<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: phperstar * Date: 2020/8/11 * Time: 6:19 PM */ namespace Util\PHPExcel\Worksheet; class PageSetup { /* Paper size */ const PAPERSIZE_LETTER = 1; const PAPERSIZE_LETTER_SMALL = 2; const PAPERSIZE_TABLOID = 3; const PAPERSIZE_LEDGER = 4; const PAPERSIZE_LEGAL = 5; const PAPERSIZE_STATEMENT = 6; const PAPERSIZE_EXECUTIVE = 7; const PAPERSIZE_A3 = 8; const PAPERSIZE_A4 = 9; const PAPERSIZE_A4_SMALL = 10; const PAPERSIZE_A5 = 11; const PAPERSIZE_B4 = 12; const PAPERSIZE_B5 = 13; const PAPERSIZE_FOLIO = 14; const PAPERSIZE_QUARTO = 15; const PAPERSIZE_STANDARD_1 = 16; const PAPERSIZE_STANDARD_2 = 17; const PAPERSIZE_NOTE = 18; const PAPERSIZE_NO9_ENVELOPE = 19; const PAPERSIZE_NO10_ENVELOPE = 20; const PAPERSIZE_NO11_ENVELOPE = 21; const PAPERSIZE_NO12_ENVELOPE = 22; const PAPERSIZE_NO14_ENVELOPE = 23; const PAPERSIZE_C = 24; const PAPERSIZE_D = 25; const PAPERSIZE_E = 26; const PAPERSIZE_DL_ENVELOPE = 27; const PAPERSIZE_C5_ENVELOPE = 28; const PAPERSIZE_C3_ENVELOPE = 29; const PAPERSIZE_C4_ENVELOPE = 30; const PAPERSIZE_C6_ENVELOPE = 31; const PAPERSIZE_C65_ENVELOPE = 32; const PAPERSIZE_B4_ENVELOPE = 33; const PAPERSIZE_B5_ENVELOPE = 34; const PAPERSIZE_B6_ENVELOPE = 35; const PAPERSIZE_ITALY_ENVELOPE = 36; const PAPERSIZE_MONARCH_ENVELOPE = 37; const PAPERSIZE_6_3_4_ENVELOPE = 38; const PAPERSIZE_US_STANDARD_FANFOLD = 39; const PAPERSIZE_GERMAN_STANDARD_FANFOLD = 40; const PAPERSIZE_GERMAN_LEGAL_FANFOLD = 41; const PAPERSIZE_ISO_B4 = 42; const PAPERSIZE_JAPANESE_DOUBLE_POSTCARD = 43; const PAPERSIZE_STANDARD_PAPER_1 = 44; const PAPERSIZE_STANDARD_PAPER_2 = 45; const PAPERSIZE_STANDARD_PAPER_3 = 46; const PAPERSIZE_INVITE_ENVELOPE = 47; const PAPERSIZE_LETTER_EXTRA_PAPER = 48; const PAPERSIZE_LEGAL_EXTRA_PAPER = 49; const PAPERSIZE_TABLOID_EXTRA_PAPER = 50; const PAPERSIZE_A4_EXTRA_PAPER = 51; const PAPERSIZE_LETTER_TRANSVERSE_PAPER = 52; const PAPERSIZE_A4_TRANSVERSE_PAPER = 53; const PAPERSIZE_LETTER_EXTRA_TRANSVERSE_PAPER = 54; const PAPERSIZE_SUPERA_SUPERA_A4_PAPER = 55; const PAPERSIZE_SUPERB_SUPERB_A3_PAPER = 56; const PAPERSIZE_LETTER_PLUS_PAPER = 57; const PAPERSIZE_A4_PLUS_PAPER = 58; const PAPERSIZE_A5_TRANSVERSE_PAPER = 59; const PAPERSIZE_JIS_B5_TRANSVERSE_PAPER = 60; const PAPERSIZE_A3_EXTRA_PAPER = 61; const PAPERSIZE_A5_EXTRA_PAPER = 62; const PAPERSIZE_ISO_B5_EXTRA_PAPER = 63; const PAPERSIZE_A2_PAPER = 64; const PAPERSIZE_A3_TRANSVERSE_PAPER = 65; const PAPERSIZE_A3_EXTRA_TRANSVERSE_PAPER = 66; /* Page orientation */ const ORIENTATION_DEFAULT = 'default'; const ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 'landscape'; const ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 'portrait'; /* Print Range Set Method */ const SETPRINTRANGE_OVERWRITE = 'O'; const SETPRINTRANGE_INSERT = 'I'; /** * Paper size * * @var int */ private $paperSize = PageSetup::PAPERSIZE_LETTER; /** * Orientation * * @var string */ private $orientation = PageSetup::ORIENTATION_DEFAULT; /** * Scale (Print Scale) * * Print scaling. Valid values range from 10 to 400 * This setting is overridden when fitToWidth and/or fitToHeight are in use * * @var int? */ private $scale = 100; /** * Fit To Page * Whether scale or fitToWith / fitToHeight applies * * @var boolean */ private $fitToPage = false; /** * Fit To Height * Number of vertical pages to fit on * * @var int? */ private $fitToHeight = 1; /** * Fit To Width * Number of horizontal pages to fit on * * @var int? */ private $fitToWidth = 1; /** * Columns to repeat at left * * @var array Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset */ private $columnsToRepeatAtLeft = array('', ''); /** * Rows to repeat at top * * @var array Containing start row number and end row number, empty array if option unset */ private $rowsToRepeatAtTop = array(0, 0); /** * Center page horizontally * * @var boolean */ private $horizontalCentered = false; /** * Center page vertically * * @var boolean */ private $verticalCentered = false; /** * Print area * * @var string */ private $printArea = null; /** * First page number * * @var int */ private $firstPageNumber = null; /** * Create a new PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function __construct() { } /** * Get Paper Size * * @return int */ public function getPaperSize() { return $this->paperSize; } /** * Set Paper Size * * @param int $pValue * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setPaperSize($pValue = PageSetup::PAPERSIZE_LETTER) { $this->paperSize = $pValue; return $this; } /** * Get Orientation * * @return string */ public function getOrientation() { return $this->orientation; } /** * Set Orientation * * @param string $pValue * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setOrientation($pValue = PageSetup::ORIENTATION_DEFAULT) { $this->orientation = $pValue; return $this; } /** * Get Scale * * @return int? */ public function getScale() { return $this->scale; } /** * Set Scale * * Print scaling. Valid values range from 10 to 400 * This setting is overridden when fitToWidth and/or fitToHeight are in use * * @param int? $pValue * @param boolean $pUpdate Update fitToPage so scaling applies rather than fitToHeight / fitToWidth * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function setScale($pValue = 100, $pUpdate = true) { // Microsoft Office Excel 2007 only allows setting a scale between 10 and 400 via the user interface, // but it is apparently still able to handle any scale >= 0, where 0 results in 100 if (($pValue >= 0) || is_null($pValue)) { $this->scale = $pValue; if ($pUpdate) { $this->fitToPage = false; } } else { throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Scale must not be negative"); } return $this; } /** * Get Fit To Page * * @return boolean */ public function getFitToPage() { return $this->fitToPage; } /** * Set Fit To Page * * @param boolean $pValue * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setFitToPage($pValue = true) { $this->fitToPage = $pValue; return $this; } /** * Get Fit To Height * * @return int? */ public function getFitToHeight() { return $this->fitToHeight; } /** * Set Fit To Height * * @param int? $pValue * @param boolean $pUpdate Update fitToPage so it applies rather than scaling * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setFitToHeight($pValue = 1, $pUpdate = true) { $this->fitToHeight = $pValue; if ($pUpdate) { $this->fitToPage = true; } return $this; } /** * Get Fit To Width * * @return int? */ public function getFitToWidth() { return $this->fitToWidth; } /** * Set Fit To Width * * @param int? $pValue * @param boolean $pUpdate Update fitToPage so it applies rather than scaling * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setFitToWidth($pValue = 1, $pUpdate = true) { $this->fitToWidth = $pValue; if ($pUpdate) { $this->fitToPage = true; } return $this; } /** * Is Columns to repeat at left set? * * @return boolean */ public function isColumnsToRepeatAtLeftSet() { if (is_array($this->columnsToRepeatAtLeft)) { if ($this->columnsToRepeatAtLeft[0] != '' && $this->columnsToRepeatAtLeft[1] != '') { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get Columns to repeat at left * * @return array Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset */ public function getColumnsToRepeatAtLeft() { return $this->columnsToRepeatAtLeft; } /** * Set Columns to repeat at left * * @param array $pValue Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setColumnsToRepeatAtLeft($pValue = null) { if (is_array($pValue)) { $this->columnsToRepeatAtLeft = $pValue; } return $this; } /** * Set Columns to repeat at left by start and end * * @param string $pStart * @param string $pEnd * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setColumnsToRepeatAtLeftByStartAndEnd($pStart = 'A', $pEnd = 'A') { $this->columnsToRepeatAtLeft = array($pStart, $pEnd); return $this; } /** * Is Rows to repeat at top set? * * @return boolean */ public function isRowsToRepeatAtTopSet() { if (is_array($this->rowsToRepeatAtTop)) { if ($this->rowsToRepeatAtTop[0] != 0 && $this->rowsToRepeatAtTop[1] != 0) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Get Rows to repeat at top * * @return array Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset */ public function getRowsToRepeatAtTop() { return $this->rowsToRepeatAtTop; } /** * Set Rows to repeat at top * * @param array $pValue Containing start column and end column, empty array if option unset * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setRowsToRepeatAtTop($pValue = null) { if (is_array($pValue)) { $this->rowsToRepeatAtTop = $pValue; } return $this; } /** * Set Rows to repeat at top by start and end * * @param int $pStart * @param int $pEnd * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setRowsToRepeatAtTopByStartAndEnd($pStart = 1, $pEnd = 1) { $this->rowsToRepeatAtTop = array($pStart, $pEnd); return $this; } /** * Get center page horizontally * * @return bool */ public function getHorizontalCentered() { return $this->horizontalCentered; } /** * Set center page horizontally * * @param bool $value * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setHorizontalCentered($value = false) { $this->horizontalCentered = $value; return $this; } /** * Get center page vertically * * @return bool */ public function getVerticalCentered() { return $this->verticalCentered; } /** * Set center page vertically * * @param bool $value * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function setVerticalCentered($value = false) { $this->verticalCentered = $value; return $this; } /** * Get print area * * @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range if several ranges have been set * Default behaviour, or a index value of 0, will return all ranges as a comma-separated string * Otherwise, the specific range identified by the value of $index will be returned * Print areas are numbered from 1 * @throws PHPExcel_Exception * @return string */ public function getPrintArea($index = 0) { if ($index == 0) { return $this->printArea; } $printAreas = explode(',', $this->printArea); if (isset($printAreas[$index-1])) { return $printAreas[$index-1]; } throw new PHPExcel_Exception("Requested Print Area does not exist"); } /** * Is print area set? * * @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range if several ranges have been set * Default behaviour, or an index value of 0, will identify whether any print range is set * Otherwise, existence of the range identified by the value of $index will be returned * Print areas are numbered from 1 * @return boolean */ public function isPrintAreaSet($index = 0) { if ($index == 0) { return !is_null($this->printArea); } $printAreas = explode(',', $this->printArea); return isset($printAreas[$index-1]); } /** * Clear a print area * * @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range if several ranges have been set * Default behaviour, or an index value of 0, will clear all print ranges that are set * Otherwise, the range identified by the value of $index will be removed from the series * Print areas are numbered from 1 * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup */ public function clearPrintArea($index = 0) { if ($index == 0) { $this->printArea = null; } else { $printAreas = explode(',', $this->printArea); if (isset($printAreas[$index-1])) { unset($printAreas[$index-1]); $this->printArea = implode(',', $printAreas); } } return $this; } /** * Set print area. e.g. 'A1:D10' or 'A1:D10,G5:M20' * * @param string $value * @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range allowing several ranges to be set * When the method is "O"verwrite, then a positive integer index will overwrite that indexed * entry in the print areas list; a negative index value will identify which entry to * overwrite working bacward through the print area to the list, with the last entry as -1. * Specifying an index value of 0, will overwrite <b>all</b> existing print ranges. * When the method is "I"nsert, then a positive index will insert after that indexed entry in * the print areas list, while a negative index will insert before the indexed entry. * Specifying an index value of 0, will always append the new print range at the end of the * list. * Print areas are numbered from 1 * @param string $method Determines the method used when setting multiple print areas * Default behaviour, or the "O" method, overwrites existing print area * The "I" method, inserts the new print area before any specified index, or at the end of the list * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function setPrintArea($value, $index = 0, $method = self::SETPRINTRANGE_OVERWRITE) { if (strpos($value, '!') !== false) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate must not specify a worksheet.'); } elseif (strpos($value, ':') === false) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate must be a range of cells.'); } elseif (strpos($value, '$') !== false) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Cell coordinate must not be absolute.'); } $value = strtoupper($value); if ($method == self::SETPRINTRANGE_OVERWRITE) { if ($index == 0) { $this->printArea = $value; } else { $printAreas = explode(',', $this->printArea); if ($index < 0) { $index = count($printAreas) - abs($index) + 1; } if (($index <= 0) || ($index > count($printAreas))) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Invalid index for setting print range.'); } $printAreas[$index-1] = $value; $this->printArea = implode(',', $printAreas); } } elseif ($method == self::SETPRINTRANGE_INSERT) { if ($index == 0) { $this->printArea .= ($this->printArea == '') ? $value : ','.$value; } else { $printAreas = explode(',', $this->printArea); if ($index < 0) { $index = abs($index) - 1; } if ($index > count($printAreas)) { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Invalid index for setting print range.'); } $printAreas = array_merge(array_slice($printAreas, 0, $index), array($value), array_slice($printAreas, $index)); $this->printArea = implode(',', $printAreas); } } else { throw new PHPExcel_Exception('Invalid method for setting print range.'); } return $this; } /** * Add a new print area (e.g. 'A1:D10' or 'A1:D10,G5:M20') to the list of print areas * * @param string $value * @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range allowing several ranges to be set * A positive index will insert after that indexed entry in the print areas list, while a * negative index will insert before the indexed entry. * Specifying an index value of 0, will always append the new print range at the end of the * list. * Print areas are numbered from 1 * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function addPrintArea($value, $index = -1) { return $this->setPrintArea($value, $index, self::SETPRINTRANGE_INSERT); } /** * Set print area * * @param int $column1 Column 1 * @param int $row1 Row 1 * @param int $column2 Column 2 * @param int $row2 Row 2 * @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range allowing several ranges to be set * When the method is "O"verwrite, then a positive integer index will overwrite that indexed * entry in the print areas list; a negative index value will identify which entry to * overwrite working bacward through the print area to the list, with the last entry as -1. * Specifying an index value of 0, will overwrite <b>all</b> existing print ranges. * When the method is "I"nsert, then a positive index will insert after that indexed entry in * the print areas list, while a negative index will insert before the indexed entry. * Specifying an index value of 0, will always append the new print range at the end of the * list. * Print areas are numbered from 1 * @param string $method Determines the method used when setting multiple print areas * Default behaviour, or the "O" method, overwrites existing print area * The "I" method, inserts the new print area before any specified index, or at the end of the list * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function setPrintAreaByColumnAndRow($column1, $row1, $column2, $row2, $index = 0, $method = self::SETPRINTRANGE_OVERWRITE) { return $this->setPrintArea( PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column1) . $row1 . ':' . PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column2) . $row2, $index, $method ); } /** * Add a new print area to the list of print areas * * @param int $column1 Start Column for the print area * @param int $row1 Start Row for the print area * @param int $column2 End Column for the print area * @param int $row2 End Row for the print area * @param int $index Identifier for a specific print area range allowing several ranges to be set * A positive index will insert after that indexed entry in the print areas list, while a * negative index will insert before the indexed entry. * Specifying an index value of 0, will always append the new print range at the end of the * list. * Print areas are numbered from 1 * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_PageSetup * @throws PHPExcel_Exception */ public function addPrintAreaByColumnAndRow($column1, $row1, $column2, $row2, $index = -1) { return $this->setPrintArea( PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column1) . $row1 . ':' . PHPExcel_Cell::stringFromColumnIndex($column2) . $row2, $index, self::SETPRINTRANGE_INSERT ); } /** * Get first page number * * @return int */ public function getFirstPageNumber() { return $this->firstPageNumber; } /** * Set first page number * * @param int $value * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter */ public function setFirstPageNumber($value = null) { $this->firstPageNumber = $value; return $this; } /** * Reset first page number * * @return PHPExcel_Worksheet_HeaderFooter */ public function resetFirstPageNumber() { return $this->setFirstPageNumber(null); } /** * Implement PHP __clone to create a deep clone, not just a shallow copy. */ public function __clone() { $vars = get_object_vars($this); foreach ($vars as $key => $value) { if (is_object($value)) { $this->$key = clone $value; } else { $this->$key = $value; } } } }