obj = new MHoldersBonus($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $this->objShopCache = new ShopCache(); $this->objTempSaveCache = new TempSaveCache(); } /** * 添加和编辑商铺管理公共字段处理方法 * * @return array */ public function commonFieldFilter(){ $params = $this->request->getRawJson(); if( empty($params) ){ $this->sendOutput('参数为空', ErrorCode::$paramError ); } $shopData = [ 'name' => isset($params['name']) ? $params['name'] : '', 'price' => isset($params['price']) ? $params['price'] : '', 'ot_price' => isset($params['ot_price']) ? $params['ot_price'] : '', 'image' => isset($params['image']) ? $params['image'] : '', ]; //非暂存则验空 if (!isset($params['tempSave']) || $params['tempSave'] == false) { foreach($shopData as $key => $value){ if(empty($value) && $value !== 0){ $this->sendOutput($key.'参数错误', ErrorCode::$paramError ); } } } $shopData['info']= isset($params['info']) ? $params['info'] : false; $shopData['introduce']= isset($params['introduce']) ? $params['introduce'] : false; $shopData['status']= isset($params['status']) ? $params['status'] : 1; return $shopData; } /** * 列表 */ public function list() { $params = $this->request->getRawJson(); $pageParams = pageToOffset($params['page'] ?: 1, $params['pageSize'] ?: 10); $selectParams['limit'] = $pageParams['limit']; $selectParams['offset'] = $pageParams['offset']; //uid if(isset($params['name']) && !empty($params['name'])){ $selectParams['name'] = $params['name']; } if(isset($params['start_time']) && !empty($params['start_time'])){ $selectParams['start_time'] = $params['start_time']; } if(isset($params['end_time']) && !empty($params['end_time'])){ $selectParams['end_time'] = $params['end_time']; } if(isset($params['type']) && !empty($params['type'])){ $selectParams['type'] = $params['type']; } $result = $this->obj->list($selectParams); if ($result->isSuccess()) { $returnData = $result->getData(); $pageData = [ 'pageIndex' => $params['page'], 'pageSize' => $params['pageSize'], 'pageTotal' => $returnData['total'], ]; parent::sendOutput($returnData['data'], 0, $pageData); } else { parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } } /** * 添加 * @throws \Exception */ public function add() { $addStaffData = $this->commonFieldFilter(); // $addStaffData['shop_id'] = $this->shopId; $addStaffData['enterprise_id'] = $this->onlineEnterpriseId; $result = $this->obj->insert($addStaffData); if ($result->isSuccess()) { parent::sendOutput($result->getData()); } else { parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), $result->getErrorCode()); } } /** * 详情 * @return void */ public function details() { $where = []; $id = $this->request->param('id'); if(!empty($id)){ $where['id'] = $id; } $result = $this->obj->details($where); if ($result->isSuccess()) { parent::sendOutput($result->getData()); } else { parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), $result->getErrorCode()); } } /** * 修改 * @return void */ public function update() { $id['id'] = $this->request->param('id'); if (empty($id['id'])) { $this->sendOutput('参数为空', ErrorCode::$paramError); } $params = $this->commonFieldFilter(); $result = $this->obj->update($params, $id); if ($result->isSuccess()) { parent::sendOutput($result->getData()); } else { parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), $result->getErrorCode()); } } public function delete() { $id['id'] = $this->request->param('id'); if (empty($id['id'])) { $this->sendOutput('参数为空', ErrorCode::$paramError); } $result = $this->obj->delete($id); if ($result->isSuccess()) { parent::sendOutput($result->getData()); } else { parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), $result->getErrorCode()); } } public function bonus() { $Menterprise = new MEnterprise(); $en = $Menterprise->list([])->getData(); foreach ($en['data'] as $item) { $Mbasi = new MBasicSetup($item['id']); $basi = $Mbasi->getBasicSetup()->getData(); $Mholders = new \JinDouYun\Model\Holders\Holders(); $objDOrder = new DOrder('default'); $objDOrder->setTable('qianniao_order_'.$item['id'].'_1'); $objCustomer = new DCustomer('default'); $objCustomer->setTable('qianniao_customer_'.$item['id']); $objMenber = new DMemberBalanceDetail('default'); $objMenber->setTable('qianniao_member_balance_detail_'.$item['id']); if ($basi){ $holders_original = $Mholders->getSum($item['id']);//所有股份 $order = $objDOrder->select(['payStatus' => 5,'returnStatus' => 0], 'sum(payAmount) as payAmount'); if ($holders_original['shares'] > 0 || $holders_original['dends'] > 0 and $order){ $original_bonus = $basi['basicData']['original_bonus'] / 100;//原始股份分红比列 $bonus = $basi['basicData']['bonus'] / 100;//分红股份分红比列 if ($holders_original['shares'] > 0){ $originalPrice = round($order[0]['payAmount'] * $original_bonus,3); // 原始股分红总金额 $originalPriceOne = round($order[0]['payAmount'] * $original_bonus/$holders_original['shares'], 3); // 原始股分红单份金额 } if ($holders_original['dends'] > 0){ $bonusPrice = round($order[0]['payAmount'] * $bonus,2); // 分红股分红总金额 $bonusPriceOne = round($order[0]['payAmount'] * $bonus/$holders_original['dends'], 3); // 分红股分红单份金额 } $user = $Mholders->Lst(['limit' => 0])->getData(); foreach ($user['data'] as $vo) { if ($originalPriceOne > 0 and $vo['shares'] > 0){ $customer = $objCustomer->get(['id' => $vo['us_id']]); $number = round($originalPriceOne * $vo['shares'], 3);//原始股份分红 $before = $customer['memberBalance'];//变动前 $after = $number + $before;//变动后 $bounsInsert = [ 'hol_id' => $vo['id'], 'en_id' => $item['id'], 'mark' => '原始股份分红', 'type' => 1, 'number' => $number, 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'total' => $originalPrice, 'total_shares' => $holders_original['shares'], 'shares' => $vo['shares'] ]; $memberInsert = [ 'customerId' => $customer['id'], 'userCenterId' => $customer['userCenterId'], 'type' => 5, 'purpose' => '原始股份分红', 'money' => $number, 'afterMoney' => $after, 'beforeMoney' => $before, 'remark' => '原始股份分红', 'createTime' => time(), 'updateTime' => time(), ]; $this->obj->insert($bounsInsert); $objMenber->insert($memberInsert); $objCustomer->update(['memberBalance' => $after], $vo['us_id']); } if ($bonusPriceOne > 0 and $vo['dends'] > 0){ $customer = $objCustomer->get(['id' => $vo['us_id']]); $number = round($bonusPriceOne * $vo['dends'], 3);//原始股份分红 $before = $customer['memberBalance'];//变动前 $after = $number + $before;//变动后 $bounsInsert = [ 'hol_id' => $vo['id'], 'en_id' => $item['id'], 'mark' => '分红股份分红', 'type' => 2, 'number' => $number, 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'total' => $bonusPrice, 'total_shares' => $holders_original['dends'], 'shares' => $vo['shares'] ]; $memberInsert = [ 'customerId' => $customer['id'], 'userCenterId' => $customer['userCenterId'], 'type' => 5, 'purpose' => '分红股份分红', 'money' => $number, 'afterMoney' => $after, 'beforeMoney' => $before, 'remark' => '分红股份分红', 'createTime' => time(), 'updateTime' => time(), ]; $this->obj->insert($bounsInsert); $objMenber->insert($memberInsert); $objCustomer->update(['memberBalance' => $after], $vo['us_id']); } } echo '企业'.$item['id'].'发放成功'; } } } } }