@@ -4,168 +4,242 @@
<view class="topO">
- <view class="topT">
+ <view class="topT flex-start padding-b-30">
<view class="TT">USDT-TRC20</view>
- <view class="topS">
+ <view class="topO">
- <view class="topF">
- <input class="FF" type="text" v-model="withdrawal" placeholder="请输入提现地址" placeholder-class="placeholder" />
+ <view class="topF margin-b-30">
+ <input class="FF" type="text" placeholder="请输入提币地址" v-model="address"
+ placeholder-class="placeholder-input" />
+ </view>
+ <view class="topO ">
+ {{$t('userinfo.u8')}} <text class="font-color-gray font-size-sm">(余额:{{userWallet}})</text>
- <view class="topS">
- {{$t('userinfo.u8')}}
+ <view class="topF flex margin-b-30">
+ <input class="FF" type="number" v-model="withdrawal" placeholder="请输入提现数量"
+ placeholder-class="placeholder-input" />
+ <view class="btn" @click="withdrawal=userWallet">USDT 全部</view>
- <view class="topF">
- <input class="FF" type="text" v-model="withdrawal" placeholder="请输入提现数量" placeholder-class="placeholder" />
- <view class="btn">全部</view>
+ <view class="topO ">
+ 手续费
+ </view>
+ <view class="topF flex">
+ <text v-if="type==1">{{charge}}</text>
+ <text v-else>{{num}}</text>
- <view class="center">
+ <view class="center margin-t-30">
<view class="tx">{{$t('userinfo.u9')}}</view>
- <view class="buzhou">
+ <view class="buzhou margin-t-20">
<view class="">1.{{$t('userinfo.u10')}} </view>
<view class="">① {{$t('userinfo.u11')}}</view>
- <view class="">② {{$t('userinfo.u12')}} </view>
- <view class="">2.{{$t('userinfo.u13')}}</view>
- <view class="">3.{{$t('userinfo.u14')}}</view>
- <view class="">4.{{$t('userinfo.u15')}}</view>
+ <view class="">② {{$t('userinfo.u12')}} </view>
+ <view class="">2.{{$t('userinfo.u13')}}</view>
+ <view class="">3.{{$t('userinfo.u14')}}</view>
+ <view class="">4.{{$t('userinfo.u15')}}</view>
- <view class="last">
- <view class="la">{{$t('userinfo.u16')}}</view>
+ <view class="last margin-t-30" @click="openPayPassword">
+ <view class="la" :class="{action:loding}">{{$t('userinfo.u16')}}</view>
+ <uni-popup type="bottom" ref="popup">
+ <inputPassword @commit='KeyInfo'></inputPassword>
+ </uni-popup>
+ import {
+ gameWallet
+ } from "@/api/game.js";
+ import {
+ extractCash
+ } from "@/api/wallet.js";
+ import inputPassword from "@/components/input-password/input-password.vue";
export default {
+ components: {
+ inputPassword
+ },
data() {
return {
- withdrawal: '', //提现地址
+ address: '', //提现地址
+ withdrawal: '', //提现金额
+ userWallet: '',
+ loding: false,
+ password: '',
+ // 手续费信息
+ type: 0,
+ num: 0
+ computed: {
+ charge() {
+ return Number( (this.withdrawal*this.num/100).toFixed(8))
+ }
+ },
onLoad() {
title: this.$t("tab.a8"),
+ this.gameWallet();
+ },
+ methods: {
+ // 支付弹窗
+ openPayPassword() {
+ if (this.userWallet < this.withdrawal) {
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: '余额不足!',
+ icon: 'error'
+ });
+ return
+ };
+ this.$refs.popup.open();
+ },
+ // 关闭支付弹窗
+ colsePayPassword() {
+ this.$refs.popup.close();
+ },
+ // 密码输入完成
+ KeyInfo(val) {
+ this.password = val;
+ this.colsePayPassword();
+ this.submit();
+ },
+ // 获取用户信息
+ gameWallet() {
+ const that = this;
+ gameWallet().then((res) => {
+ that.userWallet = +res.data.back.USDT.money.money;
+ that.type = +res.data.back.USDT.cash_commission_count_type;
+ that.num = +res.data.back.USDT.cash_commission_ratio;
+ })
+ },
+ // 提交
+ submit() {
+ const that = this;
+ uni.showLoading({
+ title: '提交中。。。',
+ mask: true
+ });
+ that.loding = true;
+ extractCash({
+ money: that.withdrawal,
+ money_type: "USDT",
+ address: that.address,
+ trade_password: that.password,
+ }).then((res) => {
+ that.loding = false;
+ uni.hideLoading()
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: '申请提币成功!'
+ });
+ this.address = '';
+ this.withdrawal = ''; //提现金额
+ this.password = '';
+ }).catch((res) => {
+ uni.showToast({
+ title: '申请提币失败!,请联系客服',
+ icon: 'error'
+ });
+ that.loding = false;
+ uni.hideLoading()
+ })
+ }
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