; x >= 0; x--) {
+        for (var y = dimension - 9; y >= dimension - 11; y--) {
+            bottomLeftVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), bottomLeftVersionBits);
+        }
+    }
+    var bestDifference = Infinity;
+    var bestVersion;
+    for (var _i = 0, VERSIONS_1 = version_1.VERSIONS; _i < VERSIONS_1.length; _i++) {
+        var version = VERSIONS_1[_i];
+        if (version.infoBits === topRightVersionBits || version.infoBits === bottomLeftVersionBits) {
+            return version;
+        }
+        var difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightVersionBits, version.infoBits);
+        if (difference < bestDifference) {
+            bestVersion = version;
+            bestDifference = difference;
+        }
+        difference = numBitsDiffering(bottomLeftVersionBits, version.infoBits);
+        if (difference < bestDifference) {
+            bestVersion = version;
+            bestDifference = difference;
+        }
+    }
+    // We can tolerate up to 3 bits of error since no two version info codewords will
+    // differ in less than 8 bits.
+    if (bestDifference <= 3) {
+        return bestVersion;
+    }
+function readFormatInformation(matrix) {
+    var topLeftFormatInfoBits = 0;
+    for (var x = 0; x <= 8; x++) {
+        if (x !== 6) { // Skip timing pattern bit
+            topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topLeftFormatInfoBits);
+        }
+    }
+    for (var y = 7; y >= 0; y--) {
+        if (y !== 6) { // Skip timing pattern bit
+            topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topLeftFormatInfoBits);
+        }
+    }
+    var dimension = matrix.height;
+    var topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = 0;
+    for (var y = dimension - 1; y >= dimension - 7; y--) { // bottom left
+        topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);
+    }
+    for (var x = dimension - 8; x < dimension; x++) { // top right
+        topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);
+    }
+    var bestDifference = Infinity;
+    var bestFormatInfo = null;
+    for (var _i = 0, FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1 = FORMAT_INFO_TABLE; _i < FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1.length; _i++) {
+        var _a = FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1[_i], bits = _a.bits, formatInfo = _a.formatInfo;
+        if (bits === topLeftFormatInfoBits || bits === topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits) {
+            return formatInfo;
+        }
+        var difference = numBitsDiffering(topLeftFormatInfoBits, bits);
+        if (difference < bestDifference) {
+            bestFormatInfo = formatInfo;
+            bestDifference = difference;
+        }
+        if (topLeftFormatInfoBits !== topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits) { // also try the other option
+            difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits, bits);
+            if (difference < bestDifference) {
+                bestFormatInfo = formatInfo;
+                bestDifference = difference;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Hamming distance of the 32 masked codes is 7, by construction, so <= 3 bits differing means we found a match
+    if (bestDifference <= 3) {
+        return bestFormatInfo;
+    }
+    return null;
+function getDataBlocks(codewords, version, ecLevel) {
+    var ecInfo = version.errorCorrectionLevels[ecLevel];
+    var dataBlocks = [];
+    var totalCodewords = 0;
+    ecInfo.ecBlocks.forEach(function (block) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < block.numBlocks; i++) {
+            dataBlocks.push({ numDataCodewords: block.dataCodewordsPerBlock, codewords: [] });
+            totalCodewords += block.dataCodewordsPerBlock + ecInfo.ecCodewordsPerBlock;
+        }
+    });
+    // In some cases the QR code will be malformed enough that we pull off more or less than we should.
+    // If we pull off less there's nothing we can do.
+    // If we pull off more we can safely truncate
+    if (codewords.length < totalCodewords) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    codewords = codewords.slice(0, totalCodewords);
+    var shortBlockSize = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].dataCodewordsPerBlock;
+    // Pull codewords to fill the blocks up to the minimum size
+    for (var i = 0; i < shortBlockSize; i++) {
+        for (var _i = 0, dataBlocks_1 = dataBlocks; _i < dataBlocks_1.length; _i++) {
+            var dataBlock = dataBlocks_1[_i];
+            dataBlock.codewords.push(codewords.shift());
+        }
+    }
+    // If there are any large blocks, pull codewords to fill the last element of those
+    if (ecInfo.ecBlocks.length > 1) {
+        var smallBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].numBlocks;
+        var largeBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[1].numBlocks;
+        for (var i = 0; i < largeBlockCount; i++) {
+            dataBlocks[smallBlockCount + i].codewords.push(codewords.shift());
+        }
+    }
+    // Add the rest of the codewords to the blocks. These are the error correction codewords.
+    while (codewords.length > 0) {
+        for (var _a = 0, dataBlocks_2 = dataBlocks; _a < dataBlocks_2.length; _a++) {
+            var dataBlock = dataBlocks_2[_a];
+            dataBlock.codewords.push(codewords.shift());
+        }
+    }
+    return dataBlocks;
+function decodeMatrix(matrix) {
+    var version = readVersion(matrix);
+    if (!version) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var formatInfo = readFormatInformation(matrix);
+    if (!formatInfo) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var codewords = readCodewords(matrix, version, formatInfo);
+    var dataBlocks = getDataBlocks(codewords, version, formatInfo.errorCorrectionLevel);
+    if (!dataBlocks) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    // Count total number of data bytes
+    var totalBytes = dataBlocks.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b.numDataCodewords; }, 0);
+    var resultBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(totalBytes);
+    var resultIndex = 0;
+    for (var _i = 0, dataBlocks_3 = dataBlocks; _i < dataBlocks_3.length; _i++) {
+        var dataBlock = dataBlocks_3[_i];
+        var correctedBytes = reedsolomon_1.decode(dataBlock.codewords, dataBlock.codewords.length - dataBlock.numDataCodewords);
+        if (!correctedBytes) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < dataBlock.numDataCodewords; i++) {
+            resultBytes[resultIndex++] = correctedBytes[i];
+        }
+    }
+    try {
+        return decodeData_1.decode(resultBytes, version.versionNumber);
+    }
+    catch (_a) {
+        return null;
+    }
+function decode(matrix) {
+    if (matrix == null) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var result = decodeMatrix(matrix);
+    if (result) {
+        return result;
+    }
+    // Decoding didn't work, try mirroring the QR across the topLeft -> bottomRight line.
+    for (var x = 0; x < matrix.width; x++) {
+        for (var y = x + 1; y < matrix.height; y++) {
+            if (matrix.get(x, y) !== matrix.get(y, x)) {
+                matrix.set(x, y, !matrix.get(x, y));
+                matrix.set(y, x, !matrix.get(y, x));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return decodeMatrix(matrix);
+exports.decode = decode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 6 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
+var BitStream_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
+var shiftJISTable_1 = __webpack_require__(8);
+var Mode;
+(function (Mode) {
+    Mode["Numeric"] = "numeric";
+    Mode["Alphanumeric"] = "alphanumeric";
+    Mode["Byte"] = "byte";
+    Mode["Kanji"] = "kanji";
+    Mode["ECI"] = "eci";
+})(Mode = exports.Mode || (exports.Mode = {}));
+var ModeByte;
+(function (ModeByte) {
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Terminator"] = 0] = "Terminator";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Numeric"] = 1] = "Numeric";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Alphanumeric"] = 2] = "Alphanumeric";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Byte"] = 4] = "Byte";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Kanji"] = 8] = "Kanji";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["ECI"] = 7] = "ECI";
+    // StructuredAppend = 0x3,
+    // FNC1FirstPosition = 0x5,
+    // FNC1SecondPosition = 0x9,
+})(ModeByte || (ModeByte = {}));
+function decodeNumeric(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [10, 12, 14][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    // Read digits in groups of 3
+    while (length >= 3) {
+        var num = stream.readBits(10);
+        if (num >= 1000) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 999");
+        }
+        var a = Math.floor(num / 100);
+        var b = Math.floor(num / 10) % 10;
+        var c = num % 10;
+        bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b, 48 + c);
+        text += a.toString() + b.toString() + c.toString();
+        length -= 3;
+    }
+    // If the number of digits aren't a multiple of 3, the remaining digits are special cased.
+    if (length === 2) {
+        var num = stream.readBits(7);
+        if (num >= 100) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 99");
+        }
+        var a = Math.floor(num / 10);
+        var b = num % 10;
+        bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b);
+        text += a.toString() + b.toString();
+    }
+    else if (length === 1) {
+        var num = stream.readBits(4);
+        if (num >= 10) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 9");
+        }
+        bytes.push(48 + num);
+        text += num.toString();
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+var AlphanumericCharacterCodes = [
+    "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
+    "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H",
+    "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q",
+    "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
+    " ", "$", "%", "*", "+", "-", ".", "/", ":",
+function decodeAlphanumeric(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [9, 11, 13][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    while (length >= 2) {
+        var v = stream.readBits(11);
+        var a = Math.floor(v / 45);
+        var b = v % 45;
+        bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0), AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b].charCodeAt(0));
+        text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a] + AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b];
+        length -= 2;
+    }
+    if (length === 1) {
+        var a = stream.readBits(6);
+        bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0));
+        text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a];
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+function decodeByte(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [8, 16, 16][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        var b = stream.readBits(8);
+        bytes.push(b);
+    }
+    try {
+        text += decodeURIComponent(bytes.map(function (b) { return "%" + ("0" + b.toString(16)).substr(-2); }).join(""));
+    }
+    catch (_a) {
+        // failed to decode
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+function decodeKanji(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [8, 10, 12][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        var k = stream.readBits(13);
+        var c = (Math.floor(k / 0xC0) << 8) | (k % 0xC0);
+        if (c < 0x1F00) {
+            c += 0x8140;
+        }
+        else {
+            c += 0xC140;
+        }
+        bytes.push(c >> 8, c & 0xFF);
+        text += String.fromCharCode(shiftJISTable_1.shiftJISTable[c]);
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+function decode(data, version) {
+    var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+    var stream = new BitStream_1.BitStream(data);
+    // There are 3 'sizes' based on the version. 1-9 is small (0), 10-26 is medium (1) and 27-40 is large (2).
+    var size = version <= 9 ? 0 : version <= 26 ? 1 : 2;
+    var result = {
+        text: "",
+        bytes: [],
+        chunks: [],
+        version: version,
+    };
+    while (stream.available() >= 4) {
+        var mode = stream.readBits(4);
+        if (mode === ModeByte.Terminator) {
+            return result;
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.ECI) {
+            if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(7),
+                });
+            }
+            else if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(14),
+                });
+            }
+            else if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(21),
+                });
+            }
+            else {
+                // ECI data seems corrupted
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: -1,
+                });
+            }
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Numeric) {
+            var numericResult = decodeNumeric(stream, size);
+            result.text += numericResult.text;
+            (_a = result.bytes).push.apply(_a, numericResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Numeric,
+                text: numericResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Alphanumeric) {
+            var alphanumericResult = decodeAlphanumeric(stream, size);
+            result.text += alphanumericResult.text;
+            (_b = result.bytes).push.apply(_b, alphanumericResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Alphanumeric,
+                text: alphanumericResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Byte) {
+            var byteResult = decodeByte(stream, size);
+            result.text += byteResult.text;
+            (_c = result.bytes).push.apply(_c, byteResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Byte,
+                bytes: byteResult.bytes,
+                text: byteResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Kanji) {
+            var kanjiResult = decodeKanji(stream, size);
+            result.text += kanjiResult.text;
+            (_d = result.bytes).push.apply(_d, kanjiResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Kanji,
+                bytes: kanjiResult.bytes,
+                text: kanjiResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    // If there is no data left, or the remaining bits are all 0, then that counts as a termination marker
+    if (stream.available() === 0 || stream.readBits(stream.available()) === 0) {
+        return result;
+    }
+exports.decode = decode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 7 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitStream = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function BitStream(bytes) {
+        this.byteOffset = 0;
+        this.bitOffset = 0;
+        this.bytes = bytes;
+    }
+    BitStream.prototype.readBits = function (numBits) {
+        if (numBits < 1 || numBits > 32 || numBits > this.available()) {
+            throw new Error("Cannot read " + numBits.toString() + " bits");
+        }
+        var result = 0;
+        // First, read remainder from current byte
+        if (this.bitOffset > 0) {
+            var bitsLeft = 8 - this.bitOffset;
+            var toRead = numBits < bitsLeft ? numBits : bitsLeft;
+            var bitsToNotRead = bitsLeft - toRead;
+            var mask = (0xFF >> (8 - toRead)) << bitsToNotRead;
+            result = (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead;
+            numBits -= toRead;
+            this.bitOffset += toRead;
+            if (this.bitOffset === 8) {
+                this.bitOffset = 0;
+                this.byteOffset++;
+            }
+        }
+        // Next read whole bytes
+        if (numBits > 0) {
+            while (numBits >= 8) {
+                result = (result << 8) | (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & 0xFF);
+                this.byteOffset++;
+                numBits -= 8;
+            }
+            // Finally read a partial byte
+            if (numBits > 0) {
+                var bitsToNotRead = 8 - numBits;
+                var mask = (0xFF >> bitsToNotRead) << bitsToNotRead;
+                result = (result << numBits) | ((this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead);
+                this.bitOffset += numBits;
+            }
+        }
+        return result;
+    };
+    BitStream.prototype.available = function () {
+        return 8 * (this.bytes.length - this.byteOffset) - this.bitOffset;
+    };
+    return BitStream;
+exports.BitStream = BitStream;
+/***/ }),
+/* 8 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.shiftJISTable = {
+    0x20: 0x0020,
+    0x21: 0x0021,
+    0x22: 0x0022,
+    0x23: 0x0023,
+    0x24: 0x0024,
+    0x25: 0x0025,
+    0x26: 0x0026,
+    0x27: 0x0027,
+    0x28: 0x0028,
+    0x29: 0x0029,
+    0x2A: 0x002A,
+    0x2B: 0x002B,
+    0x2C: 0x002C,
+    0x2D: 0x002D,
+    0x2E: 0x002E,
+    0x2F: 0x002F,
+    0x30: 0x0030,
+    0x31: 0x0031,
+    0x32: 0x0032,
+    0x33: 0x0033,
+    0x34: 0x0034,
+    0x35: 0x0035,
+    0x36: 0x0036,
+    0x37: 0x0037,
+    0x38: 0x0038,
+    0x39: 0x0039,
+    0x3A: 0x003A,
+    0x3B: 0x003B,
+    0x3C: 0x003C,
+    0x3D: 0x003D,
+    0x3E: 0x003E,
+    0x3F: 0x003F,
+    0x40: 0x0040,
+    0x41: 0x0041,
+    0x42: 0x0042,
+    0x43: 0x0043,
+    0x44: 0x0044,
+    0x45: 0x0045,
+    0x46: 0x0046,
+    0x47: 0x0047,
+    0x48: 0x0048,
+    0x49: 0x0049,
+    0x4A: 0x004A,
+    0x4B: 0x004B,
+    0x4C: 0x004C,
+    0x4D: 0x004D,
+    0x4E: 0x004E,
+    0x4F: 0x004F,
+    0x50: 0x0050,
+    0x51: 0x0051,
+    0x52: 0x0052,
+    0x53: 0x0053,
+    0x54: 0x0054,
+    0x55: 0x0055,
+    0x56: 0x0056,
+    0x57: 0x0057,
+    0x58: 0x0058,
+    0x59: 0x0059,
+    0x5A: 0x005A,
+    0x5B: 0x005B,
+    0x5C: 0x00A5,
+    0x5D: 0x005D,
+    0x5E: 0x005E,
+    0x5F: 0x005F,
+    0x60: 0x0060,
+    0x61: 0x0061,
+    0x62: 0x0062,
+    0x63: 0x0063,
+    0x64: 0x0064,
+    0x65: 0x0065,
+    0x66: 0x0066,
+    0x67: 0x0067,
+    0x68: 0x0068,
+    0x69: 0x0069,
+    0x6A: 0x006A,
+    0x6B: 0x006B,
+    0x6C: 0x006C,
+    0x6D: 0x006D,
+    0x6E: 0x006E,
+    0x6F: 0x006F,
+    0x70: 0x0070,
+    0x71: 0x0071,
+    0x72: 0x0072,
+    0x73: 0x0073,
+    0x74: 0x0074,
+    0x75: 0x0075,
+    0x76: 0x0076,
+    0x77: 0x0077,
+    0x78: 0x0078,
+    0x79: 0x0079,
+    0x7A: 0x007A,
+    0x7B: 0x007B,
+    0x7C: 0x007C,
+    0x7D: 0x007D,
+    0x7E: 0x203E,
+    0x8140: 0x3000,
+    0x8141: 0x3001,
+    0x8142: 0x3002,
+    0x8143: 0xFF0C,
+    0x8144: 0xFF0E,
+    0x8145: 0x30FB,
+    0x8146: 0xFF1A,
+    0x8147: 0xFF1B,
+    0x8148: 0xFF1F,
+    0x8149: 0xFF01,
+    0x814A: 0x309B,
+    0x814B: 0x309C,
+    0x814C: 0x00B4,
+    0x814D: 0xFF40,
+    0x814E: 0x00A8,
+    0x814F: 0xFF3E,
+    0x8150: 0xFFE3,
+    0x8151: 0xFF3F,
+    0x8152: 0x30FD,
+    0x8153: 0x30FE,
+    0x8154: 0x309D,
+    0x8155: 0x309E,
+    0x8156: 0x3003,
+    0x8157: 0x4EDD,
+    0x8158: 0x3005,
+    0x8159: 0x3006,
+    0x815A: 0x3007,
+    0x815B: 0x30FC,
+    0x815C: 0x2015,
+    0x815D: 0x2010,
+    0x815E: 0xFF0F,
+    0x815F: 0x005C,
+    0x8160: 0x301C,
+    0x8161: 0x2016,
+    0x8162: 0xFF5C,
+    0x8163: 0x2026,
+    0x8164: 0x2025,
+    0x8165: 0x2018,
+    0x8166: 0x2019,
+    0x8167: 0x201C,
+    0x8168: 0x201D,
+    0x8169: 0xFF08,
+    0x816A: 0xFF09,
+    0x816B: 0x3014,
+    0x816C: 0x3015,
+    0x816D: 0xFF3B,
+    0x816E: 0xFF3D,
+    0x816F: 0xFF5B,
+    0x8170: 0xFF5D,
+    0x8171: 0x3008,
+    0x8172: 0x3009,
+    0x8173: 0x300A,
+    0x8174: 0x300B,
+    0x8175: 0x300C,
+    0x8176: 0x300D,
+    0x8177: 0x300E,
+    0x8178: 0x300F,
+    0x8179: 0x3010,
+    0x817A: 0x3011,
+    0x817B: 0xFF0B,
+    0x817C: 0x2212,
+    0x817D: 0x00B1,
+    0x817E: 0x00D7,
+    0x8180: 0x00F7,
+    0x8181: 0xFF1D,
+    0x8182: 0x2260,
+    0x8183: 0xFF1C,
+    0x8184: 0xFF1E,
+    0x8185: 0x2266,
+    0x8186: 0x2267,
+    0x8187: 0x221E,
+    0x8188: 0x2234,
+    0x8189: 0x2642,
+    0x818A: 0x2640,
+    0x818B: 0x00B0,
+    0x818C: 0x2032,
+    0x818D: 0x2033,
+    0x818E: 0x2103,
+    0x818F: 0xFFE5,
+    0x8190: 0xFF04,
+    0x8191: 0x00A2,
+    0x8192: 0x00A3,
+    0x8193: 0xFF05,
+    0x8194: 0xFF03,
+    0x8195: 0xFF06,
+    0x8196: 0xFF0A,
+    0x8197: 0xFF20,
+    0x8198: 0x00A7,
+    0x8199: 0x2606,
+    0x819A: 0x2605,
+    0x819B: 0x25CB,
+    0x819C: 0x25CF,
+    0x819D: 0x25CE,
+    0x819E: 0x25C7,
+    0x819F: 0x25C6,
+    0x81A0: 0x25A1,
+    0x81A1: 0x25A0,
+    0x81A2: 0x25B3,
+    0x81A3: 0x25B2,
+    0x81A4: 0x25BD,
+    0x81A5: 0x25BC,
+    0x81A6: 0x203B,
+    0x81A7: 0x3012,
+    0x81A8: 0x2192,
+    0x81A9: 0x2190,
+    0x81AA: 0x2191,
+    0x81AB: 0x2193,
+    0x81AC: 0x3013,
+    0x81B8: 0x2208,
+    0x81B9: 0x220B,
+    0x81BA: 0x2286,
+    0x81BB: 0x2287,
+    0x81BC: 0x2282,
+    0x81BD: 0x2283,
+    0x81BE: 0x222A,
+    0x81BF: 0x2229,
+    0x81C8: 0x2227,
+    0x81C9: 0x2228,
+    0x81CA: 0x00AC,
+    0x81CB: 0x21D2,
+    0x81CC: 0x21D4,
+    0x81CD: 0x2200,
+    0x81CE: 0x2203,
+    0x81DA: 0x2220,
+    0x81DB: 0x22A5,
+    0x81DC: 0x2312,
+    0x81DD: 0x2202,
+    0x81DE: 0x2207,
+    0x81DF: 0x2261,
+    0x81E0: 0x2252,
+    0x81E1: 0x226A,
+    0x81E2: 0x226B,
+    0x81E3: 0x221A,
+    0x81E4: 0x223D,
+    0x81E5: 0x221D,
+    0x81E6: 0x2235,
+    0x81E7: 0x222B,
+    0x81E8: 0x222C,
+    0x81F0: 0x212B,
+    0x81F1: 0x2030,
+    0x81F2: 0x266F,
+    0x81F3: 0x266D,
+    0x81F4: 0x266A,
+    0x81F5: 0x2020,
+    0x81F6: 0x2021,
+    0x81F7: 0x00B6,
+    0x81FC: 0x25EF,
+    0x824F: 0xFF10,
+    0x8250: 0xFF11,
+    0x8251: 0xFF12,
+    0x8252: 0xFF13,
+    0x8253: 0xFF14,
+    0x8254: 0xFF15,
+    0x8255: 0xFF16,
+    0x8256: 0xFF17,
+    0x8257: 0xFF18,
+    0x8258: 0xFF19,
+    0x8260: 0xFF21,
+    0x8261: 0xFF22,
+    0x8262: 0xFF23,
+    0x8263: 0xFF24,
+    0x8264: 0xFF25,
+    0x8265: 0xFF26,
+    0x8266: 0xFF27,
+    0x8267: 0xFF28,
+    0x8268: 0xFF29,
+    0x8269: 0xFF2A,
+    0x826A: 0xFF2B,
+    0x826B: 0xFF2C,
+    0x826C: 0xFF2D,
+    0x826D: 0xFF2E,
+    0x826E: 0xFF2F,
+    0x826F: 0xFF30,
+    0x8270: 0xFF31,
+    0x8271: 0xFF32,
+    0x8272: 0xFF33,
+    0x8273: 0xFF34,
+    0x8274: 0xFF35,
+    0x8275: 0xFF36,
+    0x8276: 0xFF37,
+    0x8277: 0xFF38,
+    0x8278: 0xFF39,
+    0x8279: 0xFF3A,
+    0x8281: 0xFF41,
+    0x8282: 0xFF42,
+    0x8283: 0xFF43,
+    0x8284: 0xFF44,
+    0x8285: 0xFF45,
+    0x8286: 0xFF46,
+    0x8287: 0xFF47,
+    0x8288: 0xFF48,
+    0x8289: 0xFF49,
+    0x828A: 0xFF4A,
+    0x828B: 0xFF4B,
+    0x828C: 0xFF4C,
+    0x828D: 0xFF4D,
+    0x828E: 0xFF4E,
+    0x828F: 0xFF4F,
+    0x8290: 0xFF50,
+    0x8291: 0xFF51,
+    0x8292: 0xFF52,
+    0x8293: 0xFF53,
+    0x8294: 0xFF54,
+    0x8295: 0xFF55,
+    0x8296: 0xFF56,
+    0x8297: 0xFF57,
+    0x8298: 0xFF58,
+    0x8299: 0xFF59,
+    0x829A: 0xFF5A,
+    0x829F: 0x3041,
+    0x82A0: 0x3042,
+    0x82A1: 0x3043,
+    0x82A2: 0x3044,
+    0x82A3: 0x3045,
+    0x82A4: 0x3046,
+    0x82A5: 0x3047,
+    0x82A6: 0x3048,
+    0x82A7: 0x3049,
+    0x82A8: 0x304A,
+    0x82A9: 0x304B,
+    0x82AA: 0x304C,
+    0x82AB: 0x304D,
+    0x82AC: 0x304E,
+    0x82AD: 0x304F,
+    0x82AE: 0x3050,
+    0x82AF: 0x3051,
+    0x82B0: 0x3052,
+    0x82B1: 0x3053,
+    0x82B2: 0x3054,
+    0x82B3: 0x3055,
+    0x82B4: 0x3056,
+    0x82B5: 0x3057,
+    0x82B6: 0x3058,
+    0x82B7: 0x3059,
+    0x82B8: 0x305A,
+    0x82B9: 0x305B,
+    0x82BA: 0x305C,
+    0x82BB: 0x305D,
+    0x82BC: 0x305E,
+    0x82BD: 0x305F,
+    0x82BE: 0x3060,
+    0x82BF: 0x3061,
+    0x82C0: 0x3062,
+    0x82C1: 0x3063,
+    0x82C2: 0x3064,
+    0x82C3: 0x3065,
+    0x82C4: 0x3066,
+    0x82C5: 0x3067,
+    0x82C6: 0x3068,
+    0x82C7: 0x3069,
+    0x82C8: 0x306A,
+    0x82C9: 0x306B,
+    0x82CA: 0x306C,
+    0x82CB: 0x306D,
+    0x82CC: 0x306E,
+    0x82CD: 0x306F,
+    0x82CE: 0x3070,
+    0x82CF: 0x3071,
+    0x82D0: 0x3072,
+    0x82D1: 0x3073,
+    0x82D2: 0x3074,
+    0x82D3: 0x3075,
+    0x82D4: 0x3076,
+    0x82D5: 0x3077,
+    0x82D6: 0x3078,
+    0x82D7: 0x3079,
+    0x82D8: 0x307A,
+    0x82D9: 0x307B,
+    0x82DA: 0x307C,
+    0x82DB: 0x307D,
+    0x82DC: 0x307E,
+    0x82DD: 0x307F,
+    0x82DE: 0x3080,
+    0x82DF: 0x3081,
+    0x82E0: 0x3082,
+    0x82E1: 0x3083,
+    0x82E2: 0x3084,
+    0x82E3: 0x3085,
+    0x82E4: 0x3086,
+    0x82E5: 0x3087,
+    0x82E6: 0x3088,
+    0x82E7: 0x3089,
+    0x82E8: 0x308A,
+    0x82E9: 0x308B,
+    0x82EA: 0x308C,
+    0x82EB: 0x308D,
+    0x82EC: 0x308E,
+    0x82ED: 0x308F,
+    0x82EE: 0x3090,
+    0x82EF: 0x3091,
+    0x82F0: 0x3092,
+    0x82F1: 0x3093,
+    0x8340: 0x30A1,
+    0x8341: 0x30A2,
+    0x8342: 0x30A3,
+    0x8343: 0x30A4,
+    0x8344: 0x30A5,
+    0x8345: 0x30A6,
+    0x8346: 0x30A7,
+    0x8347: 0x30A8,
+    0x8348: 0x30A9,
+    0x8349: 0x30AA,
+    0x834A: 0x30AB,
+    0x834B: 0x30AC,
+    0x834C: 0x30AD,
+    0x834D: 0x30AE,
+    0x834E: 0x30AF,
+    0x834F: 0x30B0,
+    0x8350: 0x30B1,
+    0x8351: 0x30B2,
+    0x8352: 0x30B3,
+    0x8353: 0x30B4,
+    0x8354: 0x30B5,
+    0x8355: 0x30B6,
+    0x8356: 0x30B7,
+    0x8357: 0x30B8,
+    0x8358: 0x30B9,
+    0x8359: 0x30BA,
+    0x835A: 0x30BB,
+    0x835B: 0x30BC,
+    0x835C: 0x30BD,
+    0x835D: 0x30BE,
+    0x835E: 0x30BF,
+    0x835F: 0x30C0,
+    0x8360: 0x30C1,
+    0x8361: 0x30C2,
+    0x8362: 0x30C3,
+    0x8363: 0x30C4,
+    0x8364: 0x30C5,
+    0x8365: 0x30C6,
+    0x8366: 0x30C7,
+    0x8367: 0x30C8,
+    0x8368: 0x30C9,
+    0x8369: 0x30CA,
+    0x836A: 0x30CB,
+    0x836B: 0x30CC,
+    0x836C: 0x30CD,
+    0x836D: 0x30CE,
+    0x836E: 0x30CF,
+    0x836F: 0x30D0,
+    0x8370: 0x30D1,
+    0x8371: 0x30D2,
+    0x8372: 0x30D3,
+    0x8373: 0x30D4,
+    0x8374: 0x30D5,
+    0x8375: 0x30D6,
+    0x8376: 0x30D7,
+    0x8377: 0x30D8,
+    0x8378: 0x30D9,
+    0x8379: 0x30DA,
+    0x837A: 0x30DB,
+    0x837B: 0x30DC,
+    0x837C: 0x30DD,
+    0x837D: 0x30DE,
+    0x837E: 0x30DF,
+    0x8380: 0x30E0,
+    0x8381: 0x30E1,
+    0x8382: 0x30E2,
+    0x8383: 0x30E3,
+    0x8384: 0x30E4,
+    0x8385: 0x30E5,
+    0x8386: 0x30E6,
+    0x8387: 0x30E7,
+    0x8388: 0x30E8,
+    0x8389: 0x30E9,
+    0x838A: 0x30EA,
+    0x838B: 0x30EB,
+    0x838C: 0x30EC,
+    0x838D: 0x30ED,
+    0x838E: 0x30EE,
+    0x838F: 0x30EF,
+    0x8390: 0x30F0,
+    0x8391: 0x30F1,
+    0x8392: 0x30F2,
+    0x8393: 0x30F3,
+    0x8394: 0x30F4,
+    0x8395: 0x30F5,
+    0x8396: 0x30F6,
+    0x839F: 0x0391,
+    0x83A0: 0x0392,
+    0x83A1: 0x0393,
+    0x83A2: 0x0394,
+    0x83A3: 0x0395,
+    0x83A4: 0x0396,
+    0x83A5: 0x0397,
+    0x83A6: 0x0398,
+    0x83A7: 0x0399,
+    0x83A8: 0x039A,
+    0x83A9: 0x039B,
+    0x83AA: 0x039C,
+    0x83AB: 0x039D,
+    0x83AC: 0x039E,
+    0x83AD: 0x039F,
+    0x83AE: 0x03A0,
+    0x83AF: 0x03A1,
+    0x83B0: 0x03A3,
+    0x83B1: 0x03A4,
+    0x83B2: 0x03A5,
+    0x83B3: 0x03A6,
+    0x83B4: 0x03A7,
+    0x83B5: 0x03A8,
+    0x83B6: 0x03A9,
+    0x83BF: 0x03B1,
+    0x83C0: 0x03B2,
+    0x83C1: 0x03B3,
+    0x83C2: 0x03B4,
+    0x83C3: 0x03B5,
+    0x83C4: 0x03B6,
+    0x83C5: 0x03B7,
+    0x83C6: 0x03B8,
+    0x83C7: 0x03B9,
+    0x83C8: 0x03BA,
+    0x83C9: 0x03BB,
+    0x83CA: 0x03BC,
+    0x83CB: 0x03BD,
+    0x83CC: 0x03BE,
+    0x83CD: 0x03BF,
+    0x83CE: 0x03C0,
+    0x83CF: 0x03C1,
+    0x83D0: 0x03C3,
+    0x83D1: 0x03C4,
+    0x83D2: 0x03C5,
+    0x83D3: 0x03C6,
+    0x83D4: 0x03C7,
+    0x83D5: 0x03C8,
+    0x83D6: 0x03C9,
+    0x8440: 0x0410,
+    0x8441: 0x0411,
+    0x8442: 0x0412,
+    0x8443: 0x0413,
+    0x8444: 0x0414,
+    0x8445: 0x0415,
+    0x8446: 0x0401,
+    0x8447: 0x0416,
+    0x8448: 0x0417,
+    0x8449: 0x0418,
+    0x844A: 0x0419,
+    0x844B: 0x041A,
+    0x844C: 0x041B,
+    0x844D: 0x041C,
+    0x844E: 0x041D,
+    0x844F: 0x041E,
+    0x8450: 0x041F,
+    0x8451: 0x0420,
+    0x8452: 0x0421,
+    0x8453: 0x0422,
+    0x8454: 0x0423,
+    0x8455: 0x0424,
+    0x8456: 0x0425,
+    0x8457: 0x0426,
+    0x8458: 0x0427,
+    0x8459: 0x0428,
+    0x845A: 0x0429,
+    0x845B: 0x042A,
+    0x845C: 0x042B,
+    0x845D: 0x042C,
+    0x845E: 0x042D,
+    0x845F: 0x042E,
+    0x8460: 0x042F,
+    0x8470: 0x0430,
+    0x8471: 0x0431,
+    0x8472: 0x0432,
+    0x8473: 0x0433,
+    0x8474: 0x0434,
+    0x8475: 0x0435,
+    0x8476: 0x0451,
+    0x8477: 0x0436,
+    0x8478: 0x0437,
+    0x8479: 0x0438,
+    0x847A: 0x0439,
+    0x847B: 0x043A,
+    0x847C: 0x043B,
+    0x847D: 0x043C,
+    0x847E: 0x043D,
+    0x8480: 0x043E,
+    0x8481: 0x043F,
+    0x8482: 0x0440,
+    0x8483: 0x0441,
+    0x8484: 0x0442,
+    0x8485: 0x0443,
+    0x8486: 0x0444,
+    0x8487: 0x0445,
+    0x8488: 0x0446,
+    0x8489: 0x0447,
+    0x848A: 0x0448,
+    0x848B: 0x0449,
+    0x848C: 0x044A,
+    0x848D: 0x044B,
+    0x848E: 0x044C,
+    0x848F: 0x044D,
+    0x8490: 0x044E,
+    0x8491: 0x044F,
+    0x849F: 0x2500,
+    0x84A0: 0x2502,
+    0x84A1: 0x250C,
+    0x84A2: 0x2510,
+    0x84A3: 0x2518,
+    0x84A4: 0x2514,
+    0x84A5: 0x251C,
+    0x84A6: 0x252C,
+    0x84A7: 0x2524,
+    0x84A8: 0x2534,
+    0x84A9: 0x253C,
+    0x84AA: 0x2501,
+    0x84AB: 0x2503,
+    0x84AC: 0x250F,
+    0x84AD: 0x2513,
+    0x84AE: 0x251B,
+    0x84AF: 0x2517,
+    0x84B0: 0x2523,
+    0x84B1: 0x2533,
+    0x84B2: 0x252B,
+    0x84B3: 0x253B,
+    0x84B4: 0x254B,
+    0x84B5: 0x2520,
+    0x84B6: 0x252F,
+    0x84B7: 0x2528,
+    0x84B8: 0x2537,
+    0x84B9: 0x253F,
+    0x84BA: 0x251D,
+    0x84BB: 0x2530,
+    0x84BC: 0x2525,
+    0x84BD: 0x2538,
+    0x84BE: 0x2542,
+    0x889F: 0x4E9C,
+    0x88A0: 0x5516,
+    0x88A1: 0x5A03,
+    0x88A2: 0x963F,
+    0x88A3: 0x54C0,
+    0x88A4: 0x611B,
+    0x88A5: 0x6328,
+    0x88A6: 0x59F6,
+    0x88A7: 0x9022,
+    0x88A8: 0x8475,
+    0x88A9: 0x831C,
+    0x88AA: 0x7A50,
+    0x88AB: 0x60AA,
+    0x88AC: 0x63E1,
+    0x88AD: 0x6E25,
+    0x88AE: 0x65ED,
+    0x88AF: 0x8466,
+    0x88B0: 0x82A6,
+    0x88B1: 0x9BF5,
+    0x88B2: 0x6893,
+    0x88B3: 0x5727,
+    0x88B4: 0x65A1,
+    0x88B5: 0x6271,
+    0x88B6: 0x5B9B,
+    0x88B7: 0x59D0,
+    0x88B8: 0x867B,
+    0x88B9: 0x98F4,
+    0x88BA: 0x7D62,
+    0x88BB: 0x7DBE,
+    0x88BC: 0x9B8E,
+    0x88BD: 0x6216,
+    0x88BE: 0x7C9F,
+    0x88BF: 0x88B7,
+    0x88C0: 0x5B89,
+    0x88C1: 0x5EB5,
+    0x88C2: 0x6309,
+    0x88C3: 0x6697,
+    0x88C4: 0x6848,
+    0x88C5: 0x95C7,
+    0x88C6: 0x978D,
+    0x88C7: 0x674F,
+    0x88C8: 0x4EE5,
+    0x88C9: 0x4F0A,
+    0x88CA: 0x4F4D,
+    0x88CB: 0x4F9D,
+    0x88CC: 0x5049,
+    0x88CD: 0x56F2,
+    0x88CE: 0x5937,
+    0x88CF: 0x59D4,
+    0x88D0: 0x5A01,
+    0x88D1: 0x5C09,
+    0x88D2: 0x60DF,
+    0x88D3: 0x610F,
+    0x88D4: 0x6170,
+    0x88D5: 0x6613,
+    0x88D6: 0x6905,
+    0x88D7: 0x70BA,
+    0x88D8: 0x754F,
+    0x88D9: 0x7570,
+    0x88DA: 0x79FB,
+    0x88DB: 0x7DAD,
+    0x88DC: 0x7DEF,
+    0x88DD: 0x80C3,
+    0x88DE: 0x840E,
+    0x88DF: 0x8863,
+    0x88E0: 0x8B02,
+    0x88E1: 0x9055,
+    0x88E2: 0x907A,
+    0x88E3: 0x533B,
+    0x88E4: 0x4E95,
+    0x88E5: 0x4EA5,
+    0x88E6: 0x57DF,
+    0x88E7: 0x80B2,
+    0x88E8: 0x90C1,
+    0x88E9: 0x78EF,
+    0x88EA: 0x4E00,
+    0x88EB: 0x58F1,
+    0x88EC: 0x6EA2,
+    0x88ED: 0x9038,
+    0x88EE: 0x7A32,
+    0x88EF: 0x8328,
+    0x88F0: 0x828B,
+    0x88F1: 0x9C2F,
+    0x88F2: 0x5141,
+    0x88F3: 0x5370,
+    0x88F4: 0x54BD,
+    0x88F5: 0x54E1,
+    0x88F6: 0x56E0,
+    0x88F7: 0x59FB,
+    0x88F8: 0x5F15,
+    0x88F9: 0x98F2,
+    0x88FA: 0x6DEB,
+    0x88FB: 0x80E4,
+    0x88FC: 0x852D,
+    0x8940: 0x9662,
+    0x8941: 0x9670,
+    0x8942: 0x96A0,
+    0x8943: 0x97FB,
+    0x8944: 0x540B,
+    0x8945: 0x53F3,
+    0x8946: 0x5B87,
+    0x8947: 0x70CF,
+    0x8948: 0x7FBD,
+    0x8949: 0x8FC2,
+    0x894A: 0x96E8,
+    0x894B: 0x536F,
+    0x894C: 0x9D5C,
+    0x894D: 0x7ABA,
+    0x894E: 0x4E11,
+    0x894F: 0x7893,
+    0x8950: 0x81FC,
+    0x8951: 0x6E26,
+    0x8952: 0x5618,
+    0x8953: 0x5504,
+    0x8954: 0x6B1D,
+    0x8955: 0x851A,
+    0x8956: 0x9C3B,
+    0x8957: 0x59E5,
+    0x8958: 0x53A9,
+    0x8959: 0x6D66,
+    0x895A: 0x74DC,
+    0x895B: 0x958F,
+    0x895C: 0x5642,
+    0x895D: 0x4E91,
+    0x895E: 0x904B,
+    0x895F: 0x96F2,
+    0x8960: 0x834F,
+    0x8961: 0x990C,
+    0x8962: 0x53E1,
+    0x8963: 0x55B6,
+    0x8964: 0x5B30,
+    0x8965: 0x5F71,
+    0x8966: 0x6620,
+    0x8967: 0x66F3,
+    0x8968: 0x6804,
+    0x8969: 0x6C38,
+    0x896A: 0x6CF3,
+    0x896B: 0x6D29,
+    0x896C: 0x745B,
+    0x896D: 0x76C8,
+    0x896E: 0x7A4E,
+    0x896F: 0x9834,
+    0x8970: 0x82F1,
+    0x8971: 0x885B,
+    0x8972: 0x8A60,
+    0x8973: 0x92ED,
+    0x8974: 0x6DB2,
+    0x8975: 0x75AB,
+    0x8976: 0x76CA,
+    0x8977: 0x99C5,
+    0x8978: 0x60A6,
+    0x8979: 0x8B01,
+    0x897A: 0x8D8A,
+    0x897B: 0x95B2,
+    0x897C: 0x698E,
+    0x897D: 0x53AD,
+    0x897E: 0x5186,
+    0x8980: 0x5712,
+    0x8981: 0x5830,
+    0x8982: 0x5944,
+    0x8983: 0x5BB4,
+    0x8984: 0x5EF6,
+    0x8985: 0x6028,
+    0x8986: 0x63A9,
+    0x8987: 0x63F4,
+    0x8988: 0x6CBF,
+    0x8989: 0x6F14,
+    0x898A: 0x708E,
+    0x898B: 0x7114,
+    0x898C: 0x7159,
+    0x898D: 0x71D5,
+    0x898E: 0x733F,
+    0x898F: 0x7E01,
+    0x8990: 0x8276,
+    0x8991: 0x82D1,
+    0x8992: 0x8597,
+    0x8993: 0x9060,
+    0x8994: 0x925B,
+    0x8995: 0x9D1B,
+    0x8996: 0x5869,
+    0x8997: 0x65BC,
+    0x8998: 0x6C5A,
+    0x8999: 0x7525,
+    0x899A: 0x51F9,
+    0x899B: 0x592E,
+    0x899C: 0x5965,
+    0x899D: 0x5F80,
+    0x899E: 0x5FDC,
+    0x899F: 0x62BC,
+    0x89A0: 0x65FA,
+    0x89A1: 0x6A2A,
+    0x89A2: 0x6B27,
+    0x89A3: 0x6BB4,
+    0x89A4: 0x738B,
+    0x89A5: 0x7FC1,
+    0x89A6: 0x8956,
+    0x89A7: 0x9D2C,
+    0x89A8: 0x9D0E,
+    0x89A9: 0x9EC4,
+    0x89AA: 0x5CA1,
+    0x89AB: 0x6C96,
+    0x89AC: 0x837B,
+    0x89AD: 0x5104,
+    0x89AE: 0x5C4B,
+    0x89AF: 0x61B6,
+    0x89B0: 0x81C6,
+    0x89B1: 0x6876,
+    0x89B2: 0x7261,
+    0x89B3: 0x4E59,
+    0x89B4: 0x4FFA,
+    0x89B5: 0x5378,
+    0x89B6: 0x6069,
+    0x89B7: 0x6E29,
+    0x89B8: 0x7A4F,
+    0x89B9: 0x97F3,
+    0x89BA: 0x4E0B,
+    0x89BB: 0x5316,
+    0x89BC: 0x4EEE,
+    0x89BD: 0x4F55,
+    0x89BE: 0x4F3D,
+    0x89BF: 0x4FA1,
+    0x89C0: 0x4F73,
+    0x89C1: 0x52A0,
+    0x89C2: 0x53EF,
+    0x89C3: 0x5609,
+    0x89C4: 0x590F,
+    0x89C5: 0x5AC1,
+    0x89C6: 0x5BB6,
+    0x89C7: 0x5BE1,
+    0x89C8: 0x79D1,
+    0x89C9: 0x6687,
+    0x89CA: 0x679C,
+    0x89CB: 0x67B6,
+    0x89CC: 0x6B4C,
+    0x89CD: 0x6CB3,
+    0x89CE: 0x706B,
+    0x89CF: 0x73C2,
+    0x89D0: 0x798D,
+    0x89D1: 0x79BE,
+    0x89D2: 0x7A3C,
+    0x89D3: 0x7B87,
+    0x89D4: 0x82B1,
+    0x89D5: 0x82DB,
+    0x89D6: 0x8304,
+    0x89D7: 0x8377,
+    0x89D8: 0x83EF,
+    0x89D9: 0x83D3,
+    0x89DA: 0x8766,
+    0x89DB: 0x8AB2,
+    0x89DC: 0x5629,
+    0x89DD: 0x8CA8,
+    0x89DE: 0x8FE6,
+    0x89DF: 0x904E,
+    0x89E0: 0x971E,
+    0x89E1: 0x868A,
+    0x89E2: 0x4FC4,
+    0x89E3: 0x5CE8,
+    0x89E4: 0x6211,
+    0x89E5: 0x7259,
+    0x89E6: 0x753B,
+    0x89E7: 0x81E5,
+    0x89E8: 0x82BD,
+    0x89E9: 0x86FE,
+    0x89EA: 0x8CC0,
+    0x89EB: 0x96C5,
+    0x89EC: 0x9913,
+    0x89ED: 0x99D5,
+    0x89EE: 0x4ECB,
+    0x89EF: 0x4F1A,
+    0x89F0: 0x89E3,
+    0x89F1: 0x56DE,
+    0x89F2: 0x584A,
+    0x89F3: 0x58CA,
+    0x89F4: 0x5EFB,
+    0x89F5: 0x5FEB,
+    0x89F6: 0x602A,
+    0x89F7: 0x6094,
+    0x89F8: 0x6062,
+    0x89F9: 0x61D0,
+    0x89FA: 0x6212,
+    0x89FB: 0x62D0,
+    0x89FC: 0x6539,
+    0x8A40: 0x9B41,
+    0x8A41: 0x6666,
+    0x8A42: 0x68B0,
+    0x8A43: 0x6D77,
+    0x8A44: 0x7070,
+    0x8A45: 0x754C,
+    0x8A46: 0x7686,
+    0x8A47: 0x7D75,
+    0x8A48: 0x82A5,
+    0x8A49: 0x87F9,
+    0x8A4A: 0x958B,
+    0x8A4B: 0x968E,
+    0x8A4C: 0x8C9D,
+    0x8A4D: 0x51F1,
+    0x8A4E: 0x52BE,
+    0x8A4F: 0x5916,
+    0x8A50: 0x54B3,
+    0x8A51: 0x5BB3,
+    0x8A52: 0x5D16,
+    0x8A53: 0x6168,
+    0x8A54: 0x6982,
+    0x8A55: 0x6DAF,
+    0x8A56: 0x788D,
+    0x8A57: 0x84CB,
+    0x8A58: 0x8857,
+    0x8A59: 0x8A72,
+    0x8A5A: 0x93A7,
+    0x8A5B: 0x9AB8,
+    0x8A5C: 0x6D6C,
+    0x8A5D: 0x99A8,
+    0x8A5E: 0x86D9,
+    0x8A5F: 0x57A3,
+    0x8A60: 0x67FF,
+    0x8A61: 0x86CE,
+    0x8A62: 0x920E,
+    0x8A63: 0x5283,
+    0x8A64: 0x5687,
+    0x8A65: 0x5404,
+    0x8A66: 0x5ED3,
+    0x8A67: 0x62E1,
+    0x8A68: 0x64B9,
+    0x8A69: 0x683C,
+    0x8A6A: 0x6838,
+    0x8A6B: 0x6BBB,
+    0x8A6C: 0x7372,
+    0x8A6D: 0x78BA,
+    0x8A6E: 0x7A6B,
+    0x8A6F: 0x899A,
+    0x8A70: 0x89D2,
+    0x8A71: 0x8D6B,
+    0x8A72: 0x8F03,
+    0x8A73: 0x90ED,
+    0x8A74: 0x95A3,
+    0x8A75: 0x9694,
+    0x8A76: 0x9769,
+    0x8A77: 0x5B66,
+    0x8A78: 0x5CB3,
+    0x8A79: 0x697D,
+    0x8A7A: 0x984D,
+    0x8A7B: 0x984E,
+    0x8A7C: 0x639B,
+    0x8A7D: 0x7B20,
+    0x8A7E: 0x6A2B,
+    0x8A80: 0x6A7F,
+    0x8A81: 0x68B6,
+    0x8A82: 0x9C0D,
+    0x8A83: 0x6F5F,
+    0x8A84: 0x5272,
+    0x8A85: 0x559D,
+    0x8A86: 0x6070,
+    0x8A87: 0x62EC,
+    0x8A88: 0x6D3B,
+    0x8A89: 0x6E07,
+    0x8A8A: 0x6ED1,
+    0x8A8B: 0x845B,
+    0x8A8C: 0x8910,
+    0x8A8D: 0x8F44,
+    0x8A8E: 0x4E14,
+    0x8A8F: 0x9C39,
+    0x8A90: 0x53F6,
+    0x8A91: 0x691B,
+    0x8A92: 0x6A3A,
+    0x8A93: 0x9784,
+    0x8A94: 0x682A,
+    0x8A95: 0x515C,
+    0x8A96: 0x7AC3,
+    0x8A97: 0x84B2,
+    0x8A98: 0x91DC,
+    0x8A99: 0x938C,
+    0x8A9A: 0x565B,
+    0x8A9B: 0x9D28,
+    0x8A9C: 0x6822,
+    0x8A9D: 0x8305,
+    0x8A9E: 0x8431,
+    0x8A9F: 0x7CA5,
+    0x8AA0: 0x5208,
+    0x8AA1: 0x82C5,
+    0x8AA2: 0x74E6,
+    0x8AA3: 0x4E7E,
+    0x8AA4: 0x4F83,
+    0x8AA5: 0x51A0,
+    0x8AA6: 0x5BD2,
+    0x8AA7: 0x520A,
+    0x8AA8: 0x52D8,
+    0x8AA9: 0x52E7,
+    0x8AAA: 0x5DFB,
+    0x8AAB: 0x559A,
+    0x8AAC: 0x582A,
+    0x8AAD: 0x59E6,
+    0x8AAE: 0x5B8C,
+    0x8AAF: 0x5B98,
+    0x8AB0: 0x5BDB,
+    0x8AB1: 0x5E72,
+    0x8AB2: 0x5E79,
+    0x8AB3: 0x60A3,
+    0x8AB4: 0x611F,
+    0x8AB5: 0x6163,
+    0x8AB6: 0x61BE,
+    0x8AB7: 0x63DB,
+    0x8AB8: 0x6562,
+    0x8AB9: 0x67D1,
+    0x8ABA: 0x6853,
+    0x8ABB: 0x68FA,
+    0x8ABC: 0x6B3E,
+    0x8ABD: 0x6B53,
+    0x8ABE: 0x6C57,
+    0x8ABF: 0x6F22,
+    0x8AC0: 0x6F97,
+    0x8AC1: 0x6F45,
+    0x8AC2: 0x74B0,
+    0x8AC3: 0x7518,
+    0x8AC4: 0x76E3,
+    0x8AC5: 0x770B,
+    0x8AC6: 0x7AFF,
+    0x8AC7: 0x7BA1,
+    0x8AC8: 0x7C21,
+    0x8AC9: 0x7DE9,
+    0x8ACA: 0x7F36,
+    0x8ACB: 0x7FF0,
+    0x8ACC: 0x809D,
+    0x8ACD: 0x8266,
+    0x8ACE: 0x839E,
+    0x8ACF: 0x89B3,
+    0x8AD0: 0x8ACC,
+    0x8AD1: 0x8CAB,
+    0x8AD2: 0x9084,
+    0x8AD3: 0x9451,
+    0x8AD4: 0x9593,
+    0x8AD5: 0x9591,
+    0x8AD6: 0x95A2,
+    0x8AD7: 0x9665,
+    0x8AD8: 0x97D3,
+    0x8AD9: 0x9928,
+    0x8ADA: 0x8218,
+    0x8ADB: 0x4E38,
+    0x8ADC: 0x542B,
+    0x8ADD: 0x5CB8,
+    0x8ADE: 0x5DCC,
+    0x8ADF: 0x73A9,
+    0x8AE0: 0x764C,
+    0x8AE1: 0x773C,
+    0x8AE2: 0x5CA9,
+    0x8AE3: 0x7FEB,
+    0x8AE4: 0x8D0B,
+    0x8AE5: 0x96C1,
+    0x8AE6: 0x9811,
+    0x8AE7: 0x9854,
+    0x8AE8: 0x9858,
+    0x8AE9: 0x4F01,
+    0x8AEA: 0x4F0E,
+    0x8AEB: 0x5371,
+    0x8AEC: 0x559C,
+    0x8AED: 0x5668,
+    0x8AEE: 0x57FA,
+    0x8AEF: 0x5947,
+    0x8AF0: 0x5B09,
+    0x8AF1: 0x5BC4,
+    0x8AF2: 0x5C90,
+    0x8AF3: 0x5E0C,
+    0x8AF4: 0x5E7E,
+    0x8AF5: 0x5FCC,
+    0x8AF6: 0x63EE,
+    0x8AF7: 0x673A,
+    0x8AF8: 0x65D7,
+    0x8AF9: 0x65E2,
+    0x8AFA: 0x671F,
+    0x8AFB: 0x68CB,
+    0x8AFC: 0x68C4,
+    0x8B40: 0x6A5F,
+    0x8B41: 0x5E30,
+    0x8B42: 0x6BC5,
+    0x8B43: 0x6C17,
+    0x8B44: 0x6C7D,
+    0x8B45: 0x757F,
+    0x8B46: 0x7948,
+    0x8B47: 0x5B63,
+    0x8B48: 0x7A00,
+    0x8B49: 0x7D00,
+    0x8B4A: 0x5FBD,
+    0x8B4B: 0x898F,
+    0x8B4C: 0x8A18,
+    0x8B4D: 0x8CB4,
+    0x8B4E: 0x8D77,
+    0x8B4F: 0x8ECC,
+    0x8B50: 0x8F1D,
+    0x8B51: 0x98E2,
+    0x8B52: 0x9A0E,
+    0x8B53: 0x9B3C,
+    0x8B54: 0x4E80,
+    0x8B55: 0x507D,
+    0x8B56: 0x5100,
+    0x8B57: 0x5993,
+    0x8B58: 0x5B9C,
+    0x8B59: 0x622F,
+    0x8B5A: 0x6280,
+    0x8B5B: 0x64EC,
+    0x8B5C: 0x6B3A,
+    0x8B5D: 0x72A0,
+    0x8B5E: 0x7591,
+    0x8B5F: 0x7947,
+    0x8B60: 0x7FA9,
+    0x8B61: 0x87FB,
+    0x8B62: 0x8ABC,
+    0x8B63: 0x8B70,
+    0x8B64: 0x63AC,
+    0x8B65: 0x83CA,
+    0x8B66: 0x97A0,
+    0x8B67: 0x5409,
+    0x8B68: 0x5403,
+    0x8B69: 0x55AB,
+    0x8B6A: 0x6854,
+    0x8B6B: 0x6A58,
+    0x8B6C: 0x8A70,
+    0x8B6D: 0x7827,
+    0x8B6E: 0x6775,
+    0x8B6F: 0x9ECD,
+    0x8B70: 0x5374,
+    0x8B71: 0x5BA2,
+    0x8B72: 0x811A,
+    0x8B73: 0x8650,
+    0x8B74: 0x9006,
+    0x8B75: 0x4E18,
+    0x8B76: 0x4E45,
+    0x8B77: 0x4EC7,
+    0x8B78: 0x4F11,
+    0x8B79: 0x53CA,
+    0x8B7A: 0x5438,
+    0x8B7B: 0x5BAE,
+    0x8B7C: 0x5F13,
+    0x8B7D: 0x6025,
+    0x8B7E: 0x6551,
+    0x8B80: 0x673D,
+    0x8B81: 0x6C42,
+    0x8B82: 0x6C72,
+    0x8B83: 0x6CE3,
+    0x8B84: 0x7078,
+    0x8B85: 0x7403,
+    0x8B86: 0x7A76,
+    0x8B87: 0x7AAE,
+    0x8B88: 0x7B08,
+    0x8B89: 0x7D1A,
+    0x8B8A: 0x7CFE,
+    0x8B8B: 0x7D66,
+    0x8B8C: 0x65E7,
+    0x8B8D: 0x725B,
+    0x8B8E: 0x53BB,
+    0x8B8F: 0x5C45,
+    0x8B90: 0x5DE8,
+    0x8B91: 0x62D2,
+    0x8B92: 0x62E0,
+    0x8B93: 0x6319,
+    0x8B94: 0x6E20,
+    0x8B95: 0x865A,
+    0x8B96: 0x8A31,
+    0x8B97: 0x8DDD,
+    0x8B98: 0x92F8,
+    0x8B99: 0x6F01,
+    0x8B9A: 0x79A6,
+    0x8B9B: 0x9B5A,
+    0x8B9C: 0x4EA8,
+    0x8B9D: 0x4EAB,
+    0x8B9E: 0x4EAC,
+    0x8B9F: 0x4F9B,
+    0x8BA0: 0x4FA0,
+    0x8BA1: 0x50D1,
+    0x8BA2: 0x5147,
+    0x8BA3: 0x7AF6,
+    0x8BA4: 0x5171,
+    0x8BA5: 0x51F6,
+    0x8BA6: 0x5354,
+    0x8BA7: 0x5321,
+    0x8BA8: 0x537F,
+    0x8BA9: 0x53EB,
+    0x8BAA: 0x55AC,
+    0x8BAB: 0x5883,
+    0x8BAC: 0x5CE1,
+    0x8BAD: 0x5F37,
+    0x8BAE: 0x5F4A,
+    0x8BAF: 0x602F,
+    0x8BB0: 0x6050,
+    0x8BB1: 0x606D,
+    0x8BB2: 0x631F,
+    0x8BB3: 0x6559,
+    0x8BB4: 0x6A4B,
+    0x8BB5: 0x6CC1,
+    0x8BB6: 0x72C2,
+    0x8BB7: 0x72ED,
+    0x8BB8: 0x77EF,
+    0x8BB9: 0x80F8,
+    0x8BBA: 0x8105,
+    0x8BBB: 0x8208,
+    0x8BBC: 0x854E,
+    0x8BBD: 0x90F7,
+    0x8BBE: 0x93E1,
+    0x8BBF: 0x97FF,
+    0x8BC0: 0x9957,
+    0x8BC1: 0x9A5A,
+    0x8BC2: 0x4EF0,
+    0x8BC3: 0x51DD,
+    0x8BC4: 0x5C2D,
+    0x8BC5: 0x6681,
+    0x8BC6: 0x696D,
+    0x8BC7: 0x5C40,
+    0x8BC8: 0x66F2,
+    0x8BC9: 0x6975,
+    0x8BCA: 0x7389,
+    0x8BCB: 0x6850,
+    0x8BCC: 0x7C81,
+    0x8BCD: 0x50C5,
+    0x8BCE: 0x52E4,
+    0x8BCF: 0x5747,
+    0x8BD0: 0x5DFE,
+    0x8BD1: 0x9326,
+    0x8BD2: 0x65A4,
+    0x8BD3: 0x6B23,
+    0x8BD4: 0x6B3D,
+    0x8BD5: 0x7434,
+    0x8BD6: 0x7981,
+    0x8BD7: 0x79BD,
+    0x8BD8: 0x7B4B,
+    0x8BD9: 0x7DCA,
+    0x8BDA: 0x82B9,
+    0x8BDB: 0x83CC,
+    0x8BDC: 0x887F,
+    0x8BDD: 0x895F,
+    0x8BDE: 0x8B39,
+    0x8BDF: 0x8FD1,
+    0x8BE0: 0x91D1,
+    0x8BE1: 0x541F,
+    0x8BE2: 0x9280,
+    0x8BE3: 0x4E5D,
+    0x8BE4: 0x5036,
+    0x8BE5: 0x53E5,
+    0x8BE6: 0x533A,
+    0x8BE7: 0x72D7,
+    0x8BE8: 0x7396,
+    0x8BE9: 0x77E9,
+    0x8BEA: 0x82E6,
+    0x8BEB: 0x8EAF,
+    0x8BEC: 0x99C6,
+    0x8BED: 0x99C8,
+    0x8BEE: 0x99D2,
+    0x8BEF: 0x5177,
+    0x8BF0: 0x611A,
+    0x8BF1: 0x865E,
+    0x8BF2: 0x55B0,
+    0x8BF3: 0x7A7A,
+    0x8BF4: 0x5076,
+    0x8BF5: 0x5BD3,
+    0x8BF6: 0x9047,
+    0x8BF7: 0x9685,
+    0x8BF8: 0x4E32,
+    0x8BF9: 0x6ADB,
+    0x8BFA: 0x91E7,
+    0x8BFB: 0x5C51,
+    0x8BFC: 0x5C48,
+    0x8C40: 0x6398,
+    0x8C41: 0x7A9F,
+    0x8C42: 0x6C93,
+    0x8C43: 0x9774,
+    0x8C44: 0x8F61,
+    0x8C45: 0x7AAA,
+    0x8C46: 0x718A,
+    0x8C47: 0x9688,
+    0x8C48: 0x7C82,
+    0x8C49: 0x6817,
+    0x8C4A: 0x7E70,
+    0x8C4B: 0x6851,
+    0x8C4C: 0x936C,
+    0x8C4D: 0x52F2,
+    0x8C4E: 0x541B,
+    0x8C4F: 0x85AB,
+    0x8C50: 0x8A13,
+    0x8C51: 0x7FA4,
+    0x8C52: 0x8ECD,
+    0x8C53: 0x90E1,
+    0x8C54: 0x5366,
+    0x8C55: 0x8888,
+    0x8C56: 0x7941,
+    0x8C57: 0x4FC2,
+    0x8C58: 0x50BE,
+    0x8C59: 0x5211,
+    0x8C5A: 0x5144,
+    0x8C5B: 0x5553,
+    0x8C5C: 0x572D,
+    0x8C5D: 0x73EA,
+    0x8C5E: 0x578B,
+    0x8C5F: 0x5951,
+    0x8C60: 0x5F62,
+    0x8C61: 0x5F84,
+    0x8C62: 0x6075,
+    0x8C63: 0x6176,
+    0x8C64: 0x6167,
+    0x8C65: 0x61A9,
+    0x8C66: 0x63B2,
+    0x8C67: 0x643A,
+    0x8C68: 0x656C,
+    0x8C69: 0x666F,
+    0x8C6A: 0x6842,
+    0x8C6B: 0x6E13,
+    0x8C6C: 0x7566,
+    0x8C6D: 0x7A3D,
+    0x8C6E: 0x7CFB,
+    0x8C6F: 0x7D4C,
+    0x8C70: 0x7D99,
+    0x8C71: 0x7E4B,
+    0x8C72: 0x7F6B,
+    0x8C73: 0x830E,
+    0x8C74: 0x834A,
+    0x8C75: 0x86CD,
+    0x8C76: 0x8A08,
+    0x8C77: 0x8A63,
+    0x8C78: 0x8B66,
+    0x8C79: 0x8EFD,
+    0x8C7A: 0x981A,
+    0x8C7B: 0x9D8F,
+    0x8C7C: 0x82B8,
+    0x8C7D: 0x8FCE,
+    0x8C7E: 0x9BE8,
+    0x8C80: 0x5287,
+    0x8C81: 0x621F,
+    0x8C82: 0x6483,
+    0x8C83: 0x6FC0,
+    0x8C84: 0x9699,
+    0x8C85: 0x6841,
+    0x8C86: 0x5091,
+    0x8C87: 0x6B20,
+    0x8C88: 0x6C7A,
+    0x8C89: 0x6F54,
+    0x8C8A: 0x7A74,
+    0x8C8B: 0x7D50,
+    0x8C8C: 0x8840,
+    0x8C8D: 0x8A23,
+    0x8C8E: 0x6708,
+    0x8C8F: 0x4EF6,
+    0x8C90: 0x5039,
+    0x8C91: 0x5026,
+    0x8C92: 0x5065,
+    0x8C93: 0x517C,
+    0x8C94: 0x5238,
+    0x8C95: 0x5263,
+    0x8C96: 0x55A7,
+    0x8C97: 0x570F,
+    0x8C98: 0x5805,
+    0x8C99: 0x5ACC,
+    0x8C9A: 0x5EFA,
+    0x8C9B: 0x61B2,
+    0x8C9C: 0x61F8,
+    0x8C9D: 0x62F3,
+    0x8C9E: 0x6372,
+    0x8C9F: 0x691C,
+    0x8CA0: 0x6A29,
+    0x8CA1: 0x727D,
+    0x8CA2: 0x72AC,
+    0x8CA3: 0x732E,
+    0x8CA4: 0x7814,
+    0x8CA5: 0x786F,
+    0x8CA6: 0x7D79,
+    0x8CA7: 0x770C,
+    0x8CA8: 0x80A9,
+    0x8CA9: 0x898B,
+    0x8CAA: 0x8B19,
+    0x8CAB: 0x8CE2,
+    0x8CAC: 0x8ED2,
+    0x8CAD: 0x9063,
+    0x8CAE: 0x9375,
+    0x8CAF: 0x967A,
+    0x8CB0: 0x9855,
+    0x8CB1: 0x9A13,
+    0x8CB2: 0x9E78,
+    0x8CB3: 0x5143,
+    0x8CB4: 0x539F,
+    0x8CB5: 0x53B3,
+    0x8CB6: 0x5E7B,
+    0x8CB7: 0x5F26,
+    0x8CB8: 0x6E1B,
+    0x8CB9: 0x6E90,
+    0x8CBA: 0x7384,
+    0x8CBB: 0x73FE,
+    0x8CBC: 0x7D43,
+    0x8CBD: 0x8237,
+    0x8CBE: 0x8A00,
+    0x8CBF: 0x8AFA,
+    0x8CC0: 0x9650,
+    0x8CC1: 0x4E4E,
+    0x8CC2: 0x500B,
+    0x8CC3: 0x53E4,
+    0x8CC4: 0x547C,
+    0x8CC5: 0x56FA,
+    0x8CC6: 0x59D1,
+    0x8CC7: 0x5B64,
+    0x8CC8: 0x5DF1,
+    0x8CC9: 0x5EAB,
+    0x8CCA: 0x5F27,
+    0x8CCB: 0x6238,
+    0x8CCC: 0x6545,
+    0x8CCD: 0x67AF,
+    0x8CCE: 0x6E56,
+    0x8CCF: 0x72D0,
+    0x8CD0: 0x7CCA,
+    0x8CD1: 0x88B4,
+    0x8CD2: 0x80A1,
+    0x8CD3: 0x80E1,
+    0x8CD4: 0x83F0,
+    0x8CD5: 0x864E,
+    0x8CD6: 0x8A87,
+    0x8CD7: 0x8DE8,
+    0x8CD8: 0x9237,
+    0x8CD9: 0x96C7,
+    0x8CDA: 0x9867,
+    0x8CDB: 0x9F13,
+    0x8CDC: 0x4E94,
+    0x8CDD: 0x4E92,
+    0x8CDE: 0x4F0D,
+    0x8CDF: 0x5348,
+    0x8CE0: 0x5449,
+    0x8CE1: 0x543E,
+    0x8CE2: 0x5A2F,
+    0x8CE3: 0x5F8C,
+    0x8CE4: 0x5FA1,
+    0x8CE5: 0x609F,
+    0x8CE6: 0x68A7,
+    0x8CE7: 0x6A8E,
+    0x8CE8: 0x745A,
+    0x8CE9: 0x7881,
+    0x8CEA: 0x8A9E,
+    0x8CEB: 0x8AA4,
+    0x8CEC: 0x8B77,
+    0x8CED: 0x9190,
+    0x8CEE: 0x4E5E,
+    0x8CEF: 0x9BC9,
+    0x8CF0: 0x4EA4,
+    0x8CF1: 0x4F7C,
+    0x8CF2: 0x4FAF,
+    0x8CF3: 0x5019,
+    0x8CF4: 0x5016,
+    0x8CF5: 0x5149,
+    0x8CF6: 0x516C,
+    0x8CF7: 0x529F,
+    0x8CF8: 0x52B9,
+    0x8CF9: 0x52FE,
+    0x8CFA: 0x539A,
+    0x8CFB: 0x53E3,
+    0x8CFC: 0x5411,
+    0x8D40: 0x540E,
+    0x8D41: 0x5589,
+    0x8D42: 0x5751,
+    0x8D43: 0x57A2,
+    0x8D44: 0x597D,
+    0x8D45: 0x5B54,
+    0x8D46: 0x5B5D,
+    0x8D47: 0x5B8F,
+    0x8D48: 0x5DE5,
+    0x8D49: 0x5DE7,
+    0x8D4A: 0x5DF7,
+    0x8D4B: 0x5E78,
+    0x8D4C: 0x5E83,
+    0x8D4D: 0x5E9A,
+    0x8D4E: 0x5EB7,
+    0x8D4F: 0x5F18,
+    0x8D50: 0x6052,
+    0x8D51: 0x614C,
+    0x8D52: 0x6297,
+    0x8D53: 0x62D8,
+    0x8D54: 0x63A7,
+    0x8D55: 0x653B,
+    0x8D56: 0x6602,
+    0x8D57: 0x6643,
+    0x8D58: 0x66F4,
+    0x8D59: 0x676D,
+    0x8D5A: 0x6821,
+    0x8D5B: 0x6897,
+    0x8D5C: 0x69CB,
+    0x8D5D: 0x6C5F,
+    0x8D5E: 0x6D2A,
+    0x8D5F: 0x6D69,
+    0x8D60: 0x6E2F,
+    0x8D61: 0x6E9D,
+    0x8D62: 0x7532,
+    0x8D63: 0x7687,
+    0x8D64: 0x786C,
+    0x8D65: 0x7A3F,
+    0x8D66: 0x7CE0,
+    0x8D67: 0x7D05,
+    0x8D68: 0x7D18,
+    0x8D69: 0x7D5E,
+    0x8D6A: 0x7DB1,
+    0x8D6B: 0x8015,
+    0x8D6C: 0x8003,
+    0x8D6D: 0x80AF,
+    0x8D6E: 0x80B1,
+    0x8D6F: 0x8154,
+    0x8D70: 0x818F,
+    0x8D71: 0x822A,
+    0x8D72: 0x8352,
+    0x8D73: 0x884C,
+    0x8D74: 0x8861,
+    0x8D75: 0x8B1B,
+    0x8D76: 0x8CA2,
+    0x8D77: 0x8CFC,
+    0x8D78: 0x90CA,
+    0x8D79: 0x9175,
+    0x8D7A: 0x9271,
+    0x8D7B: 0x783F,
+    0x8D7C: 0x92FC,
+    0x8D7D: 0x95A4,
+    0x8D7E: 0x964D,
+    0x8D80: 0x9805,
+    0x8D81: 0x9999,
+    0x8D82: 0x9AD8,
+    0x8D83: 0x9D3B,
+    0x8D84: 0x525B,
+    0x8D85: 0x52AB,
+    0x8D86: 0x53F7,
+    0x8D87: 0x5408,
+    0x8D88: 0x58D5,
+    0x8D89: 0x62F7,
+    0x8D8A: 0x6FE0,
+    0x8D8B: 0x8C6A,
+    0x8D8C: 0x8F5F,
+    0x8D8D: 0x9EB9,
+    0x8D8E: 0x514B,
+    0x8D8F: 0x523B,
+    0x8D90: 0x544A,
+    0x8D91: 0x56FD,
+    0x8D92: 0x7A40,
+    0x8D93: 0x9177,
+    0x8D94: 0x9D60,
+    0x8D95: 0x9ED2,
+    0x8D96: 0x7344,
+    0x8D97: 0x6F09,
+    0x8D98: 0x8170,
+    0x8D99: 0x7511,
+    0x8D9A: 0x5FFD,
+    0x8D9B: 0x60DA,
+    0x8D9C: 0x9AA8,
+    0x8D9D: 0x72DB,
+    0x8D9E: 0x8FBC,
+    0x8D9F: 0x6B64,
+    0x8DA0: 0x9803,
+    0x8DA1: 0x4ECA,
+    0x8DA2: 0x56F0,
+    0x8DA3: 0x5764,
+    0x8DA4: 0x58BE,
+    0x8DA5: 0x5A5A,
+    0x8DA6: 0x6068,
+    0x8DA7: 0x61C7,
+    0x8DA8: 0x660F,
+    0x8DA9: 0x6606,
+    0x8DAA: 0x6839,
+    0x8DAB: 0x68B1,
+    0x8DAC: 0x6DF7,
+    0x8DAD: 0x75D5,
+    0x8DAE: 0x7D3A,
+    0x8DAF: 0x826E,
+    0x8DB0: 0x9B42,
+    0x8DB1: 0x4E9B,
+    0x8DB2: 0x4F50,
+    0x8DB3: 0x53C9,
+    0x8DB4: 0x5506,
+    0x8DB5: 0x5D6F,
+    0x8DB6: 0x5DE6,
+    0x8DB7: 0x5DEE,
+    0x8DB8: 0x67FB,
+    0x8DB9: 0x6C99,
+    0x8DBA: 0x7473,
+    0x8DBB: 0x7802,
+    0x8DBC: 0x8A50,
+    0x8DBD: 0x9396,
+    0x8DBE: 0x88DF,
+    0x8DBF: 0x5750,
+    0x8DC0: 0x5EA7,
+    0x8DC1: 0x632B,
+    0x8DC2: 0x50B5,
+    0x8DC3: 0x50AC,
+    0x8DC4: 0x518D,
+    0x8DC5: 0x6700,
+    0x8DC6: 0x54C9,
+    0x8DC7: 0x585E,
+    0x8DC8: 0x59BB,
+    0x8DC9: 0x5BB0,
+    0x8DCA: 0x5F69,
+    0x8DCB: 0x624D,
+    0x8DCC: 0x63A1,
+    0x8DCD: 0x683D,
+    0x8DCE: 0x6B73,
+    0x8DCF: 0x6E08,
+    0x8DD0: 0x707D,
+    0x8DD1: 0x91C7,
+    0x8DD2: 0x7280,
+    0x8DD3: 0x7815,
+    0x8DD4: 0x7826,
+    0x8DD5: 0x796D,
+    0x8DD6: 0x658E,
+    0x8DD7: 0x7D30,
+    0x8DD8: 0x83DC,
+    0x8DD9: 0x88C1,
+    0x8DDA: 0x8F09,
+    0x8DDB: 0x969B,
+    0x8DDC: 0x5264,
+    0x8DDD: 0x5728,
+    0x8DDE: 0x6750,
+    0x8DDF: 0x7F6A,
+    0x8DE0: 0x8CA1,
+    0x8DE1: 0x51B4,
+    0x8DE2: 0x5742,
+    0x8DE3: 0x962A,
+    0x8DE4: 0x583A,
+    0x8DE5: 0x698A,
+    0x8DE6: 0x80B4,
+    0x8DE7: 0x54B2,
+    0x8DE8: 0x5D0E,
+    0x8DE9: 0x57FC,
+    0x8DEA: 0x7895,
+    0x8DEB: 0x9DFA,
+    0x8DEC: 0x4F5C,
+    0x8DED: 0x524A,
+    0x8DEE: 0x548B,
+    0x8DEF: 0x643E,
+    0x8DF0: 0x6628,
+    0x8DF1: 0x6714,
+    0x8DF2: 0x67F5,
+    0x8DF3: 0x7A84,
+    0x8DF4: 0x7B56,
+    0x8DF5: 0x7D22,
+    0x8DF6: 0x932F,
+    0x8DF7: 0x685C,
+    0x8DF8: 0x9BAD,
+    0x8DF9: 0x7B39,
+    0x8DFA: 0x5319,
+    0x8DFB: 0x518A,
+    0x8DFC: 0x5237,
+    0x8E40: 0x5BDF,
+    0x8E41: 0x62F6,
+    0x8E42: 0x64AE,
+    0x8E43: 0x64E6,
+    0x8E44: 0x672D,
+    0x8E45: 0x6BBA,
+    0x8E46: 0x85A9,
+    0x8E47: 0x96D1,
+    0x8E48: 0x7690,
+    0x8E49: 0x9BD6,
+    0x8E4A: 0x634C,
+    0x8E4B: 0x9306,
+    0x8E4C: 0x9BAB,
+    0x8E4D: 0x76BF,
+    0x8E4E: 0x6652,
+    0x8E4F: 0x4E09,
+    0x8E50: 0x5098,
+    0x8E51: 0x53C2,
+    0x8E52: 0x5C71,
+    0x8E53: 0x60E8,
+    0x8E54: 0x6492,
+    0x8E55: 0x6563,
+    0x8E56: 0x685F,
+    0x8E57: 0x71E6,
+    0x8E58: 0x73CA,
+    0x8E59: 0x7523,
+    0x8E5A: 0x7B97,
+    0x8E5B: 0x7E82,
+    0x8E5C: 0x8695,
+    0x8E5D: 0x8B83,
+    0x8E5E: 0x8CDB,
+    0x8E5F: 0x9178,
+    0x8E60: 0x9910,
+    0x8E61: 0x65AC,
+    0x8E62: 0x66AB,
+    0x8E63: 0x6B8B,
+    0x8E64: 0x4ED5,
+    0x8E65: 0x4ED4,
+    0x8E66: 0x4F3A,
+    0x8E67: 0x4F7F,
+    0x8E68: 0x523A,
+    0x8E69: 0x53F8,
+    0x8E6A: 0x53F2,
+    0x8E6B: 0x55E3,
+    0x8E6C: 0x56DB,
+    0x8E6D: 0x58EB,
+    0x8E6E: 0x59CB,
+    0x8E6F: 0x59C9,
+    0x8E70: 0x59FF,
+    0x8E71: 0x5B50,
+    0x8E72: 0x5C4D,
+    0x8E73: 0x5E02,
+    0x8E74: 0x5E2B,
+    0x8E75: 0x5FD7,
+    0x8E76: 0x601D,
+    0x8E77: 0x6307,
+    0x8E78: 0x652F,
+    0x8E79: 0x5B5C,
+    0x8E7A: 0x65AF,
+    0x8E7B: 0x65BD,
+    0x8E7C: 0x65E8,
+    0x8E7D: 0x679D,
+    0x8E7E: 0x6B62,
+    0x8E80: 0x6B7B,
+    0x8E81: 0x6C0F,
+    0x8E82: 0x7345,
+    0x8E83: 0x7949,
+    0x8E84: 0x79C1,
+    0x8E85: 0x7CF8,
+    0x8E86: 0x7D19,
+    0x8E87: 0x7D2B,
+    0x8E88: 0x80A2,
+    0x8E89: 0x8102,
+    0x8E8A: 0x81F3,
+    0x8E8B: 0x8996,
+    0x8E8C: 0x8A5E,
+    0x8E8D: 0x8A69,
+    0x8E8E: 0x8A66,
+    0x8E8F: 0x8A8C,
+    0x8E90: 0x8AEE,
+    0x8E91: 0x8CC7,
+    0x8E92: 0x8CDC,
+    0x8E93: 0x96CC,
+    0x8E94: 0x98FC,
+    0x8E95: 0x6B6F,
+    0x8E96: 0x4E8B,
+    0x8E97: 0x4F3C,
+    0x8E98: 0x4F8D,
+    0x8E99: 0x5150,
+    0x8E9A: 0x5B57,
+    0x8E9B: 0x5BFA,
+    0x8E9C: 0x6148,
+    0x8E9D: 0x6301,
+    0x8E9E: 0x6642,
+    0x8E9F: 0x6B21,
+    0x8EA0: 0x6ECB,
+    0x8EA1: 0x6CBB,
+    0x8EA2: 0x723E,
+    0x8EA3: 0x74BD,
+    0x8EA4: 0x75D4,
+    0x8EA5: 0x78C1,
+    0x8EA6: 0x793A,
+    0x8EA7: 0x800C,
+    0x8EA8: 0x8033,
+    0x8EA9: 0x81EA,
+    0x8EAA: 0x8494,
+    0x8EAB: 0x8F9E,
+    0x8EAC: 0x6C50,
+    0x8EAD: 0x9E7F,
+    0x8EAE: 0x5F0F,
+    0x8EAF: 0x8B58,
+    0x8EB0: 0x9D2B,
+    0x8EB1: 0x7AFA,
+    0x8EB2: 0x8EF8,
+    0x8EB3: 0x5B8D,
+    0x8EB4: 0x96EB,
+    0x8EB5: 0x4E03,
+    0x8EB6: 0x53F1,
+    0x8EB7: 0x57F7,
+    0x8EB8: 0x5931,
+    0x8EB9: 0x5AC9,
+    0x8EBA: 0x5BA4,
+    0x8EBB: 0x6089,
+    0x8EBC: 0x6E7F,
+    0x8EBD: 0x6F06,
+    0x8EBE: 0x75BE,
+    0x8EBF: 0x8CEA,
+    0x8EC0: 0x5B9F,
+    0x8EC1: 0x8500,
+    0x8EC2: 0x7BE0,
+    0x8EC3: 0x5072,
+    0x8EC4: 0x67F4,
+    0x8EC5: 0x829D,
+    0x8EC6: 0x5C61,
+    0x8EC7: 0x854A,
+    0x8EC8: 0x7E1E,
+    0x8EC9: 0x820E,
+    0x8ECA: 0x5199,
+    0x8ECB: 0x5C04,
+    0x8ECC: 0x6368,
+    0x8ECD: 0x8D66,
+    0x8ECE: 0x659C,
+    0x8ECF: 0x716E,
+    0x8ED0: 0x793E,
+    0x8ED1: 0x7D17,
+    0x8ED2: 0x8005,
+    0x8ED3: 0x8B1D,
+    0x8ED4: 0x8ECA,
+    0x8ED5: 0x906E,
+    0x8ED6: 0x86C7,
+    0x8ED7: 0x90AA,
+    0x8ED8: 0x501F,
+    0x8ED9: 0x52FA,
+    0x8EDA: 0x5C3A,
+    0x8EDB: 0x6753,
+    0x8EDC: 0x707C,
+    0x8EDD: 0x7235,
+    0x8EDE: 0x914C,
+    0x8EDF: 0x91C8,
+    0x8EE0: 0x932B,
+    0x8EE1: 0x82E5,
+    0x8EE2: 0x5BC2,
+    0x8EE3: 0x5F31,
+    0x8EE4: 0x60F9,
+    0x8EE5: 0x4E3B,
+    0x8EE6: 0x53D6,
+    0x8EE7: 0x5B88,
+    0x8EE8: 0x624B,
+    0x8EE9: 0x6731,
+    0x8EEA: 0x6B8A,
+    0x8EEB: 0x72E9,
+    0x8EEC: 0x73E0,
+    0x8EED: 0x7A2E,
+    0x8EEE: 0x816B,
+    0x8EEF: 0x8DA3,
+    0x8EF0: 0x9152,
+    0x8EF1: 0x9996,
+    0x8EF2: 0x5112,
+    0x8EF3: 0x53D7,
+    0x8EF4: 0x546A,
+    0x8EF5: 0x5BFF,
+    0x8EF6: 0x6388,
+    0x8EF7: 0x6A39,
+    0x8EF8: 0x7DAC,
+    0x8EF9: 0x9700,
+    0x8EFA: 0x56DA,
+    0x8EFB: 0x53CE,
+    0x8EFC: 0x5468,
+    0x8F40: 0x5B97,
+    0x8F41: 0x5C31,
+    0x8F42: 0x5DDE,
+    0x8F43: 0x4FEE,
+    0x8F44: 0x6101,
+    0x8F45: 0x62FE,
+    0x8F46: 0x6D32,
+    0x8F47: 0x79C0,
+    0x8F48: 0x79CB,
+    0x8F49: 0x7D42,
+    0x8F4A: 0x7E4D,
+    0x8F4B: 0x7FD2,
+    0x8F4C: 0x81ED,
+    0x8F4D: 0x821F,
+    0x8F4E: 0x8490,
+    0x8F4F: 0x8846,
+    0x8F50: 0x8972,
+    0x8F51: 0x8B90,
+    0x8F52: 0x8E74,
+    0x8F53: 0x8F2F,
+    0x8F54: 0x9031,
+    0x8F55: 0x914B,
+    0x8F56: 0x916C,
+    0x8F57: 0x96C6,
+    0x8F58: 0x919C,
+    0x8F59: 0x4EC0,
+    0x8F5A: 0x4F4F,
+    0x8F5B: 0x5145,
+    0x8F5C: 0x5341,
+    0x8F5D: 0x5F93,
+    0x8F5E: 0x620E,
+    0x8F5F: 0x67D4,
+    0x8F60: 0x6C41,
+    0x8F61: 0x6E0B,
+    0x8F62: 0x7363,
+    0x8F63: 0x7E26,
+    0x8F64: 0x91CD,
+    0x8F65: 0x9283,
+    0x8F66: 0x53D4,
+    0x8F67: 0x5919,
+    0x8F68: 0x5BBF,
+    0x8F69: 0x6DD1,
+    0x8F6A: 0x795D,
+    0x8F6B: 0x7E2E,
+    0x8F6C: 0x7C9B,
+    0x8F6D: 0x587E,
+    0x8F6E: 0x719F,
+    0x8F6F: 0x51FA,
+    0x8F70: 0x8853,
+    0x8F71: 0x8FF0,
+    0x8F72: 0x4FCA,
+    0x8F73: 0x5CFB,
+    0x8F74: 0x6625,
+    0x8F75: 0x77AC,
+    0x8F76: 0x7AE3,
+    0x8F77: 0x821C,
+    0x8F78: 0x99FF,
+    0x8F79: 0x51C6,
+    0x8F7A: 0x5FAA,
+    0x8F7B: 0x65EC,
+    0x8F7C: 0x696F,
+    0x8F7D: 0x6B89,
+    0x8F7E: 0x6DF3,
+    0x8F80: 0x6E96,
+    0x8F81: 0x6F64,
+    0x8F82: 0x76FE,
+    0x8F83: 0x7D14,
+    0x8F84: 0x5DE1,
+    0x8F85: 0x9075,
+    0x8F86: 0x9187,
+    0x8F87: 0x9806,
+    0x8F88: 0x51E6,
+    0x8F89: 0x521D,
+    0x8F8A: 0x6240,
+    0x8F8B: 0x6691,
+    0x8F8C: 0x66D9,
+    0x8F8D: 0x6E1A,
+    0x8F8E: 0x5EB6,
+    0x8F8F: 0x7DD2,
+    0x8F90: 0x7F72,
+    0x8F91: 0x66F8,
+    0x8F92: 0x85AF,
+    0x8F93: 0x85F7,
+    0x8F94: 0x8AF8,
+    0x8F95: 0x52A9,
+    0x8F96: 0x53D9,
+    0x8F97: 0x5973,
+    0x8F98: 0x5E8F,
+    0x8F99: 0x5F90,
+    0x8F9A: 0x6055,
+    0x8F9B: 0x92E4,
+    0x8F9C: 0x9664,
+    0x8F9D: 0x50B7,
+    0x8F9E: 0x511F,
+    0x8F9F: 0x52DD,
+    0x8FA0: 0x5320,
+    0x8FA1: 0x5347,
+    0x8FA2: 0x53EC,
+    0x8FA3: 0x54E8,
+    0x8FA4: 0x5546,
+    0x8FA5: 0x5531,
+    0x8FA6: 0x5617,
+    0x8FA7: 0x5968,
+    0x8FA8: 0x59BE,
+    0x8FA9: 0x5A3C,
+    0x8FAA: 0x5BB5,
+    0x8FAB: 0x5C06,
+    0x8FAC: 0x5C0F,
+    0x8FAD: 0x5C11,
+    0x8FAE: 0x5C1A,
+    0x8FAF: 0x5E84,
+    0x8FB0: 0x5E8A,
+    0x8FB1: 0x5EE0,
+    0x8FB2: 0x5F70,
+    0x8FB3: 0x627F,
+    0x8FB4: 0x6284,
+    0x8FB5: 0x62DB,
+    0x8FB6: 0x638C,
+    0x8FB7: 0x6377,
+    0x8FB8: 0x6607,
+    0x8FB9: 0x660C,
+    0x8FBA: 0x662D,
+    0x8FBB: 0x6676,
+    0x8FBC: 0x677E,
+    0x8FBD: 0x68A2,
+    0x8FBE: 0x6A1F,
+    0x8FBF: 0x6A35,
+    0x8FC0: 0x6CBC,
+    0x8FC1: 0x6D88,
+    0x8FC2: 0x6E09,
+    0x8FC3: 0x6E58,
+    0x8FC4: 0x713C,
+    0x8FC5: 0x7126,
+    0x8FC6: 0x7167,
+    0x8FC7: 0x75C7,
+    0x8FC8: 0x7701,
+    0x8FC9: 0x785D,
+    0x8FCA: 0x7901,
+    0x8FCB: 0x7965,
+    0x8FCC: 0x79F0,
+    0x8FCD: 0x7AE0,
+    0x8FCE: 0x7B11,
+    0x8FCF: 0x7CA7,
+    0x8FD0: 0x7D39,
+    0x8FD1: 0x8096,
+    0x8FD2: 0x83D6,
+    0x8FD3: 0x848B,
+    0x8FD4: 0x8549,
+    0x8FD5: 0x885D,
+    0x8FD6: 0x88F3,
+    0x8FD7: 0x8A1F,
+    0x8FD8: 0x8A3C,
+    0x8FD9: 0x8A54,
+    0x8FDA: 0x8A73,
+    0x8FDB: 0x8C61,
+    0x8FDC: 0x8CDE,
+    0x8FDD: 0x91A4,
+    0x8FDE: 0x9266,
+    0x8FDF: 0x937E,
+    0x8FE0: 0x9418,
+    0x8FE1: 0x969C,
+    0x8FE2: 0x9798,
+    0x8FE3: 0x4E0A,
+    0x8FE4: 0x4E08,
+    0x8FE5: 0x4E1E,
+    0x8FE6: 0x4E57,
+    0x8FE7: 0x5197,
+    0x8FE8: 0x5270,
+    0x8FE9: 0x57CE,
+    0x8FEA: 0x5834,
+    0x8FEB: 0x58CC,
+    0x8FEC: 0x5B22,
+    0x8FED: 0x5E38,
+    0x8FEE: 0x60C5,
+    0x8FEF: 0x64FE,
+    0x8FF0: 0x6761,
+    0x8FF1: 0x6756,
+    0x8FF2: 0x6D44,
+    0x8FF3: 0x72B6,
+    0x8FF4: 0x7573,
+    0x8FF5: 0x7A63,
+    0x8FF6: 0x84B8,
+    0x8FF7: 0x8B72,
+    0x8FF8: 0x91B8,
+    0x8FF9: 0x9320,
+    0x8FFA: 0x5631,
+    0x8FFB: 0x57F4,
+    0x8FFC: 0x98FE,
+    0x9040: 0x62ED,
+    0x9041: 0x690D,
+    0x9042: 0x6B96,
+    0x9043: 0x71ED,
+    0x9044: 0x7E54,
+    0x9045: 0x8077,
+    0x9046: 0x8272,
+    0x9047: 0x89E6,
+    0x9048: 0x98DF,
+    0x9049: 0x8755,
+    0x904A: 0x8FB1,
+    0x904B: 0x5C3B,
+    0x904C: 0x4F38,
+    0x904D: 0x4FE1,
+    0x904E: 0x4FB5,
+    0x904F: 0x5507,
+    0x9050: 0x5A20,
+    0x9051: 0x5BDD,
+    0x9052: 0x5BE9,
+    0x9053: 0x5FC3,
+    0x9054: 0x614E,
+    0x9055: 0x632F,
+    0x9056: 0x65B0,
+    0x9057: 0x664B,
+    0x9058: 0x68EE,
+    0x9059: 0x699B,
+    0x905A: 0x6D78,
+    0x905B: 0x6DF1,
+    0x905C: 0x7533,
+    0x905D: 0x75B9,
+    0x905E: 0x771F,
+    0x905F: 0x795E,
+    0x9060: 0x79E6,
+    0x9061: 0x7D33,
+    0x9062: 0x81E3,
+    0x9063: 0x82AF,
+    0x9064: 0x85AA,
+    0x9065: 0x89AA,
+    0x9066: 0x8A3A,
+    0x9067: 0x8EAB,
+    0x9068: 0x8F9B,
+    0x9069: 0x9032,
+    0x906A: 0x91DD,
+    0x906B: 0x9707,
+    0x906C: 0x4EBA,
+    0x906D: 0x4EC1,
+    0x906E: 0x5203,
+    0x906F: 0x5875,
+    0x9070: 0x58EC,
+    0x9071: 0x5C0B,
+    0x9072: 0x751A,
+    0x9073: 0x5C3D,
+    0x9074: 0x814E,
+    0x9075: 0x8A0A,
+    0x9076: 0x8FC5,
+    0x9077: 0x9663,
+    0x9078: 0x976D,
+    0x9079: 0x7B25,
+    0x907A: 0x8ACF,
+    0x907B: 0x9808,
+    0x907C: 0x9162,
+    0x907D: 0x56F3,
+    0x907E: 0x53A8,
+    0x9080: 0x9017,
+    0x9081: 0x5439,
+    0x9082: 0x5782,
+    0x9083: 0x5E25,
+    0x9084: 0x63A8,
+    0x9085: 0x6C34,
+    0x9086: 0x708A,
+    0x9087: 0x7761,
+    0x9088: 0x7C8B,
+    0x9089: 0x7FE0,
+    0x908A: 0x8870,
+    0x908B: 0x9042,
+    0x908C: 0x9154,
+    0x908D: 0x9310,
+    0x908E: 0x9318,
+    0x908F: 0x968F,
+    0x9090: 0x745E,
+    0x9091: 0x9AC4,
+    0x9092: 0x5D07,
+    0x9093: 0x5D69,
+    0x9094: 0x6570,
+    0x9095: 0x67A2,
+    0x9096: 0x8DA8,
+    0x9097: 0x96DB,
+    0x9098: 0x636E,
+    0x9099: 0x6749,
+    0x909A: 0x6919,
+    0x909B: 0x83C5,
+    0x909C: 0x9817,
+    0x909D: 0x96C0,
+    0x909E: 0x88FE,
+    0x909F: 0x6F84,
+    0x90A0: 0x647A,
+    0x90A1: 0x5BF8,
+    0x90A2: 0x4E16,
+    0x90A3: 0x702C,
+    0x90A4: 0x755D,
+    0x90A5: 0x662F,
+    0x90A6: 0x51C4,
+    0x90A7: 0x5236,
+    0x90A8: 0x52E2,
+    0x90A9: 0x59D3,
+    0x90AA: 0x5F81,
+    0x90AB: 0x6027,
+    0x90AC: 0x6210,
+    0x90AD: 0x653F,
+    0x90AE: 0x6574,
+    0x90AF: 0x661F,
+    0x90B0: 0x6674,
+    0x90B1: 0x68F2,
+    0x90B2: 0x6816,
+    0x90B3: 0x6B63,
+    0x90B4: 0x6E05,
+    0x90B5: 0x7272,
+    0x90B6: 0x751F,
+    0x90B7: 0x76DB,
+    0x90B8: 0x7CBE,
+    0x90B9: 0x8056,
+    0x90BA: 0x58F0,
+    0x90BB: 0x88FD,
+    0x90BC: 0x897F,
+    0x90BD: 0x8AA0,
+    0x90BE: 0x8A93,
+    0x90BF: 0x8ACB,
+    0x90C0: 0x901D,
+    0x90C1: 0x9192,
+    0x90C2: 0x9752,
+    0x90C3: 0x9759,
+    0x90C4: 0x6589,
+    0x90C5: 0x7A0E,
+    0x90C6: 0x8106,
+    0x90C7: 0x96BB,
+    0x90C8: 0x5E2D,
+    0x90C9: 0x60DC,
+    0x90CA: 0x621A,
+    0x90CB: 0x65A5,
+    0x90CC: 0x6614,
+    0x90CD: 0x6790,
+    0x90CE: 0x77F3,
+    0x90CF: 0x7A4D,
+    0x90D0: 0x7C4D,
+    0x90D1: 0x7E3E,
+    0x90D2: 0x810A,
+    0x90D3: 0x8CAC,
+    0x90D4: 0x8D64,
+    0x90D5: 0x8DE1,
+    0x90D6: 0x8E5F,
+    0x90D7: 0x78A9,
+    0x90D8: 0x5207,
+    0x90D9: 0x62D9,
+    0x90DA: 0x63A5,
+    0x90DB: 0x6442,
+    0x90DC: 0x6298,
+    0x90DD: 0x8A2D,
+    0x90DE: 0x7A83,
+    0x90DF: 0x7BC0,
+    0x90E0: 0x8AAC,
+    0x90E1: 0x96EA,
+    0x90E2: 0x7D76,
+    0x90E3: 0x820C,
+    0x90E4: 0x8749,
+    0x90E5: 0x4ED9,
+    0x90E6: 0x5148,
+    0x90E7: 0x5343,
+    0x90E8: 0x5360,
+    0x90E9: 0x5BA3,
+    0x90EA: 0x5C02,
+    0x90EB: 0x5C16,
+    0x90EC: 0x5DDD,
+    0x90ED: 0x6226,
+    0x90EE: 0x6247,
+    0x90EF: 0x64B0,
+    0x90F0: 0x6813,
+    0x90F1: 0x6834,
+    0x90F2: 0x6CC9,
+    0x90F3: 0x6D45,
+    0x90F4: 0x6D17,
+    0x90F5: 0x67D3,
+    0x90F6: 0x6F5C,
+    0x90F7: 0x714E,
+    0x90F8: 0x717D,
+    0x90F9: 0x65CB,
+    0x90FA: 0x7A7F,
+    0x90FB: 0x7BAD,
+    0x90FC: 0x7DDA,
+    0x9140: 0x7E4A,
+    0x9141: 0x7FA8,
+    0x9142: 0x817A,
+    0x9143: 0x821B,
+    0x9144: 0x8239,
+    0x9145: 0x85A6,
+    0x9146: 0x8A6E,
+    0x9147: 0x8CCE,
+    0x9148: 0x8DF5,
+    0x9149: 0x9078,
+    0x914A: 0x9077,
+    0x914B: 0x92AD,
+    0x914C: 0x9291,
+    0x914D: 0x9583,
+    0x914E: 0x9BAE,
+    0x914F: 0x524D,
+    0x9150: 0x5584,
+    0x9151: 0x6F38,
+    0x9152: 0x7136,
+    0x9153: 0x5168,
+    0x9154: 0x7985,
+    0x9155: 0x7E55,
+    0x9156: 0x81B3,
+    0x9157: 0x7CCE,
+    0x9158: 0x564C,
+    0x9159: 0x5851,
+    0x915A: 0x5CA8,
+    0x915B: 0x63AA,
+    0x915C: 0x66FE,
+    0x915D: 0x66FD,
+    0x915E: 0x695A,
+    0x915F: 0x72D9,
+    0x9160: 0x758F,
+    0x9161: 0x758E,
+    0x9162: 0x790E,
+    0x9163: 0x7956,
+    0x9164: 0x79DF,
+    0x9165: 0x7C97,
+    0x9166: 0x7D20,
+    0x9167: 0x7D44,
+    0x9168: 0x8607,
+    0x9169: 0x8A34,
+    0x916A: 0x963B,
+    0x916B: 0x9061,
+    0x916C: 0x9F20,
+    0x916D: 0x50E7,
+    0x916E: 0x5275,
+    0x916F: 0x53CC,
+    0x9170: 0x53E2,
+    0x9171: 0x5009,
+    0x9172: 0x55AA,
+    0x9173: 0x58EE,
+    0x9174: 0x594F,
+    0x9175: 0x723D,
+    0x9176: 0x5B8B,
+    0x9177: 0x5C64,
+    0x9178: 0x531D,
+    0x9179: 0x60E3,
+    0x917A: 0x60F3,
+    0x917B: 0x635C,
+    0x917C: 0x6383,
+    0x917D: 0x633F,
+    0x917E: 0x63BB,
+    0x9180: 0x64CD,
+    0x9181: 0x65E9,
+    0x9182: 0x66F9,
+    0x9183: 0x5DE3,
+    0x9184: 0x69CD,
+    0x9185: 0x69FD,
+    0x9186: 0x6F15,
+    0x9187: 0x71E5,
+    0x9188: 0x4E89,
+    0x9189: 0x75E9,
+    0x918A: 0x76F8,
+    0x918B: 0x7A93,
+    0x918C: 0x7CDF,
+    0x918D: 0x7DCF,
+    0x918E: 0x7D9C,
+    0x918F: 0x8061,
+    0x9190: 0x8349,
+    0x9191: 0x8358,
+    0x9192: 0x846C,
+    0x9193: 0x84BC,
+    0x9194: 0x85FB,
+    0x9195: 0x88C5,
+    0x9196: 0x8D70,
+    0x9197: 0x9001,
+    0x9198: 0x906D,
+    0x9199: 0x9397,
+    0x919A: 0x971C,
+    0x919B: 0x9A12,
+    0x919C: 0x50CF,
+    0x919D: 0x5897,
+    0x919E: 0x618E,
+    0x919F: 0x81D3,
+    0x91A0: 0x8535,
+    0x91A1: 0x8D08,
+    0x91A2: 0x9020,
+    0x91A3: 0x4FC3,
+    0x91A4: 0x5074,
+    0x91A5: 0x5247,
+    0x91A6: 0x5373,
+    0x91A7: 0x606F,
+    0x91A8: 0x6349,
+    0x91A9: 0x675F,
+    0x91AA: 0x6E2C,
+    0x91AB: 0x8DB3,
+    0x91AC: 0x901F,
+    0x91AD: 0x4FD7,
+    0x91AE: 0x5C5E,
+    0x91AF: 0x8CCA,
+    0x91B0: 0x65CF,
+    0x91B1: 0x7D9A,
+    0x91B2: 0x5352,
+    0x91B3: 0x8896,
+    0x91B4: 0x5176,
+    0x91B5: 0x63C3,
+    0x91B6: 0x5B58,
+    0x91B7: 0x5B6B,
+    0x91B8: 0x5C0A,
+    0x91B9: 0x640D,
+    0x91BA: 0x6751,
+    0x91BB: 0x905C,
+    0x91BC: 0x4ED6,
+    0x91BD: 0x591A,
+    0x91BE: 0x592A,
+    0x91BF: 0x6C70,
+    0x91C0: 0x8A51,
+    0x91C1: 0x553E,
+    0x91C2: 0x5815,
+    0x91C3: 0x59A5,
+    0x91C4: 0x60F0,
+    0x91C5: 0x6253,
+    0x91C6: 0x67C1,
+    0x91C7: 0x8235,
+    0x91C8: 0x6955,
+    0x91C9: 0x9640,
+    0x91CA: 0x99C4,
+    0x91CB: 0x9A28,
+    0x91CC: 0x4F53,
+    0x91CD: 0x5806,
+    0x91CE: 0x5BFE,
+    0x91CF: 0x8010,
+    0x91D0: 0x5CB1,
+    0x91D1: 0x5E2F,
+    0x91D2: 0x5F85,
+    0x91D3: 0x6020,
+    0x91D4: 0x614B,
+    0x91D5: 0x6234,
+    0x91D6: 0x66FF,
+    0x91D7: 0x6CF0,
+    0x91D8: 0x6EDE,
+    0x91D9: 0x80CE,
+    0x91DA: 0x817F,
+    0x91DB: 0x82D4,
+    0x91DC: 0x888B,
+    0x91DD: 0x8CB8,
+    0x91DE: 0x9000,
+    0x91DF: 0x902E,
+    0x91E0: 0x968A,
+    0x91E1: 0x9EDB,
+    0x91E2: 0x9BDB,
+    0x91E3: 0x4EE3,
+    0x91E4: 0x53F0,
+    0x91E5: 0x5927,
+    0x91E6: 0x7B2C,
+    0x91E7: 0x918D,
+    0x91E8: 0x984C,
+    0x91E9: 0x9DF9,
+    0x91EA: 0x6EDD,
+    0x91EB: 0x7027,
+    0x91EC: 0x5353,
+    0x91ED: 0x5544,
+    0x91EE: 0x5B85,
+    0x91EF: 0x6258,
+    0x91F0: 0x629E,
+    0x91F1: 0x62D3,
+    0x91F2: 0x6CA2,
+    0x91F3: 0x6FEF,
+    0x91F4: 0x7422,
+    0x91F5: 0x8A17,
+    0x91F6: 0x9438,
+    0x91F7: 0x6FC1,
+    0x91F8: 0x8AFE,
+    0x91F9: 0x8338,
+    0x91FA: 0x51E7,
+    0x91FB: 0x86F8,
+    0x91FC: 0x53EA,
+    0x9240: 0x53E9,
+    0x9241: 0x4F46,
+    0x9242: 0x9054,
+    0x9243: 0x8FB0,
+    0x9244: 0x596A,
+    0x9245: 0x8131,
+    0x9246: 0x5DFD,
+    0x9247: 0x7AEA,
+    0x9248: 0x8FBF,
+    0x9249: 0x68DA,
+    0x924A: 0x8C37,
+    0x924B: 0x72F8,
+    0x924C: 0x9C48,
+    0x924D: 0x6A3D,
+    0x924E: 0x8AB0,
+    0x924F: 0x4E39,
+    0x9250: 0x5358,
+    0x9251: 0x5606,
+    0x9252: 0x5766,
+    0x9253: 0x62C5,
+    0x9254: 0x63A2,
+    0x9255: 0x65E6,
+    0x9256: 0x6B4E,
+    0x9257: 0x6DE1,
+    0x9258: 0x6E5B,
+    0x9259: 0x70AD,
+    0x925A: 0x77ED,
+    0x925B: 0x7AEF,
+    0x925C: 0x7BAA,
+    0x925D: 0x7DBB,
+    0x925E: 0x803D,
+    0x925F: 0x80C6,
+    0x9260: 0x86CB,
+    0x9261: 0x8A95,
+    0x9262: 0x935B,
+    0x9263: 0x56E3,
+    0x9264: 0x58C7,
+    0x9265: 0x5F3E,
+    0x9266: 0x65AD,
+    0x9267: 0x6696,
+    0x9268: 0x6A80,
+    0x9269: 0x6BB5,
+    0x926A: 0x7537,
+    0x926B: 0x8AC7,
+    0x926C: 0x5024,
+    0x926D: 0x77E5,
+    0x926E: 0x5730,
+    0x926F: 0x5F1B,
+    0x9270: 0x6065,
+    0x9271: 0x667A,
+    0x9272: 0x6C60,
+    0x9273: 0x75F4,
+    0x9274: 0x7A1A,
+    0x9275: 0x7F6E,
+    0x9276: 0x81F4,
+    0x9277: 0x8718,
+    0x9278: 0x9045,
+    0x9279: 0x99B3,
+    0x927A: 0x7BC9,
+    0x927B: 0x755C,
+    0x927C: 0x7AF9,
+    0x927D: 0x7B51,
+    0x927E: 0x84C4,
+    0x9280: 0x9010,
+    0x9281: 0x79E9,
+    0x9282: 0x7A92,
+    0x9283: 0x8336,
+    0x9284: 0x5AE1,
+    0x9285: 0x7740,
+    0x9286: 0x4E2D,
+    0x9287: 0x4EF2,
+    0x9288: 0x5B99,
+    0x9289: 0x5FE0,
+    0x928A: 0x62BD,
+    0x928B: 0x663C,
+    0x928C: 0x67F1,
+    0x928D: 0x6CE8,
+    0x928E: 0x866B,
+    0x928F: 0x8877,
+    0x9290: 0x8A3B,
+    0x9291: 0x914E,
+    0x9292: 0x92F3,
+    0x9293: 0x99D0,
+    0x9294: 0x6A17,
+    0x9295: 0x7026,
+    0x9296: 0x732A,
+    0x9297: 0x82E7,
+    0x9298: 0x8457,
+    0x9299: 0x8CAF,
+    0x929A: 0x4E01,
+    0x929B: 0x5146,
+    0x929C: 0x51CB,
+    0x929D: 0x558B,
+    0x929E: 0x5BF5,
+    0x929F: 0x5E16,
+    0x92A0: 0x5E33,
+    0x92A1: 0x5E81,
+    0x92A2: 0x5F14,
+    0x92A3: 0x5F35,
+    0x92A4: 0x5F6B,
+    0x92A5: 0x5FB4,
+    0x92A6: 0x61F2,
+    0x92A7: 0x6311,
+    0x92A8: 0x66A2,
+    0x92A9: 0x671D,
+    0x92AA: 0x6F6E,
+    0x92AB: 0x7252,
+    0x92AC: 0x753A,
+    0x92AD: 0x773A,
+    0x92AE: 0x8074,
+    0x92AF: 0x8139,
+    0x92B0: 0x8178,
+    0x92B1: 0x8776,
+    0x92B2: 0x8ABF,
+    0x92B3: 0x8ADC,
+    0x92B4: 0x8D85,
+    0x92B5: 0x8DF3,
+    0x92B6: 0x929A,
+    0x92B7: 0x9577,
+    0x92B8: 0x9802,
+    0x92B9: 0x9CE5,
+    0x92BA: 0x52C5,
+    0x92BB: 0x6357,
+    0x92BC: 0x76F4,
+    0x92BD: 0x6715,
+    0x92BE: 0x6C88,
+    0x92BF: 0x73CD,
+    0x92C0: 0x8CC3,
+    0x92C1: 0x93AE,
+    0x92C2: 0x9673,
+    0x92C3: 0x6D25,
+    0x92C4: 0x589C,
+    0x92C5: 0x690E,
+    0x92C6: 0x69CC,
+    0x92C7: 0x8FFD,
+    0x92C8: 0x939A,
+    0x92C9: 0x75DB,
+    0x92CA: 0x901A,
+    0x92CB: 0x585A,
+    0x92CC: 0x6802,
+    0x92CD: 0x63B4,
+    0x92CE: 0x69FB,
+    0x92CF: 0x4F43,
+    0x92D0: 0x6F2C,
+    0x92D1: 0x67D8,
+    0x92D2: 0x8FBB,
+    0x92D3: 0x8526,
+    0x92D4: 0x7DB4,
+    0x92D5: 0x9354,
+    0x92D6: 0x693F,
+    0x92D7: 0x6F70,
+    0x92D8: 0x576A,
+    0x92D9: 0x58F7,
+    0x92DA: 0x5B2C,
+    0x92DB: 0x7D2C,
+    0x92DC: 0x722A,
+    0x92DD: 0x540A,
+    0x92DE: 0x91E3,
+    0x92DF: 0x9DB4,
+    0x92E0: 0x4EAD,
+    0x92E1: 0x4F4E,
+    0x92E2: 0x505C,
+    0x92E3: 0x5075,
+    0x92E4: 0x5243,
+    0x92E5: 0x8C9E,
+    0x92E6: 0x5448,
+    0x92E7: 0x5824,
+    0x92E8: 0x5B9A,
+    0x92E9: 0x5E1D,
+    0x92EA: 0x5E95,
+    0x92EB: 0x5EAD,
+    0x92EC: 0x5EF7,
+    0x92ED: 0x5F1F,
+    0x92EE: 0x608C,
+    0x92EF: 0x62B5,
+    0x92F0: 0x633A,
+    0x92F1: 0x63D0,
+    0x92F2: 0x68AF,
+    0x92F3: 0x6C40,
+    0x92F4: 0x7887,
+    0x92F5: 0x798E,
+    0x92F6: 0x7A0B,
+    0x92F7: 0x7DE0,
+    0x92F8: 0x8247,
+    0x92F9: 0x8A02,
+    0x92FA: 0x8AE6,
+    0x92FB: 0x8E44,
+    0x92FC: 0x9013,
+    0x9340: 0x90B8,
+    0x9341: 0x912D,
+    0x9342: 0x91D8,
+    0x9343: 0x9F0E,
+    0x9344: 0x6CE5,
+    0x9345: 0x6458,
+    0x9346: 0x64E2,
+    0x9347: 0x6575,
+    0x9348: 0x6EF4,
+    0x9349: 0x7684,
+    0x934A: 0x7B1B,
+    0x934B: 0x9069,
+    0x934C: 0x93D1,
+    0x934D: 0x6EBA,
+    0x934E: 0x54F2,
+    0x934F: 0x5FB9,
+    0x9350: 0x64A4,
+    0x9351: 0x8F4D,
+    0x9352: 0x8FED,
+    0x9353: 0x9244,
+    0x9354: 0x5178,
+    0x9355: 0x586B,
+    0x9356: 0x5929,
+    0x9357: 0x5C55,
+    0x9358: 0x5E97,
+    0x9359: 0x6DFB,
+    0x935A: 0x7E8F,
+    0x935B: 0x751C,
+    0x935C: 0x8CBC,
+    0x935D: 0x8EE2,
+    0x935E: 0x985B,
+    0x935F: 0x70B9,
+    0x9360: 0x4F1D,
+    0x9361: 0x6BBF,
+    0x9362: 0x6FB1,
+    0x9363: 0x7530,
+    0x9364: 0x96FB,
+    0x9365: 0x514E,
+    0x9366: 0x5410,
+    0x9367: 0x5835,
+    0x9368: 0x5857,
+    0x9369: 0x59AC,
+    0x936A: 0x5C60,
+    0x936B: 0x5F92,
+    0x936C: 0x6597,
+    0x936D: 0x675C,
+    0x936E: 0x6E21,
+    0x936F: 0x767B,
+    0x9370: 0x83DF,
+    0x9371: 0x8CED,
+    0x9372: 0x9014,
+    0x9373: 0x90FD,
+    0x9374: 0x934D,
+    0x9375: 0x7825,
+    0x9376: 0x783A,
+    0x9377: 0x52AA,
+    0x9378: 0x5EA6,
+    0x9379: 0x571F,
+    0x937A: 0x5974,
+    0x937B: 0x6012,
+    0x937C: 0x5012,
+    0x937D: 0x515A,
+    0x937E: 0x51AC,
+    0x9380: 0x51CD,
+    0x9381: 0x5200,
+    0x9382: 0x5510,
+    0x9383: 0x5854,
+    0x9384: 0x5858,
+    0x9385: 0x5957,
+    0x9386: 0x5B95,
+    0x9387: 0x5CF6,
+    0x9388: 0x5D8B,
+    0x9389: 0x60BC,
+    0x938A: 0x6295,
+    0x938B: 0x642D,
+    0x938C: 0x6771,
+    0x938D: 0x6843,
+    0x938E: 0x68BC,
+    0x938F: 0x68DF,
+    0x9390: 0x76D7,
+    0x9391: 0x6DD8,
+    0x9392: 0x6E6F,
+    0x9393: 0x6D9B,
+    0x9394: 0x706F,
+    0x9395: 0x71C8,
+    0x9396: 0x5F53,
+    0x9397: 0x75D8,
+    0x9398: 0x7977,
+    0x9399: 0x7B49,
+    0x939A: 0x7B54,
+    0x939B: 0x7B52,
+    0x939C: 0x7CD6,
+    0x939D: 0x7D71,
+    0x939E: 0x5230,
+    0x939F: 0x8463,
+    0x93A0: 0x8569,
+    0x93A1: 0x85E4,
+    0x93A2: 0x8A0E,
+    0x93A3: 0x8B04,
+    0x93A4: 0x8C46,
+    0x93A5: 0x8E0F,
+    0x93A6: 0x9003,
+    0x93A7: 0x900F,
+    0x93A8: 0x9419,
+    0x93A9: 0x9676,
+    0x93AA: 0x982D,
+    0x93AB: 0x9A30,
+    0x93AC: 0x95D8,
+    0x93AD: 0x50CD,
+    0x93AE: 0x52D5,
+    0x93AF: 0x540C,
+    0x93B0: 0x5802,
+    0x93B1: 0x5C0E,
+    0x93B2: 0x61A7,
+    0x93B3: 0x649E,
+    0x93B4: 0x6D1E,
+    0x93B5: 0x77B3,
+    0x93B6: 0x7AE5,
+    0x93B7: 0x80F4,
+    0x93B8: 0x8404,
+    0x93B9: 0x9053,
+    0x93BA: 0x9285,
+    0x93BB: 0x5CE0,
+    0x93BC: 0x9D07,
+    0x93BD: 0x533F,
+    0x93BE: 0x5F97,
+    0x93BF: 0x5FB3,
+    0x93C0: 0x6D9C,
+    0x93C1: 0x7279,
+    0x93C2: 0x7763,
+    0x93C3: 0x79BF,
+    0x93C4: 0x7BE4,
+    0x93C5: 0x6BD2,
+    0x93C6: 0x72EC,
+    0x93C7: 0x8AAD,
+    0x93C8: 0x6803,
+    0x93C9: 0x6A61,
+    0x93CA: 0x51F8,
+    0x93CB: 0x7A81,
+    0x93CC: 0x6934,
+    0x93CD: 0x5C4A,
+    0x93CE: 0x9CF6,
+    0x93CF: 0x82EB,
+    0x93D0: 0x5BC5,
+    0x93D1: 0x9149,
+    0x93D2: 0x701E,
+    0x93D3: 0x5678,
+    0x93D4: 0x5C6F,
+    0x93D5: 0x60C7,
+    0x93D6: 0x6566,
+    0x93D7: 0x6C8C,
+    0x93D8: 0x8C5A,
+    0x93D9: 0x9041,
+    0x93DA: 0x9813,
+    0x93DB: 0x5451,
+    0x93DC: 0x66C7,
+    0x93DD: 0x920D,
+    0x93DE: 0x5948,
+    0x93DF: 0x90A3,
+    0x93E0: 0x5185,
+    0x93E1: 0x4E4D,
+    0x93E2: 0x51EA,
+    0x93E3: 0x8599,
+    0x93E4: 0x8B0E,
+    0x93E5: 0x7058,
+    0x93E6: 0x637A,
+    0x93E7: 0x934B,
+    0x93E8: 0x6962,
+    0x93E9: 0x99B4,
+    0x93EA: 0x7E04,
+    0x93EB: 0x7577,
+    0x93EC: 0x5357,
+    0x93ED: 0x6960,
+    0x93EE: 0x8EDF,
+    0x93EF: 0x96E3,
+    0x93F0: 0x6C5D,
+    0x93F1: 0x4E8C,
+    0x93F2: 0x5C3C,
+    0x93F3: 0x5F10,
+    0x93F4: 0x8FE9,
+    0x93F5: 0x5302,
+    0x93F6: 0x8CD1,
+    0x93F7: 0x8089,
+    0x93F8: 0x8679,
+    0x93F9: 0x5EFF,
+    0x93FA: 0x65E5,
+    0x93FB: 0x4E73,
+    0x93FC: 0x5165,
+    0x9440: 0x5982,
+    0x9441: 0x5C3F,
+    0x9442: 0x97EE,
+    0x9443: 0x4EFB,
+    0x9444: 0x598A,
+    0x9445: 0x5FCD,
+    0x9446: 0x8A8D,
+    0x9447: 0x6FE1,
+    0x9448: 0x79B0,
+    0x9449: 0x7962,
+    0x944A: 0x5BE7,
+    0x944B: 0x8471,
+    0x944C: 0x732B,
+    0x944D: 0x71B1,
+    0x944E: 0x5E74,
+    0x944F: 0x5FF5,
+    0x9450: 0x637B,
+    0x9451: 0x649A,
+    0x9452: 0x71C3,
+    0x9453: 0x7C98,
+    0x9454: 0x4E43,
+    0x9455: 0x5EFC,
+    0x9456: 0x4E4B,
+    0x9457: 0x57DC,
+    0x9458: 0x56A2,
+    0x9459: 0x60A9,
+    0x945A: 0x6FC3,
+    0x945B: 0x7D0D,
+    0x945C: 0x80FD,
+    0x945D: 0x8133,
+    0x945E: 0x81BF,
+    0x945F: 0x8FB2,
+    0x9460: 0x8997,
+    0x9461: 0x86A4,
+    0x9462: 0x5DF4,
+    0x9463: 0x628A,
+    0x9464: 0x64AD,
+    0x9465: 0x8987,
+    0x9466: 0x6777,
+    0x9467: 0x6CE2,
+    0x9468: 0x6D3E,
+    0x9469: 0x7436,
+    0x946A: 0x7834,
+    0x946B: 0x5A46,
+    0x946C: 0x7F75,
+    0x946D: 0x82AD,
+    0x946E: 0x99AC,
+    0x946F: 0x4FF3,
+    0x9470: 0x5EC3,
+    0x9471: 0x62DD,
+    0x9472: 0x6392,
+    0x9473: 0x6557,
+    0x9474: 0x676F,
+    0x9475: 0x76C3,
+    0x9476: 0x724C,
+    0x9477: 0x80CC,
+    0x9478: 0x80BA,
+    0x9479: 0x8F29,
+    0x947A: 0x914D,
+    0x947B: 0x500D,
+    0x947C: 0x57F9,
+    0x947D: 0x5A92,
+    0x947E: 0x6885,
+    0x9480: 0x6973,
+    0x9481: 0x7164,
+    0x9482: 0x72FD,
+    0x9483: 0x8CB7,
+    0x9484: 0x58F2,
+    0x9485: 0x8CE0,
+    0x9486: 0x966A,
+    0x9487: 0x9019,
+    0x9488: 0x877F,
+    0x9489: 0x79E4,
+    0x948A: 0x77E7,
+    0x948B: 0x8429,
+    0x948C: 0x4F2F,
+    0x948D: 0x5265,
+    0x948E: 0x535A,
+    0x948F: 0x62CD,
+    0x9490: 0x67CF,
+    0x9491: 0x6CCA,
+    0x9492: 0x767D,
+    0x9493: 0x7B94,
+    0x9494: 0x7C95,
+    0x9495: 0x8236,
+    0x9496: 0x8584,
+    0x9497: 0x8FEB,
+    0x9498: 0x66DD,
+    0x9499: 0x6F20,
+    0x949A: 0x7206,
+    0x949B: 0x7E1B,
+    0x949C: 0x83AB,
+    0x949D: 0x99C1,
+    0x949E: 0x9EA6,
+    0x949F: 0x51FD,
+    0x94A0: 0x7BB1,
+    0x94A1: 0x7872,
+    0x94A2: 0x7BB8,
+    0x94A3: 0x8087,
+    0x94A4: 0x7B48,
+    0x94A5: 0x6AE8,
+    0x94A6: 0x5E61,
+    0x94A7: 0x808C,
+    0x94A8: 0x7551,
+    0x94A9: 0x7560,
+    0x94AA: 0x516B,
+    0x94AB: 0x9262,
+    0x94AC: 0x6E8C,
+    0x94AD: 0x767A,
+    0x94AE: 0x9197,
+    0x94AF: 0x9AEA,
+    0x94B0: 0x4F10,
+    0x94B1: 0x7F70,
+    0x94B2: 0x629C,
+    0x94B3: 0x7B4F,
+    0x94B4: 0x95A5,
+    0x94B5: 0x9CE9,
+    0x94B6: 0x567A,
+    0x94B7: 0x5859,
+    0x94B8: 0x86E4,
+    0x94B9: 0x96BC,
+    0x94BA: 0x4F34,
+    0x94BB: 0x5224,
+    0x94BC: 0x534A,
+    0x94BD: 0x53CD,
+    0x94BE: 0x53DB,
+    0x94BF: 0x5E06,
+    0x94C0: 0x642C,
+    0x94C1: 0x6591,
+    0x94C2: 0x677F,
+    0x94C3: 0x6C3E,
+    0x94C4: 0x6C4E,
+    0x94C5: 0x7248,
+    0x94C6: 0x72AF,
+    0x94C7: 0x73ED,
+    0x94C8: 0x7554,
+    0x94C9: 0x7E41,
+    0x94CA: 0x822C,
+    0x94CB: 0x85E9,
+    0x94CC: 0x8CA9,
+    0x94CD: 0x7BC4,
+    0x94CE: 0x91C6,
+    0x94CF: 0x7169,
+    0x94D0: 0x9812,
+    0x94D1: 0x98EF,
+    0x94D2: 0x633D,
+    0x94D3: 0x6669,
+    0x94D4: 0x756A,
+    0x94D5: 0x76E4,
+    0x94D6: 0x78D0,
+    0x94D7: 0x8543,
+    0x94D8: 0x86EE,
+    0x94D9: 0x532A,
+    0x94DA: 0x5351,
+    0x94DB: 0x5426,
+    0x94DC: 0x5983,
+    0x94DD: 0x5E87,
+    0x94DE: 0x5F7C,
+    0x94DF: 0x60B2,
+    0x94E0: 0x6249,
+    0x94E1: 0x6279,
+    0x94E2: 0x62AB,
+    0x94E3: 0x6590,
+    0x94E4: 0x6BD4,
+    0x94E5: 0x6CCC,
+    0x94E6: 0x75B2,
+    0x94E7: 0x76AE,
+    0x94E8: 0x7891,
+    0x94E9: 0x79D8,
+    0x94EA: 0x7DCB,
+    0x94EB: 0x7F77,
+    0x94EC: 0x80A5,
+    0x94ED: 0x88AB,
+    0x94EE: 0x8AB9,
+    0x94EF: 0x8CBB,
+    0x94F0: 0x907F,
+    0x94F1: 0x975E,
+    0x94F2: 0x98DB,
+    0x94F3: 0x6A0B,
+    0x94F4: 0x7C38,
+    0x94F5: 0x5099,
+    0x94F6: 0x5C3E,
+    0x94F7: 0x5FAE,
+    0x94F8: 0x6787,
+    0x94F9: 0x6BD8,
+    0x94FA: 0x7435,
+    0x94FB: 0x7709,
+    0x94FC: 0x7F8E,
+    0x9540: 0x9F3B,
+    0x9541: 0x67CA,
+    0x9542: 0x7A17,
+    0x9543: 0x5339,
+    0x9544: 0x758B,
+    0x9545: 0x9AED,
+    0x9546: 0x5F66,
+    0x9547: 0x819D,
+    0x9548: 0x83F1,
+    0x9549: 0x8098,
+    0x954A: 0x5F3C,
+    0x954B: 0x5FC5,
+    0x954C: 0x7562,
+    0x954D: 0x7B46,
+    0x954E: 0x903C,
+    0x954F: 0x6867,
+    0x9550: 0x59EB,
+    0x9551: 0x5A9B,
+    0x9552: 0x7D10,
+    0x9553: 0x767E,
+    0x9554: 0x8B2C,
+    0x9555: 0x4FF5,
+    0x9556: 0x5F6A,
+    0x9557: 0x6A19,
+    0x9558: 0x6C37,
+    0x9559: 0x6F02,
+    0x955A: 0x74E2,
+    0x955B: 0x7968,
+    0x955C: 0x8868,
+    0x955D: 0x8A55,
+    0x955E: 0x8C79,
+    0x955F: 0x5EDF,
+    0x9560: 0x63CF,
+    0x9561: 0x75C5,
+    0x9562: 0x79D2,
+    0x9563: 0x82D7,
+    0x9564: 0x9328,
+    0x9565: 0x92F2,
+    0x9566: 0x849C,
+    0x9567: 0x86ED,
+    0x9568: 0x9C2D,
+    0x9569: 0x54C1,
+    0x956A: 0x5F6C,
+    0x956B: 0x658C,
+    0x956C: 0x6D5C,
+    0x956D: 0x7015,
+    0x956E: 0x8CA7,
+    0x956F: 0x8CD3,
+    0x9570: 0x983B,
+    0x9571: 0x654F,
+    0x9572: 0x74F6,
+    0x9573: 0x4E0D,
+    0x9574: 0x4ED8,
+    0x9575: 0x57E0,
+    0x9576: 0x592B,
+    0x9577: 0x5A66,
+    0x9578: 0x5BCC,
+    0x9579: 0x51A8,
+    0x957A: 0x5E03,
+    0x957B: 0x5E9C,
+    0x957C: 0x6016,
+    0x957D: 0x6276,
+    0x957E: 0x6577,
+    0x9580: 0x65A7,
+    0x9581: 0x666E,
+    0x9582: 0x6D6E,
+    0x9583: 0x7236,
+    0x9584: 0x7B26,
+    0x9585: 0x8150,
+    0x9586: 0x819A,
+    0x9587: 0x8299,
+    0x9588: 0x8B5C,
+    0x9589: 0x8CA0,
+    0x958A: 0x8CE6,
+    0x958B: 0x8D74,
+    0x958C: 0x961C,
+    0x958D: 0x9644,
+    0x958E: 0x4FAE,
+    0x958F: 0x64AB,
+    0x9590: 0x6B66,
+    0x9591: 0x821E,
+    0x9592: 0x8461,
+    0x9593: 0x856A,
+    0x9594: 0x90E8,
+    0x9595: 0x5C01,
+    0x9596: 0x6953,
+    0x9597: 0x98A8,
+    0x9598: 0x847A,
+    0x9599: 0x8557,
+    0x959A: 0x4F0F,
+    0x959B: 0x526F,
+    0x959C: 0x5FA9,
+    0x959D: 0x5E45,
+    0x959E: 0x670D,
+    0x959F: 0x798F,
+    0x95A0: 0x8179,
+    0x95A1: 0x8907,
+    0x95A2: 0x8986,
+    0x95A3: 0x6DF5,
+    0x95A4: 0x5F17,
+    0x95A5: 0x6255,
+    0x95A6: 0x6CB8,
+    0x95A7: 0x4ECF,
+    0x95A8: 0x7269,
+    0x95A9: 0x9B92,
+    0x95AA: 0x5206,
+    0x95AB: 0x543B,
+    0x95AC: 0x5674,
+    0x95AD: 0x58B3,
+    0x95AE: 0x61A4,
+    0x95AF: 0x626E,
+    0x95B0: 0x711A,
+    0x95B1: 0x596E,
+    0x95B2: 0x7C89,
+    0x95B3: 0x7CDE,
+    0x95B4: 0x7D1B,
+    0x95B5: 0x96F0,
+    0x95B6: 0x6587,
+    0x95B7: 0x805E,
+    0x95B8: 0x4E19,
+    0x95B9: 0x4F75,
+    0x95BA: 0x5175,
+    0x95BB: 0x5840,
+    0x95BC: 0x5E63,
+    0x95BD: 0x5E73,
+    0x95BE: 0x5F0A,
+    0x95BF: 0x67C4,
+    0x95C0: 0x4E26,
+    0x95C1: 0x853D,
+    0x95C2: 0x9589,
+    0x95C3: 0x965B,
+    0x95C4: 0x7C73,
+    0x95C5: 0x9801,
+    0x95C6: 0x50FB,
+    0x95C7: 0x58C1,
+    0x95C8: 0x7656,
+    0x95C9: 0x78A7,
+    0x95CA: 0x5225,
+    0x95CB: 0x77A5,
+    0x95CC: 0x8511,
+    0x95CD: 0x7B86,
+    0x95CE: 0x504F,
+    0x95CF: 0x5909,
+    0x95D0: 0x7247,
+    0x95D1: 0x7BC7,
+    0x95D2: 0x7DE8,
+    0x95D3: 0x8FBA,
+    0x95D4: 0x8FD4,
+    0x95D5: 0x904D,
+    0x95D6: 0x4FBF,
+    0x95D7: 0x52C9,
+    0x95D8: 0x5A29,
+    0x95D9: 0x5F01,
+    0x95DA: 0x97AD,
+    0x95DB: 0x4FDD,
+    0x95DC: 0x8217,
+    0x95DD: 0x92EA,
+    0x95DE: 0x5703,
+    0x95DF: 0x6355,
+    0x95E0: 0x6B69,
+    0x95E1: 0x752B,
+    0x95E2: 0x88DC,
+    0x95E3: 0x8F14,
+    0x95E4: 0x7A42,
+    0x95E5: 0x52DF,
+    0x95E6: 0x5893,
+    0x95E7: 0x6155,
+    0x95E8: 0x620A,
+    0x95E9: 0x66AE,
+    0x95EA: 0x6BCD,
+    0x95EB: 0x7C3F,
+    0x95EC: 0x83E9,
+    0x95ED: 0x5023,
+    0x95EE: 0x4FF8,
+    0x95EF: 0x5305,
+    0x95F0: 0x5446,
+    0x95F1: 0x5831,
+    0x95F2: 0x5949,
+    0x95F3: 0x5B9D,
+    0x95F4: 0x5CF0,
+    0x95F5: 0x5CEF,
+    0x95F6: 0x5D29,
+    0x95F7: 0x5E96,
+    0x95F8: 0x62B1,
+    0x95F9: 0x6367,
+    0x95FA: 0x653E,
+    0x95FB: 0x65B9,
+    0x95FC: 0x670B,
+    0x9640: 0x6CD5,
+    0x9641: 0x6CE1,
+    0x9642: 0x70F9,
+    0x9643: 0x7832,
+    0x9644: 0x7E2B,
+    0x9645: 0x80DE,
+    0x9646: 0x82B3,
+    0x9647: 0x840C,
+    0x9648: 0x84EC,
+    0x9649: 0x8702,
+    0x964A: 0x8912,
+    0x964B: 0x8A2A,
+    0x964C: 0x8C4A,
+    0x964D: 0x90A6,
+    0x964E: 0x92D2,
+    0x964F: 0x98FD,
+    0x9650: 0x9CF3,
+    0x9651: 0x9D6C,
+    0x9652: 0x4E4F,
+    0x9653: 0x4EA1,
+    0x9654: 0x508D,
+    0x9655: 0x5256,
+    0x9656: 0x574A,
+    0x9657: 0x59A8,
+    0x9658: 0x5E3D,
+    0x9659: 0x5FD8,
+    0x965A: 0x5FD9,
+    0x965B: 0x623F,
+    0x965C: 0x66B4,
+    0x965D: 0x671B,
+    0x965E: 0x67D0,
+    0x965F: 0x68D2,
+    0x9660: 0x5192,
+    0x9661: 0x7D21,
+    0x9662: 0x80AA,
+    0x9663: 0x81A8,
+    0x9664: 0x8B00,
+    0x9665: 0x8C8C,
+    0x9666: 0x8CBF,
+    0x9667: 0x927E,
+    0x9668: 0x9632,
+    0x9669: 0x5420,
+    0x966A: 0x982C,
+    0x966B: 0x5317,
+    0x966C: 0x50D5,
+    0x966D: 0x535C,
+    0x966E: 0x58A8,
+    0x966F: 0x64B2,
+    0x9670: 0x6734,
+    0x9671: 0x7267,
+    0x9672: 0x7766,
+    0x9673: 0x7A46,
+    0x9674: 0x91E6,
+    0x9675: 0x52C3,
+    0x9676: 0x6CA1,
+    0x9677: 0x6B86,
+    0x9678: 0x5800,
+    0x9679: 0x5E4C,
+    0x967A: 0x5954,
+    0x967B: 0x672C,
+    0x967C: 0x7FFB,
+    0x967D: 0x51E1,
+    0x967E: 0x76C6,
+    0x9680: 0x6469,
+    0x9681: 0x78E8,
+    0x9682: 0x9B54,
+    0x9683: 0x9EBB,
+    0x9684: 0x57CB,
+    0x9685: 0x59B9,
+    0x9686: 0x6627,
+    0x9687: 0x679A,
+    0x9688: 0x6BCE,
+    0x9689: 0x54E9,
+    0x968A: 0x69D9,
+    0x968B: 0x5E55,
+    0x968C: 0x819C,
+    0x968D: 0x6795,
+    0x968E: 0x9BAA,
+    0x968F: 0x67FE,
+    0x9690: 0x9C52,
+    0x9691: 0x685D,
+    0x9692: 0x4EA6,
+    0x9693: 0x4FE3,
+    0x9694: 0x53C8,
+    0x9695: 0x62B9,
+    0x9696: 0x672B,
+    0x9697: 0x6CAB,
+    0x9698: 0x8FC4,
+    0x9699: 0x4FAD,
+    0x969A: 0x7E6D,
+    0x969B: 0x9EBF,
+    0x969C: 0x4E07,
+    0x969D: 0x6162,
+    0x969E: 0x6E80,
+    0x969F: 0x6F2B,
+    0x96A0: 0x8513,
+    0x96A1: 0x5473,
+    0x96A2: 0x672A,
+    0x96A3: 0x9B45,
+    0x96A4: 0x5DF3,
+    0x96A5: 0x7B95,
+    0x96A6: 0x5CAC,
+    0x96A7: 0x5BC6,
+    0x96A8: 0x871C,
+    0x96A9: 0x6E4A,
+    0x96AA: 0x84D1,
+    0x96AB: 0x7A14,
+    0x96AC: 0x8108,
+    0x96AD: 0x5999,
+    0x96AE: 0x7C8D,
+    0x96AF: 0x6C11,
+    0x96B0: 0x7720,
+    0x96B1: 0x52D9,
+    0x96B2: 0x5922,
+    0x96B3: 0x7121,
+    0x96B4: 0x725F,
+    0x96B5: 0x77DB,
+    0x96B6: 0x9727,
+    0x96B7: 0x9D61,
+    0x96B8: 0x690B,
+    0x96B9: 0x5A7F,
+    0x96BA: 0x5A18,
+    0x96BB: 0x51A5,
+    0x96BC: 0x540D,
+    0x96BD: 0x547D,
+    0x96BE: 0x660E,
+    0x96BF: 0x76DF,
+    0x96C0: 0x8FF7,
+    0x96C1: 0x9298,
+    0x96C2: 0x9CF4,
+    0x96C3: 0x59EA,
+    0x96C4: 0x725D,
+    0x96C5: 0x6EC5,
+    0x96C6: 0x514D,
+    0x96C7: 0x68C9,
+    0x96C8: 0x7DBF,
+    0x96C9: 0x7DEC,
+    0x96CA: 0x9762,
+    0x96CB: 0x9EBA,
+    0x96CC: 0x6478,
+    0x96CD: 0x6A21,
+    0x96CE: 0x8302,
+    0x96CF: 0x5984,
+    0x96D0: 0x5B5F,
+    0x96D1: 0x6BDB,
+    0x96D2: 0x731B,
+    0x96D3: 0x76F2,
+    0x96D4: 0x7DB2,
+    0x96D5: 0x8017,
+    0x96D6: 0x8499,
+    0x96D7: 0x5132,
+    0x96D8: 0x6728,
+    0x96D9: 0x9ED9,
+    0x96DA: 0x76EE,
+    0x96DB: 0x6762,
+    0x96DC: 0x52FF,
+    0x96DD: 0x9905,
+    0x96DE: 0x5C24,
+    0x96DF: 0x623B,
+    0x96E0: 0x7C7E,
+    0x96E1: 0x8CB0,
+    0x96E2: 0x554F,
+    0x96E3: 0x60B6,
+    0x96E4: 0x7D0B,
+    0x96E5: 0x9580,
+    0x96E6: 0x5301,
+    0x96E7: 0x4E5F,
+    0x96E8: 0x51B6,
+    0x96E9: 0x591C,
+    0x96EA: 0x723A,
+    0x96EB: 0x8036,
+    0x96EC: 0x91CE,
+    0x96ED: 0x5F25,
+    0x96EE: 0x77E2,
+    0x96EF: 0x5384,
+    0x96F0: 0x5F79,
+    0x96F1: 0x7D04,
+    0x96F2: 0x85AC,
+    0x96F3: 0x8A33,
+    0x96F4: 0x8E8D,
+    0x96F5: 0x9756,
+    0x96F6: 0x67F3,
+    0x96F7: 0x85AE,
+    0x96F8: 0x9453,
+    0x96F9: 0x6109,
+    0x96FA: 0x6108,
+    0x96FB: 0x6CB9,
+    0x96FC: 0x7652,
+    0x9740: 0x8AED,
+    0x9741: 0x8F38,
+    0x9742: 0x552F,
+    0x9743: 0x4F51,
+    0x9744: 0x512A,
+    0x9745: 0x52C7,
+    0x9746: 0x53CB,
+    0x9747: 0x5BA5,
+    0x9748: 0x5E7D,
+    0x9749: 0x60A0,
+    0x974A: 0x6182,
+    0x974B: 0x63D6,
+    0x974C: 0x6709,
+    0x974D: 0x67DA,
+    0x974E: 0x6E67,
+    0x974F: 0x6D8C,
+    0x9750: 0x7336,
+    0x9751: 0x7337,
+    0x9752: 0x7531,
+    0x9753: 0x7950,
+    0x9754: 0x88D5,
+    0x9755: 0x8A98,
+    0x9756: 0x904A,
+    0x9757: 0x9091,
+    0x9758: 0x90F5,
+    0x9759: 0x96C4,
+    0x975A: 0x878D,
+    0x975B: 0x5915,
+    0x975C: 0x4E88,
+    0x975D: 0x4F59,
+    0x975E: 0x4E0E,
+    0x975F: 0x8A89,
+    0x9760: 0x8F3F,
+    0x9761: 0x9810,
+    0x9762: 0x50AD,
+    0x9763: 0x5E7C,
+    0x9764: 0x5996,
+    0x9765: 0x5BB9,
+    0x9766: 0x5EB8,
+    0x9767: 0x63DA,
+    0x9768: 0x63FA,
+    0x9769: 0x64C1,
+    0x976A: 0x66DC,
+    0x976B: 0x694A,
+    0x976C: 0x69D8,
+    0x976D: 0x6D0B,
+    0x976E: 0x6EB6,
+    0x976F: 0x7194,
+    0x9770: 0x7528,
+    0x9771: 0x7AAF,
+    0x9772: 0x7F8A,
+    0x9773: 0x8000,
+    0x9774: 0x8449,
+    0x9775: 0x84C9,
+    0x9776: 0x8981,
+    0x9777: 0x8B21,
+    0x9778: 0x8E0A,
+    0x9779: 0x9065,
+    0x977A: 0x967D,
+    0x977B: 0x990A,
+    0x977C: 0x617E,
+    0x977D: 0x6291,
+    0x977E: 0x6B32,
+    0x9780: 0x6C83,
+    0x9781: 0x6D74,
+    0x9782: 0x7FCC,
+    0x9783: 0x7FFC,
+    0x9784: 0x6DC0,
+    0x9785: 0x7F85,
+    0x9786: 0x87BA,
+    0x9787: 0x88F8,
+    0x9788: 0x6765,
+    0x9789: 0x83B1,
+    0x978A: 0x983C,
+    0x978B: 0x96F7,
+    0x978C: 0x6D1B,
+    0x978D: 0x7D61,
+    0x978E: 0x843D,
+    0x978F: 0x916A,
+    0x9790: 0x4E71,
+    0x9791: 0x5375,
+    0x9792: 0x5D50,
+    0x9793: 0x6B04,
+    0x9794: 0x6FEB,
+    0x9795: 0x85CD,
+    0x9796: 0x862D,
+    0x9797: 0x89A7,
+    0x9798: 0x5229,
+    0x9799: 0x540F,
+    0x979A: 0x5C65,
+    0x979B: 0x674E,
+    0x979C: 0x68A8,
+    0x979D: 0x7406,
+    0x979E: 0x7483,
+    0x979F: 0x75E2,
+    0x97A0: 0x88CF,
+    0x97A1: 0x88E1,
+    0x97A2: 0x91CC,
+    0x97A3: 0x96E2,
+    0x97A4: 0x9678,
+    0x97A5: 0x5F8B,
+    0x97A6: 0x7387,
+    0x97A7: 0x7ACB,
+    0x97A8: 0x844E,
+    0x97A9: 0x63A0,
+    0x97AA: 0x7565,
+    0x97AB: 0x5289,
+    0x97AC: 0x6D41,
+    0x97AD: 0x6E9C,
+    0x97AE: 0x7409,
+    0x97AF: 0x7559,
+    0x97B0: 0x786B,
+    0x97B1: 0x7C92,
+    0x97B2: 0x9686,
+    0x97B3: 0x7ADC,
+    0x97B4: 0x9F8D,
+    0x97B5: 0x4FB6,
+    0x97B6: 0x616E,
+    0x97B7: 0x65C5,
+    0x97B8: 0x865C,
+    0x97B9: 0x4E86,
+    0x97BA: 0x4EAE,
+    0x97BB: 0x50DA,
+    0x97BC: 0x4E21,
+    0x97BD: 0x51CC,
+    0x97BE: 0x5BEE,
+    0x97BF: 0x6599,
+    0x97C0: 0x6881,
+    0x97C1: 0x6DBC,
+    0x97C2: 0x731F,
+    0x97C3: 0x7642,
+    0x97C4: 0x77AD,
+    0x97C5: 0x7A1C,
+    0x97C6: 0x7CE7,
+    0x97C7: 0x826F,
+    0x97C8: 0x8AD2,
+    0x97C9: 0x907C,
+    0x97CA: 0x91CF,
+    0x97CB: 0x9675,
+    0x97CC: 0x9818,
+    0x97CD: 0x529B,
+    0x97CE: 0x7DD1,
+    0x97CF: 0x502B,
+    0x97D0: 0x5398,
+    0x97D1: 0x6797,
+    0x97D2: 0x6DCB,
+    0x97D3: 0x71D0,
+    0x97D4: 0x7433,
+    0x97D5: 0x81E8,
+    0x97D6: 0x8F2A,
+    0x97D7: 0x96A3,
+    0x97D8: 0x9C57,
+    0x97D9: 0x9E9F,
+    0x97DA: 0x7460,
+    0x97DB: 0x5841,
+    0x97DC: 0x6D99,
+    0x97DD: 0x7D2F,
+    0x97DE: 0x985E,
+    0x97DF: 0x4EE4,
+    0x97E0: 0x4F36,
+    0x97E1: 0x4F8B,
+    0x97E2: 0x51B7,
+    0x97E3: 0x52B1,
+    0x97E4: 0x5DBA,
+    0x97E5: 0x601C,
+    0x97E6: 0x73B2,
+    0x97E7: 0x793C,
+    0x97E8: 0x82D3,
+    0x97E9: 0x9234,
+    0x97EA: 0x96B7,
+    0x97EB: 0x96F6,
+    0x97EC: 0x970A,
+    0x97ED: 0x9E97,
+    0x97EE: 0x9F62,
+    0x97EF: 0x66A6,
+    0x97F0: 0x6B74,
+    0x97F1: 0x5217,
+    0x97F2: 0x52A3,
+    0x97F3: 0x70C8,
+    0x97F4: 0x88C2,
+    0x97F5: 0x5EC9,
+    0x97F6: 0x604B,
+    0x97F7: 0x6190,
+    0x97F8: 0x6F23,
+    0x97F9: 0x7149,
+    0x97FA: 0x7C3E,
+    0x97FB: 0x7DF4,
+    0x97FC: 0x806F,
+    0x9840: 0x84EE,
+    0x9841: 0x9023,
+    0x9842: 0x932C,
+    0x9843: 0x5442,
+    0x9844: 0x9B6F,
+    0x9845: 0x6AD3,
+    0x9846: 0x7089,
+    0x9847: 0x8CC2,
+    0x9848: 0x8DEF,
+    0x9849: 0x9732,
+    0x984A: 0x52B4,
+    0x984B: 0x5A41,
+    0x984C: 0x5ECA,
+    0x984D: 0x5F04,
+    0x984E: 0x6717,
+    0x984F: 0x697C,
+    0x9850: 0x6994,
+    0x9851: 0x6D6A,
+    0x9852: 0x6F0F,
+    0x9853: 0x7262,
+    0x9854: 0x72FC,
+    0x9855: 0x7BED,
+    0x9856: 0x8001,
+    0x9857: 0x807E,
+    0x9858: 0x874B,
+    0x9859: 0x90CE,
+    0x985A: 0x516D,
+    0x985B: 0x9E93,
+    0x985C: 0x7984,
+    0x985D: 0x808B,
+    0x985E: 0x9332,
+    0x985F: 0x8AD6,
+    0x9860: 0x502D,
+    0x9861: 0x548C,
+    0x9862: 0x8A71,
+    0x9863: 0x6B6A,
+    0x9864: 0x8CC4,
+    0x9865: 0x8107,
+    0x9866: 0x60D1,
+    0x9867: 0x67A0,
+    0x9868: 0x9DF2,
+    0x9869: 0x4E99,
+    0x986A: 0x4E98,
+    0x986B: 0x9C10,
+    0x986C: 0x8A6B,
+    0x986D: 0x85C1,
+    0x986E: 0x8568,
+    0x986F: 0x6900,
+    0x9870: 0x6E7E,
+    0x9871: 0x7897,
+    0x9872: 0x8155,
+    0x989F: 0x5F0C,
+    0x98A0: 0x4E10,
+    0x98A1: 0x4E15,
+    0x98A2: 0x4E2A,
+    0x98A3: 0x4E31,
+    0x98A4: 0x4E36,
+    0x98A5: 0x4E3C,
+    0x98A6: 0x4E3F,
+    0x98A7: 0x4E42,
+    0x98A8: 0x4E56,
+    0x98A9: 0x4E58,
+    0x98AA: 0x4E82,
+    0x98AB: 0x4E85,
+    0x98AC: 0x8C6B,
+    0x98AD: 0x4E8A,
+    0x98AE: 0x8212,
+    0x98AF: 0x5F0D,
+    0x98B0: 0x4E8E,
+    0x98B1: 0x4E9E,
+    0x98B2: 0x4E9F,
+    0x98B3: 0x4EA0,
+    0x98B4: 0x4EA2,
+    0x98B5: 0x4EB0,
+    0x98B6: 0x4EB3,
+    0x98B7: 0x4EB6,
+    0x98B8: 0x4ECE,
+    0x98B9: 0x4ECD,
+    0x98BA: 0x4EC4,
+    0x98BB: 0x4EC6,
+    0x98BC: 0x4EC2,
+    0x98BD: 0x4ED7,
+    0x98BE: 0x4EDE,
+    0x98BF: 0x4EED,
+    0x98C0: 0x4EDF,
+    0x98C1: 0x4EF7,
+    0x98C2: 0x4F09,
+    0x98C3: 0x4F5A,
+    0x98C4: 0x4F30,
+    0x98C5: 0x4F5B,
+    0x98C6: 0x4F5D,
+    0x98C7: 0x4F57,
+    0x98C8: 0x4F47,
+    0x98C9: 0x4F76,
+    0x98CA: 0x4F88,
+    0x98CB: 0x4F8F,
+    0x98CC: 0x4F98,
+    0x98CD: 0x4F7B,
+    0x98CE: 0x4F69,
+    0x98CF: 0x4F70,
+    0x98D0: 0x4F91,
+    0x98D1: 0x4F6F,
+    0x98D2: 0x4F86,
+    0x98D3: 0x4F96,
+    0x98D4: 0x5118,
+    0x98D5: 0x4FD4,
+    0x98D6: 0x4FDF,
+    0x98D7: 0x4FCE,
+    0x98D8: 0x4FD8,
+    0x98D9: 0x4FDB,
+    0x98DA: 0x4FD1,
+    0x98DB: 0x4FDA,
+    0x98DC: 0x4FD0,
+    0x98DD: 0x4FE4,
+    0x98DE: 0x4FE5,
+    0x98DF: 0x501A,
+    0x98E0: 0x5028,
+    0x98E1: 0x5014,
+    0x98E2: 0x502A,
+    0x98E3: 0x5025,
+    0x98E4: 0x5005,
+    0x98E5: 0x4F1C,
+    0x98E6: 0x4FF6,
+    0x98E7: 0x5021,
+    0x98E8: 0x5029,
+    0x98E9: 0x502C,
+    0x98EA: 0x4FFE,
+    0x98EB: 0x4FEF,
+    0x98EC: 0x5011,
+    0x98ED: 0x5006,
+    0x98EE: 0x5043,
+    0x98EF: 0x5047,
+    0x98F0: 0x6703,
+    0x98F1: 0x5055,
+    0x98F2: 0x5050,
+    0x98F3: 0x5048,
+    0x98F4: 0x505A,
+    0x98F5: 0x5056,
+    0x98F6: 0x506C,
+    0x98F7: 0x5078,
+    0x98F8: 0x5080,
+    0x98F9: 0x509A,
+    0x98FA: 0x5085,
+    0x98FB: 0x50B4,
+    0x98FC: 0x50B2,
+    0x9940: 0x50C9,
+    0x9941: 0x50CA,
+    0x9942: 0x50B3,
+    0x9943: 0x50C2,
+    0x9944: 0x50D6,
+    0x9945: 0x50DE,
+    0x9946: 0x50E5,
+    0x9947: 0x50ED,
+    0x9948: 0x50E3,
+    0x9949: 0x50EE,
+    0x994A: 0x50F9,
+    0x994B: 0x50F5,
+    0x994C: 0x5109,
+    0x994D: 0x5101,
+    0x994E: 0x5102,
+    0x994F: 0x5116,
+    0x9950: 0x5115,
+    0x9951: 0x5114,
+    0x9952: 0x511A,
+    0x9953: 0x5121,
+    0x9954: 0x513A,
+    0x9955: 0x5137,
+    0x9956: 0x513C,
+    0x9957: 0x513B,
+    0x9958: 0x513F,
+    0x9959: 0x5140,
+    0x995A: 0x5152,
+    0x995B: 0x514C,
+    0x995C: 0x5154,
+    0x995D: 0x5162,
+    0x995E: 0x7AF8,
+    0x995F: 0x5169,
+    0x9960: 0x516A,
+    0x9961: 0x516E,
+    0x9962: 0x5180,
+    0x9963: 0x5182,
+    0x9964: 0x56D8,
+    0x9965: 0x518C,
+    0x9966: 0x5189,
+    0x9967: 0x518F,
+    0x9968: 0x5191,
+    0x9969: 0x5193,
+    0x996A: 0x5195,
+    0x996B: 0x5196,
+    0x996C: 0x51A4,
+    0x996D: 0x51A6,
+    0x996E: 0x51A2,
+    0x996F: 0x51A9,
+    0x9970: 0x51AA,
+    0x9971: 0x51AB,
+    0x9972: 0x51B3,
+    0x9973: 0x51B1,
+    0x9974: 0x51B2,
+    0x9975: 0x51B0,
+    0x9976: 0x51B5,
+    0x9977: 0x51BD,
+    0x9978: 0x51C5,
+    0x9979: 0x51C9,
+    0x997A: 0x51DB,
+    0x997B: 0x51E0,
+    0x997C: 0x8655,
+    0x997D: 0x51E9,
+    0x997E: 0x51ED,
+    0x9980: 0x51F0,
+    0x9981: 0x51F5,
+    0x9982: 0x51FE,
+    0x9983: 0x5204,
+    0x9984: 0x520B,
+    0x9985: 0x5214,
+    0x9986: 0x520E,
+    0x9987: 0x5227,
+    0x9988: 0x522A,
+    0x9989: 0x522E,
+    0x998A: 0x5233,
+    0x998B: 0x5239,
+    0x998C: 0x524F,
+    0x998D: 0x5244,
+    0x998E: 0x524B,
+    0x998F: 0x524C,
+    0x9990: 0x525E,
+    0x9991: 0x5254,
+    0x9992: 0x526A,
+    0x9993: 0x5274,
+    0x9994: 0x5269,
+    0x9995: 0x5273,
+    0x9996: 0x527F,
+    0x9997: 0x527D,
+    0x9998: 0x528D,
+    0x9999: 0x5294,
+    0x999A: 0x5292,
+    0x999B: 0x5271,
+    0x999C: 0x5288,
+    0x999D: 0x5291,
+    0x999E: 0x8FA8,
+    0x999F: 0x8FA7,
+    0x99A0: 0x52AC,
+    0x99A1: 0x52AD,
+    0x99A2: 0x52BC,
+    0x99A3: 0x52B5,
+    0x99A4: 0x52C1,
+    0x99A5: 0x52CD,
+    0x99A6: 0x52D7,
+    0x99A7: 0x52DE,
+    0x99A8: 0x52E3,
+    0x99A9: 0x52E6,
+    0x99AA: 0x98ED,
+    0x99AB: 0x52E0,
+    0x99AC: 0x52F3,
+    0x99AD: 0x52F5,
+    0x99AE: 0x52F8,
+    0x99AF: 0x52F9,
+    0x99B0: 0x5306,
+    0x99B1: 0x5308,
+    0x99B2: 0x7538,
+    0x99B3: 0x530D,
+    0x99B4: 0x5310,
+    0x99B5: 0x530F,
+    0x99B6: 0x5315,
+    0x99B7: 0x531A,
+    0x99B8: 0x5323,
+    0x99B9: 0x532F,
+    0x99BA: 0x5331,
+    0x99BB: 0x5333,
+    0x99BC: 0x5338,
+    0x99BD: 0x5340,
+    0x99BE: 0x5346,
+    0x99BF: 0x5345,
+    0x99C0: 0x4E17,
+    0x99C1: 0x5349,
+    0x99C2: 0x534D,
+    0x99C3: 0x51D6,
+    0x99C4: 0x535E,
+    0x99C5: 0x5369,
+    0x99C6: 0x536E,
+    0x99C7: 0x5918,
+    0x99C8: 0x537B,
+    0x99C9: 0x5377,
+    0x99CA: 0x5382,
+    0x99CB: 0x5396,
+    0x99CC: 0x53A0,
+    0x99CD: 0x53A6,
+    0x99CE: 0x53A5,
+    0x99CF: 0x53AE,
+    0x99D0: 0x53B0,
+    0x99D1: 0x53B6,
+    0x99D2: 0x53C3,
+    0x99D3: 0x7C12,
+    0x99D4: 0x96D9,
+    0x99D5: 0x53DF,
+    0x99D6: 0x66FC,
+    0x99D7: 0x71EE,
+    0x99D8: 0x53EE,
+    0x99D9: 0x53E8,
+    0x99DA: 0x53ED,
+    0x99DB: 0x53FA,
+    0x99DC: 0x5401,
+    0x99DD: 0x543D,
+    0x99DE: 0x5440,
+    0x99DF: 0x542C,
+    0x99E0: 0x542D,
+    0x99E1: 0x543C,
+    0x99E2: 0x542E,
+    0x99E3: 0x5436,
+    0x99E4: 0x5429,
+    0x99E5: 0x541D,
+    0x99E6: 0x544E,
+    0x99E7: 0x548F,
+    0x99E8: 0x5475,
+    0x99E9: 0x548E,
+    0x99EA: 0x545F,
+    0x99EB: 0x5471,
+    0x99EC: 0x5477,
+    0x99ED: 0x5470,
+    0x99EE: 0x5492,
+    0x99EF: 0x547B,
+    0x99F0: 0x5480,
+    0x99F1: 0x5476,
+    0x99F2: 0x5484,
+    0x99F3: 0x5490,
+    0x99F4: 0x5486,
+    0x99F5: 0x54C7,
+    0x99F6: 0x54A2,
+    0x99F7: 0x54B8,
+    0x99F8: 0x54A5,
+    0x99F9: 0x54AC,
+    0x99FA: 0x54C4,
+    0x99FB: 0x54C8,
+    0x99FC: 0x54A8,
+    0x9A40: 0x54AB,
+    0x9A41: 0x54C2,
+    0x9A42: 0x54A4,
+    0x9A43: 0x54BE,
+    0x9A44: 0x54BC,
+    0x9A45: 0x54D8,
+    0x9A46: 0x54E5,
+    0x9A47: 0x54E6,
+    0x9A48: 0x550F,
+    0x9A49: 0x5514,
+    0x9A4A: 0x54FD,
+    0x9A4B: 0x54EE,
+    0x9A4C: 0x54ED,
+    0x9A4D: 0x54FA,
+    0x9A4E: 0x54E2,
+    0x9A4F: 0x5539,
+    0x9A50: 0x5540,
+    0x9A51: 0x5563,
+    0x9A52: 0x554C,
+    0x9A53: 0x552E,
+    0x9A54: 0x555C,
+    0x9A55: 0x5545,
+    0x9A56: 0x5556,
+    0x9A57: 0x5557,
+    0x9A58: 0x5538,
+    0x9A59: 0x5533,
+    0x9A5A: 0x555D,
+    0x9A5B: 0x5599,
+    0x9A5C: 0x5580,
+    0x9A5D: 0x54AF,
+    0x9A5E: 0x558A,
+    0x9A5F: 0x559F,
+    0x9A60: 0x557B,
+    0x9A61: 0x557E,
+    0x9A62: 0x5598,
+    0x9A63: 0x559E,
+    0x9A64: 0x55AE,
+    0x9A65: 0x557C,
+    0x9A66: 0x5583,
+    0x9A67: 0x55A9,
+    0x9A68: 0x5587,
+    0x9A69: 0x55A8,
+    0x9A6A: 0x55DA,
+    0x9A6B: 0x55C5,
+    0x9A6C: 0x55DF,
+    0x9A6D: 0x55C4,
+    0x9A6E: 0x55DC,
+    0x9A6F: 0x55E4,
+    0x9A70: 0x55D4,
+    0x9A71: 0x5614,
+    0x9A72: 0x55F7,
+    0x9A73: 0x5616,
+    0x9A74: 0x55FE,
+    0x9A75: 0x55FD,
+    0x9A76: 0x561B,
+    0x9A77: 0x55F9,
+    0x9A78: 0x564E,
+    0x9A79: 0x5650,
+    0x9A7A: 0x71DF,
+    0x9A7B: 0x5634,
+    0x9A7C: 0x5636,
+    0x9A7D: 0x5632,
+    0x9A7E: 0x5638,
+    0x9A80: 0x566B,
+    0x9A81: 0x5664,
+    0x9A82: 0x562F,
+    0x9A83: 0x566C,
+    0x9A84: 0x566A,
+    0x9A85: 0x5686,
+    0x9A86: 0x5680,
+    0x9A87: 0x568A,
+    0x9A88: 0x56A0,
+    0x9A89: 0x5694,
+    0x9A8A: 0x568F,
+    0x9A8B: 0x56A5,
+    0x9A8C: 0x56AE,
+    0x9A8D: 0x56B6,
+    0x9A8E: 0x56B4,
+    0x9A8F: 0x56C2,
+    0x9A90: 0x56BC,
+    0x9A91: 0x56C1,
+    0x9A92: 0x56C3,
+    0x9A93: 0x56C0,
+    0x9A94: 0x56C8,
+    0x9A95: 0x56CE,
+    0x9A96: 0x56D1,
+    0x9A97: 0x56D3,
+    0x9A98: 0x56D7,
+    0x9A99: 0x56EE,
+    0x9A9A: 0x56F9,
+    0x9A9B: 0x5700,
+    0x9A9C: 0x56FF,
+    0x9A9D: 0x5704,
+    0x9A9E: 0x5709,
+    0x9A9F: 0x5708,
+    0x9AA0: 0x570B,
+    0x9AA1: 0x570D,
+    0x9AA2: 0x5713,
+    0x9AA3: 0x5718,
+    0x9AA4: 0x5716,
+    0x9AA5: 0x55C7,
+    0x9AA6: 0x571C,
+    0x9AA7: 0x5726,
+    0x9AA8: 0x5737,
+    0x9AA9: 0x5738,
+    0x9AAA: 0x574E,
+    0x9AAB: 0x573B,
+    0x9AAC: 0x5740,
+    0x9AAD: 0x574F,
+    0x9AAE: 0x5769,
+    0x9AAF: 0x57C0,
+    0x9AB0: 0x5788,
+    0x9AB1: 0x5761,
+    0x9AB2: 0x577F,
+    0x9AB3: 0x5789,
+    0x9AB4: 0x5793,
+    0x9AB5: 0x57A0,
+    0x9AB6: 0x57B3,
+    0x9AB7: 0x57A4,
+    0x9AB8: 0x57AA,
+    0x9AB9: 0x57B0,
+    0x9ABA: 0x57C3,
+    0x9ABB: 0x57C6,
+    0x9ABC: 0x57D4,
+    0x9ABD: 0x57D2,
+    0x9ABE: 0x57D3,
+    0x9ABF: 0x580A,
+    0x9AC0: 0x57D6,
+    0x9AC1: 0x57E3,
+    0x9AC2: 0x580B,
+    0x9AC3: 0x5819,
+    0x9AC4: 0x581D,
+    0x9AC5: 0x5872,
+    0x9AC6: 0x5821,
+    0x9AC7: 0x5862,
+    0x9AC8: 0x584B,
+    0x9AC9: 0x5870,
+    0x9ACA: 0x6BC0,
+    0x9ACB: 0x5852,
+    0x9ACC: 0x583D,
+    0x9ACD: 0x5879,
+    0x9ACE: 0x5885,
+    0x9ACF: 0x58B9,
+    0x9AD0: 0x589F,
+    0x9AD1: 0x58AB,
+    0x9AD2: 0x58BA,
+    0x9AD3: 0x58DE,
+    0x9AD4: 0x58BB,
+    0x9AD5: 0x58B8,
+    0x9AD6: 0x58AE,
+    0x9AD7: 0x58C5,
+    0x9AD8: 0x58D3,
+    0x9AD9: 0x58D1,
+    0x9ADA: 0x58D7,
+    0x9ADB: 0x58D9,
+    0x9ADC: 0x58D8,
+    0x9ADD: 0x58E5,
+    0x9ADE: 0x58DC,
+    0x9ADF: 0x58E4,
+    0x9AE0: 0x58DF,
+    0x9AE1: 0x58EF,
+    0x9AE2: 0x58FA,
+    0x9AE3: 0x58F9,
+    0x9AE4: 0x58FB,
+    0x9AE5: 0x58FC,
+    0x9AE6: 0x58FD,
+    0x9AE7: 0x5902,
+    0x9AE8: 0x590A,
+    0x9AE9: 0x5910,
+    0x9AEA: 0x591B,
+    0x9AEB: 0x68A6,
+    0x9AEC: 0x5925,
+    0x9AED: 0x592C,
+    0x9AEE: 0x592D,
+    0x9AEF: 0x5932,
+    0x9AF0: 0x5938,
+    0x9AF1: 0x593E,
+    0x9AF2: 0x7AD2,
+    0x9AF3: 0x5955,
+    0x9AF4: 0x5950,
+    0x9AF5: 0x594E,
+    0x9AF6: 0x595A,
+    0x9AF7: 0x5958,
+    0x9AF8: 0x5962,
+    0x9AF9: 0x5960,
+    0x9AFA: 0x5967,
+    0x9AFB: 0x596C,
+    0x9AFC: 0x5969,
+    0x9B40: 0x5978,
+    0x9B41: 0x5981,
+    0x9B42: 0x599D,
+    0x9B43: 0x4F5E,
+    0x9B44: 0x4FAB,
+    0x9B45: 0x59A3,
+    0x9B46: 0x59B2,
+    0x9B47: 0x59C6,
+    0x9B48: 0x59E8,
+    0x9B49: 0x59DC,
+    0x9B4A: 0x598D,
+    0x9B4B: 0x59D9,
+    0x9B4C: 0x59DA,
+    0x9B4D: 0x5A25,
+    0x9B4E: 0x5A1F,
+    0x9B4F: 0x5A11,
+    0x9B50: 0x5A1C,
+    0x9B51: 0x5A09,
+    0x9B52: 0x5A1A,
+    0x9B53: 0x5A40,
+    0x9B54: 0x5A6C,
+    0x9B55: 0x5A49,
+    0x9B56: 0x5A35,
+    0x9B57: 0x5A36,
+    0x9B58: 0x5A62,
+    0x9B59: 0x5A6A,
+    0x9B5A: 0x5A9A,
+    0x9B5B: 0x5ABC,
+    0x9B5C: 0x5ABE,
+    0x9B5D: 0x5ACB,
+    0x9B5E: 0x5AC2,
+    0x9B5F: 0x5ABD,
+    0x9B60: 0x5AE3,
+    0x9B61: 0x5AD7,
+    0x9B62: 0x5AE6,
+    0x9B63: 0x5AE9,
+    0x9B64: 0x5AD6,
+    0x9B65: 0x5AFA,
+    0x9B66: 0x5AFB,
+    0x9B67: 0x5B0C,
+    0x9B68: 0x5B0B,
+    0x9B69: 0x5B16,
+    0x9B6A: 0x5B32,
+    0x9B6B: 0x5AD0,
+    0x9B6C: 0x5B2A,
+    0x9B6D: 0x5B36,
+    0x9B6E: 0x5B3E,
+    0x9B6F: 0x5B43,
+    0x9B70: 0x5B45,
+    0x9B71: 0x5B40,
+    0x9B72: 0x5B51,
+    0x9B73: 0x5B55,
+    0x9B74: 0x5B5A,
+    0x9B75: 0x5B5B,
+    0x9B76: 0x5B65,
+    0x9B77: 0x5B69,
+    0x9B78: 0x5B70,
+    0x9B79: 0x5B73,
+    0x9B7A: 0x5B75,
+    0x9B7B: 0x5B78,
+    0x9B7C: 0x6588,
+    0x9B7D: 0x5B7A,
+    0x9B7E: 0x5B80,
+    0x9B80: 0x5B83,
+    0x9B81: 0x5BA6,
+    0x9B82: 0x5BB8,
+    0x9B83: 0x5BC3,
+    0x9B84: 0x5BC7,
+    0x9B85: 0x5BC9,
+    0x9B86: 0x5BD4,
+    0x9B87: 0x5BD0,
+    0x9B88: 0x5BE4,
+    0x9B89: 0x5BE6,
+    0x9B8A: 0x5BE2,
+    0x9B8B: 0x5BDE,
+    0x9B8C: 0x5BE5,
+    0x9B8D: 0x5BEB,
+    0x9B8E: 0x5BF0,
+    0x9B8F: 0x5BF6,
+    0x9B90: 0x5BF3,
+    0x9B91: 0x5C05,
+    0x9B92: 0x5C07,
+    0x9B93: 0x5C08,
+    0x9B94: 0x5C0D,
+    0x9B95: 0x5C13,
+    0x9B96: 0x5C20,
+    0x9B97: 0x5C22,
+    0x9B98: 0x5C28,
+    0x9B99: 0x5C38,
+    0x9B9A: 0x5C39,
+    0x9B9B: 0x5C41,
+    0x9B9C: 0x5C46,
+    0x9B9D: 0x5C4E,
+    0x9B9E: 0x5C53,
+    0x9B9F: 0x5C50,
+    0x9BA0: 0x5C4F,
+    0x9BA1: 0x5B71,
+    0x9BA2: 0x5C6C,
+    0x9BA3: 0x5C6E,
+    0x9BA4: 0x4E62,
+    0x9BA5: 0x5C76,
+    0x9BA6: 0x5C79,
+    0x9BA7: 0x5C8C,
+    0x9BA8: 0x5C91,
+    0x9BA9: 0x5C94,
+    0x9BAA: 0x599B,
+    0x9BAB: 0x5CAB,
+    0x9BAC: 0x5CBB,
+    0x9BAD: 0x5CB6,
+    0x9BAE: 0x5CBC,
+    0x9BAF: 0x5CB7,
+    0x9BB0: 0x5CC5,
+    0x9BB1: 0x5CBE,
+    0x9BB2: 0x5CC7,
+    0x9BB3: 0x5CD9,
+    0x9BB4: 0x5CE9,
+    0x9BB5: 0x5CFD,
+    0x9BB6: 0x5CFA,
+    0x9BB7: 0x5CED,
+    0x9BB8: 0x5D8C,
+    0x9BB9: 0x5CEA,
+    0x9BBA: 0x5D0B,
+    0x9BBB: 0x5D15,
+    0x9BBC: 0x5D17,
+    0x9BBD: 0x5D5C,
+    0x9BBE: 0x5D1F,
+    0x9BBF: 0x5D1B,
+    0x9BC0: 0x5D11,
+    0x9BC1: 0x5D14,
+    0x9BC2: 0x5D22,
+    0x9BC3: 0x5D1A,
+    0x9BC4: 0x5D19,
+    0x9BC5: 0x5D18,
+    0x9BC6: 0x5D4C,
+    0x9BC7: 0x5D52,
+    0x9BC8: 0x5D4E,
+    0x9BC9: 0x5D4B,
+    0x9BCA: 0x5D6C,
+    0x9BCB: 0x5D73,
+    0x9BCC: 0x5D76,
+    0x9BCD: 0x5D87,
+    0x9BCE: 0x5D84,
+    0x9BCF: 0x5D82,
+    0x9BD0: 0x5DA2,
+    0x9BD1: 0x5D9D,
+    0x9BD2: 0x5DAC,
+    0x9BD3: 0x5DAE,
+    0x9BD4: 0x5DBD,
+    0x9BD5: 0x5D90,
+    0x9BD6: 0x5DB7,
+    0x9BD7: 0x5DBC,
+    0x9BD8: 0x5DC9,
+    0x9BD9: 0x5DCD,
+    0x9BDA: 0x5DD3,
+    0x9BDB: 0x5DD2,
+    0x9BDC: 0x5DD6,
+    0x9BDD: 0x5DDB,
+    0x9BDE: 0x5DEB,
+    0x9BDF: 0x5DF2,
+    0x9BE0: 0x5DF5,
+    0x9BE1: 0x5E0B,
+    0x9BE2: 0x5E1A,
+    0x9BE3: 0x5E19,
+    0x9BE4: 0x5E11,
+    0x9BE5: 0x5E1B,
+    0x9BE6: 0x5E36,
+    0x9BE7: 0x5E37,
+    0x9BE8: 0x5E44,
+    0x9BE9: 0x5E43,
+    0x9BEA: 0x5E40,
+    0x9BEB: 0x5E4E,
+    0x9BEC: 0x5E57,
+    0x9BED: 0x5E54,
+    0x9BEE: 0x5E5F,
+    0x9BEF: 0x5E62,
+    0x9BF0: 0x5E64,
+    0x9BF1: 0x5E47,
+    0x9BF2: 0x5E75,
+    0x9BF3: 0x5E76,
+    0x9BF4: 0x5E7A,
+    0x9BF5: 0x9EBC,
+    0x9BF6: 0x5E7F,
+    0x9BF7: 0x5EA0,
+    0x9BF8: 0x5EC1,
+    0x9BF9: 0x5EC2,
+    0x9BFA: 0x5EC8,
+    0x9BFB: 0x5ED0,
+    0x9BFC: 0x5ECF,
+    0x9C40: 0x5ED6,
+    0x9C41: 0x5EE3,
+    0x9C42: 0x5EDD,
+    0x9C43: 0x5EDA,
+    0x9C44: 0x5EDB,
+    0x9C45: 0x5EE2,
+    0x9C46: 0x5EE1,
+    0x9C47: 0x5EE8,
+    0x9C48: 0x5EE9,
+    0x9C49: 0x5EEC,
+    0x9C4A: 0x5EF1,
+    0x9C4B: 0x5EF3,
+    0x9C4C: 0x5EF0,
+    0x9C4D: 0x5EF4,
+    0x9C4E: 0x5EF8,
+    0x9C4F: 0x5EFE,
+    0x9C50: 0x5F03,
+    0x9C51: 0x5F09,
+    0x9C52: 0x5F5D,
+    0x9C53: 0x5F5C,
+    0x9C54: 0x5F0B,
+    0x9C55: 0x5F11,
+    0x9C56: 0x5F16,
+    0x9C57: 0x5F29,
+    0x9C58: 0x5F2D,
+    0x9C59: 0x5F38,
+    0x9C5A: 0x5F41,
+    0x9C5B: 0x5F48,
+    0x9C5C: 0x5F4C,
+    0x9C5D: 0x5F4E,
+    0x9C5E: 0x5F2F,
+    0x9C5F: 0x5F51,
+    0x9C60: 0x5F56,
+    0x9C61: 0x5F57,
+    0x9C62: 0x5F59,
+    0x9C63: 0x5F61,
+    0x9C64: 0x5F6D,
+    0x9C65: 0x5F73,
+    0x9C66: 0x5F77,
+    0x9C67: 0x5F83,
+    0x9C68: 0x5F82,
+    0x9C69: 0x5F7F,
+    0x9C6A: 0x5F8A,
+    0x9C6B: 0x5F88,
+    0x9C6C: 0x5F91,
+    0x9C6D: 0x5F87,
+    0x9C6E: 0x5F9E,
+    0x9C6F: 0x5F99,
+    0x9C70: 0x5F98,
+    0x9C71: 0x5FA0,
+    0x9C72: 0x5FA8,
+    0x9C73: 0x5FAD,
+    0x9C74: 0x5FBC,
+    0x9C75: 0x5FD6,
+    0x9C76: 0x5FFB,
+    0x9C77: 0x5FE4,
+    0x9C78: 0x5FF8,
+    0x9C79: 0x5FF1,
+    0x9C7A: 0x5FDD,
+    0x9C7B: 0x60B3,
+    0x9C7C: 0x5FFF,
+    0x9C7D: 0x6021,
+    0x9C7E: 0x6060,
+    0x9C80: 0x6019,
+    0x9C81: 0x6010,
+    0x9C82: 0x6029,
+    0x9C83: 0x600E,
+    0x9C84: 0x6031,
+    0x9C85: 0x601B,
+    0x9C86: 0x6015,
+    0x9C87: 0x602B,
+    0x9C88: 0x6026,
+    0x9C89: 0x600F,
+    0x9C8A: 0x603A,
+    0x9C8B: 0x605A,
+    0x9C8C: 0x6041,
+    0x9C8D: 0x606A,
+    0x9C8E: 0x6077,
+    0x9C8F: 0x605F,
+    0x9C90: 0x604A,
+    0x9C91: 0x6046,
+    0x9C92: 0x604D,
+    0x9C93: 0x6063,
+    0x9C94: 0x6043,
+    0x9C95: 0x6064,
+    0x9C96: 0x6042,
+    0x9C97: 0x606C,
+    0x9C98: 0x606B,
+    0x9C99: 0x6059,
+    0x9C9A: 0x6081,
+    0x9C9B: 0x608D,
+    0x9C9C: 0x60E7,
+    0x9C9D: 0x6083,
+    0x9C9E: 0x609A,
+    0x9C9F: 0x6084,
+    0x9CA0: 0x609B,
+    0x9CA1: 0x6096,
+    0x9CA2: 0x6097,
+    0x9CA3: 0x6092,
+    0x9CA4: 0x60A7,
+    0x9CA5: 0x608B,
+    0x9CA6: 0x60E1,
+    0x9CA7: 0x60B8,
+    0x9CA8: 0x60E0,
+    0x9CA9: 0x60D3,
+    0x9CAA: 0x60B4,
+    0x9CAB: 0x5FF0,
+    0x9CAC: 0x60BD,
+    0x9CAD: 0x60C6,
+    0x9CAE: 0x60B5,
+    0x9CAF: 0x60D8,
+    0x9CB0: 0x614D,
+    0x9CB1: 0x6115,
+    0x9CB2: 0x6106,
+    0x9CB3: 0x60F6,
+    0x9CB4: 0x60F7,
+    0x9CB5: 0x6100,
+    0x9CB6: 0x60F4,
+    0x9CB7: 0x60FA,
+    0x9CB8: 0x6103,
+    0x9CB9: 0x6121,
+    0x9CBA: 0x60FB,
+    0x9CBB: 0x60F1,
+    0x9CBC: 0x610D,
+    0x9CBD: 0x610E,
+    0x9CBE: 0x6147,
+    0x9CBF: 0x613E,
+    0x9CC0: 0x6128,
+    0x9CC1: 0x6127,
+    0x9CC2: 0x614A,
+    0x9CC3: 0x613F,
+    0x9CC4: 0x613C,
+    0x9CC5: 0x612C,
+    0x9CC6: 0x6134,
+    0x9CC7: 0x613D,
+    0x9CC8: 0x6142,
+    0x9CC9: 0x6144,
+    0x9CCA: 0x6173,
+    0x9CCB: 0x6177,
+    0x9CCC: 0x6158,
+    0x9CCD: 0x6159,
+    0x9CCE: 0x615A,
+    0x9CCF: 0x616B,
+    0x9CD0: 0x6174,
+    0x9CD1: 0x616F,
+    0x9CD2: 0x6165,
+    0x9CD3: 0x6171,
+    0x9CD4: 0x615F,
+    0x9CD5: 0x615D,
+    0x9CD6: 0x6153,
+    0x9CD7: 0x6175,
+    0x9CD8: 0x6199,
+    0x9CD9: 0x6196,
+    0x9CDA: 0x6187,
+    0x9CDB: 0x61AC,
+    0x9CDC: 0x6194,
+    0x9CDD: 0x619A,
+    0x9CDE: 0x618A,
+    0x9CDF: 0x6191,
+    0x9CE0: 0x61AB,
+    0x9CE1: 0x61AE,
+    0x9CE2: 0x61CC,
+    0x9CE3: 0x61CA,
+    0x9CE4: 0x61C9,
+    0x9CE5: 0x61F7,
+    0x9CE6: 0x61C8,
+    0x9CE7: 0x61C3,
+    0x9CE8: 0x61C6,
+    0x9CE9: 0x61BA,
+    0x9CEA: 0x61CB,
+    0x9CEB: 0x7F79,
+    0x9CEC: 0x61CD,
+    0x9CED: 0x61E6,
+    0x9CEE: 0x61E3,
+    0x9CEF: 0x61F6,
+    0x9CF0: 0x61FA,
+    0x9CF1: 0x61F4,
+    0x9CF2: 0x61FF,
+    0x9CF3: 0x61FD,
+    0x9CF4: 0x61FC,
+    0x9CF5: 0x61FE,
+    0x9CF6: 0x6200,
+    0x9CF7: 0x6208,
+    0x9CF8: 0x6209,
+    0x9CF9: 0x620D,
+    0x9CFA: 0x620C,
+    0x9CFB: 0x6214,
+    0x9CFC: 0x621B,
+    0x9D40: 0x621E,
+    0x9D41: 0x6221,
+    0x9D42: 0x622A,
+    0x9D43: 0x622E,
+    0x9D44: 0x6230,
+    0x9D45: 0x6232,
+    0x9D46: 0x6233,
+    0x9D47: 0x6241,
+    0x9D48: 0x624E,
+    0x9D49: 0x625E,
+    0x9D4A: 0x6263,
+    0x9D4B: 0x625B,
+    0x9D4C: 0x6260,
+    0x9D4D: 0x6268,
+    0x9D4E: 0x627C,
+    0x9D4F: 0x6282,
+    0x9D50: 0x6289,
+    0x9D51: 0x627E,
+    0x9D52: 0x6292,
+    0x9D53: 0x6293,
+    0x9D54: 0x6296,
+    0x9D55: 0x62D4,
+    0x9D56: 0x6283,
+    0x9D57: 0x6294,
+    0x9D58: 0x62D7,
+    0x9D59: 0x62D1,
+    0x9D5A: 0x62BB,
+    0x9D5B: 0x62CF,
+    0x9D5C: 0x62FF,
+    0x9D5D: 0x62C6,
+    0x9D5E: 0x64D4,
+    0x9D5F: 0x62C8,
+    0x9D60: 0x62DC,
+    0x9D61: 0x62CC,
+    0x9D62: 0x62CA,
+    0x9D63: 0x62C2,
+    0x9D64: 0x62C7,
+    0x9D65: 0x629B,
+    0x9D66: 0x62C9,
+    0x9D67: 0x630C,
+    0x9D68: 0x62EE,
+    0x9D69: 0x62F1,
+    0x9D6A: 0x6327,
+    0x9D6B: 0x6302,
+    0x9D6C: 0x6308,
+    0x9D6D: 0x62EF,
+    0x9D6E: 0x62F5,
+    0x9D6F: 0x6350,
+    0x9D70: 0x633E,
+    0x9D71: 0x634D,
+    0x9D72: 0x641C,
+    0x9D73: 0x634F,
+    0x9D74: 0x6396,
+    0x9D75: 0x638E,
+    0x9D76: 0x6380,
+    0x9D77: 0x63AB,
+    0x9D78: 0x6376,
+    0x9D79: 0x63A3,
+    0x9D7A: 0x638F,
+    0x9D7B: 0x6389,
+    0x9D7C: 0x639F,
+    0x9D7D: 0x63B5,
+    0x9D7E: 0x636B,
+    0x9D80: 0x6369,
+    0x9D81: 0x63BE,
+    0x9D82: 0x63E9,
+    0x9D83: 0x63C0,
+    0x9D84: 0x63C6,
+    0x9D85: 0x63E3,
+    0x9D86: 0x63C9,
+    0x9D87: 0x63D2,
+    0x9D88: 0x63F6,
+    0x9D89: 0x63C4,
+    0x9D8A: 0x6416,
+    0x9D8B: 0x6434,
+    0x9D8C: 0x6406,
+    0x9D8D: 0x6413,
+    0x9D8E: 0x6426,
+    0x9D8F: 0x6436,
+    0x9D90: 0x651D,
+    0x9D91: 0x6417,
+    0x9D92: 0x6428,
+    0x9D93: 0x640F,
+    0x9D94: 0x6467,
+    0x9D95: 0x646F,
+    0x9D96: 0x6476,
+    0x9D97: 0x644E,
+    0x9D98: 0x652A,
+    0x9D99: 0x6495,
+    0x9D9A: 0x6493,
+    0x9D9B: 0x64A5,
+    0x9D9C: 0x64A9,
+    0x9D9D: 0x6488,
+    0x9D9E: 0x64BC,
+    0x9D9F: 0x64DA,
+    0x9DA0: 0x64D2,
+    0x9DA1: 0x64C5,
+    0x9DA2: 0x64C7,
+    0x9DA3: 0x64BB,
+    0x9DA4: 0x64D8,
+    0x9DA5: 0x64C2,
+    0x9DA6: 0x64F1,
+    0x9DA7: 0x64E7,
+    0x9DA8: 0x8209,
+    0x9DA9: 0x64E0,
+    0x9DAA: 0x64E1,
+    0x9DAB: 0x62AC,
+    0x9DAC: 0x64E3,
+    0x9DAD: 0x64EF,
+    0x9DAE: 0x652C,
+    0x9DAF: 0x64F6,
+    0x9DB0: 0x64F4,
+    0x9DB1: 0x64F2,
+    0x9DB2: 0x64FA,
+    0x9DB3: 0x6500,
+    0x9DB4: 0x64FD,
+    0x9DB5: 0x6518,
+    0x9DB6: 0x651C,
+    0x9DB7: 0x6505,
+    0x9DB8: 0x6524,
+    0x9DB9: 0x6523,
+    0x9DBA: 0x652B,
+    0x9DBB: 0x6534,
+    0x9DBC: 0x6535,
+    0x9DBD: 0x6537,
+    0x9DBE: 0x6536,
+    0x9DBF: 0x6538,
+    0x9DC0: 0x754B,
+    0x9DC1: 0x6548,
+    0x9DC2: 0x6556,
+    0x9DC3: 0x6555,
+    0x9DC4: 0x654D,
+    0x9DC5: 0x6558,
+    0x9DC6: 0x655E,
+    0x9DC7: 0x655D,
+    0x9DC8: 0x6572,
+    0x9DC9: 0x6578,
+    0x9DCA: 0x6582,
+    0x9DCB: 0x6583,
+    0x9DCC: 0x8B8A,
+    0x9DCD: 0x659B,
+    0x9DCE: 0x659F,
+    0x9DCF: 0x65AB,
+    0x9DD0: 0x65B7,
+    0x9DD1: 0x65C3,
+    0x9DD2: 0x65C6,
+    0x9DD3: 0x65C1,
+    0x9DD4: 0x65C4,
+    0x9DD5: 0x65CC,
+    0x9DD6: 0x65D2,
+    0x9DD7: 0x65DB,
+    0x9DD8: 0x65D9,
+    0x9DD9: 0x65E0,
+    0x9DDA: 0x65E1,
+    0x9DDB: 0x65F1,
+    0x9DDC: 0x6772,
+    0x9DDD: 0x660A,
+    0x9DDE: 0x6603,
+    0x9DDF: 0x65FB,
+    0x9DE0: 0x6773,
+    0x9DE1: 0x6635,
+    0x9DE2: 0x6636,
+    0x9DE3: 0x6634,
+    0x9DE4: 0x661C,
+    0x9DE5: 0x664F,
+    0x9DE6: 0x6644,
+    0x9DE7: 0x6649,
+    0x9DE8: 0x6641,
+    0x9DE9: 0x665E,
+    0x9DEA: 0x665D,
+    0x9DEB: 0x6664,
+    0x9DEC: 0x6667,
+    0x9DED: 0x6668,
+    0x9DEE: 0x665F,
+    0x9DEF: 0x6662,
+    0x9DF0: 0x6670,
+    0x9DF1: 0x6683,
+    0x9DF2: 0x6688,
+    0x9DF3: 0x668E,
+    0x9DF4: 0x6689,
+    0x9DF5: 0x6684,
+    0x9DF6: 0x6698,
+    0x9DF7: 0x669D,
+    0x9DF8: 0x66C1,
+    0x9DF9: 0x66B9,
+    0x9DFA: 0x66C9,
+    0x9DFB: 0x66BE,
+    0x9DFC: 0x66BC,
+    0x9E40: 0x66C4,
+    0x9E41: 0x66B8,
+    0x9E42: 0x66D6,
+    0x9E43: 0x66DA,
+    0x9E44: 0x66E0,
+    0x9E45: 0x663F,
+    0x9E46: 0x66E6,
+    0x9E47: 0x66E9,
+    0x9E48: 0x66F0,
+    0x9E49: 0x66F5,
+    0x9E4A: 0x66F7,
+    0x9E4B: 0x670F,
+    0x9E4C: 0x6716,
+    0x9E4D: 0x671E,
+    0x9E4E: 0x6726,
+    0x9E4F: 0x6727,
+    0x9E50: 0x9738,
+    0x9E51: 0x672E,
+    0x9E52: 0x673F,
+    0x9E53: 0x6736,
+    0x9E54: 0x6741,
+    0x9E55: 0x6738,
+    0x9E56: 0x6737,
+    0x9E57: 0x6746,
+    0x9E58: 0x675E,
+    0x9E59: 0x6760,
+    0x9E5A: 0x6759,
+    0x9E5B: 0x6763,
+    0x9E5C: 0x6764,
+    0x9E5D: 0x6789,
+    0x9E5E: 0x6770,
+    0x9E5F: 0x67A9,
+    0x9E60: 0x677C,
+    0x9E61: 0x676A,
+    0x9E62: 0x678C,
+    0x9E63: 0x678B,
+    0x9E64: 0x67A6,
+    0x9E65: 0x67A1,
+    0x9E66: 0x6785,
+    0x9E67: 0x67B7,
+    0x9E68: 0x67EF,
+    0x9E69: 0x67B4,
+    0x9E6A: 0x67EC,
+    0x9E6B: 0x67B3,
+    0x9E6C: 0x67E9,
+    0x9E6D: 0x67B8,
+    0x9E6E: 0x67E4,
+    0x9E6F: 0x67DE,
+    0x9E70: 0x67DD,
+    0x9E71: 0x67E2,
+    0x9E72: 0x67EE,
+    0x9E73: 0x67B9,
+    0x9E74: 0x67CE,
+    0x9E75: 0x67C6,
+    0x9E76: 0x67E7,
+    0x9E77: 0x6A9C,
+    0x9E78: 0x681E,
+    0x9E79: 0x6846,
+    0x9E7A: 0x6829,
+    0x9E7B: 0x6840,
+    0x9E7C: 0x684D,
+    0x9E7D: 0x6832,
+    0x9E7E: 0x684E,
+    0x9E80: 0x68B3,
+    0x9E81: 0x682B,
+    0x9E82: 0x6859,
+    0x9E83: 0x6863,
+    0x9E84: 0x6877,
+    0x9E85: 0x687F,
+    0x9E86: 0x689F,
+    0x9E87: 0x688F,
+    0x9E88: 0x68AD,
+    0x9E89: 0x6894,
+    0x9E8A: 0x689D,
+    0x9E8B: 0x689B,
+    0x9E8C: 0x6883,
+    0x9E8D: 0x6AAE,
+    0x9E8E: 0x68B9,
+    0x9E8F: 0x6874,
+    0x9E90: 0x68B5,
+    0x9E91: 0x68A0,
+    0x9E92: 0x68BA,
+    0x9E93: 0x690F,
+    0x9E94: 0x688D,
+    0x9E95: 0x687E,
+    0x9E96: 0x6901,
+    0x9E97: 0x68CA,
+    0x9E98: 0x6908,
+    0x9E99: 0x68D8,
+    0x9E9A: 0x6922,
+    0x9E9B: 0x6926,
+    0x9E9C: 0x68E1,
+    0x9E9D: 0x690C,
+    0x9E9E: 0x68CD,
+    0x9E9F: 0x68D4,
+    0x9EA0: 0x68E7,
+    0x9EA1: 0x68D5,
+    0x9EA2: 0x6936,
+    0x9EA3: 0x6912,
+    0x9EA4: 0x6904,
+    0x9EA5: 0x68D7,
+    0x9EA6: 0x68E3,
+    0x9EA7: 0x6925,
+    0x9EA8: 0x68F9,
+    0x9EA9: 0x68E0,
+    0x9EAA: 0x68EF,
+    0x9EAB: 0x6928,
+    0x9EAC: 0x692A,
+    0x9EAD: 0x691A,
+    0x9EAE: 0x6923,
+    0x9EAF: 0x6921,
+    0x9EB0: 0x68C6,
+    0x9EB1: 0x6979,
+    0x9EB2: 0x6977,
+    0x9EB3: 0x695C,
+    0x9EB4: 0x6978,
+    0x9EB5: 0x696B,
+    0x9EB6: 0x6954,
+    0x9EB7: 0x697E,
+    0x9EB8: 0x696E,
+    0x9EB9: 0x6939,
+    0x9EBA: 0x6974,
+    0x9EBB: 0x693D,
+    0x9EBC: 0x6959,
+    0x9EBD: 0x6930,
+    0x9EBE: 0x6961,
+    0x9EBF: 0x695E,
+    0x9EC0: 0x695D,
+    0x9EC1: 0x6981,
+    0x9EC2: 0x696A,
+    0x9EC3: 0x69B2,
+    0x9EC4: 0x69AE,
+    0x9EC5: 0x69D0,
+    0x9EC6: 0x69BF,
+    0x9EC7: 0x69C1,
+    0x9EC8: 0x69D3,
+    0x9EC9: 0x69BE,
+    0x9ECA: 0x69CE,
+    0x9ECB: 0x5BE8,
+    0x9ECC: 0x69CA,
+    0x9ECD: 0x69DD,
+    0x9ECE: 0x69BB,
+    0x9ECF: 0x69C3,
+    0x9ED0: 0x69A7,
+    0x9ED1: 0x6A2E,
+    0x9ED2: 0x6991,
+    0x9ED3: 0x69A0,
+    0x9ED4: 0x699C,
+    0x9ED5: 0x6995,
+    0x9ED6: 0x69B4,
+    0x9ED7: 0x69DE,
+    0x9ED8: 0x69E8,
+    0x9ED9: 0x6A02,
+    0x9EDA: 0x6A1B,
+    0x9EDB: 0x69FF,
+    0x9EDC: 0x6B0A,
+    0x9EDD: 0x69F9,
+    0x9EDE: 0x69F2,
+    0x9EDF: 0x69E7,
+    0x9EE0: 0x6A05,
+    0x9EE1: 0x69B1,
+    0x9EE2: 0x6A1E,
+    0x9EE3: 0x69ED,
+    0x9EE4: 0x6A14,
+    0x9EE5: 0x69EB,
+    0x9EE6: 0x6A0A,
+    0x9EE7: 0x6A12,
+    0x9EE8: 0x6AC1,
+    0x9EE9: 0x6A23,
+    0x9EEA: 0x6A13,
+    0x9EEB: 0x6A44,
+    0x9EEC: 0x6A0C,
+    0x9EED: 0x6A72,
+    0x9EEE: 0x6A36,
+    0x9EEF: 0x6A78,
+    0x9EF0: 0x6A47,
+    0x9EF1: 0x6A62,
+    0x9EF2: 0x6A59,
+    0x9EF3: 0x6A66,
+    0x9EF4: 0x6A48,
+    0x9EF5: 0x6A38,
+    0x9EF6: 0x6A22,
+    0x9EF7: 0x6A90,
+    0x9EF8: 0x6A8D,
+    0x9EF9: 0x6AA0,
+    0x9EFA: 0x6A84,
+    0x9EFB: 0x6AA2,
+    0x9EFC: 0x6AA3,
+    0x9F40: 0x6A97,
+    0x9F41: 0x8617,
+    0x9F42: 0x6ABB,
+    0x9F43: 0x6AC3,
+    0x9F44: 0x6AC2,
+    0x9F45: 0x6AB8,
+    0x9F46: 0x6AB3,
+    0x9F47: 0x6AAC,
+    0x9F48: 0x6ADE,
+    0x9F49: 0x6AD1,
+    0x9F4A: 0x6ADF,
+    0x9F4B: 0x6AAA,
+    0x9F4C: 0x6ADA,
+    0x9F4D: 0x6AEA,
+    0x9F4E: 0x6AFB,
+    0x9F4F: 0x6B05,
+    0x9F50: 0x8616,
+    0x9F51: 0x6AFA,
+    0x9F52: 0x6B12,
+    0x9F53: 0x6B16,
+    0x9F54: 0x9B31,
+    0x9F55: 0x6B1F,
+    0x9F56: 0x6B38,
+    0x9F57: 0x6B37,
+    0x9F58: 0x76DC,
+    0x9F59: 0x6B39,
+    0x9F5A: 0x98EE,
+    0x9F5B: 0x6B47,
+    0x9F5C: 0x6B43,
+    0x9F5D: 0x6B49,
+    0x9F5E: 0x6B50,
+    0x9F5F: 0x6B59,
+    0x9F60: 0x6B54,
+    0x9F61: 0x6B5B,
+    0x9F62: 0x6B5F,
+    0x9F63: 0x6B61,
+    0x9F64: 0x6B78,
+    0x9F65: 0x6B79,
+    0x9F66: 0x6B7F,
+    0x9F67: 0x6B80,
+    0x9F68: 0x6B84,
+    0x9F69: 0x6B83,
+    0x9F6A: 0x6B8D,
+    0x9F6B: 0x6B98,
+    0x9F6C: 0x6B95,
+    0x9F6D: 0x6B9E,
+    0x9F6E: 0x6BA4,
+    0x9F6F: 0x6BAA,
+    0x9F70: 0x6BAB,
+    0x9F71: 0x6BAF,
+    0x9F72: 0x6BB2,
+    0x9F73: 0x6BB1,
+    0x9F74: 0x6BB3,
+    0x9F75: 0x6BB7,
+    0x9F76: 0x6BBC,
+    0x9F77: 0x6BC6,
+    0x9F78: 0x6BCB,
+    0x9F79: 0x6BD3,
+    0x9F7A: 0x6BDF,
+    0x9F7B: 0x6BEC,
+    0x9F7C: 0x6BEB,
+    0x9F7D: 0x6BF3,
+    0x9F7E: 0x6BEF,
+    0x9F80: 0x9EBE,
+    0x9F81: 0x6C08,
+    0x9F82: 0x6C13,
+    0x9F83: 0x6C14,
+    0x9F84: 0x6C1B,
+    0x9F85: 0x6C24,
+    0x9F86: 0x6C23,
+    0x9F87: 0x6C5E,
+    0x9F88: 0x6C55,
+    0x9F89: 0x6C62,
+    0x9F8A: 0x6C6A,
+    0x9F8B: 0x6C82,
+    0x9F8C: 0x6C8D,
+    0x9F8D: 0x6C9A,
+    0x9F8E: 0x6C81,
+    0x9F8F: 0x6C9B,
+    0x9F90: 0x6C7E,
+    0x9F91: 0x6C68,
+    0x9F92: 0x6C73,
+    0x9F93: 0x6C92,
+    0x9F94: 0x6C90,
+    0x9F95: 0x6CC4,
+    0x9F96: 0x6CF1,
+    0x9F97: 0x6CD3,
+    0x9F98: 0x6CBD,
+    0x9F99: 0x6CD7,
+    0x9F9A: 0x6CC5,
+    0x9F9B: 0x6CDD,
+    0x9F9C: 0x6CAE,
+    0x9F9D: 0x6CB1,
+    0x9F9E: 0x6CBE,
+    0x9F9F: 0x6CBA,
+    0x9FA0: 0x6CDB,
+    0x9FA1: 0x6CEF,
+    0x9FA2: 0x6CD9,
+    0x9FA3: 0x6CEA,
+    0x9FA4: 0x6D1F,
+    0x9FA5: 0x884D,
+    0x9FA6: 0x6D36,
+    0x9FA7: 0x6D2B,
+    0x9FA8: 0x6D3D,
+    0x9FA9: 0x6D38,
+    0x9FAA: 0x6D19,
+    0x9FAB: 0x6D35,
+    0x9FAC: 0x6D33,
+    0x9FAD: 0x6D12,
+    0x9FAE: 0x6D0C,
+    0x9FAF: 0x6D63,
+    0x9FB0: 0x6D93,
+    0x9FB1: 0x6D64,
+    0x9FB2: 0x6D5A,
+    0x9FB3: 0x6D79,
+    0x9FB4: 0x6D59,
+    0x9FB5: 0x6D8E,
+    0x9FB6: 0x6D95,
+    0x9FB7: 0x6FE4,
+    0x9FB8: 0x6D85,
+    0x9FB9: 0x6DF9,
+    0x9FBA: 0x6E15,
+    0x9FBB: 0x6E0A,
+    0x9FBC: 0x6DB5,
+    0x9FBD: 0x6DC7,
+    0x9FBE: 0x6DE6,
+    0x9FBF: 0x6DB8,
+    0x9FC0: 0x6DC6,
+    0x9FC1: 0x6DEC,
+    0x9FC2: 0x6DDE,
+    0x9FC3: 0x6DCC,
+    0x9FC4: 0x6DE8,
+    0x9FC5: 0x6DD2,
+    0x9FC6: 0x6DC5,
+    0x9FC7: 0x6DFA,
+    0x9FC8: 0x6DD9,
+    0x9FC9: 0x6DE4,
+    0x9FCA: 0x6DD5,
+    0x9FCB: 0x6DEA,
+    0x9FCC: 0x6DEE,
+    0x9FCD: 0x6E2D,
+    0x9FCE: 0x6E6E,
+    0x9FCF: 0x6E2E,
+    0x9FD0: 0x6E19,
+    0x9FD1: 0x6E72,
+    0x9FD2: 0x6E5F,
+    0x9FD3: 0x6E3E,
+    0x9FD4: 0x6E23,
+    0x9FD5: 0x6E6B,
+    0x9FD6: 0x6E2B,
+    0x9FD7: 0x6E76,
+    0x9FD8: 0x6E4D,
+    0x9FD9: 0x6E1F,
+    0x9FDA: 0x6E43,
+    0x9FDB: 0x6E3A,
+    0x9FDC: 0x6E4E,
+    0x9FDD: 0x6E24,
+    0x9FDE: 0x6EFF,
+    0x9FDF: 0x6E1D,
+    0x9FE0: 0x6E38,
+    0x9FE1: 0x6E82,
+    0x9FE2: 0x6EAA,
+    0x9FE3: 0x6E98,
+    0x9FE4: 0x6EC9,
+    0x9FE5: 0x6EB7,
+    0x9FE6: 0x6ED3,
+    0x9FE7: 0x6EBD,
+    0x9FE8: 0x6EAF,
+    0x9FE9: 0x6EC4,
+    0x9FEA: 0x6EB2,
+    0x9FEB: 0x6ED4,
+    0x9FEC: 0x6ED5,
+    0x9FED: 0x6E8F,
+    0x9FEE: 0x6EA5,
+    0x9FEF: 0x6EC2,
+    0x9FF0: 0x6E9F,
+    0x9FF1: 0x6F41,
+    0x9FF2: 0x6F11,
+    0x9FF3: 0x704C,
+    0x9FF4: 0x6EEC,
+    0x9FF5: 0x6EF8,
+    0x9FF6: 0x6EFE,
+    0x9FF7: 0x6F3F,
+    0x9FF8: 0x6EF2,
+    0x9FF9: 0x6F31,
+    0x9FFA: 0x6EEF,
+    0x9FFB: 0x6F32,
+    0x9FFC: 0x6ECC,
+    0xA1: 0xFF61,
+    0xA2: 0xFF62,
+    0xA3: 0xFF63,
+    0xA4: 0xFF64,
+    0xA5: 0xFF65,
+    0xA6: 0xFF66,
+    0xA7: 0xFF67,
+    0xA8: 0xFF68,
+    0xA9: 0xFF69,
+    0xAA: 0xFF6A,
+    0xAB: 0xFF6B,
+    0xAC: 0xFF6C,
+    0xAD: 0xFF6D,
+    0xAE: 0xFF6E,
+    0xAF: 0xFF6F,
+    0xB0: 0xFF70,
+    0xB1: 0xFF71,
+    0xB2: 0xFF72,
+    0xB3: 0xFF73,
+    0xB4: 0xFF74,
+    0xB5: 0xFF75,
+    0xB6: 0xFF76,
+    0xB7: 0xFF77,
+    0xB8: 0xFF78,
+    0xB9: 0xFF79,
+    0xBA: 0xFF7A,
+    0xBB: 0xFF7B,
+    0xBC: 0xFF7C,
+    0xBD: 0xFF7D,
+    0xBE: 0xFF7E,
+    0xBF: 0xFF7F,
+    0xC0: 0xFF80,
+    0xC1: 0xFF81,
+    0xC2: 0xFF82,
+    0xC3: 0xFF83,
+    0xC4: 0xFF84,
+    0xC5: 0xFF85,
+    0xC6: 0xFF86,
+    0xC7: 0xFF87,
+    0xC8: 0xFF88,
+    0xC9: 0xFF89,
+    0xCA: 0xFF8A,
+    0xCB: 0xFF8B,
+    0xCC: 0xFF8C,
+    0xCD: 0xFF8D,
+    0xCE: 0xFF8E,
+    0xCF: 0xFF8F,
+    0xD0: 0xFF90,
+    0xD1: 0xFF91,
+    0xD2: 0xFF92,
+    0xD3: 0xFF93,
+    0xD4: 0xFF94,
+    0xD5: 0xFF95,
+    0xD6: 0xFF96,
+    0xD7: 0xFF97,
+    0xD8: 0xFF98,
+    0xD9: 0xFF99,
+    0xDA: 0xFF9A,
+    0xDB: 0xFF9B,
+    0xDC: 0xFF9C,
+    0xDD: 0xFF9D,
+    0xDE: 0xFF9E,
+    0xDF: 0xFF9F,
+    0xE040: 0x6F3E,
+    0xE041: 0x6F13,
+    0xE042: 0x6EF7,
+    0xE043: 0x6F86,
+    0xE044: 0x6F7A,
+    0xE045: 0x6F78,
+    0xE046: 0x6F81,
+    0xE047: 0x6F80,
+    0xE048: 0x6F6F,
+    0xE049: 0x6F5B,
+    0xE04A: 0x6FF3,
+    0xE04B: 0x6F6D,
+    0xE04C: 0x6F82,
+    0xE04D: 0x6F7C,
+    0xE04E: 0x6F58,
+    0xE04F: 0x6F8E,
+    0xE050: 0x6F91,
+    0xE051: 0x6FC2,
+    0xE052: 0x6F66,
+    0xE053: 0x6FB3,
+    0xE054: 0x6FA3,
+    0xE055: 0x6FA1,
+    0xE056: 0x6FA4,
+    0xE057: 0x6FB9,
+    0xE058: 0x6FC6,
+    0xE059: 0x6FAA,
+    0xE05A: 0x6FDF,
+    0xE05B: 0x6FD5,
+    0xE05C: 0x6FEC,
+    0xE05D: 0x6FD4,
+    0xE05E: 0x6FD8,
+    0xE05F: 0x6FF1,
+    0xE060: 0x6FEE,
+    0xE061: 0x6FDB,
+    0xE062: 0x7009,
+    0xE063: 0x700B,
+    0xE064: 0x6FFA,
+    0xE065: 0x7011,
+    0xE066: 0x7001,
+    0xE067: 0x700F,
+    0xE068: 0x6FFE,
+    0xE069: 0x701B,
+    0xE06A: 0x701A,
+    0xE06B: 0x6F74,
+    0xE06C: 0x701D,
+    0xE06D: 0x7018,
+    0xE06E: 0x701F,
+    0xE06F: 0x7030,
+    0xE070: 0x703E,
+    0xE071: 0x7032,
+    0xE072: 0x7051,
+    0xE073: 0x7063,
+    0xE074: 0x7099,
+    0xE075: 0x7092,
+    0xE076: 0x70AF,
+    0xE077: 0x70F1,
+    0xE078: 0x70AC,
+    0xE079: 0x70B8,
+    0xE07A: 0x70B3,
+    0xE07B: 0x70AE,
+    0xE07C: 0x70DF,
+    0xE07D: 0x70CB,
+    0xE07E: 0x70DD,
+    0xE080: 0x70D9,
+    0xE081: 0x7109,
+    0xE082: 0x70FD,
+    0xE083: 0x711C,
+    0xE084: 0x7119,
+    0xE085: 0x7165,
+    0xE086: 0x7155,
+    0xE087: 0x7188,
+    0xE088: 0x7166,
+    0xE089: 0x7162,
+    0xE08A: 0x714C,
+    0xE08B: 0x7156,
+    0xE08C: 0x716C,
+    0xE08D: 0x718F,
+    0xE08E: 0x71FB,
+    0xE08F: 0x7184,
+    0xE090: 0x7195,
+    0xE091: 0x71A8,
+    0xE092: 0x71AC,
+    0xE093: 0x71D7,
+    0xE094: 0x71B9,
+    0xE095: 0x71BE,
+    0xE096: 0x71D2,
+    0xE097: 0x71C9,
+    0xE098: 0x71D4,
+    0xE099: 0x71CE,
+    0xE09A: 0x71E0,
+    0xE09B: 0x71EC,
+    0xE09C: 0x71E7,
+    0xE09D: 0x71F5,
+    0xE09E: 0x71FC,
+    0xE09F: 0x71F9,
+    0xE0A0: 0x71FF,
+    0xE0A1: 0x720D,
+    0xE0A2: 0x7210,
+    0xE0A3: 0x721B,
+    0xE0A4: 0x7228,
+    0xE0A5: 0x722D,
+    0xE0A6: 0x722C,
+    0xE0A7: 0x7230,
+    0xE0A8: 0x7232,
+    0xE0A9: 0x723B,
+    0xE0AA: 0x723C,
+    0xE0AB: 0x723F,
+    0xE0AC: 0x7240,
+    0xE0AD: 0x7246,
+    0xE0AE: 0x724B,
+    0xE0AF: 0x7258,
+    0xE0B0: 0x7274,
+    0xE0B1: 0x727E,
+    0xE0B2: 0x7282,
+    0xE0B3: 0x7281,
+    0xE0B4: 0x7287,
+    0xE0B5: 0x7292,
+    0xE0B6: 0x7296,
+    0xE0B7: 0x72A2,
+    0xE0B8: 0x72A7,
+    0xE0B9: 0x72B9,
+    0xE0BA: 0x72B2,
+    0xE0BB: 0x72C3,
+    0xE0BC: 0x72C6,
+    0xE0BD: 0x72C4,
+    0xE0BE: 0x72CE,
+    0xE0BF: 0x72D2,
+    0xE0C0: 0x72E2,
+    0xE0C1: 0x72E0,
+    0xE0C2: 0x72E1,
+    0xE0C3: 0x72F9,
+    0xE0C4: 0x72F7,
+    0xE0C5: 0x500F,
+    0xE0C6: 0x7317,
+    0xE0C7: 0x730A,
+    0xE0C8: 0x731C,
+    0xE0C9: 0x7316,
+    0xE0CA: 0x731D,
+    0xE0CB: 0x7334,
+    0xE0CC: 0x732F,
+    0xE0CD: 0x7329,
+    0xE0CE: 0x7325,
+    0xE0CF: 0x733E,
+    0xE0D0: 0x734E,
+    0xE0D1: 0x734F,
+    0xE0D2: 0x9ED8,
+    0xE0D3: 0x7357,
+    0xE0D4: 0x736A,
+    0xE0D5: 0x7368,
+    0xE0D6: 0x7370,
+    0xE0D7: 0x7378,
+    0xE0D8: 0x7375,
+    0xE0D9: 0x737B,
+    0xE0DA: 0x737A,
+    0xE0DB: 0x73C8,
+    0xE0DC: 0x73B3,
+    0xE0DD: 0x73CE,
+    0xE0DE: 0x73BB,
+    0xE0DF: 0x73C0,
+    0xE0E0: 0x73E5,
+    0xE0E1: 0x73EE,
+    0xE0E2: 0x73DE,
+    0xE0E3: 0x74A2,
+    0xE0E4: 0x7405,
+    0xE0E5: 0x746F,
+    0xE0E6: 0x7425,
+    0xE0E7: 0x73F8,
+    0xE0E8: 0x7432,
+    0xE0E9: 0x743A,
+    0xE0EA: 0x7455,
+    0xE0EB: 0x743F,
+    0xE0EC: 0x745F,
+    0xE0ED: 0x7459,
+    0xE0EE: 0x7441,
+    0xE0EF: 0x745C,
+    0xE0F0: 0x7469,
+    0xE0F1: 0x7470,
+    0xE0F2: 0x7463,
+    0xE0F3: 0x746A,
+    0xE0F4: 0x7476,
+    0xE0F5: 0x747E,
+    0xE0F6: 0x748B,
+    0xE0F7: 0x749E,
+    0xE0F8: 0x74A7,
+    0xE0F9: 0x74CA,
+    0xE0FA: 0x74CF,
+    0xE0FB: 0x74D4,
+    0xE0FC: 0x73F1,
+    0xE140: 0x74E0,
+    0xE141: 0x74E3,
+    0xE142: 0x74E7,
+    0xE143: 0x74E9,
+    0xE144: 0x74EE,
+    0xE145: 0x74F2,
+    0xE146: 0x74F0,
+    0xE147: 0x74F1,
+    0xE148: 0x74F8,
+    0xE149: 0x74F7,
+    0xE14A: 0x7504,
+    0xE14B: 0x7503,
+    0xE14C: 0x7505,
+    0xE14D: 0x750C,
+    0xE14E: 0x750E,
+    0xE14F: 0x750D,
+    0xE150: 0x7515,
+    0xE151: 0x7513,
+    0xE152: 0x751E,
+    0xE153: 0x7526,
+    0xE154: 0x752C,
+    0xE155: 0x753C,
+    0xE156: 0x7544,
+    0xE157: 0x754D,
+    0xE158: 0x754A,
+    0xE159: 0x7549,
+    0xE15A: 0x755B,
+    0xE15B: 0x7546,
+    0xE15C: 0x755A,
+    0xE15D: 0x7569,
+    0xE15E: 0x7564,
+    0xE15F: 0x7567,
+    0xE160: 0x756B,
+    0xE161: 0x756D,
+    0xE162: 0x7578,
+    0xE163: 0x7576,
+    0xE164: 0x7586,
+    0xE165: 0x7587,
+    0xE166: 0x7574,
+    0xE167: 0x758A,
+    0xE168: 0x7589,
+    0xE169: 0x7582,
+    0xE16A: 0x7594,
+    0xE16B: 0x759A,
+    0xE16C: 0x759D,
+    0xE16D: 0x75A5,
+    0xE16E: 0x75A3,
+    0xE16F: 0x75C2,
+    0xE170: 0x75B3,
+    0xE171: 0x75C3,
+    0xE172: 0x75B5,
+    0xE173: 0x75BD,
+    0xE174: 0x75B8,
+    0xE175: 0x75BC,
+    0xE176: 0x75B1,
+    0xE177: 0x75CD,
+    0xE178: 0x75CA,
+    0xE179: 0x75D2,
+    0xE17A: 0x75D9,
+    0xE17B: 0x75E3,
+    0xE17C: 0x75DE,
+    0xE17D: 0x75FE,
+    0xE17E: 0x75FF,
+    0xE180: 0x75FC,
+    0xE181: 0x7601,
+    0xE182: 0x75F0,
+    0xE183: 0x75FA,
+    0xE184: 0x75F2,
+    0xE185: 0x75F3,
+    0xE186: 0x760B,
+    0xE187: 0x760D,
+    0xE188: 0x7609,
+    0xE189: 0x761F,
+    0xE18A: 0x7627,
+    0xE18B: 0x7620,
+    0xE18C: 0x7621,
+    0xE18D: 0x7622,
+    0xE18E: 0x7624,
+    0xE18F: 0x7634,
+    0xE190: 0x7630,
+    0xE191: 0x763B,
+    0xE192: 0x7647,
+    0xE193: 0x7648,
+    0xE194: 0x7646,
+    0xE195: 0x765C,
+    0xE196: 0x7658,
+    0xE197: 0x7661,
+    0xE198: 0x7662,
+    0xE199: 0x7668,
+    0xE19A: 0x7669,
+    0xE19B: 0x766A,
+    0xE19C: 0x7667,
+    0xE19D: 0x766C,
+    0xE19E: 0x7670,
+    0xE19F: 0x7672,
+    0xE1A0: 0x7676,
+    0xE1A1: 0x7678,
+    0xE1A2: 0x767C,
+    0xE1A3: 0x7680,
+    0xE1A4: 0x7683,
+    0xE1A5: 0x7688,
+    0xE1A6: 0x768B,
+    0xE1A7: 0x768E,
+    0xE1A8: 0x7696,
+    0xE1A9: 0x7693,
+    0xE1AA: 0x7699,
+    0xE1AB: 0x769A,
+    0xE1AC: 0x76B0,
+    0xE1AD: 0x76B4,
+    0xE1AE: 0x76B8,
+    0xE1AF: 0x76B9,
+    0xE1B0: 0x76BA,
+    0xE1B1: 0x76C2,
+    0xE1B2: 0x76CD,
+    0xE1B3: 0x76D6,
+    0xE1B4: 0x76D2,
+    0xE1B5: 0x76DE,
+    0xE1B6: 0x76E1,
+    0xE1B7: 0x76E5,
+    0xE1B8: 0x76E7,
+    0xE1B9: 0x76EA,
+    0xE1BA: 0x862F,
+    0xE1BB: 0x76FB,
+    0xE1BC: 0x7708,
+    0xE1BD: 0x7707,
+    0xE1BE: 0x7704,
+    0xE1BF: 0x7729,
+    0xE1C0: 0x7724,
+    0xE1C1: 0x771E,
+    0xE1C2: 0x7725,
+    0xE1C3: 0x7726,
+    0xE1C4: 0x771B,
+    0xE1C5: 0x7737,
+    0xE1C6: 0x7738,
+    0xE1C7: 0x7747,
+    0xE1C8: 0x775A,
+    0xE1C9: 0x7768,
+    0xE1CA: 0x776B,
+    0xE1CB: 0x775B,
+    0xE1CC: 0x7765,
+    0xE1CD: 0x777F,
+    0xE1CE: 0x777E,
+    0xE1CF: 0x7779,
+    0xE1D0: 0x778E,
+    0xE1D1: 0x778B,
+    0xE1D2: 0x7791,
+    0xE1D3: 0x77A0,
+    0xE1D4: 0x779E,
+    0xE1D5: 0x77B0,
+    0xE1D6: 0x77B6,
+    0xE1D7: 0x77B9,
+    0xE1D8: 0x77BF,
+    0xE1D9: 0x77BC,
+    0xE1DA: 0x77BD,
+    0xE1DB: 0x77BB,
+    0xE1DC: 0x77C7,
+    0xE1DD: 0x77CD,
+    0xE1DE: 0x77D7,
+    0xE1DF: 0x77DA,
+    0xE1E0: 0x77DC,
+    0xE1E1: 0x77E3,
+    0xE1E2: 0x77EE,
+    0xE1E3: 0x77FC,
+    0xE1E4: 0x780C,
+    0xE1E5: 0x7812,
+    0xE1E6: 0x7926,
+    0xE1E7: 0x7820,
+    0xE1E8: 0x792A,
+    0xE1E9: 0x7845,
+    0xE1EA: 0x788E,
+    0xE1EB: 0x7874,
+    0xE1EC: 0x7886,
+    0xE1ED: 0x787C,
+    0xE1EE: 0x789A,
+    0xE1EF: 0x788C,
+    0xE1F0: 0x78A3,
+    0xE1F1: 0x78B5,
+    0xE1F2: 0x78AA,
+    0xE1F3: 0x78AF,
+    0xE1F4: 0x78D1,
+    0xE1F5: 0x78C6,
+    0xE1F6: 0x78CB,
+    0xE1F7: 0x78D4,
+    0xE1F8: 0x78BE,
+    0xE1F9: 0x78BC,
+    0xE1FA: 0x78C5,
+    0xE1FB: 0x78CA,
+    0xE1FC: 0x78EC,
+    0xE240: 0x78E7,
+    0xE241: 0x78DA,
+    0xE242: 0x78FD,
+    0xE243: 0x78F4,
+    0xE244: 0x7907,
+    0xE245: 0x7912,
+    0xE246: 0x7911,
+    0xE247: 0x7919,
+    0xE248: 0x792C,
+    0xE249: 0x792B,
+    0xE24A: 0x7940,
+    0xE24B: 0x7960,
+    0xE24C: 0x7957,
+    0xE24D: 0x795F,
+    0xE24E: 0x795A,
+    0xE24F: 0x7955,
+    0xE250: 0x7953,
+    0xE251: 0x797A,
+    0xE252: 0x797F,
+    0xE253: 0x798A,
+    0xE254: 0x799D,
+    0xE255: 0x79A7,
+    0xE256: 0x9F4B,
+    0xE257: 0x79AA,
+    0xE258: 0x79AE,
+    0xE259: 0x79B3,
+    0xE25A: 0x79B9,
+    0xE25B: 0x79BA,
+    0xE25C: 0x79C9,
+    0xE25D: 0x79D5,
+    0xE25E: 0x79E7,
+    0xE25F: 0x79EC,
+    0xE260: 0x79E1,
+    0xE261: 0x79E3,
+    0xE262: 0x7A08,
+    0xE263: 0x7A0D,
+    0xE264: 0x7A18,
+    0xE265: 0x7A19,
+    0xE266: 0x7A20,
+    0xE267: 0x7A1F,
+    0xE268: 0x7980,
+    0xE269: 0x7A31,
+    0xE26A: 0x7A3B,
+    0xE26B: 0x7A3E,
+    0xE26C: 0x7A37,
+    0xE26D: 0x7A43,
+    0xE26E: 0x7A57,
+    0xE26F: 0x7A49,
+    0xE270: 0x7A61,
+    0xE271: 0x7A62,
+    0xE272: 0x7A69,
+    0xE273: 0x9F9D,
+    0xE274: 0x7A70,
+    0xE275: 0x7A79,
+    0xE276: 0x7A7D,
+    0xE277: 0x7A88,
+    0xE278: 0x7A97,
+    0xE279: 0x7A95,
+    0xE27A: 0x7A98,
+    0xE27B: 0x7A96,
+    0xE27C: 0x7AA9,
+    0xE27D: 0x7AC8,
+    0xE27E: 0x7AB0,
+    0xE280: 0x7AB6,
+    0xE281: 0x7AC5,
+    0xE282: 0x7AC4,
+    0xE283: 0x7ABF,
+    0xE284: 0x9083,
+    0xE285: 0x7AC7,
+    0xE286: 0x7ACA,
+    0xE287: 0x7ACD,
+    0xE288: 0x7ACF,
+    0xE289: 0x7AD5,
+    0xE28A: 0x7AD3,
+    0xE28B: 0x7AD9,
+    0xE28C: 0x7ADA,
+    0xE28D: 0x7ADD,
+    0xE28E: 0x7AE1,
+    0xE28F: 0x7AE2,
+    0xE290: 0x7AE6,
+    0xE291: 0x7AED,
+    0xE292: 0x7AF0,
+    0xE293: 0x7B02,
+    0xE294: 0x7B0F,
+    0xE295: 0x7B0A,
+    0xE296: 0x7B06,
+    0xE297: 0x7B33,
+    0xE298: 0x7B18,
+    0xE299: 0x7B19,
+    0xE29A: 0x7B1E,
+    0xE29B: 0x7B35,
+    0xE29C: 0x7B28,
+    0xE29D: 0x7B36,
+    0xE29E: 0x7B50,
+    0xE29F: 0x7B7A,
+    0xE2A0: 0x7B04,
+    0xE2A1: 0x7B4D,
+    0xE2A2: 0x7B0B,
+    0xE2A3: 0x7B4C,
+    0xE2A4: 0x7B45,
+    0xE2A5: 0x7B75,
+    0xE2A6: 0x7B65,
+    0xE2A7: 0x7B74,
+    0xE2A8: 0x7B67,
+    0xE2A9: 0x7B70,
+    0xE2AA: 0x7B71,
+    0xE2AB: 0x7B6C,
+    0xE2AC: 0x7B6E,
+    0xE2AD: 0x7B9D,
+    0xE2AE: 0x7B98,
+    0xE2AF: 0x7B9F,
+    0xE2B0: 0x7B8D,
+    0xE2B1: 0x7B9C,
+    0xE2B2: 0x7B9A,
+    0xE2B3: 0x7B8B,
+    0xE2B4: 0x7B92,
+    0xE2B5: 0x7B8F,
+    0xE2B6: 0x7B5D,
+    0xE2B7: 0x7B99,
+    0xE2B8: 0x7BCB,
+    0xE2B9: 0x7BC1,
+    0xE2BA: 0x7BCC,
+    0xE2BB: 0x7BCF,
+    0xE2BC: 0x7BB4,
+    0xE2BD: 0x7BC6,
+    0xE2BE: 0x7BDD,
+    0xE2BF: 0x7BE9,
+    0xE2C0: 0x7C11,
+    0xE2C1: 0x7C14,
+    0xE2C2: 0x7BE6,
+    0xE2C3: 0x7BE5,
+    0xE2C4: 0x7C60,
+    0xE2C5: 0x7C00,
+    0xE2C6: 0x7C07,
+    0xE2C7: 0x7C13,
+    0xE2C8: 0x7BF3,
+    0xE2C9: 0x7BF7,
+    0xE2CA: 0x7C17,
+    0xE2CB: 0x7C0D,
+    0xE2CC: 0x7BF6,
+    0xE2CD: 0x7C23,
+    0xE2CE: 0x7C27,
+    0xE2CF: 0x7C2A,
+    0xE2D0: 0x7C1F,
+    0xE2D1: 0x7C37,
+    0xE2D2: 0x7C2B,
+    0xE2D3: 0x7C3D,
+    0xE2D4: 0x7C4C,
+    0xE2D5: 0x7C43,
+    0xE2D6: 0x7C54,
+    0xE2D7: 0x7C4F,
+    0xE2D8: 0x7C40,
+    0xE2D9: 0x7C50,
+    0xE2DA: 0x7C58,
+    0xE2DB: 0x7C5F,
+    0xE2DC: 0x7C64,
+    0xE2DD: 0x7C56,
+    0xE2DE: 0x7C65,
+    0xE2DF: 0x7C6C,
+    0xE2E0: 0x7C75,
+    0xE2E1: 0x7C83,
+    0xE2E2: 0x7C90,
+    0xE2E3: 0x7CA4,
+    0xE2E4: 0x7CAD,
+    0xE2E5: 0x7CA2,
+    0xE2E6: 0x7CAB,
+    0xE2E7: 0x7CA1,
+    0xE2E8: 0x7CA8,
+    0xE2E9: 0x7CB3,
+    0xE2EA: 0x7CB2,
+    0xE2EB: 0x7CB1,
+    0xE2EC: 0x7CAE,
+    0xE2ED: 0x7CB9,
+    0xE2EE: 0x7CBD,
+    0xE2EF: 0x7CC0,
+    0xE2F0: 0x7CC5,
+    0xE2F1: 0x7CC2,
+    0xE2F2: 0x7CD8,
+    0xE2F3: 0x7CD2,
+    0xE2F4: 0x7CDC,
+    0xE2F5: 0x7CE2,
+    0xE2F6: 0x9B3B,
+    0xE2F7: 0x7CEF,
+    0xE2F8: 0x7CF2,
+    0xE2F9: 0x7CF4,
+    0xE2FA: 0x7CF6,
+    0xE2FB: 0x7CFA,
+    0xE2FC: 0x7D06,
+    0xE340: 0x7D02,
+    0xE341: 0x7D1C,
+    0xE342: 0x7D15,
+    0xE343: 0x7D0A,
+    0xE344: 0x7D45,
+    0xE345: 0x7D4B,
+    0xE346: 0x7D2E,
+    0xE347: 0x7D32,
+    0xE348: 0x7D3F,
+    0xE349: 0x7D35,
+    0xE34A: 0x7D46,
+    0xE34B: 0x7D73,
+    0xE34C: 0x7D56,
+    0xE34D: 0x7D4E,
+    0xE34E: 0x7D72,
+    0xE34F: 0x7D68,
+    0xE350: 0x7D6E,
+    0xE351: 0x7D4F,
+    0xE352: 0x7D63,
+    0xE353: 0x7D93,
+    0xE354: 0x7D89,
+    0xE355: 0x7D5B,
+    0xE356: 0x7D8F,
+    0xE357: 0x7D7D,
+    0xE358: 0x7D9B,
+    0xE359: 0x7DBA,
+    0xE35A: 0x7DAE,
+    0xE35B: 0x7DA3,
+    0xE35C: 0x7DB5,
+    0xE35D: 0x7DC7,
+    0xE35E: 0x7DBD,
+    0xE35F: 0x7DAB,
+    0xE360: 0x7E3D,
+    0xE361: 0x7DA2,
+    0xE362: 0x7DAF,
+    0xE363: 0x7DDC,
+    0xE364: 0x7DB8,
+    0xE365: 0x7D9F,
+    0xE366: 0x7DB0,
+    0xE367: 0x7DD8,
+    0xE368: 0x7DDD,
+    0xE369: 0x7DE4,
+    0xE36A: 0x7DDE,
+    0xE36B: 0x7DFB,
+    0xE36C: 0x7DF2,
+    0xE36D: 0x7DE1,
+    0xE36E: 0x7E05,
+    0xE36F: 0x7E0A,
+    0xE370: 0x7E23,
+    0xE371: 0x7E21,
+    0xE372: 0x7E12,
+    0xE373: 0x7E31,
+    0xE374: 0x7E1F,
+    0xE375: 0x7E09,
+    0xE376: 0x7E0B,
+    0xE377: 0x7E22,
+    0xE378: 0x7E46,
+    0xE379: 0x7E66,
+    0xE37A: 0x7E3B,
+    0xE37B: 0x7E35,
+    0xE37C: 0x7E39,
+    0xE37D: 0x7E43,
+    0xE37E: 0x7E37,
+    0xE380: 0x7E32,
+    0xE381: 0x7E3A,
+    0xE382: 0x7E67,
+    0xE383: 0x7E5D,
+    0xE384: 0x7E56,
+    0xE385: 0x7E5E,
+    0xE386: 0x7E59,
+    0xE387: 0x7E5A,
+    0xE388: 0x7E79,
+    0xE389: 0x7E6A,
+    0xE38A: 0x7E69,
+    0xE38B: 0x7E7C,
+    0xE38C: 0x7E7B,
+    0xE38D: 0x7E83,
+    0xE38E: 0x7DD5,
+    0xE38F: 0x7E7D,
+    0xE390: 0x8FAE,
+    0xE391: 0x7E7F,
+    0xE392: 0x7E88,
+    0xE393: 0x7E89,
+    0xE394: 0x7E8C,
+    0xE395: 0x7E92,
+    0xE396: 0x7E90,
+    0xE397: 0x7E93,
+    0xE398: 0x7E94,
+    0xE399: 0x7E96,
+    0xE39A: 0x7E8E,
+    0xE39B: 0x7E9B,
+    0xE39C: 0x7E9C,
+    0xE39D: 0x7F38,
+    0xE39E: 0x7F3A,
+    0xE39F: 0x7F45,
+    0xE3A0: 0x7F4C,
+    0xE3A1: 0x7F4D,
+    0xE3A2: 0x7F4E,
+    0xE3A3: 0x7F50,
+    0xE3A4: 0x7F51,
+    0xE3A5: 0x7F55,
+    0xE3A6: 0x7F54,
+    0xE3A7: 0x7F58,
+    0xE3A8: 0x7F5F,
+    0xE3A9: 0x7F60,
+    0xE3AA: 0x7F68,
+    0xE3AB: 0x7F69,
+    0xE3AC: 0x7F67,
+    0xE3AD: 0x7F78,
+    0xE3AE: 0x7F82,
+    0xE3AF: 0x7F86,
+    0xE3B0: 0x7F83,
+    0xE3B1: 0x7F88,
+    0xE3B2: 0x7F87,
+    0xE3B3: 0x7F8C,
+    0xE3B4: 0x7F94,
+    0xE3B5: 0x7F9E,
+    0xE3B6: 0x7F9D,
+    0xE3B7: 0x7F9A,
+    0xE3B8: 0x7FA3,
+    0xE3B9: 0x7FAF,
+    0xE3BA: 0x7FB2,
+    0xE3BB: 0x7FB9,
+    0xE3BC: 0x7FAE,
+    0xE3BD: 0x7FB6,
+    0xE3BE: 0x7FB8,
+    0xE3BF: 0x8B71,
+    0xE3C0: 0x7FC5,
+    0xE3C1: 0x7FC6,
+    0xE3C2: 0x7FCA,
+    0xE3C3: 0x7FD5,
+    0xE3C4: 0x7FD4,
+    0xE3C5: 0x7FE1,
+    0xE3C6: 0x7FE6,
+    0xE3C7: 0x7FE9,
+    0xE3C8: 0x7FF3,
+    0xE3C9: 0x7FF9,
+    0xE3CA: 0x98DC,
+    0xE3CB: 0x8006,
+    0xE3CC: 0x8004,
+    0xE3CD: 0x800B,
+    0xE3CE: 0x8012,
+    0xE3CF: 0x8018,
+    0xE3D0: 0x8019,
+    0xE3D1: 0x801C,
+    0xE3D2: 0x8021,
+    0xE3D3: 0x8028,
+    0xE3D4: 0x803F,
+    0xE3D5: 0x803B,
+    0xE3D6: 0x804A,
+    0xE3D7: 0x8046,
+    0xE3D8: 0x8052,
+    0xE3D9: 0x8058,
+    0xE3DA: 0x805A,
+    0xE3DB: 0x805F,
+    0xE3DC: 0x8062,
+    0xE3DD: 0x8068,
+    0xE3DE: 0x8073,
+    0xE3DF: 0x8072,
+    0xE3E0: 0x8070,
+    0xE3E1: 0x8076,
+    0xE3E2: 0x8079,
+    0xE3E3: 0x807D,
+    0xE3E4: 0x807F,
+    0xE3E5: 0x8084,
+    0xE3E6: 0x8086,
+    0xE3E7: 0x8085,
+    0xE3E8: 0x809B,
+    0xE3E9: 0x8093,
+    0xE3EA: 0x809A,
+    0xE3EB: 0x80AD,
+    0xE3EC: 0x5190,
+    0xE3ED: 0x80AC,
+    0xE3EE: 0x80DB,
+    0xE3EF: 0x80E5,
+    0xE3F0: 0x80D9,
+    0xE3F1: 0x80DD,
+    0xE3F2: 0x80C4,
+    0xE3F3: 0x80DA,
+    0xE3F4: 0x80D6,
+    0xE3F5: 0x8109,
+    0xE3F6: 0x80EF,
+    0xE3F7: 0x80F1,
+    0xE3F8: 0x811B,
+    0xE3F9: 0x8129,
+    0xE3FA: 0x8123,
+    0xE3FB: 0x812F,
+    0xE3FC: 0x814B,
+    0xE440: 0x968B,
+    0xE441: 0x8146,
+    0xE442: 0x813E,
+    0xE443: 0x8153,
+    0xE444: 0x8151,
+    0xE445: 0x80FC,
+    0xE446: 0x8171,
+    0xE447: 0x816E,
+    0xE448: 0x8165,
+    0xE449: 0x8166,
+    0xE44A: 0x8174,
+    0xE44B: 0x8183,
+    0xE44C: 0x8188,
+    0xE44D: 0x818A,
+    0xE44E: 0x8180,
+    0xE44F: 0x8182,
+    0xE450: 0x81A0,
+    0xE451: 0x8195,
+    0xE452: 0x81A4,
+    0xE453: 0x81A3,
+    0xE454: 0x815F,
+    0xE455: 0x8193,
+    0xE456: 0x81A9,
+    0xE457: 0x81B0,
+    0xE458: 0x81B5,
+    0xE459: 0x81BE,
+    0xE45A: 0x81B8,
+    0xE45B: 0x81BD,
+    0xE45C: 0x81C0,
+    0xE45D: 0x81C2,
+    0xE45E: 0x81BA,
+    0xE45F: 0x81C9,
+    0xE460: 0x81CD,
+    0xE461: 0x81D1,
+    0xE462: 0x81D9,
+    0xE463: 0x81D8,
+    0xE464: 0x81C8,
+    0xE465: 0x81DA,
+    0xE466: 0x81DF,
+    0xE467: 0x81E0,
+    0xE468: 0x81E7,
+    0xE469: 0x81FA,
+    0xE46A: 0x81FB,
+    0xE46B: 0x81FE,
+    0xE46C: 0x8201,
+    0xE46D: 0x8202,
+    0xE46E: 0x8205,
+    0xE46F: 0x8207,
+    0xE470: 0x820A,
+    0xE471: 0x820D,
+    0xE472: 0x8210,
+    0xE473: 0x8216,
+    0xE474: 0x8229,
+    0xE475: 0x822B,
+    0xE476: 0x8238,
+    0xE477: 0x8233,
+    0xE478: 0x8240,
+    0xE479: 0x8259,
+    0xE47A: 0x8258,
+    0xE47B: 0x825D,
+    0xE47C: 0x825A,
+    0xE47D: 0x825F,
+    0xE47E: 0x8264,
+    0xE480: 0x8262,
+    0xE481: 0x8268,
+    0xE482: 0x826A,
+    0xE483: 0x826B,
+    0xE484: 0x822E,
+    0xE485: 0x8271,
+    0xE486: 0x8277,
+    0xE487: 0x8278,
+    0xE488: 0x827E,
+    0xE489: 0x828D,
+    0xE48A: 0x8292,
+    0xE48B: 0x82AB,
+    0xE48C: 0x829F,
+    0xE48D: 0x82BB,
+    0xE48E: 0x82AC,
+    0xE48F: 0x82E1,
+    0xE490: 0x82E3,
+    0xE491: 0x82DF,
+    0xE492: 0x82D2,
+    0xE493: 0x82F4,
+    0xE494: 0x82F3,
+    0xE495: 0x82FA,
+    0xE496: 0x8393,
+    0xE497: 0x8303,
+    0xE498: 0x82FB,
+    0xE499: 0x82F9,
+    0xE49A: 0x82DE,
+    0xE49B: 0x8306,
+    0xE49C: 0x82DC,
+    0xE49D: 0x8309,
+    0xE49E: 0x82D9,
+    0xE49F: 0x8335,
+    0xE4A0: 0x8334,
+    0xE4A1: 0x8316,
+    0xE4A2: 0x8332,
+    0xE4A3: 0x8331,
+    0xE4A4: 0x8340,
+    0xE4A5: 0x8339,
+    0xE4A6: 0x8350,
+    0xE4A7: 0x8345,
+    0xE4A8: 0x832F,
+    0xE4A9: 0x832B,
+    0xE4AA: 0x8317,
+    0xE4AB: 0x8318,
+    0xE4AC: 0x8385,
+    0xE4AD: 0x839A,
+    0xE4AE: 0x83AA,
+    0xE4AF: 0x839F,
+    0xE4B0: 0x83A2,
+    0xE4B1: 0x8396,
+    0xE4B2: 0x8323,
+    0xE4B3: 0x838E,
+    0xE4B4: 0x8387,
+    0xE4B5: 0x838A,
+    0xE4B6: 0x837C,
+    0xE4B7: 0x83B5,
+    0xE4B8: 0x8373,
+    0xE4B9: 0x8375,
+    0xE4BA: 0x83A0,
+    0xE4BB: 0x8389,
+    0xE4BC: 0x83A8,
+    0xE4BD: 0x83F4,
+    0xE4BE: 0x8413,
+    0xE4BF: 0x83EB,
+    0xE4C0: 0x83CE,
+    0xE4C1: 0x83FD,
+    0xE4C2: 0x8403,
+    0xE4C3: 0x83D8,
+    0xE4C4: 0x840B,
+    0xE4C5: 0x83C1,
+    0xE4C6: 0x83F7,
+    0xE4C7: 0x8407,
+    0xE4C8: 0x83E0,
+    0xE4C9: 0x83F2,
+    0xE4CA: 0x840D,
+    0xE4CB: 0x8422,
+    0xE4CC: 0x8420,
+    0xE4CD: 0x83BD,
+    0xE4CE: 0x8438,
+    0xE4CF: 0x8506,
+    0xE4D0: 0x83FB,
+    0xE4D1: 0x846D,
+    0xE4D2: 0x842A,
+    0xE4D3: 0x843C,
+    0xE4D4: 0x855A,
+    0xE4D5: 0x8484,
+    0xE4D6: 0x8477,
+    0xE4D7: 0x846B,
+    0xE4D8: 0x84AD,
+    0xE4D9: 0x846E,
+    0xE4DA: 0x8482,
+    0xE4DB: 0x8469,
+    0xE4DC: 0x8446,
+    0xE4DD: 0x842C,
+    0xE4DE: 0x846F,
+    0xE4DF: 0x8479,
+    0xE4E0: 0x8435,
+    0xE4E1: 0x84CA,
+    0xE4E2: 0x8462,
+    0xE4E3: 0x84B9,
+    0xE4E4: 0x84BF,
+    0xE4E5: 0x849F,
+    0xE4E6: 0x84D9,
+    0xE4E7: 0x84CD,
+    0xE4E8: 0x84BB,
+    0xE4E9: 0x84DA,
+    0xE4EA: 0x84D0,
+    0xE4EB: 0x84C1,
+    0xE4EC: 0x84C6,
+    0xE4ED: 0x84D6,
+    0xE4EE: 0x84A1,
+    0xE4EF: 0x8521,
+    0xE4F0: 0x84FF,
+    0xE4F1: 0x84F4,
+    0xE4F2: 0x8517,
+    0xE4F3: 0x8518,
+    0xE4F4: 0x852C,
+    0xE4F5: 0x851F,
+    0xE4F6: 0x8515,
+    0xE4F7: 0x8514,
+    0xE4F8: 0x84FC,
+    0xE4F9: 0x8540,
+    0xE4FA: 0x8563,
+    0xE4FB: 0x8558,
+    0xE4FC: 0x8548,
+    0xE540: 0x8541,
+    0xE541: 0x8602,
+    0xE542: 0x854B,
+    0xE543: 0x8555,
+    0xE544: 0x8580,
+    0xE545: 0x85A4,
+    0xE546: 0x8588,
+    0xE547: 0x8591,
+    0xE548: 0x858A,
+    0xE549: 0x85A8,
+    0xE54A: 0x856D,
+    0xE54B: 0x8594,
+    0xE54C: 0x859B,
+    0xE54D: 0x85EA,
+    0xE54E: 0x8587,
+    0xE54F: 0x859C,
+    0xE550: 0x8577,
+    0xE551: 0x857E,
+    0xE552: 0x8590,
+    0xE553: 0x85C9,
+    0xE554: 0x85BA,
+    0xE555: 0x85CF,
+    0xE556: 0x85B9,
+    0xE557: 0x85D0,
+    0xE558: 0x85D5,
+    0xE559: 0x85DD,
+    0xE55A: 0x85E5,
+    0xE55B: 0x85DC,
+    0xE55C: 0x85F9,
+    0xE55D: 0x860A,
+    0xE55E: 0x8613,
+    0xE55F: 0x860B,
+    0xE560: 0x85FE,
+    0xE561: 0x85FA,
+    0xE562: 0x8606,
+    0xE563: 0x8622,
+    0xE564: 0x861A,
+    0xE565: 0x8630,
+    0xE566: 0x863F,
+    0xE567: 0x864D,
+    0xE568: 0x4E55,
+    0xE569: 0x8654,
+    0xE56A: 0x865F,
+    0xE56B: 0x8667,
+    0xE56C: 0x8671,
+    0xE56D: 0x8693,
+    0xE56E: 0x86A3,
+    0xE56F: 0x86A9,
+    0xE570: 0x86AA,
+    0xE571: 0x868B,
+    0xE572: 0x868C,
+    0xE573: 0x86B6,
+    0xE574: 0x86AF,
+    0xE575: 0x86C4,
+    0xE576: 0x86C6,
+    0xE577: 0x86B0,
+    0xE578: 0x86C9,
+    0xE579: 0x8823,
+    0xE57A: 0x86AB,
+    0xE57B: 0x86D4,
+    0xE57C: 0x86DE,
+    0xE57D: 0x86E9,
+    0xE57E: 0x86EC,
+    0xE580: 0x86DF,
+    0xE581: 0x86DB,
+    0xE582: 0x86EF,
+    0xE583: 0x8712,
+    0xE584: 0x8706,
+    0xE585: 0x8708,
+    0xE586: 0x8700,
+    0xE587: 0x8703,
+    0xE588: 0x86FB,
+    0xE589: 0x8711,
+    0xE58A: 0x8709,
+    0xE58B: 0x870D,
+    0xE58C: 0x86F9,
+    0xE58D: 0x870A,
+    0xE58E: 0x8734,
+    0xE58F: 0x873F,
+    0xE590: 0x8737,
+    0xE591: 0x873B,
+    0xE592: 0x8725,
+    0xE593: 0x8729,
+    0xE594: 0x871A,
+    0xE595: 0x8760,
+    0xE596: 0x875F,
+    0xE597: 0x8778,
+    0xE598: 0x874C,
+    0xE599: 0x874E,
+    0xE59A: 0x8774,
+    0xE59B: 0x8757,
+    0xE59C: 0x8768,
+    0xE59D: 0x876E,
+    0xE59E: 0x8759,
+    0xE59F: 0x8753,
+    0xE5A0: 0x8763,
+    0xE5A1: 0x876A,
+    0xE5A2: 0x8805,
+    0xE5A3: 0x87A2,
+    0xE5A4: 0x879F,
+    0xE5A5: 0x8782,
+    0xE5A6: 0x87AF,
+    0xE5A7: 0x87CB,
+    0xE5A8: 0x87BD,
+    0xE5A9: 0x87C0,
+    0xE5AA: 0x87D0,
+    0xE5AB: 0x96D6,
+    0xE5AC: 0x87AB,
+    0xE5AD: 0x87C4,
+    0xE5AE: 0x87B3,
+    0xE5AF: 0x87C7,
+    0xE5B0: 0x87C6,
+    0xE5B1: 0x87BB,
+    0xE5B2: 0x87EF,
+    0xE5B3: 0x87F2,
+    0xE5B4: 0x87E0,
+    0xE5B5: 0x880F,
+    0xE5B6: 0x880D,
+    0xE5B7: 0x87FE,
+    0xE5B8: 0x87F6,
+    0xE5B9: 0x87F7,
+    0xE5BA: 0x880E,
+    0xE5BB: 0x87D2,
+    0xE5BC: 0x8811,
+    0xE5BD: 0x8816,
+    0xE5BE: 0x8815,
+    0xE5BF: 0x8822,
+    0xE5C0: 0x8821,
+    0xE5C1: 0x8831,
+    0xE5C2: 0x8836,
+    0xE5C3: 0x8839,
+    0xE5C4: 0x8827,
+    0xE5C5: 0x883B,
+    0xE5C6: 0x8844,
+    0xE5C7: 0x8842,
+    0xE5C8: 0x8852,
+    0xE5C9: 0x8859,
+    0xE5CA: 0x885E,
+    0xE5CB: 0x8862,
+    0xE5CC: 0x886B,
+    0xE5CD: 0x8881,
+    0xE5CE: 0x887E,
+    0xE5CF: 0x889E,
+    0xE5D0: 0x8875,
+    0xE5D1: 0x887D,
+    0xE5D2: 0x88B5,
+    0xE5D3: 0x8872,
+    0xE5D4: 0x8882,
+    0xE5D5: 0x8897,
+    0xE5D6: 0x8892,
+    0xE5D7: 0x88AE,
+    0xE5D8: 0x8899,
+    0xE5D9: 0x88A2,
+    0xE5DA: 0x888D,
+    0xE5DB: 0x88A4,
+    0xE5DC: 0x88B0,
+    0xE5DD: 0x88BF,
+    0xE5DE: 0x88B1,
+    0xE5DF: 0x88C3,
+    0xE5E0: 0x88C4,
+    0xE5E1: 0x88D4,
+    0xE5E2: 0x88D8,
+    0xE5E3: 0x88D9,
+    0xE5E4: 0x88DD,
+    0xE5E5: 0x88F9,
+    0xE5E6: 0x8902,
+    0xE5E7: 0x88FC,
+    0xE5E8: 0x88F4,
+    0xE5E9: 0x88E8,
+    0xE5EA: 0x88F2,
+    0xE5EB: 0x8904,
+    0xE5EC: 0x890C,
+    0xE5ED: 0x890A,
+    0xE5EE: 0x8913,
+    0xE5EF: 0x8943,
+    0xE5F0: 0x891E,
+    0xE5F1: 0x8925,
+    0xE5F2: 0x892A,
+    0xE5F3: 0x892B,
+    0xE5F4: 0x8941,
+    0xE5F5: 0x8944,
+    0xE5F6: 0x893B,
+    0xE5F7: 0x8936,
+    0xE5F8: 0x8938,
+    0xE5F9: 0x894C,
+    0xE5FA: 0x891D,
+    0xE5FB: 0x8960,
+    0xE5FC: 0x895E,
+    0xE640: 0x8966,
+    0xE641: 0x8964,
+    0xE642: 0x896D,
+    0xE643: 0x896A,
+    0xE644: 0x896F,
+    0xE645: 0x8974,
+    0xE646: 0x8977,
+    0xE647: 0x897E,
+    0xE648: 0x8983,
+    0xE649: 0x8988,
+    0xE64A: 0x898A,
+    0xE64B: 0x8993,
+    0xE64C: 0x8998,
+    0xE64D: 0x89A1,
+    0xE64E: 0x89A9,
+    0xE64F: 0x89A6,
+    0xE650: 0x89AC,
+    0xE651: 0x89AF,
+    0xE652: 0x89B2,
+    0xE653: 0x89BA,
+    0xE654: 0x89BD,
+    0xE655: 0x89BF,
+    0xE656: 0x89C0,
+    0xE657: 0x89DA,
+    0xE658: 0x89DC,
+    0xE659: 0x89DD,
+    0xE65A: 0x89E7,
+    0xE65B: 0x89F4,
+    0xE65C: 0x89F8,
+    0xE65D: 0x8A03,
+    0xE65E: 0x8A16,
+    0xE65F: 0x8A10,
+    0xE660: 0x8A0C,
+    0xE661: 0x8A1B,
+    0xE662: 0x8A1D,
+    0xE663: 0x8A25,
+    0xE664: 0x8A36,
+    0xE665: 0x8A41,
+    0xE666: 0x8A5B,
+    0xE667: 0x8A52,
+    0xE668: 0x8A46,
+    0xE669: 0x8A48,
+    0xE66A: 0x8A7C,
+    0xE66B: 0x8A6D,
+    0xE66C: 0x8A6C,
+    0xE66D: 0x8A62,
+    0xE66E: 0x8A85,
+    0xE66F: 0x8A82,
+    0xE670: 0x8A84,
+    0xE671: 0x8AA8,
+    0xE672: 0x8AA1,
+    0xE673: 0x8A91,
+    0xE674: 0x8AA5,
+    0xE675: 0x8AA6,
+    0xE676: 0x8A9A,
+    0xE677: 0x8AA3,
+    0xE678: 0x8AC4,
+    0xE679: 0x8ACD,
+    0xE67A: 0x8AC2,
+    0xE67B: 0x8ADA,
+    0xE67C: 0x8AEB,
+    0xE67D: 0x8AF3,
+    0xE67E: 0x8AE7,
+    0xE680: 0x8AE4,
+    0xE681: 0x8AF1,
+    0xE682: 0x8B14,
+    0xE683: 0x8AE0,
+    0xE684: 0x8AE2,
+    0xE685: 0x8AF7,
+    0xE686: 0x8ADE,
+    0xE687: 0x8ADB,
+    0xE688: 0x8B0C,
+    0xE689: 0x8B07,
+    0xE68A: 0x8B1A,
+    0xE68B: 0x8AE1,
+    0xE68C: 0x8B16,
+    0xE68D: 0x8B10,
+    0xE68E: 0x8B17,
+    0xE68F: 0x8B20,
+    0xE690: 0x8B33,
+    0xE691: 0x97AB,
+    0xE692: 0x8B26,
+    0xE693: 0x8B2B,
+    0xE694: 0x8B3E,
+    0xE695: 0x8B28,
+    0xE696: 0x8B41,
+    0xE697: 0x8B4C,
+    0xE698: 0x8B4F,
+    0xE699: 0x8B4E,
+    0xE69A: 0x8B49,
+    0xE69B: 0x8B56,
+    0xE69C: 0x8B5B,
+    0xE69D: 0x8B5A,
+    0xE69E: 0x8B6B,
+    0xE69F: 0x8B5F,
+    0xE6A0: 0x8B6C,
+    0xE6A1: 0x8B6F,
+    0xE6A2: 0x8B74,
+    0xE6A3: 0x8B7D,
+    0xE6A4: 0x8B80,
+    0xE6A5: 0x8B8C,
+    0xE6A6: 0x8B8E,
+    0xE6A7: 0x8B92,
+    0xE6A8: 0x8B93,
+    0xE6A9: 0x8B96,
+    0xE6AA: 0x8B99,
+    0xE6AB: 0x8B9A,
+    0xE6AC: 0x8C3A,
+    0xE6AD: 0x8C41,
+    0xE6AE: 0x8C3F,
+    0xE6AF: 0x8C48,
+    0xE6B0: 0x8C4C,
+    0xE6B1: 0x8C4E,
+    0xE6B2: 0x8C50,
+    0xE6B3: 0x8C55,
+    0xE6B4: 0x8C62,
+    0xE6B5: 0x8C6C,
+    0xE6B6: 0x8C78,
+    0xE6B7: 0x8C7A,
+    0xE6B8: 0x8C82,
+    0xE6B9: 0x8C89,
+    0xE6BA: 0x8C85,
+    0xE6BB: 0x8C8A,
+    0xE6BC: 0x8C8D,
+    0xE6BD: 0x8C8E,
+    0xE6BE: 0x8C94,
+    0xE6BF: 0x8C7C,
+    0xE6C0: 0x8C98,
+    0xE6C1: 0x621D,
+    0xE6C2: 0x8CAD,
+    0xE6C3: 0x8CAA,
+    0xE6C4: 0x8CBD,
+    0xE6C5: 0x8CB2,
+    0xE6C6: 0x8CB3,
+    0xE6C7: 0x8CAE,
+    0xE6C8: 0x8CB6,
+    0xE6C9: 0x8CC8,
+    0xE6CA: 0x8CC1,
+    0xE6CB: 0x8CE4,
+    0xE6CC: 0x8CE3,
+    0xE6CD: 0x8CDA,
+    0xE6CE: 0x8CFD,
+    0xE6CF: 0x8CFA,
+    0xE6D0: 0x8CFB,
+    0xE6D1: 0x8D04,
+    0xE6D2: 0x8D05,
+    0xE6D3: 0x8D0A,
+    0xE6D4: 0x8D07,
+    0xE6D5: 0x8D0F,
+    0xE6D6: 0x8D0D,
+    0xE6D7: 0x8D10,
+    0xE6D8: 0x9F4E,
+    0xE6D9: 0x8D13,
+    0xE6DA: 0x8CCD,
+    0xE6DB: 0x8D14,
+    0xE6DC: 0x8D16,
+    0xE6DD: 0x8D67,
+    0xE6DE: 0x8D6D,
+    0xE6DF: 0x8D71,
+    0xE6E0: 0x8D73,
+    0xE6E1: 0x8D81,
+    0xE6E2: 0x8D99,
+    0xE6E3: 0x8DC2,
+    0xE6E4: 0x8DBE,
+    0xE6E5: 0x8DBA,
+    0xE6E6: 0x8DCF,
+    0xE6E7: 0x8DDA,
+    0xE6E8: 0x8DD6,
+    0xE6E9: 0x8DCC,
+    0xE6EA: 0x8DDB,
+    0xE6EB: 0x8DCB,
+    0xE6EC: 0x8DEA,
+    0xE6ED: 0x8DEB,
+    0xE6EE: 0x8DDF,
+    0xE6EF: 0x8DE3,
+    0xE6F0: 0x8DFC,
+    0xE6F1: 0x8E08,
+    0xE6F2: 0x8E09,
+    0xE6F3: 0x8DFF,
+    0xE6F4: 0x8E1D,
+    0xE6F5: 0x8E1E,
+    0xE6F6: 0x8E10,
+    0xE6F7: 0x8E1F,
+    0xE6F8: 0x8E42,
+    0xE6F9: 0x8E35,
+    0xE6FA: 0x8E30,
+    0xE6FB: 0x8E34,
+    0xE6FC: 0x8E4A,
+    0xE740: 0x8E47,
+    0xE741: 0x8E49,
+    0xE742: 0x8E4C,
+    0xE743: 0x8E50,
+    0xE744: 0x8E48,
+    0xE745: 0x8E59,
+    0xE746: 0x8E64,
+    0xE747: 0x8E60,
+    0xE748: 0x8E2A,
+    0xE749: 0x8E63,
+    0xE74A: 0x8E55,
+    0xE74B: 0x8E76,
+    0xE74C: 0x8E72,
+    0xE74D: 0x8E7C,
+    0xE74E: 0x8E81,
+    0xE74F: 0x8E87,
+    0xE750: 0x8E85,
+    0xE751: 0x8E84,
+    0xE752: 0x8E8B,
+    0xE753: 0x8E8A,
+    0xE754: 0x8E93,
+    0xE755: 0x8E91,
+    0xE756: 0x8E94,
+    0xE757: 0x8E99,
+    0xE758: 0x8EAA,
+    0xE759: 0x8EA1,
+    0xE75A: 0x8EAC,
+    0xE75B: 0x8EB0,
+    0xE75C: 0x8EC6,
+    0xE75D: 0x8EB1,
+    0xE75E: 0x8EBE,
+    0xE75F: 0x8EC5,
+    0xE760: 0x8EC8,
+    0xE761: 0x8ECB,
+    0xE762: 0x8EDB,
+    0xE763: 0x8EE3,
+    0xE764: 0x8EFC,
+    0xE765: 0x8EFB,
+    0xE766: 0x8EEB,
+    0xE767: 0x8EFE,
+    0xE768: 0x8F0A,
+    0xE769: 0x8F05,
+    0xE76A: 0x8F15,
+    0xE76B: 0x8F12,
+    0xE76C: 0x8F19,
+    0xE76D: 0x8F13,
+    0xE76E: 0x8F1C,
+    0xE76F: 0x8F1F,
+    0xE770: 0x8F1B,
+    0xE771: 0x8F0C,
+    0xE772: 0x8F26,
+    0xE773: 0x8F33,
+    0xE774: 0x8F3B,
+    0xE775: 0x8F39,
+    0xE776: 0x8F45,
+    0xE777: 0x8F42,
+    0xE778: 0x8F3E,
+    0xE779: 0x8F4C,
+    0xE77A: 0x8F49,
+    0xE77B: 0x8F46,
+    0xE77C: 0x8F4E,
+    0xE77D: 0x8F57,
+    0xE77E: 0x8F5C,
+    0xE780: 0x8F62,
+    0xE781: 0x8F63,
+    0xE782: 0x8F64,
+    0xE783: 0x8F9C,
+    0xE784: 0x8F9F,
+    0xE785: 0x8FA3,
+    0xE786: 0x8FAD,
+    0xE787: 0x8FAF,
+    0xE788: 0x8FB7,
+    0xE789: 0x8FDA,
+    0xE78A: 0x8FE5,
+    0xE78B: 0x8FE2,
+    0xE78C: 0x8FEA,
+    0xE78D: 0x8FEF,
+    0xE78E: 0x9087,
+    0xE78F: 0x8FF4,
+    0xE790: 0x9005,
+    0xE791: 0x8FF9,
+    0xE792: 0x8FFA,
+    0xE793: 0x9011,
+    0xE794: 0x9015,
+    0xE795: 0x9021,
+    0xE796: 0x900D,
+    0xE797: 0x901E,
+    0xE798: 0x9016,
+    0xE799: 0x900B,
+    0xE79A: 0x9027,
+    0xE79B: 0x9036,
+    0xE79C: 0x9035,
+    0xE79D: 0x9039,
+    0xE79E: 0x8FF8,
+    0xE79F: 0x904F,
+    0xE7A0: 0x9050,
+    0xE7A1: 0x9051,
+    0xE7A2: 0x9052,
+    0xE7A3: 0x900E,
+    0xE7A4: 0x9049,
+    0xE7A5: 0x903E,
+    0xE7A6: 0x9056,
+    0xE7A7: 0x9058,
+    0xE7A8: 0x905E,
+    0xE7A9: 0x9068,
+    0xE7AA: 0x906F,
+    0xE7AB: 0x9076,
+    0xE7AC: 0x96A8,
+    0xE7AD: 0x9072,
+    0xE7AE: 0x9082,
+    0xE7AF: 0x907D,
+    0xE7B0: 0x9081,
+    0xE7B1: 0x9080,
+    0xE7B2: 0x908A,
+    0xE7B3: 0x9089,
+    0xE7B4: 0x908F,
+    0xE7B5: 0x90A8,
+    0xE7B6: 0x90AF,
+    0xE7B7: 0x90B1,
+    0xE7B8: 0x90B5,
+    0xE7B9: 0x90E2,
+    0xE7BA: 0x90E4,
+    0xE7BB: 0x6248,
+    0xE7BC: 0x90DB,
+    0xE7BD: 0x9102,
+    0xE7BE: 0x9112,
+    0xE7BF: 0x9119,
+    0xE7C0: 0x9132,
+    0xE7C1: 0x9130,
+    0xE7C2: 0x914A,
+    0xE7C3: 0x9156,
+    0xE7C4: 0x9158,
+    0xE7C5: 0x9163,
+    0xE7C6: 0x9165,
+    0xE7C7: 0x9169,
+    0xE7C8: 0x9173,
+    0xE7C9: 0x9172,
+    0xE7CA: 0x918B,
+    0xE7CB: 0x9189,
+    0xE7CC: 0x9182,
+    0xE7CD: 0x91A2,
+    0xE7CE: 0x91AB,
+    0xE7CF: 0x91AF,
+    0xE7D0: 0x91AA,
+    0xE7D1: 0x91B5,
+    0xE7D2: 0x91B4,
+    0xE7D3: 0x91BA,
+    0xE7D4: 0x91C0,
+    0xE7D5: 0x91C1,
+    0xE7D6: 0x91C9,
+    0xE7D7: 0x91CB,
+    0xE7D8: 0x91D0,
+    0xE7D9: 0x91D6,
+    0xE7DA: 0x91DF,
+    0xE7DB: 0x91E1,
+    0xE7DC: 0x91DB,
+    0xE7DD: 0x91FC,
+    0xE7DE: 0x91F5,
+    0xE7DF: 0x91F6,
+    0xE7E0: 0x921E,
+    0xE7E1: 0x91FF,
+    0xE7E2: 0x9214,
+    0xE7E3: 0x922C,
+    0xE7E4: 0x9215,
+    0xE7E5: 0x9211,
+    0xE7E6: 0x925E,
+    0xE7E7: 0x9257,
+    0xE7E8: 0x9245,
+    0xE7E9: 0x9249,
+    0xE7EA: 0x9264,
+    0xE7EB: 0x9248,
+    0xE7EC: 0x9295,
+    0xE7ED: 0x923F,
+    0xE7EE: 0x924B,
+    0xE7EF: 0x9250,
+    0xE7F0: 0x929C,
+    0xE7F1: 0x9296,
+    0xE7F2: 0x9293,
+    0xE7F3: 0x929B,
+    0xE7F4: 0x925A,
+    0xE7F5: 0x92CF,
+    0xE7F6: 0x92B9,
+    0xE7F7: 0x92B7,
+    0xE7F8: 0x92E9,
+    0xE7F9: 0x930F,
+    0xE7FA: 0x92FA,
+    0xE7FB: 0x9344,
+    0xE7FC: 0x932E,
+    0xE840: 0x9319,
+    0xE841: 0x9322,
+    0xE842: 0x931A,
+    0xE843: 0x9323,
+    0xE844: 0x933A,
+    0xE845: 0x9335,
+    0xE846: 0x933B,
+    0xE847: 0x935C,
+    0xE848: 0x9360,
+    0xE849: 0x937C,
+    0xE84A: 0x936E,
+    0xE84B: 0x9356,
+    0xE84C: 0x93B0,
+    0xE84D: 0x93AC,
+    0xE84E: 0x93AD,
+    0xE84F: 0x9394,
+    0xE850: 0x93B9,
+    0xE851: 0x93D6,
+    0xE852: 0x93D7,
+    0xE853: 0x93E8,
+    0xE854: 0x93E5,
+    0xE855: 0x93D8,
+    0xE856: 0x93C3,
+    0xE857: 0x93DD,
+    0xE858: 0x93D0,
+    0xE859: 0x93C8,
+    0xE85A: 0x93E4,
+    0xE85B: 0x941A,
+    0xE85C: 0x9414,
+    0xE85D: 0x9413,
+    0xE85E: 0x9403,
+    0xE85F: 0x9407,
+    0xE860: 0x9410,
+    0xE861: 0x9436,
+    0xE862: 0x942B,
+    0xE863: 0x9435,
+    0xE864: 0x9421,
+    0xE865: 0x943A,
+    0xE866: 0x9441,
+    0xE867: 0x9452,
+    0xE868: 0x9444,
+    0xE869: 0x945B,
+    0xE86A: 0x9460,
+    0xE86B: 0x9462,
+    0xE86C: 0x945E,
+    0xE86D: 0x946A,
+    0xE86E: 0x9229,
+    0xE86F: 0x9470,
+    0xE870: 0x9475,
+    0xE871: 0x9477,
+    0xE872: 0x947D,
+    0xE873: 0x945A,
+    0xE874: 0x947C,
+    0xE875: 0x947E,
+    0xE876: 0x9481,
+    0xE877: 0x947F,
+    0xE878: 0x9582,
+    0xE879: 0x9587,
+    0xE87A: 0x958A,
+    0xE87B: 0x9594,
+    0xE87C: 0x9596,
+    0xE87D: 0x9598,
+    0xE87E: 0x9599,
+    0xE880: 0x95A0,
+    0xE881: 0x95A8,
+    0xE882: 0x95A7,
+    0xE883: 0x95AD,
+    0xE884: 0x95BC,
+    0xE885: 0x95BB,
+    0xE886: 0x95B9,
+    0xE887: 0x95BE,
+    0xE888: 0x95CA,
+    0xE889: 0x6FF6,
+    0xE88A: 0x95C3,
+    0xE88B: 0x95CD,
+    0xE88C: 0x95CC,
+    0xE88D: 0x95D5,
+    0xE88E: 0x95D4,
+    0xE88F: 0x95D6,
+    0xE890: 0x95DC,
+    0xE891: 0x95E1,
+    0xE892: 0x95E5,
+    0xE893: 0x95E2,
+    0xE894: 0x9621,
+    0xE895: 0x9628,
+    0xE896: 0x962E,
+    0xE897: 0x962F,
+    0xE898: 0x9642,
+    0xE899: 0x964C,
+    0xE89A: 0x964F,
+    0xE89B: 0x964B,
+    0xE89C: 0x9677,
+    0xE89D: 0x965C,
+    0xE89E: 0x965E,
+    0xE89F: 0x965D,
+    0xE8A0: 0x965F,
+    0xE8A1: 0x9666,
+    0xE8A2: 0x9672,
+    0xE8A3: 0x966C,
+    0xE8A4: 0x968D,
+    0xE8A5: 0x9698,
+    0xE8A6: 0x9695,
+    0xE8A7: 0x9697,
+    0xE8A8: 0x96AA,
+    0xE8A9: 0x96A7,
+    0xE8AA: 0x96B1,
+    0xE8AB: 0x96B2,
+    0xE8AC: 0x96B0,
+    0xE8AD: 0x96B4,
+    0xE8AE: 0x96B6,
+    0xE8AF: 0x96B8,
+    0xE8B0: 0x96B9,
+    0xE8B1: 0x96CE,
+    0xE8B2: 0x96CB,
+    0xE8B3: 0x96C9,
+    0xE8B4: 0x96CD,
+    0xE8B5: 0x894D,
+    0xE8B6: 0x96DC,
+    0xE8B7: 0x970D,
+    0xE8B8: 0x96D5,
+    0xE8B9: 0x96F9,
+    0xE8BA: 0x9704,
+    0xE8BB: 0x9706,
+    0xE8BC: 0x9708,
+    0xE8BD: 0x9713,
+    0xE8BE: 0x970E,
+    0xE8BF: 0x9711,
+    0xE8C0: 0x970F,
+    0xE8C1: 0x9716,
+    0xE8C2: 0x9719,
+    0xE8C3: 0x9724,
+    0xE8C4: 0x972A,
+    0xE8C5: 0x9730,
+    0xE8C6: 0x9739,
+    0xE8C7: 0x973D,
+    0xE8C8: 0x973E,
+    0xE8C9: 0x9744,
+    0xE8CA: 0x9746,
+    0xE8CB: 0x9748,
+    0xE8CC: 0x9742,
+    0xE8CD: 0x9749,
+    0xE8CE: 0x975C,
+    0xE8CF: 0x9760,
+    0xE8D0: 0x9764,
+    0xE8D1: 0x9766,
+    0xE8D2: 0x9768,
+    0xE8D3: 0x52D2,
+    0xE8D4: 0x976B,
+    0xE8D5: 0x9771,
+    0xE8D6: 0x9779,
+    0xE8D7: 0x9785,
+    0xE8D8: 0x977C,
+    0xE8D9: 0x9781,
+    0xE8DA: 0x977A,
+    0xE8DB: 0x9786,
+    0xE8DC: 0x978B,
+    0xE8DD: 0x978F,
+    0xE8DE: 0x9790,
+    0xE8DF: 0x979C,
+    0xE8E0: 0x97A8,
+    0xE8E1: 0x97A6,
+    0xE8E2: 0x97A3,
+    0xE8E3: 0x97B3,
+    0xE8E4: 0x97B4,
+    0xE8E5: 0x97C3,
+    0xE8E6: 0x97C6,
+    0xE8E7: 0x97C8,
+    0xE8E8: 0x97CB,
+    0xE8E9: 0x97DC,
+    0xE8EA: 0x97ED,
+    0xE8EB: 0x9F4F,
+    0xE8EC: 0x97F2,
+    0xE8ED: 0x7ADF,
+    0xE8EE: 0x97F6,
+    0xE8EF: 0x97F5,
+    0xE8F0: 0x980F,
+    0xE8F1: 0x980C,
+    0xE8F2: 0x9838,
+    0xE8F3: 0x9824,
+    0xE8F4: 0x9821,
+    0xE8F5: 0x9837,
+    0xE8F6: 0x983D,
+    0xE8F7: 0x9846,
+    0xE8F8: 0x984F,
+    0xE8F9: 0x984B,
+    0xE8FA: 0x986B,
+    0xE8FB: 0x986F,
+    0xE8FC: 0x9870,
+    0xE940: 0x9871,
+    0xE941: 0x9874,
+    0xE942: 0x9873,
+    0xE943: 0x98AA,
+    0xE944: 0x98AF,
+    0xE945: 0x98B1,
+    0xE946: 0x98B6,
+    0xE947: 0x98C4,
+    0xE948: 0x98C3,
+    0xE949: 0x98C6,
+    0xE94A: 0x98E9,
+    0xE94B: 0x98EB,
+    0xE94C: 0x9903,
+    0xE94D: 0x9909,
+    0xE94E: 0x9912,
+    0xE94F: 0x9914,
+    0xE950: 0x9918,
+    0xE951: 0x9921,
+    0xE952: 0x991D,
+    0xE953: 0x991E,
+    0xE954: 0x9924,
+    0xE955: 0x9920,
+    0xE956: 0x992C,
+    0xE957: 0x992E,
+    0xE958: 0x993D,
+    0xE959: 0x993E,
+    0xE95A: 0x9942,
+    0xE95B: 0x9949,
+    0xE95C: 0x9945,
+    0xE95D: 0x9950,
+    0xE95E: 0x994B,
+    0xE95F: 0x9951,
+    0xE960: 0x9952,
+    0xE961: 0x994C,
+    0xE962: 0x9955,
+    0xE963: 0x9997,
+    0xE964: 0x9998,
+    0xE965: 0x99A5,
+    0xE966: 0x99AD,
+    0xE967: 0x99AE,
+    0xE968: 0x99BC,
+    0xE969: 0x99DF,
+    0xE96A: 0x99DB,
+    0xE96B: 0x99DD,
+    0xE96C: 0x99D8,
+    0xE96D: 0x99D1,
+    0xE96E: 0x99ED,
+    0xE96F: 0x99EE,
+    0xE970: 0x99F1,
+    0xE971: 0x99F2,
+    0xE972: 0x99FB,
+    0xE973: 0x99F8,
+    0xE974: 0x9A01,
+    0xE975: 0x9A0F,
+    0xE976: 0x9A05,
+    0xE977: 0x99E2,
+    0xE978: 0x9A19,
+    0xE979: 0x9A2B,
+    0xE97A: 0x9A37,
+    0xE97B: 0x9A45,
+    0xE97C: 0x9A42,
+    0xE97D: 0x9A40,
+    0xE97E: 0x9A43,
+    0xE980: 0x9A3E,
+    0xE981: 0x9A55,
+    0xE982: 0x9A4D,
+    0xE983: 0x9A5B,
+    0xE984: 0x9A57,
+    0xE985: 0x9A5F,
+    0xE986: 0x9A62,
+    0xE987: 0x9A65,
+    0xE988: 0x9A64,
+    0xE989: 0x9A69,
+    0xE98A: 0x9A6B,
+    0xE98B: 0x9A6A,
+    0xE98C: 0x9AAD,
+    0xE98D: 0x9AB0,
+    0xE98E: 0x9ABC,
+    0xE98F: 0x9AC0,
+    0xE990: 0x9ACF,
+    0xE991: 0x9AD1,
+    0xE992: 0x9AD3,
+    0xE993: 0x9AD4,
+    0xE994: 0x9ADE,
+    0xE995: 0x9ADF,
+    0xE996: 0x9AE2,
+    0xE997: 0x9AE3,
+    0xE998: 0x9AE6,
+    0xE999: 0x9AEF,
+    0xE99A: 0x9AEB,
+    0xE99B: 0x9AEE,
+    0xE99C: 0x9AF4,
+    0xE99D: 0x9AF1,
+    0xE99E: 0x9AF7,
+    0xE99F: 0x9AFB,
+    0xE9A0: 0x9B06,
+    0xE9A1: 0x9B18,
+    0xE9A2: 0x9B1A,
+    0xE9A3: 0x9B1F,
+    0xE9A4: 0x9B22,
+    0xE9A5: 0x9B23,
+    0xE9A6: 0x9B25,
+    0xE9A7: 0x9B27,
+    0xE9A8: 0x9B28,
+    0xE9A9: 0x9B29,
+    0xE9AA: 0x9B2A,
+    0xE9AB: 0x9B2E,
+    0xE9AC: 0x9B2F,
+    0xE9AD: 0x9B32,
+    0xE9AE: 0x9B44,
+    0xE9AF: 0x9B43,
+    0xE9B0: 0x9B4F,
+    0xE9B1: 0x9B4D,
+    0xE9B2: 0x9B4E,
+    0xE9B3: 0x9B51,
+    0xE9B4: 0x9B58,
+    0xE9B5: 0x9B74,
+    0xE9B6: 0x9B93,
+    0xE9B7: 0x9B83,
+    0xE9B8: 0x9B91,
+    0xE9B9: 0x9B96,
+    0xE9BA: 0x9B97,
+    0xE9BB: 0x9B9F,
+    0xE9BC: 0x9BA0,
+    0xE9BD: 0x9BA8,
+    0xE9BE: 0x9BB4,
+    0xE9BF: 0x9BC0,
+    0xE9C0: 0x9BCA,
+    0xE9C1: 0x9BB9,
+    0xE9C2: 0x9BC6,
+    0xE9C3: 0x9BCF,
+    0xE9C4: 0x9BD1,
+    0xE9C5: 0x9BD2,
+    0xE9C6: 0x9BE3,
+    0xE9C7: 0x9BE2,
+    0xE9C8: 0x9BE4,
+    0xE9C9: 0x9BD4,
+    0xE9CA: 0x9BE1,
+    0xE9CB: 0x9C3A,
+    0xE9CC: 0x9BF2,
+    0xE9CD: 0x9BF1,
+    0xE9CE: 0x9BF0,
+    0xE9CF: 0x9C15,
+    0xE9D0: 0x9C14,
+    0xE9D1: 0x9C09,
+    0xE9D2: 0x9C13,
+    0xE9D3: 0x9C0C,
+    0xE9D4: 0x9C06,
+    0xE9D5: 0x9C08,
+    0xE9D6: 0x9C12,
+    0xE9D7: 0x9C0A,
+    0xE9D8: 0x9C04,
+    0xE9D9: 0x9C2E,
+    0xE9DA: 0x9C1B,
+    0xE9DB: 0x9C25,
+    0xE9DC: 0x9C24,
+    0xE9DD: 0x9C21,
+    0xE9DE: 0x9C30,
+    0xE9DF: 0x9C47,
+    0xE9E0: 0x9C32,
+    0xE9E1: 0x9C46,
+    0xE9E2: 0x9C3E,
+    0xE9E3: 0x9C5A,
+    0xE9E4: 0x9C60,
+    0xE9E5: 0x9C67,
+    0xE9E6: 0x9C76,
+    0xE9E7: 0x9C78,
+    0xE9E8: 0x9CE7,
+    0xE9E9: 0x9CEC,
+    0xE9EA: 0x9CF0,
+    0xE9EB: 0x9D09,
+    0xE9EC: 0x9D08,
+    0xE9ED: 0x9CEB,
+    0xE9EE: 0x9D03,
+    0xE9EF: 0x9D06,
+    0xE9F0: 0x9D2A,
+    0xE9F1: 0x9D26,
+    0xE9F2: 0x9DAF,
+    0xE9F3: 0x9D23,
+    0xE9F4: 0x9D1F,
+    0xE9F5: 0x9D44,
+    0xE9F6: 0x9D15,
+    0xE9F7: 0x9D12,
+    0xE9F8: 0x9D41,
+    0xE9F9: 0x9D3F,
+    0xE9FA: 0x9D3E,
+    0xE9FB: 0x9D46,
+    0xE9FC: 0x9D48,
+    0xEA40: 0x9D5D,
+    0xEA41: 0x9D5E,
+    0xEA42: 0x9D64,
+    0xEA43: 0x9D51,
+    0xEA44: 0x9D50,
+    0xEA45: 0x9D59,
+    0xEA46: 0x9D72,
+    0xEA47: 0x9D89,
+    0xEA48: 0x9D87,
+    0xEA49: 0x9DAB,
+    0xEA4A: 0x9D6F,
+    0xEA4B: 0x9D7A,
+    0xEA4C: 0x9D9A,
+    0xEA4D: 0x9DA4,
+    0xEA4E: 0x9DA9,
+    0xEA4F: 0x9DB2,
+    0xEA50: 0x9DC4,
+    0xEA51: 0x9DC1,
+    0xEA52: 0x9DBB,
+    0xEA53: 0x9DB8,
+    0xEA54: 0x9DBA,
+    0xEA55: 0x9DC6,
+    0xEA56: 0x9DCF,
+    0xEA57: 0x9DC2,
+    0xEA58: 0x9DD9,
+    0xEA59: 0x9DD3,
+    0xEA5A: 0x9DF8,
+    0xEA5B: 0x9DE6,
+    0xEA5C: 0x9DED,
+    0xEA5D: 0x9DEF,
+    0xEA5E: 0x9DFD,
+    0xEA5F: 0x9E1A,
+    0xEA60: 0x9E1B,
+    0xEA61: 0x9E1E,
+    0xEA62: 0x9E75,
+    0xEA63: 0x9E79,
+    0xEA64: 0x9E7D,
+    0xEA65: 0x9E81,
+    0xEA66: 0x9E88,
+    0xEA67: 0x9E8B,
+    0xEA68: 0x9E8C,
+    0xEA69: 0x9E92,
+    0xEA6A: 0x9E95,
+    0xEA6B: 0x9E91,
+    0xEA6C: 0x9E9D,
+    0xEA6D: 0x9EA5,
+    0xEA6E: 0x9EA9,
+    0xEA6F: 0x9EB8,
+    0xEA70: 0x9EAA,
+    0xEA71: 0x9EAD,
+    0xEA72: 0x9761,
+    0xEA73: 0x9ECC,
+    0xEA74: 0x9ECE,
+    0xEA75: 0x9ECF,
+    0xEA76: 0x9ED0,
+    0xEA77: 0x9ED4,
+    0xEA78: 0x9EDC,
+    0xEA79: 0x9EDE,
+    0xEA7A: 0x9EDD,
+    0xEA7B: 0x9EE0,
+    0xEA7C: 0x9EE5,
+    0xEA7D: 0x9EE8,
+    0xEA7E: 0x9EEF,
+    0xEA80: 0x9EF4,
+    0xEA81: 0x9EF6,
+    0xEA82: 0x9EF7,
+    0xEA83: 0x9EF9,
+    0xEA84: 0x9EFB,
+    0xEA85: 0x9EFC,
+    0xEA86: 0x9EFD,
+    0xEA87: 0x9F07,
+    0xEA88: 0x9F08,
+    0xEA89: 0x76B7,
+    0xEA8A: 0x9F15,
+    0xEA8B: 0x9F21,
+    0xEA8C: 0x9F2C,
+    0xEA8D: 0x9F3E,
+    0xEA8E: 0x9F4A,
+    0xEA8F: 0x9F52,
+    0xEA90: 0x9F54,
+    0xEA91: 0x9F63,
+    0xEA92: 0x9F5F,
+    0xEA93: 0x9F60,
+    0xEA94: 0x9F61,
+    0xEA95: 0x9F66,
+    0xEA96: 0x9F67,
+    0xEA97: 0x9F6C,
+    0xEA98: 0x9F6A,
+    0xEA99: 0x9F77,
+    0xEA9A: 0x9F72,
+    0xEA9B: 0x9F76,
+    0xEA9C: 0x9F95,
+    0xEA9D: 0x9F9C,
+    0xEA9E: 0x9FA0,
+    0xEA9F: 0x582F,
+    0xEAA0: 0x69C7,
+    0xEAA1: 0x9059,
+    0xEAA2: 0x7464,
+    0xEAA3: 0x51DC,
+    0xEAA4: 0x7199,
+/***/ }),
+/* 9 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var GenericGF_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
+var GenericGFPoly_1 = __webpack_require__(2);
+function runEuclideanAlgorithm(field, a, b, R) {
+    var _a;
+    // Assume a's degree is >= b's
+    if (a.degree() < b.degree()) {
+        _a = [b, a], a = _a[0], b = _a[1];
+    }
+    var rLast = a;
+    var r = b;
+    var tLast = field.zero;
+    var t = field.one;
+    // Run Euclidean algorithm until r's degree is less than R/2
+    while (r.degree() >= R / 2) {
+        var rLastLast = rLast;
+        var tLastLast = tLast;
+        rLast = r;
+        tLast = t;
+        // Divide rLastLast by rLast, with quotient in q and remainder in r
+        if (rLast.isZero()) {
+            // Euclidean algorithm already terminated?
+            return null;
+        }
+        r = rLastLast;
+        var q = field.zero;
+        var denominatorLeadingTerm = rLast.getCoefficient(rLast.degree());
+        var dltInverse = field.inverse(denominatorLeadingTerm);
+        while (r.degree() >= rLast.degree() && !r.isZero()) {
+            var degreeDiff = r.degree() - rLast.degree();
+            var scale = field.multiply(r.getCoefficient(r.degree()), dltInverse);
+            q = q.addOrSubtract(field.buildMonomial(degreeDiff, scale));
+            r = r.addOrSubtract(rLast.multiplyByMonomial(degreeDiff, scale));
+        }
+        t = q.multiplyPoly(tLast).addOrSubtract(tLastLast);
+        if (r.degree() >= rLast.degree()) {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    var sigmaTildeAtZero = t.getCoefficient(0);
+    if (sigmaTildeAtZero === 0) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var inverse = field.inverse(sigmaTildeAtZero);
+    return [t.multiply(inverse), r.multiply(inverse)];
+function findErrorLocations(field, errorLocator) {
+    // This is a direct application of Chien's search
+    var numErrors = errorLocator.degree();
+    if (numErrors === 1) {
+        return [errorLocator.getCoefficient(1)];
+    }
+    var result = new Array(numErrors);
+    var errorCount = 0;
+    for (var i = 1; i < field.size && errorCount < numErrors; i++) {
+        if (errorLocator.evaluateAt(i) === 0) {
+            result[errorCount] = field.inverse(i);
+            errorCount++;
+        }
+    }
+    if (errorCount !== numErrors) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    return result;
+function findErrorMagnitudes(field, errorEvaluator, errorLocations) {
+    // This is directly applying Forney's Formula
+    var s = errorLocations.length;
+    var result = new Array(s);
+    for (var i = 0; i < s; i++) {
+        var xiInverse = field.inverse(errorLocations[i]);
+        var denominator = 1;
+        for (var j = 0; j < s; j++) {
+            if (i !== j) {
+                denominator = field.multiply(denominator, GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(1, field.multiply(errorLocations[j], xiInverse)));
+            }
+        }
+        result[i] = field.multiply(errorEvaluator.evaluateAt(xiInverse), field.inverse(denominator));
+        if (field.generatorBase !== 0) {
+            result[i] = field.multiply(result[i], xiInverse);
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+function decode(bytes, twoS) {
+    var outputBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(bytes.length);
+    outputBytes.set(bytes);
+    var field = new GenericGF_1.default(0x011D, 256, 0); // x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1
+    var poly = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(field, outputBytes);
+    var syndromeCoefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(twoS);
+    var error = false;
+    for (var s = 0; s < twoS; s++) {
+        var evaluation = poly.evaluateAt(field.exp(s + field.generatorBase));
+        syndromeCoefficients[syndromeCoefficients.length - 1 - s] = evaluation;
+        if (evaluation !== 0) {
+            error = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!error) {
+        return outputBytes;
+    }
+    var syndrome = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(field, syndromeCoefficients);
+    var sigmaOmega = runEuclideanAlgorithm(field, field.buildMonomial(twoS, 1), syndrome, twoS);
+    if (sigmaOmega === null) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var errorLocations = findErrorLocations(field, sigmaOmega[0]);
+    if (errorLocations == null) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var errorMagnitudes = findErrorMagnitudes(field, sigmaOmega[1], errorLocations);
+    for (var i = 0; i < errorLocations.length; i++) {
+        var position = outputBytes.length - 1 - field.log(errorLocations[i]);
+        if (position < 0) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        outputBytes[position] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(outputBytes[position], errorMagnitudes[i]);
+    }
+    return outputBytes;
+exports.decode = decode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 10 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.VERSIONS = [
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 1,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [],
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+            {
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+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 10,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 13,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 17,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 9 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 2,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 18],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 10,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 34 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 28 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
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+        infoBits: null,
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+            {
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+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 55 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
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+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
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+            },
+            {
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+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],
+            },
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+    {
+        infoBits: null,
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 20,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 80 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 32 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 9 }],
+            },
+        ],
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+    {
+        infoBits: null,
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+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
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+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 11 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },
+                ],
+            },
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+    {
+        infoBits: null,
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+            {
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+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 68 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
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+            },
+            {
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+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 }],
+            },
+        ],
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+    {
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+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
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+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
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+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                ],
+            },
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+    {
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 97 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
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+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 38 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 39 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 18 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
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+            },
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+    {
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
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+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
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+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 37 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },
+                ],
+            },
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+    {
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+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 68 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 69 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 43 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 20 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 88 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 42 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 99 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 20 },
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
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+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 107 },
+                    { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 108 },
+                ],
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
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+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
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+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },
+                    { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
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+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                    { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
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+    {
+        infoBits: 0x12A17,
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
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+                    { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 120 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },
+                ],
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
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+                    { numBlocks: 9, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 43 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 },
+                ],
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
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+                    { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x13532,
+        versionNumber: 19,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
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+                    { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 113 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 114 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
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+                    { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 },
+                    { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },
+                ],
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 21 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 108 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 41 },
+                    { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 42 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },
+                ],
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+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 42 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 },
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
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+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 111 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 112 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
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+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },
+                    { numBlocks: 5, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
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+                    { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
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+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
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+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 16, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                    { numBlocks: 30, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 107 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 28, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },
+                    { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
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+                    { numBlocks: 21, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 45 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
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+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 23 },
+                    { numBlocks: 37, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                ],
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+            {
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+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
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+        ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },
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+            {
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+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
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+                    { numBlocks: 15, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 25, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
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+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 25, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },
+                    { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 42, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 28, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
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+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
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+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
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+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 35, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 35, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },
+                ],
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
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+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 21, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 44, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 59, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x2379F,
+        versionNumber: 35,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 39, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 41, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x24B0B,
+        versionNumber: 36,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 64, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x2542E,
+        versionNumber: 37,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 49, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 24, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x26A64,
+        versionNumber: 38,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                    { numBlocks: 18, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 32, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 48, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 42, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 32, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x27541,
+        versionNumber: 39,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 20, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 40, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 43, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 67, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x28C69,
+        versionNumber: 40,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 119 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 18, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 20, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 61, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+/***/ }),
+/* 11 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
+function squareToQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4) {
+    var dx3 = p1.x - p2.x + p3.x - p4.x;
+    var dy3 = p1.y - p2.y + p3.y - p4.y;
+    if (dx3 === 0 && dy3 === 0) { // Affine
+        return {
+            a11: p2.x - p1.x,
+            a12: p2.y - p1.y,
+            a13: 0,
+            a21: p3.x - p2.x,
+            a22: p3.y - p2.y,
+            a23: 0,
+            a31: p1.x,
+            a32: p1.y,
+            a33: 1,
+        };
+    }
+    else {
+        var dx1 = p2.x - p3.x;
+        var dx2 = p4.x - p3.x;
+        var dy1 = p2.y - p3.y;
+        var dy2 = p4.y - p3.y;
+        var denominator = dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1;
+        var a13 = (dx3 * dy2 - dx2 * dy3) / denominator;
+        var a23 = (dx1 * dy3 - dx3 * dy1) / denominator;
+        return {
+            a11: p2.x - p1.x + a13 * p2.x,
+            a12: p2.y - p1.y + a13 * p2.y,
+            a13: a13,
+            a21: p4.x - p1.x + a23 * p4.x,
+            a22: p4.y - p1.y + a23 * p4.y,
+            a23: a23,
+            a31: p1.x,
+            a32: p1.y,
+            a33: 1,
+        };
+    }
+function quadrilateralToSquare(p1, p2, p3, p4) {
+    // Here, the adjoint serves as the inverse:
+    var sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4);
+    return {
+        a11: sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a32,
+        a12: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a33,
+        a13: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a23 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a22,
+        a21: sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a33,
+        a22: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a31,
+        a23: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a21 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a23,
+        a31: sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a31,
+        a32: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a32,
+        a33: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a22 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a21,
+    };
+function times(a, b) {
+    return {
+        a11: a.a11 * b.a11 + a.a21 * b.a12 + a.a31 * b.a13,
+        a12: a.a12 * b.a11 + a.a22 * b.a12 + a.a32 * b.a13,
+        a13: a.a13 * b.a11 + a.a23 * b.a12 + a.a33 * b.a13,
+        a21: a.a11 * b.a21 + a.a21 * b.a22 + a.a31 * b.a23,
+        a22: a.a12 * b.a21 + a.a22 * b.a22 + a.a32 * b.a23,
+        a23: a.a13 * b.a21 + a.a23 * b.a22 + a.a33 * b.a23,
+        a31: a.a11 * b.a31 + a.a21 * b.a32 + a.a31 * b.a33,
+        a32: a.a12 * b.a31 + a.a22 * b.a32 + a.a32 * b.a33,
+        a33: a.a13 * b.a31 + a.a23 * b.a32 + a.a33 * b.a33,
+    };
+function extract(image, location) {
+    var qToS = quadrilateralToSquare({ x: 3.5, y: 3.5 }, { x: location.dimension - 3.5, y: 3.5 }, { x: location.dimension - 6.5, y: location.dimension - 6.5 }, { x: 3.5, y: location.dimension - 3.5 });
+    var sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(location.topLeft, location.topRight, location.alignmentPattern, location.bottomLeft);
+    var transform = times(sToQ, qToS);
+    var matrix = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(location.dimension, location.dimension);
+    var mappingFunction = function (x, y) {
+        var denominator = transform.a13 * x + transform.a23 * y + transform.a33;
+        return {
+            x: (transform.a11 * x + transform.a21 * y + transform.a31) / denominator,
+            y: (transform.a12 * x + transform.a22 * y + transform.a32) / denominator,
+        };
+    };
+    for (var y = 0; y < location.dimension; y++) {
+        for (var x = 0; x < location.dimension; x++) {
+            var xValue = x + 0.5;
+            var yValue = y + 0.5;
+            var sourcePixel = mappingFunction(xValue, yValue);
+            matrix.set(x, y, image.get(Math.floor(sourcePixel.x), Math.floor(sourcePixel.y)));
+        }
+    }
+    return {
+        matrix: matrix,
+        mappingFunction: mappingFunction,
+    };
+exports.extract = extract;
+/***/ }),
+/* 12 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var MIN_QUAD_RATIO = 0.5;
+var MAX_QUAD_RATIO = 1.5;
+var distance = function (a, b) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((b.x - a.x), 2) + Math.pow((b.y - a.y), 2)); };
+function sum(values) {
+    return values.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; });
+// Takes three finder patterns and organizes them into topLeft, topRight, etc
+function reorderFinderPatterns(pattern1, pattern2, pattern3) {
+    var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+    // Find distances between pattern centers
+    var oneTwoDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern2);
+    var twoThreeDistance = distance(pattern2, pattern3);
+    var oneThreeDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern3);
+    var bottomLeft;
+    var topLeft;
+    var topRight;
+    // Assume one closest to other two is B; A and C will just be guesses at first
+    if (twoThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance && twoThreeDistance >= oneThreeDistance) {
+        _a = [pattern2, pattern1, pattern3], bottomLeft = _a[0], topLeft = _a[1], topRight = _a[2];
+    }
+    else if (oneThreeDistance >= twoThreeDistance && oneThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance) {
+        _b = [pattern1, pattern2, pattern3], bottomLeft = _b[0], topLeft = _b[1], topRight = _b[2];
+    }
+    else {
+        _c = [pattern1, pattern3, pattern2], bottomLeft = _c[0], topLeft = _c[1], topRight = _c[2];
+    }
+    // Use cross product to figure out whether bottomLeft (A) and topRight (C) are correct or flipped in relation to topLeft (B)
+    // This asks whether BC x BA has a positive z component, which is the arrangement we want. If it's negative, then
+    // we've got it flipped around and should swap topRight and bottomLeft.
+    if (((topRight.x - topLeft.x) * (bottomLeft.y - topLeft.y)) - ((topRight.y - topLeft.y) * (bottomLeft.x - topLeft.x)) < 0) {
+        _d = [topRight, bottomLeft], bottomLeft = _d[0], topRight = _d[1];
+    }
+    return { bottomLeft: bottomLeft, topLeft: topLeft, topRight: topRight };
+// Computes the dimension (number of modules on a side) of the QR Code based on the position of the finder patterns
+function computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, matrix) {
+    var moduleSize = (sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, bottomLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 + // Divide by 7 since the ratio is 1:1:3:1:1
+        sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, topRight, matrix, 5)) / 7 +
+        sum(countBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeft, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 +
+        sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topRight, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7) / 4;
+    if (moduleSize < 1) {
+        throw new Error("Invalid module size");
+    }
+    var topDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, topRight) / moduleSize);
+    var sideDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) / moduleSize);
+    var dimension = Math.floor((topDimension + sideDimension) / 2) + 7;
+    switch (dimension % 4) {
+        case 0:
+            dimension++;
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            dimension--;
+            break;
+    }
+    return { dimension: dimension, moduleSize: moduleSize };
+// Takes an origin point and an end point and counts the sizes of the black white run from the origin towards the end point.
+// Returns an array of elements, representing the pixel size of the black white run.
+// Uses a variant of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm
+function countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, end, matrix, length) {
+    var switchPoints = [{ x: Math.floor(origin.x), y: Math.floor(origin.y) }];
+    var steep = Math.abs(end.y - origin.y) > Math.abs(end.x - origin.x);
+    var fromX;
+    var fromY;
+    var toX;
+    var toY;
+    if (steep) {
+        fromX = Math.floor(origin.y);
+        fromY = Math.floor(origin.x);
+        toX = Math.floor(end.y);
+        toY = Math.floor(end.x);
+    }
+    else {
+        fromX = Math.floor(origin.x);
+        fromY = Math.floor(origin.y);
+        toX = Math.floor(end.x);
+        toY = Math.floor(end.y);
+    }
+    var dx = Math.abs(toX - fromX);
+    var dy = Math.abs(toY - fromY);
+    var error = Math.floor(-dx / 2);
+    var xStep = fromX < toX ? 1 : -1;
+    var yStep = fromY < toY ? 1 : -1;
+    var currentPixel = true;
+    // Loop up until x == toX, but not beyond
+    for (var x = fromX, y = fromY; x !== toX + xStep; x += xStep) {
+        // Does current pixel mean we have moved white to black or vice versa?
+        // Scanning black in state 0,2 and white in state 1, so if we find the wrong
+        // color, advance to next state or end if we are in state 2 already
+        var realX = steep ? y : x;
+        var realY = steep ? x : y;
+        if (matrix.get(realX, realY) !== currentPixel) {
+            currentPixel = !currentPixel;
+            switchPoints.push({ x: realX, y: realY });
+            if (switchPoints.length === length + 1) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        error += dy;
+        if (error > 0) {
+            if (y === toY) {
+                break;
+            }
+            y += yStep;
+            error -= dx;
+        }
+    }
+    var distances = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        if (switchPoints[i] && switchPoints[i + 1]) {
+            distances.push(distance(switchPoints[i], switchPoints[i + 1]));
+        }
+        else {
+            distances.push(0);
+        }
+    }
+    return distances;
+// Takes an origin point and an end point and counts the sizes of the black white run in the origin point
+// along the line that intersects with the end point. Returns an array of elements, representing the pixel sizes
+// of the black white run. Takes a length which represents the number of switches from black to white to look for.
+function countBlackWhiteRun(origin, end, matrix, length) {
+    var _a;
+    var rise = end.y - origin.y;
+    var run = end.x - origin.x;
+    var towardsEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, end, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2));
+    var awayFromEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, { x: origin.x - run, y: origin.y - rise }, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2));
+    var middleValue = towardsEnd.shift() + awayFromEnd.shift() - 1; // Substract one so we don't double count a pixel
+    return (_a = awayFromEnd.concat(middleValue)).concat.apply(_a, towardsEnd);
+// Takes in a black white run and an array of expected ratios. Returns the average size of the run as well as the "error" -
+// that is the amount the run diverges from the expected ratio
+function scoreBlackWhiteRun(sequence, ratios) {
+    var averageSize = sum(sequence) / sum(ratios);
+    var error = 0;
+    ratios.forEach(function (ratio, i) {
+        error += Math.pow((sequence[i] - ratio * averageSize), 2);
+    });
+    return { averageSize: averageSize, error: error };
+// Takes an X,Y point and an array of sizes and scores the point against those ratios.
+// For example for a finder pattern takes the ratio list of 1:1:3:1:1 and checks horizontal, vertical and diagonal ratios
+// against that.
+function scorePattern(point, ratios, matrix) {
+    try {
+        var horizontalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, { x: -1, y: point.y }, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var verticalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, { x: point.x, y: -1 }, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var topLeftPoint = {
+            x: Math.max(0, point.x - point.y) - 1,
+            y: Math.max(0, point.y - point.x) - 1,
+        };
+        var topLeftBottomRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, topLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var bottomLeftPoint = {
+            x: Math.min(matrix.width, point.x + point.y) + 1,
+            y: Math.min(matrix.height, point.y + point.x) + 1,
+        };
+        var bottomLeftTopRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, bottomLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var horzError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(horizontalRun, ratios);
+        var vertError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(verticalRun, ratios);
+        var diagDownError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(topLeftBottomRightRun, ratios);
+        var diagUpError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeftTopRightRun, ratios);
+        var ratioError = Math.sqrt(horzError.error * horzError.error +
+            vertError.error * vertError.error +
+            diagDownError.error * diagDownError.error +
+            diagUpError.error * diagUpError.error);
+        var avgSize = (horzError.averageSize + vertError.averageSize + diagDownError.averageSize + diagUpError.averageSize) / 4;
+        var sizeError = (Math.pow((horzError.averageSize - avgSize), 2) +
+            Math.pow((vertError.averageSize - avgSize), 2) +
+            Math.pow((diagDownError.averageSize - avgSize), 2) +
+            Math.pow((diagUpError.averageSize - avgSize), 2)) / avgSize;
+        return ratioError + sizeError;
+    }
+    catch (_a) {
+        return Infinity;
+    }
+function recenterLocation(matrix, p) {
+    var leftX = Math.round(p.x);
+    while (matrix.get(leftX, Math.round(p.y))) {
+        leftX--;
+    }
+    var rightX = Math.round(p.x);
+    while (matrix.get(rightX, Math.round(p.y))) {
+        rightX++;
+    }
+    var x = (leftX + rightX) / 2;
+    var topY = Math.round(p.y);
+    while (matrix.get(Math.round(x), topY)) {
+        topY--;
+    }
+    var bottomY = Math.round(p.y);
+    while (matrix.get(Math.round(x), bottomY)) {
+        bottomY++;
+    }
+    var y = (topY + bottomY) / 2;
+    return { x: x, y: y };
+function locate(matrix) {
+    var finderPatternQuads = [];
+    var activeFinderPatternQuads = [];
+    var alignmentPatternQuads = [];
+    var activeAlignmentPatternQuads = [];
+    var _loop_1 = function (y) {
+        var length_1 = 0;
+        var lastBit = false;
+        var scans = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
+        var _loop_2 = function (x) {
+            var v = matrix.get(x, y);
+            if (v === lastBit) {
+                length_1++;
+            }
+            else {
+                scans = [scans[1], scans[2], scans[3], scans[4], length_1];
+                length_1 = 1;
+                lastBit = v;
+                // Do the last 5 color changes ~ match the expected ratio for a finder pattern? 1:1:3:1:1 of b:w:b:w:b
+                var averageFinderPatternBlocksize = sum(scans) / 7;
+                var validFinderPattern = Math.abs(scans[0] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[1] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[2] - 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[3] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[4] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    !v; // And make sure the current pixel is white since finder patterns are bordered in white
+                // Do the last 3 color changes ~ match the expected ratio for an alignment pattern? 1:1:1 of w:b:w
+                var averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize = sum(scans.slice(-3)) / 3;
+                var validAlignmentPattern = Math.abs(scans[2] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[3] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[4] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&
+                    v; // Is the current pixel black since alignment patterns are bordered in black
+                if (validFinderPattern) {
+                    // Compute the start and end x values of the large center black square
+                    var endX_1 = x - scans[3] - scans[4];
+                    var startX_1 = endX_1 - scans[2];
+                    var line = { startX: startX_1, endX: endX_1, y: y };
+                    // Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with
+                    // that line as the starting point.
+                    var matchingQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) {
+                        return (startX_1 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_1 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (endX_1 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_1 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (startX_1 <= q.bottom.startX && endX_1 >= q.bottom.endX && ((scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO &&
+                                (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO));
+                    });
+                    if (matchingQuads.length > 0) {
+                        matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        activeFinderPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });
+                    }
+                }
+                if (validAlignmentPattern) {
+                    // Compute the start and end x values of the center black square
+                    var endX_2 = x - scans[4];
+                    var startX_2 = endX_2 - scans[3];
+                    var line = { startX: startX_2, y: y, endX: endX_2 };
+                    // Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with
+                    // that line as the starting point.
+                    var matchingQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function (q) {
+                        return (startX_2 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_2 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (endX_2 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_2 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (startX_2 <= q.bottom.startX && endX_2 >= q.bottom.endX && ((scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO &&
+                                (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO));
+                    });
+                    if (matchingQuads.length > 0) {
+                        matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        activeAlignmentPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        for (var x = -1; x <= matrix.width; x++) {
+            _loop_2(x);
+        }
+        finderPatternQuads.push.apply(finderPatternQuads, activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y !== y && q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2; }));
+        activeFinderPatternQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y === y; });
+        alignmentPatternQuads.push.apply(alignmentPatternQuads, activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y !== y; }));
+        activeAlignmentPatternQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y === y; });
+    };
+    for (var y = 0; y <= matrix.height; y++) {
+        _loop_1(y);
+    }
+    finderPatternQuads.push.apply(finderPatternQuads, activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2; }));
+    alignmentPatternQuads.push.apply(alignmentPatternQuads, activeAlignmentPatternQuads);
+    var finderPatternGroups = finderPatternQuads
+        .filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2; }) // All quads must be at least 2px tall since the center square is larger than a block
+        .map(function (q) {
+        var x = (q.top.startX + q.top.endX + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4;
+        var y = (q.top.y + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
+        if (!matrix.get(Math.round(x), Math.round(y))) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var lengths = [q.top.endX - q.top.startX, q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX, q.bottom.y - q.top.y + 1];
+        var size = sum(lengths) / lengths.length;
+        var score = scorePattern({ x: Math.round(x), y: Math.round(y) }, [1, 1, 3, 1, 1], matrix);
+        return { score: score, x: x, y: y, size: size };
+    })
+        .filter(function (q) { return !!q; }) // Filter out any rejected quads from above
+        .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; })
+        // Now take the top finder pattern options and try to find 2 other options with a similar size.
+        .map(function (point, i, finderPatterns) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        var otherPoints = finderPatterns
+            .filter(function (p, ii) { return i !== ii; })
+            .map(function (p) { return ({ x: p.x, y: p.y, score: p.score + (Math.pow((p.size - point.size), 2)) / point.size, size: p.size }); })
+            .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; });
+        if (otherPoints.length < 2) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        var score = point.score + otherPoints[0].score + otherPoints[1].score;
+        return { points: [point].concat(otherPoints.slice(0, 2)), score: score };
+    })
+        .filter(function (q) { return !!q; }) // Filter out any rejected finder patterns from above
+        .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; });
+    if (finderPatternGroups.length === 0) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var _a = reorderFinderPatterns(finderPatternGroups[0].points[0], finderPatternGroups[0].points[1], finderPatternGroups[0].points[2]), topRight = _a.topRight, topLeft = _a.topLeft, bottomLeft = _a.bottomLeft;
+    var alignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft);
+    var result = [];
+    if (alignment) {
+        result.push({
+            alignmentPattern: { x: alignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: alignment.alignmentPattern.y },
+            bottomLeft: { x: bottomLeft.x, y: bottomLeft.y },
+            dimension: alignment.dimension,
+            topLeft: { x: topLeft.x, y: topLeft.y },
+            topRight: { x: topRight.x, y: topRight.y },
+        });
+    }
+    // We normally use the center of the quads as the location of the tracking points, which is optimal for most cases and will account
+    // for a skew in the image. However, In some cases, a slight skew might not be real and instead be caused by image compression
+    // errors and/or low resolution. For those cases, we'd be better off centering the point exactly in the middle of the black area. We
+    // compute and return the location data for the naively centered points as it is little additional work and allows for multiple
+    // attempts at decoding harder images.
+    var midTopRight = recenterLocation(matrix, topRight);
+    var midTopLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, topLeft);
+    var midBottomLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, bottomLeft);
+    var centeredAlignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, midTopRight, midTopLeft, midBottomLeft);
+    if (centeredAlignment) {
+        result.push({
+            alignmentPattern: { x: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.y },
+            bottomLeft: { x: midBottomLeft.x, y: midBottomLeft.y },
+            topLeft: { x: midTopLeft.x, y: midTopLeft.y },
+            topRight: { x: midTopRight.x, y: midTopRight.y },
+            dimension: centeredAlignment.dimension,
+        });
+    }
+    if (result.length === 0) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    return result;
+exports.locate = locate;
+function findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft) {
+    var _a;
+    // Now that we've found the three finder patterns we can determine the blockSize and the size of the QR code.
+    // We'll use these to help find the alignment pattern but also later when we do the extraction.
+    var dimension;
+    var moduleSize;
+    try {
+        (_a = computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, matrix), dimension = _a.dimension, moduleSize = _a.moduleSize);
+    }
+    catch (e) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    // Now find the alignment pattern
+    var bottomRightFinderPattern = {
+        x: topRight.x - topLeft.x + bottomLeft.x,
+        y: topRight.y - topLeft.y + bottomLeft.y,
+    };
+    var modulesBetweenFinderPatterns = ((distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) + distance(topLeft, topRight)) / 2 / moduleSize);
+    var correctionToTopLeft = 1 - (3 / modulesBetweenFinderPatterns);
+    var expectedAlignmentPattern = {
+        x: topLeft.x + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.x - topLeft.x),
+        y: topLeft.y + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.y - topLeft.y),
+    };
+    var alignmentPatterns = alignmentPatternQuads
+        .map(function (q) {
+        var x = (q.top.startX + q.top.endX + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4;
+        var y = (q.top.y + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
+        if (!matrix.get(Math.floor(x), Math.floor(y))) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var lengths = [q.top.endX - q.top.startX, q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX, (q.bottom.y - q.top.y + 1)];
+        var size = sum(lengths) / lengths.length;
+        var sizeScore = scorePattern({ x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y) }, [1, 1, 1], matrix);
+        var score = sizeScore + distance({ x: x, y: y }, expectedAlignmentPattern);
+        return { x: x, y: y, score: score };
+    })
+        .filter(function (v) { return !!v; })
+        .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; });
+    // If there are less than 15 modules between finder patterns it's a version 1 QR code and as such has no alignmemnt pattern
+    // so we can only use our best guess.
+    var alignmentPattern = modulesBetweenFinderPatterns >= 15 && alignmentPatterns.length ? alignmentPatterns[0] : expectedAlignmentPattern;
+    return { alignmentPattern: alignmentPattern, dimension: dimension };
+/***/ })
+/******/ ])["default"];

+ 436 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+	<view class="canvasBox">
+		<template v-if="isUse">
+			<view class="box">
+				<view class="line"></view>
+				<view class="angle"></view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="box2" v-if="isUseTorch">
+				<view class="track" @click="openTrack">
+					<svg
+						t="1653920715959"
+						class="icon"
+						viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"
+						version="1.1"
+						xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+						p-id="1351"
+						width="32"
+						height="32"
+					>
+						<path
+							d="M651.353043 550.479503H378.752795L240.862609 364.315031c-3.688944-4.897391-5.660621-10.876025-5.660621-17.045466v-60.040745c0-15.773416 12.847702-28.621118 28.621118-28.621118h502.459627c15.773416 0 28.621118 12.847702 28.621118 28.621118v59.977143c0 6.105839-1.971677 12.084472-5.660621 17.045466l-137.890187 186.228074zM378.752795 598.308571v398.024348c0 15.328199 12.402484 27.667081 27.667081 27.667081h217.266087c15.328199 0 27.667081-12.402484 27.66708-27.667081V598.308571H378.752795z m136.300124 176.942112c-14.564969 0-26.331429-11.76646-26.331428-26.331428v-81.283975c0-14.564969 11.76646-26.331429 26.331428-26.331429 14.564969 0 26.331429 11.76646 26.331429 26.331429v81.283975c0 14.564969-11.76646 26.331429-26.331429 26.331428zM512 222.608696c-17.554286 0-31.801242-14.246957-31.801242-31.801243V31.801242c0-17.554286 14.246957-31.801242 31.801242-31.801242s31.801242 14.246957 31.801242 31.801242v159.006211c0 17.554286-14.246957 31.801242-31.801242 31.801243zM280.932174 205.881242c-9.47677 0-18.889938-4.197764-25.122981-12.275279L158.242981 67.991056a31.864845 31.864845 0 0 1 5.597019-44.648944 31.864845 31.864845 0 0 1 44.648944 5.597018l97.502609 125.551305a31.864845 31.864845 0 0 1-5.597019 44.648944c-5.787826 4.579379-12.656894 6.741863-19.46236 6.741863zM723.987081 205.881242c-6.805466 0-13.674534-2.162484-19.462361-6.678261a31.794882 31.794882 0 0 1-5.597018-44.648944l97.566211-125.551304a31.794882 31.794882 0 0 1 44.648944-5.597019 31.794882 31.794882 0 0 1 5.597019 44.648944l-97.566211 125.551305c-6.360248 8.077516-15.709814 12.27528-25.186584 12.275279z"
+							fill="#ffffff"
+							p-id="1352"
+						></path>
+					</svg>
+					{{ trackStatus ? '关闭闪光灯' : '打开闪光灯' }}
+				</view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="mask1 mask" :style="'height:' + maskHeight + 'px;'"></view>
+			<view
+				class="mask2 mask"
+				:style="'width:' + maskWidth + 'px;top:' + maskHeight + 'px;height:' + canvasHeight + 'px'"
+			></view>
+			<view class="mask3 mask" :style="'height:' + maskHeight + 'px;'"></view>
+			<view
+				class="mask4 mask"
+				:style="'width:' + maskWidth + 'px;top:' + maskHeight + 'px;height:' + canvasHeight + 'px'"
+			></view>
+		</template>
+		<template v-else>
+			<slot name="error">
+				<view class="error">
+					<view class="on1">相机权限被拒绝,请尝试如下操作:</view>
+					<view>· 刷新页面后重试;</view>
+					<view>· 在系统中检测当前App或浏览器的相机权限是否被禁用;</view>
+					<view>· 如果依然不能体验,建议在微信中打开链接;</view>
+				</view>
+			</slot>
+		</template>
+	</view>
+import jsQR from './jsQR.js'
+export default {
+	props: {
+		continue: {
+			type: Boolean,
+			default: false // false 监听一次   true 持续监听
+		},
+		exact: {
+			type: String,
+			default: 'environment' // environment 后摄像头  user 前摄像头
+		},
+		size: {
+			type: String,
+			default: 'whole' // whole 全屏  balf 半屏
+		},
+		definition: {
+			type: Boolean,
+			default: false // fasle 正常  true 高清
+		}
+	},
+	data() {
+		return {
+			windowWidth: 0,
+			windowHeight: 0,
+			video: null,
+			canvas2d: null,
+			canvas2d2: null,
+			canvasWidth: 200,
+			canvasHeight: 200,
+			maskWidth: 0,
+			maskHeight: 0,
+			inter: 0,
+			track: null,
+			isUseTorch: false,
+			trackStatus: false,
+			isParse: false,
+			isUse: true
+		}
+	},
+	mounted() {
+		if (origin.indexOf('https') === -1) throw '请在 https 环境中使用摄像头组件。'
+		this.windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth
+		this.windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight
+		this.windowHeight = this.size === 'whole' ? this.windowHeight : this.windowHeight / 2
+		this.isParse = true
+		this.$nextTick(() => {
+			this.createMsk()
+			this.openScan()
+		})
+	},
+	destroyed() {
+		this.closeCamera()
+	},
+	methods: {
+		openScan() {
+			const width = this.transtion(this.windowHeight)
+			const height = this.transtion(this.windowWidth)
+			const videoParam = {
+				audio: false,
+				video: {
+					facingMode: { exact: this.exact },
+					width,
+					height
+				}
+			}
+			navigator.mediaDevices
+				.getUserMedia(videoParam)
+				.then(stream => {
+					this.video = document.createElement('video')
+					this.video.width = this.windowWidth
+					this.video.height = this.windowHeight
+					const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
+					canvas.id = 'canvas'
+					canvas.width = this.transtion(this.canvasWidth)
+					canvas.height = this.transtion(this.canvasHeight)
+					canvas.style = 'display:none;'
+					//canvas.style = 'position: fixed;top: 0;z-index: 999;left:0'
+					this.canvas2d = canvas.getContext('2d')
+					// 设置当前宽高 满屏
+					const canvasBox = document.querySelector('.canvasBox')
+					canvasBox.append(this.video)
+					canvasBox.append(canvas)
+					canvasBox.style = `width:${this.windowWidth}px;height:${this.windowHeight}px;`
+					// 创建第二个canvas
+					const canvas2 = document.createElement('canvas')
+					canvas2.id = 'canvas2'
+					canvas2.width = this.canvasWidth
+					canvas2.height = this.canvasHeight
+					canvas2.style = 'position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;z-index: 20;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'
+					this.canvas2d2 = canvas2.getContext('2d')
+					canvasBox.append(canvas2)
+					this.video.srcObject = stream
+					this.video.setAttribute('playsinline', true)
+					this.video.play()
+					this.tick()
+					this.track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]
+					setTimeout(() => {
+						this.isUseTorch = this.track.getCapabilities().torch || null
+					}, 500)
+				})
+				.catch(err => {
+					this.isUse = false
+					this.$emit('error', err)
+				})
+		},
+		closeCamera() {
+			this.isParse = false
+			if (this.video && this.video.srcObject) {
+				this.video.srcObject.getTracks().forEach(track => {
+					track.stop()
+				})
+			}
+		},
+		tick() {
+			if (!this.isParse) return
+			if (this.video.readyState === this.video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) {
+				this.canvas2d.drawImage(
+					this.video,
+					this.transtion(this.maskWidth),
+					this.transtion(this.maskHeight),
+					this.transtion(200),
+					this.transtion(200),
+					0,
+					0,
+					this.transtion(this.canvasWidth),
+					this.transtion(this.canvasHeight)
+				)
+				const imageData = this.canvas2d.getImageData(
+					0,
+					0,
+					this.transtion(this.canvasWidth),
+					this.transtion(this.canvasHeight)
+				)
+				const code = jsQR(imageData.data, imageData.width, imageData.height, {
+					inversionAttempts: 'dontInvert'
+				})
+				this.canvas2d2.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight)
+				if (code) {
+					this.drawLine(code.location.topLeftCorner, code.location.topRightCorner)
+					this.drawLine(code.location.topRightCorner, code.location.bottomRightCorner)
+					this.drawLine(code.location.bottomRightCorner, code.location.bottomLeftCorner)
+					this.drawLine(code.location.bottomLeftCorner, code.location.topLeftCorner)
+					if (code.data) {
+						this.getData(code.data)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			requestAnimationFrame(this.tick)
+		},
+		drawLine(begin, end, color = '#FF3B58') {
+			this.canvas2d2.beginPath()
+			this.canvas2d2.moveTo(this.nutranstion(begin.x), this.nutranstion(begin.y))
+			this.canvas2d2.lineTo(this.nutranstion(end.x), this.nutranstion(end.y))
+			this.canvas2d2.lineWidth = 4
+			this.canvas2d2.strokeStyle = color
+			this.canvas2d2.stroke()
+		},
+		getData(data) {
+			this.$emit('success', data)
+			if (!this.continue) {
+				this.closeCamera()
+			}
+		},
+		openTrack() {
+			this.trackStatus = !this.trackStatus
+			this.track.applyConstraints({
+				advanced: [{ torch: this.trackStatus }]
+			})
+		},
+		createMsk() {
+			this.maskWidth = this.windowWidth / 2 - this.canvasWidth / 2
+			this.maskHeight = this.windowHeight / 2 - this.canvasHeight / 2
+		},
+		transtion(number) {
+			return this.definition ? number * 2.8 : number * 1.8
+		},
+		nutranstion(number) {
+			return this.definition ? number / 2.8 : number / 1.8
+		}
+	}
+<style scoped>
+page {
+	background-color: #333333;
+.canvasBox {
+	width: 100vw;
+	height: 100vh;
+	position: relative;
+	background-image: linear-gradient(
+			0deg,
+			transparent 24%,
+			rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 25%,
+			rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 26%,
+			transparent 27%,
+			transparent 74%,
+			rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 75%,
+			rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 76%,
+			transparent 77%,
+			transparent
+		),
+		linear-gradient(
+			90deg,
+			transparent 24%,
+			rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 25%,
+			rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 26%,
+			transparent 27%,
+			transparent 74%,
+			rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 75%,
+			rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 76%,
+			transparent 77%,
+			transparent
+		);
+	background-size: 3rem 3rem;
+	background-position: -1rem -1rem;
+	z-index: 10;
+	background-color: #1110;
+.box {
+	width: 200px;
+	height: 200px;
+	position: absolute;
+	left: 50%;
+	top: 50%;
+	transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+	overflow: hidden;
+	border: 0.1rem solid rgba(0, 255, 51, 0.2);
+	z-index: 11;
+.line {
+	height: calc(100% - 2px);
+	width: 100%;
+	background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0, 255, 51, 0) 43%, #00ff33 211%);
+	border-bottom: 3px solid #00ff33;
+	transform: translateY(-100%);
+	animation: radar-beam 2s infinite alternate;
+	animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.53, 0, 0.43, 0.99);
+	animation-delay: 1.4s;
+.angle:before {
+	content: '';
+	display: block;
+	position: absolute;
+	width: 3vw;
+	height: 3vw;
+	z-index: 12;
+	border: 0.2rem solid transparent;
+.box:before {
+	top: 0;
+	border-top-color: #00ff33;
+.angle:before {
+	bottom: 0;
+	border-bottom-color: #00ff33;
+.angle:before {
+	left: 0;
+	border-left-color: #00ff33;
+.angle:after {
+	right: 0;
+	border-right-color: #00ff33;
+@keyframes radar-beam {
+	0% {
+		transform: translateY(-100%);
+	}
+	100% {
+		transform: translateY(0);
+	}
+.msg {
+	text-align: center;
+	padding: 20rpx 0;
+.box2 {
+	width: 300px;
+	height: 200px;
+	position: absolute;
+	left: 50%;
+	top: 50%;
+	transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+	z-index: 20;
+.track {
+	position: absolute;
+	bottom: -100px;
+	left: 50%;
+	transform: translateX(-50%);
+	z-index: 20;
+	color: #fff;
+	display: flex;
+	flex-direction: column;
+	align-items: center;
+.mask {
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 10;
+	background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55);
+.mask1 {
+	top: 0;
+	left: 0;
+	right: 0;
+.mask2 {
+	right: 0;
+.mask3 {
+	right: 0;
+	left: 0;
+	bottom: 0;
+.mask4 {
+	left: 0;
+.error {
+	color: #fff;
+	padding: 40rpx;
+	font-size: 24rpx;
+	background-color: #333333;
+	position: fixed;
+	top: 50%;
+	left: 50%;
+	transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+	width: 550rpx;
+	border-radius: 20rpx;
+.error .on1 {
+	font-size: 30rpx;

+ 10102 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10102 @@
+(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
+	if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
+		module.exports = factory();
+	else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
+		define([], factory);
+	else if(typeof exports === 'object')
+		exports["jsQR"] = factory();
+	else
+		root["jsQR"] = factory();
+})(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function() {
+return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
+/******/ 	// The module cache
+/******/ 	var installedModules = {};
+/******/ 	// The require function
+/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
+/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
+/******/ 		if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
+/******/ 			return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
+/******/ 		}
+/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
+/******/ 		var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
+/******/ 			i: moduleId,
+/******/ 			l: false,
+/******/ 			exports: {}
+/******/ 		};
+/******/ 		// Execute the module function
+/******/ 		modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
+/******/ 		// Flag the module as loaded
+/******/ 		module.l = true;
+/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
+/******/ 		return module.exports;
+/******/ 	}
+/******/ 	// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.m = modules;
+/******/ 	// expose the module cache
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
+/******/ 	// define getter function for harmony exports
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
+/******/ 		if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
+/******/ 			Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
+/******/ 				configurable: false,
+/******/ 				enumerable: true,
+/******/ 				get: getter
+/******/ 			});
+/******/ 		}
+/******/ 	};
+/******/ 	// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
+/******/ 		var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
+/******/ 			function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
+/******/ 			function getModuleExports() { return module; };
+/******/ 		__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
+/******/ 		return getter;
+/******/ 	};
+/******/ 	// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
+/******/ 	// __webpack_public_path__
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.p = "";
+/******/ 	// Load entry module and return exports
+/******/ 	return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 3);
+/******/ })
+/******/ ([
+/* 0 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function BitMatrix(data, width) {
+        this.width = width;
+        this.height = data.length / width;
+        this.data = data;
+    }
+    BitMatrix.createEmpty = function (width, height) {
+        return new BitMatrix(new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height), width);
+    };
+    BitMatrix.prototype.get = function (x, y) {
+        if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return !!this.data[y * this.width + x];
+    };
+    BitMatrix.prototype.set = function (x, y, v) {
+        this.data[y * this.width + x] = v ? 1 : 0;
+    };
+    BitMatrix.prototype.setRegion = function (left, top, width, height, v) {
+        for (var y = top; y < top + height; y++) {
+            for (var x = left; x < left + width; x++) {
+                this.set(x, y, !!v);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    return BitMatrix;
+exports.BitMatrix = BitMatrix;
+/***/ }),
+/* 1 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var GenericGFPoly_1 = __webpack_require__(2);
+function addOrSubtractGF(a, b) {
+    return a ^ b; // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
+exports.addOrSubtractGF = addOrSubtractGF;
+var GenericGF = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function GenericGF(primitive, size, genBase) {
+        this.primitive = primitive;
+        this.size = size;
+        this.generatorBase = genBase;
+        this.expTable = new Array(this.size);
+        this.logTable = new Array(this.size);
+        var x = 1;
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
+            this.expTable[i] = x;
+            x = x * 2;
+            if (x >= this.size) {
+                x = (x ^ this.primitive) & (this.size - 1); // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
+            }
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.size - 1; i++) {
+            this.logTable[this.expTable[i]] = i;
+        }
+        this.zero = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([0]));
+        this.one = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([1]));
+    }
+    GenericGF.prototype.multiply = function (a, b) {
+        if (a === 0 || b === 0) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return this.expTable[(this.logTable[a] + this.logTable[b]) % (this.size - 1)];
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.inverse = function (a) {
+        if (a === 0) {
+            throw new Error("Can't invert 0");
+        }
+        return this.expTable[this.size - this.logTable[a] - 1];
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.buildMonomial = function (degree, coefficient) {
+        if (degree < 0) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid monomial degree less than 0");
+        }
+        if (coefficient === 0) {
+            return this.zero;
+        }
+        var coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(degree + 1);
+        coefficients[0] = coefficient;
+        return new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, coefficients);
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.log = function (a) {
+        if (a === 0) {
+            throw new Error("Can't take log(0)");
+        }
+        return this.logTable[a];
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.exp = function (a) {
+        return this.expTable[a];
+    };
+    return GenericGF;
+exports.default = GenericGF;
+/***/ }),
+/* 2 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var GenericGF_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
+var GenericGFPoly = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function GenericGFPoly(field, coefficients) {
+        if (coefficients.length === 0) {
+            throw new Error("No coefficients.");
+        }
+        this.field = field;
+        var coefficientsLength = coefficients.length;
+        if (coefficientsLength > 1 && coefficients[0] === 0) {
+            // Leading term must be non-zero for anything except the constant polynomial "0"
+            var firstNonZero = 1;
+            while (firstNonZero < coefficientsLength && coefficients[firstNonZero] === 0) {
+                firstNonZero++;
+            }
+            if (firstNonZero === coefficientsLength) {
+                this.coefficients = field.zero.coefficients;
+            }
+            else {
+                this.coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(coefficientsLength - firstNonZero);
+                for (var i = 0; i < this.coefficients.length; i++) {
+                    this.coefficients[i] = coefficients[firstNonZero + i];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            this.coefficients = coefficients;
+        }
+    }
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.degree = function () {
+        return this.coefficients.length - 1;
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.isZero = function () {
+        return this.coefficients[0] === 0;
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.getCoefficient = function (degree) {
+        return this.coefficients[this.coefficients.length - 1 - degree];
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.addOrSubtract = function (other) {
+        var _a;
+        if (this.isZero()) {
+            return other;
+        }
+        if (other.isZero()) {
+            return this;
+        }
+        var smallerCoefficients = this.coefficients;
+        var largerCoefficients = other.coefficients;
+        if (smallerCoefficients.length > largerCoefficients.length) {
+            _a = [largerCoefficients, smallerCoefficients], smallerCoefficients = _a[0], largerCoefficients = _a[1];
+        }
+        var sumDiff = new Uint8ClampedArray(largerCoefficients.length);
+        var lengthDiff = largerCoefficients.length - smallerCoefficients.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < lengthDiff; i++) {
+            sumDiff[i] = largerCoefficients[i];
+        }
+        for (var i = lengthDiff; i < largerCoefficients.length; i++) {
+            sumDiff[i] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(smallerCoefficients[i - lengthDiff], largerCoefficients[i]);
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, sumDiff);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.multiply = function (scalar) {
+        if (scalar === 0) {
+            return this.field.zero;
+        }
+        if (scalar === 1) {
+            return this;
+        }
+        var size = this.coefficients.length;
+        var product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size);
+        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+            product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], scalar);
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.multiplyPoly = function (other) {
+        if (this.isZero() || other.isZero()) {
+            return this.field.zero;
+        }
+        var aCoefficients = this.coefficients;
+        var aLength = aCoefficients.length;
+        var bCoefficients = other.coefficients;
+        var bLength = bCoefficients.length;
+        var product = new Uint8ClampedArray(aLength + bLength - 1);
+        for (var i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {
+            var aCoeff = aCoefficients[i];
+            for (var j = 0; j < bLength; j++) {
+                product[i + j] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(product[i + j], this.field.multiply(aCoeff, bCoefficients[j]));
+            }
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.multiplyByMonomial = function (degree, coefficient) {
+        if (degree < 0) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid degree less than 0");
+        }
+        if (coefficient === 0) {
+            return this.field.zero;
+        }
+        var size = this.coefficients.length;
+        var product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size + degree);
+        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+            product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], coefficient);
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.evaluateAt = function (a) {
+        var result = 0;
+        if (a === 0) {
+            // Just return the x^0 coefficient
+            return this.getCoefficient(0);
+        }
+        var size = this.coefficients.length;
+        if (a === 1) {
+            // Just the sum of the coefficients
+            this.coefficients.forEach(function (coefficient) {
+                result = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(result, coefficient);
+            });
+            return result;
+        }
+        result = this.coefficients[0];
+        for (var i = 1; i < size; i++) {
+            result = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(this.field.multiply(a, result), this.coefficients[i]);
+        }
+        return result;
+    };
+    return GenericGFPoly;
+exports.default = GenericGFPoly;
+/***/ }),
+/* 3 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var binarizer_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
+var decoder_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
+var extractor_1 = __webpack_require__(11);
+var locator_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
+function scan(matrix) {
+    var locations = locator_1.locate(matrix);
+    if (!locations) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    for (var _i = 0, locations_1 = locations; _i < locations_1.length; _i++) {
+        var location_1 = locations_1[_i];
+        var extracted = extractor_1.extract(matrix, location_1);
+        var decoded = decoder_1.decode(extracted.matrix);
+        if (decoded) {
+            return {
+                binaryData: decoded.bytes,
+                data: decoded.text,
+                chunks: decoded.chunks,
+                version: decoded.version,
+                location: {
+                    topRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location_1.dimension, 0),
+                    topLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, 0),
+                    bottomRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location_1.dimension, location_1.dimension),
+                    bottomLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, location_1.dimension),
+                    topRightFinderPattern: location_1.topRight,
+                    topLeftFinderPattern: location_1.topLeft,
+                    bottomLeftFinderPattern: location_1.bottomLeft,
+                    bottomRightAlignmentPattern: location_1.alignmentPattern,
+                },
+            };
+        }
+    }
+    return null;
+var defaultOptions = {
+    inversionAttempts: "attemptBoth",
+function jsQR(data, width, height, providedOptions) {
+    if (providedOptions === void 0) { providedOptions = {}; }
+    var options = defaultOptions;
+    Object.keys(options || {}).forEach(function (opt) {
+        options[opt] = providedOptions[opt] || options[opt];
+    });
+    var shouldInvert = options.inversionAttempts === "attemptBoth" || options.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst";
+    var tryInvertedFirst = options.inversionAttempts === "onlyInvert" || options.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst";
+    var _a = binarizer_1.binarize(data, width, height, shouldInvert), binarized = _a.binarized, inverted = _a.inverted;
+    var result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? inverted : binarized);
+    if (!result && (options.inversionAttempts === "attemptBoth" || options.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst")) {
+        result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? binarized : inverted);
+    }
+    return result;
+jsQR.default = jsQR;
+exports.default = jsQR;
+/***/ }),
+/* 4 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
+var REGION_SIZE = 8;
+function numBetween(value, min, max) {
+    return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;
+// Like BitMatrix but accepts arbitry Uint8 values
+var Matrix = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function Matrix(width, height) {
+        this.width = width;
+        this.data = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height);
+    }
+    Matrix.prototype.get = function (x, y) {
+        return this.data[y * this.width + x];
+    };
+    Matrix.prototype.set = function (x, y, value) {
+        this.data[y * this.width + x] = value;
+    };
+    return Matrix;
+function binarize(data, width, height, returnInverted) {
+    if (data.length !== width * height * 4) {
+        throw new Error("Malformed data passed to binarizer.");
+    }
+    // Convert image to greyscale
+    var greyscalePixels = new Matrix(width, height);
+    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+            var r = data[((y * width + x) * 4) + 0];
+            var g = data[((y * width + x) * 4) + 1];
+            var b = data[((y * width + x) * 4) + 2];
+            greyscalePixels.set(x, y, 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b);
+        }
+    }
+    var horizontalRegionCount = Math.ceil(width / REGION_SIZE);
+    var verticalRegionCount = Math.ceil(height / REGION_SIZE);
+    var blackPoints = new Matrix(horizontalRegionCount, verticalRegionCount);
+    for (var verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++) {
+        for (var hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {
+            var sum = 0;
+            var min = Infinity;
+            var max = 0;
+            for (var y = 0; y < REGION_SIZE; y++) {
+                for (var x = 0; x < REGION_SIZE; x++) {
+                    var pixelLumosity = greyscalePixels.get(hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + x, verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + y);
+                    sum += pixelLumosity;
+                    min = Math.min(min, pixelLumosity);
+                    max = Math.max(max, pixelLumosity);
+                }
+            }
+            var average = sum / (Math.pow(REGION_SIZE, 2));
+            if (max - min <= MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE) {
+                // If variation within the block is low, assume this is a block with only light or only
+                // dark pixels. In that case we do not want to use the average, as it would divide this
+                // low contrast area into black and white pixels, essentially creating data out of noise.
+                //
+                // Default the blackpoint for these blocks to be half the min - effectively white them out
+                average = min / 2;
+                if (verticalRegion > 0 && hortizontalRegion > 0) {
+                    // Correct the "white background" assumption for blocks that have neighbors by comparing
+                    // the pixels in this block to the previously calculated black points. This is based on
+                    // the fact that dark barcode symbology is always surrounded by some amount of light
+                    // background for which reasonable black point estimates were made. The bp estimated at
+                    // the boundaries is used for the interior.
+                    // The (min < bp) is arbitrary but works better than other heuristics that were tried.
+                    var averageNeighborBlackPoint = (blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion - 1) +
+                        (2 * blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion)) +
+                        blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion - 1)) / 4;
+                    if (min < averageNeighborBlackPoint) {
+                        average = averageNeighborBlackPoint;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            blackPoints.set(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion, average);
+        }
+    }
+    var binarized = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height);
+    var inverted = null;
+    if (returnInverted) {
+        inverted = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height);
+    }
+    for (var verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++) {
+        for (var hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {
+            var left = numBetween(hortizontalRegion, 2, horizontalRegionCount - 3);
+            var top_1 = numBetween(verticalRegion, 2, verticalRegionCount - 3);
+            var sum = 0;
+            for (var xRegion = -2; xRegion <= 2; xRegion++) {
+                for (var yRegion = -2; yRegion <= 2; yRegion++) {
+                    sum += blackPoints.get(left + xRegion, top_1 + yRegion);
+                }
+            }
+            var threshold = sum / 25;
+            for (var xRegion = 0; xRegion < REGION_SIZE; xRegion++) {
+                for (var yRegion = 0; yRegion < REGION_SIZE; yRegion++) {
+                    var x = hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + xRegion;
+                    var y = verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + yRegion;
+                    var lum = greyscalePixels.get(x, y);
+                    binarized.set(x, y, lum <= threshold);
+                    if (returnInverted) {
+                        inverted.set(x, y, !(lum <= threshold));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (returnInverted) {
+        return { binarized: binarized, inverted: inverted };
+    }
+    return { binarized: binarized };
+exports.binarize = binarize;
+/***/ }),
+/* 5 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
+var decodeData_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
+var reedsolomon_1 = __webpack_require__(9);
+var version_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
+// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
+function numBitsDiffering(x, y) {
+    var z = x ^ y;
+    var bitCount = 0;
+    while (z) {
+        bitCount++;
+        z &= z - 1;
+    }
+    return bitCount;
+function pushBit(bit, byte) {
+    return (byte << 1) | bit;
+// tslint:enable:no-bitwise
+    { bits: 0x5412, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x5125, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x5E7C, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x5B4B, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x45F9, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x40CE, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x4F97, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x4AA0, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 7 } },
+    { bits: 0x77C4, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x72F3, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x7DAA, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x789D, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x662F, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x6318, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x6C41, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x6976, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 7 } },
+    { bits: 0x1689, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x13BE, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x1CE7, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x19D0, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x0762, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x0255, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x0D0C, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x083B, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 7 } },
+    { bits: 0x355F, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x3068, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x3F31, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x3A06, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x24B4, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x2183, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x2EDA, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x2BED, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 7 } },
+var DATA_MASKS = [
+    function (p) { return ((p.y + p.x) % 2) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return (p.y % 2) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return p.x % 3 === 0; },
+    function (p) { return (p.y + p.x) % 3 === 0; },
+    function (p) { return (Math.floor(p.y / 2) + Math.floor(p.x / 3)) % 2 === 0; },
+    function (p) { return ((p.x * p.y) % 2) + ((p.x * p.y) % 3) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return ((((p.y * p.x) % 2) + (p.y * p.x) % 3) % 2) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return ((((p.y + p.x) % 2) + (p.y * p.x) % 3) % 2) === 0; },
+function buildFunctionPatternMask(version) {
+    var dimension = 17 + 4 * version.versionNumber;
+    var matrix = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(dimension, dimension);
+    matrix.setRegion(0, 0, 9, 9, true); // Top left finder pattern + separator + format
+    matrix.setRegion(dimension - 8, 0, 8, 9, true); // Top right finder pattern + separator + format
+    matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 8, 9, 8, true); // Bottom left finder pattern + separator + format
+    // Alignment patterns
+    for (var _i = 0, _a = version.alignmentPatternCenters; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
+        var x = _a[_i];
+        for (var _b = 0, _c = version.alignmentPatternCenters; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
+            var y = _c[_b];
+            if (!(x === 6 && y === 6 || x === 6 && y === dimension - 7 || x === dimension - 7 && y === 6)) {
+                matrix.setRegion(x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5, true);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    matrix.setRegion(6, 9, 1, dimension - 17, true); // Vertical timing pattern
+    matrix.setRegion(9, 6, dimension - 17, 1, true); // Horizontal timing pattern
+    if (version.versionNumber > 6) {
+        matrix.setRegion(dimension - 11, 0, 3, 6, true); // Version info, top right
+        matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 11, 6, 3, true); // Version info, bottom left
+    }
+    return matrix;
+function readCodewords(matrix, version, formatInfo) {
+    var dataMask = DATA_MASKS[formatInfo.dataMask];
+    var dimension = matrix.height;
+    var functionPatternMask = buildFunctionPatternMask(version);
+    var codewords = [];
+    var currentByte = 0;
+    var bitsRead = 0;
+    // Read columns in pairs, from right to left
+    var readingUp = true;
+    for (var columnIndex = dimension - 1; columnIndex > 0; columnIndex -= 2) {
+        if (columnIndex === 6) { // Skip whole column with vertical alignment pattern;
+            columnIndex--;
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
+            var y = readingUp ? dimension - 1 - i : i;
+            for (var columnOffset = 0; columnOffset < 2; columnOffset++) {
+                var x = columnIndex - columnOffset;
+                if (!functionPatternMask.get(x, y)) {
+                    bitsRead++;
+                    var bit = matrix.get(x, y);
+                    if (dataMask({ y: y, x: x })) {
+                        bit = !bit;
+                    }
+                    currentByte = pushBit(bit, currentByte);
+                    if (bitsRead === 8) { // Whole bytes
+                        codewords.push(currentByte);
+                        bitsRead = 0;
+                        currentByte = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        readingUp = !readingUp;
+    }
+    return codewords;
+function readVersion(matrix) {
+    var dimension = matrix.height;
+    var provisionalVersion = Math.floor((dimension - 17) / 4);
+    if (provisionalVersion <= 6) { // 6 and under dont have version info in the QR code
+        return version_1.VERSIONS[provisionalVersion - 1];
+    }
+    var topRightVersionBits = 0;
+    for (var y = 5; y >= 0; y--) {
+        for (var x = dimension - 9; x >= dimension - 11; x--) {
+            topRightVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), topRightVersionBits);
+        }
+    }
+    var bottomLeftVersionBits = 0;
+    for (var x = 5; x >= 0; x--) {
+        for (var y = dimension - 9; y >= dimension - 11; y--) {
+            bottomLeftVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), bottomLeftVersionBits);
+        }
+    }
+    var bestDifference = Infinity;
+    var bestVersion;
+    for (var _i = 0, VERSIONS_1 = version_1.VERSIONS; _i < VERSIONS_1.length; _i++) {
+        var version = VERSIONS_1[_i];
+        if (version.infoBits === topRightVersionBits || version.infoBits === bottomLeftVersionBits) {
+            return version;
+        }
+        var difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightVersionBits, version.infoBits);
+        if (difference < bestDifference) {
+            bestVersion = version;
+            bestDifference = difference;
+        }
+        difference = numBitsDiffering(bottomLeftVersionBits, version.infoBits);
+        if (difference < bestDifference) {
+            bestVersion = version;
+            bestDifference = difference;
+        }
+    }
+    // We can tolerate up to 3 bits of error since no two version info codewords will
+    // differ in less than 8 bits.
+    if (bestDifference <= 3) {
+        return bestVersion;
+    }
+function readFormatInformation(matrix) {
+    var topLeftFormatInfoBits = 0;
+    for (var x = 0; x <= 8; x++) {
+        if (x !== 6) { // Skip timing pattern bit
+            topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topLeftFormatInfoBits);
+        }
+    }
+    for (var y = 7; y >= 0; y--) {
+        if (y !== 6) { // Skip timing pattern bit
+            topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topLeftFormatInfoBits);
+        }
+    }
+    var dimension = matrix.height;
+    var topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = 0;
+    for (var y = dimension - 1; y >= dimension - 7; y--) { // bottom left
+        topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);
+    }
+    for (var x = dimension - 8; x < dimension; x++) { // top right
+        topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);
+    }
+    var bestDifference = Infinity;
+    var bestFormatInfo = null;
+    for (var _i = 0, FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1 = FORMAT_INFO_TABLE; _i < FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1.length; _i++) {
+        var _a = FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1[_i], bits = _a.bits, formatInfo = _a.formatInfo;
+        if (bits === topLeftFormatInfoBits || bits === topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits) {
+            return formatInfo;
+        }
+        var difference = numBitsDiffering(topLeftFormatInfoBits, bits);
+        if (difference < bestDifference) {
+            bestFormatInfo = formatInfo;
+            bestDifference = difference;
+        }
+        if (topLeftFormatInfoBits !== topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits) { // also try the other option
+            difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits, bits);
+            if (difference < bestDifference) {
+                bestFormatInfo = formatInfo;
+                bestDifference = difference;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Hamming distance of the 32 masked codes is 7, by construction, so <= 3 bits differing means we found a match
+    if (bestDifference <= 3) {
+        return bestFormatInfo;
+    }
+    return null;
+function getDataBlocks(codewords, version, ecLevel) {
+    var ecInfo = version.errorCorrectionLevels[ecLevel];
+    var dataBlocks = [];
+    var totalCodewords = 0;
+    ecInfo.ecBlocks.forEach(function (block) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < block.numBlocks; i++) {
+            dataBlocks.push({ numDataCodewords: block.dataCodewordsPerBlock, codewords: [] });
+            totalCodewords += block.dataCodewordsPerBlock + ecInfo.ecCodewordsPerBlock;
+        }
+    });
+    // In some cases the QR code will be malformed enough that we pull off more or less than we should.
+    // If we pull off less there's nothing we can do.
+    // If we pull off more we can safely truncate
+    if (codewords.length < totalCodewords) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    codewords = codewords.slice(0, totalCodewords);
+    var shortBlockSize = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].dataCodewordsPerBlock;
+    // Pull codewords to fill the blocks up to the minimum size
+    for (var i = 0; i < shortBlockSize; i++) {
+        for (var _i = 0, dataBlocks_1 = dataBlocks; _i < dataBlocks_1.length; _i++) {
+            var dataBlock = dataBlocks_1[_i];
+            dataBlock.codewords.push(codewords.shift());
+        }
+    }
+    // If there are any large blocks, pull codewords to fill the last element of those
+    if (ecInfo.ecBlocks.length > 1) {
+        var smallBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].numBlocks;
+        var largeBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[1].numBlocks;
+        for (var i = 0; i < largeBlockCount; i++) {
+            dataBlocks[smallBlockCount + i].codewords.push(codewords.shift());
+        }
+    }
+    // Add the rest of the codewords to the blocks. These are the error correction codewords.
+    while (codewords.length > 0) {
+        for (var _a = 0, dataBlocks_2 = dataBlocks; _a < dataBlocks_2.length; _a++) {
+            var dataBlock = dataBlocks_2[_a];
+            dataBlock.codewords.push(codewords.shift());
+        }
+    }
+    return dataBlocks;
+function decodeMatrix(matrix) {
+    var version = readVersion(matrix);
+    if (!version) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var formatInfo = readFormatInformation(matrix);
+    if (!formatInfo) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var codewords = readCodewords(matrix, version, formatInfo);
+    var dataBlocks = getDataBlocks(codewords, version, formatInfo.errorCorrectionLevel);
+    if (!dataBlocks) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    // Count total number of data bytes
+    var totalBytes = dataBlocks.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b.numDataCodewords; }, 0);
+    var resultBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(totalBytes);
+    var resultIndex = 0;
+    for (var _i = 0, dataBlocks_3 = dataBlocks; _i < dataBlocks_3.length; _i++) {
+        var dataBlock = dataBlocks_3[_i];
+        var correctedBytes = reedsolomon_1.decode(dataBlock.codewords, dataBlock.codewords.length - dataBlock.numDataCodewords);
+        if (!correctedBytes) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < dataBlock.numDataCodewords; i++) {
+            resultBytes[resultIndex++] = correctedBytes[i];
+        }
+    }
+    try {
+        return decodeData_1.decode(resultBytes, version.versionNumber);
+    }
+    catch (_a) {
+        return null;
+    }
+function decode(matrix) {
+    if (matrix == null) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var result = decodeMatrix(matrix);
+    if (result) {
+        return result;
+    }
+    // Decoding didn't work, try mirroring the QR across the topLeft -> bottomRight line.
+    for (var x = 0; x < matrix.width; x++) {
+        for (var y = x + 1; y < matrix.height; y++) {
+            if (matrix.get(x, y) !== matrix.get(y, x)) {
+                matrix.set(x, y, !matrix.get(x, y));
+                matrix.set(y, x, !matrix.get(y, x));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return decodeMatrix(matrix);
+exports.decode = decode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 6 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
+var BitStream_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
+var shiftJISTable_1 = __webpack_require__(8);
+var Mode;
+(function (Mode) {
+    Mode["Numeric"] = "numeric";
+    Mode["Alphanumeric"] = "alphanumeric";
+    Mode["Byte"] = "byte";
+    Mode["Kanji"] = "kanji";
+    Mode["ECI"] = "eci";
+})(Mode = exports.Mode || (exports.Mode = {}));
+var ModeByte;
+(function (ModeByte) {
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Terminator"] = 0] = "Terminator";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Numeric"] = 1] = "Numeric";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Alphanumeric"] = 2] = "Alphanumeric";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Byte"] = 4] = "Byte";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Kanji"] = 8] = "Kanji";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["ECI"] = 7] = "ECI";
+    // StructuredAppend = 0x3,
+    // FNC1FirstPosition = 0x5,
+    // FNC1SecondPosition = 0x9,
+})(ModeByte || (ModeByte = {}));
+function decodeNumeric(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [10, 12, 14][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    // Read digits in groups of 3
+    while (length >= 3) {
+        var num = stream.readBits(10);
+        if (num >= 1000) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 999");
+        }
+        var a = Math.floor(num / 100);
+        var b = Math.floor(num / 10) % 10;
+        var c = num % 10;
+        bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b, 48 + c);
+        text += a.toString() + b.toString() + c.toString();
+        length -= 3;
+    }
+    // If the number of digits aren't a multiple of 3, the remaining digits are special cased.
+    if (length === 2) {
+        var num = stream.readBits(7);
+        if (num >= 100) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 99");
+        }
+        var a = Math.floor(num / 10);
+        var b = num % 10;
+        bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b);
+        text += a.toString() + b.toString();
+    }
+    else if (length === 1) {
+        var num = stream.readBits(4);
+        if (num >= 10) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 9");
+        }
+        bytes.push(48 + num);
+        text += num.toString();
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+var AlphanumericCharacterCodes = [
+    "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
+    "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H",
+    "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q",
+    "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
+    " ", "$", "%", "*", "+", "-", ".", "/", ":",
+function decodeAlphanumeric(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [9, 11, 13][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    while (length >= 2) {
+        var v = stream.readBits(11);
+        var a = Math.floor(v / 45);
+        var b = v % 45;
+        bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0), AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b].charCodeAt(0));
+        text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a] + AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b];
+        length -= 2;
+    }
+    if (length === 1) {
+        var a = stream.readBits(6);
+        bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0));
+        text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a];
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+function decodeByte(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [8, 16, 16][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        var b = stream.readBits(8);
+        bytes.push(b);
+    }
+    try {
+        text += decodeURIComponent(bytes.map(function (b) { return "%" + ("0" + b.toString(16)).substr(-2); }).join(""));
+    }
+    catch (_a) {
+        // failed to decode
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+function decodeKanji(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [8, 10, 12][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        var k = stream.readBits(13);
+        var c = (Math.floor(k / 0xC0) << 8) | (k % 0xC0);
+        if (c < 0x1F00) {
+            c += 0x8140;
+        }
+        else {
+            c += 0xC140;
+        }
+        bytes.push(c >> 8, c & 0xFF);
+        text += String.fromCharCode(shiftJISTable_1.shiftJISTable[c]);
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+function decode(data, version) {
+    var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+    var stream = new BitStream_1.BitStream(data);
+    // There are 3 'sizes' based on the version. 1-9 is small (0), 10-26 is medium (1) and 27-40 is large (2).
+    var size = version <= 9 ? 0 : version <= 26 ? 1 : 2;
+    var result = {
+        text: "",
+        bytes: [],
+        chunks: [],
+        version: version,
+    };
+    while (stream.available() >= 4) {
+        var mode = stream.readBits(4);
+        if (mode === ModeByte.Terminator) {
+            return result;
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.ECI) {
+            if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(7),
+                });
+            }
+            else if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(14),
+                });
+            }
+            else if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(21),
+                });
+            }
+            else {
+                // ECI data seems corrupted
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: -1,
+                });
+            }
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Numeric) {
+            var numericResult = decodeNumeric(stream, size);
+            result.text += numericResult.text;
+            (_a = result.bytes).push.apply(_a, numericResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Numeric,
+                text: numericResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Alphanumeric) {
+            var alphanumericResult = decodeAlphanumeric(stream, size);
+            result.text += alphanumericResult.text;
+            (_b = result.bytes).push.apply(_b, alphanumericResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Alphanumeric,
+                text: alphanumericResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Byte) {
+            var byteResult = decodeByte(stream, size);
+            result.text += byteResult.text;
+            (_c = result.bytes).push.apply(_c, byteResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Byte,
+                bytes: byteResult.bytes,
+                text: byteResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Kanji) {
+            var kanjiResult = decodeKanji(stream, size);
+            result.text += kanjiResult.text;
+            (_d = result.bytes).push.apply(_d, kanjiResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Kanji,
+                bytes: kanjiResult.bytes,
+                text: kanjiResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    // If there is no data left, or the remaining bits are all 0, then that counts as a termination marker
+    if (stream.available() === 0 || stream.readBits(stream.available()) === 0) {
+        return result;
+    }
+exports.decode = decode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 7 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitStream = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function BitStream(bytes) {
+        this.byteOffset = 0;
+        this.bitOffset = 0;
+        this.bytes = bytes;
+    }
+    BitStream.prototype.readBits = function (numBits) {
+        if (numBits < 1 || numBits > 32 || numBits > this.available()) {
+            throw new Error("Cannot read " + numBits.toString() + " bits");
+        }
+        var result = 0;
+        // First, read remainder from current byte
+        if (this.bitOffset > 0) {
+            var bitsLeft = 8 - this.bitOffset;
+            var toRead = numBits < bitsLeft ? numBits : bitsLeft;
+            var bitsToNotRead = bitsLeft - toRead;
+            var mask = (0xFF >> (8 - toRead)) << bitsToNotRead;
+            result = (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead;
+            numBits -= toRead;
+            this.bitOffset += toRead;
+            if (this.bitOffset === 8) {
+                this.bitOffset = 0;
+                this.byteOffset++;
+            }
+        }
+        // Next read whole bytes
+        if (numBits > 0) {
+            while (numBits >= 8) {
+                result = (result << 8) | (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & 0xFF);
+                this.byteOffset++;
+                numBits -= 8;
+            }
+            // Finally read a partial byte
+            if (numBits > 0) {
+                var bitsToNotRead = 8 - numBits;
+                var mask = (0xFF >> bitsToNotRead) << bitsToNotRead;
+                result = (result << numBits) | ((this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead);
+                this.bitOffset += numBits;
+            }
+        }
+        return result;
+    };
+    BitStream.prototype.available = function () {
+        return 8 * (this.bytes.length - this.byteOffset) - this.bitOffset;
+    };
+    return BitStream;
+exports.BitStream = BitStream;
+/***/ }),
+/* 8 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.shiftJISTable = {
+    0x20: 0x0020,
+    0x21: 0x0021,
+    0x22: 0x0022,
+    0x23: 0x0023,
+    0x24: 0x0024,
+    0x25: 0x0025,
+    0x26: 0x0026,
+    0x27: 0x0027,
+    0x28: 0x0028,
+    0x29: 0x0029,
+    0x2A: 0x002A,
+    0x2B: 0x002B,
+    0x2C: 0x002C,
+    0x2D: 0x002D,
+    0x2E: 0x002E,
+    0x2F: 0x002F,
+    0x30: 0x0030,
+    0x31: 0x0031,
+    0x32: 0x0032,
+    0x33: 0x0033,
+    0x34: 0x0034,
+    0x35: 0x0035,
+    0x36: 0x0036,
+    0x37: 0x0037,
+    0x38: 0x0038,
+    0x39: 0x0039,
+    0x3A: 0x003A,
+    0x3B: 0x003B,
+    0x3C: 0x003C,
+    0x3D: 0x003D,
+    0x3E: 0x003E,
+    0x3F: 0x003F,
+    0x40: 0x0040,
+    0x41: 0x0041,
+    0x42: 0x0042,
+    0x43: 0x0043,
+    0x44: 0x0044,
+    0x45: 0x0045,
+    0x46: 0x0046,
+    0x47: 0x0047,
+    0x48: 0x0048,
+    0x49: 0x0049,
+    0x4A: 0x004A,
+    0x4B: 0x004B,
+    0x4C: 0x004C,
+    0x4D: 0x004D,
+    0x4E: 0x004E,
+    0x4F: 0x004F,
+    0x50: 0x0050,
+    0x51: 0x0051,
+    0x52: 0x0052,
+    0x53: 0x0053,
+    0x54: 0x0054,
+    0x55: 0x0055,
+    0x56: 0x0056,
+    0x57: 0x0057,
+    0x58: 0x0058,
+    0x59: 0x0059,
+    0x5A: 0x005A,
+    0x5B: 0x005B,
+    0x5C: 0x00A5,
+    0x5D: 0x005D,
+    0x5E: 0x005E,
+    0x5F: 0x005F,
+    0x60: 0x0060,
+    0x61: 0x0061,
+    0x62: 0x0062,
+    0x63: 0x0063,
+    0x64: 0x0064,
+    0x65: 0x0065,
+    0x66: 0x0066,
+    0x67: 0x0067,
+    0x68: 0x0068,
+    0x69: 0x0069,
+    0x6A: 0x006A,
+    0x6B: 0x006B,
+    0x6C: 0x006C,
+    0x6D: 0x006D,
+    0x6E: 0x006E,
+    0x6F: 0x006F,
+    0x70: 0x0070,
+    0x71: 0x0071,
+    0x72: 0x0072,
+    0x73: 0x0073,
+    0x74: 0x0074,
+    0x75: 0x0075,
+    0x76: 0x0076,
+    0x77: 0x0077,
+    0x78: 0x0078,
+    0x79: 0x0079,
+    0x7A: 0x007A,
+    0x7B: 0x007B,
+    0x7C: 0x007C,
+    0x7D: 0x007D,
+    0x7E: 0x203E,
+    0x8140: 0x3000,
+    0x8141: 0x3001,
+    0x8142: 0x3002,
+    0x8143: 0xFF0C,
+    0x8144: 0xFF0E,
+    0x8145: 0x30FB,
+    0x8146: 0xFF1A,
+    0x8147: 0xFF1B,
+    0x8148: 0xFF1F,
+    0x8149: 0xFF01,
+    0x814A: 0x309B,
+    0x814B: 0x309C,
+    0x814C: 0x00B4,
+    0x814D: 0xFF40,
+    0x814E: 0x00A8,
+    0x814F: 0xFF3E,
+    0x8150: 0xFFE3,
+    0x8151: 0xFF3F,
+    0x8152: 0x30FD,
+    0x8153: 0x30FE,
+    0x8154: 0x309D,
+    0x8155: 0x309E,
+    0x8156: 0x3003,
+    0x8157: 0x4EDD,
+    0x8158: 0x3005,
+    0x8159: 0x3006,
+    0x815A: 0x3007,
+    0x815B: 0x30FC,
+    0x815C: 0x2015,
+    0x815D: 0x2010,
+    0x815E: 0xFF0F,
+    0x815F: 0x005C,
+    0x8160: 0x301C,
+    0x8161: 0x2016,
+    0x8162: 0xFF5C,
+    0x8163: 0x2026,
+    0x8164: 0x2025,
+    0x8165: 0x2018,
+    0x8166: 0x2019,
+    0x8167: 0x201C,
+    0x8168: 0x201D,
+    0x8169: 0xFF08,
+    0x816A: 0xFF09,
+    0x816B: 0x3014,
+    0x816C: 0x3015,
+    0x816D: 0xFF3B,
+    0x816E: 0xFF3D,
+    0x816F: 0xFF5B,
+    0x8170: 0xFF5D,
+    0x8171: 0x3008,
+    0x8172: 0x3009,
+    0x8173: 0x300A,
+    0x8174: 0x300B,
+    0x8175: 0x300C,
+    0x8176: 0x300D,
+    0x8177: 0x300E,
+    0x8178: 0x300F,
+    0x8179: 0x3010,
+    0x817A: 0x3011,
+    0x817B: 0xFF0B,
+    0x817C: 0x2212,
+    0x817D: 0x00B1,
+    0x817E: 0x00D7,
+    0x8180: 0x00F7,
+    0x8181: 0xFF1D,
+    0x8182: 0x2260,
+    0x8183: 0xFF1C,
+    0x8184: 0xFF1E,
+    0x8185: 0x2266,
+    0x8186: 0x2267,
+    0x8187: 0x221E,
+    0x8188: 0x2234,
+    0x8189: 0x2642,
+    0x818A: 0x2640,
+    0x818B: 0x00B0,
+    0x818C: 0x2032,
+    0x818D: 0x2033,
+    0x818E: 0x2103,
+    0x818F: 0xFFE5,
+    0x8190: 0xFF04,
+    0x8191: 0x00A2,
+    0x8192: 0x00A3,
+    0x8193: 0xFF05,
+    0x8194: 0xFF03,
+    0x8195: 0xFF06,
+    0x8196: 0xFF0A,
+    0x8197: 0xFF20,
+    0x8198: 0x00A7,
+    0x8199: 0x2606,
+    0x819A: 0x2605,
+    0x819B: 0x25CB,
+    0x819C: 0x25CF,
+    0x819D: 0x25CE,
+    0x819E: 0x25C7,
+    0x819F: 0x25C6,
+    0x81A0: 0x25A1,
+    0x81A1: 0x25A0,
+    0x81A2: 0x25B3,
+    0x81A3: 0x25B2,
+    0x81A4: 0x25BD,
+    0x81A5: 0x25BC,
+    0x81A6: 0x203B,
+    0x81A7: 0x3012,
+    0x81A8: 0x2192,
+    0x81A9: 0x2190,
+    0x81AA: 0x2191,
+    0x81AB: 0x2193,
+    0x81AC: 0x3013,
+    0x81B8: 0x2208,
+    0x81B9: 0x220B,
+    0x81BA: 0x2286,
+    0x81BB: 0x2287,
+    0x81BC: 0x2282,
+    0x81BD: 0x2283,
+    0x81BE: 0x222A,
+    0x81BF: 0x2229,
+    0x81C8: 0x2227,
+    0x81C9: 0x2228,
+    0x81CA: 0x00AC,
+    0x81CB: 0x21D2,
+    0x81CC: 0x21D4,
+    0x81CD: 0x2200,
+    0x81CE: 0x2203,
+    0x81DA: 0x2220,
+    0x81DB: 0x22A5,
+    0x81DC: 0x2312,
+    0x81DD: 0x2202,
+    0x81DE: 0x2207,
+    0x81DF: 0x2261,
+    0x81E0: 0x2252,
+    0x81E1: 0x226A,
+    0x81E2: 0x226B,
+    0x81E3: 0x221A,
+    0x81E4: 0x223D,
+    0x81E5: 0x221D,
+    0x81E6: 0x2235,
+    0x81E7: 0x222B,
+    0x81E8: 0x222C,
+    0x81F0: 0x212B,
+    0x81F1: 0x2030,
+    0x81F2: 0x266F,
+    0x81F3: 0x266D,
+    0x81F4: 0x266A,
+    0x81F5: 0x2020,
+    0x81F6: 0x2021,
+    0x81F7: 0x00B6,
+    0x81FC: 0x25EF,
+    0x824F: 0xFF10,
+    0x8250: 0xFF11,
+    0x8251: 0xFF12,
+    0x8252: 0xFF13,
+    0x8253: 0xFF14,
+    0x8254: 0xFF15,
+    0x8255: 0xFF16,
+    0x8256: 0xFF17,
+    0x8257: 0xFF18,
+    0x8258: 0xFF19,
+    0x8260: 0xFF21,
+    0x8261: 0xFF22,
+    0x8262: 0xFF23,
+    0x8263: 0xFF24,
+    0x8264: 0xFF25,
+    0x8265: 0xFF26,
+    0x8266: 0xFF27,
+    0x8267: 0xFF28,
+    0x8268: 0xFF29,
+    0x8269: 0xFF2A,
+    0x826A: 0xFF2B,
+    0x826B: 0xFF2C,
+    0x826C: 0xFF2D,
+    0x826D: 0xFF2E,
+    0x826E: 0xFF2F,
+    0x826F: 0xFF30,
+    0x8270: 0xFF31,
+    0x8271: 0xFF32,
+    0x8272: 0xFF33,
+    0x8273: 0xFF34,
+    0x8274: 0xFF35,
+    0x8275: 0xFF36,
+    0x8276: 0xFF37,
+    0x8277: 0xFF38,
+    0x8278: 0xFF39,
+    0x8279: 0xFF3A,
+    0x8281: 0xFF41,
+    0x8282: 0xFF42,
+    0x8283: 0xFF43,
+    0x8284: 0xFF44,
+    0x8285: 0xFF45,
+    0x8286: 0xFF46,
+    0x8287: 0xFF47,
+    0x8288: 0xFF48,
+    0x8289: 0xFF49,
+    0x828A: 0xFF4A,
+    0x828B: 0xFF4B,
+    0x828C: 0xFF4C,
+    0x828D: 0xFF4D,
+    0x828E: 0xFF4E,
+    0x828F: 0xFF4F,
+    0x8290: 0xFF50,
+    0x8291: 0xFF51,
+    0x8292: 0xFF52,
+    0x8293: 0xFF53,
+    0x8294: 0xFF54,
+    0x8295: 0xFF55,
+    0x8296: 0xFF56,
+    0x8297: 0xFF57,
+    0x8298: 0xFF58,
+    0x8299: 0xFF59,
+    0x829A: 0xFF5A,
+    0x829F: 0x3041,
+    0x82A0: 0x3042,
+    0x82A1: 0x3043,
+    0x82A2: 0x3044,
+    0x82A3: 0x3045,
+    0x82A4: 0x3046,
+    0x82A5: 0x3047,
+    0x82A6: 0x3048,
+    0x82A7: 0x3049,
+    0x82A8: 0x304A,
+    0x82A9: 0x304B,
+    0x82AA: 0x304C,
+    0x82AB: 0x304D,
+    0x82AC: 0x304E,
+    0x82AD: 0x304F,
+    0x82AE: 0x3050,
+    0x82AF: 0x3051,
+    0x82B0: 0x3052,
+    0x82B1: 0x3053,
+    0x82B2: 0x3054,
+    0x82B3: 0x3055,
+    0x82B4: 0x3056,
+    0x82B5: 0x3057,
+    0x82B6: 0x3058,
+    0x82B7: 0x3059,
+    0x82B8: 0x305A,
+    0x82B9: 0x305B,
+    0x82BA: 0x305C,
+    0x82BB: 0x305D,
+    0x82BC: 0x305E,
+    0x82BD: 0x305F,
+    0x82BE: 0x3060,
+    0x82BF: 0x3061,
+    0x82C0: 0x3062,
+    0x82C1: 0x3063,
+    0x82C2: 0x3064,
+    0x82C3: 0x3065,
+    0x82C4: 0x3066,
+    0x82C5: 0x3067,
+    0x82C6: 0x3068,
+    0x82C7: 0x3069,
+    0x82C8: 0x306A,
+    0x82C9: 0x306B,
+    0x82CA: 0x306C,
+    0x82CB: 0x306D,
+    0x82CC: 0x306E,
+    0x82CD: 0x306F,
+    0x82CE: 0x3070,
+    0x82CF: 0x3071,
+    0x82D0: 0x3072,
+    0x82D1: 0x3073,
+    0x82D2: 0x3074,
+    0x82D3: 0x3075,
+    0x82D4: 0x3076,
+    0x82D5: 0x3077,
+    0x82D6: 0x3078,
+    0x82D7: 0x3079,
+    0x82D8: 0x307A,
+    0x82D9: 0x307B,
+    0x82DA: 0x307C,
+    0x82DB: 0x307D,
+    0x82DC: 0x307E,
+    0x82DD: 0x307F,
+    0x82DE: 0x3080,
+    0x82DF: 0x3081,
+    0x82E0: 0x3082,
+    0x82E1: 0x3083,
+    0x82E2: 0x3084,
+    0x82E3: 0x3085,
+    0x82E4: 0x3086,
+    0x82E5: 0x3087,
+    0x82E6: 0x3088,
+    0x82E7: 0x3089,
+    0x82E8: 0x308A,
+    0x82E9: 0x308B,
+    0x82EA: 0x308C,
+    0x82EB: 0x308D,
+    0x82EC: 0x308E,
+    0x82ED: 0x308F,
+    0x82EE: 0x3090,
+    0x82EF: 0x3091,
+    0x82F0: 0x3092,
+    0x82F1: 0x3093,
+    0x8340: 0x30A1,
+    0x8341: 0x30A2,
+    0x8342: 0x30A3,
+    0x8343: 0x30A4,
+    0x8344: 0x30A5,
+    0x8345: 0x30A6,
+    0x8346: 0x30A7,
+    0x8347: 0x30A8,
+    0x8348: 0x30A9,
+    0x8349: 0x30AA,
+    0x834A: 0x30AB,
+    0x834B: 0x30AC,
+    0x834C: 0x30AD,
+    0x834D: 0x30AE,
+    0x834E: 0x30AF,
+    0x834F: 0x30B0,
+    0x8350: 0x30B1,
+    0x8351: 0x30B2,
+    0x8352: 0x30B3,
+    0x8353: 0x30B4,
+    0x8354: 0x30B5,
+    0x8355: 0x30B6,
+    0x8356: 0x30B7,
+    0x8357: 0x30B8,
+    0x8358: 0x30B9,
+    0x8359: 0x30BA,
+    0x835A: 0x30BB,
+    0x835B: 0x30BC,
+    0x835C: 0x30BD,
+    0x835D: 0x30BE,
+    0x835E: 0x30BF,
+    0x835F: 0x30C0,
+    0x8360: 0x30C1,
+    0x8361: 0x30C2,
+    0x8362: 0x30C3,
+    0x8363: 0x30C4,
+    0x8364: 0x30C5,
+    0x8365: 0x30C6,
+    0x8366: 0x30C7,
+    0x8367: 0x30C8,
+    0x8368: 0x30C9,
+    0x8369: 0x30CA,
+    0x836A: 0x30CB,
+    0x836B: 0x30CC,
+    0x836C: 0x30CD,
+    0x836D: 0x30CE,
+    0x836E: 0x30CF,
+    0x836F: 0x30D0,
+    0x8370: 0x30D1,
+    0x8371: 0x30D2,
+    0x8372: 0x30D3,
+    0x8373: 0x30D4,
+    0x8374: 0x30D5,
+    0x8375: 0x30D6,
+    0x8376: 0x30D7,
+    0x8377: 0x30D8,
+    0x8378: 0x30D9,
+    0x8379: 0x30DA,
+    0x837A: 0x30DB,
+    0x837B: 0x30DC,
+    0x837C: 0x30DD,
+    0x837D: 0x30DE,
+    0x837E: 0x30DF,
+    0x8380: 0x30E0,
+    0x8381: 0x30E1,
+    0x8382: 0x30E2,
+    0x8383: 0x30E3,
+    0x8384: 0x30E4,
+    0x8385: 0x30E5,
+    0x8386: 0x30E6,
+    0x8387: 0x30E7,
+    0x8388: 0x30E8,
+    0x8389: 0x30E9,
+    0x838A: 0x30EA,
+    0x838B: 0x30EB,
+    0x838C: 0x30EC,
+    0x838D: 0x30ED,
+    0x838E: 0x30EE,
+    0x838F: 0x30EF,
+    0x8390: 0x30F0,
+    0x8391: 0x30F1,
+    0x8392: 0x30F2,
+    0x8393: 0x30F3,
+    0x8394: 0x30F4,
+    0x8395: 0x30F5,
+    0x8396: 0x30F6,
+    0x839F: 0x0391,
+    0x83A0: 0x0392,
+    0x83A1: 0x0393,
+    0x83A2: 0x0394,
+    0x83A3: 0x0395,
+    0x83A4: 0x0396,
+    0x83A5: 0x0397,
+    0x83A6: 0x0398,
+    0x83A7: 0x0399,
+    0x83A8: 0x039A,
+    0x83A9: 0x039B,
+    0x83AA: 0x039C,
+    0x83AB: 0x039D,
+    0x83AC: 0x039E,
+    0x83AD: 0x039F,
+    0x83AE: 0x03A0,
+    0x83AF: 0x03A1,
+    0x83B0: 0x03A3,
+    0x83B1: 0x03A4,
+    0x83B2: 0x03A5,
+    0x83B3: 0x03A6,
+    0x83B4: 0x03A7,
+    0x83B5: 0x03A8,
+    0x83B6: 0x03A9,
+    0x83BF: 0x03B1,
+    0x83C0: 0x03B2,
+    0x83C1: 0x03B3,
+    0x83C2: 0x03B4,
+    0x83C3: 0x03B5,
+    0x83C4: 0x03B6,
+    0x83C5: 0x03B7,
+    0x83C6: 0x03B8,
+    0x83C7: 0x03B9,
+    0x83C8: 0x03BA,
+    0x83C9: 0x03BB,
+    0x83CA: 0x03BC,
+    0x83CB: 0x03BD,
+    0x83CC: 0x03BE,
+    0x83CD: 0x03BF,
+    0x83CE: 0x03C0,
+    0x83CF: 0x03C1,
+    0x83D0: 0x03C3,
+    0x83D1: 0x03C4,
+    0x83D2: 0x03C5,
+    0x83D3: 0x03C6,
+    0x83D4: 0x03C7,
+    0x83D5: 0x03C8,
+    0x83D6: 0x03C9,
+    0x8440: 0x0410,
+    0x8441: 0x0411,
+    0x8442: 0x0412,
+    0x8443: 0x0413,
+    0x8444: 0x0414,
+    0x8445: 0x0415,
+    0x8446: 0x0401,
+    0x8447: 0x0416,
+    0x8448: 0x0417,
+    0x8449: 0x0418,
+    0x844A: 0x0419,
+    0x844B: 0x041A,
+    0x844C: 0x041B,
+    0x844D: 0x041C,
+    0x844E: 0x041D,
+    0x844F: 0x041E,
+    0x8450: 0x041F,
+    0x8451: 0x0420,
+    0x8452: 0x0421,
+    0x8453: 0x0422,
+    0x8454: 0x0423,
+    0x8455: 0x0424,
+    0x8456: 0x0425,
+    0x8457: 0x0426,
+    0x8458: 0x0427,
+    0x8459: 0x0428,
+    0x845A: 0x0429,
+    0x845B: 0x042A,
+    0x845C: 0x042B,
+    0x845D: 0x042C,
+    0x845E: 0x042D,
+    0x845F: 0x042E,
+    0x8460: 0x042F,
+    0x8470: 0x0430,
+    0x8471: 0x0431,
+    0x8472: 0x0432,
+    0x8473: 0x0433,
+    0x8474: 0x0434,
+    0x8475: 0x0435,
+    0x8476: 0x0451,
+    0x8477: 0x0436,
+    0x8478: 0x0437,
+    0x8479: 0x0438,
+    0x847A: 0x0439,
+    0x847B: 0x043A,
+    0x847C: 0x043B,
+    0x847D: 0x043C,
+    0x847E: 0x043D,
+    0x8480: 0x043E,
+    0x8481: 0x043F,
+    0x8482: 0x0440,
+    0x8483: 0x0441,
+    0x8484: 0x0442,
+    0x8485: 0x0443,
+    0x8486: 0x0444,
+    0x8487: 0x0445,
+    0x8488: 0x0446,
+    0x8489: 0x0447,
+    0x848A: 0x0448,
+    0x848B: 0x0449,
+    0x848C: 0x044A,
+    0x848D: 0x044B,
+    0x848E: 0x044C,
+    0x848F: 0x044D,
+    0x8490: 0x044E,
+    0x8491: 0x044F,
+    0x849F: 0x2500,
+    0x84A0: 0x2502,
+    0x84A1: 0x250C,
+    0x84A2: 0x2510,
+    0x84A3: 0x2518,
+    0x84A4: 0x2514,
+    0x84A5: 0x251C,
+    0x84A6: 0x252C,
+    0x84A7: 0x2524,
+    0x84A8: 0x2534,
+    0x84A9: 0x253C,
+    0x84AA: 0x2501,
+    0x84AB: 0x2503,
+    0x84AC: 0x250F,
+    0x84AD: 0x2513,
+    0x84AE: 0x251B,
+    0x84AF: 0x2517,
+    0x84B0: 0x2523,
+    0x84B1: 0x2533,
+    0x84B2: 0x252B,
+    0x84B3: 0x253B,
+    0x84B4: 0x254B,
+    0x84B5: 0x2520,
+    0x84B6: 0x252F,
+    0x84B7: 0x2528,
+    0x84B8: 0x2537,
+    0x84B9: 0x253F,
+    0x84BA: 0x251D,
+    0x84BB: 0x2530,
+    0x84BC: 0x2525,
+    0x84BD: 0x2538,
+    0x84BE: 0x2542,
+    0x889F: 0x4E9C,
+    0x88A0: 0x5516,
+    0x88A1: 0x5A03,
+    0x88A2: 0x963F,
+    0x88A3: 0x54C0,
+    0x88A4: 0x611B,
+    0x88A5: 0x6328,
+    0x88A6: 0x59F6,
+    0x88A7: 0x9022,
+    0x88A8: 0x8475,
+    0x88A9: 0x831C,
+    0x88AA: 0x7A50,
+    0x88AB: 0x60AA,
+    0x88AC: 0x63E1,
+    0x88AD: 0x6E25,
+    0x88AE: 0x65ED,
+    0x88AF: 0x8466,
+    0x88B0: 0x82A6,
+    0x88B1: 0x9BF5,
+    0x88B2: 0x6893,
+    0x88B3: 0x5727,
+    0x88B4: 0x65A1,
+    0x88B5: 0x6271,
+    0x88B6: 0x5B9B,
+    0x88B7: 0x59D0,
+    0x88B8: 0x867B,
+    0x88B9: 0x98F4,
+    0x88BA: 0x7D62,
+    0x88BB: 0x7DBE,
+    0x88BC: 0x9B8E,
+    0x88BD: 0x6216,
+    0x88BE: 0x7C9F,
+    0x88BF: 0x88B7,
+    0x88C0: 0x5B89,
+    0x88C1: 0x5EB5,
+    0x88C2: 0x6309,
+    0x88C3: 0x6697,
+    0x88C4: 0x6848,
+    0x88C5: 0x95C7,
+    0x88C6: 0x978D,
+    0x88C7: 0x674F,
+    0x88C8: 0x4EE5,
+    0x88C9: 0x4F0A,
+    0x88CA: 0x4F4D,
+    0x88CB: 0x4F9D,
+    0x88CC: 0x5049,
+    0x88CD: 0x56F2,
+    0x88CE: 0x5937,
+    0x88CF: 0x59D4,
+    0x88D0: 0x5A01,
+    0x88D1: 0x5C09,
+    0x88D2: 0x60DF,
+    0x88D3: 0x610F,
+    0x88D4: 0x6170,
+    0x88D5: 0x6613,
+    0x88D6: 0x6905,
+    0x88D7: 0x70BA,
+    0x88D8: 0x754F,
+    0x88D9: 0x7570,
+    0x88DA: 0x79FB,
+    0x88DB: 0x7DAD,
+    0x88DC: 0x7DEF,
+    0x88DD: 0x80C3,
+    0x88DE: 0x840E,
+    0x88DF: 0x8863,
+    0x88E0: 0x8B02,
+    0x88E1: 0x9055,
+    0x88E2: 0x907A,
+    0x88E3: 0x533B,
+    0x88E4: 0x4E95,
+    0x88E5: 0x4EA5,
+    0x88E6: 0x57DF,
+    0x88E7: 0x80B2,
+    0x88E8: 0x90C1,
+    0x88E9: 0x78EF,
+    0x88EA: 0x4E00,
+    0x88EB: 0x58F1,
+    0x88EC: 0x6EA2,
+    0x88ED: 0x9038,
+    0x88EE: 0x7A32,
+    0x88EF: 0x8328,
+    0x88F0: 0x828B,
+    0x88F1: 0x9C2F,
+    0x88F2: 0x5141,
+    0x88F3: 0x5370,
+    0x88F4: 0x54BD,
+    0x88F5: 0x54E1,
+    0x88F6: 0x56E0,
+    0x88F7: 0x59FB,
+    0x88F8: 0x5F15,
+    0x88F9: 0x98F2,
+    0x88FA: 0x6DEB,
+    0x88FB: 0x80E4,
+    0x88FC: 0x852D,
+    0x8940: 0x9662,
+    0x8941: 0x9670,
+    0x8942: 0x96A0,
+    0x8943: 0x97FB,
+    0x8944: 0x540B,
+    0x8945: 0x53F3,
+    0x8946: 0x5B87,
+    0x8947: 0x70CF,
+    0x8948: 0x7FBD,
+    0x8949: 0x8FC2,
+    0x894A: 0x96E8,
+    0x894B: 0x536F,
+    0x894C: 0x9D5C,
+    0x894D: 0x7ABA,
+    0x894E: 0x4E11,
+    0x894F: 0x7893,
+    0x8950: 0x81FC,
+    0x8951: 0x6E26,
+    0x8952: 0x5618,
+    0x8953: 0x5504,
+    0x8954: 0x6B1D,
+    0x8955: 0x851A,
+    0x8956: 0x9C3B,
+    0x8957: 0x59E5,
+    0x8958: 0x53A9,
+    0x8959: 0x6D66,
+    0x895A: 0x74DC,
+    0x895B: 0x958F,
+    0x895C: 0x5642,
+    0x895D: 0x4E91,
+    0x895E: 0x904B,
+    0x895F: 0x96F2,
+    0x8960: 0x834F,
+    0x8961: 0x990C,
+    0x8962: 0x53E1,
+    0x8963: 0x55B6,
+    0x8964: 0x5B30,
+    0x8965: 0x5F71,
+    0x8966: 0x6620,
+    0x8967: 0x66F3,
+    0x8968: 0x6804,
+    0x8969: 0x6C38,
+    0x896A: 0x6CF3,
+    0x896B: 0x6D29,
+    0x896C: 0x745B,
+    0x896D: 0x76C8,
+    0x896E: 0x7A4E,
+    0x896F: 0x9834,
+    0x8970: 0x82F1,
+    0x8971: 0x885B,
+    0x8972: 0x8A60,
+    0x8973: 0x92ED,
+    0x8974: 0x6DB2,
+    0x8975: 0x75AB,
+    0x8976: 0x76CA,
+    0x8977: 0x99C5,
+    0x8978: 0x60A6,
+    0x8979: 0x8B01,
+    0x897A: 0x8D8A,
+    0x897B: 0x95B2,
+    0x897C: 0x698E,
+    0x897D: 0x53AD,
+    0x897E: 0x5186,
+    0x8980: 0x5712,
+    0x8981: 0x5830,
+    0x8982: 0x5944,
+    0x8983: 0x5BB4,
+    0x8984: 0x5EF6,
+    0x8985: 0x6028,
+    0x8986: 0x63A9,
+    0x8987: 0x63F4,
+    0x8988: 0x6CBF,
+    0x8989: 0x6F14,
+    0x898A: 0x708E,
+    0x898B: 0x7114,
+    0x898C: 0x7159,
+    0x898D: 0x71D5,
+    0x898E: 0x733F,
+    0x898F: 0x7E01,
+    0x8990: 0x8276,
+    0x8991: 0x82D1,
+    0x8992: 0x8597,
+    0x8993: 0x9060,
+    0x8994: 0x925B,
+    0x8995: 0x9D1B,
+    0x8996: 0x5869,
+    0x8997: 0x65BC,
+    0x8998: 0x6C5A,
+    0x8999: 0x7525,
+    0x899A: 0x51F9,
+    0x899B: 0x592E,
+    0x899C: 0x5965,
+    0x899D: 0x5F80,
+    0x899E: 0x5FDC,
+    0x899F: 0x62BC,
+    0x89A0: 0x65FA,
+    0x89A1: 0x6A2A,
+    0x89A2: 0x6B27,
+    0x89A3: 0x6BB4,
+    0x89A4: 0x738B,
+    0x89A5: 0x7FC1,
+    0x89A6: 0x8956,
+    0x89A7: 0x9D2C,
+    0x89A8: 0x9D0E,
+    0x89A9: 0x9EC4,
+    0x89AA: 0x5CA1,
+    0x89AB: 0x6C96,
+    0x89AC: 0x837B,
+    0x89AD: 0x5104,
+    0x89AE: 0x5C4B,
+    0x89AF: 0x61B6,
+    0x89B0: 0x81C6,
+    0x89B1: 0x6876,
+    0x89B2: 0x7261,
+    0x89B3: 0x4E59,
+    0x89B4: 0x4FFA,
+    0x89B5: 0x5378,
+    0x89B6: 0x6069,
+    0x89B7: 0x6E29,
+    0x89B8: 0x7A4F,
+    0x89B9: 0x97F3,
+    0x89BA: 0x4E0B,
+    0x89BB: 0x5316,
+    0x89BC: 0x4EEE,
+    0x89BD: 0x4F55,
+    0x89BE: 0x4F3D,
+    0x89BF: 0x4FA1,
+    0x89C0: 0x4F73,
+    0x89C1: 0x52A0,
+    0x89C2: 0x53EF,
+    0x89C3: 0x5609,
+    0x89C4: 0x590F,
+    0x89C5: 0x5AC1,
+    0x89C6: 0x5BB6,
+    0x89C7: 0x5BE1,
+    0x89C8: 0x79D1,
+    0x89C9: 0x6687,
+    0x89CA: 0x679C,
+    0x89CB: 0x67B6,
+    0x89CC: 0x6B4C,
+    0x89CD: 0x6CB3,
+    0x89CE: 0x706B,
+    0x89CF: 0x73C2,
+    0x89D0: 0x798D,
+    0x89D1: 0x79BE,
+    0x89D2: 0x7A3C,
+    0x89D3: 0x7B87,
+    0x89D4: 0x82B1,
+    0x89D5: 0x82DB,
+    0x89D6: 0x8304,
+    0x89D7: 0x8377,
+    0x89D8: 0x83EF,
+    0x89D9: 0x83D3,
+    0x89DA: 0x8766,
+    0x89DB: 0x8AB2,
+    0x89DC: 0x5629,
+    0x89DD: 0x8CA8,
+    0x89DE: 0x8FE6,
+    0x89DF: 0x904E,
+    0x89E0: 0x971E,
+    0x89E1: 0x868A,
+    0x89E2: 0x4FC4,
+    0x89E3: 0x5CE8,
+    0x89E4: 0x6211,
+    0x89E5: 0x7259,
+    0x89E6: 0x753B,
+    0x89E7: 0x81E5,
+    0x89E8: 0x82BD,
+    0x89E9: 0x86FE,
+    0x89EA: 0x8CC0,
+    0x89EB: 0x96C5,
+    0x89EC: 0x9913,
+    0x89ED: 0x99D5,
+    0x89EE: 0x4ECB,
+    0x89EF: 0x4F1A,
+    0x89F0: 0x89E3,
+    0x89F1: 0x56DE,
+    0x89F2: 0x584A,
+    0x89F3: 0x58CA,
+    0x89F4: 0x5EFB,
+    0x89F5: 0x5FEB,
+    0x89F6: 0x602A,
+    0x89F7: 0x6094,
+    0x89F8: 0x6062,
+    0x89F9: 0x61D0,
+    0x89FA: 0x6212,
+    0x89FB: 0x62D0,
+    0x89FC: 0x6539,
+    0x8A40: 0x9B41,
+    0x8A41: 0x6666,
+    0x8A42: 0x68B0,
+    0x8A43: 0x6D77,
+    0x8A44: 0x7070,
+    0x8A45: 0x754C,
+    0x8A46: 0x7686,
+    0x8A47: 0x7D75,
+    0x8A48: 0x82A5,
+    0x8A49: 0x87F9,
+    0x8A4A: 0x958B,
+    0x8A4B: 0x968E,
+    0x8A4C: 0x8C9D,
+    0x8A4D: 0x51F1,
+    0x8A4E: 0x52BE,
+    0x8A4F: 0x5916,
+    0x8A50: 0x54B3,
+    0x8A51: 0x5BB3,
+    0x8A52: 0x5D16,
+    0x8A53: 0x6168,
+    0x8A54: 0x6982,
+    0x8A55: 0x6DAF,
+    0x8A56: 0x788D,
+    0x8A57: 0x84CB,
+    0x8A58: 0x8857,
+    0x8A59: 0x8A72,
+    0x8A5A: 0x93A7,
+    0x8A5B: 0x9AB8,
+    0x8A5C: 0x6D6C,
+    0x8A5D: 0x99A8,
+    0x8A5E: 0x86D9,
+    0x8A5F: 0x57A3,
+    0x8A60: 0x67FF,
+    0x8A61: 0x86CE,
+    0x8A62: 0x920E,
+    0x8A63: 0x5283,
+    0x8A64: 0x5687,
+    0x8A65: 0x5404,
+    0x8A66: 0x5ED3,
+    0x8A67: 0x62E1,
+    0x8A68: 0x64B9,
+    0x8A69: 0x683C,
+    0x8A6A: 0x6838,
+    0x8A6B: 0x6BBB,
+    0x8A6C: 0x7372,
+    0x8A6D: 0x78BA,
+    0x8A6E: 0x7A6B,
+    0x8A6F: 0x899A,
+    0x8A70: 0x89D2,
+    0x8A71: 0x8D6B,
+    0x8A72: 0x8F03,
+    0x8A73: 0x90ED,
+    0x8A74: 0x95A3,
+    0x8A75: 0x9694,
+    0x8A76: 0x9769,
+    0x8A77: 0x5B66,
+    0x8A78: 0x5CB3,
+    0x8A79: 0x697D,
+    0x8A7A: 0x984D,
+    0x8A7B: 0x984E,
+    0x8A7C: 0x639B,
+    0x8A7D: 0x7B20,
+    0x8A7E: 0x6A2B,
+    0x8A80: 0x6A7F,
+    0x8A81: 0x68B6,
+    0x8A82: 0x9C0D,
+    0x8A83: 0x6F5F,
+    0x8A84: 0x5272,
+    0x8A85: 0x559D,
+    0x8A86: 0x6070,
+    0x8A87: 0x62EC,
+    0x8A88: 0x6D3B,
+    0x8A89: 0x6E07,
+    0x8A8A: 0x6ED1,
+    0x8A8B: 0x845B,
+    0x8A8C: 0x8910,
+    0x8A8D: 0x8F44,
+    0x8A8E: 0x4E14,
+    0x8A8F: 0x9C39,
+    0x8A90: 0x53F6,
+    0x8A91: 0x691B,
+    0x8A92: 0x6A3A,
+    0x8A93: 0x9784,
+    0x8A94: 0x682A,
+    0x8A95: 0x515C,
+    0x8A96: 0x7AC3,
+    0x8A97: 0x84B2,
+    0x8A98: 0x91DC,
+    0x8A99: 0x938C,
+    0x8A9A: 0x565B,
+    0x8A9B: 0x9D28,
+    0x8A9C: 0x6822,
+    0x8A9D: 0x8305,
+    0x8A9E: 0x8431,
+    0x8A9F: 0x7CA5,
+    0x8AA0: 0x5208,
+    0x8AA1: 0x82C5,
+    0x8AA2: 0x74E6,
+    0x8AA3: 0x4E7E,
+    0x8AA4: 0x4F83,
+    0x8AA5: 0x51A0,
+    0x8AA6: 0x5BD2,
+    0x8AA7: 0x520A,
+    0x8AA8: 0x52D8,
+    0x8AA9: 0x52E7,
+    0x8AAA: 0x5DFB,
+    0x8AAB: 0x559A,
+    0x8AAC: 0x582A,
+    0x8AAD: 0x59E6,
+    0x8AAE: 0x5B8C,
+    0x8AAF: 0x5B98,
+    0x8AB0: 0x5BDB,
+    0x8AB1: 0x5E72,
+    0x8AB2: 0x5E79,
+    0x8AB3: 0x60A3,
+    0x8AB4: 0x611F,
+    0x8AB5: 0x6163,
+    0x8AB6: 0x61BE,
+    0x8AB7: 0x63DB,
+    0x8AB8: 0x6562,
+    0x8AB9: 0x67D1,
+    0x8ABA: 0x6853,
+    0x8ABB: 0x68FA,
+    0x8ABC: 0x6B3E,
+    0x8ABD: 0x6B53,
+    0x8ABE: 0x6C57,
+    0x8ABF: 0x6F22,
+    0x8AC0: 0x6F97,
+    0x8AC1: 0x6F45,
+    0x8AC2: 0x74B0,
+    0x8AC3: 0x7518,
+    0x8AC4: 0x76E3,
+    0x8AC5: 0x770B,
+    0x8AC6: 0x7AFF,
+    0x8AC7: 0x7BA1,
+    0x8AC8: 0x7C21,
+    0x8AC9: 0x7DE9,
+    0x8ACA: 0x7F36,
+    0x8ACB: 0x7FF0,
+    0x8ACC: 0x809D,
+    0x8ACD: 0x8266,
+    0x8ACE: 0x839E,
+    0x8ACF: 0x89B3,
+    0x8AD0: 0x8ACC,
+    0x8AD1: 0x8CAB,
+    0x8AD2: 0x9084,
+    0x8AD3: 0x9451,
+    0x8AD4: 0x9593,
+    0x8AD5: 0x9591,
+    0x8AD6: 0x95A2,
+    0x8AD7: 0x9665,
+    0x8AD8: 0x97D3,
+    0x8AD9: 0x9928,
+    0x8ADA: 0x8218,
+    0x8ADB: 0x4E38,
+    0x8ADC: 0x542B,
+    0x8ADD: 0x5CB8,
+    0x8ADE: 0x5DCC,
+    0x8ADF: 0x73A9,
+    0x8AE0: 0x764C,
+    0x8AE1: 0x773C,
+    0x8AE2: 0x5CA9,
+    0x8AE3: 0x7FEB,
+    0x8AE4: 0x8D0B,
+    0x8AE5: 0x96C1,
+    0x8AE6: 0x9811,
+    0x8AE7: 0x9854,
+    0x8AE8: 0x9858,
+    0x8AE9: 0x4F01,
+    0x8AEA: 0x4F0E,
+    0x8AEB: 0x5371,
+    0x8AEC: 0x559C,
+    0x8AED: 0x5668,
+    0x8AEE: 0x57FA,
+    0x8AEF: 0x5947,
+    0x8AF0: 0x5B09,
+    0x8AF1: 0x5BC4,
+    0x8AF2: 0x5C90,
+    0x8AF3: 0x5E0C,
+    0x8AF4: 0x5E7E,
+    0x8AF5: 0x5FCC,
+    0x8AF6: 0x63EE,
+    0x8AF7: 0x673A,
+    0x8AF8: 0x65D7,
+    0x8AF9: 0x65E2,
+    0x8AFA: 0x671F,
+    0x8AFB: 0x68CB,
+    0x8AFC: 0x68C4,
+    0x8B40: 0x6A5F,
+    0x8B41: 0x5E30,
+    0x8B42: 0x6BC5,
+    0x8B43: 0x6C17,
+    0x8B44: 0x6C7D,
+    0x8B45: 0x757F,
+    0x8B46: 0x7948,
+    0x8B47: 0x5B63,
+    0x8B48: 0x7A00,
+    0x8B49: 0x7D00,
+    0x8B4A: 0x5FBD,
+    0x8B4B: 0x898F,
+    0x8B4C: 0x8A18,
+    0x8B4D: 0x8CB4,
+    0x8B4E: 0x8D77,
+    0x8B4F: 0x8ECC,
+    0x8B50: 0x8F1D,
+    0x8B51: 0x98E2,
+    0x8B52: 0x9A0E,
+    0x8B53: 0x9B3C,
+    0x8B54: 0x4E80,
+    0x8B55: 0x507D,
+    0x8B56: 0x5100,
+    0x8B57: 0x5993,
+    0x8B58: 0x5B9C,
+    0x8B59: 0x622F,
+    0x8B5A: 0x6280,
+    0x8B5B: 0x64EC,
+    0x8B5C: 0x6B3A,
+    0x8B5D: 0x72A0,
+    0x8B5E: 0x7591,
+    0x8B5F: 0x7947,
+    0x8B60: 0x7FA9,
+    0x8B61: 0x87FB,
+    0x8B62: 0x8ABC,
+    0x8B63: 0x8B70,
+    0x8B64: 0x63AC,
+    0x8B65: 0x83CA,
+    0x8B66: 0x97A0,
+    0x8B67: 0x5409,
+    0x8B68: 0x5403,
+    0x8B69: 0x55AB,
+    0x8B6A: 0x6854,
+    0x8B6B: 0x6A58,
+    0x8B6C: 0x8A70,
+    0x8B6D: 0x7827,
+    0x8B6E: 0x6775,
+    0x8B6F: 0x9ECD,
+    0x8B70: 0x5374,
+    0x8B71: 0x5BA2,
+    0x8B72: 0x811A,
+    0x8B73: 0x8650,
+    0x8B74: 0x9006,
+    0x8B75: 0x4E18,
+    0x8B76: 0x4E45,
+    0x8B77: 0x4EC7,
+    0x8B78: 0x4F11,
+    0x8B79: 0x53CA,
+    0x8B7A: 0x5438,
+    0x8B7B: 0x5BAE,
+    0x8B7C: 0x5F13,
+    0x8B7D: 0x6025,
+    0x8B7E: 0x6551,
+    0x8B80: 0x673D,
+    0x8B81: 0x6C42,
+    0x8B82: 0x6C72,
+    0x8B83: 0x6CE3,
+    0x8B84: 0x7078,
+    0x8B85: 0x7403,
+    0x8B86: 0x7A76,
+    0x8B87: 0x7AAE,
+    0x8B88: 0x7B08,
+    0x8B89: 0x7D1A,
+    0x8B8A: 0x7CFE,
+    0x8B8B: 0x7D66,
+    0x8B8C: 0x65E7,
+    0x8B8D: 0x725B,
+    0x8B8E: 0x53BB,
+    0x8B8F: 0x5C45,
+    0x8B90: 0x5DE8,
+    0x8B91: 0x62D2,
+    0x8B92: 0x62E0,
+    0x8B93: 0x6319,
+    0x8B94: 0x6E20,
+    0x8B95: 0x865A,
+    0x8B96: 0x8A31,
+    0x8B97: 0x8DDD,
+    0x8B98: 0x92F8,
+    0x8B99: 0x6F01,
+    0x8B9A: 0x79A6,
+    0x8B9B: 0x9B5A,
+    0x8B9C: 0x4EA8,
+    0x8B9D: 0x4EAB,
+    0x8B9E: 0x4EAC,
+    0x8B9F: 0x4F9B,
+    0x8BA0: 0x4FA0,
+    0x8BA1: 0x50D1,
+    0x8BA2: 0x5147,
+    0x8BA3: 0x7AF6,
+    0x8BA4: 0x5171,
+    0x8BA5: 0x51F6,
+    0x8BA6: 0x5354,
+    0x8BA7: 0x5321,
+    0x8BA8: 0x537F,
+    0x8BA9: 0x53EB,
+    0x8BAA: 0x55AC,
+    0x8BAB: 0x5883,
+    0x8BAC: 0x5CE1,
+    0x8BAD: 0x5F37,
+    0x8BAE: 0x5F4A,
+    0x8BAF: 0x602F,
+    0x8BB0: 0x6050,
+    0x8BB1: 0x606D,
+    0x8BB2: 0x631F,
+    0x8BB3: 0x6559,
+    0x8BB4: 0x6A4B,
+    0x8BB5: 0x6CC1,
+    0x8BB6: 0x72C2,
+    0x8BB7: 0x72ED,
+    0x8BB8: 0x77EF,
+    0x8BB9: 0x80F8,
+    0x8BBA: 0x8105,
+    0x8BBB: 0x8208,
+    0x8BBC: 0x854E,
+    0x8BBD: 0x90F7,
+    0x8BBE: 0x93E1,
+    0x8BBF: 0x97FF,
+    0x8BC0: 0x9957,
+    0x8BC1: 0x9A5A,
+    0x8BC2: 0x4EF0,
+    0x8BC3: 0x51DD,
+    0x8BC4: 0x5C2D,
+    0x8BC5: 0x6681,
+    0x8BC6: 0x696D,
+    0x8BC7: 0x5C40,
+    0x8BC8: 0x66F2,
+    0x8BC9: 0x6975,
+    0x8BCA: 0x7389,
+    0x8BCB: 0x6850,
+    0x8BCC: 0x7C81,
+    0x8BCD: 0x50C5,
+    0x8BCE: 0x52E4,
+    0x8BCF: 0x5747,
+    0x8BD0: 0x5DFE,
+    0x8BD1: 0x9326,
+    0x8BD2: 0x65A4,
+    0x8BD3: 0x6B23,
+    0x8BD4: 0x6B3D,
+    0x8BD5: 0x7434,
+    0x8BD6: 0x7981,
+    0x8BD7: 0x79BD,
+    0x8BD8: 0x7B4B,
+    0x8BD9: 0x7DCA,
+    0x8BDA: 0x82B9,
+    0x8BDB: 0x83CC,
+    0x8BDC: 0x887F,
+    0x8BDD: 0x895F,
+    0x8BDE: 0x8B39,
+    0x8BDF: 0x8FD1,
+    0x8BE0: 0x91D1,
+    0x8BE1: 0x541F,
+    0x8BE2: 0x9280,
+    0x8BE3: 0x4E5D,
+    0x8BE4: 0x5036,
+    0x8BE5: 0x53E5,
+    0x8BE6: 0x533A,
+    0x8BE7: 0x72D7,
+    0x8BE8: 0x7396,
+    0x8BE9: 0x77E9,
+    0x8BEA: 0x82E6,
+    0x8BEB: 0x8EAF,
+    0x8BEC: 0x99C6,
+    0x8BED: 0x99C8,
+    0x8BEE: 0x99D2,
+    0x8BEF: 0x5177,
+    0x8BF0: 0x611A,
+    0x8BF1: 0x865E,
+    0x8BF2: 0x55B0,
+    0x8BF3: 0x7A7A,
+    0x8BF4: 0x5076,
+    0x8BF5: 0x5BD3,
+    0x8BF6: 0x9047,
+    0x8BF7: 0x9685,
+    0x8BF8: 0x4E32,
+    0x8BF9: 0x6ADB,
+    0x8BFA: 0x91E7,
+    0x8BFB: 0x5C51,
+    0x8BFC: 0x5C48,
+    0x8C40: 0x6398,
+    0x8C41: 0x7A9F,
+    0x8C42: 0x6C93,
+    0x8C43: 0x9774,
+    0x8C44: 0x8F61,
+    0x8C45: 0x7AAA,
+    0x8C46: 0x718A,
+    0x8C47: 0x9688,
+    0x8C48: 0x7C82,
+    0x8C49: 0x6817,
+    0x8C4A: 0x7E70,
+    0x8C4B: 0x6851,
+    0x8C4C: 0x936C,
+    0x8C4D: 0x52F2,
+    0x8C4E: 0x541B,
+    0x8C4F: 0x85AB,
+    0x8C50: 0x8A13,
+    0x8C51: 0x7FA4,
+    0x8C52: 0x8ECD,
+    0x8C53: 0x90E1,
+    0x8C54: 0x5366,
+    0x8C55: 0x8888,
+    0x8C56: 0x7941,
+    0x8C57: 0x4FC2,
+    0x8C58: 0x50BE,
+    0x8C59: 0x5211,
+    0x8C5A: 0x5144,
+    0x8C5B: 0x5553,
+    0x8C5C: 0x572D,
+    0x8C5D: 0x73EA,
+    0x8C5E: 0x578B,
+    0x8C5F: 0x5951,
+    0x8C60: 0x5F62,
+    0x8C61: 0x5F84,
+    0x8C62: 0x6075,
+    0x8C63: 0x6176,
+    0x8C64: 0x6167,
+    0x8C65: 0x61A9,
+    0x8C66: 0x63B2,
+    0x8C67: 0x643A,
+    0x8C68: 0x656C,
+    0x8C69: 0x666F,
+    0x8C6A: 0x6842,
+    0x8C6B: 0x6E13,
+    0x8C6C: 0x7566,
+    0x8C6D: 0x7A3D,
+    0x8C6E: 0x7CFB,
+    0x8C6F: 0x7D4C,
+    0x8C70: 0x7D99,
+    0x8C71: 0x7E4B,
+    0x8C72: 0x7F6B,
+    0x8C73: 0x830E,
+    0x8C74: 0x834A,
+    0x8C75: 0x86CD,
+    0x8C76: 0x8A08,
+    0x8C77: 0x8A63,
+    0x8C78: 0x8B66,
+    0x8C79: 0x8EFD,
+    0x8C7A: 0x981A,
+    0x8C7B: 0x9D8F,
+    0x8C7C: 0x82B8,
+    0x8C7D: 0x8FCE,
+    0x8C7E: 0x9BE8,
+    0x8C80: 0x5287,
+    0x8C81: 0x621F,
+    0x8C82: 0x6483,
+    0x8C83: 0x6FC0,
+    0x8C84: 0x9699,
+    0x8C85: 0x6841,
+    0x8C86: 0x5091,
+    0x8C87: 0x6B20,
+    0x8C88: 0x6C7A,
+    0x8C89: 0x6F54,
+    0x8C8A: 0x7A74,
+    0x8C8B: 0x7D50,
+    0x8C8C: 0x8840,
+    0x8C8D: 0x8A23,
+    0x8C8E: 0x6708,
+    0x8C8F: 0x4EF6,
+    0x8C90: 0x5039,
+    0x8C91: 0x5026,
+    0x8C92: 0x5065,
+    0x8C93: 0x517C,
+    0x8C94: 0x5238,
+    0x8C95: 0x5263,
+    0x8C96: 0x55A7,
+    0x8C97: 0x570F,
+    0x8C98: 0x5805,
+    0x8C99: 0x5ACC,
+    0x8C9A: 0x5EFA,
+    0x8C9B: 0x61B2,
+    0x8C9C: 0x61F8,
+    0x8C9D: 0x62F3,
+    0x8C9E: 0x6372,
+    0x8C9F: 0x691C,
+    0x8CA0: 0x6A29,
+    0x8CA1: 0x727D,
+    0x8CA2: 0x72AC,
+    0x8CA3: 0x732E,
+    0x8CA4: 0x7814,
+    0x8CA5: 0x786F,
+    0x8CA6: 0x7D79,
+    0x8CA7: 0x770C,
+    0x8CA8: 0x80A9,
+    0x8CA9: 0x898B,
+    0x8CAA: 0x8B19,
+    0x8CAB: 0x8CE2,
+    0x8CAC: 0x8ED2,
+    0x8CAD: 0x9063,
+    0x8CAE: 0x9375,
+    0x8CAF: 0x967A,
+    0x8CB0: 0x9855,
+    0x8CB1: 0x9A13,
+    0x8CB2: 0x9E78,
+    0x8CB3: 0x5143,
+    0x8CB4: 0x539F,
+    0x8CB5: 0x53B3,
+    0x8CB6: 0x5E7B,
+    0x8CB7: 0x5F26,
+    0x8CB8: 0x6E1B,
+    0x8CB9: 0x6E90,
+    0x8CBA: 0x7384,
+    0x8CBB: 0x73FE,
+    0x8CBC: 0x7D43,
+    0x8CBD: 0x8237,
+    0x8CBE: 0x8A00,
+    0x8CBF: 0x8AFA,
+    0x8CC0: 0x9650,
+    0x8CC1: 0x4E4E,
+    0x8CC2: 0x500B,
+    0x8CC3: 0x53E4,
+    0x8CC4: 0x547C,
+    0x8CC5: 0x56FA,
+    0x8CC6: 0x59D1,
+    0x8CC7: 0x5B64,
+    0x8CC8: 0x5DF1,
+    0x8CC9: 0x5EAB,
+    0x8CCA: 0x5F27,
+    0x8CCB: 0x6238,
+    0x8CCC: 0x6545,
+    0x8CCD: 0x67AF,
+    0x8CCE: 0x6E56,
+    0x8CCF: 0x72D0,
+    0x8CD0: 0x7CCA,
+    0x8CD1: 0x88B4,
+    0x8CD2: 0x80A1,
+    0x8CD3: 0x80E1,
+    0x8CD4: 0x83F0,
+    0x8CD5: 0x864E,
+    0x8CD6: 0x8A87,
+    0x8CD7: 0x8DE8,
+    0x8CD8: 0x9237,
+    0x8CD9: 0x96C7,
+    0x8CDA: 0x9867,
+    0x8CDB: 0x9F13,
+    0x8CDC: 0x4E94,
+    0x8CDD: 0x4E92,
+    0x8CDE: 0x4F0D,
+    0x8CDF: 0x5348,
+    0x8CE0: 0x5449,
+    0x8CE1: 0x543E,
+    0x8CE2: 0x5A2F,
+    0x8CE3: 0x5F8C,
+    0x8CE4: 0x5FA1,
+    0x8CE5: 0x609F,
+    0x8CE6: 0x68A7,
+    0x8CE7: 0x6A8E,
+    0x8CE8: 0x745A,
+    0x8CE9: 0x7881,
+    0x8CEA: 0x8A9E,
+    0x8CEB: 0x8AA4,
+    0x8CEC: 0x8B77,
+    0x8CED: 0x9190,
+    0x8CEE: 0x4E5E,
+    0x8CEF: 0x9BC9,
+    0x8CF0: 0x4EA4,
+    0x8CF1: 0x4F7C,
+    0x8CF2: 0x4FAF,
+    0x8CF3: 0x5019,
+    0x8CF4: 0x5016,
+    0x8CF5: 0x5149,
+    0x8CF6: 0x516C,
+    0x8CF7: 0x529F,
+    0x8CF8: 0x52B9,
+    0x8CF9: 0x52FE,
+    0x8CFA: 0x539A,
+    0x8CFB: 0x53E3,
+    0x8CFC: 0x5411,
+    0x8D40: 0x540E,
+    0x8D41: 0x5589,
+    0x8D42: 0x5751,
+    0x8D43: 0x57A2,
+    0x8D44: 0x597D,
+    0x8D45: 0x5B54,
+    0x8D46: 0x5B5D,
+    0x8D47: 0x5B8F,
+    0x8D48: 0x5DE5,
+    0x8D49: 0x5DE7,
+    0x8D4A: 0x5DF7,
+    0x8D4B: 0x5E78,
+    0x8D4C: 0x5E83,
+    0x8D4D: 0x5E9A,
+    0x8D4E: 0x5EB7,
+    0x8D4F: 0x5F18,
+    0x8D50: 0x6052,
+    0x8D51: 0x614C,
+    0x8D52: 0x6297,
+    0x8D53: 0x62D8,
+    0x8D54: 0x63A7,
+    0x8D55: 0x653B,
+    0x8D56: 0x6602,
+    0x8D57: 0x6643,
+    0x8D58: 0x66F4,
+    0x8D59: 0x676D,
+    0x8D5A: 0x6821,
+    0x8D5B: 0x6897,
+    0x8D5C: 0x69CB,
+    0x8D5D: 0x6C5F,
+    0x8D5E: 0x6D2A,
+    0x8D5F: 0x6D69,
+    0x8D60: 0x6E2F,
+    0x8D61: 0x6E9D,
+    0x8D62: 0x7532,
+    0x8D63: 0x7687,
+    0x8D64: 0x786C,
+    0x8D65: 0x7A3F,
+    0x8D66: 0x7CE0,
+    0x8D67: 0x7D05,
+    0x8D68: 0x7D18,
+    0x8D69: 0x7D5E,
+    0x8D6A: 0x7DB1,
+    0x8D6B: 0x8015,
+    0x8D6C: 0x8003,
+    0x8D6D: 0x80AF,
+    0x8D6E: 0x80B1,
+    0x8D6F: 0x8154,
+    0x8D70: 0x818F,
+    0x8D71: 0x822A,
+    0x8D72: 0x8352,
+    0x8D73: 0x884C,
+    0x8D74: 0x8861,
+    0x8D75: 0x8B1B,
+    0x8D76: 0x8CA2,
+    0x8D77: 0x8CFC,
+    0x8D78: 0x90CA,
+    0x8D79: 0x9175,
+    0x8D7A: 0x9271,
+    0x8D7B: 0x783F,
+    0x8D7C: 0x92FC,
+    0x8D7D: 0x95A4,
+    0x8D7E: 0x964D,
+    0x8D80: 0x9805,
+    0x8D81: 0x9999,
+    0x8D82: 0x9AD8,
+    0x8D83: 0x9D3B,
+    0x8D84: 0x525B,
+    0x8D85: 0x52AB,
+    0x8D86: 0x53F7,
+    0x8D87: 0x5408,
+    0x8D88: 0x58D5,
+    0x8D89: 0x62F7,
+    0x8D8A: 0x6FE0,
+    0x8D8B: 0x8C6A,
+    0x8D8C: 0x8F5F,
+    0x8D8D: 0x9EB9,
+    0x8D8E: 0x514B,
+    0x8D8F: 0x523B,
+    0x8D90: 0x544A,
+    0x8D91: 0x56FD,
+    0x8D92: 0x7A40,
+    0x8D93: 0x9177,
+    0x8D94: 0x9D60,
+    0x8D95: 0x9ED2,
+    0x8D96: 0x7344,
+    0x8D97: 0x6F09,
+    0x8D98: 0x8170,
+    0x8D99: 0x7511,
+    0x8D9A: 0x5FFD,
+    0x8D9B: 0x60DA,
+    0x8D9C: 0x9AA8,
+    0x8D9D: 0x72DB,
+    0x8D9E: 0x8FBC,
+    0x8D9F: 0x6B64,
+    0x8DA0: 0x9803,
+    0x8DA1: 0x4ECA,
+    0x8DA2: 0x56F0,
+    0x8DA3: 0x5764,
+    0x8DA4: 0x58BE,
+    0x8DA5: 0x5A5A,
+    0x8DA6: 0x6068,
+    0x8DA7: 0x61C7,
+    0x8DA8: 0x660F,
+    0x8DA9: 0x6606,
+    0x8DAA: 0x6839,
+    0x8DAB: 0x68B1,
+    0x8DAC: 0x6DF7,
+    0x8DAD: 0x75D5,
+    0x8DAE: 0x7D3A,
+    0x8DAF: 0x826E,
+    0x8DB0: 0x9B42,
+    0x8DB1: 0x4E9B,
+    0x8DB2: 0x4F50,
+    0x8DB3: 0x53C9,
+    0x8DB4: 0x5506,
+    0x8DB5: 0x5D6F,
+    0x8DB6: 0x5DE6,
+    0x8DB7: 0x5DEE,
+    0x8DB8: 0x67FB,
+    0x8DB9: 0x6C99,
+    0x8DBA: 0x7473,
+    0x8DBB: 0x7802,
+    0x8DBC: 0x8A50,
+    0x8DBD: 0x9396,
+    0x8DBE: 0x88DF,
+    0x8DBF: 0x5750,
+    0x8DC0: 0x5EA7,
+    0x8DC1: 0x632B,
+    0x8DC2: 0x50B5,
+    0x8DC3: 0x50AC,
+    0x8DC4: 0x518D,
+    0x8DC5: 0x6700,
+    0x8DC6: 0x54C9,
+    0x8DC7: 0x585E,
+    0x8DC8: 0x59BB,
+    0x8DC9: 0x5BB0,
+    0x8DCA: 0x5F69,
+    0x8DCB: 0x624D,
+    0x8DCC: 0x63A1,
+    0x8DCD: 0x683D,
+    0x8DCE: 0x6B73,
+    0x8DCF: 0x6E08,
+    0x8DD0: 0x707D,
+    0x8DD1: 0x91C7,
+    0x8DD2: 0x7280,
+    0x8DD3: 0x7815,
+    0x8DD4: 0x7826,
+    0x8DD5: 0x796D,
+    0x8DD6: 0x658E,
+    0x8DD7: 0x7D30,
+    0x8DD8: 0x83DC,
+    0x8DD9: 0x88C1,
+    0x8DDA: 0x8F09,
+    0x8DDB: 0x969B,
+    0x8DDC: 0x5264,
+    0x8DDD: 0x5728,
+    0x8DDE: 0x6750,
+    0x8DDF: 0x7F6A,
+    0x8DE0: 0x8CA1,
+    0x8DE1: 0x51B4,
+    0x8DE2: 0x5742,
+    0x8DE3: 0x962A,
+    0x8DE4: 0x583A,
+    0x8DE5: 0x698A,
+    0x8DE6: 0x80B4,
+    0x8DE7: 0x54B2,
+    0x8DE8: 0x5D0E,
+    0x8DE9: 0x57FC,
+    0x8DEA: 0x7895,
+    0x8DEB: 0x9DFA,
+    0x8DEC: 0x4F5C,
+    0x8DED: 0x524A,
+    0x8DEE: 0x548B,
+    0x8DEF: 0x643E,
+    0x8DF0: 0x6628,
+    0x8DF1: 0x6714,
+    0x8DF2: 0x67F5,
+    0x8DF3: 0x7A84,
+    0x8DF4: 0x7B56,
+    0x8DF5: 0x7D22,
+    0x8DF6: 0x932F,
+    0x8DF7: 0x685C,
+    0x8DF8: 0x9BAD,
+    0x8DF9: 0x7B39,
+    0x8DFA: 0x5319,
+    0x8DFB: 0x518A,
+    0x8DFC: 0x5237,
+    0x8E40: 0x5BDF,
+    0x8E41: 0x62F6,
+    0x8E42: 0x64AE,
+    0x8E43: 0x64E6,
+    0x8E44: 0x672D,
+    0x8E45: 0x6BBA,
+    0x8E46: 0x85A9,
+    0x8E47: 0x96D1,
+    0x8E48: 0x7690,
+    0x8E49: 0x9BD6,
+    0x8E4A: 0x634C,
+    0x8E4B: 0x9306,
+    0x8E4C: 0x9BAB,
+    0x8E4D: 0x76BF,
+    0x8E4E: 0x6652,
+    0x8E4F: 0x4E09,
+    0x8E50: 0x5098,
+    0x8E51: 0x53C2,
+    0x8E52: 0x5C71,
+    0x8E53: 0x60E8,
+    0x8E54: 0x6492,
+    0x8E55: 0x6563,
+    0x8E56: 0x685F,
+    0x8E57: 0x71E6,
+    0x8E58: 0x73CA,
+    0x8E59: 0x7523,
+    0x8E5A: 0x7B97,
+    0x8E5B: 0x7E82,
+    0x8E5C: 0x8695,
+    0x8E5D: 0x8B83,
+    0x8E5E: 0x8CDB,
+    0x8E5F: 0x9178,
+    0x8E60: 0x9910,
+    0x8E61: 0x65AC,
+    0x8E62: 0x66AB,
+    0x8E63: 0x6B8B,
+    0x8E64: 0x4ED5,
+    0x8E65: 0x4ED4,
+    0x8E66: 0x4F3A,
+    0x8E67: 0x4F7F,
+    0x8E68: 0x523A,
+    0x8E69: 0x53F8,
+    0x8E6A: 0x53F2,
+    0x8E6B: 0x55E3,
+    0x8E6C: 0x56DB,
+    0x8E6D: 0x58EB,
+    0x8E6E: 0x59CB,
+    0x8E6F: 0x59C9,
+    0x8E70: 0x59FF,
+    0x8E71: 0x5B50,
+    0x8E72: 0x5C4D,
+    0x8E73: 0x5E02,
+    0x8E74: 0x5E2B,
+    0x8E75: 0x5FD7,
+    0x8E76: 0x601D,
+    0x8E77: 0x6307,
+    0x8E78: 0x652F,
+    0x8E79: 0x5B5C,
+    0x8E7A: 0x65AF,
+    0x8E7B: 0x65BD,
+    0x8E7C: 0x65E8,
+    0x8E7D: 0x679D,
+    0x8E7E: 0x6B62,
+    0x8E80: 0x6B7B,
+    0x8E81: 0x6C0F,
+    0x8E82: 0x7345,
+    0x8E83: 0x7949,
+    0x8E84: 0x79C1,
+    0x8E85: 0x7CF8,
+    0x8E86: 0x7D19,
+    0x8E87: 0x7D2B,
+    0x8E88: 0x80A2,
+    0x8E89: 0x8102,
+    0x8E8A: 0x81F3,
+    0x8E8B: 0x8996,
+    0x8E8C: 0x8A5E,
+    0x8E8D: 0x8A69,
+    0x8E8E: 0x8A66,
+    0x8E8F: 0x8A8C,
+    0x8E90: 0x8AEE,
+    0x8E91: 0x8CC7,
+    0x8E92: 0x8CDC,
+    0x8E93: 0x96CC,
+    0x8E94: 0x98FC,
+    0x8E95: 0x6B6F,
+    0x8E96: 0x4E8B,
+    0x8E97: 0x4F3C,
+    0x8E98: 0x4F8D,
+    0x8E99: 0x5150,
+    0x8E9A: 0x5B57,
+    0x8E9B: 0x5BFA,
+    0x8E9C: 0x6148,
+    0x8E9D: 0x6301,
+    0x8E9E: 0x6642,
+    0x8E9F: 0x6B21,
+    0x8EA0: 0x6ECB,
+    0x8EA1: 0x6CBB,
+    0x8EA2: 0x723E,
+    0x8EA3: 0x74BD,
+    0x8EA4: 0x75D4,
+    0x8EA5: 0x78C1,
+    0x8EA6: 0x793A,
+    0x8EA7: 0x800C,
+    0x8EA8: 0x8033,
+    0x8EA9: 0x81EA,
+    0x8EAA: 0x8494,
+    0x8EAB: 0x8F9E,
+    0x8EAC: 0x6C50,
+    0x8EAD: 0x9E7F,
+    0x8EAE: 0x5F0F,
+    0x8EAF: 0x8B58,
+    0x8EB0: 0x9D2B,
+    0x8EB1: 0x7AFA,
+    0x8EB2: 0x8EF8,
+    0x8EB3: 0x5B8D,
+    0x8EB4: 0x96EB,
+    0x8EB5: 0x4E03,
+    0x8EB6: 0x53F1,
+    0x8EB7: 0x57F7,
+    0x8EB8: 0x5931,
+    0x8EB9: 0x5AC9,
+    0x8EBA: 0x5BA4,
+    0x8EBB: 0x6089,
+    0x8EBC: 0x6E7F,
+    0x8EBD: 0x6F06,
+    0x8EBE: 0x75BE,
+    0x8EBF: 0x8CEA,
+    0x8EC0: 0x5B9F,
+    0x8EC1: 0x8500,
+    0x8EC2: 0x7BE0,
+    0x8EC3: 0x5072,
+    0x8EC4: 0x67F4,
+    0x8EC5: 0x829D,
+    0x8EC6: 0x5C61,
+    0x8EC7: 0x854A,
+    0x8EC8: 0x7E1E,
+    0x8EC9: 0x820E,
+    0x8ECA: 0x5199,
+    0x8ECB: 0x5C04,
+    0x8ECC: 0x6368,
+    0x8ECD: 0x8D66,
+    0x8ECE: 0x659C,
+    0x8ECF: 0x716E,
+    0x8ED0: 0x793E,
+    0x8ED1: 0x7D17,
+    0x8ED2: 0x8005,
+    0x8ED3: 0x8B1D,
+    0x8ED4: 0x8ECA,
+    0x8ED5: 0x906E,
+    0x8ED6: 0x86C7,
+    0x8ED7: 0x90AA,
+    0x8ED8: 0x501F,
+    0x8ED9: 0x52FA,
+    0x8EDA: 0x5C3A,
+    0x8EDB: 0x6753,
+    0x8EDC: 0x707C,
+    0x8EDD: 0x7235,
+    0x8EDE: 0x914C,
+    0x8EDF: 0x91C8,
+    0x8EE0: 0x932B,
+    0x8EE1: 0x82E5,
+    0x8EE2: 0x5BC2,
+    0x8EE3: 0x5F31,
+    0x8EE4: 0x60F9,
+    0x8EE5: 0x4E3B,
+    0x8EE6: 0x53D6,
+    0x8EE7: 0x5B88,
+    0x8EE8: 0x624B,
+    0x8EE9: 0x6731,
+    0x8EEA: 0x6B8A,
+    0x8EEB: 0x72E9,
+    0x8EEC: 0x73E0,
+    0x8EED: 0x7A2E,
+    0x8EEE: 0x816B,
+    0x8EEF: 0x8DA3,
+    0x8EF0: 0x9152,
+    0x8EF1: 0x9996,
+    0x8EF2: 0x5112,
+    0x8EF3: 0x53D7,
+    0x8EF4: 0x546A,
+    0x8EF5: 0x5BFF,
+    0x8EF6: 0x6388,
+    0x8EF7: 0x6A39,
+    0x8EF8: 0x7DAC,
+    0x8EF9: 0x9700,
+    0x8EFA: 0x56DA,
+    0x8EFB: 0x53CE,
+    0x8EFC: 0x5468,
+    0x8F40: 0x5B97,
+    0x8F41: 0x5C31,
+    0x8F42: 0x5DDE,
+    0x8F43: 0x4FEE,
+    0x8F44: 0x6101,
+    0x8F45: 0x62FE,
+    0x8F46: 0x6D32,
+    0x8F47: 0x79C0,
+    0x8F48: 0x79CB,
+    0x8F49: 0x7D42,
+    0x8F4A: 0x7E4D,
+    0x8F4B: 0x7FD2,
+    0x8F4C: 0x81ED,
+    0x8F4D: 0x821F,
+    0x8F4E: 0x8490,
+    0x8F4F: 0x8846,
+    0x8F50: 0x8972,
+    0x8F51: 0x8B90,
+    0x8F52: 0x8E74,
+    0x8F53: 0x8F2F,
+    0x8F54: 0x9031,
+    0x8F55: 0x914B,
+    0x8F56: 0x916C,
+    0x8F57: 0x96C6,
+    0x8F58: 0x919C,
+    0x8F59: 0x4EC0,
+    0x8F5A: 0x4F4F,
+    0x8F5B: 0x5145,
+    0x8F5C: 0x5341,
+    0x8F5D: 0x5F93,
+    0x8F5E: 0x620E,
+    0x8F5F: 0x67D4,
+    0x8F60: 0x6C41,
+    0x8F61: 0x6E0B,
+    0x8F62: 0x7363,
+    0x8F63: 0x7E26,
+    0x8F64: 0x91CD,
+    0x8F65: 0x9283,
+    0x8F66: 0x53D4,
+    0x8F67: 0x5919,
+    0x8F68: 0x5BBF,
+    0x8F69: 0x6DD1,
+    0x8F6A: 0x795D,
+    0x8F6B: 0x7E2E,
+    0x8F6C: 0x7C9B,
+    0x8F6D: 0x587E,
+    0x8F6E: 0x719F,
+    0x8F6F: 0x51FA,
+    0x8F70: 0x8853,
+    0x8F71: 0x8FF0,
+    0x8F72: 0x4FCA,
+    0x8F73: 0x5CFB,
+    0x8F74: 0x6625,
+    0x8F75: 0x77AC,
+    0x8F76: 0x7AE3,
+    0x8F77: 0x821C,
+    0x8F78: 0x99FF,
+    0x8F79: 0x51C6,
+    0x8F7A: 0x5FAA,
+    0x8F7B: 0x65EC,
+    0x8F7C: 0x696F,
+    0x8F7D: 0x6B89,
+    0x8F7E: 0x6DF3,
+    0x8F80: 0x6E96,
+    0x8F81: 0x6F64,
+    0x8F82: 0x76FE,
+    0x8F83: 0x7D14,
+    0x8F84: 0x5DE1,
+    0x8F85: 0x9075,
+    0x8F86: 0x9187,
+    0x8F87: 0x9806,
+    0x8F88: 0x51E6,
+    0x8F89: 0x521D,
+    0x8F8A: 0x6240,
+    0x8F8B: 0x6691,
+    0x8F8C: 0x66D9,
+    0x8F8D: 0x6E1A,
+    0x8F8E: 0x5EB6,
+    0x8F8F: 0x7DD2,
+    0x8F90: 0x7F72,
+    0x8F91: 0x66F8,
+    0x8F92: 0x85AF,
+    0x8F93: 0x85F7,
+    0x8F94: 0x8AF8,
+    0x8F95: 0x52A9,
+    0x8F96: 0x53D9,
+    0x8F97: 0x5973,
+    0x8F98: 0x5E8F,
+    0x8F99: 0x5F90,
+    0x8F9A: 0x6055,
+    0x8F9B: 0x92E4,
+    0x8F9C: 0x9664,
+    0x8F9D: 0x50B7,
+    0x8F9E: 0x511F,
+    0x8F9F: 0x52DD,
+    0x8FA0: 0x5320,
+    0x8FA1: 0x5347,
+    0x8FA2: 0x53EC,
+    0x8FA3: 0x54E8,
+    0x8FA4: 0x5546,
+    0x8FA5: 0x5531,
+    0x8FA6: 0x5617,
+    0x8FA7: 0x5968,
+    0x8FA8: 0x59BE,
+    0x8FA9: 0x5A3C,
+    0x8FAA: 0x5BB5,
+    0x8FAB: 0x5C06,
+    0x8FAC: 0x5C0F,
+    0x8FAD: 0x5C11,
+    0x8FAE: 0x5C1A,
+    0x8FAF: 0x5E84,
+    0x8FB0: 0x5E8A,
+    0x8FB1: 0x5EE0,
+    0x8FB2: 0x5F70,
+    0x8FB3: 0x627F,
+    0x8FB4: 0x6284,
+    0x8FB5: 0x62DB,
+    0x8FB6: 0x638C,
+    0x8FB7: 0x6377,
+    0x8FB8: 0x6607,
+    0x8FB9: 0x660C,
+    0x8FBA: 0x662D,
+    0x8FBB: 0x6676,
+    0x8FBC: 0x677E,
+    0x8FBD: 0x68A2,
+    0x8FBE: 0x6A1F,
+    0x8FBF: 0x6A35,
+    0x8FC0: 0x6CBC,
+    0x8FC1: 0x6D88,
+    0x8FC2: 0x6E09,
+    0x8FC3: 0x6E58,
+    0x8FC4: 0x713C,
+    0x8FC5: 0x7126,
+    0x8FC6: 0x7167,
+    0x8FC7: 0x75C7,
+    0x8FC8: 0x7701,
+    0x8FC9: 0x785D,
+    0x8FCA: 0x7901,
+    0x8FCB: 0x7965,
+    0x8FCC: 0x79F0,
+    0x8FCD: 0x7AE0,
+    0x8FCE: 0x7B11,
+    0x8FCF: 0x7CA7,
+    0x8FD0: 0x7D39,
+    0x8FD1: 0x8096,
+    0x8FD2: 0x83D6,
+    0x8FD3: 0x848B,
+    0x8FD4: 0x8549,
+    0x8FD5: 0x885D,
+    0x8FD6: 0x88F3,
+    0x8FD7: 0x8A1F,
+    0x8FD8: 0x8A3C,
+    0x8FD9: 0x8A54,
+    0x8FDA: 0x8A73,
+    0x8FDB: 0x8C61,
+    0x8FDC: 0x8CDE,
+    0x8FDD: 0x91A4,
+    0x8FDE: 0x9266,
+    0x8FDF: 0x937E,
+    0x8FE0: 0x9418,
+    0x8FE1: 0x969C,
+    0x8FE2: 0x9798,
+    0x8FE3: 0x4E0A,
+    0x8FE4: 0x4E08,
+    0x8FE5: 0x4E1E,
+    0x8FE6: 0x4E57,
+    0x8FE7: 0x5197,
+    0x8FE8: 0x5270,
+    0x8FE9: 0x57CE,
+    0x8FEA: 0x5834,
+    0x8FEB: 0x58CC,
+    0x8FEC: 0x5B22,
+    0x8FED: 0x5E38,
+    0x8FEE: 0x60C5,
+    0x8FEF: 0x64FE,
+    0x8FF0: 0x6761,
+    0x8FF1: 0x6756,
+    0x8FF2: 0x6D44,
+    0x8FF3: 0x72B6,
+    0x8FF4: 0x7573,
+    0x8FF5: 0x7A63,
+    0x8FF6: 0x84B8,
+    0x8FF7: 0x8B72,
+    0x8FF8: 0x91B8,
+    0x8FF9: 0x9320,
+    0x8FFA: 0x5631,
+    0x8FFB: 0x57F4,
+    0x8FFC: 0x98FE,
+    0x9040: 0x62ED,
+    0x9041: 0x690D,
+    0x9042: 0x6B96,
+    0x9043: 0x71ED,
+    0x9044: 0x7E54,
+    0x9045: 0x8077,
+    0x9046: 0x8272,
+    0x9047: 0x89E6,
+    0x9048: 0x98DF,
+    0x9049: 0x8755,
+    0x904A: 0x8FB1,
+    0x904B: 0x5C3B,
+    0x904C: 0x4F38,
+    0x904D: 0x4FE1,
+    0x904E: 0x4FB5,
+    0x904F: 0x5507,
+    0x9050: 0x5A20,
+    0x9051: 0x5BDD,
+    0x9052: 0x5BE9,
+    0x9053: 0x5FC3,
+    0x9054: 0x614E,
+    0x9055: 0x632F,
+    0x9056: 0x65B0,
+    0x9057: 0x664B,
+    0x9058: 0x68EE,
+    0x9059: 0x699B,
+    0x905A: 0x6D78,
+    0x905B: 0x6DF1,
+    0x905C: 0x7533,
+    0x905D: 0x75B9,
+    0x905E: 0x771F,
+    0x905F: 0x795E,
+    0x9060: 0x79E6,
+    0x9061: 0x7D33,
+    0x9062: 0x81E3,
+    0x9063: 0x82AF,
+    0x9064: 0x85AA,
+    0x9065: 0x89AA,
+    0x9066: 0x8A3A,
+    0x9067: 0x8EAB,
+    0x9068: 0x8F9B,
+    0x9069: 0x9032,
+    0x906A: 0x91DD,
+    0x906B: 0x9707,
+    0x906C: 0x4EBA,
+    0x906D: 0x4EC1,
+    0x906E: 0x5203,
+    0x906F: 0x5875,
+    0x9070: 0x58EC,
+    0x9071: 0x5C0B,
+    0x9072: 0x751A,
+    0x9073: 0x5C3D,
+    0x9074: 0x814E,
+    0x9075: 0x8A0A,
+    0x9076: 0x8FC5,
+    0x9077: 0x9663,
+    0x9078: 0x976D,
+    0x9079: 0x7B25,
+    0x907A: 0x8ACF,
+    0x907B: 0x9808,
+    0x907C: 0x9162,
+    0x907D: 0x56F3,
+    0x907E: 0x53A8,
+    0x9080: 0x9017,
+    0x9081: 0x5439,
+    0x9082: 0x5782,
+    0x9083: 0x5E25,
+    0x9084: 0x63A8,
+    0x9085: 0x6C34,
+    0x9086: 0x708A,
+    0x9087: 0x7761,
+    0x9088: 0x7C8B,
+    0x9089: 0x7FE0,
+    0x908A: 0x8870,
+    0x908B: 0x9042,
+    0x908C: 0x9154,
+    0x908D: 0x9310,
+    0x908E: 0x9318,
+    0x908F: 0x968F,
+    0x9090: 0x745E,
+    0x9091: 0x9AC4,
+    0x9092: 0x5D07,
+    0x9093: 0x5D69,
+    0x9094: 0x6570,
+    0x9095: 0x67A2,
+    0x9096: 0x8DA8,
+    0x9097: 0x96DB,
+    0x9098: 0x636E,
+    0x9099: 0x6749,
+    0x909A: 0x6919,
+    0x909B: 0x83C5,
+    0x909C: 0x9817,
+    0x909D: 0x96C0,
+    0x909E: 0x88FE,
+    0x909F: 0x6F84,
+    0x90A0: 0x647A,
+    0x90A1: 0x5BF8,
+    0x90A2: 0x4E16,
+    0x90A3: 0x702C,
+    0x90A4: 0x755D,
+    0x90A5: 0x662F,
+    0x90A6: 0x51C4,
+    0x90A7: 0x5236,
+    0x90A8: 0x52E2,
+    0x90A9: 0x59D3,
+    0x90AA: 0x5F81,
+    0x90AB: 0x6027,
+    0x90AC: 0x6210,
+    0x90AD: 0x653F,
+    0x90AE: 0x6574,
+    0x90AF: 0x661F,
+    0x90B0: 0x6674,
+    0x90B1: 0x68F2,
+    0x90B2: 0x6816,
+    0x90B3: 0x6B63,
+    0x90B4: 0x6E05,
+    0x90B5: 0x7272,
+    0x90B6: 0x751F,
+    0x90B7: 0x76DB,
+    0x90B8: 0x7CBE,
+    0x90B9: 0x8056,
+    0x90BA: 0x58F0,
+    0x90BB: 0x88FD,
+    0x90BC: 0x897F,
+    0x90BD: 0x8AA0,
+    0x90BE: 0x8A93,
+    0x90BF: 0x8ACB,
+    0x90C0: 0x901D,
+    0x90C1: 0x9192,
+    0x90C2: 0x9752,
+    0x90C3: 0x9759,
+    0x90C4: 0x6589,
+    0x90C5: 0x7A0E,
+    0x90C6: 0x8106,
+    0x90C7: 0x96BB,
+    0x90C8: 0x5E2D,
+    0x90C9: 0x60DC,
+    0x90CA: 0x621A,
+    0x90CB: 0x65A5,
+    0x90CC: 0x6614,
+    0x90CD: 0x6790,
+    0x90CE: 0x77F3,
+    0x90CF: 0x7A4D,
+    0x90D0: 0x7C4D,
+    0x90D1: 0x7E3E,
+    0x90D2: 0x810A,
+    0x90D3: 0x8CAC,
+    0x90D4: 0x8D64,
+    0x90D5: 0x8DE1,
+    0x90D6: 0x8E5F,
+    0x90D7: 0x78A9,
+    0x90D8: 0x5207,
+    0x90D9: 0x62D9,
+    0x90DA: 0x63A5,
+    0x90DB: 0x6442,
+    0x90DC: 0x6298,
+    0x90DD: 0x8A2D,
+    0x90DE: 0x7A83,
+    0x90DF: 0x7BC0,
+    0x90E0: 0x8AAC,
+    0x90E1: 0x96EA,
+    0x90E2: 0x7D76,
+    0x90E3: 0x820C,
+    0x90E4: 0x8749,
+    0x90E5: 0x4ED9,
+    0x90E6: 0x5148,
+    0x90E7: 0x5343,
+    0x90E8: 0x5360,
+    0x90E9: 0x5BA3,
+    0x90EA: 0x5C02,
+    0x90EB: 0x5C16,
+    0x90EC: 0x5DDD,
+    0x90ED: 0x6226,
+    0x90EE: 0x6247,
+    0x90EF: 0x64B0,
+    0x90F0: 0x6813,
+    0x90F1: 0x6834,
+    0x90F2: 0x6CC9,
+    0x90F3: 0x6D45,
+    0x90F4: 0x6D17,
+    0x90F5: 0x67D3,
+    0x90F6: 0x6F5C,
+    0x90F7: 0x714E,
+    0x90F8: 0x717D,
+    0x90F9: 0x65CB,
+    0x90FA: 0x7A7F,
+    0x90FB: 0x7BAD,
+    0x90FC: 0x7DDA,
+    0x9140: 0x7E4A,
+    0x9141: 0x7FA8,
+    0x9142: 0x817A,
+    0x9143: 0x821B,
+    0x9144: 0x8239,
+    0x9145: 0x85A6,
+    0x9146: 0x8A6E,
+    0x9147: 0x8CCE,
+    0x9148: 0x8DF5,
+    0x9149: 0x9078,
+    0x914A: 0x9077,
+    0x914B: 0x92AD,
+    0x914C: 0x9291,
+    0x914D: 0x9583,
+    0x914E: 0x9BAE,
+    0x914F: 0x524D,
+    0x9150: 0x5584,
+    0x9151: 0x6F38,
+    0x9152: 0x7136,
+    0x9153: 0x5168,
+    0x9154: 0x7985,
+    0x9155: 0x7E55,
+    0x9156: 0x81B3,
+    0x9157: 0x7CCE,
+    0x9158: 0x564C,
+    0x9159: 0x5851,
+    0x915A: 0x5CA8,
+    0x915B: 0x63AA,
+    0x915C: 0x66FE,
+    0x915D: 0x66FD,
+    0x915E: 0x695A,
+    0x915F: 0x72D9,
+    0x9160: 0x758F,
+    0x9161: 0x758E,
+    0x9162: 0x790E,
+    0x9163: 0x7956,
+    0x9164: 0x79DF,
+    0x9165: 0x7C97,
+    0x9166: 0x7D20,
+    0x9167: 0x7D44,
+    0x9168: 0x8607,
+    0x9169: 0x8A34,
+    0x916A: 0x963B,
+    0x916B: 0x9061,
+    0x916C: 0x9F20,
+    0x916D: 0x50E7,
+    0x916E: 0x5275,
+    0x916F: 0x53CC,
+    0x9170: 0x53E2,
+    0x9171: 0x5009,
+    0x9172: 0x55AA,
+    0x9173: 0x58EE,
+    0x9174: 0x594F,
+    0x9175: 0x723D,
+    0x9176: 0x5B8B,
+    0x9177: 0x5C64,
+    0x9178: 0x531D,
+    0x9179: 0x60E3,
+    0x917A: 0x60F3,
+    0x917B: 0x635C,
+    0x917C: 0x6383,
+    0x917D: 0x633F,
+    0x917E: 0x63BB,
+    0x9180: 0x64CD,
+    0x9181: 0x65E9,
+    0x9182: 0x66F9,
+    0x9183: 0x5DE3,
+    0x9184: 0x69CD,
+    0x9185: 0x69FD,
+    0x9186: 0x6F15,
+    0x9187: 0x71E5,
+    0x9188: 0x4E89,
+    0x9189: 0x75E9,
+    0x918A: 0x76F8,
+    0x918B: 0x7A93,
+    0x918C: 0x7CDF,
+    0x918D: 0x7DCF,
+    0x918E: 0x7D9C,
+    0x918F: 0x8061,
+    0x9190: 0x8349,
+    0x9191: 0x8358,
+    0x9192: 0x846C,
+    0x9193: 0x84BC,
+    0x9194: 0x85FB,
+    0x9195: 0x88C5,
+    0x9196: 0x8D70,
+    0x9197: 0x9001,
+    0x9198: 0x906D,
+    0x9199: 0x9397,
+    0x919A: 0x971C,
+    0x919B: 0x9A12,
+    0x919C: 0x50CF,
+    0x919D: 0x5897,
+    0x919E: 0x618E,
+    0x919F: 0x81D3,
+    0x91A0: 0x8535,
+    0x91A1: 0x8D08,
+    0x91A2: 0x9020,
+    0x91A3: 0x4FC3,
+    0x91A4: 0x5074,
+    0x91A5: 0x5247,
+    0x91A6: 0x5373,
+    0x91A7: 0x606F,
+    0x91A8: 0x6349,
+    0x91A9: 0x675F,
+    0x91AA: 0x6E2C,
+    0x91AB: 0x8DB3,
+    0x91AC: 0x901F,
+    0x91AD: 0x4FD7,
+    0x91AE: 0x5C5E,
+    0x91AF: 0x8CCA,
+    0x91B0: 0x65CF,
+    0x91B1: 0x7D9A,
+    0x91B2: 0x5352,
+    0x91B3: 0x8896,
+    0x91B4: 0x5176,
+    0x91B5: 0x63C3,
+    0x91B6: 0x5B58,
+    0x91B7: 0x5B6B,
+    0x91B8: 0x5C0A,
+    0x91B9: 0x640D,
+    0x91BA: 0x6751,
+    0x91BB: 0x905C,
+    0x91BC: 0x4ED6,
+    0x91BD: 0x591A,
+    0x91BE: 0x592A,
+    0x91BF: 0x6C70,
+    0x91C0: 0x8A51,
+    0x91C1: 0x553E,
+    0x91C2: 0x5815,
+    0x91C3: 0x59A5,
+    0x91C4: 0x60F0,
+    0x91C5: 0x6253,
+    0x91C6: 0x67C1,
+    0x91C7: 0x8235,
+    0x91C8: 0x6955,
+    0x91C9: 0x9640,
+    0x91CA: 0x99C4,
+    0x91CB: 0x9A28,
+    0x91CC: 0x4F53,
+    0x91CD: 0x5806,
+    0x91CE: 0x5BFE,
+    0x91CF: 0x8010,
+    0x91D0: 0x5CB1,
+    0x91D1: 0x5E2F,
+    0x91D2: 0x5F85,
+    0x91D3: 0x6020,
+    0x91D4: 0x614B,
+    0x91D5: 0x6234,
+    0x91D6: 0x66FF,
+    0x91D7: 0x6CF0,
+    0x91D8: 0x6EDE,
+    0x91D9: 0x80CE,
+    0x91DA: 0x817F,
+    0x91DB: 0x82D4,
+    0x91DC: 0x888B,
+    0x91DD: 0x8CB8,
+    0x91DE: 0x9000,
+    0x91DF: 0x902E,
+    0x91E0: 0x968A,
+    0x91E1: 0x9EDB,
+    0x91E2: 0x9BDB,
+    0x91E3: 0x4EE3,
+    0x91E4: 0x53F0,
+    0x91E5: 0x5927,
+    0x91E6: 0x7B2C,
+    0x91E7: 0x918D,
+    0x91E8: 0x984C,
+    0x91E9: 0x9DF9,
+    0x91EA: 0x6EDD,
+    0x91EB: 0x7027,
+    0x91EC: 0x5353,
+    0x91ED: 0x5544,
+    0x91EE: 0x5B85,
+    0x91EF: 0x6258,
+    0x91F0: 0x629E,
+    0x91F1: 0x62D3,
+    0x91F2: 0x6CA2,
+    0x91F3: 0x6FEF,
+    0x91F4: 0x7422,
+    0x91F5: 0x8A17,
+    0x91F6: 0x9438,
+    0x91F7: 0x6FC1,
+    0x91F8: 0x8AFE,
+    0x91F9: 0x8338,
+    0x91FA: 0x51E7,
+    0x91FB: 0x86F8,
+    0x91FC: 0x53EA,
+    0x9240: 0x53E9,
+    0x9241: 0x4F46,
+    0x9242: 0x9054,
+    0x9243: 0x8FB0,
+    0x9244: 0x596A,
+    0x9245: 0x8131,
+    0x9246: 0x5DFD,
+    0x9247: 0x7AEA,
+    0x9248: 0x8FBF,
+    0x9249: 0x68DA,
+    0x924A: 0x8C37,
+    0x924B: 0x72F8,
+    0x924C: 0x9C48,
+    0x924D: 0x6A3D,
+    0x924E: 0x8AB0,
+    0x924F: 0x4E39,
+    0x9250: 0x5358,
+    0x9251: 0x5606,
+    0x9252: 0x5766,
+    0x9253: 0x62C5,
+    0x9254: 0x63A2,
+    0x9255: 0x65E6,
+    0x9256: 0x6B4E,
+    0x9257: 0x6DE1,
+    0x9258: 0x6E5B,
+    0x9259: 0x70AD,
+    0x925A: 0x77ED,
+    0x925B: 0x7AEF,
+    0x925C: 0x7BAA,
+    0x925D: 0x7DBB,
+    0x925E: 0x803D,
+    0x925F: 0x80C6,
+    0x9260: 0x86CB,
+    0x9261: 0x8A95,
+    0x9262: 0x935B,
+    0x9263: 0x56E3,
+    0x9264: 0x58C7,
+    0x9265: 0x5F3E,
+    0x9266: 0x65AD,
+    0x9267: 0x6696,
+    0x9268: 0x6A80,
+    0x9269: 0x6BB5,
+    0x926A: 0x7537,
+    0x926B: 0x8AC7,
+    0x926C: 0x5024,
+    0x926D: 0x77E5,
+    0x926E: 0x5730,
+    0x926F: 0x5F1B,
+    0x9270: 0x6065,
+    0x9271: 0x667A,
+    0x9272: 0x6C60,
+    0x9273: 0x75F4,
+    0x9274: 0x7A1A,
+    0x9275: 0x7F6E,
+    0x9276: 0x81F4,
+    0x9277: 0x8718,
+    0x9278: 0x9045,
+    0x9279: 0x99B3,
+    0x927A: 0x7BC9,
+    0x927B: 0x755C,
+    0x927C: 0x7AF9,
+    0x927D: 0x7B51,
+    0x927E: 0x84C4,
+    0x9280: 0x9010,
+    0x9281: 0x79E9,
+    0x9282: 0x7A92,
+    0x9283: 0x8336,
+    0x9284: 0x5AE1,
+    0x9285: 0x7740,
+    0x9286: 0x4E2D,
+    0x9287: 0x4EF2,
+    0x9288: 0x5B99,
+    0x9289: 0x5FE0,
+    0x928A: 0x62BD,
+    0x928B: 0x663C,
+    0x928C: 0x67F1,
+    0x928D: 0x6CE8,
+    0x928E: 0x866B,
+    0x928F: 0x8877,
+    0x9290: 0x8A3B,
+    0x9291: 0x914E,
+    0x9292: 0x92F3,
+    0x9293: 0x99D0,
+    0x9294: 0x6A17,
+    0x9295: 0x7026,
+    0x9296: 0x732A,
+    0x9297: 0x82E7,
+    0x9298: 0x8457,
+    0x9299: 0x8CAF,
+    0x929A: 0x4E01,
+    0x929B: 0x5146,
+    0x929C: 0x51CB,
+    0x929D: 0x558B,
+    0x929E: 0x5BF5,
+    0x929F: 0x5E16,
+    0x92A0: 0x5E33,
+    0x92A1: 0x5E81,
+    0x92A2: 0x5F14,
+    0x92A3: 0x5F35,
+    0x92A4: 0x5F6B,
+    0x92A5: 0x5FB4,
+    0x92A6: 0x61F2,
+    0x92A7: 0x6311,
+    0x92A8: 0x66A2,
+    0x92A9: 0x671D,
+    0x92AA: 0x6F6E,
+    0x92AB: 0x7252,
+    0x92AC: 0x753A,
+    0x92AD: 0x773A,
+    0x92AE: 0x8074,
+    0x92AF: 0x8139,
+    0x92B0: 0x8178,
+    0x92B1: 0x8776,
+    0x92B2: 0x8ABF,
+    0x92B3: 0x8ADC,
+    0x92B4: 0x8D85,
+    0x92B5: 0x8DF3,
+    0x92B6: 0x929A,
+    0x92B7: 0x9577,
+    0x92B8: 0x9802,
+    0x92B9: 0x9CE5,
+    0x92BA: 0x52C5,
+    0x92BB: 0x6357,
+    0x92BC: 0x76F4,
+    0x92BD: 0x6715,
+    0x92BE: 0x6C88,
+    0x92BF: 0x73CD,
+    0x92C0: 0x8CC3,
+    0x92C1: 0x93AE,
+    0x92C2: 0x9673,
+    0x92C3: 0x6D25,
+    0x92C4: 0x589C,
+    0x92C5: 0x690E,
+    0x92C6: 0x69CC,
+    0x92C7: 0x8FFD,
+    0x92C8: 0x939A,
+    0x92C9: 0x75DB,
+    0x92CA: 0x901A,
+    0x92CB: 0x585A,
+    0x92CC: 0x6802,
+    0x92CD: 0x63B4,
+    0x92CE: 0x69FB,
+    0x92CF: 0x4F43,
+    0x92D0: 0x6F2C,
+    0x92D1: 0x67D8,
+    0x92D2: 0x8FBB,
+    0x92D3: 0x8526,
+    0x92D4: 0x7DB4,
+    0x92D5: 0x9354,
+    0x92D6: 0x693F,
+    0x92D7: 0x6F70,
+    0x92D8: 0x576A,
+    0x92D9: 0x58F7,
+    0x92DA: 0x5B2C,
+    0x92DB: 0x7D2C,
+    0x92DC: 0x722A,
+    0x92DD: 0x540A,
+    0x92DE: 0x91E3,
+    0x92DF: 0x9DB4,
+    0x92E0: 0x4EAD,
+    0x92E1: 0x4F4E,
+    0x92E2: 0x505C,
+    0x92E3: 0x5075,
+    0x92E4: 0x5243,
+    0x92E5: 0x8C9E,
+    0x92E6: 0x5448,
+    0x92E7: 0x5824,
+    0x92E8: 0x5B9A,
+    0x92E9: 0x5E1D,
+    0x92EA: 0x5E95,
+    0x92EB: 0x5EAD,
+    0x92EC: 0x5EF7,
+    0x92ED: 0x5F1F,
+    0x92EE: 0x608C,
+    0x92EF: 0x62B5,
+    0x92F0: 0x633A,
+    0x92F1: 0x63D0,
+    0x92F2: 0x68AF,
+    0x92F3: 0x6C40,
+    0x92F4: 0x7887,
+    0x92F5: 0x798E,
+    0x92F6: 0x7A0B,
+    0x92F7: 0x7DE0,
+    0x92F8: 0x8247,
+    0x92F9: 0x8A02,
+    0x92FA: 0x8AE6,
+    0x92FB: 0x8E44,
+    0x92FC: 0x9013,
+    0x9340: 0x90B8,
+    0x9341: 0x912D,
+    0x9342: 0x91D8,
+    0x9343: 0x9F0E,
+    0x9344: 0x6CE5,
+    0x9345: 0x6458,
+    0x9346: 0x64E2,
+    0x9347: 0x6575,
+    0x9348: 0x6EF4,
+    0x9349: 0x7684,
+    0x934A: 0x7B1B,
+    0x934B: 0x9069,
+    0x934C: 0x93D1,
+    0x934D: 0x6EBA,
+    0x934E: 0x54F2,
+    0x934F: 0x5FB9,
+    0x9350: 0x64A4,
+    0x9351: 0x8F4D,
+    0x9352: 0x8FED,
+    0x9353: 0x9244,
+    0x9354: 0x5178,
+    0x9355: 0x586B,
+    0x9356: 0x5929,
+    0x9357: 0x5C55,
+    0x9358: 0x5E97,
+    0x9359: 0x6DFB,
+    0x935A: 0x7E8F,
+    0x935B: 0x751C,
+    0x935C: 0x8CBC,
+    0x935D: 0x8EE2,
+    0x935E: 0x985B,
+    0x935F: 0x70B9,
+    0x9360: 0x4F1D,
+    0x9361: 0x6BBF,
+    0x9362: 0x6FB1,
+    0x9363: 0x7530,
+    0x9364: 0x96FB,
+    0x9365: 0x514E,
+    0x9366: 0x5410,
+    0x9367: 0x5835,
+    0x9368: 0x5857,
+    0x9369: 0x59AC,
+    0x936A: 0x5C60,
+    0x936B: 0x5F92,
+    0x936C: 0x6597,
+    0x936D: 0x675C,
+    0x936E: 0x6E21,
+    0x936F: 0x767B,
+    0x9370: 0x83DF,
+    0x9371: 0x8CED,
+    0x9372: 0x9014,
+    0x9373: 0x90FD,
+    0x9374: 0x934D,
+    0x9375: 0x7825,
+    0x9376: 0x783A,
+    0x9377: 0x52AA,
+    0x9378: 0x5EA6,
+    0x9379: 0x571F,
+    0x937A: 0x5974,
+    0x937B: 0x6012,
+    0x937C: 0x5012,
+    0x937D: 0x515A,
+    0x937E: 0x51AC,
+    0x9380: 0x51CD,
+    0x9381: 0x5200,
+    0x9382: 0x5510,
+    0x9383: 0x5854,
+    0x9384: 0x5858,
+    0x9385: 0x5957,
+    0x9386: 0x5B95,
+    0x9387: 0x5CF6,
+    0x9388: 0x5D8B,
+    0x9389: 0x60BC,
+    0x938A: 0x6295,
+    0x938B: 0x642D,
+    0x938C: 0x6771,
+    0x938D: 0x6843,
+    0x938E: 0x68BC,
+    0x938F: 0x68DF,
+    0x9390: 0x76D7,
+    0x9391: 0x6DD8,
+    0x9392: 0x6E6F,
+    0x9393: 0x6D9B,
+    0x9394: 0x706F,
+    0x9395: 0x71C8,
+    0x9396: 0x5F53,
+    0x9397: 0x75D8,
+    0x9398: 0x7977,
+    0x9399: 0x7B49,
+    0x939A: 0x7B54,
+    0x939B: 0x7B52,
+    0x939C: 0x7CD6,
+    0x939D: 0x7D71,
+    0x939E: 0x5230,
+    0x939F: 0x8463,
+    0x93A0: 0x8569,
+    0x93A1: 0x85E4,
+    0x93A2: 0x8A0E,
+    0x93A3: 0x8B04,
+    0x93A4: 0x8C46,
+    0x93A5: 0x8E0F,
+    0x93A6: 0x9003,
+    0x93A7: 0x900F,
+    0x93A8: 0x9419,
+    0x93A9: 0x9676,
+    0x93AA: 0x982D,
+    0x93AB: 0x9A30,
+    0x93AC: 0x95D8,
+    0x93AD: 0x50CD,
+    0x93AE: 0x52D5,
+    0x93AF: 0x540C,
+    0x93B0: 0x5802,
+    0x93B1: 0x5C0E,
+    0x93B2: 0x61A7,
+    0x93B3: 0x649E,
+    0x93B4: 0x6D1E,
+    0x93B5: 0x77B3,
+    0x93B6: 0x7AE5,
+    0x93B7: 0x80F4,
+    0x93B8: 0x8404,
+    0x93B9: 0x9053,
+    0x93BA: 0x9285,
+    0x93BB: 0x5CE0,
+    0x93BC: 0x9D07,
+    0x93BD: 0x533F,
+    0x93BE: 0x5F97,
+    0x93BF: 0x5FB3,
+    0x93C0: 0x6D9C,
+    0x93C1: 0x7279,
+    0x93C2: 0x7763,
+    0x93C3: 0x79BF,
+    0x93C4: 0x7BE4,
+    0x93C5: 0x6BD2,
+    0x93C6: 0x72EC,
+    0x93C7: 0x8AAD,
+    0x93C8: 0x6803,
+    0x93C9: 0x6A61,
+    0x93CA: 0x51F8,
+    0x93CB: 0x7A81,
+    0x93CC: 0x6934,
+    0x93CD: 0x5C4A,
+    0x93CE: 0x9CF6,
+    0x93CF: 0x82EB,
+    0x93D0: 0x5BC5,
+    0x93D1: 0x9149,
+    0x93D2: 0x701E,
+    0x93D3: 0x5678,
+    0x93D4: 0x5C6F,
+    0x93D5: 0x60C7,
+    0x93D6: 0x6566,
+    0x93D7: 0x6C8C,
+    0x93D8: 0x8C5A,
+    0x93D9: 0x9041,
+    0x93DA: 0x9813,
+    0x93DB: 0x5451,
+    0x93DC: 0x66C7,
+    0x93DD: 0x920D,
+    0x93DE: 0x5948,
+    0x93DF: 0x90A3,
+    0x93E0: 0x5185,
+    0x93E1: 0x4E4D,
+    0x93E2: 0x51EA,
+    0x93E3: 0x8599,
+    0x93E4: 0x8B0E,
+    0x93E5: 0x7058,
+    0x93E6: 0x637A,
+    0x93E7: 0x934B,
+    0x93E8: 0x6962,
+    0x93E9: 0x99B4,
+    0x93EA: 0x7E04,
+    0x93EB: 0x7577,
+    0x93EC: 0x5357,
+    0x93ED: 0x6960,
+    0x93EE: 0x8EDF,
+    0x93EF: 0x96E3,
+    0x93F0: 0x6C5D,
+    0x93F1: 0x4E8C,
+    0x93F2: 0x5C3C,
+    0x93F3: 0x5F10,
+    0x93F4: 0x8FE9,
+    0x93F5: 0x5302,
+    0x93F6: 0x8CD1,
+    0x93F7: 0x8089,
+    0x93F8: 0x8679,
+    0x93F9: 0x5EFF,
+    0x93FA: 0x65E5,
+    0x93FB: 0x4E73,
+    0x93FC: 0x5165,
+    0x9440: 0x5982,
+    0x9441: 0x5C3F,
+    0x9442: 0x97EE,
+    0x9443: 0x4EFB,
+    0x9444: 0x598A,
+    0x9445: 0x5FCD,
+    0x9446: 0x8A8D,
+    0x9447: 0x6FE1,
+    0x9448: 0x79B0,
+    0x9449: 0x7962,
+    0x944A: 0x5BE7,
+    0x944B: 0x8471,
+    0x944C: 0x732B,
+    0x944D: 0x71B1,
+    0x944E: 0x5E74,
+    0x944F: 0x5FF5,
+    0x9450: 0x637B,
+    0x9451: 0x649A,
+    0x9452: 0x71C3,
+    0x9453: 0x7C98,
+    0x9454: 0x4E43,
+    0x9455: 0x5EFC,
+    0x9456: 0x4E4B,
+    0x9457: 0x57DC,
+    0x9458: 0x56A2,
+    0x9459: 0x60A9,
+    0x945A: 0x6FC3,
+    0x945B: 0x7D0D,
+    0x945C: 0x80FD,
+    0x945D: 0x8133,
+    0x945E: 0x81BF,
+    0x945F: 0x8FB2,
+    0x9460: 0x8997,
+    0x9461: 0x86A4,
+    0x9462: 0x5DF4,
+    0x9463: 0x628A,
+    0x9464: 0x64AD,
+    0x9465: 0x8987,
+    0x9466: 0x6777,
+    0x9467: 0x6CE2,
+    0x9468: 0x6D3E,
+    0x9469: 0x7436,
+    0x946A: 0x7834,
+    0x946B: 0x5A46,
+    0x946C: 0x7F75,
+    0x946D: 0x82AD,
+    0x946E: 0x99AC,
+    0x946F: 0x4FF3,
+    0x9470: 0x5EC3,
+    0x9471: 0x62DD,
+    0x9472: 0x6392,
+    0x9473: 0x6557,
+    0x9474: 0x676F,
+    0x9475: 0x76C3,
+    0x9476: 0x724C,
+    0x9477: 0x80CC,
+    0x9478: 0x80BA,
+    0x9479: 0x8F29,
+    0x947A: 0x914D,
+    0x947B: 0x500D,
+    0x947C: 0x57F9,
+    0x947D: 0x5A92,
+    0x947E: 0x6885,
+    0x9480: 0x6973,
+    0x9481: 0x7164,
+    0x9482: 0x72FD,
+    0x9483: 0x8CB7,
+    0x9484: 0x58F2,
+    0x9485: 0x8CE0,
+    0x9486: 0x966A,
+    0x9487: 0x9019,
+    0x9488: 0x877F,
+    0x9489: 0x79E4,
+    0x948A: 0x77E7,
+    0x948B: 0x8429,
+    0x948C: 0x4F2F,
+    0x948D: 0x5265,
+    0x948E: 0x535A,
+    0x948F: 0x62CD,
+    0x9490: 0x67CF,
+    0x9491: 0x6CCA,
+    0x9492: 0x767D,
+    0x9493: 0x7B94,
+    0x9494: 0x7C95,
+    0x9495: 0x8236,
+    0x9496: 0x8584,
+    0x9497: 0x8FEB,
+    0x9498: 0x66DD,
+    0x9499: 0x6F20,
+    0x949A: 0x7206,
+    0x949B: 0x7E1B,
+    0x949C: 0x83AB,
+    0x949D: 0x99C1,
+    0x949E: 0x9EA6,
+    0x949F: 0x51FD,
+    0x94A0: 0x7BB1,
+    0x94A1: 0x7872,
+    0x94A2: 0x7BB8,
+    0x94A3: 0x8087,
+    0x94A4: 0x7B48,
+    0x94A5: 0x6AE8,
+    0x94A6: 0x5E61,
+    0x94A7: 0x808C,
+    0x94A8: 0x7551,
+    0x94A9: 0x7560,
+    0x94AA: 0x516B,
+    0x94AB: 0x9262,
+    0x94AC: 0x6E8C,
+    0x94AD: 0x767A,
+    0x94AE: 0x9197,
+    0x94AF: 0x9AEA,
+    0x94B0: 0x4F10,
+    0x94B1: 0x7F70,
+    0x94B2: 0x629C,
+    0x94B3: 0x7B4F,
+    0x94B4: 0x95A5,
+    0x94B5: 0x9CE9,
+    0x94B6: 0x567A,
+    0x94B7: 0x5859,
+    0x94B8: 0x86E4,
+    0x94B9: 0x96BC,
+    0x94BA: 0x4F34,
+    0x94BB: 0x5224,
+    0x94BC: 0x534A,
+    0x94BD: 0x53CD,
+    0x94BE: 0x53DB,
+    0x94BF: 0x5E06,
+    0x94C0: 0x642C,
+    0x94C1: 0x6591,
+    0x94C2: 0x677F,
+    0x94C3: 0x6C3E,
+    0x94C4: 0x6C4E,
+    0x94C5: 0x7248,
+    0x94C6: 0x72AF,
+    0x94C7: 0x73ED,
+    0x94C8: 0x7554,
+    0x94C9: 0x7E41,
+    0x94CA: 0x822C,
+    0x94CB: 0x85E9,
+    0x94CC: 0x8CA9,
+    0x94CD: 0x7BC4,
+    0x94CE: 0x91C6,
+    0x94CF: 0x7169,
+    0x94D0: 0x9812,
+    0x94D1: 0x98EF,
+    0x94D2: 0x633D,
+    0x94D3: 0x6669,
+    0x94D4: 0x756A,
+    0x94D5: 0x76E4,
+    0x94D6: 0x78D0,
+    0x94D7: 0x8543,
+    0x94D8: 0x86EE,
+    0x94D9: 0x532A,
+    0x94DA: 0x5351,
+    0x94DB: 0x5426,
+    0x94DC: 0x5983,
+    0x94DD: 0x5E87,
+    0x94DE: 0x5F7C,
+    0x94DF: 0x60B2,
+    0x94E0: 0x6249,
+    0x94E1: 0x6279,
+    0x94E2: 0x62AB,
+    0x94E3: 0x6590,
+    0x94E4: 0x6BD4,
+    0x94E5: 0x6CCC,
+    0x94E6: 0x75B2,
+    0x94E7: 0x76AE,
+    0x94E8: 0x7891,
+    0x94E9: 0x79D8,
+    0x94EA: 0x7DCB,
+    0x94EB: 0x7F77,
+    0x94EC: 0x80A5,
+    0x94ED: 0x88AB,
+    0x94EE: 0x8AB9,
+    0x94EF: 0x8CBB,
+    0x94F0: 0x907F,
+    0x94F1: 0x975E,
+    0x94F2: 0x98DB,
+    0x94F3: 0x6A0B,
+    0x94F4: 0x7C38,
+    0x94F5: 0x5099,
+    0x94F6: 0x5C3E,
+    0x94F7: 0x5FAE,
+    0x94F8: 0x6787,
+    0x94F9: 0x6BD8,
+    0x94FA: 0x7435,
+    0x94FB: 0x7709,
+    0x94FC: 0x7F8E,
+    0x9540: 0x9F3B,
+    0x9541: 0x67CA,
+    0x9542: 0x7A17,
+    0x9543: 0x5339,
+    0x9544: 0x758B,
+    0x9545: 0x9AED,
+    0x9546: 0x5F66,
+    0x9547: 0x819D,
+    0x9548: 0x83F1,
+    0x9549: 0x8098,
+    0x954A: 0x5F3C,
+    0x954B: 0x5FC5,
+    0x954C: 0x7562,
+    0x954D: 0x7B46,
+    0x954E: 0x903C,
+    0x954F: 0x6867,
+    0x9550: 0x59EB,
+    0x9551: 0x5A9B,
+    0x9552: 0x7D10,
+    0x9553: 0x767E,
+    0x9554: 0x8B2C,
+    0x9555: 0x4FF5,
+    0x9556: 0x5F6A,
+    0x9557: 0x6A19,
+    0x9558: 0x6C37,
+    0x9559: 0x6F02,
+    0x955A: 0x74E2,
+    0x955B: 0x7968,
+    0x955C: 0x8868,
+    0x955D: 0x8A55,
+    0x955E: 0x8C79,
+    0x955F: 0x5EDF,
+    0x9560: 0x63CF,
+    0x9561: 0x75C5,
+    0x9562: 0x79D2,
+    0x9563: 0x82D7,
+    0x9564: 0x9328,
+    0x9565: 0x92F2,
+    0x9566: 0x849C,
+    0x9567: 0x86ED,
+    0x9568: 0x9C2D,
+    0x9569: 0x54C1,
+    0x956A: 0x5F6C,
+    0x956B: 0x658C,
+    0x956C: 0x6D5C,
+    0x956D: 0x7015,
+    0x956E: 0x8CA7,
+    0x956F: 0x8CD3,
+    0x9570: 0x983B,
+    0x9571: 0x654F,
+    0x9572: 0x74F6,
+    0x9573: 0x4E0D,
+    0x9574: 0x4ED8,
+    0x9575: 0x57E0,
+    0x9576: 0x592B,
+    0x9577: 0x5A66,
+    0x9578: 0x5BCC,
+    0x9579: 0x51A8,
+    0x957A: 0x5E03,
+    0x957B: 0x5E9C,
+    0x957C: 0x6016,
+    0x957D: 0x6276,
+    0x957E: 0x6577,
+    0x9580: 0x65A7,
+    0x9581: 0x666E,
+    0x9582: 0x6D6E,
+    0x9583: 0x7236,
+    0x9584: 0x7B26,
+    0x9585: 0x8150,
+    0x9586: 0x819A,
+    0x9587: 0x8299,
+    0x9588: 0x8B5C,
+    0x9589: 0x8CA0,
+    0x958A: 0x8CE6,
+    0x958B: 0x8D74,
+    0x958C: 0x961C,
+    0x958D: 0x9644,
+    0x958E: 0x4FAE,
+    0x958F: 0x64AB,
+    0x9590: 0x6B66,
+    0x9591: 0x821E,
+    0x9592: 0x8461,
+    0x9593: 0x856A,
+    0x9594: 0x90E8,
+    0x9595: 0x5C01,
+    0x9596: 0x6953,
+    0x9597: 0x98A8,
+    0x9598: 0x847A,
+    0x9599: 0x8557,
+    0x959A: 0x4F0F,
+    0x959B: 0x526F,
+    0x959C: 0x5FA9,
+    0x959D: 0x5E45,
+    0x959E: 0x670D,
+    0x959F: 0x798F,
+    0x95A0: 0x8179,
+    0x95A1: 0x8907,
+    0x95A2: 0x8986,
+    0x95A3: 0x6DF5,
+    0x95A4: 0x5F17,
+    0x95A5: 0x6255,
+    0x95A6: 0x6CB8,
+    0x95A7: 0x4ECF,
+    0x95A8: 0x7269,
+    0x95A9: 0x9B92,
+    0x95AA: 0x5206,
+    0x95AB: 0x543B,
+    0x95AC: 0x5674,
+    0x95AD: 0x58B3,
+    0x95AE: 0x61A4,
+    0x95AF: 0x626E,
+    0x95B0: 0x711A,
+    0x95B1: 0x596E,
+    0x95B2: 0x7C89,
+    0x95B3: 0x7CDE,
+    0x95B4: 0x7D1B,
+    0x95B5: 0x96F0,
+    0x95B6: 0x6587,
+    0x95B7: 0x805E,
+    0x95B8: 0x4E19,
+    0x95B9: 0x4F75,
+    0x95BA: 0x5175,
+    0x95BB: 0x5840,
+    0x95BC: 0x5E63,
+    0x95BD: 0x5E73,
+    0x95BE: 0x5F0A,
+    0x95BF: 0x67C4,
+    0x95C0: 0x4E26,
+    0x95C1: 0x853D,
+    0x95C2: 0x9589,
+    0x95C3: 0x965B,
+    0x95C4: 0x7C73,
+    0x95C5: 0x9801,
+    0x95C6: 0x50FB,
+    0x95C7: 0x58C1,
+    0x95C8: 0x7656,
+    0x95C9: 0x78A7,
+    0x95CA: 0x5225,
+    0x95CB: 0x77A5,
+    0x95CC: 0x8511,
+    0x95CD: 0x7B86,
+    0x95CE: 0x504F,
+    0x95CF: 0x5909,
+    0x95D0: 0x7247,
+    0x95D1: 0x7BC7,
+    0x95D2: 0x7DE8,
+    0x95D3: 0x8FBA,
+    0x95D4: 0x8FD4,
+    0x95D5: 0x904D,
+    0x95D6: 0x4FBF,
+    0x95D7: 0x52C9,
+    0x95D8: 0x5A29,
+    0x95D9: 0x5F01,
+    0x95DA: 0x97AD,
+    0x95DB: 0x4FDD,
+    0x95DC: 0x8217,
+    0x95DD: 0x92EA,
+    0x95DE: 0x5703,
+    0x95DF: 0x6355,
+    0x95E0: 0x6B69,
+    0x95E1: 0x752B,
+    0x95E2: 0x88DC,
+    0x95E3: 0x8F14,
+    0x95E4: 0x7A42,
+    0x95E5: 0x52DF,
+    0x95E6: 0x5893,
+    0x95E7: 0x6155,
+    0x95E8: 0x620A,
+    0x95E9: 0x66AE,
+    0x95EA: 0x6BCD,
+    0x95EB: 0x7C3F,
+    0x95EC: 0x83E9,
+    0x95ED: 0x5023,
+    0x95EE: 0x4FF8,
+    0x95EF: 0x5305,
+    0x95F0: 0x5446,
+    0x95F1: 0x5831,
+    0x95F2: 0x5949,
+    0x95F3: 0x5B9D,
+    0x95F4: 0x5CF0,
+    0x95F5: 0x5CEF,
+    0x95F6: 0x5D29,
+    0x95F7: 0x5E96,
+    0x95F8: 0x62B1,
+    0x95F9: 0x6367,
+    0x95FA: 0x653E,
+    0x95FB: 0x65B9,
+    0x95FC: 0x670B,
+    0x9640: 0x6CD5,
+    0x9641: 0x6CE1,
+    0x9642: 0x70F9,
+    0x9643: 0x7832,
+    0x9644: 0x7E2B,
+    0x9645: 0x80DE,
+    0x9646: 0x82B3,
+    0x9647: 0x840C,
+    0x9648: 0x84EC,
+    0x9649: 0x8702,
+    0x964A: 0x8912,
+    0x964B: 0x8A2A,
+    0x964C: 0x8C4A,
+    0x964D: 0x90A6,
+    0x964E: 0x92D2,
+    0x964F: 0x98FD,
+    0x9650: 0x9CF3,
+    0x9651: 0x9D6C,
+    0x9652: 0x4E4F,
+    0x9653: 0x4EA1,
+    0x9654: 0x508D,
+    0x9655: 0x5256,
+    0x9656: 0x574A,
+    0x9657: 0x59A8,
+    0x9658: 0x5E3D,
+    0x9659: 0x5FD8,
+    0x965A: 0x5FD9,
+    0x965B: 0x623F,
+    0x965C: 0x66B4,
+    0x965D: 0x671B,
+    0x965E: 0x67D0,
+    0x965F: 0x68D2,
+    0x9660: 0x5192,
+    0x9661: 0x7D21,
+    0x9662: 0x80AA,
+    0x9663: 0x81A8,
+    0x9664: 0x8B00,
+    0x9665: 0x8C8C,
+    0x9666: 0x8CBF,
+    0x9667: 0x927E,
+    0x9668: 0x9632,
+    0x9669: 0x5420,
+    0x966A: 0x982C,
+    0x966B: 0x5317,
+    0x966C: 0x50D5,
+    0x966D: 0x535C,
+    0x966E: 0x58A8,
+    0x966F: 0x64B2,
+    0x9670: 0x6734,
+    0x9671: 0x7267,
+    0x9672: 0x7766,
+    0x9673: 0x7A46,
+    0x9674: 0x91E6,
+    0x9675: 0x52C3,
+    0x9676: 0x6CA1,
+    0x9677: 0x6B86,
+    0x9678: 0x5800,
+    0x9679: 0x5E4C,
+    0x967A: 0x5954,
+    0x967B: 0x672C,
+    0x967C: 0x7FFB,
+    0x967D: 0x51E1,
+    0x967E: 0x76C6,
+    0x9680: 0x6469,
+    0x9681: 0x78E8,
+    0x9682: 0x9B54,
+    0x9683: 0x9EBB,
+    0x9684: 0x57CB,
+    0x9685: 0x59B9,
+    0x9686: 0x6627,
+    0x9687: 0x679A,
+    0x9688: 0x6BCE,
+    0x9689: 0x54E9,
+    0x968A: 0x69D9,
+    0x968B: 0x5E55,
+    0x968C: 0x819C,
+    0x968D: 0x6795,
+    0x968E: 0x9BAA,
+    0x968F: 0x67FE,
+    0x9690: 0x9C52,
+    0x9691: 0x685D,
+    0x9692: 0x4EA6,
+    0x9693: 0x4FE3,
+    0x9694: 0x53C8,
+    0x9695: 0x62B9,
+    0x9696: 0x672B,
+    0x9697: 0x6CAB,
+    0x9698: 0x8FC4,
+    0x9699: 0x4FAD,
+    0x969A: 0x7E6D,
+    0x969B: 0x9EBF,
+    0x969C: 0x4E07,
+    0x969D: 0x6162,
+    0x969E: 0x6E80,
+    0x969F: 0x6F2B,
+    0x96A0: 0x8513,
+    0x96A1: 0x5473,
+    0x96A2: 0x672A,
+    0x96A3: 0x9B45,
+    0x96A4: 0x5DF3,
+    0x96A5: 0x7B95,
+    0x96A6: 0x5CAC,
+    0x96A7: 0x5BC6,
+    0x96A8: 0x871C,
+    0x96A9: 0x6E4A,
+    0x96AA: 0x84D1,
+    0x96AB: 0x7A14,
+    0x96AC: 0x8108,
+    0x96AD: 0x5999,
+    0x96AE: 0x7C8D,
+    0x96AF: 0x6C11,
+    0x96B0: 0x7720,
+    0x96B1: 0x52D9,
+    0x96B2: 0x5922,
+    0x96B3: 0x7121,
+    0x96B4: 0x725F,
+    0x96B5: 0x77DB,
+    0x96B6: 0x9727,
+    0x96B7: 0x9D61,
+    0x96B8: 0x690B,
+    0x96B9: 0x5A7F,
+    0x96BA: 0x5A18,
+    0x96BB: 0x51A5,
+    0x96BC: 0x540D,
+    0x96BD: 0x547D,
+    0x96BE: 0x660E,
+    0x96BF: 0x76DF,
+    0x96C0: 0x8FF7,
+    0x96C1: 0x9298,
+    0x96C2: 0x9CF4,
+    0x96C3: 0x59EA,
+    0x96C4: 0x725D,
+    0x96C5: 0x6EC5,
+    0x96C6: 0x514D,
+    0x96C7: 0x68C9,
+    0x96C8: 0x7DBF,
+    0x96C9: 0x7DEC,
+    0x96CA: 0x9762,
+    0x96CB: 0x9EBA,
+    0x96CC: 0x6478,
+    0x96CD: 0x6A21,
+    0x96CE: 0x8302,
+    0x96CF: 0x5984,
+    0x96D0: 0x5B5F,
+    0x96D1: 0x6BDB,
+    0x96D2: 0x731B,
+    0x96D3: 0x76F2,
+    0x96D4: 0x7DB2,
+    0x96D5: 0x8017,
+    0x96D6: 0x8499,
+    0x96D7: 0x5132,
+    0x96D8: 0x6728,
+    0x96D9: 0x9ED9,
+    0x96DA: 0x76EE,
+    0x96DB: 0x6762,
+    0x96DC: 0x52FF,
+    0x96DD: 0x9905,
+    0x96DE: 0x5C24,
+    0x96DF: 0x623B,
+    0x96E0: 0x7C7E,
+    0x96E1: 0x8CB0,
+    0x96E2: 0x554F,
+    0x96E3: 0x60B6,
+    0x96E4: 0x7D0B,
+    0x96E5: 0x9580,
+    0x96E6: 0x5301,
+    0x96E7: 0x4E5F,
+    0x96E8: 0x51B6,
+    0x96E9: 0x591C,
+    0x96EA: 0x723A,
+    0x96EB: 0x8036,
+    0x96EC: 0x91CE,
+    0x96ED: 0x5F25,
+    0x96EE: 0x77E2,
+    0x96EF: 0x5384,
+    0x96F0: 0x5F79,
+    0x96F1: 0x7D04,
+    0x96F2: 0x85AC,
+    0x96F3: 0x8A33,
+    0x96F4: 0x8E8D,
+    0x96F5: 0x9756,
+    0x96F6: 0x67F3,
+    0x96F7: 0x85AE,
+    0x96F8: 0x9453,
+    0x96F9: 0x6109,
+    0x96FA: 0x6108,
+    0x96FB: 0x6CB9,
+    0x96FC: 0x7652,
+    0x9740: 0x8AED,
+    0x9741: 0x8F38,
+    0x9742: 0x552F,
+    0x9743: 0x4F51,
+    0x9744: 0x512A,
+    0x9745: 0x52C7,
+    0x9746: 0x53CB,
+    0x9747: 0x5BA5,
+    0x9748: 0x5E7D,
+    0x9749: 0x60A0,
+    0x974A: 0x6182,
+    0x974B: 0x63D6,
+    0x974C: 0x6709,
+    0x974D: 0x67DA,
+    0x974E: 0x6E67,
+    0x974F: 0x6D8C,
+    0x9750: 0x7336,
+    0x9751: 0x7337,
+    0x9752: 0x7531,
+    0x9753: 0x7950,
+    0x9754: 0x88D5,
+    0x9755: 0x8A98,
+    0x9756: 0x904A,
+    0x9757: 0x9091,
+    0x9758: 0x90F5,
+    0x9759: 0x96C4,
+    0x975A: 0x878D,
+    0x975B: 0x5915,
+    0x975C: 0x4E88,
+    0x975D: 0x4F59,
+    0x975E: 0x4E0E,
+    0x975F: 0x8A89,
+    0x9760: 0x8F3F,
+    0x9761: 0x9810,
+    0x9762: 0x50AD,
+    0x9763: 0x5E7C,
+    0x9764: 0x5996,
+    0x9765: 0x5BB9,
+    0x9766: 0x5EB8,
+    0x9767: 0x63DA,
+    0x9768: 0x63FA,
+    0x9769: 0x64C1,
+    0x976A: 0x66DC,
+    0x976B: 0x694A,
+    0x976C: 0x69D8,
+    0x976D: 0x6D0B,
+    0x976E: 0x6EB6,
+    0x976F: 0x7194,
+    0x9770: 0x7528,
+    0x9771: 0x7AAF,
+    0x9772: 0x7F8A,
+    0x9773: 0x8000,
+    0x9774: 0x8449,
+    0x9775: 0x84C9,
+    0x9776: 0x8981,
+    0x9777: 0x8B21,
+    0x9778: 0x8E0A,
+    0x9779: 0x9065,
+    0x977A: 0x967D,
+    0x977B: 0x990A,
+    0x977C: 0x617E,
+    0x977D: 0x6291,
+    0x977E: 0x6B32,
+    0x9780: 0x6C83,
+    0x9781: 0x6D74,
+    0x9782: 0x7FCC,
+    0x9783: 0x7FFC,
+    0x9784: 0x6DC0,
+    0x9785: 0x7F85,
+    0x9786: 0x87BA,
+    0x9787: 0x88F8,
+    0x9788: 0x6765,
+    0x9789: 0x83B1,
+    0x978A: 0x983C,
+    0x978B: 0x96F7,
+    0x978C: 0x6D1B,
+    0x978D: 0x7D61,
+    0x978E: 0x843D,
+    0x978F: 0x916A,
+    0x9790: 0x4E71,
+    0x9791: 0x5375,
+    0x9792: 0x5D50,
+    0x9793: 0x6B04,
+    0x9794: 0x6FEB,
+    0x9795: 0x85CD,
+    0x9796: 0x862D,
+    0x9797: 0x89A7,
+    0x9798: 0x5229,
+    0x9799: 0x540F,
+    0x979A: 0x5C65,
+    0x979B: 0x674E,
+    0x979C: 0x68A8,
+    0x979D: 0x7406,
+    0x979E: 0x7483,
+    0x979F: 0x75E2,
+    0x97A0: 0x88CF,
+    0x97A1: 0x88E1,
+    0x97A2: 0x91CC,
+    0x97A3: 0x96E2,
+    0x97A4: 0x9678,
+    0x97A5: 0x5F8B,
+    0x97A6: 0x7387,
+    0x97A7: 0x7ACB,
+    0x97A8: 0x844E,
+    0x97A9: 0x63A0,
+    0x97AA: 0x7565,
+    0x97AB: 0x5289,
+    0x97AC: 0x6D41,
+    0x97AD: 0x6E9C,
+    0x97AE: 0x7409,
+    0x97AF: 0x7559,
+    0x97B0: 0x786B,
+    0x97B1: 0x7C92,
+    0x97B2: 0x9686,
+    0x97B3: 0x7ADC,
+    0x97B4: 0x9F8D,
+    0x97B5: 0x4FB6,
+    0x97B6: 0x616E,
+    0x97B7: 0x65C5,
+    0x97B8: 0x865C,
+    0x97B9: 0x4E86,
+    0x97BA: 0x4EAE,
+    0x97BB: 0x50DA,
+    0x97BC: 0x4E21,
+    0x97BD: 0x51CC,
+    0x97BE: 0x5BEE,
+    0x97BF: 0x6599,
+    0x97C0: 0x6881,
+    0x97C1: 0x6DBC,
+    0x97C2: 0x731F,
+    0x97C3: 0x7642,
+    0x97C4: 0x77AD,
+    0x97C5: 0x7A1C,
+    0x97C6: 0x7CE7,
+    0x97C7: 0x826F,
+    0x97C8: 0x8AD2,
+    0x97C9: 0x907C,
+    0x97CA: 0x91CF,
+    0x97CB: 0x9675,
+    0x97CC: 0x9818,
+    0x97CD: 0x529B,
+    0x97CE: 0x7DD1,
+    0x97CF: 0x502B,
+    0x97D0: 0x5398,
+    0x97D1: 0x6797,
+    0x97D2: 0x6DCB,
+    0x97D3: 0x71D0,
+    0x97D4: 0x7433,
+    0x97D5: 0x81E8,
+    0x97D6: 0x8F2A,
+    0x97D7: 0x96A3,
+    0x97D8: 0x9C57,
+    0x97D9: 0x9E9F,
+    0x97DA: 0x7460,
+    0x97DB: 0x5841,
+    0x97DC: 0x6D99,
+    0x97DD: 0x7D2F,
+    0x97DE: 0x985E,
+    0x97DF: 0x4EE4,
+    0x97E0: 0x4F36,
+    0x97E1: 0x4F8B,
+    0x97E2: 0x51B7,
+    0x97E3: 0x52B1,
+    0x97E4: 0x5DBA,
+    0x97E5: 0x601C,
+    0x97E6: 0x73B2,
+    0x97E7: 0x793C,
+    0x97E8: 0x82D3,
+    0x97E9: 0x9234,
+    0x97EA: 0x96B7,
+    0x97EB: 0x96F6,
+    0x97EC: 0x970A,
+    0x97ED: 0x9E97,
+    0x97EE: 0x9F62,
+    0x97EF: 0x66A6,
+    0x97F0: 0x6B74,
+    0x97F1: 0x5217,
+    0x97F2: 0x52A3,
+    0x97F3: 0x70C8,
+    0x97F4: 0x88C2,
+    0x97F5: 0x5EC9,
+    0x97F6: 0x604B,
+    0x97F7: 0x6190,
+    0x97F8: 0x6F23,
+    0x97F9: 0x7149,
+    0x97FA: 0x7C3E,
+    0x97FB: 0x7DF4,
+    0x97FC: 0x806F,
+    0x9840: 0x84EE,
+    0x9841: 0x9023,
+    0x9842: 0x932C,
+    0x9843: 0x5442,
+    0x9844: 0x9B6F,
+    0x9845: 0x6AD3,
+    0x9846: 0x7089,
+    0x9847: 0x8CC2,
+    0x9848: 0x8DEF,
+    0x9849: 0x9732,
+    0x984A: 0x52B4,
+    0x984B: 0x5A41,
+    0x984C: 0x5ECA,
+    0x984D: 0x5F04,
+    0x984E: 0x6717,
+    0x984F: 0x697C,
+    0x9850: 0x6994,
+    0x9851: 0x6D6A,
+    0x9852: 0x6F0F,
+    0x9853: 0x7262,
+    0x9854: 0x72FC,
+    0x9855: 0x7BED,
+    0x9856: 0x8001,
+    0x9857: 0x807E,
+    0x9858: 0x874B,
+    0x9859: 0x90CE,
+    0x985A: 0x516D,
+    0x985B: 0x9E93,
+    0x985C: 0x7984,
+    0x985D: 0x808B,
+    0x985E: 0x9332,
+    0x985F: 0x8AD6,
+    0x9860: 0x502D,
+    0x9861: 0x548C,
+    0x9862: 0x8A71,
+    0x9863: 0x6B6A,
+    0x9864: 0x8CC4,
+    0x9865: 0x8107,
+    0x9866: 0x60D1,
+    0x9867: 0x67A0,
+    0x9868: 0x9DF2,
+    0x9869: 0x4E99,
+    0x986A: 0x4E98,
+    0x986B: 0x9C10,
+    0x986C: 0x8A6B,
+    0x986D: 0x85C1,
+    0x986E: 0x8568,
+    0x986F: 0x6900,
+    0x9870: 0x6E7E,
+    0x9871: 0x7897,
+    0x9872: 0x8155,
+    0x989F: 0x5F0C,
+    0x98A0: 0x4E10,
+    0x98A1: 0x4E15,
+    0x98A2: 0x4E2A,
+    0x98A3: 0x4E31,
+    0x98A4: 0x4E36,
+    0x98A5: 0x4E3C,
+    0x98A6: 0x4E3F,
+    0x98A7: 0x4E42,
+    0x98A8: 0x4E56,
+    0x98A9: 0x4E58,
+    0x98AA: 0x4E82,
+    0x98AB: 0x4E85,
+    0x98AC: 0x8C6B,
+    0x98AD: 0x4E8A,
+    0x98AE: 0x8212,
+    0x98AF: 0x5F0D,
+    0x98B0: 0x4E8E,
+    0x98B1: 0x4E9E,
+    0x98B2: 0x4E9F,
+    0x98B3: 0x4EA0,
+    0x98B4: 0x4EA2,
+    0x98B5: 0x4EB0,
+    0x98B6: 0x4EB3,
+    0x98B7: 0x4EB6,
+    0x98B8: 0x4ECE,
+    0x98B9: 0x4ECD,
+    0x98BA: 0x4EC4,
+    0x98BB: 0x4EC6,
+    0x98BC: 0x4EC2,
+    0x98BD: 0x4ED7,
+    0x98BE: 0x4EDE,
+    0x98BF: 0x4EED,
+    0x98C0: 0x4EDF,
+    0x98C1: 0x4EF7,
+    0x98C2: 0x4F09,
+    0x98C3: 0x4F5A,
+    0x98C4: 0x4F30,
+    0x98C5: 0x4F5B,
+    0x98C6: 0x4F5D,
+    0x98C7: 0x4F57,
+    0x98C8: 0x4F47,
+    0x98C9: 0x4F76,
+    0x98CA: 0x4F88,
+    0x98CB: 0x4F8F,
+    0x98CC: 0x4F98,
+    0x98CD: 0x4F7B,
+    0x98CE: 0x4F69,
+    0x98CF: 0x4F70,
+    0x98D0: 0x4F91,
+    0x98D1: 0x4F6F,
+    0x98D2: 0x4F86,
+    0x98D3: 0x4F96,
+    0x98D4: 0x5118,
+    0x98D5: 0x4FD4,
+    0x98D6: 0x4FDF,
+    0x98D7: 0x4FCE,
+    0x98D8: 0x4FD8,
+    0x98D9: 0x4FDB,
+    0x98DA: 0x4FD1,
+    0x98DB: 0x4FDA,
+    0x98DC: 0x4FD0,
+    0x98DD: 0x4FE4,
+    0x98DE: 0x4FE5,
+    0x98DF: 0x501A,
+    0x98E0: 0x5028,
+    0x98E1: 0x5014,
+    0x98E2: 0x502A,
+    0x98E3: 0x5025,
+    0x98E4: 0x5005,
+    0x98E5: 0x4F1C,
+    0x98E6: 0x4FF6,
+    0x98E7: 0x5021,
+    0x98E8: 0x5029,
+    0x98E9: 0x502C,
+    0x98EA: 0x4FFE,
+    0x98EB: 0x4FEF,
+    0x98EC: 0x5011,
+    0x98ED: 0x5006,
+    0x98EE: 0x5043,
+    0x98EF: 0x5047,
+    0x98F0: 0x6703,
+    0x98F1: 0x5055,
+    0x98F2: 0x5050,
+    0x98F3: 0x5048,
+    0x98F4: 0x505A,
+    0x98F5: 0x5056,
+    0x98F6: 0x506C,
+    0x98F7: 0x5078,
+    0x98F8: 0x5080,
+    0x98F9: 0x509A,
+    0x98FA: 0x5085,
+    0x98FB: 0x50B4,
+    0x98FC: 0x50B2,
+    0x9940: 0x50C9,
+    0x9941: 0x50CA,
+    0x9942: 0x50B3,
+    0x9943: 0x50C2,
+    0x9944: 0x50D6,
+    0x9945: 0x50DE,
+    0x9946: 0x50E5,
+    0x9947: 0x50ED,
+    0x9948: 0x50E3,
+    0x9949: 0x50EE,
+    0x994A: 0x50F9,
+    0x994B: 0x50F5,
+    0x994C: 0x5109,
+    0x994D: 0x5101,
+    0x994E: 0x5102,
+    0x994F: 0x5116,
+    0x9950: 0x5115,
+    0x9951: 0x5114,
+    0x9952: 0x511A,
+    0x9953: 0x5121,
+    0x9954: 0x513A,
+    0x9955: 0x5137,
+    0x9956: 0x513C,
+    0x9957: 0x513B,
+    0x9958: 0x513F,
+    0x9959: 0x5140,
+    0x995A: 0x5152,
+    0x995B: 0x514C,
+    0x995C: 0x5154,
+    0x995D: 0x5162,
+    0x995E: 0x7AF8,
+    0x995F: 0x5169,
+    0x9960: 0x516A,
+    0x9961: 0x516E,
+    0x9962: 0x5180,
+    0x9963: 0x5182,
+    0x9964: 0x56D8,
+    0x9965: 0x518C,
+    0x9966: 0x5189,
+    0x9967: 0x518F,
+    0x9968: 0x5191,
+    0x9969: 0x5193,
+    0x996A: 0x5195,
+    0x996B: 0x5196,
+    0x996C: 0x51A4,
+    0x996D: 0x51A6,
+    0x996E: 0x51A2,
+    0x996F: 0x51A9,
+    0x9970: 0x51AA,
+    0x9971: 0x51AB,
+    0x9972: 0x51B3,
+    0x9973: 0x51B1,
+    0x9974: 0x51B2,
+    0x9975: 0x51B0,
+    0x9976: 0x51B5,
+    0x9977: 0x51BD,
+    0x9978: 0x51C5,
+    0x9979: 0x51C9,
+    0x997A: 0x51DB,
+    0x997B: 0x51E0,
+    0x997C: 0x8655,
+    0x997D: 0x51E9,
+    0x997E: 0x51ED,
+    0x9980: 0x51F0,
+    0x9981: 0x51F5,
+    0x9982: 0x51FE,
+    0x9983: 0x5204,
+    0x9984: 0x520B,
+    0x9985: 0x5214,
+    0x9986: 0x520E,
+    0x9987: 0x5227,
+    0x9988: 0x522A,
+    0x9989: 0x522E,
+    0x998A: 0x5233,
+    0x998B: 0x5239,
+    0x998C: 0x524F,
+    0x998D: 0x5244,
+    0x998E: 0x524B,
+    0x998F: 0x524C,
+    0x9990: 0x525E,
+    0x9991: 0x5254,
+    0x9992: 0x526A,
+    0x9993: 0x5274,
+    0x9994: 0x5269,
+    0x9995: 0x5273,
+    0x9996: 0x527F,
+    0x9997: 0x527D,
+    0x9998: 0x528D,
+    0x9999: 0x5294,
+    0x999A: 0x5292,
+    0x999B: 0x5271,
+    0x999C: 0x5288,
+    0x999D: 0x5291,
+    0x999E: 0x8FA8,
+    0x999F: 0x8FA7,
+    0x99A0: 0x52AC,
+    0x99A1: 0x52AD,
+    0x99A2: 0x52BC,
+    0x99A3: 0x52B5,
+    0x99A4: 0x52C1,
+    0x99A5: 0x52CD,
+    0x99A6: 0x52D7,
+    0x99A7: 0x52DE,
+    0x99A8: 0x52E3,
+    0x99A9: 0x52E6,
+    0x99AA: 0x98ED,
+    0x99AB: 0x52E0,
+    0x99AC: 0x52F3,
+    0x99AD: 0x52F5,
+    0x99AE: 0x52F8,
+    0x99AF: 0x52F9,
+    0x99B0: 0x5306,
+    0x99B1: 0x5308,
+    0x99B2: 0x7538,
+    0x99B3: 0x530D,
+    0x99B4: 0x5310,
+    0x99B5: 0x530F,
+    0x99B6: 0x5315,
+    0x99B7: 0x531A,
+    0x99B8: 0x5323,
+    0x99B9: 0x532F,
+    0x99BA: 0x5331,
+    0x99BB: 0x5333,
+    0x99BC: 0x5338,
+    0x99BD: 0x5340,
+    0x99BE: 0x5346,
+    0x99BF: 0x5345,
+    0x99C0: 0x4E17,
+    0x99C1: 0x5349,
+    0x99C2: 0x534D,
+    0x99C3: 0x51D6,
+    0x99C4: 0x535E,
+    0x99C5: 0x5369,
+    0x99C6: 0x536E,
+    0x99C7: 0x5918,
+    0x99C8: 0x537B,
+    0x99C9: 0x5377,
+    0x99CA: 0x5382,
+    0x99CB: 0x5396,
+    0x99CC: 0x53A0,
+    0x99CD: 0x53A6,
+    0x99CE: 0x53A5,
+    0x99CF: 0x53AE,
+    0x99D0: 0x53B0,
+    0x99D1: 0x53B6,
+    0x99D2: 0x53C3,
+    0x99D3: 0x7C12,
+    0x99D4: 0x96D9,
+    0x99D5: 0x53DF,
+    0x99D6: 0x66FC,
+    0x99D7: 0x71EE,
+    0x99D8: 0x53EE,
+    0x99D9: 0x53E8,
+    0x99DA: 0x53ED,
+    0x99DB: 0x53FA,
+    0x99DC: 0x5401,
+    0x99DD: 0x543D,
+    0x99DE: 0x5440,
+    0x99DF: 0x542C,
+    0x99E0: 0x542D,
+    0x99E1: 0x543C,
+    0x99E2: 0x542E,
+    0x99E3: 0x5436,
+    0x99E4: 0x5429,
+    0x99E5: 0x541D,
+    0x99E6: 0x544E,
+    0x99E7: 0x548F,
+    0x99E8: 0x5475,
+    0x99E9: 0x548E,
+    0x99EA: 0x545F,
+    0x99EB: 0x5471,
+    0x99EC: 0x5477,
+    0x99ED: 0x5470,
+    0x99EE: 0x5492,
+    0x99EF: 0x547B,
+    0x99F0: 0x5480,
+    0x99F1: 0x5476,
+    0x99F2: 0x5484,
+    0x99F3: 0x5490,
+    0x99F4: 0x5486,
+    0x99F5: 0x54C7,
+    0x99F6: 0x54A2,
+    0x99F7: 0x54B8,
+    0x99F8: 0x54A5,
+    0x99F9: 0x54AC,
+    0x99FA: 0x54C4,
+    0x99FB: 0x54C8,
+    0x99FC: 0x54A8,
+    0x9A40: 0x54AB,
+    0x9A41: 0x54C2,
+    0x9A42: 0x54A4,
+    0x9A43: 0x54BE,
+    0x9A44: 0x54BC,
+    0x9A45: 0x54D8,
+    0x9A46: 0x54E5,
+    0x9A47: 0x54E6,
+    0x9A48: 0x550F,
+    0x9A49: 0x5514,
+    0x9A4A: 0x54FD,
+    0x9A4B: 0x54EE,
+    0x9A4C: 0x54ED,
+    0x9A4D: 0x54FA,
+    0x9A4E: 0x54E2,
+    0x9A4F: 0x5539,
+    0x9A50: 0x5540,
+    0x9A51: 0x5563,
+    0x9A52: 0x554C,
+    0x9A53: 0x552E,
+    0x9A54: 0x555C,
+    0x9A55: 0x5545,
+    0x9A56: 0x5556,
+    0x9A57: 0x5557,
+    0x9A58: 0x5538,
+    0x9A59: 0x5533,
+    0x9A5A: 0x555D,
+    0x9A5B: 0x5599,
+    0x9A5C: 0x5580,
+    0x9A5D: 0x54AF,
+    0x9A5E: 0x558A,
+    0x9A5F: 0x559F,
+    0x9A60: 0x557B,
+    0x9A61: 0x557E,
+    0x9A62: 0x5598,
+    0x9A63: 0x559E,
+    0x9A64: 0x55AE,
+    0x9A65: 0x557C,
+    0x9A66: 0x5583,
+    0x9A67: 0x55A9,
+    0x9A68: 0x5587,
+    0x9A69: 0x55A8,
+    0x9A6A: 0x55DA,
+    0x9A6B: 0x55C5,
+    0x9A6C: 0x55DF,
+    0x9A6D: 0x55C4,
+    0x9A6E: 0x55DC,
+    0x9A6F: 0x55E4,
+    0x9A70: 0x55D4,
+    0x9A71: 0x5614,
+    0x9A72: 0x55F7,
+    0x9A73: 0x5616,
+    0x9A74: 0x55FE,
+    0x9A75: 0x55FD,
+    0x9A76: 0x561B,
+    0x9A77: 0x55F9,
+    0x9A78: 0x564E,
+    0x9A79: 0x5650,
+    0x9A7A: 0x71DF,
+    0x9A7B: 0x5634,
+    0x9A7C: 0x5636,
+    0x9A7D: 0x5632,
+    0x9A7E: 0x5638,
+    0x9A80: 0x566B,
+    0x9A81: 0x5664,
+    0x9A82: 0x562F,
+    0x9A83: 0x566C,
+    0x9A84: 0x566A,
+    0x9A85: 0x5686,
+    0x9A86: 0x5680,
+    0x9A87: 0x568A,
+    0x9A88: 0x56A0,
+    0x9A89: 0x5694,
+    0x9A8A: 0x568F,
+    0x9A8B: 0x56A5,
+    0x9A8C: 0x56AE,
+    0x9A8D: 0x56B6,
+    0x9A8E: 0x56B4,
+    0x9A8F: 0x56C2,
+    0x9A90: 0x56BC,
+    0x9A91: 0x56C1,
+    0x9A92: 0x56C3,
+    0x9A93: 0x56C0,
+    0x9A94: 0x56C8,
+    0x9A95: 0x56CE,
+    0x9A96: 0x56D1,
+    0x9A97: 0x56D3,
+    0x9A98: 0x56D7,
+    0x9A99: 0x56EE,
+    0x9A9A: 0x56F9,
+    0x9A9B: 0x5700,
+    0x9A9C: 0x56FF,
+    0x9A9D: 0x5704,
+    0x9A9E: 0x5709,
+    0x9A9F: 0x5708,
+    0x9AA0: 0x570B,
+    0x9AA1: 0x570D,
+    0x9AA2: 0x5713,
+    0x9AA3: 0x5718,
+    0x9AA4: 0x5716,
+    0x9AA5: 0x55C7,
+    0x9AA6: 0x571C,
+    0x9AA7: 0x5726,
+    0x9AA8: 0x5737,
+    0x9AA9: 0x5738,
+    0x9AAA: 0x574E,
+    0x9AAB: 0x573B,
+    0x9AAC: 0x5740,
+    0x9AAD: 0x574F,
+    0x9AAE: 0x5769,
+    0x9AAF: 0x57C0,
+    0x9AB0: 0x5788,
+    0x9AB1: 0x5761,
+    0x9AB2: 0x577F,
+    0x9AB3: 0x5789,
+    0x9AB4: 0x5793,
+    0x9AB5: 0x57A0,
+    0x9AB6: 0x57B3,
+    0x9AB7: 0x57A4,
+    0x9AB8: 0x57AA,
+    0x9AB9: 0x57B0,
+    0x9ABA: 0x57C3,
+    0x9ABB: 0x57C6,
+    0x9ABC: 0x57D4,
+    0x9ABD: 0x57D2,
+    0x9ABE: 0x57D3,
+    0x9ABF: 0x580A,
+    0x9AC0: 0x57D6,
+    0x9AC1: 0x57E3,
+    0x9AC2: 0x580B,
+    0x9AC3: 0x5819,
+    0x9AC4: 0x581D,
+    0x9AC5: 0x5872,
+    0x9AC6: 0x5821,
+    0x9AC7: 0x5862,
+    0x9AC8: 0x584B,
+    0x9AC9: 0x5870,
+    0x9ACA: 0x6BC0,
+    0x9ACB: 0x5852,
+    0x9ACC: 0x583D,
+    0x9ACD: 0x5879,
+    0x9ACE: 0x5885,
+    0x9ACF: 0x58B9,
+    0x9AD0: 0x589F,
+    0x9AD1: 0x58AB,
+    0x9AD2: 0x58BA,
+    0x9AD3: 0x58DE,
+    0x9AD4: 0x58BB,
+    0x9AD5: 0x58B8,
+    0x9AD6: 0x58AE,
+    0x9AD7: 0x58C5,
+    0x9AD8: 0x58D3,
+    0x9AD9: 0x58D1,
+    0x9ADA: 0x58D7,
+    0x9ADB: 0x58D9,
+    0x9ADC: 0x58D8,
+    0x9ADD: 0x58E5,
+    0x9ADE: 0x58DC,
+    0x9ADF: 0x58E4,
+    0x9AE0: 0x58DF,
+    0x9AE1: 0x58EF,
+    0x9AE2: 0x58FA,
+    0x9AE3: 0x58F9,
+    0x9AE4: 0x58FB,
+    0x9AE5: 0x58FC,
+    0x9AE6: 0x58FD,
+    0x9AE7: 0x5902,
+    0x9AE8: 0x590A,
+    0x9AE9: 0x5910,
+    0x9AEA: 0x591B,
+    0x9AEB: 0x68A6,
+    0x9AEC: 0x5925,
+    0x9AED: 0x592C,
+    0x9AEE: 0x592D,
+    0x9AEF: 0x5932,
+    0x9AF0: 0x5938,
+    0x9AF1: 0x593E,
+    0x9AF2: 0x7AD2,
+    0x9AF3: 0x5955,
+    0x9AF4: 0x5950,
+    0x9AF5: 0x594E,
+    0x9AF6: 0x595A,
+    0x9AF7: 0x5958,
+    0x9AF8: 0x5962,
+    0x9AF9: 0x5960,
+    0x9AFA: 0x5967,
+    0x9AFB: 0x596C,
+    0x9AFC: 0x5969,
+    0x9B40: 0x5978,
+    0x9B41: 0x5981,
+    0x9B42: 0x599D,
+    0x9B43: 0x4F5E,
+    0x9B44: 0x4FAB,
+    0x9B45: 0x59A3,
+    0x9B46: 0x59B2,
+    0x9B47: 0x59C6,
+    0x9B48: 0x59E8,
+    0x9B49: 0x59DC,
+    0x9B4A: 0x598D,
+    0x9B4B: 0x59D9,
+    0x9B4C: 0x59DA,
+    0x9B4D: 0x5A25,
+    0x9B4E: 0x5A1F,
+    0x9B4F: 0x5A11,
+    0x9B50: 0x5A1C,
+    0x9B51: 0x5A09,
+    0x9B52: 0x5A1A,
+    0x9B53: 0x5A40,
+    0x9B54: 0x5A6C,
+    0x9B55: 0x5A49,
+    0x9B56: 0x5A35,
+    0x9B57: 0x5A36,
+    0x9B58: 0x5A62,
+    0x9B59: 0x5A6A,
+    0x9B5A: 0x5A9A,
+    0x9B5B: 0x5ABC,
+    0x9B5C: 0x5ABE,
+    0x9B5D: 0x5ACB,
+    0x9B5E: 0x5AC2,
+    0x9B5F: 0x5ABD,
+    0x9B60: 0x5AE3,
+    0x9B61: 0x5AD7,
+    0x9B62: 0x5AE6,
+    0x9B63: 0x5AE9,
+    0x9B64: 0x5AD6,
+    0x9B65: 0x5AFA,
+    0x9B66: 0x5AFB,
+    0x9B67: 0x5B0C,
+    0x9B68: 0x5B0B,
+    0x9B69: 0x5B16,
+    0x9B6A: 0x5B32,
+    0x9B6B: 0x5AD0,
+    0x9B6C: 0x5B2A,
+    0x9B6D: 0x5B36,
+    0x9B6E: 0x5B3E,
+    0x9B6F: 0x5B43,
+    0x9B70: 0x5B45,
+    0x9B71: 0x5B40,
+    0x9B72: 0x5B51,
+    0x9B73: 0x5B55,
+    0x9B74: 0x5B5A,
+    0x9B75: 0x5B5B,
+    0x9B76: 0x5B65,
+    0x9B77: 0x5B69,
+    0x9B78: 0x5B70,
+    0x9B79: 0x5B73,
+    0x9B7A: 0x5B75,
+    0x9B7B: 0x5B78,
+    0x9B7C: 0x6588,
+    0x9B7D: 0x5B7A,
+    0x9B7E: 0x5B80,
+    0x9B80: 0x5B83,
+    0x9B81: 0x5BA6,
+    0x9B82: 0x5BB8,
+    0x9B83: 0x5BC3,
+    0x9B84: 0x5BC7,
+    0x9B85: 0x5BC9,
+    0x9B86: 0x5BD4,
+    0x9B87: 0x5BD0,
+    0x9B88: 0x5BE4,
+    0x9B89: 0x5BE6,
+    0x9B8A: 0x5BE2,
+    0x9B8B: 0x5BDE,
+    0x9B8C: 0x5BE5,
+    0x9B8D: 0x5BEB,
+    0x9B8E: 0x5BF0,
+    0x9B8F: 0x5BF6,
+    0x9B90: 0x5BF3,
+    0x9B91: 0x5C05,
+    0x9B92: 0x5C07,
+    0x9B93: 0x5C08,
+    0x9B94: 0x5C0D,
+    0x9B95: 0x5C13,
+    0x9B96: 0x5C20,
+    0x9B97: 0x5C22,
+    0x9B98: 0x5C28,
+    0x9B99: 0x5C38,
+    0x9B9A: 0x5C39,
+    0x9B9B: 0x5C41,
+    0x9B9C: 0x5C46,
+    0x9B9D: 0x5C4E,
+    0x9B9E: 0x5C53,
+    0x9B9F: 0x5C50,
+    0x9BA0: 0x5C4F,
+    0x9BA1: 0x5B71,
+    0x9BA2: 0x5C6C,
+    0x9BA3: 0x5C6E,
+    0x9BA4: 0x4E62,
+    0x9BA5: 0x5C76,
+    0x9BA6: 0x5C79,
+    0x9BA7: 0x5C8C,
+    0x9BA8: 0x5C91,
+    0x9BA9: 0x5C94,
+    0x9BAA: 0x599B,
+    0x9BAB: 0x5CAB,
+    0x9BAC: 0x5CBB,
+    0x9BAD: 0x5CB6,
+    0x9BAE: 0x5CBC,
+    0x9BAF: 0x5CB7,
+    0x9BB0: 0x5CC5,
+    0x9BB1: 0x5CBE,
+    0x9BB2: 0x5CC7,
+    0x9BB3: 0x5CD9,
+    0x9BB4: 0x5CE9,
+    0x9BB5: 0x5CFD,
+    0x9BB6: 0x5CFA,
+    0x9BB7: 0x5CED,
+    0x9BB8: 0x5D8C,
+    0x9BB9: 0x5CEA,
+    0x9BBA: 0x5D0B,
+    0x9BBB: 0x5D15,
+    0x9BBC: 0x5D17,
+    0x9BBD: 0x5D5C,
+    0x9BBE: 0x5D1F,
+    0x9BBF: 0x5D1B,
+    0x9BC0: 0x5D11,
+    0x9BC1: 0x5D14,
+    0x9BC2: 0x5D22,
+    0x9BC3: 0x5D1A,
+    0x9BC4: 0x5D19,
+    0x9BC5: 0x5D18,
+    0x9BC6: 0x5D4C,
+    0x9BC7: 0x5D52,
+    0x9BC8: 0x5D4E,
+    0x9BC9: 0x5D4B,
+    0x9BCA: 0x5D6C,
+    0x9BCB: 0x5D73,
+    0x9BCC: 0x5D76,
+    0x9BCD: 0x5D87,
+    0x9BCE: 0x5D84,
+    0x9BCF: 0x5D82,
+    0x9BD0: 0x5DA2,
+    0x9BD1: 0x5D9D,
+    0x9BD2: 0x5DAC,
+    0x9BD3: 0x5DAE,
+    0x9BD4: 0x5DBD,
+    0x9BD5: 0x5D90,
+    0x9BD6: 0x5DB7,
+    0x9BD7: 0x5DBC,
+    0x9BD8: 0x5DC9,
+    0x9BD9: 0x5DCD,
+    0x9BDA: 0x5DD3,
+    0x9BDB: 0x5DD2,
+    0x9BDC: 0x5DD6,
+    0x9BDD: 0x5DDB,
+    0x9BDE: 0x5DEB,
+    0x9BDF: 0x5DF2,
+    0x9BE0: 0x5DF5,
+    0x9BE1: 0x5E0B,
+    0x9BE2: 0x5E1A,
+    0x9BE3: 0x5E19,
+    0x9BE4: 0x5E11,
+    0x9BE5: 0x5E1B,
+    0x9BE6: 0x5E36,
+    0x9BE7: 0x5E37,
+    0x9BE8: 0x5E44,
+    0x9BE9: 0x5E43,
+    0x9BEA: 0x5E40,
+    0x9BEB: 0x5E4E,
+    0x9BEC: 0x5E57,
+    0x9BED: 0x5E54,
+    0x9BEE: 0x5E5F,
+    0x9BEF: 0x5E62,
+    0x9BF0: 0x5E64,
+    0x9BF1: 0x5E47,
+    0x9BF2: 0x5E75,
+    0x9BF3: 0x5E76,
+    0x9BF4: 0x5E7A,
+    0x9BF5: 0x9EBC,
+    0x9BF6: 0x5E7F,
+    0x9BF7: 0x5EA0,
+    0x9BF8: 0x5EC1,
+    0x9BF9: 0x5EC2,
+    0x9BFA: 0x5EC8,
+    0x9BFB: 0x5ED0,
+    0x9BFC: 0x5ECF,
+    0x9C40: 0x5ED6,
+    0x9C41: 0x5EE3,
+    0x9C42: 0x5EDD,
+    0x9C43: 0x5EDA,
+    0x9C44: 0x5EDB,
+    0x9C45: 0x5EE2,
+    0x9C46: 0x5EE1,
+    0x9C47: 0x5EE8,
+    0x9C48: 0x5EE9,
+    0x9C49: 0x5EEC,
+    0x9C4A: 0x5EF1,
+    0x9C4B: 0x5EF3,
+    0x9C4C: 0x5EF0,
+    0x9C4D: 0x5EF4,
+    0x9C4E: 0x5EF8,
+    0x9C4F: 0x5EFE,
+    0x9C50: 0x5F03,
+    0x9C51: 0x5F09,
+    0x9C52: 0x5F5D,
+    0x9C53: 0x5F5C,
+    0x9C54: 0x5F0B,
+    0x9C55: 0x5F11,
+    0x9C56: 0x5F16,
+    0x9C57: 0x5F29,
+    0x9C58: 0x5F2D,
+    0x9C59: 0x5F38,
+    0x9C5A: 0x5F41,
+    0x9C5B: 0x5F48,
+    0x9C5C: 0x5F4C,
+    0x9C5D: 0x5F4E,
+    0x9C5E: 0x5F2F,
+    0x9C5F: 0x5F51,
+    0x9C60: 0x5F56,
+    0x9C61: 0x5F57,
+    0x9C62: 0x5F59,
+    0x9C63: 0x5F61,
+    0x9C64: 0x5F6D,
+    0x9C65: 0x5F73,
+    0x9C66: 0x5F77,
+    0x9C67: 0x5F83,
+    0x9C68: 0x5F82,
+    0x9C69: 0x5F7F,
+    0x9C6A: 0x5F8A,
+    0x9C6B: 0x5F88,
+    0x9C6C: 0x5F91,
+    0x9C6D: 0x5F87,
+    0x9C6E: 0x5F9E,
+    0x9C6F: 0x5F99,
+    0x9C70: 0x5F98,
+    0x9C71: 0x5FA0,
+    0x9C72: 0x5FA8,
+    0x9C73: 0x5FAD,
+    0x9C74: 0x5FBC,
+    0x9C75: 0x5FD6,
+    0x9C76: 0x5FFB,
+    0x9C77: 0x5FE4,
+    0x9C78: 0x5FF8,
+    0x9C79: 0x5FF1,
+    0x9C7A: 0x5FDD,
+    0x9C7B: 0x60B3,
+    0x9C7C: 0x5FFF,
+    0x9C7D: 0x6021,
+    0x9C7E: 0x6060,
+    0x9C80: 0x6019,
+    0x9C81: 0x6010,
+    0x9C82: 0x6029,
+    0x9C83: 0x600E,
+    0x9C84: 0x6031,
+    0x9C85: 0x601B,
+    0x9C86: 0x6015,
+    0x9C87: 0x602B,
+    0x9C88: 0x6026,
+    0x9C89: 0x600F,
+    0x9C8A: 0x603A,
+    0x9C8B: 0x605A,
+    0x9C8C: 0x6041,
+    0x9C8D: 0x606A,
+    0x9C8E: 0x6077,
+    0x9C8F: 0x605F,
+    0x9C90: 0x604A,
+    0x9C91: 0x6046,
+    0x9C92: 0x604D,
+    0x9C93: 0x6063,
+    0x9C94: 0x6043,
+    0x9C95: 0x6064,
+    0x9C96: 0x6042,
+    0x9C97: 0x606C,
+    0x9C98: 0x606B,
+    0x9C99: 0x6059,
+    0x9C9A: 0x6081,
+    0x9C9B: 0x608D,
+    0x9C9C: 0x60E7,
+    0x9C9D: 0x6083,
+    0x9C9E: 0x609A,
+    0x9C9F: 0x6084,
+    0x9CA0: 0x609B,
+    0x9CA1: 0x6096,
+    0x9CA2: 0x6097,
+    0x9CA3: 0x6092,
+    0x9CA4: 0x60A7,
+    0x9CA5: 0x608B,
+    0x9CA6: 0x60E1,
+    0x9CA7: 0x60B8,
+    0x9CA8: 0x60E0,
+    0x9CA9: 0x60D3,
+    0x9CAA: 0x60B4,
+    0x9CAB: 0x5FF0,
+    0x9CAC: 0x60BD,
+    0x9CAD: 0x60C6,
+    0x9CAE: 0x60B5,
+    0x9CAF: 0x60D8,
+    0x9CB0: 0x614D,
+    0x9CB1: 0x6115,
+    0x9CB2: 0x6106,
+    0x9CB3: 0x60F6,
+    0x9CB4: 0x60F7,
+    0x9CB5: 0x6100,
+    0x9CB6: 0x60F4,
+    0x9CB7: 0x60FA,
+    0x9CB8: 0x6103,
+    0x9CB9: 0x6121,
+    0x9CBA: 0x60FB,
+    0x9CBB: 0x60F1,
+    0x9CBC: 0x610D,
+    0x9CBD: 0x610E,
+    0x9CBE: 0x6147,
+    0x9CBF: 0x613E,
+    0x9CC0: 0x6128,
+    0x9CC1: 0x6127,
+    0x9CC2: 0x614A,
+    0x9CC3: 0x613F,
+    0x9CC4: 0x613C,
+    0x9CC5: 0x612C,
+    0x9CC6: 0x6134,
+    0x9CC7: 0x613D,
+    0x9CC8: 0x6142,
+    0x9CC9: 0x6144,
+    0x9CCA: 0x6173,
+    0x9CCB: 0x6177,
+    0x9CCC: 0x6158,
+    0x9CCD: 0x6159,
+    0x9CCE: 0x615A,
+    0x9CCF: 0x616B,
+    0x9CD0: 0x6174,
+    0x9CD1: 0x616F,
+    0x9CD2: 0x6165,
+    0x9CD3: 0x6171,
+    0x9CD4: 0x615F,
+    0x9CD5: 0x615D,
+    0x9CD6: 0x6153,
+    0x9CD7: 0x6175,
+    0x9CD8: 0x6199,
+    0x9CD9: 0x6196,
+    0x9CDA: 0x6187,
+    0x9CDB: 0x61AC,
+    0x9CDC: 0x6194,
+    0x9CDD: 0x619A,
+    0x9CDE: 0x618A,
+    0x9CDF: 0x6191,
+    0x9CE0: 0x61AB,
+    0x9CE1: 0x61AE,
+    0x9CE2: 0x61CC,
+    0x9CE3: 0x61CA,
+    0x9CE4: 0x61C9,
+    0x9CE5: 0x61F7,
+    0x9CE6: 0x61C8,
+    0x9CE7: 0x61C3,
+    0x9CE8: 0x61C6,
+    0x9CE9: 0x61BA,
+    0x9CEA: 0x61CB,
+    0x9CEB: 0x7F79,
+    0x9CEC: 0x61CD,
+    0x9CED: 0x61E6,
+    0x9CEE: 0x61E3,
+    0x9CEF: 0x61F6,
+    0x9CF0: 0x61FA,
+    0x9CF1: 0x61F4,
+    0x9CF2: 0x61FF,
+    0x9CF3: 0x61FD,
+    0x9CF4: 0x61FC,
+    0x9CF5: 0x61FE,
+    0x9CF6: 0x6200,
+    0x9CF7: 0x6208,
+    0x9CF8: 0x6209,
+    0x9CF9: 0x620D,
+    0x9CFA: 0x620C,
+    0x9CFB: 0x6214,
+    0x9CFC: 0x621B,
+    0x9D40: 0x621E,
+    0x9D41: 0x6221,
+    0x9D42: 0x622A,
+    0x9D43: 0x622E,
+    0x9D44: 0x6230,
+    0x9D45: 0x6232,
+    0x9D46: 0x6233,
+    0x9D47: 0x6241,
+    0x9D48: 0x624E,
+    0x9D49: 0x625E,
+    0x9D4A: 0x6263,
+    0x9D4B: 0x625B,
+    0x9D4C: 0x6260,
+    0x9D4D: 0x6268,
+    0x9D4E: 0x627C,
+    0x9D4F: 0x6282,
+    0x9D50: 0x6289,
+    0x9D51: 0x627E,
+    0x9D52: 0x6292,
+    0x9D53: 0x6293,
+    0x9D54: 0x6296,
+    0x9D55: 0x62D4,
+    0x9D56: 0x6283,
+    0x9D57: 0x6294,
+    0x9D58: 0x62D7,
+    0x9D59: 0x62D1,
+    0x9D5A: 0x62BB,
+    0x9D5B: 0x62CF,
+    0x9D5C: 0x62FF,
+    0x9D5D: 0x62C6,
+    0x9D5E: 0x64D4,
+    0x9D5F: 0x62C8,
+    0x9D60: 0x62DC,
+    0x9D61: 0x62CC,
+    0x9D62: 0x62CA,
+    0x9D63: 0x62C2,
+    0x9D64: 0x62C7,
+    0x9D65: 0x629B,
+    0x9D66: 0x62C9,
+    0x9D67: 0x630C,
+    0x9D68: 0x62EE,
+    0x9D69: 0x62F1,
+    0x9D6A: 0x6327,
+    0x9D6B: 0x6302,
+    0x9D6C: 0x6308,
+    0x9D6D: 0x62EF,
+    0x9D6E: 0x62F5,
+    0x9D6F: 0x6350,
+    0x9D70: 0x633E,
+    0x9D71: 0x634D,
+    0x9D72: 0x641C,
+    0x9D73: 0x634F,
+    0x9D74: 0x6396,
+    0x9D75: 0x638E,
+    0x9D76: 0x6380,
+    0x9D77: 0x63AB,
+    0x9D78: 0x6376,
+    0x9D79: 0x63A3,
+    0x9D7A: 0x638F,
+    0x9D7B: 0x6389,
+    0x9D7C: 0x639F,
+    0x9D7D: 0x63B5,
+    0x9D7E: 0x636B,
+    0x9D80: 0x6369,
+    0x9D81: 0x63BE,
+    0x9D82: 0x63E9,
+    0x9D83: 0x63C0,
+    0x9D84: 0x63C6,
+    0x9D85: 0x63E3,
+    0x9D86: 0x63C9,
+    0x9D87: 0x63D2,
+    0x9D88: 0x63F6,
+    0x9D89: 0x63C4,
+    0x9D8A: 0x6416,
+    0x9D8B: 0x6434,
+    0x9D8C: 0x6406,
+    0x9D8D: 0x6413,
+    0x9D8E: 0x6426,
+    0x9D8F: 0x6436,
+    0x9D90: 0x651D,
+    0x9D91: 0x6417,
+    0x9D92: 0x6428,
+    0x9D93: 0x640F,
+    0x9D94: 0x6467,
+    0x9D95: 0x646F,
+    0x9D96: 0x6476,
+    0x9D97: 0x644E,
+    0x9D98: 0x652A,
+    0x9D99: 0x6495,
+    0x9D9A: 0x6493,
+    0x9D9B: 0x64A5,
+    0x9D9C: 0x64A9,
+    0x9D9D: 0x6488,
+    0x9D9E: 0x64BC,
+    0x9D9F: 0x64DA,
+    0x9DA0: 0x64D2,
+    0x9DA1: 0x64C5,
+    0x9DA2: 0x64C7,
+    0x9DA3: 0x64BB,
+    0x9DA4: 0x64D8,
+    0x9DA5: 0x64C2,
+    0x9DA6: 0x64F1,
+    0x9DA7: 0x64E7,
+    0x9DA8: 0x8209,
+    0x9DA9: 0x64E0,
+    0x9DAA: 0x64E1,
+    0x9DAB: 0x62AC,
+    0x9DAC: 0x64E3,
+    0x9DAD: 0x64EF,
+    0x9DAE: 0x652C,
+    0x9DAF: 0x64F6,
+    0x9DB0: 0x64F4,
+    0x9DB1: 0x64F2,
+    0x9DB2: 0x64FA,
+    0x9DB3: 0x6500,
+    0x9DB4: 0x64FD,
+    0x9DB5: 0x6518,
+    0x9DB6: 0x651C,
+    0x9DB7: 0x6505,
+    0x9DB8: 0x6524,
+    0x9DB9: 0x6523,
+    0x9DBA: 0x652B,
+    0x9DBB: 0x6534,
+    0x9DBC: 0x6535,
+    0x9DBD: 0x6537,
+    0x9DBE: 0x6536,
+    0x9DBF: 0x6538,
+    0x9DC0: 0x754B,
+    0x9DC1: 0x6548,
+    0x9DC2: 0x6556,
+    0x9DC3: 0x6555,
+    0x9DC4: 0x654D,
+    0x9DC5: 0x6558,
+    0x9DC6: 0x655E,
+    0x9DC7: 0x655D,
+    0x9DC8: 0x6572,
+    0x9DC9: 0x6578,
+    0x9DCA: 0x6582,
+    0x9DCB: 0x6583,
+    0x9DCC: 0x8B8A,
+    0x9DCD: 0x659B,
+    0x9DCE: 0x659F,
+    0x9DCF: 0x65AB,
+    0x9DD0: 0x65B7,
+    0x9DD1: 0x65C3,
+    0x9DD2: 0x65C6,
+    0x9DD3: 0x65C1,
+    0x9DD4: 0x65C4,
+    0x9DD5: 0x65CC,
+    0x9DD6: 0x65D2,
+    0x9DD7: 0x65DB,
+    0x9DD8: 0x65D9,
+    0x9DD9: 0x65E0,
+    0x9DDA: 0x65E1,
+    0x9DDB: 0x65F1,
+    0x9DDC: 0x6772,
+    0x9DDD: 0x660A,
+    0x9DDE: 0x6603,
+    0x9DDF: 0x65FB,
+    0x9DE0: 0x6773,
+    0x9DE1: 0x6635,
+    0x9DE2: 0x6636,
+    0x9DE3: 0x6634,
+    0x9DE4: 0x661C,
+    0x9DE5: 0x664F,
+    0x9DE6: 0x6644,
+    0x9DE7: 0x6649,
+    0x9DE8: 0x6641,
+    0x9DE9: 0x665E,
+    0x9DEA: 0x665D,
+    0x9DEB: 0x6664,
+    0x9DEC: 0x6667,
+    0x9DED: 0x6668,
+    0x9DEE: 0x665F,
+    0x9DEF: 0x6662,
+    0x9DF0: 0x6670,
+    0x9DF1: 0x6683,
+    0x9DF2: 0x6688,
+    0x9DF3: 0x668E,
+    0x9DF4: 0x6689,
+    0x9DF5: 0x6684,
+    0x9DF6: 0x6698,
+    0x9DF7: 0x669D,
+    0x9DF8: 0x66C1,
+    0x9DF9: 0x66B9,
+    0x9DFA: 0x66C9,
+    0x9DFB: 0x66BE,
+    0x9DFC: 0x66BC,
+    0x9E40: 0x66C4,
+    0x9E41: 0x66B8,
+    0x9E42: 0x66D6,
+    0x9E43: 0x66DA,
+    0x9E44: 0x66E0,
+    0x9E45: 0x663F,
+    0x9E46: 0x66E6,
+    0x9E47: 0x66E9,
+    0x9E48: 0x66F0,
+    0x9E49: 0x66F5,
+    0x9E4A: 0x66F7,
+    0x9E4B: 0x670F,
+    0x9E4C: 0x6716,
+    0x9E4D: 0x671E,
+    0x9E4E: 0x6726,
+    0x9E4F: 0x6727,
+    0x9E50: 0x9738,
+    0x9E51: 0x672E,
+    0x9E52: 0x673F,
+    0x9E53: 0x6736,
+    0x9E54: 0x6741,
+    0x9E55: 0x6738,
+    0x9E56: 0x6737,
+    0x9E57: 0x6746,
+    0x9E58: 0x675E,
+    0x9E59: 0x6760,
+    0x9E5A: 0x6759,
+    0x9E5B: 0x6763,
+    0x9E5C: 0x6764,
+    0x9E5D: 0x6789,
+    0x9E5E: 0x6770,
+    0x9E5F: 0x67A9,
+    0x9E60: 0x677C,
+    0x9E61: 0x676A,
+    0x9E62: 0x678C,
+    0x9E63: 0x678B,
+    0x9E64: 0x67A6,
+    0x9E65: 0x67A1,
+    0x9E66: 0x6785,
+    0x9E67: 0x67B7,
+    0x9E68: 0x67EF,
+    0x9E69: 0x67B4,
+    0x9E6A: 0x67EC,
+    0x9E6B: 0x67B3,
+    0x9E6C: 0x67E9,
+    0x9E6D: 0x67B8,
+    0x9E6E: 0x67E4,
+    0x9E6F: 0x67DE,
+    0x9E70: 0x67DD,
+    0x9E71: 0x67E2,
+    0x9E72: 0x67EE,
+    0x9E73: 0x67B9,
+    0x9E74: 0x67CE,
+    0x9E75: 0x67C6,
+    0x9E76: 0x67E7,
+    0x9E77: 0x6A9C,
+    0x9E78: 0x681E,
+    0x9E79: 0x6846,
+    0x9E7A: 0x6829,
+    0x9E7B: 0x6840,
+    0x9E7C: 0x684D,
+    0x9E7D: 0x6832,
+    0x9E7E: 0x684E,
+    0x9E80: 0x68B3,
+    0x9E81: 0x682B,
+    0x9E82: 0x6859,
+    0x9E83: 0x6863,
+    0x9E84: 0x6877,
+    0x9E85: 0x687F,
+    0x9E86: 0x689F,
+    0x9E87: 0x688F,
+    0x9E88: 0x68AD,
+    0x9E89: 0x6894,
+    0x9E8A: 0x689D,
+    0x9E8B: 0x689B,
+    0x9E8C: 0x6883,
+    0x9E8D: 0x6AAE,
+    0x9E8E: 0x68B9,
+    0x9E8F: 0x6874,
+    0x9E90: 0x68B5,
+    0x9E91: 0x68A0,
+    0x9E92: 0x68BA,
+    0x9E93: 0x690F,
+    0x9E94: 0x688D,
+    0x9E95: 0x687E,
+    0x9E96: 0x6901,
+    0x9E97: 0x68CA,
+    0x9E98: 0x6908,
+    0x9E99: 0x68D8,
+    0x9E9A: 0x6922,
+    0x9E9B: 0x6926,
+    0x9E9C: 0x68E1,
+    0x9E9D: 0x690C,
+    0x9E9E: 0x68CD,
+    0x9E9F: 0x68D4,
+    0x9EA0: 0x68E7,
+    0x9EA1: 0x68D5,
+    0x9EA2: 0x6936,
+    0x9EA3: 0x6912,
+    0x9EA4: 0x6904,
+    0x9EA5: 0x68D7,
+    0x9EA6: 0x68E3,
+    0x9EA7: 0x6925,
+    0x9EA8: 0x68F9,
+    0x9EA9: 0x68E0,
+    0x9EAA: 0x68EF,
+    0x9EAB: 0x6928,
+    0x9EAC: 0x692A,
+    0x9EAD: 0x691A,
+    0x9EAE: 0x6923,
+    0x9EAF: 0x6921,
+    0x9EB0: 0x68C6,
+    0x9EB1: 0x6979,
+    0x9EB2: 0x6977,
+    0x9EB3: 0x695C,
+    0x9EB4: 0x6978,
+    0x9EB5: 0x696B,
+    0x9EB6: 0x6954,
+    0x9EB7: 0x697E,
+    0x9EB8: 0x696E,
+    0x9EB9: 0x6939,
+    0x9EBA: 0x6974,
+    0x9EBB: 0x693D,
+    0x9EBC: 0x6959,
+    0x9EBD: 0x6930,
+    0x9EBE: 0x6961,
+    0x9EBF: 0x695E,
+    0x9EC0: 0x695D,
+    0x9EC1: 0x6981,
+    0x9EC2: 0x696A,
+    0x9EC3: 0x69B2,
+    0x9EC4: 0x69AE,
+    0x9EC5: 0x69D0,
+    0x9EC6: 0x69BF,
+    0x9EC7: 0x69C1,
+    0x9EC8: 0x69D3,
+    0x9EC9: 0x69BE,
+    0x9ECA: 0x69CE,
+    0x9ECB: 0x5BE8,
+    0x9ECC: 0x69CA,
+    0x9ECD: 0x69DD,
+    0x9ECE: 0x69BB,
+    0x9ECF: 0x69C3,
+    0x9ED0: 0x69A7,
+    0x9ED1: 0x6A2E,
+    0x9ED2: 0x6991,
+    0x9ED3: 0x69A0,
+    0x9ED4: 0x699C,
+    0x9ED5: 0x6995,
+    0x9ED6: 0x69B4,
+    0x9ED7: 0x69DE,
+    0x9ED8: 0x69E8,
+    0x9ED9: 0x6A02,
+    0x9EDA: 0x6A1B,
+    0x9EDB: 0x69FF,
+    0x9EDC: 0x6B0A,
+    0x9EDD: 0x69F9,
+    0x9EDE: 0x69F2,
+    0x9EDF: 0x69E7,
+    0x9EE0: 0x6A05,
+    0x9EE1: 0x69B1,
+    0x9EE2: 0x6A1E,
+    0x9EE3: 0x69ED,
+    0x9EE4: 0x6A14,
+    0x9EE5: 0x69EB,
+    0x9EE6: 0x6A0A,
+    0x9EE7: 0x6A12,
+    0x9EE8: 0x6AC1,
+    0x9EE9: 0x6A23,
+    0x9EEA: 0x6A13,
+    0x9EEB: 0x6A44,
+    0x9EEC: 0x6A0C,
+    0x9EED: 0x6A72,
+    0x9EEE: 0x6A36,
+    0x9EEF: 0x6A78,
+    0x9EF0: 0x6A47,
+    0x9EF1: 0x6A62,
+    0x9EF2: 0x6A59,
+    0x9EF3: 0x6A66,
+    0x9EF4: 0x6A48,
+    0x9EF5: 0x6A38,
+    0x9EF6: 0x6A22,
+    0x9EF7: 0x6A90,
+    0x9EF8: 0x6A8D,
+    0x9EF9: 0x6AA0,
+    0x9EFA: 0x6A84,
+    0x9EFB: 0x6AA2,
+    0x9EFC: 0x6AA3,
+    0x9F40: 0x6A97,
+    0x9F41: 0x8617,
+    0x9F42: 0x6ABB,
+    0x9F43: 0x6AC3,
+    0x9F44: 0x6AC2,
+    0x9F45: 0x6AB8,
+    0x9F46: 0x6AB3,
+    0x9F47: 0x6AAC,
+    0x9F48: 0x6ADE,
+    0x9F49: 0x6AD1,
+    0x9F4A: 0x6ADF,
+    0x9F4B: 0x6AAA,
+    0x9F4C: 0x6ADA,
+    0x9F4D: 0x6AEA,
+    0x9F4E: 0x6AFB,
+    0x9F4F: 0x6B05,
+    0x9F50: 0x8616,
+    0x9F51: 0x6AFA,
+    0x9F52: 0x6B12,
+    0x9F53: 0x6B16,
+    0x9F54: 0x9B31,
+    0x9F55: 0x6B1F,
+    0x9F56: 0x6B38,
+    0x9F57: 0x6B37,
+    0x9F58: 0x76DC,
+    0x9F59: 0x6B39,
+    0x9F5A: 0x98EE,
+    0x9F5B: 0x6B47,
+    0x9F5C: 0x6B43,
+    0x9F5D: 0x6B49,
+    0x9F5E: 0x6B50,
+    0x9F5F: 0x6B59,
+    0x9F60: 0x6B54,
+    0x9F61: 0x6B5B,
+    0x9F62: 0x6B5F,
+    0x9F63: 0x6B61,
+    0x9F64: 0x6B78,
+    0x9F65: 0x6B79,
+    0x9F66: 0x6B7F,
+    0x9F67: 0x6B80,
+    0x9F68: 0x6B84,
+    0x9F69: 0x6B83,
+    0x9F6A: 0x6B8D,
+    0x9F6B: 0x6B98,
+    0x9F6C: 0x6B95,
+    0x9F6D: 0x6B9E,
+    0x9F6E: 0x6BA4,
+    0x9F6F: 0x6BAA,
+    0x9F70: 0x6BAB,
+    0x9F71: 0x6BAF,
+    0x9F72: 0x6BB2,
+    0x9F73: 0x6BB1,
+    0x9F74: 0x6BB3,
+    0x9F75: 0x6BB7,
+    0x9F76: 0x6BBC,
+    0x9F77: 0x6BC6,
+    0x9F78: 0x6BCB,
+    0x9F79: 0x6BD3,
+    0x9F7A: 0x6BDF,
+    0x9F7B: 0x6BEC,
+    0x9F7C: 0x6BEB,
+    0x9F7D: 0x6BF3,
+    0x9F7E: 0x6BEF,
+    0x9F80: 0x9EBE,
+    0x9F81: 0x6C08,
+    0x9F82: 0x6C13,
+    0x9F83: 0x6C14,
+    0x9F84: 0x6C1B,
+    0x9F85: 0x6C24,
+    0x9F86: 0x6C23,
+    0x9F87: 0x6C5E,
+    0x9F88: 0x6C55,
+    0x9F89: 0x6C62,
+    0x9F8A: 0x6C6A,
+    0x9F8B: 0x6C82,
+    0x9F8C: 0x6C8D,
+    0x9F8D: 0x6C9A,
+    0x9F8E: 0x6C81,
+    0x9F8F: 0x6C9B,
+    0x9F90: 0x6C7E,
+    0x9F91: 0x6C68,
+    0x9F92: 0x6C73,
+    0x9F93: 0x6C92,
+    0x9F94: 0x6C90,
+    0x9F95: 0x6CC4,
+    0x9F96: 0x6CF1,
+    0x9F97: 0x6CD3,
+    0x9F98: 0x6CBD,
+    0x9F99: 0x6CD7,
+    0x9F9A: 0x6CC5,
+    0x9F9B: 0x6CDD,
+    0x9F9C: 0x6CAE,
+    0x9F9D: 0x6CB1,
+    0x9F9E: 0x6CBE,
+    0x9F9F: 0x6CBA,
+    0x9FA0: 0x6CDB,
+    0x9FA1: 0x6CEF,
+    0x9FA2: 0x6CD9,
+    0x9FA3: 0x6CEA,
+    0x9FA4: 0x6D1F,
+    0x9FA5: 0x884D,
+    0x9FA6: 0x6D36,
+    0x9FA7: 0x6D2B,
+    0x9FA8: 0x6D3D,
+    0x9FA9: 0x6D38,
+    0x9FAA: 0x6D19,
+    0x9FAB: 0x6D35,
+    0x9FAC: 0x6D33,
+    0x9FAD: 0x6D12,
+    0x9FAE: 0x6D0C,
+    0x9FAF: 0x6D63,
+    0x9FB0: 0x6D93,
+    0x9FB1: 0x6D64,
+    0x9FB2: 0x6D5A,
+    0x9FB3: 0x6D79,
+    0x9FB4: 0x6D59,
+    0x9FB5: 0x6D8E,
+    0x9FB6: 0x6D95,
+    0x9FB7: 0x6FE4,
+    0x9FB8: 0x6D85,
+    0x9FB9: 0x6DF9,
+    0x9FBA: 0x6E15,
+    0x9FBB: 0x6E0A,
+    0x9FBC: 0x6DB5,
+    0x9FBD: 0x6DC7,
+    0x9FBE: 0x6DE6,
+    0x9FBF: 0x6DB8,
+    0x9FC0: 0x6DC6,
+    0x9FC1: 0x6DEC,
+    0x9FC2: 0x6DDE,
+    0x9FC3: 0x6DCC,
+    0x9FC4: 0x6DE8,
+    0x9FC5: 0x6DD2,
+    0x9FC6: 0x6DC5,
+    0x9FC7: 0x6DFA,
+    0x9FC8: 0x6DD9,
+    0x9FC9: 0x6DE4,
+    0x9FCA: 0x6DD5,
+    0x9FCB: 0x6DEA,
+    0x9FCC: 0x6DEE,
+    0x9FCD: 0x6E2D,
+    0x9FCE: 0x6E6E,
+    0x9FCF: 0x6E2E,
+    0x9FD0: 0x6E19,
+    0x9FD1: 0x6E72,
+    0x9FD2: 0x6E5F,
+    0x9FD3: 0x6E3E,
+    0x9FD4: 0x6E23,
+    0x9FD5: 0x6E6B,
+    0x9FD6: 0x6E2B,
+    0x9FD7: 0x6E76,
+    0x9FD8: 0x6E4D,
+    0x9FD9: 0x6E1F,
+    0x9FDA: 0x6E43,
+    0x9FDB: 0x6E3A,
+    0x9FDC: 0x6E4E,
+    0x9FDD: 0x6E24,
+    0x9FDE: 0x6EFF,
+    0x9FDF: 0x6E1D,
+    0x9FE0: 0x6E38,
+    0x9FE1: 0x6E82,
+    0x9FE2: 0x6EAA,
+    0x9FE3: 0x6E98,
+    0x9FE4: 0x6EC9,
+    0x9FE5: 0x6EB7,
+    0x9FE6: 0x6ED3,
+    0x9FE7: 0x6EBD,
+    0x9FE8: 0x6EAF,
+    0x9FE9: 0x6EC4,
+    0x9FEA: 0x6EB2,
+    0x9FEB: 0x6ED4,
+    0x9FEC: 0x6ED5,
+    0x9FED: 0x6E8F,
+    0x9FEE: 0x6EA5,
+    0x9FEF: 0x6EC2,
+    0x9FF0: 0x6E9F,
+    0x9FF1: 0x6F41,
+    0x9FF2: 0x6F11,
+    0x9FF3: 0x704C,
+    0x9FF4: 0x6EEC,
+    0x9FF5: 0x6EF8,
+    0x9FF6: 0x6EFE,
+    0x9FF7: 0x6F3F,
+    0x9FF8: 0x6EF2,
+    0x9FF9: 0x6F31,
+    0x9FFA: 0x6EEF,
+    0x9FFB: 0x6F32,
+    0x9FFC: 0x6ECC,
+    0xA1: 0xFF61,
+    0xA2: 0xFF62,
+    0xA3: 0xFF63,
+    0xA4: 0xFF64,
+    0xA5: 0xFF65,
+    0xA6: 0xFF66,
+    0xA7: 0xFF67,
+    0xA8: 0xFF68,
+    0xA9: 0xFF69,
+    0xAA: 0xFF6A,
+    0xAB: 0xFF6B,
+    0xAC: 0xFF6C,
+    0xAD: 0xFF6D,
+    0xAE: 0xFF6E,
+    0xAF: 0xFF6F,
+    0xB0: 0xFF70,
+    0xB1: 0xFF71,
+    0xB2: 0xFF72,
+    0xB3: 0xFF73,
+    0xB4: 0xFF74,
+    0xB5: 0xFF75,
+    0xB6: 0xFF76,
+    0xB7: 0xFF77,
+    0xB8: 0xFF78,
+    0xB9: 0xFF79,
+    0xBA: 0xFF7A,
+    0xBB: 0xFF7B,
+    0xBC: 0xFF7C,
+    0xBD: 0xFF7D,
+    0xBE: 0xFF7E,
+    0xBF: 0xFF7F,
+    0xC0: 0xFF80,
+    0xC1: 0xFF81,
+    0xC2: 0xFF82,
+    0xC3: 0xFF83,
+    0xC4: 0xFF84,
+    0xC5: 0xFF85,
+    0xC6: 0xFF86,
+    0xC7: 0xFF87,
+    0xC8: 0xFF88,
+    0xC9: 0xFF89,
+    0xCA: 0xFF8A,
+    0xCB: 0xFF8B,
+    0xCC: 0xFF8C,
+    0xCD: 0xFF8D,
+    0xCE: 0xFF8E,
+    0xCF: 0xFF8F,
+    0xD0: 0xFF90,
+    0xD1: 0xFF91,
+    0xD2: 0xFF92,
+    0xD3: 0xFF93,
+    0xD4: 0xFF94,
+    0xD5: 0xFF95,
+    0xD6: 0xFF96,
+    0xD7: 0xFF97,
+    0xD8: 0xFF98,
+    0xD9: 0xFF99,
+    0xDA: 0xFF9A,
+    0xDB: 0xFF9B,
+    0xDC: 0xFF9C,
+    0xDD: 0xFF9D,
+    0xDE: 0xFF9E,
+    0xDF: 0xFF9F,
+    0xE040: 0x6F3E,
+    0xE041: 0x6F13,
+    0xE042: 0x6EF7,
+    0xE043: 0x6F86,
+    0xE044: 0x6F7A,
+    0xE045: 0x6F78,
+    0xE046: 0x6F81,
+    0xE047: 0x6F80,
+    0xE048: 0x6F6F,
+    0xE049: 0x6F5B,
+    0xE04A: 0x6FF3,
+    0xE04B: 0x6F6D,
+    0xE04C: 0x6F82,
+    0xE04D: 0x6F7C,
+    0xE04E: 0x6F58,
+    0xE04F: 0x6F8E,
+    0xE050: 0x6F91,
+    0xE051: 0x6FC2,
+    0xE052: 0x6F66,
+    0xE053: 0x6FB3,
+    0xE054: 0x6FA3,
+    0xE055: 0x6FA1,
+    0xE056: 0x6FA4,
+    0xE057: 0x6FB9,
+    0xE058: 0x6FC6,
+    0xE059: 0x6FAA,
+    0xE05A: 0x6FDF,
+    0xE05B: 0x6FD5,
+    0xE05C: 0x6FEC,
+    0xE05D: 0x6FD4,
+    0xE05E: 0x6FD8,
+    0xE05F: 0x6FF1,
+    0xE060: 0x6FEE,
+    0xE061: 0x6FDB,
+    0xE062: 0x7009,
+    0xE063: 0x700B,
+    0xE064: 0x6FFA,
+    0xE065: 0x7011,
+    0xE066: 0x7001,
+    0xE067: 0x700F,
+    0xE068: 0x6FFE,
+    0xE069: 0x701B,
+    0xE06A: 0x701A,
+    0xE06B: 0x6F74,
+    0xE06C: 0x701D,
+    0xE06D: 0x7018,
+    0xE06E: 0x701F,
+    0xE06F: 0x7030,
+    0xE070: 0x703E,
+    0xE071: 0x7032,
+    0xE072: 0x7051,
+    0xE073: 0x7063,
+    0xE074: 0x7099,
+    0xE075: 0x7092,
+    0xE076: 0x70AF,
+    0xE077: 0x70F1,
+    0xE078: 0x70AC,
+    0xE079: 0x70B8,
+    0xE07A: 0x70B3,
+    0xE07B: 0x70AE,
+    0xE07C: 0x70DF,
+    0xE07D: 0x70CB,
+    0xE07E: 0x70DD,
+    0xE080: 0x70D9,
+    0xE081: 0x7109,
+    0xE082: 0x70FD,
+    0xE083: 0x711C,
+    0xE084: 0x7119,
+    0xE085: 0x7165,
+    0xE086: 0x7155,
+    0xE087: 0x7188,
+    0xE088: 0x7166,
+    0xE089: 0x7162,
+    0xE08A: 0x714C,
+    0xE08B: 0x7156,
+    0xE08C: 0x716C,
+    0xE08D: 0x718F,
+    0xE08E: 0x71FB,
+    0xE08F: 0x7184,
+    0xE090: 0x7195,
+    0xE091: 0x71A8,
+    0xE092: 0x71AC,
+    0xE093: 0x71D7,
+    0xE094: 0x71B9,
+    0xE095: 0x71BE,
+    0xE096: 0x71D2,
+    0xE097: 0x71C9,
+    0xE098: 0x71D4,
+    0xE099: 0x71CE,
+    0xE09A: 0x71E0,
+    0xE09B: 0x71EC,
+    0xE09C: 0x71E7,
+    0xE09D: 0x71F5,
+    0xE09E: 0x71FC,
+    0xE09F: 0x71F9,
+    0xE0A0: 0x71FF,
+    0xE0A1: 0x720D,
+    0xE0A2: 0x7210,
+    0xE0A3: 0x721B,
+    0xE0A4: 0x7228,
+    0xE0A5: 0x722D,
+    0xE0A6: 0x722C,
+    0xE0A7: 0x7230,
+    0xE0A8: 0x7232,
+    0xE0A9: 0x723B,
+    0xE0AA: 0x723C,
+    0xE0AB: 0x723F,
+    0xE0AC: 0x7240,
+    0xE0AD: 0x7246,
+    0xE0AE: 0x724B,
+    0xE0AF: 0x7258,
+    0xE0B0: 0x7274,
+    0xE0B1: 0x727E,
+    0xE0B2: 0x7282,
+    0xE0B3: 0x7281,
+    0xE0B4: 0x7287,
+    0xE0B5: 0x7292,
+    0xE0B6: 0x7296,
+    0xE0B7: 0x72A2,
+    0xE0B8: 0x72A7,
+    0xE0B9: 0x72B9,
+    0xE0BA: 0x72B2,
+    0xE0BB: 0x72C3,
+    0xE0BC: 0x72C6,
+    0xE0BD: 0x72C4,
+    0xE0BE: 0x72CE,
+    0xE0BF: 0x72D2,
+    0xE0C0: 0x72E2,
+    0xE0C1: 0x72E0,
+    0xE0C2: 0x72E1,
+    0xE0C3: 0x72F9,
+    0xE0C4: 0x72F7,
+    0xE0C5: 0x500F,
+    0xE0C6: 0x7317,
+    0xE0C7: 0x730A,
+    0xE0C8: 0x731C,
+    0xE0C9: 0x7316,
+    0xE0CA: 0x731D,
+    0xE0CB: 0x7334,
+    0xE0CC: 0x732F,
+    0xE0CD: 0x7329,
+    0xE0CE: 0x7325,
+    0xE0CF: 0x733E,
+    0xE0D0: 0x734E,
+    0xE0D1: 0x734F,
+    0xE0D2: 0x9ED8,
+    0xE0D3: 0x7357,
+    0xE0D4: 0x736A,
+    0xE0D5: 0x7368,
+    0xE0D6: 0x7370,
+    0xE0D7: 0x7378,
+    0xE0D8: 0x7375,
+    0xE0D9: 0x737B,
+    0xE0DA: 0x737A,
+    0xE0DB: 0x73C8,
+    0xE0DC: 0x73B3,
+    0xE0DD: 0x73CE,
+    0xE0DE: 0x73BB,
+    0xE0DF: 0x73C0,
+    0xE0E0: 0x73E5,
+    0xE0E1: 0x73EE,
+    0xE0E2: 0x73DE,
+    0xE0E3: 0x74A2,
+    0xE0E4: 0x7405,
+    0xE0E5: 0x746F,
+    0xE0E6: 0x7425,
+    0xE0E7: 0x73F8,
+    0xE0E8: 0x7432,
+    0xE0E9: 0x743A,
+    0xE0EA: 0x7455,
+    0xE0EB: 0x743F,
+    0xE0EC: 0x745F,
+    0xE0ED: 0x7459,
+    0xE0EE: 0x7441,
+    0xE0EF: 0x745C,
+    0xE0F0: 0x7469,
+    0xE0F1: 0x7470,
+    0xE0F2: 0x7463,
+    0xE0F3: 0x746A,
+    0xE0F4: 0x7476,
+    0xE0F5: 0x747E,
+    0xE0F6: 0x748B,
+    0xE0F7: 0x749E,
+    0xE0F8: 0x74A7,
+    0xE0F9: 0x74CA,
+    0xE0FA: 0x74CF,
+    0xE0FB: 0x74D4,
+    0xE0FC: 0x73F1,
+    0xE140: 0x74E0,
+    0xE141: 0x74E3,
+    0xE142: 0x74E7,
+    0xE143: 0x74E9,
+    0xE144: 0x74EE,
+    0xE145: 0x74F2,
+    0xE146: 0x74F0,
+    0xE147: 0x74F1,
+    0xE148: 0x74F8,
+    0xE149: 0x74F7,
+    0xE14A: 0x7504,
+    0xE14B: 0x7503,
+    0xE14C: 0x7505,
+    0xE14D: 0x750C,
+    0xE14E: 0x750E,
+    0xE14F: 0x750D,
+    0xE150: 0x7515,
+    0xE151: 0x7513,
+    0xE152: 0x751E,
+    0xE153: 0x7526,
+    0xE154: 0x752C,
+    0xE155: 0x753C,
+    0xE156: 0x7544,
+    0xE157: 0x754D,
+    0xE158: 0x754A,
+    0xE159: 0x7549,
+    0xE15A: 0x755B,
+    0xE15B: 0x7546,
+    0xE15C: 0x755A,
+    0xE15D: 0x7569,
+    0xE15E: 0x7564,
+    0xE15F: 0x7567,
+    0xE160: 0x756B,
+    0xE161: 0x756D,
+    0xE162: 0x7578,
+    0xE163: 0x7576,
+    0xE164: 0x7586,
+    0xE165: 0x7587,
+    0xE166: 0x7574,
+    0xE167: 0x758A,
+    0xE168: 0x7589,
+    0xE169: 0x7582,
+    0xE16A: 0x7594,
+    0xE16B: 0x759A,
+    0xE16C: 0x759D,
+    0xE16D: 0x75A5,
+    0xE16E: 0x75A3,
+    0xE16F: 0x75C2,
+    0xE170: 0x75B3,
+    0xE171: 0x75C3,
+    0xE172: 0x75B5,
+    0xE173: 0x75BD,
+    0xE174: 0x75B8,
+    0xE175: 0x75BC,
+    0xE176: 0x75B1,
+    0xE177: 0x75CD,
+    0xE178: 0x75CA,
+    0xE179: 0x75D2,
+    0xE17A: 0x75D9,
+    0xE17B: 0x75E3,
+    0xE17C: 0x75DE,
+    0xE17D: 0x75FE,
+    0xE17E: 0x75FF,
+    0xE180: 0x75FC,
+    0xE181: 0x7601,
+    0xE182: 0x75F0,
+    0xE183: 0x75FA,
+    0xE184: 0x75F2,
+    0xE185: 0x75F3,
+    0xE186: 0x760B,
+    0xE187: 0x760D,
+    0xE188: 0x7609,
+    0xE189: 0x761F,
+    0xE18A: 0x7627,
+    0xE18B: 0x7620,
+    0xE18C: 0x7621,
+    0xE18D: 0x7622,
+    0xE18E: 0x7624,
+    0xE18F: 0x7634,
+    0xE190: 0x7630,
+    0xE191: 0x763B,
+    0xE192: 0x7647,
+    0xE193: 0x7648,
+    0xE194: 0x7646,
+    0xE195: 0x765C,
+    0xE196: 0x7658,
+    0xE197: 0x7661,
+    0xE198: 0x7662,
+    0xE199: 0x7668,
+    0xE19A: 0x7669,
+    0xE19B: 0x766A,
+    0xE19C: 0x7667,
+    0xE19D: 0x766C,
+    0xE19E: 0x7670,
+    0xE19F: 0x7672,
+    0xE1A0: 0x7676,
+    0xE1A1: 0x7678,
+    0xE1A2: 0x767C,
+    0xE1A3: 0x7680,
+    0xE1A4: 0x7683,
+    0xE1A5: 0x7688,
+    0xE1A6: 0x768B,
+    0xE1A7: 0x768E,
+    0xE1A8: 0x7696,
+    0xE1A9: 0x7693,
+    0xE1AA: 0x7699,
+    0xE1AB: 0x769A,
+    0xE1AC: 0x76B0,
+    0xE1AD: 0x76B4,
+    0xE1AE: 0x76B8,
+    0xE1AF: 0x76B9,
+    0xE1B0: 0x76BA,
+    0xE1B1: 0x76C2,
+    0xE1B2: 0x76CD,
+    0xE1B3: 0x76D6,
+    0xE1B4: 0x76D2,
+    0xE1B5: 0x76DE,
+    0xE1B6: 0x76E1,
+    0xE1B7: 0x76E5,
+    0xE1B8: 0x76E7,
+    0xE1B9: 0x76EA,
+    0xE1BA: 0x862F,
+    0xE1BB: 0x76FB,
+    0xE1BC: 0x7708,
+    0xE1BD: 0x7707,
+    0xE1BE: 0x7704,
+    0xE1BF: 0x7729,
+    0xE1C0: 0x7724,
+    0xE1C1: 0x771E,
+    0xE1C2: 0x7725,
+    0xE1C3: 0x7726,
+    0xE1C4: 0x771B,
+    0xE1C5: 0x7737,
+    0xE1C6: 0x7738,
+    0xE1C7: 0x7747,
+    0xE1C8: 0x775A,
+    0xE1C9: 0x7768,
+    0xE1CA: 0x776B,
+    0xE1CB: 0x775B,
+    0xE1CC: 0x7765,
+    0xE1CD: 0x777F,
+    0xE1CE: 0x777E,
+    0xE1CF: 0x7779,
+    0xE1D0: 0x778E,
+    0xE1D1: 0x778B,
+    0xE1D2: 0x7791,
+    0xE1D3: 0x77A0,
+    0xE1D4: 0x779E,
+    0xE1D5: 0x77B0,
+    0xE1D6: 0x77B6,
+    0xE1D7: 0x77B9,
+    0xE1D8: 0x77BF,
+    0xE1D9: 0x77BC,
+    0xE1DA: 0x77BD,
+    0xE1DB: 0x77BB,
+    0xE1DC: 0x77C7,
+    0xE1DD: 0x77CD,
+    0xE1DE: 0x77D7,
+    0xE1DF: 0x77DA,
+    0xE1E0: 0x77DC,
+    0xE1E1: 0x77E3,
+    0xE1E2: 0x77EE,
+    0xE1E3: 0x77FC,
+    0xE1E4: 0x780C,
+    0xE1E5: 0x7812,
+    0xE1E6: 0x7926,
+    0xE1E7: 0x7820,
+    0xE1E8: 0x792A,
+    0xE1E9: 0x7845,
+    0xE1EA: 0x788E,
+    0xE1EB: 0x7874,
+    0xE1EC: 0x7886,
+    0xE1ED: 0x787C,
+    0xE1EE: 0x789A,
+    0xE1EF: 0x788C,
+    0xE1F0: 0x78A3,
+    0xE1F1: 0x78B5,
+    0xE1F2: 0x78AA,
+    0xE1F3: 0x78AF,
+    0xE1F4: 0x78D1,
+    0xE1F5: 0x78C6,
+    0xE1F6: 0x78CB,
+    0xE1F7: 0x78D4,
+    0xE1F8: 0x78BE,
+    0xE1F9: 0x78BC,
+    0xE1FA: 0x78C5,
+    0xE1FB: 0x78CA,
+    0xE1FC: 0x78EC,
+    0xE240: 0x78E7,
+    0xE241: 0x78DA,
+    0xE242: 0x78FD,
+    0xE243: 0x78F4,
+    0xE244: 0x7907,
+    0xE245: 0x7912,
+    0xE246: 0x7911,
+    0xE247: 0x7919,
+    0xE248: 0x792C,
+    0xE249: 0x792B,
+    0xE24A: 0x7940,
+    0xE24B: 0x7960,
+    0xE24C: 0x7957,
+    0xE24D: 0x795F,
+    0xE24E: 0x795A,
+    0xE24F: 0x7955,
+    0xE250: 0x7953,
+    0xE251: 0x797A,
+    0xE252: 0x797F,
+    0xE253: 0x798A,
+    0xE254: 0x799D,
+    0xE255: 0x79A7,
+    0xE256: 0x9F4B,
+    0xE257: 0x79AA,
+    0xE258: 0x79AE,
+    0xE259: 0x79B3,
+    0xE25A: 0x79B9,
+    0xE25B: 0x79BA,
+    0xE25C: 0x79C9,
+    0xE25D: 0x79D5,
+    0xE25E: 0x79E7,
+    0xE25F: 0x79EC,
+    0xE260: 0x79E1,
+    0xE261: 0x79E3,
+    0xE262: 0x7A08,
+    0xE263: 0x7A0D,
+    0xE264: 0x7A18,
+    0xE265: 0x7A19,
+    0xE266: 0x7A20,
+    0xE267: 0x7A1F,
+    0xE268: 0x7980,
+    0xE269: 0x7A31,
+    0xE26A: 0x7A3B,
+    0xE26B: 0x7A3E,
+    0xE26C: 0x7A37,
+    0xE26D: 0x7A43,
+    0xE26E: 0x7A57,
+    0xE26F: 0x7A49,
+    0xE270: 0x7A61,
+    0xE271: 0x7A62,
+    0xE272: 0x7A69,
+    0xE273: 0x9F9D,
+    0xE274: 0x7A70,
+    0xE275: 0x7A79,
+    0xE276: 0x7A7D,
+    0xE277: 0x7A88,
+    0xE278: 0x7A97,
+    0xE279: 0x7A95,
+    0xE27A: 0x7A98,
+    0xE27B: 0x7A96,
+    0xE27C: 0x7AA9,
+    0xE27D: 0x7AC8,
+    0xE27E: 0x7AB0,
+    0xE280: 0x7AB6,
+    0xE281: 0x7AC5,
+    0xE282: 0x7AC4,
+    0xE283: 0x7ABF,
+    0xE284: 0x9083,
+    0xE285: 0x7AC7,
+    0xE286: 0x7ACA,
+    0xE287: 0x7ACD,
+    0xE288: 0x7ACF,
+    0xE289: 0x7AD5,
+    0xE28A: 0x7AD3,
+    0xE28B: 0x7AD9,
+    0xE28C: 0x7ADA,
+    0xE28D: 0x7ADD,
+    0xE28E: 0x7AE1,
+    0xE28F: 0x7AE2,
+    0xE290: 0x7AE6,
+    0xE291: 0x7AED,
+    0xE292: 0x7AF0,
+    0xE293: 0x7B02,
+    0xE294: 0x7B0F,
+    0xE295: 0x7B0A,
+    0xE296: 0x7B06,
+    0xE297: 0x7B33,
+    0xE298: 0x7B18,
+    0xE299: 0x7B19,
+    0xE29A: 0x7B1E,
+    0xE29B: 0x7B35,
+    0xE29C: 0x7B28,
+    0xE29D: 0x7B36,
+    0xE29E: 0x7B50,
+    0xE29F: 0x7B7A,
+    0xE2A0: 0x7B04,
+    0xE2A1: 0x7B4D,
+    0xE2A2: 0x7B0B,
+    0xE2A3: 0x7B4C,
+    0xE2A4: 0x7B45,
+    0xE2A5: 0x7B75,
+    0xE2A6: 0x7B65,
+    0xE2A7: 0x7B74,
+    0xE2A8: 0x7B67,
+    0xE2A9: 0x7B70,
+    0xE2AA: 0x7B71,
+    0xE2AB: 0x7B6C,
+    0xE2AC: 0x7B6E,
+    0xE2AD: 0x7B9D,
+    0xE2AE: 0x7B98,
+    0xE2AF: 0x7B9F,
+    0xE2B0: 0x7B8D,
+    0xE2B1: 0x7B9C,
+    0xE2B2: 0x7B9A,
+    0xE2B3: 0x7B8B,
+    0xE2B4: 0x7B92,
+    0xE2B5: 0x7B8F,
+    0xE2B6: 0x7B5D,
+    0xE2B7: 0x7B99,
+    0xE2B8: 0x7BCB,
+    0xE2B9: 0x7BC1,
+    0xE2BA: 0x7BCC,
+    0xE2BB: 0x7BCF,
+    0xE2BC: 0x7BB4,
+    0xE2BD: 0x7BC6,
+    0xE2BE: 0x7BDD,
+    0xE2BF: 0x7BE9,
+    0xE2C0: 0x7C11,
+    0xE2C1: 0x7C14,
+    0xE2C2: 0x7BE6,
+    0xE2C3: 0x7BE5,
+    0xE2C4: 0x7C60,
+    0xE2C5: 0x7C00,
+    0xE2C6: 0x7C07,
+    0xE2C7: 0x7C13,
+    0xE2C8: 0x7BF3,
+    0xE2C9: 0x7BF7,
+    0xE2CA: 0x7C17,
+    0xE2CB: 0x7C0D,
+    0xE2CC: 0x7BF6,
+    0xE2CD: 0x7C23,
+    0xE2CE: 0x7C27,
+    0xE2CF: 0x7C2A,
+    0xE2D0: 0x7C1F,
+    0xE2D1: 0x7C37,
+    0xE2D2: 0x7C2B,
+    0xE2D3: 0x7C3D,
+    0xE2D4: 0x7C4C,
+    0xE2D5: 0x7C43,
+    0xE2D6: 0x7C54,
+    0xE2D7: 0x7C4F,
+    0xE2D8: 0x7C40,
+    0xE2D9: 0x7C50,
+    0xE2DA: 0x7C58,
+    0xE2DB: 0x7C5F,
+    0xE2DC: 0x7C64,
+    0xE2DD: 0x7C56,
+    0xE2DE: 0x7C65,
+    0xE2DF: 0x7C6C,
+    0xE2E0: 0x7C75,
+    0xE2E1: 0x7C83,
+    0xE2E2: 0x7C90,
+    0xE2E3: 0x7CA4,
+    0xE2E4: 0x7CAD,
+    0xE2E5: 0x7CA2,
+    0xE2E6: 0x7CAB,
+    0xE2E7: 0x7CA1,
+    0xE2E8: 0x7CA8,
+    0xE2E9: 0x7CB3,
+    0xE2EA: 0x7CB2,
+    0xE2EB: 0x7CB1,
+    0xE2EC: 0x7CAE,
+    0xE2ED: 0x7CB9,
+    0xE2EE: 0x7CBD,
+    0xE2EF: 0x7CC0,
+    0xE2F0: 0x7CC5,
+    0xE2F1: 0x7CC2,
+    0xE2F2: 0x7CD8,
+    0xE2F3: 0x7CD2,
+    0xE2F4: 0x7CDC,
+    0xE2F5: 0x7CE2,
+    0xE2F6: 0x9B3B,
+    0xE2F7: 0x7CEF,
+    0xE2F8: 0x7CF2,
+    0xE2F9: 0x7CF4,
+    0xE2FA: 0x7CF6,
+    0xE2FB: 0x7CFA,
+    0xE2FC: 0x7D06,
+    0xE340: 0x7D02,
+    0xE341: 0x7D1C,
+    0xE342: 0x7D15,
+    0xE343: 0x7D0A,
+    0xE344: 0x7D45,
+    0xE345: 0x7D4B,
+    0xE346: 0x7D2E,
+    0xE347: 0x7D32,
+    0xE348: 0x7D3F,
+    0xE349: 0x7D35,
+    0xE34A: 0x7D46,
+    0xE34B: 0x7D73,
+    0xE34C: 0x7D56,
+    0xE34D: 0x7D4E,
+    0xE34E: 0x7D72,
+    0xE34F: 0x7D68,
+    0xE350: 0x7D6E,
+    0xE351: 0x7D4F,
+    0xE352: 0x7D63,
+    0xE353: 0x7D93,
+    0xE354: 0x7D89,
+    0xE355: 0x7D5B,
+    0xE356: 0x7D8F,
+    0xE357: 0x7D7D,
+    0xE358: 0x7D9B,
+    0xE359: 0x7DBA,
+    0xE35A: 0x7DAE,
+    0xE35B: 0x7DA3,
+    0xE35C: 0x7DB5,
+    0xE35D: 0x7DC7,
+    0xE35E: 0x7DBD,
+    0xE35F: 0x7DAB,
+    0xE360: 0x7E3D,
+    0xE361: 0x7DA2,
+    0xE362: 0x7DAF,
+    0xE363: 0x7DDC,
+    0xE364: 0x7DB8,
+    0xE365: 0x7D9F,
+    0xE366: 0x7DB0,
+    0xE367: 0x7DD8,
+    0xE368: 0x7DDD,
+    0xE369: 0x7DE4,
+    0xE36A: 0x7DDE,
+    0xE36B: 0x7DFB,
+    0xE36C: 0x7DF2,
+    0xE36D: 0x7DE1,
+    0xE36E: 0x7E05,
+    0xE36F: 0x7E0A,
+    0xE370: 0x7E23,
+    0xE371: 0x7E21,
+    0xE372: 0x7E12,
+    0xE373: 0x7E31,
+    0xE374: 0x7E1F,
+    0xE375: 0x7E09,
+    0xE376: 0x7E0B,
+    0xE377: 0x7E22,
+    0xE378: 0x7E46,
+    0xE379: 0x7E66,
+    0xE37A: 0x7E3B,
+    0xE37B: 0x7E35,
+    0xE37C: 0x7E39,
+    0xE37D: 0x7E43,
+    0xE37E: 0x7E37,
+    0xE380: 0x7E32,
+    0xE381: 0x7E3A,
+    0xE382: 0x7E67,
+    0xE383: 0x7E5D,
+    0xE384: 0x7E56,
+    0xE385: 0x7E5E,
+    0xE386: 0x7E59,
+    0xE387: 0x7E5A,
+    0xE388: 0x7E79,
+    0xE389: 0x7E6A,
+    0xE38A: 0x7E69,
+    0xE38B: 0x7E7C,
+    0xE38C: 0x7E7B,
+    0xE38D: 0x7E83,
+    0xE38E: 0x7DD5,
+    0xE38F: 0x7E7D,
+    0xE390: 0x8FAE,
+    0xE391: 0x7E7F,
+    0xE392: 0x7E88,
+    0xE393: 0x7E89,
+    0xE394: 0x7E8C,
+    0xE395: 0x7E92,
+    0xE396: 0x7E90,
+    0xE397: 0x7E93,
+    0xE398: 0x7E94,
+    0xE399: 0x7E96,
+    0xE39A: 0x7E8E,
+    0xE39B: 0x7E9B,
+    0xE39C: 0x7E9C,
+    0xE39D: 0x7F38,
+    0xE39E: 0x7F3A,
+    0xE39F: 0x7F45,
+    0xE3A0: 0x7F4C,
+    0xE3A1: 0x7F4D,
+    0xE3A2: 0x7F4E,
+    0xE3A3: 0x7F50,
+    0xE3A4: 0x7F51,
+    0xE3A5: 0x7F55,
+    0xE3A6: 0x7F54,
+    0xE3A7: 0x7F58,
+    0xE3A8: 0x7F5F,
+    0xE3A9: 0x7F60,
+    0xE3AA: 0x7F68,
+    0xE3AB: 0x7F69,
+    0xE3AC: 0x7F67,
+    0xE3AD: 0x7F78,
+    0xE3AE: 0x7F82,
+    0xE3AF: 0x7F86,
+    0xE3B0: 0x7F83,
+    0xE3B1: 0x7F88,
+    0xE3B2: 0x7F87,
+    0xE3B3: 0x7F8C,
+    0xE3B4: 0x7F94,
+    0xE3B5: 0x7F9E,
+    0xE3B6: 0x7F9D,
+    0xE3B7: 0x7F9A,
+    0xE3B8: 0x7FA3,
+    0xE3B9: 0x7FAF,
+    0xE3BA: 0x7FB2,
+    0xE3BB: 0x7FB9,
+    0xE3BC: 0x7FAE,
+    0xE3BD: 0x7FB6,
+    0xE3BE: 0x7FB8,
+    0xE3BF: 0x8B71,
+    0xE3C0: 0x7FC5,
+    0xE3C1: 0x7FC6,
+    0xE3C2: 0x7FCA,
+    0xE3C3: 0x7FD5,
+    0xE3C4: 0x7FD4,
+    0xE3C5: 0x7FE1,
+    0xE3C6: 0x7FE6,
+    0xE3C7: 0x7FE9,
+    0xE3C8: 0x7FF3,
+    0xE3C9: 0x7FF9,
+    0xE3CA: 0x98DC,
+    0xE3CB: 0x8006,
+    0xE3CC: 0x8004,
+    0xE3CD: 0x800B,
+    0xE3CE: 0x8012,
+    0xE3CF: 0x8018,
+    0xE3D0: 0x8019,
+    0xE3D1: 0x801C,
+    0xE3D2: 0x8021,
+    0xE3D3: 0x8028,
+    0xE3D4: 0x803F,
+    0xE3D5: 0x803B,
+    0xE3D6: 0x804A,
+    0xE3D7: 0x8046,
+    0xE3D8: 0x8052,
+    0xE3D9: 0x8058,
+    0xE3DA: 0x805A,
+    0xE3DB: 0x805F,
+    0xE3DC: 0x8062,
+    0xE3DD: 0x8068,
+    0xE3DE: 0x8073,
+    0xE3DF: 0x8072,
+    0xE3E0: 0x8070,
+    0xE3E1: 0x8076,
+    0xE3E2: 0x8079,
+    0xE3E3: 0x807D,
+    0xE3E4: 0x807F,
+    0xE3E5: 0x8084,
+    0xE3E6: 0x8086,
+    0xE3E7: 0x8085,
+    0xE3E8: 0x809B,
+    0xE3E9: 0x8093,
+    0xE3EA: 0x809A,
+    0xE3EB: 0x80AD,
+    0xE3EC: 0x5190,
+    0xE3ED: 0x80AC,
+    0xE3EE: 0x80DB,
+    0xE3EF: 0x80E5,
+    0xE3F0: 0x80D9,
+    0xE3F1: 0x80DD,
+    0xE3F2: 0x80C4,
+    0xE3F3: 0x80DA,
+    0xE3F4: 0x80D6,
+    0xE3F5: 0x8109,
+    0xE3F6: 0x80EF,
+    0xE3F7: 0x80F1,
+    0xE3F8: 0x811B,
+    0xE3F9: 0x8129,
+    0xE3FA: 0x8123,
+    0xE3FB: 0x812F,
+    0xE3FC: 0x814B,
+    0xE440: 0x968B,
+    0xE441: 0x8146,
+    0xE442: 0x813E,
+    0xE443: 0x8153,
+    0xE444: 0x8151,
+    0xE445: 0x80FC,
+    0xE446: 0x8171,
+    0xE447: 0x816E,
+    0xE448: 0x8165,
+    0xE449: 0x8166,
+    0xE44A: 0x8174,
+    0xE44B: 0x8183,
+    0xE44C: 0x8188,
+    0xE44D: 0x818A,
+    0xE44E: 0x8180,
+    0xE44F: 0x8182,
+    0xE450: 0x81A0,
+    0xE451: 0x8195,
+    0xE452: 0x81A4,
+    0xE453: 0x81A3,
+    0xE454: 0x815F,
+    0xE455: 0x8193,
+    0xE456: 0x81A9,
+    0xE457: 0x81B0,
+    0xE458: 0x81B5,
+    0xE459: 0x81BE,
+    0xE45A: 0x81B8,
+    0xE45B: 0x81BD,
+    0xE45C: 0x81C0,
+    0xE45D: 0x81C2,
+    0xE45E: 0x81BA,
+    0xE45F: 0x81C9,
+    0xE460: 0x81CD,
+    0xE461: 0x81D1,
+    0xE462: 0x81D9,
+    0xE463: 0x81D8,
+    0xE464: 0x81C8,
+    0xE465: 0x81DA,
+    0xE466: 0x81DF,
+    0xE467: 0x81E0,
+    0xE468: 0x81E7,
+    0xE469: 0x81FA,
+    0xE46A: 0x81FB,
+    0xE46B: 0x81FE,
+    0xE46C: 0x8201,
+    0xE46D: 0x8202,
+    0xE46E: 0x8205,
+    0xE46F: 0x8207,
+    0xE470: 0x820A,
+    0xE471: 0x820D,
+    0xE472: 0x8210,
+    0xE473: 0x8216,
+    0xE474: 0x8229,
+    0xE475: 0x822B,
+    0xE476: 0x8238,
+    0xE477: 0x8233,
+    0xE478: 0x8240,
+    0xE479: 0x8259,
+    0xE47A: 0x8258,
+    0xE47B: 0x825D,
+    0xE47C: 0x825A,
+    0xE47D: 0x825F,
+    0xE47E: 0x8264,
+    0xE480: 0x8262,
+    0xE481: 0x8268,
+    0xE482: 0x826A,
+    0xE483: 0x826B,
+    0xE484: 0x822E,
+    0xE485: 0x8271,
+    0xE486: 0x8277,
+    0xE487: 0x8278,
+    0xE488: 0x827E,
+    0xE489: 0x828D,
+    0xE48A: 0x8292,
+    0xE48B: 0x82AB,
+    0xE48C: 0x829F,
+    0xE48D: 0x82BB,
+    0xE48E: 0x82AC,
+    0xE48F: 0x82E1,
+    0xE490: 0x82E3,
+    0xE491: 0x82DF,
+    0xE492: 0x82D2,
+    0xE493: 0x82F4,
+    0xE494: 0x82F3,
+    0xE495: 0x82FA,
+    0xE496: 0x8393,
+    0xE497: 0x8303,
+    0xE498: 0x82FB,
+    0xE499: 0x82F9,
+    0xE49A: 0x82DE,
+    0xE49B: 0x8306,
+    0xE49C: 0x82DC,
+    0xE49D: 0x8309,
+    0xE49E: 0x82D9,
+    0xE49F: 0x8335,
+    0xE4A0: 0x8334,
+    0xE4A1: 0x8316,
+    0xE4A2: 0x8332,
+    0xE4A3: 0x8331,
+    0xE4A4: 0x8340,
+    0xE4A5: 0x8339,
+    0xE4A6: 0x8350,
+    0xE4A7: 0x8345,
+    0xE4A8: 0x832F,
+    0xE4A9: 0x832B,
+    0xE4AA: 0x8317,
+    0xE4AB: 0x8318,
+    0xE4AC: 0x8385,
+    0xE4AD: 0x839A,
+    0xE4AE: 0x83AA,
+    0xE4AF: 0x839F,
+    0xE4B0: 0x83A2,
+    0xE4B1: 0x8396,
+    0xE4B2: 0x8323,
+    0xE4B3: 0x838E,
+    0xE4B4: 0x8387,
+    0xE4B5: 0x838A,
+    0xE4B6: 0x837C,
+    0xE4B7: 0x83B5,
+    0xE4B8: 0x8373,
+    0xE4B9: 0x8375,
+    0xE4BA: 0x83A0,
+    0xE4BB: 0x8389,
+    0xE4BC: 0x83A8,
+    0xE4BD: 0x83F4,
+    0xE4BE: 0x8413,
+    0xE4BF: 0x83EB,
+    0xE4C0: 0x83CE,
+    0xE4C1: 0x83FD,
+    0xE4C2: 0x8403,
+    0xE4C3: 0x83D8,
+    0xE4C4: 0x840B,
+    0xE4C5: 0x83C1,
+    0xE4C6: 0x83F7,
+    0xE4C7: 0x8407,
+    0xE4C8: 0x83E0,
+    0xE4C9: 0x83F2,
+    0xE4CA: 0x840D,
+    0xE4CB: 0x8422,
+    0xE4CC: 0x8420,
+    0xE4CD: 0x83BD,
+    0xE4CE: 0x8438,
+    0xE4CF: 0x8506,
+    0xE4D0: 0x83FB,
+    0xE4D1: 0x846D,
+    0xE4D2: 0x842A,
+    0xE4D3: 0x843C,
+    0xE4D4: 0x855A,
+    0xE4D5: 0x8484,
+    0xE4D6: 0x8477,
+    0xE4D7: 0x846B,
+    0xE4D8: 0x84AD,
+    0xE4D9: 0x846E,
+    0xE4DA: 0x8482,
+    0xE4DB: 0x8469,
+    0xE4DC: 0x8446,
+    0xE4DD: 0x842C,
+    0xE4DE: 0x846F,
+    0xE4DF: 0x8479,
+    0xE4E0: 0x8435,
+    0xE4E1: 0x84CA,
+    0xE4E2: 0x8462,
+    0xE4E3: 0x84B9,
+    0xE4E4: 0x84BF,
+    0xE4E5: 0x849F,
+    0xE4E6: 0x84D9,
+    0xE4E7: 0x84CD,
+    0xE4E8: 0x84BB,
+    0xE4E9: 0x84DA,
+    0xE4EA: 0x84D0,
+    0xE4EB: 0x84C1,
+    0xE4EC: 0x84C6,
+    0xE4ED: 0x84D6,
+    0xE4EE: 0x84A1,
+    0xE4EF: 0x8521,
+    0xE4F0: 0x84FF,
+    0xE4F1: 0x84F4,
+    0xE4F2: 0x8517,
+    0xE4F3: 0x8518,
+    0xE4F4: 0x852C,
+    0xE4F5: 0x851F,
+    0xE4F6: 0x8515,
+    0xE4F7: 0x8514,
+    0xE4F8: 0x84FC,
+    0xE4F9: 0x8540,
+    0xE4FA: 0x8563,
+    0xE4FB: 0x8558,
+    0xE4FC: 0x8548,
+    0xE540: 0x8541,
+    0xE541: 0x8602,
+    0xE542: 0x854B,
+    0xE543: 0x8555,
+    0xE544: 0x8580,
+    0xE545: 0x85A4,
+    0xE546: 0x8588,
+    0xE547: 0x8591,
+    0xE548: 0x858A,
+    0xE549: 0x85A8,
+    0xE54A: 0x856D,
+    0xE54B: 0x8594,
+    0xE54C: 0x859B,
+    0xE54D: 0x85EA,
+    0xE54E: 0x8587,
+    0xE54F: 0x859C,
+    0xE550: 0x8577,
+    0xE551: 0x857E,
+    0xE552: 0x8590,
+    0xE553: 0x85C9,
+    0xE554: 0x85BA,
+    0xE555: 0x85CF,
+    0xE556: 0x85B9,
+    0xE557: 0x85D0,
+    0xE558: 0x85D5,
+    0xE559: 0x85DD,
+    0xE55A: 0x85E5,
+    0xE55B: 0x85DC,
+    0xE55C: 0x85F9,
+    0xE55D: 0x860A,
+    0xE55E: 0x8613,
+    0xE55F: 0x860B,
+    0xE560: 0x85FE,
+    0xE561: 0x85FA,
+    0xE562: 0x8606,
+    0xE563: 0x8622,
+    0xE564: 0x861A,
+    0xE565: 0x8630,
+    0xE566: 0x863F,
+    0xE567: 0x864D,
+    0xE568: 0x4E55,
+    0xE569: 0x8654,
+    0xE56A: 0x865F,
+    0xE56B: 0x8667,
+    0xE56C: 0x8671,
+    0xE56D: 0x8693,
+    0xE56E: 0x86A3,
+    0xE56F: 0x86A9,
+    0xE570: 0x86AA,
+    0xE571: 0x868B,
+    0xE572: 0x868C,
+    0xE573: 0x86B6,
+    0xE574: 0x86AF,
+    0xE575: 0x86C4,
+    0xE576: 0x86C6,
+    0xE577: 0x86B0,
+    0xE578: 0x86C9,
+    0xE579: 0x8823,
+    0xE57A: 0x86AB,
+    0xE57B: 0x86D4,
+    0xE57C: 0x86DE,
+    0xE57D: 0x86E9,
+    0xE57E: 0x86EC,
+    0xE580: 0x86DF,
+    0xE581: 0x86DB,
+    0xE582: 0x86EF,
+    0xE583: 0x8712,
+    0xE584: 0x8706,
+    0xE585: 0x8708,
+    0xE586: 0x8700,
+    0xE587: 0x8703,
+    0xE588: 0x86FB,
+    0xE589: 0x8711,
+    0xE58A: 0x8709,
+    0xE58B: 0x870D,
+    0xE58C: 0x86F9,
+    0xE58D: 0x870A,
+    0xE58E: 0x8734,
+    0xE58F: 0x873F,
+    0xE590: 0x8737,
+    0xE591: 0x873B,
+    0xE592: 0x8725,
+    0xE593: 0x8729,
+    0xE594: 0x871A,
+    0xE595: 0x8760,
+    0xE596: 0x875F,
+    0xE597: 0x8778,
+    0xE598: 0x874C,
+    0xE599: 0x874E,
+    0xE59A: 0x8774,
+    0xE59B: 0x8757,
+    0xE59C: 0x8768,
+    0xE59D: 0x876E,
+    0xE59E: 0x8759,
+    0xE59F: 0x8753,
+    0xE5A0: 0x8763,
+    0xE5A1: 0x876A,
+    0xE5A2: 0x8805,
+    0xE5A3: 0x87A2,
+    0xE5A4: 0x879F,
+    0xE5A5: 0x8782,
+    0xE5A6: 0x87AF,
+    0xE5A7: 0x87CB,
+    0xE5A8: 0x87BD,
+    0xE5A9: 0x87C0,
+    0xE5AA: 0x87D0,
+    0xE5AB: 0x96D6,
+    0xE5AC: 0x87AB,
+    0xE5AD: 0x87C4,
+    0xE5AE: 0x87B3,
+    0xE5AF: 0x87C7,
+    0xE5B0: 0x87C6,
+    0xE5B1: 0x87BB,
+    0xE5B2: 0x87EF,
+    0xE5B3: 0x87F2,
+    0xE5B4: 0x87E0,
+    0xE5B5: 0x880F,
+    0xE5B6: 0x880D,
+    0xE5B7: 0x87FE,
+    0xE5B8: 0x87F6,
+    0xE5B9: 0x87F7,
+    0xE5BA: 0x880E,
+    0xE5BB: 0x87D2,
+    0xE5BC: 0x8811,
+    0xE5BD: 0x8816,
+    0xE5BE: 0x8815,
+    0xE5BF: 0x8822,
+    0xE5C0: 0x8821,
+    0xE5C1: 0x8831,
+    0xE5C2: 0x8836,
+    0xE5C3: 0x8839,
+    0xE5C4: 0x8827,
+    0xE5C5: 0x883B,
+    0xE5C6: 0x8844,
+    0xE5C7: 0x8842,
+    0xE5C8: 0x8852,
+    0xE5C9: 0x8859,
+    0xE5CA: 0x885E,
+    0xE5CB: 0x8862,
+    0xE5CC: 0x886B,
+    0xE5CD: 0x8881,
+    0xE5CE: 0x887E,
+    0xE5CF: 0x889E,
+    0xE5D0: 0x8875,
+    0xE5D1: 0x887D,
+    0xE5D2: 0x88B5,
+    0xE5D3: 0x8872,
+    0xE5D4: 0x8882,
+    0xE5D5: 0x8897,
+    0xE5D6: 0x8892,
+    0xE5D7: 0x88AE,
+    0xE5D8: 0x8899,
+    0xE5D9: 0x88A2,
+    0xE5DA: 0x888D,
+    0xE5DB: 0x88A4,
+    0xE5DC: 0x88B0,
+    0xE5DD: 0x88BF,
+    0xE5DE: 0x88B1,
+    0xE5DF: 0x88C3,
+    0xE5E0: 0x88C4,
+    0xE5E1: 0x88D4,
+    0xE5E2: 0x88D8,
+    0xE5E3: 0x88D9,
+    0xE5E4: 0x88DD,
+    0xE5E5: 0x88F9,
+    0xE5E6: 0x8902,
+    0xE5E7: 0x88FC,
+    0xE5E8: 0x88F4,
+    0xE5E9: 0x88E8,
+    0xE5EA: 0x88F2,
+    0xE5EB: 0x8904,
+    0xE5EC: 0x890C,
+    0xE5ED: 0x890A,
+    0xE5EE: 0x8913,
+    0xE5EF: 0x8943,
+    0xE5F0: 0x891E,
+    0xE5F1: 0x8925,
+    0xE5F2: 0x892A,
+    0xE5F3: 0x892B,
+    0xE5F4: 0x8941,
+    0xE5F5: 0x8944,
+    0xE5F6: 0x893B,
+    0xE5F7: 0x8936,
+    0xE5F8: 0x8938,
+    0xE5F9: 0x894C,
+    0xE5FA: 0x891D,
+    0xE5FB: 0x8960,
+    0xE5FC: 0x895E,
+    0xE640: 0x8966,
+    0xE641: 0x8964,
+    0xE642: 0x896D,
+    0xE643: 0x896A,
+    0xE644: 0x896F,
+    0xE645: 0x8974,
+    0xE646: 0x8977,
+    0xE647: 0x897E,
+    0xE648: 0x8983,
+    0xE649: 0x8988,
+    0xE64A: 0x898A,
+    0xE64B: 0x8993,
+    0xE64C: 0x8998,
+    0xE64D: 0x89A1,
+    0xE64E: 0x89A9,
+    0xE64F: 0x89A6,
+    0xE650: 0x89AC,
+    0xE651: 0x89AF,
+    0xE652: 0x89B2,
+    0xE653: 0x89BA,
+    0xE654: 0x89BD,
+    0xE655: 0x89BF,
+    0xE656: 0x89C0,
+    0xE657: 0x89DA,
+    0xE658: 0x89DC,
+    0xE659: 0x89DD,
+    0xE65A: 0x89E7,
+    0xE65B: 0x89F4,
+    0xE65C: 0x89F8,
+    0xE65D: 0x8A03,
+    0xE65E: 0x8A16,
+    0xE65F: 0x8A10,
+    0xE660: 0x8A0C,
+    0xE661: 0x8A1B,
+    0xE662: 0x8A1D,
+    0xE663: 0x8A25,
+    0xE664: 0x8A36,
+    0xE665: 0x8A41,
+    0xE666: 0x8A5B,
+    0xE667: 0x8A52,
+    0xE668: 0x8A46,
+    0xE669: 0x8A48,
+    0xE66A: 0x8A7C,
+    0xE66B: 0x8A6D,
+    0xE66C: 0x8A6C,
+    0xE66D: 0x8A62,
+    0xE66E: 0x8A85,
+    0xE66F: 0x8A82,
+    0xE670: 0x8A84,
+    0xE671: 0x8AA8,
+    0xE672: 0x8AA1,
+    0xE673: 0x8A91,
+    0xE674: 0x8AA5,
+    0xE675: 0x8AA6,
+    0xE676: 0x8A9A,
+    0xE677: 0x8AA3,
+    0xE678: 0x8AC4,
+    0xE679: 0x8ACD,
+    0xE67A: 0x8AC2,
+    0xE67B: 0x8ADA,
+    0xE67C: 0x8AEB,
+    0xE67D: 0x8AF3,
+    0xE67E: 0x8AE7,
+    0xE680: 0x8AE4,
+    0xE681: 0x8AF1,
+    0xE682: 0x8B14,
+    0xE683: 0x8AE0,
+    0xE684: 0x8AE2,
+    0xE685: 0x8AF7,
+    0xE686: 0x8ADE,
+    0xE687: 0x8ADB,
+    0xE688: 0x8B0C,
+    0xE689: 0x8B07,
+    0xE68A: 0x8B1A,
+    0xE68B: 0x8AE1,
+    0xE68C: 0x8B16,
+    0xE68D: 0x8B10,
+    0xE68E: 0x8B17,
+    0xE68F: 0x8B20,
+    0xE690: 0x8B33,
+    0xE691: 0x97AB,
+    0xE692: 0x8B26,
+    0xE693: 0x8B2B,
+    0xE694: 0x8B3E,
+    0xE695: 0x8B28,
+    0xE696: 0x8B41,
+    0xE697: 0x8B4C,
+    0xE698: 0x8B4F,
+    0xE699: 0x8B4E,
+    0xE69A: 0x8B49,
+    0xE69B: 0x8B56,
+    0xE69C: 0x8B5B,
+    0xE69D: 0x8B5A,
+    0xE69E: 0x8B6B,
+    0xE69F: 0x8B5F,
+    0xE6A0: 0x8B6C,
+    0xE6A1: 0x8B6F,
+    0xE6A2: 0x8B74,
+    0xE6A3: 0x8B7D,
+    0xE6A4: 0x8B80,
+    0xE6A5: 0x8B8C,
+    0xE6A6: 0x8B8E,
+    0xE6A7: 0x8B92,
+    0xE6A8: 0x8B93,
+    0xE6A9: 0x8B96,
+    0xE6AA: 0x8B99,
+    0xE6AB: 0x8B9A,
+    0xE6AC: 0x8C3A,
+    0xE6AD: 0x8C41,
+    0xE6AE: 0x8C3F,
+    0xE6AF: 0x8C48,
+    0xE6B0: 0x8C4C,
+    0xE6B1: 0x8C4E,
+    0xE6B2: 0x8C50,
+    0xE6B3: 0x8C55,
+    0xE6B4: 0x8C62,
+    0xE6B5: 0x8C6C,
+    0xE6B6: 0x8C78,
+    0xE6B7: 0x8C7A,
+    0xE6B8: 0x8C82,
+    0xE6B9: 0x8C89,
+    0xE6BA: 0x8C85,
+    0xE6BB: 0x8C8A,
+    0xE6BC: 0x8C8D,
+    0xE6BD: 0x8C8E,
+    0xE6BE: 0x8C94,
+    0xE6BF: 0x8C7C,
+    0xE6C0: 0x8C98,
+    0xE6C1: 0x621D,
+    0xE6C2: 0x8CAD,
+    0xE6C3: 0x8CAA,
+    0xE6C4: 0x8CBD,
+    0xE6C5: 0x8CB2,
+    0xE6C6: 0x8CB3,
+    0xE6C7: 0x8CAE,
+    0xE6C8: 0x8CB6,
+    0xE6C9: 0x8CC8,
+    0xE6CA: 0x8CC1,
+    0xE6CB: 0x8CE4,
+    0xE6CC: 0x8CE3,
+    0xE6CD: 0x8CDA,
+    0xE6CE: 0x8CFD,
+    0xE6CF: 0x8CFA,
+    0xE6D0: 0x8CFB,
+    0xE6D1: 0x8D04,
+    0xE6D2: 0x8D05,
+    0xE6D3: 0x8D0A,
+    0xE6D4: 0x8D07,
+    0xE6D5: 0x8D0F,
+    0xE6D6: 0x8D0D,
+    0xE6D7: 0x8D10,
+    0xE6D8: 0x9F4E,
+    0xE6D9: 0x8D13,
+    0xE6DA: 0x8CCD,
+    0xE6DB: 0x8D14,
+    0xE6DC: 0x8D16,
+    0xE6DD: 0x8D67,
+    0xE6DE: 0x8D6D,
+    0xE6DF: 0x8D71,
+    0xE6E0: 0x8D73,
+    0xE6E1: 0x8D81,
+    0xE6E2: 0x8D99,
+    0xE6E3: 0x8DC2,
+    0xE6E4: 0x8DBE,
+    0xE6E5: 0x8DBA,
+    0xE6E6: 0x8DCF,
+    0xE6E7: 0x8DDA,
+    0xE6E8: 0x8DD6,
+    0xE6E9: 0x8DCC,
+    0xE6EA: 0x8DDB,
+    0xE6EB: 0x8DCB,
+    0xE6EC: 0x8DEA,
+    0xE6ED: 0x8DEB,
+    0xE6EE: 0x8DDF,
+    0xE6EF: 0x8DE3,
+    0xE6F0: 0x8DFC,
+    0xE6F1: 0x8E08,
+    0xE6F2: 0x8E09,
+    0xE6F3: 0x8DFF,
+    0xE6F4: 0x8E1D,
+    0xE6F5: 0x8E1E,
+    0xE6F6: 0x8E10,
+    0xE6F7: 0x8E1F,
+    0xE6F8: 0x8E42,
+    0xE6F9: 0x8E35,
+    0xE6FA: 0x8E30,
+    0xE6FB: 0x8E34,
+    0xE6FC: 0x8E4A,
+    0xE740: 0x8E47,
+    0xE741: 0x8E49,
+    0xE742: 0x8E4C,
+    0xE743: 0x8E50,
+    0xE744: 0x8E48,
+    0xE745: 0x8E59,
+    0xE746: 0x8E64,
+    0xE747: 0x8E60,
+    0xE748: 0x8E2A,
+    0xE749: 0x8E63,
+    0xE74A: 0x8E55,
+    0xE74B: 0x8E76,
+    0xE74C: 0x8E72,
+    0xE74D: 0x8E7C,
+    0xE74E: 0x8E81,
+    0xE74F: 0x8E87,
+    0xE750: 0x8E85,
+    0xE751: 0x8E84,
+    0xE752: 0x8E8B,
+    0xE753: 0x8E8A,
+    0xE754: 0x8E93,
+    0xE755: 0x8E91,
+    0xE756: 0x8E94,
+    0xE757: 0x8E99,
+    0xE758: 0x8EAA,
+    0xE759: 0x8EA1,
+    0xE75A: 0x8EAC,
+    0xE75B: 0x8EB0,
+    0xE75C: 0x8EC6,
+    0xE75D: 0x8EB1,
+    0xE75E: 0x8EBE,
+    0xE75F: 0x8EC5,
+    0xE760: 0x8EC8,
+    0xE761: 0x8ECB,
+    0xE762: 0x8EDB,
+    0xE763: 0x8EE3,
+    0xE764: 0x8EFC,
+    0xE765: 0x8EFB,
+    0xE766: 0x8EEB,
+    0xE767: 0x8EFE,
+    0xE768: 0x8F0A,
+    0xE769: 0x8F05,
+    0xE76A: 0x8F15,
+    0xE76B: 0x8F12,
+    0xE76C: 0x8F19,
+    0xE76D: 0x8F13,
+    0xE76E: 0x8F1C,
+    0xE76F: 0x8F1F,
+    0xE770: 0x8F1B,
+    0xE771: 0x8F0C,
+    0xE772: 0x8F26,
+    0xE773: 0x8F33,
+    0xE774: 0x8F3B,
+    0xE775: 0x8F39,
+    0xE776: 0x8F45,
+    0xE777: 0x8F42,
+    0xE778: 0x8F3E,
+    0xE779: 0x8F4C,
+    0xE77A: 0x8F49,
+    0xE77B: 0x8F46,
+    0xE77C: 0x8F4E,
+    0xE77D: 0x8F57,
+    0xE77E: 0x8F5C,
+    0xE780: 0x8F62,
+    0xE781: 0x8F63,
+    0xE782: 0x8F64,
+    0xE783: 0x8F9C,
+    0xE784: 0x8F9F,
+    0xE785: 0x8FA3,
+    0xE786: 0x8FAD,
+    0xE787: 0x8FAF,
+    0xE788: 0x8FB7,
+    0xE789: 0x8FDA,
+    0xE78A: 0x8FE5,
+    0xE78B: 0x8FE2,
+    0xE78C: 0x8FEA,
+    0xE78D: 0x8FEF,
+    0xE78E: 0x9087,
+    0xE78F: 0x8FF4,
+    0xE790: 0x9005,
+    0xE791: 0x8FF9,
+    0xE792: 0x8FFA,
+    0xE793: 0x9011,
+    0xE794: 0x9015,
+    0xE795: 0x9021,
+    0xE796: 0x900D,
+    0xE797: 0x901E,
+    0xE798: 0x9016,
+    0xE799: 0x900B,
+    0xE79A: 0x9027,
+    0xE79B: 0x9036,
+    0xE79C: 0x9035,
+    0xE79D: 0x9039,
+    0xE79E: 0x8FF8,
+    0xE79F: 0x904F,
+    0xE7A0: 0x9050,
+    0xE7A1: 0x9051,
+    0xE7A2: 0x9052,
+    0xE7A3: 0x900E,
+    0xE7A4: 0x9049,
+    0xE7A5: 0x903E,
+    0xE7A6: 0x9056,
+    0xE7A7: 0x9058,
+    0xE7A8: 0x905E,
+    0xE7A9: 0x9068,
+    0xE7AA: 0x906F,
+    0xE7AB: 0x9076,
+    0xE7AC: 0x96A8,
+    0xE7AD: 0x9072,
+    0xE7AE: 0x9082,
+    0xE7AF: 0x907D,
+    0xE7B0: 0x9081,
+    0xE7B1: 0x9080,
+    0xE7B2: 0x908A,
+    0xE7B3: 0x9089,
+    0xE7B4: 0x908F,
+    0xE7B5: 0x90A8,
+    0xE7B6: 0x90AF,
+    0xE7B7: 0x90B1,
+    0xE7B8: 0x90B5,
+    0xE7B9: 0x90E2,
+    0xE7BA: 0x90E4,
+    0xE7BB: 0x6248,
+    0xE7BC: 0x90DB,
+    0xE7BD: 0x9102,
+    0xE7BE: 0x9112,
+    0xE7BF: 0x9119,
+    0xE7C0: 0x9132,
+    0xE7C1: 0x9130,
+    0xE7C2: 0x914A,
+    0xE7C3: 0x9156,
+    0xE7C4: 0x9158,
+    0xE7C5: 0x9163,
+    0xE7C6: 0x9165,
+    0xE7C7: 0x9169,
+    0xE7C8: 0x9173,
+    0xE7C9: 0x9172,
+    0xE7CA: 0x918B,
+    0xE7CB: 0x9189,
+    0xE7CC: 0x9182,
+    0xE7CD: 0x91A2,
+    0xE7CE: 0x91AB,
+    0xE7CF: 0x91AF,
+    0xE7D0: 0x91AA,
+    0xE7D1: 0x91B5,
+    0xE7D2: 0x91B4,
+    0xE7D3: 0x91BA,
+    0xE7D4: 0x91C0,
+    0xE7D5: 0x91C1,
+    0xE7D6: 0x91C9,
+    0xE7D7: 0x91CB,
+    0xE7D8: 0x91D0,
+    0xE7D9: 0x91D6,
+    0xE7DA: 0x91DF,
+    0xE7DB: 0x91E1,
+    0xE7DC: 0x91DB,
+    0xE7DD: 0x91FC,
+    0xE7DE: 0x91F5,
+    0xE7DF: 0x91F6,
+    0xE7E0: 0x921E,
+    0xE7E1: 0x91FF,
+    0xE7E2: 0x9214,
+    0xE7E3: 0x922C,
+    0xE7E4: 0x9215,
+    0xE7E5: 0x9211,
+    0xE7E6: 0x925E,
+    0xE7E7: 0x9257,
+    0xE7E8: 0x9245,
+    0xE7E9: 0x9249,
+    0xE7EA: 0x9264,
+    0xE7EB: 0x9248,
+    0xE7EC: 0x9295,
+    0xE7ED: 0x923F,
+    0xE7EE: 0x924B,
+    0xE7EF: 0x9250,
+    0xE7F0: 0x929C,
+    0xE7F1: 0x9296,
+    0xE7F2: 0x9293,
+    0xE7F3: 0x929B,
+    0xE7F4: 0x925A,
+    0xE7F5: 0x92CF,
+    0xE7F6: 0x92B9,
+    0xE7F7: 0x92B7,
+    0xE7F8: 0x92E9,
+    0xE7F9: 0x930F,
+    0xE7FA: 0x92FA,
+    0xE7FB: 0x9344,
+    0xE7FC: 0x932E,
+    0xE840: 0x9319,
+    0xE841: 0x9322,
+    0xE842: 0x931A,
+    0xE843: 0x9323,
+    0xE844: 0x933A,
+    0xE845: 0x9335,
+    0xE846: 0x933B,
+    0xE847: 0x935C,
+    0xE848: 0x9360,
+    0xE849: 0x937C,
+    0xE84A: 0x936E,
+    0xE84B: 0x9356,
+    0xE84C: 0x93B0,
+    0xE84D: 0x93AC,
+    0xE84E: 0x93AD,
+    0xE84F: 0x9394,
+    0xE850: 0x93B9,
+    0xE851: 0x93D6,
+    0xE852: 0x93D7,
+    0xE853: 0x93E8,
+    0xE854: 0x93E5,
+    0xE855: 0x93D8,
+    0xE856: 0x93C3,
+    0xE857: 0x93DD,
+    0xE858: 0x93D0,
+    0xE859: 0x93C8,
+    0xE85A: 0x93E4,
+    0xE85B: 0x941A,
+    0xE85C: 0x9414,
+    0xE85D: 0x9413,
+    0xE85E: 0x9403,
+    0xE85F: 0x9407,
+    0xE860: 0x9410,
+    0xE861: 0x9436,
+    0xE862: 0x942B,
+    0xE863: 0x9435,
+    0xE864: 0x9421,
+    0xE865: 0x943A,
+    0xE866: 0x9441,
+    0xE867: 0x9452,
+    0xE868: 0x9444,
+    0xE869: 0x945B,
+    0xE86A: 0x9460,
+    0xE86B: 0x9462,
+    0xE86C: 0x945E,
+    0xE86D: 0x946A,
+    0xE86E: 0x9229,
+    0xE86F: 0x9470,
+    0xE870: 0x9475,
+    0xE871: 0x9477,
+    0xE872: 0x947D,
+    0xE873: 0x945A,
+    0xE874: 0x947C,
+    0xE875: 0x947E,
+    0xE876: 0x9481,
+    0xE877: 0x947F,
+    0xE878: 0x9582,
+    0xE879: 0x9587,
+    0xE87A: 0x958A,
+    0xE87B: 0x9594,
+    0xE87C: 0x9596,
+    0xE87D: 0x9598,
+    0xE87E: 0x9599,
+    0xE880: 0x95A0,
+    0xE881: 0x95A8,
+    0xE882: 0x95A7,
+    0xE883: 0x95AD,
+    0xE884: 0x95BC,
+    0xE885: 0x95BB,
+    0xE886: 0x95B9,
+    0xE887: 0x95BE,
+    0xE888: 0x95CA,
+    0xE889: 0x6FF6,
+    0xE88A: 0x95C3,
+    0xE88B: 0x95CD,
+    0xE88C: 0x95CC,
+    0xE88D: 0x95D5,
+    0xE88E: 0x95D4,
+    0xE88F: 0x95D6,
+    0xE890: 0x95DC,
+    0xE891: 0x95E1,
+    0xE892: 0x95E5,
+    0xE893: 0x95E2,
+    0xE894: 0x9621,
+    0xE895: 0x9628,
+    0xE896: 0x962E,
+    0xE897: 0x962F,
+    0xE898: 0x9642,
+    0xE899: 0x964C,
+    0xE89A: 0x964F,
+    0xE89B: 0x964B,
+    0xE89C: 0x9677,
+    0xE89D: 0x965C,
+    0xE89E: 0x965E,
+    0xE89F: 0x965D,
+    0xE8A0: 0x965F,
+    0xE8A1: 0x9666,
+    0xE8A2: 0x9672,
+    0xE8A3: 0x966C,
+    0xE8A4: 0x968D,
+    0xE8A5: 0x9698,
+    0xE8A6: 0x9695,
+    0xE8A7: 0x9697,
+    0xE8A8: 0x96AA,
+    0xE8A9: 0x96A7,
+    0xE8AA: 0x96B1,
+    0xE8AB: 0x96B2,
+    0xE8AC: 0x96B0,
+    0xE8AD: 0x96B4,
+    0xE8AE: 0x96B6,
+    0xE8AF: 0x96B8,
+    0xE8B0: 0x96B9,
+    0xE8B1: 0x96CE,
+    0xE8B2: 0x96CB,
+    0xE8B3: 0x96C9,
+    0xE8B4: 0x96CD,
+    0xE8B5: 0x894D,
+    0xE8B6: 0x96DC,
+    0xE8B7: 0x970D,
+    0xE8B8: 0x96D5,
+    0xE8B9: 0x96F9,
+    0xE8BA: 0x9704,
+    0xE8BB: 0x9706,
+    0xE8BC: 0x9708,
+    0xE8BD: 0x9713,
+    0xE8BE: 0x970E,
+    0xE8BF: 0x9711,
+    0xE8C0: 0x970F,
+    0xE8C1: 0x9716,
+    0xE8C2: 0x9719,
+    0xE8C3: 0x9724,
+    0xE8C4: 0x972A,
+    0xE8C5: 0x9730,
+    0xE8C6: 0x9739,
+    0xE8C7: 0x973D,
+    0xE8C8: 0x973E,
+    0xE8C9: 0x9744,
+    0xE8CA: 0x9746,
+    0xE8CB: 0x9748,
+    0xE8CC: 0x9742,
+    0xE8CD: 0x9749,
+    0xE8CE: 0x975C,
+    0xE8CF: 0x9760,
+    0xE8D0: 0x9764,
+    0xE8D1: 0x9766,
+    0xE8D2: 0x9768,
+    0xE8D3: 0x52D2,
+    0xE8D4: 0x976B,
+    0xE8D5: 0x9771,
+    0xE8D6: 0x9779,
+    0xE8D7: 0x9785,
+    0xE8D8: 0x977C,
+    0xE8D9: 0x9781,
+    0xE8DA: 0x977A,
+    0xE8DB: 0x9786,
+    0xE8DC: 0x978B,
+    0xE8DD: 0x978F,
+    0xE8DE: 0x9790,
+    0xE8DF: 0x979C,
+    0xE8E0: 0x97A8,
+    0xE8E1: 0x97A6,
+    0xE8E2: 0x97A3,
+    0xE8E3: 0x97B3,
+    0xE8E4: 0x97B4,
+    0xE8E5: 0x97C3,
+    0xE8E6: 0x97C6,
+    0xE8E7: 0x97C8,
+    0xE8E8: 0x97CB,
+    0xE8E9: 0x97DC,
+    0xE8EA: 0x97ED,
+    0xE8EB: 0x9F4F,
+    0xE8EC: 0x97F2,
+    0xE8ED: 0x7ADF,
+    0xE8EE: 0x97F6,
+    0xE8EF: 0x97F5,
+    0xE8F0: 0x980F,
+    0xE8F1: 0x980C,
+    0xE8F2: 0x9838,
+    0xE8F3: 0x9824,
+    0xE8F4: 0x9821,
+    0xE8F5: 0x9837,
+    0xE8F6: 0x983D,
+    0xE8F7: 0x9846,
+    0xE8F8: 0x984F,
+    0xE8F9: 0x984B,
+    0xE8FA: 0x986B,
+    0xE8FB: 0x986F,
+    0xE8FC: 0x9870,
+    0xE940: 0x9871,
+    0xE941: 0x9874,
+    0xE942: 0x9873,
+    0xE943: 0x98AA,
+    0xE944: 0x98AF,
+    0xE945: 0x98B1,
+    0xE946: 0x98B6,
+    0xE947: 0x98C4,
+    0xE948: 0x98C3,
+    0xE949: 0x98C6,
+    0xE94A: 0x98E9,
+    0xE94B: 0x98EB,
+    0xE94C: 0x9903,
+    0xE94D: 0x9909,
+    0xE94E: 0x9912,
+    0xE94F: 0x9914,
+    0xE950: 0x9918,
+    0xE951: 0x9921,
+    0xE952: 0x991D,
+    0xE953: 0x991E,
+    0xE954: 0x9924,
+    0xE955: 0x9920,
+    0xE956: 0x992C,
+    0xE957: 0x992E,
+    0xE958: 0x993D,
+    0xE959: 0x993E,
+    0xE95A: 0x9942,
+    0xE95B: 0x9949,
+    0xE95C: 0x9945,
+    0xE95D: 0x9950,
+    0xE95E: 0x994B,
+    0xE95F: 0x9951,
+    0xE960: 0x9952,
+    0xE961: 0x994C,
+    0xE962: 0x9955,
+    0xE963: 0x9997,
+    0xE964: 0x9998,
+    0xE965: 0x99A5,
+    0xE966: 0x99AD,
+    0xE967: 0x99AE,
+    0xE968: 0x99BC,
+    0xE969: 0x99DF,
+    0xE96A: 0x99DB,
+    0xE96B: 0x99DD,
+    0xE96C: 0x99D8,
+    0xE96D: 0x99D1,
+    0xE96E: 0x99ED,
+    0xE96F: 0x99EE,
+    0xE970: 0x99F1,
+    0xE971: 0x99F2,
+    0xE972: 0x99FB,
+    0xE973: 0x99F8,
+    0xE974: 0x9A01,
+    0xE975: 0x9A0F,
+    0xE976: 0x9A05,
+    0xE977: 0x99E2,
+    0xE978: 0x9A19,
+    0xE979: 0x9A2B,
+    0xE97A: 0x9A37,
+    0xE97B: 0x9A45,
+    0xE97C: 0x9A42,
+    0xE97D: 0x9A40,
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+    0xE981: 0x9A55,
+    0xE982: 0x9A4D,
+    0xE983: 0x9A5B,
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+    0xE985: 0x9A5F,
+    0xE986: 0x9A62,
+    0xE987: 0x9A65,
+    0xE988: 0x9A64,
+    0xE989: 0x9A69,
+    0xE98A: 0x9A6B,
+    0xE98B: 0x9A6A,
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+    0xE990: 0x9ACF,
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+    0xE992: 0x9AD3,
+    0xE993: 0x9AD4,
+    0xE994: 0x9ADE,
+    0xE995: 0x9ADF,
+    0xE996: 0x9AE2,
+    0xE997: 0x9AE3,
+    0xE998: 0x9AE6,
+    0xE999: 0x9AEF,
+    0xE99A: 0x9AEB,
+    0xE99B: 0x9AEE,
+    0xE99C: 0x9AF4,
+    0xE99D: 0x9AF1,
+    0xE99E: 0x9AF7,
+    0xE99F: 0x9AFB,
+    0xE9A0: 0x9B06,
+    0xE9A1: 0x9B18,
+    0xE9A2: 0x9B1A,
+    0xE9A3: 0x9B1F,
+    0xE9A4: 0x9B22,
+    0xE9A5: 0x9B23,
+    0xE9A6: 0x9B25,
+    0xE9A7: 0x9B27,
+    0xE9A8: 0x9B28,
+    0xE9A9: 0x9B29,
+    0xE9AA: 0x9B2A,
+    0xE9AB: 0x9B2E,
+    0xE9AC: 0x9B2F,
+    0xE9AD: 0x9B32,
+    0xE9AE: 0x9B44,
+    0xE9AF: 0x9B43,
+    0xE9B0: 0x9B4F,
+    0xE9B1: 0x9B4D,
+    0xE9B2: 0x9B4E,
+    0xE9B3: 0x9B51,
+    0xE9B4: 0x9B58,
+    0xE9B5: 0x9B74,
+    0xE9B6: 0x9B93,
+    0xE9B7: 0x9B83,
+    0xE9B8: 0x9B91,
+    0xE9B9: 0x9B96,
+    0xE9BA: 0x9B97,
+    0xE9BB: 0x9B9F,
+    0xE9BC: 0x9BA0,
+    0xE9BD: 0x9BA8,
+    0xE9BE: 0x9BB4,
+    0xE9BF: 0x9BC0,
+    0xE9C0: 0x9BCA,
+    0xE9C1: 0x9BB9,
+    0xE9C2: 0x9BC6,
+    0xE9C3: 0x9BCF,
+    0xE9C4: 0x9BD1,
+    0xE9C5: 0x9BD2,
+    0xE9C6: 0x9BE3,
+    0xE9C7: 0x9BE2,
+    0xE9C8: 0x9BE4,
+    0xE9C9: 0x9BD4,
+    0xE9CA: 0x9BE1,
+    0xE9CB: 0x9C3A,
+    0xE9CC: 0x9BF2,
+    0xE9CD: 0x9BF1,
+    0xE9CE: 0x9BF0,
+    0xE9CF: 0x9C15,
+    0xE9D0: 0x9C14,
+    0xE9D1: 0x9C09,
+    0xE9D2: 0x9C13,
+    0xE9D3: 0x9C0C,
+    0xE9D4: 0x9C06,
+    0xE9D5: 0x9C08,
+    0xE9D6: 0x9C12,
+    0xE9D7: 0x9C0A,
+    0xE9D8: 0x9C04,
+    0xE9D9: 0x9C2E,
+    0xE9DA: 0x9C1B,
+    0xE9DB: 0x9C25,
+    0xE9DC: 0x9C24,
+    0xE9DD: 0x9C21,
+    0xE9DE: 0x9C30,
+    0xE9DF: 0x9C47,
+    0xE9E0: 0x9C32,
+    0xE9E1: 0x9C46,
+    0xE9E2: 0x9C3E,
+    0xE9E3: 0x9C5A,
+    0xE9E4: 0x9C60,
+    0xE9E5: 0x9C67,
+    0xE9E6: 0x9C76,
+    0xE9E7: 0x9C78,
+    0xE9E8: 0x9CE7,
+    0xE9E9: 0x9CEC,
+    0xE9EA: 0x9CF0,
+    0xE9EB: 0x9D09,
+    0xE9EC: 0x9D08,
+    0xE9ED: 0x9CEB,
+    0xE9EE: 0x9D03,
+    0xE9EF: 0x9D06,
+    0xE9F0: 0x9D2A,
+    0xE9F1: 0x9D26,
+    0xE9F2: 0x9DAF,
+    0xE9F3: 0x9D23,
+    0xE9F4: 0x9D1F,
+    0xE9F5: 0x9D44,
+    0xE9F6: 0x9D15,
+    0xE9F7: 0x9D12,
+    0xE9F8: 0x9D41,
+    0xE9F9: 0x9D3F,
+    0xE9FA: 0x9D3E,
+    0xE9FB: 0x9D46,
+    0xE9FC: 0x9D48,
+    0xEA40: 0x9D5D,
+    0xEA41: 0x9D5E,
+    0xEA42: 0x9D64,
+    0xEA43: 0x9D51,
+    0xEA44: 0x9D50,
+    0xEA45: 0x9D59,
+    0xEA46: 0x9D72,
+    0xEA47: 0x9D89,
+    0xEA48: 0x9D87,
+    0xEA49: 0x9DAB,
+    0xEA4A: 0x9D6F,
+    0xEA4B: 0x9D7A,
+    0xEA4C: 0x9D9A,
+    0xEA4D: 0x9DA4,
+    0xEA4E: 0x9DA9,
+    0xEA4F: 0x9DB2,
+    0xEA50: 0x9DC4,
+    0xEA51: 0x9DC1,
+    0xEA52: 0x9DBB,
+    0xEA53: 0x9DB8,
+    0xEA54: 0x9DBA,
+    0xEA55: 0x9DC6,
+    0xEA56: 0x9DCF,
+    0xEA57: 0x9DC2,
+    0xEA58: 0x9DD9,
+    0xEA59: 0x9DD3,
+    0xEA5A: 0x9DF8,
+    0xEA5B: 0x9DE6,
+    0xEA5C: 0x9DED,
+    0xEA5D: 0x9DEF,
+    0xEA5E: 0x9DFD,
+    0xEA5F: 0x9E1A,
+    0xEA60: 0x9E1B,
+    0xEA61: 0x9E1E,
+    0xEA62: 0x9E75,
+    0xEA63: 0x9E79,
+    0xEA64: 0x9E7D,
+    0xEA65: 0x9E81,
+    0xEA66: 0x9E88,
+    0xEA67: 0x9E8B,
+    0xEA68: 0x9E8C,
+    0xEA69: 0x9E92,
+    0xEA6A: 0x9E95,
+    0xEA6B: 0x9E91,
+    0xEA6C: 0x9E9D,
+    0xEA6D: 0x9EA5,
+    0xEA6E: 0x9EA9,
+    0xEA6F: 0x9EB8,
+    0xEA70: 0x9EAA,
+    0xEA71: 0x9EAD,
+    0xEA72: 0x9761,
+    0xEA73: 0x9ECC,
+    0xEA74: 0x9ECE,
+    0xEA75: 0x9ECF,
+    0xEA76: 0x9ED0,
+    0xEA77: 0x9ED4,
+    0xEA78: 0x9EDC,
+    0xEA79: 0x9EDE,
+    0xEA7A: 0x9EDD,
+    0xEA7B: 0x9EE0,
+    0xEA7C: 0x9EE5,
+    0xEA7D: 0x9EE8,
+    0xEA7E: 0x9EEF,
+    0xEA80: 0x9EF4,
+    0xEA81: 0x9EF6,
+    0xEA82: 0x9EF7,
+    0xEA83: 0x9EF9,
+    0xEA84: 0x9EFB,
+    0xEA85: 0x9EFC,
+    0xEA86: 0x9EFD,
+    0xEA87: 0x9F07,
+    0xEA88: 0x9F08,
+    0xEA89: 0x76B7,
+    0xEA8A: 0x9F15,
+    0xEA8B: 0x9F21,
+    0xEA8C: 0x9F2C,
+    0xEA8D: 0x9F3E,
+    0xEA8E: 0x9F4A,
+    0xEA8F: 0x9F52,
+    0xEA90: 0x9F54,
+    0xEA91: 0x9F63,
+    0xEA92: 0x9F5F,
+    0xEA93: 0x9F60,
+    0xEA94: 0x9F61,
+    0xEA95: 0x9F66,
+    0xEA96: 0x9F67,
+    0xEA97: 0x9F6C,
+    0xEA98: 0x9F6A,
+    0xEA99: 0x9F77,
+    0xEA9A: 0x9F72,
+    0xEA9B: 0x9F76,
+    0xEA9C: 0x9F95,
+    0xEA9D: 0x9F9C,
+    0xEA9E: 0x9FA0,
+    0xEA9F: 0x582F,
+    0xEAA0: 0x69C7,
+    0xEAA1: 0x9059,
+    0xEAA2: 0x7464,
+    0xEAA3: 0x51DC,
+    0xEAA4: 0x7199,
+/***/ }),
+/* 9 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var GenericGF_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
+var GenericGFPoly_1 = __webpack_require__(2);
+function runEuclideanAlgorithm(field, a, b, R) {
+    var _a;
+    // Assume a's degree is >= b's
+    if (a.degree() < b.degree()) {
+        _a = [b, a], a = _a[0], b = _a[1];
+    }
+    var rLast = a;
+    var r = b;
+    var tLast = field.zero;
+    var t = field.one;
+    // Run Euclidean algorithm until r's degree is less than R/2
+    while (r.degree() >= R / 2) {
+        var rLastLast = rLast;
+        var tLastLast = tLast;
+        rLast = r;
+        tLast = t;
+        // Divide rLastLast by rLast, with quotient in q and remainder in r
+        if (rLast.isZero()) {
+            // Euclidean algorithm already terminated?
+            return null;
+        }
+        r = rLastLast;
+        var q = field.zero;
+        var denominatorLeadingTerm = rLast.getCoefficient(rLast.degree());
+        var dltInverse = field.inverse(denominatorLeadingTerm);
+        while (r.degree() >= rLast.degree() && !r.isZero()) {
+            var degreeDiff = r.degree() - rLast.degree();
+            var scale = field.multiply(r.getCoefficient(r.degree()), dltInverse);
+            q = q.addOrSubtract(field.buildMonomial(degreeDiff, scale));
+            r = r.addOrSubtract(rLast.multiplyByMonomial(degreeDiff, scale));
+        }
+        t = q.multiplyPoly(tLast).addOrSubtract(tLastLast);
+        if (r.degree() >= rLast.degree()) {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    var sigmaTildeAtZero = t.getCoefficient(0);
+    if (sigmaTildeAtZero === 0) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var inverse = field.inverse(sigmaTildeAtZero);
+    return [t.multiply(inverse), r.multiply(inverse)];
+function findErrorLocations(field, errorLocator) {
+    // This is a direct application of Chien's search
+    var numErrors = errorLocator.degree();
+    if (numErrors === 1) {
+        return [errorLocator.getCoefficient(1)];
+    }
+    var result = new Array(numErrors);
+    var errorCount = 0;
+    for (var i = 1; i < field.size && errorCount < numErrors; i++) {
+        if (errorLocator.evaluateAt(i) === 0) {
+            result[errorCount] = field.inverse(i);
+            errorCount++;
+        }
+    }
+    if (errorCount !== numErrors) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    return result;
+function findErrorMagnitudes(field, errorEvaluator, errorLocations) {
+    // This is directly applying Forney's Formula
+    var s = errorLocations.length;
+    var result = new Array(s);
+    for (var i = 0; i < s; i++) {
+        var xiInverse = field.inverse(errorLocations[i]);
+        var denominator = 1;
+        for (var j = 0; j < s; j++) {
+            if (i !== j) {
+                denominator = field.multiply(denominator, GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(1, field.multiply(errorLocations[j], xiInverse)));
+            }
+        }
+        result[i] = field.multiply(errorEvaluator.evaluateAt(xiInverse), field.inverse(denominator));
+        if (field.generatorBase !== 0) {
+            result[i] = field.multiply(result[i], xiInverse);
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+function decode(bytes, twoS) {
+    var outputBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(bytes.length);
+    outputBytes.set(bytes);
+    var field = new GenericGF_1.default(0x011D, 256, 0); // x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1
+    var poly = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(field, outputBytes);
+    var syndromeCoefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(twoS);
+    var error = false;
+    for (var s = 0; s < twoS; s++) {
+        var evaluation = poly.evaluateAt(field.exp(s + field.generatorBase));
+        syndromeCoefficients[syndromeCoefficients.length - 1 - s] = evaluation;
+        if (evaluation !== 0) {
+            error = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!error) {
+        return outputBytes;
+    }
+    var syndrome = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(field, syndromeCoefficients);
+    var sigmaOmega = runEuclideanAlgorithm(field, field.buildMonomial(twoS, 1), syndrome, twoS);
+    if (sigmaOmega === null) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var errorLocations = findErrorLocations(field, sigmaOmega[0]);
+    if (errorLocations == null) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var errorMagnitudes = findErrorMagnitudes(field, sigmaOmega[1], errorLocations);
+    for (var i = 0; i < errorLocations.length; i++) {
+        var position = outputBytes.length - 1 - field.log(errorLocations[i]);
+        if (position < 0) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        outputBytes[position] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(outputBytes[position], errorMagnitudes[i]);
+    }
+    return outputBytes;
+exports.decode = decode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 10 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.VERSIONS = [
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 1,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 7,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 10,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 13,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 17,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 9 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 2,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 18],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 10,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 34 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 28 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 3,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 22],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 15,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 55 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 4,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 20,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 80 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 32 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 9 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 5,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 108 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 43 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 11 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 6,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 68 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 27 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x07C94,
+        versionNumber: 7,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 22, 38],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 20,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 78 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 31 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x085BC,
+        versionNumber: 8,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 24, 42],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 97 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 38 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 39 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 18 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 35, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 35, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x216F0,
+        versionNumber: 33,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 21, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 11, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x228BA,
+        versionNumber: 34,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 34, 62, 90, 118, 146],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 115 },
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 23, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 44, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 59, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x2379F,
+        versionNumber: 35,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 54, 78, 102, 126, 150],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 12, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 26, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 39, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 41, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x24B0B,
+        versionNumber: 36,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 24, 50, 76, 102, 128, 154],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 121 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 64, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x2542E,
+        versionNumber: 37,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 49, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 24, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x26A64,
+        versionNumber: 38,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                    { numBlocks: 18, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 32, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 48, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 42, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 32, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x27541,
+        versionNumber: 39,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 20, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 40, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 43, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 67, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x28C69,
+        versionNumber: 40,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 119 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 18, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 20, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 61, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+/***/ }),
+/* 11 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
+function squareToQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4) {
+    var dx3 = p1.x - p2.x + p3.x - p4.x;
+    var dy3 = p1.y - p2.y + p3.y - p4.y;
+    if (dx3 === 0 && dy3 === 0) { // Affine
+        return {
+            a11: p2.x - p1.x,
+            a12: p2.y - p1.y,
+            a13: 0,
+            a21: p3.x - p2.x,
+            a22: p3.y - p2.y,
+            a23: 0,
+            a31: p1.x,
+            a32: p1.y,
+            a33: 1,
+        };
+    }
+    else {
+        var dx1 = p2.x - p3.x;
+        var dx2 = p4.x - p3.x;
+        var dy1 = p2.y - p3.y;
+        var dy2 = p4.y - p3.y;
+        var denominator = dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1;
+        var a13 = (dx3 * dy2 - dx2 * dy3) / denominator;
+        var a23 = (dx1 * dy3 - dx3 * dy1) / denominator;
+        return {
+            a11: p2.x - p1.x + a13 * p2.x,
+            a12: p2.y - p1.y + a13 * p2.y,
+            a13: a13,
+            a21: p4.x - p1.x + a23 * p4.x,
+            a22: p4.y - p1.y + a23 * p4.y,
+            a23: a23,
+            a31: p1.x,
+            a32: p1.y,
+            a33: 1,
+        };
+    }
+function quadrilateralToSquare(p1, p2, p3, p4) {
+    // Here, the adjoint serves as the inverse:
+    var sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4);
+    return {
+        a11: sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a32,
+        a12: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a33,
+        a13: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a23 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a22,
+        a21: sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a33,
+        a22: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a31,
+        a23: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a21 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a23,
+        a31: sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a31,
+        a32: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a32,
+        a33: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a22 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a21,
+    };
+function times(a, b) {
+    return {
+        a11: a.a11 * b.a11 + a.a21 * b.a12 + a.a31 * b.a13,
+        a12: a.a12 * b.a11 + a.a22 * b.a12 + a.a32 * b.a13,
+        a13: a.a13 * b.a11 + a.a23 * b.a12 + a.a33 * b.a13,
+        a21: a.a11 * b.a21 + a.a21 * b.a22 + a.a31 * b.a23,
+        a22: a.a12 * b.a21 + a.a22 * b.a22 + a.a32 * b.a23,
+        a23: a.a13 * b.a21 + a.a23 * b.a22 + a.a33 * b.a23,
+        a31: a.a11 * b.a31 + a.a21 * b.a32 + a.a31 * b.a33,
+        a32: a.a12 * b.a31 + a.a22 * b.a32 + a.a32 * b.a33,
+        a33: a.a13 * b.a31 + a.a23 * b.a32 + a.a33 * b.a33,
+    };
+function extract(image, location) {
+    var qToS = quadrilateralToSquare({ x: 3.5, y: 3.5 }, { x: location.dimension - 3.5, y: 3.5 }, { x: location.dimension - 6.5, y: location.dimension - 6.5 }, { x: 3.5, y: location.dimension - 3.5 });
+    var sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(location.topLeft, location.topRight, location.alignmentPattern, location.bottomLeft);
+    var transform = times(sToQ, qToS);
+    var matrix = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(location.dimension, location.dimension);
+    var mappingFunction = function (x, y) {
+        var denominator = transform.a13 * x + transform.a23 * y + transform.a33;
+        return {
+            x: (transform.a11 * x + transform.a21 * y + transform.a31) / denominator,
+            y: (transform.a12 * x + transform.a22 * y + transform.a32) / denominator,
+        };
+    };
+    for (var y = 0; y < location.dimension; y++) {
+        for (var x = 0; x < location.dimension; x++) {
+            var xValue = x + 0.5;
+            var yValue = y + 0.5;
+            var sourcePixel = mappingFunction(xValue, yValue);
+            matrix.set(x, y, image.get(Math.floor(sourcePixel.x), Math.floor(sourcePixel.y)));
+        }
+    }
+    return {
+        matrix: matrix,
+        mappingFunction: mappingFunction,
+    };
+exports.extract = extract;
+/***/ }),
+/* 12 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var MIN_QUAD_RATIO = 0.5;
+var MAX_QUAD_RATIO = 1.5;
+var distance = function (a, b) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((b.x - a.x), 2) + Math.pow((b.y - a.y), 2)); };
+function sum(values) {
+    return values.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; });
+// Takes three finder patterns and organizes them into topLeft, topRight, etc
+function reorderFinderPatterns(pattern1, pattern2, pattern3) {
+    var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+    // Find distances between pattern centers
+    var oneTwoDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern2);
+    var twoThreeDistance = distance(pattern2, pattern3);
+    var oneThreeDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern3);
+    var bottomLeft;
+    var topLeft;
+    var topRight;
+    // Assume one closest to other two is B; A and C will just be guesses at first
+    if (twoThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance && twoThreeDistance >= oneThreeDistance) {
+        _a = [pattern2, pattern1, pattern3], bottomLeft = _a[0], topLeft = _a[1], topRight = _a[2];
+    }
+    else if (oneThreeDistance >= twoThreeDistance && oneThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance) {
+        _b = [pattern1, pattern2, pattern3], bottomLeft = _b[0], topLeft = _b[1], topRight = _b[2];
+    }
+    else {
+        _c = [pattern1, pattern3, pattern2], bottomLeft = _c[0], topLeft = _c[1], topRight = _c[2];
+    }
+    // Use cross product to figure out whether bottomLeft (A) and topRight (C) are correct or flipped in relation to topLeft (B)
+    // This asks whether BC x BA has a positive z component, which is the arrangement we want. If it's negative, then
+    // we've got it flipped around and should swap topRight and bottomLeft.
+    if (((topRight.x - topLeft.x) * (bottomLeft.y - topLeft.y)) - ((topRight.y - topLeft.y) * (bottomLeft.x - topLeft.x)) < 0) {
+        _d = [topRight, bottomLeft], bottomLeft = _d[0], topRight = _d[1];
+    }
+    return { bottomLeft: bottomLeft, topLeft: topLeft, topRight: topRight };
+// Computes the dimension (number of modules on a side) of the QR Code based on the position of the finder patterns
+function computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, matrix) {
+    var moduleSize = (sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, bottomLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 + // Divide by 7 since the ratio is 1:1:3:1:1
+        sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, topRight, matrix, 5)) / 7 +
+        sum(countBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeft, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 +
+        sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topRight, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7) / 4;
+    if (moduleSize < 1) {
+        throw new Error("Invalid module size");
+    }
+    var topDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, topRight) / moduleSize);
+    var sideDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) / moduleSize);
+    var dimension = Math.floor((topDimension + sideDimension) / 2) + 7;
+    switch (dimension % 4) {
+        case 0:
+            dimension++;
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            dimension--;
+            break;
+    }
+    return { dimension: dimension, moduleSize: moduleSize };
+// Takes an origin point and an end point and counts the sizes of the black white run from the origin towards the end point.
+// Returns an array of elements, representing the pixel size of the black white run.
+// Uses a variant of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm
+function countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, end, matrix, length) {
+    var switchPoints = [{ x: Math.floor(origin.x), y: Math.floor(origin.y) }];
+    var steep = Math.abs(end.y - origin.y) > Math.abs(end.x - origin.x);
+    var fromX;
+    var fromY;
+    var toX;
+    var toY;
+    if (steep) {
+        fromX = Math.floor(origin.y);
+        fromY = Math.floor(origin.x);
+        toX = Math.floor(end.y);
+        toY = Math.floor(end.x);
+    }
+    else {
+        fromX = Math.floor(origin.x);
+        fromY = Math.floor(origin.y);
+        toX = Math.floor(end.x);
+        toY = Math.floor(end.y);
+    }
+    var dx = Math.abs(toX - fromX);
+    var dy = Math.abs(toY - fromY);
+    var error = Math.floor(-dx / 2);
+    var xStep = fromX < toX ? 1 : -1;
+    var yStep = fromY < toY ? 1 : -1;
+    var currentPixel = true;
+    // Loop up until x == toX, but not beyond
+    for (var x = fromX, y = fromY; x !== toX + xStep; x += xStep) {
+        // Does current pixel mean we have moved white to black or vice versa?
+        // Scanning black in state 0,2 and white in state 1, so if we find the wrong
+        // color, advance to next state or end if we are in state 2 already
+        var realX = steep ? y : x;
+        var realY = steep ? x : y;
+        if (matrix.get(realX, realY) !== currentPixel) {
+            currentPixel = !currentPixel;
+            switchPoints.push({ x: realX, y: realY });
+            if (switchPoints.length === length + 1) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        error += dy;
+        if (error > 0) {
+            if (y === toY) {
+                break;
+            }
+            y += yStep;
+            error -= dx;
+        }
+    }
+    var distances = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        if (switchPoints[i] && switchPoints[i + 1]) {
+            distances.push(distance(switchPoints[i], switchPoints[i + 1]));
+        }
+        else {
+            distances.push(0);
+        }
+    }
+    return distances;
+// Takes an origin point and an end point and counts the sizes of the black white run in the origin point
+// along the line that intersects with the end point. Returns an array of elements, representing the pixel sizes
+// of the black white run. Takes a length which represents the number of switches from black to white to look for.
+function countBlackWhiteRun(origin, end, matrix, length) {
+    var _a;
+    var rise = end.y - origin.y;
+    var run = end.x - origin.x;
+    var towardsEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, end, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2));
+    var awayFromEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, { x: origin.x - run, y: origin.y - rise }, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2));
+    var middleValue = towardsEnd.shift() + awayFromEnd.shift() - 1; // Substract one so we don't double count a pixel
+    return (_a = awayFromEnd.concat(middleValue)).concat.apply(_a, towardsEnd);
+// Takes in a black white run and an array of expected ratios. Returns the average size of the run as well as the "error" -
+// that is the amount the run diverges from the expected ratio
+function scoreBlackWhiteRun(sequence, ratios) {
+    var averageSize = sum(sequence) / sum(ratios);
+    var error = 0;
+    ratios.forEach(function (ratio, i) {
+        error += Math.pow((sequence[i] - ratio * averageSize), 2);
+    });
+    return { averageSize: averageSize, error: error };
+// Takes an X,Y point and an array of sizes and scores the point against those ratios.
+// For example for a finder pattern takes the ratio list of 1:1:3:1:1 and checks horizontal, vertical and diagonal ratios
+// against that.
+function scorePattern(point, ratios, matrix) {
+    try {
+        var horizontalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, { x: -1, y: point.y }, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var verticalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, { x: point.x, y: -1 }, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var topLeftPoint = {
+            x: Math.max(0, point.x - point.y) - 1,
+            y: Math.max(0, point.y - point.x) - 1,
+        };
+        var topLeftBottomRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, topLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var bottomLeftPoint = {
+            x: Math.min(matrix.width, point.x + point.y) + 1,
+            y: Math.min(matrix.height, point.y + point.x) + 1,
+        };
+        var bottomLeftTopRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, bottomLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var horzError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(horizontalRun, ratios);
+        var vertError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(verticalRun, ratios);
+        var diagDownError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(topLeftBottomRightRun, ratios);
+        var diagUpError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeftTopRightRun, ratios);
+        var ratioError = Math.sqrt(horzError.error * horzError.error +
+            vertError.error * vertError.error +
+            diagDownError.error * diagDownError.error +
+            diagUpError.error * diagUpError.error);
+        var avgSize = (horzError.averageSize + vertError.averageSize + diagDownError.averageSize + diagUpError.averageSize) / 4;
+        var sizeError = (Math.pow((horzError.averageSize - avgSize), 2) +
+            Math.pow((vertError.averageSize - avgSize), 2) +
+            Math.pow((diagDownError.averageSize - avgSize), 2) +
+            Math.pow((diagUpError.averageSize - avgSize), 2)) / avgSize;
+        return ratioError + sizeError;
+    }
+    catch (_a) {
+        return Infinity;
+    }
+function recenterLocation(matrix, p) {
+    var leftX = Math.round(p.x);
+    while (matrix.get(leftX, Math.round(p.y))) {
+        leftX--;
+    }
+    var rightX = Math.round(p.x);
+    while (matrix.get(rightX, Math.round(p.y))) {
+        rightX++;
+    }
+    var x = (leftX + rightX) / 2;
+    var topY = Math.round(p.y);
+    while (matrix.get(Math.round(x), topY)) {
+        topY--;
+    }
+    var bottomY = Math.round(p.y);
+    while (matrix.get(Math.round(x), bottomY)) {
+        bottomY++;
+    }
+    var y = (topY + bottomY) / 2;
+    return { x: x, y: y };
+function locate(matrix) {
+    var finderPatternQuads = [];
+    var activeFinderPatternQuads = [];
+    var alignmentPatternQuads = [];
+    var activeAlignmentPatternQuads = [];
+    var _loop_1 = function (y) {
+        var length_1 = 0;
+        var lastBit = false;
+        var scans = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
+        var _loop_2 = function (x) {
+            var v = matrix.get(x, y);
+            if (v === lastBit) {
+                length_1++;
+            }
+            else {
+                scans = [scans[1], scans[2], scans[3], scans[4], length_1];
+                length_1 = 1;
+                lastBit = v;
+                // Do the last 5 color changes ~ match the expected ratio for a finder pattern? 1:1:3:1:1 of b:w:b:w:b
+                var averageFinderPatternBlocksize = sum(scans) / 7;
+                var validFinderPattern = Math.abs(scans[0] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[1] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[2] - 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[3] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[4] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    !v; // And make sure the current pixel is white since finder patterns are bordered in white
+                // Do the last 3 color changes ~ match the expected ratio for an alignment pattern? 1:1:1 of w:b:w
+                var averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize = sum(scans.slice(-3)) / 3;
+                var validAlignmentPattern = Math.abs(scans[2] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[3] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[4] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&
+                    v; // Is the current pixel black since alignment patterns are bordered in black
+                if (validFinderPattern) {
+                    // Compute the start and end x values of the large center black square
+                    var endX_1 = x - scans[3] - scans[4];
+                    var startX_1 = endX_1 - scans[2];
+                    var line = { startX: startX_1, endX: endX_1, y: y };
+                    // Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with
+                    // that line as the starting point.
+                    var matchingQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) {
+                        return (startX_1 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_1 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (endX_1 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_1 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (startX_1 <= q.bottom.startX && endX_1 >= q.bottom.endX && ((scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO &&
+                                (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO));
+                    });
+                    if (matchingQuads.length > 0) {
+                        matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        activeFinderPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });
+                    }
+                }
+                if (validAlignmentPattern) {
+                    // Compute the start and end x values of the center black square
+                    var endX_2 = x - scans[4];
+                    var startX_2 = endX_2 - scans[3];
+                    var line = { startX: startX_2, y: y, endX: endX_2 };
+                    // Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with
+                    // that line as the starting point.
+                    var matchingQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function (q) {
+                        return (startX_2 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_2 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (endX_2 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_2 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (startX_2 <= q.bottom.startX && endX_2 >= q.bottom.endX && ((scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO &&
+                                (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO));
+                    });
+                    if (matchingQuads.length > 0) {
+                        matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        activeAlignmentPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        for (var x = -1; x <= matrix.width; x++) {
+            _loop_2(x);
+        }
+        finderPatternQuads.push.apply(finderPatternQuads, activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y !== y && q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2; }));
+        activeFinderPatternQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y === y; });
+        alignmentPatternQuads.push.apply(alignmentPatternQuads, activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y !== y; }));
+        activeAlignmentPatternQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y === y; });
+    };
+    for (var y = 0; y <= matrix.height; y++) {
+        _loop_1(y);
+    }
+    finderPatternQuads.push.apply(finderPatternQuads, activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2; }));
+    alignmentPatternQuads.push.apply(alignmentPatternQuads, activeAlignmentPatternQuads);
+    var finderPatternGroups = finderPatternQuads
+        .filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2; }) // All quads must be at least 2px tall since the center square is larger than a block
+        .map(function (q) {
+        var x = (q.top.startX + q.top.endX + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4;
+        var y = (q.top.y + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
+        if (!matrix.get(Math.round(x), Math.round(y))) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var lengths = [q.top.endX - q.top.startX, q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX, q.bottom.y - q.top.y + 1];
+        var size = sum(lengths) / lengths.length;
+        var score = scorePattern({ x: Math.round(x), y: Math.round(y) }, [1, 1, 3, 1, 1], matrix);
+        return { score: score, x: x, y: y, size: size };
+    })
+        .filter(function (q) { return !!q; }) // Filter out any rejected quads from above
+        .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; })
+        // Now take the top finder pattern options and try to find 2 other options with a similar size.
+        .map(function (point, i, finderPatterns) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        var otherPoints = finderPatterns
+            .filter(function (p, ii) { return i !== ii; })
+            .map(function (p) { return ({ x: p.x, y: p.y, score: p.score + (Math.pow((p.size - point.size), 2)) / point.size, size: p.size }); })
+            .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; });
+        if (otherPoints.length < 2) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        var score = point.score + otherPoints[0].score + otherPoints[1].score;
+        return { points: [point].concat(otherPoints.slice(0, 2)), score: score };
+    })
+        .filter(function (q) { return !!q; }) // Filter out any rejected finder patterns from above
+        .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; });
+    if (finderPatternGroups.length === 0) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var _a = reorderFinderPatterns(finderPatternGroups[0].points[0], finderPatternGroups[0].points[1], finderPatternGroups[0].points[2]), topRight = _a.topRight, topLeft = _a.topLeft, bottomLeft = _a.bottomLeft;
+    var alignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft);
+    var result = [];
+    if (alignment) {
+        result.push({
+            alignmentPattern: { x: alignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: alignment.alignmentPattern.y },
+            bottomLeft: { x: bottomLeft.x, y: bottomLeft.y },
+            dimension: alignment.dimension,
+            topLeft: { x: topLeft.x, y: topLeft.y },
+            topRight: { x: topRight.x, y: topRight.y },
+        });
+    }
+    // We normally use the center of the quads as the location of the tracking points, which is optimal for most cases and will account
+    // for a skew in the image. However, In some cases, a slight skew might not be real and instead be caused by image compression
+    // errors and/or low resolution. For those cases, we'd be better off centering the point exactly in the middle of the black area. We
+    // compute and return the location data for the naively centered points as it is little additional work and allows for multiple
+    // attempts at decoding harder images.
+    var midTopRight = recenterLocation(matrix, topRight);
+    var midTopLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, topLeft);
+    var midBottomLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, bottomLeft);
+    var centeredAlignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, midTopRight, midTopLeft, midBottomLeft);
+    if (centeredAlignment) {
+        result.push({
+            alignmentPattern: { x: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.y },
+            bottomLeft: { x: midBottomLeft.x, y: midBottomLeft.y },
+            topLeft: { x: midTopLeft.x, y: midTopLeft.y },
+            topRight: { x: midTopRight.x, y: midTopRight.y },
+            dimension: centeredAlignment.dimension,
+        });
+    }
+    if (result.length === 0) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    return result;
+exports.locate = locate;
+function findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft) {
+    var _a;
+    // Now that we've found the three finder patterns we can determine the blockSize and the size of the QR code.
+    // We'll use these to help find the alignment pattern but also later when we do the extraction.
+    var dimension;
+    var moduleSize;
+    try {
+        (_a = computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, matrix), dimension = _a.dimension, moduleSize = _a.moduleSize);
+    }
+    catch (e) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    // Now find the alignment pattern
+    var bottomRightFinderPattern = {
+        x: topRight.x - topLeft.x + bottomLeft.x,
+        y: topRight.y - topLeft.y + bottomLeft.y,
+    };
+    var modulesBetweenFinderPatterns = ((distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) + distance(topLeft, topRight)) / 2 / moduleSize);
+    var correctionToTopLeft = 1 - (3 / modulesBetweenFinderPatterns);
+    var expectedAlignmentPattern = {
+        x: topLeft.x + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.x - topLeft.x),
+        y: topLeft.y + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.y - topLeft.y),
+    };
+    var alignmentPatterns = alignmentPatternQuads
+        .map(function (q) {
+        var x = (q.top.startX + q.top.endX + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4;
+        var y = (q.top.y + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
+        if (!matrix.get(Math.floor(x), Math.floor(y))) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var lengths = [q.top.endX - q.top.startX, q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX, (q.bottom.y - q.top.y + 1)];
+        var size = sum(lengths) / lengths.length;
+        var sizeScore = scorePattern({ x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y) }, [1, 1, 1], matrix);
+        var score = sizeScore + distance({ x: x, y: y }, expectedAlignmentPattern);
+        return { x: x, y: y, score: score };
+    })
+        .filter(function (v) { return !!v; })
+        .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; });
+    // If there are less than 15 modules between finder patterns it's a version 1 QR code and as such has no alignmemnt pattern
+    // so we can only use our best guess.
+    var alignmentPattern = modulesBetweenFinderPatterns >= 15 && alignmentPatterns.length ? alignmentPatterns[0] : expectedAlignmentPattern;
+    return { alignmentPattern: alignmentPattern, dimension: dimension };
+/***/ })
+/******/ ])["default"];

+ 436 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+	<view class="canvasBox">
+		<template v-if="isUse">
+			<view class="box">
+				<view class="line"></view>
+				<view class="angle"></view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="box2" v-if="isUseTorch">
+				<view class="track" @click="openTrack">
+					<svg
+						t="1653920715959"
+						class="icon"
+						viewBox="0 0 1024 1024"
+						version="1.1"
+						xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
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+					>
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+							d="M651.353043 550.479503H378.752795L240.862609 364.315031c-3.688944-4.897391-5.660621-10.876025-5.660621-17.045466v-60.040745c0-15.773416 12.847702-28.621118 28.621118-28.621118h502.459627c15.773416 0 28.621118 12.847702 28.621118 28.621118v59.977143c0 6.105839-1.971677 12.084472-5.660621 17.045466l-137.890187 186.228074zM378.752795 598.308571v398.024348c0 15.328199 12.402484 27.667081 27.667081 27.667081h217.266087c15.328199 0 27.667081-12.402484 27.66708-27.667081V598.308571H378.752795z m136.300124 176.942112c-14.564969 0-26.331429-11.76646-26.331428-26.331428v-81.283975c0-14.564969 11.76646-26.331429 26.331428-26.331429 14.564969 0 26.331429 11.76646 26.331429 26.331429v81.283975c0 14.564969-11.76646 26.331429-26.331429 26.331428zM512 222.608696c-17.554286 0-31.801242-14.246957-31.801242-31.801243V31.801242c0-17.554286 14.246957-31.801242 31.801242-31.801242s31.801242 14.246957 31.801242 31.801242v159.006211c0 17.554286-14.246957 31.801242-31.801242 31.801243zM280.932174 205.881242c-9.47677 0-18.889938-4.197764-25.122981-12.275279L158.242981 67.991056a31.864845 31.864845 0 0 1 5.597019-44.648944 31.864845 31.864845 0 0 1 44.648944 5.597018l97.502609 125.551305a31.864845 31.864845 0 0 1-5.597019 44.648944c-5.787826 4.579379-12.656894 6.741863-19.46236 6.741863zM723.987081 205.881242c-6.805466 0-13.674534-2.162484-19.462361-6.678261a31.794882 31.794882 0 0 1-5.597018-44.648944l97.566211-125.551304a31.794882 31.794882 0 0 1 44.648944-5.597019 31.794882 31.794882 0 0 1 5.597019 44.648944l-97.566211 125.551305c-6.360248 8.077516-15.709814 12.27528-25.186584 12.275279z"
+							fill="#ffffff"
+							p-id="1352"
+						></path>
+					</svg>
+					{{ trackStatus ? '关闭闪光灯' : '打开闪光灯' }}
+				</view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="mask1 mask" :style="'height:' + maskHeight + 'px;'"></view>
+			<view
+				class="mask2 mask"
+				:style="'width:' + maskWidth + 'px;top:' + maskHeight + 'px;height:' + canvasHeight + 'px'"
+			></view>
+			<view class="mask3 mask" :style="'height:' + maskHeight + 'px;'"></view>
+			<view
+				class="mask4 mask"
+				:style="'width:' + maskWidth + 'px;top:' + maskHeight + 'px;height:' + canvasHeight + 'px'"
+			></view>
+		</template>
+		<template v-else>
+			<slot name="error">
+				<view class="error">
+					<view class="on1">相机权限被拒绝,请尝试如下操作:</view>
+					<view>· 刷新页面后重试;</view>
+					<view>· 在系统中检测当前App或浏览器的相机权限是否被禁用;</view>
+					<view>· 如果依然不能体验,建议在微信中打开链接;</view>
+				</view>
+			</slot>
+		</template>
+	</view>
+import jsQR from './jsQR.js'
+export default {
+	props: {
+		continue: {
+			type: Boolean,
+			default: false // false 监听一次   true 持续监听
+		},
+		exact: {
+			type: String,
+			default: 'environment' // environment 后摄像头  user 前摄像头
+		},
+		size: {
+			type: String,
+			default: 'whole' // whole 全屏  balf 半屏
+		},
+		definition: {
+			type: Boolean,
+			default: false // fasle 正常  true 高清
+		}
+	},
+	data() {
+		return {
+			windowWidth: 0,
+			windowHeight: 0,
+			video: null,
+			canvas2d: null,
+			canvas2d2: null,
+			canvasWidth: 200,
+			canvasHeight: 200,
+			maskWidth: 0,
+			maskHeight: 0,
+			inter: 0,
+			track: null,
+			isUseTorch: false,
+			trackStatus: false,
+			isParse: false,
+			isUse: true
+		}
+	},
+	mounted() {
+		if (origin.indexOf('https') === -1) throw '请在 https 环境中使用摄像头组件。'
+		this.windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth
+		this.windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight
+		this.windowHeight = this.size === 'whole' ? this.windowHeight : this.windowHeight / 2
+		this.isParse = true
+		this.$nextTick(() => {
+			this.createMsk()
+			this.openScan()
+		})
+	},
+	destroyed() {
+		this.closeCamera()
+	},
+	methods: {
+		openScan() {
+			const width = this.transtion(this.windowHeight)
+			const height = this.transtion(this.windowWidth)
+			const videoParam = {
+				audio: false,
+				video: {
+					facingMode: { exact: this.exact },
+					width,
+					height
+				}
+			}
+			navigator.mediaDevices
+				.getUserMedia(videoParam)
+				.then(stream => {
+					this.video = document.createElement('video')
+					this.video.width = this.windowWidth
+					this.video.height = this.windowHeight
+					const canvas = document.createElement('canvas')
+					canvas.id = 'canvas'
+					canvas.width = this.transtion(this.canvasWidth)
+					canvas.height = this.transtion(this.canvasHeight)
+					canvas.style = 'display:none;'
+					//canvas.style = 'position: fixed;top: 0;z-index: 999;left:0'
+					this.canvas2d = canvas.getContext('2d')
+					// 设置当前宽高 满屏
+					const canvasBox = document.querySelector('.canvasBox')
+					canvasBox.append(this.video)
+					canvasBox.append(canvas)
+					canvasBox.style = `width:${this.windowWidth}px;height:${this.windowHeight}px;`
+					// 创建第二个canvas
+					const canvas2 = document.createElement('canvas')
+					canvas2.id = 'canvas2'
+					canvas2.width = this.canvasWidth
+					canvas2.height = this.canvasHeight
+					canvas2.style = 'position: absolute;top: 50%;left: 50%;z-index: 20;transform: translate(-50%, -50%);'
+					this.canvas2d2 = canvas2.getContext('2d')
+					canvasBox.append(canvas2)
+					this.video.srcObject = stream
+					this.video.setAttribute('playsinline', true)
+					this.video.play()
+					this.tick()
+					this.track = stream.getVideoTracks()[0]
+					setTimeout(() => {
+						this.isUseTorch = this.track.getCapabilities().torch || null
+					}, 500)
+				})
+				.catch(err => {
+					this.isUse = false
+					this.$emit('error', err)
+				})
+		},
+		closeCamera() {
+			this.isParse = false
+			if (this.video && this.video.srcObject) {
+				this.video.srcObject.getTracks().forEach(track => {
+					track.stop()
+				})
+			}
+		},
+		tick() {
+			if (!this.isParse) return
+			if (this.video.readyState === this.video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) {
+				this.canvas2d.drawImage(
+					this.video,
+					this.transtion(this.maskWidth),
+					this.transtion(this.maskHeight),
+					this.transtion(200),
+					this.transtion(200),
+					0,
+					0,
+					this.transtion(this.canvasWidth),
+					this.transtion(this.canvasHeight)
+				)
+				const imageData = this.canvas2d.getImageData(
+					0,
+					0,
+					this.transtion(this.canvasWidth),
+					this.transtion(this.canvasHeight)
+				)
+				const code = jsQR(imageData.data, imageData.width, imageData.height, {
+					inversionAttempts: 'dontInvert'
+				})
+				this.canvas2d2.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight)
+				if (code) {
+					this.drawLine(code.location.topLeftCorner, code.location.topRightCorner)
+					this.drawLine(code.location.topRightCorner, code.location.bottomRightCorner)
+					this.drawLine(code.location.bottomRightCorner, code.location.bottomLeftCorner)
+					this.drawLine(code.location.bottomLeftCorner, code.location.topLeftCorner)
+					if (code.data) {
+						this.getData(code.data)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			requestAnimationFrame(this.tick)
+		},
+		drawLine(begin, end, color = '#FF3B58') {
+			this.canvas2d2.beginPath()
+			this.canvas2d2.moveTo(this.nutranstion(begin.x), this.nutranstion(begin.y))
+			this.canvas2d2.lineTo(this.nutranstion(end.x), this.nutranstion(end.y))
+			this.canvas2d2.lineWidth = 4
+			this.canvas2d2.strokeStyle = color
+			this.canvas2d2.stroke()
+		},
+		getData(data) {
+			this.$emit('success', data)
+			if (!this.continue) {
+				this.closeCamera()
+			}
+		},
+		openTrack() {
+			this.trackStatus = !this.trackStatus
+			this.track.applyConstraints({
+				advanced: [{ torch: this.trackStatus }]
+			})
+		},
+		createMsk() {
+			this.maskWidth = this.windowWidth / 2 - this.canvasWidth / 2
+			this.maskHeight = this.windowHeight / 2 - this.canvasHeight / 2
+		},
+		transtion(number) {
+			return this.definition ? number * 2.8 : number * 1.8
+		},
+		nutranstion(number) {
+			return this.definition ? number / 2.8 : number / 1.8
+		}
+	}
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+	transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+	overflow: hidden;
+	border: 0.1rem solid rgba(0, 255, 51, 0.2);
+	z-index: 11;
+.line {
+	height: calc(100% - 2px);
+	width: 100%;
+	background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0, 255, 51, 0) 43%, #00ff33 211%);
+	border-bottom: 3px solid #00ff33;
+	transform: translateY(-100%);
+	animation: radar-beam 2s infinite alternate;
+	animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.53, 0, 0.43, 0.99);
+	animation-delay: 1.4s;
+.angle:before {
+	content: '';
+	display: block;
+	position: absolute;
+	width: 3vw;
+	height: 3vw;
+	z-index: 12;
+	border: 0.2rem solid transparent;
+.box:before {
+	top: 0;
+	border-top-color: #00ff33;
+.angle:before {
+	bottom: 0;
+	border-bottom-color: #00ff33;
+.angle:before {
+	left: 0;
+	border-left-color: #00ff33;
+.angle:after {
+	right: 0;
+	border-right-color: #00ff33;
+@keyframes radar-beam {
+	0% {
+		transform: translateY(-100%);
+	}
+	100% {
+		transform: translateY(0);
+	}
+.msg {
+	text-align: center;
+	padding: 20rpx 0;
+.box2 {
+	width: 300px;
+	height: 200px;
+	position: absolute;
+	left: 50%;
+	top: 50%;
+	transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+	z-index: 20;
+.track {
+	position: absolute;
+	bottom: -100px;
+	left: 50%;
+	transform: translateX(-50%);
+	z-index: 20;
+	color: #fff;
+	display: flex;
+	flex-direction: column;
+	align-items: center;
+.mask {
+	position: absolute;
+	z-index: 10;
+	background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.55);
+.mask1 {
+	top: 0;
+	left: 0;
+	right: 0;
+.mask2 {
+	right: 0;
+.mask3 {
+	right: 0;
+	left: 0;
+	bottom: 0;
+.mask4 {
+	left: 0;
+.error {
+	color: #fff;
+	padding: 40rpx;
+	font-size: 24rpx;
+	background-color: #333333;
+	position: fixed;
+	top: 50%;
+	left: 50%;
+	transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
+	width: 550rpx;
+	border-radius: 20rpx;
+.error .on1 {
+	font-size: 30rpx;

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+  "id": "mumu-getQrcode",
+  "displayName": "H5调用摄像头识别二维码(原生H5调用,不需要任何sdk,本地扫描识别,不需要后端)",
+  "version": "1.3.0",
+  "description": "在浏览器中调用手机摄像头进行扫码,无须任何sdk,支持市面上绝大部分手机。在安卓系统上可以打开闪光灯",
+  "keywords": [
+    "h5扫码",
+    "原生H5调用摄像头",
+    "二维码",
+    "闪光灯"
+  "repository": "",
+  "engines": {
+    "HBuilderX": "^3.1.0"
+  },
+  "dcloudext": {
+    "category": [
+        "前端组件",
+        "通用组件"
+    ],
+    "sale": {
+      "regular": {
+        "price": "4.55"
+      },
+      "sourcecode": {
+        "price": "30.00"
+      }
+    },
+    "contact": {
+      "qq": "1139027508"
+    },
+    "declaration": {
+      "ads": "无",
+      "data": "无",
+      "permissions": "摄像头"
+    },
+    "npmurl": ""
+  },
+  "uni_modules": {
+    "dependencies": [],
+    "encrypt": [],
+    "platforms": {
+      "cloud": {
+        "tcb": "y",
+        "aliyun": "y"
+      },
+      "client": {
+        "Vue": {
+          "vue2": "y",
+          "vue3": "y"
+        },
+        "App": {
+          "app-vue": "n",
+          "app-nvue": "n"
+        },
+        "H5-mobile": {
+          "Safari": "y",
+          "Android Browser": "y",
+          "微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
+          "QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
+        },
+        "H5-pc": {
+          "Chrome": "n",
+          "IE": "n",
+          "Edge": "n",
+          "Firefox": "n",
+          "Safari": "n"
+        },
+        "小程序": {
+          "微信": "n",
+          "阿里": "n",
+          "百度": "n",
+          "字节跳动": "n",
+          "QQ": "n"
+        },
+        "快应用": {
+          "华为": "u",
+          "联盟": "u"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 137 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+## 插件简绍
+### 实现原理
+> 二维码识别功能使用的是jsQR这个库,调用摄像头使用的 	navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia 这个H5的api。通过canvas画布把摄像头获取到的数据展现到页面上,同时循环监听jsQR解析。
+### 使用环境
+经测试发现大部分浏览器都可以正常使用(微信,QQ,谷歌,火狐,safari),少数的安卓自带浏览器无法使用(浏览器内核版本过低)。需要https环境才能使用,本地测试可以在 manifest.json  中点击源码展示,找到h5 ,添加:"devServer" : { "https" : true}
+#### 通过脚手架创建的 uni 项目,需要看这里
+如果你是通过脚手架创建的 uni 的项目,需要自行安装 `jsQR` 依赖,并且修改组件中源码中的引入。通过 HBuilder 创建的项目不需要此操作。
+# 安装 jsQR
+npm install jsqr --save
+# 修改组件源码对 jsQR 依赖
+import jsQR from "jsqr"
+### 插件使用
+**插件已支持 uni_modules 支持组件easycom,以下代码演示的是普通使用**
+``` html
+<!-- HTML -->
+	<mumu-get-qrcode @success='qrcodeSucess' @error="qrcodeError" ></mumu-get-qrcode>
+``` javascript
+// js
+import mumuGetQrcode from '@/uni_modules/mumu-getQrcode/components/mumu-getQrcode/mumu-getQrcode.vue'
+// 嫌路径长的话可以单独复制出来
+export default {
+		components: {
+			mumuGetQrcode
+		},
+		methods: {
+			qrcodeSucess(data) {
+				uni.showModal({
+					title: '成功',
+					content: data,
+					success: () => {
+						uni.navigateBack({})
+					}
+				})
+			},
+      qrcodeError(err) {
+        console.log(err)
+        uni.showModal({
+          title: '摄像头授权失败',
+          content: '摄像头授权失败,请检测当前浏览器是否有摄像头权限。',
+          success: () => {
+            uni.navigateBack({})
+          }
+        })
+      }
+		}
+	}
+### 相关API
+##### 可传属性(Props)
+| 参数       | 说明                                              | 类型    | 默认值      |
+| ---------- | ------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ----------- |
+| continue   | 是否连续获取。false 监听一次   true 持续监听      | Boolean | false       |
+| exact      | 选调用摄像头。environment 后摄像头  user 前摄像头 | String  | environment |
+| size       | 扫码屏幕大小。whole 全屏  balf 半屏               | String  | whole       |
+| definition | 调用摄像头清晰度。fasle 正常  true 高清           | Boolean | false       |
+##### 事件(Events)
+| 事件名  | 说明                                       | 回调参数           |
+| ------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------ |
+| success | 检测到图中有二维码并读取到数据是回调       | 二维码数据         |
+| error   | 组件内部发送错误,通常是摄像头没有调用成功 | 错误信息,详情见下 |
+- `AbortError`[中止错误]
+  尽管用户和操作系统都授予了访问设备硬件的权利,而且未出现可能抛出`NotReadableError`异常的硬件问题,但仍然有一些问题的出现导致了设备无法被使用。
+- `NotAllowedError`[拒绝错误]
+  用户拒绝了当前的浏览器实例的访问请求;或者用户拒绝了当前会话的访问;或者用户在全局范围内拒绝了所有媒体访问请求。
+- `NotFoundError`[找不到错误]
+  找不到满足请求参数的媒体类型。
+- `NotReadableError`[无法读取错误]
+  尽管用户已经授权使用相应的设备,操作系统上某个硬件、浏览器或者网页层面发生的错误导致设备无法被访问。
+- `OverconstrainedError`[无法满足要求错误]
+  指定的要求无法被设备满足,此异常是一个类型为`OverconstrainedError`的对象,拥有一个`constraint`属性,这个属性包含了当前无法被满足的`constraint`对象,还拥有一个`message`属性,包含了阅读友好的字符串用来说明情况。
+- `SecurityError`[安全错误]
+  在`getUserMedia()` 被调用的 [`Document`](https://developer.mozilla.org/zh-CN/docs/Web/API/Document) 上面,使用设备媒体被禁止。这个机制是否开启或者关闭取决于单个用户的偏好设置。
+- `TypeError`[类型错误]
+  constraints 对象未设置[空],或者都被设置为`false`。
+##### 插槽 (slot)
+| 插槽名称 | 说明                             | 默认值             |
+| -------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------ |
+| error    | 当发送错误时,在页面上显示的内容 | 相机权限被拒绝提示 |
+### 案例演示
+![enter description here](https://h5plugin.mumudev.top/public/getQrcode/qrcode.png)
+## 支持作者

+ 10102 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10102 @@
+(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
+	if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
+		module.exports = factory();
+	else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
+		define([], factory);
+	else if(typeof exports === 'object')
+		exports["jsQR"] = factory();
+	else
+		root["jsQR"] = factory();
+})(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function() {
+return /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
+/******/ 	// The module cache
+/******/ 	var installedModules = {};
+/******/ 	// The require function
+/******/ 	function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
+/******/ 		// Check if module is in cache
+/******/ 		if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
+/******/ 			return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
+/******/ 		}
+/******/ 		// Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
+/******/ 		var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
+/******/ 			i: moduleId,
+/******/ 			l: false,
+/******/ 			exports: {}
+/******/ 		};
+/******/ 		// Execute the module function
+/******/ 		modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
+/******/ 		// Flag the module as loaded
+/******/ 		module.l = true;
+/******/ 		// Return the exports of the module
+/******/ 		return module.exports;
+/******/ 	}
+/******/ 	// expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.m = modules;
+/******/ 	// expose the module cache
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
+/******/ 	// define getter function for harmony exports
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
+/******/ 		if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
+/******/ 			Object.defineProperty(exports, name, {
+/******/ 				configurable: false,
+/******/ 				enumerable: true,
+/******/ 				get: getter
+/******/ 			});
+/******/ 		}
+/******/ 	};
+/******/ 	// getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
+/******/ 		var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
+/******/ 			function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
+/******/ 			function getModuleExports() { return module; };
+/******/ 		__webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
+/******/ 		return getter;
+/******/ 	};
+/******/ 	// Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); };
+/******/ 	// __webpack_public_path__
+/******/ 	__webpack_require__.p = "";
+/******/ 	// Load entry module and return exports
+/******/ 	return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 3);
+/******/ })
+/******/ ([
+/* 0 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function BitMatrix(data, width) {
+        this.width = width;
+        this.height = data.length / width;
+        this.data = data;
+    }
+    BitMatrix.createEmpty = function (width, height) {
+        return new BitMatrix(new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height), width);
+    };
+    BitMatrix.prototype.get = function (x, y) {
+        if (x < 0 || x >= this.width || y < 0 || y >= this.height) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return !!this.data[y * this.width + x];
+    };
+    BitMatrix.prototype.set = function (x, y, v) {
+        this.data[y * this.width + x] = v ? 1 : 0;
+    };
+    BitMatrix.prototype.setRegion = function (left, top, width, height, v) {
+        for (var y = top; y < top + height; y++) {
+            for (var x = left; x < left + width; x++) {
+                this.set(x, y, !!v);
+            }
+        }
+    };
+    return BitMatrix;
+exports.BitMatrix = BitMatrix;
+/***/ }),
+/* 1 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var GenericGFPoly_1 = __webpack_require__(2);
+function addOrSubtractGF(a, b) {
+    return a ^ b; // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
+exports.addOrSubtractGF = addOrSubtractGF;
+var GenericGF = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function GenericGF(primitive, size, genBase) {
+        this.primitive = primitive;
+        this.size = size;
+        this.generatorBase = genBase;
+        this.expTable = new Array(this.size);
+        this.logTable = new Array(this.size);
+        var x = 1;
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.size; i++) {
+            this.expTable[i] = x;
+            x = x * 2;
+            if (x >= this.size) {
+                x = (x ^ this.primitive) & (this.size - 1); // tslint:disable-line:no-bitwise
+            }
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < this.size - 1; i++) {
+            this.logTable[this.expTable[i]] = i;
+        }
+        this.zero = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([0]));
+        this.one = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, Uint8ClampedArray.from([1]));
+    }
+    GenericGF.prototype.multiply = function (a, b) {
+        if (a === 0 || b === 0) {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        return this.expTable[(this.logTable[a] + this.logTable[b]) % (this.size - 1)];
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.inverse = function (a) {
+        if (a === 0) {
+            throw new Error("Can't invert 0");
+        }
+        return this.expTable[this.size - this.logTable[a] - 1];
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.buildMonomial = function (degree, coefficient) {
+        if (degree < 0) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid monomial degree less than 0");
+        }
+        if (coefficient === 0) {
+            return this.zero;
+        }
+        var coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(degree + 1);
+        coefficients[0] = coefficient;
+        return new GenericGFPoly_1.default(this, coefficients);
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.log = function (a) {
+        if (a === 0) {
+            throw new Error("Can't take log(0)");
+        }
+        return this.logTable[a];
+    };
+    GenericGF.prototype.exp = function (a) {
+        return this.expTable[a];
+    };
+    return GenericGF;
+exports.default = GenericGF;
+/***/ }),
+/* 2 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var GenericGF_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
+var GenericGFPoly = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function GenericGFPoly(field, coefficients) {
+        if (coefficients.length === 0) {
+            throw new Error("No coefficients.");
+        }
+        this.field = field;
+        var coefficientsLength = coefficients.length;
+        if (coefficientsLength > 1 && coefficients[0] === 0) {
+            // Leading term must be non-zero for anything except the constant polynomial "0"
+            var firstNonZero = 1;
+            while (firstNonZero < coefficientsLength && coefficients[firstNonZero] === 0) {
+                firstNonZero++;
+            }
+            if (firstNonZero === coefficientsLength) {
+                this.coefficients = field.zero.coefficients;
+            }
+            else {
+                this.coefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(coefficientsLength - firstNonZero);
+                for (var i = 0; i < this.coefficients.length; i++) {
+                    this.coefficients[i] = coefficients[firstNonZero + i];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else {
+            this.coefficients = coefficients;
+        }
+    }
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.degree = function () {
+        return this.coefficients.length - 1;
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.isZero = function () {
+        return this.coefficients[0] === 0;
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.getCoefficient = function (degree) {
+        return this.coefficients[this.coefficients.length - 1 - degree];
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.addOrSubtract = function (other) {
+        var _a;
+        if (this.isZero()) {
+            return other;
+        }
+        if (other.isZero()) {
+            return this;
+        }
+        var smallerCoefficients = this.coefficients;
+        var largerCoefficients = other.coefficients;
+        if (smallerCoefficients.length > largerCoefficients.length) {
+            _a = [largerCoefficients, smallerCoefficients], smallerCoefficients = _a[0], largerCoefficients = _a[1];
+        }
+        var sumDiff = new Uint8ClampedArray(largerCoefficients.length);
+        var lengthDiff = largerCoefficients.length - smallerCoefficients.length;
+        for (var i = 0; i < lengthDiff; i++) {
+            sumDiff[i] = largerCoefficients[i];
+        }
+        for (var i = lengthDiff; i < largerCoefficients.length; i++) {
+            sumDiff[i] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(smallerCoefficients[i - lengthDiff], largerCoefficients[i]);
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, sumDiff);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.multiply = function (scalar) {
+        if (scalar === 0) {
+            return this.field.zero;
+        }
+        if (scalar === 1) {
+            return this;
+        }
+        var size = this.coefficients.length;
+        var product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size);
+        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+            product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], scalar);
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.multiplyPoly = function (other) {
+        if (this.isZero() || other.isZero()) {
+            return this.field.zero;
+        }
+        var aCoefficients = this.coefficients;
+        var aLength = aCoefficients.length;
+        var bCoefficients = other.coefficients;
+        var bLength = bCoefficients.length;
+        var product = new Uint8ClampedArray(aLength + bLength - 1);
+        for (var i = 0; i < aLength; i++) {
+            var aCoeff = aCoefficients[i];
+            for (var j = 0; j < bLength; j++) {
+                product[i + j] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(product[i + j], this.field.multiply(aCoeff, bCoefficients[j]));
+            }
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.multiplyByMonomial = function (degree, coefficient) {
+        if (degree < 0) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid degree less than 0");
+        }
+        if (coefficient === 0) {
+            return this.field.zero;
+        }
+        var size = this.coefficients.length;
+        var product = new Uint8ClampedArray(size + degree);
+        for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+            product[i] = this.field.multiply(this.coefficients[i], coefficient);
+        }
+        return new GenericGFPoly(this.field, product);
+    };
+    GenericGFPoly.prototype.evaluateAt = function (a) {
+        var result = 0;
+        if (a === 0) {
+            // Just return the x^0 coefficient
+            return this.getCoefficient(0);
+        }
+        var size = this.coefficients.length;
+        if (a === 1) {
+            // Just the sum of the coefficients
+            this.coefficients.forEach(function (coefficient) {
+                result = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(result, coefficient);
+            });
+            return result;
+        }
+        result = this.coefficients[0];
+        for (var i = 1; i < size; i++) {
+            result = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(this.field.multiply(a, result), this.coefficients[i]);
+        }
+        return result;
+    };
+    return GenericGFPoly;
+exports.default = GenericGFPoly;
+/***/ }),
+/* 3 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var binarizer_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
+var decoder_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
+var extractor_1 = __webpack_require__(11);
+var locator_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
+function scan(matrix) {
+    var locations = locator_1.locate(matrix);
+    if (!locations) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    for (var _i = 0, locations_1 = locations; _i < locations_1.length; _i++) {
+        var location_1 = locations_1[_i];
+        var extracted = extractor_1.extract(matrix, location_1);
+        var decoded = decoder_1.decode(extracted.matrix);
+        if (decoded) {
+            return {
+                binaryData: decoded.bytes,
+                data: decoded.text,
+                chunks: decoded.chunks,
+                version: decoded.version,
+                location: {
+                    topRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location_1.dimension, 0),
+                    topLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, 0),
+                    bottomRightCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(location_1.dimension, location_1.dimension),
+                    bottomLeftCorner: extracted.mappingFunction(0, location_1.dimension),
+                    topRightFinderPattern: location_1.topRight,
+                    topLeftFinderPattern: location_1.topLeft,
+                    bottomLeftFinderPattern: location_1.bottomLeft,
+                    bottomRightAlignmentPattern: location_1.alignmentPattern,
+                },
+            };
+        }
+    }
+    return null;
+var defaultOptions = {
+    inversionAttempts: "attemptBoth",
+function jsQR(data, width, height, providedOptions) {
+    if (providedOptions === void 0) { providedOptions = {}; }
+    var options = defaultOptions;
+    Object.keys(options || {}).forEach(function (opt) {
+        options[opt] = providedOptions[opt] || options[opt];
+    });
+    var shouldInvert = options.inversionAttempts === "attemptBoth" || options.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst";
+    var tryInvertedFirst = options.inversionAttempts === "onlyInvert" || options.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst";
+    var _a = binarizer_1.binarize(data, width, height, shouldInvert), binarized = _a.binarized, inverted = _a.inverted;
+    var result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? inverted : binarized);
+    if (!result && (options.inversionAttempts === "attemptBoth" || options.inversionAttempts === "invertFirst")) {
+        result = scan(tryInvertedFirst ? binarized : inverted);
+    }
+    return result;
+jsQR.default = jsQR;
+exports.default = jsQR;
+/***/ }),
+/* 4 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
+var REGION_SIZE = 8;
+function numBetween(value, min, max) {
+    return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;
+// Like BitMatrix but accepts arbitry Uint8 values
+var Matrix = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function Matrix(width, height) {
+        this.width = width;
+        this.data = new Uint8ClampedArray(width * height);
+    }
+    Matrix.prototype.get = function (x, y) {
+        return this.data[y * this.width + x];
+    };
+    Matrix.prototype.set = function (x, y, value) {
+        this.data[y * this.width + x] = value;
+    };
+    return Matrix;
+function binarize(data, width, height, returnInverted) {
+    if (data.length !== width * height * 4) {
+        throw new Error("Malformed data passed to binarizer.");
+    }
+    // Convert image to greyscale
+    var greyscalePixels = new Matrix(width, height);
+    for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) {
+        for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) {
+            var r = data[((y * width + x) * 4) + 0];
+            var g = data[((y * width + x) * 4) + 1];
+            var b = data[((y * width + x) * 4) + 2];
+            greyscalePixels.set(x, y, 0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b);
+        }
+    }
+    var horizontalRegionCount = Math.ceil(width / REGION_SIZE);
+    var verticalRegionCount = Math.ceil(height / REGION_SIZE);
+    var blackPoints = new Matrix(horizontalRegionCount, verticalRegionCount);
+    for (var verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++) {
+        for (var hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {
+            var sum = 0;
+            var min = Infinity;
+            var max = 0;
+            for (var y = 0; y < REGION_SIZE; y++) {
+                for (var x = 0; x < REGION_SIZE; x++) {
+                    var pixelLumosity = greyscalePixels.get(hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + x, verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + y);
+                    sum += pixelLumosity;
+                    min = Math.min(min, pixelLumosity);
+                    max = Math.max(max, pixelLumosity);
+                }
+            }
+            var average = sum / (Math.pow(REGION_SIZE, 2));
+            if (max - min <= MIN_DYNAMIC_RANGE) {
+                // If variation within the block is low, assume this is a block with only light or only
+                // dark pixels. In that case we do not want to use the average, as it would divide this
+                // low contrast area into black and white pixels, essentially creating data out of noise.
+                //
+                // Default the blackpoint for these blocks to be half the min - effectively white them out
+                average = min / 2;
+                if (verticalRegion > 0 && hortizontalRegion > 0) {
+                    // Correct the "white background" assumption for blocks that have neighbors by comparing
+                    // the pixels in this block to the previously calculated black points. This is based on
+                    // the fact that dark barcode symbology is always surrounded by some amount of light
+                    // background for which reasonable black point estimates were made. The bp estimated at
+                    // the boundaries is used for the interior.
+                    // The (min < bp) is arbitrary but works better than other heuristics that were tried.
+                    var averageNeighborBlackPoint = (blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion - 1) +
+                        (2 * blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion)) +
+                        blackPoints.get(hortizontalRegion - 1, verticalRegion - 1)) / 4;
+                    if (min < averageNeighborBlackPoint) {
+                        average = averageNeighborBlackPoint;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            blackPoints.set(hortizontalRegion, verticalRegion, average);
+        }
+    }
+    var binarized = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height);
+    var inverted = null;
+    if (returnInverted) {
+        inverted = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(width, height);
+    }
+    for (var verticalRegion = 0; verticalRegion < verticalRegionCount; verticalRegion++) {
+        for (var hortizontalRegion = 0; hortizontalRegion < horizontalRegionCount; hortizontalRegion++) {
+            var left = numBetween(hortizontalRegion, 2, horizontalRegionCount - 3);
+            var top_1 = numBetween(verticalRegion, 2, verticalRegionCount - 3);
+            var sum = 0;
+            for (var xRegion = -2; xRegion <= 2; xRegion++) {
+                for (var yRegion = -2; yRegion <= 2; yRegion++) {
+                    sum += blackPoints.get(left + xRegion, top_1 + yRegion);
+                }
+            }
+            var threshold = sum / 25;
+            for (var xRegion = 0; xRegion < REGION_SIZE; xRegion++) {
+                for (var yRegion = 0; yRegion < REGION_SIZE; yRegion++) {
+                    var x = hortizontalRegion * REGION_SIZE + xRegion;
+                    var y = verticalRegion * REGION_SIZE + yRegion;
+                    var lum = greyscalePixels.get(x, y);
+                    binarized.set(x, y, lum <= threshold);
+                    if (returnInverted) {
+                        inverted.set(x, y, !(lum <= threshold));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (returnInverted) {
+        return { binarized: binarized, inverted: inverted };
+    }
+    return { binarized: binarized };
+exports.binarize = binarize;
+/***/ }),
+/* 5 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
+var decodeData_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
+var reedsolomon_1 = __webpack_require__(9);
+var version_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
+// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
+function numBitsDiffering(x, y) {
+    var z = x ^ y;
+    var bitCount = 0;
+    while (z) {
+        bitCount++;
+        z &= z - 1;
+    }
+    return bitCount;
+function pushBit(bit, byte) {
+    return (byte << 1) | bit;
+// tslint:enable:no-bitwise
+    { bits: 0x5412, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x5125, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x5E7C, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x5B4B, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x45F9, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x40CE, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x4F97, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x4AA0, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 1, dataMask: 7 } },
+    { bits: 0x77C4, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x72F3, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x7DAA, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x789D, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x662F, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x6318, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x6C41, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x6976, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 0, dataMask: 7 } },
+    { bits: 0x1689, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x13BE, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x1CE7, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x19D0, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x0762, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x0255, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x0D0C, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x083B, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 3, dataMask: 7 } },
+    { bits: 0x355F, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 0 } },
+    { bits: 0x3068, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 1 } },
+    { bits: 0x3F31, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 2 } },
+    { bits: 0x3A06, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 3 } },
+    { bits: 0x24B4, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 4 } },
+    { bits: 0x2183, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 5 } },
+    { bits: 0x2EDA, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 6 } },
+    { bits: 0x2BED, formatInfo: { errorCorrectionLevel: 2, dataMask: 7 } },
+var DATA_MASKS = [
+    function (p) { return ((p.y + p.x) % 2) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return (p.y % 2) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return p.x % 3 === 0; },
+    function (p) { return (p.y + p.x) % 3 === 0; },
+    function (p) { return (Math.floor(p.y / 2) + Math.floor(p.x / 3)) % 2 === 0; },
+    function (p) { return ((p.x * p.y) % 2) + ((p.x * p.y) % 3) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return ((((p.y * p.x) % 2) + (p.y * p.x) % 3) % 2) === 0; },
+    function (p) { return ((((p.y + p.x) % 2) + (p.y * p.x) % 3) % 2) === 0; },
+function buildFunctionPatternMask(version) {
+    var dimension = 17 + 4 * version.versionNumber;
+    var matrix = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(dimension, dimension);
+    matrix.setRegion(0, 0, 9, 9, true); // Top left finder pattern + separator + format
+    matrix.setRegion(dimension - 8, 0, 8, 9, true); // Top right finder pattern + separator + format
+    matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 8, 9, 8, true); // Bottom left finder pattern + separator + format
+    // Alignment patterns
+    for (var _i = 0, _a = version.alignmentPatternCenters; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
+        var x = _a[_i];
+        for (var _b = 0, _c = version.alignmentPatternCenters; _b < _c.length; _b++) {
+            var y = _c[_b];
+            if (!(x === 6 && y === 6 || x === 6 && y === dimension - 7 || x === dimension - 7 && y === 6)) {
+                matrix.setRegion(x - 2, y - 2, 5, 5, true);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    matrix.setRegion(6, 9, 1, dimension - 17, true); // Vertical timing pattern
+    matrix.setRegion(9, 6, dimension - 17, 1, true); // Horizontal timing pattern
+    if (version.versionNumber > 6) {
+        matrix.setRegion(dimension - 11, 0, 3, 6, true); // Version info, top right
+        matrix.setRegion(0, dimension - 11, 6, 3, true); // Version info, bottom left
+    }
+    return matrix;
+function readCodewords(matrix, version, formatInfo) {
+    var dataMask = DATA_MASKS[formatInfo.dataMask];
+    var dimension = matrix.height;
+    var functionPatternMask = buildFunctionPatternMask(version);
+    var codewords = [];
+    var currentByte = 0;
+    var bitsRead = 0;
+    // Read columns in pairs, from right to left
+    var readingUp = true;
+    for (var columnIndex = dimension - 1; columnIndex > 0; columnIndex -= 2) {
+        if (columnIndex === 6) { // Skip whole column with vertical alignment pattern;
+            columnIndex--;
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < dimension; i++) {
+            var y = readingUp ? dimension - 1 - i : i;
+            for (var columnOffset = 0; columnOffset < 2; columnOffset++) {
+                var x = columnIndex - columnOffset;
+                if (!functionPatternMask.get(x, y)) {
+                    bitsRead++;
+                    var bit = matrix.get(x, y);
+                    if (dataMask({ y: y, x: x })) {
+                        bit = !bit;
+                    }
+                    currentByte = pushBit(bit, currentByte);
+                    if (bitsRead === 8) { // Whole bytes
+                        codewords.push(currentByte);
+                        bitsRead = 0;
+                        currentByte = 0;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        readingUp = !readingUp;
+    }
+    return codewords;
+function readVersion(matrix) {
+    var dimension = matrix.height;
+    var provisionalVersion = Math.floor((dimension - 17) / 4);
+    if (provisionalVersion <= 6) { // 6 and under dont have version info in the QR code
+        return version_1.VERSIONS[provisionalVersion - 1];
+    }
+    var topRightVersionBits = 0;
+    for (var y = 5; y >= 0; y--) {
+        for (var x = dimension - 9; x >= dimension - 11; x--) {
+            topRightVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), topRightVersionBits);
+        }
+    }
+    var bottomLeftVersionBits = 0;
+    for (var x = 5; x >= 0; x--) {
+        for (var y = dimension - 9; y >= dimension - 11; y--) {
+            bottomLeftVersionBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, y), bottomLeftVersionBits);
+        }
+    }
+    var bestDifference = Infinity;
+    var bestVersion;
+    for (var _i = 0, VERSIONS_1 = version_1.VERSIONS; _i < VERSIONS_1.length; _i++) {
+        var version = VERSIONS_1[_i];
+        if (version.infoBits === topRightVersionBits || version.infoBits === bottomLeftVersionBits) {
+            return version;
+        }
+        var difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightVersionBits, version.infoBits);
+        if (difference < bestDifference) {
+            bestVersion = version;
+            bestDifference = difference;
+        }
+        difference = numBitsDiffering(bottomLeftVersionBits, version.infoBits);
+        if (difference < bestDifference) {
+            bestVersion = version;
+            bestDifference = difference;
+        }
+    }
+    // We can tolerate up to 3 bits of error since no two version info codewords will
+    // differ in less than 8 bits.
+    if (bestDifference <= 3) {
+        return bestVersion;
+    }
+function readFormatInformation(matrix) {
+    var topLeftFormatInfoBits = 0;
+    for (var x = 0; x <= 8; x++) {
+        if (x !== 6) { // Skip timing pattern bit
+            topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topLeftFormatInfoBits);
+        }
+    }
+    for (var y = 7; y >= 0; y--) {
+        if (y !== 6) { // Skip timing pattern bit
+            topLeftFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topLeftFormatInfoBits);
+        }
+    }
+    var dimension = matrix.height;
+    var topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = 0;
+    for (var y = dimension - 1; y >= dimension - 7; y--) { // bottom left
+        topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(8, y), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);
+    }
+    for (var x = dimension - 8; x < dimension; x++) { // top right
+        topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits = pushBit(matrix.get(x, 8), topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits);
+    }
+    var bestDifference = Infinity;
+    var bestFormatInfo = null;
+    for (var _i = 0, FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1 = FORMAT_INFO_TABLE; _i < FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1.length; _i++) {
+        var _a = FORMAT_INFO_TABLE_1[_i], bits = _a.bits, formatInfo = _a.formatInfo;
+        if (bits === topLeftFormatInfoBits || bits === topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits) {
+            return formatInfo;
+        }
+        var difference = numBitsDiffering(topLeftFormatInfoBits, bits);
+        if (difference < bestDifference) {
+            bestFormatInfo = formatInfo;
+            bestDifference = difference;
+        }
+        if (topLeftFormatInfoBits !== topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits) { // also try the other option
+            difference = numBitsDiffering(topRightBottomRightFormatInfoBits, bits);
+            if (difference < bestDifference) {
+                bestFormatInfo = formatInfo;
+                bestDifference = difference;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // Hamming distance of the 32 masked codes is 7, by construction, so <= 3 bits differing means we found a match
+    if (bestDifference <= 3) {
+        return bestFormatInfo;
+    }
+    return null;
+function getDataBlocks(codewords, version, ecLevel) {
+    var ecInfo = version.errorCorrectionLevels[ecLevel];
+    var dataBlocks = [];
+    var totalCodewords = 0;
+    ecInfo.ecBlocks.forEach(function (block) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < block.numBlocks; i++) {
+            dataBlocks.push({ numDataCodewords: block.dataCodewordsPerBlock, codewords: [] });
+            totalCodewords += block.dataCodewordsPerBlock + ecInfo.ecCodewordsPerBlock;
+        }
+    });
+    // In some cases the QR code will be malformed enough that we pull off more or less than we should.
+    // If we pull off less there's nothing we can do.
+    // If we pull off more we can safely truncate
+    if (codewords.length < totalCodewords) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    codewords = codewords.slice(0, totalCodewords);
+    var shortBlockSize = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].dataCodewordsPerBlock;
+    // Pull codewords to fill the blocks up to the minimum size
+    for (var i = 0; i < shortBlockSize; i++) {
+        for (var _i = 0, dataBlocks_1 = dataBlocks; _i < dataBlocks_1.length; _i++) {
+            var dataBlock = dataBlocks_1[_i];
+            dataBlock.codewords.push(codewords.shift());
+        }
+    }
+    // If there are any large blocks, pull codewords to fill the last element of those
+    if (ecInfo.ecBlocks.length > 1) {
+        var smallBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[0].numBlocks;
+        var largeBlockCount = ecInfo.ecBlocks[1].numBlocks;
+        for (var i = 0; i < largeBlockCount; i++) {
+            dataBlocks[smallBlockCount + i].codewords.push(codewords.shift());
+        }
+    }
+    // Add the rest of the codewords to the blocks. These are the error correction codewords.
+    while (codewords.length > 0) {
+        for (var _a = 0, dataBlocks_2 = dataBlocks; _a < dataBlocks_2.length; _a++) {
+            var dataBlock = dataBlocks_2[_a];
+            dataBlock.codewords.push(codewords.shift());
+        }
+    }
+    return dataBlocks;
+function decodeMatrix(matrix) {
+    var version = readVersion(matrix);
+    if (!version) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var formatInfo = readFormatInformation(matrix);
+    if (!formatInfo) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var codewords = readCodewords(matrix, version, formatInfo);
+    var dataBlocks = getDataBlocks(codewords, version, formatInfo.errorCorrectionLevel);
+    if (!dataBlocks) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    // Count total number of data bytes
+    var totalBytes = dataBlocks.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b.numDataCodewords; }, 0);
+    var resultBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(totalBytes);
+    var resultIndex = 0;
+    for (var _i = 0, dataBlocks_3 = dataBlocks; _i < dataBlocks_3.length; _i++) {
+        var dataBlock = dataBlocks_3[_i];
+        var correctedBytes = reedsolomon_1.decode(dataBlock.codewords, dataBlock.codewords.length - dataBlock.numDataCodewords);
+        if (!correctedBytes) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        for (var i = 0; i < dataBlock.numDataCodewords; i++) {
+            resultBytes[resultIndex++] = correctedBytes[i];
+        }
+    }
+    try {
+        return decodeData_1.decode(resultBytes, version.versionNumber);
+    }
+    catch (_a) {
+        return null;
+    }
+function decode(matrix) {
+    if (matrix == null) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var result = decodeMatrix(matrix);
+    if (result) {
+        return result;
+    }
+    // Decoding didn't work, try mirroring the QR across the topLeft -> bottomRight line.
+    for (var x = 0; x < matrix.width; x++) {
+        for (var y = x + 1; y < matrix.height; y++) {
+            if (matrix.get(x, y) !== matrix.get(y, x)) {
+                matrix.set(x, y, !matrix.get(x, y));
+                matrix.set(y, x, !matrix.get(y, x));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return decodeMatrix(matrix);
+exports.decode = decode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 6 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
+var BitStream_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
+var shiftJISTable_1 = __webpack_require__(8);
+var Mode;
+(function (Mode) {
+    Mode["Numeric"] = "numeric";
+    Mode["Alphanumeric"] = "alphanumeric";
+    Mode["Byte"] = "byte";
+    Mode["Kanji"] = "kanji";
+    Mode["ECI"] = "eci";
+})(Mode = exports.Mode || (exports.Mode = {}));
+var ModeByte;
+(function (ModeByte) {
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Terminator"] = 0] = "Terminator";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Numeric"] = 1] = "Numeric";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Alphanumeric"] = 2] = "Alphanumeric";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Byte"] = 4] = "Byte";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["Kanji"] = 8] = "Kanji";
+    ModeByte[ModeByte["ECI"] = 7] = "ECI";
+    // StructuredAppend = 0x3,
+    // FNC1FirstPosition = 0x5,
+    // FNC1SecondPosition = 0x9,
+})(ModeByte || (ModeByte = {}));
+function decodeNumeric(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [10, 12, 14][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    // Read digits in groups of 3
+    while (length >= 3) {
+        var num = stream.readBits(10);
+        if (num >= 1000) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 999");
+        }
+        var a = Math.floor(num / 100);
+        var b = Math.floor(num / 10) % 10;
+        var c = num % 10;
+        bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b, 48 + c);
+        text += a.toString() + b.toString() + c.toString();
+        length -= 3;
+    }
+    // If the number of digits aren't a multiple of 3, the remaining digits are special cased.
+    if (length === 2) {
+        var num = stream.readBits(7);
+        if (num >= 100) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 99");
+        }
+        var a = Math.floor(num / 10);
+        var b = num % 10;
+        bytes.push(48 + a, 48 + b);
+        text += a.toString() + b.toString();
+    }
+    else if (length === 1) {
+        var num = stream.readBits(4);
+        if (num >= 10) {
+            throw new Error("Invalid numeric value above 9");
+        }
+        bytes.push(48 + num);
+        text += num.toString();
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+var AlphanumericCharacterCodes = [
+    "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8",
+    "9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H",
+    "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q",
+    "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z",
+    " ", "$", "%", "*", "+", "-", ".", "/", ":",
+function decodeAlphanumeric(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [9, 11, 13][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    while (length >= 2) {
+        var v = stream.readBits(11);
+        var a = Math.floor(v / 45);
+        var b = v % 45;
+        bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0), AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b].charCodeAt(0));
+        text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a] + AlphanumericCharacterCodes[b];
+        length -= 2;
+    }
+    if (length === 1) {
+        var a = stream.readBits(6);
+        bytes.push(AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a].charCodeAt(0));
+        text += AlphanumericCharacterCodes[a];
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+function decodeByte(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [8, 16, 16][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        var b = stream.readBits(8);
+        bytes.push(b);
+    }
+    try {
+        text += decodeURIComponent(bytes.map(function (b) { return "%" + ("0" + b.toString(16)).substr(-2); }).join(""));
+    }
+    catch (_a) {
+        // failed to decode
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+function decodeKanji(stream, size) {
+    var bytes = [];
+    var text = "";
+    var characterCountSize = [8, 10, 12][size];
+    var length = stream.readBits(characterCountSize);
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        var k = stream.readBits(13);
+        var c = (Math.floor(k / 0xC0) << 8) | (k % 0xC0);
+        if (c < 0x1F00) {
+            c += 0x8140;
+        }
+        else {
+            c += 0xC140;
+        }
+        bytes.push(c >> 8, c & 0xFF);
+        text += String.fromCharCode(shiftJISTable_1.shiftJISTable[c]);
+    }
+    return { bytes: bytes, text: text };
+function decode(data, version) {
+    var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+    var stream = new BitStream_1.BitStream(data);
+    // There are 3 'sizes' based on the version. 1-9 is small (0), 10-26 is medium (1) and 27-40 is large (2).
+    var size = version <= 9 ? 0 : version <= 26 ? 1 : 2;
+    var result = {
+        text: "",
+        bytes: [],
+        chunks: [],
+        version: version,
+    };
+    while (stream.available() >= 4) {
+        var mode = stream.readBits(4);
+        if (mode === ModeByte.Terminator) {
+            return result;
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.ECI) {
+            if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(7),
+                });
+            }
+            else if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(14),
+                });
+            }
+            else if (stream.readBits(1) === 0) {
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: stream.readBits(21),
+                });
+            }
+            else {
+                // ECI data seems corrupted
+                result.chunks.push({
+                    type: Mode.ECI,
+                    assignmentNumber: -1,
+                });
+            }
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Numeric) {
+            var numericResult = decodeNumeric(stream, size);
+            result.text += numericResult.text;
+            (_a = result.bytes).push.apply(_a, numericResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Numeric,
+                text: numericResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Alphanumeric) {
+            var alphanumericResult = decodeAlphanumeric(stream, size);
+            result.text += alphanumericResult.text;
+            (_b = result.bytes).push.apply(_b, alphanumericResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Alphanumeric,
+                text: alphanumericResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Byte) {
+            var byteResult = decodeByte(stream, size);
+            result.text += byteResult.text;
+            (_c = result.bytes).push.apply(_c, byteResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Byte,
+                bytes: byteResult.bytes,
+                text: byteResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+        else if (mode === ModeByte.Kanji) {
+            var kanjiResult = decodeKanji(stream, size);
+            result.text += kanjiResult.text;
+            (_d = result.bytes).push.apply(_d, kanjiResult.bytes);
+            result.chunks.push({
+                type: Mode.Kanji,
+                bytes: kanjiResult.bytes,
+                text: kanjiResult.text,
+            });
+        }
+    }
+    // If there is no data left, or the remaining bits are all 0, then that counts as a termination marker
+    if (stream.available() === 0 || stream.readBits(stream.available()) === 0) {
+        return result;
+    }
+exports.decode = decode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 7 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+// tslint:disable:no-bitwise
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitStream = /** @class */ (function () {
+    function BitStream(bytes) {
+        this.byteOffset = 0;
+        this.bitOffset = 0;
+        this.bytes = bytes;
+    }
+    BitStream.prototype.readBits = function (numBits) {
+        if (numBits < 1 || numBits > 32 || numBits > this.available()) {
+            throw new Error("Cannot read " + numBits.toString() + " bits");
+        }
+        var result = 0;
+        // First, read remainder from current byte
+        if (this.bitOffset > 0) {
+            var bitsLeft = 8 - this.bitOffset;
+            var toRead = numBits < bitsLeft ? numBits : bitsLeft;
+            var bitsToNotRead = bitsLeft - toRead;
+            var mask = (0xFF >> (8 - toRead)) << bitsToNotRead;
+            result = (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead;
+            numBits -= toRead;
+            this.bitOffset += toRead;
+            if (this.bitOffset === 8) {
+                this.bitOffset = 0;
+                this.byteOffset++;
+            }
+        }
+        // Next read whole bytes
+        if (numBits > 0) {
+            while (numBits >= 8) {
+                result = (result << 8) | (this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & 0xFF);
+                this.byteOffset++;
+                numBits -= 8;
+            }
+            // Finally read a partial byte
+            if (numBits > 0) {
+                var bitsToNotRead = 8 - numBits;
+                var mask = (0xFF >> bitsToNotRead) << bitsToNotRead;
+                result = (result << numBits) | ((this.bytes[this.byteOffset] & mask) >> bitsToNotRead);
+                this.bitOffset += numBits;
+            }
+        }
+        return result;
+    };
+    BitStream.prototype.available = function () {
+        return 8 * (this.bytes.length - this.byteOffset) - this.bitOffset;
+    };
+    return BitStream;
+exports.BitStream = BitStream;
+/***/ }),
+/* 8 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.shiftJISTable = {
+    0x20: 0x0020,
+    0x21: 0x0021,
+    0x22: 0x0022,
+    0x23: 0x0023,
+    0x24: 0x0024,
+    0x25: 0x0025,
+    0x26: 0x0026,
+    0x27: 0x0027,
+    0x28: 0x0028,
+    0x29: 0x0029,
+    0x2A: 0x002A,
+    0x2B: 0x002B,
+    0x2C: 0x002C,
+    0x2D: 0x002D,
+    0x2E: 0x002E,
+    0x2F: 0x002F,
+    0x30: 0x0030,
+    0x31: 0x0031,
+    0x32: 0x0032,
+    0x33: 0x0033,
+    0x34: 0x0034,
+    0x35: 0x0035,
+    0x36: 0x0036,
+    0x37: 0x0037,
+    0x38: 0x0038,
+    0x39: 0x0039,
+    0x3A: 0x003A,
+    0x3B: 0x003B,
+    0x3C: 0x003C,
+    0x3D: 0x003D,
+    0x3E: 0x003E,
+    0x3F: 0x003F,
+    0x40: 0x0040,
+    0x41: 0x0041,
+    0x42: 0x0042,
+    0x43: 0x0043,
+    0x44: 0x0044,
+    0x45: 0x0045,
+    0x46: 0x0046,
+    0x47: 0x0047,
+    0x48: 0x0048,
+    0x49: 0x0049,
+    0x4A: 0x004A,
+    0x4B: 0x004B,
+    0x4C: 0x004C,
+    0x4D: 0x004D,
+    0x4E: 0x004E,
+    0x4F: 0x004F,
+    0x50: 0x0050,
+    0x51: 0x0051,
+    0x52: 0x0052,
+    0x53: 0x0053,
+    0x54: 0x0054,
+    0x55: 0x0055,
+    0x56: 0x0056,
+    0x57: 0x0057,
+    0x58: 0x0058,
+    0x59: 0x0059,
+    0x5A: 0x005A,
+    0x5B: 0x005B,
+    0x5C: 0x00A5,
+    0x5D: 0x005D,
+    0x5E: 0x005E,
+    0x5F: 0x005F,
+    0x60: 0x0060,
+    0x61: 0x0061,
+    0x62: 0x0062,
+    0x63: 0x0063,
+    0x64: 0x0064,
+    0x65: 0x0065,
+    0x66: 0x0066,
+    0x67: 0x0067,
+    0x68: 0x0068,
+    0x69: 0x0069,
+    0x6A: 0x006A,
+    0x6B: 0x006B,
+    0x6C: 0x006C,
+    0x6D: 0x006D,
+    0x6E: 0x006E,
+    0x6F: 0x006F,
+    0x70: 0x0070,
+    0x71: 0x0071,
+    0x72: 0x0072,
+    0x73: 0x0073,
+    0x74: 0x0074,
+    0x75: 0x0075,
+    0x76: 0x0076,
+    0x77: 0x0077,
+    0x78: 0x0078,
+    0x79: 0x0079,
+    0x7A: 0x007A,
+    0x7B: 0x007B,
+    0x7C: 0x007C,
+    0x7D: 0x007D,
+    0x7E: 0x203E,
+    0x8140: 0x3000,
+    0x8141: 0x3001,
+    0x8142: 0x3002,
+    0x8143: 0xFF0C,
+    0x8144: 0xFF0E,
+    0x8145: 0x30FB,
+    0x8146: 0xFF1A,
+    0x8147: 0xFF1B,
+    0x8148: 0xFF1F,
+    0x8149: 0xFF01,
+    0x814A: 0x309B,
+    0x814B: 0x309C,
+    0x814C: 0x00B4,
+    0x814D: 0xFF40,
+    0x814E: 0x00A8,
+    0x814F: 0xFF3E,
+    0x8150: 0xFFE3,
+    0x8151: 0xFF3F,
+    0x8152: 0x30FD,
+    0x8153: 0x30FE,
+    0x8154: 0x309D,
+    0x8155: 0x309E,
+    0x8156: 0x3003,
+    0x8157: 0x4EDD,
+    0x8158: 0x3005,
+    0x8159: 0x3006,
+    0x815A: 0x3007,
+    0x815B: 0x30FC,
+    0x815C: 0x2015,
+    0x815D: 0x2010,
+    0x815E: 0xFF0F,
+    0x815F: 0x005C,
+    0x8160: 0x301C,
+    0x8161: 0x2016,
+    0x8162: 0xFF5C,
+    0x8163: 0x2026,
+    0x8164: 0x2025,
+    0x8165: 0x2018,
+    0x8166: 0x2019,
+    0x8167: 0x201C,
+    0x8168: 0x201D,
+    0x8169: 0xFF08,
+    0x816A: 0xFF09,
+    0x816B: 0x3014,
+    0x816C: 0x3015,
+    0x816D: 0xFF3B,
+    0x816E: 0xFF3D,
+    0x816F: 0xFF5B,
+    0x8170: 0xFF5D,
+    0x8171: 0x3008,
+    0x8172: 0x3009,
+    0x8173: 0x300A,
+    0x8174: 0x300B,
+    0x8175: 0x300C,
+    0x8176: 0x300D,
+    0x8177: 0x300E,
+    0x8178: 0x300F,
+    0x8179: 0x3010,
+    0x817A: 0x3011,
+    0x817B: 0xFF0B,
+    0x817C: 0x2212,
+    0x817D: 0x00B1,
+    0x817E: 0x00D7,
+    0x8180: 0x00F7,
+    0x8181: 0xFF1D,
+    0x8182: 0x2260,
+    0x8183: 0xFF1C,
+    0x8184: 0xFF1E,
+    0x8185: 0x2266,
+    0x8186: 0x2267,
+    0x8187: 0x221E,
+    0x8188: 0x2234,
+    0x8189: 0x2642,
+    0x818A: 0x2640,
+    0x818B: 0x00B0,
+    0x818C: 0x2032,
+    0x818D: 0x2033,
+    0x818E: 0x2103,
+    0x818F: 0xFFE5,
+    0x8190: 0xFF04,
+    0x8191: 0x00A2,
+    0x8192: 0x00A3,
+    0x8193: 0xFF05,
+    0x8194: 0xFF03,
+    0x8195: 0xFF06,
+    0x8196: 0xFF0A,
+    0x8197: 0xFF20,
+    0x8198: 0x00A7,
+    0x8199: 0x2606,
+    0x819A: 0x2605,
+    0x819B: 0x25CB,
+    0x819C: 0x25CF,
+    0x819D: 0x25CE,
+    0x819E: 0x25C7,
+    0x819F: 0x25C6,
+    0x81A0: 0x25A1,
+    0x81A1: 0x25A0,
+    0x81A2: 0x25B3,
+    0x81A3: 0x25B2,
+    0x81A4: 0x25BD,
+    0x81A5: 0x25BC,
+    0x81A6: 0x203B,
+    0x81A7: 0x3012,
+    0x81A8: 0x2192,
+    0x81A9: 0x2190,
+    0x81AA: 0x2191,
+    0x81AB: 0x2193,
+    0x81AC: 0x3013,
+    0x81B8: 0x2208,
+    0x81B9: 0x220B,
+    0x81BA: 0x2286,
+    0x81BB: 0x2287,
+    0x81BC: 0x2282,
+    0x81BD: 0x2283,
+    0x81BE: 0x222A,
+    0x81BF: 0x2229,
+    0x81C8: 0x2227,
+    0x81C9: 0x2228,
+    0x81CA: 0x00AC,
+    0x81CB: 0x21D2,
+    0x81CC: 0x21D4,
+    0x81CD: 0x2200,
+    0x81CE: 0x2203,
+    0x81DA: 0x2220,
+    0x81DB: 0x22A5,
+    0x81DC: 0x2312,
+    0x81DD: 0x2202,
+    0x81DE: 0x2207,
+    0x81DF: 0x2261,
+    0x81E0: 0x2252,
+    0x81E1: 0x226A,
+    0x81E2: 0x226B,
+    0x81E3: 0x221A,
+    0x81E4: 0x223D,
+    0x81E5: 0x221D,
+    0x81E6: 0x2235,
+    0x81E7: 0x222B,
+    0x81E8: 0x222C,
+    0x81F0: 0x212B,
+    0x81F1: 0x2030,
+    0x81F2: 0x266F,
+    0x81F3: 0x266D,
+    0x81F4: 0x266A,
+    0x81F5: 0x2020,
+    0x81F6: 0x2021,
+    0x81F7: 0x00B6,
+    0x81FC: 0x25EF,
+    0x824F: 0xFF10,
+    0x8250: 0xFF11,
+    0x8251: 0xFF12,
+    0x8252: 0xFF13,
+    0x8253: 0xFF14,
+    0x8254: 0xFF15,
+    0x8255: 0xFF16,
+    0x8256: 0xFF17,
+    0x8257: 0xFF18,
+    0x8258: 0xFF19,
+    0x8260: 0xFF21,
+    0x8261: 0xFF22,
+    0x8262: 0xFF23,
+    0x8263: 0xFF24,
+    0x8264: 0xFF25,
+    0x8265: 0xFF26,
+    0x8266: 0xFF27,
+    0x8267: 0xFF28,
+    0x8268: 0xFF29,
+    0x8269: 0xFF2A,
+    0x826A: 0xFF2B,
+    0x826B: 0xFF2C,
+    0x826C: 0xFF2D,
+    0x826D: 0xFF2E,
+    0x826E: 0xFF2F,
+    0x826F: 0xFF30,
+    0x8270: 0xFF31,
+    0x8271: 0xFF32,
+    0x8272: 0xFF33,
+    0x8273: 0xFF34,
+    0x8274: 0xFF35,
+    0x8275: 0xFF36,
+    0x8276: 0xFF37,
+    0x8277: 0xFF38,
+    0x8278: 0xFF39,
+    0x8279: 0xFF3A,
+    0x8281: 0xFF41,
+    0x8282: 0xFF42,
+    0x8283: 0xFF43,
+    0x8284: 0xFF44,
+    0x8285: 0xFF45,
+    0x8286: 0xFF46,
+    0x8287: 0xFF47,
+    0x8288: 0xFF48,
+    0x8289: 0xFF49,
+    0x828A: 0xFF4A,
+    0x828B: 0xFF4B,
+    0x828C: 0xFF4C,
+    0x828D: 0xFF4D,
+    0x828E: 0xFF4E,
+    0x828F: 0xFF4F,
+    0x8290: 0xFF50,
+    0x8291: 0xFF51,
+    0x8292: 0xFF52,
+    0x8293: 0xFF53,
+    0x8294: 0xFF54,
+    0x8295: 0xFF55,
+    0x8296: 0xFF56,
+    0x8297: 0xFF57,
+    0x8298: 0xFF58,
+    0x8299: 0xFF59,
+    0x829A: 0xFF5A,
+    0x829F: 0x3041,
+    0x82A0: 0x3042,
+    0x82A1: 0x3043,
+    0x82A2: 0x3044,
+    0x82A3: 0x3045,
+    0x82A4: 0x3046,
+    0x82A5: 0x3047,
+    0x82A6: 0x3048,
+    0x82A7: 0x3049,
+    0x82A8: 0x304A,
+    0x82A9: 0x304B,
+    0x82AA: 0x304C,
+    0x82AB: 0x304D,
+    0x82AC: 0x304E,
+    0x82AD: 0x304F,
+    0x82AE: 0x3050,
+    0x82AF: 0x3051,
+    0x82B0: 0x3052,
+    0x82B1: 0x3053,
+    0x82B2: 0x3054,
+    0x82B3: 0x3055,
+    0x82B4: 0x3056,
+    0x82B5: 0x3057,
+    0x82B6: 0x3058,
+    0x82B7: 0x3059,
+    0x82B8: 0x305A,
+    0x82B9: 0x305B,
+    0x82BA: 0x305C,
+    0x82BB: 0x305D,
+    0x82BC: 0x305E,
+    0x82BD: 0x305F,
+    0x82BE: 0x3060,
+    0x82BF: 0x3061,
+    0x82C0: 0x3062,
+    0x82C1: 0x3063,
+    0x82C2: 0x3064,
+    0x82C3: 0x3065,
+    0x82C4: 0x3066,
+    0x82C5: 0x3067,
+    0x82C6: 0x3068,
+    0x82C7: 0x3069,
+    0x82C8: 0x306A,
+    0x82C9: 0x306B,
+    0x82CA: 0x306C,
+    0x82CB: 0x306D,
+    0x82CC: 0x306E,
+    0x82CD: 0x306F,
+    0x82CE: 0x3070,
+    0x82CF: 0x3071,
+    0x82D0: 0x3072,
+    0x82D1: 0x3073,
+    0x82D2: 0x3074,
+    0x82D3: 0x3075,
+    0x82D4: 0x3076,
+    0x82D5: 0x3077,
+    0x82D6: 0x3078,
+    0x82D7: 0x3079,
+    0x82D8: 0x307A,
+    0x82D9: 0x307B,
+    0x82DA: 0x307C,
+    0x82DB: 0x307D,
+    0x82DC: 0x307E,
+    0x82DD: 0x307F,
+    0x82DE: 0x3080,
+    0x82DF: 0x3081,
+    0x82E0: 0x3082,
+    0x82E1: 0x3083,
+    0x82E2: 0x3084,
+    0x82E3: 0x3085,
+    0x82E4: 0x3086,
+    0x82E5: 0x3087,
+    0x82E6: 0x3088,
+    0x82E7: 0x3089,
+    0x82E8: 0x308A,
+    0x82E9: 0x308B,
+    0x82EA: 0x308C,
+    0x82EB: 0x308D,
+    0x82EC: 0x308E,
+    0x82ED: 0x308F,
+    0x82EE: 0x3090,
+    0x82EF: 0x3091,
+    0x82F0: 0x3092,
+    0x82F1: 0x3093,
+    0x8340: 0x30A1,
+    0x8341: 0x30A2,
+    0x8342: 0x30A3,
+    0x8343: 0x30A4,
+    0x8344: 0x30A5,
+    0x8345: 0x30A6,
+    0x8346: 0x30A7,
+    0x8347: 0x30A8,
+    0x8348: 0x30A9,
+    0x8349: 0x30AA,
+    0x834A: 0x30AB,
+    0x834B: 0x30AC,
+    0x834C: 0x30AD,
+    0x834D: 0x30AE,
+    0x834E: 0x30AF,
+    0x834F: 0x30B0,
+    0x8350: 0x30B1,
+    0x8351: 0x30B2,
+    0x8352: 0x30B3,
+    0x8353: 0x30B4,
+    0x8354: 0x30B5,
+    0x8355: 0x30B6,
+    0x8356: 0x30B7,
+    0x8357: 0x30B8,
+    0x8358: 0x30B9,
+    0x8359: 0x30BA,
+    0x835A: 0x30BB,
+    0x835B: 0x30BC,
+    0x835C: 0x30BD,
+    0x835D: 0x30BE,
+    0x835E: 0x30BF,
+    0x835F: 0x30C0,
+    0x8360: 0x30C1,
+    0x8361: 0x30C2,
+    0x8362: 0x30C3,
+    0x8363: 0x30C4,
+    0x8364: 0x30C5,
+    0x8365: 0x30C6,
+    0x8366: 0x30C7,
+    0x8367: 0x30C8,
+    0x8368: 0x30C9,
+    0x8369: 0x30CA,
+    0x836A: 0x30CB,
+    0x836B: 0x30CC,
+    0x836C: 0x30CD,
+    0x836D: 0x30CE,
+    0x836E: 0x30CF,
+    0x836F: 0x30D0,
+    0x8370: 0x30D1,
+    0x8371: 0x30D2,
+    0x8372: 0x30D3,
+    0x8373: 0x30D4,
+    0x8374: 0x30D5,
+    0x8375: 0x30D6,
+    0x8376: 0x30D7,
+    0x8377: 0x30D8,
+    0x8378: 0x30D9,
+    0x8379: 0x30DA,
+    0x837A: 0x30DB,
+    0x837B: 0x30DC,
+    0x837C: 0x30DD,
+    0x837D: 0x30DE,
+    0x837E: 0x30DF,
+    0x8380: 0x30E0,
+    0x8381: 0x30E1,
+    0x8382: 0x30E2,
+    0x8383: 0x30E3,
+    0x8384: 0x30E4,
+    0x8385: 0x30E5,
+    0x8386: 0x30E6,
+    0x8387: 0x30E7,
+    0x8388: 0x30E8,
+    0x8389: 0x30E9,
+    0x838A: 0x30EA,
+    0x838B: 0x30EB,
+    0x838C: 0x30EC,
+    0x838D: 0x30ED,
+    0x838E: 0x30EE,
+    0x838F: 0x30EF,
+    0x8390: 0x30F0,
+    0x8391: 0x30F1,
+    0x8392: 0x30F2,
+    0x8393: 0x30F3,
+    0x8394: 0x30F4,
+    0x8395: 0x30F5,
+    0x8396: 0x30F6,
+    0x839F: 0x0391,
+    0x83A0: 0x0392,
+    0x83A1: 0x0393,
+    0x83A2: 0x0394,
+    0x83A3: 0x0395,
+    0x83A4: 0x0396,
+    0x83A5: 0x0397,
+    0x83A6: 0x0398,
+    0x83A7: 0x0399,
+    0x83A8: 0x039A,
+    0x83A9: 0x039B,
+    0x83AA: 0x039C,
+    0x83AB: 0x039D,
+    0x83AC: 0x039E,
+    0x83AD: 0x039F,
+    0x83AE: 0x03A0,
+    0x83AF: 0x03A1,
+    0x83B0: 0x03A3,
+    0x83B1: 0x03A4,
+    0x83B2: 0x03A5,
+    0x83B3: 0x03A6,
+    0x83B4: 0x03A7,
+    0x83B5: 0x03A8,
+    0x83B6: 0x03A9,
+    0x83BF: 0x03B1,
+    0x83C0: 0x03B2,
+    0x83C1: 0x03B3,
+    0x83C2: 0x03B4,
+    0x83C3: 0x03B5,
+    0x83C4: 0x03B6,
+    0x83C5: 0x03B7,
+    0x83C6: 0x03B8,
+    0x83C7: 0x03B9,
+    0x83C8: 0x03BA,
+    0x83C9: 0x03BB,
+    0x83CA: 0x03BC,
+    0x83CB: 0x03BD,
+    0x83CC: 0x03BE,
+    0x83CD: 0x03BF,
+    0x83CE: 0x03C0,
+    0x83CF: 0x03C1,
+    0x83D0: 0x03C3,
+    0x83D1: 0x03C4,
+    0x83D2: 0x03C5,
+    0x83D3: 0x03C6,
+    0x83D4: 0x03C7,
+    0x83D5: 0x03C8,
+    0x83D6: 0x03C9,
+    0x8440: 0x0410,
+    0x8441: 0x0411,
+    0x8442: 0x0412,
+    0x8443: 0x0413,
+    0x8444: 0x0414,
+    0x8445: 0x0415,
+    0x8446: 0x0401,
+    0x8447: 0x0416,
+    0x8448: 0x0417,
+    0x8449: 0x0418,
+    0x844A: 0x0419,
+    0x844B: 0x041A,
+    0x844C: 0x041B,
+    0x844D: 0x041C,
+    0x844E: 0x041D,
+    0x844F: 0x041E,
+    0x8450: 0x041F,
+    0x8451: 0x0420,
+    0x8452: 0x0421,
+    0x8453: 0x0422,
+    0x8454: 0x0423,
+    0x8455: 0x0424,
+    0x8456: 0x0425,
+    0x8457: 0x0426,
+    0x8458: 0x0427,
+    0x8459: 0x0428,
+    0x845A: 0x0429,
+    0x845B: 0x042A,
+    0x845C: 0x042B,
+    0x845D: 0x042C,
+    0x845E: 0x042D,
+    0x845F: 0x042E,
+    0x8460: 0x042F,
+    0x8470: 0x0430,
+    0x8471: 0x0431,
+    0x8472: 0x0432,
+    0x8473: 0x0433,
+    0x8474: 0x0434,
+    0x8475: 0x0435,
+    0x8476: 0x0451,
+    0x8477: 0x0436,
+    0x8478: 0x0437,
+    0x8479: 0x0438,
+    0x847A: 0x0439,
+    0x847B: 0x043A,
+    0x847C: 0x043B,
+    0x847D: 0x043C,
+    0x847E: 0x043D,
+    0x8480: 0x043E,
+    0x8481: 0x043F,
+    0x8482: 0x0440,
+    0x8483: 0x0441,
+    0x8484: 0x0442,
+    0x8485: 0x0443,
+    0x8486: 0x0444,
+    0x8487: 0x0445,
+    0x8488: 0x0446,
+    0x8489: 0x0447,
+    0x848A: 0x0448,
+    0x848B: 0x0449,
+    0x848C: 0x044A,
+    0x848D: 0x044B,
+    0x848E: 0x044C,
+    0x848F: 0x044D,
+    0x8490: 0x044E,
+    0x8491: 0x044F,
+    0x849F: 0x2500,
+    0x84A0: 0x2502,
+    0x84A1: 0x250C,
+    0x84A2: 0x2510,
+    0x84A3: 0x2518,
+    0x84A4: 0x2514,
+    0x84A5: 0x251C,
+    0x84A6: 0x252C,
+    0x84A7: 0x2524,
+    0x84A8: 0x2534,
+    0x84A9: 0x253C,
+    0x84AA: 0x2501,
+    0x84AB: 0x2503,
+    0x84AC: 0x250F,
+    0x84AD: 0x2513,
+    0x84AE: 0x251B,
+    0x84AF: 0x2517,
+    0x84B0: 0x2523,
+    0x84B1: 0x2533,
+    0x84B2: 0x252B,
+    0x84B3: 0x253B,
+    0x84B4: 0x254B,
+    0x84B5: 0x2520,
+    0x84B6: 0x252F,
+    0x84B7: 0x2528,
+    0x84B8: 0x2537,
+    0x84B9: 0x253F,
+    0x84BA: 0x251D,
+    0x84BB: 0x2530,
+    0x84BC: 0x2525,
+    0x84BD: 0x2538,
+    0x84BE: 0x2542,
+    0x889F: 0x4E9C,
+    0x88A0: 0x5516,
+    0x88A1: 0x5A03,
+    0x88A2: 0x963F,
+    0x88A3: 0x54C0,
+    0x88A4: 0x611B,
+    0x88A5: 0x6328,
+    0x88A6: 0x59F6,
+    0x88A7: 0x9022,
+    0x88A8: 0x8475,
+    0x88A9: 0x831C,
+    0x88AA: 0x7A50,
+    0x88AB: 0x60AA,
+    0x88AC: 0x63E1,
+    0x88AD: 0x6E25,
+    0x88AE: 0x65ED,
+    0x88AF: 0x8466,
+    0x88B0: 0x82A6,
+    0x88B1: 0x9BF5,
+    0x88B2: 0x6893,
+    0x88B3: 0x5727,
+    0x88B4: 0x65A1,
+    0x88B5: 0x6271,
+    0x88B6: 0x5B9B,
+    0x88B7: 0x59D0,
+    0x88B8: 0x867B,
+    0x88B9: 0x98F4,
+    0x88BA: 0x7D62,
+    0x88BB: 0x7DBE,
+    0x88BC: 0x9B8E,
+    0x88BD: 0x6216,
+    0x88BE: 0x7C9F,
+    0x88BF: 0x88B7,
+    0x88C0: 0x5B89,
+    0x88C1: 0x5EB5,
+    0x88C2: 0x6309,
+    0x88C3: 0x6697,
+    0x88C4: 0x6848,
+    0x88C5: 0x95C7,
+    0x88C6: 0x978D,
+    0x88C7: 0x674F,
+    0x88C8: 0x4EE5,
+    0x88C9: 0x4F0A,
+    0x88CA: 0x4F4D,
+    0x88CB: 0x4F9D,
+    0x88CC: 0x5049,
+    0x88CD: 0x56F2,
+    0x88CE: 0x5937,
+    0x88CF: 0x59D4,
+    0x88D0: 0x5A01,
+    0x88D1: 0x5C09,
+    0x88D2: 0x60DF,
+    0x88D3: 0x610F,
+    0x88D4: 0x6170,
+    0x88D5: 0x6613,
+    0x88D6: 0x6905,
+    0x88D7: 0x70BA,
+    0x88D8: 0x754F,
+    0x88D9: 0x7570,
+    0x88DA: 0x79FB,
+    0x88DB: 0x7DAD,
+    0x88DC: 0x7DEF,
+    0x88DD: 0x80C3,
+    0x88DE: 0x840E,
+    0x88DF: 0x8863,
+    0x88E0: 0x8B02,
+    0x88E1: 0x9055,
+    0x88E2: 0x907A,
+    0x88E3: 0x533B,
+    0x88E4: 0x4E95,
+    0x88E5: 0x4EA5,
+    0x88E6: 0x57DF,
+    0x88E7: 0x80B2,
+    0x88E8: 0x90C1,
+    0x88E9: 0x78EF,
+    0x88EA: 0x4E00,
+    0x88EB: 0x58F1,
+    0x88EC: 0x6EA2,
+    0x88ED: 0x9038,
+    0x88EE: 0x7A32,
+    0x88EF: 0x8328,
+    0x88F0: 0x828B,
+    0x88F1: 0x9C2F,
+    0x88F2: 0x5141,
+    0x88F3: 0x5370,
+    0x88F4: 0x54BD,
+    0x88F5: 0x54E1,
+    0x88F6: 0x56E0,
+    0x88F7: 0x59FB,
+    0x88F8: 0x5F15,
+    0x88F9: 0x98F2,
+    0x88FA: 0x6DEB,
+    0x88FB: 0x80E4,
+    0x88FC: 0x852D,
+    0x8940: 0x9662,
+    0x8941: 0x9670,
+    0x8942: 0x96A0,
+    0x8943: 0x97FB,
+    0x8944: 0x540B,
+    0x8945: 0x53F3,
+    0x8946: 0x5B87,
+    0x8947: 0x70CF,
+    0x8948: 0x7FBD,
+    0x8949: 0x8FC2,
+    0x894A: 0x96E8,
+    0x894B: 0x536F,
+    0x894C: 0x9D5C,
+    0x894D: 0x7ABA,
+    0x894E: 0x4E11,
+    0x894F: 0x7893,
+    0x8950: 0x81FC,
+    0x8951: 0x6E26,
+    0x8952: 0x5618,
+    0x8953: 0x5504,
+    0x8954: 0x6B1D,
+    0x8955: 0x851A,
+    0x8956: 0x9C3B,
+    0x8957: 0x59E5,
+    0x8958: 0x53A9,
+    0x8959: 0x6D66,
+    0x895A: 0x74DC,
+    0x895B: 0x958F,
+    0x895C: 0x5642,
+    0x895D: 0x4E91,
+    0x895E: 0x904B,
+    0x895F: 0x96F2,
+    0x8960: 0x834F,
+    0x8961: 0x990C,
+    0x8962: 0x53E1,
+    0x8963: 0x55B6,
+    0x8964: 0x5B30,
+    0x8965: 0x5F71,
+    0x8966: 0x6620,
+    0x8967: 0x66F3,
+    0x8968: 0x6804,
+    0x8969: 0x6C38,
+    0x896A: 0x6CF3,
+    0x896B: 0x6D29,
+    0x896C: 0x745B,
+    0x896D: 0x76C8,
+    0x896E: 0x7A4E,
+    0x896F: 0x9834,
+    0x8970: 0x82F1,
+    0x8971: 0x885B,
+    0x8972: 0x8A60,
+    0x8973: 0x92ED,
+    0x8974: 0x6DB2,
+    0x8975: 0x75AB,
+    0x8976: 0x76CA,
+    0x8977: 0x99C5,
+    0x8978: 0x60A6,
+    0x8979: 0x8B01,
+    0x897A: 0x8D8A,
+    0x897B: 0x95B2,
+    0x897C: 0x698E,
+    0x897D: 0x53AD,
+    0x897E: 0x5186,
+    0x8980: 0x5712,
+    0x8981: 0x5830,
+    0x8982: 0x5944,
+    0x8983: 0x5BB4,
+    0x8984: 0x5EF6,
+    0x8985: 0x6028,
+    0x8986: 0x63A9,
+    0x8987: 0x63F4,
+    0x8988: 0x6CBF,
+    0x8989: 0x6F14,
+    0x898A: 0x708E,
+    0x898B: 0x7114,
+    0x898C: 0x7159,
+    0x898D: 0x71D5,
+    0x898E: 0x733F,
+    0x898F: 0x7E01,
+    0x8990: 0x8276,
+    0x8991: 0x82D1,
+    0x8992: 0x8597,
+    0x8993: 0x9060,
+    0x8994: 0x925B,
+    0x8995: 0x9D1B,
+    0x8996: 0x5869,
+    0x8997: 0x65BC,
+    0x8998: 0x6C5A,
+    0x8999: 0x7525,
+    0x899A: 0x51F9,
+    0x899B: 0x592E,
+    0x899C: 0x5965,
+    0x899D: 0x5F80,
+    0x899E: 0x5FDC,
+    0x899F: 0x62BC,
+    0x89A0: 0x65FA,
+    0x89A1: 0x6A2A,
+    0x89A2: 0x6B27,
+    0x89A3: 0x6BB4,
+    0x89A4: 0x738B,
+    0x89A5: 0x7FC1,
+    0x89A6: 0x8956,
+    0x89A7: 0x9D2C,
+    0x89A8: 0x9D0E,
+    0x89A9: 0x9EC4,
+    0x89AA: 0x5CA1,
+    0x89AB: 0x6C96,
+    0x89AC: 0x837B,
+    0x89AD: 0x5104,
+    0x89AE: 0x5C4B,
+    0x89AF: 0x61B6,
+    0x89B0: 0x81C6,
+    0x89B1: 0x6876,
+    0x89B2: 0x7261,
+    0x89B3: 0x4E59,
+    0x89B4: 0x4FFA,
+    0x89B5: 0x5378,
+    0x89B6: 0x6069,
+    0x89B7: 0x6E29,
+    0x89B8: 0x7A4F,
+    0x89B9: 0x97F3,
+    0x89BA: 0x4E0B,
+    0x89BB: 0x5316,
+    0x89BC: 0x4EEE,
+    0x89BD: 0x4F55,
+    0x89BE: 0x4F3D,
+    0x89BF: 0x4FA1,
+    0x89C0: 0x4F73,
+    0x89C1: 0x52A0,
+    0x89C2: 0x53EF,
+    0x89C3: 0x5609,
+    0x89C4: 0x590F,
+    0x89C5: 0x5AC1,
+    0x89C6: 0x5BB6,
+    0x89C7: 0x5BE1,
+    0x89C8: 0x79D1,
+    0x89C9: 0x6687,
+    0x89CA: 0x679C,
+    0x89CB: 0x67B6,
+    0x89CC: 0x6B4C,
+    0x89CD: 0x6CB3,
+    0x89CE: 0x706B,
+    0x89CF: 0x73C2,
+    0x89D0: 0x798D,
+    0x89D1: 0x79BE,
+    0x89D2: 0x7A3C,
+    0x89D3: 0x7B87,
+    0x89D4: 0x82B1,
+    0x89D5: 0x82DB,
+    0x89D6: 0x8304,
+    0x89D7: 0x8377,
+    0x89D8: 0x83EF,
+    0x89D9: 0x83D3,
+    0x89DA: 0x8766,
+    0x89DB: 0x8AB2,
+    0x89DC: 0x5629,
+    0x89DD: 0x8CA8,
+    0x89DE: 0x8FE6,
+    0x89DF: 0x904E,
+    0x89E0: 0x971E,
+    0x89E1: 0x868A,
+    0x89E2: 0x4FC4,
+    0x89E3: 0x5CE8,
+    0x89E4: 0x6211,
+    0x89E5: 0x7259,
+    0x89E6: 0x753B,
+    0x89E7: 0x81E5,
+    0x89E8: 0x82BD,
+    0x89E9: 0x86FE,
+    0x89EA: 0x8CC0,
+    0x89EB: 0x96C5,
+    0x89EC: 0x9913,
+    0x89ED: 0x99D5,
+    0x89EE: 0x4ECB,
+    0x89EF: 0x4F1A,
+    0x89F0: 0x89E3,
+    0x89F1: 0x56DE,
+    0x89F2: 0x584A,
+    0x89F3: 0x58CA,
+    0x89F4: 0x5EFB,
+    0x89F5: 0x5FEB,
+    0x89F6: 0x602A,
+    0x89F7: 0x6094,
+    0x89F8: 0x6062,
+    0x89F9: 0x61D0,
+    0x89FA: 0x6212,
+    0x89FB: 0x62D0,
+    0x89FC: 0x6539,
+    0x8A40: 0x9B41,
+    0x8A41: 0x6666,
+    0x8A42: 0x68B0,
+    0x8A43: 0x6D77,
+    0x8A44: 0x7070,
+    0x8A45: 0x754C,
+    0x8A46: 0x7686,
+    0x8A47: 0x7D75,
+    0x8A48: 0x82A5,
+    0x8A49: 0x87F9,
+    0x8A4A: 0x958B,
+    0x8A4B: 0x968E,
+    0x8A4C: 0x8C9D,
+    0x8A4D: 0x51F1,
+    0x8A4E: 0x52BE,
+    0x8A4F: 0x5916,
+    0x8A50: 0x54B3,
+    0x8A51: 0x5BB3,
+    0x8A52: 0x5D16,
+    0x8A53: 0x6168,
+    0x8A54: 0x6982,
+    0x8A55: 0x6DAF,
+    0x8A56: 0x788D,
+    0x8A57: 0x84CB,
+    0x8A58: 0x8857,
+    0x8A59: 0x8A72,
+    0x8A5A: 0x93A7,
+    0x8A5B: 0x9AB8,
+    0x8A5C: 0x6D6C,
+    0x8A5D: 0x99A8,
+    0x8A5E: 0x86D9,
+    0x8A5F: 0x57A3,
+    0x8A60: 0x67FF,
+    0x8A61: 0x86CE,
+    0x8A62: 0x920E,
+    0x8A63: 0x5283,
+    0x8A64: 0x5687,
+    0x8A65: 0x5404,
+    0x8A66: 0x5ED3,
+    0x8A67: 0x62E1,
+    0x8A68: 0x64B9,
+    0x8A69: 0x683C,
+    0x8A6A: 0x6838,
+    0x8A6B: 0x6BBB,
+    0x8A6C: 0x7372,
+    0x8A6D: 0x78BA,
+    0x8A6E: 0x7A6B,
+    0x8A6F: 0x899A,
+    0x8A70: 0x89D2,
+    0x8A71: 0x8D6B,
+    0x8A72: 0x8F03,
+    0x8A73: 0x90ED,
+    0x8A74: 0x95A3,
+    0x8A75: 0x9694,
+    0x8A76: 0x9769,
+    0x8A77: 0x5B66,
+    0x8A78: 0x5CB3,
+    0x8A79: 0x697D,
+    0x8A7A: 0x984D,
+    0x8A7B: 0x984E,
+    0x8A7C: 0x639B,
+    0x8A7D: 0x7B20,
+    0x8A7E: 0x6A2B,
+    0x8A80: 0x6A7F,
+    0x8A81: 0x68B6,
+    0x8A82: 0x9C0D,
+    0x8A83: 0x6F5F,
+    0x8A84: 0x5272,
+    0x8A85: 0x559D,
+    0x8A86: 0x6070,
+    0x8A87: 0x62EC,
+    0x8A88: 0x6D3B,
+    0x8A89: 0x6E07,
+    0x8A8A: 0x6ED1,
+    0x8A8B: 0x845B,
+    0x8A8C: 0x8910,
+    0x8A8D: 0x8F44,
+    0x8A8E: 0x4E14,
+    0x8A8F: 0x9C39,
+    0x8A90: 0x53F6,
+    0x8A91: 0x691B,
+    0x8A92: 0x6A3A,
+    0x8A93: 0x9784,
+    0x8A94: 0x682A,
+    0x8A95: 0x515C,
+    0x8A96: 0x7AC3,
+    0x8A97: 0x84B2,
+    0x8A98: 0x91DC,
+    0x8A99: 0x938C,
+    0x8A9A: 0x565B,
+    0x8A9B: 0x9D28,
+    0x8A9C: 0x6822,
+    0x8A9D: 0x8305,
+    0x8A9E: 0x8431,
+    0x8A9F: 0x7CA5,
+    0x8AA0: 0x5208,
+    0x8AA1: 0x82C5,
+    0x8AA2: 0x74E6,
+    0x8AA3: 0x4E7E,
+    0x8AA4: 0x4F83,
+    0x8AA5: 0x51A0,
+    0x8AA6: 0x5BD2,
+    0x8AA7: 0x520A,
+    0x8AA8: 0x52D8,
+    0x8AA9: 0x52E7,
+    0x8AAA: 0x5DFB,
+    0x8AAB: 0x559A,
+    0x8AAC: 0x582A,
+    0x8AAD: 0x59E6,
+    0x8AAE: 0x5B8C,
+    0x8AAF: 0x5B98,
+    0x8AB0: 0x5BDB,
+    0x8AB1: 0x5E72,
+    0x8AB2: 0x5E79,
+    0x8AB3: 0x60A3,
+    0x8AB4: 0x611F,
+    0x8AB5: 0x6163,
+    0x8AB6: 0x61BE,
+    0x8AB7: 0x63DB,
+    0x8AB8: 0x6562,
+    0x8AB9: 0x67D1,
+    0x8ABA: 0x6853,
+    0x8ABB: 0x68FA,
+    0x8ABC: 0x6B3E,
+    0x8ABD: 0x6B53,
+    0x8ABE: 0x6C57,
+    0x8ABF: 0x6F22,
+    0x8AC0: 0x6F97,
+    0x8AC1: 0x6F45,
+    0x8AC2: 0x74B0,
+    0x8AC3: 0x7518,
+    0x8AC4: 0x76E3,
+    0x8AC5: 0x770B,
+    0x8AC6: 0x7AFF,
+    0x8AC7: 0x7BA1,
+    0x8AC8: 0x7C21,
+    0x8AC9: 0x7DE9,
+    0x8ACA: 0x7F36,
+    0x8ACB: 0x7FF0,
+    0x8ACC: 0x809D,
+    0x8ACD: 0x8266,
+    0x8ACE: 0x839E,
+    0x8ACF: 0x89B3,
+    0x8AD0: 0x8ACC,
+    0x8AD1: 0x8CAB,
+    0x8AD2: 0x9084,
+    0x8AD3: 0x9451,
+    0x8AD4: 0x9593,
+    0x8AD5: 0x9591,
+    0x8AD6: 0x95A2,
+    0x8AD7: 0x9665,
+    0x8AD8: 0x97D3,
+    0x8AD9: 0x9928,
+    0x8ADA: 0x8218,
+    0x8ADB: 0x4E38,
+    0x8ADC: 0x542B,
+    0x8ADD: 0x5CB8,
+    0x8ADE: 0x5DCC,
+    0x8ADF: 0x73A9,
+    0x8AE0: 0x764C,
+    0x8AE1: 0x773C,
+    0x8AE2: 0x5CA9,
+    0x8AE3: 0x7FEB,
+    0x8AE4: 0x8D0B,
+    0x8AE5: 0x96C1,
+    0x8AE6: 0x9811,
+    0x8AE7: 0x9854,
+    0x8AE8: 0x9858,
+    0x8AE9: 0x4F01,
+    0x8AEA: 0x4F0E,
+    0x8AEB: 0x5371,
+    0x8AEC: 0x559C,
+    0x8AED: 0x5668,
+    0x8AEE: 0x57FA,
+    0x8AEF: 0x5947,
+    0x8AF0: 0x5B09,
+    0x8AF1: 0x5BC4,
+    0x8AF2: 0x5C90,
+    0x8AF3: 0x5E0C,
+    0x8AF4: 0x5E7E,
+    0x8AF5: 0x5FCC,
+    0x8AF6: 0x63EE,
+    0x8AF7: 0x673A,
+    0x8AF8: 0x65D7,
+    0x8AF9: 0x65E2,
+    0x8AFA: 0x671F,
+    0x8AFB: 0x68CB,
+    0x8AFC: 0x68C4,
+    0x8B40: 0x6A5F,
+    0x8B41: 0x5E30,
+    0x8B42: 0x6BC5,
+    0x8B43: 0x6C17,
+    0x8B44: 0x6C7D,
+    0x8B45: 0x757F,
+    0x8B46: 0x7948,
+    0x8B47: 0x5B63,
+    0x8B48: 0x7A00,
+    0x8B49: 0x7D00,
+    0x8B4A: 0x5FBD,
+    0x8B4B: 0x898F,
+    0x8B4C: 0x8A18,
+    0x8B4D: 0x8CB4,
+    0x8B4E: 0x8D77,
+    0x8B4F: 0x8ECC,
+    0x8B50: 0x8F1D,
+    0x8B51: 0x98E2,
+    0x8B52: 0x9A0E,
+    0x8B53: 0x9B3C,
+    0x8B54: 0x4E80,
+    0x8B55: 0x507D,
+    0x8B56: 0x5100,
+    0x8B57: 0x5993,
+    0x8B58: 0x5B9C,
+    0x8B59: 0x622F,
+    0x8B5A: 0x6280,
+    0x8B5B: 0x64EC,
+    0x8B5C: 0x6B3A,
+    0x8B5D: 0x72A0,
+    0x8B5E: 0x7591,
+    0x8B5F: 0x7947,
+    0x8B60: 0x7FA9,
+    0x8B61: 0x87FB,
+    0x8B62: 0x8ABC,
+    0x8B63: 0x8B70,
+    0x8B64: 0x63AC,
+    0x8B65: 0x83CA,
+    0x8B66: 0x97A0,
+    0x8B67: 0x5409,
+    0x8B68: 0x5403,
+    0x8B69: 0x55AB,
+    0x8B6A: 0x6854,
+    0x8B6B: 0x6A58,
+    0x8B6C: 0x8A70,
+    0x8B6D: 0x7827,
+    0x8B6E: 0x6775,
+    0x8B6F: 0x9ECD,
+    0x8B70: 0x5374,
+    0x8B71: 0x5BA2,
+    0x8B72: 0x811A,
+    0x8B73: 0x8650,
+    0x8B74: 0x9006,
+    0x8B75: 0x4E18,
+    0x8B76: 0x4E45,
+    0x8B77: 0x4EC7,
+    0x8B78: 0x4F11,
+    0x8B79: 0x53CA,
+    0x8B7A: 0x5438,
+    0x8B7B: 0x5BAE,
+    0x8B7C: 0x5F13,
+    0x8B7D: 0x6025,
+    0x8B7E: 0x6551,
+    0x8B80: 0x673D,
+    0x8B81: 0x6C42,
+    0x8B82: 0x6C72,
+    0x8B83: 0x6CE3,
+    0x8B84: 0x7078,
+    0x8B85: 0x7403,
+    0x8B86: 0x7A76,
+    0x8B87: 0x7AAE,
+    0x8B88: 0x7B08,
+    0x8B89: 0x7D1A,
+    0x8B8A: 0x7CFE,
+    0x8B8B: 0x7D66,
+    0x8B8C: 0x65E7,
+    0x8B8D: 0x725B,
+    0x8B8E: 0x53BB,
+    0x8B8F: 0x5C45,
+    0x8B90: 0x5DE8,
+    0x8B91: 0x62D2,
+    0x8B92: 0x62E0,
+    0x8B93: 0x6319,
+    0x8B94: 0x6E20,
+    0x8B95: 0x865A,
+    0x8B96: 0x8A31,
+    0x8B97: 0x8DDD,
+    0x8B98: 0x92F8,
+    0x8B99: 0x6F01,
+    0x8B9A: 0x79A6,
+    0x8B9B: 0x9B5A,
+    0x8B9C: 0x4EA8,
+    0x8B9D: 0x4EAB,
+    0x8B9E: 0x4EAC,
+    0x8B9F: 0x4F9B,
+    0x8BA0: 0x4FA0,
+    0x8BA1: 0x50D1,
+    0x8BA2: 0x5147,
+    0x8BA3: 0x7AF6,
+    0x8BA4: 0x5171,
+    0x8BA5: 0x51F6,
+    0x8BA6: 0x5354,
+    0x8BA7: 0x5321,
+    0x8BA8: 0x537F,
+    0x8BA9: 0x53EB,
+    0x8BAA: 0x55AC,
+    0x8BAB: 0x5883,
+    0x8BAC: 0x5CE1,
+    0x8BAD: 0x5F37,
+    0x8BAE: 0x5F4A,
+    0x8BAF: 0x602F,
+    0x8BB0: 0x6050,
+    0x8BB1: 0x606D,
+    0x8BB2: 0x631F,
+    0x8BB3: 0x6559,
+    0x8BB4: 0x6A4B,
+    0x8BB5: 0x6CC1,
+    0x8BB6: 0x72C2,
+    0x8BB7: 0x72ED,
+    0x8BB8: 0x77EF,
+    0x8BB9: 0x80F8,
+    0x8BBA: 0x8105,
+    0x8BBB: 0x8208,
+    0x8BBC: 0x854E,
+    0x8BBD: 0x90F7,
+    0x8BBE: 0x93E1,
+    0x8BBF: 0x97FF,
+    0x8BC0: 0x9957,
+    0x8BC1: 0x9A5A,
+    0x8BC2: 0x4EF0,
+    0x8BC3: 0x51DD,
+    0x8BC4: 0x5C2D,
+    0x8BC5: 0x6681,
+    0x8BC6: 0x696D,
+    0x8BC7: 0x5C40,
+    0x8BC8: 0x66F2,
+    0x8BC9: 0x6975,
+    0x8BCA: 0x7389,
+    0x8BCB: 0x6850,
+    0x8BCC: 0x7C81,
+    0x8BCD: 0x50C5,
+    0x8BCE: 0x52E4,
+    0x8BCF: 0x5747,
+    0x8BD0: 0x5DFE,
+    0x8BD1: 0x9326,
+    0x8BD2: 0x65A4,
+    0x8BD3: 0x6B23,
+    0x8BD4: 0x6B3D,
+    0x8BD5: 0x7434,
+    0x8BD6: 0x7981,
+    0x8BD7: 0x79BD,
+    0x8BD8: 0x7B4B,
+    0x8BD9: 0x7DCA,
+    0x8BDA: 0x82B9,
+    0x8BDB: 0x83CC,
+    0x8BDC: 0x887F,
+    0x8BDD: 0x895F,
+    0x8BDE: 0x8B39,
+    0x8BDF: 0x8FD1,
+    0x8BE0: 0x91D1,
+    0x8BE1: 0x541F,
+    0x8BE2: 0x9280,
+    0x8BE3: 0x4E5D,
+    0x8BE4: 0x5036,
+    0x8BE5: 0x53E5,
+    0x8BE6: 0x533A,
+    0x8BE7: 0x72D7,
+    0x8BE8: 0x7396,
+    0x8BE9: 0x77E9,
+    0x8BEA: 0x82E6,
+    0x8BEB: 0x8EAF,
+    0x8BEC: 0x99C6,
+    0x8BED: 0x99C8,
+    0x8BEE: 0x99D2,
+    0x8BEF: 0x5177,
+    0x8BF0: 0x611A,
+    0x8BF1: 0x865E,
+    0x8BF2: 0x55B0,
+    0x8BF3: 0x7A7A,
+    0x8BF4: 0x5076,
+    0x8BF5: 0x5BD3,
+    0x8BF6: 0x9047,
+    0x8BF7: 0x9685,
+    0x8BF8: 0x4E32,
+    0x8BF9: 0x6ADB,
+    0x8BFA: 0x91E7,
+    0x8BFB: 0x5C51,
+    0x8BFC: 0x5C48,
+    0x8C40: 0x6398,
+    0x8C41: 0x7A9F,
+    0x8C42: 0x6C93,
+    0x8C43: 0x9774,
+    0x8C44: 0x8F61,
+    0x8C45: 0x7AAA,
+    0x8C46: 0x718A,
+    0x8C47: 0x9688,
+    0x8C48: 0x7C82,
+    0x8C49: 0x6817,
+    0x8C4A: 0x7E70,
+    0x8C4B: 0x6851,
+    0x8C4C: 0x936C,
+    0x8C4D: 0x52F2,
+    0x8C4E: 0x541B,
+    0x8C4F: 0x85AB,
+    0x8C50: 0x8A13,
+    0x8C51: 0x7FA4,
+    0x8C52: 0x8ECD,
+    0x8C53: 0x90E1,
+    0x8C54: 0x5366,
+    0x8C55: 0x8888,
+    0x8C56: 0x7941,
+    0x8C57: 0x4FC2,
+    0x8C58: 0x50BE,
+    0x8C59: 0x5211,
+    0x8C5A: 0x5144,
+    0x8C5B: 0x5553,
+    0x8C5C: 0x572D,
+    0x8C5D: 0x73EA,
+    0x8C5E: 0x578B,
+    0x8C5F: 0x5951,
+    0x8C60: 0x5F62,
+    0x8C61: 0x5F84,
+    0x8C62: 0x6075,
+    0x8C63: 0x6176,
+    0x8C64: 0x6167,
+    0x8C65: 0x61A9,
+    0x8C66: 0x63B2,
+    0x8C67: 0x643A,
+    0x8C68: 0x656C,
+    0x8C69: 0x666F,
+    0x8C6A: 0x6842,
+    0x8C6B: 0x6E13,
+    0x8C6C: 0x7566,
+    0x8C6D: 0x7A3D,
+    0x8C6E: 0x7CFB,
+    0x8C6F: 0x7D4C,
+    0x8C70: 0x7D99,
+    0x8C71: 0x7E4B,
+    0x8C72: 0x7F6B,
+    0x8C73: 0x830E,
+    0x8C74: 0x834A,
+    0x8C75: 0x86CD,
+    0x8C76: 0x8A08,
+    0x8C77: 0x8A63,
+    0x8C78: 0x8B66,
+    0x8C79: 0x8EFD,
+    0x8C7A: 0x981A,
+    0x8C7B: 0x9D8F,
+    0x8C7C: 0x82B8,
+    0x8C7D: 0x8FCE,
+    0x8C7E: 0x9BE8,
+    0x8C80: 0x5287,
+    0x8C81: 0x621F,
+    0x8C82: 0x6483,
+    0x8C83: 0x6FC0,
+    0x8C84: 0x9699,
+    0x8C85: 0x6841,
+    0x8C86: 0x5091,
+    0x8C87: 0x6B20,
+    0x8C88: 0x6C7A,
+    0x8C89: 0x6F54,
+    0x8C8A: 0x7A74,
+    0x8C8B: 0x7D50,
+    0x8C8C: 0x8840,
+    0x8C8D: 0x8A23,
+    0x8C8E: 0x6708,
+    0x8C8F: 0x4EF6,
+    0x8C90: 0x5039,
+    0x8C91: 0x5026,
+    0x8C92: 0x5065,
+    0x8C93: 0x517C,
+    0x8C94: 0x5238,
+    0x8C95: 0x5263,
+    0x8C96: 0x55A7,
+    0x8C97: 0x570F,
+    0x8C98: 0x5805,
+    0x8C99: 0x5ACC,
+    0x8C9A: 0x5EFA,
+    0x8C9B: 0x61B2,
+    0x8C9C: 0x61F8,
+    0x8C9D: 0x62F3,
+    0x8C9E: 0x6372,
+    0x8C9F: 0x691C,
+    0x8CA0: 0x6A29,
+    0x8CA1: 0x727D,
+    0x8CA2: 0x72AC,
+    0x8CA3: 0x732E,
+    0x8CA4: 0x7814,
+    0x8CA5: 0x786F,
+    0x8CA6: 0x7D79,
+    0x8CA7: 0x770C,
+    0x8CA8: 0x80A9,
+    0x8CA9: 0x898B,
+    0x8CAA: 0x8B19,
+    0x8CAB: 0x8CE2,
+    0x8CAC: 0x8ED2,
+    0x8CAD: 0x9063,
+    0x8CAE: 0x9375,
+    0x8CAF: 0x967A,
+    0x8CB0: 0x9855,
+    0x8CB1: 0x9A13,
+    0x8CB2: 0x9E78,
+    0x8CB3: 0x5143,
+    0x8CB4: 0x539F,
+    0x8CB5: 0x53B3,
+    0x8CB6: 0x5E7B,
+    0x8CB7: 0x5F26,
+    0x8CB8: 0x6E1B,
+    0x8CB9: 0x6E90,
+    0x8CBA: 0x7384,
+    0x8CBB: 0x73FE,
+    0x8CBC: 0x7D43,
+    0x8CBD: 0x8237,
+    0x8CBE: 0x8A00,
+    0x8CBF: 0x8AFA,
+    0x8CC0: 0x9650,
+    0x8CC1: 0x4E4E,
+    0x8CC2: 0x500B,
+    0x8CC3: 0x53E4,
+    0x8CC4: 0x547C,
+    0x8CC5: 0x56FA,
+    0x8CC6: 0x59D1,
+    0x8CC7: 0x5B64,
+    0x8CC8: 0x5DF1,
+    0x8CC9: 0x5EAB,
+    0x8CCA: 0x5F27,
+    0x8CCB: 0x6238,
+    0x8CCC: 0x6545,
+    0x8CCD: 0x67AF,
+    0x8CCE: 0x6E56,
+    0x8CCF: 0x72D0,
+    0x8CD0: 0x7CCA,
+    0x8CD1: 0x88B4,
+    0x8CD2: 0x80A1,
+    0x8CD3: 0x80E1,
+    0x8CD4: 0x83F0,
+    0x8CD5: 0x864E,
+    0x8CD6: 0x8A87,
+    0x8CD7: 0x8DE8,
+    0x8CD8: 0x9237,
+    0x8CD9: 0x96C7,
+    0x8CDA: 0x9867,
+    0x8CDB: 0x9F13,
+    0x8CDC: 0x4E94,
+    0x8CDD: 0x4E92,
+    0x8CDE: 0x4F0D,
+    0x8CDF: 0x5348,
+    0x8CE0: 0x5449,
+    0x8CE1: 0x543E,
+    0x8CE2: 0x5A2F,
+    0x8CE3: 0x5F8C,
+    0x8CE4: 0x5FA1,
+    0x8CE5: 0x609F,
+    0x8CE6: 0x68A7,
+    0x8CE7: 0x6A8E,
+    0x8CE8: 0x745A,
+    0x8CE9: 0x7881,
+    0x8CEA: 0x8A9E,
+    0x8CEB: 0x8AA4,
+    0x8CEC: 0x8B77,
+    0x8CED: 0x9190,
+    0x8CEE: 0x4E5E,
+    0x8CEF: 0x9BC9,
+    0x8CF0: 0x4EA4,
+    0x8CF1: 0x4F7C,
+    0x8CF2: 0x4FAF,
+    0x8CF3: 0x5019,
+    0x8CF4: 0x5016,
+    0x8CF5: 0x5149,
+    0x8CF6: 0x516C,
+    0x8CF7: 0x529F,
+    0x8CF8: 0x52B9,
+    0x8CF9: 0x52FE,
+    0x8CFA: 0x539A,
+    0x8CFB: 0x53E3,
+    0x8CFC: 0x5411,
+    0x8D40: 0x540E,
+    0x8D41: 0x5589,
+    0x8D42: 0x5751,
+    0x8D43: 0x57A2,
+    0x8D44: 0x597D,
+    0x8D45: 0x5B54,
+    0x8D46: 0x5B5D,
+    0x8D47: 0x5B8F,
+    0x8D48: 0x5DE5,
+    0x8D49: 0x5DE7,
+    0x8D4A: 0x5DF7,
+    0x8D4B: 0x5E78,
+    0x8D4C: 0x5E83,
+    0x8D4D: 0x5E9A,
+    0x8D4E: 0x5EB7,
+    0x8D4F: 0x5F18,
+    0x8D50: 0x6052,
+    0x8D51: 0x614C,
+    0x8D52: 0x6297,
+    0x8D53: 0x62D8,
+    0x8D54: 0x63A7,
+    0x8D55: 0x653B,
+    0x8D56: 0x6602,
+    0x8D57: 0x6643,
+    0x8D58: 0x66F4,
+    0x8D59: 0x676D,
+    0x8D5A: 0x6821,
+    0x8D5B: 0x6897,
+    0x8D5C: 0x69CB,
+    0x8D5D: 0x6C5F,
+    0x8D5E: 0x6D2A,
+    0x8D5F: 0x6D69,
+    0x8D60: 0x6E2F,
+    0x8D61: 0x6E9D,
+    0x8D62: 0x7532,
+    0x8D63: 0x7687,
+    0x8D64: 0x786C,
+    0x8D65: 0x7A3F,
+    0x8D66: 0x7CE0,
+    0x8D67: 0x7D05,
+    0x8D68: 0x7D18,
+    0x8D69: 0x7D5E,
+    0x8D6A: 0x7DB1,
+    0x8D6B: 0x8015,
+    0x8D6C: 0x8003,
+    0x8D6D: 0x80AF,
+    0x8D6E: 0x80B1,
+    0x8D6F: 0x8154,
+    0x8D70: 0x818F,
+    0x8D71: 0x822A,
+    0x8D72: 0x8352,
+    0x8D73: 0x884C,
+    0x8D74: 0x8861,
+    0x8D75: 0x8B1B,
+    0x8D76: 0x8CA2,
+    0x8D77: 0x8CFC,
+    0x8D78: 0x90CA,
+    0x8D79: 0x9175,
+    0x8D7A: 0x9271,
+    0x8D7B: 0x783F,
+    0x8D7C: 0x92FC,
+    0x8D7D: 0x95A4,
+    0x8D7E: 0x964D,
+    0x8D80: 0x9805,
+    0x8D81: 0x9999,
+    0x8D82: 0x9AD8,
+    0x8D83: 0x9D3B,
+    0x8D84: 0x525B,
+    0x8D85: 0x52AB,
+    0x8D86: 0x53F7,
+    0x8D87: 0x5408,
+    0x8D88: 0x58D5,
+    0x8D89: 0x62F7,
+    0x8D8A: 0x6FE0,
+    0x8D8B: 0x8C6A,
+    0x8D8C: 0x8F5F,
+    0x8D8D: 0x9EB9,
+    0x8D8E: 0x514B,
+    0x8D8F: 0x523B,
+    0x8D90: 0x544A,
+    0x8D91: 0x56FD,
+    0x8D92: 0x7A40,
+    0x8D93: 0x9177,
+    0x8D94: 0x9D60,
+    0x8D95: 0x9ED2,
+    0x8D96: 0x7344,
+    0x8D97: 0x6F09,
+    0x8D98: 0x8170,
+    0x8D99: 0x7511,
+    0x8D9A: 0x5FFD,
+    0x8D9B: 0x60DA,
+    0x8D9C: 0x9AA8,
+    0x8D9D: 0x72DB,
+    0x8D9E: 0x8FBC,
+    0x8D9F: 0x6B64,
+    0x8DA0: 0x9803,
+    0x8DA1: 0x4ECA,
+    0x8DA2: 0x56F0,
+    0x8DA3: 0x5764,
+    0x8DA4: 0x58BE,
+    0x8DA5: 0x5A5A,
+    0x8DA6: 0x6068,
+    0x8DA7: 0x61C7,
+    0x8DA8: 0x660F,
+    0x8DA9: 0x6606,
+    0x8DAA: 0x6839,
+    0x8DAB: 0x68B1,
+    0x8DAC: 0x6DF7,
+    0x8DAD: 0x75D5,
+    0x8DAE: 0x7D3A,
+    0x8DAF: 0x826E,
+    0x8DB0: 0x9B42,
+    0x8DB1: 0x4E9B,
+    0x8DB2: 0x4F50,
+    0x8DB3: 0x53C9,
+    0x8DB4: 0x5506,
+    0x8DB5: 0x5D6F,
+    0x8DB6: 0x5DE6,
+    0x8DB7: 0x5DEE,
+    0x8DB8: 0x67FB,
+    0x8DB9: 0x6C99,
+    0x8DBA: 0x7473,
+    0x8DBB: 0x7802,
+    0x8DBC: 0x8A50,
+    0x8DBD: 0x9396,
+    0x8DBE: 0x88DF,
+    0x8DBF: 0x5750,
+    0x8DC0: 0x5EA7,
+    0x8DC1: 0x632B,
+    0x8DC2: 0x50B5,
+    0x8DC3: 0x50AC,
+    0x8DC4: 0x518D,
+    0x8DC5: 0x6700,
+    0x8DC6: 0x54C9,
+    0x8DC7: 0x585E,
+    0x8DC8: 0x59BB,
+    0x8DC9: 0x5BB0,
+    0x8DCA: 0x5F69,
+    0x8DCB: 0x624D,
+    0x8DCC: 0x63A1,
+    0x8DCD: 0x683D,
+    0x8DCE: 0x6B73,
+    0x8DCF: 0x6E08,
+    0x8DD0: 0x707D,
+    0x8DD1: 0x91C7,
+    0x8DD2: 0x7280,
+    0x8DD3: 0x7815,
+    0x8DD4: 0x7826,
+    0x8DD5: 0x796D,
+    0x8DD6: 0x658E,
+    0x8DD7: 0x7D30,
+    0x8DD8: 0x83DC,
+    0x8DD9: 0x88C1,
+    0x8DDA: 0x8F09,
+    0x8DDB: 0x969B,
+    0x8DDC: 0x5264,
+    0x8DDD: 0x5728,
+    0x8DDE: 0x6750,
+    0x8DDF: 0x7F6A,
+    0x8DE0: 0x8CA1,
+    0x8DE1: 0x51B4,
+    0x8DE2: 0x5742,
+    0x8DE3: 0x962A,
+    0x8DE4: 0x583A,
+    0x8DE5: 0x698A,
+    0x8DE6: 0x80B4,
+    0x8DE7: 0x54B2,
+    0x8DE8: 0x5D0E,
+    0x8DE9: 0x57FC,
+    0x8DEA: 0x7895,
+    0x8DEB: 0x9DFA,
+    0x8DEC: 0x4F5C,
+    0x8DED: 0x524A,
+    0x8DEE: 0x548B,
+    0x8DEF: 0x643E,
+    0x8DF0: 0x6628,
+    0x8DF1: 0x6714,
+    0x8DF2: 0x67F5,
+    0x8DF3: 0x7A84,
+    0x8DF4: 0x7B56,
+    0x8DF5: 0x7D22,
+    0x8DF6: 0x932F,
+    0x8DF7: 0x685C,
+    0x8DF8: 0x9BAD,
+    0x8DF9: 0x7B39,
+    0x8DFA: 0x5319,
+    0x8DFB: 0x518A,
+    0x8DFC: 0x5237,
+    0x8E40: 0x5BDF,
+    0x8E41: 0x62F6,
+    0x8E42: 0x64AE,
+    0x8E43: 0x64E6,
+    0x8E44: 0x672D,
+    0x8E45: 0x6BBA,
+    0x8E46: 0x85A9,
+    0x8E47: 0x96D1,
+    0x8E48: 0x7690,
+    0x8E49: 0x9BD6,
+    0x8E4A: 0x634C,
+    0x8E4B: 0x9306,
+    0x8E4C: 0x9BAB,
+    0x8E4D: 0x76BF,
+    0x8E4E: 0x6652,
+    0x8E4F: 0x4E09,
+    0x8E50: 0x5098,
+    0x8E51: 0x53C2,
+    0x8E52: 0x5C71,
+    0x8E53: 0x60E8,
+    0x8E54: 0x6492,
+    0x8E55: 0x6563,
+    0x8E56: 0x685F,
+    0x8E57: 0x71E6,
+    0x8E58: 0x73CA,
+    0x8E59: 0x7523,
+    0x8E5A: 0x7B97,
+    0x8E5B: 0x7E82,
+    0x8E5C: 0x8695,
+    0x8E5D: 0x8B83,
+    0x8E5E: 0x8CDB,
+    0x8E5F: 0x9178,
+    0x8E60: 0x9910,
+    0x8E61: 0x65AC,
+    0x8E62: 0x66AB,
+    0x8E63: 0x6B8B,
+    0x8E64: 0x4ED5,
+    0x8E65: 0x4ED4,
+    0x8E66: 0x4F3A,
+    0x8E67: 0x4F7F,
+    0x8E68: 0x523A,
+    0x8E69: 0x53F8,
+    0x8E6A: 0x53F2,
+    0x8E6B: 0x55E3,
+    0x8E6C: 0x56DB,
+    0x8E6D: 0x58EB,
+    0x8E6E: 0x59CB,
+    0x8E6F: 0x59C9,
+    0x8E70: 0x59FF,
+    0x8E71: 0x5B50,
+    0x8E72: 0x5C4D,
+    0x8E73: 0x5E02,
+    0x8E74: 0x5E2B,
+    0x8E75: 0x5FD7,
+    0x8E76: 0x601D,
+    0x8E77: 0x6307,
+    0x8E78: 0x652F,
+    0x8E79: 0x5B5C,
+    0x8E7A: 0x65AF,
+    0x8E7B: 0x65BD,
+    0x8E7C: 0x65E8,
+    0x8E7D: 0x679D,
+    0x8E7E: 0x6B62,
+    0x8E80: 0x6B7B,
+    0x8E81: 0x6C0F,
+    0x8E82: 0x7345,
+    0x8E83: 0x7949,
+    0x8E84: 0x79C1,
+    0x8E85: 0x7CF8,
+    0x8E86: 0x7D19,
+    0x8E87: 0x7D2B,
+    0x8E88: 0x80A2,
+    0x8E89: 0x8102,
+    0x8E8A: 0x81F3,
+    0x8E8B: 0x8996,
+    0x8E8C: 0x8A5E,
+    0x8E8D: 0x8A69,
+    0x8E8E: 0x8A66,
+    0x8E8F: 0x8A8C,
+    0x8E90: 0x8AEE,
+    0x8E91: 0x8CC7,
+    0x8E92: 0x8CDC,
+    0x8E93: 0x96CC,
+    0x8E94: 0x98FC,
+    0x8E95: 0x6B6F,
+    0x8E96: 0x4E8B,
+    0x8E97: 0x4F3C,
+    0x8E98: 0x4F8D,
+    0x8E99: 0x5150,
+    0x8E9A: 0x5B57,
+    0x8E9B: 0x5BFA,
+    0x8E9C: 0x6148,
+    0x8E9D: 0x6301,
+    0x8E9E: 0x6642,
+    0x8E9F: 0x6B21,
+    0x8EA0: 0x6ECB,
+    0x8EA1: 0x6CBB,
+    0x8EA2: 0x723E,
+    0x8EA3: 0x74BD,
+    0x8EA4: 0x75D4,
+    0x8EA5: 0x78C1,
+    0x8EA6: 0x793A,
+    0x8EA7: 0x800C,
+    0x8EA8: 0x8033,
+    0x8EA9: 0x81EA,
+    0x8EAA: 0x8494,
+    0x8EAB: 0x8F9E,
+    0x8EAC: 0x6C50,
+    0x8EAD: 0x9E7F,
+    0x8EAE: 0x5F0F,
+    0x8EAF: 0x8B58,
+    0x8EB0: 0x9D2B,
+    0x8EB1: 0x7AFA,
+    0x8EB2: 0x8EF8,
+    0x8EB3: 0x5B8D,
+    0x8EB4: 0x96EB,
+    0x8EB5: 0x4E03,
+    0x8EB6: 0x53F1,
+    0x8EB7: 0x57F7,
+    0x8EB8: 0x5931,
+    0x8EB9: 0x5AC9,
+    0x8EBA: 0x5BA4,
+    0x8EBB: 0x6089,
+    0x8EBC: 0x6E7F,
+    0x8EBD: 0x6F06,
+    0x8EBE: 0x75BE,
+    0x8EBF: 0x8CEA,
+    0x8EC0: 0x5B9F,
+    0x8EC1: 0x8500,
+    0x8EC2: 0x7BE0,
+    0x8EC3: 0x5072,
+    0x8EC4: 0x67F4,
+    0x8EC5: 0x829D,
+    0x8EC6: 0x5C61,
+    0x8EC7: 0x854A,
+    0x8EC8: 0x7E1E,
+    0x8EC9: 0x820E,
+    0x8ECA: 0x5199,
+    0x8ECB: 0x5C04,
+    0x8ECC: 0x6368,
+    0x8ECD: 0x8D66,
+    0x8ECE: 0x659C,
+    0x8ECF: 0x716E,
+    0x8ED0: 0x793E,
+    0x8ED1: 0x7D17,
+    0x8ED2: 0x8005,
+    0x8ED3: 0x8B1D,
+    0x8ED4: 0x8ECA,
+    0x8ED5: 0x906E,
+    0x8ED6: 0x86C7,
+    0x8ED7: 0x90AA,
+    0x8ED8: 0x501F,
+    0x8ED9: 0x52FA,
+    0x8EDA: 0x5C3A,
+    0x8EDB: 0x6753,
+    0x8EDC: 0x707C,
+    0x8EDD: 0x7235,
+    0x8EDE: 0x914C,
+    0x8EDF: 0x91C8,
+    0x8EE0: 0x932B,
+    0x8EE1: 0x82E5,
+    0x8EE2: 0x5BC2,
+    0x8EE3: 0x5F31,
+    0x8EE4: 0x60F9,
+    0x8EE5: 0x4E3B,
+    0x8EE6: 0x53D6,
+    0x8EE7: 0x5B88,
+    0x8EE8: 0x624B,
+    0x8EE9: 0x6731,
+    0x8EEA: 0x6B8A,
+    0x8EEB: 0x72E9,
+    0x8EEC: 0x73E0,
+    0x8EED: 0x7A2E,
+    0x8EEE: 0x816B,
+    0x8EEF: 0x8DA3,
+    0x8EF0: 0x9152,
+    0x8EF1: 0x9996,
+    0x8EF2: 0x5112,
+    0x8EF3: 0x53D7,
+    0x8EF4: 0x546A,
+    0x8EF5: 0x5BFF,
+    0x8EF6: 0x6388,
+    0x8EF7: 0x6A39,
+    0x8EF8: 0x7DAC,
+    0x8EF9: 0x9700,
+    0x8EFA: 0x56DA,
+    0x8EFB: 0x53CE,
+    0x8EFC: 0x5468,
+    0x8F40: 0x5B97,
+    0x8F41: 0x5C31,
+    0x8F42: 0x5DDE,
+    0x8F43: 0x4FEE,
+    0x8F44: 0x6101,
+    0x8F45: 0x62FE,
+    0x8F46: 0x6D32,
+    0x8F47: 0x79C0,
+    0x8F48: 0x79CB,
+    0x8F49: 0x7D42,
+    0x8F4A: 0x7E4D,
+    0x8F4B: 0x7FD2,
+    0x8F4C: 0x81ED,
+    0x8F4D: 0x821F,
+    0x8F4E: 0x8490,
+    0x8F4F: 0x8846,
+    0x8F50: 0x8972,
+    0x8F51: 0x8B90,
+    0x8F52: 0x8E74,
+    0x8F53: 0x8F2F,
+    0x8F54: 0x9031,
+    0x8F55: 0x914B,
+    0x8F56: 0x916C,
+    0x8F57: 0x96C6,
+    0x8F58: 0x919C,
+    0x8F59: 0x4EC0,
+    0x8F5A: 0x4F4F,
+    0x8F5B: 0x5145,
+    0x8F5C: 0x5341,
+    0x8F5D: 0x5F93,
+    0x8F5E: 0x620E,
+    0x8F5F: 0x67D4,
+    0x8F60: 0x6C41,
+    0x8F61: 0x6E0B,
+    0x8F62: 0x7363,
+    0x8F63: 0x7E26,
+    0x8F64: 0x91CD,
+    0x8F65: 0x9283,
+    0x8F66: 0x53D4,
+    0x8F67: 0x5919,
+    0x8F68: 0x5BBF,
+    0x8F69: 0x6DD1,
+    0x8F6A: 0x795D,
+    0x8F6B: 0x7E2E,
+    0x8F6C: 0x7C9B,
+    0x8F6D: 0x587E,
+    0x8F6E: 0x719F,
+    0x8F6F: 0x51FA,
+    0x8F70: 0x8853,
+    0x8F71: 0x8FF0,
+    0x8F72: 0x4FCA,
+    0x8F73: 0x5CFB,
+    0x8F74: 0x6625,
+    0x8F75: 0x77AC,
+    0x8F76: 0x7AE3,
+    0x8F77: 0x821C,
+    0x8F78: 0x99FF,
+    0x8F79: 0x51C6,
+    0x8F7A: 0x5FAA,
+    0x8F7B: 0x65EC,
+    0x8F7C: 0x696F,
+    0x8F7D: 0x6B89,
+    0x8F7E: 0x6DF3,
+    0x8F80: 0x6E96,
+    0x8F81: 0x6F64,
+    0x8F82: 0x76FE,
+    0x8F83: 0x7D14,
+    0x8F84: 0x5DE1,
+    0x8F85: 0x9075,
+    0x8F86: 0x9187,
+    0x8F87: 0x9806,
+    0x8F88: 0x51E6,
+    0x8F89: 0x521D,
+    0x8F8A: 0x6240,
+    0x8F8B: 0x6691,
+    0x8F8C: 0x66D9,
+    0x8F8D: 0x6E1A,
+    0x8F8E: 0x5EB6,
+    0x8F8F: 0x7DD2,
+    0x8F90: 0x7F72,
+    0x8F91: 0x66F8,
+    0x8F92: 0x85AF,
+    0x8F93: 0x85F7,
+    0x8F94: 0x8AF8,
+    0x8F95: 0x52A9,
+    0x8F96: 0x53D9,
+    0x8F97: 0x5973,
+    0x8F98: 0x5E8F,
+    0x8F99: 0x5F90,
+    0x8F9A: 0x6055,
+    0x8F9B: 0x92E4,
+    0x8F9C: 0x9664,
+    0x8F9D: 0x50B7,
+    0x8F9E: 0x511F,
+    0x8F9F: 0x52DD,
+    0x8FA0: 0x5320,
+    0x8FA1: 0x5347,
+    0x8FA2: 0x53EC,
+    0x8FA3: 0x54E8,
+    0x8FA4: 0x5546,
+    0x8FA5: 0x5531,
+    0x8FA6: 0x5617,
+    0x8FA7: 0x5968,
+    0x8FA8: 0x59BE,
+    0x8FA9: 0x5A3C,
+    0x8FAA: 0x5BB5,
+    0x8FAB: 0x5C06,
+    0x8FAC: 0x5C0F,
+    0x8FAD: 0x5C11,
+    0x8FAE: 0x5C1A,
+    0x8FAF: 0x5E84,
+    0x8FB0: 0x5E8A,
+    0x8FB1: 0x5EE0,
+    0x8FB2: 0x5F70,
+    0x8FB3: 0x627F,
+    0x8FB4: 0x6284,
+    0x8FB5: 0x62DB,
+    0x8FB6: 0x638C,
+    0x8FB7: 0x6377,
+    0x8FB8: 0x6607,
+    0x8FB9: 0x660C,
+    0x8FBA: 0x662D,
+    0x8FBB: 0x6676,
+    0x8FBC: 0x677E,
+    0x8FBD: 0x68A2,
+    0x8FBE: 0x6A1F,
+    0x8FBF: 0x6A35,
+    0x8FC0: 0x6CBC,
+    0x8FC1: 0x6D88,
+    0x8FC2: 0x6E09,
+    0x8FC3: 0x6E58,
+    0x8FC4: 0x713C,
+    0x8FC5: 0x7126,
+    0x8FC6: 0x7167,
+    0x8FC7: 0x75C7,
+    0x8FC8: 0x7701,
+    0x8FC9: 0x785D,
+    0x8FCA: 0x7901,
+    0x8FCB: 0x7965,
+    0x8FCC: 0x79F0,
+    0x8FCD: 0x7AE0,
+    0x8FCE: 0x7B11,
+    0x8FCF: 0x7CA7,
+    0x8FD0: 0x7D39,
+    0x8FD1: 0x8096,
+    0x8FD2: 0x83D6,
+    0x8FD3: 0x848B,
+    0x8FD4: 0x8549,
+    0x8FD5: 0x885D,
+    0x8FD6: 0x88F3,
+    0x8FD7: 0x8A1F,
+    0x8FD8: 0x8A3C,
+    0x8FD9: 0x8A54,
+    0x8FDA: 0x8A73,
+    0x8FDB: 0x8C61,
+    0x8FDC: 0x8CDE,
+    0x8FDD: 0x91A4,
+    0x8FDE: 0x9266,
+    0x8FDF: 0x937E,
+    0x8FE0: 0x9418,
+    0x8FE1: 0x969C,
+    0x8FE2: 0x9798,
+    0x8FE3: 0x4E0A,
+    0x8FE4: 0x4E08,
+    0x8FE5: 0x4E1E,
+    0x8FE6: 0x4E57,
+    0x8FE7: 0x5197,
+    0x8FE8: 0x5270,
+    0x8FE9: 0x57CE,
+    0x8FEA: 0x5834,
+    0x8FEB: 0x58CC,
+    0x8FEC: 0x5B22,
+    0x8FED: 0x5E38,
+    0x8FEE: 0x60C5,
+    0x8FEF: 0x64FE,
+    0x8FF0: 0x6761,
+    0x8FF1: 0x6756,
+    0x8FF2: 0x6D44,
+    0x8FF3: 0x72B6,
+    0x8FF4: 0x7573,
+    0x8FF5: 0x7A63,
+    0x8FF6: 0x84B8,
+    0x8FF7: 0x8B72,
+    0x8FF8: 0x91B8,
+    0x8FF9: 0x9320,
+    0x8FFA: 0x5631,
+    0x8FFB: 0x57F4,
+    0x8FFC: 0x98FE,
+    0x9040: 0x62ED,
+    0x9041: 0x690D,
+    0x9042: 0x6B96,
+    0x9043: 0x71ED,
+    0x9044: 0x7E54,
+    0x9045: 0x8077,
+    0x9046: 0x8272,
+    0x9047: 0x89E6,
+    0x9048: 0x98DF,
+    0x9049: 0x8755,
+    0x904A: 0x8FB1,
+    0x904B: 0x5C3B,
+    0x904C: 0x4F38,
+    0x904D: 0x4FE1,
+    0x904E: 0x4FB5,
+    0x904F: 0x5507,
+    0x9050: 0x5A20,
+    0x9051: 0x5BDD,
+    0x9052: 0x5BE9,
+    0x9053: 0x5FC3,
+    0x9054: 0x614E,
+    0x9055: 0x632F,
+    0x9056: 0x65B0,
+    0x9057: 0x664B,
+    0x9058: 0x68EE,
+    0x9059: 0x699B,
+    0x905A: 0x6D78,
+    0x905B: 0x6DF1,
+    0x905C: 0x7533,
+    0x905D: 0x75B9,
+    0x905E: 0x771F,
+    0x905F: 0x795E,
+    0x9060: 0x79E6,
+    0x9061: 0x7D33,
+    0x9062: 0x81E3,
+    0x9063: 0x82AF,
+    0x9064: 0x85AA,
+    0x9065: 0x89AA,
+    0x9066: 0x8A3A,
+    0x9067: 0x8EAB,
+    0x9068: 0x8F9B,
+    0x9069: 0x9032,
+    0x906A: 0x91DD,
+    0x906B: 0x9707,
+    0x906C: 0x4EBA,
+    0x906D: 0x4EC1,
+    0x906E: 0x5203,
+    0x906F: 0x5875,
+    0x9070: 0x58EC,
+    0x9071: 0x5C0B,
+    0x9072: 0x751A,
+    0x9073: 0x5C3D,
+    0x9074: 0x814E,
+    0x9075: 0x8A0A,
+    0x9076: 0x8FC5,
+    0x9077: 0x9663,
+    0x9078: 0x976D,
+    0x9079: 0x7B25,
+    0x907A: 0x8ACF,
+    0x907B: 0x9808,
+    0x907C: 0x9162,
+    0x907D: 0x56F3,
+    0x907E: 0x53A8,
+    0x9080: 0x9017,
+    0x9081: 0x5439,
+    0x9082: 0x5782,
+    0x9083: 0x5E25,
+    0x9084: 0x63A8,
+    0x9085: 0x6C34,
+    0x9086: 0x708A,
+    0x9087: 0x7761,
+    0x9088: 0x7C8B,
+    0x9089: 0x7FE0,
+    0x908A: 0x8870,
+    0x908B: 0x9042,
+    0x908C: 0x9154,
+    0x908D: 0x9310,
+    0x908E: 0x9318,
+    0x908F: 0x968F,
+    0x9090: 0x745E,
+    0x9091: 0x9AC4,
+    0x9092: 0x5D07,
+    0x9093: 0x5D69,
+    0x9094: 0x6570,
+    0x9095: 0x67A2,
+    0x9096: 0x8DA8,
+    0x9097: 0x96DB,
+    0x9098: 0x636E,
+    0x9099: 0x6749,
+    0x909A: 0x6919,
+    0x909B: 0x83C5,
+    0x909C: 0x9817,
+    0x909D: 0x96C0,
+    0x909E: 0x88FE,
+    0x909F: 0x6F84,
+    0x90A0: 0x647A,
+    0x90A1: 0x5BF8,
+    0x90A2: 0x4E16,
+    0x90A3: 0x702C,
+    0x90A4: 0x755D,
+    0x90A5: 0x662F,
+    0x90A6: 0x51C4,
+    0x90A7: 0x5236,
+    0x90A8: 0x52E2,
+    0x90A9: 0x59D3,
+    0x90AA: 0x5F81,
+    0x90AB: 0x6027,
+    0x90AC: 0x6210,
+    0x90AD: 0x653F,
+    0x90AE: 0x6574,
+    0x90AF: 0x661F,
+    0x90B0: 0x6674,
+    0x90B1: 0x68F2,
+    0x90B2: 0x6816,
+    0x90B3: 0x6B63,
+    0x90B4: 0x6E05,
+    0x90B5: 0x7272,
+    0x90B6: 0x751F,
+    0x90B7: 0x76DB,
+    0x90B8: 0x7CBE,
+    0x90B9: 0x8056,
+    0x90BA: 0x58F0,
+    0x90BB: 0x88FD,
+    0x90BC: 0x897F,
+    0x90BD: 0x8AA0,
+    0x90BE: 0x8A93,
+    0x90BF: 0x8ACB,
+    0x90C0: 0x901D,
+    0x90C1: 0x9192,
+    0x90C2: 0x9752,
+    0x90C3: 0x9759,
+    0x90C4: 0x6589,
+    0x90C5: 0x7A0E,
+    0x90C6: 0x8106,
+    0x90C7: 0x96BB,
+    0x90C8: 0x5E2D,
+    0x90C9: 0x60DC,
+    0x90CA: 0x621A,
+    0x90CB: 0x65A5,
+    0x90CC: 0x6614,
+    0x90CD: 0x6790,
+    0x90CE: 0x77F3,
+    0x90CF: 0x7A4D,
+    0x90D0: 0x7C4D,
+    0x90D1: 0x7E3E,
+    0x90D2: 0x810A,
+    0x90D3: 0x8CAC,
+    0x90D4: 0x8D64,
+    0x90D5: 0x8DE1,
+    0x90D6: 0x8E5F,
+    0x90D7: 0x78A9,
+    0x90D8: 0x5207,
+    0x90D9: 0x62D9,
+    0x90DA: 0x63A5,
+    0x90DB: 0x6442,
+    0x90DC: 0x6298,
+    0x90DD: 0x8A2D,
+    0x90DE: 0x7A83,
+    0x90DF: 0x7BC0,
+    0x90E0: 0x8AAC,
+    0x90E1: 0x96EA,
+    0x90E2: 0x7D76,
+    0x90E3: 0x820C,
+    0x90E4: 0x8749,
+    0x90E5: 0x4ED9,
+    0x90E6: 0x5148,
+    0x90E7: 0x5343,
+    0x90E8: 0x5360,
+    0x90E9: 0x5BA3,
+    0x90EA: 0x5C02,
+    0x90EB: 0x5C16,
+    0x90EC: 0x5DDD,
+    0x90ED: 0x6226,
+    0x90EE: 0x6247,
+    0x90EF: 0x64B0,
+    0x90F0: 0x6813,
+    0x90F1: 0x6834,
+    0x90F2: 0x6CC9,
+    0x90F3: 0x6D45,
+    0x90F4: 0x6D17,
+    0x90F5: 0x67D3,
+    0x90F6: 0x6F5C,
+    0x90F7: 0x714E,
+    0x90F8: 0x717D,
+    0x90F9: 0x65CB,
+    0x90FA: 0x7A7F,
+    0x90FB: 0x7BAD,
+    0x90FC: 0x7DDA,
+    0x9140: 0x7E4A,
+    0x9141: 0x7FA8,
+    0x9142: 0x817A,
+    0x9143: 0x821B,
+    0x9144: 0x8239,
+    0x9145: 0x85A6,
+    0x9146: 0x8A6E,
+    0x9147: 0x8CCE,
+    0x9148: 0x8DF5,
+    0x9149: 0x9078,
+    0x914A: 0x9077,
+    0x914B: 0x92AD,
+    0x914C: 0x9291,
+    0x914D: 0x9583,
+    0x914E: 0x9BAE,
+    0x914F: 0x524D,
+    0x9150: 0x5584,
+    0x9151: 0x6F38,
+    0x9152: 0x7136,
+    0x9153: 0x5168,
+    0x9154: 0x7985,
+    0x9155: 0x7E55,
+    0x9156: 0x81B3,
+    0x9157: 0x7CCE,
+    0x9158: 0x564C,
+    0x9159: 0x5851,
+    0x915A: 0x5CA8,
+    0x915B: 0x63AA,
+    0x915C: 0x66FE,
+    0x915D: 0x66FD,
+    0x915E: 0x695A,
+    0x915F: 0x72D9,
+    0x9160: 0x758F,
+    0x9161: 0x758E,
+    0x9162: 0x790E,
+    0x9163: 0x7956,
+    0x9164: 0x79DF,
+    0x9165: 0x7C97,
+    0x9166: 0x7D20,
+    0x9167: 0x7D44,
+    0x9168: 0x8607,
+    0x9169: 0x8A34,
+    0x916A: 0x963B,
+    0x916B: 0x9061,
+    0x916C: 0x9F20,
+    0x916D: 0x50E7,
+    0x916E: 0x5275,
+    0x916F: 0x53CC,
+    0x9170: 0x53E2,
+    0x9171: 0x5009,
+    0x9172: 0x55AA,
+    0x9173: 0x58EE,
+    0x9174: 0x594F,
+    0x9175: 0x723D,
+    0x9176: 0x5B8B,
+    0x9177: 0x5C64,
+    0x9178: 0x531D,
+    0x9179: 0x60E3,
+    0x917A: 0x60F3,
+    0x917B: 0x635C,
+    0x917C: 0x6383,
+    0x917D: 0x633F,
+    0x917E: 0x63BB,
+    0x9180: 0x64CD,
+    0x9181: 0x65E9,
+    0x9182: 0x66F9,
+    0x9183: 0x5DE3,
+    0x9184: 0x69CD,
+    0x9185: 0x69FD,
+    0x9186: 0x6F15,
+    0x9187: 0x71E5,
+    0x9188: 0x4E89,
+    0x9189: 0x75E9,
+    0x918A: 0x76F8,
+    0x918B: 0x7A93,
+    0x918C: 0x7CDF,
+    0x918D: 0x7DCF,
+    0x918E: 0x7D9C,
+    0x918F: 0x8061,
+    0x9190: 0x8349,
+    0x9191: 0x8358,
+    0x9192: 0x846C,
+    0x9193: 0x84BC,
+    0x9194: 0x85FB,
+    0x9195: 0x88C5,
+    0x9196: 0x8D70,
+    0x9197: 0x9001,
+    0x9198: 0x906D,
+    0x9199: 0x9397,
+    0x919A: 0x971C,
+    0x919B: 0x9A12,
+    0x919C: 0x50CF,
+    0x919D: 0x5897,
+    0x919E: 0x618E,
+    0x919F: 0x81D3,
+    0x91A0: 0x8535,
+    0x91A1: 0x8D08,
+    0x91A2: 0x9020,
+    0x91A3: 0x4FC3,
+    0x91A4: 0x5074,
+    0x91A5: 0x5247,
+    0x91A6: 0x5373,
+    0x91A7: 0x606F,
+    0x91A8: 0x6349,
+    0x91A9: 0x675F,
+    0x91AA: 0x6E2C,
+    0x91AB: 0x8DB3,
+    0x91AC: 0x901F,
+    0x91AD: 0x4FD7,
+    0x91AE: 0x5C5E,
+    0x91AF: 0x8CCA,
+    0x91B0: 0x65CF,
+    0x91B1: 0x7D9A,
+    0x91B2: 0x5352,
+    0x91B3: 0x8896,
+    0x91B4: 0x5176,
+    0x91B5: 0x63C3,
+    0x91B6: 0x5B58,
+    0x91B7: 0x5B6B,
+    0x91B8: 0x5C0A,
+    0x91B9: 0x640D,
+    0x91BA: 0x6751,
+    0x91BB: 0x905C,
+    0x91BC: 0x4ED6,
+    0x91BD: 0x591A,
+    0x91BE: 0x592A,
+    0x91BF: 0x6C70,
+    0x91C0: 0x8A51,
+    0x91C1: 0x553E,
+    0x91C2: 0x5815,
+    0x91C3: 0x59A5,
+    0x91C4: 0x60F0,
+    0x91C5: 0x6253,
+    0x91C6: 0x67C1,
+    0x91C7: 0x8235,
+    0x91C8: 0x6955,
+    0x91C9: 0x9640,
+    0x91CA: 0x99C4,
+    0x91CB: 0x9A28,
+    0x91CC: 0x4F53,
+    0x91CD: 0x5806,
+    0x91CE: 0x5BFE,
+    0x91CF: 0x8010,
+    0x91D0: 0x5CB1,
+    0x91D1: 0x5E2F,
+    0x91D2: 0x5F85,
+    0x91D3: 0x6020,
+    0x91D4: 0x614B,
+    0x91D5: 0x6234,
+    0x91D6: 0x66FF,
+    0x91D7: 0x6CF0,
+    0x91D8: 0x6EDE,
+    0x91D9: 0x80CE,
+    0x91DA: 0x817F,
+    0x91DB: 0x82D4,
+    0x91DC: 0x888B,
+    0x91DD: 0x8CB8,
+    0x91DE: 0x9000,
+    0x91DF: 0x902E,
+    0x91E0: 0x968A,
+    0x91E1: 0x9EDB,
+    0x91E2: 0x9BDB,
+    0x91E3: 0x4EE3,
+    0x91E4: 0x53F0,
+    0x91E5: 0x5927,
+    0x91E6: 0x7B2C,
+    0x91E7: 0x918D,
+    0x91E8: 0x984C,
+    0x91E9: 0x9DF9,
+    0x91EA: 0x6EDD,
+    0x91EB: 0x7027,
+    0x91EC: 0x5353,
+    0x91ED: 0x5544,
+    0x91EE: 0x5B85,
+    0x91EF: 0x6258,
+    0x91F0: 0x629E,
+    0x91F1: 0x62D3,
+    0x91F2: 0x6CA2,
+    0x91F3: 0x6FEF,
+    0x91F4: 0x7422,
+    0x91F5: 0x8A17,
+    0x91F6: 0x9438,
+    0x91F7: 0x6FC1,
+    0x91F8: 0x8AFE,
+    0x91F9: 0x8338,
+    0x91FA: 0x51E7,
+    0x91FB: 0x86F8,
+    0x91FC: 0x53EA,
+    0x9240: 0x53E9,
+    0x9241: 0x4F46,
+    0x9242: 0x9054,
+    0x9243: 0x8FB0,
+    0x9244: 0x596A,
+    0x9245: 0x8131,
+    0x9246: 0x5DFD,
+    0x9247: 0x7AEA,
+    0x9248: 0x8FBF,
+    0x9249: 0x68DA,
+    0x924A: 0x8C37,
+    0x924B: 0x72F8,
+    0x924C: 0x9C48,
+    0x924D: 0x6A3D,
+    0x924E: 0x8AB0,
+    0x924F: 0x4E39,
+    0x9250: 0x5358,
+    0x9251: 0x5606,
+    0x9252: 0x5766,
+    0x9253: 0x62C5,
+    0x9254: 0x63A2,
+    0x9255: 0x65E6,
+    0x9256: 0x6B4E,
+    0x9257: 0x6DE1,
+    0x9258: 0x6E5B,
+    0x9259: 0x70AD,
+    0x925A: 0x77ED,
+    0x925B: 0x7AEF,
+    0x925C: 0x7BAA,
+    0x925D: 0x7DBB,
+    0x925E: 0x803D,
+    0x925F: 0x80C6,
+    0x9260: 0x86CB,
+    0x9261: 0x8A95,
+    0x9262: 0x935B,
+    0x9263: 0x56E3,
+    0x9264: 0x58C7,
+    0x9265: 0x5F3E,
+    0x9266: 0x65AD,
+    0x9267: 0x6696,
+    0x9268: 0x6A80,
+    0x9269: 0x6BB5,
+    0x926A: 0x7537,
+    0x926B: 0x8AC7,
+    0x926C: 0x5024,
+    0x926D: 0x77E5,
+    0x926E: 0x5730,
+    0x926F: 0x5F1B,
+    0x9270: 0x6065,
+    0x9271: 0x667A,
+    0x9272: 0x6C60,
+    0x9273: 0x75F4,
+    0x9274: 0x7A1A,
+    0x9275: 0x7F6E,
+    0x9276: 0x81F4,
+    0x9277: 0x8718,
+    0x9278: 0x9045,
+    0x9279: 0x99B3,
+    0x927A: 0x7BC9,
+    0x927B: 0x755C,
+    0x927C: 0x7AF9,
+    0x927D: 0x7B51,
+    0x927E: 0x84C4,
+    0x9280: 0x9010,
+    0x9281: 0x79E9,
+    0x9282: 0x7A92,
+    0x9283: 0x8336,
+    0x9284: 0x5AE1,
+    0x9285: 0x7740,
+    0x9286: 0x4E2D,
+    0x9287: 0x4EF2,
+    0x9288: 0x5B99,
+    0x9289: 0x5FE0,
+    0x928A: 0x62BD,
+    0x928B: 0x663C,
+    0x928C: 0x67F1,
+    0x928D: 0x6CE8,
+    0x928E: 0x866B,
+    0x928F: 0x8877,
+    0x9290: 0x8A3B,
+    0x9291: 0x914E,
+    0x9292: 0x92F3,
+    0x9293: 0x99D0,
+    0x9294: 0x6A17,
+    0x9295: 0x7026,
+    0x9296: 0x732A,
+    0x9297: 0x82E7,
+    0x9298: 0x8457,
+    0x9299: 0x8CAF,
+    0x929A: 0x4E01,
+    0x929B: 0x5146,
+    0x929C: 0x51CB,
+    0x929D: 0x558B,
+    0x929E: 0x5BF5,
+    0x929F: 0x5E16,
+    0x92A0: 0x5E33,
+    0x92A1: 0x5E81,
+    0x92A2: 0x5F14,
+    0x92A3: 0x5F35,
+    0x92A4: 0x5F6B,
+    0x92A5: 0x5FB4,
+    0x92A6: 0x61F2,
+    0x92A7: 0x6311,
+    0x92A8: 0x66A2,
+    0x92A9: 0x671D,
+    0x92AA: 0x6F6E,
+    0x92AB: 0x7252,
+    0x92AC: 0x753A,
+    0x92AD: 0x773A,
+    0x92AE: 0x8074,
+    0x92AF: 0x8139,
+    0x92B0: 0x8178,
+    0x92B1: 0x8776,
+    0x92B2: 0x8ABF,
+    0x92B3: 0x8ADC,
+    0x92B4: 0x8D85,
+    0x92B5: 0x8DF3,
+    0x92B6: 0x929A,
+    0x92B7: 0x9577,
+    0x92B8: 0x9802,
+    0x92B9: 0x9CE5,
+    0x92BA: 0x52C5,
+    0x92BB: 0x6357,
+    0x92BC: 0x76F4,
+    0x92BD: 0x6715,
+    0x92BE: 0x6C88,
+    0x92BF: 0x73CD,
+    0x92C0: 0x8CC3,
+    0x92C1: 0x93AE,
+    0x92C2: 0x9673,
+    0x92C3: 0x6D25,
+    0x92C4: 0x589C,
+    0x92C5: 0x690E,
+    0x92C6: 0x69CC,
+    0x92C7: 0x8FFD,
+    0x92C8: 0x939A,
+    0x92C9: 0x75DB,
+    0x92CA: 0x901A,
+    0x92CB: 0x585A,
+    0x92CC: 0x6802,
+    0x92CD: 0x63B4,
+    0x92CE: 0x69FB,
+    0x92CF: 0x4F43,
+    0x92D0: 0x6F2C,
+    0x92D1: 0x67D8,
+    0x92D2: 0x8FBB,
+    0x92D3: 0x8526,
+    0x92D4: 0x7DB4,
+    0x92D5: 0x9354,
+    0x92D6: 0x693F,
+    0x92D7: 0x6F70,
+    0x92D8: 0x576A,
+    0x92D9: 0x58F7,
+    0x92DA: 0x5B2C,
+    0x92DB: 0x7D2C,
+    0x92DC: 0x722A,
+    0x92DD: 0x540A,
+    0x92DE: 0x91E3,
+    0x92DF: 0x9DB4,
+    0x92E0: 0x4EAD,
+    0x92E1: 0x4F4E,
+    0x92E2: 0x505C,
+    0x92E3: 0x5075,
+    0x92E4: 0x5243,
+    0x92E5: 0x8C9E,
+    0x92E6: 0x5448,
+    0x92E7: 0x5824,
+    0x92E8: 0x5B9A,
+    0x92E9: 0x5E1D,
+    0x92EA: 0x5E95,
+    0x92EB: 0x5EAD,
+    0x92EC: 0x5EF7,
+    0x92ED: 0x5F1F,
+    0x92EE: 0x608C,
+    0x92EF: 0x62B5,
+    0x92F0: 0x633A,
+    0x92F1: 0x63D0,
+    0x92F2: 0x68AF,
+    0x92F3: 0x6C40,
+    0x92F4: 0x7887,
+    0x92F5: 0x798E,
+    0x92F6: 0x7A0B,
+    0x92F7: 0x7DE0,
+    0x92F8: 0x8247,
+    0x92F9: 0x8A02,
+    0x92FA: 0x8AE6,
+    0x92FB: 0x8E44,
+    0x92FC: 0x9013,
+    0x9340: 0x90B8,
+    0x9341: 0x912D,
+    0x9342: 0x91D8,
+    0x9343: 0x9F0E,
+    0x9344: 0x6CE5,
+    0x9345: 0x6458,
+    0x9346: 0x64E2,
+    0x9347: 0x6575,
+    0x9348: 0x6EF4,
+    0x9349: 0x7684,
+    0x934A: 0x7B1B,
+    0x934B: 0x9069,
+    0x934C: 0x93D1,
+    0x934D: 0x6EBA,
+    0x934E: 0x54F2,
+    0x934F: 0x5FB9,
+    0x9350: 0x64A4,
+    0x9351: 0x8F4D,
+    0x9352: 0x8FED,
+    0x9353: 0x9244,
+    0x9354: 0x5178,
+    0x9355: 0x586B,
+    0x9356: 0x5929,
+    0x9357: 0x5C55,
+    0x9358: 0x5E97,
+    0x9359: 0x6DFB,
+    0x935A: 0x7E8F,
+    0x935B: 0x751C,
+    0x935C: 0x8CBC,
+    0x935D: 0x8EE2,
+    0x935E: 0x985B,
+    0x935F: 0x70B9,
+    0x9360: 0x4F1D,
+    0x9361: 0x6BBF,
+    0x9362: 0x6FB1,
+    0x9363: 0x7530,
+    0x9364: 0x96FB,
+    0x9365: 0x514E,
+    0x9366: 0x5410,
+    0x9367: 0x5835,
+    0x9368: 0x5857,
+    0x9369: 0x59AC,
+    0x936A: 0x5C60,
+    0x936B: 0x5F92,
+    0x936C: 0x6597,
+    0x936D: 0x675C,
+    0x936E: 0x6E21,
+    0x936F: 0x767B,
+    0x9370: 0x83DF,
+    0x9371: 0x8CED,
+    0x9372: 0x9014,
+    0x9373: 0x90FD,
+    0x9374: 0x934D,
+    0x9375: 0x7825,
+    0x9376: 0x783A,
+    0x9377: 0x52AA,
+    0x9378: 0x5EA6,
+    0x9379: 0x571F,
+    0x937A: 0x5974,
+    0x937B: 0x6012,
+    0x937C: 0x5012,
+    0x937D: 0x515A,
+    0x937E: 0x51AC,
+    0x9380: 0x51CD,
+    0x9381: 0x5200,
+    0x9382: 0x5510,
+    0x9383: 0x5854,
+    0x9384: 0x5858,
+    0x9385: 0x5957,
+    0x9386: 0x5B95,
+    0x9387: 0x5CF6,
+    0x9388: 0x5D8B,
+    0x9389: 0x60BC,
+    0x938A: 0x6295,
+    0x938B: 0x642D,
+    0x938C: 0x6771,
+    0x938D: 0x6843,
+    0x938E: 0x68BC,
+    0x938F: 0x68DF,
+    0x9390: 0x76D7,
+    0x9391: 0x6DD8,
+    0x9392: 0x6E6F,
+    0x9393: 0x6D9B,
+    0x9394: 0x706F,
+    0x9395: 0x71C8,
+    0x9396: 0x5F53,
+    0x9397: 0x75D8,
+    0x9398: 0x7977,
+    0x9399: 0x7B49,
+    0x939A: 0x7B54,
+    0x939B: 0x7B52,
+    0x939C: 0x7CD6,
+    0x939D: 0x7D71,
+    0x939E: 0x5230,
+    0x939F: 0x8463,
+    0x93A0: 0x8569,
+    0x93A1: 0x85E4,
+    0x93A2: 0x8A0E,
+    0x93A3: 0x8B04,
+    0x93A4: 0x8C46,
+    0x93A5: 0x8E0F,
+    0x93A6: 0x9003,
+    0x93A7: 0x900F,
+    0x93A8: 0x9419,
+    0x93A9: 0x9676,
+    0x93AA: 0x982D,
+    0x93AB: 0x9A30,
+    0x93AC: 0x95D8,
+    0x93AD: 0x50CD,
+    0x93AE: 0x52D5,
+    0x93AF: 0x540C,
+    0x93B0: 0x5802,
+    0x93B1: 0x5C0E,
+    0x93B2: 0x61A7,
+    0x93B3: 0x649E,
+    0x93B4: 0x6D1E,
+    0x93B5: 0x77B3,
+    0x93B6: 0x7AE5,
+    0x93B7: 0x80F4,
+    0x93B8: 0x8404,
+    0x93B9: 0x9053,
+    0x93BA: 0x9285,
+    0x93BB: 0x5CE0,
+    0x93BC: 0x9D07,
+    0x93BD: 0x533F,
+    0x93BE: 0x5F97,
+    0x93BF: 0x5FB3,
+    0x93C0: 0x6D9C,
+    0x93C1: 0x7279,
+    0x93C2: 0x7763,
+    0x93C3: 0x79BF,
+    0x93C4: 0x7BE4,
+    0x93C5: 0x6BD2,
+    0x93C6: 0x72EC,
+    0x93C7: 0x8AAD,
+    0x93C8: 0x6803,
+    0x93C9: 0x6A61,
+    0x93CA: 0x51F8,
+    0x93CB: 0x7A81,
+    0x93CC: 0x6934,
+    0x93CD: 0x5C4A,
+    0x93CE: 0x9CF6,
+    0x93CF: 0x82EB,
+    0x93D0: 0x5BC5,
+    0x93D1: 0x9149,
+    0x93D2: 0x701E,
+    0x93D3: 0x5678,
+    0x93D4: 0x5C6F,
+    0x93D5: 0x60C7,
+    0x93D6: 0x6566,
+    0x93D7: 0x6C8C,
+    0x93D8: 0x8C5A,
+    0x93D9: 0x9041,
+    0x93DA: 0x9813,
+    0x93DB: 0x5451,
+    0x93DC: 0x66C7,
+    0x93DD: 0x920D,
+    0x93DE: 0x5948,
+    0x93DF: 0x90A3,
+    0x93E0: 0x5185,
+    0x93E1: 0x4E4D,
+    0x93E2: 0x51EA,
+    0x93E3: 0x8599,
+    0x93E4: 0x8B0E,
+    0x93E5: 0x7058,
+    0x93E6: 0x637A,
+    0x93E7: 0x934B,
+    0x93E8: 0x6962,
+    0x93E9: 0x99B4,
+    0x93EA: 0x7E04,
+    0x93EB: 0x7577,
+    0x93EC: 0x5357,
+    0x93ED: 0x6960,
+    0x93EE: 0x8EDF,
+    0x93EF: 0x96E3,
+    0x93F0: 0x6C5D,
+    0x93F1: 0x4E8C,
+    0x93F2: 0x5C3C,
+    0x93F3: 0x5F10,
+    0x93F4: 0x8FE9,
+    0x93F5: 0x5302,
+    0x93F6: 0x8CD1,
+    0x93F7: 0x8089,
+    0x93F8: 0x8679,
+    0x93F9: 0x5EFF,
+    0x93FA: 0x65E5,
+    0x93FB: 0x4E73,
+    0x93FC: 0x5165,
+    0x9440: 0x5982,
+    0x9441: 0x5C3F,
+    0x9442: 0x97EE,
+    0x9443: 0x4EFB,
+    0x9444: 0x598A,
+    0x9445: 0x5FCD,
+    0x9446: 0x8A8D,
+    0x9447: 0x6FE1,
+    0x9448: 0x79B0,
+    0x9449: 0x7962,
+    0x944A: 0x5BE7,
+    0x944B: 0x8471,
+    0x944C: 0x732B,
+    0x944D: 0x71B1,
+    0x944E: 0x5E74,
+    0x944F: 0x5FF5,
+    0x9450: 0x637B,
+    0x9451: 0x649A,
+    0x9452: 0x71C3,
+    0x9453: 0x7C98,
+    0x9454: 0x4E43,
+    0x9455: 0x5EFC,
+    0x9456: 0x4E4B,
+    0x9457: 0x57DC,
+    0x9458: 0x56A2,
+    0x9459: 0x60A9,
+    0x945A: 0x6FC3,
+    0x945B: 0x7D0D,
+    0x945C: 0x80FD,
+    0x945D: 0x8133,
+    0x945E: 0x81BF,
+    0x945F: 0x8FB2,
+    0x9460: 0x8997,
+    0x9461: 0x86A4,
+    0x9462: 0x5DF4,
+    0x9463: 0x628A,
+    0x9464: 0x64AD,
+    0x9465: 0x8987,
+    0x9466: 0x6777,
+    0x9467: 0x6CE2,
+    0x9468: 0x6D3E,
+    0x9469: 0x7436,
+    0x946A: 0x7834,
+    0x946B: 0x5A46,
+    0x946C: 0x7F75,
+    0x946D: 0x82AD,
+    0x946E: 0x99AC,
+    0x946F: 0x4FF3,
+    0x9470: 0x5EC3,
+    0x9471: 0x62DD,
+    0x9472: 0x6392,
+    0x9473: 0x6557,
+    0x9474: 0x676F,
+    0x9475: 0x76C3,
+    0x9476: 0x724C,
+    0x9477: 0x80CC,
+    0x9478: 0x80BA,
+    0x9479: 0x8F29,
+    0x947A: 0x914D,
+    0x947B: 0x500D,
+    0x947C: 0x57F9,
+    0x947D: 0x5A92,
+    0x947E: 0x6885,
+    0x9480: 0x6973,
+    0x9481: 0x7164,
+    0x9482: 0x72FD,
+    0x9483: 0x8CB7,
+    0x9484: 0x58F2,
+    0x9485: 0x8CE0,
+    0x9486: 0x966A,
+    0x9487: 0x9019,
+    0x9488: 0x877F,
+    0x9489: 0x79E4,
+    0x948A: 0x77E7,
+    0x948B: 0x8429,
+    0x948C: 0x4F2F,
+    0x948D: 0x5265,
+    0x948E: 0x535A,
+    0x948F: 0x62CD,
+    0x9490: 0x67CF,
+    0x9491: 0x6CCA,
+    0x9492: 0x767D,
+    0x9493: 0x7B94,
+    0x9494: 0x7C95,
+    0x9495: 0x8236,
+    0x9496: 0x8584,
+    0x9497: 0x8FEB,
+    0x9498: 0x66DD,
+    0x9499: 0x6F20,
+    0x949A: 0x7206,
+    0x949B: 0x7E1B,
+    0x949C: 0x83AB,
+    0x949D: 0x99C1,
+    0x949E: 0x9EA6,
+    0x949F: 0x51FD,
+    0x94A0: 0x7BB1,
+    0x94A1: 0x7872,
+    0x94A2: 0x7BB8,
+    0x94A3: 0x8087,
+    0x94A4: 0x7B48,
+    0x94A5: 0x6AE8,
+    0x94A6: 0x5E61,
+    0x94A7: 0x808C,
+    0x94A8: 0x7551,
+    0x94A9: 0x7560,
+    0x94AA: 0x516B,
+    0x94AB: 0x9262,
+    0x94AC: 0x6E8C,
+    0x94AD: 0x767A,
+    0x94AE: 0x9197,
+    0x94AF: 0x9AEA,
+    0x94B0: 0x4F10,
+    0x94B1: 0x7F70,
+    0x94B2: 0x629C,
+    0x94B3: 0x7B4F,
+    0x94B4: 0x95A5,
+    0x94B5: 0x9CE9,
+    0x94B6: 0x567A,
+    0x94B7: 0x5859,
+    0x94B8: 0x86E4,
+    0x94B9: 0x96BC,
+    0x94BA: 0x4F34,
+    0x94BB: 0x5224,
+    0x94BC: 0x534A,
+    0x94BD: 0x53CD,
+    0x94BE: 0x53DB,
+    0x94BF: 0x5E06,
+    0x94C0: 0x642C,
+    0x94C1: 0x6591,
+    0x94C2: 0x677F,
+    0x94C3: 0x6C3E,
+    0x94C4: 0x6C4E,
+    0x94C5: 0x7248,
+    0x94C6: 0x72AF,
+    0x94C7: 0x73ED,
+    0x94C8: 0x7554,
+    0x94C9: 0x7E41,
+    0x94CA: 0x822C,
+    0x94CB: 0x85E9,
+    0x94CC: 0x8CA9,
+    0x94CD: 0x7BC4,
+    0x94CE: 0x91C6,
+    0x94CF: 0x7169,
+    0x94D0: 0x9812,
+    0x94D1: 0x98EF,
+    0x94D2: 0x633D,
+    0x94D3: 0x6669,
+    0x94D4: 0x756A,
+    0x94D5: 0x76E4,
+    0x94D6: 0x78D0,
+    0x94D7: 0x8543,
+    0x94D8: 0x86EE,
+    0x94D9: 0x532A,
+    0x94DA: 0x5351,
+    0x94DB: 0x5426,
+    0x94DC: 0x5983,
+    0x94DD: 0x5E87,
+    0x94DE: 0x5F7C,
+    0x94DF: 0x60B2,
+    0x94E0: 0x6249,
+    0x94E1: 0x6279,
+    0x94E2: 0x62AB,
+    0x94E3: 0x6590,
+    0x94E4: 0x6BD4,
+    0x94E5: 0x6CCC,
+    0x94E6: 0x75B2,
+    0x94E7: 0x76AE,
+    0x94E8: 0x7891,
+    0x94E9: 0x79D8,
+    0x94EA: 0x7DCB,
+    0x94EB: 0x7F77,
+    0x94EC: 0x80A5,
+    0x94ED: 0x88AB,
+    0x94EE: 0x8AB9,
+    0x94EF: 0x8CBB,
+    0x94F0: 0x907F,
+    0x94F1: 0x975E,
+    0x94F2: 0x98DB,
+    0x94F3: 0x6A0B,
+    0x94F4: 0x7C38,
+    0x94F5: 0x5099,
+    0x94F6: 0x5C3E,
+    0x94F7: 0x5FAE,
+    0x94F8: 0x6787,
+    0x94F9: 0x6BD8,
+    0x94FA: 0x7435,
+    0x94FB: 0x7709,
+    0x94FC: 0x7F8E,
+    0x9540: 0x9F3B,
+    0x9541: 0x67CA,
+    0x9542: 0x7A17,
+    0x9543: 0x5339,
+    0x9544: 0x758B,
+    0x9545: 0x9AED,
+    0x9546: 0x5F66,
+    0x9547: 0x819D,
+    0x9548: 0x83F1,
+    0x9549: 0x8098,
+    0x954A: 0x5F3C,
+    0x954B: 0x5FC5,
+    0x954C: 0x7562,
+    0x954D: 0x7B46,
+    0x954E: 0x903C,
+    0x954F: 0x6867,
+    0x9550: 0x59EB,
+    0x9551: 0x5A9B,
+    0x9552: 0x7D10,
+    0x9553: 0x767E,
+    0x9554: 0x8B2C,
+    0x9555: 0x4FF5,
+    0x9556: 0x5F6A,
+    0x9557: 0x6A19,
+    0x9558: 0x6C37,
+    0x9559: 0x6F02,
+    0x955A: 0x74E2,
+    0x955B: 0x7968,
+    0x955C: 0x8868,
+    0x955D: 0x8A55,
+    0x955E: 0x8C79,
+    0x955F: 0x5EDF,
+    0x9560: 0x63CF,
+    0x9561: 0x75C5,
+    0x9562: 0x79D2,
+    0x9563: 0x82D7,
+    0x9564: 0x9328,
+    0x9565: 0x92F2,
+    0x9566: 0x849C,
+    0x9567: 0x86ED,
+    0x9568: 0x9C2D,
+    0x9569: 0x54C1,
+    0x956A: 0x5F6C,
+    0x956B: 0x658C,
+    0x956C: 0x6D5C,
+    0x956D: 0x7015,
+    0x956E: 0x8CA7,
+    0x956F: 0x8CD3,
+    0x9570: 0x983B,
+    0x9571: 0x654F,
+    0x9572: 0x74F6,
+    0x9573: 0x4E0D,
+    0x9574: 0x4ED8,
+    0x9575: 0x57E0,
+    0x9576: 0x592B,
+    0x9577: 0x5A66,
+    0x9578: 0x5BCC,
+    0x9579: 0x51A8,
+    0x957A: 0x5E03,
+    0x957B: 0x5E9C,
+    0x957C: 0x6016,
+    0x957D: 0x6276,
+    0x957E: 0x6577,
+    0x9580: 0x65A7,
+    0x9581: 0x666E,
+    0x9582: 0x6D6E,
+    0x9583: 0x7236,
+    0x9584: 0x7B26,
+    0x9585: 0x8150,
+    0x9586: 0x819A,
+    0x9587: 0x8299,
+    0x9588: 0x8B5C,
+    0x9589: 0x8CA0,
+    0x958A: 0x8CE6,
+    0x958B: 0x8D74,
+    0x958C: 0x961C,
+    0x958D: 0x9644,
+    0x958E: 0x4FAE,
+    0x958F: 0x64AB,
+    0x9590: 0x6B66,
+    0x9591: 0x821E,
+    0x9592: 0x8461,
+    0x9593: 0x856A,
+    0x9594: 0x90E8,
+    0x9595: 0x5C01,
+    0x9596: 0x6953,
+    0x9597: 0x98A8,
+    0x9598: 0x847A,
+    0x9599: 0x8557,
+    0x959A: 0x4F0F,
+    0x959B: 0x526F,
+    0x959C: 0x5FA9,
+    0x959D: 0x5E45,
+    0x959E: 0x670D,
+    0x959F: 0x798F,
+    0x95A0: 0x8179,
+    0x95A1: 0x8907,
+    0x95A2: 0x8986,
+    0x95A3: 0x6DF5,
+    0x95A4: 0x5F17,
+    0x95A5: 0x6255,
+    0x95A6: 0x6CB8,
+    0x95A7: 0x4ECF,
+    0x95A8: 0x7269,
+    0x95A9: 0x9B92,
+    0x95AA: 0x5206,
+    0x95AB: 0x543B,
+    0x95AC: 0x5674,
+    0x95AD: 0x58B3,
+    0x95AE: 0x61A4,
+    0x95AF: 0x626E,
+    0x95B0: 0x711A,
+    0x95B1: 0x596E,
+    0x95B2: 0x7C89,
+    0x95B3: 0x7CDE,
+    0x95B4: 0x7D1B,
+    0x95B5: 0x96F0,
+    0x95B6: 0x6587,
+    0x95B7: 0x805E,
+    0x95B8: 0x4E19,
+    0x95B9: 0x4F75,
+    0x95BA: 0x5175,
+    0x95BB: 0x5840,
+    0x95BC: 0x5E63,
+    0x95BD: 0x5E73,
+    0x95BE: 0x5F0A,
+    0x95BF: 0x67C4,
+    0x95C0: 0x4E26,
+    0x95C1: 0x853D,
+    0x95C2: 0x9589,
+    0x95C3: 0x965B,
+    0x95C4: 0x7C73,
+    0x95C5: 0x9801,
+    0x95C6: 0x50FB,
+    0x95C7: 0x58C1,
+    0x95C8: 0x7656,
+    0x95C9: 0x78A7,
+    0x95CA: 0x5225,
+    0x95CB: 0x77A5,
+    0x95CC: 0x8511,
+    0x95CD: 0x7B86,
+    0x95CE: 0x504F,
+    0x95CF: 0x5909,
+    0x95D0: 0x7247,
+    0x95D1: 0x7BC7,
+    0x95D2: 0x7DE8,
+    0x95D3: 0x8FBA,
+    0x95D4: 0x8FD4,
+    0x95D5: 0x904D,
+    0x95D6: 0x4FBF,
+    0x95D7: 0x52C9,
+    0x95D8: 0x5A29,
+    0x95D9: 0x5F01,
+    0x95DA: 0x97AD,
+    0x95DB: 0x4FDD,
+    0x95DC: 0x8217,
+    0x95DD: 0x92EA,
+    0x95DE: 0x5703,
+    0x95DF: 0x6355,
+    0x95E0: 0x6B69,
+    0x95E1: 0x752B,
+    0x95E2: 0x88DC,
+    0x95E3: 0x8F14,
+    0x95E4: 0x7A42,
+    0x95E5: 0x52DF,
+    0x95E6: 0x5893,
+    0x95E7: 0x6155,
+    0x95E8: 0x620A,
+    0x95E9: 0x66AE,
+    0x95EA: 0x6BCD,
+    0x95EB: 0x7C3F,
+    0x95EC: 0x83E9,
+    0x95ED: 0x5023,
+    0x95EE: 0x4FF8,
+    0x95EF: 0x5305,
+    0x95F0: 0x5446,
+    0x95F1: 0x5831,
+    0x95F2: 0x5949,
+    0x95F3: 0x5B9D,
+    0x95F4: 0x5CF0,
+    0x95F5: 0x5CEF,
+    0x95F6: 0x5D29,
+    0x95F7: 0x5E96,
+    0x95F8: 0x62B1,
+    0x95F9: 0x6367,
+    0x95FA: 0x653E,
+    0x95FB: 0x65B9,
+    0x95FC: 0x670B,
+    0x9640: 0x6CD5,
+    0x9641: 0x6CE1,
+    0x9642: 0x70F9,
+    0x9643: 0x7832,
+    0x9644: 0x7E2B,
+    0x9645: 0x80DE,
+    0x9646: 0x82B3,
+    0x9647: 0x840C,
+    0x9648: 0x84EC,
+    0x9649: 0x8702,
+    0x964A: 0x8912,
+    0x964B: 0x8A2A,
+    0x964C: 0x8C4A,
+    0x964D: 0x90A6,
+    0x964E: 0x92D2,
+    0x964F: 0x98FD,
+    0x9650: 0x9CF3,
+    0x9651: 0x9D6C,
+    0x9652: 0x4E4F,
+    0x9653: 0x4EA1,
+    0x9654: 0x508D,
+    0x9655: 0x5256,
+    0x9656: 0x574A,
+    0x9657: 0x59A8,
+    0x9658: 0x5E3D,
+    0x9659: 0x5FD8,
+    0x965A: 0x5FD9,
+    0x965B: 0x623F,
+    0x965C: 0x66B4,
+    0x965D: 0x671B,
+    0x965E: 0x67D0,
+    0x965F: 0x68D2,
+    0x9660: 0x5192,
+    0x9661: 0x7D21,
+    0x9662: 0x80AA,
+    0x9663: 0x81A8,
+    0x9664: 0x8B00,
+    0x9665: 0x8C8C,
+    0x9666: 0x8CBF,
+    0x9667: 0x927E,
+    0x9668: 0x9632,
+    0x9669: 0x5420,
+    0x966A: 0x982C,
+    0x966B: 0x5317,
+    0x966C: 0x50D5,
+    0x966D: 0x535C,
+    0x966E: 0x58A8,
+    0x966F: 0x64B2,
+    0x9670: 0x6734,
+    0x9671: 0x7267,
+    0x9672: 0x7766,
+    0x9673: 0x7A46,
+    0x9674: 0x91E6,
+    0x9675: 0x52C3,
+    0x9676: 0x6CA1,
+    0x9677: 0x6B86,
+    0x9678: 0x5800,
+    0x9679: 0x5E4C,
+    0x967A: 0x5954,
+    0x967B: 0x672C,
+    0x967C: 0x7FFB,
+    0x967D: 0x51E1,
+    0x967E: 0x76C6,
+    0x9680: 0x6469,
+    0x9681: 0x78E8,
+    0x9682: 0x9B54,
+    0x9683: 0x9EBB,
+    0x9684: 0x57CB,
+    0x9685: 0x59B9,
+    0x9686: 0x6627,
+    0x9687: 0x679A,
+    0x9688: 0x6BCE,
+    0x9689: 0x54E9,
+    0x968A: 0x69D9,
+    0x968B: 0x5E55,
+    0x968C: 0x819C,
+    0x968D: 0x6795,
+    0x968E: 0x9BAA,
+    0x968F: 0x67FE,
+    0x9690: 0x9C52,
+    0x9691: 0x685D,
+    0x9692: 0x4EA6,
+    0x9693: 0x4FE3,
+    0x9694: 0x53C8,
+    0x9695: 0x62B9,
+    0x9696: 0x672B,
+    0x9697: 0x6CAB,
+    0x9698: 0x8FC4,
+    0x9699: 0x4FAD,
+    0x969A: 0x7E6D,
+    0x969B: 0x9EBF,
+    0x969C: 0x4E07,
+    0x969D: 0x6162,
+    0x969E: 0x6E80,
+    0x969F: 0x6F2B,
+    0x96A0: 0x8513,
+    0x96A1: 0x5473,
+    0x96A2: 0x672A,
+    0x96A3: 0x9B45,
+    0x96A4: 0x5DF3,
+    0x96A5: 0x7B95,
+    0x96A6: 0x5CAC,
+    0x96A7: 0x5BC6,
+    0x96A8: 0x871C,
+    0x96A9: 0x6E4A,
+    0x96AA: 0x84D1,
+    0x96AB: 0x7A14,
+    0x96AC: 0x8108,
+    0x96AD: 0x5999,
+    0x96AE: 0x7C8D,
+    0x96AF: 0x6C11,
+    0x96B0: 0x7720,
+    0x96B1: 0x52D9,
+    0x96B2: 0x5922,
+    0x96B3: 0x7121,
+    0x96B4: 0x725F,
+    0x96B5: 0x77DB,
+    0x96B6: 0x9727,
+    0x96B7: 0x9D61,
+    0x96B8: 0x690B,
+    0x96B9: 0x5A7F,
+    0x96BA: 0x5A18,
+    0x96BB: 0x51A5,
+    0x96BC: 0x540D,
+    0x96BD: 0x547D,
+    0x96BE: 0x660E,
+    0x96BF: 0x76DF,
+    0x96C0: 0x8FF7,
+    0x96C1: 0x9298,
+    0x96C2: 0x9CF4,
+    0x96C3: 0x59EA,
+    0x96C4: 0x725D,
+    0x96C5: 0x6EC5,
+    0x96C6: 0x514D,
+    0x96C7: 0x68C9,
+    0x96C8: 0x7DBF,
+    0x96C9: 0x7DEC,
+    0x96CA: 0x9762,
+    0x96CB: 0x9EBA,
+    0x96CC: 0x6478,
+    0x96CD: 0x6A21,
+    0x96CE: 0x8302,
+    0x96CF: 0x5984,
+    0x96D0: 0x5B5F,
+    0x96D1: 0x6BDB,
+    0x96D2: 0x731B,
+    0x96D3: 0x76F2,
+    0x96D4: 0x7DB2,
+    0x96D5: 0x8017,
+    0x96D6: 0x8499,
+    0x96D7: 0x5132,
+    0x96D8: 0x6728,
+    0x96D9: 0x9ED9,
+    0x96DA: 0x76EE,
+    0x96DB: 0x6762,
+    0x96DC: 0x52FF,
+    0x96DD: 0x9905,
+    0x96DE: 0x5C24,
+    0x96DF: 0x623B,
+    0x96E0: 0x7C7E,
+    0x96E1: 0x8CB0,
+    0x96E2: 0x554F,
+    0x96E3: 0x60B6,
+    0x96E4: 0x7D0B,
+    0x96E5: 0x9580,
+    0x96E6: 0x5301,
+    0x96E7: 0x4E5F,
+    0x96E8: 0x51B6,
+    0x96E9: 0x591C,
+    0x96EA: 0x723A,
+    0x96EB: 0x8036,
+    0x96EC: 0x91CE,
+    0x96ED: 0x5F25,
+    0x96EE: 0x77E2,
+    0x96EF: 0x5384,
+    0x96F0: 0x5F79,
+    0x96F1: 0x7D04,
+    0x96F2: 0x85AC,
+    0x96F3: 0x8A33,
+    0x96F4: 0x8E8D,
+    0x96F5: 0x9756,
+    0x96F6: 0x67F3,
+    0x96F7: 0x85AE,
+    0x96F8: 0x9453,
+    0x96F9: 0x6109,
+    0x96FA: 0x6108,
+    0x96FB: 0x6CB9,
+    0x96FC: 0x7652,
+    0x9740: 0x8AED,
+    0x9741: 0x8F38,
+    0x9742: 0x552F,
+    0x9743: 0x4F51,
+    0x9744: 0x512A,
+    0x9745: 0x52C7,
+    0x9746: 0x53CB,
+    0x9747: 0x5BA5,
+    0x9748: 0x5E7D,
+    0x9749: 0x60A0,
+    0x974A: 0x6182,
+    0x974B: 0x63D6,
+    0x974C: 0x6709,
+    0x974D: 0x67DA,
+    0x974E: 0x6E67,
+    0x974F: 0x6D8C,
+    0x9750: 0x7336,
+    0x9751: 0x7337,
+    0x9752: 0x7531,
+    0x9753: 0x7950,
+    0x9754: 0x88D5,
+    0x9755: 0x8A98,
+    0x9756: 0x904A,
+    0x9757: 0x9091,
+    0x9758: 0x90F5,
+    0x9759: 0x96C4,
+    0x975A: 0x878D,
+    0x975B: 0x5915,
+    0x975C: 0x4E88,
+    0x975D: 0x4F59,
+    0x975E: 0x4E0E,
+    0x975F: 0x8A89,
+    0x9760: 0x8F3F,
+    0x9761: 0x9810,
+    0x9762: 0x50AD,
+    0x9763: 0x5E7C,
+    0x9764: 0x5996,
+    0x9765: 0x5BB9,
+    0x9766: 0x5EB8,
+    0x9767: 0x63DA,
+    0x9768: 0x63FA,
+    0x9769: 0x64C1,
+    0x976A: 0x66DC,
+    0x976B: 0x694A,
+    0x976C: 0x69D8,
+    0x976D: 0x6D0B,
+    0x976E: 0x6EB6,
+    0x976F: 0x7194,
+    0x9770: 0x7528,
+    0x9771: 0x7AAF,
+    0x9772: 0x7F8A,
+    0x9773: 0x8000,
+    0x9774: 0x8449,
+    0x9775: 0x84C9,
+    0x9776: 0x8981,
+    0x9777: 0x8B21,
+    0x9778: 0x8E0A,
+    0x9779: 0x9065,
+    0x977A: 0x967D,
+    0x977B: 0x990A,
+    0x977C: 0x617E,
+    0x977D: 0x6291,
+    0x977E: 0x6B32,
+    0x9780: 0x6C83,
+    0x9781: 0x6D74,
+    0x9782: 0x7FCC,
+    0x9783: 0x7FFC,
+    0x9784: 0x6DC0,
+    0x9785: 0x7F85,
+    0x9786: 0x87BA,
+    0x9787: 0x88F8,
+    0x9788: 0x6765,
+    0x9789: 0x83B1,
+    0x978A: 0x983C,
+    0x978B: 0x96F7,
+    0x978C: 0x6D1B,
+    0x978D: 0x7D61,
+    0x978E: 0x843D,
+    0x978F: 0x916A,
+    0x9790: 0x4E71,
+    0x9791: 0x5375,
+    0x9792: 0x5D50,
+    0x9793: 0x6B04,
+    0x9794: 0x6FEB,
+    0x9795: 0x85CD,
+    0x9796: 0x862D,
+    0x9797: 0x89A7,
+    0x9798: 0x5229,
+    0x9799: 0x540F,
+    0x979A: 0x5C65,
+    0x979B: 0x674E,
+    0x979C: 0x68A8,
+    0x979D: 0x7406,
+    0x979E: 0x7483,
+    0x979F: 0x75E2,
+    0x97A0: 0x88CF,
+    0x97A1: 0x88E1,
+    0x97A2: 0x91CC,
+    0x97A3: 0x96E2,
+    0x97A4: 0x9678,
+    0x97A5: 0x5F8B,
+    0x97A6: 0x7387,
+    0x97A7: 0x7ACB,
+    0x97A8: 0x844E,
+    0x97A9: 0x63A0,
+    0x97AA: 0x7565,
+    0x97AB: 0x5289,
+    0x97AC: 0x6D41,
+    0x97AD: 0x6E9C,
+    0x97AE: 0x7409,
+    0x97AF: 0x7559,
+    0x97B0: 0x786B,
+    0x97B1: 0x7C92,
+    0x97B2: 0x9686,
+    0x97B3: 0x7ADC,
+    0x97B4: 0x9F8D,
+    0x97B5: 0x4FB6,
+    0x97B6: 0x616E,
+    0x97B7: 0x65C5,
+    0x97B8: 0x865C,
+    0x97B9: 0x4E86,
+    0x97BA: 0x4EAE,
+    0x97BB: 0x50DA,
+    0x97BC: 0x4E21,
+    0x97BD: 0x51CC,
+    0x97BE: 0x5BEE,
+    0x97BF: 0x6599,
+    0x97C0: 0x6881,
+    0x97C1: 0x6DBC,
+    0x97C2: 0x731F,
+    0x97C3: 0x7642,
+    0x97C4: 0x77AD,
+    0x97C5: 0x7A1C,
+    0x97C6: 0x7CE7,
+    0x97C7: 0x826F,
+    0x97C8: 0x8AD2,
+    0x97C9: 0x907C,
+    0x97CA: 0x91CF,
+    0x97CB: 0x9675,
+    0x97CC: 0x9818,
+    0x97CD: 0x529B,
+    0x97CE: 0x7DD1,
+    0x97CF: 0x502B,
+    0x97D0: 0x5398,
+    0x97D1: 0x6797,
+    0x97D2: 0x6DCB,
+    0x97D3: 0x71D0,
+    0x97D4: 0x7433,
+    0x97D5: 0x81E8,
+    0x97D6: 0x8F2A,
+    0x97D7: 0x96A3,
+    0x97D8: 0x9C57,
+    0x97D9: 0x9E9F,
+    0x97DA: 0x7460,
+    0x97DB: 0x5841,
+    0x97DC: 0x6D99,
+    0x97DD: 0x7D2F,
+    0x97DE: 0x985E,
+    0x97DF: 0x4EE4,
+    0x97E0: 0x4F36,
+    0x97E1: 0x4F8B,
+    0x97E2: 0x51B7,
+    0x97E3: 0x52B1,
+    0x97E4: 0x5DBA,
+    0x97E5: 0x601C,
+    0x97E6: 0x73B2,
+    0x97E7: 0x793C,
+    0x97E8: 0x82D3,
+    0x97E9: 0x9234,
+    0x97EA: 0x96B7,
+    0x97EB: 0x96F6,
+    0x97EC: 0x970A,
+    0x97ED: 0x9E97,
+    0x97EE: 0x9F62,
+    0x97EF: 0x66A6,
+    0x97F0: 0x6B74,
+    0x97F1: 0x5217,
+    0x97F2: 0x52A3,
+    0x97F3: 0x70C8,
+    0x97F4: 0x88C2,
+    0x97F5: 0x5EC9,
+    0x97F6: 0x604B,
+    0x97F7: 0x6190,
+    0x97F8: 0x6F23,
+    0x97F9: 0x7149,
+    0x97FA: 0x7C3E,
+    0x97FB: 0x7DF4,
+    0x97FC: 0x806F,
+    0x9840: 0x84EE,
+    0x9841: 0x9023,
+    0x9842: 0x932C,
+    0x9843: 0x5442,
+    0x9844: 0x9B6F,
+    0x9845: 0x6AD3,
+    0x9846: 0x7089,
+    0x9847: 0x8CC2,
+    0x9848: 0x8DEF,
+    0x9849: 0x9732,
+    0x984A: 0x52B4,
+    0x984B: 0x5A41,
+    0x984C: 0x5ECA,
+    0x984D: 0x5F04,
+    0x984E: 0x6717,
+    0x984F: 0x697C,
+    0x9850: 0x6994,
+    0x9851: 0x6D6A,
+    0x9852: 0x6F0F,
+    0x9853: 0x7262,
+    0x9854: 0x72FC,
+    0x9855: 0x7BED,
+    0x9856: 0x8001,
+    0x9857: 0x807E,
+    0x9858: 0x874B,
+    0x9859: 0x90CE,
+    0x985A: 0x516D,
+    0x985B: 0x9E93,
+    0x985C: 0x7984,
+    0x985D: 0x808B,
+    0x985E: 0x9332,
+    0x985F: 0x8AD6,
+    0x9860: 0x502D,
+    0x9861: 0x548C,
+    0x9862: 0x8A71,
+    0x9863: 0x6B6A,
+    0x9864: 0x8CC4,
+    0x9865: 0x8107,
+    0x9866: 0x60D1,
+    0x9867: 0x67A0,
+    0x9868: 0x9DF2,
+    0x9869: 0x4E99,
+    0x986A: 0x4E98,
+    0x986B: 0x9C10,
+    0x986C: 0x8A6B,
+    0x986D: 0x85C1,
+    0x986E: 0x8568,
+    0x986F: 0x6900,
+    0x9870: 0x6E7E,
+    0x9871: 0x7897,
+    0x9872: 0x8155,
+    0x989F: 0x5F0C,
+    0x98A0: 0x4E10,
+    0x98A1: 0x4E15,
+    0x98A2: 0x4E2A,
+    0x98A3: 0x4E31,
+    0x98A4: 0x4E36,
+    0x98A5: 0x4E3C,
+    0x98A6: 0x4E3F,
+    0x98A7: 0x4E42,
+    0x98A8: 0x4E56,
+    0x98A9: 0x4E58,
+    0x98AA: 0x4E82,
+    0x98AB: 0x4E85,
+    0x98AC: 0x8C6B,
+    0x98AD: 0x4E8A,
+    0x98AE: 0x8212,
+    0x98AF: 0x5F0D,
+    0x98B0: 0x4E8E,
+    0x98B1: 0x4E9E,
+    0x98B2: 0x4E9F,
+    0x98B3: 0x4EA0,
+    0x98B4: 0x4EA2,
+    0x98B5: 0x4EB0,
+    0x98B6: 0x4EB3,
+    0x98B7: 0x4EB6,
+    0x98B8: 0x4ECE,
+    0x98B9: 0x4ECD,
+    0x98BA: 0x4EC4,
+    0x98BB: 0x4EC6,
+    0x98BC: 0x4EC2,
+    0x98BD: 0x4ED7,
+    0x98BE: 0x4EDE,
+    0x98BF: 0x4EED,
+    0x98C0: 0x4EDF,
+    0x98C1: 0x4EF7,
+    0x98C2: 0x4F09,
+    0x98C3: 0x4F5A,
+    0x98C4: 0x4F30,
+    0x98C5: 0x4F5B,
+    0x98C6: 0x4F5D,
+    0x98C7: 0x4F57,
+    0x98C8: 0x4F47,
+    0x98C9: 0x4F76,
+    0x98CA: 0x4F88,
+    0x98CB: 0x4F8F,
+    0x98CC: 0x4F98,
+    0x98CD: 0x4F7B,
+    0x98CE: 0x4F69,
+    0x98CF: 0x4F70,
+    0x98D0: 0x4F91,
+    0x98D1: 0x4F6F,
+    0x98D2: 0x4F86,
+    0x98D3: 0x4F96,
+    0x98D4: 0x5118,
+    0x98D5: 0x4FD4,
+    0x98D6: 0x4FDF,
+    0x98D7: 0x4FCE,
+    0x98D8: 0x4FD8,
+    0x98D9: 0x4FDB,
+    0x98DA: 0x4FD1,
+    0x98DB: 0x4FDA,
+    0x98DC: 0x4FD0,
+    0x98DD: 0x4FE4,
+    0x98DE: 0x4FE5,
+    0x98DF: 0x501A,
+    0x98E0: 0x5028,
+    0x98E1: 0x5014,
+    0x98E2: 0x502A,
+    0x98E3: 0x5025,
+    0x98E4: 0x5005,
+    0x98E5: 0x4F1C,
+    0x98E6: 0x4FF6,
+    0x98E7: 0x5021,
+    0x98E8: 0x5029,
+    0x98E9: 0x502C,
+    0x98EA: 0x4FFE,
+    0x98EB: 0x4FEF,
+    0x98EC: 0x5011,
+    0x98ED: 0x5006,
+    0x98EE: 0x5043,
+    0x98EF: 0x5047,
+    0x98F0: 0x6703,
+    0x98F1: 0x5055,
+    0x98F2: 0x5050,
+    0x98F3: 0x5048,
+    0x98F4: 0x505A,
+    0x98F5: 0x5056,
+    0x98F6: 0x506C,
+    0x98F7: 0x5078,
+    0x98F8: 0x5080,
+    0x98F9: 0x509A,
+    0x98FA: 0x5085,
+    0x98FB: 0x50B4,
+    0x98FC: 0x50B2,
+    0x9940: 0x50C9,
+    0x9941: 0x50CA,
+    0x9942: 0x50B3,
+    0x9943: 0x50C2,
+    0x9944: 0x50D6,
+    0x9945: 0x50DE,
+    0x9946: 0x50E5,
+    0x9947: 0x50ED,
+    0x9948: 0x50E3,
+    0x9949: 0x50EE,
+    0x994A: 0x50F9,
+    0x994B: 0x50F5,
+    0x994C: 0x5109,
+    0x994D: 0x5101,
+    0x994E: 0x5102,
+    0x994F: 0x5116,
+    0x9950: 0x5115,
+    0x9951: 0x5114,
+    0x9952: 0x511A,
+    0x9953: 0x5121,
+    0x9954: 0x513A,
+    0x9955: 0x5137,
+    0x9956: 0x513C,
+    0x9957: 0x513B,
+    0x9958: 0x513F,
+    0x9959: 0x5140,
+    0x995A: 0x5152,
+    0x995B: 0x514C,
+    0x995C: 0x5154,
+    0x995D: 0x5162,
+    0x995E: 0x7AF8,
+    0x995F: 0x5169,
+    0x9960: 0x516A,
+    0x9961: 0x516E,
+    0x9962: 0x5180,
+    0x9963: 0x5182,
+    0x9964: 0x56D8,
+    0x9965: 0x518C,
+    0x9966: 0x5189,
+    0x9967: 0x518F,
+    0x9968: 0x5191,
+    0x9969: 0x5193,
+    0x996A: 0x5195,
+    0x996B: 0x5196,
+    0x996C: 0x51A4,
+    0x996D: 0x51A6,
+    0x996E: 0x51A2,
+    0x996F: 0x51A9,
+    0x9970: 0x51AA,
+    0x9971: 0x51AB,
+    0x9972: 0x51B3,
+    0x9973: 0x51B1,
+    0x9974: 0x51B2,
+    0x9975: 0x51B0,
+    0x9976: 0x51B5,
+    0x9977: 0x51BD,
+    0x9978: 0x51C5,
+    0x9979: 0x51C9,
+    0x997A: 0x51DB,
+    0x997B: 0x51E0,
+    0x997C: 0x8655,
+    0x997D: 0x51E9,
+    0x997E: 0x51ED,
+    0x9980: 0x51F0,
+    0x9981: 0x51F5,
+    0x9982: 0x51FE,
+    0x9983: 0x5204,
+    0x9984: 0x520B,
+    0x9985: 0x5214,
+    0x9986: 0x520E,
+    0x9987: 0x5227,
+    0x9988: 0x522A,
+    0x9989: 0x522E,
+    0x998A: 0x5233,
+    0x998B: 0x5239,
+    0x998C: 0x524F,
+    0x998D: 0x5244,
+    0x998E: 0x524B,
+    0x998F: 0x524C,
+    0x9990: 0x525E,
+    0x9991: 0x5254,
+    0x9992: 0x526A,
+    0x9993: 0x5274,
+    0x9994: 0x5269,
+    0x9995: 0x5273,
+    0x9996: 0x527F,
+    0x9997: 0x527D,
+    0x9998: 0x528D,
+    0x9999: 0x5294,
+    0x999A: 0x5292,
+    0x999B: 0x5271,
+    0x999C: 0x5288,
+    0x999D: 0x5291,
+    0x999E: 0x8FA8,
+    0x999F: 0x8FA7,
+    0x99A0: 0x52AC,
+    0x99A1: 0x52AD,
+    0x99A2: 0x52BC,
+    0x99A3: 0x52B5,
+    0x99A4: 0x52C1,
+    0x99A5: 0x52CD,
+    0x99A6: 0x52D7,
+    0x99A7: 0x52DE,
+    0x99A8: 0x52E3,
+    0x99A9: 0x52E6,
+    0x99AA: 0x98ED,
+    0x99AB: 0x52E0,
+    0x99AC: 0x52F3,
+    0x99AD: 0x52F5,
+    0x99AE: 0x52F8,
+    0x99AF: 0x52F9,
+    0x99B0: 0x5306,
+    0x99B1: 0x5308,
+    0x99B2: 0x7538,
+    0x99B3: 0x530D,
+    0x99B4: 0x5310,
+    0x99B5: 0x530F,
+    0x99B6: 0x5315,
+    0x99B7: 0x531A,
+    0x99B8: 0x5323,
+    0x99B9: 0x532F,
+    0x99BA: 0x5331,
+    0x99BB: 0x5333,
+    0x99BC: 0x5338,
+    0x99BD: 0x5340,
+    0x99BE: 0x5346,
+    0x99BF: 0x5345,
+    0x99C0: 0x4E17,
+    0x99C1: 0x5349,
+    0x99C2: 0x534D,
+    0x99C3: 0x51D6,
+    0x99C4: 0x535E,
+    0x99C5: 0x5369,
+    0x99C6: 0x536E,
+    0x99C7: 0x5918,
+    0x99C8: 0x537B,
+    0x99C9: 0x5377,
+    0x99CA: 0x5382,
+    0x99CB: 0x5396,
+    0x99CC: 0x53A0,
+    0x99CD: 0x53A6,
+    0x99CE: 0x53A5,
+    0x99CF: 0x53AE,
+    0x99D0: 0x53B0,
+    0x99D1: 0x53B6,
+    0x99D2: 0x53C3,
+    0x99D3: 0x7C12,
+    0x99D4: 0x96D9,
+    0x99D5: 0x53DF,
+    0x99D6: 0x66FC,
+    0x99D7: 0x71EE,
+    0x99D8: 0x53EE,
+    0x99D9: 0x53E8,
+    0x99DA: 0x53ED,
+    0x99DB: 0x53FA,
+    0x99DC: 0x5401,
+    0x99DD: 0x543D,
+    0x99DE: 0x5440,
+    0x99DF: 0x542C,
+    0x99E0: 0x542D,
+    0x99E1: 0x543C,
+    0x99E2: 0x542E,
+    0x99E3: 0x5436,
+    0x99E4: 0x5429,
+    0x99E5: 0x541D,
+    0x99E6: 0x544E,
+    0x99E7: 0x548F,
+    0x99E8: 0x5475,
+    0x99E9: 0x548E,
+    0x99EA: 0x545F,
+    0x99EB: 0x5471,
+    0x99EC: 0x5477,
+    0x99ED: 0x5470,
+    0x99EE: 0x5492,
+    0x99EF: 0x547B,
+    0x99F0: 0x5480,
+    0x99F1: 0x5476,
+    0x99F2: 0x5484,
+    0x99F3: 0x5490,
+    0x99F4: 0x5486,
+    0x99F5: 0x54C7,
+    0x99F6: 0x54A2,
+    0x99F7: 0x54B8,
+    0x99F8: 0x54A5,
+    0x99F9: 0x54AC,
+    0x99FA: 0x54C4,
+    0x99FB: 0x54C8,
+    0x99FC: 0x54A8,
+    0x9A40: 0x54AB,
+    0x9A41: 0x54C2,
+    0x9A42: 0x54A4,
+    0x9A43: 0x54BE,
+    0x9A44: 0x54BC,
+    0x9A45: 0x54D8,
+    0x9A46: 0x54E5,
+    0x9A47: 0x54E6,
+    0x9A48: 0x550F,
+    0x9A49: 0x5514,
+    0x9A4A: 0x54FD,
+    0x9A4B: 0x54EE,
+    0x9A4C: 0x54ED,
+    0x9A4D: 0x54FA,
+    0x9A4E: 0x54E2,
+    0x9A4F: 0x5539,
+    0x9A50: 0x5540,
+    0x9A51: 0x5563,
+    0x9A52: 0x554C,
+    0x9A53: 0x552E,
+    0x9A54: 0x555C,
+    0x9A55: 0x5545,
+    0x9A56: 0x5556,
+    0x9A57: 0x5557,
+    0x9A58: 0x5538,
+    0x9A59: 0x5533,
+    0x9A5A: 0x555D,
+    0x9A5B: 0x5599,
+    0x9A5C: 0x5580,
+    0x9A5D: 0x54AF,
+    0x9A5E: 0x558A,
+    0x9A5F: 0x559F,
+    0x9A60: 0x557B,
+    0x9A61: 0x557E,
+    0x9A62: 0x5598,
+    0x9A63: 0x559E,
+    0x9A64: 0x55AE,
+    0x9A65: 0x557C,
+    0x9A66: 0x5583,
+    0x9A67: 0x55A9,
+    0x9A68: 0x5587,
+    0x9A69: 0x55A8,
+    0x9A6A: 0x55DA,
+    0x9A6B: 0x55C5,
+    0x9A6C: 0x55DF,
+    0x9A6D: 0x55C4,
+    0x9A6E: 0x55DC,
+    0x9A6F: 0x55E4,
+    0x9A70: 0x55D4,
+    0x9A71: 0x5614,
+    0x9A72: 0x55F7,
+    0x9A73: 0x5616,
+    0x9A74: 0x55FE,
+    0x9A75: 0x55FD,
+    0x9A76: 0x561B,
+    0x9A77: 0x55F9,
+    0x9A78: 0x564E,
+    0x9A79: 0x5650,
+    0x9A7A: 0x71DF,
+    0x9A7B: 0x5634,
+    0x9A7C: 0x5636,
+    0x9A7D: 0x5632,
+    0x9A7E: 0x5638,
+    0x9A80: 0x566B,
+    0x9A81: 0x5664,
+    0x9A82: 0x562F,
+    0x9A83: 0x566C,
+    0x9A84: 0x566A,
+    0x9A85: 0x5686,
+    0x9A86: 0x5680,
+    0x9A87: 0x568A,
+    0x9A88: 0x56A0,
+    0x9A89: 0x5694,
+    0x9A8A: 0x568F,
+    0x9A8B: 0x56A5,
+    0x9A8C: 0x56AE,
+    0x9A8D: 0x56B6,
+    0x9A8E: 0x56B4,
+    0x9A8F: 0x56C2,
+    0x9A90: 0x56BC,
+    0x9A91: 0x56C1,
+    0x9A92: 0x56C3,
+    0x9A93: 0x56C0,
+    0x9A94: 0x56C8,
+    0x9A95: 0x56CE,
+    0x9A96: 0x56D1,
+    0x9A97: 0x56D3,
+    0x9A98: 0x56D7,
+    0x9A99: 0x56EE,
+    0x9A9A: 0x56F9,
+    0x9A9B: 0x5700,
+    0x9A9C: 0x56FF,
+    0x9A9D: 0x5704,
+    0x9A9E: 0x5709,
+    0x9A9F: 0x5708,
+    0x9AA0: 0x570B,
+    0x9AA1: 0x570D,
+    0x9AA2: 0x5713,
+    0x9AA3: 0x5718,
+    0x9AA4: 0x5716,
+    0x9AA5: 0x55C7,
+    0x9AA6: 0x571C,
+    0x9AA7: 0x5726,
+    0x9AA8: 0x5737,
+    0x9AA9: 0x5738,
+    0x9AAA: 0x574E,
+    0x9AAB: 0x573B,
+    0x9AAC: 0x5740,
+    0x9AAD: 0x574F,
+    0x9AAE: 0x5769,
+    0x9AAF: 0x57C0,
+    0x9AB0: 0x5788,
+    0x9AB1: 0x5761,
+    0x9AB2: 0x577F,
+    0x9AB3: 0x5789,
+    0x9AB4: 0x5793,
+    0x9AB5: 0x57A0,
+    0x9AB6: 0x57B3,
+    0x9AB7: 0x57A4,
+    0x9AB8: 0x57AA,
+    0x9AB9: 0x57B0,
+    0x9ABA: 0x57C3,
+    0x9ABB: 0x57C6,
+    0x9ABC: 0x57D4,
+    0x9ABD: 0x57D2,
+    0x9ABE: 0x57D3,
+    0x9ABF: 0x580A,
+    0x9AC0: 0x57D6,
+    0x9AC1: 0x57E3,
+    0x9AC2: 0x580B,
+    0x9AC3: 0x5819,
+    0x9AC4: 0x581D,
+    0x9AC5: 0x5872,
+    0x9AC6: 0x5821,
+    0x9AC7: 0x5862,
+    0x9AC8: 0x584B,
+    0x9AC9: 0x5870,
+    0x9ACA: 0x6BC0,
+    0x9ACB: 0x5852,
+    0x9ACC: 0x583D,
+    0x9ACD: 0x5879,
+    0x9ACE: 0x5885,
+    0x9ACF: 0x58B9,
+    0x9AD0: 0x589F,
+    0x9AD1: 0x58AB,
+    0x9AD2: 0x58BA,
+    0x9AD3: 0x58DE,
+    0x9AD4: 0x58BB,
+    0x9AD5: 0x58B8,
+    0x9AD6: 0x58AE,
+    0x9AD7: 0x58C5,
+    0x9AD8: 0x58D3,
+    0x9AD9: 0x58D1,
+    0x9ADA: 0x58D7,
+    0x9ADB: 0x58D9,
+    0x9ADC: 0x58D8,
+    0x9ADD: 0x58E5,
+    0x9ADE: 0x58DC,
+    0x9ADF: 0x58E4,
+    0x9AE0: 0x58DF,
+    0x9AE1: 0x58EF,
+    0x9AE2: 0x58FA,
+    0x9AE3: 0x58F9,
+    0x9AE4: 0x58FB,
+    0x9AE5: 0x58FC,
+    0x9AE6: 0x58FD,
+    0x9AE7: 0x5902,
+    0x9AE8: 0x590A,
+    0x9AE9: 0x5910,
+    0x9AEA: 0x591B,
+    0x9AEB: 0x68A6,
+    0x9AEC: 0x5925,
+    0x9AED: 0x592C,
+    0x9AEE: 0x592D,
+    0x9AEF: 0x5932,
+    0x9AF0: 0x5938,
+    0x9AF1: 0x593E,
+    0x9AF2: 0x7AD2,
+    0x9AF3: 0x5955,
+    0x9AF4: 0x5950,
+    0x9AF5: 0x594E,
+    0x9AF6: 0x595A,
+    0x9AF7: 0x5958,
+    0x9AF8: 0x5962,
+    0x9AF9: 0x5960,
+    0x9AFA: 0x5967,
+    0x9AFB: 0x596C,
+    0x9AFC: 0x5969,
+    0x9B40: 0x5978,
+    0x9B41: 0x5981,
+    0x9B42: 0x599D,
+    0x9B43: 0x4F5E,
+    0x9B44: 0x4FAB,
+    0x9B45: 0x59A3,
+    0x9B46: 0x59B2,
+    0x9B47: 0x59C6,
+    0x9B48: 0x59E8,
+    0x9B49: 0x59DC,
+    0x9B4A: 0x598D,
+    0x9B4B: 0x59D9,
+    0x9B4C: 0x59DA,
+    0x9B4D: 0x5A25,
+    0x9B4E: 0x5A1F,
+    0x9B4F: 0x5A11,
+    0x9B50: 0x5A1C,
+    0x9B51: 0x5A09,
+    0x9B52: 0x5A1A,
+    0x9B53: 0x5A40,
+    0x9B54: 0x5A6C,
+    0x9B55: 0x5A49,
+    0x9B56: 0x5A35,
+    0x9B57: 0x5A36,
+    0x9B58: 0x5A62,
+    0x9B59: 0x5A6A,
+    0x9B5A: 0x5A9A,
+    0x9B5B: 0x5ABC,
+    0x9B5C: 0x5ABE,
+    0x9B5D: 0x5ACB,
+    0x9B5E: 0x5AC2,
+    0x9B5F: 0x5ABD,
+    0x9B60: 0x5AE3,
+    0x9B61: 0x5AD7,
+    0x9B62: 0x5AE6,
+    0x9B63: 0x5AE9,
+    0x9B64: 0x5AD6,
+    0x9B65: 0x5AFA,
+    0x9B66: 0x5AFB,
+    0x9B67: 0x5B0C,
+    0x9B68: 0x5B0B,
+    0x9B69: 0x5B16,
+    0x9B6A: 0x5B32,
+    0x9B6B: 0x5AD0,
+    0x9B6C: 0x5B2A,
+    0x9B6D: 0x5B36,
+    0x9B6E: 0x5B3E,
+    0x9B6F: 0x5B43,
+    0x9B70: 0x5B45,
+    0x9B71: 0x5B40,
+    0x9B72: 0x5B51,
+    0x9B73: 0x5B55,
+    0x9B74: 0x5B5A,
+    0x9B75: 0x5B5B,
+    0x9B76: 0x5B65,
+    0x9B77: 0x5B69,
+    0x9B78: 0x5B70,
+    0x9B79: 0x5B73,
+    0x9B7A: 0x5B75,
+    0x9B7B: 0x5B78,
+    0x9B7C: 0x6588,
+    0x9B7D: 0x5B7A,
+    0x9B7E: 0x5B80,
+    0x9B80: 0x5B83,
+    0x9B81: 0x5BA6,
+    0x9B82: 0x5BB8,
+    0x9B83: 0x5BC3,
+    0x9B84: 0x5BC7,
+    0x9B85: 0x5BC9,
+    0x9B86: 0x5BD4,
+    0x9B87: 0x5BD0,
+    0x9B88: 0x5BE4,
+    0x9B89: 0x5BE6,
+    0x9B8A: 0x5BE2,
+    0x9B8B: 0x5BDE,
+    0x9B8C: 0x5BE5,
+    0x9B8D: 0x5BEB,
+    0x9B8E: 0x5BF0,
+    0x9B8F: 0x5BF6,
+    0x9B90: 0x5BF3,
+    0x9B91: 0x5C05,
+    0x9B92: 0x5C07,
+    0x9B93: 0x5C08,
+    0x9B94: 0x5C0D,
+    0x9B95: 0x5C13,
+    0x9B96: 0x5C20,
+    0x9B97: 0x5C22,
+    0x9B98: 0x5C28,
+    0x9B99: 0x5C38,
+    0x9B9A: 0x5C39,
+    0x9B9B: 0x5C41,
+    0x9B9C: 0x5C46,
+    0x9B9D: 0x5C4E,
+    0x9B9E: 0x5C53,
+    0x9B9F: 0x5C50,
+    0x9BA0: 0x5C4F,
+    0x9BA1: 0x5B71,
+    0x9BA2: 0x5C6C,
+    0x9BA3: 0x5C6E,
+    0x9BA4: 0x4E62,
+    0x9BA5: 0x5C76,
+    0x9BA6: 0x5C79,
+    0x9BA7: 0x5C8C,
+    0x9BA8: 0x5C91,
+    0x9BA9: 0x5C94,
+    0x9BAA: 0x599B,
+    0x9BAB: 0x5CAB,
+    0x9BAC: 0x5CBB,
+    0x9BAD: 0x5CB6,
+    0x9BAE: 0x5CBC,
+    0x9BAF: 0x5CB7,
+    0x9BB0: 0x5CC5,
+    0x9BB1: 0x5CBE,
+    0x9BB2: 0x5CC7,
+    0x9BB3: 0x5CD9,
+    0x9BB4: 0x5CE9,
+    0x9BB5: 0x5CFD,
+    0x9BB6: 0x5CFA,
+    0x9BB7: 0x5CED,
+    0x9BB8: 0x5D8C,
+    0x9BB9: 0x5CEA,
+    0x9BBA: 0x5D0B,
+    0x9BBB: 0x5D15,
+    0x9BBC: 0x5D17,
+    0x9BBD: 0x5D5C,
+    0x9BBE: 0x5D1F,
+    0x9BBF: 0x5D1B,
+    0x9BC0: 0x5D11,
+    0x9BC1: 0x5D14,
+    0x9BC2: 0x5D22,
+    0x9BC3: 0x5D1A,
+    0x9BC4: 0x5D19,
+    0x9BC5: 0x5D18,
+    0x9BC6: 0x5D4C,
+    0x9BC7: 0x5D52,
+    0x9BC8: 0x5D4E,
+    0x9BC9: 0x5D4B,
+    0x9BCA: 0x5D6C,
+    0x9BCB: 0x5D73,
+    0x9BCC: 0x5D76,
+    0x9BCD: 0x5D87,
+    0x9BCE: 0x5D84,
+    0x9BCF: 0x5D82,
+    0x9BD0: 0x5DA2,
+    0x9BD1: 0x5D9D,
+    0x9BD2: 0x5DAC,
+    0x9BD3: 0x5DAE,
+    0x9BD4: 0x5DBD,
+    0x9BD5: 0x5D90,
+    0x9BD6: 0x5DB7,
+    0x9BD7: 0x5DBC,
+    0x9BD8: 0x5DC9,
+    0x9BD9: 0x5DCD,
+    0x9BDA: 0x5DD3,
+    0x9BDB: 0x5DD2,
+    0x9BDC: 0x5DD6,
+    0x9BDD: 0x5DDB,
+    0x9BDE: 0x5DEB,
+    0x9BDF: 0x5DF2,
+    0x9BE0: 0x5DF5,
+    0x9BE1: 0x5E0B,
+    0x9BE2: 0x5E1A,
+    0x9BE3: 0x5E19,
+    0x9BE4: 0x5E11,
+    0x9BE5: 0x5E1B,
+    0x9BE6: 0x5E36,
+    0x9BE7: 0x5E37,
+    0x9BE8: 0x5E44,
+    0x9BE9: 0x5E43,
+    0x9BEA: 0x5E40,
+    0x9BEB: 0x5E4E,
+    0x9BEC: 0x5E57,
+    0x9BED: 0x5E54,
+    0x9BEE: 0x5E5F,
+    0x9BEF: 0x5E62,
+    0x9BF0: 0x5E64,
+    0x9BF1: 0x5E47,
+    0x9BF2: 0x5E75,
+    0x9BF3: 0x5E76,
+    0x9BF4: 0x5E7A,
+    0x9BF5: 0x9EBC,
+    0x9BF6: 0x5E7F,
+    0x9BF7: 0x5EA0,
+    0x9BF8: 0x5EC1,
+    0x9BF9: 0x5EC2,
+    0x9BFA: 0x5EC8,
+    0x9BFB: 0x5ED0,
+    0x9BFC: 0x5ECF,
+    0x9C40: 0x5ED6,
+    0x9C41: 0x5EE3,
+    0x9C42: 0x5EDD,
+    0x9C43: 0x5EDA,
+    0x9C44: 0x5EDB,
+    0x9C45: 0x5EE2,
+    0x9C46: 0x5EE1,
+    0x9C47: 0x5EE8,
+    0x9C48: 0x5EE9,
+    0x9C49: 0x5EEC,
+    0x9C4A: 0x5EF1,
+    0x9C4B: 0x5EF3,
+    0x9C4C: 0x5EF0,
+    0x9C4D: 0x5EF4,
+    0x9C4E: 0x5EF8,
+    0x9C4F: 0x5EFE,
+    0x9C50: 0x5F03,
+    0x9C51: 0x5F09,
+    0x9C52: 0x5F5D,
+    0x9C53: 0x5F5C,
+    0x9C54: 0x5F0B,
+    0x9C55: 0x5F11,
+    0x9C56: 0x5F16,
+    0x9C57: 0x5F29,
+    0x9C58: 0x5F2D,
+    0x9C59: 0x5F38,
+    0x9C5A: 0x5F41,
+    0x9C5B: 0x5F48,
+    0x9C5C: 0x5F4C,
+    0x9C5D: 0x5F4E,
+    0x9C5E: 0x5F2F,
+    0x9C5F: 0x5F51,
+    0x9C60: 0x5F56,
+    0x9C61: 0x5F57,
+    0x9C62: 0x5F59,
+    0x9C63: 0x5F61,
+    0x9C64: 0x5F6D,
+    0x9C65: 0x5F73,
+    0x9C66: 0x5F77,
+    0x9C67: 0x5F83,
+    0x9C68: 0x5F82,
+    0x9C69: 0x5F7F,
+    0x9C6A: 0x5F8A,
+    0x9C6B: 0x5F88,
+    0x9C6C: 0x5F91,
+    0x9C6D: 0x5F87,
+    0x9C6E: 0x5F9E,
+    0x9C6F: 0x5F99,
+    0x9C70: 0x5F98,
+    0x9C71: 0x5FA0,
+    0x9C72: 0x5FA8,
+    0x9C73: 0x5FAD,
+    0x9C74: 0x5FBC,
+    0x9C75: 0x5FD6,
+    0x9C76: 0x5FFB,
+    0x9C77: 0x5FE4,
+    0x9C78: 0x5FF8,
+    0x9C79: 0x5FF1,
+    0x9C7A: 0x5FDD,
+    0x9C7B: 0x60B3,
+    0x9C7C: 0x5FFF,
+    0x9C7D: 0x6021,
+    0x9C7E: 0x6060,
+    0x9C80: 0x6019,
+    0x9C81: 0x6010,
+    0x9C82: 0x6029,
+    0x9C83: 0x600E,
+    0x9C84: 0x6031,
+    0x9C85: 0x601B,
+    0x9C86: 0x6015,
+    0x9C87: 0x602B,
+    0x9C88: 0x6026,
+    0x9C89: 0x600F,
+    0x9C8A: 0x603A,
+    0x9C8B: 0x605A,
+    0x9C8C: 0x6041,
+    0x9C8D: 0x606A,
+    0x9C8E: 0x6077,
+    0x9C8F: 0x605F,
+    0x9C90: 0x604A,
+    0x9C91: 0x6046,
+    0x9C92: 0x604D,
+    0x9C93: 0x6063,
+    0x9C94: 0x6043,
+    0x9C95: 0x6064,
+    0x9C96: 0x6042,
+    0x9C97: 0x606C,
+    0x9C98: 0x606B,
+    0x9C99: 0x6059,
+    0x9C9A: 0x6081,
+    0x9C9B: 0x608D,
+    0x9C9C: 0x60E7,
+    0x9C9D: 0x6083,
+    0x9C9E: 0x609A,
+    0x9C9F: 0x6084,
+    0x9CA0: 0x609B,
+    0x9CA1: 0x6096,
+    0x9CA2: 0x6097,
+    0x9CA3: 0x6092,
+    0x9CA4: 0x60A7,
+    0x9CA5: 0x608B,
+    0x9CA6: 0x60E1,
+    0x9CA7: 0x60B8,
+    0x9CA8: 0x60E0,
+    0x9CA9: 0x60D3,
+    0x9CAA: 0x60B4,
+    0x9CAB: 0x5FF0,
+    0x9CAC: 0x60BD,
+    0x9CAD: 0x60C6,
+    0x9CAE: 0x60B5,
+    0x9CAF: 0x60D8,
+    0x9CB0: 0x614D,
+    0x9CB1: 0x6115,
+    0x9CB2: 0x6106,
+    0x9CB3: 0x60F6,
+    0x9CB4: 0x60F7,
+    0x9CB5: 0x6100,
+    0x9CB6: 0x60F4,
+    0x9CB7: 0x60FA,
+    0x9CB8: 0x6103,
+    0x9CB9: 0x6121,
+    0x9CBA: 0x60FB,
+    0x9CBB: 0x60F1,
+    0x9CBC: 0x610D,
+    0x9CBD: 0x610E,
+    0x9CBE: 0x6147,
+    0x9CBF: 0x613E,
+    0x9CC0: 0x6128,
+    0x9CC1: 0x6127,
+    0x9CC2: 0x614A,
+    0x9CC3: 0x613F,
+    0x9CC4: 0x613C,
+    0x9CC5: 0x612C,
+    0x9CC6: 0x6134,
+    0x9CC7: 0x613D,
+    0x9CC8: 0x6142,
+    0x9CC9: 0x6144,
+    0x9CCA: 0x6173,
+    0x9CCB: 0x6177,
+    0x9CCC: 0x6158,
+    0x9CCD: 0x6159,
+    0x9CCE: 0x615A,
+    0x9CCF: 0x616B,
+    0x9CD0: 0x6174,
+    0x9CD1: 0x616F,
+    0x9CD2: 0x6165,
+    0x9CD3: 0x6171,
+    0x9CD4: 0x615F,
+    0x9CD5: 0x615D,
+    0x9CD6: 0x6153,
+    0x9CD7: 0x6175,
+    0x9CD8: 0x6199,
+    0x9CD9: 0x6196,
+    0x9CDA: 0x6187,
+    0x9CDB: 0x61AC,
+    0x9CDC: 0x6194,
+    0x9CDD: 0x619A,
+    0x9CDE: 0x618A,
+    0x9CDF: 0x6191,
+    0x9CE0: 0x61AB,
+    0x9CE1: 0x61AE,
+    0x9CE2: 0x61CC,
+    0x9CE3: 0x61CA,
+    0x9CE4: 0x61C9,
+    0x9CE5: 0x61F7,
+    0x9CE6: 0x61C8,
+    0x9CE7: 0x61C3,
+    0x9CE8: 0x61C6,
+    0x9CE9: 0x61BA,
+    0x9CEA: 0x61CB,
+    0x9CEB: 0x7F79,
+    0x9CEC: 0x61CD,
+    0x9CED: 0x61E6,
+    0x9CEE: 0x61E3,
+    0x9CEF: 0x61F6,
+    0x9CF0: 0x61FA,
+    0x9CF1: 0x61F4,
+    0x9CF2: 0x61FF,
+    0x9CF3: 0x61FD,
+    0x9CF4: 0x61FC,
+    0x9CF5: 0x61FE,
+    0x9CF6: 0x6200,
+    0x9CF7: 0x6208,
+    0x9CF8: 0x6209,
+    0x9CF9: 0x620D,
+    0x9CFA: 0x620C,
+    0x9CFB: 0x6214,
+    0x9CFC: 0x621B,
+    0x9D40: 0x621E,
+    0x9D41: 0x6221,
+    0x9D42: 0x622A,
+    0x9D43: 0x622E,
+    0x9D44: 0x6230,
+    0x9D45: 0x6232,
+    0x9D46: 0x6233,
+    0x9D47: 0x6241,
+    0x9D48: 0x624E,
+    0x9D49: 0x625E,
+    0x9D4A: 0x6263,
+    0x9D4B: 0x625B,
+    0x9D4C: 0x6260,
+    0x9D4D: 0x6268,
+    0x9D4E: 0x627C,
+    0x9D4F: 0x6282,
+    0x9D50: 0x6289,
+    0x9D51: 0x627E,
+    0x9D52: 0x6292,
+    0x9D53: 0x6293,
+    0x9D54: 0x6296,
+    0x9D55: 0x62D4,
+    0x9D56: 0x6283,
+    0x9D57: 0x6294,
+    0x9D58: 0x62D7,
+    0x9D59: 0x62D1,
+    0x9D5A: 0x62BB,
+    0x9D5B: 0x62CF,
+    0x9D5C: 0x62FF,
+    0x9D5D: 0x62C6,
+    0x9D5E: 0x64D4,
+    0x9D5F: 0x62C8,
+    0x9D60: 0x62DC,
+    0x9D61: 0x62CC,
+    0x9D62: 0x62CA,
+    0x9D63: 0x62C2,
+    0x9D64: 0x62C7,
+    0x9D65: 0x629B,
+    0x9D66: 0x62C9,
+    0x9D67: 0x630C,
+    0x9D68: 0x62EE,
+    0x9D69: 0x62F1,
+    0x9D6A: 0x6327,
+    0x9D6B: 0x6302,
+    0x9D6C: 0x6308,
+    0x9D6D: 0x62EF,
+    0x9D6E: 0x62F5,
+    0x9D6F: 0x6350,
+    0x9D70: 0x633E,
+    0x9D71: 0x634D,
+    0x9D72: 0x641C,
+    0x9D73: 0x634F,
+    0x9D74: 0x6396,
+    0x9D75: 0x638E,
+    0x9D76: 0x6380,
+    0x9D77: 0x63AB,
+    0x9D78: 0x6376,
+    0x9D79: 0x63A3,
+    0x9D7A: 0x638F,
+    0x9D7B: 0x6389,
+    0x9D7C: 0x639F,
+    0x9D7D: 0x63B5,
+    0x9D7E: 0x636B,
+    0x9D80: 0x6369,
+    0x9D81: 0x63BE,
+    0x9D82: 0x63E9,
+    0x9D83: 0x63C0,
+    0x9D84: 0x63C6,
+    0x9D85: 0x63E3,
+    0x9D86: 0x63C9,
+    0x9D87: 0x63D2,
+    0x9D88: 0x63F6,
+    0x9D89: 0x63C4,
+    0x9D8A: 0x6416,
+    0x9D8B: 0x6434,
+    0x9D8C: 0x6406,
+    0x9D8D: 0x6413,
+    0x9D8E: 0x6426,
+    0x9D8F: 0x6436,
+    0x9D90: 0x651D,
+    0x9D91: 0x6417,
+    0x9D92: 0x6428,
+    0x9D93: 0x640F,
+    0x9D94: 0x6467,
+    0x9D95: 0x646F,
+    0x9D96: 0x6476,
+    0x9D97: 0x644E,
+    0x9D98: 0x652A,
+    0x9D99: 0x6495,
+    0x9D9A: 0x6493,
+    0x9D9B: 0x64A5,
+    0x9D9C: 0x64A9,
+    0x9D9D: 0x6488,
+    0x9D9E: 0x64BC,
+    0x9D9F: 0x64DA,
+    0x9DA0: 0x64D2,
+    0x9DA1: 0x64C5,
+    0x9DA2: 0x64C7,
+    0x9DA3: 0x64BB,
+    0x9DA4: 0x64D8,
+    0x9DA5: 0x64C2,
+    0x9DA6: 0x64F1,
+    0x9DA7: 0x64E7,
+    0x9DA8: 0x8209,
+    0x9DA9: 0x64E0,
+    0x9DAA: 0x64E1,
+    0x9DAB: 0x62AC,
+    0x9DAC: 0x64E3,
+    0x9DAD: 0x64EF,
+    0x9DAE: 0x652C,
+    0x9DAF: 0x64F6,
+    0x9DB0: 0x64F4,
+    0x9DB1: 0x64F2,
+    0x9DB2: 0x64FA,
+    0x9DB3: 0x6500,
+    0x9DB4: 0x64FD,
+    0x9DB5: 0x6518,
+    0x9DB6: 0x651C,
+    0x9DB7: 0x6505,
+    0x9DB8: 0x6524,
+    0x9DB9: 0x6523,
+    0x9DBA: 0x652B,
+    0x9DBB: 0x6534,
+    0x9DBC: 0x6535,
+    0x9DBD: 0x6537,
+    0x9DBE: 0x6536,
+    0x9DBF: 0x6538,
+    0x9DC0: 0x754B,
+    0x9DC1: 0x6548,
+    0x9DC2: 0x6556,
+    0x9DC3: 0x6555,
+    0x9DC4: 0x654D,
+    0x9DC5: 0x6558,
+    0x9DC6: 0x655E,
+    0x9DC7: 0x655D,
+    0x9DC8: 0x6572,
+    0x9DC9: 0x6578,
+    0x9DCA: 0x6582,
+    0x9DCB: 0x6583,
+    0x9DCC: 0x8B8A,
+    0x9DCD: 0x659B,
+    0x9DCE: 0x659F,
+    0x9DCF: 0x65AB,
+    0x9DD0: 0x65B7,
+    0x9DD1: 0x65C3,
+    0x9DD2: 0x65C6,
+    0x9DD3: 0x65C1,
+    0x9DD4: 0x65C4,
+    0x9DD5: 0x65CC,
+    0x9DD6: 0x65D2,
+    0x9DD7: 0x65DB,
+    0x9DD8: 0x65D9,
+    0x9DD9: 0x65E0,
+    0x9DDA: 0x65E1,
+    0x9DDB: 0x65F1,
+    0x9DDC: 0x6772,
+    0x9DDD: 0x660A,
+    0x9DDE: 0x6603,
+    0x9DDF: 0x65FB,
+    0x9DE0: 0x6773,
+    0x9DE1: 0x6635,
+    0x9DE2: 0x6636,
+    0x9DE3: 0x6634,
+    0x9DE4: 0x661C,
+    0x9DE5: 0x664F,
+    0x9DE6: 0x6644,
+    0x9DE7: 0x6649,
+    0x9DE8: 0x6641,
+    0x9DE9: 0x665E,
+    0x9DEA: 0x665D,
+    0x9DEB: 0x6664,
+    0x9DEC: 0x6667,
+    0x9DED: 0x6668,
+    0x9DEE: 0x665F,
+    0x9DEF: 0x6662,
+    0x9DF0: 0x6670,
+    0x9DF1: 0x6683,
+    0x9DF2: 0x6688,
+    0x9DF3: 0x668E,
+    0x9DF4: 0x6689,
+    0x9DF5: 0x6684,
+    0x9DF6: 0x6698,
+    0x9DF7: 0x669D,
+    0x9DF8: 0x66C1,
+    0x9DF9: 0x66B9,
+    0x9DFA: 0x66C9,
+    0x9DFB: 0x66BE,
+    0x9DFC: 0x66BC,
+    0x9E40: 0x66C4,
+    0x9E41: 0x66B8,
+    0x9E42: 0x66D6,
+    0x9E43: 0x66DA,
+    0x9E44: 0x66E0,
+    0x9E45: 0x663F,
+    0x9E46: 0x66E6,
+    0x9E47: 0x66E9,
+    0x9E48: 0x66F0,
+    0x9E49: 0x66F5,
+    0x9E4A: 0x66F7,
+    0x9E4B: 0x670F,
+    0x9E4C: 0x6716,
+    0x9E4D: 0x671E,
+    0x9E4E: 0x6726,
+    0x9E4F: 0x6727,
+    0x9E50: 0x9738,
+    0x9E51: 0x672E,
+    0x9E52: 0x673F,
+    0x9E53: 0x6736,
+    0x9E54: 0x6741,
+    0x9E55: 0x6738,
+    0x9E56: 0x6737,
+    0x9E57: 0x6746,
+    0x9E58: 0x675E,
+    0x9E59: 0x6760,
+    0x9E5A: 0x6759,
+    0x9E5B: 0x6763,
+    0x9E5C: 0x6764,
+    0x9E5D: 0x6789,
+    0x9E5E: 0x6770,
+    0x9E5F: 0x67A9,
+    0x9E60: 0x677C,
+    0x9E61: 0x676A,
+    0x9E62: 0x678C,
+    0x9E63: 0x678B,
+    0x9E64: 0x67A6,
+    0x9E65: 0x67A1,
+    0x9E66: 0x6785,
+    0x9E67: 0x67B7,
+    0x9E68: 0x67EF,
+    0x9E69: 0x67B4,
+    0x9E6A: 0x67EC,
+    0x9E6B: 0x67B3,
+    0x9E6C: 0x67E9,
+    0x9E6D: 0x67B8,
+    0x9E6E: 0x67E4,
+    0x9E6F: 0x67DE,
+    0x9E70: 0x67DD,
+    0x9E71: 0x67E2,
+    0x9E72: 0x67EE,
+    0x9E73: 0x67B9,
+    0x9E74: 0x67CE,
+    0x9E75: 0x67C6,
+    0x9E76: 0x67E7,
+    0x9E77: 0x6A9C,
+    0x9E78: 0x681E,
+    0x9E79: 0x6846,
+    0x9E7A: 0x6829,
+    0x9E7B: 0x6840,
+    0x9E7C: 0x684D,
+    0x9E7D: 0x6832,
+    0x9E7E: 0x684E,
+    0x9E80: 0x68B3,
+    0x9E81: 0x682B,
+    0x9E82: 0x6859,
+    0x9E83: 0x6863,
+    0x9E84: 0x6877,
+    0x9E85: 0x687F,
+    0x9E86: 0x689F,
+    0x9E87: 0x688F,
+    0x9E88: 0x68AD,
+    0x9E89: 0x6894,
+    0x9E8A: 0x689D,
+    0x9E8B: 0x689B,
+    0x9E8C: 0x6883,
+    0x9E8D: 0x6AAE,
+    0x9E8E: 0x68B9,
+    0x9E8F: 0x6874,
+    0x9E90: 0x68B5,
+    0x9E91: 0x68A0,
+    0x9E92: 0x68BA,
+    0x9E93: 0x690F,
+    0x9E94: 0x688D,
+    0x9E95: 0x687E,
+    0x9E96: 0x6901,
+    0x9E97: 0x68CA,
+    0x9E98: 0x6908,
+    0x9E99: 0x68D8,
+    0x9E9A: 0x6922,
+    0x9E9B: 0x6926,
+    0x9E9C: 0x68E1,
+    0x9E9D: 0x690C,
+    0x9E9E: 0x68CD,
+    0x9E9F: 0x68D4,
+    0x9EA0: 0x68E7,
+    0x9EA1: 0x68D5,
+    0x9EA2: 0x6936,
+    0x9EA3: 0x6912,
+    0x9EA4: 0x6904,
+    0x9EA5: 0x68D7,
+    0x9EA6: 0x68E3,
+    0x9EA7: 0x6925,
+    0x9EA8: 0x68F9,
+    0x9EA9: 0x68E0,
+    0x9EAA: 0x68EF,
+    0x9EAB: 0x6928,
+    0x9EAC: 0x692A,
+    0x9EAD: 0x691A,
+    0x9EAE: 0x6923,
+    0x9EAF: 0x6921,
+    0x9EB0: 0x68C6,
+    0x9EB1: 0x6979,
+    0x9EB2: 0x6977,
+    0x9EB3: 0x695C,
+    0x9EB4: 0x6978,
+    0x9EB5: 0x696B,
+    0x9EB6: 0x6954,
+    0x9EB7: 0x697E,
+    0x9EB8: 0x696E,
+    0x9EB9: 0x6939,
+    0x9EBA: 0x6974,
+    0x9EBB: 0x693D,
+    0x9EBC: 0x6959,
+    0x9EBD: 0x6930,
+    0x9EBE: 0x6961,
+    0x9EBF: 0x695E,
+    0x9EC0: 0x695D,
+    0x9EC1: 0x6981,
+    0x9EC2: 0x696A,
+    0x9EC3: 0x69B2,
+    0x9EC4: 0x69AE,
+    0x9EC5: 0x69D0,
+    0x9EC6: 0x69BF,
+    0x9EC7: 0x69C1,
+    0x9EC8: 0x69D3,
+    0x9EC9: 0x69BE,
+    0x9ECA: 0x69CE,
+    0x9ECB: 0x5BE8,
+    0x9ECC: 0x69CA,
+    0x9ECD: 0x69DD,
+    0x9ECE: 0x69BB,
+    0x9ECF: 0x69C3,
+    0x9ED0: 0x69A7,
+    0x9ED1: 0x6A2E,
+    0x9ED2: 0x6991,
+    0x9ED3: 0x69A0,
+    0x9ED4: 0x699C,
+    0x9ED5: 0x6995,
+    0x9ED6: 0x69B4,
+    0x9ED7: 0x69DE,
+    0x9ED8: 0x69E8,
+    0x9ED9: 0x6A02,
+    0x9EDA: 0x6A1B,
+    0x9EDB: 0x69FF,
+    0x9EDC: 0x6B0A,
+    0x9EDD: 0x69F9,
+    0x9EDE: 0x69F2,
+    0x9EDF: 0x69E7,
+    0x9EE0: 0x6A05,
+    0x9EE1: 0x69B1,
+    0x9EE2: 0x6A1E,
+    0x9EE3: 0x69ED,
+    0x9EE4: 0x6A14,
+    0x9EE5: 0x69EB,
+    0x9EE6: 0x6A0A,
+    0x9EE7: 0x6A12,
+    0x9EE8: 0x6AC1,
+    0x9EE9: 0x6A23,
+    0x9EEA: 0x6A13,
+    0x9EEB: 0x6A44,
+    0x9EEC: 0x6A0C,
+    0x9EED: 0x6A72,
+    0x9EEE: 0x6A36,
+    0x9EEF: 0x6A78,
+    0x9EF0: 0x6A47,
+    0x9EF1: 0x6A62,
+    0x9EF2: 0x6A59,
+    0x9EF3: 0x6A66,
+    0x9EF4: 0x6A48,
+    0x9EF5: 0x6A38,
+    0x9EF6: 0x6A22,
+    0x9EF7: 0x6A90,
+    0x9EF8: 0x6A8D,
+    0x9EF9: 0x6AA0,
+    0x9EFA: 0x6A84,
+    0x9EFB: 0x6AA2,
+    0x9EFC: 0x6AA3,
+    0x9F40: 0x6A97,
+    0x9F41: 0x8617,
+    0x9F42: 0x6ABB,
+    0x9F43: 0x6AC3,
+    0x9F44: 0x6AC2,
+    0x9F45: 0x6AB8,
+    0x9F46: 0x6AB3,
+    0x9F47: 0x6AAC,
+    0x9F48: 0x6ADE,
+    0x9F49: 0x6AD1,
+    0x9F4A: 0x6ADF,
+    0x9F4B: 0x6AAA,
+    0x9F4C: 0x6ADA,
+    0x9F4D: 0x6AEA,
+    0x9F4E: 0x6AFB,
+    0x9F4F: 0x6B05,
+    0x9F50: 0x8616,
+    0x9F51: 0x6AFA,
+    0x9F52: 0x6B12,
+    0x9F53: 0x6B16,
+    0x9F54: 0x9B31,
+    0x9F55: 0x6B1F,
+    0x9F56: 0x6B38,
+    0x9F57: 0x6B37,
+    0x9F58: 0x76DC,
+    0x9F59: 0x6B39,
+    0x9F5A: 0x98EE,
+    0x9F5B: 0x6B47,
+    0x9F5C: 0x6B43,
+    0x9F5D: 0x6B49,
+    0x9F5E: 0x6B50,
+    0x9F5F: 0x6B59,
+    0x9F60: 0x6B54,
+    0x9F61: 0x6B5B,
+    0x9F62: 0x6B5F,
+    0x9F63: 0x6B61,
+    0x9F64: 0x6B78,
+    0x9F65: 0x6B79,
+    0x9F66: 0x6B7F,
+    0x9F67: 0x6B80,
+    0x9F68: 0x6B84,
+    0x9F69: 0x6B83,
+    0x9F6A: 0x6B8D,
+    0x9F6B: 0x6B98,
+    0x9F6C: 0x6B95,
+    0x9F6D: 0x6B9E,
+    0x9F6E: 0x6BA4,
+    0x9F6F: 0x6BAA,
+    0x9F70: 0x6BAB,
+    0x9F71: 0x6BAF,
+    0x9F72: 0x6BB2,
+    0x9F73: 0x6BB1,
+    0x9F74: 0x6BB3,
+    0x9F75: 0x6BB7,
+    0x9F76: 0x6BBC,
+    0x9F77: 0x6BC6,
+    0x9F78: 0x6BCB,
+    0x9F79: 0x6BD3,
+    0x9F7A: 0x6BDF,
+    0x9F7B: 0x6BEC,
+    0x9F7C: 0x6BEB,
+    0x9F7D: 0x6BF3,
+    0x9F7E: 0x6BEF,
+    0x9F80: 0x9EBE,
+    0x9F81: 0x6C08,
+    0x9F82: 0x6C13,
+    0x9F83: 0x6C14,
+    0x9F84: 0x6C1B,
+    0x9F85: 0x6C24,
+    0x9F86: 0x6C23,
+    0x9F87: 0x6C5E,
+    0x9F88: 0x6C55,
+    0x9F89: 0x6C62,
+    0x9F8A: 0x6C6A,
+    0x9F8B: 0x6C82,
+    0x9F8C: 0x6C8D,
+    0x9F8D: 0x6C9A,
+    0x9F8E: 0x6C81,
+    0x9F8F: 0x6C9B,
+    0x9F90: 0x6C7E,
+    0x9F91: 0x6C68,
+    0x9F92: 0x6C73,
+    0x9F93: 0x6C92,
+    0x9F94: 0x6C90,
+    0x9F95: 0x6CC4,
+    0x9F96: 0x6CF1,
+    0x9F97: 0x6CD3,
+    0x9F98: 0x6CBD,
+    0x9F99: 0x6CD7,
+    0x9F9A: 0x6CC5,
+    0x9F9B: 0x6CDD,
+    0x9F9C: 0x6CAE,
+    0x9F9D: 0x6CB1,
+    0x9F9E: 0x6CBE,
+    0x9F9F: 0x6CBA,
+    0x9FA0: 0x6CDB,
+    0x9FA1: 0x6CEF,
+    0x9FA2: 0x6CD9,
+    0x9FA3: 0x6CEA,
+    0x9FA4: 0x6D1F,
+    0x9FA5: 0x884D,
+    0x9FA6: 0x6D36,
+    0x9FA7: 0x6D2B,
+    0x9FA8: 0x6D3D,
+    0x9FA9: 0x6D38,
+    0x9FAA: 0x6D19,
+    0x9FAB: 0x6D35,
+    0x9FAC: 0x6D33,
+    0x9FAD: 0x6D12,
+    0x9FAE: 0x6D0C,
+    0x9FAF: 0x6D63,
+    0x9FB0: 0x6D93,
+    0x9FB1: 0x6D64,
+    0x9FB2: 0x6D5A,
+    0x9FB3: 0x6D79,
+    0x9FB4: 0x6D59,
+    0x9FB5: 0x6D8E,
+    0x9FB6: 0x6D95,
+    0x9FB7: 0x6FE4,
+    0x9FB8: 0x6D85,
+    0x9FB9: 0x6DF9,
+    0x9FBA: 0x6E15,
+    0x9FBB: 0x6E0A,
+    0x9FBC: 0x6DB5,
+    0x9FBD: 0x6DC7,
+    0x9FBE: 0x6DE6,
+    0x9FBF: 0x6DB8,
+    0x9FC0: 0x6DC6,
+    0x9FC1: 0x6DEC,
+    0x9FC2: 0x6DDE,
+    0x9FC3: 0x6DCC,
+    0x9FC4: 0x6DE8,
+    0x9FC5: 0x6DD2,
+    0x9FC6: 0x6DC5,
+    0x9FC7: 0x6DFA,
+    0x9FC8: 0x6DD9,
+    0x9FC9: 0x6DE4,
+    0x9FCA: 0x6DD5,
+    0x9FCB: 0x6DEA,
+    0x9FCC: 0x6DEE,
+    0x9FCD: 0x6E2D,
+    0x9FCE: 0x6E6E,
+    0x9FCF: 0x6E2E,
+    0x9FD0: 0x6E19,
+    0x9FD1: 0x6E72,
+    0x9FD2: 0x6E5F,
+    0x9FD3: 0x6E3E,
+    0x9FD4: 0x6E23,
+    0x9FD5: 0x6E6B,
+    0x9FD6: 0x6E2B,
+    0x9FD7: 0x6E76,
+    0x9FD8: 0x6E4D,
+    0x9FD9: 0x6E1F,
+    0x9FDA: 0x6E43,
+    0x9FDB: 0x6E3A,
+    0x9FDC: 0x6E4E,
+    0x9FDD: 0x6E24,
+    0x9FDE: 0x6EFF,
+    0x9FDF: 0x6E1D,
+    0x9FE0: 0x6E38,
+    0x9FE1: 0x6E82,
+    0x9FE2: 0x6EAA,
+    0x9FE3: 0x6E98,
+    0x9FE4: 0x6EC9,
+    0x9FE5: 0x6EB7,
+    0x9FE6: 0x6ED3,
+    0x9FE7: 0x6EBD,
+    0x9FE8: 0x6EAF,
+    0x9FE9: 0x6EC4,
+    0x9FEA: 0x6EB2,
+    0x9FEB: 0x6ED4,
+    0x9FEC: 0x6ED5,
+    0x9FED: 0x6E8F,
+    0x9FEE: 0x6EA5,
+    0x9FEF: 0x6EC2,
+    0x9FF0: 0x6E9F,
+    0x9FF1: 0x6F41,
+    0x9FF2: 0x6F11,
+    0x9FF3: 0x704C,
+    0x9FF4: 0x6EEC,
+    0x9FF5: 0x6EF8,
+    0x9FF6: 0x6EFE,
+    0x9FF7: 0x6F3F,
+    0x9FF8: 0x6EF2,
+    0x9FF9: 0x6F31,
+    0x9FFA: 0x6EEF,
+    0x9FFB: 0x6F32,
+    0x9FFC: 0x6ECC,
+    0xA1: 0xFF61,
+    0xA2: 0xFF62,
+    0xA3: 0xFF63,
+    0xA4: 0xFF64,
+    0xA5: 0xFF65,
+    0xA6: 0xFF66,
+    0xA7: 0xFF67,
+    0xA8: 0xFF68,
+    0xA9: 0xFF69,
+    0xAA: 0xFF6A,
+    0xAB: 0xFF6B,
+    0xAC: 0xFF6C,
+    0xAD: 0xFF6D,
+    0xAE: 0xFF6E,
+    0xAF: 0xFF6F,
+    0xB0: 0xFF70,
+    0xB1: 0xFF71,
+    0xB2: 0xFF72,
+    0xB3: 0xFF73,
+    0xB4: 0xFF74,
+    0xB5: 0xFF75,
+    0xB6: 0xFF76,
+    0xB7: 0xFF77,
+    0xB8: 0xFF78,
+    0xB9: 0xFF79,
+    0xBA: 0xFF7A,
+    0xBB: 0xFF7B,
+    0xBC: 0xFF7C,
+    0xBD: 0xFF7D,
+    0xBE: 0xFF7E,
+    0xBF: 0xFF7F,
+    0xC0: 0xFF80,
+    0xC1: 0xFF81,
+    0xC2: 0xFF82,
+    0xC3: 0xFF83,
+    0xC4: 0xFF84,
+    0xC5: 0xFF85,
+    0xC6: 0xFF86,
+    0xC7: 0xFF87,
+    0xC8: 0xFF88,
+    0xC9: 0xFF89,
+    0xCA: 0xFF8A,
+    0xCB: 0xFF8B,
+    0xCC: 0xFF8C,
+    0xCD: 0xFF8D,
+    0xCE: 0xFF8E,
+    0xCF: 0xFF8F,
+    0xD0: 0xFF90,
+    0xD1: 0xFF91,
+    0xD2: 0xFF92,
+    0xD3: 0xFF93,
+    0xD4: 0xFF94,
+    0xD5: 0xFF95,
+    0xD6: 0xFF96,
+    0xD7: 0xFF97,
+    0xD8: 0xFF98,
+    0xD9: 0xFF99,
+    0xDA: 0xFF9A,
+    0xDB: 0xFF9B,
+    0xDC: 0xFF9C,
+    0xDD: 0xFF9D,
+    0xDE: 0xFF9E,
+    0xDF: 0xFF9F,
+    0xE040: 0x6F3E,
+    0xE041: 0x6F13,
+    0xE042: 0x6EF7,
+    0xE043: 0x6F86,
+    0xE044: 0x6F7A,
+    0xE045: 0x6F78,
+    0xE046: 0x6F81,
+    0xE047: 0x6F80,
+    0xE048: 0x6F6F,
+    0xE049: 0x6F5B,
+    0xE04A: 0x6FF3,
+    0xE04B: 0x6F6D,
+    0xE04C: 0x6F82,
+    0xE04D: 0x6F7C,
+    0xE04E: 0x6F58,
+    0xE04F: 0x6F8E,
+    0xE050: 0x6F91,
+    0xE051: 0x6FC2,
+    0xE052: 0x6F66,
+    0xE053: 0x6FB3,
+    0xE054: 0x6FA3,
+    0xE055: 0x6FA1,
+    0xE056: 0x6FA4,
+    0xE057: 0x6FB9,
+    0xE058: 0x6FC6,
+    0xE059: 0x6FAA,
+    0xE05A: 0x6FDF,
+    0xE05B: 0x6FD5,
+    0xE05C: 0x6FEC,
+    0xE05D: 0x6FD4,
+    0xE05E: 0x6FD8,
+    0xE05F: 0x6FF1,
+    0xE060: 0x6FEE,
+    0xE061: 0x6FDB,
+    0xE062: 0x7009,
+    0xE063: 0x700B,
+    0xE064: 0x6FFA,
+    0xE065: 0x7011,
+    0xE066: 0x7001,
+    0xE067: 0x700F,
+    0xE068: 0x6FFE,
+    0xE069: 0x701B,
+    0xE06A: 0x701A,
+    0xE06B: 0x6F74,
+    0xE06C: 0x701D,
+    0xE06D: 0x7018,
+    0xE06E: 0x701F,
+    0xE06F: 0x7030,
+    0xE070: 0x703E,
+    0xE071: 0x7032,
+    0xE072: 0x7051,
+    0xE073: 0x7063,
+    0xE074: 0x7099,
+    0xE075: 0x7092,
+    0xE076: 0x70AF,
+    0xE077: 0x70F1,
+    0xE078: 0x70AC,
+    0xE079: 0x70B8,
+    0xE07A: 0x70B3,
+    0xE07B: 0x70AE,
+    0xE07C: 0x70DF,
+    0xE07D: 0x70CB,
+    0xE07E: 0x70DD,
+    0xE080: 0x70D9,
+    0xE081: 0x7109,
+    0xE082: 0x70FD,
+    0xE083: 0x711C,
+    0xE084: 0x7119,
+    0xE085: 0x7165,
+    0xE086: 0x7155,
+    0xE087: 0x7188,
+    0xE088: 0x7166,
+    0xE089: 0x7162,
+    0xE08A: 0x714C,
+    0xE08B: 0x7156,
+    0xE08C: 0x716C,
+    0xE08D: 0x718F,
+    0xE08E: 0x71FB,
+    0xE08F: 0x7184,
+    0xE090: 0x7195,
+    0xE091: 0x71A8,
+    0xE092: 0x71AC,
+    0xE093: 0x71D7,
+    0xE094: 0x71B9,
+    0xE095: 0x71BE,
+    0xE096: 0x71D2,
+    0xE097: 0x71C9,
+    0xE098: 0x71D4,
+    0xE099: 0x71CE,
+    0xE09A: 0x71E0,
+    0xE09B: 0x71EC,
+    0xE09C: 0x71E7,
+    0xE09D: 0x71F5,
+    0xE09E: 0x71FC,
+    0xE09F: 0x71F9,
+    0xE0A0: 0x71FF,
+    0xE0A1: 0x720D,
+    0xE0A2: 0x7210,
+    0xE0A3: 0x721B,
+    0xE0A4: 0x7228,
+    0xE0A5: 0x722D,
+    0xE0A6: 0x722C,
+    0xE0A7: 0x7230,
+    0xE0A8: 0x7232,
+    0xE0A9: 0x723B,
+    0xE0AA: 0x723C,
+    0xE0AB: 0x723F,
+    0xE0AC: 0x7240,
+    0xE0AD: 0x7246,
+    0xE0AE: 0x724B,
+    0xE0AF: 0x7258,
+    0xE0B0: 0x7274,
+    0xE0B1: 0x727E,
+    0xE0B2: 0x7282,
+    0xE0B3: 0x7281,
+    0xE0B4: 0x7287,
+    0xE0B5: 0x7292,
+    0xE0B6: 0x7296,
+    0xE0B7: 0x72A2,
+    0xE0B8: 0x72A7,
+    0xE0B9: 0x72B9,
+    0xE0BA: 0x72B2,
+    0xE0BB: 0x72C3,
+    0xE0BC: 0x72C6,
+    0xE0BD: 0x72C4,
+    0xE0BE: 0x72CE,
+    0xE0BF: 0x72D2,
+    0xE0C0: 0x72E2,
+    0xE0C1: 0x72E0,
+    0xE0C2: 0x72E1,
+    0xE0C3: 0x72F9,
+    0xE0C4: 0x72F7,
+    0xE0C5: 0x500F,
+    0xE0C6: 0x7317,
+    0xE0C7: 0x730A,
+    0xE0C8: 0x731C,
+    0xE0C9: 0x7316,
+    0xE0CA: 0x731D,
+    0xE0CB: 0x7334,
+    0xE0CC: 0x732F,
+    0xE0CD: 0x7329,
+    0xE0CE: 0x7325,
+    0xE0CF: 0x733E,
+    0xE0D0: 0x734E,
+    0xE0D1: 0x734F,
+    0xE0D2: 0x9ED8,
+    0xE0D3: 0x7357,
+    0xE0D4: 0x736A,
+    0xE0D5: 0x7368,
+    0xE0D6: 0x7370,
+    0xE0D7: 0x7378,
+    0xE0D8: 0x7375,
+    0xE0D9: 0x737B,
+    0xE0DA: 0x737A,
+    0xE0DB: 0x73C8,
+    0xE0DC: 0x73B3,
+    0xE0DD: 0x73CE,
+    0xE0DE: 0x73BB,
+    0xE0DF: 0x73C0,
+    0xE0E0: 0x73E5,
+    0xE0E1: 0x73EE,
+    0xE0E2: 0x73DE,
+    0xE0E3: 0x74A2,
+    0xE0E4: 0x7405,
+    0xE0E5: 0x746F,
+    0xE0E6: 0x7425,
+    0xE0E7: 0x73F8,
+    0xE0E8: 0x7432,
+    0xE0E9: 0x743A,
+    0xE0EA: 0x7455,
+    0xE0EB: 0x743F,
+    0xE0EC: 0x745F,
+    0xE0ED: 0x7459,
+    0xE0EE: 0x7441,
+    0xE0EF: 0x745C,
+    0xE0F0: 0x7469,
+    0xE0F1: 0x7470,
+    0xE0F2: 0x7463,
+    0xE0F3: 0x746A,
+    0xE0F4: 0x7476,
+    0xE0F5: 0x747E,
+    0xE0F6: 0x748B,
+    0xE0F7: 0x749E,
+    0xE0F8: 0x74A7,
+    0xE0F9: 0x74CA,
+    0xE0FA: 0x74CF,
+    0xE0FB: 0x74D4,
+    0xE0FC: 0x73F1,
+    0xE140: 0x74E0,
+    0xE141: 0x74E3,
+    0xE142: 0x74E7,
+    0xE143: 0x74E9,
+    0xE144: 0x74EE,
+    0xE145: 0x74F2,
+    0xE146: 0x74F0,
+    0xE147: 0x74F1,
+    0xE148: 0x74F8,
+    0xE149: 0x74F7,
+    0xE14A: 0x7504,
+    0xE14B: 0x7503,
+    0xE14C: 0x7505,
+    0xE14D: 0x750C,
+    0xE14E: 0x750E,
+    0xE14F: 0x750D,
+    0xE150: 0x7515,
+    0xE151: 0x7513,
+    0xE152: 0x751E,
+    0xE153: 0x7526,
+    0xE154: 0x752C,
+    0xE155: 0x753C,
+    0xE156: 0x7544,
+    0xE157: 0x754D,
+    0xE158: 0x754A,
+    0xE159: 0x7549,
+    0xE15A: 0x755B,
+    0xE15B: 0x7546,
+    0xE15C: 0x755A,
+    0xE15D: 0x7569,
+    0xE15E: 0x7564,
+    0xE15F: 0x7567,
+    0xE160: 0x756B,
+    0xE161: 0x756D,
+    0xE162: 0x7578,
+    0xE163: 0x7576,
+    0xE164: 0x7586,
+    0xE165: 0x7587,
+    0xE166: 0x7574,
+    0xE167: 0x758A,
+    0xE168: 0x7589,
+    0xE169: 0x7582,
+    0xE16A: 0x7594,
+    0xE16B: 0x759A,
+    0xE16C: 0x759D,
+    0xE16D: 0x75A5,
+    0xE16E: 0x75A3,
+    0xE16F: 0x75C2,
+    0xE170: 0x75B3,
+    0xE171: 0x75C3,
+    0xE172: 0x75B5,
+    0xE173: 0x75BD,
+    0xE174: 0x75B8,
+    0xE175: 0x75BC,
+    0xE176: 0x75B1,
+    0xE177: 0x75CD,
+    0xE178: 0x75CA,
+    0xE179: 0x75D2,
+    0xE17A: 0x75D9,
+    0xE17B: 0x75E3,
+    0xE17C: 0x75DE,
+    0xE17D: 0x75FE,
+    0xE17E: 0x75FF,
+    0xE180: 0x75FC,
+    0xE181: 0x7601,
+    0xE182: 0x75F0,
+    0xE183: 0x75FA,
+    0xE184: 0x75F2,
+    0xE185: 0x75F3,
+    0xE186: 0x760B,
+    0xE187: 0x760D,
+    0xE188: 0x7609,
+    0xE189: 0x761F,
+    0xE18A: 0x7627,
+    0xE18B: 0x7620,
+    0xE18C: 0x7621,
+    0xE18D: 0x7622,
+    0xE18E: 0x7624,
+    0xE18F: 0x7634,
+    0xE190: 0x7630,
+    0xE191: 0x763B,
+    0xE192: 0x7647,
+    0xE193: 0x7648,
+    0xE194: 0x7646,
+    0xE195: 0x765C,
+    0xE196: 0x7658,
+    0xE197: 0x7661,
+    0xE198: 0x7662,
+    0xE199: 0x7668,
+    0xE19A: 0x7669,
+    0xE19B: 0x766A,
+    0xE19C: 0x7667,
+    0xE19D: 0x766C,
+    0xE19E: 0x7670,
+    0xE19F: 0x7672,
+    0xE1A0: 0x7676,
+    0xE1A1: 0x7678,
+    0xE1A2: 0x767C,
+    0xE1A3: 0x7680,
+    0xE1A4: 0x7683,
+    0xE1A5: 0x7688,
+    0xE1A6: 0x768B,
+    0xE1A7: 0x768E,
+    0xE1A8: 0x7696,
+    0xE1A9: 0x7693,
+    0xE1AA: 0x7699,
+    0xE1AB: 0x769A,
+    0xE1AC: 0x76B0,
+    0xE1AD: 0x76B4,
+    0xE1AE: 0x76B8,
+    0xE1AF: 0x76B9,
+    0xE1B0: 0x76BA,
+    0xE1B1: 0x76C2,
+    0xE1B2: 0x76CD,
+    0xE1B3: 0x76D6,
+    0xE1B4: 0x76D2,
+    0xE1B5: 0x76DE,
+    0xE1B6: 0x76E1,
+    0xE1B7: 0x76E5,
+    0xE1B8: 0x76E7,
+    0xE1B9: 0x76EA,
+    0xE1BA: 0x862F,
+    0xE1BB: 0x76FB,
+    0xE1BC: 0x7708,
+    0xE1BD: 0x7707,
+    0xE1BE: 0x7704,
+    0xE1BF: 0x7729,
+    0xE1C0: 0x7724,
+    0xE1C1: 0x771E,
+    0xE1C2: 0x7725,
+    0xE1C3: 0x7726,
+    0xE1C4: 0x771B,
+    0xE1C5: 0x7737,
+    0xE1C6: 0x7738,
+    0xE1C7: 0x7747,
+    0xE1C8: 0x775A,
+    0xE1C9: 0x7768,
+    0xE1CA: 0x776B,
+    0xE1CB: 0x775B,
+    0xE1CC: 0x7765,
+    0xE1CD: 0x777F,
+    0xE1CE: 0x777E,
+    0xE1CF: 0x7779,
+    0xE1D0: 0x778E,
+    0xE1D1: 0x778B,
+    0xE1D2: 0x7791,
+    0xE1D3: 0x77A0,
+    0xE1D4: 0x779E,
+    0xE1D5: 0x77B0,
+    0xE1D6: 0x77B6,
+    0xE1D7: 0x77B9,
+    0xE1D8: 0x77BF,
+    0xE1D9: 0x77BC,
+    0xE1DA: 0x77BD,
+    0xE1DB: 0x77BB,
+    0xE1DC: 0x77C7,
+    0xE1DD: 0x77CD,
+    0xE1DE: 0x77D7,
+    0xE1DF: 0x77DA,
+    0xE1E0: 0x77DC,
+    0xE1E1: 0x77E3,
+    0xE1E2: 0x77EE,
+    0xE1E3: 0x77FC,
+    0xE1E4: 0x780C,
+    0xE1E5: 0x7812,
+    0xE1E6: 0x7926,
+    0xE1E7: 0x7820,
+    0xE1E8: 0x792A,
+    0xE1E9: 0x7845,
+    0xE1EA: 0x788E,
+    0xE1EB: 0x7874,
+    0xE1EC: 0x7886,
+    0xE1ED: 0x787C,
+    0xE1EE: 0x789A,
+    0xE1EF: 0x788C,
+    0xE1F0: 0x78A3,
+    0xE1F1: 0x78B5,
+    0xE1F2: 0x78AA,
+    0xE1F3: 0x78AF,
+    0xE1F4: 0x78D1,
+    0xE1F5: 0x78C6,
+    0xE1F6: 0x78CB,
+    0xE1F7: 0x78D4,
+    0xE1F8: 0x78BE,
+    0xE1F9: 0x78BC,
+    0xE1FA: 0x78C5,
+    0xE1FB: 0x78CA,
+    0xE1FC: 0x78EC,
+    0xE240: 0x78E7,
+    0xE241: 0x78DA,
+    0xE242: 0x78FD,
+    0xE243: 0x78F4,
+    0xE244: 0x7907,
+    0xE245: 0x7912,
+    0xE246: 0x7911,
+    0xE247: 0x7919,
+    0xE248: 0x792C,
+    0xE249: 0x792B,
+    0xE24A: 0x7940,
+    0xE24B: 0x7960,
+    0xE24C: 0x7957,
+    0xE24D: 0x795F,
+    0xE24E: 0x795A,
+    0xE24F: 0x7955,
+    0xE250: 0x7953,
+    0xE251: 0x797A,
+    0xE252: 0x797F,
+    0xE253: 0x798A,
+    0xE254: 0x799D,
+    0xE255: 0x79A7,
+    0xE256: 0x9F4B,
+    0xE257: 0x79AA,
+    0xE258: 0x79AE,
+    0xE259: 0x79B3,
+    0xE25A: 0x79B9,
+    0xE25B: 0x79BA,
+    0xE25C: 0x79C9,
+    0xE25D: 0x79D5,
+    0xE25E: 0x79E7,
+    0xE25F: 0x79EC,
+    0xE260: 0x79E1,
+    0xE261: 0x79E3,
+    0xE262: 0x7A08,
+    0xE263: 0x7A0D,
+    0xE264: 0x7A18,
+    0xE265: 0x7A19,
+    0xE266: 0x7A20,
+    0xE267: 0x7A1F,
+    0xE268: 0x7980,
+    0xE269: 0x7A31,
+    0xE26A: 0x7A3B,
+    0xE26B: 0x7A3E,
+    0xE26C: 0x7A37,
+    0xE26D: 0x7A43,
+    0xE26E: 0x7A57,
+    0xE26F: 0x7A49,
+    0xE270: 0x7A61,
+    0xE271: 0x7A62,
+    0xE272: 0x7A69,
+    0xE273: 0x9F9D,
+    0xE274: 0x7A70,
+    0xE275: 0x7A79,
+    0xE276: 0x7A7D,
+    0xE277: 0x7A88,
+    0xE278: 0x7A97,
+    0xE279: 0x7A95,
+    0xE27A: 0x7A98,
+    0xE27B: 0x7A96,
+    0xE27C: 0x7AA9,
+    0xE27D: 0x7AC8,
+    0xE27E: 0x7AB0,
+    0xE280: 0x7AB6,
+    0xE281: 0x7AC5,
+    0xE282: 0x7AC4,
+    0xE283: 0x7ABF,
+    0xE284: 0x9083,
+    0xE285: 0x7AC7,
+    0xE286: 0x7ACA,
+    0xE287: 0x7ACD,
+    0xE288: 0x7ACF,
+    0xE289: 0x7AD5,
+    0xE28A: 0x7AD3,
+    0xE28B: 0x7AD9,
+    0xE28C: 0x7ADA,
+    0xE28D: 0x7ADD,
+    0xE28E: 0x7AE1,
+    0xE28F: 0x7AE2,
+    0xE290: 0x7AE6,
+    0xE291: 0x7AED,
+    0xE292: 0x7AF0,
+    0xE293: 0x7B02,
+    0xE294: 0x7B0F,
+    0xE295: 0x7B0A,
+    0xE296: 0x7B06,
+    0xE297: 0x7B33,
+    0xE298: 0x7B18,
+    0xE299: 0x7B19,
+    0xE29A: 0x7B1E,
+    0xE29B: 0x7B35,
+    0xE29C: 0x7B28,
+    0xE29D: 0x7B36,
+    0xE29E: 0x7B50,
+    0xE29F: 0x7B7A,
+    0xE2A0: 0x7B04,
+    0xE2A1: 0x7B4D,
+    0xE2A2: 0x7B0B,
+    0xE2A3: 0x7B4C,
+    0xE2A4: 0x7B45,
+    0xE2A5: 0x7B75,
+    0xE2A6: 0x7B65,
+    0xE2A7: 0x7B74,
+    0xE2A8: 0x7B67,
+    0xE2A9: 0x7B70,
+    0xE2AA: 0x7B71,
+    0xE2AB: 0x7B6C,
+    0xE2AC: 0x7B6E,
+    0xE2AD: 0x7B9D,
+    0xE2AE: 0x7B98,
+    0xE2AF: 0x7B9F,
+    0xE2B0: 0x7B8D,
+    0xE2B1: 0x7B9C,
+    0xE2B2: 0x7B9A,
+    0xE2B3: 0x7B8B,
+    0xE2B4: 0x7B92,
+    0xE2B5: 0x7B8F,
+    0xE2B6: 0x7B5D,
+    0xE2B7: 0x7B99,
+    0xE2B8: 0x7BCB,
+    0xE2B9: 0x7BC1,
+    0xE2BA: 0x7BCC,
+    0xE2BB: 0x7BCF,
+    0xE2BC: 0x7BB4,
+    0xE2BD: 0x7BC6,
+    0xE2BE: 0x7BDD,
+    0xE2BF: 0x7BE9,
+    0xE2C0: 0x7C11,
+    0xE2C1: 0x7C14,
+    0xE2C2: 0x7BE6,
+    0xE2C3: 0x7BE5,
+    0xE2C4: 0x7C60,
+    0xE2C5: 0x7C00,
+    0xE2C6: 0x7C07,
+    0xE2C7: 0x7C13,
+    0xE2C8: 0x7BF3,
+    0xE2C9: 0x7BF7,
+    0xE2CA: 0x7C17,
+    0xE2CB: 0x7C0D,
+    0xE2CC: 0x7BF6,
+    0xE2CD: 0x7C23,
+    0xE2CE: 0x7C27,
+    0xE2CF: 0x7C2A,
+    0xE2D0: 0x7C1F,
+    0xE2D1: 0x7C37,
+    0xE2D2: 0x7C2B,
+    0xE2D3: 0x7C3D,
+    0xE2D4: 0x7C4C,
+    0xE2D5: 0x7C43,
+    0xE2D6: 0x7C54,
+    0xE2D7: 0x7C4F,
+    0xE2D8: 0x7C40,
+    0xE2D9: 0x7C50,
+    0xE2DA: 0x7C58,
+    0xE2DB: 0x7C5F,
+    0xE2DC: 0x7C64,
+    0xE2DD: 0x7C56,
+    0xE2DE: 0x7C65,
+    0xE2DF: 0x7C6C,
+    0xE2E0: 0x7C75,
+    0xE2E1: 0x7C83,
+    0xE2E2: 0x7C90,
+    0xE2E3: 0x7CA4,
+    0xE2E4: 0x7CAD,
+    0xE2E5: 0x7CA2,
+    0xE2E6: 0x7CAB,
+    0xE2E7: 0x7CA1,
+    0xE2E8: 0x7CA8,
+    0xE2E9: 0x7CB3,
+    0xE2EA: 0x7CB2,
+    0xE2EB: 0x7CB1,
+    0xE2EC: 0x7CAE,
+    0xE2ED: 0x7CB9,
+    0xE2EE: 0x7CBD,
+    0xE2EF: 0x7CC0,
+    0xE2F0: 0x7CC5,
+    0xE2F1: 0x7CC2,
+    0xE2F2: 0x7CD8,
+    0xE2F3: 0x7CD2,
+    0xE2F4: 0x7CDC,
+    0xE2F5: 0x7CE2,
+    0xE2F6: 0x9B3B,
+    0xE2F7: 0x7CEF,
+    0xE2F8: 0x7CF2,
+    0xE2F9: 0x7CF4,
+    0xE2FA: 0x7CF6,
+    0xE2FB: 0x7CFA,
+    0xE2FC: 0x7D06,
+    0xE340: 0x7D02,
+    0xE341: 0x7D1C,
+    0xE342: 0x7D15,
+    0xE343: 0x7D0A,
+    0xE344: 0x7D45,
+    0xE345: 0x7D4B,
+    0xE346: 0x7D2E,
+    0xE347: 0x7D32,
+    0xE348: 0x7D3F,
+    0xE349: 0x7D35,
+    0xE34A: 0x7D46,
+    0xE34B: 0x7D73,
+    0xE34C: 0x7D56,
+    0xE34D: 0x7D4E,
+    0xE34E: 0x7D72,
+    0xE34F: 0x7D68,
+    0xE350: 0x7D6E,
+    0xE351: 0x7D4F,
+    0xE352: 0x7D63,
+    0xE353: 0x7D93,
+    0xE354: 0x7D89,
+    0xE355: 0x7D5B,
+    0xE356: 0x7D8F,
+    0xE357: 0x7D7D,
+    0xE358: 0x7D9B,
+    0xE359: 0x7DBA,
+    0xE35A: 0x7DAE,
+    0xE35B: 0x7DA3,
+    0xE35C: 0x7DB5,
+    0xE35D: 0x7DC7,
+    0xE35E: 0x7DBD,
+    0xE35F: 0x7DAB,
+    0xE360: 0x7E3D,
+    0xE361: 0x7DA2,
+    0xE362: 0x7DAF,
+    0xE363: 0x7DDC,
+    0xE364: 0x7DB8,
+    0xE365: 0x7D9F,
+    0xE366: 0x7DB0,
+    0xE367: 0x7DD8,
+    0xE368: 0x7DDD,
+    0xE369: 0x7DE4,
+    0xE36A: 0x7DDE,
+    0xE36B: 0x7DFB,
+    0xE36C: 0x7DF2,
+    0xE36D: 0x7DE1,
+    0xE36E: 0x7E05,
+    0xE36F: 0x7E0A,
+    0xE370: 0x7E23,
+    0xE371: 0x7E21,
+    0xE372: 0x7E12,
+    0xE373: 0x7E31,
+    0xE374: 0x7E1F,
+    0xE375: 0x7E09,
+    0xE376: 0x7E0B,
+    0xE377: 0x7E22,
+    0xE378: 0x7E46,
+    0xE379: 0x7E66,
+    0xE37A: 0x7E3B,
+    0xE37B: 0x7E35,
+    0xE37C: 0x7E39,
+    0xE37D: 0x7E43,
+    0xE37E: 0x7E37,
+    0xE380: 0x7E32,
+    0xE381: 0x7E3A,
+    0xE382: 0x7E67,
+    0xE383: 0x7E5D,
+    0xE384: 0x7E56,
+    0xE385: 0x7E5E,
+    0xE386: 0x7E59,
+    0xE387: 0x7E5A,
+    0xE388: 0x7E79,
+    0xE389: 0x7E6A,
+    0xE38A: 0x7E69,
+    0xE38B: 0x7E7C,
+    0xE38C: 0x7E7B,
+    0xE38D: 0x7E83,
+    0xE38E: 0x7DD5,
+    0xE38F: 0x7E7D,
+    0xE390: 0x8FAE,
+    0xE391: 0x7E7F,
+    0xE392: 0x7E88,
+    0xE393: 0x7E89,
+    0xE394: 0x7E8C,
+    0xE395: 0x7E92,
+    0xE396: 0x7E90,
+    0xE397: 0x7E93,
+    0xE398: 0x7E94,
+    0xE399: 0x7E96,
+    0xE39A: 0x7E8E,
+    0xE39B: 0x7E9B,
+    0xE39C: 0x7E9C,
+    0xE39D: 0x7F38,
+    0xE39E: 0x7F3A,
+    0xE39F: 0x7F45,
+    0xE3A0: 0x7F4C,
+    0xE3A1: 0x7F4D,
+    0xE3A2: 0x7F4E,
+    0xE3A3: 0x7F50,
+    0xE3A4: 0x7F51,
+    0xE3A5: 0x7F55,
+    0xE3A6: 0x7F54,
+    0xE3A7: 0x7F58,
+    0xE3A8: 0x7F5F,
+    0xE3A9: 0x7F60,
+    0xE3AA: 0x7F68,
+    0xE3AB: 0x7F69,
+    0xE3AC: 0x7F67,
+    0xE3AD: 0x7F78,
+    0xE3AE: 0x7F82,
+    0xE3AF: 0x7F86,
+    0xE3B0: 0x7F83,
+    0xE3B1: 0x7F88,
+    0xE3B2: 0x7F87,
+    0xE3B3: 0x7F8C,
+    0xE3B4: 0x7F94,
+    0xE3B5: 0x7F9E,
+    0xE3B6: 0x7F9D,
+    0xE3B7: 0x7F9A,
+    0xE3B8: 0x7FA3,
+    0xE3B9: 0x7FAF,
+    0xE3BA: 0x7FB2,
+    0xE3BB: 0x7FB9,
+    0xE3BC: 0x7FAE,
+    0xE3BD: 0x7FB6,
+    0xE3BE: 0x7FB8,
+    0xE3BF: 0x8B71,
+    0xE3C0: 0x7FC5,
+    0xE3C1: 0x7FC6,
+    0xE3C2: 0x7FCA,
+    0xE3C3: 0x7FD5,
+    0xE3C4: 0x7FD4,
+    0xE3C5: 0x7FE1,
+    0xE3C6: 0x7FE6,
+    0xE3C7: 0x7FE9,
+    0xE3C8: 0x7FF3,
+    0xE3C9: 0x7FF9,
+    0xE3CA: 0x98DC,
+    0xE3CB: 0x8006,
+    0xE3CC: 0x8004,
+    0xE3CD: 0x800B,
+    0xE3CE: 0x8012,
+    0xE3CF: 0x8018,
+    0xE3D0: 0x8019,
+    0xE3D1: 0x801C,
+    0xE3D2: 0x8021,
+    0xE3D3: 0x8028,
+    0xE3D4: 0x803F,
+    0xE3D5: 0x803B,
+    0xE3D6: 0x804A,
+    0xE3D7: 0x8046,
+    0xE3D8: 0x8052,
+    0xE3D9: 0x8058,
+    0xE3DA: 0x805A,
+    0xE3DB: 0x805F,
+    0xE3DC: 0x8062,
+    0xE3DD: 0x8068,
+    0xE3DE: 0x8073,
+    0xE3DF: 0x8072,
+    0xE3E0: 0x8070,
+    0xE3E1: 0x8076,
+    0xE3E2: 0x8079,
+    0xE3E3: 0x807D,
+    0xE3E4: 0x807F,
+    0xE3E5: 0x8084,
+    0xE3E6: 0x8086,
+    0xE3E7: 0x8085,
+    0xE3E8: 0x809B,
+    0xE3E9: 0x8093,
+    0xE3EA: 0x809A,
+    0xE3EB: 0x80AD,
+    0xE3EC: 0x5190,
+    0xE3ED: 0x80AC,
+    0xE3EE: 0x80DB,
+    0xE3EF: 0x80E5,
+    0xE3F0: 0x80D9,
+    0xE3F1: 0x80DD,
+    0xE3F2: 0x80C4,
+    0xE3F3: 0x80DA,
+    0xE3F4: 0x80D6,
+    0xE3F5: 0x8109,
+    0xE3F6: 0x80EF,
+    0xE3F7: 0x80F1,
+    0xE3F8: 0x811B,
+    0xE3F9: 0x8129,
+    0xE3FA: 0x8123,
+    0xE3FB: 0x812F,
+    0xE3FC: 0x814B,
+    0xE440: 0x968B,
+    0xE441: 0x8146,
+    0xE442: 0x813E,
+    0xE443: 0x8153,
+    0xE444: 0x8151,
+    0xE445: 0x80FC,
+    0xE446: 0x8171,
+    0xE447: 0x816E,
+    0xE448: 0x8165,
+    0xE449: 0x8166,
+    0xE44A: 0x8174,
+    0xE44B: 0x8183,
+    0xE44C: 0x8188,
+    0xE44D: 0x818A,
+    0xE44E: 0x8180,
+    0xE44F: 0x8182,
+    0xE450: 0x81A0,
+    0xE451: 0x8195,
+    0xE452: 0x81A4,
+    0xE453: 0x81A3,
+    0xE454: 0x815F,
+    0xE455: 0x8193,
+    0xE456: 0x81A9,
+    0xE457: 0x81B0,
+    0xE458: 0x81B5,
+    0xE459: 0x81BE,
+    0xE45A: 0x81B8,
+    0xE45B: 0x81BD,
+    0xE45C: 0x81C0,
+    0xE45D: 0x81C2,
+    0xE45E: 0x81BA,
+    0xE45F: 0x81C9,
+    0xE460: 0x81CD,
+    0xE461: 0x81D1,
+    0xE462: 0x81D9,
+    0xE463: 0x81D8,
+    0xE464: 0x81C8,
+    0xE465: 0x81DA,
+    0xE466: 0x81DF,
+    0xE467: 0x81E0,
+    0xE468: 0x81E7,
+    0xE469: 0x81FA,
+    0xE46A: 0x81FB,
+    0xE46B: 0x81FE,
+    0xE46C: 0x8201,
+    0xE46D: 0x8202,
+    0xE46E: 0x8205,
+    0xE46F: 0x8207,
+    0xE470: 0x820A,
+    0xE471: 0x820D,
+    0xE472: 0x8210,
+    0xE473: 0x8216,
+    0xE474: 0x8229,
+    0xE475: 0x822B,
+    0xE476: 0x8238,
+    0xE477: 0x8233,
+    0xE478: 0x8240,
+    0xE479: 0x8259,
+    0xE47A: 0x8258,
+    0xE47B: 0x825D,
+    0xE47C: 0x825A,
+    0xE47D: 0x825F,
+    0xE47E: 0x8264,
+    0xE480: 0x8262,
+    0xE481: 0x8268,
+    0xE482: 0x826A,
+    0xE483: 0x826B,
+    0xE484: 0x822E,
+    0xE485: 0x8271,
+    0xE486: 0x8277,
+    0xE487: 0x8278,
+    0xE488: 0x827E,
+    0xE489: 0x828D,
+    0xE48A: 0x8292,
+    0xE48B: 0x82AB,
+    0xE48C: 0x829F,
+    0xE48D: 0x82BB,
+    0xE48E: 0x82AC,
+    0xE48F: 0x82E1,
+    0xE490: 0x82E3,
+    0xE491: 0x82DF,
+    0xE492: 0x82D2,
+    0xE493: 0x82F4,
+    0xE494: 0x82F3,
+    0xE495: 0x82FA,
+    0xE496: 0x8393,
+    0xE497: 0x8303,
+    0xE498: 0x82FB,
+    0xE499: 0x82F9,
+    0xE49A: 0x82DE,
+    0xE49B: 0x8306,
+    0xE49C: 0x82DC,
+    0xE49D: 0x8309,
+    0xE49E: 0x82D9,
+    0xE49F: 0x8335,
+    0xE4A0: 0x8334,
+    0xE4A1: 0x8316,
+    0xE4A2: 0x8332,
+    0xE4A3: 0x8331,
+    0xE4A4: 0x8340,
+    0xE4A5: 0x8339,
+    0xE4A6: 0x8350,
+    0xE4A7: 0x8345,
+    0xE4A8: 0x832F,
+    0xE4A9: 0x832B,
+    0xE4AA: 0x8317,
+    0xE4AB: 0x8318,
+    0xE4AC: 0x8385,
+    0xE4AD: 0x839A,
+    0xE4AE: 0x83AA,
+    0xE4AF: 0x839F,
+    0xE4B0: 0x83A2,
+    0xE4B1: 0x8396,
+    0xE4B2: 0x8323,
+    0xE4B3: 0x838E,
+    0xE4B4: 0x8387,
+    0xE4B5: 0x838A,
+    0xE4B6: 0x837C,
+    0xE4B7: 0x83B5,
+    0xE4B8: 0x8373,
+    0xE4B9: 0x8375,
+    0xE4BA: 0x83A0,
+    0xE4BB: 0x8389,
+    0xE4BC: 0x83A8,
+    0xE4BD: 0x83F4,
+    0xE4BE: 0x8413,
+    0xE4BF: 0x83EB,
+    0xE4C0: 0x83CE,
+    0xE4C1: 0x83FD,
+    0xE4C2: 0x8403,
+    0xE4C3: 0x83D8,
+    0xE4C4: 0x840B,
+    0xE4C5: 0x83C1,
+    0xE4C6: 0x83F7,
+    0xE4C7: 0x8407,
+    0xE4C8: 0x83E0,
+    0xE4C9: 0x83F2,
+    0xE4CA: 0x840D,
+    0xE4CB: 0x8422,
+    0xE4CC: 0x8420,
+    0xE4CD: 0x83BD,
+    0xE4CE: 0x8438,
+    0xE4CF: 0x8506,
+    0xE4D0: 0x83FB,
+    0xE4D1: 0x846D,
+    0xE4D2: 0x842A,
+    0xE4D3: 0x843C,
+    0xE4D4: 0x855A,
+    0xE4D5: 0x8484,
+    0xE4D6: 0x8477,
+    0xE4D7: 0x846B,
+    0xE4D8: 0x84AD,
+    0xE4D9: 0x846E,
+    0xE4DA: 0x8482,
+    0xE4DB: 0x8469,
+    0xE4DC: 0x8446,
+    0xE4DD: 0x842C,
+    0xE4DE: 0x846F,
+    0xE4DF: 0x8479,
+    0xE4E0: 0x8435,
+    0xE4E1: 0x84CA,
+    0xE4E2: 0x8462,
+    0xE4E3: 0x84B9,
+    0xE4E4: 0x84BF,
+    0xE4E5: 0x849F,
+    0xE4E6: 0x84D9,
+    0xE4E7: 0x84CD,
+    0xE4E8: 0x84BB,
+    0xE4E9: 0x84DA,
+    0xE4EA: 0x84D0,
+    0xE4EB: 0x84C1,
+    0xE4EC: 0x84C6,
+    0xE4ED: 0x84D6,
+    0xE4EE: 0x84A1,
+    0xE4EF: 0x8521,
+    0xE4F0: 0x84FF,
+    0xE4F1: 0x84F4,
+    0xE4F2: 0x8517,
+    0xE4F3: 0x8518,
+    0xE4F4: 0x852C,
+    0xE4F5: 0x851F,
+    0xE4F6: 0x8515,
+    0xE4F7: 0x8514,
+    0xE4F8: 0x84FC,
+    0xE4F9: 0x8540,
+    0xE4FA: 0x8563,
+    0xE4FB: 0x8558,
+    0xE4FC: 0x8548,
+    0xE540: 0x8541,
+    0xE541: 0x8602,
+    0xE542: 0x854B,
+    0xE543: 0x8555,
+    0xE544: 0x8580,
+    0xE545: 0x85A4,
+    0xE546: 0x8588,
+    0xE547: 0x8591,
+    0xE548: 0x858A,
+    0xE549: 0x85A8,
+    0xE54A: 0x856D,
+    0xE54B: 0x8594,
+    0xE54C: 0x859B,
+    0xE54D: 0x85EA,
+    0xE54E: 0x8587,
+    0xE54F: 0x859C,
+    0xE550: 0x8577,
+    0xE551: 0x857E,
+    0xE552: 0x8590,
+    0xE553: 0x85C9,
+    0xE554: 0x85BA,
+    0xE555: 0x85CF,
+    0xE556: 0x85B9,
+    0xE557: 0x85D0,
+    0xE558: 0x85D5,
+    0xE559: 0x85DD,
+    0xE55A: 0x85E5,
+    0xE55B: 0x85DC,
+    0xE55C: 0x85F9,
+    0xE55D: 0x860A,
+    0xE55E: 0x8613,
+    0xE55F: 0x860B,
+    0xE560: 0x85FE,
+    0xE561: 0x85FA,
+    0xE562: 0x8606,
+    0xE563: 0x8622,
+    0xE564: 0x861A,
+    0xE565: 0x8630,
+    0xE566: 0x863F,
+    0xE567: 0x864D,
+    0xE568: 0x4E55,
+    0xE569: 0x8654,
+    0xE56A: 0x865F,
+    0xE56B: 0x8667,
+    0xE56C: 0x8671,
+    0xE56D: 0x8693,
+    0xE56E: 0x86A3,
+    0xE56F: 0x86A9,
+    0xE570: 0x86AA,
+    0xE571: 0x868B,
+    0xE572: 0x868C,
+    0xE573: 0x86B6,
+    0xE574: 0x86AF,
+    0xE575: 0x86C4,
+    0xE576: 0x86C6,
+    0xE577: 0x86B0,
+    0xE578: 0x86C9,
+    0xE579: 0x8823,
+    0xE57A: 0x86AB,
+    0xE57B: 0x86D4,
+    0xE57C: 0x86DE,
+    0xE57D: 0x86E9,
+    0xE57E: 0x86EC,
+    0xE580: 0x86DF,
+    0xE581: 0x86DB,
+    0xE582: 0x86EF,
+    0xE583: 0x8712,
+    0xE584: 0x8706,
+    0xE585: 0x8708,
+    0xE586: 0x8700,
+    0xE587: 0x8703,
+    0xE588: 0x86FB,
+    0xE589: 0x8711,
+    0xE58A: 0x8709,
+    0xE58B: 0x870D,
+    0xE58C: 0x86F9,
+    0xE58D: 0x870A,
+    0xE58E: 0x8734,
+    0xE58F: 0x873F,
+    0xE590: 0x8737,
+    0xE591: 0x873B,
+    0xE592: 0x8725,
+    0xE593: 0x8729,
+    0xE594: 0x871A,
+    0xE595: 0x8760,
+    0xE596: 0x875F,
+    0xE597: 0x8778,
+    0xE598: 0x874C,
+    0xE599: 0x874E,
+    0xE59A: 0x8774,
+    0xE59B: 0x8757,
+    0xE59C: 0x8768,
+    0xE59D: 0x876E,
+    0xE59E: 0x8759,
+    0xE59F: 0x8753,
+    0xE5A0: 0x8763,
+    0xE5A1: 0x876A,
+    0xE5A2: 0x8805,
+    0xE5A3: 0x87A2,
+    0xE5A4: 0x879F,
+    0xE5A5: 0x8782,
+    0xE5A6: 0x87AF,
+    0xE5A7: 0x87CB,
+    0xE5A8: 0x87BD,
+    0xE5A9: 0x87C0,
+    0xE5AA: 0x87D0,
+    0xE5AB: 0x96D6,
+    0xE5AC: 0x87AB,
+    0xE5AD: 0x87C4,
+    0xE5AE: 0x87B3,
+    0xE5AF: 0x87C7,
+    0xE5B0: 0x87C6,
+    0xE5B1: 0x87BB,
+    0xE5B2: 0x87EF,
+    0xE5B3: 0x87F2,
+    0xE5B4: 0x87E0,
+    0xE5B5: 0x880F,
+    0xE5B6: 0x880D,
+    0xE5B7: 0x87FE,
+    0xE5B8: 0x87F6,
+    0xE5B9: 0x87F7,
+    0xE5BA: 0x880E,
+    0xE5BB: 0x87D2,
+    0xE5BC: 0x8811,
+    0xE5BD: 0x8816,
+    0xE5BE: 0x8815,
+    0xE5BF: 0x8822,
+    0xE5C0: 0x8821,
+    0xE5C1: 0x8831,
+    0xE5C2: 0x8836,
+    0xE5C3: 0x8839,
+    0xE5C4: 0x8827,
+    0xE5C5: 0x883B,
+    0xE5C6: 0x8844,
+    0xE5C7: 0x8842,
+    0xE5C8: 0x8852,
+    0xE5C9: 0x8859,
+    0xE5CA: 0x885E,
+    0xE5CB: 0x8862,
+    0xE5CC: 0x886B,
+    0xE5CD: 0x8881,
+    0xE5CE: 0x887E,
+    0xE5CF: 0x889E,
+    0xE5D0: 0x8875,
+    0xE5D1: 0x887D,
+    0xE5D2: 0x88B5,
+    0xE5D3: 0x8872,
+    0xE5D4: 0x8882,
+    0xE5D5: 0x8897,
+    0xE5D6: 0x8892,
+    0xE5D7: 0x88AE,
+    0xE5D8: 0x8899,
+    0xE5D9: 0x88A2,
+    0xE5DA: 0x888D,
+    0xE5DB: 0x88A4,
+    0xE5DC: 0x88B0,
+    0xE5DD: 0x88BF,
+    0xE5DE: 0x88B1,
+    0xE5DF: 0x88C3,
+    0xE5E0: 0x88C4,
+    0xE5E1: 0x88D4,
+    0xE5E2: 0x88D8,
+    0xE5E3: 0x88D9,
+    0xE5E4: 0x88DD,
+    0xE5E5: 0x88F9,
+    0xE5E6: 0x8902,
+    0xE5E7: 0x88FC,
+    0xE5E8: 0x88F4,
+    0xE5E9: 0x88E8,
+    0xE5EA: 0x88F2,
+    0xE5EB: 0x8904,
+    0xE5EC: 0x890C,
+    0xE5ED: 0x890A,
+    0xE5EE: 0x8913,
+    0xE5EF: 0x8943,
+    0xE5F0: 0x891E,
+    0xE5F1: 0x8925,
+    0xE5F2: 0x892A,
+    0xE5F3: 0x892B,
+    0xE5F4: 0x8941,
+    0xE5F5: 0x8944,
+    0xE5F6: 0x893B,
+    0xE5F7: 0x8936,
+    0xE5F8: 0x8938,
+    0xE5F9: 0x894C,
+    0xE5FA: 0x891D,
+    0xE5FB: 0x8960,
+    0xE5FC: 0x895E,
+    0xE640: 0x8966,
+    0xE641: 0x8964,
+    0xE642: 0x896D,
+    0xE643: 0x896A,
+    0xE644: 0x896F,
+    0xE645: 0x8974,
+    0xE646: 0x8977,
+    0xE647: 0x897E,
+    0xE648: 0x8983,
+    0xE649: 0x8988,
+    0xE64A: 0x898A,
+    0xE64B: 0x8993,
+    0xE64C: 0x8998,
+    0xE64D: 0x89A1,
+    0xE64E: 0x89A9,
+    0xE64F: 0x89A6,
+    0xE650: 0x89AC,
+    0xE651: 0x89AF,
+    0xE652: 0x89B2,
+    0xE653: 0x89BA,
+    0xE654: 0x89BD,
+    0xE655: 0x89BF,
+    0xE656: 0x89C0,
+    0xE657: 0x89DA,
+    0xE658: 0x89DC,
+    0xE659: 0x89DD,
+    0xE65A: 0x89E7,
+    0xE65B: 0x89F4,
+    0xE65C: 0x89F8,
+    0xE65D: 0x8A03,
+    0xE65E: 0x8A16,
+    0xE65F: 0x8A10,
+    0xE660: 0x8A0C,
+    0xE661: 0x8A1B,
+    0xE662: 0x8A1D,
+    0xE663: 0x8A25,
+    0xE664: 0x8A36,
+    0xE665: 0x8A41,
+    0xE666: 0x8A5B,
+    0xE667: 0x8A52,
+    0xE668: 0x8A46,
+    0xE669: 0x8A48,
+    0xE66A: 0x8A7C,
+    0xE66B: 0x8A6D,
+    0xE66C: 0x8A6C,
+    0xE66D: 0x8A62,
+    0xE66E: 0x8A85,
+    0xE66F: 0x8A82,
+    0xE670: 0x8A84,
+    0xE671: 0x8AA8,
+    0xE672: 0x8AA1,
+    0xE673: 0x8A91,
+    0xE674: 0x8AA5,
+    0xE675: 0x8AA6,
+    0xE676: 0x8A9A,
+    0xE677: 0x8AA3,
+    0xE678: 0x8AC4,
+    0xE679: 0x8ACD,
+    0xE67A: 0x8AC2,
+    0xE67B: 0x8ADA,
+    0xE67C: 0x8AEB,
+    0xE67D: 0x8AF3,
+    0xE67E: 0x8AE7,
+    0xE680: 0x8AE4,
+    0xE681: 0x8AF1,
+    0xE682: 0x8B14,
+    0xE683: 0x8AE0,
+    0xE684: 0x8AE2,
+    0xE685: 0x8AF7,
+    0xE686: 0x8ADE,
+    0xE687: 0x8ADB,
+    0xE688: 0x8B0C,
+    0xE689: 0x8B07,
+    0xE68A: 0x8B1A,
+    0xE68B: 0x8AE1,
+    0xE68C: 0x8B16,
+    0xE68D: 0x8B10,
+    0xE68E: 0x8B17,
+    0xE68F: 0x8B20,
+    0xE690: 0x8B33,
+    0xE691: 0x97AB,
+    0xE692: 0x8B26,
+    0xE693: 0x8B2B,
+    0xE694: 0x8B3E,
+    0xE695: 0x8B28,
+    0xE696: 0x8B41,
+    0xE697: 0x8B4C,
+    0xE698: 0x8B4F,
+    0xE699: 0x8B4E,
+    0xE69A: 0x8B49,
+    0xE69B: 0x8B56,
+    0xE69C: 0x8B5B,
+    0xE69D: 0x8B5A,
+    0xE69E: 0x8B6B,
+    0xE69F: 0x8B5F,
+    0xE6A0: 0x8B6C,
+    0xE6A1: 0x8B6F,
+    0xE6A2: 0x8B74,
+    0xE6A3: 0x8B7D,
+    0xE6A4: 0x8B80,
+    0xE6A5: 0x8B8C,
+    0xE6A6: 0x8B8E,
+    0xE6A7: 0x8B92,
+    0xE6A8: 0x8B93,
+    0xE6A9: 0x8B96,
+    0xE6AA: 0x8B99,
+    0xE6AB: 0x8B9A,
+    0xE6AC: 0x8C3A,
+    0xE6AD: 0x8C41,
+    0xE6AE: 0x8C3F,
+    0xE6AF: 0x8C48,
+    0xE6B0: 0x8C4C,
+    0xE6B1: 0x8C4E,
+    0xE6B2: 0x8C50,
+    0xE6B3: 0x8C55,
+    0xE6B4: 0x8C62,
+    0xE6B5: 0x8C6C,
+    0xE6B6: 0x8C78,
+    0xE6B7: 0x8C7A,
+    0xE6B8: 0x8C82,
+    0xE6B9: 0x8C89,
+    0xE6BA: 0x8C85,
+    0xE6BB: 0x8C8A,
+    0xE6BC: 0x8C8D,
+    0xE6BD: 0x8C8E,
+    0xE6BE: 0x8C94,
+    0xE6BF: 0x8C7C,
+    0xE6C0: 0x8C98,
+    0xE6C1: 0x621D,
+    0xE6C2: 0x8CAD,
+    0xE6C3: 0x8CAA,
+    0xE6C4: 0x8CBD,
+    0xE6C5: 0x8CB2,
+    0xE6C6: 0x8CB3,
+    0xE6C7: 0x8CAE,
+    0xE6C8: 0x8CB6,
+    0xE6C9: 0x8CC8,
+    0xE6CA: 0x8CC1,
+    0xE6CB: 0x8CE4,
+    0xE6CC: 0x8CE3,
+    0xE6CD: 0x8CDA,
+    0xE6CE: 0x8CFD,
+    0xE6CF: 0x8CFA,
+    0xE6D0: 0x8CFB,
+    0xE6D1: 0x8D04,
+    0xE6D2: 0x8D05,
+    0xE6D3: 0x8D0A,
+    0xE6D4: 0x8D07,
+    0xE6D5: 0x8D0F,
+    0xE6D6: 0x8D0D,
+    0xE6D7: 0x8D10,
+    0xE6D8: 0x9F4E,
+    0xE6D9: 0x8D13,
+    0xE6DA: 0x8CCD,
+    0xE6DB: 0x8D14,
+    0xE6DC: 0x8D16,
+    0xE6DD: 0x8D67,
+    0xE6DE: 0x8D6D,
+    0xE6DF: 0x8D71,
+    0xE6E0: 0x8D73,
+    0xE6E1: 0x8D81,
+    0xE6E2: 0x8D99,
+    0xE6E3: 0x8DC2,
+    0xE6E4: 0x8DBE,
+    0xE6E5: 0x8DBA,
+    0xE6E6: 0x8DCF,
+    0xE6E7: 0x8DDA,
+    0xE6E8: 0x8DD6,
+    0xE6E9: 0x8DCC,
+    0xE6EA: 0x8DDB,
+    0xE6EB: 0x8DCB,
+    0xE6EC: 0x8DEA,
+    0xE6ED: 0x8DEB,
+    0xE6EE: 0x8DDF,
+    0xE6EF: 0x8DE3,
+    0xE6F0: 0x8DFC,
+    0xE6F1: 0x8E08,
+    0xE6F2: 0x8E09,
+    0xE6F3: 0x8DFF,
+    0xE6F4: 0x8E1D,
+    0xE6F5: 0x8E1E,
+    0xE6F6: 0x8E10,
+    0xE6F7: 0x8E1F,
+    0xE6F8: 0x8E42,
+    0xE6F9: 0x8E35,
+    0xE6FA: 0x8E30,
+    0xE6FB: 0x8E34,
+    0xE6FC: 0x8E4A,
+    0xE740: 0x8E47,
+    0xE741: 0x8E49,
+    0xE742: 0x8E4C,
+    0xE743: 0x8E50,
+    0xE744: 0x8E48,
+    0xE745: 0x8E59,
+    0xE746: 0x8E64,
+    0xE747: 0x8E60,
+    0xE748: 0x8E2A,
+    0xE749: 0x8E63,
+    0xE74A: 0x8E55,
+    0xE74B: 0x8E76,
+    0xE74C: 0x8E72,
+    0xE74D: 0x8E7C,
+    0xE74E: 0x8E81,
+    0xE74F: 0x8E87,
+    0xE750: 0x8E85,
+    0xE751: 0x8E84,
+    0xE752: 0x8E8B,
+    0xE753: 0x8E8A,
+    0xE754: 0x8E93,
+    0xE755: 0x8E91,
+    0xE756: 0x8E94,
+    0xE757: 0x8E99,
+    0xE758: 0x8EAA,
+    0xE759: 0x8EA1,
+    0xE75A: 0x8EAC,
+    0xE75B: 0x8EB0,
+    0xE75C: 0x8EC6,
+    0xE75D: 0x8EB1,
+    0xE75E: 0x8EBE,
+    0xE75F: 0x8EC5,
+    0xE760: 0x8EC8,
+    0xE761: 0x8ECB,
+    0xE762: 0x8EDB,
+    0xE763: 0x8EE3,
+    0xE764: 0x8EFC,
+    0xE765: 0x8EFB,
+    0xE766: 0x8EEB,
+    0xE767: 0x8EFE,
+    0xE768: 0x8F0A,
+    0xE769: 0x8F05,
+    0xE76A: 0x8F15,
+    0xE76B: 0x8F12,
+    0xE76C: 0x8F19,
+    0xE76D: 0x8F13,
+    0xE76E: 0x8F1C,
+    0xE76F: 0x8F1F,
+    0xE770: 0x8F1B,
+    0xE771: 0x8F0C,
+    0xE772: 0x8F26,
+    0xE773: 0x8F33,
+    0xE774: 0x8F3B,
+    0xE775: 0x8F39,
+    0xE776: 0x8F45,
+    0xE777: 0x8F42,
+    0xE778: 0x8F3E,
+    0xE779: 0x8F4C,
+    0xE77A: 0x8F49,
+    0xE77B: 0x8F46,
+    0xE77C: 0x8F4E,
+    0xE77D: 0x8F57,
+    0xE77E: 0x8F5C,
+    0xE780: 0x8F62,
+    0xE781: 0x8F63,
+    0xE782: 0x8F64,
+    0xE783: 0x8F9C,
+    0xE784: 0x8F9F,
+    0xE785: 0x8FA3,
+    0xE786: 0x8FAD,
+    0xE787: 0x8FAF,
+    0xE788: 0x8FB7,
+    0xE789: 0x8FDA,
+    0xE78A: 0x8FE5,
+    0xE78B: 0x8FE2,
+    0xE78C: 0x8FEA,
+    0xE78D: 0x8FEF,
+    0xE78E: 0x9087,
+    0xE78F: 0x8FF4,
+    0xE790: 0x9005,
+    0xE791: 0x8FF9,
+    0xE792: 0x8FFA,
+    0xE793: 0x9011,
+    0xE794: 0x9015,
+    0xE795: 0x9021,
+    0xE796: 0x900D,
+    0xE797: 0x901E,
+    0xE798: 0x9016,
+    0xE799: 0x900B,
+    0xE79A: 0x9027,
+    0xE79B: 0x9036,
+    0xE79C: 0x9035,
+    0xE79D: 0x9039,
+    0xE79E: 0x8FF8,
+    0xE79F: 0x904F,
+    0xE7A0: 0x9050,
+    0xE7A1: 0x9051,
+    0xE7A2: 0x9052,
+    0xE7A3: 0x900E,
+    0xE7A4: 0x9049,
+    0xE7A5: 0x903E,
+    0xE7A6: 0x9056,
+    0xE7A7: 0x9058,
+    0xE7A8: 0x905E,
+    0xE7A9: 0x9068,
+    0xE7AA: 0x906F,
+    0xE7AB: 0x9076,
+    0xE7AC: 0x96A8,
+    0xE7AD: 0x9072,
+    0xE7AE: 0x9082,
+    0xE7AF: 0x907D,
+    0xE7B0: 0x9081,
+    0xE7B1: 0x9080,
+    0xE7B2: 0x908A,
+    0xE7B3: 0x9089,
+    0xE7B4: 0x908F,
+    0xE7B5: 0x90A8,
+    0xE7B6: 0x90AF,
+    0xE7B7: 0x90B1,
+    0xE7B8: 0x90B5,
+    0xE7B9: 0x90E2,
+    0xE7BA: 0x90E4,
+    0xE7BB: 0x6248,
+    0xE7BC: 0x90DB,
+    0xE7BD: 0x9102,
+    0xE7BE: 0x9112,
+    0xE7BF: 0x9119,
+    0xE7C0: 0x9132,
+    0xE7C1: 0x9130,
+    0xE7C2: 0x914A,
+    0xE7C3: 0x9156,
+    0xE7C4: 0x9158,
+    0xE7C5: 0x9163,
+    0xE7C6: 0x9165,
+    0xE7C7: 0x9169,
+    0xE7C8: 0x9173,
+    0xE7C9: 0x9172,
+    0xE7CA: 0x918B,
+    0xE7CB: 0x9189,
+    0xE7CC: 0x9182,
+    0xE7CD: 0x91A2,
+    0xE7CE: 0x91AB,
+    0xE7CF: 0x91AF,
+    0xE7D0: 0x91AA,
+    0xE7D1: 0x91B5,
+    0xE7D2: 0x91B4,
+    0xE7D3: 0x91BA,
+    0xE7D4: 0x91C0,
+    0xE7D5: 0x91C1,
+    0xE7D6: 0x91C9,
+    0xE7D7: 0x91CB,
+    0xE7D8: 0x91D0,
+    0xE7D9: 0x91D6,
+    0xE7DA: 0x91DF,
+    0xE7DB: 0x91E1,
+    0xE7DC: 0x91DB,
+    0xE7DD: 0x91FC,
+    0xE7DE: 0x91F5,
+    0xE7DF: 0x91F6,
+    0xE7E0: 0x921E,
+    0xE7E1: 0x91FF,
+    0xE7E2: 0x9214,
+    0xE7E3: 0x922C,
+    0xE7E4: 0x9215,
+    0xE7E5: 0x9211,
+    0xE7E6: 0x925E,
+    0xE7E7: 0x9257,
+    0xE7E8: 0x9245,
+    0xE7E9: 0x9249,
+    0xE7EA: 0x9264,
+    0xE7EB: 0x9248,
+    0xE7EC: 0x9295,
+    0xE7ED: 0x923F,
+    0xE7EE: 0x924B,
+    0xE7EF: 0x9250,
+    0xE7F0: 0x929C,
+    0xE7F1: 0x9296,
+    0xE7F2: 0x9293,
+    0xE7F3: 0x929B,
+    0xE7F4: 0x925A,
+    0xE7F5: 0x92CF,
+    0xE7F6: 0x92B9,
+    0xE7F7: 0x92B7,
+    0xE7F8: 0x92E9,
+    0xE7F9: 0x930F,
+    0xE7FA: 0x92FA,
+    0xE7FB: 0x9344,
+    0xE7FC: 0x932E,
+    0xE840: 0x9319,
+    0xE841: 0x9322,
+    0xE842: 0x931A,
+    0xE843: 0x9323,
+    0xE844: 0x933A,
+    0xE845: 0x9335,
+    0xE846: 0x933B,
+    0xE847: 0x935C,
+    0xE848: 0x9360,
+    0xE849: 0x937C,
+    0xE84A: 0x936E,
+    0xE84B: 0x9356,
+    0xE84C: 0x93B0,
+    0xE84D: 0x93AC,
+    0xE84E: 0x93AD,
+    0xE84F: 0x9394,
+    0xE850: 0x93B9,
+    0xE851: 0x93D6,
+    0xE852: 0x93D7,
+    0xE853: 0x93E8,
+    0xE854: 0x93E5,
+    0xE855: 0x93D8,
+    0xE856: 0x93C3,
+    0xE857: 0x93DD,
+    0xE858: 0x93D0,
+    0xE859: 0x93C8,
+    0xE85A: 0x93E4,
+    0xE85B: 0x941A,
+    0xE85C: 0x9414,
+    0xE85D: 0x9413,
+    0xE85E: 0x9403,
+    0xE85F: 0x9407,
+    0xE860: 0x9410,
+    0xE861: 0x9436,
+    0xE862: 0x942B,
+    0xE863: 0x9435,
+    0xE864: 0x9421,
+    0xE865: 0x943A,
+    0xE866: 0x9441,
+    0xE867: 0x9452,
+    0xE868: 0x9444,
+    0xE869: 0x945B,
+    0xE86A: 0x9460,
+    0xE86B: 0x9462,
+    0xE86C: 0x945E,
+    0xE86D: 0x946A,
+    0xE86E: 0x9229,
+    0xE86F: 0x9470,
+    0xE870: 0x9475,
+    0xE871: 0x9477,
+    0xE872: 0x947D,
+    0xE873: 0x945A,
+    0xE874: 0x947C,
+    0xE875: 0x947E,
+    0xE876: 0x9481,
+    0xE877: 0x947F,
+    0xE878: 0x9582,
+    0xE879: 0x9587,
+    0xE87A: 0x958A,
+    0xE87B: 0x9594,
+    0xE87C: 0x9596,
+    0xE87D: 0x9598,
+    0xE87E: 0x9599,
+    0xE880: 0x95A0,
+    0xE881: 0x95A8,
+    0xE882: 0x95A7,
+    0xE883: 0x95AD,
+    0xE884: 0x95BC,
+    0xE885: 0x95BB,
+    0xE886: 0x95B9,
+    0xE887: 0x95BE,
+    0xE888: 0x95CA,
+    0xE889: 0x6FF6,
+    0xE88A: 0x95C3,
+    0xE88B: 0x95CD,
+    0xE88C: 0x95CC,
+    0xE88D: 0x95D5,
+    0xE88E: 0x95D4,
+    0xE88F: 0x95D6,
+    0xE890: 0x95DC,
+    0xE891: 0x95E1,
+    0xE892: 0x95E5,
+    0xE893: 0x95E2,
+    0xE894: 0x9621,
+    0xE895: 0x9628,
+    0xE896: 0x962E,
+    0xE897: 0x962F,
+    0xE898: 0x9642,
+    0xE899: 0x964C,
+    0xE89A: 0x964F,
+    0xE89B: 0x964B,
+    0xE89C: 0x9677,
+    0xE89D: 0x965C,
+    0xE89E: 0x965E,
+    0xE89F: 0x965D,
+    0xE8A0: 0x965F,
+    0xE8A1: 0x9666,
+    0xE8A2: 0x9672,
+    0xE8A3: 0x966C,
+    0xE8A4: 0x968D,
+    0xE8A5: 0x9698,
+    0xE8A6: 0x9695,
+    0xE8A7: 0x9697,
+    0xE8A8: 0x96AA,
+    0xE8A9: 0x96A7,
+    0xE8AA: 0x96B1,
+    0xE8AB: 0x96B2,
+    0xE8AC: 0x96B0,
+    0xE8AD: 0x96B4,
+    0xE8AE: 0x96B6,
+    0xE8AF: 0x96B8,
+    0xE8B0: 0x96B9,
+    0xE8B1: 0x96CE,
+    0xE8B2: 0x96CB,
+    0xE8B3: 0x96C9,
+    0xE8B4: 0x96CD,
+    0xE8B5: 0x894D,
+    0xE8B6: 0x96DC,
+    0xE8B7: 0x970D,
+    0xE8B8: 0x96D5,
+    0xE8B9: 0x96F9,
+    0xE8BA: 0x9704,
+    0xE8BB: 0x9706,
+    0xE8BC: 0x9708,
+    0xE8BD: 0x9713,
+    0xE8BE: 0x970E,
+    0xE8BF: 0x9711,
+    0xE8C0: 0x970F,
+    0xE8C1: 0x9716,
+    0xE8C2: 0x9719,
+    0xE8C3: 0x9724,
+    0xE8C4: 0x972A,
+    0xE8C5: 0x9730,
+    0xE8C6: 0x9739,
+    0xE8C7: 0x973D,
+    0xE8C8: 0x973E,
+    0xE8C9: 0x9744,
+    0xE8CA: 0x9746,
+    0xE8CB: 0x9748,
+    0xE8CC: 0x9742,
+    0xE8CD: 0x9749,
+    0xE8CE: 0x975C,
+    0xE8CF: 0x9760,
+    0xE8D0: 0x9764,
+    0xE8D1: 0x9766,
+    0xE8D2: 0x9768,
+    0xE8D3: 0x52D2,
+    0xE8D4: 0x976B,
+    0xE8D5: 0x9771,
+    0xE8D6: 0x9779,
+    0xE8D7: 0x9785,
+    0xE8D8: 0x977C,
+    0xE8D9: 0x9781,
+    0xE8DA: 0x977A,
+    0xE8DB: 0x9786,
+    0xE8DC: 0x978B,
+    0xE8DD: 0x978F,
+    0xE8DE: 0x9790,
+    0xE8DF: 0x979C,
+    0xE8E0: 0x97A8,
+    0xE8E1: 0x97A6,
+    0xE8E2: 0x97A3,
+    0xE8E3: 0x97B3,
+    0xE8E4: 0x97B4,
+    0xE8E5: 0x97C3,
+    0xE8E6: 0x97C6,
+    0xE8E7: 0x97C8,
+    0xE8E8: 0x97CB,
+    0xE8E9: 0x97DC,
+    0xE8EA: 0x97ED,
+    0xE8EB: 0x9F4F,
+    0xE8EC: 0x97F2,
+    0xE8ED: 0x7ADF,
+    0xE8EE: 0x97F6,
+    0xE8EF: 0x97F5,
+    0xE8F0: 0x980F,
+    0xE8F1: 0x980C,
+    0xE8F2: 0x9838,
+    0xE8F3: 0x9824,
+    0xE8F4: 0x9821,
+    0xE8F5: 0x9837,
+    0xE8F6: 0x983D,
+    0xE8F7: 0x9846,
+    0xE8F8: 0x984F,
+    0xE8F9: 0x984B,
+    0xE8FA: 0x986B,
+    0xE8FB: 0x986F,
+    0xE8FC: 0x9870,
+    0xE940: 0x9871,
+    0xE941: 0x9874,
+    0xE942: 0x9873,
+    0xE943: 0x98AA,
+    0xE944: 0x98AF,
+    0xE945: 0x98B1,
+    0xE946: 0x98B6,
+    0xE947: 0x98C4,
+    0xE948: 0x98C3,
+    0xE949: 0x98C6,
+    0xE94A: 0x98E9,
+    0xE94B: 0x98EB,
+    0xE94C: 0x9903,
+    0xE94D: 0x9909,
+    0xE94E: 0x9912,
+    0xE94F: 0x9914,
+    0xE950: 0x9918,
+    0xE951: 0x9921,
+    0xE952: 0x991D,
+    0xE953: 0x991E,
+    0xE954: 0x9924,
+    0xE955: 0x9920,
+    0xE956: 0x992C,
+    0xE957: 0x992E,
+    0xE958: 0x993D,
+    0xE959: 0x993E,
+    0xE95A: 0x9942,
+    0xE95B: 0x9949,
+    0xE95C: 0x9945,
+    0xE95D: 0x9950,
+    0xE95E: 0x994B,
+    0xE95F: 0x9951,
+    0xE960: 0x9952,
+    0xE961: 0x994C,
+    0xE962: 0x9955,
+    0xE963: 0x9997,
+    0xE964: 0x9998,
+    0xE965: 0x99A5,
+    0xE966: 0x99AD,
+    0xE967: 0x99AE,
+    0xE968: 0x99BC,
+    0xE969: 0x99DF,
+    0xE96A: 0x99DB,
+    0xE96B: 0x99DD,
+    0xE96C: 0x99D8,
+    0xE96D: 0x99D1,
+    0xE96E: 0x99ED,
+    0xE96F: 0x99EE,
+    0xE970: 0x99F1,
+    0xE971: 0x99F2,
+    0xE972: 0x99FB,
+    0xE973: 0x99F8,
+    0xE974: 0x9A01,
+    0xE975: 0x9A0F,
+    0xE976: 0x9A05,
+    0xE977: 0x99E2,
+    0xE978: 0x9A19,
+    0xE979: 0x9A2B,
+    0xE97A: 0x9A37,
+    0xE97B: 0x9A45,
+    0xE97C: 0x9A42,
+    0xE97D: 0x9A40,
+    0xE97E: 0x9A43,
+    0xE980: 0x9A3E,
+    0xE981: 0x9A55,
+    0xE982: 0x9A4D,
+    0xE983: 0x9A5B,
+    0xE984: 0x9A57,
+    0xE985: 0x9A5F,
+    0xE986: 0x9A62,
+    0xE987: 0x9A65,
+    0xE988: 0x9A64,
+    0xE989: 0x9A69,
+    0xE98A: 0x9A6B,
+    0xE98B: 0x9A6A,
+    0xE98C: 0x9AAD,
+    0xE98D: 0x9AB0,
+    0xE98E: 0x9ABC,
+    0xE98F: 0x9AC0,
+    0xE990: 0x9ACF,
+    0xE991: 0x9AD1,
+    0xE992: 0x9AD3,
+    0xE993: 0x9AD4,
+    0xE994: 0x9ADE,
+    0xE995: 0x9ADF,
+    0xE996: 0x9AE2,
+    0xE997: 0x9AE3,
+    0xE998: 0x9AE6,
+    0xE999: 0x9AEF,
+    0xE99A: 0x9AEB,
+    0xE99B: 0x9AEE,
+    0xE99C: 0x9AF4,
+    0xE99D: 0x9AF1,
+    0xE99E: 0x9AF7,
+    0xE99F: 0x9AFB,
+    0xE9A0: 0x9B06,
+    0xE9A1: 0x9B18,
+    0xE9A2: 0x9B1A,
+    0xE9A3: 0x9B1F,
+    0xE9A4: 0x9B22,
+    0xE9A5: 0x9B23,
+    0xE9A6: 0x9B25,
+    0xE9A7: 0x9B27,
+    0xE9A8: 0x9B28,
+    0xE9A9: 0x9B29,
+    0xE9AA: 0x9B2A,
+    0xE9AB: 0x9B2E,
+    0xE9AC: 0x9B2F,
+    0xE9AD: 0x9B32,
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+    0xE9B5: 0x9B74,
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+    0xE9B7: 0x9B83,
+    0xE9B8: 0x9B91,
+    0xE9B9: 0x9B96,
+    0xE9BA: 0x9B97,
+    0xE9BB: 0x9B9F,
+    0xE9BC: 0x9BA0,
+    0xE9BD: 0x9BA8,
+    0xE9BE: 0x9BB4,
+    0xE9BF: 0x9BC0,
+    0xE9C0: 0x9BCA,
+    0xE9C1: 0x9BB9,
+    0xE9C2: 0x9BC6,
+    0xE9C3: 0x9BCF,
+    0xE9C4: 0x9BD1,
+    0xE9C5: 0x9BD2,
+    0xE9C6: 0x9BE3,
+    0xE9C7: 0x9BE2,
+    0xE9C8: 0x9BE4,
+    0xE9C9: 0x9BD4,
+    0xE9CA: 0x9BE1,
+    0xE9CB: 0x9C3A,
+    0xE9CC: 0x9BF2,
+    0xE9CD: 0x9BF1,
+    0xE9CE: 0x9BF0,
+    0xE9CF: 0x9C15,
+    0xE9D0: 0x9C14,
+    0xE9D1: 0x9C09,
+    0xE9D2: 0x9C13,
+    0xE9D3: 0x9C0C,
+    0xE9D4: 0x9C06,
+    0xE9D5: 0x9C08,
+    0xE9D6: 0x9C12,
+    0xE9D7: 0x9C0A,
+    0xE9D8: 0x9C04,
+    0xE9D9: 0x9C2E,
+    0xE9DA: 0x9C1B,
+    0xE9DB: 0x9C25,
+    0xE9DC: 0x9C24,
+    0xE9DD: 0x9C21,
+    0xE9DE: 0x9C30,
+    0xE9DF: 0x9C47,
+    0xE9E0: 0x9C32,
+    0xE9E1: 0x9C46,
+    0xE9E2: 0x9C3E,
+    0xE9E3: 0x9C5A,
+    0xE9E4: 0x9C60,
+    0xE9E5: 0x9C67,
+    0xE9E6: 0x9C76,
+    0xE9E7: 0x9C78,
+    0xE9E8: 0x9CE7,
+    0xE9E9: 0x9CEC,
+    0xE9EA: 0x9CF0,
+    0xE9EB: 0x9D09,
+    0xE9EC: 0x9D08,
+    0xE9ED: 0x9CEB,
+    0xE9EE: 0x9D03,
+    0xE9EF: 0x9D06,
+    0xE9F0: 0x9D2A,
+    0xE9F1: 0x9D26,
+    0xE9F2: 0x9DAF,
+    0xE9F3: 0x9D23,
+    0xE9F4: 0x9D1F,
+    0xE9F5: 0x9D44,
+    0xE9F6: 0x9D15,
+    0xE9F7: 0x9D12,
+    0xE9F8: 0x9D41,
+    0xE9F9: 0x9D3F,
+    0xE9FA: 0x9D3E,
+    0xE9FB: 0x9D46,
+    0xE9FC: 0x9D48,
+    0xEA40: 0x9D5D,
+    0xEA41: 0x9D5E,
+    0xEA42: 0x9D64,
+    0xEA43: 0x9D51,
+    0xEA44: 0x9D50,
+    0xEA45: 0x9D59,
+    0xEA46: 0x9D72,
+    0xEA47: 0x9D89,
+    0xEA48: 0x9D87,
+    0xEA49: 0x9DAB,
+    0xEA4A: 0x9D6F,
+    0xEA4B: 0x9D7A,
+    0xEA4C: 0x9D9A,
+    0xEA4D: 0x9DA4,
+    0xEA4E: 0x9DA9,
+    0xEA4F: 0x9DB2,
+    0xEA50: 0x9DC4,
+    0xEA51: 0x9DC1,
+    0xEA52: 0x9DBB,
+    0xEA53: 0x9DB8,
+    0xEA54: 0x9DBA,
+    0xEA55: 0x9DC6,
+    0xEA56: 0x9DCF,
+    0xEA57: 0x9DC2,
+    0xEA58: 0x9DD9,
+    0xEA59: 0x9DD3,
+    0xEA5A: 0x9DF8,
+    0xEA5B: 0x9DE6,
+    0xEA5C: 0x9DED,
+    0xEA5D: 0x9DEF,
+    0xEA5E: 0x9DFD,
+    0xEA5F: 0x9E1A,
+    0xEA60: 0x9E1B,
+    0xEA61: 0x9E1E,
+    0xEA62: 0x9E75,
+    0xEA63: 0x9E79,
+    0xEA64: 0x9E7D,
+    0xEA65: 0x9E81,
+    0xEA66: 0x9E88,
+    0xEA67: 0x9E8B,
+    0xEA68: 0x9E8C,
+    0xEA69: 0x9E92,
+    0xEA6A: 0x9E95,
+    0xEA6B: 0x9E91,
+    0xEA6C: 0x9E9D,
+    0xEA6D: 0x9EA5,
+    0xEA6E: 0x9EA9,
+    0xEA6F: 0x9EB8,
+    0xEA70: 0x9EAA,
+    0xEA71: 0x9EAD,
+    0xEA72: 0x9761,
+    0xEA73: 0x9ECC,
+    0xEA74: 0x9ECE,
+    0xEA75: 0x9ECF,
+    0xEA76: 0x9ED0,
+    0xEA77: 0x9ED4,
+    0xEA78: 0x9EDC,
+    0xEA79: 0x9EDE,
+    0xEA7A: 0x9EDD,
+    0xEA7B: 0x9EE0,
+    0xEA7C: 0x9EE5,
+    0xEA7D: 0x9EE8,
+    0xEA7E: 0x9EEF,
+    0xEA80: 0x9EF4,
+    0xEA81: 0x9EF6,
+    0xEA82: 0x9EF7,
+    0xEA83: 0x9EF9,
+    0xEA84: 0x9EFB,
+    0xEA85: 0x9EFC,
+    0xEA86: 0x9EFD,
+    0xEA87: 0x9F07,
+    0xEA88: 0x9F08,
+    0xEA89: 0x76B7,
+    0xEA8A: 0x9F15,
+    0xEA8B: 0x9F21,
+    0xEA8C: 0x9F2C,
+    0xEA8D: 0x9F3E,
+    0xEA8E: 0x9F4A,
+    0xEA8F: 0x9F52,
+    0xEA90: 0x9F54,
+    0xEA91: 0x9F63,
+    0xEA92: 0x9F5F,
+    0xEA93: 0x9F60,
+    0xEA94: 0x9F61,
+    0xEA95: 0x9F66,
+    0xEA96: 0x9F67,
+    0xEA97: 0x9F6C,
+    0xEA98: 0x9F6A,
+    0xEA99: 0x9F77,
+    0xEA9A: 0x9F72,
+    0xEA9B: 0x9F76,
+    0xEA9C: 0x9F95,
+    0xEA9D: 0x9F9C,
+    0xEA9E: 0x9FA0,
+    0xEA9F: 0x582F,
+    0xEAA0: 0x69C7,
+    0xEAA1: 0x9059,
+    0xEAA2: 0x7464,
+    0xEAA3: 0x51DC,
+    0xEAA4: 0x7199,
+/***/ }),
+/* 9 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var GenericGF_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
+var GenericGFPoly_1 = __webpack_require__(2);
+function runEuclideanAlgorithm(field, a, b, R) {
+    var _a;
+    // Assume a's degree is >= b's
+    if (a.degree() < b.degree()) {
+        _a = [b, a], a = _a[0], b = _a[1];
+    }
+    var rLast = a;
+    var r = b;
+    var tLast = field.zero;
+    var t = field.one;
+    // Run Euclidean algorithm until r's degree is less than R/2
+    while (r.degree() >= R / 2) {
+        var rLastLast = rLast;
+        var tLastLast = tLast;
+        rLast = r;
+        tLast = t;
+        // Divide rLastLast by rLast, with quotient in q and remainder in r
+        if (rLast.isZero()) {
+            // Euclidean algorithm already terminated?
+            return null;
+        }
+        r = rLastLast;
+        var q = field.zero;
+        var denominatorLeadingTerm = rLast.getCoefficient(rLast.degree());
+        var dltInverse = field.inverse(denominatorLeadingTerm);
+        while (r.degree() >= rLast.degree() && !r.isZero()) {
+            var degreeDiff = r.degree() - rLast.degree();
+            var scale = field.multiply(r.getCoefficient(r.degree()), dltInverse);
+            q = q.addOrSubtract(field.buildMonomial(degreeDiff, scale));
+            r = r.addOrSubtract(rLast.multiplyByMonomial(degreeDiff, scale));
+        }
+        t = q.multiplyPoly(tLast).addOrSubtract(tLastLast);
+        if (r.degree() >= rLast.degree()) {
+            return null;
+        }
+    }
+    var sigmaTildeAtZero = t.getCoefficient(0);
+    if (sigmaTildeAtZero === 0) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var inverse = field.inverse(sigmaTildeAtZero);
+    return [t.multiply(inverse), r.multiply(inverse)];
+function findErrorLocations(field, errorLocator) {
+    // This is a direct application of Chien's search
+    var numErrors = errorLocator.degree();
+    if (numErrors === 1) {
+        return [errorLocator.getCoefficient(1)];
+    }
+    var result = new Array(numErrors);
+    var errorCount = 0;
+    for (var i = 1; i < field.size && errorCount < numErrors; i++) {
+        if (errorLocator.evaluateAt(i) === 0) {
+            result[errorCount] = field.inverse(i);
+            errorCount++;
+        }
+    }
+    if (errorCount !== numErrors) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    return result;
+function findErrorMagnitudes(field, errorEvaluator, errorLocations) {
+    // This is directly applying Forney's Formula
+    var s = errorLocations.length;
+    var result = new Array(s);
+    for (var i = 0; i < s; i++) {
+        var xiInverse = field.inverse(errorLocations[i]);
+        var denominator = 1;
+        for (var j = 0; j < s; j++) {
+            if (i !== j) {
+                denominator = field.multiply(denominator, GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(1, field.multiply(errorLocations[j], xiInverse)));
+            }
+        }
+        result[i] = field.multiply(errorEvaluator.evaluateAt(xiInverse), field.inverse(denominator));
+        if (field.generatorBase !== 0) {
+            result[i] = field.multiply(result[i], xiInverse);
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
+function decode(bytes, twoS) {
+    var outputBytes = new Uint8ClampedArray(bytes.length);
+    outputBytes.set(bytes);
+    var field = new GenericGF_1.default(0x011D, 256, 0); // x^8 + x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + 1
+    var poly = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(field, outputBytes);
+    var syndromeCoefficients = new Uint8ClampedArray(twoS);
+    var error = false;
+    for (var s = 0; s < twoS; s++) {
+        var evaluation = poly.evaluateAt(field.exp(s + field.generatorBase));
+        syndromeCoefficients[syndromeCoefficients.length - 1 - s] = evaluation;
+        if (evaluation !== 0) {
+            error = true;
+        }
+    }
+    if (!error) {
+        return outputBytes;
+    }
+    var syndrome = new GenericGFPoly_1.default(field, syndromeCoefficients);
+    var sigmaOmega = runEuclideanAlgorithm(field, field.buildMonomial(twoS, 1), syndrome, twoS);
+    if (sigmaOmega === null) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var errorLocations = findErrorLocations(field, sigmaOmega[0]);
+    if (errorLocations == null) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var errorMagnitudes = findErrorMagnitudes(field, sigmaOmega[1], errorLocations);
+    for (var i = 0; i < errorLocations.length; i++) {
+        var position = outputBytes.length - 1 - field.log(errorLocations[i]);
+        if (position < 0) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        outputBytes[position] = GenericGF_1.addOrSubtractGF(outputBytes[position], errorMagnitudes[i]);
+    }
+    return outputBytes;
+exports.decode = decode;
+/***/ }),
+/* 10 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.VERSIONS = [
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 1,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 7,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 10,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 13,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 17,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 9 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
+        versionNumber: 2,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 18],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 10,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 34 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 28 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 22 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
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+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 22],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 15,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 55 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 }],
+            },
+            {
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+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
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+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 20,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 80 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 32 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 9 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 108 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 43 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 11 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: null,
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 68 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 16,
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+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 }],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
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+            {
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+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 31 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x085BC,
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 97 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 38 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 39 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 18 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 14 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x09A99,
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+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [{ numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 116 }],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 22,
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+                    { numBlocks: 3, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 36 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 37 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 17 },
+                ],
+            },
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 24,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 12 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 13 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x0A4D3,
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 18,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 68 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 69 },
+                ],
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+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 26,
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+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 43 },
+                    { numBlocks: 1, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 44 },
+                ],
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+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 19 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 20 },
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+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 2, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
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+    {
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+                    { numBlocks: 64, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x2542E,
+        versionNumber: 37,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 28, 54, 80, 106, 132, 158],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 17, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 29, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 49, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 24, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 46, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x26A64,
+        versionNumber: 38,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 32, 58, 84, 110, 136, 162],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 122 },
+                    { numBlocks: 18, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 123 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 13, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 46 },
+                    { numBlocks: 32, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 48, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 14, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 42, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 32, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x27541,
+        versionNumber: 39,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 26, 54, 82, 110, 138, 166],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 20, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 117 },
+                    { numBlocks: 4, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 40, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 7, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 43, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 22, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 10, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 67, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+    {
+        infoBits: 0x28C69,
+        versionNumber: 40,
+        alignmentPatternCenters: [6, 30, 58, 86, 114, 142, 170],
+        errorCorrectionLevels: [
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 19, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 118 },
+                    { numBlocks: 6, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 119 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 28,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 18, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 47 },
+                    { numBlocks: 31, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 48 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 24 },
+                    { numBlocks: 34, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 25 },
+                ],
+            },
+            {
+                ecCodewordsPerBlock: 30,
+                ecBlocks: [
+                    { numBlocks: 20, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 15 },
+                    { numBlocks: 61, dataCodewordsPerBlock: 16 },
+                ],
+            },
+        ],
+    },
+/***/ }),
+/* 11 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var BitMatrix_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
+function squareToQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4) {
+    var dx3 = p1.x - p2.x + p3.x - p4.x;
+    var dy3 = p1.y - p2.y + p3.y - p4.y;
+    if (dx3 === 0 && dy3 === 0) { // Affine
+        return {
+            a11: p2.x - p1.x,
+            a12: p2.y - p1.y,
+            a13: 0,
+            a21: p3.x - p2.x,
+            a22: p3.y - p2.y,
+            a23: 0,
+            a31: p1.x,
+            a32: p1.y,
+            a33: 1,
+        };
+    }
+    else {
+        var dx1 = p2.x - p3.x;
+        var dx2 = p4.x - p3.x;
+        var dy1 = p2.y - p3.y;
+        var dy2 = p4.y - p3.y;
+        var denominator = dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1;
+        var a13 = (dx3 * dy2 - dx2 * dy3) / denominator;
+        var a23 = (dx1 * dy3 - dx3 * dy1) / denominator;
+        return {
+            a11: p2.x - p1.x + a13 * p2.x,
+            a12: p2.y - p1.y + a13 * p2.y,
+            a13: a13,
+            a21: p4.x - p1.x + a23 * p4.x,
+            a22: p4.y - p1.y + a23 * p4.y,
+            a23: a23,
+            a31: p1.x,
+            a32: p1.y,
+            a33: 1,
+        };
+    }
+function quadrilateralToSquare(p1, p2, p3, p4) {
+    // Here, the adjoint serves as the inverse:
+    var sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(p1, p2, p3, p4);
+    return {
+        a11: sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a32,
+        a12: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a33,
+        a13: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a23 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a22,
+        a21: sToQ.a23 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a33,
+        a22: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a33 - sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a31,
+        a23: sToQ.a13 * sToQ.a21 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a23,
+        a31: sToQ.a21 * sToQ.a32 - sToQ.a22 * sToQ.a31,
+        a32: sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a31 - sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a32,
+        a33: sToQ.a11 * sToQ.a22 - sToQ.a12 * sToQ.a21,
+    };
+function times(a, b) {
+    return {
+        a11: a.a11 * b.a11 + a.a21 * b.a12 + a.a31 * b.a13,
+        a12: a.a12 * b.a11 + a.a22 * b.a12 + a.a32 * b.a13,
+        a13: a.a13 * b.a11 + a.a23 * b.a12 + a.a33 * b.a13,
+        a21: a.a11 * b.a21 + a.a21 * b.a22 + a.a31 * b.a23,
+        a22: a.a12 * b.a21 + a.a22 * b.a22 + a.a32 * b.a23,
+        a23: a.a13 * b.a21 + a.a23 * b.a22 + a.a33 * b.a23,
+        a31: a.a11 * b.a31 + a.a21 * b.a32 + a.a31 * b.a33,
+        a32: a.a12 * b.a31 + a.a22 * b.a32 + a.a32 * b.a33,
+        a33: a.a13 * b.a31 + a.a23 * b.a32 + a.a33 * b.a33,
+    };
+function extract(image, location) {
+    var qToS = quadrilateralToSquare({ x: 3.5, y: 3.5 }, { x: location.dimension - 3.5, y: 3.5 }, { x: location.dimension - 6.5, y: location.dimension - 6.5 }, { x: 3.5, y: location.dimension - 3.5 });
+    var sToQ = squareToQuadrilateral(location.topLeft, location.topRight, location.alignmentPattern, location.bottomLeft);
+    var transform = times(sToQ, qToS);
+    var matrix = BitMatrix_1.BitMatrix.createEmpty(location.dimension, location.dimension);
+    var mappingFunction = function (x, y) {
+        var denominator = transform.a13 * x + transform.a23 * y + transform.a33;
+        return {
+            x: (transform.a11 * x + transform.a21 * y + transform.a31) / denominator,
+            y: (transform.a12 * x + transform.a22 * y + transform.a32) / denominator,
+        };
+    };
+    for (var y = 0; y < location.dimension; y++) {
+        for (var x = 0; x < location.dimension; x++) {
+            var xValue = x + 0.5;
+            var yValue = y + 0.5;
+            var sourcePixel = mappingFunction(xValue, yValue);
+            matrix.set(x, y, image.get(Math.floor(sourcePixel.x), Math.floor(sourcePixel.y)));
+        }
+    }
+    return {
+        matrix: matrix,
+        mappingFunction: mappingFunction,
+    };
+exports.extract = extract;
+/***/ }),
+/* 12 */
+/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+var MIN_QUAD_RATIO = 0.5;
+var MAX_QUAD_RATIO = 1.5;
+var distance = function (a, b) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow((b.x - a.x), 2) + Math.pow((b.y - a.y), 2)); };
+function sum(values) {
+    return values.reduce(function (a, b) { return a + b; });
+// Takes three finder patterns and organizes them into topLeft, topRight, etc
+function reorderFinderPatterns(pattern1, pattern2, pattern3) {
+    var _a, _b, _c, _d;
+    // Find distances between pattern centers
+    var oneTwoDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern2);
+    var twoThreeDistance = distance(pattern2, pattern3);
+    var oneThreeDistance = distance(pattern1, pattern3);
+    var bottomLeft;
+    var topLeft;
+    var topRight;
+    // Assume one closest to other two is B; A and C will just be guesses at first
+    if (twoThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance && twoThreeDistance >= oneThreeDistance) {
+        _a = [pattern2, pattern1, pattern3], bottomLeft = _a[0], topLeft = _a[1], topRight = _a[2];
+    }
+    else if (oneThreeDistance >= twoThreeDistance && oneThreeDistance >= oneTwoDistance) {
+        _b = [pattern1, pattern2, pattern3], bottomLeft = _b[0], topLeft = _b[1], topRight = _b[2];
+    }
+    else {
+        _c = [pattern1, pattern3, pattern2], bottomLeft = _c[0], topLeft = _c[1], topRight = _c[2];
+    }
+    // Use cross product to figure out whether bottomLeft (A) and topRight (C) are correct or flipped in relation to topLeft (B)
+    // This asks whether BC x BA has a positive z component, which is the arrangement we want. If it's negative, then
+    // we've got it flipped around and should swap topRight and bottomLeft.
+    if (((topRight.x - topLeft.x) * (bottomLeft.y - topLeft.y)) - ((topRight.y - topLeft.y) * (bottomLeft.x - topLeft.x)) < 0) {
+        _d = [topRight, bottomLeft], bottomLeft = _d[0], topRight = _d[1];
+    }
+    return { bottomLeft: bottomLeft, topLeft: topLeft, topRight: topRight };
+// Computes the dimension (number of modules on a side) of the QR Code based on the position of the finder patterns
+function computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, matrix) {
+    var moduleSize = (sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, bottomLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 + // Divide by 7 since the ratio is 1:1:3:1:1
+        sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topLeft, topRight, matrix, 5)) / 7 +
+        sum(countBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeft, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7 +
+        sum(countBlackWhiteRun(topRight, topLeft, matrix, 5)) / 7) / 4;
+    if (moduleSize < 1) {
+        throw new Error("Invalid module size");
+    }
+    var topDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, topRight) / moduleSize);
+    var sideDimension = Math.round(distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) / moduleSize);
+    var dimension = Math.floor((topDimension + sideDimension) / 2) + 7;
+    switch (dimension % 4) {
+        case 0:
+            dimension++;
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            dimension--;
+            break;
+    }
+    return { dimension: dimension, moduleSize: moduleSize };
+// Takes an origin point and an end point and counts the sizes of the black white run from the origin towards the end point.
+// Returns an array of elements, representing the pixel size of the black white run.
+// Uses a variant of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bresenham's_line_algorithm
+function countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, end, matrix, length) {
+    var switchPoints = [{ x: Math.floor(origin.x), y: Math.floor(origin.y) }];
+    var steep = Math.abs(end.y - origin.y) > Math.abs(end.x - origin.x);
+    var fromX;
+    var fromY;
+    var toX;
+    var toY;
+    if (steep) {
+        fromX = Math.floor(origin.y);
+        fromY = Math.floor(origin.x);
+        toX = Math.floor(end.y);
+        toY = Math.floor(end.x);
+    }
+    else {
+        fromX = Math.floor(origin.x);
+        fromY = Math.floor(origin.y);
+        toX = Math.floor(end.x);
+        toY = Math.floor(end.y);
+    }
+    var dx = Math.abs(toX - fromX);
+    var dy = Math.abs(toY - fromY);
+    var error = Math.floor(-dx / 2);
+    var xStep = fromX < toX ? 1 : -1;
+    var yStep = fromY < toY ? 1 : -1;
+    var currentPixel = true;
+    // Loop up until x == toX, but not beyond
+    for (var x = fromX, y = fromY; x !== toX + xStep; x += xStep) {
+        // Does current pixel mean we have moved white to black or vice versa?
+        // Scanning black in state 0,2 and white in state 1, so if we find the wrong
+        // color, advance to next state or end if we are in state 2 already
+        var realX = steep ? y : x;
+        var realY = steep ? x : y;
+        if (matrix.get(realX, realY) !== currentPixel) {
+            currentPixel = !currentPixel;
+            switchPoints.push({ x: realX, y: realY });
+            if (switchPoints.length === length + 1) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        error += dy;
+        if (error > 0) {
+            if (y === toY) {
+                break;
+            }
+            y += yStep;
+            error -= dx;
+        }
+    }
+    var distances = [];
+    for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+        if (switchPoints[i] && switchPoints[i + 1]) {
+            distances.push(distance(switchPoints[i], switchPoints[i + 1]));
+        }
+        else {
+            distances.push(0);
+        }
+    }
+    return distances;
+// Takes an origin point and an end point and counts the sizes of the black white run in the origin point
+// along the line that intersects with the end point. Returns an array of elements, representing the pixel sizes
+// of the black white run. Takes a length which represents the number of switches from black to white to look for.
+function countBlackWhiteRun(origin, end, matrix, length) {
+    var _a;
+    var rise = end.y - origin.y;
+    var run = end.x - origin.x;
+    var towardsEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, end, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2));
+    var awayFromEnd = countBlackWhiteRunTowardsPoint(origin, { x: origin.x - run, y: origin.y - rise }, matrix, Math.ceil(length / 2));
+    var middleValue = towardsEnd.shift() + awayFromEnd.shift() - 1; // Substract one so we don't double count a pixel
+    return (_a = awayFromEnd.concat(middleValue)).concat.apply(_a, towardsEnd);
+// Takes in a black white run and an array of expected ratios. Returns the average size of the run as well as the "error" -
+// that is the amount the run diverges from the expected ratio
+function scoreBlackWhiteRun(sequence, ratios) {
+    var averageSize = sum(sequence) / sum(ratios);
+    var error = 0;
+    ratios.forEach(function (ratio, i) {
+        error += Math.pow((sequence[i] - ratio * averageSize), 2);
+    });
+    return { averageSize: averageSize, error: error };
+// Takes an X,Y point and an array of sizes and scores the point against those ratios.
+// For example for a finder pattern takes the ratio list of 1:1:3:1:1 and checks horizontal, vertical and diagonal ratios
+// against that.
+function scorePattern(point, ratios, matrix) {
+    try {
+        var horizontalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, { x: -1, y: point.y }, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var verticalRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, { x: point.x, y: -1 }, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var topLeftPoint = {
+            x: Math.max(0, point.x - point.y) - 1,
+            y: Math.max(0, point.y - point.x) - 1,
+        };
+        var topLeftBottomRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, topLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var bottomLeftPoint = {
+            x: Math.min(matrix.width, point.x + point.y) + 1,
+            y: Math.min(matrix.height, point.y + point.x) + 1,
+        };
+        var bottomLeftTopRightRun = countBlackWhiteRun(point, bottomLeftPoint, matrix, ratios.length);
+        var horzError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(horizontalRun, ratios);
+        var vertError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(verticalRun, ratios);
+        var diagDownError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(topLeftBottomRightRun, ratios);
+        var diagUpError = scoreBlackWhiteRun(bottomLeftTopRightRun, ratios);
+        var ratioError = Math.sqrt(horzError.error * horzError.error +
+            vertError.error * vertError.error +
+            diagDownError.error * diagDownError.error +
+            diagUpError.error * diagUpError.error);
+        var avgSize = (horzError.averageSize + vertError.averageSize + diagDownError.averageSize + diagUpError.averageSize) / 4;
+        var sizeError = (Math.pow((horzError.averageSize - avgSize), 2) +
+            Math.pow((vertError.averageSize - avgSize), 2) +
+            Math.pow((diagDownError.averageSize - avgSize), 2) +
+            Math.pow((diagUpError.averageSize - avgSize), 2)) / avgSize;
+        return ratioError + sizeError;
+    }
+    catch (_a) {
+        return Infinity;
+    }
+function recenterLocation(matrix, p) {
+    var leftX = Math.round(p.x);
+    while (matrix.get(leftX, Math.round(p.y))) {
+        leftX--;
+    }
+    var rightX = Math.round(p.x);
+    while (matrix.get(rightX, Math.round(p.y))) {
+        rightX++;
+    }
+    var x = (leftX + rightX) / 2;
+    var topY = Math.round(p.y);
+    while (matrix.get(Math.round(x), topY)) {
+        topY--;
+    }
+    var bottomY = Math.round(p.y);
+    while (matrix.get(Math.round(x), bottomY)) {
+        bottomY++;
+    }
+    var y = (topY + bottomY) / 2;
+    return { x: x, y: y };
+function locate(matrix) {
+    var finderPatternQuads = [];
+    var activeFinderPatternQuads = [];
+    var alignmentPatternQuads = [];
+    var activeAlignmentPatternQuads = [];
+    var _loop_1 = function (y) {
+        var length_1 = 0;
+        var lastBit = false;
+        var scans = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
+        var _loop_2 = function (x) {
+            var v = matrix.get(x, y);
+            if (v === lastBit) {
+                length_1++;
+            }
+            else {
+                scans = [scans[1], scans[2], scans[3], scans[4], length_1];
+                length_1 = 1;
+                lastBit = v;
+                // Do the last 5 color changes ~ match the expected ratio for a finder pattern? 1:1:3:1:1 of b:w:b:w:b
+                var averageFinderPatternBlocksize = sum(scans) / 7;
+                var validFinderPattern = Math.abs(scans[0] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[1] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[2] - 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < 3 * averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[3] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[4] - averageFinderPatternBlocksize) < averageFinderPatternBlocksize &&
+                    !v; // And make sure the current pixel is white since finder patterns are bordered in white
+                // Do the last 3 color changes ~ match the expected ratio for an alignment pattern? 1:1:1 of w:b:w
+                var averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize = sum(scans.slice(-3)) / 3;
+                var validAlignmentPattern = Math.abs(scans[2] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[3] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&
+                    Math.abs(scans[4] - averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize) < averageAlignmentPatternBlocksize &&
+                    v; // Is the current pixel black since alignment patterns are bordered in black
+                if (validFinderPattern) {
+                    // Compute the start and end x values of the large center black square
+                    var endX_1 = x - scans[3] - scans[4];
+                    var startX_1 = endX_1 - scans[2];
+                    var line = { startX: startX_1, endX: endX_1, y: y };
+                    // Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with
+                    // that line as the starting point.
+                    var matchingQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) {
+                        return (startX_1 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_1 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (endX_1 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_1 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (startX_1 <= q.bottom.startX && endX_1 >= q.bottom.endX && ((scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO &&
+                                (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO));
+                    });
+                    if (matchingQuads.length > 0) {
+                        matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        activeFinderPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });
+                    }
+                }
+                if (validAlignmentPattern) {
+                    // Compute the start and end x values of the center black square
+                    var endX_2 = x - scans[4];
+                    var startX_2 = endX_2 - scans[3];
+                    var line = { startX: startX_2, y: y, endX: endX_2 };
+                    // Is there a quad directly above the current spot? If so, extend it with the new line. Otherwise, create a new quad with
+                    // that line as the starting point.
+                    var matchingQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function (q) {
+                        return (startX_2 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_2 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (endX_2 >= q.bottom.startX && startX_2 <= q.bottom.endX) ||
+                            (startX_2 <= q.bottom.startX && endX_2 >= q.bottom.endX && ((scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) < MAX_QUAD_RATIO &&
+                                (scans[2] / (q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX)) > MIN_QUAD_RATIO));
+                    });
+                    if (matchingQuads.length > 0) {
+                        matchingQuads[0].bottom = line;
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        activeAlignmentPatternQuads.push({ top: line, bottom: line });
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        for (var x = -1; x <= matrix.width; x++) {
+            _loop_2(x);
+        }
+        finderPatternQuads.push.apply(finderPatternQuads, activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y !== y && q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2; }));
+        activeFinderPatternQuads = activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y === y; });
+        alignmentPatternQuads.push.apply(alignmentPatternQuads, activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y !== y; }));
+        activeAlignmentPatternQuads = activeAlignmentPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y === y; });
+    };
+    for (var y = 0; y <= matrix.height; y++) {
+        _loop_1(y);
+    }
+    finderPatternQuads.push.apply(finderPatternQuads, activeFinderPatternQuads.filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2; }));
+    alignmentPatternQuads.push.apply(alignmentPatternQuads, activeAlignmentPatternQuads);
+    var finderPatternGroups = finderPatternQuads
+        .filter(function (q) { return q.bottom.y - q.top.y >= 2; }) // All quads must be at least 2px tall since the center square is larger than a block
+        .map(function (q) {
+        var x = (q.top.startX + q.top.endX + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4;
+        var y = (q.top.y + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
+        if (!matrix.get(Math.round(x), Math.round(y))) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var lengths = [q.top.endX - q.top.startX, q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX, q.bottom.y - q.top.y + 1];
+        var size = sum(lengths) / lengths.length;
+        var score = scorePattern({ x: Math.round(x), y: Math.round(y) }, [1, 1, 3, 1, 1], matrix);
+        return { score: score, x: x, y: y, size: size };
+    })
+        .filter(function (q) { return !!q; }) // Filter out any rejected quads from above
+        .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; })
+        // Now take the top finder pattern options and try to find 2 other options with a similar size.
+        .map(function (point, i, finderPatterns) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        var otherPoints = finderPatterns
+            .filter(function (p, ii) { return i !== ii; })
+            .map(function (p) { return ({ x: p.x, y: p.y, score: p.score + (Math.pow((p.size - point.size), 2)) / point.size, size: p.size }); })
+            .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; });
+        if (otherPoints.length < 2) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        var score = point.score + otherPoints[0].score + otherPoints[1].score;
+        return { points: [point].concat(otherPoints.slice(0, 2)), score: score };
+    })
+        .filter(function (q) { return !!q; }) // Filter out any rejected finder patterns from above
+        .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; });
+    if (finderPatternGroups.length === 0) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    var _a = reorderFinderPatterns(finderPatternGroups[0].points[0], finderPatternGroups[0].points[1], finderPatternGroups[0].points[2]), topRight = _a.topRight, topLeft = _a.topLeft, bottomLeft = _a.bottomLeft;
+    var alignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft);
+    var result = [];
+    if (alignment) {
+        result.push({
+            alignmentPattern: { x: alignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: alignment.alignmentPattern.y },
+            bottomLeft: { x: bottomLeft.x, y: bottomLeft.y },
+            dimension: alignment.dimension,
+            topLeft: { x: topLeft.x, y: topLeft.y },
+            topRight: { x: topRight.x, y: topRight.y },
+        });
+    }
+    // We normally use the center of the quads as the location of the tracking points, which is optimal for most cases and will account
+    // for a skew in the image. However, In some cases, a slight skew might not be real and instead be caused by image compression
+    // errors and/or low resolution. For those cases, we'd be better off centering the point exactly in the middle of the black area. We
+    // compute and return the location data for the naively centered points as it is little additional work and allows for multiple
+    // attempts at decoding harder images.
+    var midTopRight = recenterLocation(matrix, topRight);
+    var midTopLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, topLeft);
+    var midBottomLeft = recenterLocation(matrix, bottomLeft);
+    var centeredAlignment = findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, midTopRight, midTopLeft, midBottomLeft);
+    if (centeredAlignment) {
+        result.push({
+            alignmentPattern: { x: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.x, y: centeredAlignment.alignmentPattern.y },
+            bottomLeft: { x: midBottomLeft.x, y: midBottomLeft.y },
+            topLeft: { x: midTopLeft.x, y: midTopLeft.y },
+            topRight: { x: midTopRight.x, y: midTopRight.y },
+            dimension: centeredAlignment.dimension,
+        });
+    }
+    if (result.length === 0) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    return result;
+exports.locate = locate;
+function findAlignmentPattern(matrix, alignmentPatternQuads, topRight, topLeft, bottomLeft) {
+    var _a;
+    // Now that we've found the three finder patterns we can determine the blockSize and the size of the QR code.
+    // We'll use these to help find the alignment pattern but also later when we do the extraction.
+    var dimension;
+    var moduleSize;
+    try {
+        (_a = computeDimension(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, matrix), dimension = _a.dimension, moduleSize = _a.moduleSize);
+    }
+    catch (e) {
+        return null;
+    }
+    // Now find the alignment pattern
+    var bottomRightFinderPattern = {
+        x: topRight.x - topLeft.x + bottomLeft.x,
+        y: topRight.y - topLeft.y + bottomLeft.y,
+    };
+    var modulesBetweenFinderPatterns = ((distance(topLeft, bottomLeft) + distance(topLeft, topRight)) / 2 / moduleSize);
+    var correctionToTopLeft = 1 - (3 / modulesBetweenFinderPatterns);
+    var expectedAlignmentPattern = {
+        x: topLeft.x + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.x - topLeft.x),
+        y: topLeft.y + correctionToTopLeft * (bottomRightFinderPattern.y - topLeft.y),
+    };
+    var alignmentPatterns = alignmentPatternQuads
+        .map(function (q) {
+        var x = (q.top.startX + q.top.endX + q.bottom.startX + q.bottom.endX) / 4;
+        var y = (q.top.y + q.bottom.y + 1) / 2;
+        if (!matrix.get(Math.floor(x), Math.floor(y))) {
+            return;
+        }
+        var lengths = [q.top.endX - q.top.startX, q.bottom.endX - q.bottom.startX, (q.bottom.y - q.top.y + 1)];
+        var size = sum(lengths) / lengths.length;
+        var sizeScore = scorePattern({ x: Math.floor(x), y: Math.floor(y) }, [1, 1, 1], matrix);
+        var score = sizeScore + distance({ x: x, y: y }, expectedAlignmentPattern);
+        return { x: x, y: y, score: score };
+    })
+        .filter(function (v) { return !!v; })
+        .sort(function (a, b) { return a.score - b.score; });
+    // If there are less than 15 modules between finder patterns it's a version 1 QR code and as such has no alignmemnt pattern
+    // so we can only use our best guess.
+    var alignmentPattern = modulesBetweenFinderPatterns >= 15 && alignmentPatterns.length ? alignmentPatterns[0] : expectedAlignmentPattern;
+    return { alignmentPattern: alignmentPattern, dimension: dimension };
+/***/ })
+/******/ ])["default"];

+ 221 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+		<div class="canvasBox">
+				<div class="box">
+					<div class="line"></div>
+					<div class="angle"></div>
+				</div>
+			<!-- 	<div class="msg">
+					{{outputData}}
+				</div> -->
+		</div>
+	import jsQR from './jsQR.js'
+	export default {
+		data() {
+			return {
+				video: undefined,
+				canvas2d: undefined,
+				outputData: '未发现码',
+				canvasWidth: 320,
+				canvasHeight: 480,
+				c: undefined,
+			}
+		},
+		mounted() {
+			this.$nextTick(() => {
+				this.video = document.createElement('video')
+				this.c = document.createElement('canvas')
+				this.c.id = 'c'
+				this.c.width = this.canvasWidth
+				this.c.height = this.canvasHeight
+				this.c.style.width = '100%'
+				document.querySelector('.canvasBox').append(this.c)
+				this.openScan()
+			})
+		},
+		destroyed() {
+			this.closeCamera()
+		},
+		methods: {
+			openScan() {
+				const videoParam = { audio: false, video: { facingMode: { exact: "environment" } } }
+				navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(videoParam).then((stream) => {
+					this.video.srcObject = stream
+					this.video.setAttribute('playsinline', true)
+					this.video.play()
+					requestAnimationFrame(this.tick)
+				}).catch((err) => {
+					console.log('设备不支持', err);
+				})
+			},
+			closeCamera() {
+				if (this.video.srcObject) {
+					this.video.srcObject.getTracks().forEach(function(track) {
+						track.stop()
+					})
+				}
+			},
+			tick() {
+				if (this.video.readyState === this.video.HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA) {
+					this.canvasHeight = this.video.videoHeight
+					this.canvasWidth = this.video.videoWidth
+					this.c.width = this.canvasWidth
+					this.c.height = this.canvasHeight
+					this.canvas2d == undefined && (this.canvas2d = this.c.getContext('2d'))
+					this.canvas2d.drawImage(this.video, 0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight)
+					const imageData = this.canvas2d.getImageData(0, 0, this.canvasWidth, this.canvasHeight)
+					const code = jsQR(imageData.data, imageData.width, imageData.height, {
+						inversionAttempts: 'dontInvert'
+					})
+					if (code) {
+						this.drawLine(code.location.topLeftCorner, code.location.topRightCorner, '#FF3B58')
+						this.drawLine(code.location.topRightCorner, code.location.bottomRightCorner, '#FF3B58')
+						this.drawLine(code.location.bottomRightCorner, code.location.bottomLeftCorner, '#FF3B58')
+						this.drawLine(code.location.bottomLeftCorner, code.location.topLeftCorner, '#FF3B58')
+						this.outputData = code.data
+					} else {
+						this.outputData = undefined
+					}
+				}
+				requestAnimationFrame(this.tick)
+			},
+			drawLine(begin, end, color) {
+				this.canvas2d.beginPath()
+				this.canvas2d.moveTo(begin.x, begin.y)
+				this.canvas2d.lineTo(end.x, end.y)
+				this.canvas2d.lineWidth = 4
+				this.canvas2d.strokeStyle = color
+				this.canvas2d.stroke()
+			}
+		}
+	}
+<style scoped>
+	page {
+		background-color: #333333;
+	}
+	.canvasBox {
+		width: 100vw;
+		position: relative;
+		background-image:
+			linear-gradient(0deg,
+				transparent 24%,
+				rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 25%,
+				rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 26%,
+				transparent 27%,
+				transparent 74%,
+				rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 75%,
+				rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 76%,
+				transparent 77%,
+				transparent),
+			linear-gradient(90deg,
+				transparent 24%,
+				rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 25%,
+				rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 26%,
+				transparent 27%,
+				transparent 74%,
+				rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 75%,
+				rgba(32, 255, 77, 0.1) 76%,
+				transparent 77%,
+				transparent);
+		background-size: 3rem 3rem;
+		background-position: -1rem -1rem;
+		z-index: 10;
+		background-color: #1110;
+	}
+	 .box {
+		width: 191px;
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+		overflow: hidden;
+		border: 0.1rem solid rgba(0, 255, 51, 0.2);
+		z-index: 11;
+	}
+	 .line {
+		height: calc(100% - 2px);
+		width: 100%;
+		background: linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(0, 255, 51, 0) 43%, #00ff33 211%);
+		border-bottom: 3px solid #00ff33;
+		transform: translateY(-100%);
+		animation: radar-beam 2s infinite alternate;
+		animation-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.53, 0, 0.43, 0.99);
+		animation-delay: 1.4s;
+	}
+	.box:after,
+	.box:before,
+	 .angle:after,
+	 .angle:before {
+		content: '';
+		display: block;
+		position: absolute;
+		width: 3vw;
+		height: 3vw;
+		z-index: 12;
+		border: 0.2rem solid transparent;
+	}
+	 .box:after,
+	.box:before {
+		top: 0;
+		border-top-color: #00ff33;
+	}
+	.angle:after,
+	.angle:before {
+		bottom: 0;
+		border-bottom-color: #00ff33;
+	}
+	.box:before,
+	.angle:before {
+		left: 0;
+		border-left-color: #00ff33;
+	}
+	.box:after,
+	.angle:after {
+		right: 0;
+		border-right-color: #00ff33;
+	}
+	@keyframes radar-beam {
+		0% {
+			transform: translateY(-100%);
+		}
+		100% {
+			transform: translateY(0);
+		}
+	}
+	.msg {
+		text-align: center;
+		padding: 20rpx 0;
+	}

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+## 1.0.1(2022-06-11)
+## 1.0.0(2022-06-10)

+ 113 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+	<view class="recorder">
+	</view>
+	export default {
+		data() {
+			return {
+				isUserMedia: false,
+				stream: null,
+				audio: null,
+				recorder: null,
+				chunks: [],
+				startTime: 0
+			}
+		},
+		mounted() {
+			/**
+			 * 	error 事件的返回状态
+			 * 	100: 请在HTTPS环境中使用
+			 * 	101: 浏览器不支持
+			 *  201: 用户拒绝授权
+			 *  500: 未知错误
+			 * */
+			if (origin.indexOf('https') === -1) {
+				this.$emit('error', '100')
+				throw '请在 https 环境中使用本插件。'
+			}
+			if (!navigator.mediaDevices || !window.MediaRecorder) {
+				this.$emit('error', '101')
+				throw '当前浏览器不支持'
+			}
+			this.getRecorderManager()
+		},
+		methods: {
+			getRecorderManager() {
+				this.audio = document.createElement('audio')
+				navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }).then(stream => {
+					this.isUserMedia = true
+					stream.getTracks().forEach((track) => {
+						track.stop()
+					})
+				}).catch(err => {
+					this.onErrorHandler(err)
+				})
+			},
+			start() {
+				if (!this.isUserMedia) return console.log('设备不支持')
+				navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true }).then(stream => {
+					this.startTime = new Date().getTime()
+					this.stream = stream
+					this.recorder = new MediaRecorder(stream)
+					this.recorder.ondataavailable = this.getRecordingData
+					this.recorder.onstop = this.saveRecordingData
+					this.recorder.start()
+				}).catch(err => {
+					this.onErrorHandler(err)
+				})
+			},
+			stop() {
+				this.recorder.stop()
+				this.stream.getTracks().forEach((track) => {
+					track.stop()
+				})
+			},
+			getRecordingData(e) {
+				this.chunks.push(e.data)
+			},
+			saveRecordingData() {
+				const blob = new Blob(this.chunks, { 'type': 'audio/mpeg' }),
+					localUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
+				const endTime = new Date().getTime()
+				let duration = (endTime - this.startTime).toString().split('')
+				duration.splice(duration.length - 2)
+				duration.splice(duration.length - 1, 0, '.')
+				duration = parseFloat(duration.join(''))
+				const recorder = {
+					data: blob,
+					duration: duration,
+					localUrl: localUrl
+				}
+				this.$emit('success', recorder)
+			},
+			onErrorHandler(err) {
+				console.log(err)
+				if (err.name === 'NotAllowedError') {
+					this.$emit('error', '201')
+					throw '用户拒绝了当前的浏览器实例的访问请求'
+				}
+				if (err.name === 'NotReadableError') {
+					this.$emit('error', '101')
+					throw '当前浏览器不支持'
+				}
+				this.$emit('error', '500')
+				throw '调用失败,原因不详'
+			}
+		},
+		destroyed() {
+			this.stop()
+		}
+	}

+ 87 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+  "id": "mumu-recorder",
+  "displayName": "h5录音组件,调用H5原生功能使用麦克风进行录音",
+  "version": "1.0.1",
+  "description": "演示案例中模仿了微信的长按发送语音,与普通录音demo。",
+  "keywords": [
+    "录音",
+    "麦克风",
+    "模仿微信"
+  "repository": "",
+  "engines": {
+    "HBuilderX": "^3.1.0"
+  },
+  "dcloudext": {
+    "category": [
+        "前端组件",
+        "通用组件"
+    ],
+    "sale": {
+      "regular": {
+        "price": "0.00"
+      },
+      "sourcecode": {
+        "price": "0.00"
+      }
+    },
+    "contact": {
+      "qq": ""
+    },
+    "declaration": {
+      "ads": "无",
+      "data": "无",
+      "permissions": "麦克风"
+    },
+    "npmurl": ""
+  },
+  "uni_modules": {
+    "dependencies": [],
+    "encrypt": [],
+    "platforms": {
+      "cloud": {
+        "tcb": "y",
+        "aliyun": "y"
+      },
+      "client": {
+        "Vue": {
+          "vue2": "y",
+          "vue3": "y"
+        },
+        "App": {
+          "app-vue": "n",
+          "app-nvue": "n"
+        },
+        "H5-mobile": {
+          "Safari": "y",
+          "Android Browser": "y",
+          "微信浏览器(Android)": "y",
+          "QQ浏览器(Android)": "y"
+        },
+        "H5-pc": {
+          "Chrome": "y",
+          "IE": "n",
+          "Edge": "y",
+          "Firefox": "y",
+          "Safari": "y"
+        },
+        "小程序": {
+          "微信": "u",
+          "阿里": "u",
+          "百度": "u",
+          "字节跳动": "u",
+          "QQ": "u",
+          "钉钉": "u",
+          "快手": "u",
+          "飞书": "u",
+          "京东": "u",
+          "小红书": "u"
+        },
+        "快应用": {
+          "华为": "u",
+          "联盟": "u"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }

+ 117 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+## 插件简绍
+### 实现原理
+> 通过 navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(需要https环境) 这个api调用麦克风,获取到到音频流数据。
+> 通过 MediaRecorder 这个构造函数对音频流进行接收,完成录制后会返回一个存储`Blob`内容的录制数据。
+### 使用环境
+需要https环境才能使用,本地测试可以在 manifest.json  中点击源码展示,找到h5 ,添加:"devServer" : { "https" : true}
+**请勿使用 UC浏览器 与 夸克等阿里旗下的浏览器,发现他们使用的内核都较低,无法正常获取音频流,并且都有对接音频流截取的插件,导致无法正常获取音频流的数据。在微信中可以正常使用,推荐在微信内打开演示案例 **
+### 插件使用
+**插件已支持 uni_modules 支持组件easycom,以下代码演示的是普通使用**
+``` html
+<!-- HTML -->
+	<view>
+    <audio :src='recorder.localUrl' v-if='recorder' name='本地录音' controls="true"></audio>
+    <view @click='handlerOnCahnger'>
+			{{!status?'开始录音':'结束录音'}}
+		</view>
+		<mumu-recorder ref='recorder' @success='handlerSuccess' @error='handlerError'></mumu-recorder>
+	</view>
+``` javascript
+// js
+	import MumuRecorder from '@/uni_modules/mumu-recorder/components/mumu-recorder/mumu-recorder.vue'
+	export default {
+		components: { MumuRecorder },
+		data() {
+			return {
+				status: false,
+				recorder: null
+			}
+		},
+		onLoad() {
+		},
+		methods: {
+			handlerSave() {
+				let tag = document.createElement('a')
+				tag.href = this.recorder.localUrl
+				tag.download = '录音'
+				tag.click()
+			},
+			handlerOnCahnger() {
+				if (this.status) {
+					this.$refs.recorder.stop()
+				} else {
+					this.$refs.recorder.start()
+				}
+				this.status = !this.status
+			},
+			handlerSuccess(res) {
+				console.log(res)
+				this.recorder = res
+			},
+			handlerError(code) {
+				switch (code) {
+					case '101':
+						uni.showModal({
+							content: '当前浏览器版本较低,请更换浏览器使用,推荐在微信中打开。'
+						})
+						break;
+					case '201':
+						uni.showModal({
+							content: '麦克风权限被拒绝,请刷新页面后授权麦克风权限。'
+						})
+						break
+					default:
+						uni.showModal({
+							content: '未知错误,请刷新页面重试'
+						})
+						break
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+### 相关API
+##### 组件内部方法($refs 调用)
+| 方法名 | 说明     | 参数 |
+| ------ | -------- | ---- |
+| start  | 开始录音 | 无   |
+| stop   | 结束录音 | 无   |
+##### 事件(Events)
+| 事件名  | 说明                 | 回调参数                                                     |
+| ------- | -------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
+| success | 停止录音后调用此事件 | 返回录音数据,是一个对象<br />{ data: 音频的 blob 数据,上传请使用这个			<br />duration: 当前音频长度<br/>localUrl: 当前音频的本地链接,可直接通过 audio 标签进行播放 } |
+| error   | 组件内部发生错误     | 错误码:<100 当前不是https环境> <101 浏览器不支持> <201 麦克风权限被拒绝> <500  未知错误> |
+### 案例演示
+![enter description here](https://h5plugin.mumudev.top/public/recorder/qrcode.png)
+## 支持作者

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@







+ 1 - 1

@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@

+ 7 - 5

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
     "name" : "易趣联盟",
-    "appid" : "__UNI__B354A60",
+    "appid" : "__UNI__B61FA04",
     "description" : "易趣联盟",
-    "versionName" : "1.0.7",
-    "versionCode" : 107,
+    "versionName" : "1.1.0",
+    "versionCode" : 110,
     "transformPx" : false,
     "networkTimeout" : {
         "request" : 6000,
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
             "Camera" : {},
             "Contacts" : {},
             "Record" : {},
+            "Push" : {},
             "OAuth" : {}
         /* 模块配置 */
@@ -111,7 +112,8 @@
                         "appsecret" : "a501c2ea533e4f5a39a9aa5e1827f31d",
                         "UniversalLinks" : ""
-                }
+                },
+                "push" : {}
             "icons" : {
                 "ios" : {
@@ -206,7 +208,7 @@
     "h5" : {
         "devServer" : {
-            "https" : false,
+            "https" : true,
             "useLocalIp" : true
         "title" : "易趣联盟",

+ 9 - 2

@@ -387,14 +387,21 @@
+		{
+			"path": "pages/my/scan",
+			"style": {
+				"navigationBarTitleText": "",
+				"app-plus": {
+					"titleNView": false
+				}
+			}
+		},
 			"path": "pages/my/invite",
 			"style": {
 				"navigationBarTitleText": "推广二维码"
 			"path": "pages/my/my_invite",
 			"style": {

+ 11 - 7

@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
 								<uni-badge :text="value.no_reader_num" type="error" />
-							<view class="uni-media-list-body">
-								<view class="uni-media-list-text-top">
+							<view class="uni-media-list-body" >
+								<view class="uni-media-list-text-top" >
-									<text style="float: right;color: #8f8f94;font-size: 23upx;">
+									<text style="float: right;color: #8f8f94;font-size: 23upx;flex-shrink: 0;" >
@@ -147,15 +147,12 @@
 					<text class="action_item_text">群发助手</text>
-				<!-- #ifdef APP-PLUS -->
 				<view class="action_item" @tap="goScanCode">
 					<view class="uni-media-list-logo action_icon">
 						<image src="/static/float/saoyisao.png" :lazy-load="true" />
 					<text class="action_item_text">扫一扫</text>
-				<!-- #endif -->
@@ -331,7 +328,7 @@
 					_this.my_data = data;
 					// #ifdef APP-PLUS
-					_this.loginHandler(data);
+					// _this.loginHandler(data);
 					// #endif
 					_data.data("user_info", data);
@@ -556,8 +553,15 @@
 			goScanCode() {
 				let _this = this;
+				// #ifdef APP-PLUS
 				_this.action_menu = false;
+				// #endif
+				// #ifdef H5
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url:'/pages/my/scan'
+				})
+				// #endif
 		watch: {

+ 44 - 33

@@ -94,7 +94,6 @@
 							<view class="my" v-if="row.msg.user_info.uid == my_data.id ">
 								<!-- 左-消息 -->
 								<view class="left"
-									@longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)"
 									<image v-if="row.msg.time<=nowReadTime" src="/static/img/read.png" mode="widthFix"
 										style="width: 30upx;margin-right: 10upx;"></image>
@@ -102,30 +101,30 @@
 										style="width: 30upx;margin-right: 10upx;">
 									<!-- 文字消息 非图片-->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==0 && !isImage(row.msg.content.text)" class="bubble">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==0 && !isImage(row.msg.content.text)" class="bubble" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<rich-text :nodes="row.msg.content.text ? getHtml(row.msg.content.text) : ' '"
 											space="true" selectable="true" />
 									<!-- 文字消息 图片链接 -->
 									<view v-if="row.msg.type==0 && isImage(row.msg.content.text)" class="bubble"
-										@tap="showPic2(row.msg.content.text)">
+										@tap="showPic2(row.msg.content.text)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image :src="row.msg.content.text" :style="{'width':'200px','height':'200px'}"
 											mode="widthFix" :lazy-load="true" />
 									<!-- 语言消息 -->
 									<view v-if="row.msg.type==1" class="bubble voice" @tap="playVoice(row.msg)"
-										:class="playMsgid == row.msg.id?'play':''">
+										:class="playMsgid == row.msg.id?'play':''" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view class="length">{{row.msg.content.length}}</view>
 										<view class="icon my-voice"></view>
 									<!-- 图片消息 -->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==2" class="bubble img" @tap="showPic1(row.msg)">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==2" class="bubble img" @tap="showPic1(row.msg)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image :src="(staticPath + list_id + '/' + row.msg.content.url)"
 											:style="{'width': row.msg.content.w+'px','height': row.msg.content.h+'px'}"
 											mode="widthFix" :lazy-load="true" />
 									<!-- 视频消息 -->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==3" class="bubble img">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==3" class="bubble img" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image :src=" staticPath + row.msg.content.full_movie"
 											style="width: 320px;height: 240px">
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@
 									<!-- 红包 -->
 									<view v-if="row.msg.type==5" class="bubble red-envelope"
-										@tap="openRedEnvelope(row.msg,index)">
+										@tap="openRedEnvelope(row.msg,index)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image src="/static/img/red-envelope.png" :lazy-load="true"
 											:style="{'opacity':(receive_list.indexOf(row.msg.content.rid))< 0 ? 1 : 0.6}">
@@ -152,7 +151,7 @@
 									<!-- 在线视频 -->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==6" class="bubble">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==6" class="bubble" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view> {{row.msg.content.text}}
@@ -160,14 +159,14 @@
 									<!-- 在线音频-->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==7" class="bubble">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==7" class="bubble" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view> {{row.msg.content.text}}
 										<text style="margin-left:2px" class="iconfonts">&#xe60b;
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==8" class="send-card" @tap="getCard(row.msg)">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==8" class="send-card" @tap="getCard(row.msg)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view class="send-card-content">
 											<image :src="staticPhoto+row.msg.content.face" :lazy-load="true"
 												style="width: 85upx;height: 85upx;"></image>
@@ -178,12 +177,12 @@
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==9" class="bubble img">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==9" class="bubble img" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image src="/static/theme/default/chuoyichuo.gif" :lazy-load="true"
 											style="height: 70px;width: 130px;" mode="heightFix" />
 									<!-- 位置-->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==10" class="bubble" @tap="openMap(row.msg.content)">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==10" class="bubble" @tap="openMap(row.msg.content)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view class="address-flex">
 											<view class="address-name">
 												<text>{{row.msg.content && row.msg.content.name}}</text>
@@ -196,7 +195,7 @@
 									<!-- 文件 -->
 									<view v-if="row.msg.type==11" class="bubble"
-										@tap="downFile(staticPath+ list_id+'/' + row.msg.content.url)">
+										@tap="downFile(staticPath+ list_id+'/' + row.msg.content.url)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view class="address-flex">
 											<view class="address-name">
 												<text>{{row.msg.content && row.msg.content.name}}</text>
@@ -246,37 +245,36 @@
 								<!-- 右-用户名称-时间-消息 -->
-								<view class="right"
-									@longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
+								<view class="right">
 									<view class="username">
 										<view class="name">{{row.msg.user_info.name}}</view>
 										<!-- <view class="time">{{row.msg.time}}</view> -->
 									<!-- 文字消息 -->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==0 && !isImage(row.msg.content.text)" class="bubble">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==0 && !isImage(row.msg.content.text)" class="bubble" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<rich-text :nodes="row.msg.content.text ? getHtml(row.msg.content.text) : ' '"
 											space="true" />
 									<!-- 文字消息 图片链接 -->
 									<view v-if="row.msg.type==0 && isImage(row.msg.content.text)" class="bubble"
-										@tap="showPic2(row.msg.content.text)">
+										@tap="showPic2(row.msg.content.text)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image :src="row.msg.content.text" :style="{'width':'200px','height':'auto'}"
 											mode="widthFix" :lazy-load="true" />
 									<!-- 语音消息 -->
 									<view v-if="row.msg.type==1" class="bubble voice" @tap="playVoice(row.msg)"
-										:class="playMsgid == row.msg.id?'play':''">
+										:class="playMsgid == row.msg.id?'play':''" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view class="icon other-voice"></view>
 										<view class="length">{{row.msg.content.length}}</view>
 									<!-- 图片消息 -->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==2" class="bubble img" @tap="showPic1(row.msg)">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==2" class="bubble img" @tap="showPic1(row.msg)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image :src="(staticPath + list_id + '/' + row.msg.content.url)"
 											:style="{'width': row.msg.content.w+'px','height': row.msg.content.h+'px'}"
 											mode="widthFix" :lazy-load="true" />
 									<!-- 视频消息 -->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==3" class="bubble img">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==3" class="bubble img" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image :src="staticPath + row.msg.content.full_movie"
 											style="width: 320px;height: 240px"></image>
 										<image class="bubble-bofang-left" src="/static/theme/default/my/bofang.png"
@@ -284,7 +282,7 @@
 									<!-- 红包 -->
 									<view v-if="row.msg.type==5" class="bubble red-envelope"
-										@tap="openRedEnvelope(row.msg,index)">
+										@tap="openRedEnvelope(row.msg,index)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image src="/static/img/red-envelope-o.png" :lazy-load="true"
 											:style="{'opacity':(receive_list.indexOf(row.msg.content.rid))< 0 ? 1 : 0.6}">
@@ -301,18 +299,18 @@
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==6" class="bubble">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==6" class="bubble" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<text style="margin-right:2px" class="iconfont-im">&#xe619;
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==7" class="bubble">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==7" class="bubble" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<text style="margin-right:2px" class="iconfonts">&#xe60b;
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==8" class="send-card" @tap="getCard(row.msg)">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==8" class="send-card" @tap="getCard(row.msg)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view class="send-card-content">
 											<image :src="staticPhoto+row.msg.content.face" :lazy-load="true"
 												style="width: 85upx;height: 85upx;"></image>
@@ -323,12 +321,12 @@
 									<!-- 戳一戳 -->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==9" class="bubble img" @tap="showPic(row.msg)">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==9" class="bubble img" @tap="showPic(row.msg)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<image src="/static/theme/default/youchuo.gif" :lazy-load="true"
 											style="width: 70px;height: 70px;" />
 									<!-- 位置-->
-									<view v-if="row.msg.type==10" class="bubble" @tap="openMap(row.msg.content)">
+									<view v-if="row.msg.type==10" class="bubble" @tap="openMap(row.msg.content)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view class="address-flex">
 											<view class="address-name">
 												<text>{{row.msg.content && row.msg.content.name}}</text>
@@ -341,7 +339,7 @@
 									<!-- 文件 -->
 									<view v-if="row.msg.type==11" class="bubble"
-										@tap="downFile(staticPath+ list_id+'/' + row.msg.content.url)">
+										@tap="downFile(staticPath+ list_id+'/' + row.msg.content.url)" @longtap="msgAction(row.msg.id +'',row.msg.user_info.uid + '',row.msg.content,row.msg.type)">
 										<view class="address-flex">
 											<view class="address-name">
 												<text>{{row.msg.content && row.msg.content.name}}</text>
@@ -508,15 +506,18 @@
 				<!-- H5下不能录音,输入栏布局改动一下 -->
 				<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
+				<!-- <view class="voice">
+					<view class="icon" :class="isVoice?'jianpan':'yuyin'" @tap="switchVoice"></view>
+				</view> -->
+				<!-- #endif -->
 				<view class="voice">
 					<view class="icon" :class="isVoice?'jianpan':'yuyin'" @tap="switchVoice"></view>
-				<!-- #endif -->
 				<!-- #ifdef H5 -->
-				<view class="more" @tap="showMore">
+				<!-- <view class="more" @tap="showMore">
 					<view class="icon add"></view>
-				</view>
+				</view> -->
 				<!-- #endif -->
 				<view class="textbox">
@@ -540,11 +541,11 @@
 				<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
+				<!-- #endif -->
 				<view :class="iconShow" @tap="showMore">
 					<view class="icon add"></view>
-				<!-- #endif -->
 				<view class="send" :class="sendMsgClass" @tap="sendText">
 					<view class="btn">发送</view>
@@ -573,6 +574,16 @@
 		<!-- #ifndef H5 -->
 		<!-- 录音UI效果 -->
+		<!-- <view class="record" :class="recording?'':'hidden'">
+			<view class="ing" :class="willStop?'hidden':''">
+				<view class="icon luyin2"></view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="cancel" :class="willStop?'':'hidden'">
+				<view class="icon chehui"></view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="tis" :class="willStop?'change':''">{{recordTis}}</view>
+		</view> -->
+		<!-- #endif -->
 		<view class="record" :class="recording?'':'hidden'">
 			<view class="ing" :class="willStop?'hidden':''">
 				<view class="icon luyin2"></view>
@@ -582,7 +593,6 @@
 			<view class="tis" :class="willStop?'change':''">{{recordTis}}</view>
-		<!-- #endif -->
 		<!-- 红包弹窗 -->
 		<view class="windows" :class="windowsState">
@@ -2280,6 +2290,7 @@
 			// 发送消息
 			sendMsg(content, type) {
+				console.log('发送内容content:', content);
 				// uni.showLoading();
 				let _this = this,
 					sendMsg = content;

+ 51 - 15

@@ -1,22 +1,13 @@
 	<view class="page">
 		<view class="list-footer" v-if="data.type == 1">
-			<view class="yaoqing-menber">
-				<view class="group-member-btn-box">
-					<view class="group-member-btn" @tap="add">
-						+
-					</view>
-					<text class="tip">添加</text>
-				</view>
-				<view class="group-member-btn-box">
-					<view class="group-member-btn" @tap="reduce">
-						-
-					</view>
-					<text class="tip">删除</text>
-				</view>
+			<view class="searchOut">
+				<uni-search-bar ref="searchBar" placeholder="搜索" bgColor="#F7F7F7" :show="false" @confirm="search"
+					@search="search">
+				</uni-search-bar>
 			<view class="member-list">
-				<view class="member-item" v-for="(val,index) of data.member" :key="index" @tap="goDetails(val.user_id)">
+				<view class="member-item" v-for="(val,index) in show_men" :key="index" @tap="goDetails(val.user_id)" v-if="isShow">
 					<view class="item-left">
 						<view class="item-left-img">
 							<image :src="photo(val.photo+'')" :lazy-load="true" :data-index="index" @erro="imageError">
@@ -39,6 +30,20 @@
+			<view class="yaoqing-menber">
+				<view class="group-member-btn-box">
+					<view class="group-member-btn" @tap="add">
+						+
+					</view>
+					<text class="tip">添加</text>
+				</view>
+				<view class="group-member-btn-box">
+					<view class="group-member-btn" @tap="reduce">
+						-
+					</view>
+					<text class="tip">删除</text>
+				</view>
+			</view>
 		<!-- <view class="doButton"  v-show="!data.is_action && data.type == 1" >
 			 <button class="group-button" type="button" @tap="liveGroup">离开群聊</button>
@@ -52,11 +57,18 @@
 	import _data from '../../../common/_data';
 	import _get from '../../../common/_get';
 	import _page from '../../../common/common';
+	import uniSearchBar from '@/components/mehaotian-search/mehaotian-search.vue';
 	export default {
+		components: {
+			uniSearchBar
+		},
 		data() {
 			return {
+				show_men: [],
+				isShow: true,
 				data: {
+					chat_msg: '55',
 					member: [],
 					group: {
 						is_photo: 'default_group_photo/90.jpg',
@@ -92,6 +104,8 @@
 				success(data) {
 					_this.data = data;
+					_this.show_men = data.member;
+					console.log(_this.show_men,'_this.show_men');
 					if (data.type == 1) {
 							title: `全部成员(${data.member.length}人)`,
@@ -114,6 +128,28 @@
 		methods: {
+			search(chat_msg) {
+				chat_msg = chat_msg.trim();
+				this.isShow = false
+				console.log('chat_msg',chat_msg);
+				let arr = []
+				if(chat_msg == '' || chat_msg === undefined) {
+					this.show_men = this.data.member
+					this.isShow = true
+				}else {
+					this.data.member.forEach(item => {
+						if(item.show_name.indexOf(chat_msg) != -1) {
+							arr.push(item)
+						}
+					})
+					this.$set(this,'show_men',arr)
+					this.isShow = true
+				}
+				// this.show_men = arr
+				console.log(this.show_men,'this.show_men');
+			},
 			goKefu() {
 					path: '/im/get/kefu',

+ 0 - 2

@@ -34,10 +34,8 @@
 			<view class="login_else_border">
-		<!-- 微信登录 -->
 		<view class="login_wx" @click="wxLogin">
 			<image src="../../static/login/wxlogin.png"></image>
 		<view class="login_wx_text">

+ 1 - 1

@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 		methods: {
-				uni.reLaunch({
+				uni.switchTab({
 					url: '/pages/chat/index',

+ 89 - 13

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 	<view class="myPage">
-<!-- 		<view class="topTitle">
+		<!-- 		<view class="topTitle">
 			<view class="topFont">
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
 		<view class="listOut">
 			<uni-list class="list">
-				<uni-list-item v-if="showBindPhone" title="绑定手机号" :show-arrow="true" :showArrow="true" 
-						thumb="../../static/my/bindPhone.png" @click="goPath('../set/bindPhone')" />
+				<uni-list-item v-if="showBindPhone" title="绑定手机号" :show-arrow="true" :showArrow="true"
+					thumb="../../static/my/bindPhone.png" @click="goPath('../set/bindPhone')" />
 				<uni-list-item v-if="my_data && !my_data.openId" title="绑定微信" :show-arrow="true" :showArrow="true"
-						thumb="../../static/my/bindWx.png" @click="goPath('../set/bindWx')" />
+					thumb="../../static/my/bindWx.png" @click="goPath('../set/bindWx')" />
 				<!-- <uni-list-item title="零钱" :showArrow="true" :show-arrow="true" badge-type="error"
 					thumb="../../static/theme/default/user/1.png" @click="goPath('./wallet/index')" /> -->
 				<uni-list-item title="收藏" :show-arrow="true" :showArrow="true" thumb="/static/theme/default/user/2.png"
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 					v-if="showKefu" /> -->
 				<uni-list-item title="客服" :showArrow="true" :show-arrow="true" badge-type="error"
 					thumb="../../static/theme/default/user/3.png" @click="goKefu" v-if="showKefu" />
 				<uni-list-item title="设置" :show-arrow="true" :showArrow="true"
 					thumb="../../static/theme/default/user/5.png" @click="goPath('../set/index')" />
@@ -65,15 +65,18 @@
 	import _hook from '../../common/_hook';
 	import _data from '../../common/_data';
 	import _page from '../../common/common';
+	import mumuGetQrcode from '@/components/mumu-getQrcode/components/mumu-getQrcode/mumu-getQrcode.vue'
 	export default {
 		components: {
-			uniListItem
+			uniListItem,
+			mumuGetQrcode
 		data() {
 			return {
+				scanDatea: '',
+				showScan: false,
 				showBindPhone: true,
 				my_data: {
 					id: 0
@@ -126,6 +129,62 @@
 		methods: {
+			showDate(data) {
+				let result = data;
+				let params = {};
+				try {
+				     params = JSON.parse(result);
+				} catch (e) {
+					console.log(result);
+				    return false;
+				}
+				console.log(params)
+				if ('action' in params) {
+				    switch (params.action) {
+				        case 'chat_add':
+				            uni.navigateTo({
+				                url: '../details/index?user_id=' + params['user_id'] + '&is_type=3',
+				            });
+				            break;
+				        case 'group_add':
+				            params.users = _data.data('user_info').id;
+							params.add_type = 'scan';
+				            _get.groupAdd(params,function (res) {
+				                uni.showModal({
+				                    content: '已经申请加入群聊,请耐心等待群管理审核',
+				                    showCancel: false,
+				                });
+				            },function (ret) {
+				                uni.showToast({
+									title:ret.msg,
+									duration:2000,
+									icon:'none'
+								})
+				            })
+				            break;
+				        case 'toPage':
+				            uni.navigateTo({
+								url:params.url
+							});
+				            break;
+				        default:
+						console.log(params)
+				            uni.showToast({
+				                title: '扫码失败!',
+				                icon: 'none'
+				            })
+				            return false;
+				    }
+				    return true;
+				}
+				let reg = /^(?:http(s)?:\/\/)?[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w\.-]+)+[\w\-\._~:/?#[\]@!\$&'\*\+,;=.]+$/;
+				if (reg.test(res.result)) {
+				    uni.navigateTo({
+				        url: '../push/web?url=' + encodeURIComponent(res.result),
+				    });
+				}
+			},
 			getUser() {
 				let _this = this;
 				_get.getUserInfo({}, function(data) {
@@ -134,19 +193,24 @@
 					console.log("res个人资料", data);
 					_this.my_data = data;
 					_data.data("user_info", data);
 					function isPhoneNumber(str) {
-					  const regex = /^1[23456789]\d{9}$/;
-					  return regex.test(str);
+						const regex = /^1[23456789]\d{9}$/;
+						return regex.test(str);
 					_this.showBindPhone = !isPhoneNumber(_this.my_data.username);
 			toScan() {
 				// #ifdef H5
-				uni.showToast({
-					icon: 'none',
-					title: '请使用APP打开'
+				// uni.showToast({
+				// 	icon: 'none',
+				// 	title: '请使用APP打开'
+				// })
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url:'/pages/my/scan'
+				// this.showScan = true
 				// #endif
 				// #ifdef APP-PLUS
 				let _this = this;
@@ -278,6 +342,7 @@
 	body {
 		height: 100%;
 	.topTitle {
 		background-color: #fff;
 		box-sizing: border-box;
@@ -295,12 +360,14 @@
 		background: #fff;
 		z-index: 10;
 	.topFont {
 		font-size: 40rpx;
 		color: #080E18;
 		font-weight: bold;
 		margin-left: 10rpx;
 	.myPage {
 		height: 100%;
 		min-height: 100vh;
@@ -520,4 +587,13 @@
 		background-color: #fff;
 		padding-bottom: 100rpx;
+	.show-scan {
+		position: absolute;
+		top: 0;
+		left: 0;
+		height: 100%;
+		width: 100%;
+		/* background-color: #fff; */
+		z-index: 999;
+	}

+ 94 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+	<view>
+		<mumu-get-qrcode @success='qrcodeSucess' :definition='true'  @error="qrcodeError"></mumu-get-qrcode>
+	</view>
+	import mumuGetQrcode from '@/components/mumu-getQrcode/components/mumu-getQrcode/mumu-getQrcode.vue'
+	export default {
+		components: {
+			mumuGetQrcode
+		},
+		data() {
+			return {}
+		},
+		onShow() {
+			// let pages = getCurrentPages();
+			// let previousPage = pages[pages.length - 2]
+			// // console.log(previousPage.route);
+			// alert(previousPage.route)
+		},
+		methods: {
+			qrcodeError(err) {
+				console.log(err)
+				uni.showModal({
+					title: '摄像头授权失败',
+					content: '摄像头授权失败,请检测当前浏览器是否有摄像头权限。',
+					success: () => {
+						uni.navigateBack({})
+					}
+				})
+			},
+			qrcodeSucess(data) {
+				let result = data;
+				let params = {};
+				try {
+				     params = JSON.parse(result);
+				} catch (e) {
+					console.log(result);
+				    return false;
+				}
+				console.log(params)
+				if ('action' in params) {
+				    switch (params.action) {
+				        case 'chat_add':
+				            uni.reLaunch({
+				                url: '../details/index?user_id=' + params['user_id'] + '&is_type=3',
+				            });
+				            break;
+				        case 'group_add':
+				            params.users = _data.data('user_info').id;
+							params.add_type = 'scan';
+				            _get.groupAdd(params,function (res) {
+				                uni.showModal({
+				                    content: '已经申请加入群聊,请耐心等待群管理审核',
+				                    showCancel: false,
+				                });
+				            },function (ret) {
+				                uni.showToast({
+									title:ret.msg,
+									duration:2000,
+									icon:'none'
+								})
+				            })
+				            break;
+				        case 'toPage':
+				            uni.reLaunch({
+								url:params.url
+							});
+				            break;
+				        default:
+						console.log(params)
+				            uni.showToast({
+				                title: '扫码失败!',
+				                icon: 'none'
+				            })
+				            return false;
+				    }
+				    return true;
+				}
+				let reg = /^(?:http(s)?:\/\/)?[\w.-]+(?:\.[\w\.-]+)+[\w\-\._~:/?#[\]@!\$&'\*\+,;=.]+$/;
+				if (reg.test(res.result)) {
+				    uni.reLaunch({
+				        url: '../push/web?url=' + encodeURIComponent(res.result),
+				    });
+				}
+			},
+		}
+	}



+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
@@ -8,11 +8,11 @@ appstore=

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
-iosProfile=D:/File/QQ/1847088021/FileRecv/MobileFile/lizhi (5).mobileprovision


File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 1


+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/.manifest/icon-android-xhdpi.png → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/.manifest/icon-android-xhdpi.png

+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/androidPrivacy.json → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/androidPrivacy.json

+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/app-config-service.js → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/app-config-service.js

+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/app-config.js → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/app-config.js

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 0 - 0

File diff suppressed because it is too large
+ 1 - 0

+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/css/font/iconfont.ttf → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/css/font/iconfont.ttf

+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/css/push/circle.css → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/css/push/circle.css

+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/css/uni.css → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/css/uni.css

+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/float/popmenu_icon_groupchat.png → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/float/popmenu_icon_groupchat.png

+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/float/qunliao.png → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/float/qunliao.png

+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/float/saoyisao.png → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/float/saoyisao.png

+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/fonts/iconfont.ttf → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/fonts/iconfont.ttf

+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/fonts/im-iconfont.ttf → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/fonts/im-iconfont.ttf

+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/group/3.png → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/group/3.png

+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/group/4.png → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/group/4.png

+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/group/kouling.png → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/group/kouling.png

+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
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+ 0 - 0
unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B354A60/static/img/emoji/100.gif → unpackage/cache/wgt/__UNI__B61FA04/static/img/emoji/100.gif

Some files were not shown because too many files changed in this diff