request->param('SHOP-TOKEN'); if (!empty($shopToken)) { self::getShopIdByShopToken($shopToken); } $this->obj = new MShopProject($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $this->objCustomer = new MCustomer($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $this->objCard = new MCustomerCard($this->onlineEnterpriseId); $this->objCardNum = new DCustomerCardNum('default'); $this->objRostering = new MShopRostering($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $this->objSub = new MShopSubscribe($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $this->objStaff = new MStaff($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $this->Mrostering = new MShopRostering($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $this->staff = new MStaff($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $this->Mstock = new MStaffStock($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId); $this->objDStaffRewardDesc = new DUserCenter('default'); $this->objDStaffRewardDesc->setTable('qianniao_staff_reward_desc_' . $this->onlineEnterpriseId); } /** *排班详情 * @return void */ public function scheduling_details() { $param = $this->request->getRawJson(); // $user = $this->staff->getStaffInfo(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId, 'shopId' => $this->shopId])->getData(); // if (!$user) parent::sendOutput('不是该店铺店员', 1); // $staff = $this->staff->getStaffInfo(['userCenterId' => $param['uid'], 'shopId' => $this->shopId])->getData(); $uid = $this->onlineUserId; // $offset = $param['offset'] ? $param['offset'] : 0; // $limit = $param['limit'] ? $param['limit'] : 100; $month = $param['month'] ? $param['month'] : date('Y-m', time()); $where = []; if ($month) { $where[] = ['time', 'like', '%' . $month . '%']; } if (isset($param['export'])) { $where['export'] = $param['export']; } // $where[] = ['shop_id', '=', $this->shopId]; // $staff = $this->objStaff->getStaffData(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId])->getData(); // if (empty($staff)) parent::sendOutput('该用户不是店员', ErrorCode::$dberror);; $where[] = ['uid', '=', $param['staffId']]; $rostering = $this->Mrostering->select($where, '*', 'time DESC'); if ($rostering->isSuccess()) { $returnData = $rostering->getData(); parent::sendOutput($returnData['data'], 0); } else { parent::sendOutput($rostering->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } } /** * 服务列表列表 */ public function list() { if (empty($this->onlineUserId)) parent::sendOutput('未登录', ErrorCode::$dberror); $params = $this->request->params(); $pageParams = pageToOffset($params['page'] ?: 1, $params['pageSize'] ?: 10); $selectParams['limit'] = $pageParams['limit']; $selectParams['offset'] = $pageParams['offset']; $staff = $this->objStaff->getStaffData(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId])->getData(); if (empty($staff)) parent::sendOutput('该用户不是店员', ErrorCode::$dberror); $selectParams['uid'] = $staff['id']; if ($this->shopId) { $selectParams['shop_id'] = $this->shopId; } //昵称 if (isset($params['nickname']) && !empty($params['nickname'])) { $selectParams['nickname'] = $params['nickname']; } //uid if (isset($params['uid']) && !empty($params['uid'])) { $selectParams['uid'] = $params['uid']; } if (isset($params['type']) && !empty($params['type'])) { $selectParams['type'] = $params['type']; } $selectParams['status'] = 1; // 时间 if (isset($params['start_time']) && !empty($params['start_time']) and isset($params['end_time']) && !empty($params['end_time'])) { $response = []; $dt_start = strtotime($params['start_time']); $dt_end = strtotime($params['end_time']); while ($dt_start <= $dt_end) { array_push($response, date('Y-m-d', $dt_start)); $dt_start = strtotime('+1 day', $dt_start); } $selectParams['time'] = $response; } $result = $this->objSub->list($selectParams); if ($result->isSuccess()) { $returnData = $result->getData(); $pageData = [ 'pageIndex' => $params['page'], 'pageSize' => $params['pageSize'], 'pageTotal' => $returnData['total'], ]; parent::sendOutput($returnData['data'], 0, $pageData); } else { parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } } /** * 修改预约订单,修改服务员工 * @return void */ public function upSubscribe() { $id = $this->request->param('id'); $staffId = $this->request->param('staffId'); $subscribe = $this->objSub->details(['id' => $id])->getData(); $staff = $this->objStaff->getStaffData(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId])->getData(); if (empty($staff)) parent::sendOutput('该用户不是店员', ErrorCode::$dberror); if ($subscribe['status'] == 1) parent::sendOutput('订单已完成', ErrorCode::$dberror); if ($subscribe['uid'] == $staffId) parent::sendOutput('服务人员未变动', ErrorCode::$dberror); $res = $this->objSub->update(['uid' => $staffId], $id); if ($res) { parent::sendOutput('修改成功'); } parent::sendOutput($res->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } /** * 新增项目 * @return void */ public function addProject() { $id = $this->request->param('id'); $projectId = $this->request->param('projectId'); $project = $this->obj->select([['id', 'in', $projectId]]); $subscribe = $this->objSub->details(['id' => $id])->getData(); if ($subscribe['status'] == 1) parent::sendOutput('订单已完成', ErrorCode::$dberror); foreach ($project as $item) { $subscribe['to_price'] += $item['price']; $subscribe['cost_price'] += $item['cost_price']; $subscribe['stay_price'] += $item['price']; } $projectIDs = array_merge(explode(',', $subscribe['project']), explode(',', $projectId)); $res = $this->objSub->update(['to_price' => $subscribe['to_price'], 'cost_price' => $subscribe['cost_price'], 'stay_price' => $subscribe['stay_price'], 'project' => implode(',', $projectIDs)], $id); if ($res) { parent::sendOutput('添加成功'); } parent::sendOutput($res->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } /** * 订单完成 * @return void */ public function complete() { $params = $this->request->getRawJson(); if (!$params['id']) $this->sendOutput('参数为空', ErrorCode::$paramError); $data = $this->objSub->details(['id' => $params['id']]); if (!$data->isSuccess()) parent::sendOutput('订单不存在', $data->getErrorCode()); $data = $data->getData(); if ($data['status'] == 1) parent::sendOutput('该订单已完成', 1005); $res = $this->objSub->update(['status' => 1, 'paid' => 1, 'completeTime' => time(), 'pay_price' => $data['pay_price'] + $data['stay_price']], $params['id']); if ($res->isSuccess()) { $this->staff->stock($data['uid']); // 发放员工股份 $this->staff->recommend($data, $this->shopId); // 发放客户提成 $this->staff->service($data, $this->shopId); // 发放员工提成 parent::sendOutput('成功'); } else { parent::sendOutput($res->getData(), $res->getErrorCode()); } } /** * 所有员工 * @return void */ public function staffAll() { $params = $this->request->params(); $pageParams = pageToOffset($params['page'] ?: 1, $params['pageSize'] ?: 10); $selectParams['limit'] = $pageParams['limit']; $selectParams['offset'] = $pageParams['offset']; // $selectParams['shopId'] = $this->shopId; $result = $this->objStaff->getAllStaff($selectParams); if ($result->isSuccess()) { $returnData = $result->getData(); $pageData = [ 'pageIndex' => $params['page'], 'pageSize' => $params['pageSize'], 'pageTotal' => $returnData['total'], ]; parent::sendOutput($returnData['data'], 0, $pageData); } else { parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } } /** * 申请提现 */ public function addReflectDetail() { $params = $this->request->getRawJson(); if (empty($params)) { $this->sendOutput('参数为空', ErrorCode::$paramError); } $ReflectDetailDate = [ 'staffId' => getArrayItem($params, 'staffId', ''), 'userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId, 'reflectType' => getArrayItem($params, 'reflectType', ''), 'money' => getArrayItem($params, 'money', ''), 'reflectInfo' => getArrayItem($params, 'reflectInfo', []), 'reflectStatus' => getArrayItem($params, 'reflectStatus', 4), 'auditStatus' => getArrayItem($params, 'auditStatus', 1), ]; foreach ($ReflectDetailDate as $key => $value) { if (empty($value) && $value !== 0) { $this->sendOutput($key . '参数错误', ErrorCode::$paramError); } } $ReflectDetailDate['en_id'] = $this->onlineEnterpriseId; $ReflectDetailDate['reflectInfo'] = json_encode($ReflectDetailDate['reflectInfo']); $ReflectDetailDate['remark'] = getArrayItem($params, 'remark', ''); $ReflectDetailDate['createTime'] = time(); $result = $this->objStaff->addReflectDetail($ReflectDetailDate); if ($result->isSuccess()) { parent::sendOutput($result->getData()); } else { parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), $result->getErrorCode()); } } /** * 员工提现列表 * @return void */ public function getWithdrawal() { $params = $this->request->params(); $pageParams = pageToOffset($params['page'] ?: 1, $params['pageSize'] ?: 10); $limit = $pageParams['limit']; $offset = $pageParams['offset']; $selectParams['en_id'] = $this->onlineEnterpriseId; $selectParams['userCenterId'] = $this->onlineUserId; if (isset($params['auditStatus']) and !empty($params['auditStatus'])) { $selectParams['auditStatus'] = $params['auditStatus']; } if (isset($params['staffId']) and !empty($params['staffId'])) { $selectParams['staffId'] = $params['staffId']; } if (isset($params['reflectStatus']) and !empty($params['reflectStatus'])) { $selectParams['reflectStatus'] = $params['reflectStatus']; } if (isset($params['end']) and !empty($params['end']) && isset($params['start']) and !empty($params['start'])) { $selectParams[] = ['createTime', '>=', strtotime($params['start'])]; $selectParams[] = ['createTime', '<=', strtotime($params['end'])]; } $db = new DStaffReflect('default'); $list = $db->select($selectParams, '*', 'id DESC', $limit, $offset); foreach ($list as &$item) { $item['reflectInfo'] = json_decode($item['reflectInfo']); } $count = $db->count($selectParams); $pageData = [ 'pageIndex' => $params['page'], 'pageSize' => $params['pageSize'], 'pageTotal' => $count, ]; parent::sendOutput($list, 0, $pageData); } /** * 更新排班详情 * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public function update_roster() { $id = $this->request->params(); $time = date('Y-m-d', time()); $db = new DShopRostering('default'); $db->setTable('qianniao_shop_rostering_' . $id['id']); $list = $db->select([['time', '<', $time], ['status', '=', 0]]); $MTem = new MShopTemplate($id['id']); $Mstaff = new MStaff($id['id']); foreach ($list as &$item) { $staff = $Mstaff->getStaffInfo(['id' => $item['uid']])->getData(); $time_slot = json_decode($item['time_slot']); $time_count = 0; foreach ($time_slot as $item) { $time_count += count($item); } $clock = json_decode($item['clock']); if (empty($clock)) { $db->update(['status' => -1], $item['id']); } else { $price = 0; foreach ($clock as $vo) { if ($vo->timeResult == 'Normal') { $tem_price = $MTem->details(['shift_id' => $item['template_id']])->getData(); $price += $tem_price['single_time']; } } if ($price > 0) { $balance = $staff['reward'] + $price; $rewardTotal = $staff['rewardTotal'] + $price; $Mstaff->clockReward($price, $balance, $staff['userCenterId'], $staff['id'], $this->shopId, $rewardTotal); } if (count($time_slot) != count($clock)) { $db->update(['status' => -1], $item['id']); } } } } public function ExaminationRecord() { $params = $this->request->params(); $db = new DShopRostering('default'); $db->setTable('qianniao_shop_rostering_' . $this->onlineEnterpriseId); $list = $this->objStaff->getAllStaffData([['shopId', '>', 0]])->getData(); foreach ($list as &$item) { $item['abnormal'] = 0; $item['no_clocking'] = 0; $item['late'] = 0; $item['early'] = 0; $item['normal'] = 0; $item['clock_in'] = 0; $rostering = $db->select([['time', 'like', '%' . $params['month'] . '%'], ['uid', '=', $item['id']]]); foreach ($rostering as $vo) { if ($vo['time'] < date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())) { if ($vo['status'] == -1) { $item['abnormal'] += 1; //异常天数 } $time_slot = json_decode($vo['time_slot']); $time_count = 0; foreach ($time_slot as $v) { $time_count += count($v); $item['clock_in'] += count($v);//应打卡次数 } $clock = json_decode($vo['clock']); if ($clock) { foreach ($clock as $vs) { if ($vs->timeResult == 'Late') { $item['late'] += 1; //迟到次数 } if ($vs->timeResult == 'Early') { $item['early'] += 1; // 早退次数 } if ($vs->timeResult == 'Normal') { $item['normal'] += 1; // 正常打卡次数 } } $item['no_clocking'] += $time_count - count($clock);//缺卡次数 } else { $item['no_clocking'] += $time_count; //缺卡次数 } } } } parent::sendOutput($list); } /** * 排班详情 * @return void * @throws \Exception */ public function ExaminationDetails() { $params = $this->request->params(); $db = new DShopRostering('default'); $db->setTable('qianniao_shop_rostering_' . $this->onlineEnterpriseId); $data = $this->objStaff->getStaffInfo([['shopId', '>', 0], ['id', '=', $params['staffId']]])->getData(); $data['abnormal'] = 0; $data['no_clocking'] = 0; $data['late'] = 0; $data['early'] = 0; $data['normal'] = 0; $data['clock_in'] = 0; $rostering = $db->select([['time', 'like', '%' . $params['month'] . '%'], ['uid', '=', $data['id']]]); if ($rostering) { foreach ($rostering as $vo) { if ($vo['time'] < date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time())) { if ($vo['status'] == -1) { $data['abnormal'] += 1; //异常天数 } $time_slot = json_decode($vo['time_slot']); $time_count = 0; foreach ($time_slot as $v) { $time_count += count($v); $data['clock_in'] += count($v);//应打卡次数 } $clock = json_decode($vo['clock']); if ($clock) { foreach ($clock as $vs) { if ($vs->timeResult == 'Late') { $data['late'] += 1; //迟到次数 } if ($vs->timeResult == 'Early') { $data['early'] += 1; // 早退次数 } if ($vs->timeResult == 'Normal') { $data['normal'] += 1; // 正常打卡次数 } } $data['no_clocking'] += $time_count - count($clock);//缺卡次数 } else { $data['no_clocking'] += $time_count; //缺卡次数 } } } } parent::sendOutput($data); } /** * 员工股份列表 */ public function stock_list() { $params = $this->request->params(); $pageParams = pageToOffset($params['page'] ?: 1, $params['pageSize'] ?: 10); $selectParams['limit'] = $pageParams['limit']; $selectParams['offset'] = $pageParams['offset']; $staff = $this->staff->getStaffInfo(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId])->getData(); //uid if (isset($params['name']) && !empty($params['name'])) { $selectParams['name'] = $params['name']; } if (isset($params['pm']) && !empty($params['pm'])) { $selectParams['pm'] = $params['pm']; } $selectParams['staff_id'] = $staff['id']; $result = $this->Mstock->list($selectParams); if ($result->isSuccess()) { $returnData = $result->getData(); $pageData = [ 'pageIndex' => $params['page'], 'pageSize' => $params['pageSize'], 'pageTotal' => $returnData['total'], ]; parent::sendOutput($returnData['data'], 0, $pageData); } else { parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror); } } /** * 股权提现 * @return void */ public function StockWithdrawal() { $params = $this->request->params(); $staff = $this->staff->getStaffInfo(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId])->getData(); if ($staff['use_stock'] < $params['number']) { parent::sendOutput('可用余额不足', ErrorCode::$dberror); } $dbConfig = new MBasicSetup($this->onlineEnterpriseId); $config = $dbConfig->getBasicField('stock_exchange')->getData(); $money = $params['number'] * $config['stock_exchange'];// 实际兑换金额 $res = $this->objStaff->exchange($params['number'], $money, $staff); if ($res) { parent::sendOutput('兑换成功'); } parent::sendOutput('兑换失败'); } /** * 员工转介绍 * @return void */ public function Referral() { $params = $this->request->params(); $pageParams = pageToOffset($params['page'] ?: 1, $params['pageSize'] ?: 10); $selectParams['limit'] = $pageParams['limit']; $selectParams['offset'] = $pageParams['offset']; $staff = $this->staff->getStaffInfo(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId])->getData(); $list = $this->objCustomer->select(['recommenderType' => 2, 'recommenderId' => $staff['id']], $selectParams['limit'], $selectParams['offset']); $count = $this->objCustomer->count(['recommenderType' => 2, 'recommenderId' => $staff['id']]); $list = !empty($list) ? $list : []; $data = [ 'count' => $count ]; parent::sendOutput($list, 0, $data); } /** * 全勤奖 * @return void */ public function attendance() { $staff = $this->objStaff->getAllStaff(['limit' => 10000, 'offset' => 0])->getData()['data']; $setting = new MBasicSetup($this->onlineEnterpriseId); $attendance = $setting->getBasicField('attendance')->getData(); //全勤奖 $start = date('Y-m-01', strtotime('-1 month')); $end = date('Y-m-t', strtotime('-1 month')); $db = new DShopRostering('default'); $db->setTable('qianniao_shop_rostering_'.$this->onlineEnterpriseId); foreach ($staff as $item) { $data = $db->select([['time', '>=', $start], ['time', '<=', $end], ['uid','=', $item['id']]]); if ($data){ //上个月又排班 $yc = $db->select([['time', '>=', $start], ['time', '<=', $end], ['uid','=', $item['id']], ['status', '=', -1]]);//查找上个月是否有异常打卡 if (empty($yc)){ $balance = $item['reward'] + $attendance['attendance']; //如果没有异常打卡发放全勤奖 $insertRewardDesc = [ 'userCenterId' => $item['userCenterId'], 'staffId' => $item['id'], 'shopId' => $item['shopId'], 'customerId' => 0, 'title' => '发放'.date('Y-m', strtotime('-1 month')).'全勤提成', 'amount' => $attendance['attendance'], 'originId' => 0, 'changeAmount' => $balance, 'type' => 5, 'source' => 4, 'createTime' => time(), 'updateTime' => time(), ]; $this->objStaff->updateStaff(['reward' => $balance], ['id' => $item['id']]); $this->objDStaffRewardDesc->insert($insertRewardDesc); } } } echo '发放成功'; } }