123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338 |
- <?php
- namespace JinDouYun\Controller\Shop;
- use JinDouYun\Controller\BaseController;
- use JinDouYun\Dao\BaseDao;
- use JinDouYun\Dao\Customer\DCustomerCardNum;
- use JinDouYun\Dao\Department\DStaffComment;
- use JinDouYun\Model\Customer\MCustomer;
- use JinDouYun\Model\Customer\MCustomerCard;
- use JinDouYun\Model\Shop\MShopProject;
- use JinDouYun\Model\Shop\MShopRostering;
- use JinDouYun\Model\Shop\MShopSubscribe;
- use Mall\Framework\Core\ErrorCode;
- use Mall\Framework\Core\Ding;
- use Mall\Framework\Factory;
- class ApiShopSubscribe extends BaseController
- {
- private $obj;
- private $objCustomer;
- private $objCard;
- private $objRostering;
- private $objSub;
- private $objProject;
- public function __construct($isCheckAcl = true, $isMustLogin = false, $checkToken = true, $getAreaCode = false, $checkShopToken = true, $checkSupplierToken = false)
- {
- parent::__construct($isCheckAcl, $isMustLogin, $checkToken, $getAreaCode, $checkShopToken, $checkSupplierToken);
- $authorization = $this->request->getServerParam('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION');
- if (!empty($authorization)) {
- self::getUserIdByAuthorization();
- }
- $shopToken = $this->request->param('SHOP-TOKEN');
- if (!empty($shopToken)){
- self::getShopIdByShopToken($shopToken);
- }
- $this->obj = new MShopSubscribe($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId);
- $this->objCustomer = new MCustomer($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId);
- $this->objCard = new MCustomerCard($this->onlineEnterpriseId);
- $this->objCardNum = new DCustomerCardNum('default');
- $this->objRostering = new MShopRostering($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId);
- $this->objProject = new MShopProject($this->onlineEnterpriseId, $this->onlineUserId);
- $this->cache = Factory::cache('user');
- }
- /**
- * 列表
- */
- public function list()
- {
- if (empty($this->onlineUserId)) parent::sendOutput('未登录', ErrorCode::$dberror);
- $params = $this->request->getRawJson();
- $pageParams = pageToOffset($params['page'] ?: 1, $params['pageSize'] ?: 10);
- $selectParams['limit'] = $pageParams['limit'];
- $selectParams['offset'] = $pageParams['offset'];
- $customer = $this->objCustomer->get(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId]);
- $selectParams['customer_id'] = $customer['id'];
- if ($this->shopId) {
- $selectParams['shop_id'] = $this->shopId;
- }
- //昵称
- if (isset($params['nickname']) && !empty($params['nickname'])) {
- $selectParams['nickname'] = $params['nickname'];
- }
- //uid
- if (isset($params['uid']) && !empty($params['uid'])) {
- $selectParams['uid'] = $params['uid'];
- }
- if (isset($params['type']) && !empty($params['type'])) {
- $selectParams['type'] = $params['type'];
- }
- // 时间
- if (isset($params['start_time']) && !empty($params['start_time']) and isset($params['end_time']) && !empty($params['end_time'])) {
- $response = [];
- $dt_start = strtotime($params['start_time']);
- $dt_end = strtotime($params['end_time']);
- while ($dt_start <= $dt_end) {
- array_push($response, date('Y-m-d', $dt_start));
- $dt_start = strtotime('+1 day', $dt_start);
- }
- $selectParams['time'] = $response;
- }
- $result = $this->obj->list($selectParams);
- if ($result->isSuccess()) {
- $returnData = $result->getData();
- $pageData = [
- 'pageIndex' => $params['page'],
- 'pageSize' => $params['pageSize'],
- 'pageTotal' => $returnData['total'],
- ];
- parent::sendOutput($returnData['data'], 0, $pageData);
- } else {
- parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 详情
- * @return void
- */
- public function details()
- {
- $where = [];
- $id = $this->request->param('id');
- if (!empty($id)) {
- $where['id'] = $id;
- }
- $result = $this->obj->details($where)->getData();
- $project_id = explode(',', $result['project']);
- $result['project'] = [];
- foreach ($project_id as $vo)
- {
- $project = $this->objProject->get(['id' => $vo], 'id,name,price,ot_price,info,image');
- $result['project'][] = $project;
- }
- // $project = $this->objProject->select([['id', 'in', $result['project']]], 'id,name,price,ot_price,info,image');
- parent::sendOutput($result);
- }
- /**
- * 申请退款
- * @return void
- */
- public function ApplyForRefund()
- {
- $id = $this->request->param('id');
- $refund_remarks = $this->request->param('refund_remarks');
- $order = $this->obj->details(['id' => $id]);
- if (!$order->isSuccess()) parent::sendOutput('订单不存在',ErrorCode::$dberror);
- $order = $order->getData();
- if ($order['status'] == 1) parent::sendOutput('订单已完成',ErrorCode::$dberror);
- if ($order['refund'] == 1) parent::sendOutput('已申请退款,请耐心等待',ErrorCode::$dberror);
- $res = $this->obj->update(['refund' => 1, 'refund_remarks' => $refund_remarks], $id);
- if ($res->isSuccess())parent::sendOutput('提交申请成功');
- parent::sendOutput($res->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror);
- }
- /**
- * 员工订单
- * @return void
- */
- public function staff_order()
- {
- $params = $this->request->getRawJson();
- $pageParams = pageToOffset($params['page'] ?: 1, $params['pageSize'] ?: 10);
- $selectParams['limit'] = $pageParams['limit'];
- $selectParams['offset'] = $pageParams['offset'];
- $customer = $this->objCustomer->get(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId]);
- $selectParams['customer_id'] = $customer['id'];
- if ($this->shopId) {
- $selectParams['shop_id'] = $this->shopId;
- }
- //昵称
- if (isset($params['nickname']) && !empty($params['nickname'])) {
- $selectParams['nickname'] = $params['nickname'];
- }
- //uid
- if (isset($params['uid']) && !empty($params['uid'])) {
- $selectParams['uid'] = $params['uid'];
- }
- if (isset($params['type']) && !empty($params['type'])) {
- $selectParams['type'] = $params['type'];
- }
- // 时间
- if (isset($params['start_time']) && !empty($params['start_time']) and isset($params['end_time']) && !empty($params['end_time'])) {
- $response = [];
- $dt_start = strtotime($params['start_time']);
- $dt_end = strtotime($params['end_time']);
- while ($dt_start <= $dt_end) {
- array_push($response, date('Y-m-d', $dt_start));
- $dt_start = strtotime('+1 day', $dt_start);
- }
- $selectParams['time'] = $response;
- }
- $result = $this->obj->list($selectParams);
- if ($result->isSuccess()) {
- $returnData = $result->getData();
- $pageData = [
- 'pageIndex' => $params['page'],
- 'pageSize' => $params['pageSize'],
- 'pageTotal' => $returnData['total'],
- ];
- parent::sendOutput($returnData['data'], 0, $pageData);
- } else {
- parent::sendOutput($result->getData(), ErrorCode::$dberror);
- }
- }
- /**
- * 员工添加项目
- * @return void
- */
- public function update()
- {
- $id = $this->request->param('id');
- $param['uid'] = $this->request->param('uid');
- $param['project'] = $this->request->param('project');
- $param['discount_price'] = $this->request->param('discount_price');
- $param['to_price'] = $this->request->param('to_price');
- $param['stay_price'] = $this->request->param('stay_price');
- $data = $this->obj->details(['id' => $id]);
- if (!$data->isSuccess()) parent::sendOutput('订单不存在', $data->getErrorCode());
- $project = $this->Mproject->select([['id', 'in', $param['project']]]);
- $cost_price = 0;
- foreach ($project as $item) {
- $cost_price += $item['cost_price'];
- }
- $param['cost_price'] = $cost_price;
- $param['time'] = strtotime($param['time']);
- $res = $this->obj->update($param, $id);
- if ($res->isSuccess()) {
- parent::sendOutput('修改成功');
- } else {
- parent::sendOutput($res->getData(), $res->getErrorCode());
- }
- }
- /**
- * 取消预约订单
- * @return void
- */
- public function cancel()
- {
- $params = $this->request->getRawJson();
- if (!$params['id']) $this->sendOutput('参数为空', ErrorCode::$paramError);
- $data = $this->obj->details(['id' => $params['id']]);
- if (!$data->isSuccess()) parent::sendOutput('订单不存在', $data->getErrorCode());
- $data = $data->getData();
- if ($data['status'] == 1) parent::sendOutput('订单已完成', 1005);
- if ($data['paid'] == 1){
- $this->obj->refund($data);
- }
- $res = $this->obj->update(['status' => -1, 'completeTime' => time()], $params['id']);
- if ($res->isSuccess()) {
- parent::sendOutput('取消成功');
- } else {
- parent::sendOutput($res->getData(), $res->getErrorCode());
- }
- }
- /**
- * 评价
- * @return void
- */
- public function comment()
- {
- $params = $this->request->getRawJson();
- $db = new DStaffComment('default');
- $customer = $this->objCustomer->get(['userCenterId' => $this->onlineUserId]);
- if (empty($params['uid'])) $this->sendOutput('选择员工', ErrorCode::$paramError);
- if (empty($params['comment'])) $this->sendOutput('请填写评论', ErrorCode::$paramError);
- if (empty($params['score'])) $this->sendOutput('请添加评分', ErrorCode::$paramError);
- $order_id = $params['order_id'];
- unset($params['order_id']);
- $order = $this->obj->details(['id' => $order_id])->getData();
- if ($order['is_evaluate'] == 1) $this->sendOutput('该订单已评价', ErrorCode::$paramError);
- $params['customer_id'] = $customer['id'];
- $params['en_id'] = $this->onlineEnterpriseId;
- $res = $db->insert($params);
- if ($res){
- $this->obj->update(['is_evaluate' => 1], $order_id);
- $this->sendOutput('评价成功');
- }
- $this->sendOutput('评价失败',ErrorCode::$paramError);
- }
- /**
- * 评价列表
- * @return void
- */
- public function comment_list()
- {
- $params = $this->request->getRawJson();
- $db = new DStaffComment('default');
- if (empty($params['id'])) $this->sendOutput('参数为空',ErrorCode::$paramError);
- $pageParams = pageToOffset($params['page'] ?: 1, $params['pageSize'] ?: 10);
- $limit = $pageParams['limit'];
- $offset = $pageParams['offset'];
- $id = $params['id'];
- $list = $db->select(['uid' => $id, 'en_id' => $this->onlineEnterpriseId], '*', 'id DESC', $limit, $offset);
- foreach ($list as &$item)
- {
- $item['customer'] = $this->objCustomer->get(['id' => $item['customer_id']]);
- }
- $count = $db->count(['uid' => $id, 'en_id' => $this->onlineEnterpriseId]);
- $pageData = [
- 'pageIndex' => $params['page'],
- 'pageSize' => $params['pageSize'],
- 'pageTotal' => $count,
- ];
- parent::sendOutput($list, 0, $pageData);
- }
- }