enterpriseId = $enterpriseId; $this->userCenterId = $userCenterId; parent::__construct($this->enterpriseId, $this->userCenterId); $this->obj = new DShopCardOrder('default'); $this->DCardBind = new DShopCardBind('default'); $this->DCard = new DShopCard('default'); $this->DCustomerCard = new DCustomerCard('default'); $this->DCustomerCardNum = new DCustomerCardNum('default'); } /** * 列表 * @param $where * @return mixed */ public function list($where) { $limit = $where['limit']; unset($where['limit']); $offset = $where['offset']; unset($where['offset']); $join = 'Left Join qianniao_customer_'.$this->enterpriseId.' as b on a.customer_id = b.id'; $join .= ' Left Join qianniao_shop_card as c on a.card_id = c.id'; $wherein[] = ['a.enterprise_id' ,'=' ,$this->enterpriseId]; if (isset($where['name']) and !empty($where['name'])){ $wherein[] = ['b.id|b.name', '=', $where['name']]; } if (isset($where['card_name']) and !empty($where['card_name'])){ $wherein[] = ['c.id|c.name', '=', $where['card_name']]; } if (isset($where['paid'])){ $wherein[] = ['paid' , '=', 1]; } if (isset($where['time'])){ $wherein[] = ['a.createTime', '>=', strtotime($where['time'][0])]; $wherein[] = ['a.createTime', '<=', strtotime($where['time'][1])]; } $dbResult = $this->obj->select($wherein, 'a.*,b.name as user_name,c.name as card_name,c.image', 'id DESC', $limit, $offset, array(), true, false,$join); $count = $this->obj->count($wherein, [], $join); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->obj->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } $return = [ 'data' => $dbResult, 'total' => $count, ]; if($return === false){ return ResultWrapper::fail($this->obj->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); }else{ return ResultWrapper::success($return); } } /** * 详情 * @param $where * @return mixed */ public function details($where) { if(empty($where)){ return ResultWrapper::success($where); } $dbResult = $this->obj->get($where); if($dbResult === false){ return ResultWrapper::fail($this->obj->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } return ResultWrapper::success(self::formatInfo($dbResult)); } /** * Doc: (des="添加") * User: XMing * Date: 2020/7/15 * Time: 10:42 上午 * @throws Exception * @param array $params * @return ResultWrapper */ public function insert(array $params) { $res = $this->obj->insert($params); if ($res){ return ResultWrapper::success('添加成功'); }else{ return ResultWrapper::fail($this->obj->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } } public function update($params, $id) { $data = $this->obj->get($id); if (!$data){ return ResultWrapper::fail('数据不存在', ErrorCode::$dberror); } $dbResult = $this->obj->update($params,$id); if($dbResult === false){ return ResultWrapper::fail($this->obj->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } return ResultWrapper::success('修改成功'); } /** * 完成订单发放优惠卡 * @param $data * @return void */ public function complete($data) { $this->obj->beginTransaction(); $card = $this->DCardBind->select(['card_id' => $data['card_id']]); $res = true; if ($card) { $cardRes = $this->DCustomerCard->insert(['customer_id' => $data['customer_id'], 'enterprise_id' => $data['enterprise_id'], 'card_id' => $data['card_id']]); foreach ($card as $item) { $user_card = [ 'customer_card' => $cardRes, 'enterprise_id' => $data['enterprise_id'], 'customer_id' => $data['customer_id'], 'project_id' => $item['project_id'], 'number' => $item['number'] ]; $res = $this->DCustomerCardNum->insert($user_card); } $res = $this->obj->update(['paid' => 1], $data['id']); } if ($res){ $this->obj->commit(); return true; }else{ $this->obj->rollBack(); return false; } } /** * 格式数据详情 * @param $data * @return mixed */ public function formatInfo($data) { return $data; } public function delete($where) { $res = $this->obj->delete($where); if ($res){ return ResultWrapper::success('删除成功'); } return ResultWrapper::fail($this->obj->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } /** * 微信支付 * @param $params * @return mixed * @throws Exception */ public function wxPay($params, $ip, $source) { $objSystemCache = new SystemCache(); $objMPaymentSetting = new MPaymentSetting($this->userCenterId, $this->enterpriseId); $result = $objMPaymentSetting->getPayData(1); if (!$result->isSuccess() || empty($result->getData())) { return ResultWrapper::fail('获取微信配置错误', ErrorCode::$configEroor); } $payment = $result->getData(); //获取客户信息 $objMCustomer = new MCustomer($this->enterpriseId, $this->userCenterId); $customerData = $objMCustomer->getCustomerInfoByUserCenterId($this->userCenterId); if (!$customerData->isSuccess()) { return ResultWrapper::fail($customerData->getData(), $customerData->getErrorCode()); } $customerData = $customerData->getData(); //wx /********************生成小程序唤起支付用到的参数(原配置)*****/ /**$weixinConfigData = Factory::config()->get('weixin'); * if (empty($weixinConfigData)) { * return ResultWrapper::fail('微信配置错误', ErrorCode::$configEroor); * }*/ // 获取当前登录企业的小程序配置 $miniprogramSetting = $objSystemCache->getAppIdByEnterpriseId($this->enterpriseId); if (empty($miniprogramSetting)) { return ResultWrapper::fail('后台小程序配置项为空', ErrorCode::$configEroor); } $miniprogramSetting = json_decode($miniprogramSetting, true);//获取小程序appid // 获取配置文件微信公众号 /**$weixinConfigData = Factory::config()->get('weixin'); * if (empty($weixinConfigData)) { * return ResultWrapper::fail('微信配置错误', ErrorCode::$configEroor); * }*/ switch ($source) { case StatusCode::$source['ByteProgram']; //$appid = $weixinConfigData['offiaccount']['appid']; $appid = $miniprogramSetting['appid']; $paySource = 'byteDanceH5'; break; case StatusCode::$source['miniProgram']; $appid = $miniprogramSetting['appid']; $paySource = 'miniProgram'; break; default : $appid = $payment['mobileAppid']; $paySource = 'APP'; break; } $weixinConfigData = [ 'mch_id' => $payment['mchId'], 'apiPartnerKey' => $payment['apiPartnerKey'], 'appid' => $appid ]; $attach = $this->enterpriseId . '|' . $this->userCenterId . '|' . implode('|', [$params['order_id']]); //$objPay = new Pay($appid, $weixinConfigData['pay']['mch_id'], $weixinConfigData['pay']['apiPartnerKey']);//old $objPay = new Pay($appid, $weixinConfigData['mch_id'], $weixinConfigData['apiPartnerKey']); $payParams = $objPay->unifiedorder($params['order_id'],$params['pay_price'], $ip, $paySource, '千鸟云商', $customerData['openId'], $attach); return ResultWrapper::success($payParams->getData()); } public function yuePay($param) { //获取客户信息 $objMCustomer = new MCustomer($this->enterpriseId, $this->userCenterId); $customerData = $objMCustomer->getCustomerInfoByUserCenterId($this->userCenterId); if (!$customerData->isSuccess()) { return ResultWrapper::fail($customerData->getData(), $customerData->getErrorCode()); } $customerData = $customerData->getData(); $price = $param['pay_price'];// 实际支付 if ($customerData['memberBalance'] < $price){ return ResultWrapper::fail('余额不足', 1005); } $before = $customerData['memberBalance']; $after = $customerData['memberBalance'] - $price; $Mbalance = new MMemberBalanceDetail($this->enterpriseId, $this->userCenterId); $Mbalance->create($customerData['id'], $customerData['userCenterId'], 4, $before, $price, $after,'支付优惠卡订单', '余额支付优惠卡订单'); $res = $this->paySuccess($param['order_id']); if ($res){ return ResultWrapper::success('支付成功'); }else{ return ResultWrapper::fail('支付失败', 1005); } } /** * 支付成功后 * @return void */ public function paySuccess($order_id) { $data = $this->obj->get(['order_id' => $order_id]); $this->obj->beginTransaction(); $card = $this->DCardBind->select(['card_id' => $data['card_id']]); $res = true; if ($card) { $cardRes = $this->DCustomerCard->insert(['customer_id' => $data['customer_id'], 'enterprise_id' => $data['enterprise_id'], 'card_id' => $data['card_id']]); foreach ($card as $item) { $user_card = [ 'customer_card' => $cardRes, 'enterprise_id' => $data['enterprise_id'], 'customer_id' => $data['customer_id'], 'project_id' => $item['project_id'], 'number' => $item['number'] ]; $this->DCustomerCardNum->insert($user_card); } $res = $this->obj->update(['paid' => 1], $data['id']); } if ($res){ $this->obj->commit(); return true; }else{ $this->obj->rollBack(); return false; } } }