zhang 1 éve

+ 8 - 0

@@ -9,6 +9,14 @@ export function getUserInfo(data) {
+export function getUser(data) {
+	return request({
+		url: '/api/user',
+		method: 'get',
+		data
+	});

+ 27 - 680

@@ -194,7 +194,25 @@
 		"a1": "头像",
 		"a2": "昵称",
-		"a4":"修改"
+		"a4":"修改",
+		"a5":"提交",
+		"a6":"退出"
+	},
+	"tab": {
+		"a1": "我的质押",
+		"a2": "历史列表",
+		"a3": "充值",
+		"a4": "玩法介绍",
+		"a5": "推广计划",
+		"a6": "游戏举例",
+		"a7": "设置",
+		"a8": "奖励提现",
+		"a9": "互娱记录",
+		"b1": "会员列表",
+		"b2": "分享链接",
+		"b3": "忘记密码",
+		"b4": "修改资料",
+		"b5": "质押详情"
 	"add": {
@@ -226,89 +244,8 @@
 		"b9": "超时反馈",
 		"b10": "倒计时"
-	"flash": {
-		"a1": "闪兑",
-		"a2": "从",
-		"a3": "可用",
-		"a4": "至",
-		"a5": "询价",
-		"b1": "订单确认",
-		"b2": "兑换",
-		"b3": "收到",
-		"b4": "支付渠道",
-		"b5": "现货钱包",
-		"b6": "类型",
-		"b7": "市价",
-		"b8": "汇率",
-		"b9": "确认",
-		"c1": "余额不足,请充值",
-		"c2": "返回",
-		"c3": "刷新",
-		"c4": "请输入正确兑换金额",
-		"c5": "兑换币种异常",
-		"c6": "兑换成功",
-		"d1": "兑换记录",
-		"d2": "支出",
-		"d3": "到账"
-	},
-	"contribution": {
-		"title": "捐款",
-		"a1": "爱心公益!捐款你我做起!",
-		"a2": "呼吁广大用户发挥爱心及激发人道主义为乌克兰加油并进行捐款,用爱心为战争画上句号,使乌克兰早日重建家园。DWF交易所收到的捐款资金将全数净捐给国际红十字委员会、Guzema Foundation、Serhiy Prytula Foundation。盼望地球村携手合作共创美好的和平世界。",
-		"a3": "DWF将平台净利手续费1%捐出,您捐赠的金额DWF交易所将1:1的USDT返送至您的交易所钱包!为乌克兰加油!",
-		"a4": "扫描二维码完成付款",
-		"a5": "复制地址",
-		"a6": "目前捐款金额",
-		"a7": "本期捐款截止",
-		"a8": "未捐款",
-		"a9": "已捐款",
-		"b1": "捐款订单",
-		"b2": "尊贵的用户谢谢您的爱心与支持 DWF慈善基金团队正在审核您的汇款资金 并在一个小时内返还您的捐款金额 如有任何问题请立即咨询线上客服",
-		"b3": "确认",
-		"b4": "详情视频",
-		"c1": "捐款记录",
-		"c2": "订单号",
-		"c3": "提交时间",
-		"c4": "捐款方式",
-		"c5": "地址",
-		"c6": "捐款金额",
-		"d1": "详情",
-		"e1":"已捐款金额",
-		"e2":"请输入金额"
-	},
 	"common": {
-		"error1": "您的账号异常,请联系客服人员",
-		"D": "日",
-		"M": "月",
-		"Y": "年",
-		"add": "添加",
-		"address": "地址",
-		"all": "所有",
-		"amout": "数量",
-		"cancel": "取消",
-		"check": "审核",
-		"code": "验证码",
-		"confirm": "确定",
-		"date": "日期",
-		"detail": "详情",
-		"email": "邮箱",
-		"enter": "请输入",
-		"error": "失败",
-		"getCode": "获取验证码",
-		"h": "时",
-		"loadMore": "加载更多",
-		"m": "分",
-		"money": "金额",
-		"more": "更多",
-		"notData": "暂无数据",
-		"notMore": "没有更多了",
-		"phone": "手机",
-		"requestError": "网络繁忙,请稍后再试",
-		"s": "秒",
-		"save": "保存",
-		"select": "请选择",
-		"sendSuccess": "发送成功",
-		"sms": "短信",
 		"submit": "提交",
 		"success": "成功",
 		"tips": "温馨提示",
@@ -327,11 +264,6 @@
 		"a5": "到账数量",
 		"a6": "账号",
 		"a7": "充值数量",
-		"a8": "支付凭证",
-		"a9": "请输入充值数量",
-		"b0": "请上传支付凭证",
-		"b1": "购买{amount}枚{name}代币可获{rate}%奖励",
-		"b2": "申购活动",
 		"cancelButtonText": "取消",
 		"confirmButtonText": "确认"
@@ -339,80 +271,24 @@
 		"a0": "标题",
 		"a1": "返回",
 		"a2": "更多",
-		"a3": "行情",
-		"a4": "期权",
-		"a5": "打新专区",
-		"a6": "会员",
-		"a7": "学院",
-		"a8": "交易对",
 		"a9": "最新价",
 		"b0": "涨跌幅",
-		"b1": "点击登录",
-		"b2": "欢迎来到",
 		"b3": "请登录",
-		"b4": "升级",
-		"b5": "充币",
-		"b6": "提币",
-		"b7": "推广",
-		"b8": "抵扣手续费",
-		"b9": "可用",
-		"c0": "购买",
-		"c1": "我的委托",
-		"c2": "身份认证",
-		"c3": "安全中心",
-		"c4": "消息通知",
 		"c5": "提币地址",
-		"c6": "设置",
-		"c7": "自选",
 		"c8": "添加成功",
 		"c9": "取消成功",
 		"d0": "首页",
 		"d1": "交易",
 		"d2": "资产",
 		"d3": "请输入搜索关键词",
-		"d4": "全部",
-		"d5": "主板",
-		"d6": "总资产折合",
-		"d7": "资金账户",
-		"d8": "划转",
-		"d9": "搜索币种",
-		"e0": "隐藏",
-		"e1": "余额资产",
-		"e2": "冻结",
-		"e3": "折合",
-		"e4": "合约账户",
-		"e5": "合约折合",
 		"e6": "矿工等级",
 		"e7": "矿工",
 		"e8": "APP",
-		"e9": "签到",
-		"f0": "立即签到",
-		"f1": "每天签到获得",
-		"f2": "连续签到7天 则额外赠送",
-		"f3": "买币",
-		"f4": "ETH Layer2",
-		"f5": "邀请奖励",
-		"f6": "奖励自动派送",
-		"f7": "如果中断签到 则不可获得奖励",
-		"f8": "24H量",
-		"f9": "捐款",
-		"g1": "闪兑",
-		"g2": "关于我们",
-		"g3": "版本6.0.7",
-		"g4": "帮助中心",
-		"g5": "未绑定",
-		"g6": "语言切换",
-		"g7": "交易对",
 		"g8": "价格",
 		"g9": "涨幅",
-		"h0": "已绑定",
-		"h1": "维护更新中",
-		"h2": "永续合约"
-	},
-	"aboutUs": {
-		"a0": "关于我们",
-		"a1": "和"
+		"h0": "已绑定"
 	"accountSettings": {
 		"a0": "账号设置",
 		"a1": "头像",
@@ -428,167 +304,7 @@
 		"b1": "请输入昵称",
 		"b2": "语言"
-	"assets": {
-		"a0": "提币地址管理",
-		"a1": "地址簿可以用来管理您的常用地址,往地址簿中存在的地址发起提币时,无需进行多重校验。",
-		"a2": "已支持自动提币,使用{name}提币时,只允许网地址簿中存在的地址发起提币。",
-		"a3": "删除地址",
-		"a4": "添加地址",
-		"a5": "请选择要删除的地址",
-		"a6": "是否删除当前选中地址",
-		"a7": "流水",
-		"a8": "总额",
-		"a9": "可用",
-		"b0": "冻结",
-		"b1": "资金账户",
-		"b2": "合约账户",
-		"b3": "杠杆账户",
-		"b4": "理财账户",
-		"b5": "请输入搜索关键词",
-		"b6": "提币",
-		"b7": "请选择链类型",
-		"b8": "提币地址",
-		"b9": "请输入地址",
-		"b10": "请输入搜索关键词",
-		"c0": "数量",
-		"c1": "余额",
-		"c2": "请输入数量",
-		"c3": "全部",
-		"c4": "手续费",
-		"c5": "请仔细检查并输入正确的提币钱包地址。",
-		"c6": "发送不对应的数字货币到钱包地址会造成永久性的损失。",
-		"c7": "提币手续费将从提币数量中扣除。",
-		"c8": "提币记录",
-		"c9": "时间",
-		"d0": "状态",
-		"d1": "审核中",
-		"d2": "成功",
-		"d3": "失败",
-		"d4": "查看更多",
-		"d5": "提交成功,正在审核",
-		"d6": "编辑",
-		"d7": "添加",
-		"d8": "地址",
-		"d9": "请输入或粘贴地址",
-		"e0": "备注",
-		"e1": "请输入备注",
-		"e2": "请填写地址",
-		"e3": "请填写备注",
-		"e4": "操作成功",
-		"e5": "充币",
-		"e6": "扫描上方二维码获取充币地址",
-		"e7": "充币地址",
-		"e8": "充币数量",
-		"e9": "请输入充币数量",
-		"f0": "此地址是您最新的充值地址,当系统收到充值时,将进行自动入账。",
-		"f1": "转账需要由整个区块链网络进行确认,到达{num}个网络确认时,您的{name}将被自动存入账户中。",
-		"f2": "个网络确认时,您的",
-		"f3": "请只发送{name}到此地址,发送其他数字货币到此地址会造成永久性的损失。",
-		"f4": "充币记录",
-		"g1": "地址划转",
-		"g2": "银行卡汇款",
-		"g3": "信用卡支付",
-		"g4": "复制地址",
-		"h1":"请输入带有国家代码的电话号码"
-	},
-	"auth": {
-		"a0": "身份认证",
-		"a1": "实名认证",
-		"a2": "未认证",
-		"a3": "已认证",
-		"a4": "高级认证",
-		"a5": "审核中",
-		"a6": "认证失败",
-		"a7": "国籍",
-		"a8": "请选择国籍",
-		"a9": "真实姓名",
-		"b0": "请输入真实姓名",
-		"b1": "证件号码",
-		"b2": "请输入证件号码",
-		"b3": "确认",
-		"b4": "认证成功",
-		"b5": "请上传证件正面照片",
-		"b6": "请上传证件背面",
-		"b7": "请上传手持证件照",
-		"b8": "确保照片清晰无水印,且上半身完整",
-		"b9": "文件尺寸过大,不得超过",
-		"c0": "文件类型错误",
-		"c1": "上传成功",
-		"c2": "请上传证件背面照",
-		"c3": "请上传证件正面照",
-		"c4": "上传成功,请等待审核"
-	},
-	"exchange": {
-		"a0": "币币",
-		"a1": "申购",
-		"a2": "合约",
-		"a3": "交易",
-		"a4": "当前委托",
-		"a5": "历史委托",
-		"a6": "添加成功",
-		"a7": "取消成功",
-		"a8": "发行总量",
-		"a9": "流通总量",
-		"b0": "发行价格",
-		"b1": "发行时间",
-		"b2": "白皮书地址",
-		"b3": "官网地址",
-		"b4": "简介",
-		"b5": "买",
-		"b6": "卖",
-		"b7": "委托价",
-		"b8": "类型",
-		"b9": "限价交易",
-		"c0": "市价交易",
-		"c1": "已成交",
-		"c2": "总计",
-		"c3": "买入",
-		"c4": "卖出",
-		"c5": "数量",
-		"c6": "在最佳市场价格成交",
-		"c7": "总价",
-		"c8": "可用数量",
-		"c9": "总值",
-		"d0": "登录",
-		"d1": "分时图",
-		"d2": "价格",
-		"d3": "最新成交",
-		"d4": "时间",
-		"d5": "方向",
-		"d6": "限价",
-		"d7": "市价",
-		"d8": "请输入价格",
-		"d9": "请输入数量",
-		"e0": "请输入总价",
-		"e1": "下单成功",
-		"e2": "平均价格",
-		"e3": "最高",
-		"e4": "最低",
-		"e5": "量",
-		"e6": "买卖盘",
-		"e7": "币种信息",
-		"e8": "分钟",
-		"e9": "小时",
-		"e10": "分钟",
-		"f0": "天",
-		"f1": "周",
-		"f2": "月",
-		"f3": "买价",
-		"f4": "卖价",
-		"f5": "币币交易",
-		"f6": "请输入搜索关键词",
-		"f7": "交易对",
-		"f8": "最新价",
-		"f9": "涨跌幅",
-		"g0": "自选",
-		"g1": "我的委托",
-		"g2": "撤销委托",
-		"g3": "操作",
-		"g4": "撤销",
-		"g5": "是否撤销当前委托",
-		"g6": "撤销成功",
-		"g7":"分时"
-	},
 	"option": {
 		"a0": "期权",
 		"a1": "距离交割",
@@ -644,30 +360,7 @@
-	"purchase": {
-		"a0": "发行价",
-		"a1": "申购币种",
-		"a2": "预计上线时间",
-		"a3": "开始申购时间",
-		"a4": "结束申购时间",
-		"a5": "申购",
-		"a6": "请选择申购币种",
-		"a7": "购买数量",
-		"a8": "请输入申购数量",
-		"a9": "全部",
-		"b0": "立即申购",
-		"b1": "申购周期",
-		"b2": "项目预热",
-		"b3": "开始申购",
-		"b4": "结束申购",
-		"b5": "公布结果",
-		"b6": "项目详情",
-		"b7": "是否使用",
-		"b8": "购买",
-		"b9": "申购成功",
-		"d1":"付款方式",
-		"d2":"请输入正确的金额"
-	},
 	"reg": {
 		"a0": "手机注册",
 		"a1": "邮箱注册",
@@ -746,67 +439,8 @@
-	"transfer": {
-		"a0": "划转记录",
-		"a1": "成功",
-		"a2": "数量",
-		"a3": "方向",
-		"a4": "账户资产",
-		"a5": "合约账户",
-		"a6": "杠杆账户",
-		"a7": "理财账户",
-		"a8": "划转",
-		"a9": "从",
-		"b0": "至",
-		"b1": "划转币种",
-		"b2": "余额",
-		"b3": "全部",
-		"b4": "划转成功"
-	},
-	"notice": {
-		"a0": "详情",
-		"a1": "消息通知",
-		"a2": "公告",
-		"a3": "消息"
-	},
-	"invite": {
-		"a0": "尊享交易返佣邀请好友",
-		"a1": "合伙人",
-		"a2": "尊享交易返佣",
-		"a3": "普通用户",
-		"a4": "我的身份",
-		"a5": "尊享身份",
-		"a6": "我的邀请码",
-		"a7": "复制邀请二维码",
-		"a8": "复制邀请链接",
-		"a9": "我的推广",
-		"a10": "邀请码",
-		"b0": "推广总人数",
-		"b1": "人",
-		"b2": "总收益折合",
-		"b3": "推广记录",
-		"b4": "直接邀请",
-		"b5": "返佣记录",
-		"b6": "等级",
-		"b7": "级别设定",
-		"b8": "晋升条件",
-		"b9": "分红权益",
-		"c0": "昵称",
-		"c1": "推广人数",
-		"c2": "收益折合",
-		"c3": "邀请记录",
-		"c4": "返佣记录",
-		"c5": "等级权益说明",
-		"c6": "等级",
-		"c7": "权益",
-		"c8": "说明",
-		"c9": "我的权益"
-	},
-	"help": {
-		"a0": "详情",
-		"a1": "学院",
-		"a2": "分类"
-	},
 	"login": {
 		"a0": "互娱共享",
 		"a1": "请输入手机号/邮箱",
@@ -824,293 +458,6 @@
 		"b4": "请输入邀请码",
 		"b5": "发送验证码",
 		"b6": "请输入验证码"
-	},
-	"contract": {
-		"title": "合约",
-		"a": "合约流水",
-		"a0": "开仓",
-		"a1": "持仓",
-		"a2": "委托",
-		"a3": "历史",
-		"a4": "合约交易",
-		"a5": "开通成功",
-		"a6": "交易类型",
-		"a7": "已成交",
-		"a8": "委托总量",
-		"a9": "成交均价",
-		"b0": "平仓均价",
-		"b1": "保证金",
-		"b2": "手续费",
-		"b3": "状态",
-		"b4": "操作",
-		"b5": "撤单",
-		"b6": "已撤销",
-		"b7": "未成交",
-		"b8": "部分成交",
-		"b9": "全部成交",
-		"c0": "买入",
-		"c1": "平空",
-		"c2": "卖出",
-		"c3": "平多",
-		"c4": "温馨提示",
-		"c5": "是否撤销当前订单",
-		"c6": "撤销成功",
-		"c7": "盈亏",
-		"c8": "分享",
-		"c9": "委托详情",
-		"d0": "暂无数据",
-		"d1": "价格",
-		"d2": "数量",
-		"d3": "成交时间",
-		"d4": "用户权益",
-		"d5": "未实现盈亏",
-		"d6": "风险率",
-		"d7": "市价",
-		"d8": "张",
-		"d9": "占用保证金",
-		"e0": "买入(做多)",
-		"e1": "可开多",
-		"e2": "卖出(做空)",
-		"e3": "可开空",
-		"e4": "可用",
-		"e5": "划转",
-		"e6": "资金费率",
-		"e7": "距离结算",
-		"e8": "多",
-		"e9": "空",
-		"f0": "资金划转",
-		"f1": "计算器",
-		"f2": "关于合约",
-		"f3": "风险保障基金",
-		"f4": "资金费用历史",
-		"f5": "普通委托",
-		"f6": "市价委托",
-		"f7": "是否以",
-		"f8": "的价格",
-		"f9": "倍杠杆开仓",
-		"g0": "开多",
-		"g1": "开空",
-		"g2": "委托成功",
-		"g3": "仅显示当前合约",
-		"g4": "可平",
-		"g5": "委托",
-		"g6": "开仓平均价",
-		"g7": "结算基准价",
-		"g8": "预估强平价",
-		"g9": "已结算收益",
-		"h0": "收益率",
-		"h1": "止盈",
-		"h2": "止损",
-		"h3": "平仓",
-		"h4": "市价全平",
-		"h5": "止盈止损",
-		"h6": "平",
-		"h7": "请输入平仓价格",
-		"h8": "限价",
-		"h9": "请输入平仓数量",
-		"i0": "可平",
-		"i1": "开仓均价",
-		"i2": "最新成交价",
-		"i3": "请输入价格",
-		"i4": "止盈触发价",
-		"i5": "市价至",
-		"i6": "时将触发止盈委托,成交后预计盈亏",
-		"i7": "止损触发价",
-		"i8": "时将触发止损委托,成交后预计盈亏",
-		"i9": "确定",
-		"j0": "平仓成功",
-		"j1": "是否市价全平",
-		"j2": "全平",
-		"j3": "成功",
-		"j4": "设置成功",
-		"j5": "神机妙算,无可匹敌",
-		"j6": "做",
-		"j7": "平仓价格",
-		"j8": "数字资产交易平台",
-		"j9": "当{name1}遇上{name2} {name3}的火热飞升之路",
-		"k0": "开仓价格",
-		"k1": "最新价格",
-		"k2": "扫码了解更多",
-		"k3": "结算盈亏",
-		"k4": "截图成功,已保存到本地",
-		"k5": "截图失败",
-		"k6": "长按截图",
-		"k7": "一键平仓",
-		"k8": "一键反向",
-		"k9": "是否一键平仓",
-		"l0": "平仓成功",
-		"l1": "是否一键反向",
-		"l2": "反向成功",
-		"l3": "平空",
-		"l4": "平多"
-	},
-	"otc": {
-		"a0": "发布广告",
-		"a1": "订单",
-		"a2": "交易币种",
-		"a3": "我的订单",
-		"a4": "我的广告",
-		"a5": "购买",
-		"a6": "出售",
-		"a7": "总数",
-		"a8": "剩余",
-		"a9": "限量",
-		"b0": "单价",
-		"b1": "支付方式",
-		"b2": "操作",
-		"b3": "总量",
-		"b4": "请选择支付方式",
-		"b5": "请输入数量",
-		"b6": "下单",
-		"b7": "支付宝",
-		"b8": "微信",
-		"b9": "银行卡",
-		"c0": "下单成功",
-		"c1": "状态",
-		"c2": "广告编号",
-		"c3": "总价",
-		"c4": "数量",
-		"c5": "发布时间",
-		"c6": "下架",
-		"c7": "已撤销",
-		"c8": "交易中",
-		"c9": "已完成",
-		"d0": "温馨提示",
-		"d1": "是否下架当前广告",
-		"d2": "确定",
-		"d3": "取消",
-		"d4": "撤销成功",
-		"d5": "法币账户",
-		"d6": "冻结",
-		"d7": "支付宝账号",
-		"d8": "请输入账号",
-		"d9": "姓名",
-		"e0": "请输入姓名",
-		"e1": "付款码",
-		"e2": "绑定",
-		"e3": "微信账号",
-		"e4": "银行名称",
-		"e5": "请输入银行名称",
-		"e6": "开户支行",
-		"e7": "请输入开户支行",
-		"e8": "银行卡号",
-		"e9": "请输入银行卡号",
-		"f0": "编辑成功",
-		"f1": "添加成功",
-		"f2": "卖出",
-		"f3": "买入",
-		"f4": "订单详情",
-		"f5": "订单号",
-		"f6": "账号",
-		"f7": "开户银行",
-		"f8": "剩余时间",
-		"f9": "分",
-		"g0": "秒",
-		"g1": "上传支付凭证",
-		"g2": "确认付款",
-		"g3": "取消订单",
-		"g4": "确认收款",
-		"g5": "未到账",
-		"g6": "是否取消当前订单",
-		"g7": "订单已取消",
-		"g8": "确认当前已付款",
-		"g9": "操作成功",
-		"h0": "确认收款后将挂卖资产将自动划转",
-		"h1": "确认未收到款项后,此订单将自动进入申诉",
-		"h2": "出售订单",
-		"h3": "购买订单",
-		"h4": "广告购买订单",
-		"h5": "广告出售订单",
-		"h6": "时间",
-		"h7": "详情",
-		"h8": "全部",
-		"h9": "已关闭",
-		"i0": "待支付",
-		"i1": "待确认",
-		"i2": "申诉中",
-		"i3": "广告类型",
-		"i4": "请选择交易类型",
-		"i5": "请选择交易币种",
-		"i6": "价格",
-		"i7": "请输入价格",
-		"i8": "最低价",
-		"i9": "请输入最低价",
-		"j0": "最高价",
-		"j1": "请输入最高价",
-		"j2": "备注",
-		"j3": "请输入备注",
-		"j4": "发布",
-		"j5": "发布成功",
-		"j6": "收款方式",
-		"j7": "最低量",
-		"j8": "最高量",
-		"j9": "请输入最低交易量",
-		"k0": "请输入最高交易量"
-	},
-	"pledge": {
-		"introduce": "项目介绍",
-		"funcname": "质押挖矿",
-		"detail": "订单详情",
-		"join": "参与节点",
-		"biz": "质押币种",
-		"cycle": "周期",
-		"rate": "浮动日利率",
-		"zynum": "数量",
-		"ordernum": "订单编号",
-		"profit": "预估收益",
-		"create_time": "创建时间",
-		"end_time": "结束时间",
-		"record": "订单记录",
-		"bzkyzc": "币种可用资产",
-		"zdyxt": "自定义选填",
-		"ljzy": "加入节点",
-		"goorder": "是否查看订单",
-		"income": "收益中",
-		"completed": "已完成",
-		"maxnum": "最大数量",
-		"minnum": "最小数量",
-		"note": "注",
-		"qtxhlfwndsz": "请填写范围内的数值",
-		"a1": "开始质押",
-		"a2": "质押金额",
-		"a3": "当前汇率",
-		"a4": "质押需要支付",
-		"a5": "请确保账户余额充足",
-		"a6": "提交",
-		"a7": "邀请更多好友解锁次数",
-		"a8": "邀请好友解锁次数",
-		"a9": "邀请",
-		"b1": "个好友",
-		"b2": "参与质押即可解锁一次",
-		"b3": "邀请好友",
-		"b4": "取消",
-		"c1":"ETH Layer 2",
-		"c2":"节点生涯",
-		"c3":"ETH Layer 2是一种透过节点算力实现真正挖矿技术的智能合约。以太坊的共识算法从工作证明转变为权益证明的第一步。通过权益证明,更多技术用户可以运行自己的验证节点并质押他们的USDT并获得收益。使用以太坊主网的将以金融机构、鲸鱼、Layer 2协议等机构和大户为主,更多普通用户将选择在Layer 2进行链上交易。参与Layer 2扩容方案的投资者能共享节省下来的燃料费,共同创造更美好的生态。",
-		"c4":"节点优势",
-		"c5":"高交互、低成本",
-		"c6":"可扩容、低延迟",
-		"c7":"公信力高",
-		"c8":"每日发放",
-		"c9":"去中心透明化",
-		"d1":"100%资金安全保障",
-		"d2":"全年收益不间断",
-		"d3":"节点奖励计算",
-		"d4":"参与用户在平台加入了100000 USDT的小型矿机节点,周期为30天,每日产出根据浮动日利率进行计算。假设当日最低浮动利率为0.35%,最高浮动利率为0.38%",
-		"d5":"最低: 100000 USDT * 0.35% = 350 USDT",
-		"d6":"最高:100000 USDT * 0.38% = 380 USDT",
-		"d7":"即30天后可以获得10500~11400 USDT的节点奖励。节点奖励每日发放,发放的奖励可以随时存取,智能合约到期后本金将自动转入您的资产账户中。",
-		"d8":"合约违约条款",
-		"d9":"如用户需要将进行中的智能合约解除并提取本金,则会产生一笔违约费用",
-		"e1":"违约费用=违约结算比例*剩余天数*资金金额",
-		"e2":"举例:该参与节点的违约结算比例为0.5%,剩馀5天合约到期,资金比例为1000,则违约金= 1000*5天*0.5%=25 USDT,实际退还资金为1000 USDT-25 USDT=975 USDT",
-		"e3":"进入ETH Layer 2",
-		"e4":"节点选择",
-		"e5":"单笔限额",
-		"e6":"智能合约节点",
-		"e7":"浮动利率",
-		"e8":"算力",
-		"e9":"预计节点奖励",
-		"f1":"实际收益"

+ 27 - 645

@@ -194,7 +194,25 @@
 		"a1": "Avatar",
 		"a2": "Nickname",
 		"a3":"Login ID",
-		"a4":"Revise"
+		"a4":"Revise",
+		"a5":"Submit",
+		"a6":"Exit"
+	},
+	"tab": {
+		"a1": "My Pledge",
+		"a2": "History List",
+		"a3":"Recharge",
+		"a4":"Introduction game",
+		"a5":"Promotion Plan",
+		"a6":"Game examples",
+		"a7":"Settings",
+		"a8":"Reward withdrawal",
+		"a9":"Entertainment Record",
+		"b1": "Member List",
+		"b2": "Share Link",
+		"b3":"Forgot password",
+		"b4":"Modify data",
+		"b5": "Pledge Details"
 	"add": {
@@ -226,56 +244,8 @@
 		"b9": "Profit or loss",
 		"b10": "Countdown"
-	"flash": {
-		"a1": "Convert",
-		"a2": "From",
-		"a3": "Available",
-		"a4": "To",
-		"a5": "Preview Conversion",
-		"b1": "Order Confirmation",
-		"b2": "Convert",
-		"b3": "Receive",
-		"b4": "Payment Method",
-		"b5": "Spot Wallet",
-		"b6": "Type",
-		"b7": "Market Price",
-		"b8": "Estimated",
-		"b9": "Confirm",
-		"c1": "Insufficient balance, please deposit",
-		"c2": "Back",
-		"c3": "Refresh",
-		"c4": "Please enter the correct exchange amount",
-		"c5": "Currency conversion error",
-		"c6": "Conversion success",
-		"d1": "Conversion History",
-		"d2": "Pay",
-		"d3": "Receive"
-	},
-	"contribution": {
-		"title": "Donation",
-		"a1": "Love for the public! Donation starts from you and me!",
-		"a2": "We call on all users to show their love and inspire humanitarianism to cheer for Ukraine and make donations to bring the war to an end with love, so that Ukraine can rebuild their home as soon as possible. All funds received from DWF exchange will be donated to the International Committee of the Red Cross, Guzema Foundation and Serhiy Prytula Foundation. We hope that the global village will work together to create a better and peaceful world.",
-		"a3": "DWF will donate 1% of the platform's net profit handling fee, the amount you donate DWF exchange will send 1:1 USDT back to your exchange wallet! Pray for Ukraine!",
-		"a4": "Scan for Donation",
-		"a5": "Copy address",
-		"a6": "Current donation amount",
-		"a7": "Current donation deadline",
-		"a8": "No Donation",
-		"a9": "Donated",
-		"b1": "Donation Order",
-		"b2": "Dear User Thank you for your love and support DWF Charity Fund team is reviewing your remittance funds and will return your donation amount within one hour. If you have any questions, please consult our online customer service immediately",
-		"b3": "Confirm",
-		"b4": "Donation Videos",
-		"c1": "Donation History",
-		"c2": "Order Number",
-		"c3": "Date of donation",
-		"c4": "Donation Method",
-		"c5": "Address",
-		"c6": "Amount of donation",
-		"d1": "Details",
-		"e1":"Donated amount",
-		"e2":"Please enter the amount"
-	},
 	"common": {
 		"error1": "Your account is abnormal, please contact customer service",
 		"D": "Day",
@@ -409,10 +379,7 @@
 		"h1": "Maintenance updating",
 		"h2": "Perpetual contract"
-	"aboutUs": {
-		"a0": "About Us",
-		"a1": "and"
-	},
 	"accountSettings": {
 		"a0": "My Profile",
 		"a1": "Profile Photo",
@@ -428,167 +395,9 @@
 		"b1": "Please enter a nickname",
 		"b2": "Language"
-	"assets": {
-		"a0": "Add Management",
-		"a1": "The address book can be used to manage your frequently used addresses. There is no need to perform multiple verifications when initiating withdrawals from addresses in the address book.",
-		"a2": "automatic withdrawal is supported. When using {name} to withdraw, only addresses in the web address book are allowed to initiate withdrawals.",
-		"a3": "Delete Address",
-		"a4": "Add Address",
-		"a5": "Please select the address to delete",
-		"a6": "Whether to delete the currently selected address",
-		"a7": "Statement",
-		"a8": "Total",
-		"a9": "Available",
-		"b0": "Freeze",
-		"b1": "Funding Account",
-		"b2": "Contract Account",
-		"b3": "Margin Account",
-		"b4": "Wealth Management Account",
-		"b5": "Search currency",
-		"b6": "Withdrawal",
-		"b7": "Please select the chain type",
-		"b8": "Receiving Address",
-		"b9": "Please enter address",
-		"b10": "Search Cryptocurrency",
-		"c0": "Amount",
-		"c1": "Balance",
-		"c2": "Please enter amount",
-		"c3": "Max",
-		"c4": "Fee",
-		"c5": "Please double check and enter the correct wallet address for withdrawal.",
-		"c6": "Sending non-corresponding digital currency to the wallet address will cause permanent loss.",
-		"c7": "Withdrawal fees will be deducted from the amount of withdrawals.",
-		"c8": "Withdrawal Record",
-		"c9": "Time",
-		"d0": "Status",
-		"d1": "Under review",
-		"d2": "Success",
-		"d3": "Failed",
-		"d4": "See more",
-		"d5": "Submitted successfully, under review",
-		"d6": "Edit",
-		"d7": "Add",
-		"d8": "Withdrawal Address",
-		"d9": "Please enter or paste the address",
-		"e0": "Note",
-		"e1": "Please enter a note",
-		"e2": "Please enter the address",
-		"e3": "Please enter note(Optional)",
-		"e4": "Operation successful",
-		"e5": "Deposit",
-		"e6": "Scan for Deposit",
-		"e7": "coin deposit address",
-		"e8": "Amount of Deposit",
-		"e9": "Please enter the deposit amount",
-		"f0": "This address is your latest deposit address. When the system receives deposit, it will be automatically credited to the account.",
-		"f1": "The transfer needs to be confirmed by the entire blockchain network. When it reaches {num} network confirmations, your {name} will be automatically deposit into the account.",
-		"f2": "When a network is confirmed, yours",
-		"f3": "Please only send {name} to this address, sending other digital currencies to this address will cause permanent loss.",
-		"f4": "Deposit History",
-		"g1": "Wallet Address Transfer",
-		"g2": "Bank Card Transfer",
-		"g3": "Credit Card Payments",
-		"g4": "Copy Address",
-		"h1":"The number with the country code"
-	},
-	"auth": {
-		"a0": "Identity Verification",
-		"a1": "Personal Information",
-		"a2": "Unverified",
-		"a3": "Verified",
-		"a4": "Photo Identification",
-		"a5": "Under review",
-		"a6": "Authentication failed",
-		"a7": "Country of nationality",
-		"a8": "Please select nationality",
-		"a9": "Full Name",
-		"b0": "Consistent with your government ID",
-		"b1": "ID or Passport Number",
-		"b2": "Enter number without spaces",
-		"b3": "Confirm",
-		"b4": "Authentication successful",
-		"b5": "Please upload the front photo of the ID",
-		"b6": "Please upload the back of the ID",
-		"b7": "Please upload a selfie of yourself holding your ID",
-		"b8": "Make sure the photo is clear without watermark, and the upper body is intact",
-		"b9": "The file size is too large and must not exceed",
-		"c0": "File type error",
-		"c1": "Uploaded successfully",
-		"c2": "Please upload a photo of the back of your ID",
-		"c3": "Please upload the front photo of your ID",
-		"c4": "Uploaded successfully, please wait for review"
-	},
-	"exchange": {
-		"a0": "Spot",
-		"a1": "Crypto Presale",
-		"a2": "Futures",
-		"a3": "Transaction",
-		"a4": "Current Orders",
-		"a5": "Order History",
-		"a6": "Added successfully",
-		"a7": "Cancelled successfully",
-		"a8": "Total Issued",
-		"a9": "Total Circulation",
-		"b0": "Issue Price",
-		"b1": "Release time",
-		"b2": "White Paper Address",
-		"b3": "Official website address",
-		"b4": "Introduction",
-		"b5": "Buy",
-		"b6": "Sell",
-		"b7": "Order Price",
-		"b8": "Type",
-		"b9": "Limit Price Trading",
-		"c0": "Market Trading",
-		"c1": "Closed",
-		"c2": "Total",
-		"c3": "Buy",
-		"c4": "Sell",
-		"c5": "Amount",
-		"c6": "Sold at the best market price",
-		"c7": "Total Price",
-		"c8": "Available",
-		"c9": "Total Value",
-		"d0": "Login",
-		"d1": "Chart",
-		"d2": "Price",
-		"d3": "Trade",
-		"d4": "Time",
-		"d5": "Direction",
-		"d6": "Limit Price",
-		"d7": "Market Price",
-		"d8": "Please enter the price",
-		"d9": "Please enter the amount",
-		"e0": "Please enter the total price",
-		"e1": "Order successfully placed",
-		"e2": "Average Price",
-		"e3": "High",
-		"e4": "Low",
-		"e5": "amount",
-		"e6": "Orderbook",
-		"e7": "Currency Information",
-		"e8": "Minutes",
-		"e9": "Hour",
-		"e10": "Minute",
-		"f0": "Day",
-		"f1": "Week",
-		"f2": "Month",
-		"f3": "Buy Price",
-		"f4": "Sell Price",
-		"f5": "Currency Trading",
-		"f6": "Search crypto, pairs, and contracts",
-		"f7": "Pair",
-		"f8": "Last Price",
-		"f9": "Change",
-		"g0": "Favourites",
-		"g1": "My Order",
-		"g2": "Order Cancellation",
-		"g3": "Operation",
-		"g4": "Cancel",
-		"g5": "Whether to cancel the current order",
-		"g6": "Undo successfully",
-		"g7":"Time"
-	},
 	"option": {
 		"a0": "Options",
 		"a1": "Deadline",
@@ -643,30 +452,7 @@
 		"e9":"Please input 600000-1000000",
 		"e10":"Over 3,000,000"
-	"purchase": {
-		"a0": "Presale Rate",
-		"a1": "Payment Currency",
-		"a2": "Launch Date",
-		"a3": "Presale Start Time",
-		"a4": "Presale End Time",
-		"a5": "Crypto Presale",
-		"a6": "Please select the purchase currency",
-		"a7": "Purchase amount",
-		"a8": "Please enter the purchase amount",
-		"a9": "Max",
-		"b0": "BUY NOW",
-		"b1": "Presale stage",
-		"b2": "In preparation",
-		"b3": "Presale Start",
-		"b4": "Presale End",
-		"b5": "Results Announcement",
-		"b6": "Description",
-		"b7": "Whether to use",
-		"b8": "for purchase",
-		"b9": "Subscription is successful",
-		"d1": "Payment methods",
-		"d2": "Please enter the correct amount"
-	},
 	"reg": {
 		"a0": "Register by Phone Number",
 		"a1": "Register by Email",
@@ -746,124 +532,7 @@
 		"f1":"Password & Confirm Password don’t match",
 		"f2":"Wrong verification code"
-	"transfer": {
-		"a0": "Transfer History",
-		"a1": "Success",
-		"a2": "Amount",
-		"a3": "Direction",
-		"a4": "Spot Account",
-		"a5": "Futures Account",
-		"a6": "Margin Account",
-		"a7": "Wealth Management Account",
-		"a8": "Transfer",
-		"a9": "From",
-		"b0": "To",
-		"b1": "Transfer Amount",
-		"b2": "Balance",
-		"b3": "Max",
-		"b4": "Transfer successfully"
-	},
-	"notice": {
-		"a0": "Details",
-		"a1": "Notifications",
-		"a2": "Announcements",
-		"a3": "Message"
-	},
-	"invite": {
-		"a0": "Referral",
-		"a1": "Partnership",
-		"a2": "Exclusive trading rebate",
-		"a3": "Ordinary Member",
-		"a4": "My Identity",
-		"a5": "Exclusive Identity",
-		"a6": "My Referral Code",
-		"a7": "Copy QR code",
-		"a8": "Copy Link",
-		"a9": "My Referral",
-		"a10": "Referral Code",
-		"b0": "Referrals",
-		"b1": "People",
-		"b2": "Commissions",
-		"b3": "Referrals Details",
-		"b4": "Direct invitation",
-		"b5": "Earnings Details",
-		"b6": "Level",
-		"b7": "Level Setting",
-		"b8": "Promotion Conditions",
-		"b9": "Dividend Rights",
-		"c0": "nickname",
-		"c1": "Number of Promotions",
-		"c2": "Earnings equivalent",
-		"c3": "Invitation Record",
-		"c4": "Rebate Record",
-		"c5": "Class rights description",
-		"c6": "Level",
-		"c7": "Equity",
-		"c8": "Description",
-		"c9": "My rights"
-	},
-	"help": {
-		"a0": "Details",
-		"a1": "University",
-		"a2": "Classification",
-		"a3": "MOOMPY BUY",
-		"a4": "1.Click Deposit in your DWF account",
-		"a5": "2.Select TRC20, copy the arrow address.",
-		"a6": "Select the currency",
-		"a7": "1.Open the “Buy / Sell Crypto” tab.",
-		"a8": "2.Choose what you want to do: “Buy” or “Sell.”",
-		"a9": "3.Select currencies involved in the exchange.",
-		"b0": "4.Type in the amount you wish to spend in the “You send” field. ",
-		"b1": "5.ChangeNOW will automatically calculate the estimated final amount with the best exchange rate.",
-		"b2": "6.If everything is OK, click on the “Buy” / “Sell” button. You will proceed to the next step",
-		"b3": "1.Enter the amount and choose your country's legal currency.",
-		"b4": "2.Choose USDT-TRC20",
-		"b5": "3.Copy your DWF account TRC20 address, then fill it in.Click Next",
-		"b6": "Confirm",
-		"b7": "Check all the information carefully and click on “Confirm”. You will be redirected to a secure payment company webpage to proceed with the payment.",
-		"b8": "Next, a “redirecting” widget to the page of the selected provider will appear.",
-		"b9": "Pay with a card",
-		"c0": "Once you’ve been redirected, you’ll need to fill in your credit card and contact details and process your payment. Please note that your card must meet specific requirements:",
-		"c1": "1.Your card is a Visa or a MasterCard;",
-		"c2": "2.Your card is eligible for international transactions;",
-		"c3": "3.You are enrolled in the 3DSecure program;",
-		"c4": "4.You have enough money in the account to complete the transaction.",
-		"c5": "Verification",
-		"c6": "Our fiat-to-crypto providers require our customers to pass their verification process.",
-		"c7": "First, you will need to verify your phone number and your email.",
-		"c8": "Later, you will be asked to submit an identifying document legal in your country (such as a passport, driving license, or ID card).",
-		"c9": "Simplex may also ask you to send a selfie with the card used in the payment. Make sure that your selfie follows these requirements:",
-		"d0": "1.The first 4 and last 4 digits on the card are visible;",
-		"d1": "2.Your face is clearly visible;",
-		"d2": "3.Your name on the card is clearly readable;",
-		"d3": "4.It’s taken in a well-lit area.",
-		"d4": "Receive your coins",
-		"d5": "Once your payment is completed, you will be redirected to ChangeNOW.",
-		"d6": "ChangeNOW will finish the exchange process and send your coins to you in a few minutes. You can track your progress on your exchange page - learn how to do that here. https://support.changenow.io/hc/en-us/articles/360011502720",
-		"d7": "After the exchange is complete, you can check it in your DWF account.",
-		"f0": "CHAINBITS BUY",
-		"f1": "1.Click Deposit in your DWF account",
-		"f2": "2.Select TRC20, copy the arrow address.",
-		"f3": "When you click buy, you will be taken to our checkout, where you can select the typo and amount of cryptocurrency you wish to purchase. Additionally, you will be able to select the purchasing method - either with a card.",
-		"f4": "1.Enter the amount and choose your country's legal currency.",
-		"f5": "2.Choose USDT-TRC20",
-		"f6": "3.Copy your DWF account TRC20 address, then fill it in.",
-		"f7": "After selecting the desired amounts and pressing continue, you will be prompted to the next page, where you will be required to enter your card details, such as full card number, full name, CVV (security) code expiry date. Later on, you will be asked to enter your personal details such as the billing address - address, city, zip/postal code, country and then the contact details - your email, date of birth and phone number.",
-		"f8": "In this page, you will also see the exact amount of cryptocurrency you will receive with all of the fees already applied to it.",
-		"f9": "Once the information is submitted, if everything is entered accordingly - no special symbols, only Latin alphabet used, the phone is in the international format - you should be able to press “PAY NOW”.",
-		"g0": "Please be informed that by pressing “PAY NOW” you agree with the terms and conditions of our services, the cryptocurrency amount you will receive and confirm that the details you have entered are correct. ",
-		"g1": "After pressing “PAY NOW”, the verification process will begin.",
-		"g2": "During the verification process, you will need to verify your email by entering a 4 digit code that will be sent to the email address provided. After the email is verified, you may be asked to submit your identity document and enter its details in the document upload page. ",
-		"g3": "You might also be asked to upload a selfie with the card - photo or video - as proof of card ownership.",
-		"g4": "If all of these steps are successfully completed, your payment will be approved and the coins will be sent to the wallet address that was used in the transaction. It will reflect in your DWF wallet as soon as it is confirmed on the Blockchain.",
-		"h0": "Change NOW Simplex",
-		"h1": "PURCHASE",
-		"h4": "trusted by 5m+ people",
-		"h5": "trustpilot",
-		"h6": "Purchase Tutorial"
-	},
 	"login": {
 		"a0": "Game",
 		"a1": "Please enter phone number/email",
@@ -881,292 +550,5 @@
 		"b4": "Please enter a invitation code",
 		"b5": "Send code",
 		"b6": "Please enter code"
-	},
-	"contract": {
-		"title": "TXT Futures",
-		"a": "Assets",
-		"a0": "Futures",
-		"a1": "Positions",
-		"a2": "Open Orders",
-		"a3": "Order History",
-		"a4": "Futures",
-		"a5": "Opened successfully",
-		"a6": "Transaction Type",
-		"a7": "Closed",
-		"a8": "Order Total",
-		"a9": "Average Transaction Price",
-		"b0": "Order Price",
-		"b1": "Margin",
-		"b2": "Fee",
-		"b3": "Type",
-		"b4": "Status",
-		"b5": "Cancel order",
-		"b6": "Cancelled",
-		"b7": "Unsold",
-		"b8": "Partial deal",
-		"b9": "Full deal",
-		"c0": "Long",
-		"c1": "Close",
-		"c2": "Short",
-		"c3": "Close",
-		"c4": "Note",
-		"c5": "Whether to cancel the current order",
-		"c6": "Undo successfully",
-		"c7": "Profit and Loss",
-		"c8": "Share",
-		"c9": "Delegation Details",
-		"d0": "No more",
-		"d1": "Price",
-		"d2": "Amount",
-		"d3": "Deal time",
-		"d4": "Futures Balance",
-		"d5": "Unrealized profit and loss",
-		"d6": "Risk Rate",
-		"d7": "Market Price",
-		"d8": "cont",
-		"d9": "Cost (The estimated margin required)",
-		"e0": "Market-long",
-		"e1": "Available",
-		"e2": "Market-short",
-		"e3": "Available",
-		"e4": "Available",
-		"e5": "Transfer",
-		"e6": "Fund Rate",
-		"e7": "Distance settlement",
-		"e8": "Long",
-		"e9": "Short",
-		"f0": "Funds Transfer",
-		"f1": "Calculator",
-		"f2": "About the contract",
-		"f3": "Risk Protection Fund",
-		"f4": "Fund Expense History",
-		"f5": "Limit",
-		"f6": "Market",
-		"f7": "Whether to use",
-		"f8": "The price",
-		"f9": "Open position with double leverage",
-		"g0": "Long",
-		"g1": "Short",
-		"g2": "Success",
-		"g3": "Only display the current futures",
-		"g4": "Amountable to level",
-		"g5": "Delegated Freeze",
-		"g6": "Average opening price",
-		"g7": "Settlement Base Price",
-		"g8": "Estimated Strong Parity",
-		"g9": "Settled income",
-		"h0": "Yield",
-		"h1": "Stop Profit",
-		"h2": "Stop Loss",
-		"h3": "Close Position",
-		"h4": "The market price is flat",
-		"h5": "Stop Profit Stop Loss",
-		"h6": "Close",
-		"h7": "Please enter the closing price",
-		"h8": "Limit Price",
-		"h9": "Please enter the closing amount",
-		"i0": "Available to close",
-		"i1": "Average opening price",
-		"i2": "Latest Transaction Price",
-		"i3": "Please enter the price",
-		"i4": "Take Profit Trigger Price",
-		"i5": "Market price to",
-		"i6": "Take profit order will be triggered at the time, and profit and loss is expected after the transaction",
-		"i7": "Stop Loss Trigger Price",
-		"i8": "A stop loss order will be triggered at the time, and profit and loss is expected after the transaction",
-		"i9": "Confirm",
-		"j0": "Successfully closed position",
-		"j1": "Whether the market price is flat",
-		"j2": "Quan Ping",
-		"j3": "Success",
-		"j4": "Setup successful",
-		"j5": "Magic calculation, unmatched",
-		"j6": "Do",
-		"j7": "Close price",
-		"j8": "Digital asset trading platform",
-		"j9": "When {name1} meets {name2} {name3}’s fiery road to ascendance",
-		"k0": "Opening price",
-		"k1": "Latest Price",
-		"k2": "Scan the code to learn more",
-		"k3": "Settlement profit and loss",
-		"k4": "The screenshot is successful and has been saved locally",
-		"k5": "Screenshot failed",
-		"k6": "Long press to take screenshot",
-		"k7": "Quick Close",
-		"k8": "Quick conversion",
-		"k9": "Whether to use a quick close position",
-		"l0": "Success",
-		"l1": "Whether to use quick conversion",
-		"l2": "Reverse success",
-		"l3": "Close"
-	},
-	"otc": {
-		"a0": "Post an ad",
-		"a1": "Order",
-		"a2": "Trading currency",
-		"a3": "My Order",
-		"a4": "My Ads",
-		"a5": "Buy",
-		"a6": "Sale",
-		"a7": "Total",
-		"a8": "Remaining",
-		"a9": "Limited",
-		"b0": "Unit Price",
-		"b1": "Payment Method",
-		"b2": "Operation",
-		"b3": "Total",
-		"b4": "Please choose a payment method",
-		"b5": "Please enter the quantity",
-		"b6": "Place an order",
-		"b7": "Alipay",
-		"b8": "WeChat",
-		"b9": "Bank Card",
-		"c0": "Order successfully placed",
-		"c1": "Status",
-		"c2": "Advertisement Number",
-		"c3": "Total Price",
-		"c4": "Quantity",
-		"c5": "Release time",
-		"c6": "Remove",
-		"c7": "Cancelled",
-		"c8": "In transaction",
-		"c9": "Completed",
-		"d0": "Note",
-		"d1": "Whether to remove the current ad",
-		"d2": "OK",
-		"d3": "Cancel",
-		"d4": "Undo successfully",
-		"d5": "Fiat currency account",
-		"d6": "Freeze",
-		"d7": "Alipay Account",
-		"d8": "Please enter the account number",
-		"d9": "Name",
-		"e0": "Please enter your name",
-		"e1": "Payment Code",
-		"e2": "Binding",
-		"e3": "WeChat Account",
-		"e4": "Bank Name",
-		"e5": "Please enter the bank name",
-		"e6": "Account Opening Branch",
-		"e7": "Please enter the account opening branch",
-		"e8": "Bank Card Number",
-		"e9": "Please enter the bank card number",
-		"f0": "Edited successfully",
-		"f1": "Added successfully",
-		"f2": "Sell",
-		"f3": "Buy",
-		"f4": "Order Details",
-		"f5": "Order Number",
-		"f6": "Account",
-		"f7": "Account Bank",
-		"f8": "Remaining time",
-		"f9": "Min",
-		"g0": "Second",
-		"g1": "Upload payment voucher",
-		"g2": "Confirm payment",
-		"g3": "Cancel order",
-		"g4": "Confirm Payment",
-		"g5": "Unpaid account",
-		"g6": "Whether to cancel the current order",
-		"g7": "Order has been cancelled",
-		"g8": "Confirm the current payment",
-		"g9": "Operation successful",
-		"h0": "After the payment is confirmed, the listed assets will be automatically transferred",
-		"h1": "After confirming that the payment has not been received, this order will automatically enter the appeal",
-		"h2": "Sell Order",
-		"h3": "Purchase Order",
-		"h4": "Advertising Purchase Order",
-		"h5": "Advertising Sale Order",
-		"h6": "Time",
-		"h7": "Details",
-		"h8": "All",
-		"h9": "Closed",
-		"i0": "Pending Payment",
-		"i1": "To be confirmed",
-		"i2": "Appealing",
-		"i3": "Ad Type",
-		"i4": "Please select transaction type",
-		"i5": "Please select the transaction currency",
-		"i6": "Price",
-		"i7": "Please enter the price",
-		"i8": "Lowest Price",
-		"i9": "Please enter the lowest price",
-		"j0": "Highest price",
-		"j1": "Please enter the highest price",
-		"j2": "Remarks",
-		"j3": "Please enter a note",
-		"j4": "Release",
-		"j5": "Posted successfully",
-		"j6": "Payment method",
-		"j7": "Minimum Quantity",
-		"j8": "Maximum amount",
-		"j9": "Please enter the minimum transaction volume",
-		"k0": "Please enter the highest transaction volume"
-	},
-	"pledge": {
-		"introduce": "Project Description",
-		"funcname": "Mining",
-		"detail": "Order details",
-		"join": "Join in",
-		"biz": "Currency",
-		"cycle": "Operation Cycle",
-		"rate": "Variable Rate",
-		"zynum": "Amount",
-		"ordernum": "Order No",
-		"profit": "Estimated Revenue",
-		"create_time": "Start time",
-		"end_time": "End time",
-		"record": "Order History",
-		"bzkyzc": "Available Assets",
-		"zdyxt": "(Optional)",
-		"ljzy": "Join Node",
-		"goorder": "View order",
-		"income": "In Progress",
-		"completed": "Completed",
-		"maxnum": "Maximum quantity",
-		"minnum": "Minimum quantity",
-		"note": "notes",
-		"qtxhlfwndsz": "Please fill in the values within the range",
-		"a1": "Start of pledge",
-		"a2": "Staking Amount",
-		"a3": "Current exchange rate",
-		"a4": "The pledge needs to be paid",
-		"a5": "Please ensure that the account balance is sufficient",
-		"a6": "Submit",
-		"a7": "Invite more friends to unlock",
-		"a8": "Number of times to invite friends to unlock",
-		"a9": "invitation",
-		"b1": "Friends",
-		"b2": "You can unlock once by participating in pledge",
-		"b3": "Invite friends",
-		"b4": "cancel",
-		"c1": "ETH Layer 2",
-		"c2": "Node Ecology",
-		"c3": "ETH Layer 2 is a smart contract that implements true mining technology through nodal hashrate. It is the first step in the transformation of Ethernet's consensus algorithm from proof of work to proof of interest. Through proof of stake, more users of the technology can run their own verified nodes and pledge their USDT for revenue. The main Ethernet network will be used mainly by financial institutions, whales, Layer 2 protocols and other institutions and large users, while more general users will choose to trade on the chain in Layer 2. Investors participating in the Layer 2 scaling solution will be able to share the Gas Fee savings and create a better ecosystem together." ,
-		"c4": "Node Advantages",
-		"c5": "Highly interactive, low cost",
-		"c6": "Expandable, low delay",
-		"c7": "High credibility",
-		"c8": "Daily Release",
-		"c9": "Decentralised and transparent",
-		"d1": "100% security of funds",
-		"d2": "Uninterrupted returns throughout the year",
-		"d3": "Node Revenue Calculation",
-		"d4": "The user joins a 100,000 USDT Small Mining Machine on the platform for 30 days, with daily output calculated based on daily Hashrate. Assuming a minimum floating rate of 0.4% and a maximum floating rate of 0.41% for the day.",
-		"d5": "Mix: 100,000 USDT* 0.4% = 400 USDT",
-		"d6": "Max: 100,000 USDT* 0.41% = 410 USDT",
-		"d7": "This means that after 30 days you will receive between 12,000~12,300 in rewards. The node rewards are paid daily and the rewards paid can be accessed at any time. The principal will be automatically transferred to your asset account after the smart contract expires." ,
-		"d8": "Clauses on Default",
-		"d9": "If the user needs to cancel an active smart contract and withdraw the principal, a default fee will be incurred.",
-		"e1": "Default Fee = Default Settlement Ratio * Days Remaining * Amount of Capital",
-		"e2": "Example: The default settlement percentage for the participating node is 0.5%, 5 days left for the contract to expire and the funding percentage is 1000, then the default fee = 1000*5 days*0.5%=25 USDT, the actual refunded funds are 1000 USDT-25 USDT=975 USDT",
-		"e3": "Enter ETH Layer 2",
-		"e4": "Node Types",
-		"e5": "Amount Range",
-		"e6": "Smart Contracts",
-		"e7": "Variable Rate",
-		"e8": "Hashrate",
-		"e9": "Estimate Node Reward",
-		"f1": "Actual revenue"

+ 30 - 593

@@ -193,17 +193,36 @@
 	"set": {
 		"a1": "頭像",
 		"a2": "昵稱",
-		"a3":"賬號",
-		"a4":"修改"
+		"a3": "賬號",
+		"a4": "修改",
+		"a5":"提交",
+		"a6":"退出"
+	},
+	"tab": {
+		"a1": "我的質押",
+		"a2": "曆史列表",
+		"a3": "充值",
+		"a4": "玩法介紹",
+		"a5": "推廣計劃",
+		"a6": "遊戲舉例",
+		"a7": "設置",
+		"a8": "獎勵提現",
+		"a9": "互娛記錄",
+		"b1": "會員列表",
+		"b2": "分享鏈接",
+		"b3": "忘記密碼",
+		"b4": "修改資料",
+		"b5": "質押詳情"
 	"add": {
 		"ck": "存款",
-		"kt":"空投",
+		"kt": "空投",
 		"a1": "選擇支付方式",
 		"a2": "Line",
-		"a3":"付款數量",
-		"a4":"認購數量",
-		"a5":"信用評分"
+		"a3": "付款數量",
+		"a4": "認購數量",
+		"a5": "信用評分"
 	"miao": {
 		"a1": "秒合約",
@@ -225,56 +244,7 @@
 		"b9": "逾期回報",
 		"b10": "倒數計時"
-	"flash": {
-		"a1": "閃兌",
-		"a2": "從",
-		"a3": "可用",
-		"a4": "至",
-		"a5": "詢價",
-		"b1": "訂單確認",
-		"b2": "兌換",
-		"b3": "收到",
-		"b4": "支付管道",
-		"b5": "現貨錢包",
-		"b6": "類型",
-		"b7": "市價",
-		"b8": "匯率",
-		"b9": "確認",
-		"c1": "餘額不足,請儲值",
-		"c2": "返回",
-		"c3": "刷新",
-		"c4": "請輸入正確兌換金額",
-		"c5": "兌換幣種異常",
-		"c6": "兌換成功",
-		"d1": "兌換記錄",
-		"d2": "支出",
-		"d3": "到賬"
-	},
-	"contribution": {
-		"title": "捐款",
-		"a1": "愛心公益! 捐款你我做起!",
-		"a2": "呼籲廣大用戶發揮愛心及激發人道主義為烏克蘭加油並進行捐款,用愛心為戰爭畫上句號,使烏克蘭早日重建家園。DWF交易所收到的捐款資金將全數淨捐給國際紅十字委員會、Guzema Foundation、Serhiy Prytula Foundation。盼望地球村攜手合作共創美好的和平世界。",
-		"a3": "DWF將平台淨利手續費1%捐出,您捐贈的金額DWF交易所將1:1的USDT返送至您的交易所錢包!為烏克蘭加油!",
-		"a4": "掃描二維碼完成付款",
-		"a5": "複製地址",
-		"a6": "現時捐款金額",
-		"a7": "本期捐款截止",
-		"a8": "未捐款",
-		"a9": "已捐款",
-		"b1": "捐款訂單",
-		"b2": "尊貴的用戶謝謝您的愛心與支持 DWF慈善基金團隊正在審核您的匯款資金 並在一個小時內返還您的捐款金額 如有任何問題請立即諮詢線上客服",
-		"b3": "確認",
-		"b4": "詳情視頻",
-		"c1": "捐款記錄",
-		"c2": "訂單號",
-		"c3": "提交時間",
-		"c4": "捐款管道",
-		"c5": "地址",
-		"c6": "捐款金額",
-		"d1": "詳情",
-		"e1":"已捐款金額",
-		"e2":"請輸入金額"
-	},
 	"common": {
 		"error1": "您的賬號異常,請聯繫客服人員",
 		"D": "日",
@@ -408,10 +378,7 @@
 		"h1": "維護更新中",
 		"h2": "永續合約"
-	"aboutUs": {
-		"a0": "關於我們",
-		"a1": "和"
-	},
 	"accountSettings": {
 		"a0": "賬號設置",
 		"a1": "頭像",
@@ -427,167 +394,7 @@
 		"b1": "請輸入暱稱",
 		"b2": "語言"
-	"assets": {
-		"a0": "提幣地址管理",
-		"a1": "地址簿可以用來管理您的常用地址,往地址簿中存在的地址發起提幣時,無需進行多重校驗。",
-		"a2": "已支持自動提幣,使用{name}提幣時,只允許網地址簿中存在的地址發起提幣。",
-		"a3": "刪除地址",
-		"a4": "添加地址",
-		"a5": "請選擇要刪除的地址",
-		"a6": "是否刪除當前選中地址",
-		"a7": "流水",
-		"a8": "總額",
-		"a9": "可用",
-		"b0": "凍結",
-		"b1": "資金賬戶",
-		"b2": "合約賬戶",
-		"b3": "槓桿賬戶",
-		"b4": "理財賬戶",
-		"b5": "請輸入搜索關鍵詞",
-		"b6": "提幣",
-		"b7": "請選擇鏈類型",
-		"b8": "提幣地址",
-		"b9": "請輸入地址",
-		"b10": "請輸入搜索關鍵詞",
-		"c0": "數量",
-		"c1": "餘額",
-		"c2": "請輸入數量",
-		"c3": "全部",
-		"c4": "手續費",
-		"c5": "請仔細檢查並輸入正確的提幣錢包地址。",
-		"c6": "發送不對應的數字貨幣到錢包地址會造成永久性的損失。",
-		"c7": "提幣手續費將從提幣數量中扣除。",
-		"c8": "提幣記錄",
-		"c9": "時間",
-		"d0": "狀態",
-		"d1": "審核中",
-		"d2": "成功",
-		"d3": "失敗",
-		"d4": "查看更多",
-		"d5": "提交成功,正在審核",
-		"d6": "編輯",
-		"d7": "添加",
-		"d8": "地址",
-		"d9": "請輸入或粘貼地址",
-		"e0": "備註",
-		"e1": "請輸入備註",
-		"e2": "請填寫地址",
-		"e3": "請填寫備註",
-		"e4": "操作成功",
-		"e5": "充幣",
-		"e6": "掃描上方二維碼獲取充幣地址",
-		"e7": "充幣地址",
-		"e8": "充幣數量",
-		"e9": "請輸入充幣數量",
-		"f0": "此地址是您最新的充值地址,當系統收到充值時,將進行自動入賬。",
-		"f1": "轉賬需要由整個區塊鍊網絡進行確認,到達{num}個網絡確認時,您的{name}將被自動存入賬戶中。",
-		"f2": "個網絡確認時,您的",
-		"f3": "請只發送{name}到此地址,發送其他數字貨幣到此地址會造成永久性的損失。",
-		"f4": "充幣記錄",
-		"g1": "地址劃轉",
-		"g2": "銀行卡匯款",
-		"g3": "信用卡支付",
-		"g4": "複製地址",
-		"h1":"請輸入帶有國家代碼的電話號碼"
-	},
-	"auth": {
-		"a0": "身份認證",
-		"a1": "實名認證",
-		"a2": "未認證",
-		"a3": "已認證",
-		"a4": "高級認證",
-		"a5": "審核中",
-		"a6": "認證失敗",
-		"a7": "國籍",
-		"a8": "請選擇國籍",
-		"a9": "真實姓名",
-		"b0": "請輸入真實姓名",
-		"b1": "證件號碼",
-		"b2": "請輸入證件號碼",
-		"b3": "確認",
-		"b4": "認證成功",
-		"b5": "請上傳證件正面照片",
-		"b6": "請上傳證件背面",
-		"b7": "請上傳手持證件照",
-		"b8": "確保照片清晰無水印,且上半身完整",
-		"b9": "文件尺寸過大,不得超過",
-		"c0": "文件類型錯誤",
-		"c1": "上傳成功",
-		"c2": "請上傳證件背面照",
-		"c3": "請上傳證件正面照",
-		"c4": "上傳成功,請等待審核"
-	},
-	"exchange": {
-		"a0": "幣幣",
-		"a1": "申購",
-		"a2": "合約",
-		"a3": "交易",
-		"a4": "當前委託",
-		"a5": "歷史委託",
-		"a6": "添加成功",
-		"a7": "取消成功",
-		"a8": "發行總量",
-		"a9": "流通總量",
-		"b0": "發行價格",
-		"b1": "發行時間",
-		"b2": "白皮書地址",
-		"b3": "官網地址",
-		"b4": "簡介",
-		"b5": "買",
-		"b6": "賣",
-		"b7": "委託價",
-		"b8": "類型",
-		"b9": "限價交易",
-		"c0": "市價交易",
-		"c1": "已成交",
-		"c2": "總計",
-		"c3": "買入",
-		"c4": "賣出",
-		"c5": "數量",
-		"c6": "在最佳市場價格成交",
-		"c7": "總價",
-		"c8": "可用數量",
-		"c9": "總值",
-		"d0": "登錄",
-		"d1": "分時圖",
-		"d2": "價格",
-		"d3": "最新成交",
-		"d4": "時間",
-		"d5": "方向",
-		"d6": "限價",
-		"d7": "市價",
-		"d8": "請輸入價格",
-		"d9": "請輸入數量",
-		"e0": "請輸入總價",
-		"e1": "下單成功",
-		"e2": "平均價格",
-		"e3": "最高",
-		"e4": "最低",
-		"e5": "量",
-		"e6": "買賣盤",
-		"e7": "幣種信息",
-		"e8": "分鐘",
-		"e9": "小時",
-		"e10": "分鐘",
-		"f0": "天",
-		"f1": "週",
-		"f2": "月",
-		"f3": "買價",
-		"f4": "賣價",
-		"f5": "幣幣交易",
-		"f6": "請輸入搜索關鍵詞",
-		"f7": "交易對",
-		"f8": "最新價",
-		"f9": "漲跌幅",
-		"g0": "自選",
-		"g1": "我的委託",
-		"g2": "撤銷委託",
-		"g3": "操作",
-		"g4": "撤銷",
-		"g5": "是否撤銷當前委託",
-		"g6": "撤銷成功",
-		"g7":"分時"
-	},
 	"option": {
 		"a0": "期權",
 		"a1": "距離交割",
@@ -642,30 +449,7 @@
-	"purchase": {
-		"a0": "發行價",
-		"a1": "申購幣種",
-		"a2": "預計上線時間",
-		"a3": "開始申購時間",
-		"a4": "結束申購時間",
-		"a5": "申購",
-		"a6": "請選擇申購幣種",
-		"a7": "購買數量",
-		"a8": "請輸入申購數量",
-		"a9": "全部",
-		"b0": "立即申購",
-		"b1": "申購週期",
-		"b2": "項目預熱",
-		"b3": "開始申購",
-		"b4": "結束申購",
-		"b5": "公佈結果",
-		"b6": "項目詳情",
-		"b7": "是否使用",
-		"b8": "購買",
-		"b9": "申購成功",
-		"d1":"付款方式",
-		"d2":"請輸入正確的金額"
-	},
 	"reg": {
 		"a0": "手機註冊",
 		"a1": "郵箱註冊",
@@ -744,67 +528,7 @@
-	"transfer": {
-		"a0": "劃轉記錄",
-		"a1": "成功",
-		"a2": "數量",
-		"a3": "方向",
-		"a4": "資金賬戶",
-		"a5": "合約賬戶",
-		"a6": "槓桿賬戶",
-		"a7": "理財賬戶",
-		"a8": "劃轉",
-		"a9": "從",
-		"b0": "至",
-		"b1": "劃轉幣種",
-		"b2": "餘額",
-		"b3": "全部",
-		"b4": "劃轉成功"
-	},
-	"notice": {
-		"a0": "詳情",
-		"a1": "消息通知",
-		"a2": "公告",
-		"a3": "消息"
-	},
-	"invite": {
-		"a0": "邀請好友",
-		"a1": "合夥人",
-		"a2": "尊享交易返佣",
-		"a3": "普通用戶",
-		"a4": "我的身份",
-		"a5": "尊享身份",
-		"a6": "我的邀請碼",
-		"a7": "複製邀請二維碼",
-		"a8": "複製邀請鏈接",
-		"a9": "我的推廣",
-		"a10":"邀請碼",
-		"b0": "推廣總人數",
-		"b1": "人",
-		"b2": "總收益折合",
-		"b3": "推廣記錄",
-		"b4": "直接邀請",
-		"b5": "返佣記錄",
-		"b6": "等級",
-		"b7": "級別設定",
-		"b8": "晉升條件",
-		"b9": "分紅權益",
-		"c0": "暱稱",
-		"c1": "推廣人數",
-		"c2": "收益折合",
-		"c3": "邀請記錄",
-		"c4": "返佣記錄",
-		"c5": "等級權益說明",
-		"c6": "等級",
-		"c7": "權益",
-		"c8": "說明",
-		"c9": "我的權益"
-	},
-	"help": {
-		"a0": "詳情",
-		"a1": "學院",
-		"a2": "分類"
-	},
 	"login": {
 		"a0": "互娛共享",
 		"a1": "請输入手機號/郵箱",
@@ -822,292 +546,5 @@
 		"b4": "請輸入邀請碼",
 		"b5": "发送驗證碼",
 		"b6": "請輸入驗證碼"
-	},
-	"contract": {
-		"title": "合約",
-		"a": "合約流水",
-		"a0": "開倉",
-		"a1": "持倉",
-		"a2": "委託",
-		"a3": "歷史",
-		"a4": "合約交易",
-		"a5": "開通成功",
-		"a6": "交易類型",
-		"a7": "已成交",
-		"a8": "委託總量",
-		"a9": "成交均價",
-		"b0": "平倉均價",
-		"b1": "保證金",
-		"b2": "手續費",
-		"b3": "狀態",
-		"b4": "操作",
-		"b5": "撤單",
-		"b6": "已撤銷",
-		"b7": "未成交",
-		"b8": "部分成交",
-		"b9": "全部成交",
-		"c0": "買入",
-		"c1": "平空",
-		"c2": "賣出",
-		"c3": "平多",
-		"c4": "溫馨提示",
-		"c5": "是否撤銷當前訂單",
-		"c6": "撤銷成功",
-		"c7": "盈虧",
-		"c8": "分享",
-		"c9": "委託詳情",
-		"d0": "暫無數據",
-		"d1": "價格",
-		"d2": "數量",
-		"d3": "成交時間",
-		"d4": "用戶權益",
-		"d5": "未實現盈虧",
-		"d6": "風險率",
-		"d7": "市價",
-		"d8": "張",
-		"d9": "佔用保證金",
-		"e0": "買入(做多)",
-		"e1": "可開多",
-		"e2": "賣出(做空)",
-		"e3": "可開空",
-		"e4": "可用",
-		"e5": "劃轉",
-		"e6": "資金費率",
-		"e7": "距離結算",
-		"e8": "多",
-		"e9": "空",
-		"f0": "資金劃轉",
-		"f1": "計算器",
-		"f2": "關於合約",
-		"f3": "風險保障基金",
-		"f4": "資金費用歷史",
-		"f5": "普通委託",
-		"f6": "市價委託",
-		"f7": "是否以",
-		"f8": "的價格",
-		"f9": "倍槓桿開倉",
-		"g0": "開多",
-		"g1": "開空",
-		"g2": "委託成功",
-		"g3": "僅顯示當前合約",
-		"g4": "可平量",
-		"g5": "委託凍結",
-		"g6": "開倉平均價",
-		"g7": "結算基準價",
-		"g8": "預估強平價",
-		"g9": "已結算收益",
-		"h0": "收益率",
-		"h1": "止盈",
-		"h2": "止損",
-		"h3": "平倉",
-		"h4": "市價全平",
-		"h5": "止盈止損",
-		"h6": "平",
-		"h7": "請輸入平倉價格",
-		"h8": "限價",
-		"h9": "請輸入平倉數量",
-		"i0": "可平",
-		"i1": "開倉均價",
-		"i2": "最新成交價",
-		"i3": "請輸入價格",
-		"i4": "止盈觸發價",
-		"i5": "市價至",
-		"i6": "時將觸發止盈委託,成交後預計盈虧",
-		"i7": "止損觸發價",
-		"i8": "時將觸發止損委託,成交後預計盈虧",
-		"i9": "確定",
-		"j0": "平倉成功",
-		"j1": "是否市價全平",
-		"j2": "全平",
-		"j3": "成功",
-		"j4": "設置成功",
-		"j5": "神機妙算,無可匹敵",
-		"j6": "做",
-		"j7": "平倉價格",
-		"j8": "數字資產交易平台",
-		"j9": "當1遇上2 3的火熱飛升之路",
-		"k0": "開倉價格",
-		"k1": "最新價格",
-		"k2": "掃碼了解更多",
-		"k3": "結算盈虧",
-		"k4": "截圖成功,已保存到本地",
-		"k5": "截圖失敗",
-		"k6": "長按截圖",
-		"k7": "一鍵平倉",
-		"k8": "一鍵反向",
-		"k9": "是否一鍵平倉",
-		"l0": "平倉成功",
-		"l1": "是否一鍵反向",
-		"l2": "反向成功",
-		"l3": "平空"
-	},
-	"otc": {
-		"a0": "發布廣告",
-		"a1": "訂單",
-		"a2": "交易幣種",
-		"a3": "我的訂單",
-		"a4": "我的廣告",
-		"a5": "購買",
-		"a6": "出售",
-		"a7": "總數",
-		"a8": "剩餘",
-		"a9": "限量",
-		"b0": "單價",
-		"b1": "支付方式",
-		"b2": "操作",
-		"b3": "總量",
-		"b4": "請選擇支付方式",
-		"b5": "請輸入數量",
-		"b6": "下單",
-		"b7": "支付寶",
-		"b8": "微信",
-		"b9": "銀行卡",
-		"c0": "下單成功",
-		"c1": "狀態",
-		"c2": "廣告編號",
-		"c3": "總價",
-		"c4": "數量",
-		"c5": "發佈時間",
-		"c6": "下架",
-		"c7": "已撤銷",
-		"c8": "交易中",
-		"c9": "已完成",
-		"d0": "溫馨提示",
-		"d1": "是否下架當前廣告",
-		"d2": "確定",
-		"d3": "取消",
-		"d4": "撤銷成功",
-		"d5": "法幣賬戶",
-		"d6": "凍結",
-		"d7": "支付寶賬號",
-		"d8": "請輸入賬號",
-		"d9": "姓名",
-		"e0": "請輸入姓名",
-		"e1": "付款碼",
-		"e2": "綁定",
-		"e3": "微信賬號",
-		"e4": "銀行名稱",
-		"e5": "請輸入銀行名稱",
-		"e6": "開戶支行",
-		"e7": "請輸入開戶支行",
-		"e8": "銀行卡號",
-		"e9": "請輸入銀行卡號",
-		"f0": "編輯成功",
-		"f1": "添加成功",
-		"f2": "賣出",
-		"f3": "買入",
-		"f4": "訂單詳情",
-		"f5": "訂單號",
-		"f6": "賬號",
-		"f7": "開戶銀行",
-		"f8": "剩餘時間",
-		"f9": "分",
-		"g0": "秒",
-		"g1": "上傳支付憑證",
-		"g2": "確認付款",
-		"g3": "取消訂單",
-		"g4": "確認收款",
-		"g5": "未到賬",
-		"g6": "是否取消當前訂單",
-		"g7": "訂單已取消",
-		"g8": "確認當前已付款",
-		"g9": "操作成功",
-		"h0": "確認收款後將掛賣資產將自動劃轉",
-		"h1": "確認未收到款項後,此訂單將自動進入申訴",
-		"h2": "出售訂單",
-		"h3": "購買訂單",
-		"h4": "廣告購買訂單",
-		"h5": "廣告出售訂單",
-		"h6": "時間",
-		"h7": "詳情",
-		"h8": "全部",
-		"h9": "已關閉",
-		"i0": "待支付",
-		"i1": "待確認",
-		"i2": "申訴中",
-		"i3": "廣告類型",
-		"i4": "請選擇交易類型",
-		"i5": "請選擇交易幣種",
-		"i6": "價格",
-		"i7": "請輸入價格",
-		"i8": "最低價",
-		"i9": "請輸入最低價",
-		"j0": "最高價",
-		"j1": "請輸入最高價",
-		"j2": "備註",
-		"j3": "請輸入備註",
-		"j4": "發布",
-		"j5": "發布成功",
-		"j6": "收款管道",
-		"j7": "最低量",
-		"j8": "最高量",
-		"j9": "請輸入最低交易量",
-		"k0": "請輸入最高交易量"
-	},
-	"pledge": {
-		"introduce":"項目介紹",
-		"funcname":"質押挖礦",
-		"detail":"訂單詳情",
-		"join":"參與節點",
-		"biz":"質押幣種",
-		"cycle":"週期",
-		"rate":"浮動日利率",
-		"zynum":"數量",
-		"ordernum":"訂單編號",
-		"profit":"預估收益",
-		"create_time":"創建時間",
-		"end_time":"結束時間",
-		"record":"訂單記錄",
-		"bzkyzc":"幣種可用資產",
-		"zdyxt":"自定義選填",
-		"ljzy":"加入節點",
-		"goorder":"是否查看訂單",
-		"income":"收益中",
-		"completed":"已完成",
-		"maxnum":"最大數量",
-		"minnum":"最小數量",
-		"note":"注",
-		"qtxhlfwndsz":"請填寫範圍內的數值",
-		"a1":"開始質押",
-		"a2":"質押金額",
-		"a3":"當前匯率",
-		"a4":"質押需要支付",
-		"a5":"請確保帳戶餘額充足",
-		"a6":"提交",
-		"a7":"邀請更多好友解鎖次數",
-		"a8":"邀請好友解鎖次數",
-		"a9":"邀請",
-		"b1":"個好友",
-		"b2":"參與質押即可解鎖一次",
-		"b3":"邀請好友",
-		"b4":"取消",
-		"c1":"ETH Layer 2",
-		"c2":"節點生態",
-		"c3":"ETH Layer 2是一種透過節點算力實現真正挖礦技術的智能合約。以太坊的共識算法從工作證明轉變為權益證明的第一步。通過權益證明,更多技術用戶可以運行自己的驗證節點並質押他們的USDT並獲得收益。使用以太坊主網的將以金融機構、鯨魚、Layer 2協議等機構和大戶為主,更多普通用戶將選擇在Layer 2進行鏈上交易。參與Layer 2擴容方案的投資者能共享節省下來的燃料費,共同創造更美好的生態。",
-		"c4":"節點優勢",
-		"c5":"高交互、低成本",
-		"c6":"可擴容、低延遲",
-		"c7":"公信力高",
-		"c8":"每日發放",
-		"c9":"去中心透明化",
-		"d1":"100%資金安全保障",
-		"d2":"全年收益不間斷",
-		"d3":"節點獎勵計算",
-		"d4":"參與用戶在平台加入了100000 USDT的小型礦機節點,週期為30天,每日產出根據浮動日利率進行計算。假設當日最低浮動利率為0.35%,最高浮動利率為0.38%",
-		"d5":"最低: 100000 USDT* 0.35% = 350 USDT",
-		"d6":"最高:100000 USDT* 0.38% = 380 USDT",
-		"d7":"即30天后可以獲得10500~11400 USDT的節點獎勵。節點獎勵每日發放,發放的獎勵可以隨時存取,智能合約到期後本金將自動轉入您的資產賬戶中。",
-		"d8":"合約違約條款",
-		"d9":"如用戶需要將進行中的智能合約解除並提取本金,則會產生一筆違約費用",
-		"e1":"違約費用=違約結算比例*剩餘天數*資金金額",
-		"e2":"舉例:該參與節點的違約結算比例為0.5%,剩馀5天合約到期,資金比例為1000,則違約金= 1000*5天*0.5%=25 USDT,實際退還資金為1000 USDT-25 USDT=975 USDT",
-		"e3":"進入ETH Layer 2",
-		"e4":"節點選擇",
-		"e5":"單筆限額",
-		"e6":"智能合約節點",
-		"e7":"浮動利率",
-		"e8":"算力",
-		"e9":"預計節點獎勵",
-		"f1":"實際收益"

+ 5 - 1

@@ -25,7 +25,11 @@
 		data() {
 			return {}
-		onLoad() {},
+		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.a2"),
+			});
+		},
 		methods: {},

+ 23 - 6

@@ -38,23 +38,23 @@
 				<view class="tj">統計表</view>
 				<view class="tj-item flex ">
 					<view class="lj">{{$t('user.a4')}}{{$t('user.a7')}}</view>
-					<view class="ljsu">0.000</view>
+					<view class="ljsu">{{userWallet || 0}}</view>
 				<view class="tj-item flex">
 					<view class="lj">{{$t('user.a4')}}{{$t('user.a6')}}</view>
-					<view class="ljsu">0.000</view>
+					<view class="ljsu">{{extractTotalPrice || 0}}</view>
 				<view class="tj-item flex">
 					<view class="lj">{{$t('user.a8')}}</view>
-					<view class="ljsu">0.000</view>
+					<view class="ljsu">{{sum_win || 0}}</view>
 				<view class="tj-item flex">
 					<view class="lj">{{$t('user.a9')}}</view>
-					<view class="ljsu">0.000</view>
+					<view class="ljsu">{{sum_bet || 0}}</view>
 				<view class="tj-item flex">
 					<view class="lj">{{$t('user.a10')}}</view>
-					<view class="ljsu">0.000</view>
+					<view class="ljsu">{{group_sum_bet || 0}}</view>
@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@
 	import {
+		getUser
 	} from '@/api/user.js';
 	import {
@@ -158,8 +159,12 @@
 				code: '',
 				levelList: [],
 				show: true,
 				userWallet: 0, //余额 
+				recharge: '', // 累计充值
+				extractTotalPrice: '', //累计体现
+				sum_win: '', //累计收益
+				sum_bet: '', //个人交易量
+				group_sum_bet: '',  // 团队交易量
 		onShow() {
@@ -169,6 +174,7 @@
 			// }
+			this.getUser();
 		filters: {
 			phone(e) {
@@ -203,6 +209,17 @@
 			showY() {
 				this.show = !this.show
+			// 统计表
+			async getUser() {
+				const res = await getUser()
+				console.log('2222',res);
+				this.recharge = res.data.recharge;
+				this.extractTotalPrice = res.data.extractTotalPrice;
+				this.sum_win = res.data.sum_win;
+				this.sum_bet = res.data.sum_bet
+				this.group_sum_bet = res.data.group_sum_bet
+			},
 			// 获取用户余额信息
 			getUserWallet() {
 				gameWallet().then((res) => {

+ 5 - 0

@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
 			return {
+		},
+		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.a6"),
+			});

+ 5 - 0

@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@
 		data() {
 			return {};
+		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.a4"),
+			});
+		}

+ 5 - 0

@@ -83,6 +83,11 @@
 		data() {
 			return {};
+		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.a5"),
+			});
+		}

+ 6 - 1

@@ -185,7 +185,12 @@
 				money: "",
-		onLoad(options) {},
+		onLoad(options) {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.a1"),
+			});
+		},
 		onShow() {

+ 6 - 1

@@ -114,7 +114,12 @@
 			return {
-		}
+		},
+		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.b5"),
+			});
+		},

+ 3 - 0

@@ -18,6 +18,9 @@ export default {
 	onLoad() {
+		uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+			title: this.$t("tab.b2"),
+		});
 	computed: {
 		cpSize() {

+ 33 - 15

@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@
 			// 调用绘制方法将二维码图案绘制到canvas上
+		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.a3"),
+			});
+		},
 		methods: {
 			// 复制地址
 			copy(value) {
@@ -82,22 +87,35 @@
-					Url = this.address //图片路径,也可以传值进来
-					var triggerEvent = "touchstart"; //指定下载方式
-				    var blob=new Blob([''], {type:'application/octet-stream'}); //二进制大型对象blob
-				    var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); //创建一个字符串路径空位
-				    var a = document.createElement('a'); //创建一个 a 标签
-				    a.href = Url;  //把路径赋到a标签的href上
-				    //正则表达式,这里是把图片文件名分离出来。拿到文件名赋到a.download,作为文件名来使用文本
-				    a.download = Url.replace(/(.*\/)*([^.]+.*)/ig,"$2").split("?")[0]; 
-				    /* var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');  //创建事件(MouseEvents鼠标事件)
-				    e.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); //初始化鼠标事件(initMouseEvent已弃用)*/
+					// Url = this.address //图片路径,也可以传值进来
+					// var triggerEvent = "touchstart"; //指定下载方式
+				 //    var blob=new Blob([''], {type:'application/octet-stream'}); //二进制大型对象blob
+				 //    var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); //创建一个字符串路径空位
+				 //    var a = document.createElement('a'); //创建一个 a 标签
+				 //    a.href = Url;  //把路径赋到a标签的href上
+				 //    //正则表达式,这里是把图片文件名分离出来。拿到文件名赋到a.download,作为文件名来使用文本
+				 //    a.download = Url.replace(/(.*\/)*([^.]+.*)/ig,"$2").split("?")[0]; 
+				 //    /* var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');  //创建事件(MouseEvents鼠标事件)
+				 //    e.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null); //初始化鼠标事件(initMouseEvent已弃用)*/
-					var e = new MouseEvent('click', ( true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null));  
-					//派遣后,它将不再执行任何操作。执行保存到本地
-				    a.dispatchEvent(e); 
-				    //释放一个已经存在的路径(有创建createObjectURL就要释放revokeObjectURL)
-				    URL.revokeObjectURL(url);  
+					// var e = new MouseEvent('click', ( true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null));  
+					// //派遣后,它将不再执行任何操作。执行保存到本地
+				 //    a.dispatchEvent(e); 
+				 //    //释放一个已经存在的路径(有创建createObjectURL就要释放revokeObjectURL)
+				 //    URL.revokeObjectURL(url);  
+				   var canvas = document.getElementById('qrcode'); // 获取二维码所在的canvas元素
+				   var image = canvas.toDataURL("image/png").replace("image/png", "image/octet-stream"); // 将canvas转换为base64格式的图片数据
+				   var a = document.createElement('a');
+				   a.href = image;
+				   a.download = 'qrcode.png'; // 设置下载的文件名
+				   var event = new MouseEvent('click');
+				   a.dispatchEvent(event);

+ 5 - 0

@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@
 				withdrawal: '', //提现地址
 				placeholder: '',
+		},
+		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.a8"),
+			});

+ 5 - 0

@@ -59,6 +59,11 @@
+		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.a7"),
+			});
+		},
 		onShow(option) {
 			console.log("111", this.userInfo);
 			this.name = this.userInfo.nickname + "";

+ 5 - 0

@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ export default {
 			this.account = this.userInfo.phone;
 			this.show = false;
+		uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+			title: this.$t("tab.b3"),
+		});
 	watch: {
 		// 监听倒计时
@@ -116,6 +119,7 @@ page {
 	padding-top: 30rpx;
 .row {
 	display: flex;
 	align-items: center;
 	position: relative;
@@ -124,6 +128,7 @@ page {
 	background: #191a1f;
 	.tit {
+		min-width: 130rpx;
 		flex-shrink: 0;
 		font-size: 30rpx;
 		color: $font-color-white;

+ 22 - 28

@@ -2,45 +2,33 @@
 	<view class="content">
 		<!-- #ifdef MP-WEIXIN -->
 		<view class="row b-b flex jg">
-			<text class="tit">头像</text>
-			<!-- <image :src="userInfo.avatar" @click.stop="imgsub"></image> -->
+			<text class="tit">{{$t('set.a1')}}</text>
 			<button type="primary" open-type="chooseAvatar" @chooseavatar="onChooseAvatar" plain="true"
 				style="border: none;position: relative;">
 				<image class="avatar" :src="userInfo.avatar"></image>
 		<view class="row b-b flex">
-			<text class="tit">昵称</text>
+			<text class="tit">{{$t('set.a2')}}</text>
 			<input class="input" v-model="userInfo.nickname" type="nickname" @blur="test"
 				placeholder-class="placeholder" />
 		<!-- #endif -->
 		<!-- #ifndef MP-WEIXIN -->
 		<view class="row b-b flex jg">
-			<text class="tit">头像</text>
+			<text class="tit">{{$t('set.a1')}}</text>
 			<image class="avatar" :src="userInfo.avatar" @click.stop="imgsub"></image>
 		<view class="row b-b flex">
-			<text class="tit">昵称</text>
+			<text class="tit">{{$t('set.a2')}}</text>
 			<input class="input" v-model="userInfo.nickname" type="text" placeholder-class="placeholder" />
 		<!-- #endif -->
-		<!-- <view class="row">
-			<text class="tit">设置密码</text>
-			<input class="input" type="text"  disabled="true" v-model="userInfo.phone" placeholder-class="placeholder" />
-		</view> -->
-		<view class="add-btn" @click="confirm">提交</view>
-		<view class="add-btn out" @click="cancel" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">退出</view>
-		<!-- <uni-popup ref="popup" type="center">
-			<view class="psw-wrapper">
-				<view class="psw-title">请输入自己的账户</view>
-				<input type="text" v-model="password" class="psw-ipt" />
-				<view class="psw-btn">
-					<text @click.stop="qx">取消</text>
-					<text class="psw-qd" @click.stop="pswQd">确定</text>
-				</view>
-			</view>
-		</uni-popup> -->
+		<view class="add-btn" @click="confirm">{{$t('set.a5')}}</view>
+		<view class="add-btn out" @click="cancel" style="margin-top: 20rpx;">{{$t('set.a6')}}</view>
@@ -70,6 +58,9 @@
 		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.b4"),
+			});
 		computed: {
@@ -227,7 +218,8 @@
 		align-items: center;
 		padding: 0 30upx;
 		height: 110upx;
-		background: #fff;
+		background: #191a1f;
+		border-bottom: 1px solid $font-color-light;
 		button {
 			width: 80rpx;
@@ -250,16 +242,18 @@
 			flex-shrink: 0;
 			width: 120upx;
 			font-size: $font-lg;
-			color: $font-color-dark;
+			color: $font-color-white;
 		.input {
 			flex: 1;
 			text-align: right;
 			font-size: $font-base;
-			color: $color-gray;
+			color: $font-color-light;
 	.add-btn {
 		display: flex;
@@ -268,7 +262,7 @@
 		margin: 158rpx auto 30rpx;
 		width: 560rpx;
 		height: 80rpx;
-		background: #ff4c4c;
+		background:$base-color;
 		border-radius: 40px;
 		color: #FFFFFF;
@@ -280,10 +274,10 @@
 		margin: 0 auto 30rpx;
 		width: 560rpx;
 		height: 80rpx;
-		border: 1px solid #ff4c4c;
-		background: #FFFFFF;
+		border: 1px solid $base-color;
+		background: $base-color;
 		border-radius: 40px;
-		color: #ff4c4c;
+		color:#FFFFFF;
 	.psw-wrapper {

+ 3 - 0

@@ -36,6 +36,9 @@
 			// this.test()
 			// this.request()
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.a9"),
+			});
 		onPullDownRefresh() {

+ 5 - 0

@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
+		onLoad() {
+			uni.setNavigationBarTitle({
+				title: this.$t("tab.b1"),
+			});
+		},
 		methods: {
 			navX() {