

cmy 1 年之前

+ 512 - 512

@@ -1,512 +1,512 @@
-	"home":{
-		"k1": "最新价格",
-		"b0": "24H涨跌幅",
-		"b8": "名称",
-		"d0": "首页",
-		"d1": "质押",
-		"d2": "互娱",
-		"d3": "资讯",
-		"d4": "我的"
-	},
-	"homepledge":{
-		"m1":"我的质押",
-		"m0":"互娱共享",
-		"m2":"起投",
-		"m3":"天",
-		"total": "总额",
-		"a4": "日均收益率",
-		"a5": "立即加入"
-	},
-	"homeinformation":{
-		"m1":"互娱玩法介绍",
-		"m0":"互娱游戏推广计划",
-		"m2":"互娱游戏举例",
-		"m4": "项目亮点",
-		"m5": "趣味性强,简单易懂,一学就会",
-		"m6": "资金随进随出",
-		"m7": "以小博大",
-		"m8": "只赚不赔",
-		"m9": "流水收益大"
-	},
-	"zy":{
-		"a1": "单笔上限",
-		"m0":"日均收益率",
-		"m1":"限投份额",
-		"m2":"托管过期",
-		"m3": "单笔上限",
-		"m4": "起投金额",
-		"m5": "收益过程",
-		"m6": "申请提交",
-		"m7": "今日",
-		"m8": "每日返利",
-		"m9": "24小时后",
-		"m10": "申请提现",
-		"m11": "24小时之内到账",
-		"m12": "加入后不可撤销",
-		"m13": "产品到期选择复投,收益不断",
-		"m14": "收益公式",
-		"m15": "收益结算",
-		"m16": "加入金额(元)",
-		"m17": "余额",
-		"m18": "当前可用",
-		"m19": "立即加入",
-		"b1": "押注金额",
-		"b2": "请输入购买金额",
-		"b3": "确定",
-		"b4": "取消",
-		"b5": "请输入数字",
-		"b6": "质押成功"
-	},
-	"user":{
-		"c1": "余额",
-		"a4": "累計",
-		"a7": "充值",
-		"a6": "提现",
-		"a8":"累计收益",
-		"a9":"个人交易总量",
-		"a10":"团队交易总量",
-		"b1":"我的工具",
-		"b2":"余额明细",
-		"b3":"互娱记录",
-		"b4":"会员列表",
-		"b5":"分享链接",
-		"b6":"在线留言",
-		"b7":"交易密码",
-		"b8":"退出登录",
-		"b9":"设置",
-		"a1":"统计表",
-		"a2": "联系客服"
-	},
-	"myple": {
-		"u1": "质押数",
-		"u2": "进行中",
-		"u3": "已结束",
-		"u4": "质押金额",
-		"u5": "累计收益",
-		"u6": "质押期限",
-		"u7": "购买时间",
-		"u8": "到期时间"
-	},
-	"enter": {
-		"u1": "下单金额",
-		"u2": "单期最高",
-		"u3": "k线类型",
-		"u4": "下",
-		"u5": "奇",
-		"u6": "上",
-		"u7": "偶",
-		"u8": "距离结束",
-		"u9": "订单列表",
-		"u10": "历史列表",
-		"u11": "币种",
-		"u12": "金额",
-		"u13": "盈亏",
-		"u14": "进度",
-		"u15": "余额",
-		"u16": "去充值",
-		"u17": "已完成",
-		"u18": "详情",
-		"u19": "秒",
-		"u20": "5分线",
-		"a9": "请输入数量",
-		"b3": "请输入6位交易密码",
-		"c4": "温馨提示",
-		"b5": "您未登录!是否马上登录?",
-		"a2": "未开奖",
-		"a3": "活动未开启,请等待活动开启",
-		"a4": "进行中",
-		"a5": "中奖",
-		"a6": "未中奖",
-		"a7": "提示",
-		"a8": "是否押注",
-		"a10": "到"
-	},
-	"userinfo": {
-		"u1": "收款地址",
-		"u2": "保存相冊",
-		"u3": "复制地址",
-		"u4": "链名称",
-		"u5": "提示:充值大于5000U,请先充值一笔小额的,到账之后再进行大额充值。充值地址每个人都是唯一的!请一定要仔细确认避免充错!",
-		"u6": "提币网络",
-		"u7": "提币地址",
-		"u8": "提币数量",
-		"u9": "提现须知",
-		"u10": "使用步骤",
-		"u11": "输入您要提现的币种、网络、地址、数量,点击“下一步”",
-		"u12": "确认资讯无误后输入资金密码完成验证,点击“确认提现”",
-		"u13": "每日提现上限2次;",
-		"u14": "提现成功后,提现地址将自动保存以便于下次使用;",
-		"u15": "请注意每个人的地址都是唯一的,请一定要仔细确认避免提错!",
-		"u16": "确认提币",
-		"u17": "请输入提币地址",
-		"u18": "请输入体现数量",
-		"u19": "余额",
-		"u20": "全部",
-		"u21": "手续费",
-		"u22": "余额不足",
-		"u23": "提交中",
-		"u24": "申请成功",
-		"u25": "申请失败!请联系客服"
-	},
-	"money": {
-		"a1": "钱包",
-		"a2": "我的余额",
-		"a3": "充值",
-		"a4": "提现",
-		"a5": "累计收入",
-		"a6": "累计支出",
-		"a7": "历史充值",
-		"a8": "历史提现"
-	},
-	"gameList": {
-		"a1": "待开奖",
-		"a2": "k线类型",
-		"a3": "5分线",
-		"a4": "互娱金额",
-		"a5": "开奖时间",
-		"a6": "已开奖",
-		"a7": "押注类型",
-		"a8": "获得奖金",
-		"a9": "开奖结果",
-		"a10": "开奖數字"
-	},
-	"huiyuan": {
-		"a1": "直推人数",
-		"a2": "团队人数",
-		"a3": "账户总数",
-		"a4": "有效账户",
-		"a5": "详情",
-		"a6": "互娱金额",
-		"a7": "推广数",
-		"b1": "长按保存图片",
-		"b2": "保存海报",
-		"b3": "邀请您进入绿津",
-		"b4": "保存成功",
-		"b5": "您已拒绝获取相册权限",
-		"b6": "是否进入权限管理,调整授权?",
-		"b7": "已取消!",
-		"b8": "保存成功!",
-		"b9": "保存图片成功",
-		"b0": "获取中"
-	},
-	"password": {
-		"a1": "修改交易密码",
-		"a2": "新密码",
-		"a3": "请输入新密码",
-		"a4": "重复密码",
-		"a5": "请重复输入密码",
-		"a6": "验证码",
-		"a7": "请输入验证码",
-		"a8": "确认"
-	},
-	"introduce": {
-		"a1": "一分钟一期",
-		"a2": "互娱区",
-		"a3": "压和值(01234)上,(56789)下,(13579)奇,(02468)偶,压100U中180U",
-		"a4": "共享区",
-		"a5": "压和值(01234)上,(56789)下,(13579)奇,(02468)偶,压100U中100.2U,没中返本金。 共享区每天1小時,每晚19点-20点,共12期。"
-	},
-	"promotion": {
-		"a1": "推广计划",
-		"a2": "会员",
-		"a3": "充值100U就是有效会员",
-		"a4": "推荐2个有效会员,互娱区流水1%,共享区流水0.1%",
-		"a5": "推荐3个有效会员,其中2个V1,互娱流水2%,共享区流水0.2%",
-		"a6": "推荐4个有效会员,其中2个V2,互娱流水3%,共享区流水0.3%",
-		"a7": "推荐5个有效会员,其中2个V3,互娱流水4%,共享区流水0.4%",
-		"a8": "推荐6个有效会员,其中2个V4,互娱流水5%,共享区流水0.5%",
-		"a9": "推荐7个有效会员,其中2个V5,互娱流水6%,共享区流水0.6%",
-		"a10": "推荐8个有效会员,其中2个V6,互娱流水7%,共享区流水0.7%",
-		"a11": "推荐9个有效会员,其中2个V7,互娱流水8%,共享区流水0.8%",
-		"a12": "平级奖",
-		"a13": "直推流水收益的10%"
-	},
-	"game": {
-		"a1": "游戏举例",
-		"a2": "举例",
-		"a3": "充值10000U",
-		"a4": "共享区下注5000U,中5010U,一天有2小时,24期可压如果中12期就有120U的收益 共享区没中返本金",
-		"a5": "流水",
-		"a6": "如V1级別,流水5000U*24期=120000U的流水*0.1=120U流水的收益如V8级別,流水5000U*24期=120000U的流水*0.8=960U流水的收益互娱区流水更大"
-	},
-	"set": {
-		"a1": "头像",
-		"a2": "昵称",
-		"a3": "账号",
-		"a4": "修改",
-		"a5": "提交",
-		"a6": "退出",
-		"a7": "第",
-		"a8": "期"
-	},
-	"tab": {
-		"a1": "我的质押",
-		"a2": "历史列表",
-		"a3": "充值",
-		"a4": "玩法介绍",
-		"a5": "推广计划",
-		"a6": "游戏举例",
-		"a7": "设置",
-		"a8": "奖励提现",
-		"a9": "互娱记录",
-		"b1": "会员列表",
-		"b2": "分享链接",
-		"b3": "忘记密码",
-		"b4": "修改资料",
-		"b5": "质押详情"
-	},
-	"add": {
-		"kt": "Airdrop",
-		"ck": "deposit",
-		"a1": "选择付款方式",
-		"a2": "Line",
-		"a3":"付款数量",
-		"a4":"认购数量",
-		"a5":"信用评分"
-	},
-	"miao": {
-		"a1": "秒合约",
-		"a2": "做多",
-		"a3": "做空",
-		"a4": "选择到期时间",
-		"a5": "买入数量",
-		"a6": "手续费",
-		"a7": "可用USDT",
-		"a8": "下单成功",
-		"b1": "购买记录",
-		"b2": "做多",
-		"b3": "做空",
-		"b4": "下单价(元)",
-		"b5": "交易金额",
-		"b6": "预计收益率",
-		"b7": "交易周期",
-		"b8": "结束价",
-		"b9": "超时反馈",
-		"b10": "倒计时"
-	},
-	"common": {
-		"submit": "提交",
-		"success": "成功",
-		"tips": "温馨提示",
-		"total": "总额",
-		"type": "类型",
-		"copy": "复制",
-		"light": "白",
-		"dark": "黑",
-		"service": "客服",
-		"toDwon": "是否前往下载页",
-		"a0": "请输入申购码",
-		"a1": "复制成功",
-		"a2": "复制失败",
-		"a3": "申购记录",
-		"a4": "支付金额",
-		"a5": "到账数量",
-		"a6": "账号",
-		"a7": "充值数量",
-		"cancelButtonText": "取消",
-		"confirmButtonText": "确认"
-	},
-	"base": {
-		"a0": "标题",
-		"a1": "返回",
-		"a2": "更多",
-		"a9": "最新价",
-		"b0": "涨跌幅",
-		"b3": "请登录",
-		"c5": "提币地址",
-		"c8": "添加成功",
-		"c9": "取消成功",
-		"d0": "首页",
-		"d1": "交易",
-		"d2": "资产",
-		"d3": "请输入搜索关键词",
-		"e6": "矿工等级",
-		"e7": "矿工",
-		"e8": "APP",
-		"g8": "价格",
-		"g9": "涨幅",
-		"h0": "已绑定"
-	},
-	"accountSettings": {
-		"a0": "账号设置",
-		"a1": "头像",
-		"a2": "昵称",
-		"a3": "主账号",
-		"a4": "手机号",
-		"a5": "解绑",
-		"a6": "绑定",
-		"a7": "邮箱绑定",
-		"a8": "切换账户",
-		"a9": "退出登录",
-		"b0": "修改昵称",
-		"b1": "请输入昵称",
-		"b2": "语言"
-	},
-	"option": {
-		"a0": "期权",
-		"a1": "距离交割",
-		"a2": "看多",
-		"a3": "看空",
-		"a4": "收益率",
-		"a5": "购买",
-		"a6": "多",
-		"a7": "空",
-		"a8": "当前",
-		"a9": "下期",
-		"b0": "看平",
-		"b1": "涨幅选择",
-		"b2": "收益率",
-		"b3": "购买数量",
-		"b4": "请输入数量",
-		"b5": "余额",
-		"b6": "预计收益",
-		"b7": "立即购买",
-		"b8": "涨",
-		"b9": "平",
-		"c0": "跌",
-		"c1": "购买成功",
-		"c2": "详情",
-		"c3": "订单号",
-		"c4": "开盘价",
-		"c5": "收盘价",
-		"c6": "买入时间",
-		"c7": "买入数量",
-		"c8": "购买类型",
-		"c9": "状态",
-		"d0": "交割结果",
-		"d1": "结算数量",
-		"d2": "交割时间",
-		"d3": "查看更多",
-		"d4": "购买期权",
-		"d5": "等待交割",
-		"d6": "我的交割",
-		"d7": "交割记录",
-		"d8": "分钟",
-		"d9": "小时",
-		"d10": "分时",
-		"e0": "天",
-		"e1": "周",
-		"e2": "月",
-		"e3": "方向",
-		"e4": "涨跌幅",
-		"e5":"请输入1000~6000",
-		"e6":"请输入10000-30000",
-		"e7":"请输入60000-100000",
-		"e8":"请输入200000-300000",
-		"e9":"请输入600000-1000000",
-		"e10":"请输入超过3,000,000"
-	},
-	"reg": {
-		"a0": "手机注册",
-		"a1": "邮箱注册",
-		"a2": "手机",
-		"a3": "请输入手机号",
-		"a4": "邮箱",
-		"a5": "请输入邮箱号",
-		"a6": "验证码",
-		"a7": "请输入验证码",
-		"a8": "密码",
-		"a9": "请输入密码",
-		"b0": "确认密码",
-		"b1": "请确认密码",
-		"b2": "推荐人",
-		"b3": "请输入推荐人",
-		"b4": "选填",
-		"b5": "您已同意",
-		"b6": "用户协议",
-		"b7": "并了解我们的",
-		"b8": "隐私协议",
-		"b9": "注册",
-		"c0": "已有账号?",
-		"c1": "立即登录",
-		"c2": "请阅读并同意协议",
-		"c3": "请填写手机号",
-		"c4": "请填写邮箱号",
-		"c5": "注册成功",
-		"c6": "验证码"
-	},
-	"safe": {
-		"a0": "解绑",
-		"a1": "绑定",
-		"a2": "邮箱",
-		"a3": "邮箱号",
-		"a4": "请输入邮箱号",
-		"a5": "邮箱验证码",
-		"a6": "请输入验证码",
-		"a7": "验证码",
-		"a8": "解绑成功",
-		"a9": "绑定成功",
-		"b0": "忘记登录密码",
-		"b1": "账号",
-		"b2": "请输入手机/邮箱号",
-		"b3": "新密码",
-		"b4": "请输入新密码",
-		"b5": "确认密码",
-		"b6": "请确认密码",
-		"b7": "确认修改",
-		"b8": "请输入正确的手机号",
-		"b9": "谷歌验证器",
-		"c0": "操作方法:下载并打开谷歌验证器,扫描下方二维码或手动输入秘钥添加验证令牌。",
-		"c1": "复制密钥",
-		"c2": "我已经妥善保存密钥,丢失后将不可找回。",
-		"c3": "下一步",
-		"c4": "短信验证码",
-		"c5": "谷歌验证码",
-		"c6": "确认绑定",
-		"c7": "安全中心",
-		"c8": "登录密码",
-		"c9": "修改",
-		"d0": "设置",
-		"d1": "修改交易密码",
-		"d2": "手机",
-		"d3": "修改成功",
-		"d4": "手机号",
-		"d5": "请输入手机号",
-		"d6": "请输入短信验证码",
-		"d7": "关闭",
-		"d8": "开启",
-		"d9": "验证",
-		"e0": "短信",
-		"e1": "关闭成功",
-		"e2": "开启成功",
-		"e3": "确认",
-		"e4": "设置成功",
-		"f1":"密码和确认密码不匹配",
-		"f2":"验证码错误",
-		"f3": "请输入自己的账户",
-		"f4": "申请注销成功,请耐心等待审核",
-		"f5": "密码修改成功",
-		"f6": "个人资料",
-		"f7": "修改登录密码"
-	},
-	"login": {
-		"a0": "互娱共享",
-		"a1": "请输入手机号",
-		"a2": "密码",
-		"a3": "请输入密码",
-		"a4": "登录",
-		"a5": "忘记密码",
-		"a6": "没有账号",
-		"a7": "立即注册",
-		"a8": "手机",
-		"a9": "邮箱",
-		"b0": "完成",
-		"b2": "忘记密码?",
-		"b3": "请输入交易密码",
-		"b4": "请输入邀请码",
-		"b5": "发送验证码",
-		"b6": "请输入验证码",
-		"b7": "确定要退出登录吗?"
-	}
+	"home":{
+		"k1": "最新价格",
+		"b0": "24H涨跌幅",
+		"b8": "名称",
+		"d0": "首页",
+		"d1": "质押",
+		"d2": "互娱",
+		"d3": "资讯",
+		"d4": "我的"
+	},
+	"homepledge":{
+		"m1":"我的质押",
+		"m0":"互娱共享",
+		"m2":"起投",
+		"m3":"天",
+		"total": "总额",
+		"a4": "日均收益率",
+		"a5": "立即加入"
+	},
+	"homeinformation":{
+		"m1":"互娱玩法介绍",
+		"m0":"互娱游戏推广计划",
+		"m2":"互娱游戏举例",
+		"m4": "项目亮点",
+		"m5": "趣味性强,简单易懂,一学就会",
+		"m6": "资金随进随出",
+		"m7": "以小博大",
+		"m8": "只赚不赔",
+		"m9": "流水收益大"
+	},
+	"zy":{
+		"a1": "单笔上限",
+		"m0":"日均收益率",
+		"m1":"限投份额",
+		"m2":"托管过期",
+		"m3": "单笔上限",
+		"m4": "起投金额",
+		"m5": "收益过程",
+		"m6": "申请提交",
+		"m7": "今日",
+		"m8": "每日返利",
+		"m9": "24小时后",
+		"m10": "申请提现",
+		"m11": "24小时之内到账",
+		"m12": "加入后不可撤销",
+		"m13": "产品到期选择复投,收益不断",
+		"m14": "收益公式",
+		"m15": "收益结算",
+		"m16": "加入金额(元)",
+		"m17": "余额",
+		"m18": "当前可用",
+		"m19": "立即加入",
+		"b1": "押注金额",
+		"b2": "请输入购买金额",
+		"b3": "确定",
+		"b4": "取消",
+		"b5": "请输入数字",
+		"b6": "质押成功"
+	},
+	"user":{
+		"c1": "余额",
+		"a4": "累計",
+		"a7": "充值",
+		"a6": "提现",
+		"a8":"累计收益",
+		"a9":"个人交易总量",
+		"a10":"团队交易总量",
+		"b1":"我的工具",
+		"b2":"余额明细",
+		"b3":"互娱记录",
+		"b4":"会员列表",
+		"b5":"分享链接",
+		"b6":"在线留言",
+		"b7":"交易密码",
+		"b8":"退出登录",
+		"b9":"设置",
+		"a1":"统计表",
+		"a2": "联系客服"
+	},
+	"myple": {
+		"u1": "质押数",
+		"u2": "进行中",
+		"u3": "已结束",
+		"u4": "质押金额",
+		"u5": "累计收益",
+		"u6": "质押期限",
+		"u7": "购买时间",
+		"u8": "到期时间"
+	},
+	"enter": {
+		"u1": "下单金额",
+		"u2": "单期最高",
+		"u3": "k线类型",
+		"u4": "下",
+		"u5": "奇",
+		"u6": "上",
+		"u7": "偶",
+		"u8": "距离结束",
+		"u9": "订单列表",
+		"u10": "历史列表",
+		"u11": "币种",
+		"u12": "金额",
+		"u13": "盈亏",
+		"u14": "进度",
+		"u15": "余额",
+		"u16": "去充值",
+		"u17": "已完成",
+		"u18": "详情",
+		"u19": "秒",
+		"u20": "5分线",
+		"a9": "请输入数量",
+		"b3": "请输入6位交易密码",
+		"c4": "温馨提示",
+		"b5": "您未登录!是否马上登录?",
+		"a2": "未开奖",
+		"a3": "活动未开启,请等待活动开启",
+		"a4": "进行中",
+		"a5": "中奖",
+		"a6": "未中奖",
+		"a7": "提示",
+		"a8": "是否押注",
+		"a10": "到"
+	},
+	"userinfo": {
+		"u1": "收款地址",
+		"u2": "保存相冊",
+		"u3": "复制地址",
+		"u4": "链名称",
+		"u5": "提示:充值大于5000U,请先充值一笔小额的,到账之后再进行大额充值。充值地址每个人都是唯一的!请一定要仔细确认避免充错!",
+		"u6": "提币网络",
+		"u7": "提币地址",
+		"u8": "提币数量",
+		"u9": "提现须知",
+		"u10": "使用步骤",
+		"u11": "输入您要提现的币种、网络、地址、数量,点击“下一步”",
+		"u12": "确认资讯无误后输入资金密码完成验证,点击“确认提现”",
+		"u13": "每日提现上限2次;",
+		"u14": "提现成功后,提现地址将自动保存以便于下次使用;",
+		"u15": "请注意每个人的地址都是唯一的,请一定要仔细确认避免提错!",
+		"u16": "确认提币",
+		"u17": "请输入提币地址",
+		"u18": "请输入体现数量",
+		"u19": "余额",
+		"u20": "全部",
+		"u21": "手续费",
+		"u22": "余额不足",
+		"u23": "提交中",
+		"u24": "申请成功",
+		"u25": "申请失败!请联系客服"
+	},
+	"money": {
+		"a1": "钱包",
+		"a2": "我的余额",
+		"a3": "充值",
+		"a4": "提现",
+		"a5": "累计收入",
+		"a6": "累计支出",
+		"a7": "历史充值",
+		"a8": "历史提现"
+	},
+	"gameList": {
+		"a1": "待开奖",
+		"a2": "k线类型",
+		"a3": "5分线",
+		"a4": "互娱金额",
+		"a5": "开奖时间",
+		"a6": "已开奖",
+		"a7": "押注类型",
+		"a8": "获得奖金",
+		"a9": "开奖结果",
+		"a10": "开奖數字"
+	},
+	"huiyuan": {
+		"a1": "直推人数",
+		"a2": "团队人数",
+		"a3": "账户总数",
+		"a4": "有效账户",
+		"a5": "详情",
+		"a6": "互娱金额",
+		"a7": "推广数",
+		"b1": "长按保存图片",
+		"b2": "保存海报",
+		"b3": "邀请您进入绿津",
+		"b4": "保存成功",
+		"b5": "您已拒绝获取相册权限",
+		"b6": "是否进入权限管理,调整授权?",
+		"b7": "已取消!",
+		"b8": "保存成功!",
+		"b9": "保存图片成功",
+		"b0": "获取中"
+	},
+	"password": {
+		"a1": "修改交易密码",
+		"a2": "新密码",
+		"a3": "请输入新密码",
+		"a4": "重复密码",
+		"a5": "请重复输入密码",
+		"a6": "验证码",
+		"a7": "请输入验证码",
+		"a8": "确认"
+	},
+	"introduce": {
+		"a1": "一分钟一期",
+		"a2": "互娱区",
+		"a3": "压和值(01234)上,(56789)下,(13579)奇,(02468)偶,压100U中180U",
+		"a4": "共享区",
+		"a5": "压和值(01234)上,(56789)下,(13579)奇,(02468)偶,压100U中100.2U,没中返本金。 共享区每天1小時,每晚19点-20点,共12期。"
+	},
+	"promotion": {
+		"a1": "推广计划",
+		"a2": "会员",
+		"a3": "充值100U就是有效会员",
+		"a4": "推荐2个有效会员,互娱区流水1%,共享区流水0.1%",
+		"a5": "推荐3个有效会员,其中2个V1,互娱流水2%,共享区流水0.2%",
+		"a6": "推荐4个有效会员,其中2个V2,互娱流水3%,共享区流水0.3%",
+		"a7": "推荐5个有效会员,其中2个V3,互娱流水4%,共享区流水0.4%",
+		"a8": "推荐6个有效会员,其中2个V4,互娱流水5%,共享区流水0.5%",
+		"a9": "推荐7个有效会员,其中2个V5,互娱流水6%,共享区流水0.6%",
+		"a10": "推荐8个有效会员,其中2个V6,互娱流水7%,共享区流水0.7%",
+		"a11": "推荐9个有效会员,其中2个V7,互娱流水8%,共享区流水0.8%",
+		"a12": "平级奖",
+		"a13": "直推流水收益的10%"
+	},
+	"game": {
+		"a1": "游戏举例",
+		"a2": "举例",
+		"a3": "充值10000U",
+		"a4": "共享区下注5000U,中5010U,一天有2小时,24期可压如果中12期就有120U的收益 共享区没中返本金",
+		"a5": "流水",
+		"a6": "如V1级別,流水5000U*24期=120000U的流水*0.1=120U流水的收益如V8级別,流水5000U*24期=120000U的流水*0.8=960U流水的收益互娱区流水更大"
+	},
+	"set": {
+		"a1": "头像",
+		"a2": "昵称",
+		"a3": "账号",
+		"a4": "修改",
+		"a5": "提交",
+		"a6": "退出",
+		"a7": "第",
+		"a8": "期"
+	},
+	"tab": {
+		"a1": "我的质押",
+		"a2": "历史列表",
+		"a3": "充值",
+		"a4": "玩法介绍",
+		"a5": "推广计划",
+		"a6": "游戏举例",
+		"a7": "设置",
+		"a8": "奖励提现",
+		"a9": "互娱记录",
+		"b1": "会员列表",
+		"b2": "分享链接",
+		"b3": "忘记密码",
+		"b4": "修改资料",
+		"b5": "质押详情"
+	},
+	"add": {
+		"kt": "Airdrop",
+		"ck": "deposit",
+		"a1": "选择付款方式",
+		"a2": "Line",
+		"a3":"付款数量",
+		"a4":"认购数量",
+		"a5":"信用评分"
+	},
+	"miao": {
+		"a1": "秒合约",
+		"a2": "做多",
+		"a3": "做空",
+		"a4": "选择到期时间",
+		"a5": "买入数量",
+		"a6": "手续费",
+		"a7": "可用USDT",
+		"a8": "下单成功",
+		"b1": "购买记录",
+		"b2": "做多",
+		"b3": "做空",
+		"b4": "下单价(元)",
+		"b5": "交易金额",
+		"b6": "预计收益率",
+		"b7": "交易周期",
+		"b8": "结束价",
+		"b9": "超时反馈",
+		"b10": "倒计时"
+	},
+	"common": {
+		"submit": "提交",
+		"success": "成功",
+		"tips": "温馨提示",
+		"total": "总额",
+		"type": "类型",
+		"copy": "复制",
+		"light": "白",
+		"dark": "黑",
+		"service": "客服",
+		"toDwon": "是否前往下载页",
+		"a0": "请输入申购码",
+		"a1": "复制成功",
+		"a2": "复制失败",
+		"a3": "申购记录",
+		"a4": "支付金额",
+		"a5": "到账数量",
+		"a6": "账号",
+		"a7": "充值数量",
+		"cancelButtonText": "取消",
+		"confirmButtonText": "确认"
+	},
+	"base": {
+		"a0": "标题",
+		"a1": "返回",
+		"a2": "更多",
+		"a9": "最新价",
+		"b0": "涨跌幅",
+		"b3": "请登录",
+		"c5": "提币地址",
+		"c8": "添加成功",
+		"c9": "取消成功",
+		"d0": "首页",
+		"d1": "交易",
+		"d2": "资产",
+		"d3": "请输入搜索关键词",
+		"e6": "矿工等级",
+		"e7": "矿工",
+		"e8": "APP",
+		"g8": "价格",
+		"g9": "涨幅",
+		"h0": "已绑定"
+	},
+	"accountSettings": {
+		"a0": "账号设置",
+		"a1": "头像",
+		"a2": "昵称",
+		"a3": "主账号",
+		"a4": "手机号",
+		"a5": "解绑",
+		"a6": "绑定",
+		"a7": "邮箱绑定",
+		"a8": "切换账户",
+		"a9": "退出登录",
+		"b0": "修改昵称",
+		"b1": "请输入昵称",
+		"b2": "语言"
+	},
+	"option": {
+		"a0": "期权",
+		"a1": "距离交割",
+		"a2": "看多",
+		"a3": "看空",
+		"a4": "收益率",
+		"a5": "购买",
+		"a6": "多",
+		"a7": "空",
+		"a8": "当前",
+		"a9": "下期",
+		"b0": "看平",
+		"b1": "涨幅选择",
+		"b2": "收益率",
+		"b3": "购买数量",
+		"b4": "请输入数量",
+		"b5": "余额",
+		"b6": "预计收益",
+		"b7": "立即购买",
+		"b8": "涨",
+		"b9": "平",
+		"c0": "跌",
+		"c1": "购买成功",
+		"c2": "详情",
+		"c3": "订单号",
+		"c4": "开盘价",
+		"c5": "收盘价",
+		"c6": "买入时间",
+		"c7": "买入数量",
+		"c8": "购买类型",
+		"c9": "状态",
+		"d0": "交割结果",
+		"d1": "结算数量",
+		"d2": "交割时间",
+		"d3": "查看更多",
+		"d4": "购买期权",
+		"d5": "等待交割",
+		"d6": "我的交割",
+		"d7": "交割记录",
+		"d8": "分钟",
+		"d9": "小时",
+		"d10": "分时",
+		"e0": "天",
+		"e1": "周",
+		"e2": "月",
+		"e3": "方向",
+		"e4": "涨跌幅",
+		"e5":"请输入1000~6000",
+		"e6":"请输入10000-30000",
+		"e7":"请输入60000-100000",
+		"e8":"请输入200000-300000",
+		"e9":"请输入600000-1000000",
+		"e10":"请输入超过3,000,000"
+	},
+	"reg": {
+		"a0": "手机注册",
+		"a1": "邮箱注册",
+		"a2": "手机",
+		"a3": "请输入手机号",
+		"a4": "邮箱",
+		"a5": "请输入邮箱号",
+		"a6": "验证码",
+		"a7": "请输入验证码",
+		"a8": "密码",
+		"a9": "请输入密码",
+		"b0": "确认密码",
+		"b1": "请确认密码",
+		"b2": "推荐人",
+		"b3": "请输入推荐人",
+		"b4": "选填",
+		"b5": "您已同意",
+		"b6": "用户协议",
+		"b7": "并了解我们的",
+		"b8": "隐私协议",
+		"b9": "注册",
+		"c0": "已有账号?",
+		"c1": "立即登录",
+		"c2": "请阅读并同意协议",
+		"c3": "请填写手机号",
+		"c4": "请填写邮箱号",
+		"c5": "注册成功",
+		"c6": "验证码"
+	},
+	"safe": {
+		"a0": "解绑",
+		"a1": "绑定",
+		"a2": "邮箱",
+		"a3": "邮箱号",
+		"a4": "请输入邮箱号",
+		"a5": "邮箱验证码",
+		"a6": "请输入验证码",
+		"a7": "验证码",
+		"a8": "解绑成功",
+		"a9": "绑定成功",
+		"b0": "忘记登录密码",
+		"b1": "账号",
+		"b2": "请输入手机/邮箱号",
+		"b3": "新密码",
+		"b4": "请输入新密码",
+		"b5": "确认密码",
+		"b6": "请确认密码",
+		"b7": "确认修改",
+		"b8": "请输入正确的手机号",
+		"b9": "谷歌验证器",
+		"c0": "操作方法:下载并打开谷歌验证器,扫描下方二维码或手动输入秘钥添加验证令牌。",
+		"c1": "复制密钥",
+		"c2": "我已经妥善保存密钥,丢失后将不可找回。",
+		"c3": "下一步",
+		"c4": "短信验证码",
+		"c5": "谷歌验证码",
+		"c6": "确认绑定",
+		"c7": "安全中心",
+		"c8": "登录密码",
+		"c9": "修改",
+		"d0": "设置",
+		"d1": "修改交易密码",
+		"d2": "手机",
+		"d3": "修改成功",
+		"d4": "手机号",
+		"d5": "请输入手机号",
+		"d6": "请输入短信验证码",
+		"d7": "关闭",
+		"d8": "开启",
+		"d9": "验证",
+		"e0": "短信",
+		"e1": "关闭成功",
+		"e2": "开启成功",
+		"e3": "确认",
+		"e4": "设置成功",
+		"f1":"密码和确认密码不匹配",
+		"f2":"验证码错误",
+		"f3": "请输入自己的账户",
+		"f4": "申请注销成功,请耐心等待审核",
+		"f5": "密码修改成功",
+		"f6": "个人资料",
+		"f7": "修改登录密码"
+	},
+	"login": {
+		"a0": "互娱共享",
+		"a1": "请输入手机号/邮箱",
+		"a2": "密码",
+		"a3": "请输入密码",
+		"a4": "登录",
+		"a5": "忘记密码",
+		"a6": "没有账号",
+		"a7": "立即注册",
+		"a8": "手机",
+		"a9": "邮箱",
+		"b0": "完成",
+		"b2": "忘记密码?",
+		"b3": "请输入交易密码",
+		"b4": "请输入邀请码",
+		"b5": "发送验证码",
+		"b6": "请输入验证码",
+		"b7": "确定要退出登录吗?"
+	}

+ 601 - 601

@@ -1,601 +1,601 @@
-	"home":{
-		"k1": "Latest Price",
-		"b0": "24H Rise and fall",
-		"b8": "Type",
-		"d0": "Home",
-		"d1": "Pledge",
-		"d2": "Game",
-		"d3": "News",
-		"d4": "My"
-	},
-	"homepledge":{
-		"m1":"My pledge",
-		"m0":"Pledge Game",
-		"m2":"Start",
-		"m3":"Day",
-		"total": "Total",
-		"a4": "Daily profit",
-		"a5": "Buy"
-	},
-	"zy":{
-		"m0":"Daily return",
-		"m1":"Limited",
-		"m2":"Expire",
-		"m3": "Upper limit",
-		"m4": "Sum money",
-		"m5": "Return process",
-		"m6": "Submit ",
-		"m7": "Today",
-		"m8": "Daily rebate",
-		"m9": "After 24 hours",
-		"m10": "Withdrawal",
-		"m11": "Received within 24 hours",
-		"m12": "Not revocable after joining",
-		"m13": "Mature reinvestment with continuous returns",
-		"m14": "Income formula",
-		"m15": "Income settlement",
-		"m16": "Amount added(yuan)",
-		"m17": "Balance",
-		"m18": "Total",
-		"m19": "Join Now",
-		"b1": "Bet amount",
-		"b2": "Please enter the amount",
-		"b3": "Confirm",
-		"b4": "Cancel",
-		"b5": "Please enter a number",
-		"b6": "Pledge successful"
-	},
-	"homeinformation":{
-		"m1":"Game Introduction",
-		"m0":"Promotion Plan",
-		"m2":"Examples of games",
-		"m4": "Project Highlights",
-		"m5": "Highly interesting, easy to understand, and easy to learn",
-		"m6": "Funds come in and go out as needed",
-		"m7": "Throw a sprat to catch a herring",
-		"m8": "Only earn without losing",
-		"m9": "Large flow income"
-	},
-	"userinfo": {
-		"u1": "Collection",
-		"u2": "Save",
-		"u3": "Copy",
-		"u4": "Name",
-		"u5": " Note: If the recharge amount is greater than 5000U, please recharge a small amount first, and then proceed with the large amount recharge after it is credited. The recharge address is unique for each person! Please be sure to double-check and avoid recharging to the wrong address!",
-	    "u6": "Cash withdrawal network",
-	    "u7": "Cash withdrawal address",
-	    "u8": "Cash withdrawal count",
-		"u9": "Withdrawal Notice",
-		"u10": "Usage steps",
-		"u11": "Enter the currency, network, address, and amount you want to withdraw, then click Next",
-		"u12": "After confirming the information is correct, enter your fund password for verification, and click Confirm Withdrawal",
-		"u13": "Daily withdrawal limit: 2 times;",
-		"u14": "After successful withdrawal, the withdrawal address will be automatically saved for future use",
-		"u15": "Please note that each person’s address is unique. Please be sure to double-check and avoid withdrawing to the wrong address!",
-		"u16": "Confirm",
-		"u17": " Please enter the withdrawal address",
-		"u18": "Please enter the reflected quantity",
-		"u19": "Balance",
-		"u20": "All",
-		"u21": "Handling fee",
-		"u22": "Insufficient balance",
-		"u23": "Submitting",
-		"u24": "Application successful",
-		"u25": "Application failed! Please contact customer service"
-	},	
-	"myple": {
-		"u1": "Number of pledges",
-		"u2": "Progress",
-		"u3": "Ended",
-		"u4": "Amount",
-		"u5": "Income",
-		"u6": "Term",
-		"u7": "Buying",
-		"u8": "Expiration"
-	},
-	"enter": {
-		"u1": "Order amount",
-		"u2": "Highest",
-		"u3": "K types",
-		"u4": "Dowm",
-		"u5": "Strange",
-		"u6": "Up",
-		"u7": "Image",
-		"u8": "Distance End",
-		"u9": "Order",
-		"u10": "History",
-		"u11": "Currency",
-		"u12": "Amount",
-		"u13": "Status",
-		"u14": "Schedule",
-		"u15": "Balance",
-		"u16": "Recharge",
-		"u17": "Finished",
-		"u18": "Details",
-		"u19": "S",
-		"u20": "Quincle",
-		"a9": "Please enter the amount",
-		"b3": "Please enter a transaction password",
-		"c4": "Note",
-		"b5": "Please log in",
-		"a2": "Unlicensed",
-		"a3": "The activity has not been opened, please wait",
-		"a4": "Ongoing",
-		"a5": "Winning",
-		"a6": "Nothing",
-		"a7": "Prompt",
-		"a8": "Whether to bet",
-		"a10": "To"
-	},
-	"money": {
-		"a1": "wallet",
-		"a2": "My Balance",
-		"a3": "Recharge",
-		"a4": "Withdrawal",
-		"a5": "Accumulated income",
-		"a6": "Accumulated expenses",
-		"a7": "Historical recharge",
-		"a8": "Historical withdrawal"
-	},	
-	"gameList": {
-		"a1": "Await",
-		"a2": "k types",
-		"a3": "5-point line",
-		"a4": "Game amount",
-		"a5": "Lottery opening time",
-		"a6": "Awarded",
-		"a7": "Bet type",
-		"a8": " Return amount",
-		"a9": "Lottery results",
-		"a10": "Number"
-	},
-	"huiyuan": {
-		"a1": "Recommends",
-		"a2": "Teams",
-		"a3": "Total accounts",
-		"a4": "Valid Account",
-		"a5": "Details",
-		"a6": "amount",
-		"a7": "Promotions",
-		"b1": "Long press to save image",
-		"b2": "Save poster",
-		"b3": "Inviting you to enter Lvjin",
-		"b4": "Successfully saved",
-		"b5": "You have refused to obtain album permissions",
-		"b6": " Do you want to enter permission management and adjust authorization",
-		"b7": "Canceled!",
-		"b8": "Successfully saved!",
-		"b9": "Image saved successfully",
-		"b0": "Obtaining"
-	},
-	"password": {
-		"a1": "Change transaction password",
-		"a2": "New password",
-		"a3": "New password",
-		"a4": "Repeat ",
-		"a5": "Repeat the password",
-		"a6": "Code",
-		"a7": "Please enter code",
-		"a8": "Confirm"
-	},
-	"user":{
-		"c1": "Balance",
-		"a4": "All ",
-		"a7": "recharge",
-		"a6": "withdrawal",
-		"a8":"Gross earnings",
-		"a9":"Personal transaction volume",
-		"a10":"Team transaction volume",
-		"b1":"My Tools",
-		"b2":"Balance details",
-		"b3":"Game log",
-		"b4":"Member List",
-		"b5":"Share Link",
-		"b6":"Online Message",
-		"b7":"Transaction password",
-		"b8":"Exit",
-		"b9":"Set",
-		"a1":"Statistical Table",
-		"a2": "Customer Service"
-	},
-	"introduce": {
-		"a1": "One minute installment",
-		"a2": "Mutual entertainment area",
-		"a3": "Pressure sum value (01234) above, (56789) below, (13579) odd, (02468) even, 180U in 100U pressure",
-		"a4": "Share area",
-		"a5": "Above the pressure sum value (01234), below (56789), (13579) odd, (02468) even, under the pressure of 100U, 100.2U is returned, and the principal is not returned. The share area lasts for 1 hour per day, from 19:00 to 20:00 every night, for a total of 12 sessions."
-	},
-	"promotion": {
-		"a1": "Campaign",
-		"a2": "member",
-		"a3": "Recharging 100U is a valid member",
-		"a4": "Recommend 2 valid members, 1% Mutual entertainment field flow, and 0.1% share field flow",
-		"a5": "Recommend 3 valid members, of which 2 are V1, with 2% Mutual entertainment flowing water and 0.2% share field flowing water",
-		"a6": "Recommend 4 valid members, including 2 V2, 3% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.3% share field flowing water",
-		"a7": "Recommend 5 valid members, including 2 V3 members, 4% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.4% share field flowing water",
-		"a8": "Recommend 6 valid members, including 2 V4 members with 5% Mutual entertainment flowing water and 0.5% share field flowing water",
-		"a9": "Recommend 7 valid members, including 2 V5 members, 6% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.6% share field flowing water",
-		"a10": "Recommend 8 valid members, including 2 V6, 7% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.7% share field flowing water",
-		"a11": "Recommend 9 valid members, including 2 V7 members, 8% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.8% share field flowing water",
-		"a12": "Peer level award",
-		"a13": "10% of direct flow revenue"
-	},
-	"game": {
-		"a1": "Game examples",
-		"a2": "Example",
-		"a3": "Recharge 10000U",
-		"a4": "Experience Field Bet 5000U, Medium 5010U, 2 hours per day, 24 installments available for pressure. If 12 installments are available, there will be 120U of returns. Experience Field does not refund principal",
-		"a5": "Flowing water",
-		"a6": "For example, at V1 level, the return on flow of 5000U * 24 periods=120000U flow * 0.1=120U flow, as at V8 level, the return on flow of 5000U * 24 periods=120000U flow * 0.8=960U flow is greater in the Mutual entertainment field flow"
-	},
-	"set": {
-		"a1": "Avatar",
-		"a2": "Nickname",
-		"a3":"Login ID",
-		"a4":"Revise",
-		"a5":"Submit",
-		"a6":"Exit",
-		"a7": "No.",
-		"a8": ""
-	},
-	"tab": {
-		"a1": "My Pledge",
-		"a2": "History List",
-		"a3":"Recharge",
-		"a4":"Introduction game",
-		"a5":"Promotion Plan",
-		"a6":"Game examples",
-		"a7":"Settings",
-		"a8":"Reward withdrawal",
-		"a9":"Entertainment Record",
-		"b1": "Member List",
-		"b2": "Share Link",
-		"b3":"Forgot password",
-		"b4":"Modify data",
-		"b5": "Pledge Details"
-	},
-	"add": {
-		"kt": "Airdrop",
-		"ck": "deposit",
-		"a1": "Select payment method",
-		"a2": "Line",
-		"a3":"Payment amount",
-		"a4":"Quantity Purchased",
-		"a5":"Credit Rating"
-	},
-	"miao": {
-		"a1": "Quick Futures",
-		"a2": "Long",
-		"a3": "Short",
-		"a4": "Select due time",
-		"a5": "Buy Amount",
-		"a6": "Fee",
-		"a7": "Available USDT",
-		"a8": "Order placed successfully",
-		"b1": "Order History",
-		"b2": "Long",
-		"b3": "Short",
-		"b4": "Order Price ($)",
-		"b5": "Transaction Amount",
-		"b6": "Profit (%)",
-		"b7": "Time Period",
-		"b8": "Closing Price",
-		"b9": "Profit or loss",
-		"b10": "Countdown"
-	},
-	"common": {
-		"error1": "Your account is abnormal, please contact customer service",
-		"D": "Day",
-		"M": "Month",
-		"Y": "Year",
-		"add": "Add",
-		"address": "Address",
-		"all": "All",
-		"amout": "Amount",
-		"cancel": "Cancel",
-		"check": "Check",
-		"code": "Verification Code",
-		"confirm": "Confirm",
-		"date": "Date",
-		"detail": "Detail",
-		"email": "Mailbox",
-		"enter": "Please enter",
-		"error": "Failed",
-		"getCode": "Get Verification Code",
-		"h": "Hour",
-		"loadMore": "Load More",
-		"m": "Minute",
-		"money": "Amount",
-		"more": "More",
-		"notData": "No data temporarily",
-		"notMore": "No More",
-		"phone": "Mobile",
-		"requestError": "The network is busy, please try again later",
-		"s": "second",
-		"save": "Save",
-		"select": "Please select",
-		"sendSuccess": "Send successfully",
-		"sms": "SMS",
-		"submit": "Submit",
-		"success": "Success",
-		"tips": "Note",
-		"total": "Total",
-		"type": "Type",
-		"copy": "Copy",
-		"light": "light",
-		"dark": "dark",
-		"service": "Customer Service",
-		"toDwon": "Do you want to go to the download page",
-		"a0": "Please enter the purchase code",
-		"a1": "Copy succeeded",
-		"a2": "copy failed",
-		"a3": "Presale History",
-		"a4": "Payment amount",
-		"a5": "Quantity received",
-		"a6": "account number",
-		"a7": "Recharge quantity",
-		"a8": "Payment voucher",
-		"a9": "Please input recharge quantity",
-		"b0": "Please upload the payment voucher",
-		"b1": "purchase{amount}Pieces{name}Token available{rate}%reward",
-		"b2": "Subscription activities",
-		"cancelButtonText": "Cancel",
-		"confirmButtonText": "Confirm"
-	},
-	"base": {
-		"a0": "Title",
-		"a1": "Return",
-		"a2": "More",
-		"a3": "Quotes",
-		"a4": "Options",
-		"a5": "Tap a new zone",
-		"a6": "Member",
-		"a7": "College",
-		"a8": "Trading Pair",
-		"a9": "Latest Price",
-		"b0": "Rise and fall",
-		"b1": "Click to log in",
-		"b2": "Welcome to",
-		"b3": "Please log in",
-		"b4": "Upgrade",
-		"b5": "Deposit",
-		"b6": "Withdraw",
-		"b7": "Referral",
-		"b8": "Deduct the handling fee",
-		"b9": "Available",
-		"c0": "Buy",
-		"c1": "My Order",
-		"c2": "Identity Verification",
-		"c3": "Security",
-		"c4": "Notifications",
-		"c5": "Address Book",
-		"c6": "Account",
-		"c7": "Favourites",
-		"c8": "Added successfully",
-		"c9": "Cancelled successfully",
-		"d0": "Home",
-		"d1": "Transaction",
-		"d2": "Assets",
-		"d3": "Please enter search keywords",
-		"d4": "All",
-		"d5": "Motherboard",
-		"d6": "Total assets converted",
-		"d7": "Spot Account",
-		"d8": "Transfer",
-		"d9": "Search Pair",
-		"e0": "Hide",
-		"e1": "Balance Assets",
-		"e2": "Frozen/Locked",
-		"e3": "Est. Value",
-		"e4": "Futures Account",
-		"e5": "Contract conversion",
-		"e6": "Miner Level",
-		"e7": "Miner",
-		"e8": "APP",
-		"e9": "Sign in",
-		"f0": "Sign in now",
-		"f1": "Check in every day",
-		"f2": "If you check in for 7 consecutive days, you will get extra gifts",
-		"f3": "buy crypto",
-		"f4": "ETH Layer2",
-		"f5": "Referral",
-		"f6": "Reward automatic delivery",
-		"f7": "If you break the contract, you will not be rewarded",
-		"f8": "24H Turnover",
-		"f9": "Charitable Fund",
-		"g1": "Convert",
-		"g2": "About Us",
-		"g3": "Version 6.0.7",
-		"g4": "Help Center",
-		"g5": "Unbound",
-		"g6": "Language",
-		"g7": "Pair",
-		"g8": "Last Price",
-		"g9": "Change",
-		"h0": "Bound",
-		"h1": "Maintenance updating",
-		"h2": "Perpetual contract"
-	},
-	"accountSettings": {
-		"a0": "My Profile",
-		"a1": "Profile Photo",
-		"a2": "Nickname",
-		"a3": "Main Account",
-		"a4": "Phone",
-		"a5": "Untie",
-		"a6": "Binding",
-		"a7": "Email",
-		"a8": "Change Account",
-		"a9": "Logout",
-		"b0": "Modify Nickname",
-		"b1": "Please enter a nickname",
-		"b2": "Language"
-	},
-	"option": {
-		"a0": "Options",
-		"a1": "Deadline",
-		"a2": "Call Options",
-		"a3": "Put Options",
-		"a4": "Yield",
-		"a5": "Buy",
-		"a6": "Multi",
-		"a7": "Empty",
-		"a8": "Current",
-		"a9": "Next Issue",
-		"b0": "Vol",
-		"b1": "Increase selection",
-		"b2": "Profit",
-		"b3": "Purchase amount",
-		"b4": "Please enter the amount",
-		"b5": "Balance",
-		"b6": "Estimated Income",
-		"b7": "Buy Now",
-		"b8": "Call",
-		"b9": "Vol",
-		"c0": "Put",
-		"c1": "Successful purchase",
-		"c2": "Details",
-		"c3": "Transaction Number",
-		"c4": "Opening Price",
-		"c5": "Closing Price",
-		"c6": "Deal Time",
-		"c7": "Buy Amount",
-		"c8": "Purchase Type",
-		"c9": "Status",
-		"d0": "Delivery Result",
-		"d1": "Settlement Amount",
-		"d2": "Delivery Time",
-		"d3": "View more",
-		"d4": "Buy Options",
-		"d5": "Deliveries in process",
-		"d6": "My delivered",
-		"d7": "Delivery History",
-		"d8": "Minutes",
-		"d9": "Hour",
-		"d10": "Time",
-		"e0": "Day",
-		"e1": "Week",
-		"e2": "Month",
-		"e3": "Direction",
-		"e4": "Rise and fall",
-		"e5":"Please input 1000-6000",
-		"e6":"Please input 10000-30000",
-		"e7":"Please input 60000-100000",
-		"e8":"Please input 200000-300000",
-		"e9":"Please input 600000-1000000",
-		"e10":"Over 3,000,000"
-	},
-	"reg": {
-		"a0": "Register by Phone Number",
-		"a1": "Register by Email",
-		"a2": "Mobile",
-		"a3": "Please enter your phone number",
-		"a4": "Email",
-		"a5": "Please enter your Email",
-		"a6": "Verification Code",
-		"a7": "Please enter the verification code",
-		"a8": "Password",
-		"a9": "Please enter a password",
-		"b0": "Confirm Password",
-		"b1": "Please confirm your password",
-		"b2": "Referral ID",
-		"b3": "Please enter your referrer ID",
-		"b4": "Optional",
-		"b5": "I have read and agree to the",
-		"b6": "User Agreement",
-		"b7": "and",
-		"b8": "Privacy Agreement",
-		"b9": "Register",
-		"c0": "Already have a DWF’s account?",
-		"c1": "Login",
-		"c2": "Please read and agreeto the agreement",
-		"c3": "Please fill in the phone number",
-		"c4": "Please fill in the mailbox number",
-		"c5": "Registered successfully",
-		"c6": "Code"
-	},
-	"safe": {
-		"a0": "Remove",
-		"a1": "Bind",
-		"a2": "Email",
-		"a3": "Mailbox Number",
-		"a4": "Please enter the mailbox number",
-		"a5": "Email Verification Code",
-		"a6": "Please enter the verification code",
-		"a7": "Verification Code",
-		"a8": "Unbind successfully",
-		"a9": "Binding successful",
-		"b0": "Forgot password",
-		"b1": "Phone number or email address",
-		"b2": "Please enter your phone number or email address",
-		"b3": "New Password",
-		"b4": "Please enter a new password",
-		"b5": "Confirm Password",
-		"b6": "Please confirm your password",
-		"b7": "Change Password",
-		"b8": "Please enter the correct phone number",
-		"b9": "Google Authenticator",
-		"c0": "How to do: Download and open Google Authenticator, scan the QR code below or manually enter the secret key to add a verification token.",
-		"c1": "Copy key",
-		"c2": "I have stored the key properly, and it will not be retrieved if it is lost.",
-		"c3": "Next",
-		"c4": "SMS verification code",
-		"c5": "Google Verification Code",
-		"c6": "Confirm binding",
-		"c7": "Security",
-		"c8": "Login Password",
-		"c9": "Modify",
-		"d0": "Settings",
-		"d1": "Transaction Password",
-		"d2": "Phone Number",
-		"d3": "Modified successfully",
-		"d4": "Mobile Number",
-		"d5": "Please enter your phone number",
-		"d6": "Please enter the SMS verification code",
-		"d7": "Close",
-		"d8": "Open",
-		"d9": "Verify",
-		"e0": "SMS",
-		"e1": "Closed successfully",
-		"e2": "Open successfully",
-		"e3": "Confirm",
-		"e4": "Set up successfully",
-		"f1":"Password & Confirm Password don’t match",
-		"f2":"Wrong verification code",
-		"f3": "Please enter your own account",
-		"f4": "Successfully applied for cancellation, please wait",
-		"f5": "Password modification successful",
-		"f6": "Personal Information",
-		"f7": "Change Password"
-	},
-	"login": {
-		"a0": "Game",
-		"a1": "Please enter phone number",
-		"a2": "Password",
-		"a3": "Please enter a password",
-		"a4": "Login",
-		"a5": "Forgot Password",
-		"a6": "No account",
-		"a7": "Register Now",
-		"a8": "Mobile",
-		"a9": "Email",
-		"b0": "Done",
-		"b2": "Fotgot password?",
-		"b3": "Please enter a transaction password",
-		"b4": "Please enter a invitation code",
-		"b5": "Send code",
-		"b6": "Please enter code",
-		"b7": "Are you sure you want to log out"
-	}
+	"home":{
+		"k1": "Latest Price",
+		"b0": "24H Rise and fall",
+		"b8": "Type",
+		"d0": "Home",
+		"d1": "Pledge",
+		"d2": "Game",
+		"d3": "News",
+		"d4": "My"
+	},
+	"homepledge":{
+		"m1":"My pledge",
+		"m0":"Pledge Game",
+		"m2":"Start",
+		"m3":"Day",
+		"total": "Total",
+		"a4": "Daily profit",
+		"a5": "Buy"
+	},
+	"zy":{
+		"m0":"Daily return",
+		"m1":"Limited",
+		"m2":"Expire",
+		"m3": "Upper limit",
+		"m4": "Sum money",
+		"m5": "Return process",
+		"m6": "Submit ",
+		"m7": "Today",
+		"m8": "Daily rebate",
+		"m9": "After 24 hours",
+		"m10": "Withdrawal",
+		"m11": "Received within 24 hours",
+		"m12": "Not revocable after joining",
+		"m13": "Mature reinvestment with continuous returns",
+		"m14": "Income formula",
+		"m15": "Income settlement",
+		"m16": "Amount added(yuan)",
+		"m17": "Balance",
+		"m18": "Total",
+		"m19": "Join Now",
+		"b1": "Bet amount",
+		"b2": "Please enter the amount",
+		"b3": "Confirm",
+		"b4": "Cancel",
+		"b5": "Please enter a number",
+		"b6": "Pledge successful"
+	},
+	"homeinformation":{
+		"m1":"Game Introduction",
+		"m0":"Promotion Plan",
+		"m2":"Examples of games",
+		"m4": "Project Highlights",
+		"m5": "Highly interesting, easy to understand, and easy to learn",
+		"m6": "Funds come in and go out as needed",
+		"m7": "Throw a sprat to catch a herring",
+		"m8": "Only earn without losing",
+		"m9": "Large flow income"
+	},
+	"userinfo": {
+		"u1": "Collection",
+		"u2": "Save",
+		"u3": "Copy",
+		"u4": "Name",
+		"u5": " Note: If the recharge amount is greater than 5000U, please recharge a small amount first, and then proceed with the large amount recharge after it is credited. The recharge address is unique for each person! Please be sure to double-check and avoid recharging to the wrong address!",
+	    "u6": "Cash withdrawal network",
+	    "u7": "Cash withdrawal address",
+	    "u8": "Cash withdrawal count",
+		"u9": "Withdrawal Notice",
+		"u10": "Usage steps",
+		"u11": "Enter the currency, network, address, and amount you want to withdraw, then click Next",
+		"u12": "After confirming the information is correct, enter your fund password for verification, and click Confirm Withdrawal",
+		"u13": "Daily withdrawal limit: 2 times;",
+		"u14": "After successful withdrawal, the withdrawal address will be automatically saved for future use",
+		"u15": "Please note that each person’s address is unique. Please be sure to double-check and avoid withdrawing to the wrong address!",
+		"u16": "Confirm",
+		"u17": " Please enter the withdrawal address",
+		"u18": "Please enter the reflected quantity",
+		"u19": "Balance",
+		"u20": "All",
+		"u21": "Handling fee",
+		"u22": "Insufficient balance",
+		"u23": "Submitting",
+		"u24": "Application successful",
+		"u25": "Application failed! Please contact customer service"
+	},	
+	"myple": {
+		"u1": "Number of pledges",
+		"u2": "Progress",
+		"u3": "Ended",
+		"u4": "Amount",
+		"u5": "Income",
+		"u6": "Term",
+		"u7": "Buying",
+		"u8": "Expiration"
+	},
+	"enter": {
+		"u1": "Order amount",
+		"u2": "Highest",
+		"u3": "K types",
+		"u4": "Dowm",
+		"u5": "Strange",
+		"u6": "Up",
+		"u7": "Image",
+		"u8": "Distance End",
+		"u9": "Order",
+		"u10": "History",
+		"u11": "Currency",
+		"u12": "Amount",
+		"u13": "Status",
+		"u14": "Schedule",
+		"u15": "Balance",
+		"u16": "Recharge",
+		"u17": "Finished",
+		"u18": "Details",
+		"u19": "S",
+		"u20": "Quincle",
+		"a9": "Please enter the amount",
+		"b3": "Please enter a transaction password",
+		"c4": "Note",
+		"b5": "Please log in",
+		"a2": "Unlicensed",
+		"a3": "The activity has not been opened, please wait",
+		"a4": "Ongoing",
+		"a5": "Winning",
+		"a6": "Nothing",
+		"a7": "Prompt",
+		"a8": "Whether to bet",
+		"a10": "To"
+	},
+	"money": {
+		"a1": "wallet",
+		"a2": "My Balance",
+		"a3": "Recharge",
+		"a4": "Withdrawal",
+		"a5": "Accumulated income",
+		"a6": "Accumulated expenses",
+		"a7": "Historical recharge",
+		"a8": "Historical withdrawal"
+	},	
+	"gameList": {
+		"a1": "Await",
+		"a2": "k types",
+		"a3": "5-point line",
+		"a4": "Game amount",
+		"a5": "Lottery opening time",
+		"a6": "Awarded",
+		"a7": "Bet type",
+		"a8": " Return amount",
+		"a9": "Lottery results",
+		"a10": "Number"
+	},
+	"huiyuan": {
+		"a1": "Recommends",
+		"a2": "Teams",
+		"a3": "Total accounts",
+		"a4": "Valid Account",
+		"a5": "Details",
+		"a6": "amount",
+		"a7": "Promotions",
+		"b1": "Long press to save image",
+		"b2": "Save poster",
+		"b3": "Inviting you to enter Lvjin",
+		"b4": "Successfully saved",
+		"b5": "You have refused to obtain album permissions",
+		"b6": " Do you want to enter permission management and adjust authorization",
+		"b7": "Canceled!",
+		"b8": "Successfully saved!",
+		"b9": "Image saved successfully",
+		"b0": "Obtaining"
+	},
+	"password": {
+		"a1": "Change transaction password",
+		"a2": "New password",
+		"a3": "New password",
+		"a4": "Repeat ",
+		"a5": "Repeat the password",
+		"a6": "Code",
+		"a7": "Please enter code",
+		"a8": "Confirm"
+	},
+	"user":{
+		"c1": "Balance",
+		"a4": "All ",
+		"a7": "recharge",
+		"a6": "withdrawal",
+		"a8":"Gross earnings",
+		"a9":"Personal transaction volume",
+		"a10":"Team transaction volume",
+		"b1":"My Tools",
+		"b2":"Balance details",
+		"b3":"Game log",
+		"b4":"Member List",
+		"b5":"Share Link",
+		"b6":"Online Message",
+		"b7":"Transaction password",
+		"b8":"Exit",
+		"b9":"Set",
+		"a1":"Statistical Table",
+		"a2": "Customer Service"
+	},
+	"introduce": {
+		"a1": "One minute installment",
+		"a2": "Mutual entertainment area",
+		"a3": "Pressure sum value (01234) above, (56789) below, (13579) odd, (02468) even, 180U in 100U pressure",
+		"a4": "Share area",
+		"a5": "Above the pressure sum value (01234), below (56789), (13579) odd, (02468) even, under the pressure of 100U, 100.2U is returned, and the principal is not returned. The share area lasts for 1 hour per day, from 19:00 to 20:00 every night, for a total of 12 sessions."
+	},
+	"promotion": {
+		"a1": "Campaign",
+		"a2": "member",
+		"a3": "Recharging 100U is a valid member",
+		"a4": "Recommend 2 valid members, 1% Mutual entertainment field flow, and 0.1% share field flow",
+		"a5": "Recommend 3 valid members, of which 2 are V1, with 2% Mutual entertainment flowing water and 0.2% share field flowing water",
+		"a6": "Recommend 4 valid members, including 2 V2, 3% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.3% share field flowing water",
+		"a7": "Recommend 5 valid members, including 2 V3 members, 4% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.4% share field flowing water",
+		"a8": "Recommend 6 valid members, including 2 V4 members with 5% Mutual entertainment flowing water and 0.5% share field flowing water",
+		"a9": "Recommend 7 valid members, including 2 V5 members, 6% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.6% share field flowing water",
+		"a10": "Recommend 8 valid members, including 2 V6, 7% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.7% share field flowing water",
+		"a11": "Recommend 9 valid members, including 2 V7 members, 8% Mutual entertainment flowing water, and 0.8% share field flowing water",
+		"a12": "Peer level award",
+		"a13": "10% of direct flow revenue"
+	},
+	"game": {
+		"a1": "Game examples",
+		"a2": "Example",
+		"a3": "Recharge 10000U",
+		"a4": "Experience Field Bet 5000U, Medium 5010U, 2 hours per day, 24 installments available for pressure. If 12 installments are available, there will be 120U of returns. Experience Field does not refund principal",
+		"a5": "Flowing water",
+		"a6": "For example, at V1 level, the return on flow of 5000U * 24 periods=120000U flow * 0.1=120U flow, as at V8 level, the return on flow of 5000U * 24 periods=120000U flow * 0.8=960U flow is greater in the Mutual entertainment field flow"
+	},
+	"set": {
+		"a1": "Avatar",
+		"a2": "Nickname",
+		"a3":"Login ID",
+		"a4":"Revise",
+		"a5":"Submit",
+		"a6":"Exit",
+		"a7": "No.",
+		"a8": ""
+	},
+	"tab": {
+		"a1": "My Pledge",
+		"a2": "History List",
+		"a3":"Recharge",
+		"a4":"Introduction game",
+		"a5":"Promotion Plan",
+		"a6":"Game examples",
+		"a7":"Settings",
+		"a8":"Reward withdrawal",
+		"a9":"Entertainment Record",
+		"b1": "Member List",
+		"b2": "Share Link",
+		"b3":"Forgot password",
+		"b4":"Modify data",
+		"b5": "Pledge Details"
+	},
+	"add": {
+		"kt": "Airdrop",
+		"ck": "deposit",
+		"a1": "Select payment method",
+		"a2": "Line",
+		"a3":"Payment amount",
+		"a4":"Quantity Purchased",
+		"a5":"Credit Rating"
+	},
+	"miao": {
+		"a1": "Quick Futures",
+		"a2": "Long",
+		"a3": "Short",
+		"a4": "Select due time",
+		"a5": "Buy Amount",
+		"a6": "Fee",
+		"a7": "Available USDT",
+		"a8": "Order placed successfully",
+		"b1": "Order History",
+		"b2": "Long",
+		"b3": "Short",
+		"b4": "Order Price ($)",
+		"b5": "Transaction Amount",
+		"b6": "Profit (%)",
+		"b7": "Time Period",
+		"b8": "Closing Price",
+		"b9": "Profit or loss",
+		"b10": "Countdown"
+	},
+	"common": {
+		"error1": "Your account is abnormal, please contact customer service",
+		"D": "Day",
+		"M": "Month",
+		"Y": "Year",
+		"add": "Add",
+		"address": "Address",
+		"all": "All",
+		"amout": "Amount",
+		"cancel": "Cancel",
+		"check": "Check",
+		"code": "Verification Code",
+		"confirm": "Confirm",
+		"date": "Date",
+		"detail": "Detail",
+		"email": "Mailbox",
+		"enter": "Please enter",
+		"error": "Failed",
+		"getCode": "Get Verification Code",
+		"h": "Hour",
+		"loadMore": "Load More",
+		"m": "Minute",
+		"money": "Amount",
+		"more": "More",
+		"notData": "No data temporarily",
+		"notMore": "No More",
+		"phone": "Mobile",
+		"requestError": "The network is busy, please try again later",
+		"s": "second",
+		"save": "Save",
+		"select": "Please select",
+		"sendSuccess": "Send successfully",
+		"sms": "SMS",
+		"submit": "Submit",
+		"success": "Success",
+		"tips": "Note",
+		"total": "Total",
+		"type": "Type",
+		"copy": "Copy",
+		"light": "light",
+		"dark": "dark",
+		"service": "Customer Service",
+		"toDwon": "Do you want to go to the download page",
+		"a0": "Please enter the purchase code",
+		"a1": "Copy succeeded",
+		"a2": "copy failed",
+		"a3": "Presale History",
+		"a4": "Payment amount",
+		"a5": "Quantity received",
+		"a6": "account number",
+		"a7": "Recharge quantity",
+		"a8": "Payment voucher",
+		"a9": "Please input recharge quantity",
+		"b0": "Please upload the payment voucher",
+		"b1": "purchase{amount}Pieces{name}Token available{rate}%reward",
+		"b2": "Subscription activities",
+		"cancelButtonText": "Cancel",
+		"confirmButtonText": "Confirm"
+	},
+	"base": {
+		"a0": "Title",
+		"a1": "Return",
+		"a2": "More",
+		"a3": "Quotes",
+		"a4": "Options",
+		"a5": "Tap a new zone",
+		"a6": "Member",
+		"a7": "College",
+		"a8": "Trading Pair",
+		"a9": "Latest Price",
+		"b0": "Rise and fall",
+		"b1": "Click to log in",
+		"b2": "Welcome to",
+		"b3": "Please log in",
+		"b4": "Upgrade",
+		"b5": "Deposit",
+		"b6": "Withdraw",
+		"b7": "Referral",
+		"b8": "Deduct the handling fee",
+		"b9": "Available",
+		"c0": "Buy",
+		"c1": "My Order",
+		"c2": "Identity Verification",
+		"c3": "Security",
+		"c4": "Notifications",
+		"c5": "Address Book",
+		"c6": "Account",
+		"c7": "Favourites",
+		"c8": "Added successfully",
+		"c9": "Cancelled successfully",
+		"d0": "Home",
+		"d1": "Transaction",
+		"d2": "Assets",
+		"d3": "Please enter search keywords",
+		"d4": "All",
+		"d5": "Motherboard",
+		"d6": "Total assets converted",
+		"d7": "Spot Account",
+		"d8": "Transfer",
+		"d9": "Search Pair",
+		"e0": "Hide",
+		"e1": "Balance Assets",
+		"e2": "Frozen/Locked",
+		"e3": "Est. Value",
+		"e4": "Futures Account",
+		"e5": "Contract conversion",
+		"e6": "Miner Level",
+		"e7": "Miner",
+		"e8": "APP",
+		"e9": "Sign in",
+		"f0": "Sign in now",
+		"f1": "Check in every day",
+		"f2": "If you check in for 7 consecutive days, you will get extra gifts",
+		"f3": "buy crypto",
+		"f4": "ETH Layer2",
+		"f5": "Referral",
+		"f6": "Reward automatic delivery",
+		"f7": "If you break the contract, you will not be rewarded",
+		"f8": "24H Turnover",
+		"f9": "Charitable Fund",
+		"g1": "Convert",
+		"g2": "About Us",
+		"g3": "Version 6.0.7",
+		"g4": "Help Center",
+		"g5": "Unbound",
+		"g6": "Language",
+		"g7": "Pair",
+		"g8": "Last Price",
+		"g9": "Change",
+		"h0": "Bound",
+		"h1": "Maintenance updating",
+		"h2": "Perpetual contract"
+	},
+	"accountSettings": {
+		"a0": "My Profile",
+		"a1": "Profile Photo",
+		"a2": "Nickname",
+		"a3": "Main Account",
+		"a4": "Phone",
+		"a5": "Untie",
+		"a6": "Binding",
+		"a7": "Email",
+		"a8": "Change Account",
+		"a9": "Logout",
+		"b0": "Modify Nickname",
+		"b1": "Please enter a nickname",
+		"b2": "Language"
+	},
+	"option": {
+		"a0": "Options",
+		"a1": "Deadline",
+		"a2": "Call Options",
+		"a3": "Put Options",
+		"a4": "Yield",
+		"a5": "Buy",
+		"a6": "Multi",
+		"a7": "Empty",
+		"a8": "Current",
+		"a9": "Next Issue",
+		"b0": "Vol",
+		"b1": "Increase selection",
+		"b2": "Profit",
+		"b3": "Purchase amount",
+		"b4": "Please enter the amount",
+		"b5": "Balance",
+		"b6": "Estimated Income",
+		"b7": "Buy Now",
+		"b8": "Call",
+		"b9": "Vol",
+		"c0": "Put",
+		"c1": "Successful purchase",
+		"c2": "Details",
+		"c3": "Transaction Number",
+		"c4": "Opening Price",
+		"c5": "Closing Price",
+		"c6": "Deal Time",
+		"c7": "Buy Amount",
+		"c8": "Purchase Type",
+		"c9": "Status",
+		"d0": "Delivery Result",
+		"d1": "Settlement Amount",
+		"d2": "Delivery Time",
+		"d3": "View more",
+		"d4": "Buy Options",
+		"d5": "Deliveries in process",
+		"d6": "My delivered",
+		"d7": "Delivery History",
+		"d8": "Minutes",
+		"d9": "Hour",
+		"d10": "Time",
+		"e0": "Day",
+		"e1": "Week",
+		"e2": "Month",
+		"e3": "Direction",
+		"e4": "Rise and fall",
+		"e5":"Please input 1000-6000",
+		"e6":"Please input 10000-30000",
+		"e7":"Please input 60000-100000",
+		"e8":"Please input 200000-300000",
+		"e9":"Please input 600000-1000000",
+		"e10":"Over 3,000,000"
+	},
+	"reg": {
+		"a0": "Register by Phone Number",
+		"a1": "Register by Email",
+		"a2": "Mobile",
+		"a3": "Please enter your phone number",
+		"a4": "Email",
+		"a5": "Please enter your Email",
+		"a6": "Verification Code",
+		"a7": "Please enter the verification code",
+		"a8": "Password",
+		"a9": "Please enter a password",
+		"b0": "Confirm Password",
+		"b1": "Please confirm your password",
+		"b2": "Referral ID",
+		"b3": "Please enter your referrer ID",
+		"b4": "Optional",
+		"b5": "I have read and agree to the",
+		"b6": "User Agreement",
+		"b7": "and",
+		"b8": "Privacy Agreement",
+		"b9": "Register",
+		"c0": "Already have a DWF’s account?",
+		"c1": "Login",
+		"c2": "Please read and agreeto the agreement",
+		"c3": "Please fill in the phone number",
+		"c4": "Please fill in the mailbox number",
+		"c5": "Registered successfully",
+		"c6": "Code"
+	},
+	"safe": {
+		"a0": "Remove",
+		"a1": "Bind",
+		"a2": "Email",
+		"a3": "Mailbox Number",
+		"a4": "Please enter the mailbox number",
+		"a5": "Email Verification Code",
+		"a6": "Please enter the verification code",
+		"a7": "Verification Code",
+		"a8": "Unbind successfully",
+		"a9": "Binding successful",
+		"b0": "Forgot password",
+		"b1": "Phone number or email address",
+		"b2": "Please enter your phone number or email address",
+		"b3": "New Password",
+		"b4": "Please enter a new password",
+		"b5": "Confirm Password",
+		"b6": "Please confirm your password",
+		"b7": "Change Password",
+		"b8": "Please enter the correct phone number",
+		"b9": "Google Authenticator",
+		"c0": "How to do: Download and open Google Authenticator, scan the QR code below or manually enter the secret key to add a verification token.",
+		"c1": "Copy key",
+		"c2": "I have stored the key properly, and it will not be retrieved if it is lost.",
+		"c3": "Next",
+		"c4": "SMS verification code",
+		"c5": "Google Verification Code",
+		"c6": "Confirm binding",
+		"c7": "Security",
+		"c8": "Login Password",
+		"c9": "Modify",
+		"d0": "Settings",
+		"d1": "Transaction Password",
+		"d2": "Phone Number",
+		"d3": "Modified successfully",
+		"d4": "Mobile Number",
+		"d5": "Please enter your phone number",
+		"d6": "Please enter the SMS verification code",
+		"d7": "Close",
+		"d8": "Open",
+		"d9": "Verify",
+		"e0": "SMS",
+		"e1": "Closed successfully",
+		"e2": "Open successfully",
+		"e3": "Confirm",
+		"e4": "Set up successfully",
+		"f1":"Password & Confirm Password don’t match",
+		"f2":"Wrong verification code",
+		"f3": "Please enter your own account",
+		"f4": "Successfully applied for cancellation, please wait",
+		"f5": "Password modification successful",
+		"f6": "Personal Information",
+		"f7": "Change Password"
+	},
+	"login": {
+		"a0": "Game",
+		"a1": "Please enter phone number/mailbox",
+		"a2": "Password",
+		"a3": "Please enter a password",
+		"a4": "Login",
+		"a5": "Forgot Password",
+		"a6": "No account",
+		"a7": "Register Now",
+		"a8": "Mobile",
+		"a9": "Email",
+		"b0": "Done",
+		"b2": "Fotgot password?",
+		"b3": "Please enter a transaction password",
+		"b4": "Please enter a invitation code",
+		"b5": "Send code",
+		"b6": "Please enter code",
+		"b7": "Are you sure you want to log out"
+	}

+ 598 - 598

@@ -1,598 +1,598 @@
-	"home":{
-		"k1": "最新價格",
-		"b0": "24H漲跌幅",
-		"b8": "名稱",
-		"d0": "首頁",
-		"d1": "質押",
-		"d2": "互娛",
-		"d3": "資訊",
-		"d4": "我的"
-	},
-	"homepledge":{
-		"m1":"我的質押",
-		"m0":"互娛共享",
-		"m2":"起投",
-		"m3":"天",
-		"total": "總額",
-		"a4": "日均收益率",
-		"a5": "立即加入"
-	},
-	"homeinformation":{
-		"m1":"互娛遊戲玩法介紹",
-		"m0":"互娛遊戲推廣計劃",
-		"m2":"互娛遊戲舉例",
-		"m4": "項目亮點",
-		"m5": "趣味性強,簡單易 懂,一學就會",
-		"m6": "資金隨進隨出",
-		"m7": "以小博大",
-		"m8": "只賺不賠",
-		"m9": "流水收益大"
-	},
-	"zy":{
-		"m0":"日均收益率",
-		"m1":"限投份額",
-		"m2":"託管週期",
-		"m3": "單筆上限",
-		"m4": "起投金額",
-		"m5": "收益過程",
-		"m6": "申請提交",
-		"m7": "今日",
-		"m8": "每日返利",
-		"m9": "24小時後",
-		"m10": "申請提現",
-		"m11": "24小時之內到賬",
-		"m12": "買入後不可撤銷",
-		"m13": "产品到期选择复投,收益不断",
-		"m14": "收益公式",
-		"m15": "收益結算",
-		"m16": "買入金額(元)",
-		"m17": "餘額",
-		"m18": "當前可用",
-		"m19": "立即加入",
-		"b1": "押注金额",
-		"b2": "请输入购买金额",
-		"b3": "确定",
-		"b4": "取消",
-		"b5": "请输入数字",
-		"b6": "质押成功"
-	},
-	"user":{
-		"c1": "餘額",
-		"a4": "累計",
-		"a7": "充值",
-		"a6": "提現",
-		"a8":"累計收益",
-		"a9":"個人交易總量",
-		"a10":"團隊交易總量",
-		"b1":"我的工具",
-		"b2":"餘額明細",
-		"b3":"互娛記錄",
-		"b4":"會員列表",
-		"b5":"分享鏈接",
-		"b6":"在線留言",
-		"b7":"交易密碼",
-		"b8":"退出登錄",
-		"ck": "存款",
-		"b9": "设置",
-		"a1": "統計表",
-		"a2": "聯系客服"
-	},
-	"myple": {
-		"u1": "質押數",
-		"u2": "进行中",
-		"u3": "已结束",
-		"u4": "質押金額",
-		"u5": "累計收益",
-		"u6": "質押期限",
-		"u7": "購買時間",
-		"u8": "到期時間"
-	},
-	"enter": {
-		"u1": "下單金額",
-		"u2": "單期最高",
-		"u3": "k線類型",
-		"u4": "下",
-		"u5": "奇",
-		"u6": "上",
-		"u7": "偶",
-		"u8": "距離結束",
-		"u9": "訂單列表",
-		"u10": "歷史列表",
-		"u11": "幣種",
-		"u12": "金額",
-		"u13": "盈虧",
-		"u14": "進度",
-		"u15": "餘額",
-		"u16": "去充值",
-		"u17": "已完成",
-		"u18": "詳情",
-		"u19": "秒",
-		"u20": "5分線",
-		"a9": "請輸入數量",
-		"b3": "請輸入6位交易密碼",
-		"c4": "溫馨提示",
-		"b5": "您未登錄,是否立即登錄?",
-		"a2": "未開獎",
-		"a3": "活動未開啟,請等待活動開啟",
-		"a4": "進行中",
-		"a5": "中獎",
-		"a6": "未中獎",
-		"a7": "提示",
-		"a8": "是否押注",
-		"a10": "到"
-	},
-	"userinfo": {
-		"u1": "收款地址",
-		"u2": "保存相冊",
-		"u3": "複製地址",
-		"u4": "鏈名稱",
-		"u5": "提示:充值大於5000U,請先充值一筆小額的,到賬之後再進行大額充值。充值地址每個人都是唯一的!請一定要仔細確認避免充錯!",
-		"u6": "提幣網絡",
-		"u7": "提幣地址",
-		"u8": "提幣數量",
-		"u9": "提現須知",
-		"u10": "使用步驟",
-		"u11": "輸入您要提現的幣種、網絡、地址、數量,點擊“下一步”",
-		"u12": "確認資訊無誤後輸入資金密碼完成驗證,點擊“確認提現”",
-		"u13": "每日提現上限2次;",
-		"u14": "提現成功後,提現地址將自動保存以便於下次使用;",
-		"u15": "請注意每個人的地址都是唯一的,請一定要仔細確認避免提錯!",
-		"u16": "確認提幣",
-		"u17": "請輸入提幣地址",
-		"u18": "請輸入體現數量",
-		"u19": "余額",
-		"u20": "全部",
-		"u21": "手續費",
-		"u22": "余額不足",
-		"u23": "提交中",
-		"u24": "申請成功",
-		"u25": "申請失敗!請聯系客服"
-	},
-	"money": {
-		"a1": "錢包",
-		"a2": "我的餘額",
-		"a3": "充值",
-		"a4": "提現",
-		"a5": "累计收入",
-		"a6": "累计支出",
-		"a7": "历史充值",
-		"a8": "历史提現"
-	},
-	"gameList": {
-		"a1": "待開獎",
-		"a2": "k線類型",
-		"a3": "5分線",
-		"a4": "互娛金額",
-		"a5": "開獎時間",
-		"a6": "已開獎",
-		"a7": "押註類型",
-		"a8": "獲得獎金",
-		"a9": "開獎結果",
-		"a10": "開獎數字"
-	},
-	"huiyuan": {
-		"a1": "直推人數",
-		"a2": "團隊人數",
-		"a3": "賬戶總數",
-		"a4": "有效賬戶",
-		"a5": "詳情",
-		"a6": "互娛金額",
-		"a7": "推廣數",
-		"b1": "長按保存圖片",
-		"b2": "保存海報",
-		"b3": "邀請您進入綠津",
-		"b4": "保存成功",
-		"b5": "您已拒絕獲取相冊權限",
-		"b6": "是否進入權限管理,調整授權?",
-		"b7": "已取消!",
-		"b8": "保存成功!",
-		"b9": "保存圖片成功",
-		"b0": "獲取中"
-	},
-	"password": {
-		"a1": "修改交易密碼",
-		"a2": "新密碼",
-		"a3": "請輸入新密碼",
-		"a4": "重復密碼",
-		"a5": "請重復輸入密碼",
-		"a6": "驗證碼",
-		"a7": "請輸入驗證碼",
-		"a8": "確認"
-	},
-	"introduce": {
-		"a1": "一分鐘一期",
-		"a2": "互娛區",
-		"a3": "壓和值(01234)上,(56789)下,(13579)奇,(02468)偶,壓100U中180U",
-		"a4": "共享區",
-		"a5": "壓和值(01234)上,(56789)下,(13579)奇,(02468)偶,壓100U中100.2U,沒中返本金。 共享區每天1小時,每晚19點-20點,共12期。"
-	},
-	"promotion": {
-		"a1": "推廣計劃",
-		"a2": "會員",
-		"a3": "充值100U就是有效會員",
-		"a4": "推薦2個有效會員,互娛區流水1%,共享區流水0.1%",
-		"a5": "推薦3個有效會員,其中2個V1,互娛區流水2%,共享區流水0.2%",
-		"a6": "推薦4個有效會員,其中2個V2,互娛區流水3%,共享區流水0.3%",
-		"a7": "推薦5個有效會員,其中2個V3,互娛區流水4%,共享區流水0.4%",
-		"a8": "推薦6個有效會員,其中2個V4,互娛區流水5%,共享區流水0.5%",
-		"a9": "推薦7個有效會員,其中2個V5,互娛區流水6%,共享區流水0.6%",
-		"a10": "推薦8個有效會員,其中2個V6,互娛區流水7%,共享區流水0.7%",
-		"a11": "推薦9個有效會員,其中2個V7,互娛區流水8%,共享區流水0.8%",
-		"a12": "平級獎",
-		"a13": "直推流水收益的10%"
-	},
-	"game": {
-		"a1": "遊戲舉例",
-		"a2": "舉例",
-		"a3": "充值10000U",
-		"a4": "共享區下注5000U,中5010U,一天有2小時,24期可壓如果中12期就有120U的收益 共享區沒中返本金",
-		"a5": "流水",
-		"a6": "如V1級別,流水5000U*24期=120000U的流水*0.1=120U流水的收益如V8級別,流水5000U*24期=120000U的流水*0.8=960U流水的收益互娛區流水更大"
-	},
-	"set": {
-		"a1": "頭像",
-		"a2": "昵稱",
-		"a3": "賬號",
-		"a4": "修改",
-		"a5":"提交",
-		"a6":"退出",
-		"a7": "第",
-		"a8": "期"
-	},
-	"tab": {
-		"a1": "我的質押",
-		"a2": "曆史列表",
-		"a3": "充值",
-		"a4": "玩法介紹",
-		"a5": "推廣計劃",
-		"a6": "遊戲舉例",
-		"a7": "設置",
-		"a8": "獎勵提現",
-		"a9": "互娛記錄",
-		"b1": "會員列表",
-		"b2": "分享鏈接",
-		"b3": "忘記密碼",
-		"b4": "修改資料",
-		"b5": "質押詳情"
-	},
-	"add": {
-		"ck": "存款",
-		"kt": "空投",
-		"a1": "選擇支付方式",
-		"a2": "Line",
-		"a3": "付款數量",
-		"a4": "認購數量",
-		"a5": "信用評分"
-	},
-	"miao": {
-		"a1": "秒合約",
-		"a2": "做多",
-		"a3": "做空",
-		"a4": "選擇到期時間",
-		"a5": "買入數量",
-		"a6": "手續費",
-		"a7": "可用USDT",
-		"a8": "下單成功",
-		"b1": "購買記錄",
-		"b2": "做多",
-		"b3": "做空",
-		"b4": "下單價格(元)",
-		"b5": "交易金額",
-		"b6": "預計收益率",
-		"b7": "交易週期",
-		"b8": "結束價格",
-		"b9": "逾期回報",
-		"b10": "倒數計時"
-	},
-	"common": {
-		"error1": "您的賬號異常,請聯繫客服人員",
-		"D": "日",
-		"M": "月",
-		"Y": "年",
-		"add": "添加",
-		"address": "地址",
-		"all": "所有",
-		"amout": "數量",
-		"cancel": "取消",
-		"check": "審核",
-		"code": "驗證碼",
-		"confirm": "確定",
-		"date": "日期",
-		"detail": "詳情",
-		"email": "郵箱",
-		"enter": "請輸入",
-		"error": "失敗",
-		"getCode": "獲取驗證碼",
-		"h": "時",
-		"loadMore": "加載更多",
-		"m": "分",
-		"money": "金額",
-		"more": "更多",
-		"notData": "暫無數據",
-		"notMore": "沒有更多了",
-		"phone": "手機",
-		"requestError": "網絡繁忙,請稍後再試",
-		"s": "秒",
-		"save": "保存",
-		"select": "請選擇",
-		"sendSuccess": "發送成功",
-		"sms": "短信",
-		"submit": "提交",
-		"success": "成功",
-		"tips": "溫馨提示",
-		"total": "總額",
-		"type": "類型",
-		"copy": "複製",
-		"light": "白",
-		"dark": "黑",
-		"service": "客服",
-		"toDwon": "是否前往下載頁",
-		"a0": "請輸入申購碼",
-		"a1": "複製成功",
-		"a2": "複製失敗",
-		"a3": "申購記錄",
-		"a4": "支付金額",
-		"a5": "到賬數量",
-		"a6": "帳號",
-		"a7": "充值數量",
-		"a8": "支付憑證",
-		"a9": "請輸入充值數量",
-		"b0": "請上傳支付憑證",
-		"b1": "購買{amount}枚{name}代幣可獲{rate}%獎勵",
-		"b2": "申購活動",
-		"cancelButtonText": "取消",
-		"confirmButtonText": "確認"
-	},
-	"base": {
-		"a0": "標題",
-		"a1": "返回",
-		"a2": "更多",
-		"a3": "行情",
-		"a4": "期權",
-		"a5": "打新專區",
-		"a6": "會員",
-		"a7": "學院",
-		"a8": "交易對",
-		"a9": "最新價",
-		"b0": "漲跌幅",
-		"b1": "點擊登錄",
-		"b2": "歡迎來到",
-		"b3": "請登錄",
-		"b4": "升級",
-		"b5": "充幣",
-		"b6": "提幣",
-		"b7": "推廣",
-		"b8": "抵扣手續費",
-		"b9": "可用",
-		"c0": "購買",
-		"c1": "我的委託",
-		"c2": "身份認證",
-		"c3": "安全中心",
-		"c4": "消息通知",
-		"c5": "提幣地址",
-		"c6": "設置",
-		"c7": "自選",
-		"c8": "添加成功",
-		"c9": "取消成功",
-		"d0": "首頁",
-		"d1": "交易",
-		"d2": "資產",
-		"d3": "請輸入搜索關鍵詞",
-		"d4": "全部",
-		"d5": "主板",
-		"d6": "總資產折合",
-		"d7": "資金賬戶",
-		"d8": "劃轉",
-		"d9": "搜索幣種",
-		"e0": "隱藏",
-		"e1": "餘額資產",
-		"e2": "凍結",
-		"e3": "折合",
-		"e4": "合約賬戶",
-		"e5": "合約折合",
-		"e6": "礦工等級",
-		"e7": "礦工",
-		"e8": "APP",
-		"e9": "簽到",
-		"f0": "立即簽到",
-		"f1": "每天簽到獲得",
-		"f2": "連續簽到7天則額外贈送",
-		"f3": "買幣",
-		"f4": "ETH Layer2",
-		"f5": "邀請獎勵",
-		"f6": "獎勵自動派送",
-		"f7": "如果中斷簽到 則不可獲得獎勵",
-		"f8": "24H量",
-		"f9": "捐款",
-		"g1": "閃兌",
-		"g2": "關於我們",
-		"g3": "版本6.0.7",
-		"g4": "幫助中心",
-		"g5": "未綁定",
-		"g6": "語言切換",
-		"g7": "交易對",
-		"g8": "價格",
-		"g9": "漲幅",
-		"h0": "已綁定",
-		"h1": "維護更新中",
-		"h2": "永續合約"
-	},
-	"accountSettings": {
-		"a0": "賬號設置",
-		"a1": "頭像",
-		"a2": "暱稱",
-		"a3": "主賬號",
-		"a4": "手機號",
-		"a5": "解綁",
-		"a6": "綁定",
-		"a7": "郵箱綁定",
-		"a8": "切換賬戶",
-		"a9": "退出登錄",
-		"b0": "修改暱稱",
-		"b1": "請輸入暱稱",
-		"b2": "語言"
-	},
-	"option": {
-		"a0": "期權",
-		"a1": "距離交割",
-		"a2": "看多",
-		"a3": "看空",
-		"a4": "收益率",
-		"a5": "購買",
-		"a6": "多",
-		"a7": "空",
-		"a8": "當前",
-		"a9": "下期",
-		"b0": "看平",
-		"b1": "漲幅選擇",
-		"b2": "收益率",
-		"b3": "購買數量",
-		"b4": "請輸入數量",
-		"b5": "餘額",
-		"b6": "預計收益",
-		"b7": "立即購買",
-		"b8": "漲",
-		"b9": "平",
-		"c0": "跌",
-		"c1": "購買成功",
-		"c2": "詳情",
-		"c3": "訂單號",
-		"c4": "開盤價",
-		"c5": "收盤價",
-		"c6": "買入時間",
-		"c7": "買入數量",
-		"c8": "購買類型",
-		"c9": "狀態",
-		"d0": "交割結果",
-		"d1": "結算數量",
-		"d2": "交割時間",
-		"d3": "查看更多",
-		"d4": "購買期權",
-		"d5": "等待交割",
-		"d6": "我的交割",
-		"d7": "交割記錄",
-		"d8": "分鐘",
-		"d9": "小時",
-		"d10": "分時",
-		"e0": "天",
-		"e1": "週",
-		"e2": "月",
-		"e3": "方向",
-		"e4": "漲跌幅",
-		"e5":"請輸入1000~6000",
-		"e6":"請輸入10000-30000",
-		"e7":"請輸入60000-100000",
-		"e8":"請輸入200000-300000",
-		"e9":"請輸入600000-1000000",
-		"e10":"請輸入超過3,000,000"
-	},
-	"reg": {
-		"a0": "手機註冊",
-		"a1": "郵箱註冊",
-		"a2": "手機",
-		"a3": "請輸入手機號",
-		"a4": "郵箱",
-		"a5": "請輸入郵箱號",
-		"a6": "驗證碼",
-		"a7": "請輸入驗證碼",
-		"a8": "密碼",
-		"a9": "請輸入密碼",
-		"b0": "確認密碼",
-		"b1": "請確認密碼",
-		"b2": "推薦人",
-		"b3": "請輸入推薦人",
-		"b4": "選填",
-		"b5": "您已同意",
-		"b6": "用戶協議",
-		"b7": "並了解我們的",
-		"b8": "隱私協議",
-		"b9": "註冊",
-		"c0": "已有賬號?",
-		"c1": "立即登錄",
-		"c2": "請閱讀並同意協議",
-		"c3": "請填寫手機號",
-		"c4": "請填寫郵箱號",
-		"c5": "註冊成功",
-		"c6": "驗證碼"
-	},
-	"safe": {
-		"a0": "解綁",
-		"a1": "綁定",
-		"a2": "郵箱",
-		"a3": "郵箱號",
-		"a4": "請輸入郵箱號",
-		"a5": "郵箱驗證碼",
-		"a6": "請輸入驗證碼",
-		"a7": "驗證碼",
-		"a8": "解綁成功",
-		"a9": "綁定成功",
-		"b0": "忘記登錄密碼",
-		"b1": "賬號",
-		"b2": "請輸入手機/郵箱號",
-		"b3": "新密碼",
-		"b4": "請輸入新密碼",
-		"b5": "確認密碼",
-		"b6": "請確認密碼",
-		"b7": "確認修改",
-		"b8": "請輸入正確的手機號",
-		"b9": "谷歌驗證器",
-		"c0": "操作方法:下載並打開谷歌驗證器,掃描下方二維碼或手動輸入秘鑰添加驗證令牌。",
-		"c1": "複製密鑰",
-		"c2": "我已經妥善保存密鑰,丟失後將不可找回。",
-		"c3": "下一步",
-		"c4": "短信驗證碼",
-		"c5": "谷歌驗證碼",
-		"c6": "確認綁定",
-		"c7": "安全中心",
-		"c8": "登錄密碼",
-		"c9": "修改",
-		"d0": "設置",
-		"d1": "修改交易密碼",
-		"d2": "手機",
-		"d3": "修改成功",
-		"d4": "手機號",
-		"d5": "請輸入手機號",
-		"d6": "請輸入短信驗證碼",
-		"d7": "關閉",
-		"d8": "開啟",
-		"d9": "驗證",
-		"e0": "短信",
-		"e1": "關閉成功",
-		"e2": "開啟成功",
-		"e3": "確認",
-		"e4": "設置成功",
-		"f1":"密碼和確認密碼不匹配",
-		"f2":"驗證碼錯誤",
-		"f3": "請輸入自己的賬戶",
-		"f4": "申請註銷成功,請耐心等待審核",
-		"f5": "密碼修改成功",
-		"f6": "個人資料",
-		"f7": "修改登录密碼"
-	},
-	"login": {
-		"a0": "互娛共享",
-		"a1": "請输入手機號",
-		"a2": "密碼",
-		"a3": "請輸入密碼",
-		"a4": "登錄",
-		"a5": "忘記密碼",
-		"a6": "沒有賬號",
-		"a7": "立即註冊",
-		"a8": "手機",
-		"a9": "郵箱",
-		"b0": "完成",
-		"b2": "忘记密码?",
-		"b3": "請輸入交易密碼",
-		"b4": "請輸入邀請碼",
-		"b5": "发送驗證碼",
-		"b6": "請輸入驗證碼",
-		"b7": "確定要退出登錄嗎?"
-	}
+	"home":{
+		"k1": "最新價格",
+		"b0": "24H漲跌幅",
+		"b8": "名稱",
+		"d0": "首頁",
+		"d1": "質押",
+		"d2": "互娛",
+		"d3": "資訊",
+		"d4": "我的"
+	},
+	"homepledge":{
+		"m1":"我的質押",
+		"m0":"互娛共享",
+		"m2":"起投",
+		"m3":"天",
+		"total": "總額",
+		"a4": "日均收益率",
+		"a5": "立即加入"
+	},
+	"homeinformation":{
+		"m1":"互娛遊戲玩法介紹",
+		"m0":"互娛遊戲推廣計劃",
+		"m2":"互娛遊戲舉例",
+		"m4": "項目亮點",
+		"m5": "趣味性強,簡單易 懂,一學就會",
+		"m6": "資金隨進隨出",
+		"m7": "以小博大",
+		"m8": "只賺不賠",
+		"m9": "流水收益大"
+	},
+	"zy":{
+		"m0":"日均收益率",
+		"m1":"限投份額",
+		"m2":"託管週期",
+		"m3": "單筆上限",
+		"m4": "起投金額",
+		"m5": "收益過程",
+		"m6": "申請提交",
+		"m7": "今日",
+		"m8": "每日返利",
+		"m9": "24小時後",
+		"m10": "申請提現",
+		"m11": "24小時之內到賬",
+		"m12": "買入後不可撤銷",
+		"m13": "产品到期选择复投,收益不断",
+		"m14": "收益公式",
+		"m15": "收益結算",
+		"m16": "買入金額(元)",
+		"m17": "餘額",
+		"m18": "當前可用",
+		"m19": "立即加入",
+		"b1": "押注金额",
+		"b2": "请输入购买金额",
+		"b3": "确定",
+		"b4": "取消",
+		"b5": "请输入数字",
+		"b6": "质押成功"
+	},
+	"user":{
+		"c1": "餘額",
+		"a4": "累計",
+		"a7": "充值",
+		"a6": "提現",
+		"a8":"累計收益",
+		"a9":"個人交易總量",
+		"a10":"團隊交易總量",
+		"b1":"我的工具",
+		"b2":"餘額明細",
+		"b3":"互娛記錄",
+		"b4":"會員列表",
+		"b5":"分享鏈接",
+		"b6":"在線留言",
+		"b7":"交易密碼",
+		"b8":"退出登錄",
+		"ck": "存款",
+		"b9": "设置",
+		"a1": "統計表",
+		"a2": "聯系客服"
+	},
+	"myple": {
+		"u1": "質押數",
+		"u2": "进行中",
+		"u3": "已结束",
+		"u4": "質押金額",
+		"u5": "累計收益",
+		"u6": "質押期限",
+		"u7": "購買時間",
+		"u8": "到期時間"
+	},
+	"enter": {
+		"u1": "下單金額",
+		"u2": "單期最高",
+		"u3": "k線類型",
+		"u4": "下",
+		"u5": "奇",
+		"u6": "上",
+		"u7": "偶",
+		"u8": "距離結束",
+		"u9": "訂單列表",
+		"u10": "歷史列表",
+		"u11": "幣種",
+		"u12": "金額",
+		"u13": "盈虧",
+		"u14": "進度",
+		"u15": "餘額",
+		"u16": "去充值",
+		"u17": "已完成",
+		"u18": "詳情",
+		"u19": "秒",
+		"u20": "5分線",
+		"a9": "請輸入數量",
+		"b3": "請輸入6位交易密碼",
+		"c4": "溫馨提示",
+		"b5": "您未登錄,是否立即登錄?",
+		"a2": "未開獎",
+		"a3": "活動未開啟,請等待活動開啟",
+		"a4": "進行中",
+		"a5": "中獎",
+		"a6": "未中獎",
+		"a7": "提示",
+		"a8": "是否押注",
+		"a10": "到"
+	},
+	"userinfo": {
+		"u1": "收款地址",
+		"u2": "保存相冊",
+		"u3": "複製地址",
+		"u4": "鏈名稱",
+		"u5": "提示:充值大於5000U,請先充值一筆小額的,到賬之後再進行大額充值。充值地址每個人都是唯一的!請一定要仔細確認避免充錯!",
+		"u6": "提幣網絡",
+		"u7": "提幣地址",
+		"u8": "提幣數量",
+		"u9": "提現須知",
+		"u10": "使用步驟",
+		"u11": "輸入您要提現的幣種、網絡、地址、數量,點擊“下一步”",
+		"u12": "確認資訊無誤後輸入資金密碼完成驗證,點擊“確認提現”",
+		"u13": "每日提現上限2次;",
+		"u14": "提現成功後,提現地址將自動保存以便於下次使用;",
+		"u15": "請注意每個人的地址都是唯一的,請一定要仔細確認避免提錯!",
+		"u16": "確認提幣",
+		"u17": "請輸入提幣地址",
+		"u18": "請輸入體現數量",
+		"u19": "余額",
+		"u20": "全部",
+		"u21": "手續費",
+		"u22": "余額不足",
+		"u23": "提交中",
+		"u24": "申請成功",
+		"u25": "申請失敗!請聯系客服"
+	},
+	"money": {
+		"a1": "錢包",
+		"a2": "我的餘額",
+		"a3": "充值",
+		"a4": "提現",
+		"a5": "累计收入",
+		"a6": "累计支出",
+		"a7": "历史充值",
+		"a8": "历史提現"
+	},
+	"gameList": {
+		"a1": "待開獎",
+		"a2": "k線類型",
+		"a3": "5分線",
+		"a4": "互娛金額",
+		"a5": "開獎時間",
+		"a6": "已開獎",
+		"a7": "押註類型",
+		"a8": "獲得獎金",
+		"a9": "開獎結果",
+		"a10": "開獎數字"
+	},
+	"huiyuan": {
+		"a1": "直推人數",
+		"a2": "團隊人數",
+		"a3": "賬戶總數",
+		"a4": "有效賬戶",
+		"a5": "詳情",
+		"a6": "互娛金額",
+		"a7": "推廣數",
+		"b1": "長按保存圖片",
+		"b2": "保存海報",
+		"b3": "邀請您進入綠津",
+		"b4": "保存成功",
+		"b5": "您已拒絕獲取相冊權限",
+		"b6": "是否進入權限管理,調整授權?",
+		"b7": "已取消!",
+		"b8": "保存成功!",
+		"b9": "保存圖片成功",
+		"b0": "獲取中"
+	},
+	"password": {
+		"a1": "修改交易密碼",
+		"a2": "新密碼",
+		"a3": "請輸入新密碼",
+		"a4": "重復密碼",
+		"a5": "請重復輸入密碼",
+		"a6": "驗證碼",
+		"a7": "請輸入驗證碼",
+		"a8": "確認"
+	},
+	"introduce": {
+		"a1": "一分鐘一期",
+		"a2": "互娛區",
+		"a3": "壓和值(01234)上,(56789)下,(13579)奇,(02468)偶,壓100U中180U",
+		"a4": "共享區",
+		"a5": "壓和值(01234)上,(56789)下,(13579)奇,(02468)偶,壓100U中100.2U,沒中返本金。 共享區每天1小時,每晚19點-20點,共12期。"
+	},
+	"promotion": {
+		"a1": "推廣計劃",
+		"a2": "會員",
+		"a3": "充值100U就是有效會員",
+		"a4": "推薦2個有效會員,互娛區流水1%,共享區流水0.1%",
+		"a5": "推薦3個有效會員,其中2個V1,互娛區流水2%,共享區流水0.2%",
+		"a6": "推薦4個有效會員,其中2個V2,互娛區流水3%,共享區流水0.3%",
+		"a7": "推薦5個有效會員,其中2個V3,互娛區流水4%,共享區流水0.4%",
+		"a8": "推薦6個有效會員,其中2個V4,互娛區流水5%,共享區流水0.5%",
+		"a9": "推薦7個有效會員,其中2個V5,互娛區流水6%,共享區流水0.6%",
+		"a10": "推薦8個有效會員,其中2個V6,互娛區流水7%,共享區流水0.7%",
+		"a11": "推薦9個有效會員,其中2個V7,互娛區流水8%,共享區流水0.8%",
+		"a12": "平級獎",
+		"a13": "直推流水收益的10%"
+	},
+	"game": {
+		"a1": "遊戲舉例",
+		"a2": "舉例",
+		"a3": "充值10000U",
+		"a4": "共享區下注5000U,中5010U,一天有2小時,24期可壓如果中12期就有120U的收益 共享區沒中返本金",
+		"a5": "流水",
+		"a6": "如V1級別,流水5000U*24期=120000U的流水*0.1=120U流水的收益如V8級別,流水5000U*24期=120000U的流水*0.8=960U流水的收益互娛區流水更大"
+	},
+	"set": {
+		"a1": "頭像",
+		"a2": "昵稱",
+		"a3": "賬號",
+		"a4": "修改",
+		"a5":"提交",
+		"a6":"退出",
+		"a7": "第",
+		"a8": "期"
+	},
+	"tab": {
+		"a1": "我的質押",
+		"a2": "曆史列表",
+		"a3": "充值",
+		"a4": "玩法介紹",
+		"a5": "推廣計劃",
+		"a6": "遊戲舉例",
+		"a7": "設置",
+		"a8": "獎勵提現",
+		"a9": "互娛記錄",
+		"b1": "會員列表",
+		"b2": "分享鏈接",
+		"b3": "忘記密碼",
+		"b4": "修改資料",
+		"b5": "質押詳情"
+	},
+	"add": {
+		"ck": "存款",
+		"kt": "空投",
+		"a1": "選擇支付方式",
+		"a2": "Line",
+		"a3": "付款數量",
+		"a4": "認購數量",
+		"a5": "信用評分"
+	},
+	"miao": {
+		"a1": "秒合約",
+		"a2": "做多",
+		"a3": "做空",
+		"a4": "選擇到期時間",
+		"a5": "買入數量",
+		"a6": "手續費",
+		"a7": "可用USDT",
+		"a8": "下單成功",
+		"b1": "購買記錄",
+		"b2": "做多",
+		"b3": "做空",
+		"b4": "下單價格(元)",
+		"b5": "交易金額",
+		"b6": "預計收益率",
+		"b7": "交易週期",
+		"b8": "結束價格",
+		"b9": "逾期回報",
+		"b10": "倒數計時"
+	},
+	"common": {
+		"error1": "您的賬號異常,請聯繫客服人員",
+		"D": "日",
+		"M": "月",
+		"Y": "年",
+		"add": "添加",
+		"address": "地址",
+		"all": "所有",
+		"amout": "數量",
+		"cancel": "取消",
+		"check": "審核",
+		"code": "驗證碼",
+		"confirm": "確定",
+		"date": "日期",
+		"detail": "詳情",
+		"email": "郵箱",
+		"enter": "請輸入",
+		"error": "失敗",
+		"getCode": "獲取驗證碼",
+		"h": "時",
+		"loadMore": "加載更多",
+		"m": "分",
+		"money": "金額",
+		"more": "更多",
+		"notData": "暫無數據",
+		"notMore": "沒有更多了",
+		"phone": "手機",
+		"requestError": "網絡繁忙,請稍後再試",
+		"s": "秒",
+		"save": "保存",
+		"select": "請選擇",
+		"sendSuccess": "發送成功",
+		"sms": "短信",
+		"submit": "提交",
+		"success": "成功",
+		"tips": "溫馨提示",
+		"total": "總額",
+		"type": "類型",
+		"copy": "複製",
+		"light": "白",
+		"dark": "黑",
+		"service": "客服",
+		"toDwon": "是否前往下載頁",
+		"a0": "請輸入申購碼",
+		"a1": "複製成功",
+		"a2": "複製失敗",
+		"a3": "申購記錄",
+		"a4": "支付金額",
+		"a5": "到賬數量",
+		"a6": "帳號",
+		"a7": "充值數量",
+		"a8": "支付憑證",
+		"a9": "請輸入充值數量",
+		"b0": "請上傳支付憑證",
+		"b1": "購買{amount}枚{name}代幣可獲{rate}%獎勵",
+		"b2": "申購活動",
+		"cancelButtonText": "取消",
+		"confirmButtonText": "確認"
+	},
+	"base": {
+		"a0": "標題",
+		"a1": "返回",
+		"a2": "更多",
+		"a3": "行情",
+		"a4": "期權",
+		"a5": "打新專區",
+		"a6": "會員",
+		"a7": "學院",
+		"a8": "交易對",
+		"a9": "最新價",
+		"b0": "漲跌幅",
+		"b1": "點擊登錄",
+		"b2": "歡迎來到",
+		"b3": "請登錄",
+		"b4": "升級",
+		"b5": "充幣",
+		"b6": "提幣",
+		"b7": "推廣",
+		"b8": "抵扣手續費",
+		"b9": "可用",
+		"c0": "購買",
+		"c1": "我的委託",
+		"c2": "身份認證",
+		"c3": "安全中心",
+		"c4": "消息通知",
+		"c5": "提幣地址",
+		"c6": "設置",
+		"c7": "自選",
+		"c8": "添加成功",
+		"c9": "取消成功",
+		"d0": "首頁",
+		"d1": "交易",
+		"d2": "資產",
+		"d3": "請輸入搜索關鍵詞",
+		"d4": "全部",
+		"d5": "主板",
+		"d6": "總資產折合",
+		"d7": "資金賬戶",
+		"d8": "劃轉",
+		"d9": "搜索幣種",
+		"e0": "隱藏",
+		"e1": "餘額資產",
+		"e2": "凍結",
+		"e3": "折合",
+		"e4": "合約賬戶",
+		"e5": "合約折合",
+		"e6": "礦工等級",
+		"e7": "礦工",
+		"e8": "APP",
+		"e9": "簽到",
+		"f0": "立即簽到",
+		"f1": "每天簽到獲得",
+		"f2": "連續簽到7天則額外贈送",
+		"f3": "買幣",
+		"f4": "ETH Layer2",
+		"f5": "邀請獎勵",
+		"f6": "獎勵自動派送",
+		"f7": "如果中斷簽到 則不可獲得獎勵",
+		"f8": "24H量",
+		"f9": "捐款",
+		"g1": "閃兌",
+		"g2": "關於我們",
+		"g3": "版本6.0.7",
+		"g4": "幫助中心",
+		"g5": "未綁定",
+		"g6": "語言切換",
+		"g7": "交易對",
+		"g8": "價格",
+		"g9": "漲幅",
+		"h0": "已綁定",
+		"h1": "維護更新中",
+		"h2": "永續合約"
+	},
+	"accountSettings": {
+		"a0": "賬號設置",
+		"a1": "頭像",
+		"a2": "暱稱",
+		"a3": "主賬號",
+		"a4": "手機號",
+		"a5": "解綁",
+		"a6": "綁定",
+		"a7": "郵箱綁定",
+		"a8": "切換賬戶",
+		"a9": "退出登錄",
+		"b0": "修改暱稱",
+		"b1": "請輸入暱稱",
+		"b2": "語言"
+	},
+	"option": {
+		"a0": "期權",
+		"a1": "距離交割",
+		"a2": "看多",
+		"a3": "看空",
+		"a4": "收益率",
+		"a5": "購買",
+		"a6": "多",
+		"a7": "空",
+		"a8": "當前",
+		"a9": "下期",
+		"b0": "看平",
+		"b1": "漲幅選擇",
+		"b2": "收益率",
+		"b3": "購買數量",
+		"b4": "請輸入數量",
+		"b5": "餘額",
+		"b6": "預計收益",
+		"b7": "立即購買",
+		"b8": "漲",
+		"b9": "平",
+		"c0": "跌",
+		"c1": "購買成功",
+		"c2": "詳情",
+		"c3": "訂單號",
+		"c4": "開盤價",
+		"c5": "收盤價",
+		"c6": "買入時間",
+		"c7": "買入數量",
+		"c8": "購買類型",
+		"c9": "狀態",
+		"d0": "交割結果",
+		"d1": "結算數量",
+		"d2": "交割時間",
+		"d3": "查看更多",
+		"d4": "購買期權",
+		"d5": "等待交割",
+		"d6": "我的交割",
+		"d7": "交割記錄",
+		"d8": "分鐘",
+		"d9": "小時",
+		"d10": "分時",
+		"e0": "天",
+		"e1": "週",
+		"e2": "月",
+		"e3": "方向",
+		"e4": "漲跌幅",
+		"e5":"請輸入1000~6000",
+		"e6":"請輸入10000-30000",
+		"e7":"請輸入60000-100000",
+		"e8":"請輸入200000-300000",
+		"e9":"請輸入600000-1000000",
+		"e10":"請輸入超過3,000,000"
+	},
+	"reg": {
+		"a0": "手機註冊",
+		"a1": "郵箱註冊",
+		"a2": "手機",
+		"a3": "請輸入手機號",
+		"a4": "郵箱",
+		"a5": "請輸入郵箱號",
+		"a6": "驗證碼",
+		"a7": "請輸入驗證碼",
+		"a8": "密碼",
+		"a9": "請輸入密碼",
+		"b0": "確認密碼",
+		"b1": "請確認密碼",
+		"b2": "推薦人",
+		"b3": "請輸入推薦人",
+		"b4": "選填",
+		"b5": "您已同意",
+		"b6": "用戶協議",
+		"b7": "並了解我們的",
+		"b8": "隱私協議",
+		"b9": "註冊",
+		"c0": "已有賬號?",
+		"c1": "立即登錄",
+		"c2": "請閱讀並同意協議",
+		"c3": "請填寫手機號",
+		"c4": "請填寫郵箱號",
+		"c5": "註冊成功",
+		"c6": "驗證碼"
+	},
+	"safe": {
+		"a0": "解綁",
+		"a1": "綁定",
+		"a2": "郵箱",
+		"a3": "郵箱號",
+		"a4": "請輸入郵箱號",
+		"a5": "郵箱驗證碼",
+		"a6": "請輸入驗證碼",
+		"a7": "驗證碼",
+		"a8": "解綁成功",
+		"a9": "綁定成功",
+		"b0": "忘記登錄密碼",
+		"b1": "賬號",
+		"b2": "請輸入手機/郵箱號",
+		"b3": "新密碼",
+		"b4": "請輸入新密碼",
+		"b5": "確認密碼",
+		"b6": "請確認密碼",
+		"b7": "確認修改",
+		"b8": "請輸入正確的手機號",
+		"b9": "谷歌驗證器",
+		"c0": "操作方法:下載並打開谷歌驗證器,掃描下方二維碼或手動輸入秘鑰添加驗證令牌。",
+		"c1": "複製密鑰",
+		"c2": "我已經妥善保存密鑰,丟失後將不可找回。",
+		"c3": "下一步",
+		"c4": "短信驗證碼",
+		"c5": "谷歌驗證碼",
+		"c6": "確認綁定",
+		"c7": "安全中心",
+		"c8": "登錄密碼",
+		"c9": "修改",
+		"d0": "設置",
+		"d1": "修改交易密碼",
+		"d2": "手機",
+		"d3": "修改成功",
+		"d4": "手機號",
+		"d5": "請輸入手機號",
+		"d6": "請輸入短信驗證碼",
+		"d7": "關閉",
+		"d8": "開啟",
+		"d9": "驗證",
+		"e0": "短信",
+		"e1": "關閉成功",
+		"e2": "開啟成功",
+		"e3": "確認",
+		"e4": "設置成功",
+		"f1":"密碼和確認密碼不匹配",
+		"f2":"驗證碼錯誤",
+		"f3": "請輸入自己的賬戶",
+		"f4": "申請註銷成功,請耐心等待審核",
+		"f5": "密碼修改成功",
+		"f6": "個人資料",
+		"f7": "修改登录密碼"
+	},
+	"login": {
+		"a0": "互娛共享",
+		"a1": "請输入手機號/郵箱",
+		"a2": "密碼",
+		"a3": "請輸入密碼",
+		"a4": "登錄",
+		"a5": "忘記密碼",
+		"a6": "沒有賬號",
+		"a7": "立即註冊",
+		"a8": "手機",
+		"a9": "郵箱",
+		"b0": "完成",
+		"b2": "忘记密码?",
+		"b3": "請輸入交易密碼",
+		"b4": "請輸入邀請碼",
+		"b5": "发送驗證碼",
+		"b6": "請輸入驗證碼",
+		"b7": "確定要退出登錄嗎?"
+	}

+ 1238 - 1236

@@ -1,1237 +1,1239 @@
-	<view class="all">
-		<view class="padding-t-30"></view>
-		<view class="tab">
-			<view class="flex-start">
-				<view class="tab-item " @click="changeTab(item,ind)" :class="{action:actionIndex==ind}"
-					v-for="(item,ind) in gameList">
-					{{item.name}}
-				</view>
-			</view>
-			<l-echart class="top" ref="chart"></l-echart>
-		</view>
-		<view class="center flex">
-			<!-- 左 -->
-			<view class="le">
-				<view class="tit flex-start">
-					<view class="ti1">{{$t('enter.u1')}}</view>
-					<view class="ti2">({{$t('enter.u2')}} {{history.base.max_bet*1}}U)</view>
-				</view>
-				<view class="he">
-					<view class="numbox flex-start">
-						<view class="he1 flex" @click="upOnBtnData.value=it" v-for="it in arMoneyList">
-							<view class="wen">{{it}}</view>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-				</view>
-				<view class="yi flex-start">
-					<!-- <image class="img" src="../../static/icon/le.png" mode=""></image> -->
-					<view class="wz padding-l-10">{{history.base.token}}</view>
-					<view class="qx padding-l-10" v-if="history.next.id">{{history.next.no}}</view>
-				</view>
-				<view class="shu">
-					{{KlineList.c*1}}
-				</view>
-			</view>
-			<!--右 -->
-			<view class="ri">
-				<view class="ti flex-center">
-					<view class="t1">{{$t('enter.u3')}}</view>
-					<view class="t2 padding-l-10">{{history.base.timebar}}</view>
-				</view>
-				<view class="dh">
-					<input class="input" :placeholder="'USDT'+$t('enter.a9')" type="number" v-model="upOnBtnData.value">
-				</view>
-				<view class="btn">
-					<view class="bt flex">
-						<view class="btnItem btnle" @click="onPayBet(2)">
-							<image class="imag" src="../../static/icon/xia.png" mode=""></image>
-							<text class="xia">{{$t('enter.u4')}}</text>
-						</view>
-						<view class="btnItem btnri" @click="onPayBet(1)">
-							<image class="imag" src="../../static/icon/shang.png" mode=""></image>
-							<text class="xia">{{$t('enter.u6')}}</text>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="bt flex">
-						<view class="btnItem btnle" @click="onPayBet(3)">
-							<view class="xia">{{$t('enter.u5')}}</view>
-						</view>
-						<view class="btnItem btnri" @click="onPayBet(4)">
-							<view class="xia">{{$t('enter.u7')}}</view>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-				</view>
-				<view class="db flex">
-					<view class="jl">{{$t('enter.u8')}}</view>
-					<view class="sj">
-						<text v-if="time.H<10">0</text>
-						{{time.H}}
-					</view>
-					<view class="sj">
-						<text v-if="time.M<10">0</text>
-						{{time.M}}
-					</view>
-					<view class="sj">
-						<text v-if="time.S<10">0</text>
-						{{time.S}}
-					</view>
-				</view>
-			</view>
-		</view>
-		<view class="kb"></view>
-		<view class="last">
-			<view class="flex">
-				<text>{{$t('enter.u9')}}</text>
-				<view class="flex" @click="nav(`/pages/game/history?id=${history.base.id}`)">
-					<text>{{$t('enter.u10')}}</text>
-					<image class="lb" src="../../static/icon/jt.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
-				</view>
-			</view>
-		</view>
-		<view class="bg">
-			<view class="biaotou flex">
-				<view class="biwe">{{$t('enter.u11')}}</view>
-				<view class="biwe">{{$t('enter.u12')}}</view>
-				<view class="biwe">{{$t('enter.u13')}}</view>
-				<view class="biwe">{{$t('enter.u14')}}</view>
-			</view>
-			<view class="list flex" v-for="(item,ind) in betList.list" :key="ind">
-				<view class="biwe flex-start">
-					<view class="tr">{{history.base.token}}</view>
-					<view class="nametip">{{history.base.timebar}}</view>
-					<image v-if="item.bet==1" class="zz" src="../../static/icon/shang.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
-					<image v-if="item.bet==2" class="zz" src="../../static/icon/xia.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
-					<view v-if="item.bet==3" class="nametip red">{{$t('enter.u5')}}</view>
-					<view v-if="item.bet==4" class="nametip green">{{$t('enter.u7')}}</view>
-				</view>
-				<view class="biwe">{{item.num*1}}</view>
-				<view class="biwe">{{item.sexy}}</view>
-				<view class="biwe flex-center">
-					<view v-if="item.status==0" class="list-buttom primary margin-r-10">
-						{{$t('enter.a4')}}
-					</view>
-					<view class="list-buttom red" v-if="item.result==1">
-						{{$t('enter.a5')}}
-					</view>
-					<view class="list-buttom success" v-if="item.result===0">
-						{{$t('enter.a6')}}
-					</view>
-					<view @click="alertDetailOpen(item)" class="list-buttom primary margin-l-10"
-						v-if="item.result===0||item.result==1">
-						{{$t('enter.u18')}}
-					</view>
-				</view>
-			</view>
-		</view>
-		<view class="chz flex" @click="nav('/pages/user/money/recharge')">
-			<view>
-				<view class="yue padding-b-10">{{$t('enter.u15')}}</view>
-				<view class="yes">{{userWallet}}U</view>
-			</view>
-			<view class="flex-start">
-				<view class="quc">{{$t('enter.u16')}}</view>
-				<image class="choz" src="../../static/icon/jt.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
-			</view>
-		</view>
-		<uni-popup type="bottom" ref="popup" :mask-click="false" @maskClick='colsePayPassword'>
-			<inputPassword @commit='KeyInfo'></inputPassword>
-		</uni-popup>
-		<uni-popup type="center" ref="popupDetail">
-			<view class="alert-detail" v-if="alertDetail.room">
-				<view class="padding-c-30 padding-t-30 padding-b-30" v-if="alertDetail.room.result_info">
-					<!-- <view class="padding-c-30 padding-t-30 padding-b-30"> -->
-					<view class="flex">
-						<view class="type">
-							{{$t('set.a7')}}{{alertDetail.room.no}}{{$t('set.a8')}}
-						</view>
-						<view class="num">
-							<view class="lis" v-if="alertDetail.result === 1">
-								<view class="liss green">{{$t('enter.a5')}}</view>
-							</view>
-							<view class="lis" v-if="alertDetail.result === 0">
-								<view class="liss red">{{$t('enter.a6')}}</view>
-							</view>
-							<view class="lis" v-if="alertDetail.status === 0">
-								<view class="liss primary">{{$t('enter.a4')}}</view>
-							</view>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<!-- <view class="flex">
-						<view class="type">
-							{{$t('gameList.a5')}}
-						</view>
-						<view class="num" v-if="alertDetail.result_info.ts">
-							{{getTime(alertDetail.result_info.ts)}}
-						</view>
-					</view> -->
-					<view class="flex">
-						<view class="type">
-							{{$t('gameList.a2')}}
-						</view>
-						<view class="num">
-							{{alertDetail.room.game.timebar}}
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="flex">
-						<view class="type">
-							{{$t('gameList.a4')}}
-						</view>
-						<view class="num">
-							<!-- {{alertDetail.result_info.c}} -->
-							{{alertDetail.num}}U
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="flex">
-						<view class="type">
-							{{$t('gameList.a7')}}
-						</view>
-						<view class="num flex-start">
-							<!-- {{alertDetail.result_info.l}} -->
-							<view class="green" v-if="alertDetail.bet==1">{{ $t("enter.u6") }}</view>
-							<view class="red" v-if="alertDetail.bet==2">{{ $t("enter.u4") }}</view>
-							<view class="green" v-if="alertDetail.bet==3">{{ $t("enter.u5") }}</view>
-							<view class="red" v-if="alertDetail.bet==4">{{ $t("enter.u7") }}</view>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="flex">
-						<view class="type">
-							{{$t('gameList.a10')}}
-						</view>
-						<view class="num">
-							{{alertDetail.room.result_info.c}}
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="flex">
-						<view class="type">
-							{{$t('gameList.a5')}}
-						</view>
-						<view class="num" v-if="alertDetail.room.open_time">
-							<!-- {{alertDetail.result_info.h}} -->
-							{{alertDetail.room.open_time}}
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="flex">
-						<view class="type">
-							{{$t('gameList.a9')}}
-						</view>
-						<view class="num flex-start">
-							<template v-for="it in alertDetail.room.arr " v-if="it.value==1">
-								<view class="green" v-if="it.type==1">{{ $t("enter.u6") }}</view>
-								<view class="green" v-if="it.type==3">{{ $t("enter.u5") }}</view>
-								<view class="red" v-if="it.type==2">{{ $t("enter.u4") }}</view>
-								<view class="red" v-if="it.type==4">{{ $t("enter.u7") }}</view>
-							</template>
-						</view>
-					</view>
-					<view class="flex">
-						<view class="type">
-							{{$t('gameList.a8')}}
-						</view>
-						<view class="num">
-							<!-- {{alertDetail.result_info.h}} -->
-							{{alertDetail.get}}
-						</view>
-					</view>
-				</view>
-				<button class="button" type="default" @click="$refs.popupDetail.close()"><text
-						class="button-text">{{$t("safe.d7")}}</text></button>
-			</view>
-		</uni-popup>
-		<taber tab='entertainment' v-if="!upOnBtnData.show"></taber>
-	</view>
-	</view>
-	import * as echarts from '@/uni_modules/lime-echart/static/echarts.min'
-	import {
-		getGame,
-		gameKline,
-		getGameList,
-		gameWallet,
-		gameBetList,
-		gameBetIn
-	} from "@/api/game.js";
-	import {
-		mapState,
-		mapMutations
-	} from 'vuex';
-	import {
-		saveUrl,
-		interceptor
-	} from '@/utils/loginUtils.js';
-	import taber from "@/components/footer/footer.vue";
-	import {
-		getTime
-	} from '@/utils/rocessor.js';
-	import inputPassword from "@/components/input-password/input-password.vue";
-	export default {
-		components: {
-			taber,
-			inputPassword
-		},
-		computed: {
-			...mapState("user", ["hasLogin"]),
-		},
-		data() {
-			return {
-				arMoneyList: [
-					1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
-				],
-				actionIndex: 0,
-				// 当前游戏列表
-				gameList: [],
-				// 游戏信息
-				history: {
-					list: [], //游戏进行记录
-					page: 1,
-					limit: 10,
-					// 基础数据
-					base: {},
-					next: "",
-					now: {}
-				},
-				time: {
-					H: 0,
-					M: 0,
-					S: 0,
-					// 保存倒计时对象
-					t: ''
-				},
-				// 游戏押注记录
-				betList: {
-					list: [], //游戏进行记录
-					page: 1,
-					limit: 5,
-				},
-				userWallet: 0,
-				// 当前最新K线数据
-				KlineList: {
-					c: ''
-				},
-				upOnBtnData: {
-					// 是否显示底部导航栏
-					show: false,
-					type: '',
-					// 当前输入的密码
-					passwordArr: '',
-					value: '',
-				},
-				// 弹窗数据像晴
-				alertDetail: {},
-				// 保存获取下次游戏对象
-				getNextTimeObj: '',
-				// 判断是否当前页面中
-				loadPage: false,
-			};
-		},
-		onShow() {
-			this.loadPage = true;
-			if (!this.hasLogin) {
-				uni.showModal({
-					title: this.$t('enter.c4'),
-					content: this.$t('enter.b5'),
-					success: (e) => {
-						// 判断是否点击确认按钮
-						if (e.confirm) {
-							// 保存当前页面地址
-							saveUrl()
-							// 跳转页面
-							interceptor()
-						}
-					}
-				})
-				return
-			}
-			this.getUserWallet();
-			this.gameInit();
-			this.gameBetList()
-		},
-		// 关闭循环
-		onHide() {
-			this.loadPage = false;
-			console.log('隐藏');
-			// 倒计时清理
-			this.initData();
-		},
-		methods: {
-			getTime,
-			// 弹窗详情
-			alertDetailOpen(item) {
-				this.alertDetail = item;
-				console.log(this.alertDetail);
-				const res = this.alertDetail.room;
-				if (res.result_info) {
-					res.result_info.c = Number(res.result_info.c).toFixed(res.game.decimal)
-				}
-				if (res.result) {
-					let arr = [];
-					const ar = res.result.split(",")
-					for (let i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
-						const s = ar[i].split(':');
-						arr.push({
-							type: s[0],
-							value: s[1]
-						})
-					}
-					res.arr = arr;
-				}
-				res.open_time = getTime(res.open_time);
-				this.$refs.popupDetail.open();
-			},
-			// 倒计时清理
-			initData() {
-				const that = this
-				// 关闭倒计时
-				clearInterval(that.getNextTimeObj);
-				clearInterval(that.time.t);
-				// 清空倒计时对象
-				that.getNextTimeObj = '';
-				that.time = {
-					H: 0,
-					M: 0,
-					S: 0,
-					t: ''
-				};
-			},
-			// 点击触发支付事件
-			onPayBet(type) {
-				if (!this.upOnBtnData.value) {
-					uni.showToast({
-						title: this.$t('enter.a9'),
-						icon: "error"
-					})
-					return
-				}
-				if (!this.history.next) {
-					uni.showModal({
-						title: this.$t('enter.c4'),
-						content: this.$t('enter.a3'),
-						showCancel: false,
-					});
-					return
-				}
-				this.upOnBtnData.type = type;
-				this.openPayPassword();
-			},
-			// 打开支付弹窗
-			openPayPassword() {
-				this.upOnBtnData.show = true;
-				this.$refs.popup.open();
-			},
-			// 关闭支付弹窗
-			colsePayPassword() {
-				this.upOnBtnData.show = false;
-				this.$refs.popup.close();
-			},
-			// 密码输入完成后调用下注
-			KeyInfo(val) {
-				const that = this;
-				that.upOnBtnData.passwordArr = val;
-				that.colsePayPassword();
-				const typeList = [that.$t('enter.u6'), that.$t('enter.u4'), that.$t('enter.u5'), that.$t('enter.u7')];
-				uni.showModal({
-					title: that.$t('enter.c4'),
-					content: `${that.$t('enter.a8')}${that.upOnBtnData.value}USDT${that.$t('enter.a10')}${typeList[that.upOnBtnData.type-1]}`,
-					success: res => {
-						if (res.confirm) {
-							that.gameBetIn();
-						}
-					},
-				});
-			},
-			// 参与压住
-			gameBetIn(type) {
-				const that = this;
-				const upData = {
-					id: that.history.next.id,
-					bet: that.upOnBtnData.type,
-					num: that.upOnBtnData.value,
-					trade_password: that.upOnBtnData.passwordArr
-				};
-				uni.showLoading({
-					mask: true
-				})
-				that.upOnBtnData.value = '';
-				gameBetIn(upData).then((res) => {
-					uni.hideLoading()
-					uni.showToast({
-						title: res.msg
-					});
-					that.gameBetList();
-					that.getUserWallet();
-				}).catch((res) => {
-					uni.hideLoading();
-					uni.showToast({
-						title: res.msg
-					});
-				})
-			},
-			// 获取用户余额信息
-			getUserWallet() {
-				gameWallet().then((res) => {
-					this.userWallet = +res.data.back.USDT.money.money
-				})
-			},
-			// 开始倒计时
-			async opTiem() {
-				const that = this;
-				try {
-					// 判斷是否有游戲信息并且有正在進行中游戏
-					if (that.history.base.id && that.history.next) {
-						// console.log(that.history.base.id, that.history.next,
-						// 	'that.history.base.id && that.history.next');
-						that.time.t = setInterval(() => {
-							that.getOutTime();
-						}, 1000)
-					}
-				} catch (e) {
-					console.log(e, '定时');
-				}
-			},
-			// 获取倒计时时间
-			getOutTime() {
-				const that = this;
-				const da = (new Date()).getTime();
-				const timenum = that.history.next.open_time * 1000 - da;
-				// console.log(timenum, that.history.next.open_time, da, '计算');
-				if (timenum > 0) {
-					that.time.H = Math.floor(timenum / 1000 / 60 / 60);
-					that.time.S = Math.floor(timenum / 1000 % 60)
-					that.time.M = Math.floor(timenum / 1000 / 60 % 60);
-				}
-				if (that.time.H == 0 && that.time.M == 0 && that.time.S == 0) {
-					console.log('归0');
-					clearInterval(that.time.t);
-					// 延时调用防止数据重复加载
-					setTimeout(() => {
-						that.getGame(that.history.base.id)
-						that.getGameKline();
-					}, 2000)
-				}
-			},
-			// 游戏tab切换
-			changeTab(item, ind) {
-				const that = this;
-				if (ind != this.actionIndex) {
-					that.actionIndex = ind;
-					// 清理倒计时
-					that.initData();
-					// 重新加载数据
-					that.gameDataInit(item.id);
-				}
-			},
-			// 初始化
-			async gameInit() {
-				// 获取游戏列表
-				await this.getGameList();
-				// 加载游戏数据
-				this.gameDataInit(this.history.base.id || this.gameList[0].id)
-			},
-			// 加载游戏列表
-			getGameList() {
-				return getGameList().then((res) => {
-					this.gameList = res.data.list;
-					// console.log('1111111111',this.gameList);
-				})
-			},
-			// 重新加载基础游戏信息
-			async gameDataInit(id, reload = true) {
-				// 获取基础信息
-				await this.getGame(id);
-				//获取K线
-				this.getGameKline(reload);
-				// 获取游戏压住记录
-				this.gameBetList();
-			},
-			// 获取游戏压住记录
-			gameBetList() {
-				const that = this;
-				const lineNum = that.history.base.decimal;
-				const list = that.betList.list;
-				// return list;
-				console.log('11111', list);
-				gameBetList({
-					page: 1,
-					limit: 10,
-					id: that.history.base.id,
-				}).then(({
-					data
-				}) => {
-					that.betList.list = data.bet_log.map((res) => {
-						res.num = Number(res.num);
-						res.get = Number(res.get);
-						res.sexy = +(res.get - res.num).toFixed(2);
-						if (res.room.result_info) {
-							const obj = res.room.result_info
-							obj.c = Number(obj.c).toFixed(lineNum)
-							obj.o = Number(obj.o).toFixed(lineNum)
-							obj.h = Number(obj.h).toFixed(lineNum)
-							obj.l = Number(obj.l).toFixed(lineNum)
-						}
-						return res
-					});
-				})
-				return list;
-			},
-			// 获取游戏K线信息
-			getGameKline(reload = true) {
-				const that = this;
-				const lineNum = this.history.base.decimal;
-				gameKline({
-					page: 1,
-					limit: 60
-				}, that.history.base.id).then((res) => {
-					that.KlineList = res.data.list[0];
-					let list = res.data.list.reverse();
-					// x轴记录
-					let xarr = [];
-					// 打点数据
-					let linearr = [];
-					for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
-						const ll = list[i];
-						const time = new Date(+ll.ts);
-						const addar = [+(+ll.o).toFixed(lineNum), +(+ll.c).toFixed(lineNum), +(+ll.l).toFixed(
-								lineNum), +(+ll.h)
-							.toFixed(lineNum)
-						];
-						xarr.push(`${time.getHours()}:${time.getMinutes()}`)
-						linearr.push(addar)
-					}
-					that.$nextTick(() => {
-						// 判断是否要重载数据
-						that.initKline({
-							xarr,
-							linearr
-						}, reload)
-					})
-				})
-			},
-			// 获取当前项目信息
-			getGame(id) {
-				const that = this;
-				return getGame({
-					page: that.history.page,
-					limit: that.history.limit
-				}, id).then(({
-					data
-				}) => {
-					that.history.list = data.list || [];
-					that.history.base = data.game || {};
-					that.history.next = data.next_game || '';
-					that.history.now = data.now_game || '';
-					// 是否不存在启动中的活动并判断防止重复调用创建倒计时
-					// 判断是否不存在游戏,并且没有倒计时对象,且在当前页面
-					if (that.loadPage && !that.history.next && !that.getNextTimeObj) {
-						that.getNextTimeObj = setInterval(() => {
-							that.getGame(id)
-						}, 1000)
-						return
-					}
-					if (that.history.next && that.getNextTimeObj) {
-						clearInterval(that.getNextTimeObj);
-						// 清空倒计时对象
-						that.getNextTimeObj = '';
-					}
-					// 判断是否有活动并且正在进行中
-					if (that.history.next && !that.getNextTimeObj) {
-						that.opTiem();
-					}
-				})
-			},
-			// 均值计算
-			calculateMA(dayCount, data) {
-				var result = [];
-				for (var i = 0, len = data.linearr.length; i < len; i++) {
-					if (i < dayCount) {
-						result.push('-');
-						continue;
-					}
-					var sum = 0;
-					for (var j = 0; j < dayCount; j++) {
-						sum += data.linearr[i - j][1];
-					}
-					result.push(+(sum / dayCount).toFixed(5));
-				}
-				return result;
-			},
-			// 重载K线
-			async initKline(data, reload = true) {
-				const that = this;
-				try {
-					const chart = await this.$refs.chart.init(echarts);
-					if (reload) {
-						const upColor = '#00da3c';
-						const downColor = '#ec0000';
-						chart.setOption(
-							(this.option = {
-								animation: false,
-								legend: {
-									top: 10,
-									left: 10,
-									data: ['MA5', 'MA10', 'MA20'],
-									textStyle: {
-										color: '#999999'
-									}
-								},
-								tooltip: {
-									trigger: 'axis',
-									axisPointer: {
-										type: 'cross'
-									},
-									borderWidth: 1,
-									borderColor: '#ccc',
-									padding: 10,
-									textStyle: {
-										color: '#000'
-									},
-									position: function(pos, params, el, elRect, size) {
-										const obj = {
-											top: 10
-										};
-										obj[['left', 'right'][+(pos[0] < size.viewSize[0] / 2)]] = 40;
-										return obj;
-									}
-								},
-								dataZoom: [{
-									type: 'inside',
-									xAxisIndex: 0,
-									start: 50,
-									end: 100
-								}],
-								grid: [{
-									left: 10,
-									right: 55,
-									bottom: 20,
-									top: 45
-								}],
-								xAxis: [{
-									type: 'category',
-									data: data.xarr,
-									axisLine: {
-										onZero: false
-									},
-									splitLine: {
-										show: false
-									},
-									min: 'dataMin',
-									max: 'dataMax',
-									axisPointer: {
-										z: 100
-									}
-								}],
-								yAxis: [{
-									scale: true,
-									splitNumber: 4,
-									position: 'right',
-									axisTick: {
-										show: false
-									},
-									splitLine: {
-										show: false,
-										lineStyle: {
-											color: '#e3e3e3'
-										}
-									},
-									axisLabel: {
-										inside: false,
-										formatter: '{value}\n',
-										color: '#999999'
-									}
-								}],
-								series: [{
-										name: that.history.base.token + '-USDT',
-										type: 'candlestick',
-										data: data.linearr,
-										itemStyle: {
-											color: upColor,
-											color0: downColor,
-											borderColor: undefined,
-											borderColor0: undefined
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										name: "MA5",
-										smooth: true,
-										type: 'line',
-										data: that.calculateMA(5, data),
-										showSymbol: false,
-										lineStyle: {
-											width: 1
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										name: "MA10",
-										smooth: true,
-										type: 'line',
-										data: that.calculateMA(10, data),
-										showSymbol: false,
-										lineStyle: {
-											width: 1
-										}
-									},
-									{
-										name: "MA20",
-										smooth: true,
-										type: 'line',
-										data: that.calculateMA(20, data),
-										showSymbol: false,
-										lineStyle: {
-											width: 1
-										}
-									},
-								]
-							}),
-							true
-						)
-					} else {
-						chart.setOption({
-							xAxis: [{
-								type: 'category',
-								data: data.xarr,
-							}],
-							series: [{
-									name: that.history.base.token + '-USDT',
-									data: data.linearr,
-								},
-								{
-									name: "MA5",
-									data: that.calculateMA(5, data),
-								},
-								{
-									name: "MA10",
-									data: that.calculateMA(10, data),
-								},
-								{
-									name: "MA20",
-									data: that.calculateMA(20, data),
-								},
-							]
-						})
-					}
-				} catch (e) {
-					console.log(e, 'cuowu');
-					//TODO handle the exception
-				}
-			},
-			// 页面跳转
-			nav(url) {
-				console.log('tz');
-				if (!this.hasLogin) {
-					uni.showModal({
-						title: this.$t('enter.c4'),
-						content: this.$t('enter.b5'),
-						success: (e) => {
-							// 判断是否点击确认按钮
-							if (e.confirm) {
-								// 保存当前页面地址
-								saveUrl()
-								// 跳转页面
-								interceptor()
-							}
-						}
-					})
-					return
-				}
-				uni.navigateTo({
-					url,
-					fail(err) {
-						console.log(err);
-					}
-				});
-			},
-		},
-	};
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-			}
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-			font-weight: 500;
-			color: #ffffff;
-		}
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-			width: 22rpx;
-			height: 14rpx;
-		}
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-			color: #df5660;
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-		&.green {
-			color: $color-green;
-		}
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-		.liss {
-			border-radius: 5rpx;
-			padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
-			font-size: 22rpx;
-			font-weight: 500;
-			color: #FFF;
-			&.red {
-				background: $color-yellow;
-			}
-			&.green {
-				background: $color-green;
-			}
-			&.primary {
-				background: #01ebf6;
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+	<view class="all">
+		<view class="padding-t-30"></view>
+		<view class="tab">
+			<view class="flex-start">
+				<view class="tab-item " @click="changeTab(item,ind)" :class="{action:actionIndex==ind}"
+					v-for="(item,ind) in gameList">
+					{{item.name}}
+				</view>
+			</view>
+			<l-echart class="top" ref="chart"></l-echart>
+		</view>
+		<view class="center flex">
+			<!-- 左 -->
+			<view class="le">
+				<view class="tit flex-start">
+					<view class="ti1">{{$t('enter.u1')}}</view>
+					<view class="ti2">({{$t('enter.u2')}} {{history.base.max_bet*1}}U)</view>
+				</view>
+				<view class="he">
+					<view class="numbox flex-start">
+						<view class="he1 flex" @click="upOnBtnData.value=it" v-for="it in arMoneyList">
+							<view class="wen">{{it}}</view>
+						</view>
+					</view>
+				</view>
+				<view class="yi flex-start">
+					<!-- <image class="img" src="../../static/icon/le.png" mode=""></image> -->
+					<view class="wz padding-l-10">{{history.base.token}}</view>
+					<view class="qx padding-l-10" v-if="history.next.id">{{history.next.no}}</view>
+				</view>
+				<view class="shu">
+					{{KlineList.c*1}}
+				</view>
+			</view>
+			<!--右 -->
+			<view class="ri">
+				<view class="ti flex-center">
+					<view class="t1">{{$t('enter.u3')}}</view>
+					<view class="t2 padding-l-10">{{history.base.timebar}}</view>
+				</view>
+				<view class="dh">
+					<input class="input" :placeholder="'USDT'+$t('enter.a9')" type="number" v-model="upOnBtnData.value">
+				</view>
+				<view class="btn">
+					<view class="bt flex">
+						<view class="btnItem btnle" @click="onPayBet(2)">
+							<image class="imag" src="../../static/icon/xia.png" mode=""></image>
+							<text class="xia">{{$t('enter.u4')}}</text>
+						</view>
+						<view class="btnItem btnri" @click="onPayBet(1)">
+							<image class="imag" src="../../static/icon/shang.png" mode=""></image>
+							<text class="xia">{{$t('enter.u6')}}</text>
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="bt flex">
+						<view class="btnItem btnle" @click="onPayBet(3)">
+							<view class="xia">{{$t('enter.u5')}}</view>
+						</view>
+						<view class="btnItem btnri" @click="onPayBet(4)">
+							<view class="xia">{{$t('enter.u7')}}</view>
+						</view>
+					</view>
+				</view>
+				<view class="db flex">
+					<view class="jl">{{$t('enter.u8')}}</view>
+					<view class="sj">
+						<text v-if="time.H<10">0</text>
+						{{time.H}}
+					</view>
+					<view class="sj">
+						<text v-if="time.M<10">0</text>
+						{{time.M}}
+					</view>
+					<view class="sj">
+						<text v-if="time.S<10">0</text>
+						{{time.S}}
+					</view>
+				</view>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+		<view class="kb"></view>
+		<view class="last">
+			<view class="flex">
+				<text>{{$t('enter.u9')}}</text>
+				<view class="flex" @click="nav(`/pages/game/history?id=${history.base.id}`)">
+					<text>{{$t('enter.u10')}}</text>
+					<image class="lb" src="../../static/icon/jt.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
+				</view>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+		<view class="bg">
+			<view class="biaotou flex">
+				<view class="biwe">{{$t('enter.u11')}}</view>
+				<view class="biwe">{{$t('enter.u12')}}</view>
+				<view class="biwe">{{$t('enter.u13')}}</view>
+				<view class="biwe">{{$t('enter.u14')}}</view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="list flex" v-for="(item,ind) in betList.list" :key="ind">
+				<view class="biwe flex-start">
+					<view class="tr">{{history.base.token}}</view>
+					<view class="nametip">{{history.base.timebar}}</view>
+					<image v-if="item.bet==1" class="zz" src="../../static/icon/shang.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
+					<image v-if="item.bet==2" class="zz" src="../../static/icon/xia.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
+					<view v-if="item.bet==3" class="nametip red">{{$t('enter.u5')}}</view>
+					<view v-if="item.bet==4" class="nametip green">{{$t('enter.u7')}}</view>
+				</view>
+				<view class="biwe">{{item.num*1}}</view>
+				<view class="biwe">{{item.sexy}}</view>
+				<view class="biwe flex-center">
+					<view v-if="item.status==0" class="list-buttom primary margin-r-10">
+						{{$t('enter.a4')}}
+					</view>
+					<view class="list-buttom red" v-if="item.result==1">
+						{{$t('enter.a5')}}
+					</view>
+					<view class="list-buttom success" v-if="item.result===0">
+						{{$t('enter.a6')}}
+					</view>
+					<view @click="alertDetailOpen(item)" class="list-buttom primary margin-l-10"
+						v-if="item.result===0||item.result==1">
+						{{$t('enter.u18')}}
+					</view>
+				</view>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+		<view class="chz flex" @click="nav('/pages/user/money/recharge')">
+			<view>
+				<view class="yue padding-b-10">{{$t('enter.u15')}}</view>
+				<view class="yes">{{userWallet}}U</view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="flex-start">
+				<view class="quc">{{$t('enter.u16')}}</view>
+				<image class="choz" src="../../static/icon/jt.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
+			</view>
+		</view>
+		<uni-popup type="bottom" ref="popup" :mask-click="false" @maskClick='colsePayPassword'>
+			<inputPassword @commit='KeyInfo'></inputPassword>
+		</uni-popup>
+		<uni-popup type="center" ref="popupDetail">
+			<view class="alert-detail" v-if="alertDetail.room">
+				<view class="padding-c-30 padding-t-30 padding-b-30" v-if="alertDetail.room.result_info">
+					<!-- <view class="padding-c-30 padding-t-30 padding-b-30"> -->
+					<view class="flex">
+						<view class="type">
+							{{$t('set.a7')}}{{alertDetail.room.no}}{{$t('set.a8')}}
+						</view>
+						<view class="num">
+							<view class="lis" v-if="alertDetail.result === 1">
+								<view class="liss green">{{$t('enter.a5')}}</view>
+							</view>
+							<view class="lis" v-if="alertDetail.result === 0">
+								<view class="liss red">{{$t('enter.a6')}}</view>
+							</view>
+							<view class="lis" v-if="alertDetail.status === 0">
+								<view class="liss primary">{{$t('enter.a4')}}</view>
+							</view>
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<!-- <view class="flex">
+						<view class="type">
+							{{$t('gameList.a5')}}
+						</view>
+						<view class="num" v-if="alertDetail.result_info.ts">
+							{{getTime(alertDetail.result_info.ts)}}
+						</view>
+					</view> -->
+					<view class="flex">
+						<view class="type">
+							{{$t('gameList.a2')}}
+						</view>
+						<view class="num">
+							{{alertDetail.room.game.timebar}}
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="flex">
+						<view class="type">
+							{{$t('gameList.a4')}}
+						</view>
+						<view class="num">
+							<!-- {{alertDetail.result_info.c}} -->
+							{{alertDetail.num}}U
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="flex">
+						<view class="type">
+							{{$t('gameList.a7')}}
+						</view>
+						<view class="num flex-start">
+							<!-- {{alertDetail.result_info.l}} -->
+							<view class="green" v-if="alertDetail.bet==1">{{ $t("enter.u6") }}</view>
+							<view class="red" v-if="alertDetail.bet==2">{{ $t("enter.u4") }}</view>
+							<view class="green" v-if="alertDetail.bet==3">{{ $t("enter.u5") }}</view>
+							<view class="red" v-if="alertDetail.bet==4">{{ $t("enter.u7") }}</view>
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="flex">
+						<view class="type">
+							{{$t('gameList.a10')}}
+						</view>
+						<view class="num">
+							{{alertDetail.room.result_info.c}}
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="flex">
+						<view class="type">
+							{{$t('gameList.a5')}}
+						</view>
+						<view class="num" v-if="alertDetail.room.open_time">
+							<!-- {{alertDetail.result_info.h}} -->
+							{{alertDetail.room.open_time}}
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="flex">
+						<view class="type">
+							{{$t('gameList.a9')}}
+						</view>
+						<view class="num flex-start">
+							<template v-for="it in alertDetail.room.arr " v-if="it.value==1">
+								<view class="green" v-if="it.type==1">{{ $t("enter.u6") }}</view>
+								<view class="green" v-if="it.type==3">{{ $t("enter.u5") }}</view>
+								<view class="red" v-if="it.type==2">{{ $t("enter.u4") }}</view>
+								<view class="red" v-if="it.type==4">{{ $t("enter.u7") }}</view>
+							</template>
+						</view>
+					</view>
+					<view class="flex">
+						<view class="type">
+							{{$t('gameList.a8')}}
+						</view>
+						<view class="num">
+							<!-- {{alertDetail.result_info.h}} -->
+							{{alertDetail.get}}
+						</view>
+					</view>
+				</view>
+				<button class="button" type="default" @click="$refs.popupDetail.close()"><text
+						class="button-text">{{$t("safe.d7")}}</text></button>
+			</view>
+		</uni-popup>
+		<taber tab='entertainment' v-if="!upOnBtnData.show"></taber>
+	</view>
+	</view>
+	import * as echarts from '@/uni_modules/lime-echart/static/echarts.min'
+	import {
+		getGame,
+		gameKline,
+		getGameList,
+		gameWallet,
+		gameBetList,
+		gameBetIn
+	} from "@/api/game.js";
+	import {
+		mapState,
+		mapMutations
+	} from 'vuex';
+	import {
+		saveUrl,
+		interceptor
+	} from '@/utils/loginUtils.js';
+	import taber from "@/components/footer/footer.vue";
+	import {
+		getTime
+	} from '@/utils/rocessor.js';
+	import inputPassword from "@/components/input-password/input-password.vue";
+	export default {
+		components: {
+			taber,
+			inputPassword
+		},
+		computed: {
+			...mapState("user", ["hasLogin"]),
+		},
+		data() {
+			return {
+				arMoneyList: [
+					1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100
+				],
+				actionIndex: 0,
+				// 当前游戏列表
+				gameList: [],
+				// 游戏信息
+				history: {
+					list: [], //游戏进行记录
+					page: 1,
+					limit: 10,
+					// 基础数据
+					base: {},
+					next: "",
+					now: {}
+				},
+				time: {
+					H: 0,
+					M: 0,
+					S: 0,
+					// 保存倒计时对象
+					t: ''
+				},
+				// 游戏押注记录
+				betList: {
+					list: [], //游戏进行记录
+					page: 1,
+					limit: 5,
+				},
+				userWallet: 0,
+				// 当前最新K线数据
+				KlineList: {
+					c: ''
+				},
+				upOnBtnData: {
+					// 是否显示底部导航栏
+					show: false,
+					type: '',
+					// 当前输入的密码
+					passwordArr: '',
+					value: '',
+				},
+				// 弹窗数据像晴
+				alertDetail: {},
+				// 保存获取下次游戏对象
+				getNextTimeObj: '',
+				// 判断是否当前页面中
+				loadPage: false,
+			};
+		},
+		onShow() {
+			this.loadPage = true;
+			if (!this.hasLogin) {
+				uni.showModal({
+					title: this.$t('enter.c4'),
+					content: this.$t('enter.b5'),
+					success: (e) => {
+						// 判断是否点击确认按钮
+						if (e.confirm) {
+							// 保存当前页面地址
+							saveUrl()
+							// 跳转页面
+							interceptor()
+						}
+					}
+				})
+				return
+			}
+			this.getUserWallet();
+			this.gameInit();
+			this.gameBetList()
+		},
+		// 关闭循环
+		onHide() {
+			this.loadPage = false;
+			console.log('隐藏');
+			// 倒计时清理
+			this.initData();
+		},
+		methods: {
+			getTime,
+			// 弹窗详情
+			alertDetailOpen(item) {
+				this.alertDetail = item;
+				console.log(this.alertDetail);
+				const res = this.alertDetail.room;
+				if (res.result_info) {
+					res.result_info.c = Number(res.result_info.c).toFixed(res.game.decimal)
+				}
+				if (res.result) {
+					let arr = [];
+					const ar = res.result.split(",")
+					for (let i = 0; i < ar.length; i++) {
+						const s = ar[i].split(':');
+						arr.push({
+							type: s[0],
+							value: s[1]
+						})
+					}
+					res.arr = arr;
+				}
+				res.open_time = getTime(res.open_time);
+				this.$refs.popupDetail.open();
+			},
+			// 倒计时清理
+			initData() {
+				const that = this
+				// 关闭倒计时
+				clearInterval(that.getNextTimeObj);
+				clearInterval(that.time.t);
+				// 清空倒计时对象
+				that.getNextTimeObj = '';
+				that.time = {
+					H: 0,
+					M: 0,
+					S: 0,
+					t: ''
+				};
+			},
+			// 点击触发支付事件
+			onPayBet(type) {
+				if (!this.upOnBtnData.value) {
+					uni.showToast({
+						title: this.$t('enter.a9'),
+						icon: "error"
+					})
+					return
+				}
+				if (!this.history.next) {
+					uni.showModal({
+						title: this.$t('enter.c4'),
+						content: this.$t('enter.a3'),
+						showCancel: false,
+					});
+					return
+				}
+				this.upOnBtnData.type = type;
+				this.openPayPassword();
+			},
+			// 打开支付弹窗
+			openPayPassword() {
+				this.upOnBtnData.show = true;
+				this.$refs.popup.open();
+			},
+			// 关闭支付弹窗
+			colsePayPassword() {
+				this.upOnBtnData.show = false;
+				this.$refs.popup.close();
+			},
+			// 密码输入完成后调用下注
+			KeyInfo(val) {
+				const that = this;
+				that.upOnBtnData.passwordArr = val;
+				that.colsePayPassword();
+				const typeList = [that.$t('enter.u6'), that.$t('enter.u4'), that.$t('enter.u5'), that.$t('enter.u7')];
+				uni.showModal({
+					title: that.$t('enter.c4'),
+					content: `${that.$t('enter.a8')}${that.upOnBtnData.value}USDT${that.$t('enter.a10')}${typeList[that.upOnBtnData.type-1]}`,
+					success: res => {
+						if (res.confirm) {
+							that.gameBetIn();
+						}
+					},
+				});
+			},
+			// 参与压住
+			gameBetIn(type) {
+				const that = this;
+				const upData = {
+					id: that.history.next.id,
+					bet: that.upOnBtnData.type,
+					num: that.upOnBtnData.value,
+					trade_password: that.upOnBtnData.passwordArr
+				};
+				uni.showLoading({
+					mask: true
+				})
+				that.upOnBtnData.value = '';
+				gameBetIn(upData).then((res) => {
+					uni.hideLoading()
+					uni.showToast({
+						title: res.msg
+					});
+					that.gameBetList();
+					that.getUserWallet();
+				}).catch((res) => {
+					uni.hideLoading();
+					uni.showToast({
+						title: res.msg
+					});
+				})
+			},
+			// 获取用户余额信息
+			getUserWallet() {
+				gameWallet().then((res) => {
+					const balance = Number(res.data.back.USDT.money.money);
+					this.userWallet = balance.toFixed(2);
+					// this.userWallet = +res.data.back.USDT.money.money
+				})
+			},
+			// 开始倒计时
+			async opTiem() {
+				const that = this;
+				try {
+					// 判斷是否有游戲信息并且有正在進行中游戏
+					if (that.history.base.id && that.history.next) {
+						// console.log(that.history.base.id, that.history.next,
+						// 	'that.history.base.id && that.history.next');
+						that.time.t = setInterval(() => {
+							that.getOutTime();
+						}, 1000)
+					}
+				} catch (e) {
+					console.log(e, '定时');
+				}
+			},
+			// 获取倒计时时间
+			getOutTime() {
+				const that = this;
+				const da = (new Date()).getTime();
+				const timenum = that.history.next.open_time * 1000 - da;
+				// console.log(timenum, that.history.next.open_time, da, '计算');
+				if (timenum > 0) {
+					that.time.H = Math.floor(timenum / 1000 / 60 / 60);
+					that.time.S = Math.floor(timenum / 1000 % 60)
+					that.time.M = Math.floor(timenum / 1000 / 60 % 60);
+				}
+				if (that.time.H == 0 && that.time.M == 0 && that.time.S == 0) {
+					console.log('归0');
+					clearInterval(that.time.t);
+					// 延时调用防止数据重复加载
+					setTimeout(() => {
+						that.getGame(that.history.base.id)
+						that.getGameKline();
+					}, 2000)
+				}
+			},
+			// 游戏tab切换
+			changeTab(item, ind) {
+				const that = this;
+				if (ind != this.actionIndex) {
+					that.actionIndex = ind;
+					// 清理倒计时
+					that.initData();
+					// 重新加载数据
+					that.gameDataInit(item.id);
+				}
+			},
+			// 初始化
+			async gameInit() {
+				// 获取游戏列表
+				await this.getGameList();
+				// 加载游戏数据
+				this.gameDataInit(this.history.base.id || this.gameList[0].id)
+			},
+			// 加载游戏列表
+			getGameList() {
+				return getGameList().then((res) => {
+					this.gameList = res.data.list;
+					// console.log('1111111111',this.gameList);
+				})
+			},
+			// 重新加载基础游戏信息
+			async gameDataInit(id, reload = true) {
+				// 获取基础信息
+				await this.getGame(id);
+				//获取K线
+				this.getGameKline(reload);
+				// 获取游戏压住记录
+				this.gameBetList();
+			},
+			// 获取游戏压住记录
+			gameBetList() {
+				const that = this;
+				const lineNum = that.history.base.decimal;
+				const list = that.betList.list;
+				// return list;
+				console.log('11111', list);
+				gameBetList({
+					page: 1,
+					limit: 10,
+					id: that.history.base.id,
+				}).then(({
+					data
+				}) => {
+					that.betList.list = data.bet_log.map((res) => {
+						res.num = Number(res.num);
+						res.get = Number(res.get);
+						res.sexy = +(res.get - res.num).toFixed(2);
+						if (res.room.result_info) {
+							const obj = res.room.result_info
+							obj.c = Number(obj.c).toFixed(lineNum)
+							obj.o = Number(obj.o).toFixed(lineNum)
+							obj.h = Number(obj.h).toFixed(lineNum)
+							obj.l = Number(obj.l).toFixed(lineNum)
+						}
+						return res
+					});
+				})
+				return list;
+			},
+			// 获取游戏K线信息
+			getGameKline(reload = true) {
+				const that = this;
+				const lineNum = this.history.base.decimal;
+				gameKline({
+					page: 1,
+					limit: 60
+				}, that.history.base.id).then((res) => {
+					that.KlineList = res.data.list[0];
+					let list = res.data.list.reverse();
+					// x轴记录
+					let xarr = [];
+					// 打点数据
+					let linearr = [];
+					for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
+						const ll = list[i];
+						const time = new Date(+ll.ts);
+						const addar = [+(+ll.o).toFixed(lineNum), +(+ll.c).toFixed(lineNum), +(+ll.l).toFixed(
+								lineNum), +(+ll.h)
+							.toFixed(lineNum)
+						];
+						xarr.push(`${time.getHours()}:${time.getMinutes()}`)
+						linearr.push(addar)
+					}
+					that.$nextTick(() => {
+						// 判断是否要重载数据
+						that.initKline({
+							xarr,
+							linearr
+						}, reload)
+					})
+				})
+			},
+			// 获取当前项目信息
+			getGame(id) {
+				const that = this;
+				return getGame({
+					page: that.history.page,
+					limit: that.history.limit
+				}, id).then(({
+					data
+				}) => {
+					that.history.list = data.list || [];
+					that.history.base = data.game || {};
+					that.history.next = data.next_game || '';
+					that.history.now = data.now_game || '';
+					// 是否不存在启动中的活动并判断防止重复调用创建倒计时
+					// 判断是否不存在游戏,并且没有倒计时对象,且在当前页面
+					if (that.loadPage && !that.history.next && !that.getNextTimeObj) {
+						that.getNextTimeObj = setInterval(() => {
+							that.getGame(id)
+						}, 1000)
+						return
+					}
+					if (that.history.next && that.getNextTimeObj) {
+						clearInterval(that.getNextTimeObj);
+						// 清空倒计时对象
+						that.getNextTimeObj = '';
+					}
+					// 判断是否有活动并且正在进行中
+					if (that.history.next && !that.getNextTimeObj) {
+						that.opTiem();
+					}
+				})
+			},
+			// 均值计算
+			calculateMA(dayCount, data) {
+				var result = [];
+				for (var i = 0, len = data.linearr.length; i < len; i++) {
+					if (i < dayCount) {
+						result.push('-');
+						continue;
+					}
+					var sum = 0;
+					for (var j = 0; j < dayCount; j++) {
+						sum += data.linearr[i - j][1];
+					}
+					result.push(+(sum / dayCount).toFixed(5));
+				}
+				return result;
+			},
+			// 重载K线
+			async initKline(data, reload = true) {
+				const that = this;
+				try {
+					const chart = await this.$refs.chart.init(echarts);
+					if (reload) {
+						const upColor = '#00da3c';
+						const downColor = '#ec0000';
+						chart.setOption(
+							(this.option = {
+								animation: false,
+								legend: {
+									top: 10,
+									left: 10,
+									data: ['MA5', 'MA10', 'MA20'],
+									textStyle: {
+										color: '#999999'
+									}
+								},
+								tooltip: {
+									trigger: 'axis',
+									axisPointer: {
+										type: 'cross'
+									},
+									borderWidth: 1,
+									borderColor: '#ccc',
+									padding: 10,
+									textStyle: {
+										color: '#000'
+									},
+									position: function(pos, params, el, elRect, size) {
+										const obj = {
+											top: 10
+										};
+										obj[['left', 'right'][+(pos[0] < size.viewSize[0] / 2)]] = 40;
+										return obj;
+									}
+								},
+								dataZoom: [{
+									type: 'inside',
+									xAxisIndex: 0,
+									start: 50,
+									end: 100
+								}],
+								grid: [{
+									left: 10,
+									right: 55,
+									bottom: 20,
+									top: 45
+								}],
+								xAxis: [{
+									type: 'category',
+									data: data.xarr,
+									axisLine: {
+										onZero: false
+									},
+									splitLine: {
+										show: false
+									},
+									min: 'dataMin',
+									max: 'dataMax',
+									axisPointer: {
+										z: 100
+									}
+								}],
+								yAxis: [{
+									scale: true,
+									splitNumber: 4,
+									position: 'right',
+									axisTick: {
+										show: false
+									},
+									splitLine: {
+										show: false,
+										lineStyle: {
+											color: '#e3e3e3'
+										}
+									},
+									axisLabel: {
+										inside: false,
+										formatter: '{value}\n',
+										color: '#999999'
+									}
+								}],
+								series: [{
+										name: that.history.base.token + '-USDT',
+										type: 'candlestick',
+										data: data.linearr,
+										itemStyle: {
+											color: upColor,
+											color0: downColor,
+											borderColor: undefined,
+											borderColor0: undefined
+										}
+									},
+									{
+										name: "MA5",
+										smooth: true,
+										type: 'line',
+										data: that.calculateMA(5, data),
+										showSymbol: false,
+										lineStyle: {
+											width: 1
+										}
+									},
+									{
+										name: "MA10",
+										smooth: true,
+										type: 'line',
+										data: that.calculateMA(10, data),
+										showSymbol: false,
+										lineStyle: {
+											width: 1
+										}
+									},
+									{
+										name: "MA20",
+										smooth: true,
+										type: 'line',
+										data: that.calculateMA(20, data),
+										showSymbol: false,
+										lineStyle: {
+											width: 1
+										}
+									},
+								]
+							}),
+							true
+						)
+					} else {
+						chart.setOption({
+							xAxis: [{
+								type: 'category',
+								data: data.xarr,
+							}],
+							series: [{
+									name: that.history.base.token + '-USDT',
+									data: data.linearr,
+								},
+								{
+									name: "MA5",
+									data: that.calculateMA(5, data),
+								},
+								{
+									name: "MA10",
+									data: that.calculateMA(10, data),
+								},
+								{
+									name: "MA20",
+									data: that.calculateMA(20, data),
+								},
+							]
+						})
+					}
+				} catch (e) {
+					console.log(e, 'cuowu');
+					//TODO handle the exception
+				}
+			},
+			// 页面跳转
+			nav(url) {
+				console.log('tz');
+				if (!this.hasLogin) {
+					uni.showModal({
+						title: this.$t('enter.c4'),
+						content: this.$t('enter.b5'),
+						success: (e) => {
+							// 判断是否点击确认按钮
+							if (e.confirm) {
+								// 保存当前页面地址
+								saveUrl()
+								// 跳转页面
+								interceptor()
+							}
+						}
+					})
+					return
+				}
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url,
+					fail(err) {
+						console.log(err);
+					}
+				});
+			},
+		},
+	};
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+			border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(43, 42, 38, 0.52);
+		}
+		.list-buttom {
+			width: 100rpx;
+			border-radius: 30rpx;
+			font-size: 16rpx;
+			padding: 10rpx 0;
+			&.success {
+				background: $color-green;
+			}
+			&.red {
+				background: $color-yellow;
+			}
+			&.primary {
+				background: #01ebf6;
+				color: #000000;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	.chz {
+		background: #191a1f;
+		border-radius: 20rpx;
+		margin: 0 30rpx;
+		color: #ffffff;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		padding: 20rpx 30rpx;
+		.yue {
+			font-size: 28rpx;
+		}
+		.yes {
+			color: #fdaf41;
+		}
+		.quc {
+			font-size: 26rpx;
+			font-weight: 500;
+			color: #ffffff;
+		}
+		.choz {
+			width: 22rpx;
+			height: 14rpx;
+		}
+	}
+	.alert-detail {
+		background-color: #FFF;
+		border-radius: 10rpx;
+		width: 600rpx;
+		.red {
+			color: #df5660;
+		}
+		.green {
+			color: $color-green;
+		}
+		.flex {
+			padding: 10rpx 0;
+		}
+	}
+	.lisT {
+		font-size: $font-lg;
+		font-weight: bold;
+		&.red {
+			color: #df5660;
+		}
+		&.green {
+			color: $color-green;
+		}
+	}
+	.lis {
+		.liss {
+			border-radius: 5rpx;
+			padding: 10rpx 20rpx;
+			font-size: 22rpx;
+			font-weight: 500;
+			color: #FFF;
+			&.red {
+				background: $color-yellow;
+			}
+			&.green {
+				background: $color-green;
+			}
+			&.primary {
+				background: #01ebf6;
+			}
+		}
+	}

+ 27 - 19

@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 				<view class="le1 title ">
-				<view class="le1 ">
+				<view class="le1 qt">
 					{{item.single_time_min*1}}U{{$t('homepledge.m2')}} | {{item.day}}{{$t('homepledge.m3')}}
-				<view class="le1 ">
+				<view class="le1 ze">
 				<!-- <view class="le2 flex font-color-gray">
@@ -181,7 +181,15 @@
 			.le1 {
 				font-weight: 800;
 				color: #feb041;
-				margin-bottom: 20rpx;
+				margin-bottom: 15rpx;
+				&.qt {
+					padding-top: 15rpx;
+				}
+				&.ze {
+					padding-top: 26rpx;
+				}
 				&.title {
 					font-size: 33rpx;
@@ -189,22 +197,22 @@
-			.le2 {
-				.line {
-					width: 308rpx;
-					height: 16rpx;
-					background-color: rgba(235, 235, 235, 0.38);
-					border-radius: 99rpx;
-					overflow: hidden;
-					.line-action {
-						height: 100%;
-						width: 100%;
-						border-radius: 99rpx;
-						background-color: #FEB041;
-					}
-				}
-			}
+			// .le2 {
+			// 	.line {
+			// 		width: 308rpx;
+			// 		height: 16rpx;
+			// 		background-color: rgba(235, 235, 235, 0.38);
+			// 		border-radius: 99rpx;
+			// 		overflow: hidden;
+			// 		.line-action {
+			// 			height: 100%;
+			// 			width: 100%;
+			// 			border-radius: 99rpx;
+			// 			background-color: #FEB041;
+			// 		}
+			// 	}
+			// }
 		.r1 {

+ 6 - 5

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 	<view class="container">
 		<view class="top">
@@ -205,8 +206,8 @@
 				this.recharge = res.data.recharge;
 				this.extractTotalPrice = res.data.extractTotalPrice;
 				this.sum_win = res.data.sum_win.toFixed(2);
-				this.sum_bet = res.data.sum_bet.toFixed(2);
-				this.group_sum_bet = res.data.group_sum_bet.toFixed(2);
+				this.sum_bet = res.data.sum_bet
+				this.group_sum_bet = res.data.group_sum_bet
 			// 跳转到联系客服
 			nav() {
@@ -215,7 +216,9 @@
 			// 获取用户余额信息
 			getUserWallet() {
 				gameWallet().then((res) => {
-					this.userWallet = (+res.data.back.USDT.money.money).toFixed(2);
+					const balance = Number(res.data.back.USDT.money.money);
+					this.userWallet = +balance.toFixed(2);
+					// this.userWallet = +res.data.back.USDT.money.money
 			// 加载初始数据
@@ -225,8 +228,6 @@
 					}) => {
-						data.sum_recharge = data.sum_recharge.toFixed(2);
-						data.sum_extract = data.sum_extract.toFixed(2);

+ 3 - 13

@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
 <style lang="scss">
     .background1 {
 		position: relative;
-		// width: 100vw;
 		height: calc(100vh - var(--status-bar-height));
 		background: url("../../static/img/youxi1.png");
 		background-size: 100% 100%;
@@ -57,7 +56,7 @@
 		position: absolute;
 		background-size: 100% 100%;
 		width: 650rpx;
-		height: 930rpx;
+		height: 960rpx;
 		top: 50%;
 		left: 50%;
 		transform: translate(-50%, -60%);
@@ -68,48 +67,39 @@
 		font-size: 37rpx;
 		font-weight: bold;
 		color: #d7b271;
-		line-height: 10rpx;
 	.juli {
 		margin-left: 60rpx;
 		margin-top: 70rpx;
-		height: 35rpx;
 		font-size: 36rpx;
-		font-family: Source Han Sans CN;
 		font-weight: bold;
 		color: #201809;
-		line-height: 36rpx;
 	.neirong {
 		width: 530rpx;
 		height: 100;
 		margin-left: 60rpx;
-		margin-top: 40rpx;
+		margin-top: 30rpx;
 	.nr1 .nr2{
 		height: 147rpx;
 		font-size: 28rpx;
-		font-family: PingFang SC;
 		font-weight: bold;
 		color: #201809;
-		line-height: 40rpx;
 	.ls {
 		margin-left: 60rpx;
 		margin-top: 70rpx;
-		height: 35rpx;
 		font-size: 36rpx;
-		font-family: Source Han Sans CN;
 		font-weight: bold;
 		color: #201809;
-		line-height: 36rpx;
 	.liushui {
 		width: 530rpx;
 		height: 190rpx;
 		margin-left: 60rpx;
-		margin-top: 40rpx;
+		margin-top: 30rpx;

+ 0 - 11

@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
 <style lang="scss">
 	.background1 {
 		position: relative;
-		// width: 100vw;
 		height: calc(100vh - var(--status-bar-height));
 		background: url("../../static/shouye/beijing1.png");
 		background-size: 100% 100%;
@@ -75,12 +74,10 @@
 .wenben2 {
 	margin-top: 90rpx;
-	height: 35rpx;
 	font-size: 37rpx;
 	text-align: center;
 	font-weight: bold;
 	color: #D7BB80;
-	line-height: 10rpx;
 .xian {
 	width: 200rpx;
@@ -100,40 +97,32 @@
 	margin-top: 40rpx;
 	padding-top: 30rpx;
 	font-size: 24rpx;
-	// font-family: Source Han Sans CN;
 	font-weight: bold;
 	color: #211808;
 	line-height: 42rpx;
 	width: 528rpx;
-	height: 148rpx;
 	background-color: #FAEDD6;
 	text-align: center;
 .wenben4 {
 	text-align: center;
 	margin-top: 50rpx;
-	height: 35rpx;
 	font-size: 37rpx;
 	font-weight: bold;
 	color: #D7BB80;
-	line-height: 10rpx;
 .wenben5 {
 	display: flex;
 	justify-content: center;
 	align-items: center;
-	// width: 528rpx;
-	// height: 138rpx;
 .te {
 	margin-left: 62rpx;
 	margin-top: 40rpx;
 	padding-top: 40rpx;
 	font-size: 24rpx;
-	// font-family: Source Han Sans CN;
 	font-weight: bold;
 	color: #211808;
-	line-height: 42rpx;
 	width: 528rpx;
 	height: 100%;
 	background-color: #FAEDD6;

+ 13 - 19

@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@
 				<view class="wenben"> {{$t('promotion.a6')}} </view>
 			<view class="topt">
 				<view class="hy">
 					<image class="icon" src="../../static/icon/tg5.png" mode=""></image>
@@ -118,30 +116,26 @@
 	.title {
 		margin-top: 95rpx;
 		margin-left: 253rpx;
-		height: 36rpx;
 		font-size: 37rpx;
 		font-weight: bold;
 		color: #d7b271;
-		line-height: 10rpx;
 	.hy {
 		display: flex;
 		justify-content: start;
-	}
-	.icon {
-		width: 66rpx;
-		height: 49rpx;
-		margin-left: 60rpx;
 		margin-top: 70rpx;
-	}
-	.wen {
-		margin-left: 20rpx;
-		margin-top: 75rpx;
-		height: 34rpx;
-		font-size: 36rpx;
-		font-weight: bold;
-		color: #201809;
-		line-height: 36rpx;
+		.icon {
+			width: 66rpx;
+			height: 49rpx;
+			margin-left: 60rpx;
+		}
+		.wen {
+			padding-left: 20rpx;
+			font-size: 36rpx;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			color: #201809;
+		}
 	.wenben {
 		margin: 20rpx 20rpx 0 60rpx;
@@ -149,6 +143,6 @@
 		font-size: 28rpx;
 		font-weight: bold;
 		color: #201809;
-		line-height: 36rpx;

+ 354 - 335

@@ -1,336 +1,355 @@
-	<view class="container">
-		<view class="container_text">
-			<image class="banner-img" src="/static/img/shouye1.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
-		</view>
-		<view class="loginTitle"><text>{{$t('login.a0')}}</text></view>
-		<view class="login_text">
-			<view class="login_input flex">
-				<view class="login_img">
-					<image src="/static/icon/img03.png"></image>
-				</view>
-				<view class="login_name"><input class="uni-input" v-model="account" focus
-						:placeholder="$t('login.a1')" /></view>
-			</view>
-			<view class="login_input flex">
-				<view class="login_img">
-					<image src="/static/icon/img04.png"></image>
-				</view>
-				<view class="login_name"><input class="uni-input" type="password" v-model="password" focus
-						:placeholder="$t('login.a3')" /></view>
-			</view>
-			<view class="login_input flex">
-				<view class="login_img">
-					<image src="/static/icon/img04.png"></image>
-				</view>
-				<view class="login_name"><input class="uni-input" type="password" v-model="trade_password" focus
-						:placeholder="$t('login.b3')" /></view>
-			</view>
-			<view class="login_input flex">
-				<view class="login_img">
-					<image src="/static/icon/img07.png"></image>
-				</view>
-				<view class="login_name"><input class="uni-input" type="text" v-model="spread" focus
-						:placeholder="$t('login.b4')" /></view>
-			</view>
-			<view class="login_input flex">
-				<view class="login_img">
-					<image src="/static/icon/img06.png"></image>
-				</view>
-				<view class="login_name flex">
-					<input class="uni-input width" v-model="captcha" focus :placeholder="$t('login.b6')" />
-					<view class="code" @click="verification">{{ countDown == 0 ? $t('login.b5') : countDown }}</view>
-				</view>
-			</view>
-			<view><button type="green" @click="register" class="uni-button uni-button-green">{{$t('login.a7')}}</button>
-			</view>
-			<view><button class="uni-button uni-button-green uni-button-green-plain" type="green" plain="true"
-					hover-class="none" @click="login">{{$t('login.a4')}}</button></view>
-		</view>
-	</view>
-	import {
-		register,
-		verify
-	} from '@/api/login.js';
-	export default {
-		data() {
-			return {
-				// phone: '', //用户
-				account: '', //用户
-				password: '', //密码
-				repassword: '',
-				// invitation: '', //邀请码
-				spread: '', //邀请码
-				captcha: '', //验证码
-				time: '', //保存倒计时对象
-				countDown: 0, //倒计时
-				trade_password: '', // 交易密码
-			};
-		},
-		onLoad(option) {
-			// #ifndef MP
-			if (option.spread) {
-				// 存储其他邀请人
-				uni.setStorageSync('spread', option.spread);
-			}
-			// #endif
-			// #ifdef MP
-			if (option.scene) {
-				// 存储小程序邀请人
-				uni.setStorage({
-					key: 'spread_code',
-					data: option.scene
-				});
-			}
-			// #endif
-			// 获取扫码邀请人id
-			this.spread = option.spread||uni.getStorageSync('spread') || '';
-		},
-		watch: {
-			// 监听倒计时
-			countDown(i) {
-				if (i == 0) {
-					clearInterval(this.time);
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		methods: {
-			// 注册
-			register() {
-				let obj = this;
-				if (obj.account == '') {
-					obj.$api.msg('请输入电话号码');
-					return;
-				}
-				if (!/(^1[3|4|5|7|8][0-9]{9}$)/.test(this.account)) {
-					obj.$api.msg('请输入正确的手机号');
-					return;
-				}
-				if (obj.password == '') {
-					obj.$api.msg('请输入密码');
-					return;
-				}
-				if (obj.trade_password == '') {
-					obj.$api.msg('请输入交易密码');
-					return;
-				}
-				register({
-					account: obj.account, //账号
-					captcha: obj.captcha, //验证码
-					password: obj.password, //密码
-					trade_password: obj.trade_password, // 交易密码
-					spread: this.spread //上级推广人
-				}).then(function(e) {
-					uni.showToast({
-						title: '注册成功',
-						duration: 2000,
-						position: 'top'
-					});
-					setTimeout(function() {
-						uni.navigateTo({
-							url: '/pages/public/login'
-						});
-					}, 1000)
-				});
-				//调用注册接口,成功跳转登录页
-			},
-			//发送验证码
-			verification() {
-				let obj = this;
-				if (this.account == '') {
-					this.$api.msg(obj.$t("login.a1"));
-					return;
-				}
-				if (this.account.length < 11) {
-					this.$api.msg(obj.$t("safe.b8"));
-					return;
-				}
-				// 判断是否在倒计时
-				if (obj.countDown > 0) {
-					return false;
-				} else {
-					obj.countDown = 60;
-					obj.time = setInterval(() => {
-						obj.countDown--;
-					}, 1000);
-					//调用验证码接口
-					verify({
-							phone: obj.account,
-							type: 'register'
-						})
-						.then(({
-							data
-						}) => {})
-						.catch(err => {
-							console.log(err);
-						});
-				}
-			},
-			login() {
-				//返回登录
-				uni.navigateTo({
-					url: '/pages/public/login'
-				});
-			}
-		}
-	};
-<style lang="scss">
-	page {
-		height: 100%;
-	}
-	.container {
-		width: 100%;
-		height: 100%;
-		background-size: 100%;
-		background-color: #000000;
-	}
-	.container_text {
-		width: 100%;
-		height: 500rpx;
-		top: 0rpx;
-		.banner-img {
-			width: 144rpx;
-			height: 144rpx;
-			margin-top: 100rpx;
-			margin-left: 302rpx;
-		}
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-	.login_text {
-		margin: auto 30rpx;
-		position: relative;
-		padding: 100rpx 102rpx;
-		background-color: #000000;
-		margin-top: -180rpx;
-		border-radius: 20rpx;
-		.login_input {
-			border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0;
-			margin-bottom: 65rpx;
-			.login_img image {
-				height: 35rpx;
-				width: 29rpx;
-				margin-right: 20rpx;
-			}
-			.uni-input {
-				text-align: left;
-				width: 470rpx;
-				font-size: 28rpx !important;
-			}
-			.login_name {
-				color: #FFFFFF;
-				// width: 640rpx;
-				// height: 99rpx;
-				// background: #FFFFFF;
-				// opacity: 0.1;
-				// border-radius: 50rpx;
-			}
-		}
-		.other {
-			margin-top: 60rpx;
-			.fenge {
-				width: 30%;
-				height: 2rpx;
-				background-color: #eeeeee;
-			}
-			.qita {
-				font-size: 28rpx;
-				color: #999999;
-			}
-		}
-		.weixin {
-			width: 75rpx;
-			height: 75rpx;
-			margin: 25rpx auto;
-		}
-		.weixin image {
-			width: 100%;
-			height: 100%;
-		}
-		.weixin_text {
-			text-align: center;
-			font-size: 28rpx;
-			color: #999999;
-		}
-		.forget {
-			font-size: 28rpx;
-			width: 100%;
-			text-align: right;
-			color: #999999;
-		}
-		.uni-button-green {
-			color: #ffffff;
-			background-color: #feb041;
-			margin: 40rpx 10rpx;
-			border-radius: 50rpx;
-		}
-		.uni-button-green-plain {
-			border: 1px solid #feb041;
-			margin: 40rpx 10rpx;
-			border-radius: 50rpx;
-			color: #feb041;
-			background-color: #000000;
-		}
-		.uni-button {
-			height: 85rpx;
-			line-height: 85rpx;
-		}
-	}
-	.loginTitle {
-		position: absolute;
-		top: 250rpx;
-		width: 100%;
-		text-align: center;
-		color: #c6a674;
-		font-size: 40rpx;
-	}
-	.forget {
-		width: 100rpx;
-		font-size: 24rpx;
-		color: #ffffff;
-		margin: 0px auto;
-		border-bottom: 1px solid #ffffff;
-	}
-	.width {
-		width: 325rpx !important;
-	}
-	.code {
-		color: #feb041;
-		font-size: 23rpx;
-		border-left: 1px solid #eeeeee;
-		width: 150rpx;
-		flex-shrink: 0;
-		text-align: center;
-	}
-	uni-button {
-		height: 80rpx !important;
-		line-height: 80rpx !important;
-	}
+	<view class="container">
+		<view class="container_text">
+			<image class="banner-img" src="/static/img/shouye1.png" mode="scaleToFill"></image>
+		</view>
+		<view class="loginTitle"><text>{{$t('login.a0')}}</text></view>
+		<view class="login_text">
+			<view class="login_input flex">
+				<view class="login_img">
+					<image src="/static/icon/img03.png"></image>
+				</view>
+				<view class="login_name"><input class="uni-input" @input="checkAccount" v-model="account" focus
+						:placeholder="$t('login.a1')" /></view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="login_input flex">
+				<view class="login_img">
+					<image src="/static/icon/img04.png"></image>
+				</view>
+				<view class="login_name"><input class="uni-input" type="password" v-model="password" focus
+						:placeholder="$t('login.a3')" /></view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="login_input flex">
+				<view class="login_img">
+					<image src="/static/icon/img04.png"></image>
+				</view>
+				<view class="login_name"><input class="uni-input" type="password" v-model="trade_password" focus
+						:placeholder="$t('login.b3')" /></view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="login_input flex">
+				<view class="login_img">
+					<image src="/static/icon/img07.png"></image>
+				</view>
+				<view class="login_name"><input class="uni-input" type="text" v-model="spread" focus
+						:placeholder="$t('login.b4')" /></view>
+			</view>
+			<view class="login_input flex">
+				<view class="login_img">
+					<image src="/static/icon/img06.png"></image>
+				</view>
+				<view class="login_name flex">
+					<input class="uni-input width" v-model="captcha" focus :placeholder="$t('login.b6')" />
+					<view class="code" @click="verification">{{ countDown == 0 ? $t('login.b5') : countDown }}</view>
+				</view>
+			</view>
+			<view><button type="green" @click="register" class="uni-button uni-button-green">{{$t('login.a7')}}</button>
+			</view>
+			<view><button class="uni-button uni-button-green uni-button-green-plain" type="green" plain="true"
+					hover-class="none" @click="login">{{$t('login.a4')}}</button></view>
+		</view>
+	</view>
+	import {
+		register,
+		verify
+	} from '@/api/login.js';
+	export default {
+		data() {
+			return {
+				// phone: '', //用户
+				account: '', //用户
+				password: '', //密码
+				repassword: '',
+				// invitation: '', //邀请码
+				spread: '', //邀请码
+				captcha: '', //验证码
+				time: '', //保存倒计时对象
+				countDown: 0, //倒计时
+				trade_password: '', // 交易密码
+				isPhone: true,  //是否为手机号,默认为true
+			};
+		},
+		onLoad(option) {
+			// #ifndef MP
+			if (option.spread) {
+				// 存储其他邀请人
+				uni.setStorageSync('spread', option.spread);
+			}
+			// #endif
+			// #ifdef MP
+			if (option.scene) {
+				// 存储小程序邀请人
+				uni.setStorage({
+					key: 'spread_code',
+					data: option.scene
+				});
+			}
+			// #endif
+			// 获取扫码邀请人id
+			this.spread = option.spread||uni.getStorageSync('spread') || '';
+		},
+		watch: {
+			// 监听倒计时
+			countDown(i) {
+				if (i == 0) {
+					clearInterval(this.time);
+				}
+			}
+		},
+		methods: {
+			checkAccount() {
+				 const regPhone = /^1[3|4|5|7|8][0-9]{9}$/;
+				    const regEmail = /^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@([\w-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,7}$/;
+				    this.isPhone = regPhone.test(this.account);
+			},
+			// 注册
+			register() {
+				let obj = this;
+				if (obj.account == '') {
+					obj.$api.msg('请输入手机号/邮箱');
+					return;
+				}
+				if (this.isPhone) {
+				      if (!/^1[3|4|5|7|8][0-9]{9}$/.test(this.account)) {
+				        this.$api.msg('请输入正确的手机号');
+				        return;
+				      }
+				    } else {
+				      if (!/^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@([\w-]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,7}$/.test(this.account)) {
+				        this.$api.msg('请输入正确的邮箱地址');
+				        return;
+				      }
+				    }
+				// if (!/(^1[3|4|5|7|8][0-9]{9}$)/.test(this.account)) {
+				// 	obj.$api.msg('请输入正确的手机号');
+				// 	return;
+				// }
+				if (obj.password == '') {
+					obj.$api.msg('请输入密码');
+					return;
+				}
+				if (obj.trade_password == '') {
+					obj.$api.msg('请输入交易密码');
+					return;
+				}
+				register({
+					// account: obj.account, //账号
+					account: obj.account, //账号
+					captcha: obj.captcha, //验证码
+					password: obj.password, //密码
+					trade_password: obj.trade_password, // 交易密码
+					spread: this.spread //上级推广人
+				}).then(function(e) {
+					uni.showToast({
+						title: '注册成功',
+						duration: 2000,
+						position: 'top'
+					});
+					setTimeout(function() {
+						uni.navigateTo({
+							url: '/pages/public/login'
+						});
+					}, 1000)
+				});
+				//调用注册接口,成功跳转登录页
+			},
+			//发送验证码
+			verification() {
+				let obj = this;
+				if (this.account == '') {
+					this.$api.msg(obj.$t("login.a1"));
+					return;
+				}
+				if (this.account.length < 11) {
+					this.$api.msg(obj.$t("safe.b8"));
+					return;
+				}
+				// 判断是否在倒计时
+				if (obj.countDown > 0) {
+					return false;
+				} else {
+					obj.countDown = 60;
+					obj.time = setInterval(() => {
+						obj.countDown--;
+					}, 1000);
+					//调用验证码接口
+					verify({
+							phone: obj.account,
+							type: 'register'
+						})
+						.then(({
+							data
+						}) => {})
+						.catch(err => {
+							console.log(err);
+						});
+				}
+			},
+			login() {
+				//返回登录
+				uni.navigateTo({
+					url: '/pages/public/login'
+				});
+			}
+		}
+	};
+<style lang="scss">
+	page {
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+			height: 144rpx;
+			margin-top: 100rpx;
+			margin-left: 302rpx;
+		}
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+		padding: 100rpx 102rpx;
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+			border-bottom: 1px solid #f0f0f0;
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+				height: 35rpx;
+				width: 29rpx;
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+			}
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+				width: 470rpx;
+				font-size: 28rpx !important;
+			}
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+				color: #FFFFFF;
+				// width: 640rpx;
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+ 5 - 4

@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 			<text class="tit">{{$t('set.a3')}}</text>
 			<input class="input" v-model="account" disabled type="text" :placeholder="$t('reg.c3')" placeholder-class="placeholder" />
+		<view class="row b-b">
+			<text class="tit">{{$t('safe.b3')}}</text>
+			<input class="input" v-model="password" type="password" :placeholder="$t('safe.b4')" placeholder-class="placeholder" />
+		</view>
 		<view class="row b-b">
 			<text class="tit">{{$t('safe.a7')}}</text>
 			<input class="input" v-model="captcha" type="text" :placeholder="$t('safe.a6')" placeholder-class="placeholder" />
 			<view class="code" @click="verification">{{ countDown == 0 ? '验证码' : countDown }}</view>
-		<view class="row b-b">
-			<text class="tit">{{$t('safe.b3')}}</text>
-			<input class="input" v-model="password" type="password" :placeholder="$t('safe.b4')" placeholder-class="placeholder" />
-		</view>
 		<button class="add-btn" :class="{'bg-gray':loding}" @click="loding?'':confirm()">{{$t('set.a5')}}</button>