config = $config; $this->logger = Factory::logs($this->config['logPath'] ?:'', $this->config['logSaveFileApp'] ?:'', $this->config['app_name'] ?:''); $this->topics = $this->config['job']['topics'] ?: []; $this->processName = $this->config['processName'] ?: $this->processName; $this->excuteTime = $this->config['excuteTime'] ?: $this->excuteTime; $this->queueMaxNum = $this->config['queueMaxNum'] ?: $this->queueMaxNum; $this->queueTickTimer = $this->config['queueTickTimer'] ?: $this->queueTickTimer; $this->messageTickTimer = $this->config['messageTickTimer'] ?: $this->messageTickTimer; $this->logSaveFileWorker = $this->config['logSaveFileWorker'] ?: $this->logSaveFileWorker; $this->beginTime=time(); //该变量需要在多进程共享 $this->status=self::STATUS_RUNNING; if (isset($this->config['pidPath']) && !empty($this->config['pidPath'])) { if (!is_dir($this->config['pidPath'])) { mkdir($this->config['pidPath'], '0777', true); } $this->pidFile =$this->config['pidPath'] . '/' . $this->pidFile; $this->pidInfoFile =$this->config['pidPath'] . '/' . $this->pidInfoFile; $this->pidStatusFile=$this->config['pidPath'] . '/' . $this->pidStatusFile; } else { die('config pidPath must be set!' . PHP_EOL); } /* * 文件记录 master 进程 pid, 方便之后进程管理 * 请管理好此文件位置, 使用 systemd 管理进程时会用到此文件 * 判断文件是否存在,并判断进程是否在运行 */ if (file_exists($this->pidFile)) { $pid=$this->getMasterData('pid'); // $signo=0,可以检测进程是否存在,不会发送默认SIGTERM信号,终止进程 if ($pid && @\Swoole\Process::kill($pid, 0)) { die('已有进程运行中,请先结束或重启' . PHP_EOL); } } // 使当前进程蜕变为一个守护进程。 \Swoole\Process::daemon(); $this->ppid = getmypid(); $data['pid'] =$this->ppid; $data['status']=$this->status; $this->saveMasterData($data); $this->setProcessName(self::APP_NAME . ' master ' . $this->ppid . $this->processName); //报错解决:must be forked outside the coroutine swoole_async_set(['enable_coroutine' => false]);//关闭内置协程 } /** * 设置进程名 * @param mixed $name */ private function setProcessName($name) { $updateName = 0; // 低版本Linux内核和Mac OSX不支持进程重命名 if (function_exists('cli_set_process_title') && PHP_OS != 'Darwin'){ if(cli_set_process_title($name)){ // 按照官网文档优先使用内置函数,php >= 5.5 $updateName = 1; } }else if (function_exists('swoole_set_process_name') && PHP_OS != 'Darwin' && !$updateName) { swoole_set_process_name($name); // swoole >= 1.6.3 } } /** * 保存守护进程数据 * @param array $data */ private function saveMasterData($data=[]) { isset($data['pid']) && file_put_contents($this->pidFile, $data['pid']); file_put_contents($this->pidInfoFile, serialize($data)); } /** * 读取守护进程数据 * @param string $key * @return mixed|null */ private function getMasterData($key='') { $data=unserialize(file_get_contents($this->pidInfoFile)); if ($key) { return $data[$key] ?: null; } return $data; } /** * 按照配置开启每个topic进程 */ public function start() { $topics = $this->topics; $this->logger->log('topics: ' . json_encode($topics)); if ($topics) { //遍历topic任务列表 foreach ((array) $topics as $topic) { if (isset($topic['workerMinNum']) && isset($topic['name'])) { //每个topic开启最少个进程消费队列 for ($i = 0; $i < $topic['workerMinNum']; ++$i) { $this->reserveQueue($i, $topic['name'], self::CHILD_PROCESS_CAN_RESTART); } } } } $this->registSignal(); $this->registTimer(); } //增加定时器,检查队列积压情况; public function registTimer() { \Swoole\Timer::tick($this->queueTickTimer, function ($timerId) { $topics = $this->topics; $this->status =$this->getMasterData('status'); if (empty($this->workers) && self::STATUS_WAIT == $this->status) { $this->exitMaster(); } $this->queue = MQueue::getQueue($this->config['job']['queue'], $this->logger); if (empty($this->queue)) { $this->logger->log('queue connection is lost', 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); return; } $this->queue->setTopics($topics); if ($topics && self::STATUS_RUNNING == $this->status) { //遍历topic任务列表 foreach ((array) $topics as $topic) { if (empty($topic['name'])) { continue; } $this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic['name']]=$this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic['name']] ?? 0; $topic['workerMaxNum'] =$topic['workerMaxNum'] ?? 0; try { $len=$this->queue->len($topic['name']); $this->logger->log('topic: ' . $topic['name'] . ' ' . $this->status . ' len: ' . $len, 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->log('queueError' . $e->getMessage(), 'error', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->log('queueError: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'error', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } $this->status=$this->getMasterData('status'); //消息提醒:消息体收集 if ($len > $this->queueMaxNum && count($this->message) <= count($topics)) { $this->message[]= strtr('Time:{time} Pid:{pid} ProName:{pname} Topic:{topic} Message:{message}', [ '{time}' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), '{pid}' => $this->ppid, '{pname}' => $this->processName, '{topic}' => $topic['name'], '{message}'=> '积压消息个数:' . $len . PHP_EOL, ]); } if ($topic['workerMaxNum'] > $topic['workerMinNum'] && self::STATUS_RUNNING == $this->status && $len > $this->queueMaxNum && $this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic['name']] < $topic['workerMaxNum']) { $max=$topic['workerMaxNum'] - $this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic['name']]; for ($i=0; $i < $max; ++$i) { //队列堆积达到一定数据,拉起一次性子进程,这类进程不会自动重启[没必要] $this->reserveQueue($this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic['name']], $topic['name'], self::CHILD_PROCESS_CAN_NOT_RESTART); ++$this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic['name']]; $this->logger->log('topic: ' . $topic['name'] . ' ' . $this->status . ' len: ' . $len . ' for: ' . $i . ' ' . $max, 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } } } } $this->queue->close(); }); //积压队列提醒 \Swoole\Timer::tick($this->messageTickTimer, function ($timerId) { !empty($this->message) && $this->logger->log('Warning Message: ' . implode('', $this->message), 'warning', $this->logSaveFileWorker); if ($this->message && isset($this->config['message'])) { //$message =Message::getMessage($this->config['message']); //$message->send(implode('', $this->message), $this->config['message']['token']); } //重置message,防止message不断变长 $this->message=[]; }); } //退出主进程 private function exitMaster() { @unlink($this->pidFile); @unlink($this->pidInfoFile); $this->logger->log('Time: ' . microtime(true) . '主进程' . $this->ppid . '退出', 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); sleep(1); exit(); } /** * 注册信号 */ public function registSignal() { //终止进程信号 \Swoole\Process::signal(SIGTERM, function ($signo) { $this->killWorkersAndExitMaster(); }); // \Swoole\Process::signal(SIGKILL, function ($signo) { $this->killWorkersAndExitMaster(); }); //平滑退出 \Swoole\Process::signal(SIGUSR1, function ($signo) { $this->waitWorkers(); }); //记录进程状态 \Swoole\Process::signal(SIGUSR2, function ($signo) { $this->logger->log('[master pid: ' . $this->ppid . '] has been received signal' . $signo); $result=$this->showStatus(); $this->saveSwooleJobsStatus($result); //echo $result; }); // 在一个进程终止或者停止时,将SIGCHLD信号发送给其父进程 \Swoole\Process::signal(SIGCHLD, function ($signo) { while (true) { try { $ret = \Swoole\Process::wait(false); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->log('signoError: ' . $signo . $e->getMessage(), 'error', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } if ($ret) { $pid = $ret['pid']; $childProcess = $this->workers[$pid]; $topic = $this->workersInfo[$pid]['topic'] ?: ''; $this->status=$this->getMasterData('status'); if(empty($this->dynamicWorkerNum) || empty($this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic])){ $topicCanNotRestartNum = null; }else{ $topicCanNotRestartNum = $this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic]; } // $topicCanNotRestartNum = $this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic] ?: 'null'; $this->logger->log(self::CHILD_PROCESS_CAN_RESTART . '---' . $topic . '***' . $topicCanNotRestartNum . '***' . $this->status . '***' . $this->workersInfo[$pid]['type'] . '***' . $pid, 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); $this->logger->log($pid . ',' . $this->status . ',' . self::STATUS_RUNNING . ',' . $this->workersInfo[$pid]['type'] . ',' . self::CHILD_PROCESS_CAN_RESTART, 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); //主进程状态为running并且该子进程是可以重启的 if (self::STATUS_RUNNING == $this->status && $this->workersInfo[$pid]['type'] == self::CHILD_PROCESS_CAN_RESTART) { try { //子进程重启可能失败,必须启动成功之后,再往下执行;最多尝试30次 for ($i=0; $i < 30; ++$i) { var_dump("aaaa"); $newPid = $childProcess->start(); var_dump("xxxxxx".$newPid); if ($newPid > 0) { break; } sleep(1); } if (!$newPid) { $this->logger->log('静态子进程重启失败,问题有点严重,平滑退出子进程,主进程会跟着退出', 'error', $this->logSaveFileWorker); $this->waitWorkers(); //$this->reserveQueue(0, $topic); continue; } $this->workers[$newPid] = $childProcess; $this->workersInfo[$newPid]['type'] = self::CHILD_PROCESS_CAN_RESTART; $this->workersInfo[$newPid]['topic'] = $topic; ++$this->workerNum; $this->logger->log("Worker Restart, kill_signal={$ret['signal']} PID=" . $newPid, 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } catch (\Throwable $e) { $this->logger->log('restartErrorThrow' . $e->getMessage(), 'error', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logger->log('restartError: ' . $e->getMessage(), 'error', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } } //某个topic动态变化的子进程,退出之后个数减少一个 if ($this->workersInfo[$pid]['type'] == self::CHILD_PROCESS_CAN_NOT_RESTART) { --$this->dynamicWorkerNum[$topic]; } $this->logger->log("Worker Exit, kill_signal={$ret['signal']} PID=" . $pid, 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); unset($this->workers[$pid], $this->workersInfo[$pid]); --$this->workerNum; $this->logger->log('Worker count: ' . count($this->workers) . '==' . $this->workerNum, 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); //如果$this->workers为空,且主进程状态为wait,说明所有子进程安全退出,这个时候主进程退出 if (empty($this->workers) && self::STATUS_WAIT == $this->status) { $this->logger->log('主进程收到所有信号子进程的退出信号,子进程安全退出完成', 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); $this->exitMaster(); } } else { break; } } }); } private function saveSwooleJobsStatus($data) { file_put_contents($this->pidStatusFile, $data); } private function showStatus() { $statusStr ='-------------------------------------' . $this->processName . ' status--------------------------------------------' . PHP_EOL; $statusStr .= 'PHP version:' . PHP_VERSION . ' swoole-jobs version: ' . $this->version . PHP_EOL; $statusStr .= 'start time : ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->beginTime) . ' run ' . floor((time() - $this->beginTime) / (24 * 60 * 60)) . ' days ' . floor(((time() - $this->beginTime) % (24 * 60 * 60)) / (60 * 60)) . ' hours ' . PHP_EOL; //$statusStr .= Utils::getSysLoadAvg() . ' memory use:' . Utils::getServerMemoryUsage() . PHP_EOL; $statusStr .= '|-- Master pid ' . $this->ppid . ' status: ' . $this->status . ' Worker num: ' . count($this->workers) . PHP_EOL; if ($this->workers) { foreach ($this->workers as $pid => $value) { $type =$this->workersInfo[$pid]['type']; $topic=$this->workersInfo[$pid]['topic']; $statusStr .= ' |---- Worker pid: ' . $pid . ' ' . $type . ' ' . $topic . PHP_EOL; } } return $statusStr; } //平滑等待子进程退出之后,再退出主进程 private function waitWorkers() { $data['pid'] =$this->ppid; $data['status']=self::STATUS_WAIT; $this->saveMasterData($data); $this->status = self::STATUS_WAIT; $this->logger->log('master status: ' . $this->status, 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } //强制杀死子进程并退出主进程 private function killWorkersAndExitMaster() { //修改主进程状态为stop $this->status =self::STATUS_STOP; if ($this->workers) { foreach ($this->workers as $pid => $worker) { //强制杀workers子进程 \Swoole\Process::kill($pid); unset($this->workers[$pid]); $this->logger->log('主进程收到退出信号,[' . $pid . ']子进程跟着退出', 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); $this->logger->log('Worker count: ' . count($this->workers), 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } } $this->exitMaster(); } /** * fork子进程消费队列. * * @param [type] $num 子进程编号 * @param [type] $topic topic名称 * @param string $type 是否会重启 canRestart|unRestart */ public function reserveQueue($num, $topic, $type=self::CHILD_PROCESS_CAN_RESTART) { $reserveProcess = new \Swoole\Process(function ($worker) use ($num, $topic, $type) { $this->checkMpid($worker); $beginTime=microtime(true); try { //设置进程名字 $this->setProcessName($type . ' ' . $topic . ' job ' . $num . ' ' . $this->processName); $jobs = new MJobs($this->pidInfoFile, $this->config); do { $jobs->run($topic); $this->status=$this->getMasterData('status'); $where = (self::STATUS_RUNNING == $this->status) && (self::CHILD_PROCESS_CAN_RESTART == $type ? time() < ($beginTime + $this->excuteTime) : false); } while ($where); } catch (\Throwable $e) { catchError($this->logger, $e); } catch (\Exception $e) { catchError($this->logger, $e); } $endTime=microtime(true); $this->logger->log($topic . ' worker id: ' . $num . ' is done!!! Timing: ' . ($endTime - $beginTime), 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); unset($num, $topic, $type); }); $pid = $reserveProcess->start(); $this->workers[$pid] = $reserveProcess; $this->workersInfo[$pid]['type'] = $type; $this->workersInfo[$pid]['topic'] = $topic; $this->logger->log('topic: ' . $topic . ' ' . $type . ' worker id: ' . $num . ' pid: ' . $pid . ' is start...', 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); ++$this->workerNum; } /** * 主进程如果不存在了,子进程退出 **/ private function checkMpid(&$worker) { if (!@\Swoole\Process::kill($this->ppid, 0)) { $worker->exit(); $this->logger->log("Master process exited, I [{$worker['pid']}] also quit", 'info', $this->logSaveFileWorker); } } }