<?php namespace Mall\Framework\Db; class DbOci { static $queries = 0; public $options = array(); public $master = array(); public $slaves = array(); public $slave = array(); public $slave_key; public $sql; public $dbname; public $prefix; public $charset; protected $_error; protected $_cmstop_charset; protected $_transaction_started; protected $_table; protected $_mode; private $dbh; private $dbh_master; private $dbh_slave; function __construct($master = array(), $slaves = array()) { $this->master = $master; $this->options = &$this->master; if ($slaves) $this->slaves = $slaves; // 设置全局字符集 putenv('NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.UTF8'); // 设置会话期间的日期格式 $this->exec("ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT='YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'"); // 统一编码格式 $this->_cmstop_charset = $this->_normorlize_charset(config('config', 'charset')); } function __destruct() { if ($this->dbh) { oci_close($this->dbh); } } function beginTransaction() { if (!$this->_transaction_started) { $this->_mode = OCI_DEFAULT; $this->_transaction_started = true; return true; } $this->_error = 'Transaction had already begin'; return false; } function commit() { if (!$this->dbh()) return false; if ($this->_transaction_started) { $result = oci_commit($this->dbh); $this->_transaction_started = false; return $result; } $this->_error = 'No activied transaction'; return false; } function rollBack() { if (!$this->dbh()) return false; if ($this->_transaction_started) { $result = oci_rollback($this->dbh); $this->_transaction_started = false; return $result; } $this->_error = 'No activied transaction'; return false; } function lastInsertId($table = null, $primary_key = null) { if ($table !== null) { $this->_table = $table; } if (!$this->_table) { return 0; } $sequence_name = $this->_table; if ($primary_key) { $sequence_name .= "_{$primary_key}"; } $sequence_name .= '_seq'; return $this->lastSequenceId($sequence_name); } function lastSequenceId($sequence_name) { if (!$this->dbh()) return false; $sql = 'SELECT ' . $sequence_name . '.CURRVAL FROM dual'; return $this->get($sql); } function nextSequenceId($sequence_name) { if (!$this->dbh()) return false; $sql = 'SELECT ' . $sequence_name . '.NEXTVAL FROM dual'; return $this->get($sql); } static function get_instance($master = array(), $slaves = array()) { static $instance; $key = implode('', $master); if (!isset($instance[$key])) { $instance[$key] = new DbOci($master, $slaves); } return $instance[$key]; } function connect($options = array()) { $host = value($options, 'host'); $port = value($options, 'port'); $dbname = value($options, 'dbname'); $prefix = value($options, 'prefix', ''); $charset = value($options, 'charset'); $username = value($options, 'username'); $password = value($options, 'password'); $pconnect = value($options, 'pconnect'); $handler = $pconnect ? 'oci_pconnect' : 'oci_connect'; $server = '//' . $host . ($port ? (':' . $port) : '') . '/' . $dbname; if (!function_exists($handler)) { throw new \Exception("OCI extension not enabled"); } if (!($dbh = $handler($username, $password, $server))) { return false; } $this->dbname = $dbname; $this->prefix = $prefix; // 统一编码格式 $this->charset = $this->_normorlize_charset($charset); return $dbh; } private function connect_slave() { $this->slave_key = array_rand($this->slaves); $this->slave = $this->slaves[$this->slave_key]; $this->dbh_slave = $this->connect($this->slave); if (!$this->dbh_slave && count($this->slaves) > 1) { unset($this->slaves[$this->slave_key]); return $this->connect_slave(); } return $this->dbh_slave; } function exec($statement, $multiple = false) { if (!$this->dbh($statement)) return false; if (preg_match('/^\s*(INSERT\s+INTO)\s+(\w+)\s+/i', $this->sql, $matches)) { $this->_table = $matches[2]; } $this->_mode = OCI_COMMIT_ON_SUCCESS; $stmt = oci_parse($this->dbh, $this->_prepare_sql($this->sql)); if (false === oci_execute($stmt, $this->_mode)) { return false; } if ($multiple) { $result = array(); oci_fetch_all($stmt, $result, 0, -1, OCI_FETCHSTATEMENT_BY_ROW + OCI_ASSOC); } else { $result = oci_fetch_assoc($stmt); if (is_array($result)) { $result = array_shift(array_values($result)); } } oci_free_statement($stmt); /*if ($this->charset != $this->_cmstop_charset) { $result = str_charset($this->charset, $this->_cmstop_charset, $result); }*/ return $result; } function query($statement) { return $this->exec($statement); } function get($sql) { return $this->exec($sql); } function select($sql) { return $this->exec($sql, true); } function insert($sql) { return $this->exec($sql); } function update($sql) { return $this->exec($sql); } function replace($sql) { return $this->update($sql); } function delete($sql) { return $this->exec($sql); } public function limit($sql, $limit = 0, $offset = 0) { $limit_sql = "SELECT c2.* FROM ( SELECT c1.*, ROWNUM AS \"cmstop_db_rownum\" FROM ( {$sql} ) c1 ) c2 WHERE c2.\"cmstop_db_rownum\" BETWEEN " . ($offset + 1) . " AND " . ($offset + $limit); return $this->select($limit_sql); } public function page($sql, $page = 1, $size = 20) { $page = isset($page) ? max(intval($page), 1) : 1; $size = max(intval($size), 1); $offset = ($page - 1) * $size; return $this->limit($sql, $size, $offset); } function select_db($dbname) { return true; } function list_fields($table) { static $result = array(); if (!is_array($result[$table])) { if ($fields = $this->select("SELECT a.column_name, data_type, decode(nullable, 'Y', 0,1) notnull, data_default, decode(a.column_name, b.column_name, 1, 0) pk FROM user_tab_columns a, ( SELECT column_name FROM user_constraints c,user_cons_columns col WHERE c.constraint_name = col.constraint_name AND c.constraint_type='P' AND c.table_name = '" . strtoupper($table) . "' ) b WHERE table_name = '" . strtoupper($table) . "' AND a.column_name = b.column_name(+)") ) { foreach ($fields as $field) { $result[$table][$field['COLUMN_NAME']] = array( 'Field' => $field['COLUMN_NAME'], 'Type' => $field['DATA_TYPE'], 'Null' => $field['NOTNULL'] === 0 ? 'NO' : 'YES', 'Key' => '', 'Default' => $field['DATA_DEFAULT'], 'Extra' => '' ); } } } return $result[$table]; } function list_tables() { static $result; if (!is_array($result)) { if ($tables = $this->select("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM USER_TABLES ORDER BY TABLE_NAME ASC")) { foreach ($tables as $table) { $result[] = $table['TABLE_NAME']; } } } return $result; } function list_dbs() { return array( $this->master['dbname'] ); } function get_primary($table) { static $result = array(); if (!array_key_exists($table, $result)) { $primarys = array(); foreach ($this->exec("SELECT * FROM ALL_CONS_COLUMNS A JOIN ALL_CONSTRAINTS C ON A.CONSTRAINT_NAME = C.CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE C.TABLE_NAME = '$table' AND C.CONSTRAINT_TYPE = 'P'", true) as $primary) { $primarys[] = $primary['COLUMN_NAME']; } $result[$table] = implode(',', $primarys); } return $result[$table]; } function field_type($table, $field) { return false; } function version() { if (!$this->dbh()) return false; return oci_server_version($this->dbh); } function prefix() { return $this->master['prefix']; } function error() { if (is_null($this->_error)) { $this->_error = oci_error(); if ($this->_error && $this->charset != $this->_cmstop_charset) { $this->_error = str_charset($this->charset, $this->_cmstop_charset, $this->_error); } } return $this->_error; } protected function _prepare_sql($sql) { $this->sql = str_replace('#table_', $this->master['prefix'], trim($sql)); $this->sql = preg_replace('/(`(\w*)`)/Usim', '"$2"', $this->sql); return $this->sql; } protected function _normorlize_charset($charset) { return strtolower(str_replace('-', '', $charset)); } private function dbh($sql = null) { if (is_null($sql)) { $this->sql = null; if (is_null($this->dbh)) { if (is_null($this->dbh_master)) $this->dbh_master = $this->connect($this->master); $this->dbh = $this->dbh_master; } return $this->dbh; } self::$queries++; $this->sql = str_replace('#table_', $this->master['prefix'], trim($sql)); if ($this->slaves && is_null($this->dbh_master) && stripos($this->sql, 'select') === 0) { if (is_null($this->dbh_slave)) $this->dbh_slave = $this->connect_slave(); $this->dbh = $this->dbh_slave; } else { if (is_null($this->dbh_master)) $this->dbh_master = $this->connect($this->master); $this->dbh = $this->dbh_master; } return $this->dbh; } }