field("m.*, as site_name, as level_name, (select count(*) from table_order where uid = m.uid and status > 0) as order_count, (select sum(v) from table_recharge where status = 1 and uid = m.uid ) as recharge_count, (select count(*) from table_order_info where status = 1 and uid = m.uid ) as order_info_count, as i_mobile,m2.nickname as i_nickname " ) ->alias("m") ->join('site s','s.sassid=m.sassid') ->leftJoin("member_level l","") ->leftJoin('member m2',"m2.uid=m.i_uid") ->where('m.sassid',$where['sassid']) ->when(!empty($where),function ($query) use($where){ //keyword if(!empty($where['keyword'])) { $query->whereLike('m.nickname',"%{$where['keyword']}%"); } if(!empty($where['mobile'])) { $query->whereLike('',"%{$where['mobile']}%"); } if(!empty($where['level'])) { $query->where('m.levelid',$where['level']); } if(!empty($where['i_uid'])) { $query->where('m.i_uid',$where['i_uid']); } if(!empty($where['uid'])) { $query->where('m.uid',$where['uid']); } }) ->order($desc) ->paginate(['list_rows'=>$pageCount,'page'=>$page]) ->toArray(); // echo $this->getLastSql(); return [$data['total'],$data['data']]; } /** * 获取列表数据 * @param $page * @param $where * @param $pageCount * @param $desc */ public function getItem($uid,$sassid){ $data = $this ->field("*,(SELECT count(*) from table_order where uid = u.uid and status > 0) as order_count, (select name from table_member_level where id = u.levelid) as lavel_name, (select sum(v) from table_recharge where status = 1 and uid = u.uid ) as recharge_count, (select count(*) from table_order_info where status = 1 and uid = u.uid ) as order_info_count ") ->alias("u") ->where('uid',$uid) ->where('sassid',$sassid) ->find(); return $data; } }