@@ -0,0 +1,814 @@
+ parser 主模块组件
+ github:https://github.com/jin-yufeng/Parser
+ docs:https://jin-yufeng.github.io/Parser
+ 插件市场:https://ext.dcloud.net.cn/plugin?id=805
+ author:JinYufeng
+ update:2020/04/14
+ <view>
+ <slot v-if="!nodes.length" />
+ <!--#ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE-->
+ <web-view id="top" ref="web" :src="src" :style="'margin-top:-2px;height:'+height+'px'" @onPostMessage="_message" />
+ <!--#endif-->
+ <!--#ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE-->
+ <view id="top" :style="showAm+(selectable?';user-select:text;-webkit-user-select:text':'')" :animation="scaleAm" @tap="_tap"
+ @touchstart="_touchstart" @touchmove="_touchmove">
+ <!--#ifdef H5-->
+ <div :id="'rtf'+uid"></div>
+ <!--#endif-->
+ <!--#ifndef H5-->
+ <trees :nodes="nodes" :lazy-load="lazyLoad" :loadVideo="loadVideo" />
+ <image v-for="(item, index) in imgs" v-bind:key="index" :id="index" :src="item" hidden @load="_load" />
+ <!--#endif-->
+ </view>
+ <!--#endif-->
+ </view>
+ // #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ import trees from './libs/trees';
+ var cache = {},
+ // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-TOUTIAO
+ fs = uni.getFileSystemManager ? uni.getFileSystemManager() : null,
+ // #endif
+ Parser = require('./libs/MpHtmlParser.js');
+ var document; // document 补丁包 https://jin-yufeng.github.io/Parser/#/instructions?id=document
+ // 计算 cache 的 key
+ function hash(str) {
+ for (var i = str.length, val = 5381; i--;)
+ val += (val << 5) + str.charCodeAt(i);
+ return val;
+ }
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ var rpx = uni.getSystemInfoSync().screenWidth / 750,
+ cfg = require('./libs/config.js');
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ var dom = weex.requireModule('dom');
+ // #endif
+ export default {
+ name: 'parser',
+ data() {
+ return {
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ loadVideo: false,
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef H5
+ uid: this._uid,
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ src: '',
+ height: 1,
+ // #endif
+ // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ scaleAm: '',
+ showAm: '',
+ imgs: [],
+ // #endif
+ nodes: []
+ }
+ },
+ // #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ components: {
+ trees
+ },
+ // #endif
+ props: {
+ 'html': null,
+ // #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
+ 'autopause': {
+ type: Boolean,
+ default: true
+ },
+ // #endif
+ 'autosetTitle': {
+ type: Boolean,
+ default: true
+ },
+ // #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ 'compress': Number,
+ 'useCache': Boolean,
+ 'xml': Boolean,
+ // #endif
+ 'domain': String,
+ // #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
+ 'gestureZoom': Boolean,
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-QQ || H5 || APP-PLUS
+ 'lazyLoad': Boolean,
+ // #endif
+ 'selectable': Boolean,
+ 'tagStyle': Object,
+ 'showWithAnimation': Boolean,
+ 'useAnchor': Boolean
+ },
+ watch: {
+ html(html) {
+ this.setContent(html);
+ }
+ },
+ mounted() {
+ // 图片数组
+ this.imgList = [];
+ this.imgList.each = function(f) {
+ for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++)
+ this.setItem(i, f(this[i], i, this));
+ }
+ this.imgList.setItem = function(i, src) {
+ if (i == void 0 || !src) return;
+ // #ifndef MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
+ // 去重
+ if (src.indexOf('http') == 0 && this.includes(src)) {
+ var newSrc = '';
+ for (var j = 0, c; c = src[j]; j++) {
+ if (c == '/' && src[j - 1] != '/' && src[j + 1] != '/') break;
+ newSrc += Math.random() > 0.5 ? c.toUpperCase() : c;
+ }
+ newSrc += src.substr(j);
+ return this[i] = newSrc;
+ }
+ // #endif
+ this[i] = src;
+ // 暂存 data src
+ if (src.includes('data:image')) {
+ var filePath, info = src.match(/data:image\/(\S+?);(\S+?),(.+)/);
+ if (!info) return;
+ // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-TOUTIAO
+ filePath = `${wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH}/${Date.now()}.${info[1]}`;
+ fs && fs.writeFile({
+ filePath,
+ data: info[3],
+ encoding: info[2],
+ success: () => this[i] = filePath
+ })
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ filePath = `_doc/parser_tmp/${Date.now()}.${info[1]}`;
+ var bitmap = new plus.nativeObj.Bitmap();
+ bitmap.loadBase64Data(src, () => {
+ bitmap.save(filePath, {}, () => {
+ bitmap.clear()
+ this[i] = filePath;
+ })
+ })
+ // #endif
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.html) this.setContent(this.html);
+ },
+ beforeDestroy() {
+ // #ifdef H5
+ if (this._observer) this._observer.disconnect();
+ // #endif
+ this.imgList.each(src => {
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ if (src && src.includes('_doc')) {
+ plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(src, entry => {
+ entry.remove();
+ });
+ }
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef MP-WEIXIN || MP-TOUTIAO
+ if (src && uni.env && src.includes(uni.env.USER_DATA_PATH))
+ fs && fs.unlink({
+ filePath: src
+ })
+ // #endif
+ })
+ clearInterval(this._timer);
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ _Dom2Str(nodes) {
+ var str = '';
+ for (var node of nodes) {
+ if (node.type == 'text')
+ str += node.text;
+ else {
+ str += ('<' + node.name);
+ for (var attr in node.attrs || {})
+ str += (' ' + attr + '="' + node.attrs[attr] + '"');
+ if (!node.children || !node.children.length) str += '>';
+ else str += ('>' + this._Dom2Str(node.children) + '</' + node.name + '>');
+ }
+ }
+ return str;
+ },
+ _handleHtml(html, append) {
+ if (typeof html != 'string') html = this._Dom2Str(html.nodes || html);
+ // 处理 rpx
+ if (html.includes('rpx'))
+ html = html.replace(/[0-9.]+\s*rpx/g, $ => parseFloat($) * rpx + 'px');
+ if (!append) {
+ // 处理 tag-style 和 userAgentStyles
+ var style = '<style>@keyframes show{0%{opacity:0}100%{opacity:1}}';
+ for (var item in cfg.userAgentStyles)
+ style += `${item}{${cfg.userAgentStyles[item]}}`;
+ for (item in this.tagStyle)
+ style += `${item}{${this.tagStyle[item]}}`;
+ style += '</style>';
+ html = style + html;
+ }
+ return html;
+ },
+ // #endif
+ setContent(html, append) {
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ if (!html) {
+ this.src = '';
+ this.height = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (append) return;
+ plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL('_doc', entry => {
+ entry.getDirectory('parser_tmp', {
+ create: true
+ }, entry => {
+ var fileName = Date.now() + '.html';
+ entry.getFile(fileName, {
+ create: true
+ }, entry => {
+ entry.createWriter(writer => {
+ writer.onwriteend = () => {
+ this.nodes = [1];
+ this.src = '_doc/parser_tmp/' + fileName;
+ this.$nextTick(function() {
+ entry.remove();
+ })
+ }
+ html =
+ '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,minimum-scale=1' +
+ (this.selectable ? '' : ',user-scalable=no') +
+ '"><script type="text/javascript" src="https://js.cdn.aliyun.dcloud.net.cn/dev/uni-app/uni.webview.1.5.2.js"></' +
+ 'script><base href="' + this.domain + '">' + this._handleHtml(html) +
+ '<script>"use strict";function post(t){uni.postMessage({data:t})}' +
+ (this.showWithAnimation ? 'document.body.style.animation="show .5s",' : '') +
+ 'document.addEventListener("UniAppJSBridgeReady",function(){post({action:"load",text:document.body.innerText});var t=document.getElementsByTagName("title");t.length&&post({action:"getTitle",title:t[0].innerText});for(var e,o=document.getElementsByTagName("img"),n=[],i=0,r=0;e=o[i];i++)e.onerror=function(){post({action:"error",source:"img",target:this})},e.hasAttribute("ignore")||"A"==e.parentElement.nodeName||(e.i=r++,n.push(e.src),e.onclick=function(){post({action:"preview",img:{i:this.i,src:this.src}})});post({action:"getImgList",imgList:n});for(var a,s=document.getElementsByTagName("a"),c=0;a=s[c];c++)a.onclick=function(){var t,e=this.getAttribute("href");if("#"==e[0]){var r=document.getElementById(e.substr(1));r&&(t=r.offsetTop)}return post({action:"linkpress",href:e,offset:t}),!1};;for(var u,m=document.getElementsByTagName("video"),d=0;u=m[d];d++)u.style.maxWidth="100%",u.onerror=function(){post({action:"error",source:"video",target:this})}' +
+ (this.autopause ? ',u.onplay=function(){for(var t,e=0;t=m[e];e++)t!=this&&t.pause()}' : '') +
+ ';for(var g,l=document.getElementsByTagName("audio"),p=0;g=l[p];p++)g.onerror=function(){post({action:"error",source:"audio",target:this})};window.onload=function(){post({action:"ready",height:document.body.scrollHeight})}});</' +
+ 'script>';
+ writer.write(html);
+ });
+ })
+ })
+ })
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef H5
+ if (!html) {
+ if (this.rtf && !append) this.rtf.parentNode.removeChild(this.rtf);
+ return;
+ }
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ if (!append) {
+ if (this.rtf) this.rtf.parentNode.removeChild(this.rtf);
+ this.rtf = div;
+ } else {
+ if (!this.rtf) this.rtf = div;
+ else this.rtf.appendChild(div);
+ }
+ div.innerHTML = this._handleHtml(html, append);
+ for (var styles = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('style'), i = 0, style; style = styles[i++];) {
+ style.innerHTML = style.innerHTML.replace(/body/g, '#rtf' + this._uid);
+ style.setAttribute('scoped', 'true');
+ }
+ // 懒加载
+ if (!this._observer && this.lazyLoad && IntersectionObserver) {
+ this._observer = new IntersectionObserver(changes => {
+ for (let item, i = 0; item = changes[i++];) {
+ if (item.isIntersecting) {
+ item.target.src = item.target.getAttribute('data-src');
+ item.target.removeAttribute('data-src');
+ this._observer.unobserve(item.target);
+ }
+ }
+ }, {
+ rootMargin: '900px 0px 900px 0px'
+ })
+ }
+ var _ts = this;
+ // 获取标题
+ var title = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('title');
+ if (title.length && this.autosetTitle)
+ uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+ title: title[0].innerText
+ })
+ // 图片处理
+ this.imgList.length = 0;
+ var imgs = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('img');
+ for (let i = 0, j = 0, img; img = imgs[i]; i++) {
+ img.style.maxWidth = '100%';
+ var src = img.getAttribute('src');
+ if (this.domain && src) {
+ if (src[0] == '/') {
+ if (src[1] == '/')
+ img.src = (this.domain.includes('://') ? this.domain.split('://')[0] : '') + ':' + src;
+ else img.src = this.domain + src;
+ } else if (!src.includes('://')) img.src = this.domain + '/' + src;
+ }
+ if (!img.hasAttribute('ignore') && img.parentElement.nodeName != 'A') {
+ img.i = j++;
+ _ts.imgList.push(img.src || img.getAttribute('data-src'));
+ img.onclick = function() {
+ var preview = true;
+ this.ignore = () => preview = false;
+ _ts.$emit('imgtap', this);
+ if (preview) {
+ uni.previewImage({
+ current: this.i,
+ urls: _ts.imgList
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ img.onerror = function() {
+ _ts.$emit('error', {
+ source: 'img',
+ target: this
+ });
+ }
+ if (_ts.lazyLoad && this._observer && img.src && img.i != 0) {
+ img.setAttribute('data-src', img.src);
+ img.removeAttribute('src');
+ this._observer.observe(img);
+ }
+ }
+ // 链接处理
+ var links = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('a');
+ for (var link of links) {
+ link.onclick = function() {
+ var jump = true,
+ href = this.getAttribute('href');
+ _ts.$emit('linkpress', {
+ href,
+ ignore: () => jump = false
+ });
+ if (jump && href) {
+ if (href[0] == '#') {
+ if (_ts.useAnchor) {
+ _ts.navigateTo({
+ id: href.substr(1)
+ })
+ }
+ } else if (href.indexOf('http') == 0 || href.indexOf('//') == 0)
+ return true;
+ else {
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: href
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // 视频处理
+ var videos = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('video');
+ _ts.videoContexts = videos;
+ for (let video, i = 0; video = videos[i++];) {
+ video.style.maxWidth = '100%';
+ video.onerror = function() {
+ _ts.$emit('error', {
+ source: 'video',
+ target: this
+ });
+ }
+ video.onplay = function() {
+ if (_ts.autopause)
+ for (let item, i = 0; item = _ts.videoContexts[i++];)
+ if (item != this) item.pause();
+ }
+ }
+ // 音频处理
+ var audios = this.rtf.getElementsByTagName('audios');
+ for (var audio of audios)
+ audio.onerror = function() {
+ _ts.$emit('error', {
+ source: 'audio',
+ target: this
+ });
+ }
+ this.document = this.rtf;
+ if (!append) document.getElementById('rtf' + this._uid).appendChild(this.rtf);
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.nodes = [1];
+ this.$emit('load');
+ })
+ setTimeout(() => this.showAm = '', 500);
+ // #endif
+ // #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ var nodes;
+ if (!html)
+ return this.nodes = [];
+ else if (typeof html == 'string') {
+ let parser = new Parser(html, this);
+ // 缓存读取
+ if (this.useCache) {
+ var hashVal = hash(html);
+ if (cache[hashVal])
+ nodes = cache[hashVal];
+ else {
+ nodes = parser.parse();
+ cache[hashVal] = nodes;
+ }
+ } else nodes = parser.parse();
+ this.$emit('parse', nodes);
+ } else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(html) == '[object Array]') {
+ // 非本插件产生的 array 需要进行一些转换
+ if (html.length && html[0].PoweredBy != 'Parser') {
+ let parser = new Parser(html, this);
+ (function f(ns) {
+ for (var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++) {
+ if (n.type == 'text') continue;
+ n.attrs = n.attrs || {};
+ for (var item in n.attrs)
+ if (typeof n.attrs[item] != 'string') n.attrs[item] = n.attrs[item].toString();
+ parser.matchAttr(n, parser);
+ if (n.children && n.children.length) {
+ parser.STACK.push(n);
+ f(n.children);
+ parser.popNode(parser.STACK.pop());
+ } else n.children = void 0;
+ }
+ })(html);
+ }
+ nodes = html;
+ } else if (typeof html == 'object' && html.nodes) {
+ nodes = html.nodes;
+ console.warn('错误的 html 类型:object 类型已废弃');
+ } else
+ return console.warn('错误的 html 类型:' + typeof html);
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ this.loadVideo = false;
+ // #endif
+ if (document) this.document = new document(this.nodes, 'nodes', this);
+ if (append) this.nodes = this.nodes.concat(nodes);
+ else this.nodes = nodes;
+ if (nodes.length && nodes[0].title && this.autosetTitle)
+ uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+ title: nodes[0].title
+ })
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ this.imgList.length = 0;
+ this.videoContexts = [];
+ // #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ // #endif
+ var f = (cs) => {
+ for (let i = 0, c; c = cs[i++];) {
+ if (c.$options.name == 'trees') {
+ for (var j = c.nodes.length, item; item = c.nodes[--j];) {
+ if (item.c) continue;
+ if (item.name == 'img') {
+ this.imgList.setItem(item.attrs.i, item.attrs.src);
+ // #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
+ if (!c.observer && !c.imgLoad && item.attrs.i != '0') {
+ if (this.lazyLoad && uni.createIntersectionObserver) {
+ c.observer = uni.createIntersectionObserver(c);
+ c.observer.relativeToViewport({
+ top: 900,
+ bottom: 900
+ }).observe('._img', () => {
+ c.imgLoad = true;
+ c.observer.disconnect();
+ })
+ } else
+ c.imgLoad = true;
+ }
+ // #endif
+ }
+ // #ifndef MP-ALIPAY
+ else if (item.name == 'video') {
+ var ctx = uni.createVideoContext(item.attrs.id, c);
+ ctx.id = item.attrs.id;
+ this.videoContexts.push(ctx);
+ }
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
+ if (item.attrs && item.attrs.id) {
+ this.anchors = this.anchors || [];
+ this.anchors.push({
+ id: item.attrs.id,
+ node: c
+ })
+ }
+ // #endif
+ }
+ }
+ if (c.$children.length)
+ f(c.$children)
+ }
+ }
+ f(this.$children);
+ // #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO
+ }, 200)
+ this.$emit('load');
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ this.loadVideo = true;
+ }, 3000);
+ // #endif
+ })
+ // #endif
+ // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ var height;
+ clearInterval(this._timer);
+ this._timer = setInterval(() => {
+ // #ifdef H5
+ var res = [this.rtf.getBoundingClientRect()];
+ // #endif
+ // #ifndef H5
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS
+ uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this)
+ // #endif
+ // #ifndef APP-PLUS
+ this.createSelectorQuery()
+ // #endif
+ .select('#top').boundingClientRect().exec(res => {
+ // #endif
+ this.width = res[0].width;
+ if (res[0].height == height) {
+ this.$emit('ready', res[0])
+ clearInterval(this._timer);
+ }
+ height = res[0].height;
+ // #ifndef H5
+ });
+ // #endif
+ }, 350)
+ if (this.showWithAnimation && !append) this.showAm = 'animation:show .5s';
+ // #endif
+ },
+ getText(ns = this.nodes) {
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ return this._text;
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef H5
+ return this.rtf.innerText;
+ // #endif
+ // #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ var txt = '';
+ for (var i = 0, n; n = ns[i++];) {
+ if (n.type == 'text') txt += n.text.replace(/ /g, '\u00A0').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/>/g, '>')
+ .replace(/&/g, '&');
+ else if (n.type == 'br') txt += '\n';
+ else {
+ // 块级标签前后加换行
+ var block = n.name == 'p' || n.name == 'div' || n.name == 'tr' || n.name == 'li' || (n.name[0] == 'h' && n.name[1] >
+ '0' && n.name[1] < '7');
+ if (block && txt && txt[txt.length - 1] != '\n') txt += '\n';
+ if (n.children) txt += this.getText(n.children);
+ if (block && txt[txt.length - 1] != '\n') txt += '\n';
+ else if (n.name == 'td' || n.name == 'th') txt += '\t';
+ }
+ }
+ return txt;
+ // #endif
+ },
+ navigateTo(obj) {
+ if (!this.useAnchor)
+ return obj.fail && obj.fail({
+ errMsg: 'Anchor is disabled'
+ })
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ if (!obj.id)
+ dom.scrollToElement(this.$refs.web);
+ else
+ this.$refs.web.evalJs('var pos=document.getElementById("' + obj.id +
+ '");if(pos)post({action:"linkpress",href:"#",offset:pos.offsetTop})');
+ return obj.success && obj.success({
+ errMsg: 'pageScrollTo:ok'
+ });
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef H5
+ if (!obj.id) {
+ window.scrollTo(0, this.rtf.offsetTop);
+ return obj.success && obj.success({
+ errMsg: 'pageScrollTo:ok'
+ });
+ }
+ var target = document.getElementById(obj.id);
+ if (!target) return obj.fail && obj.fail({
+ errMsg: 'Label not found'
+ });
+ obj.scrollTop = this.rtf.offsetTop + target.offsetTop;
+ uni.pageScrollTo(obj);
+ // #endif
+ // #ifndef H5
+ var Scroll = (selector, component) => {
+ uni.createSelectorQuery().in(component ? component : this).select(selector).boundingClientRect().selectViewport()
+ .scrollOffset()
+ .exec(res => {
+ if (!res || !res[0])
+ return obj.fail && obj.fail({
+ errMsg: 'Label not found'
+ });
+ obj.scrollTop = res[1].scrollTop + res[0].top;
+ uni.pageScrollTo(obj);
+ })
+ }
+ if (!obj.id) Scroll('#top');
+ else {
+ // #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
+ Scroll('#top >>> #' + obj.id + ', #top >>> .' + obj.id);
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
+ for (var anchor of this.anchors)
+ if (anchor.id == obj.id)
+ Scroll('#' + obj.id + ', .' + obj.id, anchor.node);
+ // #endif
+ }
+ // #endif
+ },
+ getVideoContext(id) {
+ // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ if (!id) return this.videoContexts;
+ else
+ for (var i = this.videoContexts.length; i--;)
+ if (this.videoContexts[i].id == id) return this.videoContexts[i];
+ // #endif
+ },
+ // 预加载
+ preLoad(html, num) {
+ // #ifdef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ if (html.constructor == Array)
+ html = this._Dom2Str(html);
+ var script = "var contain=document.createElement('div');contain.innerHTML='" + html.replace(/'/g, "\\'") +
+ "';for(var imgs=contain.querySelectorAll('img'),i=imgs.length-1;i>=" + num +
+ ";i--)imgs[i].removeAttribute('src');";
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ this.$refs.web.evalJs(script);
+ // #endif
+ // #ifdef H5
+ eval(script);
+ // #endif
+ // #ifndef H5 || APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ if (typeof html == 'string') {
+ var id = hash(html);
+ html = new Parser(html, this).parse();
+ cache[id] = html;
+ }
+ var wait = [];
+ (function f(ns) {
+ for (var i = 0, n; n = ns[i++];) {
+ if (n.name == 'img' && n.attrs.src && !wait.includes(n.attrs.src))
+ wait.push(n.attrs.src);
+ f(n.children || []);
+ }
+ })(html);
+ if (num) wait = wait.slice(0, num);
+ this._wait = (this._wait || []).concat(wait);
+ if (!this.imgs) this.imgs = this._wait.splice(0, 15);
+ else if (this.imgs.length < 15)
+ this.imgs = this.imgs.concat(this._wait.splice(0, 15 - this.imgs.length));
+ // #endif
+ },
+ // #ifdef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ _message(e) {
+ // 接收 web-view 消息
+ var data = e.detail.data[0];
+ if (data.action == 'load') {
+ this.$emit('load');
+ this._text = data.text;
+ } else if (data.action == 'getTitle') {
+ if (this.autosetTitle)
+ uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+ title: data.title
+ })
+ } else if (data.action == 'getImgList') {
+ this.imgList.length = 0;
+ for (var i = data.imgList.length; i--;)
+ this.imgList.setItem(i, data.imgList[i]);
+ } else if (data.action == 'preview') {
+ var preview = true;
+ data.img.ignore = () => preview = false;
+ this.$emit('imgtap', data.img);
+ if (preview)
+ uni.previewImage({
+ current: data.img.i,
+ urls: this.imgList
+ })
+ } else if (data.action == 'linkpress') {
+ var jump = true,
+ href = data.href;
+ this.$emit('linkpress', {
+ href,
+ ignore: () => jump = false
+ })
+ if (jump && href) {
+ if (href[0] == '#') {
+ if (this.useAnchor)
+ dom.scrollToElement(this.$refs.web, {
+ offset: data.offset
+ })
+ } else if (href.includes('://'))
+ plus.runtime.openWeb(href);
+ else
+ uni.navigateTo({
+ url: href
+ })
+ }
+ } else if (data.action == 'error')
+ this.$emit('error', {
+ source: data.source,
+ target: data.target
+ })
+ else if (data.action == 'ready') {
+ this.height = data.height;
+ this.$nextTick(() => {
+ uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this).select('#top').boundingClientRect().exec(res => {
+ this.rect = res[0];
+ this.$emit('ready', res[0]);
+ })
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ // #endif
+ // #ifndef APP-PLUS-NVUE
+ // #ifndef H5
+ _load(e) {
+ if (this._wait.length)
+ this.$set(this.imgs, e.target.id, this._wait.shift());
+ },
+ // #endif
+ _tap(e) {
+ // #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
+ if (this.gestureZoom && e.timeStamp - this._lastT < 300) {
+ var initY = e.touches[0].pageY - e.currentTarget.offsetTop;
+ if (this._zoom) {
+ this._scaleAm.translateX(0).scale(1).step();
+ uni.pageScrollTo({
+ scrollTop: (initY + this._initY) / 2 - e.touches[0].clientY,
+ duration: 400
+ })
+ } else {
+ var initX = e.touches[0].pageX - e.currentTarget.offsetLeft;
+ this._initY = initY;
+ this._scaleAm = uni.createAnimation({
+ transformOrigin: `${initX}px ${this._initY}px 0`,
+ timingFunction: 'ease-in-out'
+ });
+ // #ifdef MP-TOUTIAO
+ this._scaleAm.opacity(1);
+ // #endif
+ this._scaleAm.scale(2).step();
+ this._tMax = initX / 2;
+ this._tMin = (initX - this.width) / 2;
+ this._tX = 0;
+ }
+ this._zoom = !this._zoom;
+ this.scaleAm = this._scaleAm.export();
+ }
+ this._lastT = e.timeStamp;
+ // #endif
+ },
+ _touchstart(e) {
+ // #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
+ if (e.touches.length == 1)
+ this._initX = this._lastX = e.touches[0].pageX;
+ // #endif
+ },
+ _touchmove(e) {
+ // #ifndef MP-BAIDU || MP-ALIPAY || APP-PLUS
+ var diff = e.touches[0].pageX - this._lastX;
+ if (this._zoom && e.touches.length == 1 && Math.abs(diff) > 20) {
+ this._lastX = e.touches[0].pageX;
+ if ((this._tX <= this._tMin && diff < 0) || (this._tX >= this._tMax && diff > 0))
+ return;
+ this._tX += (diff * Math.abs(this._lastX - this._initX) * 0.05);
+ if (this._tX < this._tMin) this._tX = this._tMin;
+ if (this._tX > this._tMax) this._tX = this._tMax;
+ this._scaleAm.translateX(this._tX).step();
+ this.scaleAm = this._scaleAm.export();
+ }
+ // #endif
+ }
+ // #endif
+ }
+ }
+ @keyframes show {
+ 0% {
+ opacity: 0
+ }
+ 100% {
+ opacity: 1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* #ifdef MP-WEIXIN */
+ :host {
+ display: block;
+ overflow: scroll;
+ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
+ }
+ /* #endif */