xuhaolan 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
Axios.js 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
InterceptorManager.js 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
README.md 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
buildFullPath.js 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
createError.js 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
dispatchRequest.js 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
enhanceError.js 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
mergeConfig.js 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
settle.js 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa
transformData.js 3a57687759 静态页 2 anni fa


axios // core

The modules found in core/ should be modules that are specific to the domain logic of axios. These modules would most likely not make sense to be consumed outside of the axios module, as their logic is too specific. Some examples of core modules are:

  • Dispatching requests
    • Requests sent via adapters/ (see lib/adapters/README.md)
  • Managing interceptors
  • Handling config