<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: phperstar * Date: 2020/8/10 * Time: 6:11 PM */ namespace Util\PHPExcel; use Util\PHPExcel\Worksheet; class CachedObjectStorageFactory { const cache_in_memory = 'Memory'; const cache_in_memory_gzip = 'MemoryGZip'; const cache_in_memory_serialized = 'MemorySerialized'; const cache_igbinary = 'Igbinary'; const cache_to_discISAM = 'DiscISAM'; const cache_to_apc = 'APC'; const cache_to_memcache = 'Memcache'; const cache_to_phpTemp = 'PHPTemp'; const cache_to_wincache = 'Wincache'; const cache_to_sqlite = 'SQLite'; const cache_to_sqlite3 = 'SQLite3'; /** * List of all possible cache storage methods * * @var string[] */ private static $storageMethods = array( self::cache_in_memory, self::cache_in_memory_gzip, self::cache_in_memory_serialized, self::cache_igbinary, self::cache_to_phpTemp, self::cache_to_discISAM, self::cache_to_apc, self::cache_to_memcache, self::cache_to_wincache, self::cache_to_sqlite, self::cache_to_sqlite3, ); /** * Default arguments for each cache storage method * * @var array of mixed array */ private static $storageMethodDefaultParameters = array( self::cache_in_memory => array( ), self::cache_in_memory_gzip => array( ), self::cache_in_memory_serialized => array( ), self::cache_igbinary => array( ), self::cache_to_phpTemp => array( 'memoryCacheSize' => '1MB' ), self::cache_to_discISAM => array( 'dir' => null ), self::cache_to_apc => array( 'cacheTime' => 600 ), self::cache_to_memcache => array( 'memcacheServer' => 'localhost', 'memcachePort' => 11211, 'cacheTime' => 600 ), self::cache_to_wincache => array( 'cacheTime' => 600 ), self::cache_to_sqlite => array( ), self::cache_to_sqlite3 => array( ), ); /** * Arguments for the active cache storage method * * @var array of mixed array */ private static $storageMethodParameters = array(); /** * Name of the method used for cell cacheing * * @var string */ private static $cacheStorageMethod = null; /** * Name of the class used for cell cacheing * * @var string */ private static $cacheStorageClass = null; /** * Initialise the cache storage * * @param PHPExcel_Worksheet $parent Enable cell caching for this worksheet * @return PHPExcel_CachedObjectStorage_ICache **/ public static function getInstance(Worksheet $parent) { $cacheMethodIsAvailable = true; if (self::$cacheStorageMethod === null) { $cacheMethodIsAvailable = self::initialize(); } if ($cacheMethodIsAvailable) { $instance = new self::$cacheStorageClass( $parent, self::$storageMethodParameters[self::$cacheStorageMethod] ); if ($instance !== null) { return $instance; } } return false; } /** * Identify the cache storage method to use * * @param string $method Name of the method to use for cell cacheing * @param array of mixed $arguments Additional arguments to pass to the cell caching class * when instantiating * @return boolean **/ public static function initialize($method = self::cache_in_memory_serialized, $arguments = array()) { if (!in_array($method, self::$storageMethods)) { return false; } $cacheStorageClass = "\Util\PHPExcel\CachedObjectStorage\\".$method; if (!call_user_func(array( $cacheStorageClass, 'cacheMethodIsAvailable'))) { return false; } self::$storageMethodParameters[$method] = self::$storageMethodDefaultParameters[$method]; foreach ($arguments as $k => $v) { if (array_key_exists($k, self::$storageMethodParameters[$method])) { self::$storageMethodParameters[$method][$k] = $v; } } if (self::$cacheStorageMethod === null) { self::$cacheStorageClass = "\Util\PHPExcel\CachedObjectStorage\\".$method; self::$cacheStorageMethod = $method; } return true; } }