en.js 3.6 KB

  1. module.exports = {
  2. hea: {
  3. tj: 'Submit',
  4. txms: 'Fill in description',
  5. bcms: 'remarks',
  6. scms: "Please provide relevant screenshots and descriptions for the superior's review (up to two)",
  7. zc: 'Register',
  8. srsj: 'Please enter mobile phone number',
  9. srxmm: 'Please enter a new password',
  10. srmm: 'Please enter the password',
  11. srxmmt: 'Please enter password again',
  12. sryzm: 'Please enter the verification code',
  13. yzm: 'Verification',
  14. qrxg: 'Confirm modification',
  15. tjcg: 'Submitted successfully',
  16. backhome: 'Back home',
  17. qdd: 'Please wait patiently for review',
  18. loading: 'Loading',
  19. nomore: 'No more',
  20. sljzgd: 'Pull up to load more',
  21. vipzs: 'VIP exclusive',
  22. dsy: 'degree profit',
  23. wyyz: 'I want help',
  24. yz: 'assistance',
  25. ywc: 'Completed',
  26. lksj: 'Upgrade now',
  27. ljsj:'Upgrade now',
  28. ytg: 'Passed',
  29. wtg: 'Fail',
  30. dsh: 'Audit',
  31. ren: 'Man',
  32. wdtdrs:'The number of my team',
  33. syzx:'Benefited from the center',
  34. fh:'back',
  35. ckxq:'View details',
  36. jj: 'No',
  37. ty: 'Ok',
  38. ysh: 'Reviewed',
  39. wsh: 'Not approved',
  40. wjmm: 'Forget password',
  41. logininfo:'You are not logged in. Do you want to log in now?',
  42. yk: 'tourist',
  43. lxkf: 'customer service',
  44. fxhy: 'Share friends',
  45. wdtd: 'My team',
  46. wdtg: 'My promotion',
  47. wdtgrs: 'My promotion number',
  48. login: 'Login',
  49. yy:'English',
  50. sy:'Index',
  51. wd:'My',
  52. shlb:'Review'
  53. },
  54. foo: {
  55. tx: 'Avatar',
  56. nc: 'Nickname',
  57. yhzh:'Bank Account',
  58. scyh:'Belongs to the bank',
  59. zh:'Account',
  60. jjlxrdh:'Emergency contact number',
  61. zfbskm:'Alipay payment code',
  62. wxskm:'Weixin payment code',
  63. tj:'Submit',
  64. tcdl:'Log out',
  65. sjyhskxxs:'Upper-level user payment information(up',
  66. j:'Level)',
  67. cg:'Succeed',
  68. sb:'Fail',
  69. shz:'Under review',
  70. xtpt:'Dystem platform',
  71. yzje:'Amount of assistance',
  72. yzfkxx:'Assistance payment information',
  73. scpz:'Upload documents',
  74. qxz:'Please chooseTRC20',
  75. zfcbdz:'Copy the coin charging address',
  76. qxxyzbbcjtxgpzbsc:'Please save the screenshots and upload the relevant vouchers for offline assistance. Each aid fund can be divided into two arbitrary amounts of payment, the total ',
  77. ysclbjt:'yuan Upload two screenshots',
  78. xtptwsf:'System platform maintenance fee collection information',
  79. xtptwhf:'System platform maintenance fee',
  80. ts:'Hint',
  81. yscpzsfcxsc:'The certificate has been uploaded. Do you want to upload it again',
  82. fzcg:'Copy success!',
  83. fzsb:'Copy fail',
  84. yhzzyz:'Bank transfer aid',
  85. yhzh:'Bank account',
  86. fzzh:'Copy',
  87. khh:'Opening bank',
  88. fzkhh:'Copy',
  89. zfbsmyz:'Alipay scan code assistance',
  90. wxsmyz:'Wechat scan code assistance',
  91. wjmm:'Forget the password',
  92. sz:'Set',
  93. xq:'Details',
  94. dkxx:'Aid information',
  95. wdtd:'My team',
  96. wd:'My',
  97. wdtg:'My promotion',
  98. sczl:'Upload data',
  99. shlb:'Review the list',
  100. wdewm:'My QR code',
  101. yjwndzzskf:'We have customized exclusive customer service for you',
  102. kfwx:'WeiXin',
  103. qx:'Cancel',
  104. fzwx:'Copy',
  105. jtxzsxm:'Please fill in your real name',
  106. jtxyhkh:'Please fill in your bank card number',
  107. jtxkhh:'Please fill in the opening bank',
  108. jtxjjlxrdh:'Please fill in the emergency contact number',
  109. ndqwtxskxx:'You have not filled in the payment information, do you want to go to fill in?',
  110. bt:'Must fill in',
  111. zsxm:'Name',
  112. yhylsjh:'The bank reserves a mobile number',
  113. fzsjh:'Copy',
  114. tglb:'Notification list',
  115. tgxq:'Notice details',
  116. syzx:'Benefit center',
  117. dqyzfk:'Current aid payments',
  118. dqszfk:'Current assistance payments',
  119. yzfk:'Assist payments',
  120. syzfk:'Suffer assist payments'
  121. }
  122. }