@@ -0,0 +1,647 @@
+ * 测试队列任务脚本入口文件
+ * Created by PhpStorm.
+ * User: phperstar
+ * Date: 2018/6/10
+ * Time: 下午4:49
+ */
+namespace Jobs\Controller;
+use Jobs\Dao\DCloudUsers;
+use Jobs\Dao\DUsersTestify;
+use Jobs\Model\MTopic\Push\MPush;
+use Jobs\Model\Middleware;
+use Jobs\Dao\DCloudUsersCategory;
+use Jobs\Dao\DUsersCategory;
+use Jobs\Dao\DGoodsSku;
+use Jobs\Dao\DGoods;
+use Jobs\Model\Test\K3Handle;
+use Jobs\Dao\DOrder;
+use Jobs\Model\MTopic\Finance\MReceivable;
+use Mall\Framework\Db\Db;
+class Test
+ /**
+ * php ./Public/www/index.php --c=Test --a=Test
+ */
+ public function test()
+ {
+ $objMReceivable = new MReceivable();
+ $params = [
+ 'userCenterId' => 35,
+ 'enterpriseId' => 64,
+ 'id' => 9,
+ 'type' => 5,
+ ];
+ $objMReceivable->createReceivable($params);
+ }
+ public function testk3()
+ {
+ //K/3 Cloud 业务站点地址
+ $cloudUrl = "";
+ //登陆参数
+ $data = array(
+ '597be128163613',//帐套Id
+ '秦统业',//用户名
+ 'Cwb20141222',//密码
+ 2052//语言标识
+ );
+ //定义记录Cloud服务端返回的Session
+ $cookie_jar = tempnam('./tmp','CloudSession');
+ $post_content = self::create_postdata($data);
+ //$result = invoke_login($cloudUrl,$post_content,$cookie_jar);
+ $loginurl = $cloudUrl.'Kingdee.BOS.WebApi.ServicesStub.AuthService.ValidateUser.common.kdsvc';
+ $result = self::invoke_post($loginurl,$post_content,$cookie_jar,TRUE);
+ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312");
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('登陆请求数据:');
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r($post_content);
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('登陆返回结果:');
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r($result);
+ unset($post_content);
+ unset($result);
+ unset($data);
+ /*$data = array(
+ 'FormId'=>'STK_Inventory',//业务对象表单Id(必录)
+ 'TopRowCount'=>0, // 最多允许查询的数量,0或者不要此属性表示不限制
+ 'Limit'=>10,
+ 'StartRow'=>0,
+ 'OrderString'=>'FID ASC',
+ 'FieldKeys'=>'FMaterialId,FMaterialId.FNumber,FStockName,FMaterialName,FBaseQty,FStockStatusId,FStockOrgId.FNumber',//字段keys,字符串类型用逗号分隔,比如"key1,key2..."(必录)
+ 'FilterString'=>"FMaterialId=147946",//过滤(非必录)
+ );*/
+ /*$k3GoodsInfo = '{"FormId":"STK_Inventory","FieldKeys":"FMaterialId.FNumber,FMaterialName,FStockUnitId.FName,FBaseQty",
+ "FilterString":"FMaterialId=147946 and ( FStockName = \'菏泽G1库\' or FStockName = \'绿源冷库\' or FStockName = \'绿源冷库3号库\' )",
+ "OrderString":"","TopRowCount":"0","StartRow":"0","Limit":"100"}';*/
+ $data = array(
+ 'FormId'=>'STK_Inventory',//业务对象表单Id(必录)
+ 'TopRowCount'=>0, // 最多允许查询的数量,0或者不要此属性表示不限制
+ 'Limit'=>100,
+ 'StartRow'=>0,
+ 'OrderString'=>'',
+ 'FieldKeys'=>'FMaterialId,FMaterialId.FNumber,FStockName,FMaterialName,FBaseQty,FStockStatusId,FStockOrgId.FNumber',//字段keys,字符串类型用逗号分隔,比如"key1,key2..."(必录)
+ 'FilterString'=>"FMaterialId.FNumber ='0602070004' and (FStockName = '菏泽G1库' or FStockName = '绿源冷库' or FStockName = '绿源冷库3号库') and FStockOrgId.FNumber='101' ",//过滤(非必录)
+ );
+ //定义记录Cloud服务端返回的Session
+ $post_content = self::create_postdata([$data]);
+ $url = $cloudUrl.'Kingdee.BOS.WebApi.ServicesStub.DynamicFormService.ExecuteBillQuery.common.kdsvc';
+ $result = self::invoke_post($url,$post_content,$cookie_jar,false);
+ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312");
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('及时库存请求数据:');
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r($post_content);
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('及时库存返回结果:');
+ echo '<pre>';var_dump(json_decode($result, true));
+ $k3Weight = 0.00;
+ $resultArray = json_decode($result, true);
+ if(!empty($resultArray)){
+ foreach ($resultArray as $key => $value){
+ $k3Weight += $value[4];
+ }
+ }
+ var_dump($k3Weight);
+ return $k3Weight;
+ }
+ public function testk4()
+ {
+ //K/3 Cloud 业务站点地址
+ $cloudUrl = "";
+ //登陆参数
+ $data = array(
+ '597be128163613',//帐套Id
+ '秦统业',//用户名
+ 'Cwb20141222',//密码
+ 2052//语言标识
+ );
+ //定义记录Cloud服务端返回的Session
+ $cookie_jar = tempnam('./tmp','CloudSession');
+ $post_content = self::create_postdata($data);
+ //$result = invoke_login($cloudUrl,$post_content,$cookie_jar);
+ $loginurl = $cloudUrl.'Kingdee.BOS.WebApi.ServicesStub.AuthService.ValidateUser.common.kdsvc';
+ $result = self::invoke_post($loginurl,$post_content,$cookie_jar,true);
+ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312");
+ echo '<pre>';print_r('登陆请求数据:');
+ echo '<pre>';print_r($post_content);
+ echo '<pre>';print_r('登陆返回结果:');
+ echo '<pre>';print_r($result);
+ unset($post_content);
+ unset($result);
+ unset($data);
+ /*$data = array(
+ 'FormId'=>'STK_Inventory',//业务对象表单Id(必录)
+ 'TopRowCount'=>0, // 最多允许查询的数量,0或者不要此属性表示不限制
+ 'Limit'=>10,
+ 'StartRow'=>0,
+ 'OrderString'=>'FID ASC',
+ 'FieldKeys'=>'FMaterialId,FMaterialId.FNumber,FStockName,FMaterialName,FBaseQty,FStockStatusId,FStockOrgId.FNumber',//字段keys,字符串类型用逗号分隔,比如"key1,key2..."(必录)
+ 'FilterString'=>"FMaterialId=147946",//过滤(非必录)
+ );*/
+ /*$k3GoodsInfo = '{"FormId":"STK_Inventory","FieldKeys":"FMaterialId.FNumber,FMaterialName,FStockUnitId.FName,FBaseQty",
+ "FilterString":"FMaterialId=147946 and ( FStockName = \'菏泽G1库\' or FStockName = \'绿源冷库\' or FStockName = \'绿源冷库3号库\' )",
+ "OrderString":"","TopRowCount":"0","StartRow":"0","Limit":"100"}';*/
+ $data = '{"Model":{"FNumber":"xyc2218","FCreateOrgId":{"FNumber":"101"},"FUseOrgId":{"FNumber":"101"},"FName":"u5218u5e05uff08u4ebfu6210u98dfu54c1u5185u90e8u5458u5de5uff09","FTEL":"18114640037","FADDRESS":"u5c71u4e1cu7701u6d4eu5357u5e02u5386u4e0bu533au6d4bu8bd5u5730u5740","FSALDEPTID":{"FNumber":"0020"},"FSALGROUPID":{"FNumber":"16"},"FSELLER":{"FNumber":"0020"},"FCustTypeId":{"FNumber":"KHLB001_SYS"},"FTRADINGCURRID":{"FNumber":"PRE001"},"F_PAEZ_Assistant3":{"FNumber":"0101"},"F_PAEZ_Assistant5":{"FNumber":"01"}},"Creator":"u4ebfu6210u5546u57ce"}';
+ //定义记录Cloud服务端返回的Session
+ $post_content = self::create_postdata(["BD_Customer",$data]);
+ $url = $cloudUrl.'Kingdee.BOS.WebApi.ServicesStub.DynamicFormService.Save.common.kdsvc';
+ $result = self::invoke_post($url,$post_content,$cookie_jar,false);
+ //header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312");
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('及时库存请求数据:');
+ echo '<pre>';print_r($post_content);
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('及时库存返回结果:');
+ //file_put_contents('/tmp/11.log',var_export($result,true),FILE_APPEND);
+ V($result);
+ }
+ // 采购入库单
+ public function testk5()
+ {
+ //K/3 Cloud 业务站点地址
+ $cloudUrl = "";
+ //登陆参数
+ $data = array(
+ '597be128163613',//帐套Id
+ '秦统业',//用户名
+ 'Cwb20141222',//密码
+ 2052//语言标识
+ );
+ //定义记录Cloud服务端返回的Session
+ $cookie_jar = tempnam('./tmp','CloudSession');
+ $post_content = self::create_postdata($data);
+ //$result = invoke_login($cloudUrl,$post_content,$cookie_jar);
+ $loginurl = $cloudUrl.'Kingdee.BOS.WebApi.ServicesStub.AuthService.ValidateUser.common.kdsvc';
+ $result = self::invoke_post($loginurl,$post_content,$cookie_jar,TRUE);
+ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312");
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('登陆请求数据:');
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r($post_content);
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('登陆返回结果:');
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r($result);
+ unset($post_content);
+ unset($result);
+ unset($data);
+ /*$data = array(
+ 'FormId'=>'STK_Inventory',//业务对象表单Id(必录)
+ 'TopRowCount'=>0, // 最多允许查询的数量,0或者不要此属性表示不限制
+ 'Limit'=>10,
+ 'StartRow'=>0,
+ 'OrderString'=>'FID ASC',
+ 'FieldKeys'=>'FMaterialId,FMaterialId.FNumber,FStockName,FMaterialName,FBaseQty,FStockStatusId,FStockOrgId.FNumber',//字段keys,字符串类型用逗号分隔,比如"key1,key2..."(必录)
+ 'FilterString'=>"FMaterialId=147946",//过滤(非必录)
+ );*/
+ /*$k3GoodsInfo = '{"FormId":"STK_Inventory","FieldKeys":"FMaterialId.FNumber,FMaterialName,FStockUnitId.FName,FBaseQty",
+ "FilterString":"FMaterialId=147946 and ( FStockName = \'菏泽G1库\' or FStockName = \'绿源冷库\' or FStockName = \'绿源冷库3号库\' )",
+ "OrderString":"","TopRowCount":"0","StartRow":"0","Limit":"100"}';*/
+ $data = array(
+ 'FormId'=>'STK_InStock',//业务对象表单Id(必录)
+ 'TopRowCount'=>0, // 最多允许查询的数量,0或者不要此属性表示不限制
+ 'Limit'=>1,
+ 'StartRow'=>0,
+ 'OrderString'=>'FBillNo desc',
+ 'FieldKeys'=>'FMaterialId.FNumber,FID,FDate,FBillNo,FDocumentStatus,FMaterialId,FStockStatusid,FMaterialName',//字段keys,字符串类型用逗号分隔,比如"key1,key2..."(必录)
+ 'FilterString'=>"FMaterialId.FNumber ='01110101010001',FDocumentStatus = 'c'",//过滤(非必录)
+ );
+ //定义记录Cloud服务端返回的Session
+ $post_content = self::create_postdata([$data]);
+ $url = $cloudUrl.'Kingdee.BOS.WebApi.ServicesStub.DynamicFormService.ExecuteBillQuery.common.kdsvc';
+ $result = self::invoke_post($url,$post_content,$cookie_jar,false);
+ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312");
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('及时库存请求数据:');
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r($post_content);
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('及时库存返回结果:');
+ V(json_decode($result, true));
+ }
+ // 销售退货单
+ public function testk6()
+ {
+ //K/3 Cloud 业务站点地址
+ $cloudUrl = "";
+ //登陆参数
+ $data = array(
+ '597be128163613',//帐套Id
+ '秦统业',//用户名
+ 'Cwb20141222',//密码
+ 2052//语言标识
+ );
+ //定义记录Cloud服务端返回的Session
+ $cookie_jar = tempnam('./tmp','CloudSession');
+ $post_content = self::create_postdata($data);
+ //$result = invoke_login($cloudUrl,$post_content,$cookie_jar);
+ $loginurl = $cloudUrl.'Kingdee.BOS.WebApi.ServicesStub.AuthService.ValidateUser.common.kdsvc';
+ $result = self::invoke_post($loginurl,$post_content,$cookie_jar,TRUE);
+ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312");
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('登陆请求数据:');
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r($post_content);
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('登陆返回结果:');
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r($result);
+ unset($post_content);
+ unset($result);
+ unset($data);
+ /*$data = array(
+ 'FormId'=>'STK_Inventory',//业务对象表单Id(必录)
+ 'TopRowCount'=>0, // 最多允许查询的数量,0或者不要此属性表示不限制
+ 'Limit'=>10,
+ 'StartRow'=>0,
+ 'OrderString'=>'FID ASC',
+ 'FieldKeys'=>'FMaterialId,FMaterialId.FNumber,FStockName,FMaterialName,FBaseQty,FStockStatusId,FStockOrgId.FNumber',//字段keys,字符串类型用逗号分隔,比如"key1,key2..."(必录)
+ 'FilterString'=>"FMaterialId=147946",//过滤(非必录)
+ );*/
+ /*$k3GoodsInfo = '{"FormId":"STK_Inventory","FieldKeys":"FMaterialId.FNumber,FMaterialName,FStockUnitId.FName,FBaseQty",
+ "FilterString":"FMaterialId=147946 and ( FStockName = \'菏泽G1库\' or FStockName = \'绿源冷库\' or FStockName = \'绿源冷库3号库\' )",
+ "OrderString":"","TopRowCount":"0","StartRow":"0","Limit":"100"}';*/
+ $data = array(
+ 'FormId'=>'STK_InStock',//业务对象表单Id(必录)
+ 'TopRowCount'=>0, // 最多允许查询的数量,0或者不要此属性表示不限制
+ 'Limit'=>1,
+ 'StartRow'=>0,
+ 'OrderString'=>'FBillNo desc',
+ 'FieldKeys'=>'FMaterialId.FNumber,FID,FDate,FBillNo,FDocumentStatus,FMaterialId,FStockStatusid,FMaterialName',//字段keys,字符串类型用逗号分隔,比如"key1,key2..."(必录)
+ 'FilterString'=>"FMaterialId.FNumber ='01110101010001',FDocumentStatus = 'c'",//过滤(非必录)
+ );
+ //定义记录Cloud服务端返回的Session
+ $post_content = self::create_postdata([$data]);
+ $url = $cloudUrl.'Kingdee.BOS.WebApi.ServicesStub.DynamicFormService.ExecuteBillQuery.common.kdsvc';
+ $result = self::invoke_post($url,$post_content,$cookie_jar,false);
+ header("Content-type: text/html; charset=gb2312");
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('及时库存请求数据:');
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r($post_content);
+ //echo '<pre>';print_r('及时库存返回结果:');
+ V(json_decode($result, true));
+ }
+ //构造Web API请求格式
+ public function create_postdata($args) {
+ $postdata = array(
+ 'format'=>1,
+ 'useragent'=>'ApiClient',
+ 'rid'=>self::create_guid(),
+ 'parameters'=>$args,
+ 'timestamp'=>date('Y-m-d'),
+ 'v'=>'1.0'
+ );
+ return json_encode($postdata);
+ }
+ public function create_guid() {
+ $charid = strtoupper(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)));
+ $hyphen = chr(45);// "-"
+ $uuid = chr(123)// "{"
+ .substr($charid, 0, 8).$hyphen
+ .substr($charid, 8, 4).$hyphen
+ .substr($charid,12, 4).$hyphen
+ .substr($charid,16, 4).$hyphen
+ .substr($charid,20,12)
+ .chr(125);// "}"
+ return $uuid;
+ }
+ public function invoke_post($url,$post_content,$cookie_jar,$isLogin)
+ {
+ $ch = curl_init($url);
+ $this_header = array(
+ 'Content-Type: application/json',
+ 'Content-Length: '.strlen($post_content)
+ );
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST');
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $this_header);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_content);
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
+ if($isLogin){
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $cookie_jar);
+ }
+ else{
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie_jar);
+ }
+ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
+ $result = curl_exec($ch);
+ curl_close($ch);
+ return $result;
+ }
+ public static function s_put_txt()
+ {
+ $objDOrder = new DOrder('pifabbc');
+ $orderData = $objDOrder->query('SELECT order_id,buyer_id,order_no,order_status,created_at,pay_money,payment_type from ns_order');
+ foreach ($orderData as $key => $value){
+ $buyerids[] = $value['buyer_id'];
+ $orderData[$value['order_id']] = $value;
+ }
+ $objDusersCategory = new DUsersCategory('pifabbc');
+ $infos = $objDusersCategory ->query('SELECT
+ t.id,
+ t.user_id as user_id,
+ t.contact_phone,
+ t.legal_person,
+ r.referee_name,
+ g.group_name,
+ c.id as category_id,
+ c.category_name,
+ c.pid,
+ t.check_status,
+ t.company_address,
+ t.detail_address,
+ t.erp_no
+ cloud_users_testify AS t,
+ cloud_referee AS r,
+ cloud_referee_group AS g,
+ cloud_users_category AS c
+ t.referrer_no = r.referee_no
+ AND t.referrer_group_no = g.group_no
+ AND t.category_id = c.id and t.user_id in ('.implode(',', $buyerids).')');
+ if (!empty($infos)){
+ foreach ($infos as $key => $value) {
+ if ($value['pid'] != 0) {
+ $data = self::s_handle($value);
+ }
+ $info = array_merge($value, $data);
+ $data_file = implode(',', $info);
+ $userData[$value['user_id']] = $data_file;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($orderData as $key => $value){
+ $content = $userData[$value['user_id']].','.implode(',', $value);
+ file_put_contents('order.txt',$content . PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND) ;
+ unset($content);
+ }
+// $data_file = implode(',', $file);
+// file_put_contents('cat.txt', $data_file);
+ }
+ public static function s_handle(&$info_value)
+ {
+ $objDusersCategory = new DUsersCategory();
+ $id = $info_value['pid'];
+ $detail = $objDusersCategory->get($id);
+ if (!empty($detail)) {
+ $info_value[] = $detail['category_name'];
+ $info_value['pid'] = $detail['pid'];
+ self::s_handle($info_value);
+ }
+ return $info_value;
+ }
+ //php ./Jobs/Public/www/index.php --c=Test --a=userErpReset
+ public static function userErpReset(){
+ $objectDCloudUsers = new DCloudUsers();
+ $objectDUsersTestify = new DUsersTestify();
+ $fileName = 'k3id.txt';
+ /*
+ * 逐行读取TXT文件
+ */
+ $file = fopen($fileName,'r');
+ $content = array();
+ if(!$file){
+ return 'file open fail';
+ }else{
+ $i = 0;
+ while (!feof($file)){
+ $content = mb_convert_encoding(fgets($file),"UTF-8","GBK,ASCII,ANSI,UTF-8");
+ $data = explode(',',$content);
+ $info = $objectDUsersTestify -> get(['erp_no' => $data[1]]);
+ if (empty($info)){
+ echo 0;
+ continue;
+ }else{
+ $res = $objectDUsersTestify ->update(['k3_id'=>$data[0]],['erp_no' => $data[1]]);
+ echo $res;
+ }
+ }
+// fclose($file);
+// $content = array_filter($content); //数组去空
+ }
+// return $content;
+ }
+ //php ./Jobs/Public/www/index.php --c=Test --a=resetErpNo
+ public static function resetErpNo(){
+ $log ='';
+ $objectDCloudUsers = new DCloudUsers();
+ $objectDUsersTestify = new DUsersTestify();
+ $sql = "select *from cloud_users_testify WHERE SUBSTR(erp_no,1,3) !='xyc'";
+ $data = $objectDUsersTestify ->query($sql);
+ $log .= 'ID,客户新编号,客户旧编号,客户推荐人编码,客户推荐人组织编码,客户推荐人电话'.PHP_EOL;
+ $K3Handle = new K3Handle();
+ foreach($data as $value){
+ $id = $value['id'];
+ if(!$value['erp_no']){
+ continue;
+ }
+ $erp_no = 'xyc'.$value['user_id'];
+ $res = $objectDUsersTestify -> update(['erp_no'=>$erp_no],['id'=>$id]);
+ $res = $K3Handle ->store($value,$erp_no);
+ if ($res['code'] !=200){
+ }
+ $log .= $id.','.$erp_no.','.$value['erp_no']?:'空'.','.$value['referrer_no'].','.$value['referrer_group_no'].','.$value['referrer_phone'].PHP_EOL;
+ }
+ file_put_contents('update_erp_no.txt',$log,FILE_APPEND);
+ }
+//php ./Jobs/Public/www/index.php --c=Test --a=export
+ public static function export(){
+ $objDOrder = new DOrder('pifabbc');
+ $orderData = $objDOrder->query('SELECT sum(pay_money) as order_money ,count(order_id) as total_count,buyer_id from ns_order where order_status <>5 group by buyer_id');
+ $a =[];
+ foreach ($orderData as $key => $value){
+ //$buyerids[] = $value['buyer_id'];
+ $a[$value['buyer_id']] = $value;
+ }
+ $objDusersCategory = new DUsersCategory('pifabbc');
+ $infos = $objDusersCategory ->query('SELECT
+ t.id,
+ t.user_id as user_id,
+ t.contact_phone,
+ t.legal_person,
+ r.referee_name,
+ g.group_name,
+ c.id as category_id,
+ c.category_name,
+ c.pid,
+ t.check_status,
+ t.company_address,
+ t.detail_address,
+ t.erp_no
+ cloud_users_testify AS t,
+ cloud_referee AS r,
+ cloud_referee_group AS g,
+ cloud_users_category AS c
+ t.referrer_no = r.referee_no
+ AND t.referrer_group_no = g.group_no
+ AND t.category_id = c.id and t.user_id ');
+ $user =[];
+ if (!empty($infos)){
+ foreach ($infos as $key => $value) {
+ if ($value['pid'] != 0) {
+ $data = self::s_handle($value);
+ }
+ $user[$value['user_id']] = $data;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($user as $key => $value){
+ echo 1 .'//';
+ echo ($key);
+// $orderMoney = $objDOrder->query("SELECT sum('pay_money') as order_money ,count('order_id') as total_count from ns_order where order_status <>5 and buyer_id = $key");
+ $lastTime = $objDOrder->query("SELECT created_at from ns_order where order_status <>5 and buyer_id = $key ORDER by order_id DESC limit 0,1");
+ if (isset($a[$key])){
+ $content = implode(',', $value).','.'总金额:'.$a[$key]['order_money']?:0;
+ $content .= ',订单数:'.$a[$key]['total_count']?:0 ;
+ $content .= ',最后下单时间:'.$lastTime[0]['created_at']?:0 ;
+ }else{
+ $content = implode(',', $value);
+ }
+ file_put_contents('export.txt',$content . PHP_EOL,FILE_APPEND) ;
+ unset($content);
+ }
+ }
+ public function ce(){
+ $objDOrder = new DOrder('pifabbc');
+ $lastTime = $objDOrder->query("SELECT created_at from ns_order where order_status <>5 and buyer_id = 4739 ORDER by order_id DESC limit 0,1");
+ V($lastTime);
+ }
+ public function jpush()
+ {
+ $swResult = Middleware::getInstance('ThirdPartyService')->sendSwoole('Jpush', 'broadcastPush', ['alias'=>['7581'],'content'=>'优鲜供应链新版即将发布']);
+ if( !$swResult['state'] ){
+ V( $swResult['data']);
+ }else{
+ V($swResult['data']);
+ }
+ }