import Vue, { PluginFunction } from 'vue'; declare namespace VueI18n { type Path = string; type Locale = string; type FallbackLocale = string | string[] | false | { [locale: string]: string[] } type Values = any[] | { [key: string]: any }; type Choice = number; interface MessageContext { list(index: number): unknown named(key: string): unknown } type MessageFunction = (ctx: MessageContext) => string; type LocaleMessage = string | MessageFunction | LocaleMessageObject | LocaleMessageArray; interface LocaleMessageObject { [key: string]: LocaleMessage; } interface LocaleMessageArray { [index: number]: LocaleMessage; } interface LocaleMessages { [key: string]: LocaleMessageObject; } type TranslateResult = string | LocaleMessages; type LocaleMatcher = 'lookup' | 'best-fit'; type FormatMatcher = 'basic' | 'best-fit'; type DateTimeHumanReadable = 'long' | 'short' | 'narrow'; type DateTimeDigital = 'numeric' | '2-digit'; interface SpecificDateTimeFormatOptions extends Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions { year?: DateTimeDigital; month?: DateTimeDigital | DateTimeHumanReadable; day?: DateTimeDigital; hour?: DateTimeDigital; minute?: DateTimeDigital; second?: DateTimeDigital; weekday?: DateTimeHumanReadable; era?: DateTimeHumanReadable; timeZoneName?: 'long' | 'short'; localeMatcher?: LocaleMatcher; formatMatcher?: FormatMatcher; } type DateTimeFormatOptions = Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions | SpecificDateTimeFormatOptions; interface DateTimeFormat { [key: string]: DateTimeFormatOptions; } interface DateTimeFormats { [locale: string]: DateTimeFormat; } type DateTimeFormatResult = string; type CurrencyDisplay = 'symbol' | 'code' | 'name'; interface SpecificNumberFormatOptions extends Intl.NumberFormatOptions { style?: 'decimal' | 'percent'; currency?: string; currencyDisplay?: CurrencyDisplay; localeMatcher?: LocaleMatcher; formatMatcher?: FormatMatcher; } interface CurrencyNumberFormatOptions extends Intl.NumberFormatOptions { style: 'currency'; currency: string; // Obligatory if style is 'currency' currencyDisplay?: CurrencyDisplay; localeMatcher?: LocaleMatcher; formatMatcher?: FormatMatcher; } type NumberFormatOptions = Intl.NumberFormatOptions | SpecificNumberFormatOptions | CurrencyNumberFormatOptions; interface NumberFormat { [key: string]: NumberFormatOptions; } interface NumberFormats { [locale: string]: NumberFormat; } type NumberFormatResult = string; type PluralizationRulesMap = { /** * @param choice {number} a choice index given by the input to $tc: `$tc('', choiceIndex)` * @param choicesLength {number} an overall amount of available choices * @returns a final choice index */ [lang: string]: (choice: number, choicesLength: number) => number; }; type Modifiers = { [key: string]: (str : string) => string }; type FormattedNumberPartType = 'currency' | 'decimal' | 'fraction' | 'group' | 'infinity' | 'integer' | 'literal' | 'minusSign' | 'nan' | 'plusSign' | 'percentSign'; type WarnHtmlInMessageLevel = 'off' | 'warn' | 'error'; interface FormattedNumberPart { type: FormattedNumberPartType; value: string; } interface NumberFormatToPartsResult { [index: number]: FormattedNumberPart; } interface Formatter { interpolate(message: string, values: Values | undefined, path: string): (any[] | null); } type MissingHandler = (locale: Locale, key: Path, vm: Vue | null, values: any) => string | void; type PostTranslationHandler = (str: string, key?: string) => string; type ComponentInstanceCreatedListener = (newVm: VueI18n & IVueI18n, rootVm: VueI18n & IVueI18n) => void; interface IntlAvailability { dateTimeFormat: boolean; numberFormat: boolean; } // tslint:disable-next-line:interface-name interface I18nOptions { locale?: Locale; fallbackLocale?: FallbackLocale; messages?: LocaleMessages; dateTimeFormats?: DateTimeFormats; numberFormats?: NumberFormats; formatter?: Formatter; modifiers?: Modifiers, missing?: MissingHandler; fallbackRoot?: boolean; formatFallbackMessages?: boolean; sync?: boolean; silentTranslationWarn?: boolean | RegExp; silentFallbackWarn?: boolean | RegExp; preserveDirectiveContent?: boolean; pluralizationRules?: PluralizationRulesMap; warnHtmlInMessage?: WarnHtmlInMessageLevel; sharedMessages?: LocaleMessages; postTranslation?: PostTranslationHandler; componentInstanceCreatedListener?: ComponentInstanceCreatedListener; } } export type Path = VueI18n.Path; export type Locale = VueI18n.Locale; export type FallbackLocale = VueI18n.FallbackLocale; export type Values = VueI18n.Values; export type Choice = VueI18n.Choice; export type MessageContext = VueI18n.MessageContext; export type MessageFunction = VueI18n.MessageFunction; export type LocaleMessage = VueI18n.LocaleMessage; export type LocaleMessageObject = VueI18n.LocaleMessageObject; export type LocaleMessageArray = VueI18n.LocaleMessageArray; export type LocaleMessages = VueI18n.LocaleMessages; export type TranslateResult = VueI18n.TranslateResult; export type DateTimeFormatOptions = VueI18n.DateTimeFormatOptions; export type DateTimeFormat = VueI18n.DateTimeFormat; export type DateTimeFormats = VueI18n.DateTimeFormats; export type DateTimeFormatResult = VueI18n.DateTimeFormatResult; export type NumberFormatOptions = VueI18n.NumberFormatOptions; export type NumberFormat = VueI18n.NumberFormat; export type NumberFormats = VueI18n.NumberFormats; export type NumberFormatResult = VueI18n.NumberFormatResult; export type NumberFormatToPartsResult = VueI18n.NumberFormatToPartsResult; export type WarnHtmlInMessageLevel = VueI18n.WarnHtmlInMessageLevel; export type Formatter = VueI18n.Formatter; export type MissingHandler = VueI18n.MissingHandler; export type PostTranslationHandler = VueI18n.PostTranslationHandler; export type IntlAvailability = VueI18n.IntlAvailability; export type I18nOptions = VueI18n.I18nOptions; export declare interface IVueI18n { readonly messages: VueI18n.LocaleMessages; readonly dateTimeFormats: VueI18n.DateTimeFormats; readonly numberFormats: VueI18n.NumberFormats; locale: VueI18n.Locale; fallbackLocale: VueI18n.FallbackLocale; missing: VueI18n.MissingHandler; formatter: VueI18n.Formatter; formatFallbackMessages: boolean; silentTranslationWarn: boolean | RegExp; silentFallbackWarn: boolean | RegExp; preserveDirectiveContent: boolean; pluralizationRules: VueI18n.PluralizationRulesMap; warnHtmlInMessage: VueI18n.WarnHtmlInMessageLevel; postTranslation: VueI18n.PostTranslationHandler; t(key: VueI18n.Path, values?: VueI18n.Values): VueI18n.TranslateResult; t(key: VueI18n.Path, locale: VueI18n.Locale, values?: VueI18n.Values): VueI18n.TranslateResult; tc(key: VueI18n.Path, choice?: VueI18n.Choice, values?: VueI18n.Values): string; tc( key: VueI18n.Path, choice: VueI18n.Choice, locale: VueI18n.Locale, values?: VueI18n.Values, ): string; te(key: VueI18n.Path, locale?: VueI18n.Locale): boolean; d( value: number | Date, key?: VueI18n.Path, locale?: VueI18n.Locale, ): VueI18n.DateTimeFormatResult; d(value: number | Date, args?: { [key: string]: string }): VueI18n.DateTimeFormatResult; n(value: number, key?: VueI18n.Path, locale?: VueI18n.Locale): VueI18n.NumberFormatResult; n(value: number, args?: { [key: string]: string }): VueI18n.NumberFormatResult; getLocaleMessage(locale: VueI18n.Locale): VueI18n.LocaleMessageObject; setLocaleMessage(locale: VueI18n.Locale, message: VueI18n.LocaleMessageObject): void; mergeLocaleMessage(locale: VueI18n.Locale, message: VueI18n.LocaleMessageObject): void; getDateTimeFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale): VueI18n.DateTimeFormat; setDateTimeFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale, format: VueI18n.DateTimeFormat): void; mergeDateTimeFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale, format: VueI18n.DateTimeFormat): void; getNumberFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale): VueI18n.NumberFormat; setNumberFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale, format: VueI18n.NumberFormat): void; mergeNumberFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale, format: VueI18n.NumberFormat): void; getChoiceIndex: (choice: number, choicesLength: number) => number; } declare class VueI18n { constructor(options?: VueI18n.I18nOptions) readonly messages: VueI18n.LocaleMessages; readonly dateTimeFormats: VueI18n.DateTimeFormats; readonly numberFormats: VueI18n.NumberFormats; readonly availableLocales: VueI18n.Locale[]; locale: VueI18n.Locale; fallbackLocale: VueI18n.FallbackLocale; missing: VueI18n.MissingHandler; formatter: VueI18n.Formatter; formatFallbackMessages: boolean; silentTranslationWarn: boolean | RegExp; silentFallbackWarn: boolean | RegExp; preserveDirectiveContent: boolean; pluralizationRules: VueI18n.PluralizationRulesMap; warnHtmlInMessage: VueI18n.WarnHtmlInMessageLevel; postTranslation: VueI18n.PostTranslationHandler; t(key: VueI18n.Path, values?: VueI18n.Values): VueI18n.TranslateResult; t(key: VueI18n.Path, locale: VueI18n.Locale, values?: VueI18n.Values): VueI18n.TranslateResult; tc(key: VueI18n.Path, choice?: VueI18n.Choice, values?: VueI18n.Values): string; tc(key: VueI18n.Path, choice: VueI18n.Choice, locale: VueI18n.Locale, values?: VueI18n.Values): string; te(key: VueI18n.Path, locale?: VueI18n.Locale): boolean; d(value: number | Date, key?: VueI18n.Path, locale?: VueI18n.Locale): VueI18n.DateTimeFormatResult; d(value: number | Date, args?: { [key: string]: string }): VueI18n.DateTimeFormatResult; n(value: number, key?: VueI18n.Path, locale?: VueI18n.Locale): VueI18n.NumberFormatResult; n(value: number, args?: { [key: string]: string }): VueI18n.NumberFormatResult; getLocaleMessage(locale: VueI18n.Locale): VueI18n.LocaleMessageObject; setLocaleMessage(locale: VueI18n.Locale, message: VueI18n.LocaleMessageObject): void; mergeLocaleMessage(locale: VueI18n.Locale, message: VueI18n.LocaleMessageObject): void; getDateTimeFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale): VueI18n.DateTimeFormat; setDateTimeFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale, format: VueI18n.DateTimeFormat): void; mergeDateTimeFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale, format: VueI18n.DateTimeFormat): void; getNumberFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale): VueI18n.NumberFormat; setNumberFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale, format: VueI18n.NumberFormat): void; mergeNumberFormat(locale: VueI18n.Locale, format: VueI18n.NumberFormat): void; /** * @param choice {number} a choice index given by the input to $tc: `$tc('', choiceIndex)` * @param choicesLength {number} an overall amount of available choices * @returns a final choice index */ getChoiceIndex: (choice: number, choicesLength: number) => number; static install: PluginFunction; static version: string; static availabilities: VueI18n.IntlAvailability; } declare module 'vue/types/vue' { interface Vue { readonly $i18n: VueI18n & IVueI18n; $t: typeof VueI18n.prototype.t; $tc: typeof; $te: typeof VueI18n.prototype.te; $d: typeof VueI18n.prototype.d; $n: typeof VueI18n.prototype.n; } } declare module 'vue/types/options' { interface ComponentOptions { i18n?: { messages?: VueI18n.LocaleMessages; dateTimeFormats?: VueI18n.DateTimeFormats; numberFormats?: VueI18n.NumberFormats; sharedMessages?: VueI18n.LocaleMessages; }; } } export default VueI18n;