onlineUserId = $onlineUserId; $this->onlineEnterpriseId = $onlineEnterpriseId; $this->objDGoodsCategory = new DGoodsCategory('default'); $this->objOverviewCache = new OverviewCache(); $this->objGoodsBasicRelevantCache = new GoodsBasicRelevant($this->onlineEnterpriseId); $this->objDGoodsCategory->setTable($this->objDGoodsCategory->get_Table() . '_' . $onlineEnterpriseId); } /** * 添加分类 * @param $params * @return ResultWrapper * @throws \Exception */ public function addCategory($params) { //验证分类名称唯一 /*$cacheResult = $this->objGoodsBasicRelevantCache->getCategoryIdByName($params['title']); if ($cacheResult) { return ResultWrapper::fail('分类名称已存在', ErrorCode::$paramError); }*/ $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->insert($params); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } $this->objGoodsBasicRelevantCache->cacheCategoryIdRelationName($params['title'], $dbResult); return ResultWrapper::success($dbResult); } /** * 获取指定id分类的详细信息 * @param $id * @return ResultWrapper * @throws \Exception */ public function getCategoryInfoById($id) { $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->get_by('id', $id); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } $pid = $dbResult['pid']; $sql = 'select title as ptitle from qianniao_goods_category_'.$this->onlineEnterpriseId.' WHERE id = '.$pid; $ptitle = $this->objDGoodsCategory->query($sql); if ($ptitle === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } foreach ($ptitle as $key => $vlue){ $dbResult['ptitle'] = array_shift($vlue); } return ResultWrapper::success($dbResult); } /** * 编辑分类信息 * @param $params * @return ResultWrapper * @throws \Exception */ public function editCategory($params) { if (empty($params['id'])) { return ResultWrapper::fail('没有指定要修改分类id', ErrorCode::$paramError); } $updateCategoryId = $params['id']; unset($params['id']); if (in_array($updateCategoryId, explode(',', $params['link']))) { return ResultWrapper::fail('请选择其他分类', ErrorCode::$paramError); } $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->update($params, $updateCategoryId); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } $this->objGoodsBasicRelevantCache->deleteCategoryKeyById($updateCategoryId); $this->objGoodsBasicRelevantCache->cacheCategoryIdRelationName($params['title'], $updateCategoryId); return ResultWrapper::success($dbResult); } /** * 分类的显示和隐藏 * @param $params * @return ResultWrapper * @throws \Exception */ public function updateCategoryStatus($params) { $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->update(['enableStatus' => $params['enableStatus']], $params['id']); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } else { return ResultWrapper::success($dbResult); } } /** * 获取所有基础商品分类的列表 * @param $selectParams * @param $fields * @return ResultWrapper * @throws \Exception */ public function getAllCategory($selectParams = [], $fields = '*') { $selectParams['deleteStatus'] = StatusCode::$standard; //分配屏蔽客户类型 if(isset($selectParams['userCenterId']) && !empty($selectParams['userCenterId'])){ //查询当前登录客户类型 $objMCustomer = new MCustomer($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $modelResult = $objMCustomer->getCustomerData(['userCenterId' => $selectParams['userCenterId']],'type',true); if(!$modelResult->isSuccess()){ return ResultWrapper::fail($modelResult->getData(), $modelResult->getErrorCode()); } $customer = $modelResult->getData(); unset($modelResult); if(!empty($customer) && !empty($customer['type'])){ $selectParams['notCustomerType'] = $customer['type']; } } unset($selectParams['userCenterId']); $whereSql = ''; foreach($selectParams as $key => $value){ if($key == 'notCustomerType'){ $whereSql .= (empty($whereSql) ? '' : ' and ').'( not FIND_IN_SET('.$value.','.$key.') or '.$key.' is null)'; }else{ $whereSql .= (empty($whereSql) ? '' : ' and ').$key.' = '.$value; } } //添加select条件 $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->select($whereSql, $fields, 'sort DESC,createTime desc'); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } $return = [ 'data' => arr2tree(self::formatBasicNum($dbResult)), ]; return ResultWrapper::success($return); } /** * 获取所有基础商品分类的列表(小程序) * @param $selectParams * @param $fields * @return ResultWrapper * @throws \Exception * sql select * FROM qianniao_goods_category_64 where id in (SELECT DISTINCT b.categoryPath as goodsIds from qianniao_goods_64 as g LEFT JOIN qianniao_goods_basic_64 as b on where b.deleteStatus = 5 and b.enableStatus = 5 and g.enableStatus = 5 and g.deleteStatus = 5) and enableStatus = 5 and deleteStatus = 5 and ( not FIND_IN_SET(1,notCustomerType) or notCustomerType is null) ORDER BY sort DESC,createTime desc */ public function apiGetAllCategory($selectParams = [], $fields = '*') { $selectParams['deleteStatus'] = StatusCode::$standard; //分配屏蔽客户类型 if(isset($selectParams['userCenterId']) && !empty($selectParams['userCenterId'])){ //查询当前登录客户类型 $objMCustomer = new MCustomer($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $modelResult = $objMCustomer->getCustomerData(['userCenterId' => $selectParams['userCenterId']],'type',true); if(!$modelResult->isSuccess()){ return ResultWrapper::fail($modelResult->getData(), $modelResult->getErrorCode()); } $customer = $modelResult->getData(); unset($modelResult); if(!empty($customer) && !empty($customer['type'])){ $selectParams['notCustomerType'] = $customer['type']; } } unset($selectParams['userCenterId']); $whereSql = ''; foreach($selectParams as $key => $value){ if($key == 'notCustomerType'){ $whereSql .= (empty($whereSql) ? '' : ' and ').'( not FIND_IN_SET('.$value.','.$key.') or '.$key.' is null)'; }else{ $whereSql .= (empty($whereSql) ? '' : ' and ').$key.' = '.$value; } } $sql = 'select id,pid,sort,createTime FROM '.$this->objDGoodsCategory->get_Table().' where id in (SELECT DISTINCT b.categoryId as goodsIds from qianniao_goods_'.$this->onlineEnterpriseId.' as g LEFT JOIN qianniao_goods_basic_'.$this->onlineEnterpriseId.' as b on where b.deleteStatus = '.StatusCode::$standard.' and b.enableStatus = '.StatusCode::$standard.' and g.enableStatus = '.StatusCode::$standard.' and g.deleteStatus = '.StatusCode::$standard.') and '.$whereSql; //添加select条件 $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->query($sql); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } if( empty($dbResult) ){ return ResultWrapper::success(['data'=>[]]); } $categoryIds = []; foreach ($dbResult as $categoryIdsKey => $categoryIdsValue){ array_push($categoryIds,$dbResult[$categoryIdsKey]['id']); array_push($categoryIds,$dbResult[$categoryIdsKey]['pid']); } unset($dbResult); $categoryIds = implode(',',$categoryIds); $categoryIdsSql = 'select * from '.$this->objDGoodsCategory->get_Table().' where id in ('.$categoryIds.')'.' ORDER BY sort DESC,createTime desc'; $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->query($categoryIdsSql); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } $return = [ 'data' => arr2tree(self::formatBasicNum($dbResult)), ]; return ResultWrapper::success($return); } /** * 删除分类 * @param $id * @return ResultWrapper * @throws \Exception */ public function delCategory($id) { if (empty($id)) { return ResultWrapper::fail('参数错误', ErrorCode::$paramError); } $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->count(['pid' => $id, 'deleteStatus' => StatusCode::$standard]); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } if ($dbResult > 0) { return ResultWrapper::fail("分类下有子分类", ErrorCode::$dberror); } $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->update(['deleteStatus' => StatusCode::$delete], $id); if ($dbResult === false) { return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } foreach ($id as $categoryId) { $this->objGoodsBasicRelevantCache->deleteCategoryKeyById($categoryId); } return ResultWrapper::success($dbResult); } /** * 根据分类id获取分类名称 * @param $selectParams * @return ResultWrapper * @throws \Exception */ public function getCategoryTitleByIds($selectParams) { $dbResult = $this->objDGoodsCategory->select($selectParams, 'id,title','sort desc,createTime desc'); if ($dbResult === false) { Logger::logs(E_USER_ERROR,'sql error',__CLASS__,__LINE__,$this->objDGoodsCategory->error()); return ResultWrapper::fail($this->objDGoodsCategory->error(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } return ResultWrapper::success($dbResult); } /** * 统计分类下的商品数量 * @param $data * @return mixed * @throws \Exception */ private function formatBasicNum($data) { $objMGoodsBasic = new MGoodsBasic($this->onlineUserId, $this->onlineEnterpriseId); foreach ($data as $key => &$val) { $val['code'] = createCode(StatusCode::$code['category']['prefix'], $val['id'], StatusCode::$code['brand']['length']); $dbResult = $objMGoodsBasic->getBasicTotalByIds($val['id']); if (!$dbResult->isSuccess()) { return $data; } $goodsBasicData = $dbResult->getData(); if (isset($goodsBasicData['num'])) { $val['goodsBasicTotal'] = $goodsBasicData['num']; } else { $val['goodsBasicTotal'] = 0; } } return $data; } public function todayCategoryRanking($ranking = 1, $shopId = null) { if ($ranking == 1) { $result = $this->objOverviewCache->getRanking($this->onlineEnterpriseId, 'categoryRanking', $shopId); } else { $result = $this->objOverviewCache->getSalesMoneyRanking($this->onlineEnterpriseId, 'categoryRanking', $shopId); } if (empty($result)) { return []; } $total = array_sum($result); //拼接categoryId $categoryIds = []; $i = 1; foreach ($result as $categoryId => $v) { $categoryIds[] = $categoryId; $i++; if ($i >= 8) { break; } } $categoryResult = self::getCategoryTitleByIds($categoryIds); $categoryNameData = []; if ($categoryResult->isSuccess()) { $categoryResult = $categoryResult->getData(); foreach ($categoryResult as $categoryData) { $categoryNameData[$categoryData['id']] = $categoryData['title']; } } //拼接返回数据 $return = []; $i = 1; foreach ($result as $categoryId => $v) { $rank = []; $rank['id'] = $i; $rank['categoryName'] = isset($categoryNameData[$categoryId]) ? $categoryNameData[$categoryId] : ''; $rank['numberOrMoney'] = $v; $rank['percent'] = $v ? (float)bcmul(bcdiv($v, $total), 100, 2) : 0; $return[] = $rank; $i++; if ($i >= 8) { break; } } return $return; } }